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Boris Lvovich Vasilyev
Bobeliev, or there is only a mig ...
Boris Lvovich Vasilyev was born in 1924 in Smolensk in the family of the commander of the Red Army. Member Great Patriotic War. In 1948 he graduated from the military academy of armored troops, specialty engineer testing of combat vehicles. Since 1955 - professional writer. After the outcome of the story "And the dawns here is quiet" (1969) his name became famous. Boris Vasiliev - the author of many of the ages and novels, among them: "The Last day" (1970), "Do not shoot white swans" (1973), "did not mean in the lists" (1974), "Counter Battle" (1979), " My horses fly "(1982)," were not unprecedented "(1977-78, 1980).
The historical novel "There is only a moment" - a new product of the writer.
Historical reference
Of Encyclopedic dictionaries. Ed. Brockhaus and Efron. T. 56, St. Petersburg, 1890.
Skobeliev Mikhail Dmitrievich (1843-1882), Adjutant General. At first, he was brought up at home, then in the Paris Girade Pension; In 1861 he entered the St. Petersburg University, where he was dismissed in a month due to the unrest between students. Decreased by a junker in the cavalry regiment and in 1863 was produced in the corps. When the Polish rebellion broke out, Skobelaev went on vacation to his father who was in Poland, but on the way there he joined as a volunteer to one of the Russian infantry detachments and spent all the time of vacation in search and chase of the rebel gangs.
In 1864, Skobelev was translated into the Grodno Gusar Regiment and participated in expeditions against the rebels. After graduating from the course in the Nikolaev Academy General Staffwas appointed to the troops of the Turkestan Military District. In 1873, during the expedition to Khiva Skobelev was located at the detachment of Colonel Lomakin. In 1875-1876, he took part in the Kokandy expedition, where, in addition to wonderful courage, connected with prudent foresight, he showed organizing talent and a thorough acquaintance with the edge and with the tactics of Asians. In March 1877, he was submitted to the Commander-in-Chief of the army appointed for action in European Turkey. The new colleagues of the scrajelov was adopted very unfriendly. On the young 34-year-old General looked at the risk that mined the ranks and differences with light victories over the Asian bass. Some time, Skobeliev did not receive any appointment, during the crossing through the Danube, he consisted of General Dragomirov as a simple volunteer, and only from the second half of July he began to commission the command of the national detachments. Soon the capture of the catch and battles on August 30 and 31, under the plenthum turned into general attention to him, and the transition through the Samometha Pass on the Balkans and the fight under the Shaynov, followed by the passage of the Turkish Army of Wessel Pasha (the end of December 1877), was approved for the bravelly loud and Brilliant fame. He returned to Russia after the campaign of 1878 by the Corpsist commander, in the rank of Lieutenant General and the title of Adjutant General. Starting peaceful classes, he led the care of the troops entrusted to him in a setting, closely suitable for military life, while preferential attention was paid to the practical side of the case, especially on the development of endurance and frying cavalry.
The last and most wonderful feat of Skobelev was the conquest of Akhal-Teke, for which he was produced into generals from infanteria and received the Order of St. George the second degree. Upon returning from this expedition, Skobelev spent several months abroad. On January 12, 1882, he pronounced officers who were gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the capture of Geok-Tepes, we were speaking at one time a lot of noise: it was pointed out on oppression undergoing our Slavs. This speech that had a sharp political color caused strong irritation in Germany and Austria. When the playlues were then in Paris and local Serb students brought to him for the above-mentioned speech, he answered them with only a few words, but an extremely valid nature, while also brighter expressed his political ideas and pointed to the enemies of Slavic. All this led to the fact that the scrablev was caused from the border earlier than the end of his vacation period. On the night of June 26, 1882, Skobelev, being in Moscow, died suddenly.
Emperor Alexander IIIJust wanting the military valor to connect the army and the fleet with general monuments, the Korvette "Vityaz" commanded "Skobelev" will continue to call.
Part one
Chapter first
The summer of 1865 was outstanding rainy. As the beginning to drizzle with Egoryeva of the day, it drove without a break all the next days and nights. And if St. Petersburg always extended from the abundance of channels, rivers and rivers, because of what Muscovites believed, dresses and shirts since the morning became a voliglia, as it were, and sugar and salt were completely danced, now they met with these missticks And residents of the first-hearth. All scolded the weather, everyone was gloomy and dissatisfied, and only the shopkeepers struck the joy, because in their skillful hands even the cloth became shorter, as if they were dying, contrary to nature, under the incessant rain, not to mention the legally adding products in weight.
This was interpreted by the Moscow man in the street, shaking on Tverskaya in the pair of crumb diligence. Who called him "ruler", who is "guitar", the convenience of the crew from this did not improve. And since the "guitar" was considered indoor and, in principle, was so, but - from the sun, and not from an endless rain, which and the rain did not call the tongue, so he was chalk, pity, undefined, pierced and endlessly, these unusual qualities especially affected the passengers of the Moscow "Linek", because the passengers were sitting on them on both sides, their backs towards each other, barrel to horses and face to sidewalks and the water shifted them not only from above, but also from all other parties, including And from under the wheels.
- Is that what is done? Well, the fields will be filled, they will grow up on the outstands, and all the evil spirits will rejoice joyfully.
- The flood. True flood biblical ...
Everything was saved from the flood, as they could, but most often - in their own ark. Only by all of Moscow, Taganskaya foolishness of the physica walked in the rain and very rejoiced:
- Mr. Moscow wet! Morish Moscow wet!
Muscovites sighed:
- Know, we shook our Lord ...
Looks like, and indeed proceeded, because in the restaurant "Hermitage" himself, he himself began to cry the fountain around the clock, and in the English club, founded by the English merchants, and the explanation of the All-Ukrainian wet disaster was also born. In the room of the first floor, referred to as the ardation, where lakes, grooms and other accompanying persons Kotalted time for a cup of tea with conversations in anticipation of the Lord, someone is critized in these wet days:
- Every non-concern in the war changes the climate of space and population.
And in this wise conclusion there was a considerable share of truth, since not only Muscovites, but all Russia deeply and resistantly experienced the failure of the Crimean War, and no private victories in the Caucasus could bring any relief to gloomy souls and bodies. Undoubtedly, the heroic defense of Sevastopol dropped the balsam drops on the patriotic organisms wounded, but the true joy of life and the great celebration of the Spirit can bring only ringing victories, but not loud defense. Russia has eager the heroes of the winners, and no courage and the resistance of the defender heroes could not quench this intolerable thirst. That was why all the newspapers were suddenly, cheerfully and fun, when the first deafening telegrams came from the distant-prealient south. From Turkestan, the existence of which the Russian philistine of those times was hardly heard. On June 15, 1865, Major General Mikhail Grigorievich Chernyaev, commanding a detachment of a thousand nine hundred and fifty people and just at the twelve guns, a sudden storm took some Tashkent there, in which one hundred thousand people were worn, defended by thirty thousand ("selected", As the newspapers emphasized) the army, having an alien sixty-three guns. True, he committed this heroic feat, forgetting to put on his desire to him, the authorities are informed, for which he was immediately dismissed from the service, having received, however, the rank of Lieutenant General for the treacherous courage. And all the newspapers are straightforwards to choking in a acute attack of patriotic delight, never mentioning the annoying principle of the sovereign-Emperor Alexander II.
