10 knees of Israel where they are. Ten lost knees (598 BC)

More than once I had to hear the question: where do 10 missing knees of the scattered kingdom of Israel live? And the truth, where are they? Are hundreds of thousands or even millions of people disappeared without a trace, dissolved in the history of mankind? Did you not leave us reliable traces of our existence?

In the presentation of this issue, we will try to adhere to the point of view of the Bible. However, at our disposal, archeology data and general historical representations of modern science will also be marked. Biblical performances are the basis of the Jewish religion. The preserved historical documents of the ancient civilizations, described in the Bible, it came to us very little, despite very intense excavations in Israel and in other areas of the Middle East. However, the search continues and we hope that they will confirm the reality of the painting of historical events and those who have taken part in them.

According to the Torah, the beginning of the Jewish people dates back to the chain of the platota of Abraham, Isaac and Yakov. (This number does not include the knee of Levioino, intended for the priestly ministry.) Here is the number of men of the Jewish people who are suitable for war at the time of Egypt: Knee Rouvima 46500, Knee Simeon 59300, Knee Judah 74600, Knee Issahar 54800, Zavulone Knee 57400 , Knee Ephraim 40500, Knee Manassea 32200, Knee Beniimine 35400, Knee Dana 62700, Knee Asira 41500, Knee Gada 45650, Naffalim's Knee 53400.

For war, men were recognized as 20 years and higher. In the conditions of Egyptian slavery, life expectancy was not very big. Although, according to the information of the Torah, the Patriarchs of Jewish birth lived a lot more than 100 years, but hardly ordinary people lived for so long. By taking the life expectancy of these people equal to the life expectancy of modern people and a similar distribution by the ages of obtaining the total number of people from Egypt. People aged 18 to 64 years (warriors) are approximately 23% (a total percentage in a population, including women, is 46%). Consequently, the total number of people from Egypt can be estimated at about 2.5 million.

The starting point of events preceding the direct scattering of the 10 knees of the Israeli kingdom is in the historical period of the existence of two kingdoms of 928-586. BC, or rather in 721 g BC (See Call Sina №38, III-1 in the "History of the Jewish People in Chronology from 1700g. BC until 2003"). In 721 BC Assyrian king Sargon after a three-year siege took the capital of the Israeli kingdom - Samaria. Tens of thousands of Israelis were taken, tens of thousands of Israelis were tested in remote areas of the empire. During the second attempt to the uprising in 720 BC BC. From the capital of Samaria and other cities were exported in Assyria thousands of Israelis. Assyrians, Babylonians and Hutei were settled in their place. Arriving settlers blended up with the Israelis, awarded many Israeli customs and beliefs and formed a special semi-public, semi-world people, known as Samaritans. After a while they began to consider themselves with real Jews, descendants of Joseph. They created their own Bible, which the grandson of Moses itself was dictated by their legend. Their history has about 2.5 thousand years, and they have been preserved so far as a small group. The Israeli decadened kingdom kingdom died, which existed after the branch from the Jewish two and a half century. These are ten knees and were considered long ago completely disappeared. In the independent Jewish kingdom, 2 knees - Judino (fully) and Veniaminovo (partially) remained.

To establish with the accuracy of which of the ancient knees of Israel is the same group of modern Jews yet. In this article, we will try to collect available information about the spread of some few well-known groups of Jews. But at this, we will not touch the large Jewish communities, such as Sefardskaya, Ashkenazi, Mesopotamsk or Palestinian, who have seen famous areas. It is impossible to determine which of the ancient knees mostly belongs to one or another community is not yet possible. It is customary to belong to two knee, which remained in the Jewish kingdom after the defeat of the Kingdom of Israel. The history of these communities is well known and we will not stop on it. The focus will be focused on a few well-known studies on the peripheral Jewish communities and communities of other religions, presumably having Jewish roots.

Hypothesis 1.

First of all, we note that there is a suggestion that many of the scattered 10 knees of Israel mixed up with Jews in Babylonia during the same name and disadvantaged scattering and in such a quality returned to the land promised at the beginning of the second church (see Sina No. 38 , The IV period in the "History of the Jewish people in chronology from 1700g. BC until 2003").

Hypothesis 2.

The disappearance of 10 knees of Israel gave rise to many other stories about the appearance of heirs of some of the knees. As historians, lovers and professionals acted with messages about the descendants of the Israelis. Some nations and torn off from the civilized world, Jewish communities associated their history with the ancient knees of Israel. One of these stories was the story told by the traveler and the writer who gave himself to the member of the disappeared knee given by the name of Eldad Ben Mahli Ha Dani. In IX century He traveled in Spain, North Africa and Meszopotamia. Describing the Jewish kingdom in East Africa, he argues that the population of this kingdom was the disappeared Knee of Asher, Gada Naftali and Dana. Some philosophers and connoisseurs of the Bible reacted to its "discoveries" with suspicion. The famous Spanish scientist Abraham Ibn Ezra can be attributed to the number of such. However, in our time, the Israeli government reacted with all seriousness to Ethiopian Jews - fabrics and organized their arrival in Israel. These are black Jews who declare that they are origin from King Solomon (1015 - 977 BC) i.e. For several centuries earlier than the fall of the Israeli kingdom. Recently it became known that the other group of the Black population of Africa is also subject to repatriations in Israel - Quaara. They are about 3,000 people. The ether themselves argue that they belong to the descendants of the legendary king of Solomon and the Queen of Sava. Among the Ethiopian Jews there is a tribe about the knee of Dana. This tribe lives in the south of the country. They adhere to legends that their tribe left to the south, refusing to participate in the war leading to the creation of 2 Jewish kingdoms. It should be noted that in Ethiopia and in Israel there are opinions against the assignment of Ethiopian tribes to the descendants of lost knees.
Approximately 500 people living in Uganda in the first half of the 20th century announced that they consider themselves Jews. They opened the synagogues and strictly observe Jewish customs.

Hypothesis 3.

Legends were gaining great fame about the affiliation of the Peruvian Indians to the disappeared knees of Israel. This version was put forward by an official of the Spanish administration Fernando Montizenos and Rabbi Amsterdam Menasha Ben-Israel. Montisenos - Spanish "Maran" wrote "The Story of Peruvian Indians." This theory was supported in 1656. English historian Thomas Torogud. She also received support and a famous researcher of the North American continent of Charles Biti. Even in the writings of the famous historian of America James Adair in the book "The History of American Indians" (1775), a similar version is approved. Already in our time, a group called "Bnei Moshe" seemed to change Catholicism to Judaism. Then 200 people formed a commune in order to study the Torah. Some time later, they moved to Samaria (Israel). In Veracruz (Mexico), a small group of Mexicans declared himself as descendants of Maran who arrived from Spain. Subsequently, they also emigrated to Israel.

Hypothesis 4.

The assumptions about findings began to come from other parts of the world. So the scientist Theologian Norman Maclaud, the Christian missionary in the Far East in the capital labor "Look at the Far East" (1871) developed the theory that the descendants of one of the disappeared knees live on the South Japanese archipelago.

Hypothesis 5.

The scientific community has been very actively connected to these studies. German scientist Paul Marker (1881 - 1945) During research in Kenya and Tanganic, he hypothesized about the origin of the Masai tribe from one of the lost knees.

Hypothesis 6.

At the beginning of the XX century. The American George Moore in the multivolume "history of religions published by him described the nationality in Burma (" White Karen "), in the religious views of which there were Messianic ashes like Judaism.
It is characteristic that these hypotheses did not arise as the fruit of the imagination of people seeking to become a scientific sensation by the people. Some religious groups themselves declared themselves as descendants and heirs of one of the knees that disappeared. An example is American Mormons living in Utah. The founder of sects Joseph Smith declared in his "autobiography" that the "golden arms discovered by them was allegedly written by the Jewish Prophet Mormon, unknown as we fell into America.

Hypothesis 7.

With the emergence of Israel, the search for missing knees was intensified. Jerusalem Rabbi Elijah Avichel has been holding the wicked knee all over the world for several decades. Last year, he published in Israel the book "The Knee Israel", in which the results of his research was outlined. A partnership was founded to verify the existing hypotheses on the origin of various "contenders for kinship". A thorough analysis of the root search enthusiasts led to the fact that the range of distribution of "descendants of the expelled knees" was set. It turned out that the expected knees initially settled in East Asia at the borders of modern Pakistan and Afghanistan. Over time, they moved to the east and north. It was discovered that similar to Jewish religious rituals were preserved in their ancient form. The influence of the Talmud they did not experience. The researcher discovered a number of communities who broke with Judaism. The largest of the lost communities discovered by the Ribe Avhilihil in the area is about 20 million people. This tribe adheres to Muslim religion, but previously it was called "Bnei Israel". Some laws of this tribe are similar to Jewish. Among the preserved customs: the use of robes of similar to the talite with prayers, the custom of marriage brother on the childless widow of the deceased, the ignition of Saturday candles, and abstaining from cooking on Saturday. Their appearance is recognized by the anthropologists of Semitkaya. Family of this tribe resemble the names of Jewish ancient knees: jealous (Reuven), Shotari (Shimon), Daftani (Naftali), Efridi (Efraim), Ashuri (Asher). Some wear Jewish names - Esrael, Shmuel.

