Ancient Egyptian civilization. How old are the ancient Egyptian civilization really? Egyptian civilization

One of the most ancient world civilizations, the civilization of Egypt originated in Northeast Africa, in the valley of one of the most extended rivers of the world - Nile. It is believed that the word "Egypt" comes from the ancient Greek "Aigyptos". It occurred, probably from Hat-ka-Ptah - the city, which the Greeks later called Memphis. The Egyptians themselves called their country that Keme is black earth: the color of the local soil. The history of ancient Egypt is customary to divide the periods of ancient (end IV - most of the III Millennium BC), the average (until the XVI century BC), new (until the end of the XI century BC) of the kingdoms, late (X-I century) As well as the Persian (525-332 BC - under the authority of the Persians) and the Hellenistic (IV-I century BC, as part of the state of Ptolemyev). From 30 to our era to 395, Era Egypt was a province and a resident of Rome, after the section of the Roman Empire until 639 - the province of Byzantium. The Arab conquest of 639-642 led to Egypt to the change of the ethnic composition of the population, language and religion.

According to Herodotus, Egypt - Dar Nile, because Neal was and is a source of inexhaustible fertility, the basis of the economic activity of the population, since almost all of the territory of Egypt lies in the tropical desert zone. The relief of the majority of the country is a plateau with prevailing heights of up to 1000 meters within the Libyan, Arabian and Nubian desert. In ancient Egypt and neighboring areas, there were almost everything necessary for the existence and vital activity of a person. The territory of Egypt in ancient times was a narrow ribbon of fertile soil stretching along the Nile shores. The fields of Egypt every year during a flood were covered with water, which brought with her fertile IL, enriched the soil. On both sides of the valley was bordered by mountain chains, rich sandstone, limestone, granite, basalt, dioritis and alabaster, which were a wonderful building material. South of Egypt, in Nubia, rich gold deposits were discovered. There was no metals in the Egyptian metals, so they were mined in the areas adjacent to it: copper in the Sinai Peninsula - Copper, in the desert between the Nil and the Red Sea - Gold, on the Red Sea coast - lead. Egypt occupied a profitable geographical position: the Mediterranean Sea joined it with anteriorhasian coast, Cyprus, Aegean Sea islands and mainland Greece.

Neil was a major shipping thread that binding the upper and lower Egypt with Nubia (Ethiopia). In such favorable conditions, on this territory, the construction of irrigation canals began to the V-IV Millennium BC. The need to maintain an extensive irrigation network led to the emergence of nomov - large territorial associations of early-siselectory communities. The Word itself, which denoted the region, was written in ancient Egyptian language by the hieroglyph portrayed the Earth separated by the irrigation network to the plots of the correct form. The system of the ancient Egyptian nomes, formed in the IV millennium BC, remained the basis of the administrative division of Egypt until its very end of its existence.

The creation of a unified system of irrigation agriculture has become a prerequisite for the emergence of a centralized state in Egypt. In the late IV - early III Millennium BC, the process of combining individual nomov began. The narrow valley of the river - from the first Nile thresholds to the delta - and the region of the Delta itself was mastered unequal. This difference throughout Egyptian history remained in dividing the country to the upper and lower Egypt and was reflected even in the titulas of Pharaohs, which were called "kings of the Upper and Lower Egypt." Ancient Egyptian crown was also a duct: Pharaohs were worn by white Upper Egyptian and red Nizhypetsky crowns inserted into each other. Egyptian legend attributes the merit of the country's union to the first pharaoh of the I-th dynasty min. Herodotus says that he founded Memphis and was his first ruler.

From this time, the epoch of the so-called early kingdom begins in Egypt, which covers the period I and II dynasties. Information about this era is very scarce. It is known that already at that time in Egypt existed a large and carefully managed royal economy, agriculture and cattle breeding were developed. Bared barley, wheat, grapes, figs and dates, bred a large and small horned cattle. The inscriptions on the seals that had reached us testify to the existence of a developed system of state positions and titles.

Ancient civilization of Egypt

One of the oldest civilizations originated in Northeast Africa, in the Nile Valley. It is believed that the word "Egypt" comes from the ancient Greek "Aigyptos".

It occurred, probably from Hat-ka-Ptah - the city, which the Greeks later called Memphis. The Egyptians themselves called their country "That Kemet" - black land - on the color of the local soil.

According to Herodotus, Egypt - "Dar Nila", because Neil was a source of inexhaustible fertility, the basis of all economic activity of the population. In Egypt and neighboring areas, there was almost everything necessary to him. The mountains, closed by the Nile Valley, were rich in various rocks of the stone: granite, dioritis, basalt, alabaster, limestone, sandstone. There were no metals in Egypt, but they were mined in the surrounding areas: on the Sinai P-Oves - copper, in the desert between the Nil and the Red Sea - gold, on the Red Sea coast - zinc and lead. Silver and iron delivered mainly from Asia Minor.

Egypt occupied a profitable geographical position. The Mediterranean Sea joined it with anteriorhasian coast, Cyprus, Aegean Sea islands and mainland Greece. Neil was the most important shipping artery that binding the upper and lower Egypt and the whole country with Nubia, which antique authors called Ethiopia.

In the epoch preceding the formation of the state, Egypt consisted of individual regions, as a result of their association, two kingdoms arose - the lower and top Egypt. After a long war, the victory won the Upper Egyptian kingdom, the fusion of both parts occurred. The exact date of this event is unknown, but it can be assumed that about 3000 BC. e. The Nile Valley has already existed a single state.

Tsar Menes.

With the name of Tsar Mina (Greek. Menes) - the founder of the dynasty, identical, probably Chaura Aha, is connected the beginning of the chronicle of the Egyptian tradition. According to the legend, preserved at herodood, Min founded the capital of the United Kingdom at the junction of the Upper and Lower Egypt, erecting the dam to protect the city from flooding. From here it was convenient to manage the south and the north of the country. This city was called subsequently Memphis.

Pharaoh Hasekmem

In the era of the early kingdom (XXX - XXVIII century BC) Egypt was controlled by two dynasties that took place from the Upper Egyptian town of Tina (from Abidos). Already, with the kings of the I dynasty, the Egyptians began to advance outside their country: to the south - in Nubia, west to Libya, east - on the Sinai Pn. Pharaoh II Hasese Dynasty finally united the country into a centralized state, suppressing unrest in the north of Egypt.

One of the important functions of the royal power was the organization of the irrigation system in the Nile Valley and maintaining it in order. Already for Egypt, the early kingdom was characterized by high productivity of agriculture. Numerous wine vessels found in Nizhny Egypt show the prosperity of the art of cultivation of grapes. Egypt was a country of highly developed cattle breeding. Significant progress has reached a weaving craft. The manufacture of a papyrus designed for the letter began. His invention had exceptional importance. Having contributed to the widespread writing, it survived the ancient Egyptian civilization for a long time, having an impact on the culture of later eras and becoming famous in the Greek-Roman world and in medieval Europe.

Statue of Snofer. Egyptian Museum, Cairo

During the ancient kingdom (XXVIII - XXIII BC. E), Egypt was a major centralized state that propagated its influence on the field of Sinai P-Oov, South Palestine and Nubia.

