Sports analysis: how to take doping and fought with him. Russia headed the medal antirection for selected awards PS

Vilnius, Nov 28 - Sputnik, George Voronov.Russia, a total of already 11 medals of the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, on the results of the work of the Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) under the leadership of Denis Osvalda.

At the 2014 Olympics, the Russian national team won in the medal standings, won 13 gold, 11 silver and 9 bronze awards.

The Commission of Oswald, engaged in the rechecification of doping-samples of the athletes of the Russian Federation from the Olympics 2014 on the basis of the report of the World Anti-Doping Agency's expert (WADA) Richard McLaren, has already disqualified 19 Sochi Olympians and took 11 medals from them, having deprived Russia of the first place in the overall standings of Sochi Games.

The Russian Olympic team has ten gold awards. Now it takes the third place in the medal standings, skipping ahead also Canada (10 gold, 10 silver and 5 bronze medals). The first rose national team of Norway (11-6-12).

On Monday, the silver medal in the relay has lost the Russian women's team in Biathlon (Olga Vilukhina, Jan Romanova, Olga Zaitseva and Ekaterina Shumilova) After the IOC recognized the violation of the anti-doping rules of Vilyukhin and Romanov. Vilukhin will also be deprived of silver in an individual sprint.

Previously, gold medals lost the crews of Bobsleist Alexander Zubkov (Ford Competitions and Fours), Skier Alexander Light (in the race for 50 km), Saletonist Alexander Tretyakov, Silver Awards - Skating Olga Fatkulina, Skier Maxim Smellin (in the race for 50 km), Russian skiers In the male relay 4 × 10 km and the team male sprint, bronze - sledstone Elena Nikitin.

Medal in the garbage

Biathlete Jana Romanova stated that if she could not prove his innocence in the sports arbitration court (CAS) in Lausanne, then she would prefer to throw away the silver medal of the Olympiad in Sochi in the garbage than to give her mock.

"If we do not achieve a fair decision, I will rather emit a medal in the garbage, than to return her mock. Medal I will never return the IOC. They made such a decision without evidence. In the IOC just decided that in Sochi we violated anti-doping rules," Romanova said.

"What is the lawlessness? You have not yet understood, friends, what does a terrible conveyor work? We are massively deprived of medals, without a chance for a positive outcome. My medals" clean ". Hundreds of my samples taken for 15 years in sports, all negative , and even the one for which I disqualified. We are punished for "clean" samples. I was happy in Sochi, emotions and joy that I gave the fans and the country, not to take away; I will fight and go to the end, "wrote on His page at Instagram partner Romanova Olga Vilukhin.

Skeletonist Sergey Chudinov, on Monday, also learned about his disqualification, compared the solutions of the IOC on Russian athletes with the beginning of the war in Iraq.

"The old scheme goes. Before starting the war in Iraq, the American in the UN shaking test tubes, spoke on the whole world, that this is a biological weapon. We started the war, the whole country was bombed, and then in five years they said that this mistake was . A similar situation and now with these Maclaren and Oswald. Without evidence, on the basis of the testimony of a single person, with whom I am not even familiar. Everything was held without me, what did they find there? " - said Chudinov agency "R-Sport".

At the Olympics in Sochi, Chudinov did not conquer medals, taking the fifth place.

Waiting for a solution

The report of the independent Commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) under the leadership of Richard McLaren was published in 2016. It argued that more than a thousand Russian athletes were involved in manipulation with doping tests in different tournaments. In addition, the existence of a state system for manipulations with doping tests was announced. However, Russian authorities categorically denied accusations of doping state support.

Commission of the IOC under the leadership of Denis Osvald, which is engaged in recreuing samples of Russian athletes from the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, was established in July 2016 against the background of a doping investigation against Russia. A commission was also established led by the Ex-President of Switzerland Samuel Schmid, which verifies information on alleged state intervention in the Russian anti-doping system.

Commissions must submit the IOC conclusions on the basis of which the decision to admit Russians to the 2018 Olympics will be made.

It is expected that the decision on the tolerance of the Russian national team to the 2018 games will be accepted at the IOC Executive Committee, which will be held on December 5-7.

The Russian national team continues to lose Sochi medals. Today, the IOC was deprived of the two silver awards of the Sanokhnikov - punished Albert Demchenko and Tatiana Ivanov.

Thus, Russia has already taken away 13 (!) Medals of home games.

Who have already punished?

Athletes were punished in several stages.