Hypothesis 8.

It is not sensitive that Pashtuns in Afghanistan did not hide their origin from 10 knees. They even had some Jewish customs. What, unfortunately, does not prevent them from being currently fanatical Muslims ...

Hypothesis 9.

Semitic appearance is also distinguished by Kashmir (number from 5 to 7 million people.) With a Muslim lifestyle, they have Jewish customs: Ignition of Saturday Candles, Placement of Pans and Beard, and use as David's shield emblem.
Among the discoveries of the Rabius of the Avichel tribes of Karenov, inhabitants in Northeast Burma (5-7 million people). In their traditions, the history of the creation of the world coincides with the biblical, they recognize the legends on the World Flood and the Babylonian pillar, the customs of the sacrifice for the redemption of sins. According to them, they lost the ancient sources, in which the foundations of their faith are recorded, but they recognized their similarity with the Bible brought by a missionary.

Hypothesis 10.

According to the research of the Ribe Avhilius in India, there is also a bush tribe (about 1.2 million people). His customs resemble Karensky. Members of this tribe themselves count themselves to the knees of Menasha and Efraim. They profess Christianity, but at the beginning of the 70s, their movement of the return to the faith of fathers was strengthened. Members of this movement are followed by Saturday, Jewish holidays, teach children in a Jewish school. Of the preserved ancient customs, some are similar to Jewish: wearing a talite, seven-day moms of the deceased and others. Some members of the tribe are undergoing official hyriur and move to Israel.
The famous Indian Religious Specialist Venten Chungy has conducted studies of the Customs of the Mizos tribe living in the Indian state of Mizora in the north-east of the country. He came to the conclusion that this tribe could be relatives of Jews knee Menasha. The number of the tribe is about 750,000 people. The recently significant number of these people requested the Israeli authorities to recognize their origin from the knee of Menashe and resolve emigration to Israel.

Hypothesis 11.

According to the Ribe of Avhilius in the Chinese province, Sichuan lives the Chang tribe. The history of the tribe has 2,300 years. Members of this tribe call themselves the "Sons of Abraham". Avichel believes that Shelonggi, Karen and Chang were one tribe in antiquity, adhered to Jewish traditions. These traditions included rites of sacrifice, covered with women heads, coating by the sacrificial blood pendant houses.

Hypothesis 12.

Following mentally further to the east, Avichel claims that all 10 knees of Israel were dissolved among the Japanese. The evidence of this he finds in the peculiarities of the construction of temples. In the Shinto temples, 3 levels of holiness are distinguished: for all, for clergy and for high priest, shell for hand ablution, a wardrobe for a book, similar to the Covenant Ark. In the robes of clergymen there are threads resembling cycite.

Hypothesis 13.

A significant group of the population of the world, which there is reason to attribute to the descendants of lost knees, constitutes forced Jews (Anusim), living in the Pyrenean Peninsula, which turned into Christianity. The mass appeal under the threat of death or eviction was carried out at 15 V. After that, the Jews ("Marana") continued to secretly observe some rituals of their religion. As it turned out, a significant conversation community is now on Majorca Island. Some of them were accepted by Gyur (see Zion Zion No. 38 "From the history of Jewry on the Balearic Islands").


It should be especially highlighted by little well-known Jewish communities not the territory of the former Soviet Union. Do they relate to the disappeared or preserved knees to answer while it is difficult. Jews appeared in the Crimea in the 1st century. The most ancient testimony dates back to 81 years. There was a Jewish community in Kerch and with her a synagogue. It is assumed that they came here from Asia Minor. In those days, the territory of the peninsula attracted many conquerors. It is known evidence of the creator of the Slavic ABC Cyril about the Jewish community in Chersonese, except for the Jews included and the Khazarov. There are evidence of the existence of communities and in other cities. During the rule of the Khazar (7-10th century), part of the peninsula served as a refuge to the Jews of Byzantium. But after the defeat of Khazaria (965), the Jews continued to live in the Crimea. In 1239, Crimea won Mongols. In the capital of Crimean Khanate, Solhat (Kyrym) existed a Jewish community. In 1475, Crimea was attached to Turkey. The Jewish community of Crimea was influential and rich. She even redeemed Jewish prisoners and helped refugees during Khmelnitsky's massacre. In 1783, Crimea was joined in Russia. The Jewish population of Crimea was divided into 2 groups: Ashkenazi and Crimea. The latter were, apparently, mixed Sephardo-anezia origin. Many customs and clothes of Crimeans were adopted by the Crimean Tatars. They had their own synagogues, and they strictly observed religious rituals. There was a number of caraims in the Crimea. Between the Karaimi and Ashkenazi Jews, the relationship was hostile. After the victory of the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt over the Tatars (1392), some of the Karaimov was resettled in Lithuania. Currently, most caraims of the world live in Israel.

Hypothesis 15.

Two groups of Jews live in the Caucasus: Georgian and Gornyh. The first settled in these edges when Nebuchadnezzar captured the Jewish kingdom and destroyed the first temple. Thus, it can be assumed that Georgian Jews belong to one of the two knees of ancient Judea. After the destruction of the second temple in Georgia, another number of Jews settled. Subsequently, refugees arrived in the country from other places. From the 14th to 19th century, Georgian Jews were considered serfs, churches and private owners. Their position was extremely severe. They lost their tongue and adopted Georgian. After the cancellation of serfdom, the Jews began to move to the city.

In the Muslim regions of the Caucasus, Gorski Jews lived. They considered themselves the descendants of the knees who lived in the Israeli kingdom. Now they live in Dagestan and Azerbaijan. Flying from persecution in Persia, some Jews fled to the Caucasus. As in many Islamic countries, in Muslim districts, they experienced a national and religious nigh. In the early 19th century, the Jews welcomed the Russian troops, for which Muslims were subjected to harsh repression. Under the threat of repression, some of the Jews switched to Islam, but later, many of them returned to their faith. They had their own tattus. Many Caucasian customs have been common among the Mountain Jews, including polygamy, unquestionless subordination of the eldest, blood revenge, etc. Currently, most Georgian and mountain Jews moved to Israel. At the end of the XIX and early XX centuries. In the Caucasus, another ethnic group of Jews appeared - Lahlukhi. They moved from Iranian Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. In the 30s-50s, many of them left the country or were sent to Siberia. Some quantities returned and live in Tbilisi. They speak Novo-Aramaic dialect.

Hypothesis 16.

There is a version that part of the Jewish communities of Central Asia comes from one, maybe from several of the 10 knees of Israel, stolen by assistants. On another part of the Jews it is said that they were resettled there in the era of Nebuchadnezzar after the capture of the Jewish kingdom. Some researchers tend to the fact that part of the Jews fell into these places already in the 1st century after the fall of Jerusalem. The Bukhara Jews themselves believe that they came to Samarkand under Genghis Khan and in later times from Persia. In the Bukhara Emirate, who was from 1868 under the Protectorator of Russia, but not yet attached to it, there was a certain number of Jews. Currently, most Bukhara Jews moved to Israel and in the United States.

Hypothesis 17.

In general, the Jews of Siberia refer to the Ashkenazi group. The first Jews in Siberia appeared after the war with Poland in the 17th century. They were referred to Perm "to the service and for arable land." Many of them were baptized and married Christian women. In 18 V. The Russian government referred to these places condemned for criminal and political crimes. Siberia did not get into the line of settling, so the Jews could come there freely. In major cities, Jewish communities arise.

Under Soviet power, the life of the Jews in Siberia was significantly intensified. Many repressed remained after serving the term of concluding constantly, some were sent to these edges into developing industries, some were in evacuation during the Great Patriotic War and put roots there. Already in 1928, the settlement of the Jews of the Birobidzhan district began. In 1934, this area was declared a Jewish autonomous region. It exists so far despite the fact that the Jews remained very little there.

Dear A.

Your question is one of the biggest mysteries of Jewish history. And not only because we do not know where 10 lost knees were expelled, but because in the tradition of tracing their fate, great erudition is required, since information is scattered and contradictory.

