Training workshop for teachers in kindergarten. Training workshop for teachers in kindergarten Exercise "Magic Shop"

Marina REPOLOVSKAYA, teacher of mathematics of a special (correctional) general education boarding school of the II type No. 52:
- It so happened that I got into this competition at a fairly mature age. But you cannot imagine what incentive he gave me for further work and even life! Communication with wonderful brave young people, sincere, open, greedy for everything new, interesting, advanced, poured into me new strength and a desire to work and live more INTERESTING. And finally I will tell them: dare, seek, overcome, make a mistake, fall, rise, love ... The main thing is that the vector of your movement is visible - forward and upward. And then we can boldly give you the most precious thing we have - our children!

Yana IVANTSOVA, absolute winner of the competition "Teacher of the Year in Moscow-2013", teacher of chemistry at school No. 1360:
- “Moscow Teacher of the Year” ... Winning a professional competition of this magnitude seemed like a pipe dream! They say that the dream is given along with the strength for its implementation, and the efforts must be made by yourself. Don't be afraid to dream! Go towards your dream along the roads of diligence, dedication and hard work!

Elena SEVRYUKOVA, musical director of kindergarten №2195:
- The competition is the beginning of a new stage, testing and overcoming oneself. For me, the results of the competition are not diplomas and awards, but a live experience of communication with talented people and an incentive for self-development. I overestimated a lot, looked at myself from the outside - I want to change, develop, strive for the best. Michael Korda wrote: “Success is easy to measure. This is the distance between where you started and your most recent achievement. " Each of us is successful in his own way, I wish everyone not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved!

Irina VLASOVA, teacher of kindergarten No. 2526:
- So the competition "Teacher of the Year of Moscow-2013" has ended, fanfare was sounded in honor of the finalists ... And yet this is not the final ... So many words remained hidden and unsaid! It seemed that we, the participants of the competition, were just about to meet on a face-to-face trip to Povedniki, and we already have to talk about this in the past. Firstly, I am very grateful to the organizers of the competition for conducting seminars on business card design and a master class, for meeting such interesting people and professionals in their field as Vitold Yasvin and Yuri Bobrinev. They were able to positively set us up for work and created an atmosphere of not competition, but creativity. Secondly, I am grateful to the members of the competent jury for creating such a benevolent climate in Povedniki, especially in the first stages of the third stage tests. Igor Agapov conquered us with his erudition and openness, Andrey Lukutin empathized for us as for his pupils. I am glad that such an unforgettable event happened in my life - a competition with the participation of teachers from various fields of education. Working first at school and then at preschool, it was here that I had the opportunity to trace the relationship and unity "kindergarten - school - university". And, of course, I am proud of our participants. Everyone is so cute open people - Teachers with a capital letter, empathizing and helping each other. I hope that the impulse of the competition will continue to live in me and help me in my future work. This is a joy and a kind of impetus not to stand still, to move forward and develop! Good luck to all of us!

Alexandra STRUNINA, Senior Lecturer, Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Moscow Pedagogical State University:
- Educators measure time in academic years. The competition for me began back in August and lasted almost academic year... I was allowed to participate in the Moscow Teacher of the Year competition by winning the Best Young Teacher of Moscow State Pedagogical University, which just started at the end of August 2012. Now we can already reflect and state with confidence that the competition is the brightest event of this academic year. How many were creative works written, portfolio collected, classes prepared, nerve cells spent, experience gained, joy and doubts tested, friends and associates acquired, outfits bought, in the end! The competition is an amazing experience, unforgettable! Days in Bearers are days of life in the mode of co-creation, cooperation, intellectual tension, mobilization. The atmosphere of mutual support, anxious attitude to each other, a sense of support from like-minded people, a kindred spirit made the competition an amazing experience in my life. I had a feeling that they opened a window or a whole window into the world, and a whirlwind of ideas, new acquaintances and interesting projects! Many thanks to the organizers of the competition for this unique chance!

Nadezhda VOROBYEVA, laureate of the competition "Teacher of the Year of Moscow-2013", teacher-psychologist of the "Lomonosov School":
- So the competition is over, but the feeling of incompleteness does not leave. So many wonderful, talented teachers were there to unite efforts, set a goal, agree on a route, accept the conditions and start moving, overcoming all obstacles together, move towards the cherished goal ... Is it trite? Agree. Only without all this is somehow empty. The guys and I made a snowman in December. The balls rolled up, and the time for the walk was over. We wanted to finish the next day - it started raining. They never made a snowman ...

Irina ZHILYAEVA, laureate of the competition "Teacher of the Year of Moscow-2013", teacher-psychologist at gymnasium No. 1518:
- And finally, I will say that I have never received such impressions and emotions as in a week in Povedniki. It was not only an invaluable professional, but also a personal experience. I am extremely pleased to remember that time, all the wonderful new friends that I made there! Of course, the competition is a new round of my self-development, a new stage. Many thanks to the organizers for such a holiday! It was unforgettable! And finally, I will say to those who are already inspired and ready to take part next year: dare, create, participate, it's worth it!

Lyudmila IVANOVA, master of industrial training at the College of Automation and Radioelectronics No. 27 named after P.M. Vostrukhina:
- Now, even after the applause to the laureates has died away, it seems to me that only yesterday I was anxiously waiting for my turn to present a business card, worried, and uttered the text of the master class to herself. And how much painstaking daily work preceded this! These five days in Povedniki are a part of the brightest, most memorable and productive in my life. Thanks everyone !!!

Alina RYBINA, 1st year master of the faculty visual arts Moscow City Pedagogical University:
- In fact, I do not want to say "in the end". It means talking about the end of something. And talking about the end of something good is always sad. On the first day at Povedniki, at an informal meeting, we were asked to finish the sentence “Competition is ...”. For me, the competition is a start. If I am ever asked where my teaching career began, I will answer that it began with the Moscow Teacher of the Year 2013 competition. In this first academic year for me, a competition entered my life, and, to be honest, posting my video on the site in November, I could not imagine that it would end for me only in April. It is a great success that at the very beginning of my pedagogical path I was lucky to be at this festival of ideas. The competition opened new horizons for me, and the knowledge gained will undoubtedly help me in my work.
And finally, I will tell my novice colleagues: take part in the "Moscow Teacher of the Year" competition! The competition is not only a worthy start, it is unforgettable feelings and experiences, new strengths for doing what you love, new acquaintances and new ideas. Good luck!

Nina VASILIEVA, special speech therapist (correctional) primary school- kindergarten III-IV types No. 1697:
- Self-confidence is an essential quality of a modern teacher! And the competition became a qualitative test of the teacher's professional and personal capabilities. It is necessary to participate in the competition, although it is not easy, it is possible and even very interesting! You just need to boldly implement your creative pedagogical ideas, and everything will definitely work out! Striving to be a professional in your field is the driving force of self-development and self-improvement of a teacher! Good luck to all future contestants! You are on the right track!

Laysan MIKHIYANOVA, teacher of Russian language and literature at school # 1415:
- When in November 2012 (it seems that it was a very long time ago) I filmed my video, I could not even imagine that I would now share my impressions as a finalist of the competition. During these months there was a lot of things: experiences, griefs, joys, new ideas, doubts, discoveries. Dating! I am very glad that the “Teacher of the Year” happened to me right now, because this is a great push, this is a very high level raised, below which I can no longer afford to drop. I didn't become a better teacher, but as a teacher I definitely became a better teacher.

