The content of Odyssey by chapters. "Odyssey

The poem "Odyssey" of Homer was created in the VIII century BC. e. She tells about the amazing adventures of the fictional hero of Odyssey, who returned to his homeland after the completion of the Trojan War. Existing persons in the book are not only people, but also mythical creatures.

main characters

Odysseus - The ruler of Itaca, brave, wise hero, also possessing such qualities as freeness and trick.

Penelope - The faithful spouse Odyssey, a smart and inventive woman.

Telemakh - Son Odyssey and Penelope.

Other characters

Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, Helios - The gods that take the most active part in the fate of Odyssey.

Polyfem. - One-eyed cyclop-giant, son of Poseidon.

Calypso - Nymph, whose captive has long been Odyssey for a long time.

Antinea, Evry. - The most persistent grooms Penelope.

Menel and Elena - rulers of Lakefemeon, the good friends of Odyssey and his family.

Alkinoa and Areta - Feature rulers, who give the shelter Odyssey.

Navykaya - Daughter Alkinoa and Areta, beautiful good girl.

EOL. - Lord of the wind, who helped Odyssey.

Circe - Queen, who turned Odyssey's warriors in pigs.

EVMEY - Shepherd, old servant Odyssey.

Eurorsleia - Old maid, Nannik Odyssey.

Laert. - Father Odyssey.

Song first

At the meeting of the gods of Olimpa Athena, I convince Zeus Thunder to give Odyssey to return home. The hero is forced to constantly hide from Poseidon, angry at him for that "that the cyclops of the polyphs are a worst eye deprived of them." In retaliation, the Lord of the seas of Odyssey "does not kill, but away will drive away from cute debris."

Athena is the son of Odyssey - Telemakhu to advise him to drive out of the house Odyssey of all the grooms of the mother, beautiful Penelope. Telemis is instructed by the goddess. He firmly and persistently reminds his mother about the one who has long disappeared Odyssey and her married debt in front of him, and all her fans exhibits Won. "The grooms, biting with the annoyance of the lips," are forced to leave the house.

Song Two

The next morning, the televishes convenes the collected on the square, and the inhabitants of Itaks are complaining about the grooms, which "forever fell and wines are sparkling drinking, everyone plunder." He intersectively demands that the grooms immediately left the Odyssey's house, but two of them - antinea and Evrifa - disagree with such a decision. They accuse Penelope in deception: not wanting to choose a new husband, she rows clothes for Odyssey's father, and at night deliberately ruins her work so that there was the same to stop an unpleasant solution.

Thanks to the patronage of the goddess Athena Telemakhu, it is possible to find the ship and sail to Pilos to meet with Nestor - one of the participants in the Trojan War.

Song Third

Athena instructs Telemach to go to the king Northar to find out, "What kind of thoughts in the chest saves." The young man is trying to identify the news about the father - "King Odyssey persistent in the troubles", and finds out all his misadventures.

Nestor advises Telemakhu to go to Lacceedemon, visit the king Menel. With young men, the son of the son of Pissistratus, the Master of the Son of the Son of the Son of the Pissistratus.

Song fourth

Arriving "In the lowlands, surrounded by hills", Telem and Piscistrators visiting the Tsar Menel in his beautiful palace. He invites guests to a luxurious feast, arranged in honor of the wedding of his children.

Menelai and his spouse Elena recognize the telemakhi, and tell him about the exploits of Odyssey in three. The king of Lakefemeon reports the young man that heard from the sea elder the Proteus - Odyssey is a prisoner on the island of Nymph Calypso.

In the meantime, the groom, having learned that the TV glasses left the Ithaca, so that "the Father will," decide, solve the "honeycomb kill" a young man on his return home. Penelope appeals to the gods to save her son from cruel violence.

Song Fifth

On the Board of the gods "Zeus high-grazing, power of the greatest" decides to help Odyssey, and orders Nifif Calypso immediately let go of the hostage on the will.

Buing a raft, Odyssey goes into swimming, having received everything you need from Calypso for a long road. According to the solution of the gods, "It is destined to see him and again return to his house." However, Poseidon, who is still angry with Odyssey, sends him to meet a strong storm who destroyed the raft. Only thanks to the participation of Athena and beautiful marine nymphs, the hero succeeds safely to get to the shores of Scery Island.

Song sixth

In a dream, the daughter of the Feeky ruler Alkinoa - Navikaya - is Athena, and prompts the girl in the company of girlfriends and slave to "wash with the onset of the morning." Wrapped clothes, girls are accepted to play the ball near the place where Odyssey slept. Calling girl laughter awakens the hero. He tells his swolk about his misadventures and asks to provide him with clothes and refuge. The merciful Tsarevna invites a stranger to follow her to her father's palace.

Song seventh

Odyssey is included in the city and heads to the Palace of Alkinoa. "Athena, about taking care of Odyssey," hides it in a dense cloud, so that he can be able to achieve anyone.

Without calling his own behalf, Odyssey asks Alkino and his spouse is an arret to help return home. The hospitable king invites guests to divide the meal with him. Odyssey tells the spouses, as much, "the troubles suffered from the gods of stoods," he traveled from Calypso to Scery for twenty days, and how he met on the shores of their daughter, she gave his grace.

Alkino very like a smart and tactful guest. He suggests him to take a wife in his wife, but at the same time he assures that in the event of a refusal "Nobody will not dare to keep him here. Odyssey thanks the king for the generosity, and reports that he intends to return to his homeland.

Song eighth

In honor of the upcoming departure Odyssey, the king of Alkina suits the magnificent feast, and sends people "behind the singer, Demokom Divine."

Alquina suggests Odyssey to witness how much Slerians are superior to "in a combat, in jumping, in the struggle and rapid run." After sports, everyone returns to the palace, and Alkina generously bestowers his guest.

During the feast, the Demodok sings about the Trojan horse, which brings tears on the courageous face of Odyssey. Noticing this, the king stops singing and asks the guest to tell the reasons for his grief.

Song ninth

Odyssey calls his name and is accepted to talk about the adventures that have fallen out on his share. He colorfully describes the sail from the Troy, the attack on the kikons and the death of many associates, suddenly distraught.

He further tells how after the strongest storm, a course was taken to his native itek, but "wave, and flows, and the north wind" sent the vessel "to the edge of lotophogs." Having dispersed the eats of the locals, many colleagues Odyssey forgot about the house. The hero did not have anything else, how to collect the most faithful people and continue the journey on the same ship.

Escape to an unknown shore, the braves were in possession of "not knowing the truth of cyclops, proud and evil." Once by involuntary prisoners in the cave of the bloodthirsty cyclopa of the Polyfem, Odyssey and his comrades were in a deadly trap. Cyclops ate half of the warriors, the rest managed to escape from the cave, pre-laying and stubborn into the only eye of the cyclope "Cubs from Wild Olympus with the end of the pointed". An angry polyfe lees to his father Poseidon, so that he revenge for him.

Song tenth

Odyssey and his soldiers managed to surrend to the island, which reigned Ela - the Lord of the Winds, whom Zeus endowed the ability to "excite il to curb them by welding."

Ealar ordered the marshmallow of the "breather passing" to accomplish the wanderers to the Italian itself. He also handed the one with a bag in which other winds were also designed to help the hero if necessary.

The members of the Odyssey team, seeing a tight-stuffed big bag, thought that there were treasures inside. When the ship was already suitable for the shores of Ithaca, they untied the bag, and thus released winds. As a result, the vessel was again at the possessions of Eol, but he refused to help grief-travelers a second time.

After a long wanderland, Odyssey's ship moored to the lands that the circle owned - the "goddess is terrible with a speech of a person." She turned satellites Odyssey in pigs, and he intended to poison. Only thanks to the patronage of God Hermes, Odyssey managed to overcome the circce and to rescue his warriors. They had to live on the island for another year, before the opportunity to continue his journey. Before sailing, the circce punished Odyssey, first of all, to visit the kingdom of the dead and learn his destiny from the priests of Tiresia.

