Curious facts from the world of fashion. Little-known and funny facts about fashion all the most fashionable interesting

  • Up to the 16th century, men did not wear underwear.
  • The largest wardrobe of the women's shoes numbered 5400 pairs.
  • Now emphasize the beauty of eyebrows, but in the era of the Renaissance women completely swung their eyebrows (take a look at Mona Lisa).
  • The most expensive pair of shoes costs 1.6 million dollars! (I would have bought myself better for this money). This shoes are made of platinum threads, 642 rubbs are decorated, for the creation of which 700 hours of manual labor took. Now she is in Harrods (London Department Store).
  • The technology of creating silk fabrics was in the strictest secrecy for two thousand years in China. Attempts to disclose the secret outside of China were accompanied by a deadly execution.

  • When someone talks about fashion, we have the way in our heads the image of a slender skinny girl with long legs dressed in something unusual, but before such a thing as a model was not! This lasted until the 19th century, designers of that time were used by small dolls, with the help of which the demonstration was held.
  • Also, some 200 years ago there was no children's fashion, the children wore exactly the same clothes as adults, only the size performed the only difference.
  • Specially used as a means of paying taxes.
  • Many do not know the difference between retro and vintage, so the clothes that were created from 1920 to 1960 - Vintage, and after the 60s - retro.
  • Every year, 7 million tons of clothing and textiles are simply emitted, from this number only 12% is used to recycle.
  • In the 19th century, in England, a bad tone was considered under his arm, it was necessary to wear it in her hand, with a handle down.
  • In France, the 18th century was unusual on modern standards fashion - for canes. They were worn both men and women. In addition, the female version of this accessory often decorated with bottles with spirits, romantic picture hidden inside, and even musical mechanisms.
  • Bald girls are now perceived ambiguously, but here are 1500 years old to our era, in Egypt, the beauty of beauty was that the female shaved head. Moreover, in those days it was achieved by removing hair with the help of tweezers, after which the head rushed to the brilliance.
  • Among Indian men there is nothing galloping to go to people in pajamas, they have quite normal day clothing.
  • But in one Indian tribe, a big nose is a sign of extraterrestrial beauty, local fashionista even lines different around the nose drawn, whatever somehow visually increase the subject of pride.
  • In the second half of the 18th century, Europeans (and not only they) had only one set of replacement clothing.
  • Chinese fashionable 5,000 years ago managed to paint their nails.
  • At the end, I will open a small Hollywood secret: green clothes on the set visually reduces the man of her dressed her, but yellow - on the contrary increases.
  • Oh, yes, while you read this article, we sold 10 swimsuits in the USA.

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Strange fashion and creative fashion designers surprise us in each season. Nevertheless, every unusual trend has fans. So it was in antiquity, and in the Middle Ages. And it proves stories about ambiguous, but very popular trendy trends in their time.

we website We offer to assess the selection of fashionable acts of past centuries and understand that they have arisen not just like that.

1. "Elizabetan" collars became a prototype of animal collars

The collars "head on a plate" were at the peak of fashion in the XVI century, during the rule of the English Queen Elizabeth I. No one could assume that the fashion waiting collars who came from Spain on a dress-looking out of the dress would provoke such gigantism. Elizabethan collars grew a year from year to year, and to preserve the form, frames, starch and multi-layered framework were used. Proud landing of the head of noble people was forced - try-ka turn your head in such a collar.

In 1960, the Frank L. Johnson doctor drew attention to this forced fixation and invented the collars for animals, which are used in the postoperative period. And the name "Elizabetan" has been preserved until now.

2. Wigs come into fashion to hide the effects of the syphilis epidemic

In the XVI-XVII centuries, Europe suffered a lot from the syphilis epidemic. Therefore, the popularity of long hair, mustache and beards as health indicators have increased. A bald man meant the sick, people began to be ashamed even naturally small hair growth. But those whom the disease is nuts, were forced to hide the resulting flaws under wigs and clothing.

The ancient Egyptians knew a lot for themselves - here they came up with the principle of cold hair curling with clay and first spirits. Aromatic oils were very widely used, and for the convenience, Egyptian fashionista was worn on the head cone from specially made aromatic wax. In the sun, the wax began to melt and gradually cover the hair and the body with fragrant film.

Often it was not natural hair, but wigs that were worn in Egypt both men and women. The head of the hygiene reasons was shaved naked, and the wig shape was chosen depending on the case.

