Codes for frost Bai. Gold Plans of the Company "Morozprodukt

In 2015, TDI Group developed and implemented an advertising game "Win the prizes of your generation" for two leading brands of Morozprodukt - "FRUDOZA" and "28 kopecks". In the creative idea, the separation of the audience was laid for generations in accordance with the brand. The prize fund also corresponded to the tastes of two generations: each participant could choose, in the drawing of which prize - modern or retro - to take part.

This year, two brands - "FRUDOZA" and "28 kopecks" - along with the TDI Group, they went along the path of combining two generations and double prizes were played in the advertising game.

Name of the game: "Generations of the country, reunite!".

Terms of holding: May - August 2016

Geography: All Belarus.

The target audience:

Ts "28 kopecks" - the older generation: men and women 35-45 years old.

Ts "Fruudoza" - the younger generation: men and women of 18-35 years (kernel - 19-25 years old).


- TV / game consoles;

- smartphone / tablet;

- Laptop bag / backpack for laptop.

Grand Prize:

Stylish car / urban bike.

Mechanics of the game:

Registration of codes inside gaming packages of products, on the site


Promotion channels:

TV / oh / i-Net / Radio / Press.

Final draw:

The main prize of the advertising game "Generations of the country, unite!" Was played as part of the Family Fest ice cream holiday, which was held in the Central Children's Park. M. Gorky. For guests, many entertainment activities were organized, which supported the concept of the advertising game and were interesting to both generations.

At the entrance to the park, visitors received special passports of the Family Fest guests, which recorded the passage of competitions, and after the fulfillment of all tasks, they could be exchanged for ice cream from Morozprodukt. Guests could also treat ice cream for free, take pictures in the photobudka and see a festive concert.

Family Fest.

Creative Group:

Client: SOOO "Morozprodukt".

Agency: TDI GROUP.

Creative Director: Artem Chela.
Senior copywriter: Vovka Miranovich.
Designers: Alexey Kulinkovich, Elija Uutzhueva, Ilona Kotova.
Art director: Vladimir Androsov.
Account Director: Tatiana Kalnik.

Project Manager: Ekaterina Podgai.


Photo: Gregory Livshits.
Video: Litemagic Studio.

Only it is necessary to choose the right ice cream - "28 kopecks" or FRUDOZA from the company "Morozprodukt" (for details - see "Be aware!"). Advertising game "Generations of the country, unite!", Which gives this chance, in full swing, participants are becoming more and more. What do they win? Who are these people? What moves more: the desire to receive a prize or a love for ice cream? We managed to communicate with the winners of one of the stages of the game and find out everything.

Dmitry: for himself focused when he said: "The TV will hang here!"

Tips for the materialization of desires are usually reduced to the fact that it is necessary to wish something specific and the most accurately representing the subject of their desires and its place in your life. The 33-year-old Minsk resident Dmitry Zadiran did it. Hearing that in the advertising game "Generation of the country, unite!" You can win a big good TV, he said, pointing out the wall in his apartment: "This TV will hang here!" Only after that he got acquainted with the rules of the game and became its member, although it does not consider himself a gambling person.

In such promotions, I never participated in such promotions, I never even had a casino, "Dmitry admits. "And then I thought: since I ice cream in the summer still bought a lot, then why not try happiness. Ice cream lovers of my whole family: both Dad, and sister with her husband, and their children. It is not surprising that for the month we a total of more than 50 portions of ice cream ate. To participate in the action it was not even necessary to change their tastes. I, for example, I love a classic seal, so Ice cream "28 kopecks" is always pleasure. And nephews adore frudoza. And the heat began just by that time, and the ice cream in such weather for sweets does not happen much.

Now I advise everyone: Play! - says Dmitry. "After all, I first didn't consider myself luck, but I chose myself a prize - and won. Thanks to the organizers of the game "Generations of the country, reunite!". And it is not difficult to participate in it.

Anton: The first five seals brought good luck

For Anton Anginsky "Generation of the country, unite!" Also became the first advertising campaign in which he took part.

