Methods of reflection of telephone aggression. How to cope with verbal aggression

The best way to protect both from psychological and from all other types of impact is a special, deeply thoughtful, clear, internally peaceful and at the same time a very protected behavior strategy when other people don't even want to attack you. But it is impossible to live life without having a single enemy and not having received a single blow. We all defend their position, and she can do not like someone, even if you do not make visible mistakes.

So, you calmly communicate with some kind of man, and nothing foreshadows storms. However, at some point there is an elusive click, and your interlocutor unexpectedly comes to the state of aggression and its voice, gestures, movements or other means, causes you a strong psychological blow. You feel that completely or half are knocked out of the game, and you need to continue it. Another scenario is possible: you are actively arguing, conflicting, attack, beat, beat you, but you are not being scared, because you have enough strength to parry all opponent strikes. And suddenly he does something for you unexpected - breaks through your armor of your protection, and you feel discomfort, weakness, loss of energy, stupor in thoughts ... you have a blow, but you do not have the opportunity to crawl into the corner and calmly slide the wound. You need to continue the battle, communication, contact and defend your position, no matter how bad. Maybe you have not yet become bad, because, although the blow was applied, you partially reflected it.

What methods can you apply in this case?

Estimation of the strength of the strike

To do this, include all the power of your intuition and awaken the consciousness as much as possible. Try to turn off the mind, usually thinking like some cautious rationalists, - slowly selecting options, weighing the consequences, choosing the path of least costs, including verbal progress. An intuitive thinking should be used - awareness of the body, subconscious and will. The most interesting thing is that our inner intuitive creature (provided if we can competently ask) almost always knows the correct answer. If our intuition is currently working badly and is silent, it means that we should more often ask ourselves in the most common simple situations - how do we do? Instant question, listening to yourself with a complete concentration of attention, then trapping a response (in the form of even a vague feeling, fuzzy image, barely drawing thoughts-guesses) and, finally, the action - approximately such a training scheme that can be used in Our case is a reflection of the strike.

Listening to myself in my inner memory, try to extract this hidden knowledge from your own depth - how to act, the image of the right response act, - and feel how quickly the answer should be, is it possible to win time and delay it, specially prepare forces to new clashes.

Impenetrable reaction, or concealing weakness

This rule should not always be applied. It is sometimes useful for the enemy to see how angry you are angry and how you are unpleasant what he did (if you are sure that he is a smart person, not deprived of nobility, or if you are going to use it "hitting" for you in response " Ride "Many times stronger). However, in any case, it is not necessary to show your vulnence, weakness and dependence on its strength. Try to continue the conversation in the same intonation vein, without changing the volume of voice, nor the nature of phrases, nor the expression of the eyes, nor poses. If it turns out, we must never flop up, as if the fire of its aggressive strike in the space of its impermeability and uncertainty. You can, however, make a small pause before you answer him, having furnished it, however, as a hidden threat or, at least, as power. Let be afraid.

The impermeability is good because sometimes it makes it possible to win the time and prepare the most effective answer. It is expressed not only in closed poses and expressions of the face, sometimes resembling a mask. It is well able to apply people from special departments, and because they came out of the shadows today, and every day they can be seen on TV, I do not see anything wrong to learn from their elegant professional restraint. The highest aerobatic aerobatics - at the external level to behave extremely freely. Never show your enemy your weakness and vulnerability, even if the blow has come to the weak point. Better put your weakness in armor of confident posture and smiles. Remember the words of one of the most wounded and therefore the hunted people of their time - Sergey Yesenin:

In the thunderstorm, in the storm, in the life of the smell. With severe losses and when you are sad to seem smile and simple - the highest art in the world. ("Black man")

Release from negative energy

If you just got an energy breakdown or feel that at the moment you will not be able to reflect the blow, then get ready to immediately partially remove negative energy from your aura. Fully you will make it later. Without such a situational instant liberation from energy poisons, you will not be able to successfully continue to communicate and fight the opponent.

Reject negative, traumating energy from the aura: a) with the help of several inhales and exhale, during which a person mentally focuses on the affected body, a thin center or body site; b) due to muscle tension and subsequent relaxation of that part of the body, which most painfully responded to the blow; c) through the mental transfer of the volitional "me" into a de-energized injured plot of his consciousness, followed by a concentration of attention on it for some time; d) through the adoption of the most convenient relaxing poses, invisible to the enemy; e) through stimulation of positive energy images.

In other words, you will have to separate from the psychological impact of its energy part. In this case, you will be much easier to transfer its consequences, soften them.

Readiness status Reply

By freeing yourself from someone else's negatively charged energy, enter the maximum completeness of the forces, confidence and self-control. Remember whether you have a similar condition in the past, and Surrend him in your memory, and not only at the level of mental picture, but also at the level of the whole being, including the body. Get the feeling of strength and confidence in which you do not hold back the images of possible failure or fear of being defeated. Try to feel that you are stronger than your offender or at least not weaker. The condition of force must convince you that you are able to competently answer the challenge that the offender throws you. After the appearance of this sustainable self-assumption, you finally can answer.

All the described techniques that are the stages of a single response to the blow (assessment of the strength of the strike, the reaction of impermeability, the removal of negative energy consequences after impact, entry into the state of confident power) can occur in your consciousness and the body almost instantly, for some fractions of a second, and May stretch for a longer period of time. The brain is a gigantic complex biocomputer, continuously decisive those or other tasks by analyzing options. Choosing an answer, try to listen to all the creature and ask what you want from this situation: to complete the enemy or to defend your right to free action? If you want to trample, it should be understood that you are binding into further communication with an obscure outcome. Try to evaluate all negative consequences, find the power to abandon the fight and go to the second answer.

Overcoming the wrong installation that opened us to strike

Any blow, which we received, and most importantly, missed, indicates that at this moment we incorrectly perceived other people around the world and themselves. Deviations from more correct perception can be directed to any side - from too much revaluation of itself to too low self-assessment, but they are almost always associated with an erroneous disarming unit. A person more than need to insist on his approach, solving, demand for people and circumstances, and when its expectations are not confirmed, loses its balance and misses the blow. We are too often unreasonably waiting for people of a good relationship, and when we face a bad or indifferent attitude, sometimes even come out of yourself. It also happens more often that we are simply immersed in a psychological sleep, because any mocking word, irritation or pressure is perceived by us as an extremely painful impact. In short, we are not ready to meet the blow worthy and protected, because they are filled with a false installation that repulses us that the attack will not. Then, when the blow still happens, this false installation launches in us erroneous ego protection reactions, forcing us to outpire unpleasant information or attribute our flavors to other people instead of thinking, and why, in fact, we missed the blow.

Analyze carefully your settings and expectations in three situations:

When there is already a conflict;

When it is not, but, most likely, he is about to begin;

When everything is fine and no clashes are supposed.

Try to answer the question: what do you want in each case and how do you most likely behave? If your pre-attract does not carry the elastic energy of true secureness, try changing the installation. But for this you need to deeply realize and survive that your installation is erroneous and that it will sooner or later reveal you for new blows. Failure to false installation is not just an intelligent solution that is easy to implement. The installation, filled with expectation or willingness to act, includes several items:

Emotional attitude to the situation;

State of consciousness (in this case it is careless, sleepy, lazy);

Energy tone (as a rule, it is reduced);

Muscular state (or too relaxed or, on the contrary, is too tense).

Watch for installation from the point of view of a possible impact and think how all its elements change, if it still happens. What happens to your emotions? Will they be suppressed even more or an outbreak of aggression followed by oppression? Will your consciousness go into a completely different state, making a oscillation from the sleep mode to panic mode? Will your energy tone decrease? Will your thoughts enjoy? But if all this is so, and the missed blow will increase your suffering in all directions, is it worth refusing an erroneous and harmful installation?

Tune in to another, more adequate, positive and internally collected attitude towards people, peace and yourself. Include that all people and situations differ from each other in their consciousness, and therefore you can meet unexpected aggressive resistance in the form of impact. Be prepared to take it calmly, without unnecessary tension, which would only attract new strikes. Be prepared - it means to have several varieties of an adequate response in stock. Therefore, think and answer yourself to the question: in what forms, words, actions, actions, your response will appear. In other words, create a few internal images of the correct answer to the blow, charge them with energy and set aside in the subconscious, no longer thinking about the attack and even trying to prevent it, radiating a benevolent attitude towards people and peace. You extract the image of the correct answer only after impact or immediately at the time of applied.

Ignoring an attack

Despite the fact that you hit you, you ignore it, defend your arguments and continue to communicate, perhaps even intensifying it and increasing your offensive pad. By this you give to understand that it does not hurt you and under any circumstances will not bear it out. Ignoring is a strong response, but your strength will be real if you do not break under pressure and be able to defend your interests. Ignoring can be done without any fixation of the strike. When you send an enemy a signal, then you do not see it in the focus. As a rule, such ignoring hurts the attacker and can make him retreat.

Evasion like victory

In general, a number of cases, a direct encounter with the enemy in a psychological conflict, even in the case of your moral victory, will bring you so many troubles and problems that it would be better to avoid fighting. This is not at all cowardice, but the manifestation of prudence, which, of course, can be considered a victory. Is it worth capturing with each bazaar vendor or with an incorrigible scandalist, even if after long battles you will be able to press them to the wall? Whether it is not better to save forces for a real enemy and think well before contacting unworthy people. How well said one of my familiar master of martial arts: "If some foreign car splashes my costume and does not hide, of course, I can fill the physiognomy to the driver, but the costume does not save it and therefore I will consider myself only if I manage to evaporate from spray. Eastern Parable "Winning, without applying hands" says about the same.

"Once, when the Skewen sailed with his fellow boat on the lake Biva, the young scaling samurai caused him to fight." What is your school? "The young fanfaron was arrogant." School of winning, not applying hands, "answered calmly Skeiden. It was decided to fight in a small island in the middle of the lake, so as not to cause harm to other passengers. When the boat went to the islet, the fan of Dwells was first jumped ashore. Then Sokuden took the paddle and pushed himself from the stone boat floated away from the island, where the unlucky dracun remained. "Such is the school of conquering, without applying hands," said Sokwab, who did not want to spill the blood of the milk gathering in vain.

Evasion from the fight, perfect consciously and without any fear, based on the sober assessment of the situation, cannot be considered flight. It is a variation of protection, and its implementation requires certain art. Consciously evading unnecessary conflict must apply a few tactic:

Evasion from the oncoming point of the attacker;

Spatial distance from the aggressor;

Consciously preventing any emotions or thoughts about the unpleasant person, if he still does not see you, but it can see;

Mental environment of an invulnerability shield;

The discharge of a tense situation with humor, jokes, any meaningful words that sound complimentary to a potential or real aggressor;

Any forms of controlled nonsense, when you either pretend that you do not notice aggressive attacks in your address, or do not understand what they attack you, or in response, say something completely different.

It is very important on a fine plan, that is, in thoughts and feelings, not allow strong energy emissions to the address of the aggressor, which he is able to feel even with your external silence. If you still hooked on it at the energy level, then the conflict, as a rule, cannot be avoided, and it is from the latent, the hidden phase goes into a real collision. But if you managed when a purely external neutrality of your behavior - when the enemy, no matter how he wanted, it is not possible to draw you into conflict, because he just has nothing to catch, - to maintain the inner neutrality and distance from the aggressive energy field, then you - Winner.

Decitation of deception and foresight of aggression

Serious behavioral protection necessarily implies the ability to understand the true motives of the people with whom you communicate, especially if they have unkind intentions. Recognition of hidden motifs helps prevent a blow, as you predict its direction and you can take steps in advance. Thus, recognition can be considered a mental counterdar for aggressive feasures of the enemy, neutralizing them in the embryo. Recognition is important at all three levels - both on psychological, and on thin, auraic, and on spiritual. The last kind of recognition is the most difficult. A man who mastered this art was considered a sage. Almost all traditions emphasized the importance of this skill. At the behavioral level, recognition makes a man's "grandmaster of communication", capable of foreseen and well-thought-out intrigues, which the enemies fly against him, and impulsive outbreaks against him, which unexpectedly appear in the actions and speeches of unstilted people.

The greatest wise men advised people not to run away from life, but to dive into her thickness to better understand the laws of being, comprehend the whole challenge of human nature and learn the art of recognizing human faces, especially important if the forces of evil are dominated. Ramakrishna set up his students to raise the calm, patience and deep recognition, which is very required when communicating with evil people. About this his parable "Society of evil people":

"Ramakrishna: You have to love everyone, because God lives in all beings. But there are better enough bad people to go.

BJOY (with a smile): Is it true that people blame you for mixing with people who believe in a personal god having a form?

