Research project "Milk and dairy products", Preparatory group Project on the topic. Research project in the preparatory group "Milk and dairy products Children's project in the Dow Senior Group Milk

The relevance of the project is a mandatory and indispensable product of baby food is milk. It in its chemical composition and biological properties occupies an exceptional place among the animal products used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. Not all children are glad to drink milk and eat dishes cooked on the basis of milk. Therefore, we want to help reveal the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for the development of a children's body.

Tasks: expand the horizons of children about milk and dairy products. Forming research skills in children (search for information in various sources). Develop a cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to know the new one. Develop the ability to work in the team, the desire to share information, participate in joint experimental activities. To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy nutrition. Attract parents to participate in the project.

Practical Stage Study "Where milk came from" the selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction reading poems and drills about dairy products, cows. L. Tolstoy "About the frog, which got into milk", "Havroshchka" fairy tales, "Gusi-Swans", "Three from Prostokvashino", D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Parable about Milk and Oatmeal", M. Boroditskaya "Unsumed Milk »Organization of the exhibition from the packages of dairy products" Prostokvashino "Plot-role-playing game" Milk Product Shop "

Experience 4 Dairy magic experience of creating from ordinary home materials of magnificent floating patterns. Poured milk into a flat plate. Capped on milk in several places gouache different colors. The cotton wand was dipped into the tool. The dishwashing liquid makes milk and the dye mix, as a result, beautiful colored curls turned out on the surface of the milk.

Milk and dairy products have become permanent components in the children's menu. Milk make cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, yogurt. Milk prepare different dishes. If you do not eat milk in food will be weak health. Milk is brought to the store from the dairy, where it is processed and made dairy products. Milk is a lot of useful: vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Children changed their opinion about milk and dairy products and decided to constantly eat dairy products now.

The relevance of the project is a mandatory and indispensable product of baby food is milk. Milk has a high nutritional value and is one of the richest vitamins necessary for the formation of bones and teeth. Unfortunately, not all children drink milk and eat dishes made from milk and dairy products. And therefore, we, adults, should help children reveal the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for the growing organism.

Objective: to expand the ideas of children about milk, as a valuable and useful product for the growth and health of the children's body. Tasks: to expand the presentation of children about milk and dairy products as a mandatory component of the daily diet; Teach children to make a daily menu with the inclusion of dairy products; Teach children correctly choose dairy products; Forming the ability to use the existing knowledge in practice.

Research Hypothesis If children learn about the values \u200b\u200bof milk and dairy products through their own experience, they will have a desire to eat it in food, as they will understand that for normal growth and development kids simply need to eat cottage cheese and drink milk.

Stages of project implementation: Preparatory (creation of a developing environment, Selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction, creation of problematic situations) Practical (observation, search engine work, experimentation) Final (cause the desire to eat milk and dairy products)

Preparatory Stage: Selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction Reading poems and flows about dairy products, cows. L. Tolstoy "About the frog, which got into milk", "Havroshchka" fairy tales, "Gusi-Swans", "Three from Prostokvashino", D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Parable about Milk and Oatmeal", M. Boroditskaya "Unsumed Milk »Organization of the exhibition from the packages of dairy products" Prostokvashino "Plot-role-playing game" Milk Product Shop "

Experience 2 How the milk cocktail and yogurt is obtained in one glass pour milk and put fresh berries or jam. To another glass pour kefir and put jam, dried fruits and fruits. Beat all the mixer. Conclusion: if you add berries and jam in the milk, then you get a milk cocktail. If you add jam or fruit in kefir, then drinking yogurt will be.

Experience 3 Drawing with milk with brushes draw with milk drawing. Ready filled drawing to stroke the iron. Conclusion: if you warm the paper on which or written with milk, then a picture will appear after a while. So, the guys learned about one "magic" property of milk.

Round table with parents parents for the "round table" shared experiences, how can one turn ordinary milk, kefir or cottage cheese to a culinary masterpiece, as well as decorate it so that the child is simply unable to abandon such food. The result of such a meeting was the creation of a collection of recipes for dishes of milk and dairy products.

The results of the project The children learned the new on the properties of milk on their own experience. Learned to produce some dairy products and dishes. Parents created a collection of recipes for milk and dairy products. Milk and dairy products became permanent components in the Children's menu. And most importantly: children drink milk and they like it!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of a combined species Kindergarten №16 "Chamomile" of the city of Birski Municipal District of the Bir district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Brief abstract project .

