Head stress pain is characterized by headache. Headache at voltage

The unfamiliar diagnosis of "GBN" is the most common verdict with headaches in the world. More than 70% of people have been faced with its manifestations throughout the year. Although the wording "headache of the tense type" occurs quite rarely, it does not exclude its prevalence.

Most of the people simply ignore the symptoms of tension headache. Let's figure out today, which manifestations should turn your attention, what is a GBN, and what kind of tension headache is worth applying.

The manifestation of tension headaches, according to the international medical classification, is a separate disease. The phrases "Headache of muscle tension", "idiopathic" or "stressful" pain, are synonymous with GBN.

The stress pain in the head is discomfort diffuse, bilateral, gone character, moderate intensity. It is independent and primary pain, that is, it does not need satellite diseases for her occurrence. Even if a person has identified other diseases, they should not cause headaches, it is then we are talking about tension pains.

Causes of occurrence

Headache occurs from nervous stress, stress, long-term stress of skeletal muscles. If briefly consider the causes of the occurrence of the ailment, then the work associated with chronic excessive muscle tension (silence at a computer, a sewing case, a jewelry) leads to muscle GBN. It is important to understand that the muscle tension of the cervical, scalp and face groups leads to such a result, as well as eye muscles.

The pain head neurological stress appears due to the long-term admission of antidepressants, analgesics and tranquilizers. Usually all these factors are collected together, as a result of chronic headaches, not avoid. The stress caused by pain and additional factors, such as: change of weather, irrational food, wind, heat, alcohol intake, exacerbate the situation.

The circle closes - a person has a headache at voltage, it is under stress, enhanced spasms that increase headaches and stress, it is called. Therefore, if a head begins to hurt - you need to think about the medicine.

GBN is formed at the next set of circumstances:

  • depression;
  • violation of pain mechanisms: chronic voltage headache reduces pain threshold, and man becomes more sensitive to the slightest unnecessary feeling in his head;
  • tonic muscle spasms lead to vessels spasms, which worsens the blood supply to the muscles. Toxins begin to accumulate in them; The resulting irritation of muscle tissue is accompanied by the transmission of the signal to the brain; In response to this, a headache arises.

"Suddenly increased sensitivity of the nervous system strongly reduces the ability of the body to adapt to external stimuli. Additionally complicate the situation of disruption of antinocirtable and psychosocial systems, which together strongly reduces the quality of the patient's life. "

The mechanism of a healthy person laid a mechanism for the suppression of discomfort, painkillers are produced by endocrine glands of a person, and the situation comes back to normal. "Painful behavior" caused by chronic headache, breaks this system, destroying the painkillers of hormones.


When the etiology of the GBN is dismantled, the symptoms and treatment of alend should be considered.

The clinic of the disease requires attention in the first place, because before you understand how to treat the headache of the voltage, you need to make sure that you have it.

Clinical signs of GBN are as follows:

  • bilateral pain, it can be asymmetric, but always on both sides;
  • it manifests itself as a hoop or helmet, but does not pulsate;
  • cefalgia low or moderate intensity, severe pain characteristic of migraines, and not GBN;
  • stressful headache does not enhance when additional physical exertion appears;
  • in case of pain from human overvoltage, there can be irritate a loud sound and a sharply included light, but there are no vomiting and nausea.

"Paradoxically, but the frequency of the painful pains is the same and in newborns, and in young and the elderly. Sometimes people are so accustomed to her, begin to believe that headaches, even chronic, is an integral part of life. "

Types of pathology

In case of voltage pain, treatment must be selected depending on the variety of illness.

In total, three types of illness are distinguished, it happens:

  • muscle tension (physical overload);
  • nervous voltage;
  • newborn or small children.

Muscle tension pain

The main reason for which the head fell ill if you are an adult working person. Of all possible types, it is most often found. In fact, the cause of its occurrence is oxygen starvation of muscle tissue. The muscles of the face, neck and eyes, as already explained above, staying in long voltage, reduce the volume of blood circulation. The muscles irritated by oxygen hunger are signaled into the brain, which launches the pain mechanism.

A specific feature of this type of pain can be called:

  • heavy pain cargo, pressing on the whiskey and running a strip from the forehead to the backbone;
  • overwork of cervical and facial muscles.

Additionally, it is worth noting that it is necessary to change the pose more often, to charge.

Changing work is too radical measure, you only need to warm up and make small exercises. By the way, the Soviet "minute of gymnastics" had much more meaning than just bother workers.

"The overwhelming majority of patients who have headaches of stress and their symptoms, require treatment at workable age, because in the elderly, such a species is not found in principle, like kids"

Pain of nervous overvoltage

People who often strain their nervous system, deplete its constant stress and incessant mental work, are guaranteed to pay chronic headache. Permanent nervous loads, especially if the situation is formed by the type "you are awesome, and in return, they launch a reaction to the brain.

Such training grounds for the psyche do not pass without a trace, each of them leaves the microtravum, to cope with a psychologist, a good rest. It is for this reason, hiding from pain and stress, some are trying to distract with computer games or alcohol. Let life threaten nothing, but its quality is quite dubious in such circumstances.

"It may look silly, but happy people extremely rarely suffer from such pains, this kind is the lot of hardworking, but for some reason unfortunate people"

Headaches in kids

Headache, which caused voltage, requires specific treatment when it comes to our children. Children suffer from the ailment no longer adults: an uncomfortable party, a computer table and a lot of other circumstances, in which the baby is in an inconvenient posture, cause characteristic symptoms.

In essence, such a headache in children is the pain of muscle tension.

