Pride fruit in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Passage Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age Inquisition Source Source Selection

Welcome to ! Below is the full step-by-step guide to the game. Depending on the solutions you have chosen, dialogues and consequences can be different. Our passage is based on the middle level of the complexity of the game.

It has a huge world, so there are many ways of passing and development. If you have any difficulty in passing the game, then this leadership will certainly help you with difficult tasks.

As the main character, the leader of the Inquisition is the authority, which existed a long time ago and was re-educated to investigate mysterious events in Tedas. But in order to stop all this chaos, you will have to first be investigated as the main character and understand who is guilty or what is guilty of this great cataclysm!

Heavenly anger

Prolog game is nonrelane (you can even get lost here). In general, move the following Cassandra and carefully read and delve into the prompts. You will still have no strong enemies yet, so there is nothing dangerous here. Soon the road will lead you straight to the dark Warrik and Elf Solas, who soon become your new colleagues / satellites / comrades.

Next you will be trained to how to properly use the tactical pause. In the future, the passage to you will be very useful to this mode, especially if you play at a high level of difficulty, so try to master this part of the game as soon as possible.

In the end, you will arrive before the gap - the place where the demons from the world of shadow fall into your world. To locate this hole between the worlds, you will have to first destroy all enemies in the fault area. After you overpower all unclean, just touch the break and wait a couple of seconds, after which it immediately closes. Please note that during the passage of the game you will not collide with this anomaly and you often have to do this.

After you return to the fortress, you give you a choice: will go to a huge fault in a straight line or bypass trail. In the first case, you can get much faster, in the second, you can save some missing soldiers.

Regardless how can you go, you will still come up to the ruins of a huge fortress. Rent below straight to the different and soon the battle will begin with your first boss - Pride demon!

As such, there should be no particular difficulties, as your comrades and the army of the Inquisition will help you. In the first stage of battle - the Demon is invulnerable, but pay attention to the fact that the band of his life will look a little different than the monsters that you met before. To make this demon pride vulnerable, you will have to take advantage of the break. This boss must distract allies troops, at this time you must interact with the portal. Soon a very strong explosion and a demon of Gordini will finally fall on their knees - at this moment you need to attack it. At the expiration of some time, he will again become invulnerable - how to fix it, you know. Soon the enemies of the lower levels will begin to appear on the battlefield, they immediately and need to do, that is, to remove them first, and after again approach the rupture.

Danger did not minimize

How to rest after a hard battle, go to the street. Move to the local church (follow the pointer). Come in the command of the command and soon graduate from the Prolog game.

After that, you will have time to get comfortable in a new place. Use the headquarters to traine a blacksmith craft, talk to your new friends and learn the places where there are particularly important NPCs. How graduate everything, come back to church. It is from here that you will go to your next location - internal lands that are located in Ferdden. To do this, use the command of the command or map of the world.

Please note that in the inner lands you are waiting for a huge number of tasks - you can spend more than twelve hours. We recommend you to marry more priority tasks, as otherwise you just get confused here. If you mark the task, then a special lighthouse on the map will indicate you the road. If you plan to advance as quickly as possible in the plot task "Path of the Inquisitor", then note it in the journal.

In general, move to the pointer. Soon you will obscure one of the detachments of the Inquisition, which to restrain the onslaught of rebellious magicians and temples. Naturally, they will need your help. After slaughter, you are invited to a fairly large camp (the main reference point of the Inquisition in this location). Here you need to talk with the mother of Gisel, which will send you already to another location.

You can not rush and stay in the inner lands and slowly engage in tasks (you have enough of these tasks to earn a couple of levels). In any case, you soon or later will have to go to the command of the command, and after and in Val Ruayo.

Here your pointer will help you again - move behind the lighthouse. In this location, so much affairs, as in the previous location there will be no: how to get to the control point, then look at the video, talk to the temples and after, go to exit. Before going back to the headquarters, the head of magicians will speak with you.

Soon you have to make your first serious choice between the temples and the magicians. At the command rate, two tasks will be available to you: "Fair Defenders" and "Secret". By choosing one thing, you overlap the second. It all depends on the one you value: Mages or Temmarkers. In our passage, we chose the side of the magicians, but you can do in your own way.

In secret

It's time to go to the inner lands. Here you have to get to the city called Redcliffe. This city is located in the north of this location. In front of the city's gates, you will be splashed. Close it and go inside. In Redcliffe, find the tavern and talk to the magician there. After the conversation, you need to walk to the new meeting place, which is not too far away.

Here you will meet the magician named Dorian, who is also a satellite. Close the next faults and go to the command bid. Now you have to talk to your adviser and finally decide who will be more useful - Temmarkers or magicians. This moment is your last chance to change your decision.

If all the same you have not changed your decision and iron want to enlist the help of the magicians, then go back to Rarcliff using the Shell. In your team now must be Dorian, otherwise you can take someone you like.

Soon after the video, you and Dorian are in the dungeon. As soon as you take control of your heroes, then switch to Dorian and pump it the ability so that he can effectively provide support in battle. Since you are just two, then try to be careful. Although there will be a lot of opponents here, but damage they will apply a big enough. Master all those who play for warrior. It will be quite difficult for those who are the robber of the melee. If you play the archer or magician, then try to be careful.

Move to the specified marker and will soon find yourself about the fork. Three key points will be marked on your map, two of which will denote the location of your associates. The third point will lead you to the wizard, which is called Fiona. In general, for starters, collect your team in one. Next, go to the Fione and after the conversation with it, you will find the next stage of the task. Go to a new key point.

To fill your health potions stocks, look for special storage facilities that look like ordinary boxes with banks. So, on your map will appear new key points that need to be inspected. You can freely move in this location and visit goals in any order. Consider only the fact that there are several levels in this location, so the next you can get only with the stairs.

Soon you will hug on the locked doors. To unlock them, you will need to assemble five pieces of red Lyrima to start. The location of this resource will be marked on your card. As soon as you collect the required amount, then replenish the reserves of your potions and get ready to battle with the boss named Aleksius.

This opponent will use attacking spells. In addition, he will constantly impose a protective shield and teleported around the room. If you judge in general, the battle is not too heavy. We recommend to act like this: the warrior distracts his attention to himself, and the remaining members of the team apply as much damage as possible. After he lost more than half of his health, then the rear will appear in the back - close it. As soon as you close, Alexee will return to the battlefield. He will repeat his trick again when health sits down to a quarter, but after finishing it will not be difficult for you.

Will burn in our hearts ...

After you return to your refuge, talk to your allies to get and execute several tasks. The task must be completed on time so that after, you do not have to go to the asylum, so back you will no longer return.

When you activate the following plot task, you will see a couple of videos. After these videos, you get back control over your heroes. Soon you will meet a new co-citizent named Cole. He will appear here if you chose the way for the magicians. If you then chose another way, then you will meet Doriana, and with Culoma will get acquainted during the task for the temples. Depending on what kind of choice you have done in the past (Temperavniks or Mages) will be attacked by magicians or temples.