Song eleventh

Once in the kingdom of the dead, Odyssey met Tiresia. The old man warned him to touch his herd of the God of the Sun - Helios. In the same place, the hero found the shadow of his deceased mother, Antiqule. He told Alkino, as the shadows of Agamemnon, Patrole, Achilles, Ajax and other heroes met.

At some point, succumbing to a sudden fear, Odyssey left the kingdom of the dead and returned to the ship.

Song twelve

Odyssey and his companions returned to the island of Circe. She promised to help them in a journey, "So that the insidiousness of someone, the bearing of trouble, did not cause trouble." During the melting, Odyssey had to face sweet-haired sirens, "which they all seduce the people." To save the team members, he had to tie them to the mast.

In addition to the will, Odyssey was forced to moor to the shores of trinacria, where, under the influence of a strong hunger, his people violated the order and slaughtered the bulls of the God of the Sun. The angry Helios demanded from Zeus of ignition. He sent a strong storm, destroyed everyone, except for Odyssey, who managed to get to the island of Calypso. At this story Odyssey approached the end.

Song thirteenth

Alkina admired by the story of Odyssey, richly gifted him and supplies everything necessary on the road. Feacities are safely delivered by the hero in Itaca. Poseidon, angry with alkino for the assistance rendered, turns the Feakian ship into the rock.

Odyssey does not immediately understand what he found himself in his homeland. He regrets that he did not stay at the hospitable alkino, but at that moment the Athena is in front of him. The goddess warns the hero that he will still have a lot of deprivation "suffer, you want, do not want." She advises how to take revenge on the persistent grooms Penelope. The very same turns him into a beggar elder, and the treasures donated by Feicians, reliably hides in the grotto.

Song fourteenth

Odyssey finds the house of his faithful servant of Emmey, old man-pigs. He assures that he will soon be back in Itacu, his lord will return, but Evmey does not believe the wanderer. Odyssey tells about himself a fictional story: how he fought in three, then traveled in different countries.

Fifteenth song

In the meantime, Athena appears in Lake Seine, "So that the son of King Odyssey recalls the return home." Telemis, generously gifted by Melanoma and Elena, accompanied by Piscistrata leaves Sparta and keeps the way to Ithaca.

Odyssey shares its plans with EMMEM - to go to the city and join the service for the Briangam Penelope. The old man dissuade him from this venture and asks to wait for the return of the telemakh.

Telemis, gutting to the shores of Ithaca, sends a ship to the port, and himself goes to Evmey.

Sixteenth song

Seeing Telemach, Evmey is accepted to kiss him, "as if avoided death." The young man sends the old servant to the mother to report his return.

After obeying Athens's instructions, Odyssey opens to Telemakhu, and together they decide how best to get rid of the grooms. The latter, in turn, build a goat against the Son Penelope, who want to deprive life. Having learned about their insidious plans, a woman is trying to prevent the murder of the Son.

Song seventeenth

Telelam goes to the city, punishing Evmey to escort there and the elder. At the meeting of Penelope "The head of the Son, the eyes of kissing his clear". She is accepted to ask Telemach about his adventures. Penelope's grooms "" Good everyone spoke, unfit in the heart of her mother-in-law "to the hated telemakhu.

Meanwhile, Odyssey under the guise of an elder appears near his home. His old dog, Argus, having learned the owner, dies. Odyssey asks alms at the grooms of his wife. Antinea - the main challenger on the hand of Penelope - throws a stool in the old man.

Head eighteenth

Penelope complains of his bitter fate, that the Many of the Great "Deity was nice" to her. She understands that he is forced to choose the groom and then "the marriage hated happens." On the feast who arranged the groom begins a fight.

Song nineteenth

Having waited when the groom will leave the house of Penelope, Odyssey and Telemis are taken from the armor and weapons from the hall. In a conversation with Penelope Odyssey talks about himself a fictional story and assures that he will soon return home. In a frank conversation, the woman is confessed by the wanderer, who hesitates about the beloved wife "with a confused heart", but can no longer oppose, and is forced to marry another.

When the old nurse of Eurorsleia is accepted to wash the legs of the olden, she notices how he is "voice like, both legs and views" with Odyssey. Seeing the "scar, Kaban's applied once," the faithful maid learns his owner and almost gives him.

Penelope is divided by its decision - to arrange a contest with Odyssey onion and marry the winner.

Song twentieth

In the house of Penels gather grooms. Seeing the sign, they refuse their venture to kill Telemach. The mood is finally spoiled when Fooclimen predicts them an ambulance end.

Song twenty first

Penelope announces the groom's grooms about the competition, and makes a big and elastic in the hall, along with a quiver, stamped by stons of arrows in the hall. Telemix sets the ride for shooting. One after another grooms are trying to shoot Odyssey from Luka, but all their efforts are in vain.

Odyssey asks for and to take part in the contest. The grooms against this, but the Telemas gives the wanderer a mighty bow. Odyssey is easily pulling it and pierces the goal.

Song twenty-second

In this moment, Odyssey drops rags, kills the antique and opens by those present. He threatens a terrible car with all the grooms, who all these years ruined his house and forced Penelope to marriage. "Pale horror arose grooms with the words of Odyssey." Their attempt to solve the issue in peaceful way is rejected by the owner of the house. With the help of Athens, all the grooms turn out to be defeated. The faithful maids are accepted to hug and kiss a beloved Mr who have returned home.

Song twenty-third

Penelope learns about the return of Odyssey, but she suspicious refers to this news. Eurorsleia tells Mrs. about a shrama on his leg, which she is so familiar. Penelope does not know how to behave - "Whether to talk to her with her husband Ile, coming up, his hands and head take, kiss them." She decides to check the Odyssey, and he rejects all her doubts when he tells her the secret, known only to them. Spouses talk all night, and in the morning Odyssey goes to his father Laert.

Song twenty-fourth

"The souls of the husbands of the grooms, the Odyssem of those killed," go to the gloomy kingdom of Aida, where they are met by the shadows of the dead heroes and tell them about their noble fate.

Odysseus opens to his father, but the old man does not believe him and asks for the evidence to bring the "faithful any sign." The hero reports the facts that convince his father to believe in the prosperous return of the son, whom he already mentally buried.

At this time, the news of the murder of Brhenicks Penelope causes a rebellion. Odyssey is forced to accept the battle in which he remains the winner. Thanks to the promotion of Athena between the warring parties, a truce will soon be.


The work of Homer is rightfully considered one of the best samples of ancient epic poetry. The incredible adventures of Odyssey had a great influence on the development of European literature, enriching it with fabulous fantastic motives.

After familiarizing with the brief retelling "Odyssey", we recommend reading the poem of Homer in the full version.

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The Trojan War was started by the gods in order to end the time of heroes and the current, human, iron age has come. Who did not die near the walls of Troy, he should have perished on the way back.

Most of the surviving Greek leaders floated their homeland, as they sailed to the Troy - a common fleet through the Aegean Sea. When they were halfway, the marine god Poseidon struck the storm, the ships fell, people drowned in the waves and crashed about the rocks. It was destined to be destined only. But it was not easy. Perhaps, only the old wise Northor managed to calmly reach his kingdom in the city of Pilos. The Supreme Tsar Agamemenon defeated the storm, but only then to die even more terrible death - in his native Argos, his own wife and her avenger-lover killed him; This will then write the tragedy of the poet Eschil. Menela with his returned Elena brought by the winds far away in Egypt, and he traveled to his Sparta for a very long time. But the path of the cunning king Odyssey was longer and more difficult, whom the sea looked in the world ten years. About his fate and folded Homer his second poem: "Muza, tell me about a highly different husband, who, / traveling for a long time since the Holy Ilion is destroyed, / many people in the city visited and the customs saw, / many and grief tolerated on the seas , about saving taking care ... "

"Iliad" - the poem is heroic, its action takes place on the branched field and in the military mill. "Odyssey" - the poem is fabulous and household, its action unfolds, on the one hand, in the magic regions of the giants and monsters, where Odyssey wandered, on the other - in his small kingdom on the island of Ithaca and in its surroundings, where his wife Penelope was waiting for Odyssey His son Telem. As in "Iliade", only one episode, "Achille's anger", and in the "Odyssey" - only the very end of his wanderings, the last two distillation, from the far western edge of the Earth to their native iteak. All that was before, Odyssey tells on the feast in the middle of the poem, and it says very compressed: all these fabulous adventures in the poem have to pages fifty of the three hundred. In Odyssey, the fairy tale shaves life, and not vice versa, although readers, and ancient and modern, who were more willing, and remembered exactly a fairy tale.

