Lightning on the forehead. Signs of fate on face and body

In all ancient cultures of lightning, it serves as an expressive sign of strength, speed, movement and is the attribute of God-throat, the king of the gods. Lightning, connecting the sky and earth, personifies the divine will, a creative impulse, which is transmitted to the ground and becomes the driving force of people and events. In zippers, saw the signs sent by the gods; The places in which the lightning hit, were considered sacred, and people affected by the lightning were marked by the deity.

Being an expression of the divine anger and the way the destructive "heavenly fire", the lightning at the same time happens and the beneficial, personifying the awakening of the internal vitality. Psychologically lightning can be considered as a crisis and at the same time as the ability to see new horizons in the darkness, find output. The knowledge of the truth in his suddenness, strength and shock like a flash of lightning. "The moment of spiritual insight compared with lightning in many religions. Moreover: a sudden flash of lightning, tearing the darkness, was regarded as Mysterium Tremendum (Lat. "Horrible Mystery"), which, transformation world, fills the soul of sacred trepidation " (Mircha Eliad).

IN Ancient Indiait was believed that lightning serves as a symbol of the power and grandeur of Brahman - the impersonal absolute underlying all things. Brahman will know instantly, lightning and in the Vedic texts and texts of the Upanishad moment of insight compared with the zipper - "Truth in Lightning".

Trita is mentioned in the Vedas - a very ancient deity, as believing the personification of lightning. It is associated with water, with fire and sky. Lightning as a heavenly fire is one of the attacks of Agni; It is also associated with the destructive fire of the "third eye" of Shiva (Vedic Rudra). One of the features of Shiva was the destruction of one arrow Tripura - the capital of Asurov: "Then the three-chapter Shiva quickly released a destructive boom. The sky painted in red, as if molten gold was mixed with purple, and the sparkling of the arrows merged with the rays of the sun. The arrow burned three fortresses like a straw. " With a symbol of zipper, Vajra is closely connected - the mythical weapon of the god-threshold indra. Vajrau (SanskR. "Almaz", "Lightning") is called "zipper thrower" and consider the force that destroys enemies and all kinds of ignorance.

Vajra is also one of the most important symbols of Buddhism and denotes the spiritual power of the Buddha, splitting illusory reality of the world. Tibet Buddhists call Vajra Dorje. It symbolizes the strength, clarity and all-restful strength of the Buddha teaching.

IN ancient Chinese mythologythe origin of nature phenomena is associated with Pan-Gu, the first person on Earth: the wind and rain is born with his breath, with exhale - thunder and lightning. According to legend, there was a heavenly tender thunder. The God of Thunder, the God of the Wind, the Rain God and Goddess of Lightning. The chapter of the Heavenly Council of Thunder Lay-Tzu was depicted with a third eye on the forehead, there was a stream of light. Dian-Mu ("Mother Lightning") kept two mirrors in his heads raised above her heads. Standing on the cloud, she brought it closer, then the mirrors raged, as a result of which zipper arose. It was believed that Dyan-mu illuminates the lightning of the hearts of sinners, which the God of Thunder should punish.

In the symbolism of the ancient Chinese treatise "and Jing" zipper is the image of hexagram zhen, "excitement". It means the moment when life begins again, the movement is impossible to reverse, it is necessary to go ahead. In this situation, a person can feel fear and lose confidence in its own power. But if you do not change the principle of steady action and desire ahead, such a move will lead to the highest success.

W. ancient Greeksthe head of the Olympic Pantheon of the Gods of Zeus was owned by the lightning. In the time of the fight against the titans of cyclops, Zeuszu zelin was forged - the magical weapon, which he struck the Kronos. Waning in these battles, Zeus gained power over the ground and sky, and Thunder, Lightning and Peruns became its inherent attribute. The lightning strike of Zeus myths attribute the first of the two births of "twice born" Dionysus.

According to PLINA senior, Great God etruscovTin commanded "three sparkling red beams of lightning." Under his beginning it was sixteen deities, but only eight had the right to throw lightning, and these lightning differed in color. All these features were taken into account by Garuspiki-Venteners who interpreted heavenly signs.

IN ancient RomeJupiter, like many other ancient gods, originally did not have a human appearance, and depicted in the form of a stone boom, in which the zipper symbol saw. Subsequently, thunder arrows, which he holds in his hand, became a symbol of power and invincible power of the king of the gods. Three zipper of Jupiter symbolize a case, fate and foresight - three forces forming the future.

According to the myths of AztecThe universe passed four stages (or era) of development. In the third era, which was called "Four. Rain ", Supreme Deity, the carrier of the Sun, was the Tlalok, the God of rain and thunder, who was portrayed with a zipper straight. The elements of this era, ended by the World Fire, is the fire, and the sign of it is zipper.

IN christian eralightning is associated with the revelation of God, as, for example, in the book is the outcome, where the thunder and lightning foreshadow the phenomenon of God Moses on Mount Sinai. In addition, lightning is the symbolic expression of God's Court (on the day of a terrible court).

In famous muslim plotrevelations Magometh in a cave on Mount Hira Lightning precedes the appearance of the Divine Messenger - Angela Gybril.

Get a blow to lightning, according to Shamans, means immediate initiation. "On people who killed a lightning, they think that they are kidnapped by the gods of thunderstorms, and the remains of them are revered as relics. The one who remains alive after experience with lightning, is completely changing; In essence, he starts a new life, becomes a new person. " (Mircha Eliad).

The sense of mystical is the basis of real art and science. The one for whom this feeling is alien, like a dead man.

