Montigna's meal. Montignak Diet: Approximate Menu and Glycemic Index


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and cosmetologists seeks to be objective, unpredictable, honest and submit both sides of the argument.

Almost every person is not happy with overweight. In some cases, girls wish to remove a couple of kilograms, and in some - up to several dozen. If in the first case you can use cosmetics and change a little power, then in the second - you must need a correctly selected diet. Let's figure it out if there is an ideal power circuit and what you need to lose weight.

In the world you can find hundreds of men and women who cannot lose weight. Nutrition restriction and physical activity do not help them - weight not only does not decrease, but on the contrary. After some time, the weight back returns and the man again starts to fully fully. What to do in this case? Is it really impossible to lose weight and forever?

French scientist Michel Montignac also, like the rest of people, loved to eat tightly. Fast snacks and business lunches affected his figure - the scientist had to study the issue of dietology. Years of thorough research gave a positive result - Michelle Montignac was able to lose weight more than 16 kilograms in a couple of months. As a result, the scientist developed a montignac diet, the essence of which was reduced to control over the glycemic index.

"The glycemic index is responsible for the possibility of substances to influence sugar in human blood. In this case, glucose is considered the primary element, which has a level 100. The product index is directly proportional to the speed of assimilation. If the level is low - the product is absorbed longer and sugar rises the minimum "

Montignak diet is the work of a whole group of scientists who were able to develop the most efficient method of nutrition. This diet has no restrictions in food - a person should not starve himself hunger and run into the gym. The main thing is the use of the highest quality products. Choose products is based on their nutritional value and glycemic level.

With the help of the Montinyak diet, you can not only lose weight, but also prevent the subsequent weight gain, carry out the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Most people noted improved well-being after staying on this diet. Michel Montinyak diet fits almost all people, and has no contraindications. She has no restrictions in food - a person can get taste and lose weight. At the same time, literally for 3 months you can lose weight by 25 kilograms.

The base of Montinyak diet

The scientist Michel Montignac came to the conclusion that people consume many carbohydrates with a large glycemic index. As a result, enhanced insulin production begins. As a result, sugar takes a normal level, and obesity does not occur. But if you eat a lot of carbohydrates - the body ceases to recognize insulin.

The enhanced production of this hormone begins, which helps the work of the enzyme lipoprotein of lipase, which is responsible for saving fats. In addition, insulin adversely affects the operation of the triglyceride lipase phenment, which is responsible for the splitting of fats. As a result, a person begins to fully and in the future it has problems with obesity.

Menu Diet Montinyaka

Scientist Montignac advises to eat products with a glycemic index no more than 55. Bread, potatoes, beer, cola, chocolates, corn should be avoided. Not all people can eat food without bread and potatoes - you have to look for a replacement. In the table below we see "bad" and "good" carbohydrates. Based on the table, sugar, chocolate, baked potatoes, glucose, white bread, cookies and rice are categorically impossible to use sugar. The bran bread, peas, beans, dairy products, black chocolate, fruits and vegetables, coarse grinding and mushrooms are allowed. Products whose index is more than 80 is not desirable to use, without even adhering to the Montigna diet, as they will definitely lead to excess weight.

Products that are located in the right column table have a low glycemic index. They will not lead to excess weight and problems with insulin production. Montignac advises to use them, prepare a variety of dishes.

Sugar, cakes and jams - these products are contraindicated on the Montignak diet. If the second stage of the diet allows you to make some cross-parting in the form of potatoes and fatty products, then from sugar will have to abandon completely. At the same time, it is desirable not to use chemical sugar substitutes that negatively affect the body.

But this does not mean that Montignacle prohibits the use of a large number of products - honey, rye bread, manna porridge, fish, low-fat meat, eggs and bitter chocolate are not allowed on any diet except this.

A person can use quite tasty dishes and part with extra kilograms. The main thing in this case is to clearly understand what can be used, and what is not. You should not be surprised - in the restaurant menu, you can always find products that allow this diet.

In addition, vegetables and fruits are always allowed on this diet. They are rich in fiber and perfectly affect the intestines. Fish and poultry meat will also not allow to gain extra kilograms, perfectly saturated with stomach. This diet helps forever abandon the feeling of hunger and use delicious dishes. Some people before the power scheme in Montignak did not even suspect how much delicious dishes they never tried.

In the second table we see products from which you need to refuse. Their glycemic index is more than 55 - they are not suitable for this diet.

Stage diet

Montinyak diet has two stages - weight loss and securing the result.

The duration of each phase is completely dependent on the individual characteristics of the human body. After the result is reached - you need to move to another phase.

Montinyak diet contains some principles. So, carbohydrates with an index above 20 are prohibited to combine with fats. This suggests that it is impossible to eat meat with potatoes, mayonnaise with pasta or fish. It is allowed to eat vegetables with meat and fish

After oily food, the next reception of carbohydrates can only be after three hours. On this diet, it is impossible to starve - you need to eat 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this at the same time.

First Phase Diet Montignac

For a person, it is very difficult to fully pass the first stage, as you can use products with an index of no more than 55. No flour products, bananas, oils and margarine - it is better to replace it with vegetables. You can use bread and pasta from coarse grinding flour. The menu needs to include eggs, meat, fish, salads, seafood and mushrooms.

It is very interesting how much the first phase of the Montignyak diet lasts. A person may comply with the first phase as much as he deems necessary. This phase implies weight loss - a person himself can decide what weight he feels comfortable. What can be used during the first phase? The success and duration of the first phase depends on the proper compliance with the diet. During the first phase you can use only low index products. These include vegetables and soups from them, fish, low-fat meat, mushrooms, fruits and berries, eggs and shrimps. The use of bread with bran, brown rice and low-fat yogurts is not prohibited.

The table shows which products you can use, both on the first and second phase of the Montignaka diet.

A large list of products allows you to try a variety of dishes and create the most real culinary sizes. Fans of restaurants also do not have to get upset - many dishes are ideal for Montigna's diet.

Menu for the first stage

Breakfast: Mandarins, low-fat yogurt, tea.

Dinner: Vegetable salad, slice of bread from solid grinding flour

Dinner: Boiled eggs, cheese and vegetable salad.

Second phase Diet Montignyak

During the second phase, you can sometimes mix carbohydrates and fats. It is desirable to eat a salad in which the fiber is contained. Creamy oil and bread is not recommended. Sugar is completely banned.

This phase can last a very long time. If a person used prohibited products - you follow a couple of days to adhere to the diet of the first phase. Montinyak diet can be called a power scheme that can be held throughout life. This will help not only avoid excess weight, but also many diseases that occur due to improper nutrition.

Menu for the second stage diet

Breakfast: Orange, Milk with low fat percentage, Muesli.

Dinner: Vegetable salad, cheese, oyster, stewed fish.

Dinner: Macaroni from coarse grinding flour, tomato sauce, vegetables salad, cottage cheese and tea.

Excess weight is not always a consequence of improper nutrition. Before you begin to stick to any diet - be sure to visit the specialist. Sometimes excess weight is a consequence of some diseases and failures of organs. In this case, it will be necessary to eliminate the cause and only after that look for a diet to eliminate extra kilograms.