In the Trojan war, Odyssey did a lot for the Greeks - especially where it was not necessary, but the mind. It was he guessed to tie the grooms Elena an oath together to help her chosen one against any offender, and without this army would never have gathered in a campaign. This is he attributed to the campaign of the young Achilla, and without this victory would be impossible. It is he, when at the beginning of "Iliad", the Greek army after the general gathering almost rushed from under the Troy in the opposite way, managed to stop him. He persuaded the Achilla when he quarreled with Agamemnon, return to battle. When, after the death of Achille, the armor of the murdered was to get the best warrior of the Greek Mill, they received Odyssey, and not Ajax. When Troi failed to take a siege, this Odyssey came up with building a wooden horse in which they hid and penetrated in the same brave Greek leaders, and he was among them. The goddess Athena, the patron of the Greeks, most of them loved Odyssey and helped him at every step. But the village of Poseidon hated him - we will soon find out why, - and this Poseidon did not give him to his homeland for ten years. Ten years near Troy, ten years in the wanders - and only for the twentieth year of his tests begins the action of Odyssey.

It begins, as in "Iliad", Zeusovoy Will. The gods keep advice, and Athena stands up in front of Zeus for Odyssey. He, in captivity, in loved in him, Nymph Calypso, on the island in the middle of the widespread sea, and languishes, in vain wanting to see even smoke, from the native coast of the upward. " And in the kingdom of him, on the island of Ithaca, everyone already considers him dead, and the surrounding Velmes requires that Queen Penelope chose his new husband from them, and the island is a new king. They are more than a hundred, they live in the Odyssevo Palace, buoyanize and drink, sinking Odyssevo farm, and having fun with Odyssevoy slaves. Penelope tried to deceive them: she said that he gave a vow to declare his decision not earlier than Walking Savan for Old Laerta, Odysseeva Father, who was about to die. In the afternoon, it is all in sight of the fabric, and at night secretly dismissed woven. But the maid was given her cunning, and she was increasingly difficult to resist the insistence of the grooms. With her son, her telemis, which Odyssey left another infant; But he is young, and they are not considered with him.

And the unfamiliar wanderer comes to Telemakhu, calls himself an old friend Odyssey and gives him advice: "Ship shells, woe out of the surrounding lands, gather to lead about the missing Odyssey; If you hear that he is alive, - say the grooms to wait another year; If you hear that I will say that I will say that you can cope and bow your mother to marriage. " Advocked and disappeared - for in the image was the Athena itself. So telelaims and entered. The grooms opposed, but Telemakhu managed to leave and sit on the ship unnoticed - for it was helped by the same Athena.

Telemas floats on the mainland - first in Pilos for a squabble nember, then in Sparta to just returned Mennel and Elena. A word of thoughtful Nestor tells how the heroes were sailed from under Troy and drown in a bora, as he died later in Argos Agamemenon and how he was avenged by the killer of his son Orest; But about the fate of Odyssey he does not know anything. The hospitable Menelia tells how he, Meneli, having lost in his wanders, in the Egyptian shore of the shee of the state of the sea elder, the seal of the shepherd of the Prota wood; How he fought with the beat, and defeated him, and he found out his return path; And at the same time he learned that Odysseus was alive and suffered among the widespread sea on the island of Nymph Calypso. Having ever delighted with merry, the telemists are going to grind to the iteak, but here Homer interrupts his story about him and appeals to the fate of Odyssey.

The intercession of Athens helped: Zeus sends to Calypso of the Baznik Gesmes: Time has come, it's time to release Odyssey. Nympho flashes: "Did I save it from the sea, did I want to give him to immortality?" - But he does not dare to disobey. Odyssey has no ship - it is necessary to put the raft. Four days it works as an ax and a bang, on the fifth - raft is lowered. Seventeen days he sails under the sail, right in the stars, the storm strives for the eighteenth. This Poseidon, seeing the hero escaping from him, pulled the bunch of four winds, the logs of the flesh scattered like straw. "Oh, why I did not die under Troy!" - cried Odyssey. Two goddesses helped Odyssey: Good Maritime Nymph threw him a magic bedspread, saving from the sump, and the faithful Athena hurt three winds, leaving the fourth to carry it to the neighbor. Two days and two nights he floats, not a cleaning eye, but on the third waves throw him onto the land. Naked, tired, helpless, he fell into a bunch of leaves and falls asleep by the dead man.

It was the land of blissful Feaakov, over which Rules good king alkina in a high palace: Copper walls, golden doors, seashed fabrics on a benches, ripe fruits on branches, eternal summer over the garden. The king had a young daughter for nothing; At night, Athena came to her and said: "I will soon marry, and your clothes are not washed; Collect the maids, take the chariot, go to the sea, wash the dresses. " We left, wrapped, dried, began to play the ball; The ball flew into the sea, the girls screamed loudly, the cry was woken by Odyssey. It rises from the bushes, terrible, covered with the nursery, and pray: "Lie Nififa or a mortal, help: let me cover the nakedness, point me the way to people, and let you send you the gods of the good husband." He is washed, diminitiously dresses, and walking, admiring, thinks: "Ah, if they gave me the gods of such a husband." He goes to the city, enters the king alkino, tells him about his misfortune, but he does not call himself; The touched alkina promises that Feaky ships will take him where he will ask.

Odyssey sits on Alkinoev Piru, and the wise blind singer of Demok entertains the singing songs. "SPEY ON THE TRANIAN WAR!" - asks Odyssey; And the demodok sings about the Odyssevian wooden horse and about taking the Troy. Odyssey tears in their eyes. "Why are you crying? - says alkina. - In order to send the gods to the heroes death, so that the descendants sang the glory to them. True, do you have someone from your loved ones under the trick? " And then Odyssey opens: "I am Odyssey, the son of Laerta, the king of Itataki, a little, stony, but dear heart ..." - and begins the story of his walnia. In the story of this - nine adventures.

The first adventure is in lotophots. The storm took Odyssev's ships from under Troy to the far south, where the lotus is growing - a magical fruit, who tastes, who forgets everything and does not want anything in life, except for the lotus. Lotofagi treated the lotus of Odyssevoy satellites, and they forgot about their native iteke and refused to sail on. The strength of them, crying, took to the ship and went down.

The second adventure is at cyclops. These were monstrous giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead; They graze sheep and goats and did not know the wines. The main among them was the polyfe, the son of the Marine Poseidon. Odyssey with a dozen comrades wandered into his empty cave. In the evening, he came by the polyfem, huge, like a mountain, drove herd to the cave, taled the out of her way, asked: "Who are you?" - "Wanderers, Zeus our keeper, we ask to help us." - "Zeus I am not afraid!" - And the cyclops grabbed two, smashed about the wall, devoured with the bones and Zared. In the morning he went with the herd, again wondering the entrance; And here Odyssey came up with a trick. He with his comrades took Cyclopov to Tubin, big, like a mast, sharpened, burned on fire, strained; And when the villain came and devoured two more comrades, he got to him to sleep. The wine liked the monster. "What's your name?" - he asked. "No one!" - answered Odyssey. "For such a treat, I, nobody, eat the last!" - And the Crown Cyclops walked. Here Odyssey with satellites took a club, came up, swore her and wondered to the only giants of the eyes. The blinded cannibal rooted, other cyclops fled: "Who offended you, polyfem?" - "No one!" - "Well, if nobody, there is nothing to noise" - and diverged. And in order to get out of the cave, Odyssey tied to his comrades under the bunchel, so that he did not grope them, and so together with the herd they left the cave in the morning. But, already sailing, Odyssey did not bother and shouted:

"So for your resentment to guests execution from me, Odyssey from Ithaca!" And Cyclops fiercely prayed to the father of his Poseidon: "Do not let the Odyssey to go to the iteak - and if it is so destined, then let him get in no one, alone, on someone else's ship!" And God heard his prayer.