A. Einstein


Take a look at your handbag. There, among all sorts of cosmetic accessories and necessary things, many of you will find our passport - a document certifying personality. It contains your data - place, year and date of birth, name, address. Buying information. But it is enough to determine, in the village or in the city you were born, in which area they live, young you are or staying in old age. In the photograph of the same in the passport, you can imagine your appearance: the color of the hair, eye cut, the shape of the nose, lips, the ears, the oval of the face - and see the special differences in the type of controversial eyebrows, long mustache or narrow mustache, scars, the birthplace spots and moles on Face. Everything else remains behind the scenes. And why many of us know something else about the huge number of people who are found throughout life, while remaining for us just random passersby?

Meanwhile, each living on Earth has its own special way in life, his fate, as we say, implying the course of life events. The word "fate" is repeated by us to all the frets: "Balchery of Fate", "blows of fate", "not fate", "such a fate." And if you look into the dictionary, let's say, the same Daly? Find the word "fate", read: fate, lot, share, rock. And then the proverb is being illustrating this interpretation: "There is no fate of the Kalachi peasant guy." Not fate, it means not given?

It turns out that fate is a given circumstances that do not depend on us. Where are they from? Why are they like that? Secret. Only many mysteries on Earth are already solved by people who want to get to the truth, to solve riddles, reveal not yet disabled, to decipher the codes of nature, whose crown is a man.

Human, his anatomy, physiology, psyche, thinking, the logical attack of his behavior is learning the corresponding sciences. Mystics, Occultism and its branches, scientists, configured materialistically belong to Lzhenayuks. In the dictionaries, they write: "Mysticism is a hostile science of Vera in the Divine, to the mysterious, supernatural world." This is something that we cannot touch your hands, cut, make sure our own eyes, which we cannot give an explanation. But if we do not know something, it does not mean that it does not exist. The mysterious world from time to time shows the evidence of its presence. Lord God - who saw him? But the usual of an ordinary person created herbs, trees, flowers, all sorts of substances, nature and man himself. These are visual creations of the highest mind, supernatural forces. And the smartest and educated people today began to recognize this higher strength - God.

Well, and mystics, the occultists and people who have fascinated their ideas are building their theories regarding unsolved, study the facts, collect data and present information to people in the form of science - astrology, chiromantia, physiognomy, phrenology, etc. This is important: to recognize or Do not recognize these sciences.

The occultists believe that the life move of fate is predestination, and indicate a valid sign, believing that the life map is given to a person from birth, "written" on it itself as signs and marks on the body. A person is born from a special kind of passport, who gives him the Creator of Heavenly, an intricate destination. For both life, and the course of life, and its end are in the jurisdiction of the inventor who created a person. According to his own will and fishe, he puts signs on the body created by him - these secrets of fate, entering into elements of life events that should happen to a person. These are notlated - as if the points of life scenario, which is destined to play in certain sections of being on Earth. The goal of the occultist is to solve them, give an explanation.

The person is a curious creature. Although he lives calmly with all the "ciphers", interest in the peculiarities of his body - cones, natural bulbs, stains, lines, moles, scars - exhibits. First of all, of course, in the medical sense, often in the aesthetic, but also curiosity of a different plan - mysterious, mystical - it always existed: both in the initial steps of the development of the human race, and in our days. Many people like to believe in an unusual, receive non-standard information, to show interest in the knowledge of chirromants and physiognomists who predict the fate on appearance, lines on the palm, moles, different notes and imprints on the head, face, arms, legs. Science is based on the recognition of the primacy of the spirit, the creation of the body with supernatural power, by God, who, according to the theory developed by them, by building a person in his image and likeness, provided his body with code signs.

Predictors who read someone else's fate on certain signs, signs, dreams, signs, existed all over the world. For example, in Vietnam, according to certain signs, they allocated from the total mass of the future rulers and warriors-heroes. According to the Provons, they were issued, except for huge growth, mind and courage, such external signs, as the presence of long ears, long hands, which testified about the deep wisdom, and the special location of the moles on the body. Outstanding personalities on the back of the Moles were located in the form of the constellation of a large bear or reminded the dragon-scales. And on the forehead the future rulers had a characteristic bulge, which was called the "Sun Horn of the Dragon".

The appearance of the future ruler could also testify the signs associated with animals. So, when the future of the future emperor is Thai, then in the province of the cofap dog gave birth to a white puppy, which had black spots on his back. Their pattern was the hieroglyphs, which were in the phrase "son of the sky". And at the birth of the future emperor, Lee Thai-Tonga from one buffalo in Chyongan's district disappeared the old horns and grew up new ones.

In Ancient Asia, the occultists believed that any note on the body of a person is a certain sign, followed by decryption of his life circumstances. Africans also believe in it. This vera is based on the recognition of the unity of man and space, which contains all information about the individual, its present, past and the future. To draw this information from the space bank of knowledge, a kind of universal program to create and manage human destinies, is given only to people with congenital supernatural abilities, which are shamans, sorcerers, clairvifuses, seams, psychics.

On the African continent and in the countries of Southeast Asia, candidates for sorcerers or priests pass strict selection on external signs, in particular in particular note on the body, which can hide both good and bad information - the signs of the future. They are also read by imprints on the body, fate codes, human life. The same thing happens when Buddhists in different countries choose the Dalai Lama - the living God on Earth, the ability of which in many ways exceed the usual human.

