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Do you urgently need to publish (print) a scientific monograph?

We will do everything necessary work by edition, assign ISBN, DOI, UDC, BBK, Author's mark. We will also carry out the proofreading of the text, prepare the layout, print the circulation on high-quality paper, hand over copies to the Book Chamber for mandatory distribution and deliver you 10 copies of the finished monograph, as well as post the electronic version in the RSCI and other EBS (Znanium, Lan, University Library, etc. .) at your request.

We continue our PROMOTION!
The term of publication is 30 calendar days.
Cost - from 15 tr.

With 15 years of experience in publishing scientific monographs, we can guarantee compliance with deadlines and an international level of work performed.

In most publishers, the publication period can be 2-3 months, since most of the time your book just lies and waits for an employee to be able to do it. If you were promised a shorter period, then most often this is achieved through publication in the author's edition, that is, in principle, no one is working on the text.

we we do not publish monographs in the author's edition. We always work on the text and design of each book. And optimization of publishing processes in its own editorial and publishing system allows full cycle works without delay in up to 30 calendar days.

How to get started?

Send us the text of the monograph by e-mail at [email protected] ... The volume should be no more than 320 pages, including figures, tables and formulas, this is approximately 576,000 characters with spaces.

So, the letter should contain (you can in one file):

  • Manuscript file
  • Annotation and keywords in Russian
  • Information about each co-author: full surname, name and patronymic, organization name, position, academic degree and academic title, as well as email address, SPIN and ORCID identifiers, if any (this is important for the correct indication of authors in the RSCI)
  • Two reviews of doctors or candidates of sciences

After that, we will conclude an agreement with you for the publication of a monograph and a license agreement, which will define all the parameters of the publication and the conditions for further distribution. Then we'll get to work.

What we will do:

  • We will proofread the manuscript
  • We will correct the annotation and keywords
  • We translate metadata into English
  • Let's assign ISBN, UDC, BBK codes
  • Assign DOI
  • We will prepare a cover and text layout for the printing house and coordinate it with you before printing
  • We will print the circulation in a printing house (on white paperback paper)
  • Load the data into the RSCI
  • We will transfer 16 copies to the Book Chamber (branch of "ITAR-TASS")
  • We will deliver you 10 copies of the monograph
  • If necessary, we will transfer a monograph for distribution through EBS (electronic library systems)

As a result, you will receive an official publication, which can be indicated in the list of your scientific works. This will be confirmed by a unique ISBN and registration in the RSCI, which will allow the work to be cited by both Russian and foreign scientists.

We know all the features of the publication of scientific monographs. But if you have any additional questions, we will be happy to answer them.

The monograph can be published not only in economic specialties!

Monographs on the action can be published by both the Creative Economy Publishing House and the First Economic Publishing House LLC.

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A monograph (from the Greek μονοσ - one, single and γραφειν - to write) is a scientific work in the form of a book with a deep study of one or some (closely related) topics. Among scientists, it is customary to crown any rather long work on the study of a specific topic with the publication of a corresponding monograph, which traditionally covers a detailed display of research methods, a presentation of the results of the work done, as well as their interpretation.

A monograph can be individual or collective (a group of authors, as a rule, no more than five).Sometimes one can come across an incorrect interpretation of the word “monograph” - “one person writes”, although its creators can be either one author or a whole group, and the word itself means the specificity of the problematic considered in it, its relatively narrow focus; "Unity of writing the topic", but not the writer. The monograph belongs to the genres of scientific prose. The monograph summarizes and analyzes the literature on the topics under study, and, as a rule, puts forward new hypotheses, theories, concepts that contribute to the development of science. The monograph is usually accompanied by extensive bibliographic lists, notes, etc.