Most I like the "28 kopecks" seal. When I learned about the action, I began to buy it more often, "says Anton. - And already the first five packs of ice cream, whose codes I registered, brought me good luck - won the bag for a laptop and a backpack.

At about the same time, Anton received a profitable proposal for work (in the specialty he is an economist-manager), so it is possible that this winnings laid the beginning of the good luck strip. Moreover, the drawing of the main prize - the car, which Anton claims on a par with all the participants of the game, is still ahead.

Lyudmila: Tablet and Phone - First Big Win

Sometimes something won, but on trifles: then the plaid, then the bag. And now the winnings are not just a large, but also a pleasant doubly - and a mobile phone, and a tablet. Very handy. Just going to change the phone!

Lyudmila's hand attached to the winning. Regarding the ice cream tastes, they coincide - both prefer FRUDOZA, which they once tried as a novelty and buy it before.

Fruudoza is very juicy and refreshing, with pieces of fruit, - notes Lyudmila. - Today, another novelty was discovered for themselves from the company "Morozprodukt" - fruit-berry sorbet "7 kopecks". I also really liked it.

Lyudmila does not exclude that Fruudoza's beloved can bring good luck and bigger. After all, summer is still ahead, ice cream will still be the main delicacy in the family, which means that many codes from its packages will still be registered. After all, those who have already won something, is not remembered to play and on.

Victor: Won a gift for his own wedding!

And for the programmer Viktor Zhilko, the winning of the TV and the game console has become a gift to his own wedding! We communicated with him and his future wife Anastasia just on the eve of this event and found out that Fruudoza brought good luck in the game.

I really love this ice cream and in the heat eaten it two packs a day. Like that there is fruits, and milk, and not just fruit ice, "says Anastasia. - When I learned about the advertising game, I say my husband: "Why do we just have it? Let's register! " So I was mainly responsible for eating ice cream, and Victor registered codes. In two weeks, they were gained 15. And at home in the freezer, the reserve lies - and FRUDOZA, and the "28 kopecks" seals. And this is not only because of the action. I really love ice cream really, and my husband too. We can easily eat, and with berries (blueberries, strawberries), we buy fresh on the market. For this, I and Kremykaki beautiful acquired.

By the way, I am not playing with the company "Morozprodukt" for the first time - many years ago, when he studied at school, won the tent thanks to the ice cream "Gosha".

It seems to me that ice cream is such a product that everyone likes, "says Victor. - Therefore, the opportunity to participate in this game and everyone has to win. Efforts requires minimal, the costs are small, and everything is very simple with registration. Our advice, taking into account your own experience: participate, eat ice cream with pleasure and do not bother your thoughts about the victory - then she will come by himself!


Advertising game "Generations of the country, reunite!" It takes place from May 10 to August 31. Every two weeks are played by double prizes: a bag for a laptop and a backpack, a telephone and a tablet, a TV and a game console. The main prize is a stylish car and a city bike - will be played in the final. The place of drawing the main prize: Minsk, Central Children's Park. M. Gorky

Details on the site

And let luck smile to you in this sweet game!

Certificate of state registration No. 2721 dated March 24, 2016, issued by the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Belarus, organizer of the advertising game LLC TDI Vomedizent, UNP 190771520.

SOOO "Morozprodukt", UNP 101501860

These rules for holding an advertising game "Love, know, of course, play!" (hereinafter referred to as the rules) aimed at promoting products produced under the "20 kopecks" and "28 kopecks" trademarks, developed in accordance with the Regulations on the conduct of advertising games in the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 51, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus. (With changes and additions), and determine the procedure for holding an advertising game "We love, know, of course, play!" (hereinafter - advertising game).