The kings were permanent wars. It is known, for example, that during the hike in Nubia founder of the IV dynasty of the Snofer (XXVIII century BC, 7 thousand prisoners and 200 thousand heads of livestock were notified, and during the campaign to Libyans - 1,100 people. During the reign of the IV dynasty, Egypt became the most frequent owner of the Copper Rudniki district in Sinai P-Oves. In Nubia, trading expeditions for construction stone, ivory, action and ebony (it was delivered to Nubia from the deep areas of Africa), for precious stones, incense, panther skins and exotic animals. From Punta, fragrant resins and "bright gold" were carried. From the Phoenician bibl to Egypt, there was a construction forest - a cedar tree.

In the hands of the king, a huge power was concentrated, the basis of which was the extensive land fund, the large resources of labor and food. The state acquired the features of a centralized despoty, based on an extensive bureaucratic apparatus. The first person on the hierarchical staircase after Pharaoh was the Supreme Snover, he is the chief judge who combined a number of public posts and managed many industries. In the presence of royal, temple and private farms, a decisive role in the country's economy, especially with V - VI dynasties, was played by a venel economy, where it was occupied, apparently, the overwhelming part of the labor population.

In the era of the ancient kingdom, further development, especially in Nizhny Egypt, received gardening, gardening, viticulture. Egyptians belong to the honor of the opening of beekeeping. Delta pastures gave ample opportunities for livestock development. His characteristic feature is the content in the herd along with the domestic cattle of fully or semi-revived animals deserts: antelope, Capricors and Gazelle. The main wealth of the Upper Egypt was grain, primarily barley and wheat double-role (emmer) ². Part of his Nile was delivered to the north. Thus, the South and Northern Egypt complemented each other.

Step-pyramid of Josrah in Sakkare

The period of the ancient kingdom is peculiar to the rapid growth of stone construction, the climax of which was the construction of royal assisters - huge pyramids with memorial temples and "cities" of the venel soblites. With the construction of the pyramid of Tsar Josrara (III dynasty), which carried out mainly with the help of copper guns, Egypt finally entered the copper century. But stone tools continued to use and subsequently.

At the end of V dynasty, the Pharaoh's power began to weaken. At the same time, the position of the nomo name was strengthened. The construction of the pyramids, separated by social contradictions, by the end of the rule of the VI dynasty Egypt began to decay on semi-dependent nomes. 70 Memphis kings of the next, VII dynasty, according to legend, preserved at the Manephon, ruled only 70 days. From the middle of the XXIII century. BC e. The period of decline of Egypt began, its inner fragmentation.

To the outcome of III thousand to n. e. Egypt's economic situation required the association of the country; During the sink, the irrigation network came to the launch, the population often suffered from cruel hunger. At this time, two unifying centers claimed to the Egyptian throne. One of them was Herakleopol³, located in the north of the country, in fertile lowland near the Fayum oasis, on the West Bank of the Nile. Narch Herakleopol Chieti I (Ahti) subjugated his authority of the rulers of nearby regions, leading at the same time the fight against Asian nomads. The rulers of all Egypt also sought to become Narhi FIV. The winners came out Fan governments, and at Mentukhotep, I country was merged. At one of the reliefs that have reached to this day, this ruler is depicted by the conqueror of Egyptians, Nubi residents, Asians and Libyans. But the unity achieved was not yet durable.

Amenheets I on the relief from his tomb in the area of \u200b\u200bLishta

The flourishing of the Middle Kingdom (XXII - XVIII centuries. BC) refers to the Board of the XII dynasty. At this time, the Egyptians were war with neighboring Libyan and front-axia tribes, conquered North Nubia. With Amenhemter I, the density of the dynasty, the fortress on the western border of Egypt is being erected. A number of fortresses in the upper and lower Nubia were built into the reign of SENUSERT III. Senusert III was revered in Nubia as a patron God. Ovened legend and united with the images of the Great Pharaohs of Warriors of the New Kingdom Memory about this Tsar lived for many centuries and went on the basis of the ledids about Seistris.

Sphinx Head of SENUSERT III. State Museum of Egyptian Art. Munich

In the era of the Middle Kingdom, the position of the nominal nominity was still strong. But increasing importance are people of more than-knowing origin. The most important support of the royal authority was an approximate military. The main creators of the material wealth of the country, deprived of ownership of the weapons and means of production, were "Hemuu Nisut" - the royal hemu, whose work was used in the royal, temple and private farm. Slaves - "Baku", famous in the era of the ancient kingdom, - unlike the "Hemuu Nisut" part of the personal property of the owner and could be bought and sold.

In the period of the Middle Kingdom, the tools of labor continue to be improved: along with stone and copper, the guns from bronze are now increasingly used. The deposits of copper on Sinai, golden and copper mines of Northern Nubia were developed intensively. There was glass production. Significant development received agriculture, which contributed to the creation of a large reservoir connected by the channel with the Nil, and the branched network of the irrigation system in the Fayum oasis. With the advent of many small and medium farms, conditions were created for a wider exchange.

At the turn of the XVIII - XVII centuries. BC e. Egypt, who again fell into a state of fragmentation, turned out to be a lot of mining gixos 4 who invaded from Asia through the Eastern Delta. Their dominion lasted 100-10 years and 150 years, and legend about it as a terrible time lived throughout the ancient history of Egypt. Gixos were not solid and could not form a single power. The runers of FIV, remaining relatively independent, led the struggle against the conquerors.

Fragment of the statue of Yakhmos I. Metropolitan Museum (New York)

Yahmmm I, who became the XVIII Dynasty, who became the fortress of Hikosov by the Avars in the north-east of the delta and brought the struggle with the conquerors to the victorious end. So the era of the new kingdom began (1580-1085 BC), the time of government XVIII - XX dynasties, in which Egypt took a leading position in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The head of the statues of Pharaoh XVIII dynasty, possibly Tutamos I. British Museum, London

With Pharaoh Turnamos I (the second half of the XVI century. BC) Egypt turned into a powerful power, the southern boundary of which has advanced for the third threshold of the Nile. Tutamos I made a campaign to the Euphrate and defeated the state of Mitarian in Northern Mesopotamia.

Mummy Tutmos II.

Statue of Hatsepsut from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts

After the reign of his heir to Tutamos II, the throne seized the Hatsepsut, which initially retained the nominal ruler of the young king, his stepper, Tutamos III, but subsequently openly declared himself by Pharaoh. Having come to power, Tutmos III sought to raise any reminder of the Hatshepsut, destroying its images and even the name. He made a lot of campaigns to Syria and Palestine, and his empire began to stretch from the fourth threshold of the Nile to the northern outskirts of Syria.

Statue of Pharaoh Ehnaton from Athon Temple in Karnak.
Cairo Egyptian Museum. Egypt

On the first half of the XIV century. BC e. The reign of Amenhotep IV (Ehnaton), with the name of which the most important religious reform is connected. With two receivers of Amenhotep IV, a departure began from its policy. Semex-ker restored the Cult of Amon, with the next pharaoh - Tutankhamon - the Cult of Athon approved by the king-reformer was lost to state support.

Head Statue Ramses I.
Museum of Fine Arts. Boston

When Ramses I (XIX dynasty) began long war with hitts for domination in Syria. The reign of Ramses II occurred the famous battle with hitts under the walls of the Syrian city of Kadesh, in which up to 20 thousand people participated on each side. In its description of this battle, Ramses argues that it was he who won.