Ramakrishna: Truly devoted to God, a person must have absolute calm, he should not disturb the opinion of others. Like an anvil of the blacksmith, he will endure all the insults and all the persecution and remain hard in his faith and always the same. Evil people can talk about you a lot of unpleasant things and scold you; But if you crave God, you will all endure with patience. A person can think about God even among the most evil people. The ancient wise men who lived in the forests could reflect on God, surrounded by tigers, bears and other wild beasts. The nature of an evil person is similar to the nature of a tiger or a bear. They attack innocent and cause them grief or harm. You must be especially careful, coming into contact, first, with rich. A man who has wealth and having a lot of servants can easily cause harm to the other, speaking with him. Sometimes it may even be necessary to agree to anything with his opinion. Secondly - with a dog. When a dog is barking on you, you should not run; Speak with her calmly, and she calms down. Thirdly - with a bull. When a bull chases you, you can again doubt it with calm words. Fourthly - with a drunken man. If you pick it up, he will swear and call you bad names. But if you speak with him, as with an expensive relative, he will feel happy and will be unusually kindly with you.

When evil people come to me, I am very careful. The nature of some of them is similar to the nature of the snake. They can bite you, not knowing what per minute. It may take a lot of time and understanding in order for the impression of the bite. And it can happen so that you want to take revenge on them. Therefore, it is necessary to be in the society of holy people from time to time. Through communication with them, a person establishes a clear understanding and recognition of people ("Province of Ramakrishna").

E. I. Rerich assessed the role of recognition on the spiritual path as the most important quality:

"Many faces are revealed before us, for the face recognition is the most important thing. People recognition is a trial stone for going through the great ministry to humanity. Recognition of reality and people are the first requirement and condition on the way of true apprenticeship. So, on a certain degree of spiritual development can be encouraged to see the structure. The spirit surrounding us and the people approaching us. Without acquisition of this quality, it is not possible to count on the approach. For, how can you trust a student who can not be distinguished from darkness and a friend from the traitor? All construction will be destroyed by such ignorance. Of course , It is the feeling that helps that helps in this recognition. "

Recognition and foresight - similar properties. One concerns the confusing present, the other is not yet a clear future. To properly apply these properties to reflect the strikes, it is necessary to raise them purposefully and stubbornly, not counting on the fact that life itself will teach you. I had to deal with people who had lived a long life and had exactly the gurgling simplicity, about which the proverb says that she is worse than theft. Of course, a non-smooth person is impossible to teach life wisdom with special exercises: strikes and bumps, obtained in everyday battles, teach much more efficiently. However, for those who know how and want to increase their ability to recognize, I would recommend trying the following tips.

1. Make in your mind the assumption that all people have their own interests, far from always coinciding with yours. Many people at a purely external level belong to you, because it is not worth it, but in case of finding interests, their attitude is changed. They can start a war in which a wide variety of methods will be applied, including deception. If you do not want to get to see and constantly walk in deceived, you must remember this property of human nature and not disclose in front of people who do not know enough, the soul is more than required.

2. Think some of your friends, acquaintances, colleagues are able to betray you in a critical situation. Imagine this situation and like an experienced director, try to place everyone on the places and roles that are closest to their nature. Imagine how they will respond to the pressure of other people and circumstances, on the inevitable temptations, threatening the loss of things important for them. If your view is not in their favor, then think then, and not too trusting and frankly you behave with them now. Remember that excessive rapprochement with unreliable people is fraught with subsequent conflict removal, as a result of which you can be much further than before the rapprochement.

3. Learn when meeting people and with any new serious endeavors deeply listen to yourself, defining the nature of the first impression and its own reaction about the person or case. The first impression is a very strong argument in favor of further selection of the behavior line, although it cannot be absoluticized. Learn in complete wakefulness and clear consciousness to watch your first impression on people, events and actions, gradually turning the vague sparks of intuition into accurate and unmistakable feelings.

4. Try, watching the situation, see it in general, as if removed and without emotions, given all possible nuances, causes and consequences. Put yourself in place of other people and ask yourself questions:

Are they sincerely with you or not?

Would you sincerely happen if they were in their place?

Why do you unconditionally believe them, if you have oscillations?

5. Getting Started to similar internal work, type courage. In order to recognize the real today's deception of people and presumptive tomorrow, considerable courage is required. Leagier often comes from lack of courage. After all, recognition brings not only relief, but also difficulties. Life is complicated, and not with everyone who deceives us, we can immediately part. And to live and realize this deception is sometimes even harder than to be blind and trusting. However, the security wizard will prefer this difficulty of blind suggestion.

6. Learn the external signs to recognize deception. See that the human eyes emit, whether they run or not, how often a person takes a look as he gesticulates. Observe the ratio of the main thought that a person is trying to substantiate with its emotional state and how the inner content correlates with an external expression. Is there no mismatch here? When you cease to understand what a man is clone, ask yourself a question - what is his true interest? It is not about what you need to stop believing people or introduce the installation of suspicion. It is enough just to be moant.

7. Analyze its present from the point of view of the number of life strikes received from people and circumstances. Many of them or little, but in any case they are the natural result of your past and aspirations. Your present is the consequence of your past, and your future is a consequence of the present. Those blows and cones that fall on you in the future, earned today. Think what today's mistakes can make your future vulnerable from the point of view of possible blows and aggression to prepare them in advance.


Unlike ignoring, which implies the continuation of a hard dialogue (as if you did not notice that you were attacked), silence is a completely distinctive reaction. You hit, you have noticed this perfectly and decided to act in this way. Compressed lips, the cessation of an unpleasant conversation is designed to emphasize that you do not like how you attack you, and you do not want to continue such communication. Just very importantly, what kind of silence you will choose - the silence of strength or silence of weakness. If you think that you are stronger, and your opponent will decide that you are silent from weakness, and will continue the attack, then you lost the situation. Therefore, applying this method, take care of two things: 1) Silence should be filled with your power, unshakable power and sense of justice; 2) Your silence should be supported by some external gestures testifying to your strength and dignity.

In addition to complete silence, the effective protection method is a partial silence, which can be called restraint. A discrepanished person, meaningful words, gives them special strength and power, because it seems much more protected than the talkative, losing energy and inconclusive in his verbose. Ancient teachings attached to verbal restraint exceptional importance. Here is the arch of the Soviets, the data of the Sufi source "Big Book of Life Rules" Ibn-Al-Mukafa:

"Do not be greedy on words and storm on greetings, but do not grow up before any speeches and do not smile to the right and left, for the first will be prescribed arrogance, but the second is nonsense and frivolous.

It is better to keep silent than to say unsuccessfully, for one word, said on time and to the place, is better than hundreds of words that have not reached the goal. The hasty word is often rapid and erroneous, even if at first glance it seems successful and eloquent.

They didn't think everywhere with intelligence and eloquence, keep them about the reserve, for showing mind and eloquence where it does not fit, a sign of nerazumia.

If you want to be honored and loved and noble people, and commoner, then, possessing a scholarship, like a modesty of ignorance and, being eloquent, silently superior to the tonasky.

They despise the one who is generous to promises, but they are scooping on their execution, honor whose words do not disagree with the affairs.

Know that the language is similar to the naked sword in the hands of anger, passions and incontinence, who defeat the mind and any prudence. Do not let the will language, it will not destroy you. Subseid his mind, and he will become a friend to you: if they will master passion, he is your worst enemy and the cause of all misfortune.

If you can subjugate your language, he will fuck you: if you lose power over him, then he will become your enemy. "

This type of protection is universal and can be used in any situation and together with any other method. The irony is a demonstration of the fierceness of the impact and the behavior of the aggressor, the depreciation of the significance of the impact for the victim. It seems to reduce the size of the image of the one who attacks turns it into a caricature character. From a bioenergy point of view, the inclusion of the method of irony into the system of protective reactions of a person before the attack means that new energies are caused to life and new energy centers are involved, for example, a canal of the mind, intelligence. Why is a primitive grubean or communication in communication often leave the smart and tough irony of his potential victim, which refused to be given to psychological miscarriage and successfully parried? Because both Grubian, and the dracans are achieved by the result due to a frantic headpower and games without rules, which does not adorns any communication, and absolutely do not use the potential of mind and consciousness. Because they are not accustomed to seriously thinking about a calm communication and especially in the process of active conflict.

Good irony creates a person's effect for a person from the struggle, helps to look at the situation from the position "above the fight", which helps more freely find arguments in dispute reflecting pressure, insult and manipulation. A person who protects against shocks and connecting a sharp mind connecting to protection is always more successful than the one who acts in one pressure and will.


If such a reaction follows, therefore, there is a risk that the escalation of the conflict began, and therefore reconciliation is moved away. We must intently weigh the situation and answer two questions: a) whether to actually answer the psychological blow to the blow, and b) if so, then what force should be the answer. It is also important to choose a response form that can be expressed by words, and maybe without words, in the form of a silent pause; It may be serious, and maybe humorious, etc. And the situation may be as tough that the computer of consciousness should be sorted by the proposed protective reaction options at a huge speed. But if the decision is accepted - act at the selected direction without changing it until it is seriously convinced that it is erroneous. It is important to understand what should be a blow, what consequences he will cause. Therefore, getting ready to answer a blow, which caused you, deposit your motives with such concepts as conscience and justice. Remember that, although "good should be with fists", respondents, deprived of conscience, return to you in the form of retribution for errors.

It is important to understand what is the correct technology of applying a response fair impact. You ever acted in a similar way, parrying a blow from the enemy, or in your subconsciously there is not the slightest idea that it is necessary to do that, neither the image (or as a Buddhist would say, "an image imprint") of your reaction, as it can Make best? Try to think about it, and if you have a similar image and experience or not, and in case of its absence, try creating such an image in your mind in advance, then act is much easier. The image should be very bright and holistic, and all doubts about his success is simply interference of success. Therefore, it is useful to train yourself as follows: Quickly creating a bright image of a protective action, immediately release it out, embodying it. To do this, you need to be able to invest energy into your verbal or silent answer, be able to rely on your own body, as on a non-jumping for a jump, include intuition and subconscious.

Discharge with humor

If the irony is a continuation of the struggle by other means, and sometimes involving its exacerbation, the humor refers to methods discharged by an anthewed atmosphere of the psychological war. Giving the phrase charged by humor, we, as it were, we give to understand the enemy: instead of a deadly fighting on the knives, you can go to the fight against fists, if you do not finish the world. It is important that your humor is understandable to the opponent, for when your humor is too weak, it is not noticed, and the fight continues, and when it is too annoying, it either goes into a mockery that causes even greater rage, or looks stupid. Humor as a method of struggle refers to potent and even subtle means, but to apply it, you must have a corresponding property that is called a sense of humor. And of course, to learn this property (if it can be learned in principle) not at the time of conflict, but much earlier.

Humor is not some special answer, but some softening force that can be attached to any of the listed ways to reflect the attack. Most often, humor helps discharge, but it does not always happen - either the enemy comes across with an atrophied feeling of funny and just does not hear you, or he accepts humor for irony and mockery and ends even stronger, or prefers not to notice your attempts to mitigate the situation, because it is interested In its exacerbation. Then you do not have anything to go to a completely serious battle.

Partial retreat with face preservation

Against scrap, including psychological, - no reception, because sometimes nothing remains, how to retreat. Even, even the strongest person, sometimes forced to resort to this, maybe not very pleasant, but inevitable way to reflect the strike. What if the enemy turned out to be much stronger? It is important to be able to make this step beautifully, almost imperceptibly, without beating the loin and does not bow down. Specific options for such a retreat can be a lot - this is a partial ignoring of the attack or a calm perception of attempts to insult you, and the adoption of part of the conditions required by your opponent and maintaining a calm tone in response to screams, and the refusal of all the originally declared requirements. The main thing is that you preserve the dignity, and the borders of the concessions were clearly defined. If you are putting pressure and inferior even stronger, then the face is lost. Agreeing at this step, try to understand whether your opponent agrees to sit down at the negotiating table or it is to attack you to finish you. If you feel that this is so, then think three times, and whether it is worth using this method. The practice of life shows - to pacify the broken aggressor in principle it is impossible. Your attempts to resolve the conflict to a peaceful way provoke it to the requirement of all new concessions. In this case, it is necessary to assess the situation: if the forces are not equal, try not to participate in the collision at all, and if the fights (first of all, psychological) cannot be avoided - it is better to have the highest possible resistance at the exchange stage of the first blows. Then, having received a tangible painful pushing from you, it may be reduced the size of his claims.

The conviction of the enemy Go to partnership strategy

In order to effectively implement this way to response to the blow, it is necessary to be able to absorb its traumatic force and in no case to prevent the appearance of a purely reflex reaction of resentment or irritation. By beating the charge of aggressive energy released against you, and retaining calm, you are right, in words or indirectly, all the logic of behavior are trying to convince the enemy to abandon the ridiculous struggle, where there is no won the party, and go to normal dialogue. It is very important that your intonation is beneficial from its emotions or aggression underlined calmness and balance, then he will calm down too. Try to achieve that it does not bring you out of emotional balance, and you would have managed to repay his rage with several calm words, movements and gestures. If he is a person prone to a logical reasoning, convince him to negotiate for him, as for any person, much more profitable than fight. A strategy aimed at agreement, partnership and cooperation, is always better than the absence of agreement and complete arbitrariness in desires and actions.