Maxim Eligor lost three silver medals Sochi

First skiers (the first revoked the results Evgenia Belov and Alexandra Legova, a few days later - Maxim Smelzhanin (), Alexey Petukhova, Yulia Ivanova and Evgenia Shapovalova.

Then skeletonists - Alexandra Tretyakov, Elena Nikitin, Olga Poylitsynu I. Maria Orlov.

Lifetime disqualified biathletes Olga Vilukhinu and Jan Romanovas well as skeletonist Sergey Chudinova.

Today it went to Salochniki Albert Demchenko and Tatiana Ivanova, Skiers Nikita Kryukov, Alexander Immortal and Natalia Matveyeva, SkiBugs Ivan Skobrevu and Artem Kuznetsov, Bobsleists Lyudmila Sudeuribin and Maxim Becugina, Tatiana Burina hockey frames and Anne Shuccino.

Demchenko and Ivanov Lained silver medals. Demchenko was the second in a personal tournament and relay, Ivanova - only in the relay.

The Bans of Liva, Eligan, Tretyakov, Nikitina, Fatkulina, Vilukhina, Romanova, Bobsleists and Sanoknikov, influenced the medal offset of the Olympiad.

Who received medals instead of Russian?

● In the ski relay after our discard the first Swedes, the French finished in Sochi - they will now be departed by silver, the Norwegians will take bronze, which in such circumstances for them. "

Sailing together with Nikita Kryukov were the second in the team sprint. Champions remain Finns, "Russian" silver will get the Swedes, Bronze - again Norway.

Easy with the eligible finished, respectively, the first and second in the marathon, the third of him finished Ilya Chernokhov. Formally, now he is the Olympic champion (silver - from Norwegian Sundbu, Bronze - from Belorus Dolidovich), and Russia retains gold in this discipline.

● Tretyakov's gold skeletonist passed to Latvas Martinside Dukursu (learning about it, he); American Matthew Antoine moved to second place, and Bronze went to the eldest brother Dukursu - Thomas.

In women, Nikitina's medal moved to American Katie Yulander.

Alexander Tretyakova took gold

● Gold in bobslee two got the Swiss, in fours - Latvians. Silver in both disciplines will receive the United States (posthumously hero of the new text of Stas Motsov -), and bronze - Latvia and the United Kingdom.

Immediately two gold will have to give Alexander Zubkov

But Kasyanov with partners, too, in the list of McLaren and soon they are waiting for the proceedings with the Oswald Commission, so it is likely that these medals will also take off.

● Silver Skating Fatkulina left Margot Drill from the Netherlands, the bronze will receive the Chinese woman Zhang Hong.

● After disqualification of the Vilukhina, its silver in the sprint will depart the Ukrainian to Vite Sevenko, and the bronze will get Italian Carin Oberhofer.

Olga Vilukhin lost two silver medals at once

In the biathlon relay, where Vilukhin and Romanova participated, and Russia finished the second, silver is now Norwegian, and Bronze - Czech.

At Sanokhnikov, where we lost two silver awards, the medals will move: Silver to the Italian Arrows Zogeller, and Bronze - to German Anddi Langenhana; In the team tournament, our silver will get to the Latvians, and Bronze - Canadians.

Here are real losses.

Gold:skeleton and bobsley (3).

Silver: Ski relay, team sprint and marathon, fatekulin, female biathlon sprint and relay, Demchenko and sled relay (8).

Bronze: Ski marathon and personal check-in in Skeleton (2).

In the distribution of "Russian" medals, the most lucky Latvians, which have already changed in two gold, one silver and two bronzenes.

What with a medal table of Sochi?

Russia has a minus 13 medals.

Russia, which was leading in the medal competition Olympiad-2014, dropped already in third place. Ahead, perhaps other solutions.

The only positive news: gold figure skater Adeline Sotnikova nothing threatens. From her.

Information is updated

Humiliated, but not collected. Who has taken away the Olympic medals

In the entire history of participation in the Olympic Games, Russian athletes lost 34 medals. Awards in the IOC returned units. Not royal is a thing.

After the official announcement of the deprivation of Russian attendants Tatyana Lebedeva Two Silver Games-2008 Awards The number of medals that have been selected from our Olympians in the whole history has grown to 34. Many of the doping continued to take high posts, take laws or lead sports. Everything is fine, it is Russia.

Copper calculation. Why the idea of \u200b\u200breturning awards is a circus

Russian athletes are in no hurry to return medals, being devoid of them, and disputes around "useless glands" flared up. Who needs it?