Head of the Statue of Ramses II in the Luxor Temple. Egypt

But it is known that the Egyptians failed to take Kadesh and Hetta under the leadership of Tsar Muvatallis pursued them during the retreat. The long war ended in the 21st year of Ramssa II by a peace treaty with the Hett Tsar Hattusilis III. The original of the contract was recorded on silver signs, but only its copies are preserved in Egyptian and Hattite languages. Despite the strength of the Egyptian weapons, Ramses II failed to restore the boundaries of the Empire of the pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty.

Head of the statue of Merneptha. Luxor temple. Egypt

Under the heir of Ramses II, his thirteenth Son Mernepta, and during Ramses III, the sons of the founder of the XX Dynasty of the Seatakhta, waves of conquerors - "the peoples of the sea" and Libyan tribes fell into Egypt. With difficulty reflecting the onslaught of the enemy, the country was on the threshold of serious shocks, which in domestic political life was manifested in frequent change of rulers, reversals and conspiracy, in strengthening the position of nomo name (especially in the phivaide, in the south of Egypt), closely related to priests, and in The sphere of foreign policy is in the gradual fall of the Military prestige of Egypt and in the loss of their foreign possessions.

The era of the new kingdom was the time for Egypt not only territorial expansion, but also a rapid economic development, stimulated by the influx into the country of a huge amount of raw materials, cattle, gold, all kinds of tribute and labor in the form of prisoners.

From the XVIII dynasty, the guns from bronze begin widely. But due to the high cost of copper, they continue to use stone weapons. From this era, a certain amount of iron products has been preserved. Iron was known in Egypt before. But even at the end of the XVIII dynasty, it continued to be considered hardly a jewel. And only in the VII - VI centuries. BC e. The tools of labor in Egypt began to be used everywhere from iron, which was extremely important for economic progress.

In the era of the new kingdom, improved coaches began to be widely used, foot bellows in metallurgy, vertical weaving machine. An unknown Egyptian has been developing horse breeding, serving the Egyptian army with its combat chariots. From the reign of Amenhotep IV to us, the image of the waterway facility - Shadufa came. His invention was of great importance for the development of gardening and gardening at high fields. Attempts to grow new varieties of trees exported from Asia (pomegranate, olive, peach tree, apple tree, almond, cherry, etc.) or from Punta (Mirrie Tree). Glass production is developing intensively. Unsurpassed perfection reaches the art of mummification. Internal trade is becoming increasingly important. The international trade, for the development of which in Egypt, the events of the conquest did not have an incentive, for he received everything for himself in the form of mining and Dani, acquires a certain meaning only in the second half of the new kingdom.

During the period of the new kingdom, the widespread application of slaves, primarily in the royal and temple farms (although slaves served and private possessions). Thus, during its 30-year-old Board, Ramses III presented the temples over 100 thousand prisoners from Syria, Palestine and more than 1 million, and more than 1 million (Greek. "Aruir"; 1 Aruir \u003d 0.2 hectares) of arable land. But the main manufacturer of material benefits still remained the labor population of Egypt, enchanted by all sorts of concern.

By the beginning of the XI century. BC e. In Egypt, two kingdoms were formed: Nizhnegipetskoe with the center in Tanisa, in the northeast delta, and Upper Egyptian with the capital in the philas. By this time, Syria, Phenicia and Palestine were already out of Egyptian influence, northern Half of Egypt was flooded with Libyan military settlers led by leaders who were in alliance with the local Egyptian government. One of the Libyan military leaders, Schuns I (950 - 920 BC), founded the XXII dynasty. But his power, as well as the power of his receivers, was not durable, and at the Libyan pharaohs (IX - VIII centuries. BC. Er) Nizhny Egypt collapsed into a number of individual regions.

At the end of the VIII century. BC e. Nubian king Pianha captured a significant part of the Upper Egypt, including the inches. Local influential priestly supported the conquerors, hoping to regain a dominant position with their help. But the ruler of Sais in Nizhny Egypt, the Tefnik, who appeared on the Libyans, managed to lead the fight against invasion. Memphis appeared against Nubi residents.

Pharaoh Shabak, Louvre

However, in three battles defeated the troops of the Tefnik and, moving to the north, reached Memphis, taking the city to the attack. The Tefnach was forced to surrender to the mercy of the winners. The next Nubian king, who owns Egypt, was a chabacker. According to the legend, preserved at the Manefon, he captured the Nizhypetsky Pharaoh Blochoris and burn him alive. In 671 BC e. Assyrian king Asarhaddon defeated the tag of the Nubian Pharaoh Takharkka and captured Memphis.

Egypt's liberation and his association carried out the founder of the XXVI (Saisan) of the Psammethyh Dynasty. The next pharaoh, Nekho II, sought to establish his domination in Syria. In 608 BC e. Jewish king Iosiya blocked the Egyptian troop by Megiddo (the city in the north of Palestine), but was mortally wounded. After that, Judea began to pay a large tribute to gold and silver Egyptian king. The power of Egyptians over Syria and Palestine lasted three years, and in 605 BC. e. The Egyptian army was pushed back to its border with Babylonians. In Aryria (589 - 570 BC. E), one of the successors of Psammetich I, Egypt supported Judea in the fight against Babylonia. Apmy won over the fleet of Sidon - one of the largest Phoenician cities. In 586 BC e. Egyptian army appeared under the walls of Jerusalem, but soon suffered from Babylonian.

Statue of Amerria. Louvre

By the time west of Egypt, in the Libyan coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Ellina created their own state - Kiren. The apri decided to subjugate him and sent significant military forces against him, but they were defeated by the Greeks. In the Egyptian troops, the rebellion of the Amergy broke out, and Amasis (570 - 526 BC) was erected at the throne.

In 525 BC e. In the battle of Peluzia, the Persian army led by the King Cambiz defeated the Egyptians. Then Cambiz was proclaimed by the king of Egypt (XXVII dynasty). To give the seizure of Egypt legitimate nature, legends were created about the matrimonial relations of the Persian kings with the Egyptian princesses and the birth of Cambiz from the marriage of his father Kira with Nitheis, the daughter of Pharaoh A Apric. Egypt once again sought independence from the Persian Vladyk (XXVIII - XXX dynasty), until he was conquered in 332 BC. Alexander Macedonsky, in which the Egyptians originally seen the liberator from the novers of Persians. Egypt's time of Pharaohs has expired. The era of Hellenism began.

¹ Earth Punt (Egypt. pwn.t., also t3-N.r., i.e "Land of Gods") - famous for the ancient Egyptians the territory in East Africa.

Punt, besides Egypt, led trade with Arabia and, apparently, was located on an African Horn. Nevertheless, disputes about the location of the Punta continue to our time, as Egyptian sources communicate with all the fact that Punta was on the southern coast of the Red Sea. It is believed that Punt could be located on the territory of modern Somalia or Eritrea and part of the Sudanese coast, although the theories connecting the pool with the Officir mentioned in the Bible and the Savsky kingdom, located in the territory of the Arabian Peninsula, are put forward.

Some Ancient Egyptian sources directly indicate that Punta was a pranodina Egyptian and the cradle of the Egyptian gods. The name "Punt" was included in the name of the separatist region in the north-east of Somalia, who proclaimed the autonomy in 1998 following the example of the neighboring Somaliland, - Puntland.