According to the State Standard for Publishing (GOST 7.60-2003, p., a monograph is "a scientific or popular science publication containing a complete and comprehensive study of one problem or topic and belonging to one or several authors." Also, according to this standard, it is clearly defined what form the finished text should take.
We invite researchers, postgraduates, doctoral students, applicants, the teaching staff of universities, leading practitioners to participate in the publication of collective monographs. No specific deadline for accepting articles for publication in the collective monograph has been established. Materials are accepted constantly. The collective monograph is published immediately with a set of 10 articles.






* - The title of the monograph is determined based on the general subject matter of articles sent to the publisher




Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation (Novosibirsk)

At present, all scientific areas are developing quite dynamically. The publication of research results is an extremely responsible and important step for a scientist. Many new ones appear original ideas, theories that deserve the closest attention of the scientific community. In addition, the presence of a certain number of publications is a prerequisite for the defense of dissertations. One of the most authoritative forms of presentation of scientific research materials is the publication of a monograph.

We invite you to take part in writing collective scientific monographs on economic topics:
1. Economy and management of enterprises, industries, complexes: problems and development prospects (code - EK-1)
2. Organization of effective business: modern model (EC-2)
3. Financial management of economic development (EC-3)
4. Cluster policy as a tool for the formation of an innovative economy (EC-4)
5. Market dynamics and consumer behavior in a market economy (EC-5)
6. Global trends of modern economic development (EC-6)

The results of scientific research in economics, management, marketing, taxation, innovative management, logistics, foreign economic activity, personnel management, AHD, pricing, strategic management, finance, budgeting, accounting, management accounting, taxation, AHD, IFRS, audit, pricing are accepted and etc.


Monographs are registered in the scientometric database RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) and will be published on the website of the electronic library

Editions are assigned international ISBN indexes.

Monographs are sent to major libraries in Russia and abroad.

MARCH 30, 2018

Monographs are sent to authors in 1 month from the deadline for admission of materials. The editors reserve the right, upon agreement with the author, to transfer the material to another monograph, corresponding in content to the subject of the material.

1. O.K. Harutyunyan , Professor of the Department of Public Administration of the Academy government controlled Republic of Armenia (Republic of Armenia, Yerevan), Doctor of Economics, Professor
2. Mingaleva Zh.A. , Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm), Doctor of Economics, Professor
3. Yanov V.V. , Head of the Department of Finance and Credit Povolzhsky state university Service (Togliatti), Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
4. Mergalieva L.I. , head of the department " Economic theory and business "West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisova (Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk), Doctor of Economics, Professor
5. Minakova I.V. , Head of the Department of World and National Economy, South-West State University (Kursk), Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
6. Chernov S.S. , Head of the Department of Industrial Management and Economics of Energy, Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk), Head of the Central Reconstruction Center, Ph.D., Associate Professor
7. Belousova S.V. , Head of the Laboratory of Economic Methods of Economic Management of the Department of Regional Economic and Social Problems of the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk), Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Text format: Word for Windows. Page format: A4 (210x297 mm). Margins: 2.5 cm - from all sides. Font: size (point size) - 14; type - Times New Roman. Article title - printed in capital letters, font - bold, center alignment. Below, double-spaced in lowercase letters - initials and surname of the author (s)... On the next line - full name of the organization, city... After a 2-space indent, annotation (no more than 500 characters), followed by 2 intervals - the text, single-spaced , paragraph indent - 1.25 cm, justified alignment. The name and numbers of the figures are indicated under the figures, the names and numbers of the tables - above the tables. Tables, diagrams, figures, formulas (only in Equation or MathType editors), graphs should not go beyond the specified fields (font in tables and figures - at least 11 pt). Literature references in square brackets... A list of references is required... Do not hyphenate.

Materials volume less than 20 pages not accepted for printing... When publishing more than 30 pages in a monograph, it is possible to form a separate chapter.

Information about the authors must be issued in tabular form, indicating the full name of the author (s); Place of work, position; academic degree, academic title; work and home address; mobile phone; E-mail; title of the monograph to which the material is addressed; article title; number of pages in scientific work the author; the required number of copies of the monograph; payment amount; address (indicating the postal code and full name of the recipient).