The third adventure is on the island of the god of the winds of Eol. God sent them backway wind, and the rest tied to the leather bag and gave Odyssey: "We will swim - let go." But when ITAKA was already visible, tired Odyssey fell asleep, and his satellites unleashed her bag ahead of time; Hurricane rose, they rushed back to Eolu. "So gods against you!" - angrily said EOL and refused to help the breath.

Fourth adventure - lednigons, wild giant-cannibals. They fled to the shore and wrapped huge rocks on Odyssevy ships; From the twelve courts died eleven, Odyssey with few comrades saved on the latter.

The fifth adventure is the wizard of Kirk, the queens of the West, all the aliens who addressed the animals. Odyssevy messengers, she brought wine, honey, cheese and flour with poisonous potions - and they turned in pigs, and she drove them into Khlev. Saved one and in horror spoke Odyssey about it; He took the bow and went to help comrades, without hoping. But Hermes, the messenger of the gods, gave him God's plant: the root is black, the flower is white, - and the spells were powerless against Odyssey. A threatening sword, he forced the wizard to return a man's appearance to his friends and demanded: "Turning us into Ithaca!" "Ask the path of Tiresiia, the prophet from the prophets," said the sorcerer. "But he died!" - "Ask the dead!" And she told how to do it.

The sixth adventure is the worst: descent to the kingdom of the dead. The entrance to it is on the edge of the world, in the country of eternal night. The souls of the dead in it are notply, insensitive and thoughtless, but, drinking sacrificial blood, gain speech and mind. On the threshold of the kingdom of the dead Odyssey, she sacrificed a sacrifice of black ram and a black sheep; The souls of the dead flew to the smell of blood, but Odyssey distilled them with a sword, while it was not a prophetic tires. After drinking blood, he said:

"Your troubles - for the insult of Poseidon; Your salvation - if you don't hurt the sun-helios; If you hurt - you will return to Itak, but one, on someone else's ship, and not soon. Your house ruins the grooms Penelope; But you master them, and you will be a long kingdom and peaceful old age. " After that, Odyssey allowed sacrificial blood and other ghosts. The shadow of his mother told how she died from the longing of his son; He wanted to hug her, but under his hands it was only empty air. Agamemenon told how he died from his wife: "Be, Odyssey, careful, to rely dangerous on the wing." Achilles told him:

"It is better for me to be a baroque on earth than the king between the dead." Only Ajax did not say anything without knowing that Odyssey, and not he got the armor of Achille. We saw Odyssey and Hells of the Judge of Minos, and forever executed pride of Tanthalla, Schitre Sisifa, Titia Title; But here the horror covered it, and he hurried away, to the white light.

The seventh adventure was sirens - predators, seductive singing of sailing to death. Odyssey reached them: he stuck his satellites with wax ears, but he ordered himself to tie to the mast and not to let go, no matter what. So they sailed by, uncructable, and Odyssey also heard singing, whichestly not.

The eighth adventure was the shed between the monsters of Szillla and Charibda: Szillos - about six heads, each with three rows of teeth, and about twelve paws; Charibda is about one larynx, but such a whole ship delays in one sip. Odyssey preterested in Szillo Haribda - and was right: she grabbed the six her comrades from the ship and six mouths, but the ship remained intact.

The ninth adventure was the island of the Sun-Helios, where his sacred herd grazed - seven hundred red bulls, seven hundred white rams. Odyssey, having remembered by Tiresia, took a terrible oath with his comrades, not to concern them; But there were no other winds, the ship stood, the satellites were hungry and, when Odyssey fell asleep, stabbed and eaten the best bulls. It was scary: the ribbed skins moved, and meat on the spit was soapy. The Sun-Helios, who sees everything, hears everything, knows everything, prayed to Zeus: "There are noise of offenders, I will come out to the underground kingdom and will shine among the dead." And then, as the winds stood and sailed the ship from the shore, Zeus raised the storm, rushed the ship, the ship crumbled, the satellites have satellite in the whirlpool, and Odyssey alone on the broom of the log washed over the sea for nine days until he threw him as shore to Calypso.

So finishes Odyssey your story.

Tsar Alkina performed a promise: Odyssey climbed the Fekyquish ship, plunged into the enchanted sleep, and woke up on the foggy coast of Ithaca. Here he is met by the patroness of Athena. "It's time for your tricks," she says, - Taunks, erase the grooms and wait for the son of your telemak! " She concerns him, and he is being done unrecognizable: Star, Lys, Nishch, with a staff and soullow. In this form, it goes deep into the island - ask the shelter from the old good swine festival of Evmee. Evmey he says, as if he came from Crete, fought under Troy, knew Odyssey, sailed to Egypt, got into slavery, was in Pirates and barely saved. Evmey calls him to the hut, sits to the hearth, treats, it grows about the missing Odyssey, complains of violent grooms, regrets Tsaritsa Penelope and Tsarevich Telemach. Another day, he comes to the telemists, who returned from his wanderer, and of course, he also sent him here the Athen itself, in front of him, Athena returns his real appearance, the mighty and proud. "Isn't you God?" - Write the Telem. "No, I'm your father," - answers Odyssey, and they, hugging, crying from happiness.

Nearest end. Telemas goes to the city, to the palace; Behind him, EMMEY and Odyssey, again in the form of a beggar. The palace threshold is performed by the first recognition: the shallow Odyssev dog, for the twenty years, who did not forget the voice of the owner, raises her ears, crashes him from the last strength to him and dies at his feet. Odyssey is included in the house, goes away the hubber, asks for laying off the groom, tolerates ridicule and beatings. The grooms whip it with another beggar, younger and stronger; Odyssey suddenly overturns it with one blow. The grooms laugh: "Let Zeus send you for it, what you want!" - And do not know that Odyssey wishes them to death. Penelope calls for a stranger to himself: did he hear the Westa about Odysse? "I heard," says Odyssey, "he will not come back in the near edge." Penelope can not believe, but she is grateful to the guest. She makes the old maid to wash the wanderer before bedtime his dust legs, and he himself invites him to be in the palace on tomorrow's feast. And the second recognition is made here: the servant makes a pelvis, touches the guest's feet and feels on the shin of the Scar, which was at Odyssey after hunting on a boar in his young years. His hands trembled, the foot slipped out: "You are Odyssey!" Odyssey pushes her mouth: "Yes, this is me, but silently - otherwise you will destroy the whole thing!"

The last day comes. Penelope convenes the grooms in the feast of the Hub: "Here is the bow of my deceased Odyssey; Who will run it and let the arrow through the twelve rings on twelve secrets in a row, will he become my husband! " One after another one hundred and twenty grooms are measured to Luka - nor united can even tighten the tent. They already want to postpone the contest until tomorrow - but here the Odyssey gets up in his appearance: "Let me try: after all, I was once strong!" The grooms are indigray, but the TV glasses stands for the guest:

"I am the heir of this bow, who I want - I give; And you, mother, go to their female deeds. " Odyssey is taken for the onions, easily bends him, rings the guide, the arrow flies through the twelve rings and stuck in the wall. Zeus thunder thunder over the house, Odyssey straightens into the entire henichrsky growth, next to him, television with a sword and a spear. "No, I did not extend, I shoot: I'll try now another goal!" And the second arrow is striking the very arrogant and violent from the grooms. "A, did you think that Mervy Odyssey? No, he is alive for truth and retribution! " The grooms are enough for swords, Odyssey brings them as arrows, and when the arrows are erected - the spears who bring the faithful EVMEY. The grooms are moving around the chamber, the invisible Athena dims up of their mind and takes their blows from Odyssey, they fall one by one. Breast of the dead tel is brown in the middle of the house, faithful slaves and slaves crowd around and sniffing, seeing Mr.