But the essence of the task will remain the same. Move around the marker and destroy the packs of enemies along the way. You have to capture one by requesting, after which it will capture another one. After the assault of siege guns, you will be asked to go back to the shelter. On the way, you will be able to save the couple of characters and then earn a little experience. How to get to the church, then video will follow. How to browse it, then go back the floor of the battle.

Now you have to bring captured by requested. At the same time, you will constantly interfere with the enemies, so it is best to kill opponents a couple of opponents and after, ride more for the guidance. Onemost moment, the boss is arriving for you - Knight Danam.

First, you should deal with all minions - demons. Next, take your tank to the boss so that he attracts all the attention to himself: the monster has strong attacking skills that will make your magicians once or two. Vulnerable allies should be behind this creature, so that it is minimal. At 75, 50 and 25 percent of their lives, the monster will discharge absolutely all negative effects and put a very powerful barrier. Your battle can delay not one dozen minutes, but while your tank will keep the defense, passing the enemy along the way and at the same time drinking therapeutic banks, you should not worry.

After you overpower Danam, you will show you a very long cat-scene. When you again pass the control over the hero, then move behind the signs - although the path is straight and lost it is impossible here. Soon you will be trained how to enjoy your new ability, after which the hero will be in the harsh desert during a strong storm. You just need to move forward, and after a little moving to the right side.

From the ash

This part of the plot chain will be short enough. You are offered to go through the territory of the new fortress, pass through the main rooms and talk to your colleagues. Some parts of the Skyhold fortress will be blocked, but you can visit them after you arrive here the second time.

So, talk to Josephine and Warrik, after which they open you two main tasks: "Evil eyes and evil hearts" and "lies the abyss." You can perform the tasks completely in any order. But before going to a further journey, we recommend talking to all our allies (you can learn and see a lot of interesting things).

There is a chance there

After you talked with an old Varrich, then get access to the new location - the crough. It is wherever you need to go to meet with the informant. Move along the coast and soon stumble upon the cave - you need here.

After a small conversation, you will now go to another location - the West Limit. Follow just instructions on the marker. How to find yourself at the destination point, then you will be shown a small cat-scene, after which the battle follows with the hordes of the demonsky brand. Because of the small space, it will be convenient for you to use mass spells here. After the battle passes, then go back to Skyhold.

So, then you will postpone from the command of the command will go straight to Orel to continue the task. Before that, we recommend freeing the place in the backpack, because you will be back in your fortress.

The marker on the radar will lead you through the whole field of Brahi. Soon you will have an optional quest - help the Inquisition troops in this battle. You will need to destroy three groups of gray guards who help the demons. If you do this task, you will access the chest with valuable mining.

Soon you will face the huge accumulation of the enemy at the head of which will be a demon of Pride. To begin with, we recommend that you, as always, remove with "under the feet" of small opponents, after which itching all your strength on the boss. Heroes who are more vulnerable should be away from the radius of the defeat of the electric attack of the demon. Soon your battle will be complicated by a huge dragon, which from time to time will throw their most powerful spells on your party. You need to focus allies on this battlefield so that you can minimize the incoming damage to you.

After the end of the battle with the monster, run more likely. Dragon continue to attack your magic, so it's not worth linger in one place. When another cat scene occurs, you will find yourself on the territory of the new location.

The marker will not allow you to get lost. We advise you to closely follow your radar, as its activation will mean that somewhere in this place are subjects that are necessary to fulfill the task of the "fears of the dreams". In the northern part of the first territory, try to find the skeleton of one person. You will need to go to the search mode. In general, the remaining four of these items will be already in another location. Task you can only fulfill at the very end of this main quest.

In order to restore your memories, you must destroy the demons and click on the action button near their bodies. To move on this location, such a thing will have to be done every time. This part of the task as a whole will be linear. Move forward and soon stumble upon the boss - nightmare!

So, get ready for a very intense battle. A nightmare has powerful attacks and plenty of health. From time to time, he will call for spiders as a reinforcement, which will have to be destroyed immediately, since if this is not done, then you will be crushed by the number. The tank will have to keep all the attention of the boss until you kill all his minions. As soon as you appear the first respite from small opponents, start using your most powerful attacks on the nightmare. When the boss is 25% of health, he will call for help to help very strong demons, here you have to sweat. Try not to put under the blow of your weak warriors. After you get victory, then boldly return back to Skyhold.

Evil eyes and evil languages

In this task, it will be especially important for you to have the right part of the party and the choice of the right words in the dialogues. We recommend bringing one mage with you, which will have the skill of the Barrier. And all due to the fact that therapeutic banks will simply be in short supply. When talking with a local one, try to talk not rude and not too sharp. We recommend that I constantly flatter them and agree with everything. And yet, before starting the task, save the game separately.

The essence of this task is that you will have to turn into a sort of "bright lion". You must have a good behavior, you must be extremely polite, and any minor services will raise the rating of your inquisition. Long doubt or delayed something will reduce the rating. When he goes down to zero, then you will twist from this ball and the task will be failed. Thus, you will need to not miss the opportunity to raise your rating, since it depends on this.

In this location you will do something, so you will not have to do the main task. You will be able to collect interesting figurines, which will subsequently open access to chests with prey, look for a variety of compromising to know and so on. At the very beginning, you will meet the lady near the gate, which will tell you that something has lost something, so you can help her. Lost thing is located near the fountain (do not forget to use the search mode). After you return the lost thing, you will be rated.

So, now your marker will indicate you for further way: what to do and with whom you need to talk. How will the official presentation goes, then you will get the opportunity to chat with your allies and carefully study the situation at the moment. As you graduate, go further to the lobby and from there go to the guest room. Lay "Hall of Heroes". As you can find, go through it and will soon find yourself on the west side. Follow the corridor and will soon find yourself around the fountain. Here you have to climb the second floor with the help of a grid that is located on the wall.

After you leave the public from the eye, then your rating will begin to fall gradually, so it will have to work further extremely quickly. The marker will celebrate the territory that you need to carefully examine. As you finish with the search, go to the library on the stairs and then go back to the search mode. How to find the necessary evidence, then go back to the score. And you should not miss the opportunity to increase your current rating: go to the ballroom after the bell hit the second time (it is always late).

Soon you will get the key from the room of the servants. There you can get, if you walk along the lower floor of the Heroes Hall. At the entrance to you will be joined by your neighborhoods (do not forget to change their front clothes on combat). For this jogging, you need to have at least ten rating points, as it takes off the ball over each minute. Follow the bloody tracks that are littered with corpses. In the end, you will hug on the killers. After the shake and cat-scene goes, then go back to the ball.

Soon the duchess invites you to the dance. You need to be as polite as possible. With it, we advise you to always choose the correct options for answers. After conversation with this lady, you will have the last chance to pass the entire collected compromising Leliana.

Already soon you will find yourself near the next break, which opened in the courtyard of the castle. First you will have to kill people, and after them - demons. The second wave of enemies will be much more powerful first, so get ready for a hard battle. As the battle passes, they will go into the move of the cat scene and in the end, you will have to take a very important decision, after which you will go on a fight with a new boss - Duchess (from which you once danced).