2002, Salt Lake City

Immediately it is worth noting that for the entire participation of the USSR national teams at the Olympics was the only case when an athlete was deprived of the medals. It happened in 1976 in Innsbruck, when in doping sizes Galina Kulakova Ephedrine was found. The athlete was deprived of bronze, conquered in the race for 5 km, but was released at 10 km and the relay. Anti-doping services found convincing explanations for the very athletes and doctors that the prohibited drug got into her body with drops from the nose.

The next doping scandal happened in 2002 in Salt Lake City. Then in the samples of the legendary Russian skiers Larisa Lazutina and Olga Danilova An upgraded analogue of EPO - Darbepoetetin was found.

At that time, he did not enter the WADA stop list, but then the medical director of the IOC Arne Jundquist He stressed that an unknown substance was discovered, which then managed to identify. About positive samples has become famous on the last day of games.

Appeals in Cas did not give anything: Lazutin and Danilov were deprived of all the conquered the awards and disqualified. In fact, this meant for athletes Completion of a career. But they found themselves at the administrative work - Larisa Lazutina occupies the post of Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma, and Olga Danilova is headed by the Committee on Sports in Alexandrov.

2004, Athens

The medals of games in Athens were deprived of three Russian athletes.

At Stanozolol, which received wide fame after a scandal with a Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson, I got a pusher Irina Korzhhanko, on Oksandrolone - her colleague Svetlana Krvelevyova, on Clenbuterol - rod Oleg Stranvesthanov. Corgenenko's champion's test was positive in the course of the games, but the Russian woman had already left the capital of Greece and actually escaped to Russia. Eight years after rechecking, Krvelevyova, which received bronze after the disqualification of Korzhanko came acrushcake. Moreover, she, as in two years earlier, at the skiers, was unnecessary at the time of use. Oleg Streetov got on Clenbuterol, prohibited since 1992 and received distribution among the rods, paeerlifters and bodybuilders. In Athens, he was a bronze prize in category up to 77 kg.

None of the three athletes gave a medal.

2006, Turin

Doping test Olga dustyovawho became a silver winner in an individual race, gave a positive result on the carfound. The athlete was deprived of awards and disqualified for two years. The drug found in its body (developed in Russia) served to increase physical endurance and increasing immunity to colds. Dustyova brought public apologies and announced the completion of the career, but after disqualification returned to a large sport and in Vancouver helped the Russian national team win gold in the relay. True, Olga Medvedtseva participated in competitions.

"It's heartbreaking!" Bolt and Lebedev deprived of the medals of the Olympiad

Minus one gold bolt, Olympic perspectives of the Russian Sannik and Bunct Skateboarders in Brazil - among the main events of the week.

2008, Beijing

The Russian team on the results of the rechecked doping samples lost 13 awards of the Games in Beijing. Gold lost the women's team in the relay 4 to 100 m due to the positive sample Yulia Cheroshanskaya, silver - female relay in running 4 to 400 m due to samples Anastasia Kapaczynskaya and Tatyana Firova, Tatyana Lebedeva - in jumps in length and triple jump, Hassan Baroev - in the Greco-Roman wrestling in the category 120 kg, Maria Abakumova - in throwing spears, Marina Shainova - in severe athletics; Bronze - Men's relay in running 4 to 400 m due to positive sample Denis Alekseeva, Ekaterina Volkov - in a snipglass, Anna Chilecherova - in height jumps, Hadzhimurat Akkayev, Dmitry Lapikov and Nadezhda Eustiukhina - In severe athletics.

In most samples, tourabolic was discovered, sometimes together with Stanozolol. These are steroids, explain their favor in the body cream for lips or something impossible.

In the overwhelming majority of samples of Russians, tourables were discovered, sometimes together with Stanozolol. These are steroids that increase the body's high-speed, and explain their favor in the body of the lip cream or something similar.

The athletes deprived of awards did not return their medals, with the exception of the runner at 400 m Denis Kokorina, although there were no questions to his doping-sample. Hassan Baroev is currently working for the Minister of Sport of North Ossetia, Anna Chilecherova and Maria Abakumova on the completion of the career did not declare, and Tatyana Lebedev and Senator, member of the Federation Council from the Volgograd region.

2012, London

His Olympic Awards lost champions of games in London Sergey Kirdyapkin (sports walking), Tatyana Lysenko (hammer throwing), Julia Zaphova (sipla-cheze), silver prizes - Daria Coffeeman (disc drop), Evgenia Kolodo (shot put), Olga Kanicina (sports walking), Svetlana Tsarukayev, Natalia Zabolotnaya, Auchad Aquadov, Alexander Ivanov, Bronze medalist - Tatyana Chernova (heptathlon).