The clinic in children is specified: the above symptoms are added:

  • pain pain and rhythm disruption;
  • sharp pressure jumps;
  • possible fainting.

Medical diagnosis

Before moving to the immediate answer to the question: "How to get rid of headache of tension?", Let's look at how the doctor confirms the diagnosis that he pays attention to and from which the medical examination is consisting of.

The first thing that the doctor turns attention is the state of the trapezoidal and other muscles of the cervical group. If, when pressed to certain points, pain is observed, these are muscle voltage problems; If this is not, and in the life of the patient there are no unjustified physical overloads, then this is a neurological GBN.

It is then prescribed tomography of the brain and a common blood test, this is done to eliminate signs of brain lesion.

After psychological testing, the study of the patient's mental portrait helps to choose competent therapy.


So we approached the question of how to remove the headache of the voltage, but the choice of therapy is engaged exclusively at the attending physician, and self-treatment is dangerous. In addition, you should be more attentive to yourself, and when a chronic headache occurs to see the doctor. Try to relax and relax, do your favorite hobby; If it does not help, then treatment cannot be avoided.

Medical therapy

Medical treatment is divided into:

  • Treatment of episodic pains;
  • Treatment of chronic pain.

With episodic GBN in order to stop the attack, the drugs of the NSAID group, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol are taken.

Antidepressants are prescribed as prevention of relapses.

The therapist will determine which drugs you need to remove the symptoms of the disease and treat it.

Means designed to combat chronic GBN are divided into three groups:

  1. Rare episodes are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds.
  2. Frequent attacks are the same drugs in the maximum dose, a course of 3-4 weeks;
  3. GBN with severe muscular tension - Miorlaxants.

As a supplement to the course of treatment of episodic GBNs, nootropics, vitamins of groups B and sedatives are added, and among non-drugs - massages, acupuncture, psychotherapy.

Chronic pain

Tablets anesthetic here will not help. The solution to the cure problem is so complicated that it is worth considering separately. Medicase therapy here is extremely closely bordered with folk treatment methods. Everything will be suitable for being able to discharge the situation.

Drug treatment offered by classical medicine is to receive tricyclic antidepressants, selective inhibitors of the reverse seizure of norepinephrine and serotonin. Such therapy lasts long months, while many therapists advise the treatment of folk remedies.

"Among the folk agents are the most popular funds based on Castobus, the Sheet of the Golden Uss, a variety of massages and daily charging"


In conclusion, I would like to see that if you make a number of simple preventive actions, it is not necessary to be treated and at all. The main thing is to listen to the body and perform a few simple rules:

  1. If possible, have an acceptable schedule for you work and rest.
  2. Daily engage in charging.
  3. Once every six months to visit the psychologist.
  4. Pass improvement on vacation, at least on therapeutic resorts.
  5. Do not forget about water procedures.
  6. Strictly perform the prescriptions of doctors.

Let the task of the first paragraph of difficulty, but the remaining five are completely in your hands. Health to you, and let the head never hurts.

The headache of the voltage is considered one of the most common varieties of uncomfortable sensations in the head area.

The feeling of suturing the skull and the feeling of strong overvoltage are satellites of all categories of the population without exception.

The causes of the arise of a lot: from banal lack of sleep to more serious health problems that appear in this way. How to treat the headache of the voltage, and what methods are used, we will describe further.

Medicine clearly distinguishes the headache of the voltage (GBN) into a separate diagnosis, which is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • moderate or intense pain, localized in the circle of the head;
  • feeling of comprehensive brain box;
  • discomfort is easily eliminated.

In most cases, HBN does not have chronic flow and is easily eliminated using appropriate drug therapy.

The symptoms preceding with headaches have the following features:

  1. Pain intensity. Usually, the GBN has a smooth flow without sharp jump-like amplifies of painful sensations. Power of pain is noted by the average or moderate, which can be tolerated without painkillers.
  2. Manifestation time. An unpleasant symptom most often torments people in the middle of a working day or closer to the evening when the body is experiencing mental and emotional overvoltage.
  3. Duration. It depends on the causes of the appearance of pain in the head, as well as on the individual characteristics of a person.
  4. Localization. A man suffering from GBN marks a sense of compresses in the field of the frontal and temporal parts of the skull, less often - in the back of the head.
  5. Character. The pain is uniform, monophonic, does not increase and does not decrease when making any familiar action.

Despite the fact that the headache of the voltage does not lead to a sharp deterioration of the state of the person, but it affects some extent. It can cause a worsening of mood, as well as affect the productivity of work.

The absence of sharp attacks that are characterized by strong pulsating pains, provoking dizziness and vomiting, allows people to independently eliminate unpleasant feelings in the head, ignoring a goal to the doctor.

It is worth paying special attention to the duration of the symptom.

If he ranks a third of the wakefulness, it is necessary to visit the doctor and go through a comprehensive examination, since a continuous headache may not only be evidence of the manifestation of more serious diseases, but also provoke mental and emotional disorders.

Causes of the appearance of pain in the head

The headache of the voltage has the following causes of the occurrence:

  1. Long stressful situations that affect mental condition.
  2. The absence of a sleep mode in which the pain may occur both with a lack of sleep and from its oversupprance.
  3. Reception of drugs for a long time.
  4. Muscular overvoltage resulting from long-lasting head and neck in one position.

Especially muscle overstrain concerns such professions as:

  • drivers;
  • seams;
  • computer department operators.

Long-term finding in one position leads to the fact that the muscles do not receive proper relaxation, provoking pain and discomfort.

Strengthening the headache of the voltage is capable of climatic phenomena (sharp drops of pressure and weather change), as well as disorders of sleep and nutrition modes. The lack of physical activity also leads a person to a risk group for the emergence of GBN.