4. focus on genital signs of men

From the XVII and before the beginning of the 20th century, an unusual female fashion reigned in Korea. Of course, not all women wore specific costumes with open breasts, which were part of national clothes.

Such a cape jacket is called Jogry. For her, a blouse was invented - Heoritti, but the representatives of only higher classes became put on it.

Outdoor suit was worn at home and in public, one of his meanings is a sign of motherhood. In such an outfit, it is convenient to feed newborn children, and what it happens in appearance, was considered a manifestation of pride for its position.

7. Fashion on hand animals to blame unpleasant smells on them and wipe hands

Funny hairstyles samurai - this is a certain symbolism, convenience and help in battle. Hair is comfortable to hide under the helmet in case of need.

Hairously differ, but there were general signs: high, often shaved forehead; Hair, twisted or braided into a pigtail, which could be directed in different directions, but must have had to fit tightly to the head.

Accessories that were used in hairstyles were often made of metal or a strong tree to perform weapons if necessary. Such protection often turned out to be unexpected for the enemy and rescued a samurai life.

Fashion history


01.05.14 15:45

Fashion is an amazing thing. First, it constantly changes, secondly, they constantly chase after her, but they can not catch up. What is the secret of the fashion world? What secrets hides this world? There are many interesting and sometimes strange facts from fashion history that we will share today with you.

Interestingly, for several centuries ago, the boys wore the same dresses as girls. It was convenient for them and did not cause any complaints from adults. Closer to the 20th century, such a fashion began to go, and today the boy in the dress is considered to be familiar, which is unacceptable for society.

Napoleonic buttons

Have you noticed that there are buttons on the sleeves of men's jackets? What are they made, and who came up with to send them in this place? It turns out that the designer spoke Napoleon Bonaparte, who gave an order to sew buttons to the sleeves of all the soldiers so that they did not use them instead of a nasal handkerchief.

Fashion XV century

Many people think that the fashionistas of the ancients rather reminded today's housewives than models. However, this is an erroneous opinion. Women in the XV century differed in particular liberty, putting on hats with devilish horns, the tail was sometimes attached to the dress. Such was fashion at the time, and then nothing can be done.


This is how the word "tuxedo" is translated, what today we call the evening jacket. It turns out that men used to smoke in a special room, so as not to smoke on women. To protect the clothes from the smell of smoke, they were formed into special jackets, which over time and were called tuxedo.

A long time ago shaved naked women were considered the most beautiful. This can be read about the ancient records of the Egyptians, which lived 1500 years before our era. The women of that time perfectly cleaned their heads from the hair, giving her shine and attractiveness.

Not everyone knows that children's clothing appeared relatively recently. Only in the XIX century, people began to think about engaging in the world of fashion and small men. The fact is that earlier children put on ordinary outfits of adults, only small sizes. This was due to the fact that children were to imitate adults, taking from them an example in everything.

Such an invention originated in 1916. Before that, no one came to mind to glue the eyelashes to the natural. One producer decided to visually increase the eyes of the actress, who was filmed in his film. Human hair was used as false eyelashes.

Tango model

New York is considered the Tango Panting Fashion Tango. In the 30s of the 20th century, the mayor of the city was indignant because all the dancers appeared on the stage absolutely naked. He ordered artists to come up with something for himself. Thus, tango panties were invented.

The XVIII century is an amazing and unique period of time. This confirms the fact that men wore too tight pantalon. To put on such an outfit, the trousers had to stretch on the spikes, at that time a man had to quickly jump into them.

Today, the cane is used only in order to help the elderly to hold the balance. In past century, a cane had a different purpose. It was no longer invented for help, but as an addition to the image. Many outstanding personality collecting canes. Such collections could have about 100 models. The cane was used as a fashionable novelty, both men and women.

The world of fashion continues to live his life, leaving us all new and even more interesting facts from their history.

Fashion - what could be more interesting? This is not only a rapid race for everything new, it is the penetration of the new ones with the simultaneous appeal to the origins, to the old traditions. There are many interesting and little-known facts about this phenomenon in different angles. We present 10 most entertaining and important.