Again, most of those who got caught, passed positive tests for tourinables, and the walkers from the group Victor Chygin were punished on the basis of these biological passports. Medals returned only Kirdyapkin and Kanicin, and the latter works again in the leadership of the school walking school in Mordovia, taking the post of deputy director.

Of all the devoid of awards, only Daria Corporatov, who made a statement that positive samples would easily hide the positive samples with the help of Gregory Rodchenkov.

By the way, only Daria Corporator frankly spoke out of all dedicated awards, in 2013 made a statement that positive samples in Russia with Grigory Roddenkov Easy to hide, but at the same time deavoving your words.

Doping or medicine? Booker Aloyana can deprive the OI medals

Russian Boxer Misha Aloyan, who won the Silver Medal of the 2016 Olympics, got into a hacker list of athletes who took doping.

2016, Rio de Janeiro

Following the ending half a year ago, the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro Russia lost the silver box of boxing Misha Aloyana. In his sample, a drug tumingeptane was found, which is contained in widespread drops from the nose. Aloyan's medal has not yet returned, as he filed an appeal, which is still on consideration. While this is the entire list, but there is no guarantee that it will not be expanded.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) completed another wave of rechecking of doping-samples of athletes from the 2008 and 2012 games. According to the results of the redistribution of medals, more than all awards - a total of 16 - lost the Russian team.

Natalia Maryanchik

What gives a new test for anabolic

"Takes from the past," as the President of the All-Russian Federation of Athletics (VFLL) continued to fly to us. Only the other day was deprived of the Olympic Gold London's hammer throw, and also announced disqualifications of five Russian walkers. The case of the latter stretches for a long time and no relation to rechecking samples does not have anything. But all in aggregate falls into one big and unpleasant com. It seems that both waves of rechecking Beijing and London samples along the line of the IOC are already behind. So, you can bring preliminary results and draw conclusions.

So, even a quick look at the list of selected awards is enough to make sure: almost all of the caught at doping athletes used anabolic steroids. Turinabol, Stanozolol and Oxandrolone - here is the "gentlemansky" set of dopinger of modernity. These drugs make it possible to significantly increase the body's speed and power indicators and refer to the category of indisputable doping substances. It is impossible to appeal to the cream for the treatment of burns or kiss with a stranger. Other reasons to use anabolics, except for increasing the result, in sports practically does not exist.

Another thing is that a reasonable question arises: why didn't all these substances have been discovered earlier, immediately after the athletes have completed their speeches on games? Moreover, some of the caught uses were not even alone, but two or three different steroids. The point here is that over the past years IOC has introduced a new, much more sensitive test to determine these drugs. If the former traveled the reception of minimal doses after a few days or weeks, now the bill goes for months.

You can argue about how much awards after so many years redistributed awards, but of course, the storage of samples for 10 years in this case allowed the IOC to find in them what whether the test tubes were destroyed at once, would never have been discovered.

New tests for steroids and the introduction of a steroid profile in the biological passport of the athlete sharply increased the efficiency of doping detection, "CE consultant of the Estonian anti-doping agency Sergei Ilyukov confirmed.

The specifics of drugs dictate and their sports. It is not surprising that in the list caught after rechecking athletes there is no one from representatives of endurance or complex-coordination disciplines - there is meaningless steroids. But in large numbers there are weightlifters and athletes, although again only from speed-power disciplines.

In weightlifting, redistribution of awards generally led to a complete absurd. For example, in the category up to 94 kg, the Gold Medal of London Games should now receive Irana Said Mohammadpur, who actually took the fifth place. And the bronze theoretically belongs to the Pole Tomashe Tskinsky, who in the final was ninth. In total, there are six athletes in this category - that is, half the finals! - According to the results of the recheccation, stroken in the use of prohibited substances.

98 positive samples from 1243 proven

In total, during the recent recheccation, the IOC involved a completely fantastic number of samples - more than 1,200 in the amount of the 2008 and 2012 games. At the moment, already known about 98 positive samples. Not all of them belong to medals of games, and moreover, in fact, the number of athletes may be less - there are cases when one athlete passed several positive samples. In the case of Beijing 2008, positive samples belong to athletes from 12 different countries, with London 2012 from 9.