The most difficult ultimate disease occurs in cases where several of the above factors are combined. The treatment of tension head pain caused by several factors requires not only the reception of medicines, but also the elimination of aggressive preceding factors (reduction in stress, normalization of nutrition, sleep and recreation mode, physical normized loads).

Headache and nausea - for what reason such symptoms arise? After passing this link, you will learn at what serious diagnoses such symptoms are observed and how to act the patient in such a situation.

How to treat tension headache?

Consider how to remove the headache of the voltage. For each patient, individual treatment of GBN is selected, aimed at eliminating the root cause. The headache of the voltage has two stages of manifestation: episodic and chronic.

In the first case, it is rarely marked and quickly passes. Chronicly called headache, the frequency of the occurrence of which exceeds 15 hours a day and 180 days a year. Depending on the stage, the peculiarities of the treatment that will be described below are noted.

Treatment of episodic GBN

When the headache has an infrequent manifestation, treatment is accompanied by the reception of the following categories of drugs:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means - quickly eliminate the symptom by removing inflammatory processes. Often, patients are bypassed by a single taking of drugs, but in some cases they can be drilled by the course specified in the instructions. The most effective preparations that quickly eliminate pain are: ketoprofen, ibuprofen, naproxen, meloxico, ketonal.
  2. Related medicines can be assigned if GBN has a lot of reasons that have different directions. These may be muscle relaxants, sedatives, as well as vitamins of group V.

Before taking drugs, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions, as well as consult with therapist on the choice of the most optimal drug.

In the presence of allergic reactions, a test sample is carried out before starting treatment, adopting 1/8 of the dose of the drug.

Chronic headache voltage - treatment

In the presence of chronic headaches, painkillers are not prescribed, since their effectiveness is reduced to zero. Treatment is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the person, as well as when passing a complete diagnostic examination, allowing to establish all the factors and risks that can provoke the chronic phase of the headache of the stress.

Antidepressants at head pains are used as the main method of therapy. Mostly, treatment is produced using strong antidepressants, which are capable of reducing any nerve impulses occurring in the brain.

Among the most effective, the following drugs are distinguished:

  • Amitriptyline is a strong tricyclic antidepressant, which is taken within 2-3 months.
  • Sertraline - regulates the production of norepinephrine hormones, contributing to the slowdown in mental reactions.
  • Mianserin is allowed for long-term admission, allowing you to remove even the most protracted pain in your head.

It is possible to buy such medications only by the recipe, since their composition includes narcotic substances in microodos. Their reception should also be accompanied by the recommendations of specialists who choose individual dosages depending on the severity of the state and other individual indicators (weight, gender and age, as well as the presence of other chronic diseases).

Treatment of headache of tension by folk remedies

One of the most harmless ways to eliminate headaches without using medicines is an cabbage leaf and chamomile tea.

The headache was accompanied by our ancestors, and they got rid of her with infirred means.

The cabbage sheet needs to be arched and attached to the forehead, having taken it with a scarf. Also well helps to remove fatigue and calm chamomile tea.

These uncomplicated methods of liquidation of HBN in most cases are effective, helping to stop the symptom without further harm to health.

With chronic headache, traditional medicine is not able to help.

Prevention of a healthy lifestyle

As mentioned above, the headache of the tension is a disease, the reasons for which there is a lot. Accordingly, it is possible to prevent its development by observing simple rules:

  1. Eating properly, giving preference with natural products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Entrusted meals and completely eliminate long starvation. Drink enough liquid, refusing sweet carbonated drinks in favor of mineral water.
  2. With sedentary work take breaks every hour for 3-5 minutes. This is quite enough to bring muscles into tone.
  3. Physical care at least 3 times a week.
  4. Make hiking.
  5. With the appearance of primary signs of headaches, try to relax and remove pain with reservoirs, including self-massage and warm-up of the cervical.

Thus, the headache of the voltage has a lot of prerequisites and is not observed by acute symptoms. This allows you to eliminate it without much effort. When identifying a sense of suturing skull for more than 180 days a year, a specialist consultation is required.

Video on the topic

In the head there are receptors that act on the brain. Often after stress hurts head because experiences or conflicts only increase the discomfort. Headaches may appear in all people, but they are more susceptible to those who have heart problems. An unpleasant pulsating pain appears due to the overvoltage of nerve endings. Could the head be hurt if you have a hard one?

Pain in the head of the nerves

Development of the disease

Stress is one of the causes of headaches. The structure of nerve cells consists of long sprouts - dendrite and axon. The role of dendrite is to regenerate pain pulses at the time of the malfunctionality of the body. Axon gives a signal to the brain.

From stress head hurts and in those people who have heart problems. The reason can be damage or infection that affects the head tissue.

Emotional intensity causes very strong pain.

Types of headache

Causes of pain

Basically, the headache occurs due to mental disorder. Headache and muscle tension occur due to long and chronic stress. The cause of muscular voltage can be a long-lasting stay in a sitting position or an uncomfortable posture during sleep. Chronic headache appears due to the tension of the muscles of the neck, eye muscles and scalp aponeurosis. The formation of the disease is influenced by:

  • tonic muscle spasm;
  • biochemical shift;
  • spasm of vessels that are responsible for the power of pain;
  • lack of serotonergic systems;
  • depression;
  • bad work of the antinocyptive system.

Pain in the head delivers many inconveniences

Symptoms of Disease

Long stress negatively affects the body. The intensity of pain depends on the phase of the disease and individual characteristics of the person. During headaches, a person cannot focus on work.

Noise in the head after stress does not act on all organs, especially on the brain. The disease appears in the form of the following signs: oscillations; Infringement, cutting.