Each girl dreams of a super diet, thanks to which you can get rid of extra kilograms delicious, without much sporting effort or additional tablets. Montinyak diet occupies one of the top places and is intended for girls that can pay the time for evaluating the nutrition and counting the glycemic product index.

The proposed nutrition is absolutely harmless to the body. A smooth transition to a healthy food will not give hunger and weakness, which is observed with other power modes. Minimum deprivation in food give the maximum benefit for appearance. In the twentieth century, Montignak's worst was a lot of female representatives.

The difference between any traditional diet from the Montignaak method has such an essence: non-consumable calories are calculated, and the glycemic product index is calculated. The Frenchman is convinced: lose weight - does not mean hunger. Its method has become a fundamental in the development of other popular diets.

Features diet

Montignac was a man's major and constantly sought to be an ideal figure. He defended himself with hunger, but did not receive the desired results. However, in the process of experiments, Michel made several important discoveries.

  • Fat sediments help for forming products with a high glycemic index (GI). The reason for this consists in the speed of isolation of glucose from them, which, falling into the blood, increases the amount of insulin.
  • The menu for every day consists of food with little gi. The digestion of such products occurs more slowly, therefore, insulin is produced less.
  • As a conclusion, products with a small glycemic index can be eaten daily, and the body will lose weight. Food with high gi needs to be eliminated until the end of the diet.

These arguments were based on a table where products were divided into 2 groups - with low g "normal carbohydrates" and with a high "bad carbohydrate". The essence of the Montinyak method can be represented as follows:

  • slimming occurs with the help of products, the glycemic index of which is not more than 55;
  • during the day you need to drink about 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water;
  • separate meals. The interval between meals must be 3 hours.

Thanks to the compiled principles, Michel Montignac lost 15 kg. For a couple of months, and released the manual "Method of Montigna's Method. Especially for women. " This is an unconditional achievement in the field of dietology.

Montinyak Michel Diet is based on the principles that will lead weighting to successful results. An indisputable advantage - lost weight is not returning!

  • Day you need to start with fruit. Fresh fruits should be eaten before the first meal.
  • Power should be frequent, small portions.
  • The product of the confectionery or bakery industry from white flour replace with black bread.
  • Full beer. The drink contains malt that has a high glycemic index.
  • Also, you should not use gas, juices from packages, nectars. These liquids contain a maximum allowable sugar rate.
  • Need an alternative to pork, beef. Montignac recommends eliminating bold meat. You can dilute the diet with eggs, chicken meat, oils.
  • It will be useful to use whole grain porridge. Potatoes should be cooked, not baked.
  • Sugar is better replaced by a natural sugar substitute - honey. And it is better to abandon sweet.
  • Under the ban of pasta, semolina porridge, bakery products made of white wheat flour.

A thinning person must comply with these simple rules, and then he will achieve the goal.

A nutritionist identified what type of figure is most prone to change during power. This is a pear-shaped body shape with wide hips.

Stages of diet

Phase 1. Initial stage

According to Montinyak slimming method, you need to pass 2 phases. 1 phase includes the disposal of the body from harmful toxins, which slow down the process of weight loss. A man gradually moves to a healthy eating.

At the stage of the stage, it is necessary to give preference to products with low gi. Its value should not exceed 36 units. A table of glycimetic indexes is attached to dietary dishes. It must be used when choosing the right food.

Description of the detailed menu can be found in the book of a nutritionist. With 1 phase, food is accepted according to the separation rule. This will provide fast weight loss. The duration of the stage is 1-3 months.

Phase 2. finish straight

This stage is to consolidate the results obtained. To do this, the thinner must adhere to the principles of power 1 phase, but to begin to add other products to the diet, in which the glycemic index is higher. Mandatory principles:

  • Drink plenty of water, 2 liters daily.
  • Coffee use without caffeine, tea without sugar.
  • Furious under the ban. Only bran bread is allowed.
  • Eat fish.

You need to choose food with the smallest number of harmful carbohydrates, which are contained in boiled potatoes, bananas, melon, etc.

What to eat

The menu for a week, especially at the first stage, should be made exclusively from the permissible products. This condition is very important for weight loss.

Breakfast must be attended in the daily menu, because it gives energy charge for the whole day. Montignac offers different options for full breakfast. The prerequisite of weight loss is the use of fruit. After the morning lift, you need to eat fresh fruit and drink a glass of just squeezed juice. Slimming breakfasts may be such:

  • Protein-carbohydrate with fiber. It can consist of a bran bread, a fearless jam, low-fat curd. Alternative: Muesli, low fat yogurt.
  • Fruit. Includes not only fruits, but also fermented milk products. Such a combination of products will saturate the body with vitamins, fiber.
  • Belkovo lipid. These breakfasts cannot use people with heart diseases, high cholesterol. It consists of a piece of bacon or ham, scrambled eggs, cheese. Recommended drinks include tea, milk, chicory.

For afternoon, you can eat fruit or drink a glass of yogurt. However, this meal is not recommended to people who are in the first phase of weight loss.

Table of glycemic indexes of products

"Bad" carbohydrates (with high index) G. "Good" carbohydrates (low index) G.
Malt 110 Bran bread 50
Glucose 100 Rice is criticized 50
White bread 95 Peas 50
baked potato 95 Cereal crude 50
Honey 90 Oat flakes 40
Mashed potatoes 90 Freshly squeezed fruit juice 40
Popcorn 85 Gray coarse bread 40
Carrot 85 Macaroni coarse grinding 40
Sugar 75 Bean color 40
Muesli 70 Pea Sukhoi 35
Chocolate milk 70 Milk products 35
Boiled potatoes 70 Peas Turkish 30
Corn 70 Lentil 30
Purified 70 Beans dry 30
Cookies 70 Rye bread 30
Beet 65 Fresh fruits 30
Gray bread 65 Chocolate black (from 60% cocoa) 22
Melon 60 Fructose 20
Banana 60 Soy. 15
Jam 55 Green Vegetables, Tomatoes < 15
Macaroni of higher grades 55 Lemons, Mushrooms < 15

Sample menu

The main techniques of dishes are lunch and dinner. The approximate menu on the first week of weight loss looks like this:

Breakfast -
Dinner Cabbage salad and fried eggs.
Dinner Noodles under the mushroom sauce, low-fat yogurt, radishes
Breakfast -
Dinner Fish (mackerel, tuna), salad, a piece of cheese.
Dinner Tomato salad, ham slice, low-fat cottage cheese, parsley.
Breakfast -
Dinner Meat dish, yogurt and cucumber salad.
Dinner Mushroom soup, beans under sauce, kefir.
Breakfast -
Dinner Fish dish in breading, a piece of cheese.
Dinner Vegetable soup, spinach with sour cream sauce, degreased cottage cheese.
Breakfast -
Dinner Boiled egg, fried chicken in breading.
Dinner Kabachk caviar, salad, low-fat yogurt.
Breakfast -
Dinner Salad from tomatoes, lamb, lettuce leaves.
Dinner Shrimp soup, asparagus, fish snack.
Breakfast -
Dinner Curd dessert with pieces of fruit, tuna.
Dinner Cabbage soup, yogurt, beans.