This project is the organization of work to familiarize children with the value and benefit of milk and dairy products, understanding the significance of milk in the nutrition of a growing children's body.

This work was carried out through search and research, integration activities in the process of various forms of work, aimed at expanding the potential of the creative and intellectual abilities of children by activating children's vital activity.

The research and creative project is calculated for a period of 1-1.5 months for the children of the senior group, teachers and parents, including several stages.


Mandatory and indispensable food nutrition is milk. It in its chemical composition and biological properties has an exceptional place among animal products used in the nutrition of children of all age groups.

Unfortunately, not all children are happy to drink milk and eat dishes prepared on the basis of milk. Children do not understand the significance of milk and dairy products in the development of the human body.

Therefore, we, adults, should help children reveal the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for the development of a children's body.

My children and I decided to see where the milk is still contained? Why do a person need milk?

Purpose: Enrich children's knowledge about milk, as a valuable and useful product for the growth of the children's body.


    Expand the horizon of children about milk and dairy products.

    Forming research skills in children (search for information in various sources).

    Develop a cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to know the new one.

    Develop the ability to work in the team, the desire to share information, participate in joint experimental activities.

    To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy nutrition.

    Attract parents to work project.


If children learn more about the value of milk and dairy products through their own research activities, they will understand that milk is a valuable food product for a children's body and they will have a desire to eat it in food.

The project is based on a research method of learning. This method, during which children learn to conduct independent research, learn to collect available information about the object of study, fix it, expand their horizons. Children develop creativity and the ability to express their definitions, thinking and speech.

The main feature of research learning is to activate the educational activities of children, giving it a research, creative character, and thus convey the child the initiative in organizing its cognitive activity. (A. I. Savenkov "Children's research as a method of training senior preschoolers" Moscow, "Ped. University" First September ")

Research methods:


Search engine (from various sources of information);


Before the start of the project to determine the degree of knowledge in children about milk and dairy products, I took advantage of the "Three Questions" method. His goal is to identify the degree of awareness of children before the project start and compare knowledge at the end of the project. Together with the children discussed what they know on this topic, recorded the answers in the table. Next, asked what would they like to know? The answers also recorded. He offered to children to think how to find answers to questions? The children decided to ask in adults, read in books, learn from TV shows, spend experiences, go on a tour of the store. The third question "What did you know? "Wound at the end of the project, which helped me to make the right conclusions and understand what the children learned.

What we know about milk what we want to know what we learned

Milk gives cow

Cow lives in Saraj

Cow grabs meadow and eats herb

White milk sold in the store

Milk boil porridge

In the store Milk brings the car

Milk makes cottage cheese - how the cow gives milk

How milk falls into the store

What other foods make milk

That in milk useful

What can be prepared from milk - cows live on farms, people (swelling, militia) are careful for them

Milk is brought to the store from the dairy, where it is processed and made milk products.

Milk contains vitamins and minerals, fats, carbohydrates, proteins

Milk can be prepared different dishes: pancakes, omelet, pies, bread, porridge, add to potato mashed potatoes

Milk is useful for the growth of the children's body

The project was carried out in several stages.

I. Preparatory stage (1 week).


Creating an educational environment;

Selection of methodical and fiction on the topic;

Development of classes and action plan on the topic of the project.

At the preparatory stage, it was reported to the attention of parents the importance and significance of this topic. Together with the parents created a developing environment in the group. The children brought from the house of packaging from-under milk and dairy products for registration of the developing stand "Merrybug", gaming material. Pained methodological and fiction on the topic, made a visual illustrated material (pictures, clippings from magazines with the image of dairy products and milk-based dishes, gaming material. Action plan for project implementation. Developed a cycle of classes on the study of milk properties.

II. Practical stage (2 weeks)


Expand the knowledge of children about milk and dairy products;

Develop cognitive interest and research skills;

Promote the ability to work in the team of adults and peers.

Together with the children carried out experiments and experiments with milk and dairy products, the properties of milk were detected, the dairy products were tasting, milk cocktails were mixed, they made a crunch, baked pies. A cycle of classes dedicated to milk and dairy products, a healthy nutrition problem. We went with children on an excursion to the store in the dairy department.

