Popular birthday competitions. How to steal guests, big and small? We hold games at birthday.

This will cheer any participants and children, and adults. You can make a contest and two teams, you can just arrange cheerful game. So, all participants get small sheets of paper each writes two words on a piece: two any parts of the body. Any. For example, the "Ending", "eye- hand" ... when adults can play everything (emphasize)); Then all the sheets are collected in a hat or package.
Next, the presenter pulls out the papers alternately for each specific player and reads out loud. Task for participants: lined up in a chain, touching each other designated parts of the body and survive. Although a little bit.

If the teams are two, then they can exchange the task and compete with each other, who will quickly build a chain and just just like in such a position.


Theatrical casting

For this exciting game you need to write on paper, similar to exam tickets, various tasks for guests. Those who want to pull the ticket and depict a given situation. Fun provided.
Task options: Pail
1. Credit, who took the toy.
2. SELLOW, who is photographed on the cover of the magazine.
3. Credit on the beach.
4. Model on the podium.
5. SELLOW, who is late for the train.
6.Pasche under the windows of the hospital.


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The game "Confession"

In the hands of the host house two sets of two colors cards; Dark-colored cards written questions on cards
light - Answers. Guests are invited to choose a question for yourself, read it, then choose a card with the answer and
also read out loud to all those present. The meaning of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, it is important
only that the number of questions coincide with the number of answers.

Approximate questions for cards.
1. Does your loved one help you with jealousy?
2. When do you have to smile forced?
3. Do you tell the boss compliments?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. Do you often exhibit wine on the table?
6. How often do you find out the relationship with fists?
7. Do you respect alcoholic beverages?
8. Are you delighted with erotica?
9. Do you remember about previously loved you?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you come to your feet to others?
12. How often do you quarrel with friends?
13. Are you jealous of your second half?
14. Is your character unqualified for others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like to fool a fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?
19. Would you like to go to America?
20. Do you hide your left earnings from the family?
21. Do you use obscene words in conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Are failing to work?
24. Do our government criticize?
25. Are you capable of noble actions?
26. Are you patient and raised?

Exemplary answers.
1. It was not and will not.
2. Take about it without witnesses.
3. I am ashamed to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant for me.
5. Only with a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and not at times.
9. Whenever we go to bed.
10. I had to suffer from this.
11. Only asked and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in the restaurant.
13. I will not say under torture.
14. This is my hobby.
15. Once a day I let myself enjoy.
16. It was once.
17. When guests are in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without it.
20. This is my mystery, I do not want to know others about it.
21. If there is no second half.
22. When drove out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant to me.
24. When you do not see my loved ones.
25. At night under the blanket.
26. Only in thoughts.


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Two guests are invited, which will be depicted by new mammies, and with gestures try to convey the necessary information, allegedly from the window of the maternity hospital. The rest of those present will have to solve their gesticulation. Who is better able to tell guests about the baby, she wins.
Information is written on paper.

Option 1.
Boy. Looks like dad. Pikes - Mamina. Hair blonde. Well eats.

Option 2.
Girl. Beautiful. Blue eyes. Nose Momin. Calm, sleeps all the time.F


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Go there, I do not know where

Tablets are harvested with arbitrary inscriptions meaning any place. For example - Shop, School, Hospital, Forest, Bath, Disco ...
A few chairs are put in a row to the audience. By the number of chairs, players who are cleared, and on the backs of the chairs, with the help of a scotch, the signs that players should not see are attached. If the chairs without backs, with the permission of the players, the signs are attached to their clothes by English pins.
The presenter sets the players the question to which they are in turn answers. It can be awarded at the end of the game of the one who launched the shortfall for his answers and the answers were closer.
Questions may be such:
1. What time do you go there?
2. Why do you go there? Players are divided into girls and guys.
The rules of the game are announced.
Each group is issued leaflets with animal inscriptions of the corresponding floor. Lesson in scatter - no one knows who who.
The essence of the game - expanding the leaflets to read your animal and on "times, two, three" begin to make the sounds of your animal. It is necessary to find your pair, finding, sitting on the porgia (ridiculous on a squat, if the guests are fun) and take up hands. What a couple will remain the last one lost and comes out of the game.
And so until one pair remains.
Or a faster version of the game in one coming, the first couple, which sat down - makes some phantha fantasy.