Recipes for the preparation of salads, soups and meat can be found in the Montignac Book. The menu presented is designed for the 1st stage. Food for 5 weeks consists of a complete description of the first phase products.

Positive and negative

Following the diet helps to achieve results already 2 months of the selected power mode, which is characterized by a set positive Parties:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • you can use salt;
  • a person himself can choose suitable gy products;
  • high nutritional value;
  • required content of vitamins, useful elements.

Many women use this diet for a month, because during this period results begin to be viewed. However, it is incorrect, since dropped kilograms can return.

You can not comply with the described mode Powering the following category of people:

  • with mental disorder;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • diabetics;
  • pregnant women;
  • teenagers.

Negative moments Diets:

  • insufficient balance;
  • control over calorie food;
  • refusal of alcohol.

Specialists advise that this diet, because it does not harm the body with a sharp transition to the "hungry" regime.

How many women dream to get rid of excess weight! What are the only dies they do not feel in desire to lose weight? Limitations in nutrition, feeling of hunger often lead to breakdowns. Montignata Michel Methods makes the process of slimming easy, comfortable. It is interesting to figure out what the essence of this method is to get acquainted with the menu options, recipes of dishes.

What is Montignak

The peculiarity of the technique is the absence of restrictions on the number of food used. It is believed that this does not affect the increase in fat deposits. Montinyak diet basically has the result of the action of used products for blood sugar content. Its level is measured by a glycemic index (GI). The author came to such conclusions:

  • "Bad" products having high gi quickly distinguish glucose into blood.
  • There is a sharp increase in insulin, which provokes fat deposits.
  • Begins a set of excess weight.

To activate the fat burning process, it is required to reduce insulin production. For this you need:

  • use foods having low gi;
  • eliminate sugar in natural form, in the composition of drinks, ready-made dishes;
  • refuse vegetables and croup containing starch: potatoes, corn;
  • do not drink drinks acting exciting to the nervous system;
  • drink clean water.

The method that Michel Montignac (Michel Montignac) has developed a power habits. When using it, a person manages:

  • lose weight if there is extra weight;
  • prevent the development of obesity, diabetes;
  • reduce the risk of heart problems and vessels;
  • reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduce sugar performance;
  • to form new eating habits.

Glycemic index in products and carbohydrates

For the normal functioning of the body you need energy. The role of "fuel" in this case plays glucose. The body can produce its backup fat reserves or receive with food. This occurs such processes:

  • when digesting food, carbohydrates are processed into glucose;
  • it begins its admission to the blood through the intestinal walls;
  • the level of glycemia increases (quantity of sugar);
  • when it exceeds the norm, the pancreas is produced by hormone insulin;
  • in its presence, blood sugar stabilizes.

The glycemic index characterizes the degree of food exposure to the level of glycemia. The author came to such conclusions:

  • The use of high-ki products leads to excessive insulin production. The activities of enzymes are violated, excess glucose are converted into fat deposits, the body weight increases.
  • Low gi products have little sugar, insulin is less generated. There is incineration of fat reserves, weight loss.

Rules and Diet Principles

Michel Montignac has developed basic health care postulates. Their compliance leads to normalization of body weight. The author gives advice:

  • Start the morning with fruits, eating them before breakfast to launch the intestinal work.
  • Do not mix driving and fats during one meal.
  • Include vegetables in the diet, fruits containing fiber - this improves the output of toxins.
  • Abandon the alcohol (exception - a glass of dry red wine).
  • To improve thermogenesis (body heat generation for systems), use turmeric, pepper, ginger.
  • Exclude sugar.

Under the observance of the diet, it is necessary to follow these rules:

  • Organize meals 3 times a day, preferably at one time.
  • At the weight decline stage, there are two protein-lipid breakfasts per week.
  • During lunch during this period, a combination of meat, fish or birds with fresh vegetables must be observed.
  • Oil for dinner use in minimal quantity.
  • Comply with such a principle of food intake - vegetables are separately with croups and with any kind of meat, fish.

During the diet, it is not necessary to consider calories - it does not affect weight loss. The author of the method recommends to activate metabolic processes to drink plenty of water.. To avoid a set of excess weight, you need to adhere to such power principles:

  • Eating foods with low gi, especially at the weight loss stage.
  • Add to the menu products with unsaturated fatty acids - fish, vegetable oils, seafood, meat, nuts.
  • Exclude animal fats from the diet - fat, butter.
  • Combine in the diet of proteins of animal and vegetable origin.

Power system to reduce the weight of Michel Montigna

French nutritionist experienced the technique for himself. The man who observes it does not feel hunger. The diet has no restrictions on the number of food used, the size of the portions. The author called her system, because it practices a healthy and correct meal treatment. Montignac Method has two phases:

  • The first is aimed at reduced weight. Eating at this time of low-ki products leads to the splitting of fat stocks.
  • The second - has the task of stabilizing the result, weight maintenance at the required level. This period can last all life.

Phase 1 - weight loss

The initial stage of the proper nutrition method implies a complete refusal of products having a glycemic index above 50 - than it is less, the better. The duration of the first phase depends on the purposes - what reduce weight must be achieved. The minimum is 3 months. At this stage, the author recommends:

  • Do not miss meals - there should be three.
  • It is desirable that the portion size does not exceed 250 grams.
  • It is possible to replace sugar fructose, its number for a day is not more than 30 grams, it is allowed to use sugar substitutes.

To achieve weight loss in the first phase of the diet, you need to stick to such power rules:

  • After protein-carbohydrate meal, you can eat dried fruits, boiled berries, after protein-lipid - black chocolate (40 grams).
  • Once a day is permissible to drink a glass of dry wine.
  • Under the tight prohibition there are fatty meat, potatoes, sugar, baking, white rice, bread.
  • It is recommended to use dishes cooked for a pair, the method of boiling, baking, vegetables permissible to eat in the raw form.
  • Belkovo-lipid - imply use: proteins, fats, carbohydrate products from no more than 35.
  • Belkovo-carbohydrate - include: products with fatty no more than 1.5%, with the exception of fish, oils containing unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrate products with GI up to 50.

Phase 2 - stabilization and weight maintenance

The task of this stage is to secure the results obtained.. The second phase can continue for a long time. The method will not deliver inconvenience if a person has adapted to the new proper power regime. Montignac recommends in this stage a diet to adhere to such principles:

  • It is forbidden to use: sugar, honey, potatoes, white rice, corn, baking.
  • Be sure to drink 2 liters of water per day.
  • If you want to eat something forbidden, there should be a low glycemic dish in the previous meal. For example, first to eat salad, and then - the pie.

At this stage there is no division to protein-lipid and protein-carbohydrate meals. Diet allows the introduction of snacks with dried fruits, nuts, low-fat yoghurt, cottage cheese, fermented milk products. Portion Size The author does not limit. Food cooking technology remains the same as on the first phase. At this time, consuming is allowed:

  • coarse bread;
  • large quantity of fish;
  • legumes;
  • dry wine;
  • products are more than 50 (in rare cases, it is not necessary to abuse).