Headache with nervous voltage affects only part of the head. If the scope of the lesion is large, then the pain is felt all the head. When the vessels are narrowed, the nervous cells give a sign of blood circulation failures. The disease is developing if a person is in a state of nervous exhaustion. That is why he feels pain constantly. Pains can appear with the slightest excitement.


If you are bothering headaches, dizziness after stress, or you have received a head injury, you need to consult a doctor.

During the examination, the patient passes a number of procedures, including a session of the eye study, an echo-degree, an analysis of the spinal fluid and others. The brain disorder brings to the frequent appearance of pain. Therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to pass an extensive examination. After the examination is diagnosed and treatment is appointed.

EchoHeanthephalography - diagnostic method


There are different ways of treating headaches arising from stress. The most popular methods of treatment are a medication method, charging and gymnastics. Consider more each way.

Medication treatment

Provice unpleasant sensations in the head may stress. To get rid of pain, you need to take preparations that act on the nerve endings (for example, Pentalgin or Fintexin). To remove the tension in the head, it is necessary to bring the emotional background normal. For this you can use antidepressants. People suffering from hypertension can remove painful symptoms with drugs to reduce pressure. In order to bring blood circulation in brain cells, antispasmodic preparations are used (for example, "but-shpa" or "papaverine"). Medicines act on muscles in voltage. When the drug begins to act, the fabric relax. The patient begins to expand the vessels and blood circulation comes back to normal.

When taking drugs, consult your doctor

Any medicines have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before the admission of drugs, you need to consult with a specialist.

Treatment charging

Remove the tension in the head and strengthen the nerves can be charged with charging. All actions in the body provides a nervous system. There is also reverse contact that stimulates muscles and organs. Therefore, charging is well affected not only on the body, but also on the nervous system.

The constant voltage in the head appears due to mental overloads. In such cases, you can not hurry in the pharmacy for the medicine, and remove the voltage yourself. To get rid of headaches after tension, you can walk in the fresh air. It is necessary every day for 10-15 minutes to make the usual charge. If you have a sitting job, it is desirable to carry out a charge for strengthening muscles 2-3 times a day. For people who have heart problems, dynamic classes are helpful. During such classes, the muscles are charged with blood, and the number of open capillaries increases. Gymnastics helps to develop shoulders, arms and legs. Makes the body and posture beautiful, normalizes breathing.

There are several exercises that affect the muscles of the face and head. They help treat headache and tension. It is advisable to do them immediately when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Before performing the exercises, you need to face the mirror to follow the correctness of their execution. For gymnastics, there is the following scheme:

  1. Raise your eyebrows and try to relax the muscles of the face. It is necessary to make such movements individually each eyebrow. You can help yourself, holding one eyebrow by hand.
  2. Close your eyes and reduce pupils in the middle. Next, again relax and return the eyes to the previous position.
  3. Frown eyebrows, then relax.
  4. Long open your mouth, then relax, returning it to the previous position.
  5. Open your mouth and move the jaw in the same way.
  6. To shove your nose and weaken the face muscles again.

In addition to such gymnastics, you can build different grimaces. Such behavior will help remove the stress under different forms of the manifestation of stress.

Gymnastics for neck

When the head hurts from the nerves, you can spend gymnastics for the muscles of the neck:

  • It is necessary to send the neck a book and stretch forward, and the chin should touch the chest. Then return to the usual state. You need to do the exercise 3-5 times.
  • In a position sitting tilting the head back. Make 3-5 times.
  • Rotate your head in different directions. To tilt the head to the right, then to the left shoulder.
  • Making slopes 3-5 times.

Neck massage from pain

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies can be held at home, on their own. For this, a man takes a warm bath, but with special mixtures.

Bath with the addition of 100 g of sea salt, 2 tbsp. l. coniferous extract. Taking a bath is necessary within 10 days. Severe 200 g of needles in 5 liters of water, keep on fire for 5 minutes. Then strain and pour the broth in the bath. Doing the procedure is needed before bedtime.

Coniferous bath is relaxing

You can cook tinctures to use insufficient.

  1. Half of the large leaf of the golden oss, 75 g of the trampleh shit, 250 g of finely chopped oranges, 150 g of sugar and 0.5 liters of red wine. The container with ingredients is placed on a water bath and boil 1 hour. Then they fool well and drink 75 ml 2 hours after a meal.
  2. Put in thermos 15 g of dried melons and pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist for 1 hour, strain and drink 1-2 tbsp. Spoons 5-6 times a day.

Preventive actions

To at the time of stress, noise in the ears did not appear, the head did not spin, you need to perform several conditions:

  • move more;
  • do physical exercises, they will help to establish the tone of the vessels;
  • do not pay attention to unpleasant conversations, less nervous and conflict with people.

We are nervous with those people who cannot control their emotions. Nervous tension can be the first stage towards migraine.


Often after stress, a person is experiencing pain in the head and ears. It can be different, it all depends on the seriousness of the disease. If the pain is impossible to tolerate, a person must certainly apply to the hospital and examine. The duration and method of treatment depends on the diagnosis itself.

GBN is a form of primary headache that meets so often that its distribution can have significant socio-economic consequences.

With the diagnosis of tension headache, there is a "headache". This pun is not superfluous, since in modern ideas, one person can simultaneously exist several types of headaches, for example, a migraine that develops on the background of GBN. Therefore, we consider how the HBN differs from other types of cepalgia than it is manifested and how is treated.

What is a GBN and why arises?