In separate files, you must send an article, information about the authors, a scanned receipt of payment to the addresses: [email protected] , [email protected] ... Upon receipt of materials, the editorial office within two days sends to the author a letter "Materials received". Authors who sent materials by e-mail and did not receive confirmation of their receipt by the organizing committee, please duplicate the application.

In order to reimburse organizational, publishing and printing costs, the cost of publishing in a monograph is 170 rubles. for 1 page with a volume of material up to 30 pages, inclusive. When publishing materials over 30 pages, subsequent pages are paid at the rate of 140 rubles. for 1 page. Tables, diagrams, pictures, graphs, formulas are paid additionally at the rate of 50 rubles. per page. Payment for sending the monograph to the author - 300 rubles. (for foreign countries - 600 rubles). Additional payment for additional copies of the monograph - 550 rubles. (including shipping).

Example: It is required to place an article of 35 pages in a monograph. The materials contain 2 pages with tables and formulas. 3 additional copies required. In this case, the amount of payment will be:

30x170 + 5x140 + 2x50 + 300 + 550x3 \u003d 7850 rubles.

Order copies of publications in advance for your co-authors, scientific advisers, scientific consultants.

Transfer details money transfers:

Payment via Western Union, Zolotaya Korona and other systems to an individual is preferable: Sergey Sergeevich Chernov, Novosibirsk.

Yandex money 410011548221071, qiwi - +79139157901.

Information on the conditions for the publication of scientific research results and requirements for the design of materials can be obtained on the website, by the telephones of the Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation in Novosibirsk:

8-383-291-79-01 Chernov Sergei Sergeevich, head of the CRNS
8-913-749-05-30 Khvostenko Pavel Viktorovich, Leading Specialist of the Central Rehabilitation Center

or by email:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Reviewers: A. ADAMOV, Doctor of Economics, Professor, General director Institute for Research of Commodity Movement and Wholesale Market Conjuncture
KARZAEV N.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of "Economic Analysis and Audit" of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Agrarian University of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev "
KERIMOV V.E., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Accounting, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov "

Business controlling: models, development, problems, solutions: Monograph. –M .: Publishing house "Economic newspaper", 2012. - 488s.

Increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy requires a change in the priorities for the development of domestic business. Formation of maximum profit in the short term does not always ensure an increase in efficiency in the medium term and an increase in performance in the long term. Under these conditions, projects for the development of the real economy are being implemented not in accordance with, but in spite of the “get rich quick” ideology. Ensuring the country's economic security requires achieving a stable economic environment, expanding the horizons of planning and forecasting business, attracting long-term private investments in the real sector of the economy, and increasing managerial flexibility. Controlling is a methodology of information and analytical support and methodological support of adaptive management based on foresight. It is focused on creating a unified information and analytical space for various groups of business stakeholders and levels of organization of its conduct (controlling units). The use of the analytical model of controlling in management allows making proactive management decisions, ensuring the unity of interests of all stakeholders and groups of business participants, regardless of the level of organization of its conduct: holding-type companies, individual strategic business or company codes, business processes and workplaces. The first section of the monograph is devoted to the study of the dialectics of the category of efficiency and controlling as a tool for managing business efficiency. 3 In the second section, the relationship between controlling and management accounting is considered, the most widely used models of controlling are identified, the goals and objectives of its organization in modern business are determined, the main provisions of an analytical model based on business analysis tools are formulated. The third section examines the peculiarities of using the budgeting model of controlling in holding companies, identifies shortcomings and formulates proposals for integrating non-financial development indicators into the company's budget system. In the fourth section, the applied directions of development of the analytical model of controlling are formulated, approaches to the organization of the system of reflexive monitoring of various functional areas of business are formulated, the prospects and directions of using controlling in the proactive management of various business areas are determined. The book is aimed at academics, managers and owners of commercial organizations who are united in an effort to create a model of sustainable economic growth and adaptive business. It can also be recommended for students of master's programs in the areas of professional training "Economics", "Management", as well as for students of business schools and programs for retraining management personnel of the national economy.

