Sophisticated adjectives. Complete adjectives adjectives formed from two words

109. Read.

      Sleepy birrors smiled,
      Silk braids disengaged.
      Rustle green seelings
      And burn silver dew.
      (S. Yesenin)

  • What time of year and what kind of birch did you prevented? What role do the names of adjectives in these proposals?
  • Write down the memory. Check yourself. Over the adjectives name, specify part of speech: adj.

110. Read.

Ozerko Zaroko Occasion. In the middle of the swab ... duck. She had ... chest, and ... ... the head on ... the neck ended the beak, ... as awl.

    Words for references: small, flat, sharp, thin, small, white, wild.

  • Spish, inserting in the sentences suitable for the meaning of the word. Which part of speech do they relate?
  • What role do the names of adjectives in the text?

111. Read.

Orange ..., big ..., blue ..., heavy ..., warm ..., narrow ..., fragrant ..., friendly ..., sweet ..., loud ... Beautiful ..., responsive ..., cool ....

  • Prove that these words are adjectives.
  • Choose each name of the adjective suitable noun. Write down the resulting phrases. Highlight the endings in the adjectives.
  • Which of these names of adjectives indicate a sign of the subject by smell, size, color, weight, sound, temperature, size? Which of them give an assessment subject?

etc andlight andin about

112. Read. Explain how to find an adjective name among single-handed words.

1. Yellow, yellowish, yolk, yellowish. 2. Greens, green, green, green. 3. Clean, clean, clean, clean. 4. Weakness, weak, weak, prespass. 5. High, high, height, altitude.

  • What is the difference in the lexical meaning of words yellow and yellowish, weak and preslastic, green and green?
  • Write down only adjectives.
  • What names can you choose synonyms? Pick them up.

113. Read the poem.

      Red poppies, yellow sand.
      Green lit on the leaf branch.
      Purple beetle warms the sides.
      Blue shoulder river in the coast.
      Orange Sun Wash Forest.
      And the Skvorta ... Blue eyes.
      (V. Stepanov)

  • Name the adjectives that indicate the colors of the rainbow. Choose synonyms for them.
  • Write the phrase of the names of adjectives with nouns names. Orally put the question on behalf of the noun to the adjective name. Stress the names of the adjective wavy line.

114. Read. Determine how many offers here.

Martov SO..Nets Savy..tilo p..luanu Weight .. I fucked agile with .. and l .. thereof .. pr..b .. Food jumped onto a spruce small .. a fir branch dropped CH .. HOW HAPPY.

  • Spinit, inserting missed letters and denoting the beginning and end of the proposals.
  • Stress in each sentence, the main members of the sentence.
  • Find the adjectives. What a member of the sentence are they? Stress them with a wavy line.

115. Read. Why are some words written from the capital letter? Spish.

North Arctic Ocean, Black Sea, Tomsk Region, Ural Mountains, Nizhny Novgorod, Red Square, Moscow Kremlin.

  • Stress in the names of your own capital letter.

116. Read. Casting text.

What cr ... z..l..tandy Penguins! Above the eyes of them h..l..tish hut..lovka, like two sweatshoes, and eyebrows bright ... Love. And the keys and eyes are red. Back and Boca emerald-Z..lehny. And the white breast seems to be silk - such it is smooth and brilliant.

(A. Ivanchenko)

  • Prove that this is a text description.
  • Record the title and text by inserting the missed letters. Stress the names of the adjective wavy line. What is the purpose of adjectives used for?
  • Read the selected complex adjectives. Guess how they were formed. Which of them indicate colors shades?

117. Read. Form complex adjectives, indicating colors or colors.

Silver, white; Dark, chestnut; bright, red; light, yellow; pale, pink; black White.

Sample. Silver-white, ....

  • Write down the adaptive names.
  • Make up and write down the proposal by using one of the complex names of adjectives.

Red Square
MOskovsky TOremand

In Russian, there are complicated adjectives that can be written both pony and through a hyphen. You can get acquainted with the rules of spelling complex adjectives in this article.