The long-awaited feats are, which is quite natural, were discussed with special hotness in the officer meetings in the zon of crystal glasses. Ober-officers prefers both future victories and future orders with professional trembling and in advance deployed shoulders.
- Two thousand against thirty! For the revival, gentlemen!
- This proves the theorem of the highest military mastery of Russian generals!
- either unrestrained baggage of our press.
- Throw, scrajels! Chernyaev - hero and talent!
"With the first, I agree, with the second - I still smoke," the young officer in the Life Guards of the Grodno Gusar Regiment grinned. - The commander proves his talent only the second victory. Otherwise, his feat is only a random success of an adventurerist.
- Envy, Skobelev?
"I envy," Gusar was sincerely admitted. - But not at all the goodness of Chernyeva, but only the courage of it. And luck, and success, and the manifestation of the talent of human depends not so much from himself, as from the coincidence. And the courage is always the manifestation of the will of the person, gentlemen. And therefore - for the courage!
Gusar Mishka Skobelev in young times was perceived by surrounding in the qualities, so to speak, separate. Separately - as an Intrivated hussar, a card and drinking, a good friend without visible friends, a tireless duelker and a duelist. Separately - like scrajels. As a grandson of an ordinary soldier, who has accomplished in the Borodino battle, such a legendary feat that the sovereign Alexander I was surprised to him and the hereditary nobility, and eternal favor, and even the high post of commandant of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and his successor Emperor Nicholas I gave Ivan Nikitich Skobelev yesterly In this post and the rank of general from infanteria. Ivan Nikitich did not simply contain the fortress and the royal tomb in exemplary order, but also wrote very popular stories from soldier's life under the pseudonym "Russian disabled", which was actually losing her hand in the Borodino battle. His only son Dmitry Ivanovich grew very quickly in the cavalry general, known not only by the legendary father, but also surprisingly, even for the Caucasus, personal courage, which heavded the respect of all non-smiling horses.
But the grandson of the writer's commandant, acquaintance with whom Pushkin highlighted in his diary, called Mikhail, essentially no one then knew. Bear got a brilliant education, spent freely in four languages, the teachers could not appeal to his abilities, but he himself did not hurry to implement these abilities. For twenty-two years, he managed to finish Pension Girande in Paris, learn at the Mathematical Faculty of the University of St. Petersburg, serve in the Life Guard Cavalgardian regiment and even visit two overseas business trips, from where he returned with foreign orders from any time. So in Denmark, having left for the reconnaissance with a half-explosion of Ulan, threw this half-explosion on the hiking column of the Germans, who fought with the Danish kingdom, headed him in a confused enemy, captured the Standard and went with several surviving soldiers. In Sardinia, he led on the cabinet of a handful of desperate thugs, burst into the position of enemy artillery, smashing a servant and captured the gun. At home, he, however, was limited to duels, why was one day and was forced to travel from the cavaloric chubs in the hussars. And no one thought, why the Lychy Hussar officer was impeccable knowledge of foreign languages, love for Balzak, Sheridan and Lermontov, in an inexplicable burner to the ladies of semi-clutch, wild boots and gambling card game. Everyone perceived him as it seemed to not guess that the scareves did not suspect himself, what is he at the very matter.
If there were slakmed rains in Velikovsy, then in Central Asia, which was then called Turkestan, and its inhabitants - Kirgiz, Bukharians, Khivinets, Turkmen and Teccars, stood the heat, as in the Russian oven. The shirts of the Russian soldiers, after half an hour, they soaked later, which immediately drowned, and the clothes thundered like tin. In Russia, they did not know about it, but meticulous foreign journalists, based on the rich experience of their own conquests, tirelessly reminded that the Russian bear would not go there, where he should be. For all this, of course stood British EmpireFor the first time in his colonial history helplessly flooded in Afghanistan. It was heated the interest of the reading public, and the American newspaper New York Gerald first realized to send his own correspondent directly to the places of hostilities in an inconceivably far from America Turkestan.
It is best for this purpose that the calm and very good-natured Irishman McGahan, who earned experience and glory on reports, articles and essays about the children of the Wild West. Now it was suggested to go to the even wild east, and McGahan prepared for this task very seriously, capturing a combat English double-barreled rifle, a biting hunting, an eighteen-charged hard drive, three heavy colts, a couple of hunting rifles, a mexican saber and machete. And the corresponding amount of ammunition. Reaching Tashkent, he was surprised to find out that there was an obstacle on the way that they would not disappear and dozen good winchesters.
"Alas, Mr. Correspondent, you will have to return to Russia tomorrow," the official registering non-military gentlemen said with sigh.
- A, Bakshish, - McGahan was ready for this beginning of the conversation, because he was not too lazy to familiarize himself with some national features admin Russian Empire.
"Once again - alas," the second time, but much more sorry sighed an official. " - There is an order that categorically prohibiting all Europeans to enter the Turkestan region.
"A very reasonable order," McGahan agreed. - Europeans are prone to all to the barbarians. But I do not belong to the Europeans. I am a citizen of the North American United States, which is written in my passport.
- North American? ..
- Yes, I am an American, and therefore I do not fall under the action of your very correct order.
The official did not have anything to do how to issue an appropriate permission to a foreigner without falling under the order. Four days later, McGahan was completely legally left to search for General Kaufman to the area of \u200b\u200bdirect hostilities. On local horses, he with the conductor and Kyrgyz-Konovod went through the awesome holly steppes, the desert of Kyzyl-kum, safely reached the Russian troops under Horivoy, where with great relief and distributed all his arsenal to Russian officers, leaving himself only the familiar colt.
Of the Velikorsia, the most different seekers of adventures, Azart and Exotics suddenly went to Turkestan. Young officers in the thirst for ranks and glory. Singers, chores, harvesters and ladies of sewing without certain occupations. Traders, newsletters, draftsmen, car chase, adventurers of all the masters and calibers, not to mention people are quite worthy. And among those, the most famous was the artist with the already global glory Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin.
Successful Chernyaevsky audacity stirred Russian squads at the borders of Turkestan. General Romanovsky with four of them boldly attacked Ijar, where he defeated the forty-fighter Bukhara army, having lost one soldier at the same time. Without stopping, Romanovsky continued to develop success, taking the storm in the city of Khodeven, URA-Tube and Jizzak. Inspired by these light and rapid victories, the soldiers immediately composed a song to which it was easier to march on the hello heat:
Remember, brothers, about the past,
As in the china in Darya
We gathered alive
Beat Emir in Ijar.
Gremi, Glory, Pipe,
We rushed for Daria,
In the steppes yours, chinases,
Slava spread about us!
They sang loudly and fun, however, neither a certain plan of hostilities, nor even a unified management system yet, each detachment, as well as every general, acted at their own risk, and could not continue for a long time. In the end, in July 1867, Emperor Alexander II personally appointed a one-chased commanders and the Governor-General of the entire Turkestan territory. The royal selection fell on the well-known as the army and all of Russia, Lieutenant-General Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufman. In the history of Russian conquests of Central Asia, a new page was opened.