So, let's try to clean up:

In the book, Mlakhim (kings; II 17, 6) it is reported that for violation of all the main laws of the Torah and systematic neglect of the warnings of the Prophets of the Almighty punished the people of the Israeli kingdom. And ten knees who inhabited this kingdom were stolen by the Assyrian king:

(1) On the twelfth year (reign) of Ahaz, King Yeudia, became the king over Israel Oshaya, son of Eil, and (reign) in Schommeron nine years old. (2) And he did what was evil in the eyes of Mr., but not as the kings of Israel, who were before him. (3) And the Shalmanaeser opposed him, the king of Ashursky, and became Oshaya to his servant, and gave him a tribute. (4) and found the king of Ashursky in Oshay to betray, since he sent ambassadors to Coy, the king of Egypt, and did not bring the annual Dani to the King Ashursky; And his king Ashursky delayed him, and sharpened him in the dark house. (5) And the King Ashursky (War) went throughout the country, and climbed to Schommeron, and hesitated him for three years. (6) in the ninth year (from the beginning of the reign) Oshayi Tsar Ashursky took Schommeron; And he expelled Israyltyan to Ashsur, and settled them in Halah, and in Javor, with the Gosan River, and in the cities of Madai.

Let us imagine the scale of this catastrophe - 5/6 of the whole Jewish people were expelled and dissolved in the boiler of history! Even during the Holocaust, a third of our people was destroyed, here we are talking about 5/6 !!!

On the further fate of these Jews there is a dispute in the treatise Sanandrin:

Mishna (110 b) leads the words of Rabi Akiva: " Ten knees in the future will not return. As stated in Chapter Nixavim (Dvrrim 29, 27): "And he threw them on the land another, as of this day (like this day)." How day goes and not returns, so they left and not return. " The opinion of the slave of Eliezer: " Like this day - both in the day of darkness is replaced by light and ten knees: covered with darkness, but in the future will be lit. " Talmud also leads the words of Rabi Akiva that ten knees no share in the future world. Rabi Shimon objects to him: it is only if they remain at the same low spiritual level as at the time of expulsion. If they fix their actions, they will have a share in the future world. Rabi Yeuda A-Nasi leads the words of the prophet Yehayau (27, 13) that "the Ashurskaya missing in the ground will come." From here, Rabi Yeuda A-Nasi concludes that they will seek shares in the future world.

Rashi also quotes the statement from the Treatise of Megel (14 b) that the Prophet Irmaou had already returned at least a part of the representatives of these knees. About those who have not returned, in the treatise of Yuevamot (17a) it is said that they did not leave Jewish offspring.

Jerusalem Talmud says they are behind the Sambhaton River, through which it is impossible to cross on weekdays because of a rapid flow and stones that it throws. On Saturday, the river calms down, but it is impossible to cross it, without violating Saturday. This message of the Jerusalem Talmud confirmed the Jewish traveler, who swore that his words - Truth, before the court of Rabi Joel Ravage, the author of the book Byte Khadash. Modern geography does not know the location of such a river on Earth, especially since after exile ten knees settled, tentatively, in India, Afghanistan, Pakistan. There is a version that Pashtunov, who do not conclude marriages with anyone, except for the representatives of their tribe, exist similar to the names of the knees of Israel's surnames, they make the sons of circumcision on the eighth day and, apparently, are descendants of ten knees. This version is very difficult to accept, because On the territory of Afghanistan and Pakistan, where Pashtuns live compactly, were Jewish communities, and their leaders do not confirm that the Pashtuns were somehow connected with the Jewish people.

Legends and legends say that ten knees had a powerful Jewish state behind the Sambaton River. And it is very strange, because We do not find confirmation in historical sources. One way or another, most likely, judging by the above sources, ten knees will return, but it is now difficult to assume exactly how it happens.

In principle, many surprises are possible at the time of the arrival of Masha, because the descendants and Spanish Marranians can return, and baptized Cantons, and the Jews of the Caucasus, who accepted Islam. Rambam writes that when he comes to Masters, the entire Jewish people will be gathered to him, and he will tell everyone their origin. It can be assumed that this applies to representatives of 10 knees. Wait and see! We wish everyone to live to this time!

Sincerely, Mendel Agranovich

In contact with

Ten lost knees - the tribes of descendants of ten of the twelve knees of Israel, who after death fell into Assyrian captivity.

The historical information about the ten knees is very fraught, and for many centuries, the location of ten knees remained a mystery, multiplied theories, assumptions and hoaxes related to the identification of ten knees among other peoples in Central Asia, Africa and even among the American Indians.

To ten knees include descendants of the following sons of Jacob:

  • Sons of Lii: Rouvim, Simeon, Issahar, Velon.
  • Rachel's sons: Joseph, the two sons of which manassee (Menasha) and Ephraim made separate knees.
  • Sons of Walla: Dan, Nontalim.
  • Sons Zelph: Gad, Asher.

To ten knees do not include the Levi, which performs a special role, and two knees, components - Judas and Veniamin.

In the land promised each knee received his lot.

After death in 928 BC. e. Tsar Solomon In the time of King Rowama, a single Israeli kingdom broke up into two kingdoms: Judea in the south (Knee Land of Judah and Veniamine) and Israel in the north (territory of residence of the remaining ten knees).

Nine knees were departed to the Israeli kingdom - Zavon, Issahar, Asher, Naffalim, Dan, Manassea, Ephraim, Rouvim and Gad.

They were departed a certain number of descendants of Levi, which did not belong to the territory.

About the knee of Simeon says nothing, by this moment this knee could have disappeared. Jerusalem belonged to the Jewish kingdom.

In 732-722 BC e. The Israeli kingdom was captured by Assyria; Most of its population was taken captured and dusted with small groups in various areas of this huge power.

So the first Jewish diaspora began. The majority of the Israelis gradually was assimilated by the peoples, among whom they lived.

Mentioning belonging to specific knees over the years appear more and less. Rare mentions about belonging to ten knees are available at the turn of our era.

According to the new Testament, a certain propheted Anna came from the knee of Asher (Luka 2:36). It is told about the meeting of Jesus Christ with a Samarita (belonging to ten knees), while noted that the Samaritans do not communicate with Jews.

A controversial question is the belonging to the knee of Simeon to the "ten lost knee." This tribe did not live in the north, so it is sometimes believed that the lost knees were nine.

Tribes applying for the origin of certain knees of Israel

Many small groups claim their origin from ten knees. Not all of them are a genetic test on the haplogroup J (Y-DNA):

  • Bnei-Efraim is a small tribe in southern India in Andhra Pradesh, speaks Telluga's language, considers himself descendants of the knee of Ephraim.
  • Bnei-Menasha is a small tribe in the Indian states of Manipur and Mizoram, considers themselves the descendants of the Manassey knee.
  • Bnei-Israel is a group of Jews, speaking Marathi and living in Bombay and large cities of India and Pakistan. Some studies refer them to ten knees.
  • Lemb - DNA analysis conducted by scientists of the University of London, suggests that the African Lemb tribe, inhabitants in Zimbabwe and South Africa, has Jewish roots. The study of the genetic material of the members of this few clan allows scientists to argue that they relate to the genus of Cohen - the Supreme Suggestors of the Temple.
  • The tribe of Malabara (Kerala) in India consider themselves the Jews originating from the Israeli kingdom.
  • Beta Israel, who call himself the Falass in the GEZ language, known as Ethiopian Jews, consider themselves the descendants of the knee of Dana.
  • Persian Jews (and, in particular, Bukhara Jews) consider themselves the descendants of the knee of Ephraim.
  • Jews igboo in Nigeria consider themselves the descendants of the knees Ephraim, Manassey, Zavleon, Ghada and Levi.
  • Samaritans, living in Israel in the cities of Schham and Holon, consider themselves the descendants of the knees of Ephraim and Manassey, who did not go to exile, lived there from biblical times.
  • Georgian Jews - claimed the origin of Issahara.

Tribes applying for an indefinite knee

Some tribes argue that they originate from ten knees, but do not specifically indicate from what. These include:

  • Karaimi. Most religious caraims currently consider themselves a product of the mixture of remnants of ten Israel's knees with proles of Turkic origin, which turned into a guard, contrary to the opinion of their secular leaders who insist on the purely Turkic origin of Karaim.
  • House of Israel (Ghana) - tribe in Ghana.
  • Pashtuns living in Afghanistan argue that they come from ten knees.
  • The people of Qiang from the North-West China consider themselves as descendants of Abraham.
  • anglo-Israelism (en: British Israelism) believe that the British are straight descendants of ten knees.
  • Makua is a Japanese new religious movement, which believes that the Japanese are connected with ten knees that strongly influenced the culture and religion of their countries.

Mormons believe that the Lord promised that Israelis, his cherished people, one day they will collected:

"And collect the rest of my flock from all countries where I expelled them" (Jeremiah 23: 3).

The physical picking up Israel means that the Israelis will be

"They are given home to the Earth of their heritage and ... will settle in all of their lands of the promised"

Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 9: 2

The knee of Ephraim and Manassey will be collected on the lands of America. The knee of Judah will return to the city of Jerusalem and its surroundings. Ten lost knees will receive from the knee of Ephraim promised them blessings.