Contests and birthday games

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"Ball, hold on"

The stupid competition, which is very suitable for a slightly pushing company. However, it is suitable for any company that wants to have to have fun without making special efforts. Everything that will need for this contest is a lot of balloons that will have to prepare in advance. All the fun is that each participant stays as long as possible to keep his ball in the air without touching it with his hands. You can complicate the task, forcing the participants to blow on the ball, thereby holding it in the air. Wins the most deft!


The most observation

Game for the most observant.
Who will name the longest word from the objects present on the table and dishes?
Who will call the shortest word?
The most exotic ingredient in the composition of dishes?
How many guests are on the holiday?
Who came to the first holiday?
What are the brightest subject on the table?
How many colors on the windowsill in this room?
What color wallpaper in the corridor?
How many plates on the table?
What object on the table is the smallest?
What big one? ....

For the correct answer to issue hearts, or other billets - who at the end of the game is most of all - he gets a prize.


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In a circle, guests call one word, characterizing the birthday girl in the case of the letters in his name. For example, Irina. First guest - and, playful, second - p, luxurious, third - and, interesting, fourth - n, extraordinary, fifth - and, artistic, and the sixth starts again on the first letter name, i.e. - And so on to the last guest. Who stuffed - flies out of the game. The most resourceful guest receives a prize.


It would seem a simple and simple competition, but he delays and will be able to raise the mood even the saddle of the guest at the festival. Each participant provides soap bubbles that can be bought in any markete or children's shop. The task of each of the participants is to blow the biggest soap bubble. Each participant has 5 attempts. Who inflates the most-presser large soap bubble, he will receive a prize, for example, a buckle-hum.


The competition is quite interesting to spend on a birthday, as it is often difficult to come up with a good congratulation. And this competition will help in this, turning the solemn part into the game. The bottom line is that every guest should come up with a birthday congratulation on the subsequent letter of the alphabet.
Start, of course, you need with the letter "A". Competition is very cheerful, gambling. He will make guests thoroughly think about congratulations and find a lot of new compliments for the birthday room.

What does the guest show?

Each guest in turn takes the card with a certain emotion, for example, joy, pride, fun, despondency, disappointment and so on. Guests are in a row and depict each of their chosen emotion. The birthday girl is guessing, what exactly are the guests show, what emotions are shown on their face?

Who is best known to the birthday girl?

The presenter asks questions about the birthday room, and guests answer. The fastest and most awakening guest, which gave most of all the right answers about the culprit of the celebration, is worthy of the prize. Approximate questions: Favorite birthday fruit? Birth weight? What position does it take? What movie does love? etc.

Songs with numbers

Guests are divided into several teams. Each of the teams in turn sings a song with any digit. The game stops the game - the team and drops out, and the leader's team leader or the birthday girl will give a prize. Songs with numbers a lot, for example, once a year of the gardens bloom; Two by two is four; Three Tankmen three merry friends; Attempting number five and so on, so the game should turn out to be fun and interesting.

Shlopy song

Each of the guests chooses a card from the total heap of cards, which are written by all songs known. Then every guest in turn should take his song, and the rest of the guests - guess it. The names of the songs are chosen depending on the contingent of guests.

Guess who?

For the competition, one of the participants tie their eyes. To this person in turns must come different peopleAnd he should guess to the touch, who stands in front of him.
In order for the competition to not seem too easy, the participants can change clothes, because a man blindfolded could remember who and what was dressed.


The essence of the competition is to draw someone either portrait blindfolded. For the competition, there will be several people who want to demonstrate their creative abilities.
Participants tie their eyes, give a brush or pencil, and they proceed to the portrait. What will happen in the end will rave everyone.

Guess the Chmok.

Birthday tie eyes and sit down on a chair. Each of the guests in turn is suitable for a birthday boy and, without uttering a sound, chches it. For such a smoky, the birthday man guess who kissed him.

Hello, dear friends and guests blog about original gifts And congratulations! let's merry contests For adults on the birthday we will discuss?

So, I give the word Lena.