1. Tuxedo
This is a piece of clothing (jacket), usually black. His name happened from English "Smoking" - smoking. In the aristocratic society, you can hardly be able to meet smoking ladies. Therefore, smoking men, not to deliver certain inconveniences to the women's half of society, had to go out for a smoking room in a special room. To avoid unpleasant tobacco smell from the clothes, they put on a kind of smoking jacket, with satin lapels. The presence of Laqcanov is not accidental. If smoking in the process of the praar shakes the ashes from the cigar on his own, this gesture was perceived by others as the top of inadmissibility. Traditionally, the elapsed column of the cigarette cigarette was suppress himself. In the case of hitting ashes to Laccan, he was easily shaken off the atlas, practically no leaving traces. A little later, enterprising ladies made this object of clothing part and their wardrobe.

2. Sleeves with buttons
Each of us noticed on the sleeves of jackets and jackets such a detail as buttons. The question arises: why are they needed here, what are their functions? If you look into historical sources, it turns out that for the first time the buttons appeared on the sleeves during the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte and it was at his order that they sewed to the sleeves of each soldier's jacket. You will not believe, but the main goal of such innovation was the eradication of the soldier habits to use the sleeves as a nasal handkerchief, during a cold!

3. The concepts of "Vintage" and "Retro"
Arguing about fashion, few of us see the differences in the concepts of "retro" and "vintage". Basically, among the fashion designers it is assumed that the vintage thing is a thing belonging to the middle of the 20th century, and retro is the thing of a later period.

4. Clothes for children
Choosing clothes for your child, we all try to take into account the fashion trends of today. Surprisingly, baby clothes, like a separate fashion element, appeared not so long ago, in the 19th century. Until that time, children dressed in adults, but only small sizes. This was due to the rules of decency dominant at that time: a little girl should look like a noble girl, a restrained woman of smaller growth and age.

5. Panties "Tanga"
For the first time this invention is the panties "Tanga" - was invented in New York. Back in the 30s on the scenes of this city, the local dancers showed their skills to the public with absolutely naked than they led to real faintness of the mayor of the city. That day he ordered them to immediately stop this shame and hiding. Then this part of the clothing was invented, which to this day does not lose its popularity.

6. Fashion shows
Today, huge funds are spent on numerous fashion shows. And the distant ancestors - fashion designers in the 16th century tried to reduce their expenses as much as possible. Therefore, even for a demonstration of fresh modern collection, they did not attract the mannequins! Actually, the concepts of "model" and "mannequin" themselves appeared much later, only in the 19th century. And all fashionable outfits and fashionable handbags The then designers showed ... on dolls. And believe me, it was considered very favorable projects.

7. Bermuda or Capri
Women's Bermuda or Capri appeared as fashion style in 1930. The reason for their appearance was the existing prohibition for women in the Bermuda islands to unzield our own hips. Women left nothing, how to take shorts and increase their length slightly, about the knee. Similarly, appeared on light and capri.

8. Skirt
The history of the appearance of a skirt begins with deep antiquity. It turns out that initially carriers of this object of clothing were not such a woman as a man. With its appearance, the skirt is obliged primarily widespread then loyal bandage. And the appearance of it, as the details of the female wardrobe, applies already to the 16th century. In ancient Russia, the skirt appeared much later - only in the 19th century. Earlier in the village girls wore a simple cut of the sundresses.

9. Cane as fashion element
Currently, the cane is perceived by many, as the thing necessary for an exclusive older person. But in fact, this item can originally supplement the image of any person. The famous Wolter writer collects canes, in its collection there were up to 80 species of this product. Slightly less than them were Jean Jacques Rousseau. At that time, the new-fashioned accessory literally overwhelmed France. And men, and women gladly used it as an addition to their image, the more they decorated the design of the interior of their hallways.

10. Maria Antoinette today
In 2006, the Ribbon "Maria-Antoinetta" was released on the screens, in which Kirsten Dunst was fulfilled the main role. Once the actress was trying on numerous dresses stylized under the reign of Queen France, but they all seemed to her too open. After all, in the usual life of Kirsten - this is a pretty modest woman, shy once again to put even an unfinished neck

Looking at ideal outfits from the collections of famous designers, the feeling that they were always such. But who knows that he inspired the fashion designers for many years and how it became fashionable one or another crate. How many changes suffered an ordinary female dress and at what moment the pants became an integral part of the female wardrobe? I will answer these and some other questions in my post dedicated to interesting facts from the fashion world. So, let's begin.