Reason and attack

(in yogic, Buddhist and Taoic versions)

This method, common in Eastern tradition, is aimed at hosted by the inner inviolability of the individual. For its successful use in combat situation, it is useful to train this skill in real life. It can be used in three versions - yogic, Buddhist and Taoist.

Let's start with a yogic approach. Get used to thinking that your deep "me" is not a body, not emotion, not the mind, not an Aura, but a completely autonomous education, to which it is impossible to influence the outside. The body, emotions and mind under the view of the deep "I" turn into a shell that may suffer from external attacks and attacks. But the "I" itself (the inner observer, the viewer looking at the world from the depths of the innermost spiritual sphere) is invulnerable, no blows can hurt him and damage. Cultivate such a mood and look at things and events as often as possible, and gradually your feeling of "I" will become much stronger and more stable than before. You will not need to protect your "me", for it will cease to identify with the periphery of existence - by bodily sensations, surface emotions and vigorous thoughts. "I" will leave inside and from the depths will be contemplate, as the surface shell of the spirit pegs under the action of shocks, begged, and then restore again. The main thing is to remember that you are not a body, not feeling, not mind, but only "I", and not disable the attention of my "I" from the shells during strikes.

Buddhist urgent in something similar with yogic. However, there is a significant difference. Buddhists argue that "I" is a fiction, a flow of mental states. An even greater fiction, illusory for perception, imaginary impacts and attacks. Neither who attacks, no one who attack does not exist - all this flow of energies and quickly replacing each other psychological states. Illusory are the pain caused by shocks on a short moment - after a while they will pass. Therefore, you need to bring up a removed look at all psychological attacks that are essentially short-term and illusory.

The immediateness, practiced in Taoism, comes from the concept of Tao, the world emptiness underlying the universe. You just need to continuously remember this and try to be in the Tao stream - then all the blows and the sensations generated by them will be perceived as illusory bubbles and dimming inside the immense and light ocean space. They will be easily dissolved in the volatile and free elements of the Dao and will not be able to cause serious suffering.

All three listed oriental methods refer to potent protection against attacks. If you truly learn to apply them, many people's trouble will bypass you. However, there are some serious limitations for the fruitful use of this method with which it is useful for you to get acquainted.

First, in order to fight with blows or problems using the yogic, Buddhist or Taoisk approach, you must at least somehow share and take yoga systems, Buddhism or Taoism. Otherwise, it will be pulling separate effective reception from the general system, which can only be given a partial effect.

Secondly, in order to qualitatively use this method in real life, it is necessary to own very well and be constantly alert, training in urgency with any life situation, including with the one that is subjectively pleasant and has to Nege, Len and relaxing. Then the inner observer and awakened consciousness become truly independent of any circumstances. In addition, a person who is in a state of permanent self-control, tears to instant reaction to any attacks, and easier perceives them as an illusory game of energies and impressions. If a person is inclined to spiritual sleep, immobility of consciousness, scattered attention, he will not be able to apply this method at all, especially in a lively stream of life and communication. He manages to use this method at best as a means of prevention or what happens much more often, after receiving traumatic blows and packing psychological cones.

Attempting the untrained person to apply this technique at the time of the hard exchange of blows can, on the contrary, weaken its natural security, because attention will fall out of the context of a specific, current situation, and the person risks skipping a strong blow. Therefore, everything needs common sense and commensity.

Method of "Left Cheek"

Christian forgiveness, expressed in the famous words about the need to substitute the left cheek, when they hit the right, is also a very strong means of exposure to the aggressor. This method can be applied in different versions: a) external mitigation of the position while maintaining a feeling of resentment on the enemy; b) internal forgiveness and external capitulation. What option will be more efficient, depends on your taste and on what goals you are pursuing. From my point of view, the main thing is to prevent inner weakness and surrender, after which the enemy simply destroys you as a person. If you feel so strong that you can afford to make a concession on the outward plan, then a similar act is a truly strong course, which, under certain conditions, can disorganize the behavior of the aggressor. It is important that he felt: you go to this step not from weakness, but from the consciousness of your strength and generosity.

You can forgive the offender at any stage of the conflict, but the most approval is most appropriate after the end of the "fighting" - during the battle there is no time to do this. Do not hold the evil on who you just came together in the "clinche" in life ring and who caused you painful blows. Maybe he does not know what is creating. Such a position will raise you to a new height, where you will be harder to get. In addition, you will free your psycho-energetic shell and consciousness from fluids and the influences of your opponent.

Of great importance was attached to the concept of humility and peace-loving, not only Christians, but also the masters of martial arts, and what the parable says, called the "Last Exam":

"The teacher asked:

If people beat you with a stick and sword, what are you thinking?

What these people are kind and meek, as they beat me only with sticks and swords, but do not deprive me of quite life.

But if they finally deprived you of life, what would you think about it?

What these are good and meek people who are so small suffering to save me from this body, full of impurity.

Well, the teacher said, "you can live among people." Stay. "

The ability to say "no" by the whole being

In cases where the purpose of the attack is the desire to make you do what you do not want, one of the most effective protection methods is the ability to say "no" by the whole being. As a rule, an unprotected person, even if he finds the strength of "no" in such cases, does it insecure, opening the possibilities for the secondary strike or for a new pressure. Therefore, it is important to track down in advance in itself this weak insecure beginning and dissolve it, tuned to the feeling of monolithic strength and confidence. Try to enter this image of strength and confidence and mentally scroll several times in the mind of the refusal of pressure. It is even better if you are supplementing this scene alone in front of the mirror and out loud. When you rehearse, try to enable all resources available at your disposal: both the body (pose and decisive gestures), and voice, and mood, and clear consciousness and focused will, and elastic aura. Clean the impression that the energy of your refusal is hidden even more powerful potential energy, and make it so that the attacker does not have the desire to repeat its proposal.

Disable from the situation

If you are subject to psychological attack during communication, and at the same time, it does not require the use of any response solutions, active reflection, studying the problem, then you can consciously apply the method of disconnection from the situation to which people resort to spontaneously. An impenetrable mask on the face and, tracing the edge of consciousness for an aggressive partner, who shouts at you or blames in mortal sins, mentally exit the situation in any other space, start remembering anything, to present the future or reflect on some subjects and people . The main thing is to stop listening and perceive the whole aggressive nonsense, coming from your opponent. It should be emphasized that this method is applicable only in cases where the attack is predominantly psychological character and carries a weak energy charge (for example, the wife is sluggish, rather ritually, scandalite with her husband). If you are going on a strong energy wave of aggression, then it is impossible to relax, because this energy can enter you.


Try to understand what role a man is playing, striker at you. To what extent its aggression is an involuntary splash of discontent, and in what is the role-playing game with the entry into the image. And in that, in another case, the role in which you will enter, may well act as a shield reflecting the attack. If this is a spontaneous splash of the energy of discontent, then your decisive image can demonstrate the aggressor such a force with which it is better not to get involved. If it is partly a game on his side, then you can play up the enemy. The main thing is only - to find a role for this game, to the greatest degree of its neutralizing position. Think - what is his greatest weakness, what is it most afraid of and before saving? What kind of warehouse is a person able to replay him? Choose such a role, enter it approximately the same as an actor enters the stage image, and imagine that your role is a kind of psychological body armor, which is able to reflect any arrows, blows and splashing explicit and hidden aggression. By choosing a role, be consistent and do not go beyond its limits under the influence of fear and insecurity. And then this role can express the image of a strong, rigid and absolutely protected person. Sometimes it is preferable to the role of a soft and delicate person, flawlessly building its relationship with other people and so charming that it does not want to attack.

Of course, you should not be limited to any one role for a large period of time. In this case, you may seem to see and find a weak place. The true master of security owns a multitude of weapons. If necessary, role can be changed. The larger the number of roles are able to play in such cases a person, the stronger it is protected. It is also important not to identify with your roles, remembering their secondary nature. Roles are the shells that you need to be able to change as clothes, remembering that such clothing has the property to be pinned to the body. Therefore, use this tool as an auxiliary, but quite effective to reflect shocks.

"Controlled nonsense"

The term and method that came to the world from the books of the famous Carlos Castaneda, preaching the mystical teachings of Don Juan, are based on the idea that, on the one hand, nothing in this world cannot be internally taken seriously, and at the same time it is necessary to observe many conventions with a serious kind , not paying attention to their obvious stupidity. So adults communicate with children or, for example, an experienced man reacts to whims of young women. A more detailed answer to what controlled nonsense gives Karos Castaned himself Don Juan:

Please tell me that it is generally such a controlled nonsense.

Don Juan laughed loudly and keenly slapped himself on a chamber with a folded lord.

This is the controlled nonsense. - He exclaimed with a laugh, and slammed again.

Do not understand…

I am glad that after so many years you have finally ripened and bothered to ask this question. At the same time, if you never did it, I would have anyway. Nevertheless, I chose joy, as if I really worries me, you ask or not. As if for me it is most important in the world. Do you understand? This is a controlled nonsense.

Then I asked if it was that he never had sincerely, and that all his actions were only an acting game.

My deeds are always sincere, "Don Juan replied," yet they are nothing more than an acting game ... nothing has much importance, so a person of knowledge simply chooses some kind of act and makes it. But it makes it like that matters. Controlled nonsense makes him say that his actions are very important, and to do, respectively. At the same time, it perfectly understands that all this does not matter. So, stopping acting, the person of knowledge returns to the state of rest and equilibrium. There was a good action or bad if it was completed to complete - before that he had no matter. On the other hand, the person of knowledge may not make any actions at all. Then he behaves as if this detachment has a value for it. So you can. Because it will be controlled nonsense. "

You can determine controlled nonsense as a wise and sincere acting game, played by an experienced protected person in a daily life theater. If any situation requires a person to commit ritual actions, he quietly and with an inner smile makes them, condescendingly related to people who, due to the level of their consciousness, seriously require the fulfillment of the ritual. If a slightly ledger is enough to mitigate the aggression, having rummaged to the opponent, the protected person will go to this game.

Try somewhat liberating and how to enter new roles, images and behaviors. Learn to behave at the same time and seriously, and frivolously. Consider the situation purely externally (the so-called "external assessment", the importance of which the Russian philosopher-esoteric P. D. Uspensky spoke in the world), at the same time without giving up and not yielding internal positions (that is, not falling into the harmful position of the inner Estimates of the situation based on the habit of identifying).

"Fooling fool"

This method also goes back to the practice of Don Juan. It is described by one of the followers of Castaneda Viktor Sanchechom in the book "Teaching Don Carlos" and aimed at increasing the security of those people who are too careful about how they look, and therefore get blows exactly when their expectations are not justified. Viktor Sanchez writes:

"This type of people likes to constantly attract attention, appearing always as the most pretended, the most dexterous, the best athlete, the best friend, the most beautiful, the most beautiful, best lover, one who never loses in the dispute, and so on. In short , He who does everything well.

The best method of combating this coercion is simply consciously practicing the creation of the opposite effect.

To eliminate the consciousness of what we do, it is necessary to consciously play the role of a fool. For example, a man is thorough and destructing in his movements to become clumsy, encountered on things and dropping them. If we are talking about the dispute, you need to bring idiotic arguments to look like a stupid and lose the dispute. If we are talking about someone who claims to make the impression of their appearance, he must make the same kind as an ordinary feeder.

Obviously, the one who can play the role of a fool, without feeling vulnerable, he can make anyone with a fool. "

Physical distancing

It would seem that it is so understandable and the simplest technique of protection, which is not needed to talk about him. Any normal man without special training perfectly knows that the best way to react to scandalous wife screams is to care for another room. Nevertheless, people often forget about this method and do not understand the mechanism of its action.

During the conflict, a negative aura is created, which, on the one hand, repels opponents from each other, and on the other, attracts. By conducting a psychological duel, angry people cannot break away from each other until the entire margin of mental energy is consumed.

Certain places in the room (in the apartment it is most often the kitchen) charged with negative energy provoking conflict. During the scandal, people are often on the usual places and it strengthens mutual aggression. It is difficult for them not only in a portable, psychological sense, but also in direct, spatial. Because if you want to more effectively reflect the blow or attack, try (if possible by the logic of the development of the situation) to move to another place.

Excluded from the aggressor (only that it does not look like a flight) and, being in another place, check your feelings. Do you feel more calm? You can change the tactics and start moving around the room, then approaching the aggressor, then removing from it. At the same time, it demonstrates some indifference to it, which reduces the sharpness of the strike.

In any case, such an action in addition to a purely psychological effect gives more energy: strong auric ties, provoking scandal, and the enemy loses the usual comfort and sense of security.

Once I watched how brilliantly I used a professional director who was attacked by a parent, dissatisfied with the fact that his son did not accept the professional theater in which he had been for several years. The director first listened to the attack silently and sitting in one place. Then he got up, began to move, talk and gradually moved to the counterattack. His movements, accompanied by a brilliant voice game, then sinking-sincere, then turning into thunder-rolls, completely disarmed the parent, configured to a serious moral brass. He paused a little and left.