At that time, the young officer Mikhail Skobelev was already studied in the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff. He greedily swallowed military sciences, invariably received high points, but neither the discipline nor the preceptibility nor even dirtile with the dioception. Theoretical combat missions solved very peculiar, often putting teachers in a dead end, with the answers in the exams, did not think, but responded, too, not as required by the laws of academic.
- The enemy strongly strengthened in a hard-to-reach mountainous area. - The prescription of the teacher with professional grace slid across the study relief. - You should break on his position. Think and show your elected route on the relief.
"Here," the Skobelyev poked his finger into the painted relief from Paper-Masha, without thinking for a second.
- Allow it is the same as the most difficult direction. Break to think.
- Thinking will be an opponent when I find it over its strengthening from the rear.
- But at the path you specified will not pass artillery!
"That's why the opponent does not expect me here."
- But this contradicts all the rules recognized by military authorities.
- According to the rules of military authorities, only the most perfect stupuses are fighting.
It was at the academy that he began to receive not one, like all other, and two mutually exclusive characteristics at the same time. On one, he was noted as an officer who undoubtedly possessing non-Running military abilities, everyday unassumature, a sense of partnership and even modesty. But the second characterized his own as a arrogant chalop, drinking, Buyan and very daring naughty. The first one belonged to academic professors, the second - academic teachers. Which one with the greatest accuracy answered reality, it was impossible to determine, because both diligently described the same character from two points of view.
Without finishing the academic course, Skobelev rushed and filed a report with a request to send it to the zone of hostilities, then you mean to Turkestan. However, the father of Dmitry Ivanovich truncated on time and forced the challenge son to withdraw the report and patiently finish the doctrine. Square the heart of the Skobelev obeyed, podnalked, finished the Academy in the first list, giving the right to choose the place of service, and on the legitimate basis chose the Turkestan Military District.
Before leaving, he was invited by the head of the Tactics of the Academy of General Staff, Lieutenant General, Professor Mikhail Ivanovich Dragomirov.
"I assumed that you were ringed to the theater of hostilities at the very first opportunity," he said, inviting Skobelev neighing opposite the service desk. "I am satisfied and unhappy with you at the same time, however, I am convinced that you strengthen my first impression and cross the second. Nature You are very difficult, evaluate you, I will say frankly, with two mutually exclusive points of view, why I allowed myself a personal letter with my assessment of your character. Letter I urge you to hand you from my name to General Kaufman.
- Thank you, Your Excellency, but ...
"No" but ", Rothmist," Dragomirov said strictly. - Perfect not about you, but about the future of the Russian army. Based on this, let's allow several advice on the upbringing of your tomorrow subordinates.
Skobelev frowned displeased and sighed, and Mikhail Ivanovich smiled.
- And yet I ask you to listen. The task is the first: what a soldier must do in order to win the victory over the enemy got him cheaper. Task Second: What a place in all classes, the soldier must be represented by hesitant examples, and what is a personal example of the commander. Finally, the task is the third: how various forms of formation of a soldier to merge in peaceful exercises to one is so that none of them develops at the expense of the other.
Skobelev looked at Professor with sincere surprise. He did not tolerate the councils, but what General Dragomirov said was not advice. He was mentioned about the problems of soldier's education, which was obliged to solve an officer. That is, personally, he, Rothmistraklayev, as well as all the other guards and Rothmisters, infantry and cavalryrs.
"I ask the letter to personally, to Konstantin Petrovich Kaufman," said Dragomirov, handing an envelope. - I break up with the hard hope of a shortness to meet you by General.
In early 1868, a graduate of the Academy of General Staff Headquarters of Rothmist Mikhail Skobelev arrived in the capital of the Governor General Tashkent. General Kaufman to meet him in no hurry, and the envelope with the recommendation of Mikhail Ivanovich Dragomirov for a long time was lying on the very bottom of the Sakkalevsky Saka. The headquarters of Rothmist quickly acquired buddies, and the Turkestan nights were extremely cold, and somehow the letter of Dragomirov addressed to Konstantin Petrovich, who addressed Konstantin Petrovich, served as an excellent extractor for a saving friendly fire ...
The person who Russian Empire was obliged to the accession of a bold piece of territory, Governor-General Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufman differed by the excellent balance, sometimes, however, interrupted by the attacks of hot temper, in which he immediately sincerely repent, the lack of humor, but the understanding that he basically has The right to exist, and German love for order. He did not love officer mischief, noisy pop, and even thus the duel, prohibited, and therefore strictly punishable, but, oddly enough, did not love the punishment themselves for this violation. He generally treated his subordinate in Otter, trying to seek softly soft, but at the same time it sought to get rid of the violators of calm as soon as possible. The Dragomirov General studied him perfectly with the temper, as well as contrary to all the rules and its own principles and supplied the stroke of the Skobelaeva with a letter of recommendation, having fun burned on a not less fun officer's feather in a cold night.
In one of these dark nights, an event was happening that was the reason for the personal acquaintance of Lieutenant General von Kaufman with Headquarters Mikhail Skobelev.
Despite numerous lesions, elusive or Bukharsky, whether the Kokandy Shaiki continued to actively act in the rear of Russian troops, because no front existed, and there could not exist in a huge territory with a very limited number of Russians. Enhanced cavalry connectors and doses were the only salvation from the bangs, they guarded themselves, especially at night, and Tashkent himself, who had happened, had a particular desperate jigita, not so much in the name of ignition, but for the hijacking of livestock and robbery of the civilian population. And in one of the dark nights, the Cossaked Track unexpectedly heard strange cries.
- Middle, or what? Damn, well, darkness! I do not see your own pistol.
- Consider steps, lieutenant!
- What for? We still do not see each other. Rather pistols will come together ...
- relies on the Duel Code. Have you ever seen at least one Sardinz?
- No, but Sardinki saw. In banks. Good appetizer under Madera, we share you ...
"Or maybe, Rothmist this ... Bobeliev, what? .. Invented about Sardinian duel?" This is nonsense nonsense: in the pitch darkness to fall into each other.
- But romantic, gentlemen. Night, coolness, stars in the sky. Command, Captain, Commander.
- In a hundredth of black? Maybe I am to them, to the duelists, in general the back now stand. Or with you, Rothmistra, already on the line of fire, carried out. Can you imagine if they are smuncut from two sides at the same time from the revolvers?
- Do not pull the time, captain. Ore on the entire Turkestan region instead of doing business.
- Well, hell with you, Rothmistra. Listen to the team! Go! After three steps, you have the right to shoot. One two Three!..
In the dark times over and over again, frequent revolving shots. Who pailed to whom it was unclear, but the Cossack approachable ordered his Cossacks to give a volley into the air. Silence has come, and the tailoring shouted, breaking the voice:
- Stop shooting! Throw weapons! You are surrounded, in the case of disobedience I open the fire! ..
The whole noisy company was arrested and transmitted to the commander headquarters. Kaufman generally got up very early, and for the sake of such a case came immediately and immediately began interrogations of detainees, but Headquarters Rothmist Skobelev had to be glared because he was called the last.
- Headquarters of Rothmist Skobelev! Honor I have come!
The general looked at him for a long time from a silent eyes. Then he asked with some kind of disinterested Lenza.