In this Rules, the following terms have the following meaning:

Game Product - Product having a special packaging of a game product with information and an advertising game logo, manufactured under trademarks:
"28 kopecks":
Ice cream "28 kopecks" Flumber with the aroma of vanilla in a fat cocoas-containing glaze of popsicle, 70 grams;
Ice cream "28 kopecks" chocolate swamp in a fatty cocoa-containing glaze of popsicle, 70 grams;
Ice cream "28 kopecks" Flumber with aroma of vanilla in a fatty glaze with lemon aroma Eskimo, 70 grams;
Ice cream "28 kopecks" Flumber with aroma vanilla in a fatty glaze with strawberry aroma Eskimo, 70 grams.
"20 kopecks":
Ice cream "20 kopecks" seal with a flavor of vanilla in a waffle cup, 70 grams;
Ice cream "20 kopecks" chocolate seal in a waffle cup, 70 grams.

Registration data - The set of data you need to register on the advertising game page on the website to participate in the advertising game, namely:

  • unique code;
  • personal data: surname (required), name (required), patronymic (required), postal address: Postal code (preferably), area (preferably), district (preferably), settlement (required), street (required), house ( Mandatory), body (if available), apartment number (if available);
  • email address (required);
  • member's mobile phone number in international format (required).

Unique code - An alphanumeric 11-digit code that is located on the inside of the special packaging of the game product with information and the logo of the advertising game.

Participant number - This is a number that is assigned to the participant after a successful registration of 5 (five) unique codes on the advertising game page on the Internet site by the date and time of registration of the fifth unique code and sending the appropriate registration data rules.

Current drawing - Every advertising game drawing on the set date and time in accordance with the rules of the advertising game.

Web site - Website, where on the advertising game page, participants need to enter registration data.

  1. Advertising game organizer.

  2. Interested party advertising game.

  3. Participants of the advertising game.

  4. Name of advertising game:

    "Love, know, of course, play!".

  5. The territory of the advertising game:

    Republic of Belarus.

  6. The start of the advertising game:

  7. The end time of the advertising game:

  8. The name of goods, in order to stimulate the implementation of which an advertising game is held.

  9. Prize Advertising Foundation.

  10. Name


    Cost S.
    VAT for units, Bel.ubley

    Total, Bel.ruble

    Cash prize 20 000 (twenty thousand) Belarusian rubles

    Grand Prize

    Cash in the amount of 2 971.92 Belarusian rubles

    Cash in the amount of 2.11 Belarusian rubles


    Watch GG222 (clock2)

    Cash in the amount of 35.71 Belarusian rubles

    FUJIFILM INSTAX MINI 8 GRAPE camera (hereinafter - cameras1)

    FUJIFILM INSTAX MINI 8 WHITE Camera 4 White (hereinafter - cameras2)

    Cash in the amount of 7.62 Belarusian rubles

    FUJIFILM INSTAX MINI 8 YELLOW Camera (hereinafter - cameras3)

    Cash in the amount of 7.62 Belarusian rubles

    White Towel 100 * 180, With logo embroidery (hereinafter - Towel)

    Thermal disc. Bel. / Blue, logo engraving (hereinafter - Mug)

    Monetary remuneration of 1 Belarusian ruble at the expense of the subscriber number of the Winner cellular operator (hereinafter - money to the account)

  11. The procedure for participation in an advertising game.

  12. Place, dates, time and procedure for conducting a prize pool, including the procedure for determining the winning participants of the advertising game:

      Location of the prizes: Minsk, ul. Red, 18b, 4th floor.

      The place of drawing of the main prize: Minsk, the prospect of winners, 9, TC Galleria Minsk.

      Prize draws are held according to Tables 2, №3:

      Table number 2. Pranks draws:

      Rych N.

      All sequence numbers are involved,
      assigned in the period

      Date and time draw

      Prize for drawing

      From 01.06.2017 (00:00:00) on 06/18/2017 (23:59:59).

      06/20/2017, at 11:00.

      Money on account - 14,000 pcs.
      Clock1 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera 1 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      LANCHBOX - 50 pcs.

      From 19.06.2017 (00:00:00) to 02.07.2017 (23:59:59).

      07/04/2017, at 11:00.

      Clock1 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera 1 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      LANCHBOX - 50 pcs.

      From 03.07.2017 (00:00:00) on 07/17/2017 (23:59:59).

      07/19/2017, at 11:00.