² Two-merchant, or Polba, or Polipolba, or Emmer (Lat. Triticum dicoccum) - Annual herbaceous plant of the family of cereals ( Poaceae.), kind of wild wheat.

Dense narrow spikes with brittle axes are supplied with long oings. Ear of usually five-flower. How weed occurs in the crops of ancient wheat.

The kind of drought-resistant, struts to the defeat of rust and head, does not run.

Along with the one-room - the first type of wheat introduced into the culture (by the time of the doctor neolithic b). From the zone of the fertile crescent spread to the territory of North Africa (the grain was found in the tombs of the pharaohs) and Europe.

In the era of Mesolita - Neolith, Emmer served as one of the main sources of food of the inhabitants of the old world. From it, wheat was bred by a breeding. Emmer was ousted with the fields of this and other cultural varieties of wheat at the beginning of our era.

Nowadays, the double-minute car is cultivated rarely and occupies sufficiently small squares. It is used for selection of new wheat varieties. It is found in the Mediterranean region, in the Volga region, for example in Tatarstan, and in Transcaucasia. The grain is used to obtain flour or goes on a forage.

³ Great Herakleopol or Gerakleopol. (Greek. ἡρακλέου πόλις) - the Greek name of the ancient capital of the XX NOM of Upper Egypt. In ancient Egyptian language, the city was called Henen-nesut, Nen-Nesu., or HWT-NEN-NESUWhat meant the "House of the Royal Child". Later it was called Hnas. (Ϩ ⲛⲏⲥ) on Copt and Ahnaas. on medieval Arabic. Today he is known as Misa El Madina ( IhnaSiyyah Al-Madinah) and their Umm El Kimam ( Ihnasiya Umm Al-Kimam).

Herakleopol was the capital of Lower Egypt during the Board of the IX and X of the dynasty in the first transition period (2263 - 2070 BC). He was also one of the most important religious centers of ancient Egypt. Legends say that it is here that the choir and his father Osiris were crowded to the kingdom over the people of Egypt. The city had a profitable geographical position, its territory included the entire basin of the Fayum Oasis. Thanks to the reserves of fresh water, its population could do agriculture. In addition, the city was on the crossroads of trade routes that joined the Delta with the valley and Egypt with the Western Oazis and the Sinai Peninsula.

After the unification of Egypt, the city gradually lost its meaning. Today, the ruins of the ancient capital are tourist attraction.

There is a legend that in Herakleopol there was a large labyrinth, but there are still no archaeological evidence.

4 Gixosa - A group of nomadic cattle-breeding Asian tribes from anterior Asia who captured power in Nizhny Egypt in the middle of the XVII century. BC e. And then, around 1650 BC. E., who formed their dynasty of rulers. They received its name from the Egyptian HQA XASWT "Ruler (foreign) countries" transmitted in Greek ὑκσώς or ὑξώς. Manephone (Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200b"against apion" I. 14, 82-83) translates the word "Gixos" as the "king-shepherd" or "Captive shepherds", the latter is confirmed by the Egyptian HAQ "mining", "Prisoner". The board of gixos in the history of ancient Egypt is customary called the second transition period.

The combination of gixos was formed in Syria. They adopted advanced military technologies from Indo-European peoples and implemented expansion towards Egypt. The basis of gixos was amorea, which were also joined by Khurba and Hettites.

5 "Peoples of the Sea" - Mediterranean group peoples moving in the XIII century BC. e. To bordersEgypt and Hittite State presumably from the regionAegean Sea (Balkans and Small Asia ). Among them were the tribes: Sherdans,tirsen , Tursha, Philistines and Chakkal, Danuna, Frygians, Shakalesh, Akayivasha (ahaeitsa ), Garamanta, Luke,tevkra . Ethnographic traces of their migrations considergaramants, Sikulov, Philistines, Frigians and Etruscans. Trojan War Also consider the episode of the resettlement of the peoples of the sea .

History of World Civilizations Fortunatov Vladimir Valentinovich

§ 2. Ancient Egyptian civilization

Ancient Egyptian civilizationforest in Northeast Africa in the Nile River Valley. Due to the periodic spills of this Great River in a narrow valley of 4 to 30 km, excellent conditions for agriculture have developed.

Innovation. Irrigated agriculture

All life was connected with the Nile. In the season, the flood, from mid-July to mid-November, the fields were filled with water, agricultural work stopped. The population was attracted to public works, engaged in crafts. After the departure, the Flood Flood plowed, they fell on, were poured and pasted from weeds. Vintage was collected in March-april serpes with flint blades. At the same time, tax collection took place. From mid-March to mid-July, irrigation systems were repaired. According to colosums, the cattle was chasing to separate the grain from the meak. After grinding the grain was fired and folded into special granaries. Solol used for feeding livestock. Egyptians bred cows, pigs, sheep, goats, geese, ducks, pigeons, and bees. Fish was caught by traps, on the hook, network or beat the ostrich. The diet of the Egyptians was quite varied, turned on the beer that appeared in ancient times.

Along with the Nile, another wealth of Egypt was a stone. In the desert highlands, the Egyptians mined the flint, necessary for the manufacture of ancient guns and different types of weapons. Limestone, sandstone, granite, diorit, basalt, Porfir, Serpentine, Onyx were mined. Different types of stone were used by the Egyptians both for construction work and for the manufacture of statues, vessels and other items. This led to the development of stone craft. Metals were exported from the Arabian desert, from the Sinai Peninsula, from the island of Cyprus, gold from Nubia. The need for delivery to Egypt various types of foreign raw materials has determined the directions of the oldest trade routes. The most important trade master was the Nile himself. The trading road was also from the northeastern part of the Nile Delta through Sinai and Palestine in Syria. From the Nile Valley west went roads to oasis. East along the rifles of dried ducts were held to the coast of the Red Sea.

Innovation. Trade

In the 3-2th millenniums BC. E., In the era of the ancient and middle kingdoms, Egyptian trade spread to the regions of Northern Syria. Numerous Egyptian products were discovered when excavations of the city of Bible. Syria existed a lot of outposts of Egyptian trade. From here in Egypt, minerals, salt, plants, wood, skin, birds, in particular pigeons took out. Egypt's trade relations established with Babylonia. After the conquering hikes in Nubia and Sinai, golden and copper mines who were in these territories were under the control of Egypt.

In the era of the new kingdom (from the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. E.) Trade of Egypt with neighboring countries has increasingly expanded. From Syria Egyptians exported grain, cattle, wine, honey, products of the Syrian craft. Through Syria, Egyptian traders brought goods from the Hett state, from the islands of the Aegean Sea, from Mesopotamia. Numerous goods were sent from Syria to caravans on land or by sea, since Egypt had a sea fleet. From Lebanon, a building forest was taken out in large numbers. Since the Sinai copper mines gradually depleted, the rich copper deposits of Cyprus were great importance. The Egyptians were exported to Silver and precious artistic crafts. Egyptian pharaohs agreed with Cypriot kings about the joint struggle with the sea pirates, tried to support peaceful trade relations with each other. From the state of the Mitanni, located in the northwestern part of the two-frequencies, the Egyptians received bronze, lazuli, fabrics, clothes, oil, chariots, horses and slaves. From Babylon, silver and precious products were taken out, decorated with gold and ivory. Trade relations were established with Assyria, from where the chariots, horses and lapis were supplied to Egypt. In the front Asia, the Islands of the Aegean Sea Egyptians exported gold in ingots and products, stone vessels, elephant bone, fabric and clothing.