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev was born in 1924 in Smolensk in the family of the commander of the Red Army. Member of the Great Patriotic War. In 1948 he graduated from the military academy of armored troops, specialty engineer testing of combat vehicles. Since 1955 - professional writer. After the outcome of the story "And the dawns here is quiet" (1969) his name became famous. Boris Vasiliev - the author of many of the ages and novels, among them: "The Last day" (1970), "Do not shoot white swans" (1973), "did not mean in the lists" (1974), "Counter Battle" (1979), " My horses fly "(1982)," were not unprecedented "(1977-78, 1980).

The historical novel "There is only a moment" - a new product of the writer.


Historical reference

From the encyclopedic dictionary. Ed. Brockhaus and Efron. T. 56, St. Petersburg, 1890.

Skobeliev Mikhail Dmitrievich (1843-1882), Adjutant General. At first, he was brought up at home, then in the Paris Girade Pension; In 1861 he entered the St. Petersburg University, where he was dismissed in a month due to the unrest between students. Decreased by a junker in the cavalry regiment and in 1863 was produced in the corps. When the Polish rebellion broke out, Skobelaev went on vacation to his father who was in Poland, but on the way there he joined as a volunteer to one of the Russian infantry detachments and spent all the time of vacation in search and chase of the rebel gangs.

In 1864, Skobelev was translated into the Grodno Gusar Regiment and participated in expeditions against the rebels. After graduating from the course in the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, was appointed to the troops of the Turkestan Military District. In 1873, during the expedition to Khiva Skobelev was located at the detachment of Colonel Lomakin. In 1875-1876, he took part in the Kokandy expedition, where, in addition to wonderful courage, connected with prudent foresight, he showed organizing talent and a thorough acquaintance with the edge and with the tactics of Asians. In March 1877, he was submitted to the Commander-in-Chief of the army appointed for action in European Turkey. The new colleagues of the scrajelov was adopted very unfriendly. On the young 34-year-old General looked at the risk that mined the ranks and differences with light victories over the Asian bass. Some time, Skobeliev did not receive any appointment, during the crossing through the Danube, he consisted of General Dragomirov as a simple volunteer, and only from the second half of July he began to commission the command of the national detachments. Soon the capture of the catch and battles on August 30 and 31, under the plenthum turned into general attention to him, and the transition through the Samometha Pass on the Balkans and the fight under the Shaynov, followed by the passage of the Turkish Army of Wessel Pasha (the end of December 1877), was approved for the bravelly loud and Brilliant fame. He returned to Russia after the campaign of 1878 by the Corpsist commander, in the rank of Lieutenant General and the title of Adjutant General. Starting peaceful classes, he led the care of the troops entrusted to him in a setting, closely suitable for military life, while preferential attention was paid to the practical side of the case, especially on the development of endurance and frying cavalry.

The last and most wonderful feat of Skobelev was the conquest of Akhal-Teke, for which he was produced into generals from infanteria and received the Order of St. George the second degree. Upon returning from this expedition, Skobelev spent several months abroad. On January 12, 1882, he pronounced officers who were gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the capture of Geok-Tepes, we were speaking at one time a lot of noise: it was pointed out on oppression undergoing our Slavs. This speech that had a sharp political color caused strong irritation in Germany and Austria. When the playlues were then in Paris and local Serb students brought to him for the above-mentioned speech, he answered them with only a few words, but an extremely valid nature, while also brighter expressed his political ideas and pointed to the enemies of Slavic. All this led to the fact that the scrablev was caused from the border earlier than the end of his vacation period. On the night of June 26, 1882, Skobelev, being in Moscow, died suddenly.

Emperor Alexander III, wanting the military valor to connect the army and the fleet with general monument, commanded the Korvette "Vityaz" will continue to call "Skobeliev".

    Rates a book

    A good historical novel, telling about the fate of an extraordinary person, a sign figure of the era - a warlord Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev. Of course, in the presence of a rather free interpretation of some events, but I will not find fault, not so many authors dare to take up the theme of the events of the events in the Turkestan Military District, during the Russian-Turkish war, the Akhal-Teking Expedition, and still do it so hard, Trying to create a product of high quality.

    Smart, fearless, decisive, non-standard thinking, while who knows how to walk on the glory, often neglecting the discipline and subordination, Mikhail Skobeliev, was a person of honor, an officer who could turn the mountains in his way. He perfectly established himself in the service in Turkestan and in the Balkans. Skobelyev adored the subordinates and hated rivals, careerists and non-smooth officers. A man who managed to take the Kokand Khanate, the one, thanks to who was taken after a long unsuccessful attempts of the Plevna, the one who provided the promotion of the Russian East ... Sad that fate took him only thirty-eight years of life, because this worthy successor of Suvorov could Much more to do for the Fatherland.