Hello everyone! I think, before the next holiday, which is planned to be placed at home, you are visited by a variety of thoughts. How to cook a delicious table, how to remove and decorate the apartment or your own yard. But that the celebration remembers not only fatigue and a bunch of envelopes with money, you need special emotions. And it is much easier to achieve such a state than you might think. Only an interesting program of the event is needed.

What comes here? And all that can prompt your fantasy: games and fun contests, unusual ways presenting gifts and even various theatrical productions. Previously, our birthdays left a very ambiguous feeling. They were all like. And sometimes from this routine in, it would seem, the solemn day even trembled tears.

But now, before each holiday, I try to arrange something new, not only among the guests, but also with us, the owners, there were pleasant emotions from the time spent.

In general, I share today for your developments! I really hope that this article will help you draw up your interesting and bright holiday program with your own hands. All items entertainment programI will give below, we have already successfully verified by us. So you can safely use if you like something.

This article is devoted to the birthday competitions. So choose to joy!

Competition "Rhymoplet"

While the guests are not much disperse, it is meaningless from behind the table. Therefore, it is possible to start with the "sitting" contests. This contest is simple, the essence of it is that the participants are distributed by cards on which 3 of any words are written. The task is to compose a poem in honor of the holiday, a birthday party and other celebration perpetrators using all these words in the text. The number of participants is not limited.

Wins the one who has the most creative, funny verse.

Variation of this contest: a well-known poem is given. The task is to redo it for the meaning of the holiday and certainly in rhyme. We played the wedding with friends, there were two teams with a fairly large number of participants. I will tell you, laughing without stopping.

Contest "Fabulous"

This contest can also be held, sitting at the table. 2-3 participants (or two or three teams) are selected, which you need to tell a famous fairy tale in the comedy genre, thriller, melodrama, horror movie, etc. Genres participants pull in the lottery. Wins the most exciting fairy tale.

The contest is very unusual in fact, requires a creative approach, but it is worth it! We are so over the chicken row mocked πŸ™‚.

Competition "Sumy"

This game is also from the category of "sitting", but it is better to spend it when the guests have enough fun. Play everything! Task This: The lead is asking questions. And the participants in turns respond to them by the word "sausage" or single adjectives, communions, adverbs (for example, sausage, sausively, etc.). All would simply, but you need to answer only with a serious face. He who smiled and all the more laughed - leaves. The most resistant wins. You can even make a diploma for exposure.

The inadequate, the more fun. By the way, the list of questions is better to think in advance and make it as long as possible.

Guests gladly played this game, it was very fun, especially when they went not very adequate and not very decent issues.

Well, it's time to come out of the table?

Competition "Perfect Gift"

Funny contests for adults for birthday can not only be acknowledged, but also movable and noisy!

To participate need 2-3 teams of 2 people each. And also props: packaging paper (can be thin corrugated, which is sold at any store of Kanz. Tsovarov), ribbons and blanks of boxes with small gifts for the birthday room. It is better if these boxes are non-standard form, for example, round.

Participants in the teams sit down / become near, and they are connected on one hand (that is, one left, the right one). At the edges of the tandem hands are free. Task: in 5 minutes to pack as careful as possible and creatively a box with a gift in paper, tie a beautiful bow. And then give your creativity by the birthday man, saying, of course, his sincere congratulations.

The snag is that participants can only use one hand. The second hand is the hand of a partner. Try so immediately resting)))) We tried, gifts turned out that you need πŸ™‚!

Competition "Paper Shredder"

We need 2 participants, 2 sheets A4, 2 bowls and a stopwatch. Task: 30-40 seconds (maximum minute) break into small pieces with one hand sheet of paper in a bowl. He wins the one who in his hand will remain a smaller bug (well, or the paper will not remain). It is impossible to flush, and pieces in the bowl should be small!

Competition "Fishing, Ball!"

We need 2 teams of 2 participants. Requisites: 2 Plastic bowls, a pack of balls for ping pong. In each team, one of the participants keeps a bowl at the chest level. And the second participant is moving away at a distance of 3-4 meters. Task: For a minute, he must throw as many balls as possible in that bowl. Naturally, the team threw the more balls.

The joke is that the balls are easily bouncing and retaining them inside the bowl even after it seems to be very difficult.