Medicine has long approached this type of pain. But the problem was very broad, and, moreover, there was such widespread and vague diagnostic criteria that even the term "headache of the voltage" itself did not appear immediately. So, previous names were used before:

  • muscle tension headache;
  • psychomogenic headache;
  • stressful cefalgia;
  • idiopathic cefalgia.

From these names it is clear that in the development of headaches, stress plays an important role and muscularly tonic tension.

The current definition is: the headache of the voltage is primary (that is, non-symptomatic) bilateral diffuse cephalgium of low or moderate intensity, which is compressive.

The headache of the voltage has a code on the ICD 10 - G 44.2. This suggests that GBN is listed in the section of neurological diseases, but with the same success, it could be listed in the M - the diseases of the muscular system.

About the causes of occurrence

It is very simple with: the inflammation of the brain shell causes headache. Just with migraine: the extension of the vessels causes a pulsating cefalgia. But the GBN reminds the tangle from which several threads stick out at once. The reasons for this pain are complex, and according to their meaning, you can distribute, for example, as follows:

  • Chronic psycho-emotional tension;
  • Anxiety and depression;
  • Chronic muscle stress is a state in neurology called myofascial-tonic muscular syndrome. The condition provokes oxygen starvation of muscles and pain impulses give rise to them. In this case, we are talking about the muscles of the neck, the eye muscles and the inner muscles of the eyes, the shoulder belt, as well as the frontal and occipital muscles separated by the tight aponeurosis.

That is why GBN is a disease of people of mental labor and office workers.

  • abuse drugs. The bitter irony is that too zealous use of analgesics for the removal of headaches causes the effect of "boomeranga", and the cephalgic syndrome is only enhanced.

Of course, the GBN is implemented and launched only in the interaction of all factors that can play various roles in the etiology of this disease.

There is the following division of Types of GBN:

  1. An infrequent episodic form. Attacks last from half an hour before a few days. Pain can be combined with the tension of the cervical and occipital muscles;
  2. Frequent, but episodic form. Attacks, as if often, they did not occur, all - still occupy less time than light gaps;
  3. Chronic GBN. At the same time, the head of the head is more often hurting than it does not hurt: in each month it lasts more than 15 days, and this lasts at least 3 months a year. Chronic voltage headache - a "satellite of life" of a patient who greatly worsens its quality.

The symptoms of the headache of the tension is quite clearly set out in diagnostic criteria. They are so simple that everyone suffering from a headache can "try on them on themselves":

  • The pain always occurs on both sides. It may be asymmetrical pain: on the one hand, the feeling is expressed more, with the other less. But one-sided localization is uncharacteristic;
  • The character of pain always compressing, pressing. In this case, the pain never flies. Many figuratively compare pain with "Kakaya", or "hoop";
  • The intensity of cepalgia or low, or moderate. Strong, like in meningitis, neuralgias or migraines, this pain does not happen;
  • Possible painfulness of pericranial muscles (cervical, occipital) during palpation;
  • An important symptom of headache stress is the lack of increased pain during exercise: it is "smooth" - running, walking on the stairs does not affect its intensity;
  • The GBN never arises nausea or vomiting. In extreme cases, bright light can be unpleasant, or a loud sound, but just something is one of it.

The frequency of the occurrence of this pain in different age groups is approximately the same: young people and the elderly. To this pain, the person gradually gets used to and sometimes does not even notice her presence.

Surveys at GBN

GBN has no special morphological substrate. This means that it is impossible to spend, say, and show your finger: "Here it is the source of the headache of the tension!".

Even with chronic cefalgia, no focal symptoms will be found. Therefore, the diagnosis of GBN is raised on the basis of the following methods:

  • distribution and careful collection of anamnesis (primarily drug and allergic), including questions about regime, bad habits, activity;
  • general and neurological examination;
  • palpation of neck muscles and a nape, determination of painful points.

And in order to make sure whether Cefalgia is symptomatic, that is, whether it is not caused by any chronic disease (for example, drug addiction, hepatitis or cerebral arterial hypertension) just need such methods as an ultrasound, CT, MRI, Common (routine) blood and urine tests and other methods at the discretion of the attending physician.

Often patients exacerbated by a long, extinguishing attack of cephalgia, are looking for ways how to remove the headache of the voltage. Most often, it is potent pills. For a while, the pain fits, but then she again "comes into their own." Then the drugs completely cease to act ...

The fact is that the treatment of headache of stress is a long-term process, which requires the interaction of a doctor and a patient. And start, after establishing a diagnosis, you need from irritable events:

  • It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day, e teach yourself to move to bed at the same time. Sleeping room must be worn, bed is comfortable. It is necessary to purchase an orthopedic pillow, and even the mattress so that after sleeping the patient felt rested;
  • Special attention needs to be powered. It is possible that headaches, sluggish mood, are associated with an irregular diet, chronic constipation and autoinoxication. It is necessary to consume more vegetables, fruits, fiber, seafood, greens, cereals. It is advisable to drink more clean water, teach the intestine to empty the intestines at the same time, and go to the table hungry. From the diet, all refined products, canned food, sausages, smoked foods, fast food, fatty foods are excluded;
  • Condifically prohibited coffee, strong alcohol and beer, and also need to try to refuse cigarettes and their substitutes. Even electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a carcinogen;
  • It is necessary to revise your own mode for activity and fixed work. Need to be interrupted for charging or outdoor activities every 2 hours if the work is related to mental activity;
  • It is necessary to find your own kind of outdoor activities: hiking through the forest, bike, swimming. All activity that makes the neck muscles, a nape, hands, testing a load, will be useful. In this case, the entire dairy acid accumulated during the day will leave the muscles, and they will cease to be in a state of chronic spasm;
  • Water procedures are shown: warm relaxing baths, morning contrast shower. If there are no contraindications, you can visit the bathhouse for a short time, "before the first sweat." It will contribute to the exit of slags and the general health recovery;
  • Respiratory gymnastics, autotraining sessions, relaxation;
  • Massage and manual therapy. Sometimes one competent massage course forces the patient to forget about headaches. But the massage must be performed professionally: the patient should not be painful or unpleasant during the massage, and after the procedure there should be a pleasant relaxation, you can even sleep half an hour. The back massage and the ceris - collar zone is shown.