    I read the book about the outstanding strategist of Skobelev in one breath, the narrative seized me so much. However, it should warn that in the novel many battle scenes, discusses of battles and prepare for them, and if you lack patience, or simply such topics are not interesting, it is better not to take for the book.

    P.S. An outstanding Russian artist Vasily Vereshchagin passed almost the same way as the scareboards, just not with a saber in his hand, but with a brush and paints, capturing the battle on canvas, scenes from the life of soldiers and the local population of those places where the Russian army took place. Vereshchagin and Skobelev were well acquainted (Vereshchagin even wrote Memoirs "Skobeliev. Memories of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878"), therefore the image of the artist took a worthy niche in the novel. And I can not resist not to read photos of Vasily Vereshchagin from the Turkestan Series, dedicated to the events of 1868-1878, and the "Balkan series" as illustrations.

    "Attack surprise" ("Turkestan series", 1871)

    "Turkestan soldier in winter form" (1873)

    "Before the attack near the whitney" ("Balkan series", 1881)

    "The transition of the column of Skobelieva M.D. Drag of Balkans" (1877-1878)

    "Two eggs. Bashibuzuki" (1879)

    Rates a book

    The wonderful Russian commander General Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev became the legend in his life - the famous white general, always located on the front edge on a white horse, in white uniform - his name was called grateful Slavs, his name is the streets of the Balkan cities, his busts are in many Bulgarian schools.

    It is such a person that is described in the novel Boris Lvovich Vasilyeva "There is only a moment." The name of the book is surprisingly accurately and Emko reflects the nature and fate of Mikhail Dmitrievich. Having lived a short, but very bright life of the scrajelis entered the story of the Russian army as an outstanding and bold commander. A participant in the Central Asian Hiking, the Russian-Turkish war, the Hero of Shipki, Pleven, the liberator of Bulgaria, he was a magnificent strategist and the military administrator.
    All this Vasilyev perfectly described in his novel alive, understandable language. In addition to the military side of life, the general life of his dating, his relationship with parents (Father is also a famous general) is bright and volume. A lot of curious finds about the Skobela, as a secular person - I think not everyone can boast the knowledge of eight foreign languages.
    You can of course find fault - after all, we read not historical work, but work of fiction. But this does not reduce its value and utility - the history of his country, everyone should know his defenders and patriots. Moreover, the story of such a person as Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev.


    Rates a book

    "There is only a moment
    Between past and future
    It is he called life. "

    While reading this book, I did not let the words of the famous song from the memory. What is a MIG life, Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev from Eastern Wisreman received this answer. This "here and now" has accompanied him all his life, the word "MiG" - became the motto of his life.
    About Skobelev, as a person, I almost don't know anything, so I do not undertake to judge how much the image and nature of the general of reality is. But historical events are presented very accurately: the Khivinsky campaign, the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the siege of the plevnna, the capture of the Geok-Tepe fortress ... Throughout the service time, the Skobeliev did not follow the blind links, and every time you knew how to find The best approach, given geographical features, strengths and weaknesses of the enemy, inhaling the soldiers inhapply.
    There was a siege of the piers, Russian soldiers and officers bravely fought, standing to death, repeatedly storming the fortress. But there were no coherence in the command, everyone took care of not about all-Russian, but about their personal interests. The fall of the Pulvenous in November 1877 was a turning point during the war: Turkey lost its best army, the path to Constantinople opened, to take which Russians could then easily. The soldiers waited for the order, the commander-in-chief led. kn. Nikolai Nikolayevich was waiting for the order from St. Petersburg: to take or not take? It is known that in one of those days the Vereshchagin literally burst into the commander-in-chief and almost shouted at him: "Clear the telegraph wire, instruct it to me - I'll tell them everything, it is unthinkable to enter into the world otherwise, as in Constantinople!" From St. Petersburg, the telegram came - not to take Constantinople. Under the pressure of Germany and Austria-Hungary, the king refused to capture Constantinople, eternally desired and loved ones, more than ever. The result of the war-san-stefan truce with Turkey and Belinsky Congress, an open Europe, dissatisfied with the strengthening of Russia, trying to create any obstacles: after all, the Turks had English guns.
    How not to remember the words of N. Danilevsky, who remembers the past of Russia:

    Under Aleksa Mikhailovich Russia did not have even happiness belonging to political system European states, and therefore hands were unleashed, and she was the only judge in their affairs.

    And knowing that the return of Constantinople was so close, the ideas of Danilevsky about the Allworn Union and his capital in the Tsargrad no longer seem so utopian.

    The third part of the book is devoted to the Akhal-Tekinskaya expeditions 1881-1882 and the take of Geok-Tepe. The campaign was preparing very carefully, the scraled again develops a unique strategy. But he is pursued by the misfortune: one after the other is followed by the death of close friends and parents. And, having received a monthly vacation in July 1982, mysteriously dies in Moscow. What happened in fact, no one knows now.
    So the bright star of the White General, which fought the sky of Russian history, was rolled.

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev
Bobeliev, or there is only a mig ...

Boris Lvovich Vasilyev was born in 1924 in Smolensk in the family of the commander of the Red Army. Member of the Great Patriotic War. In 1948 he graduated from the military academy of armored troops, specialty engineer testing of combat vehicles. Since 1955 - professional writer. After the outcome of the story "And the dawns here is quiet" (1969) his name became famous. Boris Vasiliev - the author of many of the ages and novels, among them: "The Last day" (1970), "Do not shoot white swans" (1973), "did not mean in the lists" (1974), "Counter Battle" (1979), " My horses fly "(1982)," were not unprecedented "(1977-78, 1980).
The historical novel "There is only a moment" - a new product of the writer.