Creative Birthday Competitions (My Favorite)

These contests allow us to show their talent, which many may not even guess.

Competition "Clip"

The essence of this competition is to show the famous song with the help of acting skills: facial expressions, gestures, characteristic sounds. Prepare a few such songs. So, the song is turned on, and then the participant (s) in the image comes out and begins to show everything, which falls in the selected composition.

We tried it on new Year Under the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", moreover, in 2 versions - one year command, and another time one man showed. It was very interesting and fun.

Competition "Universal Artist"

I will not assert how exactly the show is close to the meaning of the next competition, because Just do not watch TV, but the essence is as follows: you need to sing a song in the style of a famous person.

Props: Cards with songs in the Song in the topic of the holiday or just favorite names of the birthday girl, cards with famous characters (politicians, stars of show business, cartoon characters and other public persons). The number of cards in both categories should coincide.

Participants (there should be no more than the characters cards), in turn pull first the paper from the first pile, and then from the second.

We arranged a real show, where I was leading, declaring, as it should be, each participant. Of course, there were applause, ovations and a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive. Especially when V.V. Zhirinovsky appeared on the scene. I am very advised by this competition, these are not clothespins for someone else's body to look for πŸ™‚!

Actually, interesting and fun competitions for adults for birthday can still be found on the Internet. I brought you just a small part of what was tested and remembered from the recent (and how much more lost in the depths of the memory!).

So try, do not sit at the table. Well, if there is, where to run, search gifts. But in the usual apartment you can arrange a real fun holiday, moreover, I will not interfer the neighbors with a football and receiving real positive emotions. And how to arrange a holiday in nature, I told on my home-to-an art blog (see the article on the link).

These are funny contests for adults for a birthday can arrange each of you. I am very grateful to Lena for this interesting material. I hope that you will definitely use the prepared flaw information and arrange unforgettable holiday! Write your opinions and your favorite contests in the comments under this article!

Whatever place you have chosen for the birthday - a house, a restaurant or nature - forget about work and other concerns, stay at the time of children without any complexes and hang out of the soul. To make a birthday cheerful for everyone, you need not so much - to prepare more small prizes, pick up the perky music and a simple props. It would be nice in the spirit of the birthday room, well, and pick up games and contests for the birthday of your guests, their age, the circle of interest, status, physical and other possibilities.

What to play adults?


For the game, you will need a few long ropes that need to be tied so that participants passing through the labyrinth were forced to sit somewhere and crawl somewhere, somewhere to jump. Invite from another room of the next participant and explain that he must remember the location of the rope, because it will overcome obstacles it will be blindfolded. Spectators are allowed to suggest. When the player ties his eyes, the ropes are cleaned, but the audience continue to give their advice, trying laughter not to issue a secret invisible labyrinth.


Merry game for spring holidays. Dozen eggs are put in a bowl and participants explain that among boiled eggs there is one raw. Players take turns take an egg, breaking it about the forehead. Who breaks the raw egg, the one is the most brave. In fact, all eggs are boiled, and the prize gets the last participant, because he deliberately risked most.

Hunting beads

The balloon is tied to the leg of each participant (as low as possible) and battles begin. The task of everyone is to protect your ball and burst everything else. On the team, everyone rushes football balls, wins the owner of the last "living" ball.


There are many objects on the ropes in the bag, many of them are with a characteristic odor. The first volunteer tie eyes and get out of the bag, for example, an apple hanging on the rope. Without the help of hands, only with the help of the smell, he must guess the subject. As a gift, the unchallenged apple receives, and the remaining volunteers inspired by the example are built into the queue. The competition becomes more complicated - the next participant sniffs the can of beer, flavored candle. There are such that monetary bills on the scent are determined.

Games at the birthday of an adult in a circle of colleagues and friends can be diluted with contests with an erotic tint of the type "Guess the wife (girlfriend)" by hand or knee (with eyes closed), and not only women offer inspection. But if there are many people among guests Elderly, they are unlikely to appreciate the game - the search with the knotted eyes of clothespins on the clothes of the girl.

Games for children and adolescents - mobile and intelligent


The company is built into the chain in the manner "M, M,". Everyone in the mouth has a toothpick. The first in the chain is put on her ring. His task is to transfer it to another, from the toothpick on the toothpick (or match) without the help of hands.