Allowed and prohibited products

Montinyak diet has such a feature - when it is used, there is no sense of hunger. This is due to a huge selection of products that are allowed for use. During the first phase of the power supply system, food is recommended, having GI up to 50.. These include:

  • dairy products with low fatty;
  • vegetables rich in fiber;
  • facial fruits;
  • fish, eggs, cheeses, nuts (fats);
  • milk, meat, mushrooms (proteins);
  • bitter chocolate;
  • brown rice;
  • oat flakes;
  • buckwheat.
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • macaroni from coarse grinding flour.

In the second phase - stage stabilization, consolidation of the result - such food is allowed:

  • oatmeal, bishnel porridge;
  • vegetable soups;
  • bread from coarse grinding flour;
  • green tea;
  • red dry wine;
  • coffee;
  • berries - strawberries, blueberries, currants;
  • vegetable, fruit juices without sugar;
  • vegetable oils, fish (fats);
  • unsweetened jumped;
  • fruit - kiwi, mango, pineapple, persimmon;
  • lentils, beans, meat (proteins);
  • sheet salad.

To obtain results, it is necessary to exclude from the diet and products that have a glycemic index above 55. Under the strict prohibition are:

  • vegetables - potatoes, turnips, pumpkin, corn;
  • fruit - quince, raisins, dates, bananas;
  • seasonings - mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard;
  • flour products;
  • baking;
  • candy;
  • cookies;
  • sweets;
  • popcorn;
  • crisps;
  • pizza;
  • carrot;
  • sweet drinks;
  • soy sauce;
  • spaghetti;
  • beer;
  • melon;
  • watermelon;
  • semolina;
  • ice cream;
  • butter.

Montignak Glycemic Product Index Table

To easily navigate when choosing food for dietary food, a table is compiled taking into account GI. It can be hung in the kitchen, use as a hint. The Montinata Table has 3 partitions, taking into account the values \u200b\u200bof the glycemic index. When drafting the diet, it is necessary to take into account moments:

  • The most useful food has low gi - up to 40.
  • It is advisable to reduce everything in the diet that relates to the section of the average values \u200b\u200bof the glycemic index - from 41 to 69.
  • During the diet forbidden, products that have indicators of gi, starting from 70 are considered.


Menu for a week

Using a table, you can choose the products necessary for each stage of the diet passage and make up the diet. Montignak's nutrition system offers a large selection of dishes with useful ingredients. For the initial phase of the diet, you can use this option of the menu for the week:

For the following days, such nutrition is offered by the Montignak method:

Omelet with ham

Piece of cheese

Fish with grilled vegetables

Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper

Boiled brown rice

Oatmeal with berries

A piece of bread

Vegetable Salad with Lemon Juice, Olive Oil

Boiled beef


Pear, apple

Baked chicken with beans

Vegetable soup

Cabbage salad with cucumbers

Weekends are not exceptional when using Michel Montinyak techniques. It is allowed to drink tea, mineral water. The menu at this time looks like this:

Types of breakfast for weight loss

In order for the dietary food is not monotonous, and the beneficial substances entered the body evenly, Michel Montignac advises to diversify the morning meals. He recommends three options for its holding. The first - carbohydrate breakfast - should include such food:

  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • whole grain porridge;
  • black bread with bran;
  • natural jam without sugar.

Michel Montignyak diet involves the alternation of all three options. Useful food techniques in the morning:

  • Belkovo lipid breakfast. Includes boiled windscreen eggs, omelet, scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, cheeses.
  • Fruit option. It consists of strawberries, drain, pears, apples, citrus fruits. Print, smoking, dates, grapes, bananas, canned fruits are allowed.

Dining options

Powered in the Montignaak system three meals, much attention is paid to dinner. It includes the main dish, snack, low-fat yogurt. It is recommended to use solid cheese and soft varieties, such as mozzarella, Suluguni. Snack may include such products and dishes from them:

  • pepper with squid and egg;
  • salad from tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • poultry meat with beans;
  • greek salad;
  • tuna with avocado;
  • sandwich with cod liver, pate;
  • cabbage salad with cucumbers;
  • leek with mushrooms;
  • marinated Ketu;
  • sardines;
  • shrimp;
  • ham;
  • salami;
  • jerky;
  • jelly.
  • fish - trout, pike, carp, pike perch, cod, perch, herring, mackerel, ket;
  • meat - low-fat beef, pork, veal, rabbit, lamb;
  • bird - Goose, Turkey, Chicken, Pheasant,

Recipes in Montignacu

Cooking in the period of the diet can become a fascinating occupation. At the first stage, difficulties often arise with the selection of products with a corresponding glycemic index. As the method of proper power is mastered, the process will deliver more and more fun. People who took advantage of losing weight this way:

  • to write an approximate menu for a week taking into account products in the GI table;
  • choose recipes with suitable ingredients - it can be one of the following dishes or versions of the author itself.

Salad with mushrooms and cheese

This kushan can decorate a festive table during a diet. It can be used for evening meals or as a snack for lunch. Salad has a shared taste, all ingredients are available, the number of components is calculated for 1 portion. The dish is recommended for the use of Montignyak diet at any phase. To cook it, you will need no more than 20 minutes.


  • marinated champignons - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled egg - 1 piece;
  • ham - 50 grams;
  • greens - parsley, dill - 20 grams;
  • solid cheese - 50 grams;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • salad greens - 2 sheets;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Swelling champignons with a paper napkin, finely cut.
  2. Egg clean, rub on a large grater.
  3. Cut the ham cubes, cover dill, parsley.
  4. Throw on medium grater cheese.
  5. Stir the ingredients, fill with olive oil, salt.
  6. Place the green leaves of lettuce on the plate, lay out a ready-made dish on them.

It takes 40 minutes to prepare this dish. Retooth, delicious soup diversifies the second phase menu in Michel Montignaka's nutrition. The recipe is designed for two portions. It is based on vegetables, greens and spices. Soup can be eaten at dinner as a main dish or for dinner.


  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • ginger root - 50 grams;
  • bulb - 1 piece;
  • creamy oil - 50 grams;
  • garlic - 6 teeth;
  • coriander - 1 teaspoon;
  • kinza - a bunch of 50 grams;
  • pumpkin seeds - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • salt, black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean vegetables, to remove seeds from pumpkins, wash everything with water.
  2. Finely chop vegetables, greens, ginger grate.
  3. All ingredients put into the form for baking, withstand in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 30 minutes.
  4. Shoot everything in a saucepan, add water to cover vegetables. Bring to a boil, cook 3 minutes.
  5. Beat all the components of the blender to the status of a puree, add pepper, salt.
  6. Serve with pumpkin seeds.

A simple, accessible recipe can be used as an evening dish and bases during lunch. The dinner is allowed to drink a glass of dry wine. The preparation of the dish will take no more than half an hour, the number is calculated on 2 portions. Fish with vegetables has low gi, can be used from the first day of nutrition by Michel Montigna. Delicious, useful, elegant dish can be decorating the table during the holiday.