In the event that unlikely methods are unable to fully cope with pain or it takes a longer time, then tablets from tension head pain and drugs to relieve symptoms are injected into the treatment:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The strongest means is "Ketanov", but they should not be abused. Aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol are used more often. These are drugs such as Nurofen, Nallesene. Ketoprofen helps (Kathetonal), Langnoksikov ("Ksefokam"), "Movied".

These drugs are important not to take a long time in a row, not more than 2-3 days. The more frequent reception can enhance the headache, as well as cause heartburn and exacerbation of erosive - ulcerative processes in the stomach and intestines.

Therefore, according to the testimony, if the patient has a peptic history, then it is necessary to combine the reception of the NSAID with omeprazole.

  • In the case of a pronounced muscular voltage, the muscle relaxants of the central action ("Middokalm", "Sirdalud") are used in the form of intramuscular injections. Their use allows you to break the "durable circle" and remove the muscular component of pathogenesis of GBN;
  • With such complaints that talk about the shortage of attention, scattered, the impossibility of coordinated at work is shown by the reception of nootropic drugs: "Phoenibut", "Pantogam", "Semax". Even the usual "glycine" can be taken overnight, resolving 2 tablets at once. This drug improves brake processes in the cerebral cortex, and makes it easy to fall asleep;
  • Polyvitamin preparations and vitamins of neurotropic nature are good effects - the group "B". These include Milgamma.
  • It is almost always not for the reception of soft vegetable preparations with antitle and sedative effects, especially in order to improve sleep: "Phytosedan", "Corvalol", "Novo - Passit" and other means.

But, sometimes the depressive and disturbing component is so expressed that the treatment of chronic tension head pain is starting with antidepressants.

Previously, Amitriptyllin was prescribed, but, given the side effects of the long-term reception of tricyclic antidepressants, it was shown the appointment of SSRS ("Rextin", "Paksil", "Prose", "Zoloft").

These tools have proven themselves in complex therapy in the treatment of chronic tension head pain. Antidepressants such as "Coaxil" (Tianeptin) and Lerivon (Mianserin) are also used. Their task is for 2 months to eliminate the psychegetative component, improve the mood, reduce fear and anxiety.

Of course, when treating headache of tension, when the patient applied for the first time, it is necessary to start all the events at once: antidepressants, muscle relaxants, massage, refusal of bad habits.


The headache of the voltage, the symptoms and the treatment of which we tried to describe, comes very unnoticed. Often the GBN debut arises from students during sessions, coursework, exams. So a person gets into her captivity, from which he is trying to leave the pills and stimulants.

It must be remembered that gardeners and landscape designers, flower and fishermen are very rarely diagnosed with GBN. Therefore, in preventive purposes, you need to dose the visual and mental load, to move more, moderately and with appetite to eat, sleep well.

This lifestyle will replace the best antidepressants.

Everyone periodically hurts a head. The most common type of cephalgia is a headache of voltage (GBN). What it is? This is a diffuse bilateral headache of moderate or medium intensity with compressive (compressive) character.

Deals inherent in a third of the world's population. Most people have a fortune in young age. It happens that the disease occurs after 50 years, but it is rather an exception. It is characteristic that GBN is more common in women.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) assigned this pathology code G44.2.

Types of GBN

The headache of the voltage refers to the category of neurological diseases. Experts share it for several species.


The chronic nature of cephalgia is manifested by severe pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forehead and the nape. Causes ill muscle spasm in the neck or head.

Chronic GBN is distinguished by pronounced symptoms, in contrast to episodic, so it is heavier to treat analgesics. By duration can reach the month.


An episodic GBN is temporary, arises as a result of overwork, stress, excessive physical exertion. It is characterized by a short-term feeling of compression in the forehead and a nape. Some complain that the whole head hurts.

The attack lasts from a few minutes to several hours. Sometimes malaise continues for several days. This is characteristic if a person did not accept painful.

How to remove the attack of episodic headache stress? Enough to take analgesic. Even if the pain does not pass completely, it will decrease to such an extent that it will not affect the familiar lifestyle.

Nervous tension

Headache against the background of the nervous voltage is pronounced and does not give a person to relax. Disadvantage arises due to conflicts or nervous overloads. If you distract from situations trauming the soul, the pain willreach or pass.

How to get rid of GBN arising from the nervous voltage? Rest in a circle of loved ones, departure to nature, watching your favorite movie.


The headache of muscle tension is characteristic of people able-bodied age. It is also called psychogenic and idiopathic. It arises due to a long reduction in the muscles of the skull, neck, person, which causes a decrease in blood volume in vessels and as a result - oxygen starvation of tissues and accumulation of toxins.

Symptoms of muscle cefalgia: strong tension of the shoulder, cervical, facial muscles, stupid not pulsing pain from the forehead to the backbone, the feeling of powerful voltage in temples and in the forehead.

Basic symptoms

What are the symptoms when diagnose the pain of the stressed type? She manifests:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • fast fatigue.

The stress pain in the head wears a non-executing character, it does not cause nausea and vomiting. Many patients complain about the intolerance to noise and light, tremor, lack of appetite, attention, insomnia, lack of sleep.