Mind distancing from aggressor

Any blow is harder to transfer from close range. Therefore, people are much painful to carry the aggression of their loved ones, rather than the injections of completely unfamiliar people. When Jesus Christ said that "the enemies to a person - his home", he meant and this side of human life. Therefore, often psychological distance (if it is impossible to leave or leave the room for a while) from the attacker, the temporary transformation of "near" in the "long-distance" and even greater distance from the "distant" acts very effectively. This is not a manifestation of indifference, but, on the contrary, the reaction of the wise love, because if you leave the wounded and caring sacrifice next to the aggressor, it is much more often it rushes on it and enters the psychological "clint". Mentally tell me several times that in the name of the love and good of your neighbor, relative or household you at the time of aggression completely cease to be interested in his opinion about you. You are deleted from it. You can close your eyes for a few seconds and imagine that you are transferred to a huge distance and, in addition to stopping him to hear, tear off my attention and interest as a result of communication. Or try to imagine that you are not you, and some other person unfamiliar to the aggressor, who is not at all interesting to listen to his attacks and which is not burdened with the relative proximity, sometimes interfering with the manifestation of hardness. So:

1) first you differ from it at the level of mental transfer to a longer distance;

2) then distanced from it at the level of emotional distance from its relationship to you;

3) Finally answer him or act from wearing to him, constantly feeling a very large distance between you.

Distance from yourself and from a sense of own importance

The previous defense method does not always work, as a person takes itself too seriously. It is very difficult for us to imagine how it can be left from the aggressor and talking to him with calm indifference, when he behaves in relation to us, so respected and worthy people, so outrageous. Painful attachment to itself is so strong that we are easily becoming defenseless victims of any attacks questioning our dignity. Carlos Castaneda calls this property with a sense of its own importance and insists on the need to overcome it.

One of the first and best ways to defeat the sense of own importance is to begin consciously observe yourself from the outside. Stop calling the name "I" an important, inflated, painfully reacting to each joke a personal being. It is better to name it "he" and understand that while you are merged into one with it, not to see you happy and protected life, as your ears.

Enter the clear, waking observer and look at "Him" or "Her" - its important, excessive sensitive person, constantly surrounding itself with artificial fences of false protection - from the side. You can also place your observer in the position of the inner height or, on the contrary, depth and look at your identity, or mentally removing up from it, or plunging inside yourself.

Agree with yourself not to call this identity "I". Consider that "I" is just the one who observes and manages the desires, thoughts and actions. The purpose of such distancing is to stop perceive too seriously, then many types of attacks will be perceived much easier.

Winning time, or game on pauses

If the situation is not a "fire station" and does not require immediate action, try to withstand the pause. Fill it with force, silent as a strong, self-confident man. During this time, tune up to the inner intuition and ask your highest "me", which verbal answer you should give in response to attacks. Sometimes silence arising during such a pause gives very large energy. Winning time for properly rich response energy, you increase your secureness.

Including internal Protection Resources

Have you always missed the blows and were defenseless lamb? Get off in memory, and you certainly remember a whole number of cases when you have successfully put someone in place, the blows were parried, easily reflected ridicule and felt confidence, inner strength and energy of security. Remember these cases again as possible.

Try to bring in our deep memory the sensation of increased energy and the completeness of the force that accompanied these cases. Try how to sum up these sensations and fill yourself with a feeling of super protection. Get the physical sensation of merging together the previous protection images with an energy reflective. Remember that the hidden security resources always live within you, and you can appeal to them at any time, calling their energy to more effectively reflect the impact.

Attracting allies

If you are attacked by a psychological level, and you are accustomed to defend yourself exclusively, without resorting to anyone, it may increase your sense of self-esteem, but sometimes it is not enough to reflect the blows.

At a difficult moment it is useful to attract allies to your side. These can be different people: your friends, relatives, close or, on the contrary, are completely unfamiliar people who accidentally come nearby.

The ability to attract them to their side and make participating in the conflict or in the form of a direct confrontation now with a common aggressor, or in the form of silent support refers to high protective technologies of behavior.

Allies, even if they simply belong to you with sympathy, in many ways change the psychological climate of the situation. They strengthen your position and weaken the position of the aggressor. This law acts in everything.

The brightest example is football. Everyone knows that the game in his field, where there is powerful support for fans, always gives an advantage than a game in someone else's field, where local fans are psychologically and energetically fought against you. Learn to unite your aura with aura sympathetic to you allies and reflect strikes as if on behalf of the new, stronger team of like-minded people.

Deep disinterest

Most often, the attack reaches the goal when the victim is unnecessarily interested in preventing it to be not very strong that the aggressor is not very strong, and, finally, not to look ridiculous. Excessive interest in reinforced defense always enshrines at all levels and, on the contrary, facilitates the path for effective blows. Remember your life, didn't have anything like that in your personal practice?

Muscular and psychological clamp almost always arises as a consequence of increased interest in the final favorable situation for you. Therefore, try to completely let go of the situation itself (this is not necessary to do it!), But your interest in her go. You will beat you in a psychological sense or not, you either your partner will be at the end of the circumstances, it will achieve its goals or not, you should be completely different.

You can carry out the necessary actions to protect your interests, acting diligently, but without looting for success and victory. Any blows bounce off a robust armor, protected aura, which from the inside is fed by personal disinterest.

Deep relaxation

Sometimes purely psychological strikes not only deprive us of equilibrium, but also punch a protective shell at auric level, because the normal circulation of energy flows, creating elasticity of aura, is blocked by muscular and emotional clamps. When we are too tense, we are more vulnerable than in the usual condition. Therefore, try to relax all your creature as you can relax - from the muscles to will and consciousness. This relaxation is useful in front of a possible blow when you know that you can soon get into a difficult situation when you are attacked, as well as at the time of aggression, regardless of whether you prefer to be silent or, on the contrary, reflect the blow with the help of the word.

Learn to relax instantly, and try to strengthen your shield with a new additional energy that was clamped with tense muscles or is suppressed by a psycho-emotional node, and now, after relaxation, I received at your disposal.

The impact reflection scheme with a relaxing energy is simple: release all the clamps and as soon as they felt that a new energy of relaxation appears, send it to protection targets.

This method seems very difficult, but in fact, with regular short training, it can be applied almost automatically, and it gives a good result.

Order in actions and actions

Most often, a person gets blows when a collision with other people and other people's interests. Sometimes strikes reach a goal after some time when it is no longer involved in the literal action.

In this case, they come as retribution and the result of previous human errors. As a rule, such actions man performs without proper order, chaotic, insufficiently meaningful, which makes it vulnerable. Therefore, try to act and make actions consciously, making an idea of \u200b\u200border and meaning in your actions. Ordinary activities consisting of smaller actions and actions, each of which is an absolutely single, consistent chain link.

Such sequence and clarity carries a positive energy having protective functions.

When you consistently passed different steps of activity, you developed a certain speed of travel movement, which gave you one or another degree of security. If for a long time you mainly arrived correctly and orderly, then, hitting the situation of shelling and aggression, you will at least partially protected. You will develop a feeling of the rightness that in itself has a powerful protective function.

Literary defense

In life, we are confronted with attacks or in the form of words, or in the form of actions and circumstances. Accordingly, we can both defend themselves in a purely psychological level with words and affairs, not to mention the connection to them with a powerful positively charged energy.

Of course, on the one hand, verbal protection may be insufficient, but on the other hand, the word is a weapon. Nikolai Gumilev wrote in one of his poems: "... and in the Gospel of John it says that the word is God." True, Scripture speaks of a word with a capital letter, but any word carries the words of the Divine word.

Does this mean that any offensive word needs to be answered in a low-rod tonality using religious vocabulary? Of course not. In each case, special words are required. Sometimes to put on the site of the offender, it takes an elegant, cultural vocabulary, sometimes need sharp coarse phrases using those words and expressions that are popular in the spatia. And sometimes it takes an even more radical language.

One of my client, a candidate of science, today who is engaged in small business and "on debt service" that is constantly dealing with bandits, rackers and a criminalized environment, admitted to me that he had to break himself and master the Russian mat in all his diversity, for "this audience of another Language simply does not understand. " Growing in a professorial family, he specially listened to the dialogues of the police and merchants on the thing in order to make his answers to look more believable. After that, his business began to go better. True, one small detail: he had a high Dan on Karate, and the strength of his words was supported by physical power.

But every stick has two ends.

The client who became a more protected person in this semi-graduate environment, admitted to me that after such a "dive on the bottom" he had almost disappeared the positive effect of exercises on the Chinese system of qigong and respiratory practices, which he had loved so earlier and which gave sensations of purity and subtleties in organism.

So, what do you need to do to learn not to climb in the word in your pocket in each case, when you attack you?

First, you need to learn how to speak easily, freely and confident in all cases, without difficulty transferring your thoughts and inner experiences in words. In other words, you need to have a good suspended language. Learn this language is not easy, but still possible. Of course, a person never hurts a good education and a readiness that facilitates the competent translation of thoughts in words, it is not worth it, however, to overestimate the role of education, and an example with a client is a bright confirmation.

In addition, you need to learn the following idea: Successful verbal defense is not just the ability to pronounce foggy verbal tiras. It is rather the skill in one short capacious phrase to concentrate the entire meaning of its protective actions.

If the attack turns towards intelligent equilibristics and logically informed accusation, then you can enter into the path of intellectual evidence and long phrases. But at first it is worth trying to translate a match into the exchange mode of short accurate replicas - it is easier to repay the starting scandal. In short, if you apply the literary metaphor, you will be able to be in your protective verbal practice and a stylist who loving a long phrase (period) in the spirit of Turgenev, Tolstoy, Bunin and Nabokov, and a dialogue master in Hemingway or any good playwright from Shakespeare and Ostrovsky to Vampilov .

In this sense, the antipodes of the applied methods of protection are the two bright identities of our political Olympus, very critically related to each other - Zhirinovsky and Swan. Vladimir Wolfovich - Master of Bright Multilia, gladly involving any opponent in the element of his own monologue, where he feels like a fish in the water. True, he knows how and loves to conduct a dialogue, but only one where there is time for more or less deployed answers.

It skeys in routine work and situations requiring a detailed conversation essentially in the absence of viewers. But his skill is that he knows how to bloom almost any conversation.

Swan - the master of a short hiding phrase containing the challenge to the interviewer and as if inviting new questions. I paint the words with a special intonation and overflows of your famous bass, he knows how to create a feeling that, first, he is absolutely calm and nothing is afraid, and secondly, that the interlocutor should not move in his words on the famous border, for the further reaction of the general It will be unpredictable.

Not only words are indicative, but also those psychological programs that are behind the words of these two politicians and can manifest themselves in their reaction to possible danger.

I will never forget the TV show, in which Zhirinovsky and Swan synchronously responded to the question of how they would lead themselves in a dark alley, where they are with a view that do not bear anything good, several men's trained figures are approaching.

The leader of the LDPR demonstrated its favorite blackmail method and threat. He said that he would try to portray, as if he was a representative of the force structures, which confirm the relevant documents.

Swan said that he would have gone towards these people and would welcome them. And if they did not accept his greetings and began to threaten him, he would say that he was General of the landing troops; After that, I would have done my meaningful pause and promised that if this fight was last for him, then they would well remember him.

Do you need to comment on whose answer was more advantageous?

True, these are still words of politicians who can quite often disperse with their affairs, as repeatedly happened to one, and the other.

Despite the declared courage and opposition, one of them always spoke on the side of the ruling regime and never seriously objected to him, and the other, faced with the real force of the Chechen region, after his "greeting" to the militants, preferred not to enter into battle (which would be the last It is for bandits, not for general), and in the name of a successful personal career to conclude agreements unprizable for Russia in Khasavyrt. However, this ultimately damaged his career than helped.

Secondly, learn to think clearly, trying to understand the meaning of the attack and the situation as a whole, immediately and completely penetrate into depth. Recall Napoleon with his words: "Who is clearly thinking - clearly sets out," and let us ask for a question: Do we know how to think clearly?

Thirdly, try to be in the stream of the Great Life, to which you need to be consciously connected. If you have a spiritual teacher, and you belong to any religious or esoteric tradition, seriously believe in it and try to follow it every day, then you don't need to worry too much - the necessary words will come at the right moment. It was about this that Christ said: "When you drive ..."

Fourth, you will be able to clothe the right words into the correct, corresponding to this moment intonation: passionate, full of feelings of dignity and wrongness, or a calm-impartial, exactly explaining the essence of the case and the motives of your behavior, or an ironic, impoverished offender in place. For this you need to be internally alive, flexible and fluid, like Chinese dasa, constantly listening to the ever-changing flow of Dao.

On the other hand, it is sometimes useful to distance themselves from himself, so as not to be stuck in the same emotional register, and choose new, more efficient reactions to the threats of the medium.