In battle with this lady you need to first deal with minions. At the first opportunity, your magicians must impose on your colleagues shields. Duchess will teleport throughout - you need not to miss it from the view. When the health of the boss is reduced to 50%, then it encourages new minions with which you need not to pull and immediately fill them. Otherwise, your battle will be without special unpleasant surprises.

Fruits pride

You will go to the task you can by the usual method - the command of the command. At the beginning of the task you just need to move on the installed markers and defend against the attackers of enemies. In the end, you will be near the temple.

How to get to the locked doors, then immediately get a task to hold one ritual. You can make it in the statues that are located in the lower level of the hall. You need to press on the plates in such a manner so that in the end they all lit. And note that you cannot press for already active plates in any case. With the first puzzle you should not have any problems, as it is very simple. How to open the cherished doors, go inside the temple.

After the video is held, you will have to make your next choice: it will immediately go to your opponents or abide by the traditions of the elves, thereby passing four sacred ritual. If you choose the first option, then you will need to fight not only with the minions of the main villain, but also with the guards of this temple. If you have chosen the second option, then you need to solve four not too complex puzzles with tiles. If you follow the ritual and passed all four puzzles, then get support from the elves and get the opportunity to fight the boss of this area.

After you make your choice, then the marks will appear on your map. If you have completed rituals, then you will get the opportunity to unite with the guards of the temple against the invaders. In this case, you will also be given a conductor, who will spend before the boss in this location. If you decide not to observe the traditions of elves, then prepare for what you need to fight the temples and the same elves. Further path through the labyrinth you will have to overcome alone. In the labyrinth, closely follow the radar and use the search mode.

In the end, you will meet the boss. The boss will depend on what direction you took in the past: if the temples, then as the boss will be a Calpery, and if Mages, then the Samson boss.

Samson will attack you in the near battle. As assistants, it will help you to attack minions, from which you will need to get rid of first. When the enemy begins spinning, then assigned to its oppoices rather. You will need to dispel your neighborhoods on the battlefield so that Samson's attacks could not hurt all heroes. In addition, use here the tactical pause, since your allies may not quite well choose the next goal.

As for the battle with Calpery, it will place their fiery runes on the floor, from which it will be necessary to constantly take their associates. Constantly teleported and immune to stunning, fear and even paralysis. In addition to all this, she has a huge protection against fire. Attack it is best cold or zipper.

Last Akt.

Very short task. So, go to the altar through the command bid. If in the past you somehow allowed the companion only to drink a little from the well of sadness, then you only have to talk. Otherwise, the battle with a dragon awaits you.

If your tank is distracting the attention of the monsters on yourself, then let the rest of your heroes climb under the attacks of the paw and the tail of the dragon. If you do this, the battle will pass without any difficulty. We recommend that you do not use fiery attacks, as the dragon too much damage will not apply them. But as for the cold attacks, they are very effective. When you drop the dragon's health to half, then the new cat scene will begin.

Wake up perfection

Well, it's time for the final battle. We recommend that you make a purely separate saving before starting the final task. Additional quests you can finish and after the end of the storyline, but not everyone will be available, so taking into account this. This is your last chance to explore the entirely universe game.

On the epic battle with the Crimean, we recommend to take at least one magician, better of course two and that they possess the skills of the barrier. The boss will cause you a lot of damage and it has immunity to negative effects. In addition, he has a huge supply of health and that is why the battle will be very long and exhausted. In the first part of the battle, he will call on the help of demons, move around the territory and attacking highly powerful spells. In order for your party to withstand this fight, you need to use the skills of the "barrier" and used health banks.

After a certain period of time, the Korife will turn to a new territory and you will need to move behind it. On the way, do not forget to fill your reserves of therapeutic potions. The second part of the battle is practically nothing different from the first. Only the situation will change and that's it.

When the boss remains 50%, then a large luristic dragon will arrive at shift. You also need to send a warrior with a shield to distract its attention, meanwhile far-fighting characters should be attacked from afar. Concentrate the whole damage better on his huge legs - it will slow it. Do not forget about the protection of your characters: Strain the barriers on them and use the treated banks. Your group should focus on this arena, so that the attacking breath of the dragon was not deadly for you. And most importantly, use the tactical pause.

How to destroy the dragon, then switch again to the cinder. At the last stage of the battle, he will start teleport much more often than last time. In addition, it will begin to apply powerful spells that will damage the entire group. Use the barriers and healing potions again.

Well, after you pour the crucible, then the passage of the storyline will be completed, so the game is passed. We give you our last advice: do not miss the scene, which will be after the titles. That's all, leave your comments slightly below.

Wow not a fan. I imagine a tevinter's slave, which is so "a, everything went to the propagation, I take off my post, do what you wish, with the property of the master. Here is the chain, the key from the chain, whip, order." And so offended at all and left. Maybe this eternal post and was strange, but clearly it was a strange act of goodwill. Probably, Solas would not want such honors. However, he himself regrets that the Temple of the Malt could not defend.
Yes, and Morrigan, in principle, the bays of the earth, the attempts of a fever intervene were always careful and beneficial.

If Abelas ask, I will say - only the source kept here. You will drink it and there is nothing more to do here. They kept them in one place, forced to wake up, gradually losing this connection, forever hold on to some fragments (which was very hrenovo. Alas all this tells direct text!) - Not only and not so much love and respect for the goddess (Abelas is nothing about it Says), and their eternal "Communication with Will Mutan. The key is in recent words. You are connected with someone else, you are not completely free by definition.

I understand that everything was wrong from the conversation of the grief. And not Solax someone was locked and duril. Mutal betrayed, but not he. I will not be surprised that Solas saved the gods and threw somewhat from considerations so as not to finish. There, it was clearly not very definitely. And it is even more strange that Solas in the dialogue with hysterics as it would recognize that the GG was well done and inspired him to try another time.
Of course everything is possible, but I do not understand why invent too much. In the sense of why try to bother, it makes a character something more interesting?
The malital was killed and not hanger "Harel. His in this seems like no one blamed. It is known from the Doli legends (and this is with all the incompleteness all the same more reliable source than" I think ". Here it is possible to rely on something) - Hairdryer "Harel deceived and locked gods as EB and forgotten. From Solax's words, it is known that Eb had those even reptiles, Wallaslin - Tags of slaves (hairdryer "Harel, by the way there is no Wallaslin), He definitely calls communication with the source. Why do he save them from whom? Somehow the salvation is strangely Which yourself "saved" can not be saved.

The dialogue about the power seems to be even if not to drink. I don't know exactly, I will not lie. There is rather the power of the source (which it will give), and the power of the Inquisition. Damn knows that Solas is going to do and what are his plans. Returning to the moments above - if he was going to do something again, he obviously did not give a damn.