If you cook birthday games for children 8 age and younger, think about enough game space - children and abundant feast - things are incompatible, they need to play, move, have fun.

Expand all fragile items from the room, if possible, isolate sharp corners of the furniture. This will help to avoid child injury on the holiday. If the company came up with shy, low-effective children, do not terrorize them with mobile and theatrical competitions - they are unlikely to feel comfortable against the background of the fools.

We collect a crop

The game can be both group and with two participants. Before participants - Vase with oranges. Task - transfer all oranges to another place as soon as possible without the help of hands!


Command game. Each team is handed to a roll of toilet paper and in a signal for a certain time they must wrap the mummy into paper (better than little - paper will go less!) Member. It is desirable that only the nose, mouth and eyes remain free. What team mummy is the tight, she wins.

Where is the ball?

Participants are in a circle. Presenter - in the center. The ball is passed on the external circle (behind the back), and the lead is guessing, who he is now. If he says "Stop" and shows on the player, he must raise his hands up, showing that he has no ball. If the lead found the ball, players change places. To confuse the master, you can make various fraudulent movements, imitating the transfer of the ball behind your back.


Summer team game, suitable for the beach. Each team issued a bucket, and all participants are cups. According to the team from the total capacity, the first participant dials water and gently runs to his bucket. As soon as he transfers the relay to the following, he fills his glass. The team defeats the more water for a certain time.

Competition for the best sandwich

This Mom Competition can arrange for children at birthday, prepare the necessary products: oil, cheese, sausage, mayonnaise, greens, caviar, sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. For 5 min. Children should cook sandwich and decorate it. To complicate the task for the older guys, you can prepare sandwiches with tied eyes, determining the ingredients to the touch, including the decoration of your masterpiece.

Climb into the bottle

Also play three people, and on the belt they have a rope 50-70 cm long, only at the end they bind the same pencils along the length. Pencil should hang out about the knee level. Before each put a bottle. Participants on the team should get into it with a pencil, squeezing and without helping their hands. You can use a musical design, but the laughter of the fans will mule.

Games at the birthday party for adolescents are not just active fun with jumps in bags, but intelligent, where you need to show inventory, ingenuity. They gladly break their heads over the anagram. Come up with a long word - type "reproduction" and stop letters or syllables. Whoever will restore the word, he won. You can print pictures with the arms of Russian cities and cut them into parts. Simple prizes in the form of small notebooks or chocolate-medal makes children a lot of fun.


Children sit at the table, all have sheets of paper, pen and bandage. After all the eyes tied, the first participant is issued the subject he is feeling, trying to guess what it is. Then he transmits the subject on the chain to others, and he himself feel the next. When the lead picks out of the lead the last thing, the eyes are unleashed, and everyone writes on a sheet name sheet in the order in which he studied them. Wins the one who gains more points - the correct answers.


Prepare some kind of dessert of ice cream or jelly. Participants are issued toothpicks. And everyone needs to eat his portion as quickly as possible with its toothpick - fork.


Choose a set of jams of different configuration and diameter. Participants are issued scissors and a thin cardboard. Not approaching the jars and estimating them only visually, it is necessary to cut the circles-caps, exactly coinciding with holes in banks. That wins the most of the best lids.


For this game you need a lot of free space, it goes well on a picnic, with a sufficient number of participants. Adults and children play. Dad, naturally, horse, child - rider. Stop all the "horses" in the ranks and at the signal starts jumps. Moreover, you can consider the options for jumps in full growth or on all fours (if weather conditions and vegetation allow). You can play polo or even arrange knightly tournaments. The tournament wins a couple who overturned all rivals.

Earth, water, fire and air

For the game you need a ball and 4-8 people. Choose a leading with the ball, the rest are located in a line in 3-4 steps from the lead. The presenter throws the ball to one of the children and at the same time calls the keyword - land, water, fire or air. If the participant hears the "Earth", he catches the ball and immediately sends it back, calling any animal living on Earth. When the word "water" or "air" is similarly called fish or bird. If the participant hears the word "fire", it is impossible to catch the ball - it is believed that the player received a burn. If on the inertia he catches it (or calls an animal, which has already been mentioned in the game), it comes out of the game. As an option, you can leave it to stand up with your hands raised while the host again does not throw him the ball, providing the opportunity to rehabilitate.