According to the occultists, the emergence of such signs is natural and has its meaning. A person who sinned at least once acquires some notice on the body or face that will not disappear before the misdeed. In general, moles, birthmarks and other prints are evidence of actions in past lives or current. These are signals of actions and phenomena, signs of certain features, characters, inclinations, signs of upcoming events. They can proceed from one human incarnation to another. Having decided to remove the moles, it is worth thinking: Mages do not recommend removing these signs to surgically. This is a protest against fate, against the Creator, against nature, perceived as a generous. The best tool is to conduct an "operation" to improve the soul, cleaning it from the malice and everything is bad. The point is also that, by removing the mole, according to Japanese physiognomists, it is impossible to erase the code that she carried in himself. The program, the meaning that was encrypted in it, remains, and what is predetermined by fate, is still implemented in life.

Signs are favorable, defining all positive, good in life and testifying to the purity of the soul, and bad, relating not to divine imprints, and to Satan's marks. This is just a recommendation for the cleansing of the soul and refers to such "Satanic" notes on the body.

We listen to the opinion of the occultists and try to explore your body as an astrological map, relying on decryption marks marked on it.

Morphoscopy, or ways to read fates in moles

Plated specks

It is unlikely that you will meet a person with perfectly clean skin. The specks on any part of the body with whom it appeared on the light always. Congenital specks, somewhat towering above the skin, wear the name of the moles. Dark spots on the skin, data from birth, are called native spots.

People perceive their moles as some kind of dality, there are all their lives with them, without asking questions about their meaning, and go with these secret signs into the world of others, having to do with them, maybe the solvior of their personality. Indeed, according to the science, which is the name of morphoscopy, which is a system of knowledge about the prints on the body, the moles enter into information on the personal qualities of a person, about its possibilities and destinies of fate.

Before giving deciphering these signs, you should talk about two halves, which are divided by the human body Eastern representatives of the occult. For it plays a significant role: it is important, in which half the birth is located.

At the heart of this division lies an idea of \u200b\u200bthe struggle and unity of opposites, as well as about the male and female beginnings - Yang and Yin. The body in this aspect is divided into male and female halves. The division line passes in the middle of the forehead to the sacred place. Men's half is the right side of the body, female half - left. Men's half is under the control of the sun, the female manages the moon.

Possessing the location of the moles on "his" half. It is this factor that enhances the positive impact of a sign on fate. Even a sign that hides the negative, loses part of bad energy, softens his negative effect when it is on "his" site.

Worse, if the moles are located on the "alien" half of the body. So, congenital stains in a man on the left side indicate mistakes performed by him in the past embodiment, which should be fixed in this life. If this does not happen, it will be accompanied by trouble. Morphoscopy specialists give a chance to eliminate perfect sins.

These decodents are valid for women for whom the "native" side is the left. Mixed on the right half of the body indicate the opportunity to cope with the problems that these secret codes of fate predict.

The dimensions of the sign indicate the strength of the influence of the event on the fate of a person. Small moles predict the insignificance of what can happen. Naturally, the greater the sign in size, the stronger its significance, or rather, the events that he hides. Its brightness, drawing also carry a negative or positive meaning.

The presence of spots on the body is not an accident. In Hinduism, these tags are associated with the concept of karma. Karma in Hindu belief means the amount of acts committed by the living being and their consequences. It defines human fate. In the concept of "karma", the ratio of bad and good deeds is important. Many good deeds are good karma, and vice versa. The law of karma comes into force after death. There, in the world, in the world, the Space Court defines the lifetime merit of a person and gives a fair assessment - remuneration and punishment. Remunerations - certain successes, good luck, prosperity, luck, the protection of the creator - the person is given in the following embodiment. For sins he gets in another life of punishment. It does not take into account, it was this personality that made sin. This may not be redeemed by the kind of sins of people close to people. The task of improving karma of the kind is assigned to the heavenly forces on the man who visited them in the form of a retribution - the goat fate so that he understands and corrected mistakes, his own or relatives, good actions. On the body of a person, as in the passport, is put "stamp" - the birthmarks. In Hinduism, from where the concept of karma - an universal law came, these specks are called Tilak.

In the occult literature, various examples are given illustrating the concept of karma. Here is one of them. The man of 40 years old was tortured back pain and fear that accompanied these pain. He was treated by hypnosis, and in the state of the trance he saw that a bullet was put on his back. After the session, the hypnotist discovered in the patient at the site of the entry of the bullet in the back of the Roda - the mark of his stormy baudes in the previous embodiment.

The karmic meaning of the birthplace of spots can get a different content if a person has redeemed the sinfulness of the acts committed by good acts, worked as a karmic duty. However, there are such novel stains whose code remains unchanged. It is usually a challenge signs to which images of lips, eyes, hands, heads can be attributed. They are on the head, back and hips.

Signs of temporary character

In addition to the moles, there are many temporary signs on the body - warts, papillomes, acne, scars. The meaning of their appearance occultists is explained as an omnant of fleeting events.

Warts are recognized as visual manifestations of the evil eye and envy. Therefore, their excretion is welcome. By the way, several recipes:

Three times wrap the wart with horse hair;

Daily in front of dripping a drop of acetic acid from the pipette;

Lubricate the wart at night with chopper juice.

A person who has warts, makes sense to look close to the circle of people in which he rotates, and reveal the enviousness, a detractor. But it is also recommended to pay attention to the location of the wart. So, its presence on the index finger is considered a happy sign. The wart on the lips is a sign of animal passions.