Modern prophets teach the members of the SPD church to establish the kingdom of God in their own countries. Elder Bruce R. Maccon said:

"Every Number on Earth is the place of collecting the lost lambs of Israel, living in the area. The place of picking Peruvians is located in Zion's stakes in Peru or in those places that will soon become stoles. The place of collecting Chileans is in Chile; Bolivians in Bolivia; Koreans in Korea; And so takes place along the entire length and width of the earth. "

Textbook Basics of Eangelion Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Days, Chapter 42 "Collecting the House of Israel" p.269

Theories about the lost ten knees

Already at the later time and Jews, and Christians, exploring biblical and other sources, began to nominate numerous theories about the fate of the lost knees.

Among the Ashkenazov lost the knees got the name Die Roite Yiddelech (red Jewers), it was believed that they were cut off from the rest of the diaspora the legendary samba river, this river from boiling water and walls of fire and smoke could not be processed.

Scythians and Kimmerians

According to these theories, the Assyrians deported some or all northern knees into Scythia.

Supporters of this theory interpret Behistunsk inscription. This indicated, in particular, George Rosinson.

At the same time, pay attention to the similarity of the Head Upora of the Israeli Tsar Yehi and King Sakov in the far right side of the image. At the same time, the Assyrian name of the House of Israel "Khumri" is phonetically identical with Gimirri (Kimmerians).

Based on this alleged compliance, many theories are being built, attributing the origin from ten knees to various European peoples.

Critics of this theory pay attention to the complete inconsistency and incompatibility of the customs of the Scythians and the Jewish tribes.

British Israelism

Supporters of this theory believe that the Scythians and Kimmerians occur in Angloossexes and further - some European peoples, primarily the British and Americans. The theory arose in England and then spread to the United States.

First of all, this theory was distributed by Herbert Armstrong, the founder of the "World Church of God". Then this organization has cooled to this theory, but it was picked up by other sects.

British-American hypothesis

This theory differs from British Israelism, but believes that Scythians and Kimmerians as descendants of ten knees, spawned various European nations. At the same time, orthodox comments of the rabbis are interpreted as relevant to European peoples \u003d descendants of ten knees.

Proponents of this theory believe that from ten knees occur (partly) Finns, Swiss, Swedes, Norwegians, Irish, Welsh, French, Belgians and the Dutch.

From the knee is given (partially) Danes, Irish and Welsh. At ten tribes also include Khazars.

Helpful information

Ten ladied knees
iVR. עשרת השבטים.

Other hypothesis

There is also a hypothesis that descendants of 10 knees are determined by a genetic test on the Gaplogroup R (Y-DNA). Then the majority of European peoples will enter their number, including Russians. The theory also poorly corresponds to modern studies of archeology and anthropology.


The basis for the hypothesis that the Kurds represent the lost knee is the genetic proximity of the haplogroup J (Y-DNA) of the Jewish clergy (cohons) and Kurds. However, the coincidence from the sample 95 Muslim Kurds with the CMH haplotype was observed only in one case. A detailed statistical analysis shows that the reliability of the conclusions about genetic relationship on the basis of this haplotype is insufficient.

Japanese hypothesis

The hypothesis was also put forward that the Japanese are descendants of ten knees. The base served parallels between Japanese and Jewish rituals and even the language. Also known is the article Cubo Arimas. Joseph Aideberg also came to this conclusion.


There is a theory that the Irish or Island Celts are descendants of ten knees. Supporters of this theory believe that the Prophet Jeremiah visited Irland with the TEFI Princess, owned by the royal family of the Israeli kingdom. At the same time, the parallels between the Jewish and Irish culture are indicated.

Elements of this theory are similar to the position of British Israelites.

Aborigines America

Separate researchers XVII and XVIII centuries. They collected evidence that some tribes of American aborigines occur from ten knees. There are many similar theories.

The Book of Mormon also claims that the American natives originate from the knee of Manassea.

Some researchers, such as Haushua Amariel, see the genetic and linguistic similarity between the Cherokee Indians and Jews.

C final destruction in 719 BC. The Israeli kingdom and with an injury to the considerable part of its inhabitants in Assyria and partly in the mussel, the individual clans, which constituted this kingdom, as if completely disappearing from historical arena.

Biblical chronicles who report many stories about the knee of Jehudovo, and also accompanying him to Babylon's knee of Venyornovo, completely silent about the further fate of the remaining ten knees of Israel. The last message about them chronicler reads: "Israel was transferred from his land to Assyria to this day" (II KN. King., 17, 23). It was written in the Board of the Babylonian king Evil-Merodaha (approx. 560); So, within 160 years after its expulsion, Israel still existed; And then all information disappear about it, as if ten knees of Israel disappeared from the face of the earth.

This can be explained only by one - the descendants of ten knees became pagans and therefore ceased to be mentioned in the Jewish chronicles, in order to do not follow the rest of the Jews.

But where did 10 knees of Israel going?

And it is not so difficult to install as it seems.

Assyrian power was not a huge empire.

The Jews are in the mountains - there "where the cloud went down on them and covered them" - "behind the dark mountains" (Ier. Sang., X, 29c; cf. bemidb. Rab., XVI, 15).

It is also known that in the places of their settlement there is a Sambation River. This river is identified with the zabatus river flowing at the border between Assyria and the mussel.

Eldad Ga Dani, a famous Jewish traveler, speaks of the Knee Isissachar, "I am on the mountains on the mountains, at the end of mydo-Persian land." He also visited the knee of Reubenovo and Zebulonovo on the mountain "Pariap".

From this we can conclude that the Jews rearranged to the north or east of the Assyrian power, in the mountainous terrain.

Such a terrain within Assyria can be either a mussel or urace.

They settled in Urartu, in the Praodine of Armenia.

This is clear because these prisoners did not at all forgot about their Jewish origins.

I remembered your origin and descendants seen in captivity together in the Jews the Phoenicians - Hananei.

And those and others are mentioned by medieval Armenian historians.

Let's start with the fact that hayk, Babylonian venel, who rebels against the Babylonian king, is considered the legendary ancestor to their Armenians. Haik went with his son Aramena and another 300 husbands north. Characteristic and the Jewish name of the son of Armenica - Cadmos (East). Movses Horanatsi in his story brings to us the information of the ancients that the descendants of the 2 sons of Sima adjacent to the ancestors. These sims have joined the ICE and participated in the battle against Belarus.

Assyrians - Babylonian branch (Haldeyev), - the ancestors of the Jews. Movses Horanatsi speaks about the settlement in Armenia and Assyrians - Adramelek and Sanasar, the sons of the king of Assyria Senecherim: "One of them our brave ancestor Skyordi settled in the south-west of our country, near the borders of the same Assyria; It was Sanasar. His offspring was rummaged and multiplied and filled the mountain, called the simom. Subsequently, the outstanding and most important of them, showing loyalty to the service of our kings, awarded the receipt of Sana Bdaschhood of these edges. Ardamosan also settled to the southeast of the party; The chronicler tells that the birth of Arzruni and Gnuni occurred from him. Such is the reason for the mention of Sequeryer. " Sons of Sanhariva, after the murder of his father, fled to Ararat (II C. 19:37 and Is. 37:38).

From this it is clear that the ancestors of Armenians were some semites who left Vabinations in Urartu. Thus, Armenians are not direct descendants of urantsev, but the descendants of the seven hundreds of people mixed with residents.

Who could be these seven?

It is difficult to believe that "Babylonians" separated from the "Babylonian", and from themselves fled to the north.

Obviously, the ancestors of the Armenians were, albeit from among the inhabitants of Babylon, but not by Babylonians, and the prisoners of Jews and the Phoenicians.

The Georgian author of Leonthy of the rover in the "Life of the Kartlist Kings" also talks about the origin of Armenians from Babylon: "On the division of languages, when the Babylonian Tower was erected, and separated from there languages \u200b\u200bacross the world. Targamos came with his entire tribe and established himself between two inaccessible to man by mountains - Ararat (Ararad Corduk region - South Armenia) and Masis. And it was a tribe great and countlessly, he acquired a lot of offspring, children and grandchildren of his sons and his daughters, because he lived 600 years. And did not accompanied their land of Arat and Masis. "

In Talmuda (Kidush., 72a) Samuel includes the terrain of the Middian cities, where the Assyrian Tsar Salmansar reset the Israeli prisoners (II Tsar., 18, 11).

Muski - Muski in small Armenia, north of Meliten. From the text Psal., 120, 5 ("Mount to me, for I lived at Meryash, had a parking lot in the tents of the Kedar"), it is clear that the captive Jews lived there.

Ara - the name of the terrain where the pool and the tiglated pylhesis, Assyrian kings, Knee Ruvimovo, Gadovo and Half of the Manassina Knee (I CN CHRON, 5, 26: "Halah, Habor and Aru and the Gosanskaya River") - Very similar to the name Ararat.

In oral Torah (Eikh Rab, 1), it is described that the Babylonian king Neverchadnetsier (Nebuchadnezzar) immediately after the destruction of the I church, V c. BC) drove part of the Jews to Armenia.

Thus, and the Jewish tradition links the prisoners of Jews in Armenia!