Fifth, it is useful to learn the practical experience of people who can be called masters of verbal security. For this, it is not necessary to enter the faculty of rhetoric or finishing expensive courses. We all have a magnificent and completely free opportunity to learn the art of verbal secureness, looking at the TV screen.

I am convinced that this is one of the few properties of television, justifying the existence of this technical means, most often playing a devastating role and called in America "Box for idiots". It is the TV that gives us the opportunity to learn from people, perfectly in the ability to instantly find the right words when they are attacked in the presence of tens of millions of spectators. These are TV presenters and television journalists, this "sharks of the pen" and pop stars confidently responding to the most trusted questions, these are professional politicians and parliamentarians (as you know, the French word "Parliament" comes from the word "PORTER" - to speak).

An intelligent person who wants to increase its security and master the modern language defense may well learn from such virtuosos of the word, brilliantly juggling phrases. I love to watch the talk show and many other TV shows from this point of view, it brings me a purely aesthetic pleasure.

Recall the most vivid dialogues of recent years: Nemtsov - Zhirinovsky, Mikhalkov - Zyuganov, Mikhalkov - Kiriyenko, Yavlinsky - Chubais, Govorukhin - Yavlinsky. Recall how virtuoso own the word TV journalists Dibrov, Kiselev, Leontyev, Kucher, Nevzorov, Dorenko.

We will not give a moral assessment of bogy ribors, which for the sake of the red sense will not regret mother and father, - she is obvious. But we think about how it is useful to learn even those who are not close to us in the spiritual sense or in their political views.

Sixth, having training verbal security, remember that the main force is not in the words themselves, but in the internal filling of their special non-verbal energy. View, feeling, intonation, mood, transmitted in words, often playing hardly a primary role in relation to the meaning of the statement. No wonder the song affects most people in general is much stronger than just poems. Let your non-verbal energy emit such strength and power that the aggressor thinks well before continuing the attack. How to raise this subtle strength for words, and how to make it in our speech, described in detail in two other chapters of the book on the topic of increasing psycho-energy potential and subtle methods of protection against shocks. Study and dare!

Seventh, do not forget that the power of words should be reinforced by the force of affairs. If words are not worth a well-organized, thoughtful case, they resemble fake credit checks that are not secured by a real account in a bank or hereby.

In this sense, it is good to return to visual historical examples and look at such a largest protected bison, which was Stalin. By the way, it's not by chance that he took this alias, under which he became known to the whole world. The name not only expresses the essence, but even with time forms it. Stalin The time of the beginning of the century and the era of the Great Patriotic War is in many ways two different people. The first were not perceived seriously many brilliant revolutionary demagogues of those years. Before the second, the whole world was fluttered and the leaders of the largest states were pulled out.

Stalin, as you know, did not have a bright style of behavior. He spoke very simply, it is clear, restrained, without spectacular pathos and rich voices modulation. But he managed to work out a special player of speech and put himself in such a way that the interlocutor was forced to catch every word. It can be reproached in anything, but not only that he threw words to the wind and gave empty promises. Every his word, even the most insidious, was supported by affairs. This was distinguished from his political opponents that said much brighter and more beautiful than he.

This is primarily about Trotsky, Bukharin and to some extent about Zinoviev. They not only spoke brightly, emitted energy, but also did the case. The same Trotsky historians consider the chief creator of the Red Army. Nevertheless, the triad of the strength of the word, the non-verbal energy and a thoughtful strategy of the case turned out to be stronger from Stalin, and he crushed his opponents, which at the early stage of the revolution did not see a real threat in it.

Stalin knew how to effectively respond not only on the verbal level, but even by gesture or movement.

Once the German Ambassador in Moscow Ribbentrop at a meeting with Stalin unexpectedly welcomed him by Nazi exclamation: "Hail!" With the ejection of the right hand. Those presence and frozen waiting for the leader will leave the ambiguous situation. But the confusion of the "leader of the peoples" lasted only a moment: after a second, in response to Demarche Ribbentrop, he ... made Kniksen. Everyone looked around, and Ribbentrop was confused.

Another case concerned Stalin's reaction to Mehlis's complaints about the fact that one of the highest ranks of the generals has an extramarital relationship with a woman. Stalin ignored Mehlis's remarks. But he did not get up and after a while again repeated his question: "So what will we do, Comrade Stalin, with General R.?" "What do we do?" - The Secretary-General asked and immediately answered - "envy we will".

Stalin felt confident and protected not only with his subordinates, any of whom he could send one word or gesture to the concentration camp, but also in relation to the Allied leaders in World War II, which were formally equal to him. Here is another curious case told by the journalist I. Atamanenko, confirming the exposure and composure of Stalin in the situation of psychological blackmail, undertaken by Truman and Churchill, who tried to achieve advantages in negotiations with "Uncle Joe":

"On July 21, 1945, on the fourth day of the Potsdam conference, Truman received from the United States a long-awaited telegram of three words:" The birth was successful. "This meant that the testing period of the atomic bomb was successfully completed and the manufacture of deadly weapons can be put on the conveyor.

The President of the United States could not have failed to understand Stalin, what a trump card will now be clamped in his fist. Waving three days, during which he thoroughly thought about how and what to tell Generalissimus about the atomic bomb, Truman decided to do this without going into details, but limiting the comments of the most general character.

Churchill, for his part, advised to clothe information about the atomic bomb in a grotesque form or present the story of a joke.

At the end of the plenary session, the president and prime minister, smiling widely, approached the Soviet leader and in a playful form offered him to listen to the content of their dreams, which they allegedly saw the night before.

"You know, Mr. Generalissimus," said Churchill, who was assigned the role of senti, - tonight I had a dream that I became the Lord of the world ... "

"And I, Mr. Stalin," Trumen picked up the topic, "I dreamed that I became the Lord of the Universe!"

Stalin, feeling the trick, did not hurry with the answer. Carefully leaving the heads to the head of the joker (the teacher looks like a masculous disciples), he died a couple of times with his unchanged tube and said separately: "That's how? And today I had a night that I didn't approve you in these posts!"

Truman realized that the joke had failed with a joke, and the patter was reported that the United States created a new weapon of "extraordinary destructive power".

And although the phrase was thrown by Truman passion, all participants in the performance - Churchill, US Secretary of State, Biris Foreign Minister and the American president, were intended for Stalin's reaction.

He shrugged and, while maintaining complete calm, proceeded to his apartment.

The organizers of the failed show came to the conclusion that Stalin simply did not understand the meaning of what was said. Truman was clearly in confusion. He was discouraged that the first attempt atomic blackmail did not reach the goal, because in the following days the Soviet delegation and Stalin himself behaved as if nothing had happened.

In fact, by returning to your office, Stalin immediately contacted Kurchatov and briefly said: "Accelerate our work immediately!".

We will pay attention to those techniques that Stalin applied in this short, but very demonstrative slaughter:

1) He endured before the response a long pause, during which probably made the interlocutors to enjoy under her famous shrill look;

2) He took the glove of humor and continued the joke, stating that he saw a dream - any other, more serious answer would look somewhat clumsily;

3) stating that he did not approve the interlocutors in those positions of the world's lords that they were allegedly dreamed, he clearly gave them to understand that the true Lord of the world was he himself;

4) He was impenetrable to respond to Truman's words about creating a powerful weapon, which introduced the American president who was waiting for a more interested reaction, to a state of confusion;

5) In the future, he led himself as if nothing had happened, and it devalued the information, which seemed to the Truman, such an important trump card for negotiations;

6) In fact, he instantly responded to the information of Truman, giving the Kurchatov order "immediately accelerate the work."

So try to reinforce your words, learning on any examples, including on the examples of the largest dictators of the 20th century and, of course, imitating them only in the foundation of speech, and not in that evil they are doing.


If the kidnapper of your energy acts with annoying activity, if it is constantly complaining about fate, problems and illness, but at the same time absolutely nothing does to improve his own life, then the so-called colder therapy that says Agni Yoga will be a very effective means of protection against such vampirism. : "Correctly think about the diverse effects of human radiation on the surrounding. A convincing example can be seen on the exposure of a person on animals and on plants. Give an animal or plant in the hands of a person, and you can notice the difference of the state of objects and types of energy destruction. Like a vampire, sucks the rider Horse, or hunter dog, or gardener plant. Look for the cause in human radiation.

Watch and write the history of the spirit of the Spirit. Physical obvious tait roots in long-term accumulation. I advise you to treat it cold to people with sick radiation. Cold treatment is likely to strengthen them. No need to be colder than cruelty; After all, we remind a sensitive door to everyone knocking "(signs of Yoga Agni), stressing that this method has nothing to do with cruelty and indifference. In contrast, in such a relation to people who are sick vampirism, the highest manifestation of humanity aimed at the awakening of independent Activity. Lained familiar illegal artificial revenues of someone else's strength, energy vampires will be forced to strain their own will in order to permanently, with the help of spiritual work to extract energy. Anyone, softer attitude or attempt to convince the vampire that his behavior is incorrectly, immoral and Completely fruitlessly, they will be unconvincing for him. The cold attitude, firstly, treats a vampire, and secondly, protects the victim, for it helps her to collect their own energy into one.

Psychological affirmations

(Positive verbal approval)

If you are in a state of a thin struggle, which could not be avoided and at the same time reflect the attack, try to apply the method of affirmation. Come up with any phrase or several different phrases, the pronouncement of which leads you to the state of active mobilization of all internal resources, such as:

"I am absolutely sure and protected." "I am surrounded by powerful energy." "I'm not afraid of anyone, I am fearful." "I am the strongest and steady in the world." "Divine energy in me reflects any blow."

Repeat this phrase for a few minutes as a spell, impregnating its strength every cage of your being. Sat the energy to your aura, penetrating the faith and a steady feeling that you are protected and nothing will happen to you. Get the feeling of confident elastic security, try to find the most suitable rhythm of affirmation. Try also to combine the pronouncement of the formula with breathing, breathing and exhausted by an affirmative phrase and passing its energy through itself. After that, make the accumulated power in your own behavior, actions and actions. You can repeat it during the pressure and swallow fight against the enemy.

Rename hitting

Sometimes, calling a light and insignificant energy pressure or clash with a blow to the blow, we fix in consciousness this impact as if they were really attacked so much that they were injured. In a word, we treat the blow more seriously than it would be. Not the last role is played by a purely verbal designation of the strike. Revising impact perception as a serious injury and replacing its image to another, less heavy and dangerous, can be achieved by replacing the definition of the strike by another word. Another name is the change in the image of the image and, often, the forces behind it. Try mentally about yourself to call myself several times (even if it is strong enough and painful) touch, and you will notice a significant weakening of the painful sensations.

"Closer to business"

It often happens that the attack occurs in a business atmosphere, but the blow is not sent to your professional qualities, but on your identity. Many people are completely in vain to such a "transition to the person" and begin to either become justified, or accused of another on the principle of "fool himself". Meanwhile, there is a wonderful way to reflect the attack in a calm, solid form: leaving aside emotions, call the aggressor only in the case. It is important not only to periodically repeat the phrase "closer to business", but to be able to remain calm, able to analyze the creature of the case and as directed primarily to business goals. Enter the image of the business suit, button on your business suit on all buttons and in the literal, and in a figurative sense and try to demonstrate to all those present evidence of their own dedication to the interests of the case. You can say "critics" that personal assessments made by someone are not interested in you, and offer to discuss the current situation.

Bureaucratic ritual, or communication formalization

This method is well historically worked in the Russian tradition and to some extent is the logical completion of the previous method. If you do not have the opportunity to directly reject the proposals or the pressure that you are subject to, if you all the time impose unnecessary classes and goals, then you can resort to a purely bureaucratic form of protection, perfectly helping to save time. Start talking with a person by the official tone, refer to the opinion of the authorities and on the unshakable orders that are headed in your organization, make papers for a long time, force the interlocutor to sign in each of them, in short, formalize communication. A similar method helps to establish a distance between the aggressor and you, fixing such forms of communication, which either completely eliminate open outbreaks of irritation from a potential aggressor, or make them knowingly unprofitable for him, for what is the point of rebelting against the orders?

With improper application, as in the hands of mothers of bureaucrats, the formalization of communication becomes dangerous weapon. This technique should be applied in extreme cases when you feel your moral right, but you do not have enough strength to put a steadyha in place. Otherwise, he will serve as the protection of your poorly working organization or a department from fair discontent consumers. If their claims are valid, it is better to correct errors than to protect the "Honor of the Unifed". Nevertheless, the formalization of communication can be used as a "weapon of special purpose" in situations where mutual emotional fierce prevents the business part of the solution to the problem.

"Are you not afraid that your method will take into service bureaucrats of all stripes and finally formalize the country?", Asked the colleague me to whom I told that I was going to describe this form of protection. "I am not afraid," I replied, "because they own this method is immeasurably better than me. But the sensitive, naive employee of an emotional type, exposed to an unfair attack, is useful at least be a little bit in the skins of the Mother Bureau."