Blind turn

The game is well developing coordination in children (perhaps and checking the degree of sobriety on an adult party). Everyone can play! If there is enough free space. The presenter builds participants at a meter distance from each other and tie to everyone. Then the team gives "to the left", "right", "circle", gradually complicating the task teams: "Two turns left, three - circle." The game passes in a busy pace. In the end, everyone is unleashed by eyes and it is very interesting to observe who in what position was. In the final remain those who completed all the commands correctly.


Another coordination game. The presenter shows the movement: the right hand gives the honor, and the left pulls in front of him, squeezing his fingers into the fist and hanging up the thumb. At the same time, he says: "Way!" The guys must repeat this movement. Then everyone claps into his hands and the hands are changing, gestures are repeated. The game passes lively, to leave. Adults are monitored for clearly performing movements.

Game for polite

The number of participants and age are not limited. The presenter offers participants to carry out simple commands: "touch the tip of the nose", "scratch the left ear", etc. The peculiarity is that it is possible to execute the command and only after the word "please". While it did not sound, it is impossible to move! Participants who could not adequately react come out of the game.


The game develops in children the ability to feel another person by voice intonation. The presenter tells how a person speaks his feelings. The same phrase - "I want to sleep" or "where my shirt" is pronounced with different intonation and the guys must guess which feeling was intended.

Unusual football

Simultaneously play up to three participants. For them, the "track" is laid along the entire length of the room, the symbolic gates are installed at the end and a long rope with a load at the end (bolt type) is attached to the belt. The role of the ball (everyone has its own) playing a matchbox. On the team, everyone tries to score the first ball in the gate, without touching him either with his hands, nor legs - only suspension.

This game is especially interesting when the guests are no longer quite sober. To carry out this game, you need to prepare a piece of Watman in advance, to which the vertical scale is applied to the felt-tip pen. On the scale, the degrees - 40, 30, 20, 10, 10 are indicated on the scale - 40, 30, 20, 10. The task of participants is to burn and stretching the hand to the "alcoholometer" between the legs, mark the degrees on the marker scale. The distance between degrees on the scale should be made not too close to the participants pull the hand as high as possible. After all, everyone wants to show that he sober up the rest.

Chairs - Birthday game

Number of players: any
Optional: No.

Chairs put in one row. Players sit on them and close their eyes. The presenter must remember where everyone sat or written on a piece of paper. He gives the players to the team: "Make 5 steps forward", "Turn 2 times", "Make 4 Steps left", etc. Then, on the command "in places!" Players must find their own stools with closed eyes. Who will be mistaken - coming out of the game.

Bring me ... - Birthday game

Number of players: by number of guests
Optional: No.

The game is very popular in the UK at parties. The lead divides all those present for two teams and causes one participant to himself from each team.

Their task is as follows: At the request of the lead, they must bring it the items that he will ask. The presenter conducts an account and defines the winner. Among the items that will call the presenter may be hours, shoes, any object from the table.

Cut Gift - Birthday game

Number of players: any
Optional: Rope, Threads, Candies, Clappers and all sorts of small toys, Scissors, Scarf / Shawl

Preparation: We stretch the rope at the level of participants' growth. On the rope hang on the threads above the candy, flappers and all sorts of small toys.

The current "victim" tie the eyes and give the scissors in the hands. "Sacrifice" spin around its axis and put face to the prizes. The task of "sacrifice" to carry out a gift or a snack. The rest are observed, they get sick and suggest.

Usually, this fun likely like both adults and children.

Phrase in a circle -Igra's birthday

Number of players: any
Optional: No.

Some simple phrase is chosen, for example: "Apples fell in the garden." Now, all players in turn utter this phrase. Each participant of the game should pronounce a phrase with a new intonation (questioning, exclamation, surprised, indifferent, etc.).

If the participant cannot come up with anything new, he drops out of the game, and so continues until several (3-4) winners remain.

Candle Dui - Apple Fur - Birthday game

Number of players: 2
Optional: 2 candles and 2 apples