Alexander PASHKOV, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Methodology, Deputy Director for educational work Institute of Humanities, Moscow City Pedagogical University:
- To paraphrase the classic, in the end I will say that Povedniki is “a place where birds never stop, neither day nor night, where jasmine blooms neither in winter nor in summer”. Here we have experienced four days of a brilliant reality show, in which there are no winners and losers, but there are thirty-two relatives who are now like thirty-two teeth of a rare lucky one - all of their own! In addition, now there are organizers, members of the jury, and all, all, all who are related to this delightful competition. Going to social networks, now you are looking for yours, you constantly think about them, you experience feelings of joy and gratitude for having become yours for so many beautiful, smart and talented people... Years will pass, but every time, tired of everyday life and measured everyday work, we will remember this amazing holiday, present multicolored tulips on the warm povednikovsky snow and hear, like the hero of a famous poem, the inviting voice of the heart and reason: “Go, go to Povedniki! In the Bearers - your salvation and your joy, go! "

Tips for future contestants from the 2013 contestants

If you decide to participate in the competition on your own, then you will be called a difficult word "self-nominated". If an organization promotes you, then it assumes the status of "from the professional community".
It is not easy for a self-nominated candidate to get to the second stage of the competition, but it is possible! The results of the first stage are directly proportional to your active policy of educating and agitating not only your colleagues, parents, friends, but also all those who have e-mail and are directly or indirectly related to you.
In your free time, we strongly recommend taking courses in professional photography and video filming. You will need this to create an original three-minute video about yourself and shoot a lesson or lesson from at least two professional video cameras simultaneously.
Most main factor in the competition - temporary. Therefore, the night time is the most successful for the preparation, implementation and implementation of your creative ideas. Firstly, no one distracts, secondly, the site does not freeze, and thirdly, reflections on the topic of the essay do not leave even during sleep!
It is possible to represent oneself as a Moscow teacher at the third stage of the competition only after a seminar on the image, having learned to divide all people into four seasons: winter - summer, spring - autumn. Moreover, you meet summer and winter all the time, but it is difficult to see spring and autumn.
In a master class, it is important not to demonstrate your professional qualities and skills, but to have time to teach the audience in 15 minutes what will be useful not only in work, but also in life.
To be in shape, look 100 percent and replenish energy costs while jogging in the apple orchard many times a day, we recommend using the high-calorie reusable meals organized in Povedniki.
If you still do not consider yourself an optimist, be sure to take part in the competition, and “the smile, no doubt, will not leave you anymore”!

This ritual exercise is not, strictly speaking, an "exercise." It should not be used on purpose, as something separate, "psychological", under the supervision of a psychotherapist or training leader, at group trainings and seminars.

This "exercise", this game (and the most accurate word that can be found for this language game will be the word "ritual"), so this ritual should crown your long meeting and precede the words "Bye!", "Goodbye", "Until tomorrow" ... Because if you do not get into such a habit, then, once saying "Until tomorrow," you can no "tomorrow" I can't see this person again ... By the way, this is exactly what happened once in my own life, and all because neither I nor the person with whom I communicated gave each other feedback... They considered themselves very smart. And most importantly - cunning.

Yes. That's her. Fed up with all psychologists and those who visit them, "feedback". , which will be discussed now, is strictly aimed at teaching us, to learn, to train one very important matter, without which healthy and LONG-TERM communication is generally impossible. We must learn to give each other specifically in this case - direct feedback, that is, a conversation using WORDS.

In the course of communication between us and other participants, there is often a misunderstanding of any "moments". This is clear.

  • we suspected someone of selfish intent,
  • we thought that they wanted to insult us,
  • we thought we were annoying someone.

But there are other situations that have nothing to do with misunderstanding, with negative .

It happens that something good happened between you (which happens less often), but for some reason we are in no hurry to fix this moment, “stop a wonderful moment”, express the fast-flowing present - in good, kind and precise words that will be remembered for a long time.

So. Let's make ourselves a sometimes rewarding and sometimes rewarding habit of summarizing your meeting verbally. (Where necessary, possible and appropriate, of course).

First, let it be presented, formalized as a kind of artificial game, as your whim, as a conscious act required from both sides. Before breaking up, say a few phrases to each other, each of which should begin with the following wording: "I noticed that you ...", "I notice that you ...".

  • At first, let our friends shy away from an honest and direct answer (I'm not sad, I'm not angry with you), but over time they will still say what they really felt and are feeling at the moment,
  • At first, let these phrases be perceived as somewhat “artificial” and even sounding “not in Russian”.

After all, before we naturally, easily and gracefully dance a new dance, we mechanically master movements that at first seem to us absurd and unnatural ... Somehow we twist our legs ...

Do not forget not only to mark all the "difficult" moments, but also be sure to say out loud what is really good and joyful that amazed (or quietly pleased) you today at this meeting!

Learning to be a toastmaster

Unfortunately, in our culture, where there was and there is no psychology, there is only one person who is perceived as “normal”, when he immediately expresses in words everything that he sees good in other people.

This is our "legalized psychotherapist" - toastmaster. When a hundred people drink and eat without bothering with the psychological stroking of their neighbors, the toastmaster alone takes on the role of a "sophisticated expert in psychotherapy" who sees with a keen eye everything that happens around and knows how to accurately (address) praise those whomnecessary and precisely for that what it is necessary (and also to besiege the cleared).

Imagine that it is possible to live in a society where almost every one of us will have such a useful skill of "toastmaster" ...

If it is difficult for you to start with “difficult moments” (that is, speaking out loud our suspicions and talking about what “scares”, “hurts” or is simply inconceivably “annoying”), then always start with this - with “positive ", From the speech of" toastmaster "who knows how to subtly praise each guest. (I'm talking about a good toastmaster)

By the way, here, as always, a nuance is important: do not try to tell people cheap, routine compliments "about nothing", which are hard to believe. Say only precisely calibrated things that can surprise. Praise - sincerely. Express your delight only when you really had a reason to be delighted about something.

(By the way, develop a positive vision of the world - then you will have something to say in the genre of praise and you will not bend your heart by making a compliment)

Otherwise, people will not believe you, they will suspect you of some kind of self-interest, of an attempt to weave a cunning intrigue, of humiliatingly suspicious ingratiation, finally. The least of all possible bad things that people will think of you (if you accept with clumsy enthusiasm to “please” them with strained compliments) is the thought that you are currently sitting on some regular “positive”, and when this whim will pass - it is still unknown ...

Why is the exercise-ritual "I noticed that you ..." is taught at psychological trainings?

The fact is that, first of all, there is nowhere to take this information, except for psychological training. Well, this is the most obvious and commonplace explanation.

But, secondly ... Secondly, a person is arranged in such a way that it is possible to instill in him the necessary skill, and even bring this skill to automatism, only by immersing that person in an “intensive learning environment”, which is psychological training ...

After all, the exercise-ritual that you have just received has a chance to settle with another layer of "useful information" in your head and soon be safely covered with a layer of soft house dust. It turns out that the benefits of attending the training, as well as visiting the gym, are obvious. The trainer makes whole groups of people (breaking them into pairs now and then) in an accelerated mode to master the skill of correct communication.

The benefits of this "lesson in psychological etiquette" are not immediately clear, this ritual has a long cumulative effect. It's just that one day you will feel that you have been communicating for a long time (at least with the people most important to you) without reservations, which means - without conflicts, and therefore without the risk of ridiculous quarrels that separate people forever.

And finally ... Very briefly.

What is "healthy", from the point of view of psychology, communication (interaction)?

From the point of view of psychology, healthy can be called such communication, during which you DO NOT BUILD ASSUMPTIONS (each other is absurd) ABOUT THE MOTIVES OF THE BEHAVIOR OF ANOTHER PERSON.