  • cod fillets - 300 grams;
  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • red Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces;
  • bulb - 1 piece;
  • greens - a bunch of 50 grams;
  • zucchini - 200 grams;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse fish, dry with a paper towel, salt, pepper, pouring a juice from half lemon. Hold 15 minutes in the marinade.
  2. Pepper, bulb, a zucchini clean, wash. All cut into large pieces, add salt, pepper, juice of the remaining part of the lemon. Crumble greens, postponing several twigs for decorating a dish.
  3. In the bottom compartment of the steamer puts cherry tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. In the top cod fillet. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Serve dish, decorating lime, chopped rings, greens.

What to do with a breakdown

Changing the diet, new food habits are not always easily taken by wishing to lose weight. Often, dietary nutrition on the Montignaic system ends with a breakdown - a person eats the wrong products. What to do in this situation? Adherents of diet recommend such an action plan:

  • With the first breakdown, do not despair, take yourself in hand, so that the next meal fit the diet.
  • Reduce the amount of salt, add the volume of the flowable fluid.

During breakdown, nutritionists advise to pay attention to the psychological state. Doctors recommend zoom in the duration of the outdoor walks, visit cardiography. The way out of the situation depends on the diet passage phase:

  • If he occurred in the second part of the weight loss period, you need to spend two days, observing the rules of the initial stage, then return to the previous mode.
  • In the case of several disruptions, it is possible to think about - perhaps this method of weight loss is not suitable for the body and it is worth picking up another option.


In order not to harm health when using a diet, you need to know that the Montignak system is not suitable for everyone to lose weight. It should be noted that it is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding - a woman should eat without restrictions. Contraindications are:

  • age up to 18 years - it is necessary to balance the nutrition of children, adolescents;
  • violations of metabolic processes, diabetes - the scheme of consumption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates may worsen metabolism;
  • the presence of mental diseases - the nutritional limitation is able to cause their exacerbation.

Contraindications for the diet are factors such:

  • Rehabilitation period after surgery and long-term illness - a full-fledged diet is required to restore forces.
  • Elderly age - slow down metabolic processes, the power system may worsen health.
  • Gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, duodenum - a special gentle diet is needed.
  • Renal failure - for the disease, many of the methods are prohibited from the disease.

Pros and cons of Michel Montignyak diet

Any weight reduction technique has negative and positive parties. Disputes of doctors, reviews of successfully lost weight people lead to certain results over the use of the diet. For those who wish to get rid of extra kilograms, it is useful to deal with this issue. Experts came to this opinion:

Before moving to dietary diet according to Michel Montignak, it is worth learn its advantages and disadvantages. Experts celebrate such moments:


French nutritionist Michel Montignac in the 1990s created a diet based on the calculation of glycemic product indices. Having tried this principle of food on myself, he lost three months at sixteen kilograms. Today, the effectiveness of this dietary diet system is recognized as a world-level nutrition.

Basic principles and rules of diet in 1, 2 phases Diet Montignaak - in the table

By creating your power system, Michel Montignac pushed out of the effects of food for the blood content of sugar. The level of such impact is measured by the indicator named Glycemic index (GI) .

Simply put, products having high gi, much more increase blood sugar levels rather than products with a low glycemic index.

If the blood sugar level becomes above the norm, the pancreas of the human body begins to produce Hormone Insulin . The presence of insulin in the blood reduces the level of sugar - the process stabilizes.

The constant availability of food with a high glycemic index may result in problems with insulin recognition . In this case, the reduction in blood sugar does not occur, and the production of insulin becomes excessive. This, in turn, disrupts the work of several enzymes and leads to the emergence of fat deposits and increasing body weight.

Basic principles of Montignak diet:

  • eating useful and nutritional foods;
  • limitation in the diet of carbohydrate products with a high glycemic index;
  • exception from nutritional fatty acids (butter, animal fats);
  • inclusion in product diet that contain unsaturated fatty acids;
  • animals or plant proteins must be combined with each other.

A complete diet on Montignak consists of two stages.

Food rules and permitted products in 1 phase

The first phase is aimed at losing weight. To do this, the consumption of carbohydrates should be dramatically limited. You can use only products containing carbohydrates with low, no more than 36. , glycemic index.

At this stage, Michel Montinyak diet offers food products that will not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. At the expense of a competently composed diet in the body no accumulation of fats , and existing fat deposits burn, giving energy.

At the first stage, Montinyak diet for weight loss is important to navigate on products with the lowest possible gi.

The Montignaic Diet The Table of Glycemic Indices is as follows:

Food rules and permitted products in 2 phase

At the second stage, diet from Montignaak should pay special attention consolidate the results achieved. Released in the first phase extra kilograms should not return. To stabilize the result, you need to continue to adhere to the same nutrition principles, slightly expanding the diet due to the allowed products.

An important point for the second phase of the Montinyak diet is the use of at least two liters of pure drinking water daily .

The rest of the principles stick to which should be at this stage are:

  • drink without caffeine;
  • there is no sweet in the form of honey, sugar, jam or candy;
  • do not allow yourself lemonads and them like drinks;
  • hold against flour and baking;
  • bread is only coarse grinding;
  • eat a lot of fish;
  • gradually add solid products, legumes, vegetable margarine to the supply scheme;
  • if the fats are mixed when powered with carbohydrates, it is necessary to balance it that contains the fiber;
  • do not abuse harmful carbohydrates.
"Bad" carbohydrates It is contained in boiled and carrots, in soups and mashed potatoes, in white bread, cookies, corn, coarse, in melon and bananas, in purified rice, in the macarona of the highest grade, in sugar and glucose.

Menu on the first 7 days

When making a menu, you should use lists of allowed products.


1st breakfast. Fresh fruits (you can take 2 pears or orange).
2nd breakfast.Slice of Bran bread, pearfall, milk with low fatness, coffee (necessarily without caffeine).
Dinner. Salad of red cabbage, mackerel with white wine or cod, grilled with cheese and breadcrumbs. Fastening tea.
Dinner. Vegetable soup, ham, low-fat yogurt. Mineral water without gas or tea.


1st breakfast.Non-fat yogurt, Mandarin.
2nd breakfast. Herbal tea, unsweetened muesli, marmalade without sugar.
Dinner. Carrot salad with lemon juice or olive oil, spinach, two small slices of cheese. Juice or black tea.
Dinner. Salad from tomatoes, lentils or beans in soy sauce. Mineral water without gas.


1st breakfast. Kiwi.
2nd breakfast. Bread of coarse grinding with a savy jam, coffee without caffeine with low-fat milk.
Dinner. Rostable, salad, slice of cheese, snack from fish. A glass of herbal tea or orange juice.
Dinner.Vegetable soup, low-fat yogurt, boiled beans or beans. Water without gas or home lemonade without sugar.


1st breakfast. Scrambled eggs.
2nd breakfast. Coffee with low-fat milk, some ham.
Dinner. Redish salad with sour cream, heck fillet on the grill. Tea.
Dinner. Cauliflower baked with cheese, green salad, low-fat yogurt. Water.


1st breakfast. Fresh juice orange.
2nd breakfast. Muesli with milk, tea.
Dinner.Vegetable stew, chicken breast boiled, white wine or fastening tea.
Dinner. Boiled brown rice with tomatoes, water.