Patients characterize such pain as a monotonous, tightening, squeezing, compressive, moderate, stupid, strong or light.

Many patients who are diagnosed with GBN, unpleasantly wearing a headdress and comb hair. In physical exercises, malaise is not amplified, but without drugs, the attacks do not pass even at night.

Risk group

Overvoltage pain arises primarily at a young age (30-40 years). In the risk group there are workers of mental labor. The higher the socio-educational level of man, the higher the probability of his pain from the tension of the muscles of the neck.

Affairs people who are often faced with:

  • emotional overvoltage;
  • stress;
  • fucked attention;
  • focus.

Causes of headache stress

Causes of GBN complex and closely intertwined. It occurs when stress, when depressed, when the muscles of the head are tense. All causes can be divided into the following groups.

Mental overvoltage

Chronic stress leads to the development of muscle spasm and severe muscle tension. In this case, the vessels located in the thickness of the muscular tissue are squeezed.

Muscle nutrition deteriorates, violated metabolism at the biochemical level. This leads to painful sensations.
The pain is a signal for the body that something is wrong and needs a change, otherwise even more severe consequences are possible.
Although the GBN itself does not carry a threat to life, but from stress, especially long, chronic, possibly the development of neurological diseases.

Improper proportion of pain and anti -olsheological systems in the body

The imbalance of pain and anti -olsheological systems occurs under the influence of the autonomic nervous system. Stimulates violation of proportions Emotional stress, anxiety and depression.

As a result, the level of serotonin is reduced - a powerful anti-haired substance - and the threshold of the excitation of pain receptors. Even from a minor impact (combing or touching the surface of the head) there is discomfort.

Delf cervical spine

With cervical osteochondrosis, connective tissues, tendons, muscles and nerve ending of the cervical spine suffer. They arise their limitation of mobility, stretching and squeezing, which causes headache (cervicogenic).

The source of pain is not a head, but the neck, but since the nerve endings are common, it can be felt in his head, forehead, jaws, temples, over eyebrows, to give away to the ears.

Alcohol and coffee

The provoking factors for the occurrence of GBN are alcohol and coffee.

Coffee contains caffeine, which expands blood vessels and causes an increase in blood pressure. In this regard, the aromatic drink is contraindicated by hypertensive.
The main cause of cephalgia after alcohol is used - oxygen starvation of the brain, which has a devastating effect on cortex cells.
Due to the actions of alcohol, blood is saturated with erythrocyte bunches, worsening the transportation of oxygen. As a result, the brain cells do not receive its sufficient amount.

A few hours after a booze, the rejection process begins. The body seeks to withdraw dead cells, which cause pain in the head.

Combination with migraine

In some people, voltage syndrome is combined with migraine attacks. Over time, this leads to the development of cefalgia due to tension.

Two forms of pathology (GBN and Migraine) have different symptoms, so it is easy to distinguish them. However, if the disease acquires chronic shape, the attacks become atypical.

Diagnosis of child

Today in children and in adolescence, as well as adults, the GBN is diagnosed. The symptoms of the child are as follows:

  • squeezing pain on both sides;
  • the child is quickly tired, becomes irritable;
  • an unpleasant feeling is complemented by pain in the back, joints, heart;
  • aril pressure increases or falls;
  • worsen vision;
  • heart patent.

The cause of long-term muscle voltage becomes inappropriate for the growth of the part or table when the child is sitting in an uncomfortable pose for a long time.

Also, the GBN of the newborn and older child contributes to an insufficient amount of fresh air, physical and mental overwork, long starvation, weather shift.

Pain may be caused by hemolytic anemia, anemic and asthenic states.


The complexity of the diagnosis of GBN is due to the fact that it has no morphological substrate. That is, even with systematic and strong inconsiderations, no instrumental study reveals deviations. Therefore, the diagnosis of GBN is raised on the basis of:

  • questioning the patient and careful collection of history, including information about bad habits, day mode, work features;
  • general inspection of the neurologist and the therapist;
  • palpation of the neck muscles and the nape (pericranial muscles) in order to identify painful points.

The differential diagnosis of GBN from the ailments of another kind (symptomatic) is to carry out an ultrasound, MRI, CT, urine and blood tests and other types of diagnostics at the discretion of the doctor.

Fast help

How to remove the malaise that does not pass on your own? Here the most important thing is to be able to relax. You can do this in several ways:

  • do yoga and autotraining;
  • go for psychotherapy sessions;
  • take a relaxing bath with healing herbs;
  • wait in the shower under hot water;
  • pass the neck;
  • pass the physiotherapy course;
  • regularly make the healing gymnastics.

Treatment of chronic GBN

Many are interested in what to take to treat HGBN? It is noteworthy that conservative medicine does not recommend the reception of painkillers. They are ineffective and complicate the already complex task when the attack is stopped.

The most common medicines than to treat pain caused by voltage is antidepressants.

Selective inhibitors

Selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse capture inhibitors are prescribed:

  • PROZAK (fluoxetine);
  • Heal, Serlift (Sertraulin);
  • Paxsen (Paroksetin).

They are very effective with such a diagnosis as chronic tension headache. They have a minimum of side effects in contrast to other pharmacological groups.

Tricyclic antidepressants

A typical representative of tricyclic antidepressants, which is prescribed to patients is amitriptyline. It is pubed with long courses (2-6 months).

Reception start with 0.25-0.5 tablets, every 3 days increasing the dose so that at the end turned out the total 75 mg. In this dose, the drug drink for several months, then gradually reduce it until complete cancellation.