In the course of healthy communication, you must sum up your resume at the end of the meeting. (This ritual in rare cases can be postponed "for later", discussing on the phone in the evening what happened in the afternoon or in the morning what happened in the evening)

During healthy communication, you talk with your interlocutor about facts that took place. About what happened to you actually, and not about what each of you invented.

Now you know in which cases silence is not always “gold”. Start playing this exciting game: "I notice that you ...".

Give meaning to every moment
Hours and days of relentless running, --
Then you will take possession of the whole world,
Then, my son, you will be a Human!
(R. Kipling)

June. The most exciting and amazing time that kids love so much. Holidays. But this is not for all residents of such a wonderful school country. The last school bell rang with a cheerful ringing, which marked farewell to childhood, to school, teachers and classmates, the important time of final exams ended and now a new independent life is on the horizon.

So happy or sad? Trying to answer this trivial question, not only for me, I peer into the faces of my matured boys and girls. Whatever you say, children are the cutest part of humanity! So what am I thinking about?

Maybe about how in 2006 I made a responsible decision to become their cool mom. Parents have entrusted their children to the teaching staff of the school, but they trust the class teacher even more. It is amazing and wonderful to realize that somewhere you and your help, your experience, your word are needed.

In pedagogy, there are always eternal disputes about succession. After all, the transition from primary school to the main school is difficult and responsible. We are talking, first of all, about age, and age is not only a biological concept, but also a psychological one. And at each step that a person passes, an age crisis awaits, which is associated with mental breakdowns, a reassessment of the life path and the opening of new opportunities. Adults should understand that at these crossroads of fate, boys and girls find themselves regardless of their will and wishes.

A properly developing team is of no small importance, because it creates all the conditions for the formation of the personality, the improvement of its qualities, the development of abilities and talents. And I was doubly lucky. From the experienced hands of the primary school teacher Natalya Gennadievna Nagibina I accepted not only motivated and enthusiastic children, but most importantly, a formed children's team. And, mind you, this is already at the elementary school level. And this, believe me, is worth a lot. It was only necessary to choose a new trajectory for the development of the individual and the team. After all, the Child is a human sprout. It initially contains an irrepressible desire for development. The goal of a becoming personality is to assert its unique "I", to reveal its unique purpose. And the goal of the teacher is to help him in this.

My fifth graders did not come defenseless and frightened; they crossed the threshold of the fifth grade with glowing and curious eyes. But they had one flaw: they were small to decide difficult questions its formation. And there were always reliable adults next to them - the teaching staff and parents.

We continued our joint movement along the difficult route "School Life". All this time we studied together, learned from each other. They studied not only school sciences, but also to make friends, understand, trust, help, empathize, support each other in difficult times. Each year was different and brought its own grief and joy. But the fact that in the process of our communication we learned a lot and learned to be wise is very important.

Gradually, the team formed its own excellent students and activists, athletes and musicians, artists of different genres, and simply - ordinary children. Everything was: victories at school, district, regional and All-Russian Olympiads and competitions, in sports competitions of various levels, participation in shows, concerts, exhibitions, scientific conferences. Active school life filled the world of my children with colors. They were never bored, because there are so many interesting activities around! Circles, sports sections, contests, competitions, hikes, evenings, holidays. And the most interesting things happened during the lessons! What then could tell me, the class teacher, subject teachers so emotionally. This is a really talented class.

And, of course, it was very nice to see those who were always fit, in uniform, and with their heads held high, and silently standing by the Eternal Flame, and when they were presented with passports, and during the song and formation review. I remember all the holidays cool watch, contests. We have something to remember, something to be proud of. Over the years, we have become a close-knit family. Warm feelings and memories I have associated with trips to the theater and our tourist routes. It was here, in a relaxed atmosphere, that I got to know my pupils even closer. Their friendliness, independence, mutual respect and support have always delighted me.

And I also remember how, before the next academic year, three teenagers from other schools in the village crossed the threshold of our school at once, making their choice together with their parents to continue their studies in our educational institution. The moments were thrilling as high school classes merged and new recruits continued. And now in front of me are fourteen girls and seven boys who suddenly became adults at once. Well, that's the way it should be, that's life.

There have been many people in my life who have had a strong influence on me. My senior year is a special case. Next to them, my life was amazing and multifaceted. All these years they never ceased to amaze me with new and new surprises ... and they leave a tender, trembling trace in my memory. I was very lucky with my parents. Communication, cooperation, mutual understanding in the upbringing of our children are the result of our common efforts.

"School is your second home!" - Isn't that what I always tirelessly repeated to my children. They were teenagers, with all the difficulties of this period of growing up, clearly aware of the meaning of the words once said by the class teacher, but sometimes doing it in their own way. Now they are boys and girls, and this is the age of transition to independence, the period of self-determination, the acquisition of mental, ideological and civic maturity, the formation of a worldview, moral consciousness and self-awareness.

School ball. I hurry with excitement to the next meeting with my graduation. I see their festive mood, smiles and wide eyes full of joyful, mischievous lights. The soul becomes warm and calm. No one suspected that in seven years we would become one big family, that we would not want to part.

My class is a sea of \u200b\u200btalents, enthusiasm, creativity. My class is a friendly team of children and parents. My class is a part of my life. I brought up humanity, kindness, sincerity, confidence, and tolerance in my students. I wanted them to become cultural, spiritual and moral, worthy citizens of Russia. At the same time, I myself daily learned from the children creativity, optimism, the ability to find positive moments in any situation.

So why is it so sad? How else! Isn't it sad at times, remembering all the beautiful things that fate gave me - to be the class teacher in this particular class, to realize that the next seven years are in the past? It was and passed. Gone irrevocably? But no ... I am sure that my children will be very attentive in life lessons. They will, as before, think, reflect and analyze ... Unique, inimitable human personalities emerge from the walls of the educational institution. The school can rightfully be proud of its jubilee, truly golden, fifteenth graduation.

... I carefully look at each of my graduates, analyze their successes and calmly release them into adulthood. I believe that they will be able to achieve their goal, find answers to difficult questions, overcome difficulties, help a friend, and take responsibility for themselves.

My grown-up boys and girls will have to remember that they came to this world to increase good, fill it with truth and beauty. Live consciously, always think. To know that their actions and thoughts today are the personal destiny of tomorrow. Do not forget the people who helped them become adults and who have always lent a helping hand and support. I would like to thank the parents for the unique collaboration and advice on our shared parenting.

Years will pass, I am sure of this, the dreams of my guys will come true. They are young, beautiful, energetic and educated. And they well understand that they themselves have everything in order to make their life useful, amazing and valuable. And so be it!

My kids! I have, I think, the right to say exactly that. I love you all, and each of you is dear to me in its own way. You are best. Over the years, you have become a part of my life and my heart. I will never forget you. Thank you for the love that you gave me, understanding, sincerity and kindness. Thank you for being there! I will miss you very much! Good luck! Happy road to you!

Galina Mikhailovna Remennikova, teacher of mathematics of the highest category MBOU "Lyubinskaya secondary school No. 3", b. settlement Lyubinsky, Omsk region. Winner PNPO "Education" "Best teacher Russian Federation", Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the All-Russian competition" Modern classroom teacher ", Laureate of the National educational program “Intellectual and creative potential of Russia”.

Results of the exercise:

What did you like and what was not in the last game?

What tactics did you use during the bargaining: active search, waiting for counter offers, "aggressive marketing", mutual exchange, trying to deceive a partner?

Now try to name the names of the comrades that you managed to remember!

Exercise "Metaphor"

Purpose: in a metaphorical form, indicate your attitude to the problem.