1st breakfast. An apple, an unfavorable yogurt.
2nd breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, coffee or mineral water without gas.
Dinner. Avocado salad, veal with vegetables, water or stubborn tea.
Dinner. Boiled pasta from solid wheat varieties, ham slice, green salad.


1st breakfast. A pair of slices of bran bread, low fat milk.
2nd breakfast. Insurgent cottage cheese, coffee without caffeine.
Dinner. Fish fillet with baked vegetables or a gallulating salad with shrimps, tea.
Dinner.Berries and fruits.

Pros and Positive Slimming Results

Following the rules of this nutrition system and the table of glycemic indexes helps to achieve positive results. for 2-3 months .

The unconditional advantages of such food are that:

  1. First of all, the metabolism in the body normalizes.
  2. Diet does not require salt limit.
  3. Everything is allowed to eat, what a person is used to, even baking and sweetness - it is important not to abuse.
  4. All allowed products have high nutritional value.
  5. During this nutrition system, a person practically lacks a sense of hunger.
  6. The body during the diet is saturated with a large number of vitamins and trace elements.
  7. The choice of products is wide, a person can make a diet of the most preferred food.

In addition, the followers of this diet muscular weight remains. The table of useful products attached to the Michel Montignan diet is very extensive, so the system of nutrition of a French nutritionist is easier to observe than classic diets.

This diet is particularly suitable for women with a pear-shaped body.

The results of the dietary power supply system Michel Montignyak are clearly shown in the photos below:

Harm diet and contraindications

Significant disadvantage of the French nutritional nutrition system is the need to memorize a large number of glycemic indexes . However, in the Montignak diet, the table of recommended products helps not to strain the memory.

Despite the fact that with the Montinyak diet, the results most often positive, this system is not recommended for people:

  • Suffering mental diseases.
  • With impaired metabolism.
  • Sick diabetes.
  • Pregnant women.
  • During the recovery period after a long disease.
  • During postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Teenagers during puberty.

The main disadvantages of the French diet can be attributed:

  1. Its insufficient balance.
  2. The need to constantly monitor the ratio between fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  3. It is necessary to constantly solve the question of how to diversify the diet.
  4. Requires a refusal of alcoholic beverages.
  5. The diet requires a sufficiently long (about 2-3 months) of its compliance to achieve the result.
  6. Difficulties associated with fats, if an increase in protein food consumption occurs.
  7. Permanent control over the glycemic load so that it does not exceed the norm.

What do you think about this nutrition system?

From nutritionists you can hear ambiguous reviews about Montigna Diet.

  • Some doctors note the fact that the diet is somewhat outdated.
  • In addition, they see the inconsistency in the fact that diet does not take into account calorie food , tired at the same time for the separation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  • Subjected to skeptics the dependence of the entire nutrition system from the glycemic index of products .
  • Cause for criticism also gives high protein food In the diet Montignaak.

The complexity associated with the glycemic index is aggravated by the fact that it is not a permanent value. The glycemic index is different in fresh and not too fresh products, it changes in the same food prepared in various ways.

The weak point of the diet consider specialists approaching her author to Michel Montignaca does not pay any attention to them, leading responsibility for dischargeing extra kilograms exclusively on the diet.

At the same time, the reviews of doctors about the Montignak diet can be found positive. It's important that observing the diet people do not feel a feeling of hunger And do not feel special restrictions in food.

"That is the opponent I diets, but still one thing I liked it straight, right here like I love. And you can sit on it at least all your life.

And this is a diet Montignaak.

It makes sense in it: to exclude products with GI (glycemic index) more than 35.

After all, this allows not only weight to lose, but also to give the vessels to the norm and get rid of cholesterol.

Low Gi set products, so that the power will be diverse and fats and proteins are not excluded (recommendations are simply complied with them), and therefore balanced.

Another one I don't even know a plus or minus - it is allowed to drink wine. Not everywhere and do not meet this in all diets.

As in any diet there are its disadvantages, but compared to the others, they believe, are not significant (you can first look at the product table with gi<35).

So feel right and be healthy! "

Specialists who welcome the diet speak of the correct target method. In the course of the research conducted by the Canadian University for several years, the change in the blood content of triglycerides is already noted at the very beginning of the diet.

If you search on the Internet, the reviews of the Montignyak diet becomes understandable real eFFICIENCY OF THE USED SYSTEM SYSTEM . People write about how they managed to lose 10-12 kilograms for six months. Someone lost, thanks to this diet, by 16 kg in five months, and someone, choosing this style for himself, dropped all forty kilograms for two years.

Inna, 27 years old: "Previously he was fond of mono diets and only did not sit: buckwheat, rice, kefir, dried fruits, even bitter chocolate. The result is always the same - the scared weight returns. Therefore, it began to look for a slow, healthy weight loss on the Internet and stumbled upon Montignyak diet. Here it is allowed in large quantities to use low-glycemic index products (up to 35), and the rest are in moderate. It is convenient that you do not need to consider calories. When drawing up the ration, you simply check products with a table. I liked the diet Montignaak, because I practically did not feel a feeling of hunger. The only difficulty was to refuse sweet. For 3 months, I dropped 8 kg and not going to stop. "

Veronica, 31 years old: "Montinyak diet is effective, but the sweet tooths and gourmets are not suitable. My husband could not stand the week, and I sit for 2 months. On scales - minus 4.5 kg. We basically eat vegetable salads, beans, chicken fillet, mushrooms, low-fat milk. I loved bitter chocolate (70% cocoa) Although it used to eat only milk. I hope when I proceed to 2 phase, the dropped kilograms will not return. "

Natalia, 25 years old: "Montignak meals are another pseudo-shifted system from a guru of dietology. For some reason, everyone writes that there is no feeling of hunger on this diet. Are you kidding me??? Due to the fact that there are products with a low glycemic index, glucose in the blood is constantly lowered. And this is not only hunger, but also fatigue, irritability, decay of forces. On Montignak (at least at the beginning) there is no such normal products like potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin. Allegedly in them tons of sugar. Many fruits fall into the "black" list, and sweets are generally universal evil. I sat on Montinyak diet for 3 days and a little fainted did not fall from weakness. I don't want anymore, thank you.

Vlad, 39 years: "Today is exactly a year, as I sit on the Montignak diet. I lost it from 118 to 83 kg (my height is 180 cm.) And I feel excellent. Previously, the legs were elapsed, the stomach sick periodically, but now these problems disappeared. It is difficult to withstand the first phase. It seems like calories to consider either necessary, but in fact you feed on low-calorie products: vegetables, savory fruits, milk, low-fat meat. Then you can eat almost everything, but in moderation. I decided for myself that I would continue to eat in Montignak, if nutritionists do not come up with something better. "

Vladimir, 29 years old: "On Diet Montignaak found out from a friend from the social network. She so lost in the year, which turned into a real beauty. I myself could not boast the perfect physique, so I decided to try. Sit from February to June and dropped 8 kg. But as soon as he returned to ordinary nutrition, she scored 12 kg for six months. The girlfriend is still sitting, but I can not, without fried meat, flour, sugar. And the fact that they write about the restructuring of metabolism on the Montignak diet, complete nonsense. "

All results, of course, are different. But everyone will be able to lose weight for 2 months of compliance with a diet for 5 or 6 kilograms.