In the foreign economic policy of Pharaohs, military commercial expeditions and wars have retained their significance. So, in the rule of the Queen Hatshepsut (1525-1503 BC. E.) A large expedition was sent in the southern direction, to the country of Punt, populated by typical nerosoid tribes. Caulic-entertainment ships returned, loaded by valuable wood, ivory, silver and gold, mirloar, incense, having grilled for eyes, bavials, martyrs, dogs, skins of wild animals, natives and their children. Conquering hiking brought innumerable riches. They did not always end out in itself conquering. Often it was limited tribute.Dynastic and diplomatic relations were established, various kinds of agreements were signed. Egypt, turning into the richest country of the Ancient East, he became an object of expansion by neighboring states, which was able to create more powerful armed forces by virtue of various reasons.

Innovation. Ship

When a multi-water Nile left the shores, overlapping almost all Egypt, the relationship between settlements was provided with the help of boats. River shipping in Egypt originated about the 5th millennium BC. e. When barks from papyrus appeared. Early Egyptian barks were a sickle form related from papyrus beams. The nose and feed were curved. The ship was light, but durable. His body tightly tightened the cables. Later in the shipbuilding, the Lebanese cedar was applied, which had high strength. Over time, quite large vessels began to build, which moved due to rowers. Three-tiered barks (triprems) were considered the best view of the combat ship for a long time. The oars of different lengths, followed by slaves, were located in a checkerboard order. Courts and with a large number of tiers were built. In 40 tiers there were oars on the ship of the Egyptian Pharaoh Ptolemy Fieldatr. The Ptolemy IV ship had a length of 122 m, in width - 15 m. His team was 4 thousand people.

The rule of life established by the rulers for the majority of the population, which was the free peasants-communities, many centuries retained. The country's political life depended on ambitions pharaohsrulers of large associations of generic communities (nomov) - nomarhovlarge landowners priestsofficials. The history of Egypt is customary to divide into ancient, average, new kingdoms that existed in the 3-2th millenniums BC. e ... in the 1st millennium BC. e.

Egypt becomes the isna of the struggle of powerful empires. From time to time, the board of local dynasties was restored. In 30 g. BC e. After the death of the famous Cleopatra Egypt became the province of the Roman Empire.

It will not be an exaggeration to argue that the achievements of the ancient Egyptians in various fields of life had fundamental importance for world civilization development.

In relations with nature, the Egyptians showed respect, rationality and ingenuity. Orproyed agriculture, productive animal husbandry, gold mining, building materials attracted the development of a multi-sectoral economy and trade.

Innovation. Building. Pyramids

Certificate of outstanding achievements of material production was the construction of a pyramid - huge stone tombs that were built for pharaohs during his lifetime. Mastabi (tombs) for nobles, rich and noble people were built near the pyramids of stones or bricks. The largest of about 70 pyramids, preserved to this day, is the pyramid of Heops (Hofu). Its height is 146.5 m, each side at the base is 230 m. (We note for comparison that the height of the Peter and Paul Cathedral is 122 m, and the Ostankino television has 360 m.) 2300 thousand stone blocks weighing two tons went to its structure. everyone. The construction was carried out for 20 years, 100 thousand people who replaced every three months took part in it.. Inside the pyramids shelted the tomb of Pharaohs, most of which were still looted. (Some authors argue that in fact the construction of Egyptian monumental structures was carried out relatively small specialized artels with the help of complex blocks, levers, etc. From these artels, bricklayers are conducted by pedigree Masonry - "free bricklayers.")

Egyptians made a lot in the field of natural science. They had a decimal number system. They could calculate the triangle area, trapezoids and a circle. Based on the observation of heavenly luminaries, the calendar was drawn up, according to which the year was divided for 12 months and 365 days. Many of the achievements of the ancient Egyptian civilization in the field of "Man and Nature" received the widest distribution in the whole ancient world.

Ancient Egypt became a place where the political, social and economic institutions became common in many countries for the first time.

At the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. The ruler of the Upper Egypt Menesu (or Mine) managed to conquer the Nizhny Egypt, become the first king (pharaoh) and transfer the hereditary authority to his son. So it was the beginning state powerperhaps for the first time in world history. Assistant Pharaoh was vizier,who was subject to the heads of individual "houses" (bread, gold, bull account, etc.), i.e. the management of individual areas of the country's life. The special layer of society was scribes, almost the most ancient "officials". In the "teaching of Duafa", the father instructs the Son to the True path: "Look, there is no such work, wherever there was no supervisor, with the exception of the work of the scribe, for the scribe Himself supervisor ... You will send many if you listen to the words of the elders ... no scribe deprived Impregnation from the heritage of the royal house. The goddess of birth gives an abundance of scribe, he is put at the head of the court. Thanks to God His father and mother - he is directed to the path of life. "

In the economic region were tested diverse ownership:tsarskaya, priest, major nobility, communal and personal. A variety of taxes, loans, credit, rental, deposit and other forms of economic relations between people were used. During the conquest campaigns, the captives stopped killing and turned into slaves. These "lively killed" were occupied mainly in the royal, temple and other major farms. Naturally, the state power in Egypt relied on the army, which consisted of infantrymen, armed with bows, arrows and spears, and the cavalry, which fought on combat chariots. Along with the land army there was a sailing and a merry fleet. The Egyptian family was Patriarchal with the absolute power of the Father, the head of the family.

Names. Ramses II Great

Ramses II Great (1301-1235 BC. E.). King of Egypt (XIX dynasty). One of the most famous kings in the history of Egypt. At the very beginning of his reign was engaged in fighting hitts. In the end, the fear of the destruction put an end to conflicts, and the world reigned between both parties. Ramses II strengthened communications with hitts, married to the daughter of the Hittch king. Ramses built a large number of fortresses, temples and monuments, including the temple in honor of the father of the Network I in Luxor, a colonnade in Karnak, two temples carved in the rocks of Abu Simbel, and the Temple of Osiris in Abidos. Ramses II had more than a hundred sons.

It is believed that Ramses II rules 67 years. But the degrees in world history was the reign of Heops II. His stay on the throne began in 2281 BC. er. when he was 6 years old, and 94 years continued. In Russia, the "record holder" on the duration of the Board is Ivan IV Grozny (51 years), which was declared the Grand Duke Moscow at the age of 3 (born in 1530), Veden to the kingdom in 1547 and died in 1584

The ancient Egyptians gave great importance to life after death. Death they considered as a transition to another, better life. To preserve the three shower of a person - ka, B.and Oh-it was considered necessary to preserve the bodies of the dead (in the diverse era of the body was buried in shallow pits, which allowed them to maintain in hot sand and thereby avoid tens; from the middle of the 2nd thousand to n. e., in the era of the new kingdom, a technique was developed balming).It was believed that after death, the dead with the help of an older carrier was moved across the River of the Dead, passed through twelve gates, overcame the fiery lake. Then 42 judges read a list of sins, and the dead had to swear in the fact that he did not commit them. (Very similar to checking with the help of a polygraph - "Lie detector".) In the Hall of the court of Osiris, the heart of the deceased was weighed on the scales, it should not be outweigh the feather - the symbol of the Goddess of Truth. The past trials became a resident of another world, or the kingdom of the West. The sinners were given to the confusion of the monster.