Loneliness, or halo inaccessibility

Sometimes to defend yourself, you just need to minimize communication or even be alone. The image of a lonely, low-contact person who you will demonstrate will automatically reduce the number of people who want to even communicate with you, not to mention the hunters conflict. It is only important that it was loneliness of power, no matter how needing people and is very selectively receiving communication with them. To do this, carefully follow yourself in order not to ask extra questions, do not go first on contact, but only to respond to the nuances of changing attitudes towards you.

"I imagine that I am a celebrity, and everything around me is journalists who are going to take an interview," one day a person who heard in this team difficult to communicate and negotiate the partner in this team. He was afraid and tried not to argue than he was skillfully used. Looking at him, I noticed that he was only occasionally reports its emphasized, "harmful" opinion and goes to the shell of public loneliness. During the rest of the time, he manifests himself as a discreet, but at the same time a mental person talking to a little, in the case, but always ready to help the advice if they turn to him. Acting this way, he achieved that he was practically not arguing and carefully catching every word, thanks to a laxity and pauses that seem very good. Attention that he restrained and in the case shows to other people, against the background of this silence, it looks like a gift like a sun beam, which emerged because of the clouds, for a long time of the sky.

Such a strategy works well in collectives with a tense atmosphere and many conflicting groups, where the best way to survive is to hold on and at the same time to hear a class specialist who will always help if he is asked about it. Of course, this method is designed for an amateur. Most people, especially emotional by their nature, the prospect of closing their soul as the windows' shutters, and get away from unpleasant contacts alone, looks low-digging.

"Let it be hit, but better with people than sitting at home one," one woman admitted to me, experiencing difficulties in connection with the ridicule, which she undergoes in the company, but because of the fear of staying in four walls, she is ready to endure a similar attitude.

Demonstration of rage, directed not against the aggressor

I could not choose a more brief name for the method that one friend shared with me. This method works very well in danger situations.

"When I need to be left alone, I enter into the image that I am so immersed in some feeling that I can't hear anyone, and I don't want to hear others," the person told me, the appearance of which did not leave doubts In his strength and security. On my question, what signal he sends people at the same time, the man grinned and said: "Well, for example, I begin to talk with myself out loud." On my counterpart question, and whether he is afraid that he will be taken for a crazy, he replied that "let them take better than, for example, kill." After that, he told me the story, as one evening I noticed the company approaching with a rather aggressive view of the telephone booth, where he led a conversation with a friend. "I don't know where it came from me, but I quickly managed to tell a friend:" Do not be surprised, now I need a performance, "and a loud voice, with rage began to threaten him with large disassembly. When the company approached, I talked to him for another minute. In about the same tone, giving them to hear how much I am treated (and it is interesting that none of them decided to interrupt me, but on the contrary, everyone listened to, opening the mouths). Then I promised to a friend that now "boys" will come to me , And after fifteen minutes, we will be with him, after that he threw the phone, and asked to smoke from one of the company with the words: "Guy, give a cigarette, mortally late". The most interesting thing is that a cigarette was given to me, and, saying Thank you, I am fast Step left this place. "

I tried this method and was convinced of its effectiveness. If you demonstrate strong emotion directed against an unknown enemy, not every aggressor will decide to disturb your rage. Only the game should be genuine and applied extremely rarely.

Overcoming mental injury

This method refers to the number of training. It is no secret that each of us probably met and conflicted with people who were stronger and won, leaving the traumatic feeling of defeat in our deep memory. Whenever we face in life with something like that, this feeling awakens and invades consciousness, blocking the path of free circulation of mental energy and preventing the manifestation of confidence in behavior. If we want to become protected, you need to defeat the negative image of the last failure.

Call an unsuccessful situation from the past in the mind, in which you have suffered a psychological defeat, or imagine the image of a person who sent you on the volitional level. Jump your attitude to this image. If you notice that so far, remembering it, worries tension and fear, that is, they are afraid not by the person himself, and his image, then first achieve the dissolution of your negative emotions and eliminate muscle clips and blocks. Do this exercise several times. After you can perceive the way the image is completely easy and calmly, try to completely erase information about your own weakness shown in the past and to some extent ongoing in the present. On the purified ribbon of consciousness, make another, completely opposite "recording": Mentally enter the image of strength, confidence, psycho-energy power and transfer your updated consciousness to this situation, imagining that you successfully deal with it and complete it in desirable for you, the victorious vein . Make mental "rewriting" of an unsuccessful situation on a successful, victorious several times. Gradually, the injury will dissolve and give way to a sense of integrity, confidence and health.

Using the protective force "Unidir"

No, I am not about the guamental power of a military uniform, which is usually painted (sorry for the pun!) In defensive tones, and not about the formula "Unidir Protection", meaning that one or another organization, with fair charges in its address, does not protect the truth or the interests of the case, and above all their own reputation. I am about the fact that in many life situations the protective function performs the "uniform" itself, that is, a person's belonging to a certain organization. Of course, it should be powerful and ready to defend the interests of their members if they are threatened with the danger from other structures or forces. Clanious-corporate affiliation creates pride in man and confidence, sometimes even excessive and unreasonable. This is well noticeable on the example of employees of large corporations and concerns. Yes, and in our history there were a lot of such structures. When a person recalls his belonging to something like this, he crashes his chest, and he begins to feel that they are not afraid of any blows.

To feel the protective force of "Unidir", it is necessary to "wear" him and for some time "displacing", in other words, get a good successful organization. The worker who is in his place must feel that not only he likes the work, but also work in the person of the employer, the team and the whole system loves him. Try to find such a job that you like and succeed. Try to establish deep internal contact with the system itself, animating your company. Customize the feeling of importance and the need of what you do. If you learn sincerely and reasonably, without unnecessary complacency, be proud of your organization, team, work and its place in this system, that is, "uniform", be sure that a good worker is such a "uniform" will be protected in any situations.

Awareness and competence

The personal psychological protected person includes the concept of awareness and competence. The one who does not understand the essence of the question, about which the conflict occurs, nor in the psychology of the person's impact, will never become truly protected. Awareness and competence is widely related to the level of education, and the general awareness of a person about everything that is happening in the world, and a narrow associated with the specific conflict and attack. What good health a person does not have a purely energetically strongly, he will not be able to correctly respond to any sophisticated psychological blow, involving the introduction of the victim into a state of mental confusion and demobilization, if it is not competent and informed and even educated. Competence is essentially not a technique, but the general property of a person who helps while reflecting sometimes very complex and tangled blows of the modern world.

Narrow awareness closer to what can be called. Before a serious collision, ask yourself: Did you manage to study the enemy? Remember everything you know about him, including the knowledge of its strengths and weaknesses, as well as information about the essence of the case, because of which the collision occurred. Try to imagine this knowledge in my own heart, and on the basis of it to rebuild the system of its protection. Just do not unhappy your spirit ready for confrontation with evil, such an assessment and knowledge of the enemy, which will prevent you from meeting a new blow to the fullness. Information should not be something big than the warning. Do not forget about the completeness of the information about yourself that the process of self-surveillance can bring. Without the so-called subjective awareness, it is impossible to lead ourselves to the state of harmony and equilibrium. If it is supplemented with an educational or objective informing, then you can avoid many unnecessary blows of fate generated by ignorance.

Elastic power of confidence

Find the center of your being. Focus on it and stay in this state until the hidden energy of consciousness appears. Mentally connect it with feeling of health, feeling of the rightness and power of will. As a result, in your personality, the elastic power of self-confidence should be born, which is expressed in the inner sense of readiness to immediately answer any accusation and parry any blow. Tune in to make this power in each of your action, word or reaction, especially if you deal with an aggressive environment and conflict. Then try to learn how to call it in myself almost instantly, as soon as the smell of possible conflict and the foreboding of the attack becomes the smell.

Put the goal to create an elusive, but quite real halo of an elastic confident power, and you significantly reduce the number of attacks on yourself. Who wants to attack that from whom the powerful powerful power is able to give a sensitive rebuff? Remember all cases from past years of life when you managed to successfully pouring shocks and put the aggressor in place. Try to remember the very feeling of elastic strength, which accompanied these cases and helped you reflect on the Natisk. After that, call this feeling that manifested in different episodes of your life, summarize it together and attract the energy of memories in today's self-adequation. Fill over the elastic sensation of energy and strength, try to get into the way of confidence at the level of behavior and actions and this is finally convinced that you are a strong confident person who can stand up for himself.

Mental manipulation of aggressor

In cases where the aggressor is familiar with you, and you are firmly confident that you have to receive sensitive blows from it, you should prepare for them and work out the right reaction and aggression, and its source. Do not be too underestimated and, on the contrary, overestimate the aggressor. If you have a similar inadequate assessment on your part, then in any case it will come out of you sideways. The underestimation misses the blow because it did not build any shields around him, and it will not be laid in the subconscious of any correct reaction reflecting the blow. The overestimate danger internally exaggerates the degree of severeness of the strike and creates in itself the wrong images, blocks and clips, facilitating the application of impact and its passage through the subtle tissue of the human person. An effective method that improves human protection is the mental work with the image of the aggressor.

Ask yourself a question: in your conflicts with Mr. N, during which you get sensitive blows, do you continue to underestimate the seriousness of the enemy or, on the contrary, tend to overestimate it? Analyze the image of the enemy, imprinted in your consciousness, and try to understand whether such a presentation helps to better reflect shock or not? If you underestimate the enemy, and in your mind there is no clear image threatening you danger, which you need to somehow reflect, then you should: a) to introduce an idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of a real threat to your consciousness; b) think and choose which type of protective reaction will best reflect aggression; c) mentally repeat this reaction in his mind as many times as needed to turn it into an energetically saturated, alive, actually working image. At a difficult moment, you will be much easier to reflect the blow - you just remove the protecting image from your subconscious and issue the necessary reaction based on it. If you overestimate the aggressor, and in your subconsciously there is an army-minded (it doesn't even matter, it is confirmed by life truth or based on improper perception), then you can try to remove from myself and even reduce spatial sizes.

One person who is interested in his tough, shouting boss, I advised mentally reduce its image to microscopic sizes and to do this procedure and during the separations weighing, and waiting for them, and after, until its attitude to the boss does not Completely indifferent until fear goes. He hesitated for a long time - whether it was to decide for such a step or not, because so internally depended on it that he was even afraid to resist her. But when he decided and did this procedure several dozen times, the fear was held, and in the correct manner, but he firmly expressed her everything he thinks about her screams and empty pick-up. With the boss, hysterics happened - for several years of work subordinates to her for the first time as seriously objected. After that, he was already going to write a declaration of dismissal, but after a while a miracle happened: the boss denied the whole team to confidence, and she was forced to quit his own!

Remember that a little creating a bright and accurate image of your protective actions - it is necessary to charge it well and then to confidently release into the world.

Image defense

If mental protection refers to purely internal methods, and role-playing protection - to the external methods, then protection with the help of the image, which involves the ability of a person to dress correctly and look decent in every particular situation, slides along the surface of human behavior. Nevertheless, this type of protection is very important, as it largely determines the perception of man by other people. As well, everyone knows from the Russian proverb, the meaning of which has significantly increased in our time, a very deserving name "Vanity Fair", "Meet the clothes". If the clothes are bad or sharply contrasting with the expectations of people, causing or not matching situations, then you can meet very aggressive. If you want to achieve your goals in a problematic communication situation (the upcoming conflict, the exam, a difficult explanation, acquaintance, where it is especially important to make a positive impression, contact with knowingly unfriendly or conflicting person), and your position is not accepted in advance, then you must protect your purely A psychological image is not only a thoughtful role, but also appropriate clothing. Now there are many benefits and brochures on creating an external image, where fashion issues are connected to the problems of security, therefore I will not retell them. Limit only with shared tips, maybe even known readers.

1. If you go to where you have a difficult explanation, then defiantly bright clothes tones most likely provoke an outbreak of negative emotions.

I remember such a case. One person was excluded from the university. In order to recover, he needed to pass several instances. The success of the passage of each instance depended, including from his clothing - it was worth it at the second stage of exclusion instead of a bright-red sweater to put on a dark brown suit, as the exception process was suspended.

Of course, it does not follow in this and in other similar stories, everything is reduced to the effects of flowers in clothing, but it is not worth discharged this factor with accounts.

2. If you go to a fashionable party, birthday, presentation, then, on the contrary, you are better psychologically protecting the brighter, colorful, dear clothes. I have repeatedly had to observe how the people of a self-adolescent type made psychological treasures on people in the "Rishkid Prikida", as one day one commerce, an amateur of night clubs and high-speed companies from businessmen, athletes and rock musicians, where a completely random human.

3. It is very important to withstand the combination of colors, even if not classic, but at least not annoying. According to classical ideas, the combination of red and green is completely unacceptable, although in modern fashion, especially in its partic version, this barrier has already been passed.