In productive activity, children painted on the topic "Far into the meadow ...", "House in the village", designed cows from paper, made Milk Products Mobile, painted posters, created albums with drawings. Together with the children, a glass layout was performed with tubes denoting the composition of milk: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals.

They played the plot role-playing games "Farm", "Milk Product Shop", Didactic Games "Fourth Excess", "Guess the taste", "labyrinths".

In the speech direction, work was done to compile stories about dairy products, cows. Together with the children read stories, fairy tales, sweatings, in which the milk and cows are told, learned poems and drawing.

There were conversations, leisure and entertainment in the formation of children's value of a healthy lifestyle.

Children were given homework: explore the home fridge and find dairy products in it, visit the dairy department with parents and see the variety of dairy products. In the group, children exchanged their impressions. Thus, we found out which dairy products prefer to consume our pupils in the families. Also, parents were also offered to participate in the exhibition "Milk - the health of the whole family", on which joint drawings, crafts, posters of children and parents were presented.

III. Final stage (1 week)


Summarize the knowledge of children on this topic;

Educating in children and their parents the need for a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

The presentation of the project took place in the form of a milk holiday, which was attended by parents and children of another age group. The information material was presented in the form of poems that children, games, songs and dances read, as well as a surprise moment (a cow came to the children with chocolates "Milk Wei").

As a result of the project, the children expanded their knowledge of milk and dairy products, learned that milk is not only a delicious, but also a valuable product for baby food. Children acquired the skills and research skills: to search and collect information, analyze, systematize and draw conclusions, there are skills of mutual support, support and cram communication with adults and peers. Increased interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world. All this contributed to the self-development of the personality of each child, to upbringing in it of purposefulness and self-esteem.

The project's novelty lies in the unusualities of the subject, the relevance of the topic and in the use of a search and research method during the project.

The practical significance of the project is to develop and introduce into the educational process in the DOU, in the use of practical developments of the teachers of the city and the district.

So, we concluded that the introduction of research methods into the educational process of kindergarten is today one of the main ways of knowledge, the most fully corresponding to the nature of the child and the modern tasks of its development.

Having preferred the project method of learning, therefore, conditions for children self-realization are created.

Project activity is a kind of specific form of creativity, an effective means of professional-personal development of creative manifestations.

Nomination "First Opening"

Mandatory and indispensable food nutrition is milk. It in its chemical composition and biological properties occupies an exceptional place among the animal products used in the nutrition of children of all age groups.

Not all children are glad to drink milk and eat dishes cooked on the basis of milk. Therefore, we, adults, should help children reveal the valuable qualities of milk, its significance for the development of a children's body.

Project passport:

  • project Type:research;
  • time:1.5 months;
  • project participants:children 4 - 5 years old, teachers, parents;
  • education area: knowledge;
  • integration:cognition, Communication, Socialization, Health, Reading Artistic Literature.

Purpose:enrich children's knowledge about milk as a valuable and useful product for the growth of the children's body.


  • Expand the horizon of children about milk and dairy products.
  • Forming research skills in children (search for information in various sources).
  • Develop a cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to know the new one.
  • Develop the ability to work in the team, desire share information, participate in co-experimental activities.
  • To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy nutrition.
  • Attract parents to participate in the project.

Hypothesis:If children learn more about the values \u200b\u200bof milk and dairy products through their own research activities, they will understand that milk is a valuable food product for a children's body and they will have a desire to eat it in food.

Fundamental question:What is milk?

Problem issues:

  • Where did the milk come from?
  • Is milk useful for a person?
  • What are dairy food?

Stages of project implementation


  • creating a developing environment:
    • Enrichment of the material in the "Milk Store" for the plot games
    • "On milk in drawings" organization of the exhibition of family work.
    • Organization of the exhibition DIY from packs of dairy products "Once Upon a Time in Prostokvashino"
  • selection of information resources, encyclopedic and fiction
  • creating problematic situations

Practical stage

  • Study "Where milk came from"
  • Excursion to supermarket
  • Experimentation with milk
  • Experiments

Experience number 1. Milk Modification in Prostokvash

Poured in 2 glasses of fresh whole milk. One glass was put in cold, the other in heat. Want how milk changes in the cold and warm?

Conclusion: in the cold milk does not change, stored. In warmth, milk scores and turns into a new food product - yoke.

Experience number 2. Milk modification in yogurt

Conclusion: If you add berries or jam to us, and then knock the mixer, then the yogurt will turn out.