Historical reference

From the encyclopedic dictionary. Ed. Brockhaus and Efron. T. 56, St. Petersburg, 1890.
Skobeliev Mikhail Dmitrievich (1843-1882), Adjutant General. At first, he was brought up at home, then in the Paris Girade Pension; In 1861 he entered the St. Petersburg University, where he was dismissed in a month due to the unrest between students. Decreased by a junker in the cavalry regiment and in 1863 was produced in the corps. When the Polish rebellion broke out, Skobelaev went on vacation to his father who was in Poland, but on the way there he joined as a volunteer to one of the Russian infantry detachments and spent all the time of vacation in search and chase of the rebel gangs.
In 1864, Skobelev was translated into the Grodno Gusar Regiment and participated in expeditions against the rebels. After graduating from the course in the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, was appointed to the troops of the Turkestan Military District. In 1873, during the expedition to Khiva Skobelev was located at the detachment of Colonel Lomakin. In 1875-1876, he took part in the Kokandy expedition, where, in addition to wonderful courage, connected with prudent foresight, he showed organizing talent and a thorough acquaintance with the edge and with the tactics of Asians. In March 1877, he was submitted to the Commander-in-Chief of the army appointed for action in European Turkey. The new colleagues of the scrajelov was adopted very unfriendly. On the young 34-year-old General looked at the risk that mined the ranks and differences with light victories over the Asian bass. Some time, Skobeliev did not receive any appointment, during the crossing through the Danube, he consisted of General Dragomirov as a simple volunteer, and only from the second half of July he began to commission the command of the national detachments. Soon the capture of the catch and battles on August 30 and 31, under the plenthum turned into general attention to him, and the transition through the Samometha Pass on the Balkans and the fight under the Shaynov, followed by the passage of the Turkish Army of Wessel Pasha (the end of December 1877), was approved for the bravelly loud and Brilliant fame. He returned to Russia after the campaign of 1878 by the Corpsist commander, in the rank of Lieutenant General and the title of Adjutant General. Starting peaceful classes, he led the care of the troops entrusted to him in a setting, closely suitable for military life, while preferential attention was paid to the practical side of the case, especially on the development of endurance and frying cavalry.
The last and most wonderful feat of Skobelev was the conquest of Akhal-Teke, for which he was produced into generals from infanteria and received the Order of St. George the second degree. Upon returning from this expedition, Skobelev spent several months abroad. On January 12, 1882, he pronounced officers who were gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the capture of Geok-Tepes, we were speaking at one time a lot of noise: it was pointed out on oppression undergoing our Slavs. This speech that had a sharp political color caused strong irritation in Germany and Austria. When the playlues were then in Paris and local Serb students brought to him for the above-mentioned speech, he answered them with only a few words, but an extremely valid nature, while also brighter expressed his political ideas and pointed to the enemies of Slavic. All this led to the fact that the scrablev was caused from the border earlier than the end of his vacation period. On the night of June 26, 1882, Skobelev, being in Moscow, died suddenly.
Emperor Alexander III, wanting the military valor to connect the army and the fleet with general monument, commanded the Korvette "Vityaz" will continue to call "Skobeliev".

Part one

Chapter first

The summer of 1865 was outstanding rainy. As the beginning to drizzle with Egoryeva of the day, it drove without a break all the next days and nights. And if St. Petersburg always extended from the abundance of channels, rivers and rivers, because of what Muscovites believed, dresses and shirts since the morning became a voliglia, as it were, and sugar and salt were completely danced, now they met with these missticks And residents of the first-hearth. All scolded the weather, everyone was gloomy and dissatisfied, and only the shopkeepers struck the joy, because in their skillful hands even the cloth became shorter, as if they were dying, contrary to nature, under the incessant rain, not to mention the legally adding products in weight.
This was interpreted by the Moscow man in the street, shaking on Tverskaya in the pair of crumb diligence. Who called him "ruler", who is "guitar", the convenience of the crew from this did not improve. And since the "guitar" was considered indoor and, in principle, was so, but - from the sun, and not from an endless rain, which and the rain did not call the tongue, so he was chalk, pity, undefined, pierced and endlessly, these unusual qualities especially affected the passengers of the Moscow "Linek", because the passengers were sitting on them on both sides, their backs towards each other, barrel to horses and face to sidewalks and the water shifted them not only from above, but also from all other parties, including And from under the wheels.
- Is that what is done? Well, the fields will be filled, they will grow up on the outstands, and all the evil spirits will rejoice joyfully.
- The flood. True flood biblical ...
Everything was saved from the flood, as they could, but most often - in their own ark. Only by all of Moscow, Taganskaya foolishness of the physica walked in the rain and very rejoiced:
- Mr. Moscow wet! Morish Moscow wet!
Muscovites sighed:
- Know, we shook our Lord ...
Looks like, and indeed proceeded, because in the restaurant "Hermitage" himself, he himself began to cry the fountain around the clock, and in the English club, founded by the English merchants, and the explanation of the All-Ukrainian wet disaster was also born. In the room of the first floor, referred to as the ardation, where lakes, grooms and other accompanying persons Kotalted time for a cup of tea with conversations in anticipation of the Lord, someone is critized in these wet days:
- Every non-concern in the war changes the climate of space and population.
And in this wise conclusion there was a considerable share of truth, since not only Muscovites, but all Russia deeply and resulted in the failure of the Crimean War (1853-1856) began as a Russian-Turkish war for domination in the Middle East, but in February 1854 The year to Turkey joined England and France, and in 1855 the Sardinian kingdom. In 1853, the Russian troops entered Moldova and Valahius, followed victory in the Caucasus, the destruction of the Turkish fleet in Sinop, in 1854 the allies landed in Crimea, blocked the Baltic Sea. The heroic defense of Sevastopol, who lasted until 1855 began. In 1855, the diplomatic insulation of Russia was followed, Sevastopol fell, and military actions were practically discontinued. The war ended unsuccessful for Russia by the Parisian world on March 18, 1856, according to which Russia returned Turkey the fortress Kare, inferior to the Moldovan principality of the Danube and part of South Bessarabia. The Black Sea was announced neutral - neither Russia nor Turkey could keep a military fleet there. At the same time, the autonomy of Serbia and Danube principalities were confirmed.

And no private victories in the Caucasus could not bring any facilitations to the wet souls and bodies. Undoubtedly, the heroic defense of Sevastopol dropped the balsam drops on the patriotic organisms wounded, but the true joy of life and the great celebration of the Spirit can bring only ringing victories, but not loud defense. Russia has eager the heroes of the winners, and no courage and the resistance of the defender heroes could not quench this intolerable thirst. That was why all the newspapers were suddenly, cheerfully and fun, when the first deafening telegrams came from the distant-prealient south. From Turkestan, the existence of which the Russian philistine of those times was hardly heard. On June 15, 1865, Major General Mikhail Grigorievich Chernyaev Chernyaev Mikhail Grigorievich (1828-1898), the Russian commander, participated in the Crimean War, in the suppression of the uprising in Kokand. In 1875, he retired and went to Serbia, where he led the Serbian army, but during the Russian-Turkish war, 1877-1878 returned to the Russian troops. He was the Turkestan Governor General. In political views close to Slavophilism, participated in the publication of the Russian world magazine.