4. Obviously, open-type clothing suggests that a person is more opens for the attention and negative energy of another person and provokes not only for friendly gusts and expression of sympathy, but also for aggression, Panibrate antics, sexual harassment. Accordingly, closed-type clothing (deaf and high collars, fastened on all buttons and lightning jackets, etc.) creates and enhances the feeling of psychological closedness and partially blocks interest, attention and desire to come into contact and thereby takes away from it possible psychological attacks. On the other hand, many situations require either only "open", or, on the contrary, "closed" clothes, and if a person comes to a good warm and friendly company in the literal sense fastened to all buttons, it will cause tension, will attract negative emotions to him The negative energy and paradoxically will weaken the protection. "Open" clothes in a similar situation will be in a much greater degree to perform a protective function than "closed".

5. An important role in the image of a person performs the material from which clothing is made. The stronger and thicker fabric, the more the effect of closedness and security is achieved. The peak of the sensation of the closedness generates camouflage cloth and leather. That is why the guards and the "labor" are so loved. On the other hand, statistics argue that in acute situations, fights, disassembly, police commissions, criminal shootings most of all the victims are among people dressed in camouflage and skin, even if they were nearby. Therefore, think when, where and what to wear.

6. In addition, try your purely psychological image and behavior style to fit clothes. There is nothing funnier than a man with manners of uncertain neurotic, dressed in a steep businessman or guard style. Therefore, look for your style, if possible, follow the fashion, read the magazines on this topic and try to understand what clothes provide you with the greatest success and confidence. It is possible to quite confidently say that a ridiculous or not going to a person's clothes not only spoils his image in the eyes of people, but also deforms his aura, generating low self-esteem in it, psychological complexes and causing energy losses.

7. If you have the opportunity, make a stylist who, at least a little disassembled not only in clothes and hairstyles, but also in the subtle energy mechanisms of the impression produced by man, and in his psychological problems. In short, work on style. Praphrasing and complementing the famous statement (the truth belonging to the writer's work): "Style is a person," we can say that the style is a person with his defense.

Psychological tennis

I call this type of protection by a sports term, because it implies an instant reaction to any psychological feud of the enemy, be it word, accusation, gesture, look, movement or act. Psychological tennis, (and I mean, rather, table tennis rather than great) implies communication in a fast or even a super-fast pace. Most often this refers to the verbal type of protection. Learn to instantly answer the case of a short phrase. Some people say so long that their statements resemble the deployed newspaper articles. Others first briefly set out the main thoughts and only if necessary, reveal them in more detail.

Learn to say briefs, capacious phrases, inserting the most concentrated energy in them, too long the answer is washing out the force of persuasiveness. Getting Started to training this skill, try to start saying anything, even if you lose the meaning of speech, but you keep the speed of the tempo and a confident look. This method is similar to the Zen's gangs and paradoxes of being, for which it is necessary to respond instantly and extraordinary. Such a reaction is considered the best answer, which is issued by a person instantly and absolutely freely, without long thought. Learn to parry any threats, charges, complaints and ridicule instantly and easily, as the tennis champion parries the opponent's blow.

Absurdization of the attack

This type of protection is possible in those common options when it occurs in a verbal form, and you have time to convince the enemy in meaningless action against you. To do this, you must resort to hyperbolization of arguments or those roles that you resort. Try to show artistry and enter the image sharply contrasting with the aggressive behavior of the enemy thanks to the humor, the fine irony, the game of intonation or diametrically opposite position, against which the further attack looks meaningless. Sometimes it is required to connect good logic, with the help of which a person is quick, clearly and witnesses, where its aggression will be headed and what a large price will have to pay for the escalation of the conflict. Try this technique in different versions until you reach the virtuosity of persecuting with several phrases.

Protection of honor and dignity

Russian proverb suggests the honor of honor. The loss of honor of the universal spiritual culture is considering as a loss of right to life, because the loss of honor and dignity makes life unbearable. The essence of dignity is in the awareness and experience of your right to be unique and refer to your own personality with a sense of self-esteem. Dignity is a kind of armor surrounding personality. Life to live is not the field to go, and therefore, in the process of communication, this armor constantly accepts arrows. Everyone has a choice: to protect the honor and dignity or lose them, chasing their benefit in the broadest sense of the word. Protecting of honor and dignity involves first of all the change in the general position of the personality and its attitude towards himself and in the second place is related to various techniques and methods. If you want others to do not hurt your honor, you must have this honor. Remember the expression from the officer's charter: "Honor I have!" In order to have the honor and emit dignity, a person must kill a slave in himself - the inner being, for the sake of benefit or a good attitude towards himself on a different kind of humiliation and transaction with conscience. Run your shoulders in the direct and figurative sense, try to see that you, with all your shortcomings, the only creature in the world, which already on this sign has the right to respect.

Understand if you inside will not be filled with this impulse, then where does it take from other people? Respect that other people have, derived from the respect you have to have yourself. Of course, it is about self-esteem, reinforced by real affairs, and not about artificial rises and the importance of which there is nothing but empty self-love. If you emit a similar sense of own importance, not secured by authentic achievements in life, people will quickly understand and retur with this energy impulse to you back with the imagination, contempt and dislike. But if you truly respect yourself, and your feeling is supported by good deeds, people will pay you deeply retaliation, sometimes giveover such advances that are excessive. Therefore, the best means of developing your self-esteem is the calm, measured performance of decent cases for which they respect.

In addition, think seriously about your image. If you want you to be perceived as you would like, make sure that your external reactions do not conflict with your inner configuration. Do not fuss, do not commit sharp movements, speak significantly, smoothly and weighty, as if impregnating the dignity of all your creature from the muscular pattern to the voices modulation.

One of my customers had the opportunity to get a good post, but unfortunately, for such a post, the appearance of it was somewhat lightweight. Sharing his client's concerns to seem like funny and frivolous, I offered him to start changing my gait: learning to walk more smoothly, slowly, it is important, imagining that he carries a jug on his head. The image liked a man. He began to work seriously in this direction. Six months later, it was impossible to learn. He admitted to me that even in a different way began to perceive the world, which is not wonderful - the assimilation of the new external behavior manner changes everything up to internal self-satisfaction.

Protection of dignity involves a connection of protection and honor. Initially, a person protects its dignity, and then earned, felt and fortified dignity protects his personality from encroachments and strikes. When people see such an attitude of a person to themselves, they, as a rule, are not decided to cross the border surrounding it, and invade someone else's personal territory.

Another aspect of the dignity that needs to be cultivated in itself, for it has the most direct attitude to human protection is a social aspect. If a person-decent person is humiliated, his external confident image breaks through, and he, at best, feels great discomfort. In Russia, there has always been a deficit of a sense of civil and social dignity, and a significant percentage of the population has always been inclined to bend a head before the bosses and the state. Around the situation to an extreme degree of humiliation, such people at the last moment explode and arrange a riot, which has repeatedly occurred in our history. Today, when the country took a new course, which involves further growth of social inequality, one can assume that many people will experience a sharp sense of humiliation of dignity that deplete them. A genuine sense of dignity necessarily includes social and civil self-esteem and the ability to defend their rights. A genuinely protected person should be able to demand from the state of fulfilling his duties. This also applies to the personal psychological security of a separate person in front of a specific official and a representative of the state, and community of people degradable light, heat or exorbitant price increases. People must learn to unite in an organization or movement, with the help of which they will bring their demands to power, harshly and consistently achieving their goals. If the population of our country does not awaken a sense of civil dignity, it will also be in a state of social humiliation, accompanied by mass stress and psychological depression.

Peacefully loving attack

If you are attacked, and you unsuccessfully tried various methods, try in response to psychologically stop the enemy, acting with peaceful means. Keeping a smooth and friendly tone, try to blame him in the wrong approach to business, vision errors, biased. You can even slightly, in a correct form, to hurt his personal well-being, smoothly as needed to embarrass him, but do not close on the accusation, but soften the tone and go to the creature of the case. Peacefully, but very vigorously and asserted, begin to prove the correctness of your point of view. In short, turn it around with peace initiatives so that he does not have time to respond and embarrassed. Remember that this is not a program of action, but demonstrative behavior designed to knock off your opponent offensive dust and soften its aggression. Having behaved in a similar way, you are paralyzing his aggression and confuse, because your actions do not fit into his expectations.

Peacefully understood the attack is very effective in cases where your opponent is not a supercountable person, ready to go to the conflict to the end. Otherwise, it can be furious, or because you will see your relative resistance, which he does not tolerate, or because it interprets the peaceful nature of your actions as weakness.

Changing the battlefield

When the conflict takes a protracted character and requires your continuous participation and attention, and the result of the collision is likely to be undesirable for you or in any case, it is not how you expect it, it is more expedient to get out of the conflict and make your efforts to any new task. In no case do not lose the energy of the response and movement. Just change the object of struggle and gradually switch your attention to a new goal. At each moment, a person has an alternative choice and it is important to be able to change the battlefield in a timely manner.

Printing belief

Before talking about the protection of beliefs, you need to make sure that they are. It often happens that, under beliefs, people understand personal taste or selfish interests. Beliefs - this is a system of conscious views of a person on a wide range of issues, permeated by some idea or even a number of ideas in which a person believes, because they are expensive to him. The defense of belief has nothing to do with an empty ambitious dispute, which is based on self-affirmation. Beliefs are not a suit that a person can change three times a week. The change of conviction is a long-term process, often stretching for years or even decades. A quick change of conviction that sometimes have to observe in the sphere of politics, - evidence of extreme superficiality and conjuncture. A serious person cannot radically change his beliefs in a short time without stress, shocks and dots.

Defend the belief means to protect yourself, the deep spiritual and psychological basis of its existence. An alternative to "surrender" of his beliefs is the death of a person as a person and a spiritual unit. Think seriously, but do you have it or it only seems to you? Maybe what you call the sonor's "belief", there is just a set of boastful thoughts that are convenient to use your ego, which is impossible to bring any serious ideological base for any serious ideological base? But if you still have a view system that you value, and it is extremely painful for you to see them, of course, of course, it is worth competing for them. However, before getting involved in the fight, think again - whether your beliefs are true? Are they permeated with some meaning, light, positive content, or they are the usual species of blind personal addies, in real life always sent against the interests of other people? Of course, a person himself cannot be absolutely determined how true his views is determined by life itself, however, it depends on it from its recognition.

So, if your beliefs are valuable for you and if they are objectively not directed against other people, life, God, then protect them! The protection of beliefs can occur in different forms - as words and affairs. Of course, protection of affairs and actions is preferable. In Orthodoxy there is a wonderful formula: "Truth does not apply, but is meant." The Apostle Paul said on the same occasion: "Faith without anyone is dead." But the words penetrated by faith are turning if not into cases, then at least in an important element of affairs, especially if a person is exposed to a psychological attack for his beliefs. So, if you want to seriously defend your beliefs, learn to effectively protect them and affairs, and words. Cases and deeds should be clear, energetic, successful, professional, that is, such that cause as few claims as possible and the recovers from those who are next to you. Try to be your affairs to be permeated with faith in their meaning and that they do not disperse with the words you justify yourself in front of the world. If you stopped believing what you are doing, ask God to return to you faith, but if this does not happen, stop making a dead deal until you tell again. And if faith never returns, forget about your unsuccessful affairs. Cases committed without faith, that is, without aware of their needs and values, are doomed to fail.

The verbal protection of beliefs is a dialogue, an explanation, dispute, sometimes a conflict that needs to be done competently and correctly. You can distinguish several principles of such protection: a person must understand well and understand what he protects. The clarity of understanding generated by incompetence and non-professionalism, sharply reduces the persuasiveness of the pronounced and causes a comic effect, exacerbated by the degree of emotionality of a person. In fact, if such a person defends some kind of thesis and is convinced of his right thing, then the more passionate it does, the more unconvincing for the listeners they look like his words, because they see the whole degree of his misunderstanding. Unfortunately, many people protect such views and ideas, the essence of which they do not fully understand. Try not to like them.

Protecting your beliefs, do it emotionally, passionately, with faith in the rightness of those views that you defend. A person talking in such cases with sluggish intonation, without a light, with indifferent detrancy, weakens the positive meaning of his arguments. Passionate faith in the right point of pronounced, combined with the logical clarity of arguments, makes any speech convincing and efficient.

Avoid imposing your beliefs - nothing but the reverse result does not give it. Try to influence the mind and on the emotional nature of the interlocutor, but do not press it on his will. The decision to accept or not accept your arguments and views, he must accept independently.

Learn to be inventive in choosing the arguments that are convincing others at the right thing you have pronounced. Defense of beliefs should not be built on the operation of one or two arguments.

Do not let those who attack your views, do it with too much irony. Clearly make it clear that let it be better for you personally, but your beliefs do not touch how you do not touch and you are believing your opponent. In this case, you will be perceived as a more fair and significant personality for which it is more important than its egoistic interests, but an internal system of values.