The impact of the appearance in the process of the lifestyle of the above stains is associated with their location on "its" or "alien" side. Do not worry if they appeared on the left side of a woman or on the right of a man. This is deciphered as receiving someone else's patronage, solving a tormenting problem. The emergence of temporary notes on the "alien" side is a prevention of adverse circumstances that will interfere with the fulfillment of any case. It will be necessary to collect all his will, strength and determination to solve a difficult question.

Scars - acquired signs on the body, which remain after healing of wounds obtained in damage to the body or operations. Here you should pay attention, on which part of the body a scar appeared. Interpreters recommend to associate the occurrence of such marks with the expectation of changes in the area of \u200b\u200blife, for which this part of the body is responsible.

As for tattoos, which the priests have always been evaluating the initiation, it is necessary to take into account the information on favorable and unfavorable halves of the body and refrain from drawing a picture on a kind of "geopathogenic" body zone - "someone else's side.

Despite the fact that the signs in the form of warts or separate dark or light specks, different in size and outlines that arise in the course of life correspond to short-term phenomena, their reading explains the essence and cause of many events that happened to a person throughout life, and their perception happens in a different light.

Pigment spots appear suddenly and in the most unexpected places. From the point of view of the occult, they are considered indicators of the upcoming overcoming any problem, struggle. Which area of \u200b\u200blife should be associated with this struggle, shows a place on the body in which a pigment spot appeared.

Red pigment spots are associated with Mars and mean loss of strength and energy. They are on the "good" side, they point to victory, to overcome the problem.

Light or golden spots say that their owner may be submitted or depressed, the effects of negative energy from other people. Pigment stains on "their" side - a certificate of prosperous resolution of life problems.

Acne, Yanai, Chiri. Acne is associated with the planet Mars. Their appearance means the unfavorable situations that have to go through the one who they arise. If acne appeared on cheeks or cheeks, this is an indication that the person will have difficulties in relations with people. Acne on the legs mean trips, and on your hands - getting or, on the contrary, the loss of money. It depends on the "good" or "bad" side they appeared.

Acne on the top of the body indicate that the event will happen in the near future; Acne appeared in the lower body area indicate a longer period through which an event occurs (after about 2.5 months).

Chiri means unsolved problems, often material plan. If the Chirny appeared in a man on the right side, this means a safe permission of the problem, on the left side - to solve the problem will require high time.

Freckles are interpreted as a sign of human relationships. Freckles on the face - good. Worse when they scattered in other places. Their arrangement on the back, especially on the "unkind" half, means the conflict of their owner and the crowd, the presence of rivals, for whose completion it will be necessary to assemble the whole will in his fist.

Decoding moles in color

Generic or acquired in the life of prints on a body or face for each personality have its meaning. People are characterized by color skin, and this is an important factor. For people with a bright skin type, convex moles are important. Dimakly, you should pay attention to black moles. There are signs without pigment, that is, unplanned skin sections. They carry a negative meaning.

Red Moles who wear the color of the planet Mars, talk about energy reserves in the area where they are located. It is in this area of \u200b\u200blife that will happen significant events. What exactly is a positive or negative nature depends on the location - on "his" half or "alien". Red Mountain, located on the "his" part of the body, is a favorable sign. Mars Marsa on the "alien" side of the body - a sign of confrontation, conflict situations.

Bright moles (the so-called moles of Venus) - evidence of the feelings of proximity and sympathy that can manifest themselves in relation to others. The same moles that have a woman on the "male" half of the body are a sign of losses and surroundings that will put sticks in the wheels towards progress towards the goal.

Black Moles, Saturn signs, hide the lessons that a person will receive during life. And it will be fateful events. The same black marks are the sign of remuneration, the gifts of fate, which will be obtained in the case of their arms on the side of the man and the side of Yin in a woman. Black Moles, who found a place on "someone else's" half, should be perceived as precursors of the upcoming blows of fate, engaging in difficult circumstances, large tests.

Brown or red-brown marks on the body - the moles of Jupiter. They symbolize power and patronage, talking about high social status, which is intended for their owner, about his relationships with state structures, with legislative bodies.

Mountain with hair. It often happens that the hairs are growing from the mole or even a few. These hairs, according to expert-mystics, enter into a sign of salvation, are protective ropes. This is especially good if Molenia is on the "evil" side. Mountain with growing hair from it in this case is considered as a softening circumstance as a sign of exit from any misfortune and misfortune. In the case of the location of the moles with a hairs on the "right" side, it is recommended to share your happiness with others. Otherwise, happiness will not be complete.

In general, Mountain with hair means the forgiveness of karmic duty.

Molds of Moles and Money Spots

Of great importance is the form of a mole or a godded spot. Marks can be the most diverse configurations. The occultists studied the most common types of these signs on the human body and gave them to decipher.

The constellation is a big bear.Motherland in the form of a constellation of a large bear is a wonderful sign, a symbol of great achievements, victories, fame, high position in society, testimony of the patronage of the highest strength. Luck is waiting for the owner of such a mole in the area with which its location is associated. After all, each body zone is managed by planets or constellations. In total, 12 zones are distinguished on the body, each of which corresponds to the zodiac sign. Mark on the body located in a place corresponding to the sign of the zodiac of this person is attached great importance. It is in it that the important event side of human destiny as a whole is concluded.

Square.Moles can form a square on the body. It is interpreted as a very unfavorable sign. The heavy cross of fate, the struggle with circumstances throughout the life - the wing of the owner of such noted on the body. The same means a mole or a birthmark in the form of a spider.