I understand everything except Solax is passively interested. A SOLAS type in the position of offended. From the series "Nethe this new generation will not appreciate." After drinking, the Water Solas leaves from the position of the offended, the pah-pah, so that he carried and did not let go, and clearly hints, they say, use the force alone alone. I understand that two simply will not interfere, the third can generally be fought on the feats or at least smash the transaction. Yes, what's there, from one text it is clear that already a horsepower almost cry at the sight of ancient elves.
Mutal is interested only in revenge, Morrigan has only personal motives, Solas a dark horse (he is interested in something to do something, then not interested). And here is such a moment: the voices did not say anything that it would not be favorably favored. They did not give out absolutely no information except for the cornema, the dragon, confirmed that the feleal was really a feleal. We did not receive any information for the stability of the plot, moreover, this is not an inquisitor speaks with votes, these votes speak with the Inquisitor (by order holding a leash Flemer!). The only selected plus is starting to understand the ancient elfia. Useful, but will not give a lot. The same letters in the temple - fragments of information, do not restore the exact picture on them. That is, again distortion, they say false, again the theory issued for reality.

Computer game in RPG genre, third part series Dragon Age.was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher performs Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for the Microsoft Windows platforms, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, XBox One. After the events of the first part of the world Tedasa Immersed in the bunch of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, at different points of the world, unusual faults open, allowing demons to penetrate the tedas. The main character gets a label and after the closure of several faults in Temple of Sacred Praha. Gets the management of the Inquisition to eradicate the emerging chaos.

Fruits pride

After capturing the fortress, Adamanti Korife lost his army called demons. Moreover, the attempt on Empress Selina did not bring due results, the world was preserved in Eagle and the Inquisition was supported by the highest sections of the society of the neighboring state. It's time to apply the last blow to the remnants of the Corryon Army, which now went to Arbor's wilderness. According to Morrigan, Tevineian Master is interested in the ancient elf artifact - Elwian. Unusual magic mirrors are connected to the place from which you can get into the shadow.

Moriggan informs about the presence of the temple of the message nearby, it is there that is an ancient artifact. Go to the location of the arbor wilderness and move to the area of \u200b\u200bthe first cordon, passing the small scattered groups of red temples. We continue to move along the course of the river to the Second Cordon District (again helping the soldiers of the Inquisition in battles with temples and gray guards). Next, we clean the head camp of the red temples.

We detect the arches ruins and eliminate the red monsters, which have already entered into battle with the temples. We continue to move along the river on the way to the Temple of the Mutan. Near the gate, we help Calen and the soldiers of the Inquisition to suppress the resistance of the enemy and enter inside.

Inquisitor and his comrades are witnessing another death Cornery Near the security system of the temple (however, the Magist managed to be reborn, using the body, which was hit by the bad). Ventoria and Calprenia managed to penetrate the temple, moving to the designated area to protect the sorrow.

To remove the charm with the first locked door, it is necessary to go through all the stone slabs so as not to come on them again (the ritual is required to take the two stone monuments in the center of the hall).

In the ritual hall, the chief hero must be solved - what way to get to the source of sorrow (the Ventoric Walls are prolamed, but there is a path dedicated to). In order to use the door, you need to go through several rituals in different parts of the temple (as in the previous room, you need to go through the plates, stepping on every plate only once).

Further, the main characters fall into the loss of the staff and meet the custody of the temple under the leadership of Elf Abelas. Since earlier the choice was made in favor of compliance with the ancient rituals in the fight against the cornea and calipers at the Inquisitor, new allies will appear (the behavior of Morrigan depends on the source of the sorrow, the behavior of Morrigan depends on the choice.

We continue to examine the temple and clean the area from the presence of Ventor. The main characters get to the source of grief and meet with calipennia (using a conversation branch about a dark ritual, an armed collision can be avoided).

Abelas heads to the source so as not to allow it to use, but it stops Morrigan. Your new satellite will offer its candidacy for contact with an ancient source, this may be an inquisitor (since earlier the choice is made in favor of compliance with the ancient rituals, Abela will refuse his venture).

After depleting the source of the sorrow in the sanctuary, a Coryphae appears, late, Tevinisterian Magist remains only to take an attempt to catch up with the Inquisitor and his associates who have already left the temple through Eluvian.

The article is part of the cycle passage Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: Dragon Age Inquisition, Inquisition, Bulletin, Tag, Flaws, Cassandra Pentagast, Solas, Warrick, Leliana, Pride Fruits, Eluvian, Temple Mutan, Source Source, Abela, Morrigan

Wow not a fan. I imagine a tevinter's slave, which is so "a, everything went to the propagation, I take off my post, do what you wish, with the property of the master. Here is the chain, the key from the chain, whip, order." And so offended at all and left. Maybe this eternal post and was strange, but clearly it was a strange act of goodwill. Probably, Solas would not want such honors. However, he himself regrets that the Temple of the Malt could not defend.
Yes, and Morrigan, in principle, the bays of the earth, the attempts of a fever intervene were always careful and beneficial.

If Abelas ask, I will say - only the source kept here. You will drink it and there is nothing more to do here. They kept them in one place, forced to wake up, gradually losing this connection, forever hold on to some fragments (which was very hrenovo. Alas all this tells direct text!) - Not only and not so much love and respect for the goddess (Abelas is nothing about it Says), and their eternal "Communication with Will Mutan. The key is in recent words. You are connected with someone else, you are not completely free by definition.

I understand that everything was wrong from the conversation of the grief. And not Solax someone was locked and duril. Mutal betrayed, but not he. I will not be surprised that Solas saved the gods and threw somewhat from considerations so as not to finish. There, it was clearly not very definitely. And it is even more strange that Solas in the dialogue with hysterics as it would recognize that the GG was well done and inspired him to try another time.
Of course everything is possible, but I do not understand why invent too much. In the sense of why try to bother, it makes a character something more interesting?
The malital was killed and not hanger "Harel. His in this seems like no one blamed. It is known from the Doli legends (and this is with all the incompleteness all the same more reliable source than" I think ". Here it is possible to rely on something) - Hairdryer "Harel deceived and locked gods as EB and forgotten. From Solax's words, it is known that Eb had those even reptiles, Wallaslin - Tags of slaves (hairdryer "Harel, by the way there is no Wallaslin), He definitely calls communication with the source. Why do he save them from whom? Somehow the salvation is strangely Which yourself "saved" can not be saved.

The dialogue about the power seems to be even if not to drink. I don't know exactly, I will not lie. There is rather the power of the source (which it will give), and the power of the Inquisition. Damn knows that Solas is going to do and what are his plans. Returning to the moments above - if he was going to do something again, he obviously did not give a damn.

I understand everything except Solax is passively interested. A SOLAS type in the position of offended. From the series "Nethe this new generation will not appreciate." After drinking, the Water Solas leaves from the position of the offended, the pah-pah, so that he carried and did not let go, and clearly hints, they say, use the force alone alone. I understand that two simply will not interfere, the third can generally be fought on the feats or at least smash the transaction. Yes, what's there, from one text it is clear that already a horsepower almost cry at the sight of ancient elves.
Mutal is interested only in revenge, Morrigan has only personal motives, Solas a dark horse (he is interested in something to do something, then not interested). And here is such a moment: the voices did not say anything that it would not be favorably favored. They did not give out absolutely no information except for the cornema, the dragon, confirmed that the feleal was really a feleal. We did not receive any information for the stability of the plot, moreover, this is not an inquisitor speaks with votes, these votes speak with the Inquisitor (by order holding a leash Flemer!). The only selected plus is starting to understand the ancient elfia. Useful, but will not give a lot. The same letters in the temple - fragments of information, do not restore the exact picture on them. That is, again distortion, they say false, again the theory issued for reality.