Commander the detachment of a thousand nine hundred and fifty people and just at the twelve guns, a sudden storm took some Tashkent there, in which she lived a hundred thousand people defended by thirty thousandth ("selected", as the newspapers underlined) army, having sixty-three guns . True, he committed this heroic feat, forgetting to put on his desire to him, the authorities are informed, for which he was immediately dismissed from the service, having received, however, the rank of Lieutenant General for the treacherous courage. And all the newspapers are straightforwards to choking in a acute attack of patriotic delight, never mentioning the annoying principle of the emperor Alexander II Alexander II (1818-1881) reign from 1855, he canceled the serfdom and conducted a number of reforms - Zemskaya, judicial , military, etc., during his reign, the joining of the Caucasus (1864), Kazakhstan (1865), most of Central Asia (1865-1881) ended. A few attempts were made to his life (1866, 1867, 1879, 1880), the last of which ended tragically.

The long-awaited feats are, which is quite natural, were discussed with special hotness in the officer meetings in the zon of crystal glasses. Ober-officers prefers both future victories and future orders with professional trembling and in advance deployed shoulders.
- Two thousand against thirty! For the revival, gentlemen!
- This proves the theorem of the highest military mastery of Russian generals!
- either unrestrained baggage of our press.
- Throw, scrajels! Chernyaev - hero and talent!
"With the first, I agree, with the second - I still smoke," the young officer in the Life Guards of the Grodno Gusar Regiment grinned. - The commander proves his talent only the second victory. Otherwise, his feat is only a random success of an adventurerist.
- Envy, Skobelev?
"I envy," Gusar was sincerely admitted. - But not at all the goodness of Chernyeva, but only the courage of it. And luck, and success, and the manifestation of the talent of human depends not so much from himself, as from the coincidence. And the courage is always the manifestation of the will of the person, gentlemen. And therefore - for the courage!
Gusar Mishka Skobelev in young times was perceived by surrounding in the qualities, so to speak, separate. Separately - as an Intrivated hussar, a card and drinking, a good friend without visible friends, a tireless duelker and a duelist. Separately - like scrajels. As a grandson of an ordinary soldier, which has accomplished in the Borodino battle of such a legendary feat that the sovereign Alexander I Alexander I (1777-1825), the eldest son of Paul I, at the beginning of the Board held liberal reforms on MM Speransky, at the end of the board supported the extreme right views of A.A. Arakcheev. Successful wars with Turkey (1802-1812) and Sweden (1808-1809), joined Russia Georgia (1801), Finland (1809), Bessarabia (1812), Azerbaijan (1813), the former Duchy of Warsaw (1815). After the Patriotic War of 1812, he headed the anti-brass coalition of European powers in 1813-1814, was one of the leaders of the Vienna Congress and the organizers of the Holy Union.

In surprise, he and the hereditary nobility, and eternal favor, and even the high post of commandant of the Petropavlovsk fortress, and his successor to Emperor Nicholas I Nicholas I (1796-1855) from 1825, the third son of Paul I. After the Decembrists' uprising pursued freedomity, defeated the Polish uprising of 1830-1831 and revolution in Hungary, speaking as "Gendarme of Europe".

Ivan Nikitich Skobelev Skobeliev Ivan Nikitich (1778-1849), General from Infanteria and a military writer, gave yesterday's soldier. The service was entered in 14 years old soldier in the first field Orenburg Regiment and only after 11 years he achieved the rank of ensign. In the Finnish campaign, 1808-1809 participated in twenty battles and was injured twice. Being an adjutant General Raevsky, participated in almost all battles against the Turks. During the period of the Patriotic War, 1812 was an adjutant of Kutuzov, distinguished himself in the Borodino battle, lost his hand, participated in the campaigns of 1813, 1814, 1815. Being from 1822 to 1826, the Politzmeister General of the First Army, according to his own expression, "laughed" by writing several denunciations, including A.S. Pushkin. In the rank of Commandant of the Peter and Paul Fortress (from 1839), he left a memory of himself as a compassionate person - the Decembrist G.S. was released on his petition. Bachelkov, Evaloker Prakel and others Grech, put two plays on the stage of the Alexandria theater.

In this post and the rank of general from infanteria in Russia of the XVIII - early XX centuries, the term infanorium (from IT. Infante - young man, infantryman) was applied along with the term infantry.

Ivan Nikitich did not simply contain the fortress and the royal tomb in exemplary order, but also wrote very popular stories from soldier's life under the pseudonym "Russian disabled", which was actually losing her hand in the Borodino battle. His only son Dmitry Ivanovich Skobeliev Dmitry Ivanovich (1821-1880), Lieutenant-General, he studied at the school of Guards submaroes and cavalry junkers, participated in the Eastern War at the Maja Union Theater of Military Activities, later commanded the horse regiment. He took part in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, at the end of which consisted in the retinue of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich senior.

Very quickly grew up in a cavalry general, known not only by the legendary father, but also surprisingly, even for the Caucasus, personal courage, which heavded the respect of all non-smiling horses.
But the grandson of the writer's commandant, acquaintance with whom Pushkin highlighted in his diary, called Mikhail, essentially no one then knew. Bear got a brilliant education, spent freely in four languages, the teachers could not appeal to his abilities, but he himself did not hurry to implement these abilities. For twenty-two years, he managed to finish Pension Girande in Paris, learn at the Mathematical Faculty of the University of St. Petersburg, serve in the Life Guard Cavalgardian regiment and even visit two overseas business trips, from where he returned with foreign orders from any time. So in Denmark, having left for the reconnaissance with a half-explosion of Ulan, threw this half-explosion on the hiking column of the Germans, who fought with the Danish kingdom, headed him in a confused enemy, captured the Standard and went with several surviving soldiers. In Sardinia, he led on the cabinet of a handful of desperate thugs, burst into the position of enemy artillery, smashing a servant and captured the gun. At home, he, however, was limited to duels, why was one day and was forced to travel from the cavaloric chubs in the hussars. And no one thought, why the Lychy Hussar officer was impeccable knowledge of foreign languages, love for Balzak, Sheridan Sheridan Richard Brinsley (1751-1816), the famous English playwright, the author of satirical comedians of the morals ("rivals", "Ride to Scarborough", "School of Crossing "And others), as well as a political speaker.

And Lermontov's movement with an inexplicable pull to the ladies of a semifice, wild boots and a gambling card game. Everyone perceived him as it seemed to not guess that the scareves did not suspect himself, what is he at the very matter.