Features of spelling complex adjectives

In Russian, complex names of adjectives are written and through the hyphen. The spelling method of complex adjectives depends on the lexic and grammatical features of words and phrases from which they are formed.

Examples of complex adjectives: two-gram, reinforced concrete, wild, light green, Western European, physico-chemical.

At school, the rules for writing complex adjectives are studied in grade 6.

Rules for writing complex adjectives

Sophisticated adjectives are written in the following cases:

  • If a complex adjective is formed from phrase based on a supervisory connection, communications for coordination, management or adjustment (Carontile repair (wagon repair), raging (soon sing), snow-white (white snow)). An exceptionworld-historical.
  • If one of the parts of the complex adjective is not used independently (Belobryny, speed, omnivorous).
  • If a complex adjective is formed from a complex noun with a fusion writing (forest-steppe (forest-steppe), drainage (drain), radiotechnical (radio engineering)).
  • Complex adjectives, in which the first part is numerical (two-year, five-meter, nine-story). Exceptions5-point, 30-year-old.
  • Complex adjectives who have the first part - adverb on -about or -E. (Below, potent, high-level).
  • Complex adjectives, in which the first part is represented by elements - verkhne-, lower-, old-, medium-, early, late-, general,deeply, finely, easily, well, wide, narrowly, multi-, strongly, weakly, thick-, fine-, densely, large-, and etc. (ancient Greek, Rannetic, Middle Eastern).
  • Most Scientific and Technical and Book Definitions (powerful, bakery, deeplywater).

Rules of writing complex adjectives through a hyphen

Through the hyphen, the complex adjectives are written:

Top 2 Articleswho read with this

  • Complex adjectives formed from two equal words - phrases based on writing communication, between which you can put the Union "And", "But" (Trade and Industrial Union (shopping and industrial), apple-orange juice (apple and orange), Russian-French dictionary (Russian and French)).
  • Complex adjectives formed from complex nouns with writing through a hyphen, including geographic names (New York (New York), Counter-Admiralsky (counter-admiral), northeast (northeast)).
  • Denotic colors, taste, other signs with additional quality (gentle pink, sour-sweet, dark red).
  • Educated on behalf of and surname, name and patronymic, two surnames (Jack-London (Jack London), Ilfo-Petrovsky (Ilf and Petrov), Lev-Tolstovsky (Lion Tolstoy)).
  • Complex adjectives, in which the first part ends on -Oko (Historical and philosophical, chemical-biological, lexico-grammatical).
  • Complex adjectives, parts of which are represented by inhomogeneous signs, (often have initial elements - military, mass, nationally, scientific, educational-) (Educational, Military Medical, People's Poetic). Exceptionsprisoners of war, soldier, military-ridden.
  • Formed by repetition of the same adjective (Clean-clean, warm and warm, gray gray).


Read. Forward complex adjectives, designating color or shades of colors. Silver, white; dark, chestnut; Bright, red; light, yellow; pale, pink; black White. Write down the adaptive names. Make up and write down the proposal by using one of the complex names of adjectives.


Silver-white; dark chestnut; bright red; light yellow; pale pink; Black and white. This film was very old, still black and white, but I really liked it.

Silver-white, dark chestnut; bright red; light yellow; pale pink; Black and white. It was a bright red dress. Light yellow chicken pierced.

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A significant part of Russian spelling is occupied by the rules of the defisc, separate and fusion writing of the word forms. Complicated adjectives, examples of spelling of which will be given in the article, illustrate the rules of the spelling of the Russian language.

- what is it?

In the lexical Arsenal of the Russian language there are simple words consisting of one root, one base ( blue, young, red, autumny). If the word consists of several basics or parts of the base, it is considered complex. Complicated adjectives, examples of which are given below in the tables, consist of two roots.

Sophisticated word: Education Methods

Three main methods are formed: addition, battle, abbreviation.