The art of telephone conversations in the direction of our topic includes both general principles that allow successfully to achieve goals and special techniques that help to bring off the attack and preserve the integrity of their personality. First of all, you need to work on your voice - after all, he is your main tool in all telephone talks. If it sounds too loud or, on the contrary, quietly, if the voice is a sapper, coarse and hoarse, hardly on the other end of the phone will be happy, especially when we talk with an unfamiliar person. The intonation is very important with which words are pronounced. What is she - calm, restrained, leaking, power, cold, warm? Even when you talk the most correct things, the timbre of your voice along with intonation can very seriously appreciate. Therefore, practice - both in conventional communication, and in the silence of loneliness (you can, for example, write down your voice to the tape recorder and listen to how it sounds and after try to repeat the same phrase with different intonation and timbre), and even during the telephone itself conversation.

Breathing plays a very important role. Noisy heavy breathing makes an appropriate impression, and once the interlocutor also feels some gravity coming from you, he usually strives to quickly put the phone, even if the business part of the conversation has not yet been completed. Try to learn to breathe easily and silently, and if you don't want to learn and there is no time, then at least try not to show that you have a hard breath. It is very useful to make brief respiratory settings before serious negotiations, when you have about a minute watching your own breaths and exhalations, and then, having sighing once, start a conversation.

It is very important to the art of the right pauses that can be a strong tool to achieve effective goals in a conversation. However, remember that in the telephone conversation the pause should be somewhat shorter than in a lively conversation, where you during silence can approach the window or get up near the chandelier so that your interlocutor has better seen the expression of your face and realize what is behind your words. Since the telephone conversation is not possible to send a signal about your posture and facial expression, then be careful with pauses: if they are tightened to too long, the interlocutor might think that the connection turned off, and you just don't hear it. At the same time, the pauses are needed if you speak the phone at the speed of Zhirinovsky, without making any breaks, it is unlikely that someone will like it. Sometimes a pause is required to translate the spirit, as if instantly throwing fatigue and fill all its creature with energy.

During a telephone conversation, try to maintain the optimal energy tone and the harmonious state of your own chakras. When people talk on the phone, they are involved almost all chakras, but the leading is the Gorl Center - Chakra Vishuddha. This center mostly focusing two related other centers - anahata, or the Heart Center, and Ajna - the Rights Center responsible for mental work.

It can be very useful to use keywords or phrases in a telephone conversation, helping to better understand the essence of the question. Since, when communicating through the tube, a person operates only one hearing channel of perception, then people who have well developed other channels (visual, tactile), it is not always easy to absorb information on rumors. If you encounter the fact that the information transmitted by you is hardly absorbed by your interlocutor, start tying words from the conceptual kind of other perception channels. You will say more often - imagine, imagine, try to see or feel, feel, touch.

Once we checked these words with my client who had large problems at work with the customer who did not accept any proposals and options when discussing work, which was very slowed down. The customer interrupted him several times, the tube was rareling from discontent, although they needed in each other. Then Maxim, my client, in my advice changed his lexicon, began to use words from another semantic series. The result did not slow down to affect.

Learn to compress information during telephone communication, collect consciousness and will together and try to speak as accurate as possible by choosing words. Remember that you have a few minutes to tell the main idea and convey the most esteem, ruthlessly honing superfluous.

Methods of reflection of telephone aggression

This table will help you better navigate in the process of business telephone talks with customers and build a more comfortable and simultaneously protected communication strategy.

Do not speak


Explain to me what you want.

How can I help you?

Sorry, what disturbed.

Thank you for paying attention to me.

Yes, but ...

Yes, that is why ...

No problems.

Yes, I agree with you.


Yes, I am listening to you.

Hello! Hello! What do you say?

You hear me?

Weeks in two or three times will decide ...

The question will decide - June 20.

I dont know.

I will try to find out.

I do not know.

I will find out.

You're wrong/

Be kind, check what you mean.

Is not a fact!

Probably something happened.

The following table, compiled by the management specialist S. R. Filonovich, is devoted to the ability to talk on the phone with different people:

I. With persistent and demanding interlocutors.

Listen - and you will understand what the interlocutor requires.

Contact persons of the interlocutor's perseverance, but be "at the back of the back."

More often use closed issues to control the course of the conversation.

Be kindly, but accurate and straight in our statements.

Be polite.

II. With an aggressive interlocutor.

Listen carefully and then you will understand what is worried about the interlocutor.

Install contact, expressing sympathy and regret in general terms.

Offer an action plan and then implement it.

Keep cool and do not give in the mood of the interlocutor.

Be polite.

III. With a conversational interlocutor.

Specify closed questions.

Watch out for pauses in a conversation.

Do not give in to the interlocutor, do not let him draw you into a long conversation.

If you learn effectively, briefly, compressed and competently carry out telephone calls, it will allow you to easily get away from psychological pressure and "hitting", which often have to hear into the tube to all business people. However, it is useful to apply specific methods of reflection of aggression:

When the phone calls, be psychologically ready for everything, including what right now you will get unpleasant information, you will be attacked and criticized. Most often get and "miss" the blows are those people who fit the phone with a plunder step in a relaxing-complacent mood. And at the same time do not strain - neutral information and condition always give a larger range of responses.

If you hear a person's voice in the tube who, as you think, will now start to attack you, try as a response strategy to inflict a proactive blow or go to the counterattack. You can do it in a hard form, presenting to him some kind of accusation (the main thing is that it is fair) or in a soft, clearly by sending a conversation to another line and not allowing themselves to involve in disassembly.

From the very beginning of the conversation, put a mental shield that separates you from this person and surrounds the energy through which it will be difficult to break through aggressive strength from the outside world. The technology of building this shield in live communication, quite applicable and in a telephone conversation, is described in detail in the "invisible armor".

When we pierce during a telephone conversation, and we feel a vulnence or energy breakdown, this means that we still have been identified with the phone and the interlocutor, as if he was next to us and even part of us. And he is actually at the other end of the city, or even on the other end of the planet. Remember it, feel and try not to forget during the conversation. "Spatial Shield" - mental remoteness from the object of aggression - very well helps to maintain emotional equilibrium when conversation via the handset.

Regardless of whether you are "punched" or not in a telephone conversation, tune in to break free from the energy obtained during such communication. Sometimes this energy is dark loop for a long time stretches for a person, poisoning his mood and interfering with it effectively and successfully acting, reaching his goals. Therefore, whenever you complete the telephone conversation and are going to either call someone else, either to take on new things, mentally shook with yourself old energy, free yourself from unpleasant experiences and memories, tune in to a sense of complete freedom from all sorts of images and feelings of the past.

If you yourself due to necessity, call an unpleasant person who, as you confident, will oppose you, try to imagine what result you want to get. Evaluate the power of its resistance and tune in to reverse its resistance. After you hear an annoyed answer, come across the opposition, deviating your will, try to speak so as to return the situation to the original level. Imagine that two AUR fights through the telephone conversation, two energies that face each other on top of words. Try to believe that you are a wall of light energy that protects you, and when you are on the logical and volitional level, you begin to step up, then this wall is coming on your opponent and moves to a distance of a dispute, removing it from the circle of your attention. Of course, all similar images should be reinforced by successful verbal behavior, a member word, verified arguments, properly placed accents. Remember that persistence and perseverance in achieving their goals and plans is the best key to achieving the state of security, which helps and in ordinary and telephone relations.

Chapter 13. Protection against criminal-aggressive environment
"One is a prejudiced murder, but another is protection. When you are attacked by dark, it is necessary to defend. The idea of \u200b\u200bprotection is not a murder. Everyone can defend themselves primarily by the power of the Spirit."

Live ethics

"The Warrior's path is based on humanity, love and sincerity: the heart of military valve is true bravery, wisdom, love and friendliness. Make a bet only on the physical aspects of militancy meaninglessly, because the power of the body is always limited."

Morihei Wesiba

"Every gangster, even if it is much stronger than you, in the depths of the soul knows that it is not right. Every sacrifice, even when it is weaker than the bandit, should remember and believe that it is right. In addition, the victim can always call for the help of God, and Bandster Never. "

(English proverb)

"It happened a few years ago," says Galina, an accountant of forty-four years old, belonging to the category of spiritual seekers and for several years regularly attending my seminars, lectures and trainings. - In my life there was a difficult, but amazing period, full novelty and surprises. . Researchs in which I worked gradually collapsed. If first employees were dismissed to reduce the state and paid them a manual, then they simply didn't pay a salary so that we would leave, - and then did not need to pay benefits. I have two children They need to feed, and I decided to act. For the last money, I finished accounting courses and the month almost starvation, I was sitting on the water and bread. After completing the courses, I began to look for work on ads. But no one took me. Although higher education, but accounting There is no experience. I went to the labor exchange, but there was nothing there! I walked several times! And then I checked up and began to ask the Lord, help me find to start at least some kind of work so that I have There was an experience. He turned into prayer to his spiritual teacher. And here on the stock exchange the address of the factory, I go there, and the chief accountant immediately takes me to work. The team is small, the salary is small. Yes, the neighbor on the table is the finished alcoholic. Sometimes I just did not want to go to work, but I walked and knew that the teacher would not leave me that the time would come and would be a new job, suitable for me. I dreamed of amazing dreams. And once in a dream I saw the teacher, I fled to him. And when I did it, I fell into my hands from the sky. The next day I was offered work in a successful company with a salary several times higher than mine. I agreed, not knowing what awaits me. The boss, seemingly pleasant, was Tyran. His beloved saying "you are to blame only what I want to eat." He just messed up with me, came up to every little things, fled an elephant out of flies. Shouted: "Another error and I will firm." Of course, I was very worried, knowing how difficult it is to find a job. But at some point, I suddenly realized that the teacher gave me this work, and when the time comes, he will take it. And no matter how this chief is not sophisticated, he dismissed me unable. And then calm came. Now all his soldiers caused only an inner smile in me. But on the other hand, I understood that in this situation we are to blame both. And I often prayed for both of us: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with us." Especially when I had to go with him to the bank by car. He felt his mood, he began to pray, and he changed in his eyes. But, I decided how a new suitable job would appear, I will immediately leave. And now the work appeared. I wrote a statement about the care and in two weeks was supposed to leave, although in everything except the head I was satisfied with me. The next day coming to work, I recognize the stunning news for me: dismissed the very chief. And the new, starting the duties, began to persuade me to stay. But I was connected with the promise at the new job and left. "

Expressions that need to be avoided

How to act, if you call you.

How to behave during a telephone conversation.

· Be sure to submit;

· Speak directly into the tube;

· Pronounce clear words;

· Ask, if the interlocutor has time to talk or better call back later and when;

· Listen carefully to the interlocutor, without interrupting it;

· Use a calm tempo of speech, never shout into the tube;

· Periodically smile, the interlocutor will certainly feel;

· Avoid monotony, change the tempo and intonation;

· Try to "fit up" under the tempo of the interlocutor;

· Avoid jargon and primitivism;

· At the end of the conversation, be sure to check who and what will do next.

Do not do it Follow
Long Raise the tube to the fourth call
Ask: "Can I help you" Ask: "How can I help you?"
Lead two conversations immediately Concentrate on conversation
Transmit the tube in many times Suggest call back if time is required to find out the details
Say: "Everyone dined, no one, please call back, etc. Use blanks for recording telephone conversations
Find out the third person of the identity of the caller, if the subscriber is not on the spot Record the caller's number and call him back
Do not speak Say
Explain to me what you want How can I help you?
Sorry for disturbing Thank you for paying attention to me
Yes, but ... Yes, that is why ...
No problems Yes, I agree with you
Hello! Yes, I am listening to you
Hello! Hello! What are you talking about? You hear me
Two-three weeks will decide The question will decide on June 20
I dont know I will try to find out (I will find out)
You are mistaken (it is not so!) Be kind to clarify what you mean
Is not a fact! Probably something happened

· "I don't know" (such an answer undermines confidence in you and your company)

· "We can not do this" (think about what can be done in this situation, and not about what it is impossible)

· "Wait a second, I will come back soon" (it is better to say: "In order to find the necessary information, I need 2-3 minutes")

· No "(instead, use" we are not able ", etc.)

1. With persistent and demanding interlocutor.

q Listen - and you will understand what the interlocutor requires;

q Contracting the perseverance of the interlocutor's perseverance, but be on the head of the back;

q more often use closed issues to control the course of the conversation;

q Be friendly, but accurate and straight in statements.

2. With an aggressive interlocutor:

q When the phone calls, be psychologically ready for everything. Most often, those people who start a conversation in a relaxed-complacent mood;

q Be neutral;

q Use preempting strikes as a response strategy (counterattack). This can be done rigidly, presenting someone a fair charge, or gently, clearly directing the conversation to another channel;

q From the very beginning of the conversation, set the inner shield that will protect you from aggressive strength from the outside world;

q If you are due to the need to call an unpleasant person, who will most likely actively counteract you, try to imagine what exactly the result you want to get. Imagine and appreciate the power of its resistance

3. With a conversational interlocutor:

q Set closed questions

q follow the pauses in conversation;

q Do not let yourself draw yourself in a long conversation.