Heavenly anger

We watch the video. Follow the Cassandra to the rupture, sometimes falling on your knees from the unbearable pain, which the label hurts. The bridge will collapse and we will meet with the first enemy, while holding up your first weapons before it (will roll next to the bridge wreckage and depends on the class class). Understand the demons and, after a short conversation, break off to the caution along the way killing a couple of demons. The posture will be Warrick and Elf - an apostate named Solas, who uses our hand tagged to close the break. After the dialogue, break the next.

In the next battle you will find a tactical camera and training on it. Deal with demons. Do not rush to run on the stairs upstairs. Better exploring two houses and go to the other end of the Ice Lake. After that you can go to meet with Leliana to discuss further actions. Next to the outpost will be the second gap. Kill demons and close it.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

In the outpost after a small battle with the clerk from the church, you need to decide what to do next. Go through the mountains or go straight with soldiers? The difference is only one. If you go through the mountains, you will save the soldiers who are fighting back from the demons. And so everything is the same - break through the demons, cover the veil and come to a huge hole in the sky, where you have to fight the boss.

Demon Pride

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

We will have to fight this boss. Impact with the veil and remove the barrier demon. Now he is vulnerable and you can beat it. When his health fell up to 75%, he will call a couple of demons on his profile and restore his shield. Send themselves with them, and then switch to the boss again, removing its vulnerability by impact on the veil. Such a trick, he will also check by 50% and 25% of health. After the victory over the boss, press the gap and see the video.

Danger did not minimize

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

We wake up in the shelter. Go out of the house. The street will be an enthusiastic crowd, which considers us a whitard Andrasta. We go to the church to a meeting with Cassandra. Inside will argue the Roderick Chancellor and the Cassandra Find. I don't have to argue, Cassandra decides to revive the Inquisition.

Now you need to walk on the shelter and familiarize yourself with its inhabitants during the side task of the "best of the best." After that you can return to the church and be accepted for the first task. We are introduced to our advisers and invite commands to the table to take the first task. We go to the side of Ferlandene and choose the task "Internal Land Instrumentation" for 1 point of influence. Here we will need to help the mother of Giselle, who asked Meetings with us at Leliana.

Internal land

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Intelligence will introduce us to the case. Go down to the crossroads and help our soldiers fight back from magicians and temples. In gratitude for the help, she will give advice on the priestess and will advise to visit Val Ruuao. To do this, we need to score 4 points of influence.

We speak with the Capral Vaill on the hill and we get a brief report on the situation in this location. First, you need to visit the traders of Dennet and ask for horses for the Inquisition, and then you can take on side tasks, to increase the effect and gain experience for Val Ruuao.

Val Ruuao

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Cost of operation: 4 points of influence.

Go to the strategic map and choose the side of Orley, then click on the plot task and start it. In the city, read all the signs next to the staunt and go to the center of the square to listen to the clerks. The temples will interrupt them, who will hit one of the servants of the Church and express dismount to the inquisition. Cassandra will notice that something is unclean.

Here we have nothing to do, so we leave. At the exit from the city to us, the Supreme Calm of Fiona will contact us and will invite to a rarecliff for negotiations with the magicians.

In secret

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

We return to the shelter and discuss the possibility of the magical union with our advisers. Traveling into domestic lands and go to a rarecliff. At approaches to the village we destroy the demons and close the veil. After that, go to the opened gate and listen to the report of our soldier. It looks like no one was waiting for us.

Go to the tavern and listen to the fion. She will say that she was not in the tree of Ruuao and that free magicians have already sworn to the loyalty to Tevinter. In the middle of the conversation will appear the Tevinter Magister Hermione Alexius with his son. At the end of the conversation, his son will pretend to be unhealthy to bring his father from the tavern and give us a note.

We follow the advice from the note and go to church. There will be a magician fighting with demons. We help him get off the demons, and then close the veil. Magic is called Dorian and he from Tevinter. He will tell about the plans of his former teacher, and from the sub-Felix will tell about some sect called Ventoria, which builds plans against the Inquisition.

After this conversation, the task of the "\u003cbr\u003e whisper" will be available on the strategic table.

Temporary whisper

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

The cost of the story operation: 15 points of influence.

Attention! After this operation, the magicians will fall on your side. The union with the temples will not be possible.

We begin to invent a plan to help the magicians. We need to personally meet Alexius and distract it with the "negotiations", and at that moment Leliana's casters will penetrate into the castle and will understand the master's guard. During the discussion of the plan comes with Dorian and offers its help.

Aleksius does not make competent arguments and will try to attack us, but the agents of the Inquisition will already turn all his guard and he wants to escape, and Dorian will hurt him. Something goes wrong and we will find yourself in the bottom chambers of the castle Redcliff with one Dorian. Our companions will disappear somewhere. We kill the Ventoria and ask questions to Dorian. It turns out that we have moved in time, and our satellites most likely remained in the castle.

Pick up the key from the corpse of the guard, leave the cage and rise to the upper floors. Kill two guards and go to the right. There you will meet the fion from which the Lyrium is growing. She will say that we have absent for a whole year, also, she will say that Leliana is here. Get out of here and go to the left. Go down and find your lost satellites there.

Collecting the partners, come back to the main hall. There will be a guard that will lower the bridge. Kill the guard, come in their room and replenish the supplies. Go to torture and kill the magician named Hanley. A purple dagger "Spiritual bloodustr" falls from it.

Now you can go and save Leliana. Leliana has changed very much, but it will still be glad to see us. We select the key from the floor and go to the throne room of Alexius. Along the way we kill demons and close the veil. A couple of demons will be on the pier, and there will also be supplies. From the pier we go to the courtyard. Close there are two bars and go on.

In the upper wing, you can see how Connor burns itself alive to exterminate the demon within itself (if you have saved the life of life in the first part). Replenish the supplies and go to the bottom wing. Kill the Ventor, demons and close the gap. The door to the throne room is closed with magic. To open it, you need to collect five fragments of the Red Larium. Go tags, kill the Ventoria and take fragments from them. Return to the door and open it.

Inside will be a repentant Alexius, which will attack us under any circumstances. When his health falls to 75%, he hides under the barrier and make the veil. Kill demons and close it. He will repeat the same trick when his health drops to 25%.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

After his death, we will get staff and amulet, thanks to which we will fall in our time. Our companions and Lelian distracted the enemy on themselves and of course die, but hitting our time, we will cancel all the actions of Aleksius.