So MVers Khorensha says that from the prisoners of the Phoenicians who settled in Armenia, there is a famous genus of the Gental, "the customs of the husbands of this kind give in them Khananeyev." He also writes that the Tsar Valarshak appoints "dresser dresses, the descendant of the Canaanians, and the genus, I do not know for what reason, Nestini Names." According to other news, Gnuni were Jewish origin, which once again proves that the Phoenicians and Jews are one people (see my articles "The Phoenicians are Jews," "Jews in Carthage" and "Gixos were Jews").

So, Mkhitar Irivanksky, speaking of the times of Moses and Joshua, reports that "Hanides Khanaanitian arrived in Armenia."

The same Movses Horanatsi (like other Armenian authors) writes that the name of the kings of Armenia comes from one prisoner Jew - Bagatuni's shkamba.

It is impossible to imagine everything in our time so that Jews become president of Armenia.

But it is characteristic that, speaking of this, Armenian authors of the Middle Ages do not express any concern or indignation about this.

Obviously, Jewish origin was all the people, and therefore did not have anything unusual in the Jewish origin of the king.

The kings in the Great Armenia were representatives of Herod Tigran IV (approximately 6 g.), Tigran V (60-61), and aristobul (55-60) in small Armenia.

According to chronicle legends, the feudal clans of Amatuny and Mamiconan were also of Jewish origin.

Movses Horanscape writes that Vagarshapat is the capital of Armenia, it has developed a Jewish colony based here under Tigran VI (150-188).

He reports about the 2 captives of the Jews under Tigran Average: the earlier, committed by himself (CN. II, ch. 16), when the immigrants were placed in Armavir and Valarshapat, and later, perfect with him Barzpran Rstuni (KN. II, Ch. 19) who entered the prisoners in the city of Shamiram (that is, in Wana).

According to Mar Abbas-Katina, the author of the History of Armenia, the excerpts of which are given from the same Movses of Horanati, the Armenian king of Haracheay (Gaik II), Contemporanik Nebuchadnezzar, raised from the last one of the most knowledgeable Jewish prisoners by the name Shambat (SMBAT) and took it in Armenia.

From Shambath, the royal Armenian Rod of Baghartuni leads its origin. OK. floor. III century BC. The mighty and wise Jew Shamba Bagarat was mowed by the honors to the Armenian king Wagarshak I "For the former selfless assistance, rendered to the king, for loyalty and courage." He gave him the right to be hereditary Tagadir "Ohm, i.e. to place the crowns on Arshakidov, and appointed him by the head over tens of thousands of warriors in the western limits of Armenia. His high influence of the Bagarat Shamba and after he rejected the offer of Vagarshak to leave Judaism . But this high position of the type of Bagartuni continued not long. Arshak (128-115 BC) demanded from the sons of a bagarat of idols worship. Two of them courageously accepted death for the faiths, other sons agreed to break the Sabbath holiday. The situation of the kind The great (95 BC) worsened (95 BC). According to Moses, Tigran ordered all Nakaram to bring to the victim's temples, but members of Bagratuni refused to be deprived of this and therefore were devoid of bosses over the troops, and one of them, by name ASUD, cut off the tongue. Nevertheless, the dignity of aspets (heads of the cavalry) was preserved behind them, but it was subsequently taken away. Continuous cruel persecution led to the fact that From the genus left Judaism.

Another powerful genus of Jewish origin was, according to Moses of Harensky, Amatuni, moved from the eastern countries to the reign of Artashes (85-127) - was one of the most powerful Armenian tribes, living on the slopes of the Ararat mountains. To date, their villages and castles have been preserved. Amatuni ruled over another population who lived from Yerevan to Gumry. Moses Harensky conveys that this tribe was of Jewish origin that it was from the eastern Aryan countries, that is, from Persia, and that his ancestor was a certain manure, by whom Persians call them so far manuenami. Moses adds that Arsak, the first king of Parafiansky, led them to Armenia and that in his reign they were a powerful tribe in the countries of Ahmadan. Armenian king Artashes is the mythical contemporary of Domitsian, Trajana and Adriana - gave them to the estates. According to the same historian, Amatuny means Advenae - "Aliens" or "proles"; This, perhaps, corresponds to the Persian word amat. They are mentioned in V c. Lazarra from Farp and Agafangel. They delivered Armenia commander, advisers and spiritual persons before the start of the crusades.

In the story of Moses Harensky there is nothing incredible, because all the cities of Armenia and the Caucasus were, according to the chronicles V c., Inhabited by Jews.

The Talmud is also mentioned Rabbi Yakov Armenian (T., Git. 6: 7, 48 a). In addition, Jeshiva (School of Studying the Torah) is mentioned in the Lowbis.

In II century Jewish prisoners were brought from Armenia to Antioch and there were repurchased by local Jews (IEB., 45A).

In 360, according to the Faust of Byzantine, Persians during the invasion of the Persian king Sapra (Shabura), took from the Armenian town of Artashat, Koldashat, Zeragawan, and 75,000 Jewish families, the descendants of those Jews, who were led by prisoners from Palestine Tsar Tigran Arshakun together With high priest Girkan. Jews made up the majority among the exiles of three cities: Ervandaishat, Vana and Nakhichevan.

It is very strange.

It would seem why Persians separate Jews from Armenians and relocate them in Isfahan?

This suggests that there were no hostility between Armenians and Jews, on the contrary, they were allies, and represented a potential threat to Persia.

So, Veniamin Tudelsky (XII century) said that the jurisdiction of Eksilar (chapters of the Jews) was spread, by the way, and the Jews "of the whole Armenia and Cota country, near Mount Ararat, in the country of Alanya."

In addition, the testimony of Abraham Ibn-Dauda applies that Jewish settlements stretch to the Caucasus.

Pethasa Regensburg (XII century) reports that "in the land of Ararat's large cities, but the Jews are very small in them. Before, in the old days, there were many of them; but they exterminated each other, and then they scattered and divided into the cities of Babylonia, Miids , Persia and Earth Kush. " He also assures that during his stay in Baghdad, "his own eyes" of the messengers of the kings of the "Earth of Meshech" and these messengers said that they became the Jews of the kings of the Meshech and their whole earth "and that teachers who are learning" are among the inhabitants of Merychuha Their children of their Torah and Talmuda Jerusalem. "

In 1996, several Jewish tombstones were opened in the area of \u200b\u200bExhegis (Syunik region of Armenia).

In 1910 N.Ya. Marru sent a photograph of the Jewish tombstone found from the village of Alaged (Chairuro-Daralagise County of the Erivan province), i.e. In the historically famous town of Exhegis, Vaiots-Dzora region.

In some periods of the Middle Ages, a number of Jews lived on the territory of Eastern Armenia, as evidenced by the Archaeologists discovered by the Jewish cemetery in Enshegnadzor.

The kingdom of the legendary East Christian emperor John Pleaste, who was ruled by the Jewish land, or adjacent to her, sometimes placed next to Armenia. Ethiopian work on the history of Kebra Negast, dated XIV century, argues that Ethiopia will help Rome (Byzantium) in the elimination of a rebellious Jewish country in Armenia. Geographic collection of XIV century. "Travel Sir John Mandeville," claims that the Caspian Jews were citizens of Georgia Tamara citizens.

Armenia occupies a prominent place in medieval and later legends on the existence of the legendary settlements of "Free Jews". In 1646, Don Juan Meneles offered Turkey to citizenship "Armenia, inhabited by Jews."

A Jews official in the service of Cordvish Emir Hisdai Ibn-Shaprit wanted to send his famous letter to Iosfu, King Khazar, through Armenia, from which it is clear.