Penelope did not hear anything: Athenailed to her deep sleep in her terme. The old maid runs to her with a joyful news: Odyssey returned. Odyssey kicked the grooms! She does not believe: no, yesterday's beggar is not at all like Odyssey, how he was twenty years ago; And the grooms shook, probably angry gods. "Well," says Odyssey, "if there is an unkind heart in Queen, let the bed alone". " And then the third is committed, the main recognition. "Good," says Penelope's maid, "I will bring a guest in his peace from the royal bedroom." - "What are you saying, a woman? "Odyssey exclaims," \u200b\u200bthis bed does not move off the place, instead of her legs - she is the stump of the oilseed tree, I once bought it on it and adjusted. " And in response Penelope cries from joy and rushes to her husband: it was a secret, they are one by the sign.

This is a victory, but this is not the world. The fallen ghenykhs remained their parents, and they are ready to revenge. The armed crowd, they go to Odyssey, he advocates to meet them with television and several hem. The first blows are already thundered, the first blood sheds, - but Zeusov will put the end of the slamming breakdown. Lightning shrinks, hitting in the ground between the fighters, rinsing the thunder, is Athena with a loud cry: "... blood do not leave in vain and the evil enmity stop!" - And frightened avengers retreat. And then:

"The victim and oath brought the union between the king and the people / Bright Daughter of the Thunder, the goddess Athena Pallada."

These words ends "Odyssey".

The narration of the assembly of the gods begins, at which Athena asks Zeus to help Odyssey, captured by Nymph Calypso.

At this time, Penelope, his wife, overcome Venelmazby, demanding that she chose a new husband. A woman as maybe pulls his decision. The son of Telemas is trying to help the mother and go to search for the Father. He meets with many satellites Odyssey, from which he learns that he is alive.

Further Homer tells about the fate of the Odysse itself. By order Zeus Nymifa releases the captive. He goes down, but after 17 days the storm of Poseidon breaks his raft. Sea nymph and Athena come to the rescue - they save the man and belong to the shore, where he falls asleep to the dead man.

It was Alkino Land. On the advice of the same Athena, his daughter is walking together with the maids goes to the sea to wash the dresses. There they find Odyssey. Girls give him clothes. Odyssey comes to the king and, without revealing his personality, tells about the misfortunes that he happened to survive. The king promises to help him get home.

On the feast, having heard the song of Demodok about the Trojan Kone, Odyssey was splashing. He recognizes: "I am Odyssey, the son of Laerta, the king of Itataki, a little, stony, but dear heart ...". And also tells about their adventures.

The first happened on the land of lotophages. His companions dismissed lotus fruit and lost memory. Odyssey by force had to take them on the ship.

The second adventure is a meeting with cyclops led by the son of Poseidon with a polyfemy. The wanderers went to the cave, where he spent the night with the herd of Baranov, and asked for help, but the cyclops refused and ate two people. The next day, Odyssey came up with how to get out - along with the comrades, he sharpened Dubin Giant, and then, by drinking him, he struck him the only eye. People came out of the cave, hiding under the belly belly. Finally, the king opened his real name to the polyph. He asks his father to take revenge on him.

The third adventure occurs on the island of Eol. The God of the Winds helps Odyssey, giving back the wind, and the rest knocked in the bag and saying to let them go on Ithaka. But the satellites of the king prematurely produce winds, and the ship brings back to Elau.

The next adventure is a meeting with lednigons who have fallen as the rocks on the odyssey ships. From 12 remained only 1.

The fifth adventure occurred on the island of the Tsaritsa West - the sorcerer Kirki. She turned the messengers Odyssey in pigs and closed in a pen, but the king of Itaks with Hermes saved them. And the frightened Kirka said that the dead prophet Tiresky helps him to find the road home.

The sixth adventure is a trip to the "Kingdom of the Dead". There, Odyssey meets with Tires and finds out that all his troubles because of the resentment of Poseidon, and the salvation is Sun-Helios.

In the seventh adventure, the king is found with sirens. Knowing them about their magic singing, Odyssey orders to tie himself to the mast, and the rest of the comrades stuck the ears with wax. So they swim by, without racing the rocks.

During the eighth adventure, it was necessary to go through the spiring between the monsters of Szillley and Charibda. The first was six heads, and the second is with a huge throat, which was placed a whole ship. Odyssey chose Scylla, thanks to which the ship saved.

The ninth adventure occurs on the island of Sun-Helios. Having acted, comrades Odyssey eat the best bulls of God. He asks Zeus to punish Vandals. Zeus sends a storm in which only Odyssey is saved. It wakes up to Calipo Island. On this story ends.

On the ship Alkinoa Odyssey gets to Ithaca, in the form of a beggar pierced to the palace. The grooms Penelope are mocking on him, and she causes him to himself and asks to tell about her husband. In gratitude, a woman invites him to the feast, where he, returning his appearance, wins the competition between the grooms and kills them all. But Penelope does not see this.

The maid tells the woman that her husband returned. She does not believe, but Odyssey proves this, saying because of which it is impossible to shift the royal bed.

The relatives of the grooms tried to revenge Odyssey, but Zeus ordered to stop.


Material for study: Options "Odyssey in cyclops" Odyssey - characteristics of the literary hero Characteristic of the image of Odyssey Odysseus Features of the images of the work of Homer "Odyssey" Epic poems of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" Morals and customs of the ancient Greeks in the poem of Homer Odyssey (first option) Athena

Year of writing: VIII century BC.

Genre of the work: poem

Main characters: Odysseus - King, Telemakh - son, Athena - Goddess.


Odyssey went to the war in Troy and now for more than ten years can't return home. In the native island, Ithaka believes that the king died. Velmazby encourages Tsaritsa Penelope to marry to create a new government. The young son of Odyssey Telemakh received from Athens the Council - to intelligence whether his father is alive. If yes, then the grooms of the mother will fight back, if not, then organize marriage as quickly as possible. Uncle Nesor knows nothing. But in Sparta Menelia tells the young man that Odyssey is alive and is in captivity in Nymph Calypso. Athena stands up for the prisoner, and Zeus lets him. He sailed on a raft seventeen days and got into the storm. But the good nymph and Athena save the hero. Odyssey turns out to be on the Faucan Earth. There he talks about nine adventures. The next morning the Fauchesk ship delivered it to the island. There Athena made the heroes with a poor old man. But he came to his son in a brave form. Massed Odyssey is to the queen and kills all the grooms. Penelope saw her husband, such as before. Athena makes their union even stronger.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Odyssey got the gods to his pride and pride. Thus, the retribution was fair. So, the poem teaches to know their place, without going on at pride. By changing the course of thoughts to really return the lost credibility.

Kikon and lotophias

Soon, the Odyssey flotilla sailed to the island, on which many goats passed. The Greeks treated them with meat. The next day, Odyssey with one ship went to inspect the island. Soon, it turned out that fiercely giant-cyclops dwell on it, each of which had only one eye in the middle of his forehead. Do not know how to treat land, cyclops lived the sheet. They did not have any cities or authorities or laws. Cyclops lived one - each in his cave among the rocks. Seeing the entrance to one of these caves, Odyssey and his companions entered there, not knowing that it was the abdication of the cyclopa of the Polyfem, the son of the Sea god Poseidon, the fierce cannoy. The Greeks spread the fire, began to fry the goats found in the cave and eat cheese, walked around the walls in baskets.

