Front version of the EGE on the history of phii.

Around May month, the emes of the early period are published. The purpose of the publication is to grant additional opportunities to prepare for the exam.

Early EEH EEGERS 2017

Thing Download the starting option
History 2017 year iStoriya.
2016 vARIANT EGE 2016.
2015 variant EGE 2015.

It is published by one version of the KIM used to conduct the eg of the early period of 2017.

Changes in the structure of Kim on history compared with 2016:

No changes in structure and content.

The maximum score is changed for performing tasks 3 and 8 (2 points instead of 1). Improved wording of task 25 and the criteria for its estimation.

All tasks (in brackets - including the evaluation criteria for the composition) - 25 (31);

of these, by type of task:

with a brief answer - 19;

with an expanded answer - 6 (12);

in terms of complexity (including the criteria for the evaluation of the composition): b - 16; P - 8; AT 7.

Maximum primary score for work - 55.

The total time of work is 235 minutes.

Structure Kim Ege 2017 on History

Each version of the examination work consists of two parts and includes 25 tasks that differ in the form and level of complexity.

Part 1 contains 19 tasks with a brief answer. In the examination work proposed the following types of tasks with a brief answer:
- tasks for choosing and recording the correct answers from the proposed list of responses;

- tasks for determining the sequence of data of these elements;

- tasks for establishing conformity of items, data in several information series;

- Quests on the definition of specified features and recording in the form of a word (phrase) of the term, names, name, century, year, etc.

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding record in the form of a sequence of numbers recorded without spaces and other separators; the words; phrases (also recorded without spaces and other separators).

Part 2 contains 6 tasks with an expanded response that detects and evaluating the development of graduates of various complex skills.
Tasks 20-22 are a set of tasks related to the analysis of the historical source (conducting the source attribution; extraction
information; Attracting historical knowledge for analyzing the source problem, the position of the author).

Tasks 23-25 \u200b\u200bare associated with the use of receptions of causal, structural and functional, temporary and spatial analysis to study historical processes and phenomena. Task 23 is associated with an analysis of any historical problem, situations. Task 24 - Analysis of historical versions and assessments, the argument of different points of view with the involvement of the knowledge of the course. Task 25 implies writing historical essay. Task 25 Alternative: The graduate has the opportunity to choose one of the three periods of the history of Russia and demonstrate their knowledge and skills on the most familiar historical material. Task 25 is estimated on the criteria system.

The exam on history is usually a little more than 5 percent of students who scored high scores. Two two times more than two times.

It is noted that not everyone can work with maps and actual material. Schoolchildren are often mistaken when answering questions about the Great Patriotic War. Pupils do not always understand the difference between it and the Second World War.

Before exams, it is recommended to repeat the dates, refresh in the memory of the names of the commander, heroes, statesmen. So, at the exam of 2016, about 20 percent of graduates wrote that the Hero of the Soviet Union is the fighter - a diversionist executed by the fascists in 1941 Lydia Ruslanov, and not Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. There were those who marchal Alexander Vasilevsky sent to the battle to the Chesmen Bay of 1770, while he was the head of the General Staff during the Great Patriotic War, commanded the 3rd Belarusian Front, led Konigsberg's assault.

The general-tech examination on history refers to the category of samples. It must be passed if the student plans to continue learning in that requires this certificate. The story will be useful if you chose jurisprudence, sociology, art history, cultural and design, architecture as a professional activity. This item traditionally relates to graduates to the category of discharge.

The surrender of history requires not just damage of dates or surnames, but also the skills to operate with facts, make reasonable conclusions and is argued to express their attitude to processes and phenomena. For the successful surrender of the history exam, it is worth learn about possible changes in the kima, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is included in the 2017 sample ege, and to know how to prepare for writing a historical essay. Talk about it more!