The ancient Egyptians had over 2000 gods and goddesses, but the cult of most of them had a local meaning. Pharaoh Amenhotep IV.(1364-1347, Rules 1351-1334. BC. Er) tried to implement religious reformone of the first in the world. In the country, the reverence of all the former gods was canceled and their temples were closed. The monotheist was introduced, the worship of the God of the Sun - Athon. The construction of new temples began, a new capital was laid, and Pharaoh himself accepted the name Ehnaton,what meant "Aphodnaya Athon". This model of reforming the Company subsequently reproduced repeatedly, often with the same result, since after the death of Ehnathon, the reform was not on no, and the influence of the previous priesthood increased, the position of the Supreme Priest began to be inherited.

Egyptian mythology reflects the gratitude of people for the benefits used by them, the desire to obtain the patronage of the highest strength in all activities. So, for example, Towert, the goddess in the appearance of the female hypopotam (hippopotamus), was considered a patronage of pregnant women and newborn children. The key position was occupied by the God of the Republic of Armenia, the creator of the world of Amon, the gods of the fertility of Osiris and Isida. The story of the death and resurrection of Osiris personified the life of a grain that was buried in the ground. And it is reborn in the form of a new plant.

Man and woman in the history of civilizations

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the hosting of the gods was considered a source of life and the existence of the world (myths about the creation of the world), therefore, there was a big tolerance regarding sex. The man played a major role. The family was a monogamous, but Pharaohs and aristocrats had many wives. The man had the right to divorce, polygamy. There were no such rights to women. For married treason, a punishment was punished up to the death penalty. In marriage, women joined 12-14 years old, men - in 15-17 years. Pharaohs and aristocrats, following the example of Isis, who came out for her brother Osiris, often joined blood mixing connections (marriages). By virtue of this pharaoh dynasty quickly degenerated and stopped existence.

Homosexuality was considered indecent. Slaves, prisoners of war often cut off the genitals, which meant the loss of status, male position. According to the tombstones, it was established that in Egypt there were cases of sodomy, transvestism, oralism, analyzing, zoophilia, as well as prostitution related to the cult of fertility, and sacral (temple) prostitution (Cult Isida). Great importance attached virginity and ritual defloration, which was considered as a victim bringing the gods.

Ancient Egyptian mythologyit is an outstanding phenomenon of world culture. She reflected the rich spiritual world of Egyptian society, a complex system of philosophical, ethical and aesthetic views, ideas about the origin of the world and man. Mythological characters, rulers - the fans of the gods became the heroes of the works of literature, visual art. Achievements of ancient Egyptian civilization were so organically widened by other civilizations, and she herself is so firmly forgotten that the decryption of Egyptian hieroglyphs Francois Champolonin 1822, actually determined the "second birth" of ancient Egypt.

Names. Cleopatra

Cleopatra (born in 69died in 30 g. BC. er) - the last Queen of Egypt from the Ptolemyev dynasty. After the death of the father of Cleopatra and her younger brother Ptolemy XII according to the customs of the Egyptian kings should have been married and edit together. The bloodarious marriages of the Egyptian rulers were the cause of the rapid degeneration and change of the pharaoh dynasties in Egypt. But the smart and educated Cleopatra (she knew about 10 languages) from 51 BC. e. Fully convinced the throne. Guy Julius Caesar supported Cleopatra, who became his mistress, in the fight against the supporters of Ptolemy XII.

After the death of Caesar Cleopatra became the wife of Mark Anthony, who began to distribute it to the children of Earth from the so-called Eastern provinces of the Roman state. Senate under the influence of Octavian, the grandee nephew Julia Caesar and subsequently the first Roman emperor, announced the war Egypt. In Cape, the campaign of the fleet Cleopatra and Mark Anthony suffered defeat. After the entry of the Roman troops to Egypt Cleopatra committed suicide.

The image of Cleopatra is widely reflected in the literature and visual art, as well as in cinema.

Metamorphosis, similar to the fate of ancient Egypt, took place with other ancient civilizations, which "opened" humanity as a result of scientific research of the XIX-XX centuries.

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33. Civilization of the II-IV century Ancient historians willingly and described in detail the events of them known, and their awareness was quite large. But if events were not, they did not write. So, the appearance of Hunov in the Caspian steppes mentioned two prominent geographers, and then -

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§ 2. Ancient Egyptian civilization Ancient Egyptian civilization has developed in Northeast Africa in the Nile River Valley. Due to the periodic spills of this Great River in a narrow valley of 4 to 30 km, excellent conditions for agriculture have developed. Innovation.

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Chapter IV Late Egypt (I thousand to and. E.). Ancient Egyptian culture The beginning of the III transition period with the collapse of the Unified State of the New Kingdom of Egypt enters the III transition period (1075-656 BC), during which it remains either strong

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Ancient Egyptian writing Writing in ancient Egypt arose in the second half of IV thousand BC. e., as well as everywhere in the ancient East, from the need of a society, complicated at the stage of education of the state, to record information that no longer fit just in

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India civilization since the VII thousand BC. e. In the Valley of the Great Rivers, Ind and Sarasvati develops a manufacturing farm, and in the III milk. BC. e. Local Dravids create the first Indian civilization here, who received the name of Indian or Harappa in science (the second of the Chetve. III thousand -

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Civilization?! No - civilization! Oh, how much about it is said, written, disposable! How many pride on the topic of their vary in the civilization row - and genuine, and fake - revealed by the brightest representatives of various nations, peoples, peoples, tribes, and

Egypt (Arab. مصر Misar / Miṣr, Masri مصر Masr / Maṣr [MɑSˤɾ]), the official name Arab Republic of Egypt.

Modern Egypt is one of the third world countries. There is an opinion that such countries in the modern world labor distribution do not play almost no role. It is believed that such countries serve as a raw material appendage for developed states, as well as they are a supplier of cheap labor. Also, Egypt is known as one of the most popular tourist centers. The backward country of the Third World: Egypt, Israel, Thailand - bet on tourism as a possible locomotive for own economies

Ancient Egypt (from Aiguptos Dr. Greek. Αἰγυπτος, lat. Aegyptus) Ancient self -lation: Kemet, Kemi, Hemi (Egypt. KMT, Dr. Greek. Ἑἑμ [μ] ςς, -ιδος, Copt. Ὴὴμε) - one of Ancient civilizations that arose in the north-east of the African continent along the lower flow of the Nile, where today the modern state of Egypt is located. Creating civilization refers to the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. - The time of the political association of the Upper and Lower Egypt under the rule of the first pharaohs. Its development continued for the next three thousand years, in which several sustainable kingdoms alternated with periods of relative instability, known as transitional periods. His higher heyday, ancient Egypt reached the time of the new kingdom, after which the gradual sunset began. At this late period, a series of powers consistently conquered Egypt. As a result, the rule of pharaohs officially ended in 30 BC. e. When an early Roman Empire captured Egypt, making it its province.

Among the achievements of the ancient Egyptians were mining, field geodesy and construction equipment used in the construction of monumental pyramids, temples and obelisk; Mathematics, practical medicine, irrigation, agriculture, shipbuilding, Egyptian faience, glass production technology, new forms in the literature and the most ancient famous peace treaty. Egypt left a durable heritage. His art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities were exported to all corners of the world. His monumental ruins inspired the imagination of travelers and writers for centuries. A new interest in antiquities and archaeological excavations in the XIX century led to the scientific study of the Egyptian civilization and a greater understanding of its cultural heritage for world civilization.