Continue the phrases: "In the morning, going to work, I think ...", "At work, I like ...", "Coming home from work, I ..." (15 min)

Exercise "I want - I can - I must" [ 16 ]

Purpose: activation and strengthening of the teacher's confidence in himself, in his own desires, needs.

Teachers are divided into pairs: one is the listener, the other is the speaker. The latter pronounces three sentences, which begin with the words: "I must ...", "I can ...", "I want ...". The listener should notice which of the three sentences was expressed most convincingly, and which was dubious. Then the roles in the pair change.

As a rule, it turns out that most of the participants live according to the principle "I must ...". There is no time or energy left for the realization of one's own desires and possibilities. Every educator needs to devote some time to “living for themselves” in order to maintain optimism and mental health. Therefore, from that day on, all participants must keep a diary, in which at the end of the day they need to indicate what they did for themselves personally, how much time was allotted for this. (20 minutes)

Exercise "Silence"[ 16 ]

Purpose:developing the ability to concentrate on sounds from the outside and on sensations inside the body, relieving tension.

Slow Down Exercise

Purpose:slowing down internal rhythms, creating energy balance, a state of balance and stability.

The psychologist suggests that the group members take off their watches. For 5 minutes, everyone throws free associations to the word "rest" on a piece of paper. Then everyone sits down in pairs, shares their associations with each other. At the same time, you need to speak slowly, as if weighing each word, not to keep track of time, but to enjoy communication. You can take 10-15 minutes for this. Then a group discussion:

Who felt he rested?

Who has enjoyed the conversation?

How long do you think it has been since the beginning of our exercise?

Many teachers with families and children are in constant stress because they strive to do as much as possible, to be in time everywhere. Some make a to-do list that they cross out. They experience a constant fear that "they will not be in time", accelerate the rhythm of their own life, forgetting about rest. (30 min)

Exercise "I'm at work"

Purpose:identification, clarification of the problems of each teacher related to professional activities.

Each participant in the lesson should draw two drawings, on the first - I'm at work in reality, on the second - I'm at work, ideally. Then each demonstrates their drawings, explaining their content.

Often, teachers who are very tired at work show a significant difference between these two drawings, which give additional information about everyone's problem. (30 min)

Exercise "Pie"

Purpose:relax, become more active, more attentive to each other.

Participants need to remove watches, rings and other sharp objects. The psychologist warns that the person who is lying should not be crumpled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver. One of the participants is wrapped in a blanket and placed on his stomach. The others crush him like pie dough. First, we “clear the table” - we stroke the shoulders, back, then sprinkle with flour and begin to slowly knead the dough, sprinkle it more - we mash it harder, then sprinkle it with poppy seeds and raisins - pat our fingers, mash it and knead it. Then the pie is "put in the oven" - the lying one is unfurled and pressed down with heated palms, you can sizzle so that the cake is "baked" well. Usually the "cake" tells itself when it is "ready". (15 minutes)

Exercise "And finally, I'll say ..."

Purpose: to identify the attitude of the participants to the lesson.

The group members need to continue in writing the sentences: “During the lesson, I understood…”, “I didn’t like…”, “In the place of the leader, I…”, “The most useful for me was…”. Each participant can voice their statements at will. (10 minutes)


Bring photos of your children.

Stage II. Reconstructive

Session 2

purpose: development of the ability to recognize and describe their emotional state.

Course of the lesson:

1. Exercise "What did you come with?"

Purpose: comprehending your state of mind, relieving stress.

Each member of the group must tell what mood he came in, what worries him, makes him happy. (10 minutes)

2. Playing "Piano Tuning"


Game progress: Participants sit in a circle, each placing their hands on the hips of their right and left neighbors. The one with whom the game begins, slaps his neighbor on the right on the thigh. The neighbor must instantly react, quickly slap the first player on the hip and immediately slap the next one on the right, as if passing the baton to him. And so in a circle, gradually accelerating the pace. If anyone is wrong, the game starts with the first player. (5 minutes)

3. Exercise "Emotion"[ 8 ]

Purpose:development of the teacher's technique of lively and imaginative communication with students, plasticity, emotionality.

The group members sit in a semicircle, and the psychologist invites everyone to make their own psychological riddle: with the help of facial expressions, gestures, posture and some neutral phrases, play the intended emotional state, which should be guessed by the group. Then a discussion is organized of how accurately each participant managed to guess his riddle and what means of external expression of his state are the most expressive, and what needs to be changed. (25 minutes)

4. Exercise "My good mood"

Purpose:improving mood, developing the ability to psychologically prepare for work.

You need to take two blank sheets of paper. On the first, write events, activities and activities that worsen your mood, make you weak, not ready for work. On the second sheet, write at least 10 items that indicate the most pleasant human contacts for you, as well as 10 activities in which you find relaxation. Next comes the group discussion:

Do you often do something that brings you inner satisfaction, improves your mood?

If not, why not?

Are there any diary entries that need to be kept? (35 minutes)

5. Exercise "Podium"

Purpose:expansion of the boundaries of self-expression, development of bodily and emotional self-awareness.

Group members are encouraged to imagine themselves as a model. They are given the following tasks: to walk along an impromptu podium with a natural gait; demonstrate the beauty and grace of your body; show the manner of movement of the models. Then it is discussed how the participants felt while completing this task, what their body felt. (10 minutes)

6. Exercise "Unconditional love"[ 16 ]

Purpose:discuss with teachers the importance of unconditional love for your children.

The activities of assessment and control, which are important for pedagogical activity, are transferred by many teachers into relationships with their own children. In their family, female teachers remain teachers, continuing to internally assess their child: this is good, and this is bad. The child begins to feel that he is loved only when he behaves well, and not loved if he does an act. Such a child either always tries to please a strict mother, or rebel, behaves defiantly aggressively, trying to show that he does not need mother's love.

The psychologist organizes a group discussion of the difficulties in raising their own children. Which of these difficulties have been overcome and which have not? What changes in the behavior of her child could the teacher have noted? How has she changed? During the discussion, teachers show photographs of their children.

The idea of \u200b\u200bunconditional love is spoken in the group. You can read a quote from R. Campbell: “To love a child unconditionally means to love him regardless of anything. Regardless of his appearance, abilities, strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons, beauty and ugliness. Regardless of what we expect from him in the future and, most difficult, regardless of how he behaves now ... Unconditional love means that we love the child, even if his behavior is disgusting to us. "

It is important that the discussion shows the advantages of unconditional love over a value relationship. A child who is loved only because he is, feels protected, he is confident, has a sense of his own dignity, is stable, he has a developed sense of inner balance and positive self-esteem. (40 minutes)

9. Exercise "Candle"

Purpose: teaching relaxation, establishing a calm state to complete the session.

Psychologist: “Close your eyes, imagine that there is a candle in front of you. Try to mentally fan the flame and then reduce it. When you inflate it, it gets lighter, when you decrease it, it gets darker. Alternate darkness with light. Imagine that the light is getting brighter, more radiant. Try to make it so bright that it becomes as light as day. Now dim the flame very slowly. " (5 minutes)

10. Exercise "And finally I will say ..."(10 minutes)

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Session 3

Purpose:development of the skill of effective verbal communication and the transmission of experienced emotions

Course of the lesson:

1. Exercise "Crossing"[ 7 ]

Purpose:creating a positive emotional unity in the group.

Psychologist: “Take each of the chairs and arrange them in a tight circle with the seats inward. You are a group of travelers who have set out together on an exciting but dangerous route. You will pass it successfully only if you help each other, take care of your comrades.