Zoki (samonazv. Zok) - Historical and Ethnographic (subecadical) Group of Armenians of Jewish origin, traditionally residents before the beginning of the 90s. XX century On the territory of the Araks region in the uresto, Goktn (Gangton). Sustainable representations of the soking and the rest of the Armenian population about their Jewish origin give the right to consider the title stigmatized group. Zoki identify themselves with the Armenian ethnicity, but among the rest of the Armenian population it is considered by their "Armenian Jews". The historical connection of the Hebrew and Old Armenian peoples confirms the certificates of Armenia in the Old Testament, which is mentioned under the name, which does not occur in any other historical source of anterior Asia, namely: "Togarma" or "House Togarma" (Gen., 10, 3; Hezyek., 27, 14, 38, 6). The descendants of Jewish prisoners led from Jerusalem by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, in a large number of the kingdoms of Parfyan and Persian in the surrounding kingdoms. Armenian historian Favstos Buzand (V in.) Argued that the Armenian king Tigran II (95-55 BC) as a result of a military campaign in 69 BC setulated many Jewish prisoners from Palestine in the cities of Great Armenia . He reports that the Persians in the IV century, under Tsar Shapur II, "destroyed these cities, captured their inhabitants, with them all the Armenian country and Havars together. Of all these Havarov, the edges, the gorges and countries brought them off the prisoners, they drove everyone to the city of Nakhichevan, who was focused on their troops. They also took this city and destroyed and from there were 2 thousand families of Armenians and 16 thousand families of Jews and took together with other prisoners. " It is this region of Nakhchevan (from the X century. Nakhichevan "coincides with the place of residence of the Zok until 1989-1990. Favostos Buzand lists other Armenian cities, from where the Persian Shah brought Armenians and Jews. So, he notes that the Persians from 360 to 370 increased from the city of Artashat - 40 thousand Armenian and 9 thousand Jewish families, from Ervandaishat - 20 thousand Armenian and 30 thousand Jewish families, from Zarezhan - 5 thousand Armenian And 8 thousand Jewish families, dashed - 10 thousand Armenian and 14 thousand Jewish families, from Vana - 5 thousand Armenian and 18 thousand Jewish families. Ya.A. Manandyan wrote that "no doubt that Jews and Syrians ... were a significant part of the urban population in Armenia." Historical evidence of the population of Nakhichevan is available in the work of the Armenian historian of the XVII century. Arakale Davrzhetsi "Book of stories." He reports that at the very beginning of the XVII century, during the Board of the Iranian Shaha Abbas I, many families of the Armenians were evicted from the cities of Armenia, incl. From the major city of Juga and relocated to the other side of the r. Araks, in the depths of Iran, where in the vicinity of Isfahan (then the capital of Iran) they founded the city of Nor-Juga (New Juga). During the reign of Iranian Shah Abbas II, in 1659, a decree was issued in which "Armenians, and with them together and the Gebris tribes (from the Bible. Traditions. - Ivry, in English, Fr. Yaz. - Hebrew (U), in Rus . Yaz. - Jews) prescribed to leave from there and move there, where the Yerevan, Dashtynts and Juginians settled down. Next to Nor-Juga.

Talmud (Jebam., 45a) reports that the prisoners of the Jews were translated into a tivselide from "Armon", that is, Armenia.

Tsar Tigran I (II century BC) invited an additional number of Jews, dragged the mountainous areas of the kingdom for their settlement.

In Armenia, in the village of Egegis, graded stones of the XI-XIII centuries were discovered. With inscriptions in Hebrew and household buildings, items.

According to the Chronicles of the Church of the conquest of Armenia by Persians, in the IV century AD In many Armenian cities, the Jews made up 30-70% of the total population!

The Armenians adopted monophimitas - the direction that was opposed by the hegemony of the Byzantine Church, stating its connection with Israel. Monophizite is very close to Judaism. The Baptism of Armenia itself is associated with the king of Trejat the Great, which in 286 with the help of Romans climbed the hereditary throne. He proclaimed the independence of Armenia from Persia in Union with the Romans.

It is also assumed that the Armenian Church Liturgy has a connection with the music of the Jerusalem Temple. The Armenian word "Sharacan" (songwriter, pensopenia) is easy to reduce to the Hebrew Word "Shir" ("Ball"), which carries the idea of \u200b\u200bthe semantic series "to publish commensurate sounds, sing, glorify." Trudy A.Ts. Idelson, E. Verner, H. Avenaari, etc. revealed the indisputable kinship of Gregorian chants with the canalons of the Babylonian and Yemeni Jews. This continuity was noted in the XIX century: So, V. Stasov argued that "all the Grigorian, Amvrosian and other Christian melodies ... stand on Jewish foundations."

Jewish prophet Jeremiah in the words calling on "War against Babylon: Comerate the kingdom of Airarat and Askanazovskoy's military!" May be confirmed by this my theory: firstly, Jeremiah knows about the existence of Armenia (Ararat), the importance of what else Movses Khorenachi understood Secondly, it is necessary to ask a question, and whether it is possible to somehow explain his call for the Armenians (Aschenazam), if not a) those know the Jewish language, listen to his sermons; c) they are deeply indifferent to the fate of the Jews.

According to Movses Horanatsi, the Jews Tsar Tigran II was settled in Armenia, (Rules in 95-55 BC), more precisely, he twice rearranged the Jews to Armenia. He is heading to Palestine, the Jews captures, and proceeds to the siege of Ptolemiad. Ptolemaid was south of the Tire, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Tigran captured the Jews before approached her, i.e. He captured Syria Jews. The Armenian king will set the prisoners of Jews in Armavir and in the village of Vardgeza, that on the r. Casa. Even below, briefly told about this village, Movses repeats that Tigran settled half the first captivity in him, and became this village to the city settlement with the corruption.

The second capture, according to Movses Horanatsi, was due to the fact that Armenians intervened in the internecine seizure of two applicants for the Jewish throne - antigone and girkan. Armenian troops with the help of supporters of Antigone joined Jerusalem and, without damaging, seized only the property of the girkan. Making raids on the surrounding areas, they robbed girkanic supporters. The residents of the city of Marisi took captions, put the king of Antigone, and the girkan in the way, along with the prisoners led to Tigran. Tigran ordered to settle the prisoners of Jews in the city of Shamiram (Shamirov - Armenian name of Queen Semiramides), that is, in Vanya. As it is known that Girkan lost the throne in 40 g. BC, Movses was wrong: the 2nd part of the Jews was resettled to Armenia not by Tigran, and his son Artavadom II, who reigned in 55-34.

From these stories, Movses Khoranya can be made a few interesting conclusions: Armenians were considered the Judea zone of their interests, and also conducted a policy of resettlement of Jews to their cities.

Talking about the invasions of the Persians to Armenia, Movses Horanatsi writes about the order of the Persian Shah "to capture the Jews, those who were presented (in Armenia) in the days of Tigran and lived in Vana, remaining at their faith. Also captured those Jews who lived in Artshate and Valarshapat, which in the days of St. Grigor and Tredat believed in Christ. "

From here it is seen that the Jews of Armenia adopted Christianity.

In the pre-revolutionary "Jewish encyclopedia" it is written: "Some scientists are ar-meane claim that it is their people from 10 knees of Israel, and indicate some customs observed by the Armenians when cutting livestock and relative to the species of animals used in food." In the article about Turkey, there is also said there: "In the east of Turkey, in Vilayetas Van and Mosul, Jews live, who consider themselves straight descendants of prisoners in Assyria and tagranized by the Armenian king Tigran III. From the natives, the latter are no different, except for long curls above the temples. Of the 5,000 Jews of Vilayet, only 360 people remained true to Jewry, the rest accepted the Armenian faith. "

One of the researchers of the Jewish-Armenian question, Gagik Sargsyan, Academician Joseph Orbeli told that even in the beginning. Xx in. The peasants from the villages surrounding Van were seen in the residents of the city of Jews relocated to Armenia Tigran Great. It is the opinion that the baths are descendants of the Jews. In general, the most name - Wang reminds the Jewish name of Bana (Vaana, Vahan).

In Armenia and in Turkey there is a religious and tribal group - Pakaradonians. They are Christians, but do not marry with other Armenians, do not eat pork, observe Shabbat. There is a legend that they are the descendants of the Babylonian Jews that moved to the Caucasus during the time II of the temple.

Former Israeli President Itzhak Ben-CVI described the strange case that occurred with his friend Haim Greenberg. After the revolution, Greenberg lived in Kiev and studied at the university. One day, the Armenian professor of Egyazarov called him to visit him and stunned the following statement: "You, of course, studied Hebrew. So, if you drop the end, my surname sounds like this: Echserver! In our family there is a legend that we are descendants of the Jews. Therefore, there is a tradition to give children Jewish names and treat it to this people with warmth ... "

The Armenian theory of the origin of the semites was still developed by Ernest Renan (Histoire G; N; Rale des Langues S; Mitiques, Livre V, CH. 2, § 6) and a.y. Garkavi ("Study on the initial habitat of seven, Indo-European and Khamitov"). So, E. Renan allocates 3 anthropotype of the Jews, but most of the Ashkenazov belong to the Armenoid type and its margins. Ashkenazic variety of armenoid type is distinguished.

The Great Antioch moved many Jews to Apameshoy, not Syrian, but located in the "Frigian region" ("antiquity", XII, 3, § 4). According to the "Jewish Sivallin Books" (I, 261), Mount Ararat, on which Noah's Ark was stopped, was in Frigia, "therefore, the Syrian king reached the Jews to Armenia.

According to legend, it is in Armenia who lives the eternal Jew (Agasfer) - a Jew, the witness of the martyrdom of Jesus Christ.

The ancient Armenian historian Egyse lets that before Christianity, Armenians celebrated Saturday, and in the original on Grabar (Old Armenian), the phrase "meeting of Saturday" is reflected in the word "sabathmut", i.e. The beginning of Shabbat (Saturday) in Friday evening.

Movses Horanatsi also writes that the "Armenian" kings (in fact, the Arsakid - Iranians) cost more efforts to increasing the Jews to idolatry, and that many of the Jews "gave life for gigting."