Cross.Cross from Moles (meaning protruding points on the body) - alarming sign. He warns his owner of readiness for heavy trials, unforeseen turns in hard fate. A positive value carries a cross from five moles. His decoding is humility, as well as spent debt.

Star.The happiest note on the body - having a star shape. This imprint is found in rare cases. Of course, we are not talking about the right five-pointed star. The stain can also have a kind of distorted asterisk. It is important for such a sign to be five ends. Interpretation of star-shaped markings - happy fate, the patronage of the sky, good luck and success in any sphere of life. "Store me my star!" - So can say the carrier of this happy print.

Circle, sun, moon.There are often cases when people are born with rims of spots in the form of a circle, which is considered heavenly sign, as it looks like the sun or the full moon. Also, the half of the circle or part of it is counted to the category of signs called "Heavenly Luminous". The "Sun", in contrast to the "Moon", should have "races" around the spots itself. Sunny sign carriers are very interesting, meaningful, multilateral. They are distinguished by irrepressible energy, a puffy temperament, cheerfulness, they charge the joy and the prevalence of all others, encourage them to act. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, the owners of these signs are born at the sun light - in the morning, during the day or until the sunset.

Talented sunny markers, good parents, beautiful husbands. Occultists assure that only welcome children are born with signs of the Sun.

An incomplete circle (for example, in the form of a sickle with rays) indicates the presence of karmic duty, that is, any offense, which moved from past embodiments in order to be corrected with good deeds and actions in this life. Such a stain can go genetically to a child who will pay for parental sin, and, the higher it is located, the stronger the infancy of fate. Bad if the stain of such a type is on the head. This is a sign of a serious mental illness that can develop in humans.

Thinner pepper - a sign of aggravated intuition. In the face without rays, the presence of a developed sixth sense is also encrypted. For the owner of such signs, this promises the defense of the divine forces, because the intuition is the gift of God, filled with saving force.

An innate symbol in the form of a decreasing moon pays hidden capabilities that can manifest themselves in adulthood. The owner of this label should try its forces on the field of jurisprudence or devote himself to financial activities. A sign of decreasing moon promises him achieving success in these areas. He can also become a fortunate specialist in the securities market.

The birthmark can be a full circle without the "rays" - "full moon". This sign indicates the presence of developed intuition and the magic gift, which is expressed in the ability of foreseen, witchcraft. The owner of such a label was the predictor of Maria Lenorman. But all these mystical properties concludes only a sign located on the right side of the body, and more specifically - on the rear surface of the knee bend at a height of 25 cm from it.

The carrier of the imprint in the form of the right circle there may be other talents, which can cause envy surrounding, the rejection of man as a person. But, overcoming all the difficulties, the owner of such a sign comes out of alterations with a tempered, purified soul.

Bird.Good properties encompasses a birthmark of a birdlike. This sign foreshadows large vital successes and achievements. Of course, they will not come by themselves, the owner of the "birds" must try: to reveal their abilities, to express perseverance, make efforts to attract good luck. And she will definitely come, because the "bird" sign indicates God's gift in the form of any talents. Usually the personality with the sign of the bird is born in the family of capable people - good musicians, artists or writers. This sign, located on the left shoulder or on the chest, is a sign of the talent of great strength.

Map.It happens, moles are scattered around the body so that you can read them, like a geographical map, on which there are seas, lakes, islands. Occultists interpret them as a not too favorable sign that is getting unwanted children. People with a similar label explosive, unrestrained, amphibious and hysterical. They can also hone offense on others, do not always include mind, beating on their emotions, as on sails, which can lead to unpredictable actions.

Stains in the form of continent, peninsula, lakes carry information about traveling to different countries, dating with many people.

Elephant.The mark in the form of an elephant in the interpretation of morphoscopy is not a particularly favorable symbol, especially if it is located on the shoulder. Although the owner of this sign itself is a completely reliable and decent man, fate presents to him unexpected surprises. The meaning of his life is to overcome difficulties and obstacles. This is due to karma, with its pregrims in previous embodiments. In order not to transmit karmic debt inheritance, he should keep the peace of mind, generosity, to make decent acts. But it will be given to him hard, in the fight with his inner "I". How difficult it will be a struggle depends on the location of the innate imprint. If he is on the buttocks, the owner of the "elephant" will have to fight with large temptations in life.

Catin the occult sciences - Devil's servant. Therefore, the mark in the form of a feline silhouette is called a satanic sign. The decoding lies in attributing the owner of such a tag of mystery and mysteriousness of nature. And if the "cat" of dark color, then a person can experience himself in the field of magic art: to affect people, broadcast, guess, perhaps even heal. The owner of such a sign is able to bring unconscious evil, not wanting himself. This refers to the evil eye. Security, restraint, confidence, power, insight - human qualities that bring the owner of a mole in the form of a cat luck on the stage, in the field of justice.

Fingerprint.Moles in the form of the prints of the lips are considered a very happy sign that foreshadow the kisses of fate. God, awarding a person with this label, took him under his defense, gave him strong intuition, awarded creative thinking, fantasy, a healthy psyche, a sense of humor. It is waiting for good luck, life surprises, happy love. Small troubles will never bring the owner of this label from equilibrium, and from big misfortunes will protect the patronage of the creator. No evil to him sticks.

Face.Mark, in shape resembling a human face, can be located anywhere in the body or face. But, no matter where this label is located, it is not too favorable in the sense of personal qualities. People who are marked with such a sign, usually changeless, conscientious, ambitious, love to dig in themselves, self-critical, always feel the feeling of guilt, exaggerate their drawbacks. Self-esteem they have low. They depend on the opinions of others in which they are looking for support.