During the crossing, it is forbidden to push, be selfish, disregard the interests of the group. Giving comrades a helping hand, giving way, supporting with advice and deed - all this is not just permitted, but desirable ...

You will have to climb onto chairs and start moving clockwise. From time to time I will remove chairs from the circle, which will complicate your task a lot. The group is considered to have completed the transition when all participants are seated in three on the chairs remaining in the circle. When all the triplets are ready, I will start the countdown from the number 10 and, having reached 0, I will be glad to congratulate you on your victory. Those who fall or touch the floor with their feet are considered out of the game. Try to reach the finish line with your full complement. "

At the end, a discussion of the difficulties of the crossing is held, the participants express their feelings and experiences. (15 minutes)

2. Exercise "Speak Correctly"

Purpose:deduce patterns that increase the likelihood that you will be heard and understood correctly.

A) Each participant is invited to pronounce one phrase common to all: the first is like a turtle, the second is like a small child, the third is like a robot, the fourth is like a machine-gun burst, etc.

Discussion: What is the most beneficial conversation pace in communication? What feelings arise when the tempo of speech changes?

B) Say the phrase: "People are lonely because they themselves do not show interest in others" - with different intonations (edification, complaint, ingratiation, neglect and anger).

Discussion: The role of intonation in achieving a goal (acceptance of a point of view, a desire to understand and continue the conversation). 10 minutes.

3. Exercise "Let's talk"[ 3 ]

Purpose:work out ways to help maintain communication; find out their own possibilities in increasing the duration of contact.

A) The group is divided into pairs. Partners need to tell each other about mutual acquaintances, avoiding evaluations. Statements should be descriptive.

Discussion: What were the difficulties? What helped to avoid evaluative statements? What new qualities have you discovered in yourself?

B) Participants are divided into groups of three. Of these, 2 will play the role of interlocutors, and the third will be an observer of the communication process. The interlocutors need to exchange opinions: about the weather, about a friend, about returning home in the evening.

Discussion: What really happened here? Was it a process of exchange of opinions or conclusions and conclusions about ... What new experience has been gained through the training of non-judgmental exchange of opinions?

C) Participants are divided into groups of three. Of these, 2 will play the role of interlocutors, and the third will be an observer of the communication process. The first interlocutor talks about his problem, the second listens attentively, shows his participation, a desire to help.

Discussion: What helped or hindered understanding the problem? What were the most common forms of participation and assistance? What helped prolong the contact? What annoyed the narrator the most? What personal opportunities in communication have all participants noted?

4.Exercise "Muscle armor"

Purpose:development of the ability to cope with muscular mechanisms that block human emotional activity.

Psychologist: “After the lesson ends, you need to change your position: from the“ above ”position to the“ equal ”position, this position is softer and more emotionally saturated. Therefore, you need to "release" your own emotions. How to do it?"

It is known that at the physical level, there are muscle mechanisms that block the emotional activity of a person. Seven circles of "muscle armor" are described that cross the body and suppress the manifestation of immediate emotions: at the level of the eyes, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis. In the dominant position "above" the energy is usually concentrated in the upper part of the body: the eyes are strained (gaze), the mouth contracts, the neck and chest are put on with a shell. In order to change position, the first step is to relieve tension on the eyes, mouth, neck and chest.

Psychologist: “I suggest some simple exercises for this.

Breath. Take a deep breath. When you exhale, with a sharp movement in your imagination, as it were, "rip" the tense mask from your face: "extinguish" your eyes, relax your lips, free your neck and chest. Imagine that through the exhalation you remove the muscle "rings" that cover your body, and throw them - from the eyes, lips, neck and chest.

Massaging. Before starting a conversation with a student, touch your fingertips to your eyes, slide your palms across your face from forehead to chin, as if removing an old mask. This gesture, which will take you 1-1.5 seconds, will become for you the border to which you were in the position "above". Once you crossed the border, you found yourself in a position "on a par" and began to fulfill a different role. There was a role-playing transformation: in the lesson you were a teacher, and now you are becoming an interlocutor. " (10 minutes)

5. Game "Aquarium"

Purpose: strengthening in the group of goodwill and mutual assistance in relation to each other.

The circle is divided in half, two circles are formed. The participants in the inner circle pass a plate of water to each other, while the group members from the outer circle observe without any comments or emotional reactions. It is forbidden to help, comment. Then the analysis of the received impressions, well-being, states is carried out.

6. Exercise "Neutralization"

Purpose: development of the skill of effective verbal communication.

The purpose of the exercise is to prevent the teacher from being influenced by the parents. Psychologist: “Let's act out several situations from your experience in which you had a difficult conversation. In the first "phase" of communication, you resist its emotional impact. Do not get emotionally involved in the situation of your conversation, be psychologically detached from it, maintain a calm and chilled neutrality in yourself. As practice shows, this phase lasts about 10-15 minutes, during which the parent will either express their claims to the school and you personally, or complain about their helplessness. In the first case, try to listen silently and remain calm, confident, without losing your polite kindness. In the second case, calmly nod to your interlocutor, insert some neutral phrases, for example, "Calm down", "I am listening to you", "I understand you." Feeling your neutral position and emotional detachment, the parent will gradually "speak out." In the end he will calm down, a psychological readiness for a constructive conversation will begin to form. "

The psychologist proposes to act out a situation of difficult interaction with a parent (situations are taken from the experience of the training participants). (40 minutes)

7.Exercise "Pasta"


Instructions: Stand all together close to each other and lower your arms down. Imagine that you are a bunch of pasta served for lunch. You are in a pot of water. Now I will turn on the stove and the pasta will start to cook. The pasta is boiled and made softer and softer. They slowly, very slowly sink to the bottom of the pan in a light, beautiful ball. ... And when I shout: "Ketchup!" - you can stand up again, examine your palms, arms and legs and feel how wonderful you are. (5 minutes)

Session 4


Course of the lesson:

1. The game "Me too ..."

Purpose:raising the mood in the group, creating a working environment.

Teachers sit in a circle, in turn, each continues the phrase "I love ..." All who share his affection sit on his lap. Then the next participant, and so on in a circle. Everyone tries to name something individual so that a person would sit down on his knees less. (15 minutes)

2. Exercise "How to understand yourself"

Purpose:activation of knowledge of how a state of tension arises in the audience when it is necessary to speak.

Imagine this situation: the setting of an assembly hall or office and the audience's faces. You are heading to your venue. As you walk, what do you start to feel? Move slowly in your inner images, while not missing a single subtlety of your sensations.

What images do you have?

Who of those present is associated with your excitement?

With listeners? ("They are looking at me ...", "They will not listen ...")

With myself? ("I'm afraid of criticism", "I'm afraid to say something wrong")

So, have you identified where your excitement and tension "resides"?

Specific Tips:

When giving a lecture, choose a benevolent listener and speak as if only for him;

As soon as you feel that contact has arisen between you and your listener, move your eyes to his neighbor, establish eye contact with him.

If your worry is about yourself:

- "develop experience in lecturing";

Before giving a lecture, "warm up" - talk to someone from the audience, walk slowly around the audience;

About a day before the lecture, arrange for yourself a "dress rehearsal" without witnesses;

In the evening before going to bed, set yourself the installation to see the whole situation in a dream: how the listeners gather, how you get to the place, how you start. The main thing is to feel that the performance will be successful. (25 minutes)

3. Exercise "Wanted"[ 8 ]

Purpose:the development of the ability to distinguish in oneself and notice in others bright individual traits.

Many have seen American films, where in every town, pasted up portraits with the inscription "Criminal Wanted" are striking. What would our faces look like in these portraits?