The same testifies to Ovanes Durakhanakerttsi (40th. IX century. - 925): "During his [Arshak, the reign, II century.] Some of the Jews who lived in the Earth of Bulkharov, which in the Caucasus gorges separated and separated and They came, settled at the foot of Kola [Cole - Mountain in the first, the same name Havar Taika / Gel, which occupies the territory at the origins of Kura]. Two of them, who were subjected to the torment for not worshiping the gods, were ruined by the sword for the faith of fathers, following the example of St. Eleazar and Sons of Falls.

It is known that Armenia's Jews forcibly baptized and the Byzantine emperor of Armenian origin Mauritius (582-602).

In a number of sources, Armenia is referred to as Amalek, the Jews called Armenians by Amalekites. The same term was used in Byzantium for their designation. Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bwrote that Amalek was conquered by Knee Veniamine in the reign of Saul and that the descendants of this tribe marked the beginning of Judaism in Armenia.

The same Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bwrites that Jews Jews were captured by the Armenian king of Artavan II (55-34 years. BC) and sent to the Vana district. But his father Tigran II (95-56 BC) a lot of artisans-Jews were resettled from the Hellenistic cities of Malaya Asia.

Rightly associated Armenians with the Jews Movses Kalankatui (Kagankatvaci) - "And also, in readings, about David and James, it is said that in some other cities Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. In those cities, this is explained by the fact that they appealed to Christianity from the pagans, and not from the circumcised [Jews]. In the days of paganism they had a sunrise to celebrate that day, and therefore they did not want to give up this holiday. Therefore, the apostles were forced to agree with them and appoint them the Christmas of Christ on this day. And those who appealed to Christianity from the circumciphered, [Christmas] are celebrated everywhere on January 6, which was transferred to our ancestors, so we note to this day, because, as the [Isaiah] says, "the law will be released from Zion The Lord is from Jerusalem "(Isaiah, 2, 3)."

That is, Movses Kalankatuisky directly wrote that the ancestors of the Armenians were cropped - Jews, which confirms the words of Egyse, about the chambbate once celebrated by the Ancestors.

In addition, the conclusion that I - that is, that Armenians are the descendants of the Jews of Mucked with Urantians, "many historians came, for example, the Turkish historian of the Jew Abraham Galanti (1873-1961). So he found traces of stay of the Jewish population in Malaya Asia in the area from Cappadocia to Kilicia: Aegina (now Kalia), Daende, Div Rica and Arapkir. The name of the ancient city of Egin (Agin) in Armenian "Look" or "Source". It is similar to the word Ayin in transcription from the Hebrew. Next, Galanta came to the conclusion that even at the beginning of the XX century. The Egina existed a Judeo-Armenian religious community, who named Pakradunis, distinguished from other Armenian communities with the norms of internal life and some traditions. Dolichocephalus skull and other features of the appearance brought them to the Jewish type. Compliance with seven-day mourning is a common Jewish tradition. Close of Jewish and other customs. Residents of these cities do not eat pork, comply with some Saturday's laws, use wine produced only by community members. They prevail intradited marriages. Galanta believed that the names of the Armenians of the Israelian type called the Armenians confirms its version.

Many celebrate the amazing similarity of Armenians and Jews - their business qualities, talents in medicine, astronomy, sense of humor, etc. No wonder there are sayings like "One Armenian", "where Armenian passed, the Jew did not do what the Armenian, the Jew.

There is even an expression: "Armenians are the Jews of the East."

Due to the same talentedness to certain types of activities, Armenians and Jews were often competitors, hence the hostility between these two nations.

However, the hostility of Armenians and the Jews are caused by the surrounding peoples. Armenianophobia has a lot in common with anti-Semitism. Armenianfob V.Velichko, for example, wrote: "Who are the Armenians? Their origin is little clarified. History indicates a merger with them at first during the Babylonian captivity, and then after the destruction of Jerusalem a huge mass of Jews. From an anthropological point of view, in most, extreme brachitzers, i.e., short-headed and are most similar in this regard, as can be seen from the studies of Shantra, Erkert, Potnyukhov, etc., with the Gorish Jews and Sirochhaldi (Ishorami). English scientist Britin considers them in the people of one type with the Jews of the DopaneSinsky period. "

In general, the history of the Jews of scattering and Jewish states is very similar to the history of Armenians, Armenia and the Armenian diaspora.

Also, the very name of the Armenians may indicate the origin from the word "Araram", and after all, the Aramaic language was once a language of Jews.

European Jews are called Ashkenazi. Ashken - Armenian Own Name, because Western Armenia once won the Scythians (Magog's Kingdom), the people of Iranian origin. Ashkenaz, in the Bible (Genesis, X, 3) and Armenia in Jeremiah (Ier., 51, 27, 28) is mentioned in connection with the kingdoms of Arart and Minnie and next to the mussel as a tribe, hostile to Babylonians.

Anonymous Khazar Jew - so called. Cambridge Anonymous wrote that the ancestors of the Jews of the Khazaria fled from Armenia, because "Could not endure Iga idolaters."

Kurdish Jews call themselves Antsha Targum (`The people of Targum`), like Armenians and ha-burdens.

Geographer Shemeud-Din-Diemski calls Khazar Armenians.

In the Bulgarian historian Bakhshi Iman Khazara, from Arman (Armenia): "According to Beck, the Khazars were the most Samara Bulgarians, whom Bardges [Persians] were evicted from Arman [Wed Reports to evict the Jews from Armenia Persians] to Kashan. " Moreover, he, from the words Khazarina Jambek, the son of the historian Khazar Karamysh, actually repeats the thought of Khazar-Judea Cambridge Anonymous about the look of the Khazar on Armenia as his homeland: "Under the pressure of the Cumanov Selzhuki [the broken from the Khazar] left their baylick and moved through Horacean To the sacred for the Bulgar [\u003d Khazar] Lakes Ban [Van, Western Armenia] and Saban [Sevan, Armenia] in the original Bulgarian [Khazar] region of Arman, to clear this land from the unfaithful things that were dispersed in it ... ".

According to Sinkell (I, 91) and Armenian historians (Samuel Armenian Y Eusevia, Chron. Ar-Men., II, 12) and Movses Horani, descendants of the "House of Togarma" (;;;;;;;;) are Armenians. But the Khazars considered themselves the descendants of Togarma.

Jewish authors called Jews-Khazar Mineia, which reminds the old name of Armenians. According to the story of the Zhazar king Joseph, the Jews of Khazaria fled from "Armenia ... and our ancestors ran away from them ... Because I could not endure Iga idolaters." Khazars considered themselves the descendants forgotten by the faithful knees of Israel, which is consistent with the above-described legend about the origin of the Armenians from the enemies of Babylon. The descendants of Khazar, many consider Ashkenazi Jews, and the word "Ashkenaz" the Bible calls Armenia (see the chapters about the Khazarah and Howse).

In one of the archival documents of the XIX century. There is also such a definition: "Okokhans (Khazars) were called immigrants to Persia and came from Persia Armenians, settled in the vicinity of the Holy Cross."

And indeed, modern science knows that originally, the Khazars were Iranian.

Armenian Fotoi Emperor (Armenian) Lev Philosopher called "Khazar Morda".

According to the ancient Russian legend, the 3 brothers - the founders of the city, ascending to the Khazara, brothers Kii, the cheeks and chorify their sister Swan founded the cities named by the names of the brothers - Kiev, and others. In the "Taron History" Brothers of the Quehar, Meteki and Chorian (and their sister Karap, - "Swan" in Armenian!) We also base cities in Armenia named in their honor. So-called "Vlasova Book" (although the source is doubtful) The foundation of Kiev connects with the Smbat Baghantuni - the Jew in the service of Armenians, Byzantium and Iran, and from Bulgarian sources, we again see the founder of Kiev of the same Sambat, and the most ancient name Kiev Sambat proves it, with What are some Armenian enthusiasts agree.

In fact, the Bakhshi Iman Shambat is the nephew of Atilkese (Asparan) and Bat-Boyana - the great-grandfather of Tubzhaka, the great-grandfather of Bel-Kermek, the son of Atille Ahibata (humiduals) - the routine of the genus. Shambat erected the city of Basht (Kiev), separated and called his country - Dulk.

The inventor of the Slavic Alphabet Armenian Kirill visited Khazaria and owned by Khazar language with a missionary goal. Mesrop Mashtots translated the Gospel to one of Albanian dialects, adapting the writing of Ak-Khazirov (White Khazar), whose language is similar to the gargarov language, i.e. For Movses, Horanatsi Mashtots creates an alphabet for the Gargarian (Kangar) language: "Stegts NShanagirs Kokordakhos Aghkhazur Hjakan Khetsbekazunin Aynorik GargaratsVots Lezun" ("created letters for rich in the thorny sounds of the White Khazar [" AGH "-" white "," khazur "-" Khazar "] similar to the barbaric Gargarian"). And as A. Perihahanyan noted, Mashotots could not create an alphabet for the language, he was unfamiliar.