It is easy to note that the coverage of countries and athletes in the table below is much already in the IOC statistics, even if we take into account that we took into account only medalists. So, in addition to the leading advantage in the number of selected awards of Russia (16 pieces), athletes are among the nine countries. The fact is that the information about the confiscation of medals is issued to the world in bulk, because there are often cases when athletes are trying to sue and defend their honest name. In the coming months, we probably will slowly recognize about all new disqualified rear-numbers. And the Copper Table of London 2012 and Beijing 2008 will not be rewritten again.

At the moment, taking into account the athletes who were deprived of the awards not as a result of the recheck, but according to the testimony of biopasport (as, for example, Russian athlets), in the medial lists, there is a complete chaos. Current affairs, appeals, biopasports ... as they say, watch the updates, it will be interesting.

List of athletes deprived of Olympic Beijing-2008 and London-2012 after recent rechecked



Kind of sport

A drug

Place (year)

Jailis Barrios.

Athletics (disc)

Acetazolamide (Diuretik)

Anna Chilecherova

Athletics (height)


Julia Chermoshanskaya

Athletics (4x100 m)

Stanozolol, Turinabol

Anastasia Kapaczynskaya, Tatyana Firova

Athletics (4x400 m)

Stanozolol, Turinabol

2 (Beijing 2008)

Maria Abakumova

Athletics (Spear)


Denis Alekseev

Athletics (4x400 m)


Chrysopi Maidenia

Athletics (triple)


Tigran Martirosyan


Stanozolol, Turinabol

Hadzhimool Akkayev



Nadezhda Eustiukhina



Marina Shainova


Turinabol, Stanozolol

Sibel Ozkan



Hadzhimool Akkayev



Dmitry Lapika



Andrei Rybakov



Turinabol, Stanozolol

Anastasia Novikova



Turinabol, Stanozolol

Maria Grabowetskaya



Turinabol, Ox **, Stanozolol

Irina Nekrasova




Natalia Davydova



Olga Baocke



Tigran Martirosyan


Stanozolol, Turinabol

Liu Chunhun.





Tatyana Lysenko

Athletics (hammer)


Evgenia Kolodo

Athletics (kernel)


Oleksandr Friday

Athletics (Spear)


Julia Kalina



Maya Maneza




Zulfia Chinshanlo



Ox, Stanozolol

Svetlana Satellov




Ilya Ilyin



Turinabol, Stanozolol

1 (2008), 1 (2012)

Kristina Yovu.




Anatoly Chirchu




Rimsima Khurshidyan


Stanozolol, Turinabol

Marina Shkhermankova



Stanozolol, Turinabol

Irina Kulesh



Stanozolol, Turinabol

Svetlana Tsarukayev



Natalia Zabolotnaya





TourBabo, Dutinatolon

Alexander Ivanov


TourBabo, Tamoxifen.

* Managed to sell his Olympic award at Ebay auction for 11 thousand US dollars
** Oxandrolon
*** Gormons

The number of lost medals by country

On October 13, 1982, the greatest athlete of the 20th century, Jim Torp, was returned to the Olympic medals that he had taken a year later after the victory at the Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912. On this occasion, we decided to remember his story. (Photo in Article: Open sources)

An American athlete won on the Olympic Games in Stockholm (1912) in the whole two gold medals. From became the first in such difficult athletics disciplines, like fiveborne and a decade. The King of Sweden Gestav V called him the greatest athlete of all time: "Sir, you are the greatest athlete of the world"

A year later, after the Olympic Games in the press, hearing was somehow leaked that shortly before the main competition of four-year-old, Jim Besor participated in the semi-professional games on baseball and received $ 60 per game. And this contradicted the Code of Olympic Games of that time and automatically deprived the athlete of amateur status. After the proceedings, the Olympic Committee decided: for life to disqualify Jim Torp and deprive him of medals.

Despite this, Jim Torp continued to perform on professional baseball and football competitions. His game was repeatedly led as a reference. He also entered the list of the best athletes of the XX century.

"At least they failed to deprive me the words of the king"

Great depression, hiding around the country at the end of the 20s, strongly handled the carbon. He began drinking a lot. In 1932, the Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles. But the financial situation of Torp was so deplorable that he did not even have enough money to pay the entrance ticket.

Before death in 1953, Jim Torp said: "Give my medals".

The question of the return of the Olympic medals Jim Torph was raised on October 13, 1982. Justice enthusiassed! From that day, Jim Torpe is once again officially considered the two-time Olympic champion of 1912.