From the history of brands

Chanel.I decided to start with this brand because it is he who personifies with femininity and elegance. So, what do we know about this company and its founder - the legendary Coco Chanel?

1. Coco was not a professional dressmaker. Creating its models, she just took scissors, pounced the fabric on the mannequin and cut the shapeless matter until he received the desired silhouette. At the same time, it first began to use Jersey - a fabric that was used exclusively for sewing male underwear.

2. Chanel's brand in the fashion world entered the decorations and transformers, pleated skirts, sportswear from tweed fabric, snow-white cotton dresses, quilted handbags on a chain instead of a strap, double shoes, "sailing pants" and much more.

3. The Great Couturier made a fashionable black color after the death of her lover - Arthur Capela. Collections of clothing from black fabrics were produced over the entire five years, and during this time the brand became even more popular.

Versace. Who else can be so skillfully combined neon colors, leather, metal grid (orthon), animal prints and gilding and at the same time adhere to minimalism and elegance? Only brand Versace! What interesting facts about fashion can be allocated this time?

1. Gianni Versace first in fashion history used the concept of the top model. To show the collections, the designer began to select flawless girls, the best of which received double fees. Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Linda Evangelist - All these mannequins began a career with Versace shots.

2. After the founder of the founder of the brand, Janni Versace, the company was renamed. If the "Gianni Versac" appeared on the labels before the labels, then the inscription simply "Versac" is used.

Hugo Boss.. The fashion house Hugo Boss took over the sewing uniforms for SS officers and the Wehrmacht. When the war is over, the company switched to clothing for railway workers and postmen.

FRED PERRY.. The founder of the elite brand of sportswear became Frederick John Peri - the famous English tennis player, a three-time champion of the Wimbledon tournament. It was he who, together with a football player Tibby Vegan for the first time released the wristbands. The first prototypes were created from the same fabric as bath towels, but later the product was improved.

Another curious story is connected with Fred Perry. A smoking tube was blocked on the first brand logo, as the athlete was an avid smokers. But the companions counted such a "unsportsmanlike" emblem and offered to use a laurel wreath as a logo, which is a symbol of the Wimbledon Club. The director of the Wimbledon Club himself presented the right to this emblem Fred.

Interesting Facts Fashion History

1. In the Renaissance Epoch, the norm was considered the norm to wear outfits with a very deep neckline. The neckline opened the back, neck and exposed the chest half. The dress was complemented by a corset, which raised his chest, bring them together. However, sometimes the situation reached the absurd. Take, for example, the mistress of Charles VII Agens. She did not hesitate to wear a dresses with a low neckline, exposing the chest completely. For some time, it was followed by many women, from aristocrats to prostitutes.

2. In the 12-13 century, buttons were used only for decorating clothes. Later they became so sought-after accessory that in their number it was possible to find out the status of the owner. So, one of Francis I dresses was decorated with thirteen thousand buttons.

3. In the UK, the 17-18th century, the aristocrats were carrying tight pantalonians that for dressing the trousers had to stretch on the spikes. To put on the Pantalona, \u200b\u200bthe gentleman had to literally squeeze her legs in a straw.

4. Cost Cost. Jean Jacques Rousseau had 40 canes. His contemporary Voltaire had 80. Up until the 19th century, canes were very fashionable in France, they were worn and guys and guys. Noble props spent on these aristocratic things up to 40 thousand francs per year. They were popular in Russia. So, Prince Anatol Demidov at auction acquired 26 unique canes, at a price of 1200 francs per piece.

5. The "Trenchkot" coat was originally designed for the soldiers of the British army. Frontoviki, which were often in the trenches during the First World War, called this type of top clothing "Trench Coat", which is literally translated as a "trench coat". After the war, the trenchkota began to be massively used in fashion, and the fashion for various variations of these coats is still relevant.

6. The appearance of arrows on trousers can be dated the end of the XIX century, when the factory tailoring began to develop in Europe. At that time, most of the goods went beyond the ocean. During the package, the pants were mercilessly pressed, to fit into the holds as much clothing as possible. After shipment, tough folds appeared on the trousers, which were very difficult to get rid of. However, American buyers have fallen such a defect and they decided to leave the fold arrows.

7. In 2001, the American company Levi`s paid 45 thousand dollars for a couple of their own production. The high price for pants is explained by the fact that they were sewn in 1880. Now jeans occupied a spectacular place in the company's museum.