Demo version of EGE-2017

Dates ege on history

Specialists from Rosobrnadzor allocated the following dates for the history of history:

  • Starting period. The early exam will be held March 16, 2017, as a reserve day allocated on April 3, 2017. To take the exam before the main term, you will need to write a statement (until 1.03.2017), as well as to enter one of the categories of participants in the early exam (a list of such persons is shown below);
  • The main stage. The main exam is scheduled for June 2, 2017.
  • Backup date. Reserve day - June 19, 2017 (in case of force majeure, there is another reserve day for all items - June 30, 2017).

No matter how early to pass the test in the form of an exam, not everyone can pass the story early. By the number of those who have the right to early passing the USE include:

  • graduates of past years and those who ended the evening school;
  • participants of All-Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, creative reviews or the Olympiads that will be held during the exam;
  • eleventh graders who decided to go to the university;
  • schoolchildren whose health requires treatment or prevention;
  • graduates leaving the territory of Russia due to the change of residence or for training in an overseas university.

Statistical information

Statistics of past confirms that history is one of the most popular items on the choice - in 2016, more than 159 thousand students wrote down the application for this exam (in 2015 they were 20 thousand less). However, this test is given to single-graders not at all. Checking this exam found out that it was not possible to overcome the minimum border as much as 15.9% of graduates.

Soon the history exam may enter the top three mandatory ege

However, this indicator has improved a bit compared with the previous period, when "duals" was recorded about 16.5% (with a smaller number of examinations). The guys with the highest score turned out to be quite a bit - only 96 people were able to demonstrate ideal knowledge and write an exam without a single mistake. On average, students give a story by 46.7 points, which can be interpreted as an assessment of "satisfactory".

All this indicates that you will have to pay a lot of strength and time preparation to show a decent result. In addition, recently, rumors are increasingly emerging that the third mandatory subject will be introduced into the exams. The story has a very high chance of getting into the top three, which are submitted.

Changes in kima history

According to information provided, in the structural and meaningful part of the tickets for this discipline changes are not expected. Among the changes are worth noting:

  • increased score for the correct execution of tasks number 3 and No. 8, which are now estimated at 2 points instead of 1;
  • clarifications in the formulation of task number 25.

The structure and content of the history of history

Kim on history consists of 25 tasks that are divided into two parts:

  • part 1 includes 19 tasks involving a short response in the form of a number, sequence of numbers, words or phrases;
  • part 2 consists of 6 tasks in which you need to give a detailed answer. In this part of the exam, you will also have to write a small historical essay on the period offered to choose from.

Although this ege is popular, it is still considered quite difficult

This EEH will require disciples to demonstrate skills in the search and systematization of historical information, as well as experience working with cards and schemes, knowledge of key dates and periods in the history of Russia and foreign countries, understanding the terminology, the main historical facts, processes and phenomena, the ability to work with historical Texts.

The tasks of increased complexity are aimed at checking the skills of carrying out structural and functional, spatial and temporary analysis when working with historical sources, actual material, phenomena and processes, as well as the ability to operate with historical information when conducting discussion and writing an essay.

The procedure for holding an exam on history

The time allotted for the examination will be 235 minutes. The history of history does not imply any additional materials in a graduate. On the exam, you will come in handy only a handle, so all the extra items will have to be left behind the door. You should not try to carry with me directories, smartphones or smart clocks in the hope that you can write off the answers.

Any of these items will become an unequivocal reason to remove you from the exam and invalidative assessment. In addition, in the order of the USE, it was stated that students are strictly forbidden to leave the audience without permission and maintain observers, to get up from the place, turn to the neighbors and discuss something with them.

To prepare for the exam, it is important to use textbooks and demo version of tasks

How is the history of history?

Recall that the minimum that the student should gain on this subject is 32 points. We also advise you to pay attention to the information that in 2017 the scores for the exam may be taken into account in the school certificate. If you translate the received points into a regular assessment system, the distribution is as follows:

  • graduates who scored from 0 to 31 points, demonstrated unsatisfactory knowledge, so these points are equal to the "2" mark;
  • students who scored from 32 to 49 points know the story at a satisfactory level, their estimate is "3";
  • high school students who received from 50 to 67 points know the subject well, so they get the mark "4";
  • graduates who scored for the exam from 68 points and higher, have excellent knowledge and get "5".