Mianserin (Lerivon) and Tianeptin (Coaxil)

  • Lerivon (Mianserin) - 15 mg twice a day;
  • Coaxil (thianeptin) - 12.5 mg three times a day.

Treatment lasts at least 2 months. Preparations make it possible to achieve not only the opposite effect, but also normalize psychological activity, i.e., reduce the degree of anxiety and fear, normalize the emotional state and mood.

How to treat an episodic GBN?

An episodic headache is not so pronounced as chronic and does not lead to disability. But the periodic use of medicines it requires. For this purpose, different medicines are used.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means

If the episodic GBN occurs not often, the NSABS is helping:

  • Nurofen, Brufen, has (ibuprofen) - 400 mg once;
  • Flamaks, Kathetonal (ketoprofen) - 25-50 mg;
  • Ksefokam (Lorokoxicam) - 4-8 mg;
  • Molovas, Melbek (Meloxicam) - 7.5-15 mg;
  • Naltezin (Naproxen) - 250-500 mg.

With a frequent episodic GBN, doctors can assign a course-made NSAID in order to break repeating attacks (ibuprofen at 400 mg to 3 times a day for 3 weeks).

If the coursewa does not lead to disappearance of ailments, the second course is not prescribed, as it is useless.


If the GBN is caused by muscular voltage, Miorlaxants are shown, for example:

  • Middokalm (Tolperison) - 150 mg once;
  • Tizalud, Sirdalud (Tizanidine) - 2-4 mg once together with 500 mg aspirin.

With frequent pain with muscle spasms, the muscle relaxants prescribe courses for 2-4 weeks.

Vitamins Group B.

As auxiliary means, vitamins of groups are prescribed in the treatment of episodic head pain

  • Neurovitan;
  • Combilipin;
  • Milgamma;
  • Neurorubin.


Remove the anxiety and resolve vegetative dysfunction processes help light sedatives. These are the extracts of the mother-in-law, Valerian, Novopalsit. They are made on the basis of medicinal herbs. Regular reception contributes to the formation of an adequate response to stress, normalizes sleep, eliminates the mood differences.
The dosage of sedative preparations is selected individually, the treatment rate is 14-21 days.
Important: Do not even make light sedatives during pregnancy and breastfeeding without the recommendation of the doctor. Many components of the medicine penetrate into breast milk or through a placental barrier, which is unsafe for a child or fetus.

Nootropic medicines

Effective in the treatment of GBN in conjunction with other drugs nootropic drugs. Assign:


Medical treatment of headache stress is not enough, since the basis of ailment is the state of external or internal stress, psychosomatics. Psychotherapy comes to the rescue, which allows the perception of the person of stressful and conflict situations.

Psychotherapy is held in the form of conversations and somatic events. The key to recovery lies in becoming less susceptible. The more the patient will free yourself from the need for approval from others, the better to understand and respect himself.


  • electroson - an electrotherapy method based on the use of low frequency pulsed currents. They directly affect the central nervous system, causing its braking and sleep state;
  • electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method consisting in the complex effect on the body of a DC low voltage and power (galvanization) and drugs.


Massage is an affordable and easy tool that can be struggling with pain in the head. It allows you to relax the muscles of the head and neck, remove the tension. As a result of regular events, pain decreases, it can even be cured completely.
There are several massages:

  • general - normalizes the tone of vessels, eliminates muscle spasm;
  • point - uses the bases of acupuncture for reflex exposure;
  • impact on trigger zones;
  • impact on the muscular tonic syndrome in the neck and the nape.


Igloreflexotherapy affects the nervous system by activating certain points. It is part of the complex treatment of pain arising after tension.

Therapeutic effects:

  • getting rid of painful pain caused by osteochondrosis, neuritis, neurosis, IRS, voltage;
  • restoration of the structure of nerve tissues;
  • improving cell power, their restoration by improving blood flow;
  • saving inflammation processes, improving the work of the immune system.

Biological feedback method

Separately, it should be said from such a method as biological feedback using computer technologies.

In the case of the GBN, the person provides information about the status of pericranial muscles in the form of a sound signal. The patient concentrates attention on the inner sensations and compares them with sound, trying to control and regulate this process.

It helps to a certain extent to change the muscle tone, remove the voltage and thus relieve pain.

The best folk remedies

If the ailment is not particularly intense, try the treatment of headache by folk remedies at home:

  1. The infusion of the Grass Castobus not only helps to improve the activities of the vessels, but also strengthens the nerves. Take 5 g of grass, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Drink 3 times a day during the week, then make a two-week break.
  2. Put the cold compress on the forehead area. You can use ice, cabbage sheet, golden mustache, beets.
  3. Make a massage of the head and neck collar or neck with your fingers.

Prevention of illness

GBN prevention is as follows:

  1. Full sleep at night. You need to sleep at least 8 hours.
  2. When working at the computer, you need to take a break for 5-10 minutes each hour. Well, if during a break to make medicinal gymnastics.
  3. Daily walks in the fresh air. Physical exertion not only strengthen health, but also improve the body's immune response, increase the mood.
  4. To improve the general condition, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with healing herbs: a tincture of peony, mother-in-law, Valerian.
  5. Minimizing alcohol and coffee.
  1. Follow the correct posture, do not sit and do not lie in an uncomfortable and anatomically incorrect pose.
  2. If you have a sitting job, raise the head periodically up so that the neck is not in constant tension.
  3. Do not ignore proper nutrition, sleep, rest and physical activity.
  4. Do not abuse drugs.
  5. Learn autotraining methods to quickly calm down.
  6. Contact your doctor if the head is often hurt. Pass the psychological examination to determine emotional factors contributing to the development of pain.

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