"Lick" on the face is a provocative sign, which will slow down intuition and caution, pushing to unreasonable actions. "Lik" on the back foreshadows the permanent searches for the satellite of life and disappointment in love. Located on the back, this label hides in itself the mystery of the eternal confrontation of ill-wishers who will build a goat, involve in intrigue. Do not avoid the owner of the label in the form of a face and torment from unhappy love, what will be to testify its location on the chest. The same code hides a similar spot on the inside of the thighs.

Nothing good carries the imprint of the "face" on the buttock, foreshadowing the mockery of others, ridiculous situations. "Lick" on the stomach promises disease.

But a birthmark in the form of a human face on his shoulder - a sign is quite favorable, testifying about the mind, inclined to philosophizing, besides promising prosperous outcome in case of trouble.

Flame Language Sign- Certificate of the complexity of human nature and disadvantaged fate. Because of its turning, the holder of such a label often flows into longing and despondency, hatching the thoughts about the information of accounts with life. Love love from depression from the state of depression. But the owner of the "fire" marked in the extremes is a mad jealous, amenable to angry gusts. Because of the difficulty of character, finding saving love is difficult for him, but it is quite possible, because he has many positive features in the character - courage, determination, generosity. Women who received the "fiery" imprint from the creator are distinguished by the liveliness, energetic, bright fantasy. They are capable of the most decisive acts, the recklessness, love extravagant outfits.

Figures.There are people who have their birth spots on the body resemble numbers. The same marks are found on the face. The occultists give a randering of such signs, relying on the labor of Cornelius Agrippa, a famous master of mystical sciences of the XVI century, under the title "Occult philosophy". In it, Agrippa, setting out the foundations of the discipline, bearing the name "Numerology", gives deciphering numbers. The occultist professional by summing gives any number to a single figure - from one to nine, finding a magical meaning in it. In such a way, the interpretation of digital signs on the body is given.

Lightning is a powerful sign that is associated primarily with force and impulsivity. Such tattoos can be done in various variations, add parts that emphasize some drawing values. Also many color solutions help make a real masterpiece from the sketch. Although, an initial version of the image can make even an inexperienced master. The tattoo itself, which contains basicly a lightning - a powerful sign that has references to both the pagan gods and Christianity. Therefore, this kind of image is used by people, different by religion, sex, character.

Lightning. Beautiful natural phenomenon

Lightning is an electric discharge that often accompanies such a phenomenon as a thunderstorm. In addition, thunder is considered a lightning satellite. Interestingly, such a natural manifestation exists not only on planet Earth. The zippers were recorded on Venus, Saturn and Uranus. This fact itself makes this phenomenon quite unusual.

Due to the famous physics on the name Franklin, the nature of the zipper was revealed. But, despite the fact that scientists know about this phenomenon, Lightning did not cease to attract attention. It is not only a beautiful, but also a dangerous discharge. In case of lightning in a person, there is a possibility of fatal outcome. Lightning tattoo, whose photo is varied, is also popular among those whom managed to survive after this phenomenon.

Lightning on the shoulder of the girl

Lightning and people

As mentioned above, lightning discharges are extremely dangerous for humans. According to the statistical departments of the United States, about 10% of victims die from the lightning strike. And this is about 40-50 people per year. In case of lightning, the victim loses consciousness, heartbeat and breathing may stop. With the late provision of medical care, with already existing problems with the cardiovascular system, a person dies.

Tattooing girl on the side of the body in the form of a small zipper

Did you know? When the lightning strikes, when the victim is in an open area, the discharge passes directly. At the same time, on the body of the victim, you can find the so-called "tracks of lightning". Often these are branched skin darkens, similar to tree branches. There are also labels that indicate the locations of the input and output of the electric current. Lightning tattoo, the value of which is described below can also depict a flash from a strike on something.

Lightning Tattoo on Leg

Lightning tattoo value

A tattoo depicting this natural phenomenon is quite popular. However, some insert different values \u200b\u200binto it. The main semantic references are listed below:

  • Quiliency. it surface value directly related to the type of lightning. Such a person quickly reacts to offenders, can talk a lot of unpleasant, but he quickly repents in the deed. It is difficult with such. However, a person who chooses for a tattoo zipper, the sketch of which is made up by the master, will never act for the backs of others. He will express everything right in the face. It does not have to wait for parents;
  • Anger. This value originates from ancient times when the lightning was considered the manifestation of wrath of gods. Taki in sketch, this phenomenon can be denoted as anger of the image owner and the gift of fate;
  • Pulse. A man who chooses such a tattoo is inclined to command, he strives to capture some power, become the first;
  • Symbol of fertility. This value also comes from time when the long drought could lead to the famine of the people. therefore lightning, like a messenger and satellite rain greeted joyfully;
  • Truthfulness. Lightning is often associated with sincerity, as the truth, it happens quite sharp, sometimes frightening. A person with such a tattoo is not inclined to hide, anywhere. But from others, he is waiting for the same.

Small paired tattoo lightning on foot

Options for applying zipper tattoo

There are several varieties of tattoos, the basis of which is considered to be lightning. The first refers the simplest designation of this phenomenon in the form of a zigzag. This kind of image is found in the literature. For example, Joan Rowling made Harry Potter Scar on the forehead in the form of a zipper. Such a tattoo can be performed in one color, and can be supplemented with elements. Close to this is a zipper tattoo, with a lot of elements. For example, the tree in which the electric discharge fell. And the third type of tattoos - paintings. In this case lightning is only part of a large image in which everything can be from the sky, to beasts. Accordingly, such a tattoo will take a lot. Most often, such an image is applied to the back and trust only a proven master.