      Clock1 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera 2 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      LANCHBOX - 50 pcs.

      From 07/18/2017 (00:00:00) to 08/01/2017 (23:59:59).

      08/03/2017, at 11:00

      Clock2 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone1 - 3 pcs.
      Camera 2 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      LANCHBOX - 50 pcs.

      From 02.08.2017 (00:00:00) to 08/15/2017 (23:59:59).

      08/17/2017, at 11:00.

      Clock2 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone2 - 3 pcs.
      PhotoApparat3 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      LANCHBOX - 50 pcs.

      From 08/16/2017 (00:00:00) to 08/31/2017 (23:59:59).

      09/05/2017, at 11:00.

      Clock2 - 3 pcs.
      Smartphone2 - 3 pcs.
      PhotoApparat3 - 3 pcs.
      Towel - 50 pcs.
      Mug - 50 pcs.
      LANCHBOX - 50 pcs.

      Table number 3. Drawing the main prize:

      Raffle prizes of the third category.

      The first 14,000 (fourteen thousand) participants who will discover in the game product on the inside of the package next to the unique code of the "RUBL NA Telefon" phrase will register a unique code on the website and provide their registration data in accordance with these Rules, become the owners of the prize Third categories.

      If in the draw number 1 there is not enough participants to draw the prizes "Money to the account", these prizes are played in subsequent draws.

      Mechanics of the drawing of the main prize and prizes of the first category.

      11.5.1. The organizer assigns 1 (one) Participant's sequence number to 5 (five) registered unique codes. By the time the prizes draw the organizer, a list of the sequence numbers of the participants participating in the current draw (hereinafter referred to as the list) are formed. All the serial numbers of the participants have the same bit. For drawing a lothotron and a set of balls in the amount of 10 (ten) pieces with numbers from 0 to 9. The definition of winning sequence numbers of participants occurs by their formation from left to right from ball numbers, alternately removed from the lottery. The draw starts from the first discharge on the left.

      The figure of the first level of the discharge of the winning sequence number of the participant is determined. To do this, the organizer places the balls in the lothotron with numbers from 0 to the first on the left digit of the last order number of the participant of the current draw. The organizer removes one ball from the lototron. The number of the resulting ball is the number of the first to the left of the discharge of the formable serial number of the participant.

      After that, all 10 (ten) balls are loaded into the lothotron, the balls are mixed, and the ball is retrieved from the lototron, the number of which determines the number of the next discharge of the winning sequence number of the participant.

      So the figures of the winning combination of the sequence number of the participant CO 2 (second) 6 (sixth) discharge are determined.

      To determine the last figure of the winning sequence number of the participant in the lototron, balls are loaded only with those numbers that correspond to 7 (seventh) discharge of the sequence numbers of the list of list, 6 (six) of which coincided. The organizer extracts one ball. The fallen number of the ball is a digit 7 (seventh) discharge of the winning sequence number of the participant.

      If the number of the ball extracted from the lottery when determining the number of a certain discharge of the participant does not have coincidences in the appropriate discharge (combination of digits of discharges) of the number of participants of the current draw, then the ball in the lothotron does not return, the organizer pulls the next ball before the coincidence.

      11.5.2. When conducting a draw of the main prize, the organizer additionally defines 1 (one) reserve partner's sequence number, according to the procedure described in paragraphs 7.5.1.

      Determining the winners of the prizes of the second category.

      The winning prize of the second category "Towel" is considered to be 1 (one). The sequence number defined according to paragraph 11.5.1, and each 100 (hundredth), next to it in the list, in the amount of 49 (forty-nine) ordinal numbers for the prize "Towel" . The winning prize of the second category "Mug" is considered to be 1 (one). The sequence number defined according to paragraphs 7.5.1, and each 100 (hundredth), next to it in the list, in the amount of 49 (forty-nine) ordinal numbers for the "mug" . The winned prize of the second category "LANCHBOX" is considered to be 1 (one) The sequence number defined according to claim 11.5.1, and each 100 (hundredth), following it in the list, in the amount of 49 (forty-nine) ordinal numbers for the prize "Lanchbox" .