Sophisticated words: Methods of education
MethodDescriptionSophisticated nouns and complex adjectives: examples
AdditionMorphological in which the complex word is formed by fusion of the bases using vowels (the connecting vowel oh follows the solid consonants, the vowel E - for soft).wrestotkitsky, carnivorous, blood, dallenbud
BlizzardThe lexico-syntactic method: the whole combination of words without connecting vowels merges in the complex.two-storey (of two floors), forty-day (from forty days), crazy (crazy)
AbbreviationConditional phonetic method: complex is formed from the combination of words, but, unlike the fight, only parts of the foundations are connected: syllables, letters.department Store, Salary, Kamaz, NATO, EGE

Complicated adjectives: Fusion Writing

The spelling of complex adjectives is subject to a number of spelling rules, illustrate their complex adjectives, the examples of which are given in the tables below.

At the same time, complex adjectives can be written through a hyphen and shaken or be part of the phrase, where the adjective is not part of a complex word.

Spelling of complex adjectives
RuleComplex adjectives: examples
1 In the formation of a complex from complex which is written in a punk.oil pipeline - oil pipeline, steamer - steam
2 In the formation of a complex adjective from the verification combination of words, including from the phrases "noun + adjective", calling geographical - Mountain Skiing, Natural Science - Natural Sciences, Average daily - average per day; Lyzyogorsky - Yarodnikolyansky - Berry Polyana
3 If refers to a scientific term or is a special word.scalytoky, viviors, mammals, milk, bakery, geological exploration
4 If the first part of the complex word is as follows: the highly, the above, deep, thick, cool, large, easily-, small, small, multiply, low, below, is sharply, flat-, strongly, weakly-, thick , finely, difficult-, seriously, narrowly, wide. If with such elements there are explanatory words, then writing separate.low learned (but: little student studied), a hardworthy (but: hardly derived from the body), widely known (widely known abroad)
5 common, Verkhne-, medium, lower, ancient, early, late-. generally accepted, Central Russian, Nizhnevolzhsky, Old English, early, Late

Complicated adjectives: Writing through a hyphen

Many are written half-spot. The rules for setting a hyphena and complex words-adjectives (examples) are given in the table below.

RuleComplicated adjectives through a hyphen: examples
Through Defis
1 When forming a complex name of adjective from a complex noun, which is written through a hyphen.north-West - North-West, Social Democratic - Social Democracy, Issyk-Kulsky - Issyk-Kul (but: Checkykulsky, because there is a prefix)
2 If adjective is formed from two names of their own, for example, from two surnames or name and surname. Eastern names are the exception.pushkin-Gogolevsky, Lev-Tolstovsky, Jules-Vernovsky (BUT: Jekichanskaya, Hoshimine)
3 If adjective is formed by merging several equal words (you can put an union between them and or but). based, concave, apple-plum, Russian-Chinese, expressive-emotional
4 If adjective is formed by merging several equal, but inhomogeneous words.official business, electronic computing, comparative historical
5 If the first part of a complex word is military, nationally, mass, educational-, scientific. military legal, national liberation, mass-sports, educational and methodical, scientific and technical
6 If adjective reflects the color shade.gray green, yellow blue, deep black
7 Complex adjectives-toponyms.West Korean, North Ossetian, South Ural

The phrase "adverb + adjective"

Sophisticated words are adjectives, the examples of which are given above, it is difficult to distinguish from similar phrases.

So, moral-ethical - this is an adjective, and moral inspent - The phrase, where you can ask a question: " In what attitude? "

Spelling of complex adjectives: examples from literature

In the works of fiction, complex adjectives are widely used.

They allow you to accurately describe the object, allocate it from the environment; They contribute uniqueness. For example, in the stories I. A. Bunin, many individual epithets - complex adjectives: smokato-lilapal distance, muddy milk fog, matte-pale foliage, decoration eagles, cheeky-beautiful woman, light gold maples, thin-widespread doctor, metal-bell screams other.