Experience number 3. Milk modification in cottage cheese

We have a question : What will happen to the procurest if it is heated even more? Put prostroprious on fire, brought to a boil. In Prostokvash, dense flakes appeared and yellow liquid separated. Stopped through a colander. Glass water and a thick mass remained - cottage cheese.

Conclusion: To get cottage cheese, you need to heat up to boil and strain.

Milk magic

The experience of creating from ordinary home materials of magnificent floating patterns. Poured milk into a flat plate. Capped on milk in several places gouache different colors. The cotton wand was dipped into the tool. The dishwashing liquid makes milk and the dye mix, as a result, beautiful colored curls turned out on the surface of the milk.

What we knew:

  • Milk gives a cow.
  • Cow lives in Saraj.
  • The cow grazing in a meadow and eats herb.
  • White milk, sold in the store.
  • Milk boil porridge.
  • The machine brings the machine to the store.

What we learned:

  • Milk make cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, yogurt.
  • Milk prepare different dishes.
  • If you do not eat milk in food will be weak health.
  • Milk is brought to the store from the dairy, where it is processed and made dairy products.
  • Milk is a lot of useful: vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

The result of the project:Children changed their opinion about milk and dairy products and decided to constantly eat dairy products now. The hypothesis was confirmed.


  • Murzakayev F.G. A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health. Ufa, 1987
  • Stepanov V. Russian proverbs and sayings from A to Z.: Dictionary game. M., 1998.
  • Shcherbakov S.G., Vetkaalova L.A., Kobchenko N.V., Hurtova T.V. Organization of project activities. 2009.

Project "Milk and dairy products"

Marina Safronova
Research project "The benefits of milk and dairy products"

annotation project.

Brewed porridge, so do not regret and milk.

purpose project:

This is the formation of the presentation of children about value and.

Development research - Creative and mental abilities of children.

View project: research - creative.

Implementation period: 2 weeks

Participants project: Children 5 - 6 years old, teachers and parents.


Mandatory and indispensable product Baby food is milk. It has an exceptional place in its chemical composition and biological properties. products animal origin, used In the nutrition of children of all age groups. Unfortunately, not all children with pleasure drink milk and eat dishesprepared on the basis of milk. Children do not understand significance milk and dairy products In the development of the human body. Therefore, we, adults, should help children reveal valuable qualities milkHis significance for the development of a children's body.

Tasks whose decision will be promoted by the implementation project:

Expand the ideas of children about milk and dairy products, them benefits For a children's body;

Shape in children research skills;

Develop cognitive interest in, the desire to know the new one;

Develop the ability to work in the team, the desire to share information, participate in joint experimental activities;

To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy nutrition.

To involve parents in the educational activities of the pre-school institution.


Is not it milk and dairy products Are valuable for baby food?

Is not it milk is a valuable product for a person.?

Methods research:


Search for work (with various sources of information);

Experience and experimentation.

Plan project.

Theoretical stage.

1. What is milk?

2. Milk products.

3. Using human pets.

Practical stage.

1. Experiments and experiments.

2. Diverse cognitive activity.

Theoretical stage

1. What is milk?

Methods research:


Search for materials on the Internet


Identifying the level of knowledge of children about milk and dairy products with

questioning of children.

20 children took part in the survey.

1 question: What milk?

Drink - 7.

- milk Product - 6.

Useful product-2.

I do not know - 5

2. Question: What kind dairy products you know?

Snowball, kefir, sour cream, condensed milk, cream, foam milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, ion

3. Question: As appears milk?

Give animals - 15

Buy in the store - 3

Made at factory - 2

4. Question: Do you like milk? Why?

Yes - 10 - 50%

No - 10 - 50%

5. Question: What kind of benefit brings milk?

Vitamins - 7.

I do not know - 10

Not to hurt - 3

Output: children are not enough knowledge about milk as a product and its utility.

Conducting monitoring how children drink milk.

Fidget - Senior Group (23) - drank - 10, did not drink or did not finish - 13

Firefly - medium group (26) - drank - 20, 6 - did not drink

Teremok - Junior Group (27) - drank 26, did not drink 1

Output: Youngest children drink milk betterthan older.

Search for information about what is milk

Milk - It is a nutrient fluid that animals give. People use milk pets:

Cow - Goat - Horse - Deer - Camel

The most famous view milk - cow's milkit is produced in large quantities and is the most sales and man used milk animals.