      In the course of the prizes of the second category, the sequence number can be recognized as advantaged only once. In the event of a re-entering the sequence number in the range of winners, it is not recognized as a winning, the winning party is admitted to the list number.

      If the winning sequence number falls on the end of the list, further calculus continues from the beginning of the list.

      The ordinal numbers of the participants of the current draw are not involved in subsequent prize draws, with the exception of the drawing of the main prize, which involves all the serial numbers of the participants registered from June 1 to August 31, 2017.

      Participants who received the prize of the third category are involved in the raffle of the prizes of the first and second category of the current draw. The sequence numbers of the participants of the current draw, who received the prize of the first category, cannot become the winners of the prizes of the second category.

      The result of each draw is mandatoryly fixed in the protocol of the draws, signed by those present at the meeting by members of the Commission.

Ice cream is all your favorite delicacy, children are especially adored. Many adults still remember the taste of the Soviet seal, which they ate in childhood. Today they are endowed with the Belarusian product " 28 kopecks. Ice creamwhich has a taste familiar from childhood. It is very popular among the inhabitants of the country, as it is very tasty and nutritious. It is consumed in thirty-permanent heat, and in twenty-perdus frost. Every year, people eat more than half a million tons of delicious cold dessert.


Ice cream "28 kopecks" It was created precisely for lovers of traditional seals, which was made of natural components, and does not quickly melt. This product is fat enough, but also the most delicious of all. It is prepared from milk, oil and eggs. At the same time, fat content can reach twenty percent. The manufacturer produces such it can have various taste shades, since, in addition to the classic option, the aromas of vanilla, strawberry, cocoa or lemon in fat glaze are present, which covers the dessert. The wand allows you to comfortably keep the product in your hands. " 28 kopecks "- ice creamWith demand, since it is capable of, thanks to its qualities, give people a good mood on the hottest summer day, as well as remind them of the taste that came from childhood.

Composition and nutritional value

Structure ice cream "28 kopecks" (Belarus) It has several differences from the one that was produced during the USSR. Today, this dessert is made of water, fatty glaze (butter creamy, sugar powder and cocoa or flavoring, depending on the type of seal), condensed milk, dry milk powder, dairy dry serum, emulsifiers and stabilizers, margarine, eggs and wheat flour. As can be seen, in this product there are various flavors, stabilizers and preservatives. And in Soviet times, such a creamy swamp was prepared only from natural products, without any additives. Wherein " 28 kopecks "- ice creamwhich has a taste similar to what was known for the Soviet Union. It is connected with various additives in the product or not, unknown. Fats in this cold dessert contains the most, the least observed proteins. Energy value is three hundred eleven kilocaloriums per hundred grams of product.

Reviews of ice cream "28 kopecks"

Many ice cream lovers choose exactly "28 kopecks", because it is relatively inexpensive and good quality. Special popularity enjoys a seam in chocolate glaze. Its taste is appreciated for the presence of creamy and chocolate notes. At the same time, the glaze is clearly separated from the seal, she does not slip with it. Differs in a saturated chocolate color and perfect taste. Some consumers claim that " 28 kopecks "- ice cream Of the qualitative Belarusian raw materials, which periodically takes part in various promotions. The manufacturer thus attracts new customers. The mass of ice cream is seventy grams, which is quite enough for one person.

Other people say that in the composition of ice cream, which is indicated on the packaging, water is in the first place. In addition, there are stabilizers and preservatives. But this is written off that in modern times the manufacturer does not have the ability to produce a product using thirty years old technology. But the modern product is no less tasty.

A little about the manufacturer

Produces this product "Morozprodukt", which is focused on making every day festive and easy. Therefore, the company chooses for its products only the highest quality and safe ingredients, offers a wide range for every taste. The idea of \u200b\u200borganizing in Belarus production of high-quality delicious ice cream has arisen from the director of "Morozprodukt" when he visited the Palace of ice cream in Havana, where everyone had the opportunity to try many species of this delicacy.