The frequently quoted phrase that Egypt is a gift of the Nile, faithful, but not to a lesser extent an ancient state was the creation of pharaohs. The origin of this institution dates back to the prehistoric period, when North African nomads depended on the rain that made fertile pastures, and in the life of the tribes, those who knew them to call them were a vital role. The earliest pharaohs were depicted in the form of pastoral leaders with the staff and the animal skiing on his back, which later became their ceremonial clothing.

At the very beginning of the history of Egypt, the pharaohs have already been determined; This can be judged by drawings on the Bulava head and the ceremonial plate, which were found in Iarankopol. The latter shows the Pharaoh Scorpio, which performs the ritual of cleaning channels after spill and spreading fertility through the fields. Prehistoric rain spellcasters that supported the tribe, crops and animals in good health, magically driving weather, turned into pharaohs capable of maintaining the whole nation, commanding the spills of the Nile. From that moment on, Pharaohs and Neal had inseparable communication. Even Ehnaton, with his one-god sun, called "Neil, always current and giving life to Egypt." In some cases, the ruler performed as a climber if it was necessary to pull the well in the desert. Ramses II, according to the general opinion, had a special power over nature, even in the distant lands of Hettites, where he could make rain or buster him for his pastures. This power over the water (and the rain is heavenly Nile, created by the benefactor God for those small peoples, which they do not live at his shores), as it was believed, did not stop with the death of Pharaoh, but passed to Osiris, with whom he merged.
It is unlikely that there will be an exaggeration to say that the Pharaoh Narre's plate is the most important monument of this kind found in Egypt. It expresses the essence of the Institute of Pharaohs, its symbols, dogmas and art. The name of the ruler is depicted inside the palace building and is surrounded by the heads of the Horter with the cow's head and the face of a woman, which expresses the essence of the sky as a mother of the human race. There also depicts the god of the sky of the mountains, whose incarnation is Pharaoh.

"The Last Great Pharaoh". Pharaoh Ramses II sixty seven years of rules Egypt. The time of his long-term board is rightfully considered one of the epochs of the highest heyday of the Egyptian civilization. But even the legendary Pharaoh could not prevent the sunset of the Golden Age of the Empire.

  • 1279 BC E.-1213 BC. e. - Ramses II reign.
  • 670 BC e. - the conquest of Egypt by the Assyrian king Asarhaddon.
  • 655 BC e. - Exile of Assyrians Psammetichi I and the foundation of the last independent Egyptian kingdom with the capital in Sais.
  • 525 BC e. - the conquest of Egypt to the Persian King Cambiz II.
  • 332 BC e. - The conquest of Egypt Alexander Macedonian. Founded Alexandria.
  • 305 BC e. - 30 g. BC. e. - Greek dynasty of Ptolemyev in Egypt
  • 30 BC E.-395 - Egypt as part of an ancient Rome.
  • I century - the spread of Christianity.
  • 395-645 - Egypt as part of Byzantium.
  • 451 - Formation of the National Coptic (Egyptian) church.
  • 645-1171 - Egypt as part of the Arab Caliphate. Spread Islam. Arabization of Egypt.


Interchange civilization

The most important feature of the ancient Egyptian civilization was the construction of the pyramids. In III - II thousand to n. e. And pyramids, and temples - buildings for gods - built from stone. These are masterpieces of the ancient Egyptian construction art. The efforts of the Egyptians were aimed at making life after death of long, safe and happy: they took care of the funeral utensils, sacrifices, and these worries led to the fact that the life of Egyptian was in preparations for death. Often with their earthly dwellings they paid less attention than tomb.

See more:

Ancient Egyptian civilization originated in the region of the Nile Delta. For the history of ancient Egypt, 30 rulers' dynasties changed. 32 BC e. It is considered to be the line of existence of ancient Egyptian civilization. The surroundings of Egypt The mountains predetermined a closed nature of the civilization that arose here, which was agrichelial. Agricultural work, thanks to favorable climatic conditions, did not require great physical costs, the ancient Egyptians harvested twice a year. Processed clay, stone, wood and metals. Agriculture tools made from burned clay. In addition, granite, alabaster, slate and bone were used. Small vessels were sometimes pulled out of a mountain crystal. The perception and measurement of time in ancient Egypt was determined by the rhythm of the Nile spill. Each new year was regarded by the Egyptians as a repetition of the past and was determined not a solar cycle, and the time necessary for harvesting. They portrayed the word "year" ("Renthet") in the form of a young sprout with the kidney. The annual cycle was divided into three seasons for 4 months each: the spill of the Nile (Ahet - "spill, flood"), after which the Seva season occurred (a pen - "outlook" of the earth from under the waters and germination of shoots), and behind it the harvest season (Shem - "Drought", "dryness"), i.e. Recession Nile Months did not have names, but numbered. Every fourth year was a leap, every fifth day of the decade was a weekend. Time account was conducted by priests. The high standard of living and the well-being of the ancient Egyptians is confirmed by the fact that they have two customs that are not characteristic of other ancient civilizations: to leave all old people and all newborn babies. The main clothing of the Egyptians was a loin bandage. Sandals they wore very rarely, and the main means of demonstration of the social situation was the number of decorations (necklaces, bracelets). The ancient Egyptian state had the features of a centralized despoty. Pharaoh was a state personification: administrative, judicial and military power united in his hands. The ancient Egyptians believed that the God of RA (the God of the Sun in Egyptian mythology) takes care of their well-being and sends his son to Earth - Pharaoh. Each Pharaoh was regarded as the son of God. The challenges of Pharaoh included the implementation of sacred, cult rites in the temples, so that the country was prosperous. The daily life of Pharaoh is strictly regulated, since he was the supreme priest of all the gods. Modern language, Pharaohs were professional statesmen who had the necessary knowledge and experience. Their power was unlimited, but not limitless. And since the power was inherited from the Egyptian on the motherboard, the eldest son of Pharaoh and his eldest daughter had to join the bloodthorn. The ancient Egyptian state was divided into certain geographical units - the nomes, which were ruled by the Pharaoh Nomarhi. A feature of the political system of ancient Egypt was that, firstly, the central and local authorities were in the hands of the same social layer known, and secondly, administrative functions, as a rule, were combined with priests, that is, the temple The farm contained some of the officials of the state apparatus. In general, for the management system of the Ancient Egyptian state, the unexpectedness of economic and political functions was characterized, the non-deprivation of legislative and executive authorities, military and civil, religious and secular, administrative and judicial. In ancient Egypt, already with diving times there was an effective system of internal and exchange trading. Especially great distribution internal trade receives 2 thousand.