Participants in pairs sit down opposite each other and draw a portrait of a partner, they do not talk to each other. They try to indicate the inner qualities of the partner that they noticed. Then the portraits are presented to the group, you need to guess who is drawn. (30 min)


5. Exercise "Magic Shop"

Purpose: expansion of ideas about oneself, orientation towards self-improvement.

The psychologist proposes to imagine that teachers are in a store, but not a simple one, but a magical one, in which they can buy whatever they want, but not buy, but exchange it for their one negative quality. It should be discussed why this particular quality was changed, how it interferes. What will give a new purchase. (25 min)

6. Exercise "Vampire People"

Purpose: removal of emotional stress.

One person is selected from the group, who will be a vampire, the rest are people. People close their eyes and slowly, chaotically move around the hall, the vampire walks among them, also closing his eyes. A vampire, bumping into one of the people, "bites" him (lightly touches the neck with one hand from behind). The vampire victim should scream loudly in horror, now she is also a vampire. Now there are two vampires among people. The game continues. If a vampire is "bitten" by another vampire, he becomes human again and must scream loudly for joy. Etc.

During the discussion, the feelings of "vampires" and "people" are analyzed. How the band members feel now. (10 min)

7. Exercise "Counter-Arguments"

Purpose: to draw the attention of teachers not only to the shortcomings, but also to the positive qualities of their character.

It is necessary to divide a sheet of paper into two halves: on the left - "dissatisfaction with oneself", on the right - "counterarguments". Next, you should write down on the left everything that you do not like about yourself, and on the right - everything that can be opposed to this, with which you and others are happy.

All participants are divided into microgroups of three. In the general final discussion, teachers should come to the conclusion that good can always be found in bad. (20 min)

8. Exercise "Look at yourself through the eyes of the one who loves you"

Purpose: activation of teachers' self-confidence, a positive attitude towards their personality, achievement of inner harmony.

The exercise is carried out in accordance with the technology of meditation. The psychologist addresses the group: “Identify for yourself a person who loves you or once loved you. In your inner imagination, imagine it as clearly as possible: external appearance, character. Now try to change your observation position. You kind of enter into this person and become him for a while. Entering him, you acquire the ability to see yourself from the side of his loving eyes. You discover qualities in yourself that you did not even know about, or even considered disadvantages. You find that you deserve love, you can be admired. Keeping such a positive vision of yourself, return to your starting position, become yourself, remember only about the person who loves you, and try to maintain a positive attitude towards yourself. ”(10 min)

9. Exercise "And finally I will say ..." (10 minutes)

(See lesson 1)

Session 5

Purpose: awareness of their personal characteristics and optimization of attitude towards oneself.

Course of the lesson:

1. Game "Glass"

Purpose:raising the mood in the group, developing the creative thinking of the participants.

Participants sit in a circle. The coach gives the first player a plastic cup. Task: pass the glass in a circle in such a way that the method of transferring it from player to player is never repeated. For those who cannot come up with an original, not yet used in the game, method of transferring a cup, the team comes up with ridiculous penalties. All penalties are worked out at the end of the game. The game ends when a full circle is completed, or continues as long as there are new original ideas.

Closing: discussion of the exercise and presentation of the penalty boxers. (15 minutes)

2. Exercise "Looking for a secret"

Purpose:knowledge of their hidden features.

Try to find hidden features in yourself as follows. Imagine that a mad scientist has created a robot that is your exact copy. Your double is identical to you in every detail. But since he is an instrument of evil, you would not want people to mistake him for you.

What is there in you that cannot be duplicated? How could people who know you well find the substitution?

You have discovered all the secrets, but the robot has managed to reproduce everything exactly. What is the last secret you reveal to make sure for yourself that you are you and not your copy? (20 min.)

3. Exercise "Conversation of subpersonalities"

Purpose: awareness of the contradictory tendencies of your inner "I".

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe exercise and the technology of its implementation were proposed by the famous psychotherapist D. Rainwater. In fact, this technique was created at the junction of three directions: F. Perls' gestalt therapy, R. Assagioli's psychosynthesis and J. Moreno's psychodrama. The presented modification is proposed.

Psychologist: “Every day a person finds himself in situations where it is necessary to make a choice, sometimes difficult. For example, a high school student is thinking about whether to go to a disco or prepare for a test; the teacher, coming home from work, ponders whether to read a book or cook dinner, or check notebooks. And these are only the simplest situations of everyday choice, and sometimes our conflicting motives literally tear us apart. One gets the impression that the voices of different people are heard in the inner world. The creator of psychosynthesis R. Assagioli called such “inner people” subpersonalities. It is they who break the harmony within us. You and I can try to deal with those subpersonalities that live in us, and help them find contact with each other. Maybe we will be able to give each subpersonality a proper place in our inner world. "

Stage 1. Psychologist: “On a piece of paper, write all your desires that will come into your head today, now, at this minute. Absolutely everything, any! Allow any of your desires to splash out on paper, do not limit yourself. If you do not want, then you can not show your records to anyone, no one will require this from you. Number each wish, starting with a new line. Leave small margins of 2 - 3 cm on the left. Work continues for 10 - 15 minutes. If it seems to you that all desires have dried up, do not stop, let your hand continue to move, just drawing a wavy line, for sure, some other thought will come. "

Stage 2... Psychologist: “Name the number of desires you have recorded. Re-read the desires you wrote, they turned out to be diverse: some are associated with material needs, others with romantic dreams, and still others with a focus on personal development. Each one is special. Choose the criteria by which you can divide them into groups. Designate the desires belonging to one group with some symbol (for this, we left the fields on the left). Do not strive for fractional classification. It's not bad if you get one to three groups. "

Stage 3. Psychologist: “Psychologist: Each of the groups of desires you have obtained is associated with some aspect of your personality, with some main motives operating in your life. Each of these groups reflects the subpersonality that manifested itself here and now. What can you name each? Try giving them names. For example, a group of material desires could be called "Raking Hands", and romantic ones - "Sinbad the Sailor". Write the names under the wishlist with the appropriate icons. Then everyone makes a "subpersonal diagram", distributing the names into sectors. " (Attachment 1). After that, the psychologist invites those who wish to tell the group the names of their subpersonalities and the number of desires that fall into the corresponding group. As a rule, the one who volunteered can become the protagonist in the next stage.

Stage 4. The climax. The tasks completed up to this point are already useful and meaningful in themselves. At the previous stages, all members of the group took an active part in the work. Here, the protagonist becomes the most important character, and a psychodramatic procedure unfolds with the involvement of auxiliary persons.

Psychologist: “So, we managed to isolate some subpersonalities that have appeared here and now. How many of you would like to get to know them better and try to find out which one is the most important to you? I warn you that this person will have to open their list of desires to others. "

The psychologist says to the protagonist: "Now you need to choose from the group members those who, in your opinion, could play the role of subpersonalities." The protagonist chooses "actors" and names the roles that are offered to them. After that, the psychologist continues: “The protagonist stands in the middle of the circle, subpersonalities take places around him at the same distance. The task of the protagonist is simply to listen, and the task of each subpersonality is to convince the protagonist that it is she who is the most important, the most important in his personality. To know what to say and how to convince, you must understand well what each subpersonality is, what desires are concentrated in it. Therefore, I ask the protagonist to explain to the subpersonalities the essence of their roles and desires.