Part milk includes:

Vitamins - Minerals - Proteins - Dairy Acids - Sugar - Mineral Salts

Collection of acid information - dairy products.

Methods research:

Reading cognitive literature

Search for materials on the Internet


Yogurt - fermented milk productwhich is getting climbing thanks to a special bacterium - "The Bulgarian wandes of yogurt are now very common all over peace: They are produced from cow milk With the addition of cream and dry low fat milk. In yogurts a lot of calcium, so important for the growth and state of teeth and bones, they well affect the intestinal microflora.

Kefir - equal milk drink, trimmed with the so-called "Kefir fungi" (this starter is a symbiosis of a set of microorganisms, lactic acids Streptococcal and sticks, acetic acid bacteria and yeast). Kefir has a beneficial effect on the microflora intestine: Total couple of glasses of this drink per day prevents the development of intestinal infections and quickly copes with dysbacteriosis caused, for example, antibiotics. Kefir strengthens immunity, defeats chronic fatigue, indispensable with sleep disturbances and diseases of the nervous system, helps to lose weight (if you drink it regularly) And good quenches thirst in hot summer days.


Butter is not only nutritious, but also useful - for skin, hair, view, bone and muscle tissue. It is rich in vitamins, calcium, contains phospholipids necessary for the structure of cells, especially nervous. In addition, the composition of the butter includes an indispensable amino acids - the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the organism that only come with food. So, in the utility of butter, it is not necessary to doubt. It is only necessary to remember that when we melt it in a pan, there are no vitamins in it. That is why a piece of oil is better to put in the ready-made food.


Word itself "Prostokvash" speaks about the simplicity of cooking it product. Prepare it so: in cooled boiled milk add sourdough(It can be a black bread crust, a spoon of sour cream, kefira or prokoboby last day) and put for 10-12 hours in a warm place. It is worth remembering that this drink is good only during the day, then it flies. Prostokvash is not so acidic as other sour milk productsSo it often feeds children. And if it is made of degreased milkIt is quite suitable for dietary food.

Cream dairy appear on the surface of fresh milk Already a few hours after the boobs. From a long time, this thick, the fat layer was filmed or merged (so, by the way, the word appeared "cream") From the surface milk And they shot off oil. Dairy Cream We are accustomed to add to coffee, they are indispensable when cooking sauces, soup-purees, appetizing creams, cocktails, home ice cream. Russia produces cream of varying degrees of fatty - 10-, 20- and 35 percent. Dry cream for coffee, but in taste and nutritionalness, they certainly cannot compare with real.

Abroad sour cream "Penetrated" Only after World War II, and in some countries the sour cream is still called "Russian cream". Our ancestors did her simply: Removed ( "Smetal" - Hence the name) with milk Focused during cream fermentation. Now the sour cream is prepared with 32% fatty cream; Depending on the technology, it turns out product Various consistency - from 10 to 40 percent of fat.

Cottage cheese, home cheese

Word Cottage cheese - Slavic: in Europe and America similar to it the product is called"Cottage Cheese" ("Rustic Cheese"). Even in our country until the XVIII century, cottage cheese was called simply cheese, because to Petrovsky times they did not know cheese in modern sense. Milk Skisalo Sam, thanks to the bacteria contained in the air, or it was added to it (weeds, after which he was heated slightly in the furnace, and it decayed on white cottage cheese clots ( "Cheese") And serum. Even a recipe invented in Russia "Dry cheese": The finished cottage cheese was dried in the oven, pressed, tightly stacked in clay pots and poured on top of a foiled oil (in the cellar of such product could be kept for months). By the way, in Russian word "cheese" still used in the same meaning: Sliced \u200b\u200blow-fat cottage cheese in Russia is called "Home cheese"

Search for information O. the benefits and use of homemade products


Goat MILK.

Strengthens bones, nails and hair, does not cause allergies, strengthens the heart, treats the stomach.

Kumys (Horses milk)

Helps with colds, heart and skin diseases,

Useful for stomach

Camel MILK

Helps with diabetes, allergies,

Richly vitamins C and D,

Good quenching thirst


Richly proteins

Protects a person from many diseases,

Excellent agent against aging

Collecting information O. the benefits of milk and dairy products.

It is well known that milk - Very useful drink. Everyone knows that it contains a large amount of calcium and therefore it is useful for strengthening teeth and bones. Is there any other use of milk? It turns out.