The destruction of the Troy and the adventures of Odyssey. Cartoons

In the evening suddenly appeared by a polyfe. He drove his herd into the cave and laid a stone outlet, which was so huge that the Greeks had no opportunity to move it. After examining, the cyclops noticed Ellini. Odyssey explained to the Polyfey that he and his people float home with a long Trojan War, and asked the hospitality. But the polypham was buried, grabbed Odyssey two satellites behind the legs, he killed them with a blow to the heads of Seme and devoured, without leaving even bones.

Odyssey in the Cyclop Cave Polyfem. Artist Ya. Yordans, the first half of the XVII century

After graduating from his bloodthirsty feast, the cyclops looked loudly. The Greeks could not get out of the cave, as the outlet covered the huge stone. Having risen in the morning, the Polyfhem broke his head with two other satellites Odyssey, had breakfast and left the flock of herd, locked the Greeks in the cave of the same stone. But as long as he was absent, Odyssey took the trunk of Wild Maslina, sharpened his end, burned on fire and hidden under a bunch of manure. In the evening, Cyclops returned and dined two more people Odyssey. After catching in polite, Odyssey was taken by the polyph of a full bowl of strong wine. Never before trying the wine cyclop this heady drink really liked. Emptying another bowl, the polyfem asked his name from Odyssey. "No one is called me," answered Odyssey. "Well, then, no one, as a sign of my location, I will get you latter," the polyfem laughs.

Drunk cyclops quickly fell asleep with a dead dream, and Odyssey and his not yet eaten comrades rolled the trunk at the fire, walked into the only eye of the Giant and began to rotate.

Odyssey blinds the cyclope polyfem. Chernefigure Vase from Laconiki, Mid Vi in. to R. Kh.

Polyfem screamed loudly. Other cyclops escaped on his cry, asking for a neighbor, that she was staring with him.

- Nobody, my friends: I'm foul in your oversight. No one could damage me! - shouted with polyfem.

- If no one, - answered other cyclops, - what are you so roaring? If you are sick, then ask for help from your father, God of Poseidon.

Cyclops gone. In the morning, the polyfem was removed the stone from the entrance to the cave, became near and began to produce his herd on Palau. At the same time, he shained his hands to grab the Greeks, if they try to go out. Then Odyssey tied three rams and attached his people to them under the belly one. He himself fits under the belly at the leader of the Barani herd, holding from the bottom for the wool with his hands.

Polyfem, releasing the rams, fell their backs to make sure that no one rides the animals on top. Under the belly, the branches of the cyclops wake up his hands did not think. Odyssey and his satellites left under the rams from the cave and sat on the ship. After sailing, Odyssey shouted the polyph, which, becoming the blind, he will no longer be able to devour the unfortunate Skaltsev. The enjoyed polyfem threw a huge rock in the sea, which fell ahead of the ship and raised the wave, almost a thumping ship back to the shore. Throwing out from Sushi Six, Odyssey shouted:

- Know, Cyclops that crushers of cities blinded you, Tsar Itataki Odyssey!

The flight Odyssey from the island of the polyfem. Artist A. Böklin, 1896

The polyfem prayed to her father, God of the Seas Poseidon, asking for Odyssey along the way to the house there were many misfortunes. Cyclops threw the migrate another rock. This time she fell behind the ship's feed, and the wave raised by her ended the vessel of Odyssey in the sea. Having gathered around himself the rest of the ships, Odyssey left the island of cyclops. But God Poseidon heard the request of his son of the Polyfem and swore to fulfill her.

Odyssey on the island of Eol

Heroes "Odyssey" soon arrived on the islands of Eol - the Lord of the Winds. Ea and a whole month honored navigators. Before their sailing in the future path, he handed the fury tied with a silver thread. In this fur, Eala placed all the stormy winds suspended to him, except for the gentle Western Zephyr, who had to carry Odyssey's ships towards his native iteke. Eala said that Odysseus should not unleash the silver thread on the bag before sailing home.

The journey has become calm. Odyssey was already approaching Ithaca and even could distinguish the fires of the bonfires to it on it, but at that moment he dreamed from strong fatigue into a dream. Satellites Odyssey, who believed that in the bag of Ea, there are data to their leader's rich gifts, the silver thread was unleashed. The winds broke out and rushed home to Elau, chasing the Odyssey ship ahead. The heroes of Odyssey soon turned out to be on the island of Eol and began to ask him for help, but the angry God was driven by them.

Odyssey and lendrigons

Read more - see in a separate article

After leaving Eola, Odyssey sailed into the country of terrible giants of lednigons. Like cyclops, they were cannibals. Not knowing where they were listed, the Greeks entered the bay with a bottleneck, surrounded by sharp rocks, and moored at the place where the road was approached. Odyssey himself from caution did not introduce his ship to the bay. He sent three people to find out what is the island. Homer reports that these people met the enormous growth of the Virgin, who led them to their father's house, the leader of the ledrangons of the antipath.

Odyssey and lendrigons. Wall painting end i c. to R. Kh.

At the house on three satellites Odyssey attacked the crowd of giants. They chopped one of them, two others ran away. The cannibals rushed behind them began to throw from the rocks of the stones on the shods of the Odyssey flotilla. All ships standing at the sound edges were broken. Going to the shore, lednigons, like fish, rushed killed on the stakes and suffered with them at eaten. Odyssey barely escaped with one and the only ship standing outside the bay. Avoiding death, he and his comrades worked with elevals that there are strength.

Odyssey and circle wizard

Holding around the sea to the east, they soon reached the Island of Ei, where the sorcerer of the circce, the daughter of the God of the Sun Helios. For his father, she was the sister of the cunning king of Kolkhid Eeta, who had the Argonauts mined the golden fleece. Like this brother, like her niece of Medea, the circce was tempted in witchcraft and did not love people. Odyssey Odyssey Eurloch and with him another 22 people went to explore the island. In his center, on a wide melan, they saw the Tsiress Palace, around which wolves and lions wandered. Predators, however, did not attacked the people of Eurloha, and began to go to them, waving the tails. The Greeks did not know that these animals were actually people enchanted with circces.

The circce herself also went to the Greeks and, smiling friendly, offered them to the meal. Everyone agreed, except for cautious Eurloha. He did not go to the House of Circiers, and began to pry in the windows for what happened there. The goddess put delicious dishes with magical potions added to travelers. The poem Homer reports that when the Greeks took him, the circce touched them a magic rod, turned them into pigs and with a malicious grin drove into a pigsty.

Watching Eurloch returned to Odyssey and spoke about what happened. Odyssey rushed to cut out his comrades. On the way, he was Hermes God and gave a remedy that could protect the circle witchcraft. It was an odorless white "moth" flower with a black root. When Odyssey got to the house of Circei, she was invited to the table. However, by entering her treat, the hero, on the advice of Hermes, the magic flower nyukhal all the time.

Circeda stretches the Odyssey bowl with a witchcrop. Picture of J. U. Waterhaus

The circcer touched Odyssey with his rod with the words: "Go and pier on a naughty". But witchcraft did not affect. Odyssey jumped up and dried over the sword's circles. The sorceress began to ask for mercy, Slah, which would be good to handle the Odyssem and divide a married bed with him.

Odyssey and circle. Greek vessel OK. 440 to R. Kh.

Taking the oath that the circce will not cause him any harm, Homer's hero erase with her. He did not answer the Qircy's love affairs, until she took off her char not only with his comrades, but also from all the navigators enchanted by her. Odyssey lived for a long time on the island of Circe. She gave birth to three sons from him: Agria, Latina and Telegen.