Lightning in the whole back in the form of a tattoo

I did a tattoo with a small zipper as a reminder. I have always been an explosive. However, I understand that it is very difficult to live so much, it is impossible to throw people. Now I have a small bright red zipper on the wrist. When I'm angry, I look at her and remember that she can destroy trees, cripple people. After that, I hold back, not offended by others. My tattoo helps me a lot.

Natalia, Kaliningrad.

Sleeve with lightning

Lightning and mythology

Lightning is a frequent guest of different myths and legends. Many deities are connected with these phenomena. For example, Zeus used zipper to punish unwanted. So, it was from the lightning that the Son of God

Many mysteries are connected with lightning. One of them is strange drawings that appear on the skin of people who are influenced by the thunderstorm discharge. This phenomenon has already received its name - caranography.

Trail from lightning strike

On the cases of "tattoos" applied by zippers, only over the past 100 years have been published hundreds of messages. Here is one of the most recent stories that occurred in Canada in 2008. Pierre B., disabled carriage, during the rain she hid under a tree.
Lightning struck completely unexpectedly (Tuchka, according to eyewitnesses, was very small) and passed on the trunk in a half-meter from Pierre. When a fright disabled was transported to the house, then on his chest, under a t-shirt, a red-purple image of a branch with leaves, which were imprinted to the smallest details. However, after 30 minutes, the drawing began to break up and soon only a red spot remains.
This episode is very characteristic of the phenomenon of caranography. This image occurs only on the skin of a person or an animal (and never on the "non-living" surfaces, such as the fabric or metal), often under the clothes (that is, its origin is clearly not optical), and keeps long - a few hours or even minutes . The drawing itself is something that in this minute a person sees, or what is in close proximity to it.

The phenomenon of caranography is known since ancient times. The Arabic writer of the IX century Masidi in his book "Golden meadows and a copy of precious stones" leads the case when Thunderstorms rejected the lightning right into the thick of the cruel battle. In a warrior, in whom Lightning got, a drawing appeared on his forehead: his enemy's enemy stacked from pain, whom he was singered by a sword at that moment.

Thunderstorm thunderstorms

In the XIX century, the posts about Keranography collected the famous French astronomer and the popularizer of science Camille Flammarion. Of the dozens of episodes available in his piggy bank, one of the most reliable, confirmed by trustworthy witnesses (including police officers), the case occurred in the summer of 1865 with the Viennese doctor Dundinger.
Sowing from a diligence and entering the hotel, Dr. Drendinger discovered the loss of a beloved turtle purse encrusted with a metal monogram in the form of two twisted letters "D". It was not possible to find a thief of hot footprints. A few days later, the doctors caused a man affected by the lightning. He survived, but was unconscious. In the victim, Drendinger found out one of his fellow travelers who went to Diligence with him. The amazement of the doctor has increased when he discovered a red tattoo in the form of two "d" - exactly the same as they were on the purse. The tattoo repeated all the slightest curls of the Monogram, even the familiar drandgere of scratch on the corner of one of the letters was imprinted. The shocked doctor asked others, did not find a sick turtle purse? The answer was affirmative. The discharge of the zipper moved the image of the letters on the chest of the victim, whining it as a thief!

Cases of Flammarion Dossier

In the 1840s, in the province of Kamarg (France), Lightning took place next to the boy, which during the rain stole eggs from bird nest. On the baby's chest, the branches, the nest and fluttering over the nest of the bird are clearly captured.
In the same place, in France, near the woman, who in a thunderstorm led a cow, a lightning hit several times. Having come to the house, the hostess discovered his own cow on his side, transferred to the ultimate clarity portrait. And in the evening, when it began to undress, - the woman's husband saw her image of a cow on her back! It was already vague, but still quite clear.
In Pennsylvania (USA), the lightning killed two blacks, who tried under the tree to hide against a thunderstorm. On the chest of one of the dead was captured by "... an absolutely reliable photo of a corner of nature, where the deceased climbing zipper," writes Flamsmarion. "Trees, bushes, house in the distance and even thickets of ferns were depicted on the skin so clearly that the witnesses of this incident armed with a magnifying glass, could consider the smallest details ...". To fade and break out the "photograph" began only four hours, so make sure the fact of its existence managed more than fifty people.

From the events of the 20th century, the Yugoslav Case of 1944 received wide fame. Lightning, who hit Chestnut, killed four soldiers who hid under it from a thunderstorm. Two hours later, the doctor inspecting the corpses, discovered on their skin a number of caranographic images. In different parts of the bodies of the dead, red-purple patterns of chestnut branches with leaves were imprinted.

On the stomach banker -kurs

The "culprit" of Keranography was and ball lightning. Flamsmarion describes an incident with a large businesswoman with an unwaste leak. June 1878, leaks sat at the window in his house in the suburb of Paris and read the "stock news". Behind the window raged thunderstorm. Suddenly, after one of the very close discharges, the merchant saw a ball lightning, which rapidly flew straight to his window. It seemed that she was about to die in the glass. It was too late to run, and the frightened merchant only pulled off the newspaper from it.
Flaming ball, however, flew past. Lekk translated the Spirit, rose from the chair and headed into another room. On the way, he looked at himself in the mirror and ... depleted from horror. On his face and neck printed typographic text! The lines and letters were so distinct that they could be read. Having removed the shirt, leaks found the continuation of the text at his chest. She was completely captured by the announced on that day.