The Queen of Anora will look at the light (actually depends on who you passed power over the Ferlden in the first part) and mug out of their lands. Now we can take them under our custody. There will be two conditions: we can make them almost slaves or make them voluntary allies. You decide.

After this task, Dorian ascertains us to the detachment.

Defenders of justice

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

The cost of the story operation: 15 points of influence.

Attention! After this operation, the temples will fall on your side. The union with the magicians will be impossible.

Leliana and Josephine gathered the nobles so that they forced the temples to come out for negotiations. We go to the negotiations in the Citadel Terrinfal. At the approaches to the citadel, we will be visited by a representative of the Temples, who will have to hold us to the lieutenant.

Also, he will suggest to pass the ritual in which the banner needs to be located in order of importance for you. You can not pass, but immediately go to the main thing. Lord - seeker will not be on the spot, and his captain will come and will attack us after talking. This is an ambush. We kill enemies and make your way further, to Lord - seeker.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

At the place of Lord - seeker will be a demon envy in his appearance. The demon will send us to the shadow. Once there, go to the marker on the map and see the vague of the demon. Avoid traps and after a while you will meet a good spirit named Cole, which will call to help us in a fight against a demon. We follow his advice. We go to prisons and on the Council of Cool we light four vehicles. It will work and we will go further into the forest. In the forest we reveal to the castle and pull the lever to open the doors. We are going to the castle before the place where the Demon the envy attacked us in reality. After that, we will free on his influence, and it will run away.

Demonic dogma (Side Task). Detect the three secrets of the Demon envy to increase their characteristics. The first behind the closed door (the obstacle will depend on your class); The second after the activation of the veil (when the torch appears) return to the top of this location and go through the cameras, in one of them you can see and pick up the key from prison (thanks to Juliabee for the hint); The third in the tavern on the second floor.

It is necessary to find lieutenants and lyrics for the ritual. You must also follow the countersor of holding the hall and return as soon as it is on a critical label, otherwise the hall will fall and you will lose.

I advise you to go through the top barracks. There you will find two lieutenants. Help them with demons. For each found lieutenant, the state of the main hall is slightly rising. Return to the large hall from the barracks, lower the stairs and help kill demons. Wait for the hall to restore and go to officer chambers. Help the temper and go down. Clean the square and go into the room in which you will learn about the plans of the demon. Take the Lord Key - seeker and take the unspoiled Lyrium from the neighboring hall.

Return to the big hall, take away the attack and talk to Baris, who will hold a ritual for removing the protective barrier. We protect it and lieutenants during the ritual from red temples.

After removing the barrier, replenish the supplies and go to a fight with a boss.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

By killing a demon, go to the temples and decide what to do with them. You can make them part of the Inquisition, and you can help them restore the Order and become allies.

After this task, Cole asked us to the detachment.

Will burn in your hearts ...

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

The cost of the story operation: 1 point of influence.

We look at the roller in which we close the gap using the allies. As for such an event, a holiday was organized, which will interrupt the remaining enemy's strength (magicians if you took the side of the temples or temples, if you took the side of the magicians). The gate will have a messenger - Dorian (if you took the side of the temples) or Cole (if you took the side of the magicians). He will talk about the leader of the attack, as well as we will see the older whose plans we destroyed.

Protect the North requires from enemies and go to the southern to establish it. Kill enemies around the installation and start turning the wheel until your fighters are fighting with enemies. It turns out the enemy has a hand dragon. We look at the Katszen and return to the goal. On the way you can help Harita get into his house so that he takes the necessary things. Once behind the goal, help everyone who is in trouble and go to church. Special attention advise to pay those who are in a burning building or can not get up. Because they can burn or explode.

Chancellor Roderick will tell about the secret path for which everyone can leave. We need to distract the older and his dragon on themselves. We go to the hardest and begin to send it towards the mountain to get it on our enemies. Sometimes beaten from the temples. When it is requested to be scrolled by 50%, fighting with the boss (the boss depends on whose side you have accepted). By defeating the boss, bring to the end and see the video.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

We will be in the cave. Here we will have a new ability of the "gap label", which helps to immediately destroy weak demons or slow down and damage is strong. We kill demons and come out of the cave. Just go to the marker and thus we have the nation of our people.

We watch the movie. Now we are heading the Inquisition.

From the ash

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Talk to Warrik on a fortress wall and he will introduce us to Hawk. Before meeting with Hawk, you can customize her / his appearance or leave the character as it was in your game. Hawk will tell about the gray guards and will suggest finding her friend Alistair (there may be straw or login on the site of Alistair; it all depends on your actions in Dragon Age: Origins). After that, the plot task will open "there is the abyss."

Talk to Josephine and she will say that Empress Orleia, Celine threatens danger and we need to get to the Winter Palace to prevent attempted. After that, the plot task "Evil eyes and evil hearts will open.

There is a chance there

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

The cost of the story operation: 8 points of influence (for the opening of the crown) + 8 points of influence (for the opening of the Western limit) + 20 points of influence for the assault of the Adamant Fortress.

We go to the strategic table and go to the crough for 8 points of influence for searching for the guard. The situation is complicated by the fact that the cave of the Guardians will have to make their way through the red temples and the dead crawling out of the lake.

At approaches to the village there will be gray guards that are fed from the dead. Help them and learn that they have an order for the capture of the guard, which we are looking for. Hike, with the Order and the truth is something strange.

The gate of the village will also be demons and the dead. But we will take care of this a little later.

Near the cave will be wolves and robbers. Kill them and approach the cave. Hawk is already waiting for us. We go with him / her (it depends on who you played in the last part) to a meeting with Guardian. He will tell you that Korphore somehow controls all the guards with the help of the call. And that the guard - Commander Clarel went crazy and climbs something. But for this, he needs to visit the Western limit and get more information.

We return to Skyhold and open the western limit for 8 points of influence. We move there and go to a meeting with Guardian and Hawk, who are waiting for us near the fort. In Fort, we see that the gray guards began to engage in blood magic and sacrifice their people to call demons. They were deceived, promising that the army of demons will help to cleanse the deep trails and thereby do not give to the future Moram. Now, almost all the guards are under the influence of the Cornean, and even the demons that can capture Orel. We must prevent them. After the conversation, we kill the fucking guards along with the demons.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

The most important magician of blood - Erimond, was able to escape and we need to go on his heels. Guardian will point to the fortress of Adamant. There will also be guards, demons and all the commander-in-chief of this parade.

Return to Skyhold and with the help of the command of the command, start the storming of the fortress of gray guards.

We look at the video and clean the courtyard. After that, we speak to Cullen and rush to the walls for the murder of enemies together with Alistair. Kill enemies in another yard and go to the chief court. Help the normal guards to fight back from the magicians and demons, and then decide what to do with them. You can kill them or leave alone and go further on the walls. Next will be linear. Kill enemies and go on. On the walls you can capture strengthening or go directly to the Clarel. I advise you to capture, experience does not exist. About the first strengthening will be the Emernel Emergery. Kill them and go on.