Odyssey goes to the kingdom of Aida

Sticking on Ithaka and in his wife Penelope, Odyssey decided to leave the circle. She advised him at first to visit the underground kingdom of the dead God of Aida and to a question the shadow of the famous Peressia Peressia predictor about his future fate in his homeland. Homer's poem describes how Odyssey and his satellites, customized by the raised circces, floated to the north, to the edge of the world, where the Kimmerians tribe lives in a thick fog and twilight. In a place where the underground rivers, the Kocit and Phlegeton merge with Aherontom, Odyssey on the Council of the Circassia, sacrificed Aida and his wife Persephone Cow and Black Baran. The souls of dead people immediately got drunk sacrificial blood. According to the Council of the Circassia, Odyssey was to drive all the shadows to the sword until it arrives to drink the blood of the soul of Tiresia FIV.

The first to the place of sacrifice was the shadow of Elpenor - a satellite Odyssey, who a few days ago, drunk fell from the roof of the Tsiress Palace and crashed to death. Odyssey was surprised that Elpenor reached the kingdom of Aida, rather than his comrades who sailed there on a high-speed ship. Strictly following the words of the circces, Odyssey, overcoming pity in himself, drove the soul of Elpenor from the blood of slaughtered cows and a ram. He moved away from her even the shadow of his mother, anti-cycle, who also flew to where her son was standing.

Odyssey in the kingdom of Aida, surrounded by the shadows of the dead comrades

Finally was the Tiresi Fiiv. Having tricked blood, he told Odyssey that God Poseidon would be cruelly to pursue him for the blinding of the son, the cyclopa of the polyfem. Tiresiray convinced Odyssey by all their might hold his companions from the abduction of the bulls of the sunny God Helios on the island of Trinacria (Sicily). He said that the Odyssey was waiting for a lot of troubles, but he will be able to take revenge on his good. But at return to the homeland, Odyssey will not end. He must take the shippower and travel until they encounter people who have never seen seas. Where the paddle Odyssey will take a shovel, his wanderings will be completed. There, he should be sacrificed to the sacrificed Poseidon, and then return to Ithaca. Having lived there to deep old age, Odyssey will receive death from behind the sea.

Odyssey talked with the souls of his dead colleagues in the Trojan War: Agamemnon, Achille. An Ajax Temmonide is unfavorable to him did not negotiate conversations and went in gloomless silence. Odyssey saw how she senses the shadows of the dead judge of the underground kingdom Minoshow hunted Orion, Tantalt and Sisif suffer, saw the death soul of the Great Hercules.

Before continuing the path to Itha, Odyssey returned to the island of Circe. The wizard warned the hero that he would have to swim past the island of Siren, bloodthirsty women with the body and feet of birds (some legends narrate, the truth is that the sirens had fish and tails). The beautiful, charming singing they knead the sailors on their magic island and betrayed the lyout of death, breaking into pieces. It is said that Siren turned the Goddess of Love Aphrodite in the birds for the fact that these underwent maids did not allow anyone to deprive themselves. In the meadow of their island, the piles of human bones were visible. Cyrcela advised Odyssey to shit her ears with wishes so that they would not hear how sirens sing. If Odyssey himself wants to enjoy their excellent singing, then let him tie his satellites to tie himself to the mast and not to untie, in spite of any requests.

Odyssey and sirens. Attic vase, approx. 480-470 to R. Kh.

Now Odyssey had to go through between two closer-standing rocks in the midst of seawater, on which two disgusting monsters lived - Scylla and Haribda. Huge charibda ("whirlpool"), the daughter of the god Poseidon, sucks the mass of water three times a day and then he dried up with terrible noise. On the opposite rock, Szillobi, the daughter of terrible monsters of the Echidna and Typhon. It was a monster with six terrible dog heads and twelve legs. I worked out the entire district with a scholarship squeal, Szilllated from his cliff, caught the sailing by sailors, broke them the bones and devoured.

The odyssey ship between Szillla and Charibda. Italian fresco XVI century

To escape from Haribda, Odyssey sent his ship slightly closer to Szillla Utus, which grabbed six satellites with six pastes. Unhappy, hanging in the air, with screams stretched hands to Odyssey, but it was already impossible to save them.

Odyssey on the island of Helios Trinacria

Soon the eyes of the navigators appeared trinacria (Sicily), the island of Sunny God Helios, who is there seven herds of beautiful bulls and numerous octara sheep. Remembering the prophecies of the Tiresiia of the FIV, Odyssey took no bull, nor the Baran with his comrades. But, according to the story of Homer, the stay of the Greeks in the trinacria was delayed. The opposite wind blew thirty days, food reserves were exhausted, and the hunting and fishing were almost given nothing. Once, when Odyssey fell asleep, his hunger-tormented friend Eurohloh persuaded the hungry to overtake a few selected bulls, saying that they would raise the temple on Ithaka in gratitude to Helios. The sailors caught a few bulls, they stuck them and the meat was flooded.

Waking up and learning about it, Odyssey came terror. Helios complained about the municipality of travelers Zeus. When the Odyssey ship came out from trinacgrounds in the sea, Zeus lowered a strong wind at him and hit the lambray in the deck. The ship went to the bottom, and all who sailed on it, with the exception of Odyssey himself, drowned - as predicted in the kingdom of Aida Tirey Fiiv. Odyssey somehow knitted by the belt on the water of the mast and keel and kept on them. Soon he realized that the waves carry him to the rock of the Haribda. Hooking for the roots of Russes on the molding clock, he resisted on them until Haribda did not swallow the mast and keel with water, and then he did not release them back. Again grabbed the mast and starting to swear with his hands, the Odyssey sailed from the water.

Odyssey at Calypso

Nine days later, he was on the island of Ogigiya, residence of Nymph Calypso, covered with meadows with flowers and cereals. Calypso lived there in a huge cave overgrown with populas, cypresses and wild grapes. Beautiful-nymph welcomed Odyssey, fed him and put to sleep with him. Soon she gave birth from the navigator twins Wavifoy and Navnina.

Odyssey and Calypso. Artist Yan Junch

Seven years Odyssey lived at Calypso on Ohigi. But he did not cease to raise her native Ithaka and often spent time on the shore, looking into the sea distance. Finally, Zeus ordered Calypso to release Odyssey. Having learned about this, Odyssey tied the raft, said goodbye to the hospitable nymph and swam to his homeland.

But the hero's light ship accidentally saw his hater, the god Poseidon, who drove on the sea on the winged chariot. By sending a huge wave on the raft, Poseidon washed away Odyssey overboard. Sea is barely floated to the surface and somehow climbed into the raft. Next to him dropped from the sky in the image of the bird-Durd Merciful Goddess Levclothy (IOO). In the beak, she kept a wonderful bedspread, which had a property to save from death in the sea bunchery of those who wrapped in it. Poseidon shook the raft Odyssey of the second wave of terrible height. Thinking that this time the hero is no longer saved, Poseidon went to his underwater palace. However, the lifting covers did not give Odyssey to drown.

Odyssey on the island of Feaks

Two days later, the accomplice of weakening from the fight against the water element, he reached the island of Drepan, on which the tribe of Feakov lived. Here, on the shore, Odyssey fell asleep with a strong sleep.

Odyssey at the court of Tsar Feakov Alkinoa. Artist Francesco Aec, 1814-1815

The next morning, the daughter of the king and the queen Feaaki (Alkinoa and Arute), came with the maids to the stream to wash clothes. After working, the girl began to play the ball and shouted loudly when he fell into the water. This cry woke odyssey. Promotion of his nakedness by branches, he came out to the girls and a skillful speech caused a sympathy of Svika. The royal daughter led him to the palace, to his father and mother. King Alkina listened by the history of the travels of Odyssey, gave it and commanded to take the hero on the sea on Ithaca.

The sail of Odyssey from the country of Feakov. Artist K. Lorren, 1646

Being near the native island, Odyssey fell asleep again. The former Feaaki with him did not wake up the navigator, and attributed him to the shore, folding alongside the gifts of Alkina. When Feaaki returned to the ship into her pier, they struck their poseidon to the vessel on the vessel with his palm and turned it together with the stone team. Alkino, he began to threaten that he would destroy all the ports on the island of Feakov, falling asleep with their wreckings of a large mountain.