A resident of Tambov Antonina I. "On August 14, 1982, I rested at the cottage at the cottage, was announced about the ball lightning to the tattoo." On August 14, 1982, I told one of the Moscow newspapers. - The day was cloudy, but warm, and my son and I went to the river. The son was bought, and I stayed on the shore. After 40 minutes, I felt a vague anxiety, and then I suddenly happened to me. At this point, I noticed redness in my hand in the form of a poplar leaf print (I was sitting just under it). Looking upstairs, I saw a pale pink ball, which hung over the tree. He seemed to bear me, because when I raised my eyes on him, immediately broke off and flew away. By the evening of Krasnut, the white outline of the leaves remained for a long time. Only by 1988 half of it melted, but the second half was still noticeable. All these years, the hand was like electrified, sparks cramped from the fingers.

Traces lead to UFOs?

For the science of the XIX century, such drawings on the skin of people seemed to be a thing completely incredible. But this phenomenon and nowadays are an unresolved riddle, it is not found next to those phenomena, like clairvoyance, levitation, output from the body, automatic letter, telepathy, necromancence and so on.

Nevertheless, some experts are trying to find a scientific explanation of Ceransography. For example, the episode with the port of Dr. Drendinger. The appearance on the skin of a man's print of a metal monogram, in their opinion, can be explained by the joint action of two factors: high electric potential and intensive microwave radiation. The latter evaporates the metal particles from the monogram, and the strong field moved the ions of this metal on the grounded conductor, whose role in this case was played by a person. The same effect is possible with typographic paint (case with leaks). However, this version causes questions, and most importantly - does not explain the overwhelming majority of cases of caranography when images of trees, leaves, people and even landscapes are imprinted on the skin.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the phenomenon is interested in the mainly UFologs, especially since in a number of episodes, ball lightning appear - objects considered by some researchers of UFOs with reasonable beings or the formations created by the aliens. Yes, and in episodes, there were ordinary lightning, Ufologs see signs of the presence of "plates". For example, in the episode with Pierre B. There was one-sole little tuchka in the sky,
which broke out almost the only lightning directed precisely into the tree under which the victim was. This chain of randomy suggests that an alien ship was hidden in Tuchka, which sent a special, capable of applying a beam, which seemed to the observers and Pierre himself a thunder discharge.

The same can be said about the case with a woman and a cow. "Lightning" hit several times next to this pair, without causing both visible harm, which in itself is incredible. Maybe there was a UFO in the clouds over them, who fired the animal and the hostess with his rays, left portraits on their bodies? In general, the signs of the presence of UFOs can be found in almost all episodes of caranography, if we consider them under a closer ufolic magnifying glass.

True, then the question remains open: why did the newcomers need to apply on the bodies of people (most of which died) short-lived images of sprigs and leaves? What does this demonstration of aliens wanted to tell us?

Igor V0L03nev
Secrets of the twentieth century No. 40 2010

Tattoo zipper is probably one of the most beautiful and strong symbols that are incrotas on the human body. If you refer to a professional professional, and it will make you a lightning tattoo in color, then he will look gorgeous.

In the ancient times, Lightning was closely related to the gods that are very strong and powerful. Even at the Slavic god Perun, Lightning was an integral part of his image.

The main meaning of lightning in the world of Tatu is a sign of a strong, courageous character in humans.

Variety and meaning

  • If zipper is drawn on the body and with clouds, then this means that there was divine intervention;
  • If simply zipper is drawn and at the same time its lines without flashes and even, then this indicates the unshakable character. The carrier of such a tattoo is strong both physically and spiritually;
  • If zipper, reminds Zigzag, then this is more acting as a guard from the evil eye;
  • In addition to the fact that this tattoo means strength, charm, so in the 40s of the last century, it has become a symbol of radio engineering troops. And during the war, her pricks as a symbol of victory over the fascists.

In guys

A man who has chopped such a tattoo may say that he has an energy charge, a huge power, hardness in character. Due to the fact that the lightning is compared with the power attribute, the tattoo may designate the highest power. Of course, this phrase can not be used in the literal sense, it can be understood exactly how the force of character.

Also, such a tattoo may indicate that the guy will stand at any cost for its loved ones if necessary.

In girls

The girls are almost always addressed to the Tattoo Salon, so that they are painted a beautiful drawing and few people pay attention to its meaning. Girls sketch this knap on the outside of caviar. It symbolizes the power of character, inaccessibility. Adoption of rapid decisions, but responsible for their consequences. The master makes a squint in color, as a rule, a red and blue color is used.

A fundamental understanding of how the girl should prick such a squint, no. It all depends on its pain thresholds. In addition to caviar, it can be broken on the shoulder, neck.

In any case, the selection of a tattoo you will do on freedom depends on you. After all, only in places are not so distant to tattoos are serious enough. Therefore, if the tattoo of the zipper is on the body of the arrestant, which is essentially weakly accuracy, then in this case you will have to find strength in yourself how it was on your body.

In prison

In the criminal world, such a tattoo is treated on the thumb. Of particular discrepancies with the concepts of the will of the pallium does not have. Thicking lightning in prison means that its carrier is a strong, courageous man who can make a decision even the most difficult. In addition, judging by this tattoo, the zone of such a person can be judged as about the one that may always stand for yourself.

Another meaning of such a tattoo is a fair trial. Some perceive it as rejection for sins. That is, the Heavenly Cara was nuts for everything that was committed.