All subpersonalities must speak at the same time. The protagonist will be able to regulate this process as follows: raising his hand - request to speak louder; lowering the hand - speaking more quietly; cotton - please shut up; pulling away hand movement - move slightly away; movement with your hand to yourself - come up; arms crossed over your head - please everyone to shut up.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this procedure, the power of its emotional impact is unusually great. Immediately after the protagonist gives the signal to stop speaking, the psychologist asks him to arrange the subpersonalities around him so that he feels comfortable. Then you need to find out what feelings the protagonist and people who play the roles of subpersonalities are experiencing now. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out traditional psychodramatic procedures - derolling (role removal), sharing (verbal and non-verbal empathy for the protagonist).

It is possible to carry out the procedure for the conversation of subpersonalities with two or three protagonists. Comparing their feelings and experiences gives an interesting experience for the group. (90 min.)

4. Exercise "Fantasy on the topic: I ..."

Purpose:development of imagination, the ability to talk about yourself through painting.

Each participant receives a landscape sheet and paints. You need to dream up on the topic: "I". The flight of imagination is not limited. Then an exhibition of drawings is arranged. The presenter points to each drawing in turn, and the group suggests what the author wanted to say about himself. (30 min.)

5. Exercise "Forgive yourself"

Purpose: activation of children's memories among teachers.

Participants need to write on a piece of paper actions or cases from childhood for which they are still ashamed and they have not told anyone about it. Leaves, without signing, must be handed over. The psychologist reads these notes aloud and it turns out that these actions do not cause negative emotions at all, they should not be ashamed. (25 minutes)

6. Exercise "And finally I will say ..."(5 minutes.)

(See lesson 1)

Session 6

Purpose: awareness of their personal characteristics and optimization of attitude towards oneself.

Course of the lesson:

1. Exercise "Kind animal"

Purpose: raising the mood in the group, strengthening friendly relations.

Psychologist: “All members of the group stand in a circle. Imagine that you are one kind animal that is sleeping, now it stretched, yawned, got to its feet and jumped high, then ran, hid, flew high into the sky, sat on a branch, cheerfully looks around. (5 minutes.)

2. Exercise "I wish to meet you"

Purpose: learn to separate professional activities from personal life, highlight the best in yourself.

Participants need to compose the text of the ad in the column "I wish to meet you", indicating what your character, habits, hobbies, features of communication are. Do not forget to describe your ideal, indicating how you imagine it.

Then each person reads their announcement and shares the feelings they experienced while completing this task. (30 min.)

3. Exercise "What am I?"

Purpose: to update the knowledge of teachers that the same person can be perceived by people in different ways.

At will, one person makes up his mind, who on a white sheet of paper must write 10-12 answers to the question "What am I?" Everyone else writes the same thing about this person on their sheets. Then the one who was guessed reads statements about himself, the rest complement what he did not name.

During the discussion, pay attention to how the participants felt during the exercise. (20 minutes.)

4. Exercise "Melt patterns on glass"

Purpose: relaxation training through breathing.

Take a deep breath without raising your shoulders, direct the air into your stomach, while exhaling your lips are slightly parted. Your breath flows as if you are about to melt patterns on glass or scatter plant seeds with your lips. You feel your warm breath flowing through your lips. Repeat several times. (5 min)

5. Game "Fair of virtues"

Purpose: improving the ability to accept oneself with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Participants receive two sheets with the words "Sell" and "Buy". The psychologist suggests on one sheet, under the inscription "For Sale", to write all his shortcomings, from which he would like to get rid of, and on the other, under the inscription "Buy", to write the advantages that he lacks.

Then both sheets are attached to the chest of each participant, and they become visitors to the "fair". Visitors start walking around and offering to buy (or sell) what they want. The game continues until everyone goes around and reads all possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

Class hour in grade 11 "And finally, I'll tell you ..."

Developed by:

Grigorieva Irina Viktorovna,

technology teacher,

class teacher of grade 11

MAOU Okunevskaya secondary school

Tyumen region Omutinsky district.

Today your last bell will ring, end school years... There will be no more school calls in your life, not a single school lesson. I really want to hope that each of you will remember your school years with warmth, as the best time your childhood. Pass the exams. School is over. It's time to grow up and part, leaving childhood behind.

Your year of study is over ...
and the first take-off, and the first fall ...
And on this day I want
You have memorized every moment.
While you are together, class, still close ...
And there is a long, difficult path ahead.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
To ask forgiveness for anything!
May this evening with you again
the moments of every meeting fly by
And first friend and first love-
Everything will be remembered on the farewell evening.

And this class hour is also the final one. While you are still classmates and classmates, and very little time will pass, and you will scatter on different sides.
So, our last class hour. They say that in the last minutes a person remembers his whole life. And since we have the last forty minutes of school life, I propose to remember the school years.

Time is moving inexorably forward, but an amazing property of human memory is that it is able to return us to the past, in which time is counted not by minutes and hours, but by feelings; thoughts, experiences.

    How did you feel when you got ready for school today?

    What did you feel then, 11 years ago? Remember?

    Do you remember your first teacher?

    And your first deskmate?

    What was the first grade you got, remember?

    So, maybe you should try to return there at least for a while, to the country of childhood?

It was .... It was .... September 1, 2005. Sunny morning. You are little children with large portfolios and knapsacks on your shoulders, excited and joyful, who still do not understand anything, have crossed the school threshold. Remember? Let's remember who you were.
- On this day, overly excited mothers, looking at you, first-graders, carefully straightened the folds on our festive clothes, which had time to wrinkle and get dirty in just a few hours ....
And they asked the same question, while for some reason smiling nervously:
- Well, how? Did you enjoy your first day of school?

Communicating with your teacher every day, you learned, in addition to the school curriculum, simple truths ...

That in the morning it would be quite nice to come to class on time ...

That one should write not on a desk or on hands, but only in a notebook ...

That elders shouldn't be rude, but kids must be protected ...

And there are many other wisdom that an educated person should know.

And then there was an exciting transition to the 5th grade, when a new teacher came to you for each lesson. And at first it was scary, because it was difficult for you even to remember their names. And they were so different. Today, you only smile at your fears and fears.

It seems to have been quite recently:

In each notebook there are letters

Your first firm "mom".

Your first school spring.

But the school romance approached the epilogue,

This means that the plot is almost exhausted.

Last call... The results have been summed up.

All our business for 11 years.

And the main result - let's turn to the origins -

After all, school life is far from a game.

Here are the main lessons we learned-

Lessons of hope, love and goodness!

There were many items. Let's start by checking knowledge of some of them. And let's start with the most difficult one - the Russian language.
I name words in the singular, you must put them in the plural:
ARC - ARCS RESIDENT - inhabitants of the GREC-Greeks
HAND- hands AMATEUR- amateurs UZBEK-Uzbeks
FLOUR - no TEACHER - teachers Person people

Exercise 2:
I call verbs in an indefinite form, you must put them in the 1st person:
Walk - walk
READ - read
WHISTLE - fistula

Exercise 3:
For masculine words, select feminine words and vice versa:
PORTER - dressmaker
Brave - no
GOAT- goat
OCA - no

Consider that you have already passed the exam in Russian. But the Russian language is not only rules, but also the possibility of presentation, or expression.

The next lesson is math. You have always been friends with the queen of sciences, at least I would like to believe, because the exam in algebra is ahead. Let's check your readiness.
How many teachers have taught you math? - 3
How many steps lead from the 1st to the 2nd floor up the stairs to the mathematics office?
How many days were “erased from life” and spent within the walls of this school?
(There are 34 weeks in the academic year. That's 238 study days... Let's multiply by 11 years. It will turn out to be approximately 2618 days)
Homework: climb the school steps at least once a year, sit at your desk to remember the happy moments from the 2618 days spent here.