For nerves

Powered milk It was considered an excellent means to calm the nervous system and the treatment of diseases associated with psyche disorders. For these purposes milk Widely used in the ancient East. It was recommended to drink in the mornings to eliminate sleepiness, strengthening mental abilities and intelligence as a whole. Taken overnight milk Promotes a good sleep and has a soothing effect. According to Indian Vedas, milk It is an essential drink, using which a person becomes more reasonable, begins to better understand the world around and acquires the correct vision of good and evil.

Modern doctors also argue that milk Useful people to sufferer insomnia. To combat it, it is recommended to drink one glass at night. milk. Although special sleeping action milk does not possessBut, drunk at night, it reduces gastric secretion and has a common soothing effect.

For heart

Great milk benefit And to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Recently conducted research American scientists suggests that the reception of even one glass milk every day, Strengthens cardiac functions and 37% prevents the risk of appearance of such phenomena as a heart attack and stroke. This is due to high content in milk potassiumnecessary to maintain vessel elasticity. Milk It also has a property to reduce blood pressure and therefore useful people suffering from hypertension.

For stomach

Milk It has very positively affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and is an effective means of heartburn. Since it reduces the acidity of the gastric juice, and the heartburn, most often, occurs just due to the increased acidity of the stomach. Little knows the fact that milk It is a useful addition to berries and vegetables. It increases the calcium content in food and helps to obtain a valuable mixture of amino acids. Strawberries, blueberries and red currants recommended to use milkSince this improves the digestibility of these berries, and besides, it reduces the possibility of an allergic reaction. Milk It is also an excellent tool for quenching thirst, as it contains a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates.

To normalize body weight

Moreover, milkwhich is sometimes attributed to the property to increase body weight, in fact, on the contrary, useful when dealing with extra kilograms. In Canada, as a result of 15 weeks studies have been establishedthat people sitting on diet and consumed milk, on average, they lost 4 kilograms more than those who adhered a similar diet, but did not include in their diet dairy products. According to the authors of the experiment "Brain, finding a lack of calcium, seeks to compensate for it, increasing the craving for productswhich are not provided for the Slimming Program. As a result, a set of excess weight occurs. "

Outcome: In the process of collecting and studying information, we have confirmed their assumptions about the importance and the benefits of milk for man.

Practical stage


Expand the knowledge of children about milk, in the process of a variety of informative - research activities;

Develop cognitive interest and research skills;

Promote the ability to work in the team of adults and peers.

1 part - experience - research

Studying properties milk:



Output: Milk is an opaque, white, tasty liquid, odorless.

Production of Prostokvashi

Pour a glass milk

Cover the napkin

Put in a dark place

After the day are observed

We try the resulting drink

Output: Milk It has the property to well, it turns out a completely different drink - Prostokvash.

Manufacture milk cocktail.

Ingredients: milk, syrup, ice cream.

Output: Iz milk You can cook a delicious cocktail.

2 part - co-cognitive, game and productive activity.

Artistically productive activity

Lepak "House in the village"

Making layout "Country Dvor"

Reading cognitive and fiction, viewing encyclopedias.

Excursion B. product store.

Scene-role games "Farm", "Score dairy products» , Didactic games

"Fourth extra", "Guess the taste", "Maze".

Conversations aimed at forming a healthy lifestyle in children.

Exhibition of family drawings and crafts « Milk - the health of the whole family "

Output: In the process of joint informative - research Adult and Children's activities expanded children's knowledge about milk, dairy products and their benefits, the skills of collective work are formed, children's interest formed to milk and dairy products.

3 part - Summing up work

We learned:

- Milk gives cow

Cow lives in Saraj

Cow grabs meadow and eats herb

Cows live on farms, people care for them (Cumms, Diarai)

How the cow gives milk

- White milk, sold in the store

Of milk boils porridge

In the store milk brings the car

In the store milk bring with dairywhere it is processed and manufactured dairy products

Of milk make cottage cheese

how milk falls into the store

What else products make milk

What can be prepared from milk

Of milk You can cook different dishes: pancakes, omelet, pies, bread, porridge, add to potato mashed potatoes

What in milk is useful

IN milk contain vitamins and minerals, fats, carbohydrates, proteins

- Milk Useful for the growth of the children's body.

Outcome project:

Registration of the exhibition of children's and family joints with parents of work « Dairy fantasy»