You can get acquainted with your points for the exam in the announced time, registering on the portal of the exam. To identify your personality, you will need to enter passport details.

Preparation for the history of history

The overall complexity and a large number of tasks in kima in history will require a competent distribution of time allotted to solve them. Completed to work in stress conditions, of course, it is not easy, but the excitement can be minimized. To do this, go home the demo version of the USE, which is offered to download on our website (see above).

So you can reduce the time loss associated with the understanding of the instructions, as well as configure the exam psychologically. The proposed demo version is the development of employees of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, so the tasks that will be in real kim are similar to the trial on topics and formulations.

The essay is an important and integral part of the examination on history in 2017

How to write an essay?

It is advisable for this part of the work not more than 45-60 minutes. When preparing you should familiarize yourself with the theme of past years and write on each of the topics a test essay according to the claims. To obtain a good evaluation for the writing, you must comply with the planning plan proposed methodologies, which includes such moments:

  1. Write an introduction from several proposals that give the characteristic of the period as a whole.
  2. Outline two phenomena, events or process that have become iconic for the specified period.
  3. Create examples of two historical personalities who have played a prominent role in the described processes and events; Indicate what way they influenced this historic period.
  4. Analyze the presence of causal relationships between events or processes.
  5. Make a conclusion that gives a general assessment of the analyzed historical period.

Pull the attention on the fact that the points for the last parts of the work are exposed only if the student managed to properly characterize the period of time as a whole and call the phenomena that happened in it. If the first part of the essay does not meet the requirements of the Commission, the rest of the work is not evaluated.

The examination option in this publication was proposed to graduates at the early stage of the history of history on March 20, 2017.

On the content of Kima, we can say the following:

In tasks 1-2, the content is usual, without surprises, except for the mention of Ipatiev chronicles. As a rule, there is no such concretization.

In task 3, in my opinion, the terms associated with the XVIII century began to appear very often. Maybe this is a subjective look, but somehow it seems that other periods are undervalued in this regard.

The term in the fourth, on the contrary, rather non-bank. It is worth identifying numerous purchases, orders and other tyunov with flames. But not long, but even at night they dream together with some governor, chargeting with you a virgin :)

5-7 tasks are quite normal, nothing special.

Here in the 8th question about the scout, perhaps surprised. An unusual character for tasks, although it seems to be R. Zorga somewhere came across.

In the 9th, nothing complicated, but in the 10th I would carefully read into the text. An uneteced question, but it seems that the compiler has tried very much when wording the question of disguise the name of the Soviet government. Ears, however, stick out anyway :)

The 11th task without surprises, but the 12th forces the second time to think about what, perhaps, was the task of a specialist in the history of Russia until the XIX century.

Tasks 13-16 in the Great Patriotic War - alas, this is one of the worst options with the map, and they forgive me all the fans of this period. It can only be the events of civilian / "cold" wars or economics.

The 17th culture is normal, especially if you watched, see or watch a piggy banks of Cat Stepan :)

Download piggy banks for illustrations

The 18th will not be difficult, like any image of a similar popular format (brand, coins), if you carefully consider and read the proposed options. The 19th task is also not difficult, all personalities are more than known.

As for the tasks of the second part, the 20-21 will not cause difficulties, but 22 should be carefully examined and not to rush with the answer, which, at the same time, literally on the surface.

Task 23 Once again proves that the solutions of the main congresses of the Bolshevik Party need to know (see)

The 24th task for arguments creates a steady dejum that Alexander III has become simply just before indecency. So, for example, in the last Statgradian training from April (2017), there was a task about his internal politics.

The choice of periods for the essay disappointed. The first and last, besides, crosswise, which in itself makes them complex. Part of the period of the Board of Nicholas II in the second version also does not improve the picture.

In general, it is good here that this option will not come to anyone.

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