To date, Montignaak diet is quite popular, as many foreign stars are held it. The diet is based at two stages, the first implies a discharge of extra kilograms, and the second is fixing the results obtained. Also, the diet is based on a glycemic index. According to it, products are determined that can be included in the first and second stages. The diet has contraindications. It is contraindicated to use it with pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents, people who have surgery, patients with diabetes, people with psychological diseases, ulcers, acute inflammatory processes in the body, elderly people.

Stories of Slimming Stars!

Irina Pegova shocked all the consideration of weight loss: "Skilled 27 kg and continue to lose weight, just brewing at night ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

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    Basic principles of diet

    In order for the efficiency of the diet is high, it is necessary to adhere to the following basic principles:

    Basic principles
    1 Use fruit is allowed only for half an hour before the start of meals. This must be done so that all nutrients are well learned. Recommended daily for breakfast (except protein-lipid) prepare fruit salad and drink fresh juice
    2 It is necessary to stick during the diet of the right nutrition and eat within 4 times a day
    3 It is recommended instead of delicious pastry and bakery products to use black and gray bread from coarse grinding flour. It you need to eat for breakfast or lunch
    4 One of the main taboos of this method is beer. It is not recommended to accept it, as the composition is a malt that affects the level of glycemia, as a result, fatigue appears
    5 It is worth avoiding sweet beverages, nectars, sodes, packaged juices. In addition, they contain a large number of synthetic additives, in such products there are a lot of sugar, which leads to an increase in the glycemicity index. Also beverages, which contains carbon dioxide, contribute to the appearance of cellulite
    6 It is necessary to pay a lot of attention to complex fats that are in beef meat, pork, ram, in cream, butter cream. Such fats adversely affect the cardiovascular system. Products containing fats better replace poultry meat, eggs, olive oil, goose or duck fat
    7 Major coffee should be excluded from the diet or replace it with deco-address. Alternatives to this drink are weakly brewed tea, chicory
    8 On the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water
    9 The menu can include dairy products with low or zero fatness.
    10 It is necessary to give preference to whole grain porridge (pearl, wheat, millet). It is not recommended to use fast food products and muesli
    11 White rice should be replaced by brown crude
    12 Potatoes should be consumed not more than once in 7 days. In addition, it is not necessary to bake in the oven, it is better to cook in the peel
    13 Sugar consumption must be limited. If there are unstecified tea or coffee to drink unusual, then you can add honey or sugar substitute
    14 It is worth abandoning any baking, pasta and semolina
    15 It is impossible to experience a feeling of hunger. In the event that a person is constantly hungry, entering the glucose organism can be gradually postponed in fat folds.

    Advantages and disadvantages, contraindications

    Dignity diet:

    1. 1. If the diet is maintained correctly, then in 3 months you can get rid of 15 kg of excess weight.
    2. 2. The diet can be repeated a few months after the end of the previous one.
    3. 3. During the diet, the correct habits are formed, which are concluded in fractional nutrition, consuming the abundant amount of clean water, refusing food after 6 pm.
    4. 4. There is no sense of hunger thanks to the satisfying menu, which means that it is unlikely to break.
    5. 5. Since the diet is balanced, then there is no need to use food additives and a vitamin and mineral complex.
    6. 6. The well-being of a losing weight person is significantly improved, a tide of strength is felt, the mood increases.
    7. 7. The blood sugar level is regulated.
    8. 8. Original pressure and blood circulation normalizes.
    9. 9. The digestion process is improving, there are no problems with a chair.
    10. 10. Facial color, skin condition and hair becomes the best, also strengthened bones, teeth and nails.
    11. 11. There is a smooth weight loss, which means that cellulite does not appear, stretch marks and sagging skin.
    12. 12. All diet products have high compatibility among themselves.


    1. 1. It is necessary to constantly count the products according to the glycemic index.
    2. 2. Failure from sweets, potatoes, alcohol and rice.
    3. 3. Solid food.

    Contraindicated diet:

    • during pregnancy and lactation;
    • children and adolescents under 18;
    • people of old age;
    • people suffering from psychological diseases;
    • people who have increased blood sugar;
    • for ulcers;
    • if there are sharp, chronic and inflammatory processes;
    • in the postoperative period.

    Stages of diet

    The power system consists of 2 stages. The essence of the first lies in intensive weight loss to the necessary proportions, and the second is fixing the results for many years:

    1. 1. First stage - This is an active weight loss. In the first phase, you need to limit the consumption of familiar carbohydrates. It is necessary to form a menu from products that belong to the third table of glycemic indexes. In the 1st phase, adhere to separate nutrition, this means that in one meal should include products that contain or only fats, or carbohydrates.
    2. 2. Second phase - Fastening results. This stage is, in fact, the way out of the diet. Its duration can be different and it depends on the losing weight person. Gradually, in this stage, products from the 1st and 2nd glycemic indices table are introduced into the diet.

    The glycemic index is a conventional designation of the spraying rate in the human body of products that contain carbohydrates, compared with the velocity of glucose, whose glycemicity index is considered to be reference.

    Table of glycemic indexes

    Products with a high glycemic index:

    Product nameG.
    Long french bread132
    Rice noodles130
    Pattern cookies109
    Bagel wheat100
    Rye bread98
    Sand Dough Fruit Baskets90
    Baked potatoes88
    Flour rice86
    French buns84
    Buns for hamburgers83
    Canned apricots81
    Mashed potatoes93
    Porridge Rice Fast Food87
    Ice cream85
    Boiled carrots80
    Steam white rice80
    Potato chips79
    Rice brown76
    Corn sweet canned75
    Waffles of disadvantage75
    Juice orange74
    Small croutons73
    Sweet potato72
    Wheat porridge70
    Chips fruit in Sahara69
    Chocolate milk68
    Snickers Bar, Mars65

    Products with an average glycemic index:

    Product nameG.
    Fresh pellets64
    Wheat flour63
    Wheat flour cream61
    Muesli Swiss60
    Porridge oatmeal60
    Soup with dry green peas60
    A pineapple60
    Cooked "in uniform" potatoes59
    Canned vegetables58
    Black bread55
    Macaroni with added cheese53
    Black beans soup soup51
    Wheat grain germinated49
    Fritters made from flour wheat49
    Tweix Bar49
    Rice white48
    Pizza with cheese and tomatoes47
    Arabic Piet.45
    Rice wild45
    Oatmeal baked baked43
    Fruit with whipped cream42
    Sweet yogurt42
    Soup with tomatoes42
    Buckwheat grain42
    Sweet potato41
    Pasta with cheese40
    Pancakes, flour bread buckwheat40
    Grape juice without sugar38
    Grapefruit savory juice38
    Pineapple juice38
    Bran bread37
    Pears canned36
    Leachy soup36

    Products with low glycemic index:

    Product nameG.
    Fresh green pea35
    Corn cereal porridge34
    Orange fresh34
    Apple Fresh33
    White beans32
    Wheat grain bread, rye31
    Bread from pumpkin30
    Fish sticks30
    Spaghetti cooked from coarse flour30
    Bean soup29
    Chinese vermichel28
    Dry pea27
    Natural yogurt27
    Yogurt low-fat26
    Dried apricots25
    Fresh carrots24
    Ice cream with soy milk23
    Rye grains Gestroened22
    Peanut oil21
    Whole milk21
    Limskaya beans21
    Berry marmalade20
    2% milk19
    Soy milk19
    Skim milk16
    Red lentil16
    Crushed yellow pea15
    Pearl porridge14
    Beans Soy canned13
    Green lentil13
    Dark chocolate13
    Fresh apricots13
    Rice bran12
    Mushrooms Veshinka10
    Green pepper10
    Fresh onions10
    Leaf salad8
    Salad latobe7
    Sunflower seeds7

    Menu for 7 days

    Approximate menu for the week:

    Days of the weekFood reception timeProducts / dishes
    1 BreakfastFresh of two lemons - 300 ml; Kiwi - 2 pcs.
    SnackMuesli - 160 g; low yogurt - 200 g; Coffee - Cup
    DinnerGreek made mushrooms - 180 g; Keta - 120 g; Vegetable salad - 170 g; Solid cheese - 3 pieces
    Afternoon personApple - 1 pc.
    DinnerVegetables stew - 200 g; boiled chicken - 120 g; Skilled yogurt - 230 g
    2 BreakfastBread made of coarse grinding with oil - 2 slice; Coffee with milk - 300 ml
    SnackOrange - 1 pc.
    DinnerBaked eggplants with tuna - 130 g; Shrimps - 140 g; Salad with cabbage, cheese and tomatoes - 200 g
    Afternoon personCottage cheese grain - 200 g
    DinnerVegetable soup - 130 ml; Lentil - 150 g; Strawberry - 170 g
    3 BreakfastGrapefruit juice - a glass; Pear - 1 pc.; Kiwi - 1 pc.
    SnackSafety milk - 400 ml; Bread from coarse grinding flour - 1 slice; Jam unsweetened - 80 g
    DinnerSalad from tomatoes, lettuce leaves, cucumber, cheese - 230 g; Bifstex with broccoli and cheese - 250 g
    Afternoon personApple - 1 pc.
    DinnerVegetable soup - 210 ml; Macaroni with cheese and mushrooms - 180 g; Yogurt low-fat - 250 ml
    4 BreakfastFreshly squeezed juice of two lemons and one kiwi
    SnackMuesli with raisins - 200 g; Degreased yogurt without additives - 230 g; Coffee without adding sugar and without caffeine - 300 ml
    DinnerKeta - 120 g; Greek mushrooms - 200 g; Vegetables - 190 g; Solid cheese - 90 g
    Afternoon personBanana - 1 pc.
    DinnerStewed with chicken vegetables - 230 g; Yoghurt unsweetened - 180 g; Fruit salad - 130 g
    5 BreakfastJules juice - 300 ml; low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g; Coffee No Caffeine With Milk - Cup
    SnackClassic yogurt - 160 ml
    DinnerGrilled salmon baked - 230 g; spinach; Bitter chocolate - no more than 70 g; Green tea - 350 ml
    Afternoon personBaked apple - 1 pc.
    DinnerCheese souffle - 190 g; lentils with pork - 240 g; Solid cheese - 100 g; Green Fruit Fruit Tea - Cup
    6 BreakfastEggs of 2 eggs; Bacon - 100 g; sausages - 2 pcs.; Coffee with milk - 250 ml
    SnackOrange - 1 pc.; Kiwi - 1 pc.
    DinnerGrilled fish with vegetables - 180 g; strawberry cake - 130 g; Cherry Juice - Glass
    Afternoon personCottage cheese grainy savory - 200 g
    DinnerSoup with tomatoes, potatoes, cheese, onion, carrots - 200 ml; greens salad; Water purified - 400 ml
    7 BreakfastLow-fat milk with coffee - 300 ml; Fruit cutting
    SnackOrange - 1 pc.; Savy yogurt - 200 g
    DinnerSalmon smoked - 130 g; Beans - 150 g; lamb meat - 120 g; Cheese - 60 g; Green tea - 400 ml
    Afternoon personRice pellets - 3 pcs.
    DinnerStuffed with greens and cottage cheese tomatoes - 3 pcs.; soup with potatoes, onions, greens, carrots and cheese - 220 ml; Apple Fresh - 300 ml


    Popular recipes for cooking dishes at home with diet Montinyak are zucchini soup, salad with mushrooms and cheese, baked chicken breast under cheese, champignon cream soup, chicken breasts with yogurt.

    Tsukini Soup


    • bulb - 1 pc.;
    • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 1 teeth;
    • curry pepper (powder);
    • cream - 150 ml;
    • chicken broth - 0.5 l.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. The bow must be finely cut down, Zucchini chop on the slices.
    2. 2. Sliced \u200b\u200bonions and zucchini swipe on a pan with the addition of oil - vegetables must be soft, but do not fit them to fry.
    3. 3. In the blender, you need to put the cut vegetables and beat well, add curry, chicken broth, cream, all ingredients mix thoroughly, then warm up to boiling.

    Salad with mushrooms and cheese

    Required ingredients:

    • shampignon mushrooms (marinated) - 200 g;
    • egg chicken - 1 pc.;
    • home mayonnaise - to taste;
    • greens;
    • ham - 120 g

    Preparation steps:

    1. 1. It is necessary to cook and rinse onions and mushrooms, cut them into small pieces and pass on vegetable oil until softness appears, add ground and salt pepper.
    2. 2. The grip must be diluted with 1/3 of the mushroom broth, beat the ingredients to the condition of the cream using a blender.
    3. 3. Melt the creamy oil in a saucepan and fry flour, add chopped mushrooms and broth. Bring the mixture to boil and peck for 8 minutes.
    4. 4. Add cream to the resulting soup and boil 5 minutes. Next, the container is removed from the fire and salt. You can serve a dish with croutons or oat bran.

    Chicken breasts with yogurt

    Required ingredients:

    • chicken breasts - 500 g;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • yoghurt unsweetened - 400 ml.

    Chicken breast need to beat off, add pepper, salt and pour yogurt (disadnant). After that, you need to put meat in the oven. Candying dish should be 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.

    And a little about secrets ...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Especially degrees me my weight. I greatly scored, after pregnancy weighed as 3 seconds together, namely, 92kg with growth in 165. I thought the belly will come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, it began to gain weight. How to cope with the restructuring of hormonal background and obesity? But nothing umbrellas or mans a man like his figure. In his 20 years, I first learned that the full girls call the "woman", and that "such sizes are not sewn." Further at 29 years old divorce with husband and depression ...

    But what to do to lose weight? Operation Laser Liposuction? Learn - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, Mostimulation? A little more accessible - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. Of course, you can try to run on the treadmill, before the breathtaking.

    And when to find all this time? Yes, and still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself I chose another way ...