Near the second will be the demon pride and demons of despair. Kill despair demons and switch to a daemon stronger. After that, Hawk will ask what to do. Go with you or protect your soldiers? Make your choice and go, or to Clarel, or to the third strengthening.

About the third will also be a demon and ghosts. Kill them, collect awards and go to Clarel. In a narrow pass, kill the last demons and go to the main square. See the roller in which one of the guards bring sacrifice.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Trying to make guards and Clarel. You can immediately throw on them and then you will have to fight with guards and demons, or try to tell them the whole truth and then some guards will go to your side in the battle with demons and distraught magicians.

After fight, run for the closer on the way killing demons. Up to the place, see the catshzen.

We physically tolerate into the shadow. Turn to the right and with the help of the search you activate the side task of the "Fertility fears". On labels there are fears of perfume in the shadows, we find them using the search, we select and use in the right place. For the placement of each fear of his place, we will give an increase to the main characteristics. As a reward for the task that ends almost before, we get out of the shadows, we will get a "sketch of the Archmagus Society" and "Essence of Perfection".

After that, go to the left side, kill demons and activate the mirror that will increase your magic by +1.

Now you can go upstairs. Upstairs you will meet the Spirit or someone like the Supreme Priestess. She will say that at first we need to return our memories, and then get out of the shadows, trying to kill the demon named the nightmare. After the conversation, kill the demons and restore the first lost memories. We look at the crown and go to the next location of the Spirit of the Supreme Priestess. On the way to it there will be a mirror that gives +1 to agility. On a separate elevation there will be another mirror. Clean it from demons and increase your dexterity by +1.

Go to the Supreme Priestess, kill demons and restore another piece of memories. We look at the crown, fight back from enemies and go to the Spirit that will destroy the barrier. On the way there will be a mirror that gives +1 to the power of will. Go to the next barrier and kill the demons to sleep the barrier. Back again for the Spirit, which will lead us to the boss.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Grand Nightmare

In this battle Hawk and Alister will be stunned.

The boss has a lot of health and causes very strong blows. May teleport over the battle field and sometimes calls on spiders. Also, the boss hangs on the barriers, but not so often, so you can relax.

When the health of the boss comes to 25%, he will start calling many spiders and a couple of horror demons. So be careful.

After the murder of the boss, there will be a couple of catsmen in which you will have to make important elections. At the end of all this, you will move to Skayhold and the task will be completed.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Evil eyes and evil hearts

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

The cost of the story operation: 30 points of influence.

We need to prevent an attempt on Empress Celine. We have invitations, so we dress the costumes and go to the winter palace.

Note 2.: If you took with you to Sir's Ball, then communicating with it in the ballroom, ask about possible "gifts from friends", get a side quest for the collection of whins. There are only three of them: one - in the garden in the guest wing (on the side where the closed door, in the chelyer); The second is for this very closed door (the cost of opening - already 3 figurines, so think), there is a smoking room below, a couple of members of the Geroldov Council, whipping and coin-caprication; The third is in human, after disassembly with the last bundle of the Ventor, turn the wrong left (to exit), but to the right, run to the end and look around, there is a chest. But there will be not a steepward reward, to spend 3 Galla figurines on the opening of one of the doors.

Thank you Juliabee for the tip.

On the ball you need to try to increase the location of the yard or hold on. If the location of the yard drops to zero, you will be crammed from the ball and the mission will be failed. Different tasks will be scattered across the palace, which can raise your location points. The first task will be at the very beginning. Help the girl find the ring and get +5 to the location. Do not hurry to go to the ball. Hack two side storage, statuette and key to which will be on the second floor (look for using V). Also, overheam the conversation of two nobles. In one of the repositories there will be a secret and coin - Caprice, all this is useful for us in the future

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

After a conversation with Celina, you can overhear the rumors and talk to your companions. Surveying everything, go to Leliana and speak with her. She will talk about the apostate surrounded by Celina, so you need to be careful. Now you have access to the guest wing, go there and try to pay attention to all suspicious. After that, go to the courtyard where there will be three nobles with a message from Celina. There will be a fountain in which you can throw coins who found. Close around the wall to the library and try to do everything quickly so that you are not lost at the courtyard and you did not lose glasses.

In the library using search, find the lever and open a secret passage. Read the documents before returning to the ball, solve the riddle with urns. Light urns from the end in each row and descend down the trophies.

Get out of the library through a black move and you will find yourself in the lobby. Go to the hall where you meet the adviser to the Empress. It will be Morrigan, who will tell about the tevinter spy and give us the key from human. Go there.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

There will be many corpses. There will be a figurine of Galla and the book. To pick them up, jump on the boxes, and from there on the beams and take everything you need. We go out into the garden and find an adviser to the killed by a knife with the coat of arms of the house of Gaspara, and then fought off the Ventor. We need to find a jester that can be involved in this. We go to the noble chambers along the way killing enemies. The jester will be on the second floor. We understand with him and his whims, and then watch the video and speak with a brilliance that acts on behalf of the elves.

We return to the lobby and speak with the guys near the trophy hall. Tell me that Callen could gladly tell a couple of stories about you and they will go to him, and you will get +10 to the location of the yard and you can explore the Tropheyev Hall.

Make saving after a conversation, as it has a heavy choice here. Also, you must complete all side tasks, because you can not return to them after penetrating the imperial wing.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Tail in the imperial wing to run the compromising on the browse and gaspara. Remember, I said that you need to keep stone gals? That's just for this moment. Open the first side door and there will find a Gaspalar soldier, which was substituted by Empress Selina. Close the stairs and go to the first door of which you can hear cries about help. The killer you move and learn from the elf that she sent her brian here. From here, go to the man of Gaspara and will bloom on the ambush from the Duchess of Florianna. You will fight archers and demons. You can use the ability of the "Gap Tag" to equalize the chances. Clearing the territory, close the veil and release the man of Gaspara, who will tell all his plans.

Be pierced with your advisers through a bunch of enemies and you will find yourself in the ballroom. Decide what to do. Allow Florianna to attack, arrest it or publicly tell about her plans.

In the first and second case you will have to fight her and its minions. After the fight you can talk to those who stayed alive and decide what to do next.

But the third case will be available if you have achieved a high location of the yard (90 - 100 points). Then you will be able to accuse the Duchess of Florian, and then guess to lead it or execute her own.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

After that, a conversation with Celina, Gaspar and Brilla will take place. If you did everything, as it is written here, then you can cling to them in a throat and make working together for the benefit of Orleia.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Fruits pride

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

The cost of the story operation: 40 points of influence. We need to go to the Arborian wilderness to find the lost Elfi artifact to upset the plans for penetration into the shadow.

Arbor's wilderness

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

You will be given a brief report and go to battle. Get out of the camp and go to the south-west. There you will see allies fighting with enemies. Help them and go on. You get to the river where there will be many enemies. Clearing the river outpost and drive the river. You will again come to your allies. Help them and go on. Thanks to this, you will find yourself in the main camp of the temples. Clean it, and then read a note on the table, replenish the supplies and take extraction from the chest. From the camp Close up along the path and pierce through the forest to the temple, on the way to help your ally, to defeat the fighters and declared on the light, forest elves.