Odyssey and grooms

Return Odyssey to Italian

Waking up on Ithaka, Odyssey went away from the sea shore and met the goddess Athena on the way, who accepted the image of the shepherd. Not knowing that in front of him, Athena, Odyssey told her invented story, calling himself a Christian who fled from his homeland because of the murder and accidentally fell on Ithaca. Athena laughed and opened its true guise to Odyssey.

The goddess helped the hero to hide the gifts of Tsar Alkino in the grotto and made it unrecognizable. Odyssey's leather was covered with wrinkles, headed head, clothes turned into miserable bumps. In such a form of Athena, he took him to the hut of the minister of the kings of Ithaca, the faithful old Swine of the Evmee.

Book 4.
Telemists and pcsistratt arrive in Sparta. Tsar Menelia celebrates the wedding of his children, Hermionees and Megapenf. Menelia welcomes arrivals; Elena joins them. They remember the feats of Odyssey in three. Menelai talks about his meeting with a maritime older who told him about the death of Ajax in the sea, about the murder of Brother Meal, Agamemnon, and about the captivity of Odyssey on Ohigi, the island of Nymph Calypso. At the same time, the groom on Ithaka will learn about the departure of the telemace and plot kill him.

Book 5.
At the request of Athens, Zeus sends a messenger, Hermes, to the Nymph Calypso demanding to release Odyssey home. Odyssey builds a raft and floats to Scery, the Earth of Feakov. Poseidon, still angry with Odyssey, breaks his raft, but, with the help of Athens and marine nymphs, Odyssey gets to the shore.

Book 6.
The next morning, walking, the daughter of Tsar Feaakov, goes to the seashore to wash clothes, as Athena ordered her. It is shown Odyssey than scares his servants. Because He asks for help, walking his clothes and explains how best to appear in her father's house, Alkinoa.

Book 7.
Arrival Odyssey to the Alkino Palace. He gives a place on the feast. Alquina promises that it will help Odyssey to return home. Without opening his own behalf, Odyssey tells about his stay at Calypso and about the journey to Scery. Alkina asks Odyssey to stay and offers him his daughter's daughter in his wife. However, if Odyssey wants to return home, Feaaki will help him.

Book 8.
On the feast of Feakov, singer Demodok sings about three; Athletic contests are arranged. Son Alkinoa, Lodamas, asks Odyssey to take part in the competition. Odyssey shows its skill in disc throwing. Demodok sings about the love of Ares, the God of war, and Aphrodites, the Goddess of Love, and how Hephaesty, spouse Aphrodite, caught them and put on to see all of the gods. Feaaki give Odyssey rich gifts. At the request of the last demok sings about the Trojan horse. Odyssey touched to tears; He is asked to open, who he is and why he cries when talking about three.

Book 9.
Odyssey calls her name and starts a story about his wanders. He describes the sail from Troy, starting with the attacks on the cycons, during which many of his people died, distracial. Then Odyssey talks about visiting the island of lotophages; Having tasted their food, many people Odyssey forgot about the house. Odyssey also tells about the adventures in the ground of cyclops: they were captured by the polyfe; He ate several warriors; The remaining intoxicated him, blinded and ran out of the cave. After Odyssey boast of success, the polyfem appeared to Poseidon, his father, to take revenge on him, which was the cause of Poseidon's wrath at Odyssey.

Book 10.
Odyssey tells how he and his people reached the island of Eol, the king, to whom the gods gave power over the winds. Ela gives Odyssey a bag containing winds, which should help Odyssey return home. The people of Odyssey, however, thought that there were treasures in the bag. Already off the coast of Itaka, the people of Odyssey, while he slept, opened the bag. As a result, they were nailed again to the shores of the island of Eol, but he refused to help them for the second time. Fuck further, the travelers reached the land of ledrangons. These giants attacked them and destroyed all the ships of Odyssey, except for one. Then Odyssey landed on the island of Kirk's magician, which turned his people in pigs. With the help of Hermes, Odyssey escaped the same fate and forced Kirk to remove the spells from his people. Odyssey and his people remained at Kirk for a whole year. Before their departure, Kirk said Odyssey that he should visit the kingdom of the dead and consult with the priests of Tiresy.

Book 11.
In the kingdom of the dead Tiresii warns Odyssey not to touch the herd of Helios, the God of the Sun. Odyssey also met his mother, Antiqule. Here Odyssey is interrupted: the queen of Feakov Areta praises him. Alkina asks Odyssey to continue and talk about a meeting with shadows of Greek heroes. Odyssey retells a meeting with Agamemnon and Achille and with other heroes.

Book 12.
Odyssey tells how he and his people returned to the island of Kirki. The travelers float past Siren and Odyssey, tied to the mast, heard their songs. Then they passed by the waterproof of the Charibda and the Svylla monsters, which ate the sixyssey six people. At the request of Euriloha, one of Odyssey's comrades, they landed on Trinakia, the island of Sunny God Helios. The storms detained them here for a month and, despite the warning of Odyssey, his people killed the herd of God, while Odyssey slept. Zeus punished them storm at sea, during which only Odyssey was saved. He reached the island of Calipo and, on this, Odyssey finishes the story.

Book 13.
Feaaki accompany Odyssey to Itha and leave him sleeping on the island. On the way back, Poseidon turns their ship to stone. Athena advises Odyssey, how to defeat the grooms and turns it into the old man.

Book 14.
Odyssey goes to the house of his old servant Eumeya, who takes it well. Odyssey tells him a fictional story about his life: he, the Cretan Warrior, fought in three; Then he visited Egypt, finisy and other countries.

Book 15.
At the request of Athena, Telemakh leaves the Palace of Meal in Sparta. In the Ithake, Evyay answers the questions of Odyssey; He tells how he kidnapped by the Phoenician servant, as Laert bought him. At this time, the Telemas avoids ambushes of the grooms and is safely planted on Ithaca.

Book 16.
Telemis visits Eumey and sends him to report Penelope about his arrival. Odyssey opens to telemakhu and they constitute a plan for grooms. Penelope and the grooms find out that the Telem returned. The grooms are advised whether they should kill Telemach. Penelope reproaches them for it.

Book 17.
Telemas returns home and tells Penelope about his journey. Odyssey, disguised as a beggar, goes to the palace accompanied by an eumeya. When they fit to the house, Argos, the old dog Odyssey, learns him and dies. Odyssey asks alms at the grooms and tells them a fictional story about their adventures. Antina, the main bride, insults Odyssey and throws a stool into it. Evyay tells Penelope about the "aliel".

Book 18.
Penelope complains about the behavior of the grooms. The feast turns into a fight, after Odyssey is angry with Evrimah, one of the grooms.

Book 19.
Odyssey and telemists remove weapons and armor from the hall. Penelope asks questions Odyssey. He tells her a fictional story. Nyanka Eurcrilei washes his legs Odyssey and recognizes him in the scream. It almost gives Odyssey. Penelope offers the grooms to arrange a contest with Odyssey onion. She marries the winner.

Book 20.
The next day, the grooms are going to Odyssey's house. Odyssey meets Phyloity, his faithful shepherd, and predicts his own return. The grooms decide not to kill the television.

Book 21.
Penelope declares a contest, but no one can pull onion the tutor. Odyssey opens two faithful servants: Eumey and Phyloity. Despite the protests of the grooms, Odyssey gives onions. He pulls it out and puts the arrow through a series of axes.

Book 22.
Odyssey kills the antique and opens. The battle begins and, with the help of Athens, all the grooms are killed. Invalid maids are cruelly punished.

Book 23.
Eurcrileia reports Penelope that Odyssey returned and defeated the grooms. Penelope does not believe and checks Odyssey. She recognizes it, because He correctly answers all questions. Joyful meeting.

Book 24.
The shadows of the grooms descend into the kingdom of the dead and tell the heroes about their fate. Odyssey meets his father, Laerta. Relatives of killed grooms decide to take revenge. After one of them is killed, Athena interferes and leads the world.