The monograph examines the transition from qualitative economic descriptions of economic events to a quantitative, structural level at which the economy actually and really functions.
It is intended for researchers, graduate students, senior students of economic faculties and all those interested in economic problems.

Mathematics has played and plays a significant role in economics. An economy without computer technology and applied software is no longer imaginable. The economy has long been established economic structures, objects of economic interaction. Economic information - one of the most important characteristics of the economy - determines the economic laws and properties of economic objects, requires a scientific approach, the development and study of its operational properties. Checking economic information for correctness is of current importance in the economy, since without its solution, planning the development of the economic system has risks. V. Leont'ev assigned a special place in his works to checking economic information for correctness.

Operating all economic information for the production cycle as the time between two cycles and the sale of production products is an urgent task for the development of the world economy, as well as forecasting economic crises and proposing methods for their elimination as a result of identifying weak interactions in economic parameters with some economic relations between objects economic interactions. The separation of economics into science requires the axiomatization of economics, that is, the construction of an economy on elementary concepts with that. so that the axioms of economics are the definitions of these elementary concepts. D. Hilbert believed that the axiomatization of mathematics and related sciences is necessary for the development of these sciences. It is necessary to define the objects of axiomatization.

A list of less common and new terms,
conventions, symbols and abbreviations
1. The concept of axiomatization of economics
1.1. Differences in the axiomatization of natural and social sciences
1.2. Objects of axiomatization in economics
1.3. Discreteness of economic actions
2. Axioms of economics
2.1. Axioms of continuous production of deeds, benefits in time for the life support of individuals, groups of individuals
2.2. Axioms of interaction of individuals, groups of individuals for the exchange of deeds, benefits
2.3. Order axioms
2.3.1. The axiom of order for individuals
2.3.2. Order axiom for groups of individuals
2.3.3. Structuring of groups of individuals and objects of economic interaction
2.3.4. Continuity of production of goods
2.4. The individual and his actions as the driving force of the economy
2.5. Axioms of congruence (equivalence)
2.6. Axiom of causality
2.7. Axioms of time, measurements
2.8. Consistency and mutual independence of the axioms of economics. Completeness of axioms
2.9. Operational properties of quanta of economic interaction
2.9.1. Operational properties of KEV
2.10. Formalization of the laws of economics
2.10.1. The nature of economic laws
2.10.2. The uncertainty principle in economics
3. Enumerability and computability of quanta of economic interaction using a Turing machine
3.1. Automated recording of quanta of economic information on the MT tape in time and space of its formation
3.2. Algorithm for writing KEV on an infinite tape of a Turing machine
3.3. Algorithm for recording external economic information from the peripheral machine MT1 to the federal machine MT2
3.4. Algorithm for recording internal EECs on an endless tape MT
3.5. Algorithm for recording internal quanta of economic interactions in EIA
3.6. Algorithm for recording the quanta of the actions of individuals on an endless tape MT
3.7. Enumerability, computability of economic interactions
3.8. The concept of computability and enumerability of a transformation function f from (E) to Q (B) for quanta of economic interaction
3.9. The concept of computability and enumerability of a transformation function f from (E) to Q (B) for internal quanta of economic interaction
4. Controlling and controllable parameters of the economy
4.1. Control parameters determined by external EECs
4.2. Control parameters determined by internal EECs
4.3. Control parameters determined by the structure of the actions of individuals
4.4. Controllability of the economy
4.5. Checking economic information for correctness
5. Requests to the economic system
5.1. Requests determined by the structure of external EECs
5.2. Implementation of queries on a computer
5.3. Queries determined by the internal structure of the EEC
5.4. Calculation of technological coefficients for objects of economic interaction
5.5. Requests to the economic system related to the structure of quanta of individuals' actions
List of references
Index of names

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