If there were slakmed rains in Velikovsy, then in Central Asia, which was then called Turkestan, and its inhabitants - Kirgiz, Bukharians, Khivinets, Turkmen and Teccars, stood the heat, as in the Russian oven. The shirts of the Russian soldiers, after half an hour, they soaked later, which immediately drowned, and the clothes thundered like tin. In Russia, they did not know about it, but meticulous foreign journalists, based on the rich experience of their own conquests, tirelessly reminded that the Russian bear would not go there, where he should be. For all this, of course, the British Empire stood, for the first time in his colonial history, helplessly flooded in Afghanistan referred to the Anglo-Afghan wars of the XIX century, in the first of them in 1838-1842, England was defeated, after the second in 1878-1880, he achieved control Above the foreign policy of Afghanistan.

It was heated the interest of the reading public, and the American newspaper New York Gerald first realized to send his own correspondent directly to the places of hostilities in an inconceivably far from America Turkestan.
It is best for this purpose that the calm and very good-natured Irishman McGahan, who earned experience and glory on reports, articles and essays about the children of the Wild West. Now it was suggested to go to the even wild east, and McGahan prepared for this task very seriously, capturing a combat English double-barreled rifle, a biting hunting, an eighteen-charged hard drive, three heavy colts, a couple of hunting rifles, a mexican saber and machete. And the corresponding amount of ammunition. Reaching Tashkent, he was surprised to find out that there was an obstacle on the way that they would not disappear and dozen good winchesters.
"Alas, Mr. Correspondent, you will have to return to Russia tomorrow," the official registering non-military gentlemen said with sigh.
- A, Baksish, - McGahan was ready for this beginning of the conversation, because it was not too lazy to familiarize himself with some national features of the administrators of the Russian Empire.
"Once again - alas," the second time, but much more sorry sighed an official. " - There is an order that categorically prohibiting all Europeans to enter the Turkestan region.
"A very reasonable order," McGahan agreed. - Europeans are prone to all to the barbarians. But I do not belong to the Europeans. I am a citizen of the North American United States, which is written in my passport.
- North American? ..
- Yes, I am an American, and therefore I do not fall under the action of your very correct order.
The official did not have anything to do how to issue an appropriate permission to a foreigner without falling under the order. Four days later, McGahan was completely led to the search for General Kaufman Kaufman Konstantin Petrovich (1818-1882), the Russian general engineer, originally served in the Caucasus, where he distinguished himself on the expedition to Dargo and at the storming of Gergebil and Kars, was the director of the Office of the Military Ministry. Since 1867, the Turkestan Governor General, commander of the troops of the Turkestan Military District, participated in a campaign on Bukhara, who ended with Samarkand, in the conquest of the Khiva and Kokand Khannie, introduced Russian administration in the newly formed Fergana region.

To the area of \u200b\u200bdirect hostilities. On local horses, he with the conductor and Kyrgyz-Konovod went through the awesome holly steppes, the desert of Kyzyl-kum, safely reached the Russian troops under Horivoy, where with great relief and distributed all his arsenal to Russian officers, leaving himself only the familiar colt.
Of the Velikorsia, the most different seekers of adventures, Azart and Exotics suddenly went to Turkestan. Young officers in the thirst for ranks and glory. Singers, chores, harvesters and ladies of sewing without certain occupations. Traders, newsletters, draftsmen, car chase, adventurers of all the masters and calibers, not to mention people are quite worthy. And among those of these, the most famous was the artist with the already world glory Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin Vescheckin Vasily Vasilyevich (1842-1904), the famous Russian painter was close to mobile phone. Born in the noble family in the Novgorod province, he studied in St. Petersburg first in the Alexander Corps, then in the Marine Cadet Corps. Without graduating from the latter, I began to seriously engage in painting, entered in 1861 to the Academy of Arts. Recently visited the Theater of Military Activities in Turkestan, Samarkand received the St. George Cross, the author of the battle paintings dedicated to the events of 1871-1874, as well as the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. Died during russian-Japanese war When explosion, Petropavlovsk armor in Port Arthur.

Successful Chernyaevsky audacity stirred Russian squads at the borders of Turkestan. General Romanovsky with four of them boldly attacked Ijar, where he defeated the forty-fighter Bukhara army, having lost one soldier at the same time. Without stopping, Romanovsky continued to develop success, taking the storm in the city of Khodeven, URA-Tube and Jizzak. Inspired by these light and rapid victories, the soldiers immediately composed a song to which it was easier to march on the hello heat:

Remember, brothers, about the past,
As in the china in Darya
We gathered alive
Beat Emir in Ijar.
Gremi, Glory, Pipe,
We rushed for Daria,
In the steppes yours, chinases,
Slava spread about us!

They sang loudly and fun, however, neither a certain plan of hostilities, nor even a unified management system yet, each detachment, as well as every general, acted at their own risk, and could not continue for a long time. In the end, in July 1867, Emperor Alexander II personally appointed a one-chased commanders and the Governor-General of the entire Turkestan territory. The royal selection fell on the well-known as the army and all of Russia, Lieutenant-General Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufman. In the history of Russian conquests of Central Asia, a new page was opened.
At that time, the young officer Mikhail Skobelev was already studied in the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff. He greedily swallowed military sciences, invariably received high points, but neither the discipline nor the preceptibility nor even dirtile with the dioception. Theoretical combat missions solved very peculiar, often putting teachers in a dead end, with the answers in the exams, did not think, but responded, too, not as required by the laws of academic.
- The enemy strongly strengthened in a hard-to-reach mountainous area. - The prescription of the teacher with professional grace slid across the study relief. - You should break on his position. Think and show your elected route on the relief.
"Here," the Skobelyev poked his finger into the painted relief from Paper-Masha, without thinking for a second.
- Allow it is the same as the most difficult direction. Break to think.
- Thinking will be an opponent when I find it over its strengthening from the rear.
- But at the path you specified will not pass artillery!
"That's why the opponent does not expect me here."
- But this contradicts all the rules recognized by military authorities.
- According to the rules of military authorities, only the most perfect stupuses are fighting.
It was at the academy that he began to receive not one, like all other, and two mutually exclusive characteristics at the same time. On one, he was noted as an officer who undoubtedly possessing non-Running military abilities, everyday unassumature, a sense of partnership and even modesty. But the second characterized his own as a arrogant chalop, drinking, Buyan and very daring naughty. The first one belonged to academic professors, the second - academic teachers. Which one with the greatest accuracy answered reality, it was impossible to determine, because both diligently described the same character from two points of view.
Without finishing the academic course, Skobelev rushed and filed a report with a request to send it to the zone of hostilities, then you mean to Turkestan. However, the father of Dmitry Ivanovich truncated on time and forced the challenge son to withdraw the report and patiently finish the doctrine. Square the heart of the Skobelev obeyed, podnalked, finished the Academy in the first list, giving the right to choose the place of service, and on the legitimate basis chose the Turkestan Military District.

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