The descendants of Khazar, many consider Ashkenazi Jews, but the word "Ashkenaz" the Bible calls Armenia. The term ASKENAZ is etymologized on the basis of Iranian languages. I; kuza-a; kenaz - sakas; n; -sacasinae -; aka ;; n literally means "habitable, place of residence of Sakov, Sakov country"< др. ир. Saka;ayana – сложное слово, составлено из следующих композитов: 1 – Saka- «Скиф, Сак – иранское название скифов, тотемического происхождения 2. др. ир. *;ayana – «обиталище, место проживания, поселок», ср. авест. ;ay;na, среднеперсидский;;n (> Old and NovoarMyansky ;; n, cf. In a huge number of Armenian toponyms Geta; N, Verni; N ,; Nuhayr, etc.), cf. Dr. ind. ; Ayanaka - "Dwelling, lively, prosperous locality", cf. arm. ; en "welfare, prosperous (about the city, settlement)", cf. Khazar kingdom Saksin.

Magomedov noticed that Christianity from Khazar and Alban Armenian origin.

According to Kumyk citizens, near Karabudchkent was a stone statue, which was a rider in full armament sitting on the stallion. The rider kept 3 fingers with his right hand on his forehead, as if to be baptized. Kumyki said that this statue represents Ermeli (Armenian), who appealed to the stone when Muslims wanted to kill him.

Thus, this conclusion can be made - the prisoners of the Jews settled in Armenia, where the part was mixed with the locals and moved away from Judaism.

Another part of the Jews retained his faith and went to Dagestan and in Chechnya gave the beginning of Judeo-Khazara.

From crushed by Russian and ceps in 965 Khazaria, the Jews were part of the part on the west, I was adopted by Islam, giving the beginning of Kumykov and possibly Vainahum (see my article "Chechens and Jews"), which traced the total language layer with Urartu and Legends about living in Nakhichevan, etc.

The westing Judeo-Khazars were mixed with the East European Jews to form the largest Jewish subethnos - Ashkenazov.

Since the Assyrians in the VIII century BC expelled ten Jewish tribes From their land, the further fate of these people is unknown. Where did they go? What happened to exiles then? Historians did not receive an unambiguous answer to these questions so far.

Making a small excursion to biblical history and start with the Patriarch of Abraham or, even better, with his grandson Yakov. God appeared the last in a dream towards Mesopotamia and blessed him to become the founder of the Jewish people. Yakov gave birth 12 sons: Ruvima, Simon, Levi, Jude, Dana, Naffalim, Ghada, Asira, Issahara, Zavalone, Joseph, Veniamine, each of whom later became the father of one of the tribes of Israel.

In the country, Hanan tribes settled on the banks of the Jordan River. Later, the monarchy was installed, and the descendants of the sons of Yakov had a single ruler, but after the death of King Solomon, the state was divided into two. From the tribes of Judah and Veniamine, who lived in the south, ten other tribes who mastered the northern regions were separated. These knees began to manage the monarchs who transmitted the throne inheritance. The peoples of Judas and Veniamine, as being considered, are the ancestors of modern Jews. And what happened to ten northern knees? Where are their descendants?

In 722-721 BC The king of Assyria Salmanasar V captured Samaria and expelled the ten peoples of the Northern Kingdom. People starred from emerging places and together with small children and old men, with a scark, which could be held on the carts and on foot and the Mesopotamia and the city of Indian (modern Syria and Iraq). Crying and laminations rose over crowds of exile. Many could not make deprivation and died on the road. What happened with survivors, no one knows.

The Prophet Ezekiel predicted the future to unite all the Jews on the promised land. In many areas of the globe, people may have descendants of the disappeared tribes: in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Kenya, Nigeria, Armenia, Iran, Central Asia and North Siberia, in Africa, South America, Australia and Ireland. There is no indisputable evidence, but the Jewish elements of the cultures of some peoples living in the above regions indicate a possible connection with the missing tribes.

Jews Ethiopia

One of the first well-known researchers of this riddles was Veniamin from Tudela, who lived in Spain in the XII century. He spent most of his life by traveling in search of descendants of people belonging to ten mentioned tribes, and visiting Jewish communities, recorded impressions in the diary. By visiting Persia and the Arabian Peninsula, Veniamin collided with Jews, who, according to his conviction, were direct descendants of the expelled Israelis.

Their self-sufficiency and ferocity were deeply struck by the researcher. Veniamin wrote: "In Persia, the descendants of the tribes Dana, Zavulone, Asira and Nontalim live. They manage the ruler Joseph. Among these people there are scholars of men, knowledgeable in various sciences. They sow cereals, removing a rich harvest, consist in a military union with pagans who worship the wind and living in the wild. "

During the journey in Arabia, Veniamin also visited large Jewish cities surrounded by powerful defensive structures. Locals were distinguished by militancy and in the Alliance with Arabs made raids on the peaceful tribes of Arabia. The townspeople reported Benjamin that their progenitors are ruver and reptiles.

When in 1492, Christopher Columbus took a journey and opened new lands, no one assumed that his appearance would change the fate of the Aborigines. But perhaps Columbus was not the first resident of the old world, sailing to America. Missionary Bartolomeo de Las Casas at the beginning of the XVI century. I met the Indian tribes in Peru and Guatemala, whose legends read that their ancestors arrived from the east, overlooking the ocean. In addition, the Indians observed many Jewish rituals.

After 120 years, the similar report of the Portuguese traveler Antonio Montesinos caused a sensation among scientists in Europe. Montesinos met in the Andes of the Indians who read the excerpt from the Torah. Their clothes, pottery and other household items decorated the star of David. Manascia Ben Israel, Dutch scientist, respected both in Christian and in the Jewish circles, strengthened the idea of \u200b\u200bAmerican Indians as descendants of Jewish tribes.

Under the impression of the Montesinos report and inspired by his own mystical glances, the scientist wrote the book "Nadezhda Israel", in which the Jews scattered around the world, unite. In 1655, Manassea met in Westminster with Oliver Cromwell and presented a petition about returning all Jews to England, expelled from the country. In his opinion, foggy Albion - and there is the land promised.

Fantastic manifesto 1665 shook the Jews. Rabbi Nathan Gazi announced a Messiah, designed to unite all the Jews, Sabbetaya Zevi from Izmir. In Manifesto, it was argued that the latter appeared on the land on the dragon on the seven heads. On the path, the Messiah attacked Gogh and Magog, the enemies of Israel, who headed the huge army.

However, Sabbetai with the help of fire escaped from his nostrils, was able to break enemies. Nathan announced that the Savior is on the way to Jerusalem, and when he arrives there, God will erect the temple of gold, decorated with precious stones, and the whole city will be filled with glitter. On that day, when it happens, the dead will stand out of the graves.

The news swept from the country to the country. Many Jews began to sell property and prepare for traveling to the Holy Land. Who was the newly new messiah? Sabbetai Zevi was born in Smyrna in Malaya Asia in 1626 and was dedicated to San Rabbi aged 18. Under the influence of mystical teachings, Kabbalah, he declared to suffering from the Jews that the atonement hour struck.

Such ideas spread to Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Italy. It was a rumor that a huge army of descendants of ten tribes moves across Africa towards Mecca. Turkey's alarmed authorities in 1666 arrested Zevi and turned it into Islam. Following this, thousands of Jews also became Muslims.

Possible descendants of the disappeared tribes are a large group of peoples, calling himself by patanas (Pashtuns). They live on the border of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir. Patanians believe that they are origin from Kish, the ancestor of the biblical king Saul. They wear clothes similar to Jewish, respect the Jewish taboo concerning food, and celebrate the Jewish Easter. In South Africa, tens of thousands of blacks belonging to the lemb tribe, say that hundreds of years ago were cut off from their fellow Jews.


But perhaps the most exotic place where the expected Jewish tribes could settle are Japanese islands. There are thousands of words and geographical names in Japanese, the etymological roots of which cannot be traced. All of them have a Jewish sound. The Emperor of Japan's Axis, which has ruined around 730 BC, a number of historians associate with the last king of Israel Osi, who lived in times when the Assyrians expelled the Jews.

Shinto temples of that period resemble ancient Israeli. Among the artifacts found in Japan, some have obviously Assyrian or Jewish origin. These include, for example, a well in Koriugi with the words "Well of Israel" in the words "well. The preserved parts of the ancient cart sharply differ from Japanese and similar to those described in the Old Testament. Maybe the ancient Israelis on these carts committed a trip through all of Asia?

It is not by chance that samurai believe that they came to Japan from Western Asia about 660 BC. The word "samurai" itself sounds similar to the word "Samaria". But what of the ten tribes settled in Japan? Some historians put forward a hypothesis that Mikado, Japanese emperor, is a descendant of the tribe of the Gada. The word "Mikado" itself sounds like a Jewish term meaning "His Majesty Tsar" ...