Temple Mal.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

At the approaches to the Temple, we see that the Corryon ruptures magic, but he recreates his shell from the body of the dead guard, and then causes the architeon to face. We run into the temple. Talk to Morrigan about what you saw and go to a huge door, which is sealed by a ritual. Go back to the central playground and watch the video.

You need to solve a small puzzle to go further. The essence of this puzzle: do not step twice in the same place. Turn left, then right and go to the end. After that, go to the next tile, and from there to the opposite and so repeat until you reach the ultimate tile on this side. After that, go through the remaining tiles and the door will shine, which means that we can go on.

We go to the door and deal with the minions of calipeni. Further, we will have a choice: continue the ritual or pursue calipenia.


Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Crypts can be descended even after the ritual is fulfilled. Just jump into the hole and touch with Ventoria. The only thing for what it is worth climbing after the ritual is fulfilled, so these are runes and a pair of sketches for armor. As a result, you will still find yourself in a room with elves when you leave ancient crypt. If you have not fulfilled the ritual, they will not offer you the Union.


Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

To fulfill the ritual, you need to pass the puzzle, like the initial in the temple of Mitala. The most complex riddle will be with the lever. Return to the lever, pull it out and go through the left half almost to the end. It is necessary that two free cells remain on the right half. After that, pull the lever and pass to the end. If you are all done correctly, then you will have four central cells. Go to the floor, which is not subject to magic, and from there to the remaining cells.

The second puzzle is very light. Start from the upper left corner and go to the end, sometimes changing the trajectory.

The last puzzle is broken into two areas with a non-magic zone in the middle. Left side entrance is blocked by fragments. First you need to activate the side without a debris. Activate completely, but leave four cells from different sides at the end of the puzzle so that you can go to the other side. On the other side, we reveal until the middle and jump down on one of the cells, activate the cells there and move on to the other side, close all the cells and open the doors. Over the door you will meet the ancient elves, which they destroyed the cinder shell at the gate of the temple. They will appreciate your knowledge in rituals and offer assistance.

If you accept their help, you will not make your way to the source fighting with elves and Ventoria. The elves will give a conductor who will hold us on secret doors to the source. You will just once with a weapon, near the entrance to the source.

If you refuse to help or wish to take possession of the source, they will attack you and you will have to make your way to the source fighting with elves and Ventor.

In all cases, Morrigan flies after the leader of the ancient elves in order to prevent the destruction of the source.

Having reached the source of the sorrow, descend from the balcony and touch with the boss. If you accepted the help of elves, they will help in a fight with a boss.

If you took the temples, you will fight with calipers. Calipennia will be together with red temples and Ventoria. The boss loves teleport and throw the battle zone by fiery runes. Sometimes, she will urge demons to help her in battle against you.

If you took to yourself magicians, you will fight Samson. He and his red temples are experts in the near battle. They beat a lot and have a lot of health, but there is no barriers. Samson is not subject to nothing, and his temples do not tolerate fire. So first deal with the temples, and then switch to Samson.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

After the battle with the boss, you will find yourself at the source of the sorrow. Listening to all the dialogs, you must decide who will drink from the source? Are you or Morrigan? The gameplay will not change and will not give the forces, but will have a further effect on the story. Watch the last video and transfer to Skyhold. The task will be completed.

Last Akt.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Cost of operation: This operation will not be on the map of the strategic command.

First you must prepare your squad. You will encounter a dragon that is very strong in the elements of fire, has a vulnerability to cold, but very resistant to fire. So you have to do? Right. Make the runes of the cold and try to make armor with resistance to fire and stocking potions to the fire of stability, as well as redistribute one of your magicians skills in the cold branch so that the dragon is easier to fight. Robbers are too soft for this fight. If your squad will consist of two warriors and two magicians, it's good. If you are a robber yourself, then take one warrior and two magicians.

You need to talk to Morrigan and make a further action plan. In place, instead of Morrigan, Leliana will be, who will say that the witch chased his son in Eluvian. Go there and get into the shadow. In the shade there will be Morrigan, which will ask us to find a son. Her son will be at the end of the shadow. Together with him there will be a bunker, which is actually a malt. Yes - yes, here is such a confusing Tedas Universe. Fleet tells about the ancient altar of the Malt, who protects the dragon. If we defeat it, he will be on our side.

We go to the altar and call for a dragon for a fight. Dragon vulnerable to cold and has immunity to paralysis, stunning and fear. The dragon has more than 200,000 health (depends on the level of complexity and player level), but it is necessary to remove 50% and the battle will end. The boss is similar to all previous dragons. It grows and beats a paw in the near battle. Its only his difference: he is very often jumping from one point to another during the battle. Nevertheless, he has no armor or barrier, so all your attacks will go to his carcass.

His strong attack is that it relies on the hind legs and begins to swing hard wings. Try at this moment to get close to the dragon to get as little damage as possible. If you have Vivien, put barriers to reduce damage.

Also, sometimes it takes off in the air and from there spits a fiery ball, which sets up the locality in which he fell. Try to dilute from it and not stand in the terrain.

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Cost of operation: 0 points of influence. You need to finish the Corryon, until he gained strength and did not assemble the new army.


Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Now you need to talk with your advisers at the command rate. Corypha will attack Skyhold during a conversation. It's time to figure it out.

It will have more than 100,000 health (depends on the level of complexity and level of the player). At first he will beat you with spells, ordinary and area. He has immunity to all types of stunning, showers and so on. Try to use barriers more often. As soon as his health falls, then 90%, he will cause imagine and teleport. From the height, he will attack the spell. Try to quickly get to it and knock the barrier to impose a melee again. As soon as his health falls to 75% and lower, it is again teleported even higher. Go to it and do not forget to replenish the supplies from Skron, and then go to the boss and again touch with him. When his health fell up to 50% - we look at the movie and twitch with the second boss.

Red Dragon

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

This dragon is not very susceptible to cold, but is not particularly protected from fire. Tactics are exactly the same as a told a told, but with one difference. Red Dragon uses barriers every time it loses 15-20% of health. As soon as the dragon remains 10% - we look at the roller, where we kill it, and the korphore is increasingly in madness.

Again Korifey

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Take advantage of the charcons and go up to the boss. He begins to broadcast barriers when will lose about 10-15% of health. To the past skills, he added two more. During the first skill, it teleports to one of the corners and emits two beams from hand to our side. Here either hide behind the pillars, or go to his back, or hang the barrier and catch it all in the face. During the second skill, he kneels in the center of Razvalin and begins to pronounce the spell. You can beat him a little, and then hide behind the poles so that you will not hurt a mass spell. Closer to the end of the battle, he will transfer himself to the center and healed by 50%. After that, he will not create barriers and will be less common to teleport, and also loses most of his skills. The battle of him ends as soon as he remains 5% of health.

We look at the roller, talk with all the partners, accept congratulations and rejoice that you could save the tedas. You deserve it!

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Passage of plot tasks Dragon Age: Inquisition