Who has learned better - I do not presume to judge!

Cradle. Diapers. Cry.

Word. Step cold. Doctor.

Running. Toys. Brother

Yard swing. Kindergarten

Clear day. September. Chamomile.

Bow. Pigtails. First graders.

Two by two. Primer. Five.

First cleaning in class.

Pharaohs. Globe. Map. Painted desk.

Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.

Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.

Dancing. Hiking trip. Guitar.

Kiss. For a quarter "a couple".

School. Deuce. Troika. Five.

Ball. Step. Gypsum. Bed.

Fight blood broken nose

Yard. Friends. Party. Cross.

May. Eleventh grade.

All. Our last lesson.

Remember five simple rules:
1. Free your heart from hatred - forgive everyone you were offended at
2. Free your heart from worries - most of them are useless.
3. Lead a simple life and value what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

Over the years, a lot of notebooks have been written, books have been read, pencils and pens have been damaged. All these are attributes of school life. But along with them there was another subject that not everyone loved, it happened that they left it at home, hid it from parents and teachers, removed "unnecessary" records, lost, but in spite of everything, it remained a faithful and devoted companion of your school life. Of course, you guessed it is a diary.
The attitude towards the diary has changed over the years. At first it was carefully stored, carefully filled, kept clean. Then, over the years, for many of you it turned out to be superfluous and they tried to get rid of it.
This happens very often. And if you could write your thoughts in diaries, then that would be what happened.

1 class
Being the first student is very responsible
You need to study at five, respectively,
You have to be polite
You have to be brave
You need to serve as a daily example.

Grade 10
Oh, these lessons are torment,
Insanity will soon come.
When did the French retreat from Moscow?
What is the hypotenuse equal to?
Oxides, sulfides, acids,
Participle phrases-
You can go crazy
Hurry to leave school!
How tired of these lessons and teachers,
There is no more strength - just a disaster.

Grade 11
So the story of childhood is coming to an end.
Chapters have been completed, dreams have been examined.
Already, not hoping for someone's clues,
We ourselves must solve all the problems.
The links are over the past and the present,
Over everything that I have kept and that I have not saved,
Ringing over my passing childhood,
Merry and sad last call.
(at this the entry in the diary ends)

And during your school years, you wrote many explanatory notes.
I hope that you will no longer write them, making excuses to someone.
And, having entered an institute, university or technical school, you will useadvice our teaching staff:
1. If bad thoughts come into your head, drive them into your neck.
2. When losing your temper, do not get lost.
3. Don't grab stars from the sky. If everyone grabs the stars from the sky, there will be no starry nights.
4. One head is good, but two are not.
5. Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.
6. Do not go with the flow, do not go against the flow, but go where you need to

I wish you were:
Smart but not boring
Proud but not arrogant
Affectionate but not intrusive
Strict, but not evil,
Modest but not timid
Brave but not cocky
Cute but not picky
Rich but not greedy
Slender but not skinny
Plump but not fat
Tall but not long
Loving, but not walking,
Sociable, but not drinking,
Business, but not impudent,
Decisive but not cocky
Lucky and happy.

What can you wish me? (each other)

(Graduates write wishes).

It was difficult for me at times with you. But in order to cheer myself up when you upset me, I always recalled an anecdote that I myself came up with.

Hello, Natalya Alekseevna! My daughter doesn't want to go to school.
- Why so?
- He says that again Nightingale is a whole lesson to sit on the phone, Mironov and Urusova talk like two magpies, Kazakov will laugh for no reason, Marmazov sleep and see the end of the lesson, Yurchenko quietly dream about the future. And only she has something to talk about, but this happiness rarely falls out.
- No, no, dear mother, let your daughter go to class. Firstly, she is already 55 years old, and secondly, she is a teacher!

Good luck, ups and bad weather,
Life is striped like a mattress.
My peak of teacher happiness is
You, my children, your whole class.
And I appeal to you with all my heart,
I catch myself thinking.
Believe me, I'm not pretending
I love everyone in their own way.

Do you know your classmates well?

    1. Who in your class has a birthday on ____________?

    2. Who is the youngest in class? Who is the oldest?

    3. Who has the highest sporting category in our class?

    4. How many people in the class have a middle name _______________

    5. How many people live on one Sovetskaya street?

    6. Who in the class set the record for the most missed lessons?

    If you became the headmaster of a school ...

    What do you want to wish teachers?

    Will come tomorrow. You will wake up ... what will you do in the very first minute?

    What was the main thing in the eleventh grade?

    Do you remember which word you wrote first in 1st grade?

    What was your favorite subject?

A strange congratulatory telegram with spaces came to the alumni. Your help is required. Tell me 16 adjectives, and I will write them in the text. Telegram text.

___________ -GRADUATES! WE, FOLLOWING YOU, ARE VERY PLEASANT THAT YOU ARE _______________. AND THIS __________ DAY GET YOUR _____________ CONGRATULATIONS. USING THIS _______________ CASE, WE WANT TO TELL YOU WHAT ARE _____________

PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE NOT SO MANY ON THIS _______________- PLANET. HOPE YOUR ___________ LIFE WILL BE _____________. AND YOU EVERY _____________________ YEAR THIS _____________________ DAY WILL BE GATHERED BY SUCH _______________ COMPANY. TRADITIONALLY WISH ________ HEALTH, _____________ HAPPINESS, _________ YEARS OF LIFE! ____________ GENERATION!

The next academic year is coming to an end. For you, eleventh graders, it will be the year of your first serious tests. Exams are coming. You must show all your knowledge and skills that you have acquired within the walls of the school for 11 years. Let difficulties do not stop you, failures do not disappoint you, and on the exam there will be a shoulder of a faithful friend.

"Everything passes, and this too," says the ancient wisdom. So go for it! After the exams, the graduation party and ... summer !!! I wish you good luck, luck. Everything will be fine.

Dear parents, fathers and mothers,
Today you are taking an important exam:
Who do you give out in adulthood?
Whom did you raise and how did you raise
What they were taught and what they inoculated,
You, even in your soul, are responsible to everyone
For everything our children will do.
Parents, don't forget the kids
Do not erase them from your life.
Love them, remember, help,
So that your house is always your family
Was a haven for your children.

You will soon release your matured children into adulthood. They will scatter like birds around the world. Let them go with a light heart, with the wish of a "successful flight" throughout your life.

Stayed goodbye
Make a wish for us
To be here again someday
We got together.

In my hands you see an envelope on which the words "My dreams are my hopes". Write your dreams and enclose your pages in this envelope, parents can help you. See you in 10 years and see what happened in your life.

"Favorite students":
I love you. Love still, maybe
It won't last a year in my soul.
But don't let it bother you anymore,
Great fate awaits you.
I love you. Today in this feeling
Believe me, I'm not ashamed to confess.
From Pushkin, having borrowed his art,
I will open my love and sadness to you.
I loved you tenderly and tenderly,
Now in threes, then in twos execution,
But you learned the lessons diligently,
And every time you forgave me.
Forgive me too. Sobs and tears
And our performances are behind
And in a relationship there are bitter frosts,
And the heat of the exams, and the rains on weekdays.

Timur, two Nastas, Nikolay,
Christina, Dasha, and Victoria.
Dima, Julia and Sergey!
I wish you happiness
And don't forget those who loved you.
I love you. The days have come like this:
We say goodbye without melting tears.
And God bless you
May others love you
No less than I loved you.

And now I propose to each of you to continue the phrase "And finally I will say ..."

Graduates in order come to the class teacher, put letters in a large envelope and say a few words, continuing the phrase "And finally, I'll say ...", and leave the class.