Features of the civilization of ancient Egypt

bC, when the word "merchant" appears in the Egyptian Lexicon. Silver ingots gradually displacing grain as a measure of market values. In ancient Egypt, not gold, and silver performed the money function, since gold was a symbol of divinity, providing the body of Pharaoh, an eternal afterlife system of the organization of ancient Egyptian society was the ownership of the profession. The main positions - warrior, artisan, priest, official - was inherited, but it was possible to "enter the position" or be "appointed to the position." The annual observations of the labor population served here the social regulator, during which people received a kind of annual "outfit" to work in accordance with their profession. The bulk of the able-bodied Egyptians was used in agriculture, the rest were busy in the craft or service sector. The strongest young men were selected during the reviews of the army. From among those serving the workforce of ordinary Egyptians, detachments worked on the construction of palaces and pyramids, temples and tombs were formed. In a large volume, unqualified work was used in the construction of irrigation systems, in the rowing fleet, during the transportation of weights. The construction of such colossal monuments as pyramids contributed to the formation of a new structure of the organization of people, in which the state managed by the state could be aimed at fulfilling public works.

Culture of ancient Egypt.

Eastern culture type.

Subject. Culture of the Ancient East.

  1. Eastern culture type.
  2. Culture of ancient Egypt.

In the 4th millennium, the state in the east appear in the east in the history of the states between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates and in the Nile River Valley. The foundations of the Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations were laid. In 3-2 millennia in the Valley of the Indian River, Indian civilization appears, in the Gunhe River Valley - Chinese, in Malaya and Front Asia there is a civilization of Hittons and Finiquities, in Palestine - Hebrew.

Specificity Eastern type Culture with respect to

BUT.primitive culture:

Department of crafts from agriculture,

- Social layers, differing in professional activities and material provisions,

- availability of writing, statehood, civil society, city life.

B. from other cultures:

Despotic centralized power

Sacralization of power

State ownership

Strict hierarchy of society

Collectivism, community psychology

Patriarchal slavery, other forms of dependence

The cult of ancestors, traditionalism, conservatism

Merge of man and nature

Religious beliefs of an introverted character (aspiration to the inner world of a person), the search for the highest truth by personal enlightenment

The idea of \u200b\u200bcalm, harmony as an eastern culture leitmotif

Optional faith in specific gods, as the above God may be World Law, Dao, Brahman, etc.

Religion and philosophy unrequited

The idea of \u200b\u200bcyclicity, repetition, closets (for European culture - development, progress)

The eternal world of the law implements himself after death through the revival of the soul, whose character is determined

The idea of \u200b\u200billusiveness of the visible world and reality of the unrecognizable absolute

Mystical esoteric nature of mind: a person does not live in the world, and is experiencing (perceives feelings) peace. The essence is not logic (European rationality), but feelings.

The basis of the culture was an archaic worldview: the denial of the person in a modern sense, the consequence of which was rigidity and cruelty to a person, especially to strangers; Landmark on the myth, ritual, subordination to the natural cycle.


3) Civilization of ancient Egypt

Culture has had a huge impact on the ancient, European and world culture, made many discoveries that have formed the basis of scientific knowledge and technical progress.

Egypt is an oldest state that has existed for about four thousand years almost unchanged. Its systematic learning began with the 19th century. In 1822, the French scientist Francois Shampillon managed to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs. As a result, wall inscriptions, manuscripts (papyrus) of various content became available for studying wall inscriptions. The main features of the ancient Egyptian civilization:

- early birth of class relations and statehood;

Isolated geographical location of the country, which caused the absence of cultural borrowing;

The cult of the "kingdom of the dead"

- the deification of the rule of the ruler, spreading on subjects and after the death of Pharaoh;

- Eastern despotian, hierarchy of power;

- Communication of art with religious cult.

Ancient Egypt - Ancient civilization, one of the first foci of human culture, originated in Northeast Africa, in the Valley of the River Nile. The word "Egypt" (Greek. Ayguptos) means "Black Earth", fertile (compare: chernozem), unlike desert - "Red Earth". Herodotus called Egypt "Voice Nile". Neil was the basis of the economy.

Traditional periodization:

Dodinal period of 5-4 thousand BC

Early kingdom 3000-2300 years BC

The first decay of Egypt is 2250-2050 years BC.

Average kingdom 2050 - 2700 years BC

The second decay of Egypt is 1700-1580 years BC.

New kingdom 1580-1070 years BC

Late period 1070-332. BC.

- Greco-Roman period 332 BC. - 395 AD.

See also:

Civilization of ancient Egypt

The formation of civilization on the banks of the Nile.

Egypt is a country with ancient, amazing culture, complete secrets and mysteries, many of which are not yet allowed. Her story has several thousand years. Historians argue that the Egyptian civilization had no "childhood", nor "adolescence". One of the hypotheses about the origin of the Egyptian civilization claims that the origins of the Egyptian civilization stood some mysterious immigrants, another hypothesis states that the founders were the descendants of Atlantov.

Two centuries ago the world knew almost nothing about ancient Egypt. The second life of his culture is the merit of scientists.

For the first time, educated circles of Western Europe were able to more or less familiarize themselves with the culture of ancient Egypt due to the military expedition of Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt in 1798, which included various scientists, in particular archaeologists. After this expedition, the most valuable work was issued dedicated to the "Description of Egypt", which consisted of 24 volume volumes and 24 volume volumes of tables, reproducing drawings of the ruins of the ancient Egyptian temples, copies of the inscriptions and numerous antiquities.


Interchange civilization

Natural features, their influence on the management of the Egyptians.

Natural conditions have become a significant factor in the development of ancient Egyptian civilization. In the Nile Valley of the Egyptians, two harvests were collected a year, and the crop was very, abundant - up to 100 c from one hectare. However, this valley was 3.5% of the territory of Egypt, which lived 99.5% of the population.

Culture developed isolated, characteristic of its feature was traditional. The birth of Egyptian civilization dates back to the III millennium BC: It was then that Pharaoh Mina unites disparate areas. Pharaoh's head is crowned with a double diadema - symbol of the unity of the south of Egypt and the Delta region.

Features of the political system of Egypt. Degenidation of Pharaoh, a special role of priesthood.

"The mystery of the authorities, the mystery of the subordination of people by carriers of the authorities is still not quite inflamed, - carriers of power? " ("Kingdom of Spirit and the Kingdom of Caesar." In the book "Fate of Russia". - M., 1990, p. 267).

Pharaoh stood at the head of state. He had absolute power in the country: all Egypt with his colossal natural, land, material, labor resources was considered the property of Pharaoh. It is not by chance that the concept of "Pharaoh's House" - (Nom) coincided with the concept of the state.

Religion in ancient Egypt demanded unquestioned submission to Pharaoh, otherwise a person threatened terrible disasters during life and after death. The Egyptians seemed to be such an infinite power that Pharaohs used, they could only give them gods. So in Egypt, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe divinity of Pharaoh was formed - he confessed the son of God in the flesh. And ordinary people, and the noble venomes fell in front of the pharaoh and kissed the traces of his legs. Greater grace was considered the permission of Pharaoh to kiss his sandal. The deification of Pharaohs occupied a central place in Egypt's religious culture.

The Egyptians recognized the presence of the Divine began "in everything that is on land, in water and in the air." As the embodiment of the Deity, some animals, plants, items were worshiped. The Egyptians worshiped cats, snakes, crocodiles, branches, dung beetles - scarabs and many other living beings, considering them by their gods.

Religious beliefs of the Egyptians. Myths about the creation of the Universe. Sun worship. Formation of the Egyptian Pantheon of the deities, personifying natural phenomena, abstract concepts and life. Anthropomorphic nature of the Egyptian gods. The cult of sacred animals.

Surface cult. The cult of the dead. The submission of Egyptians about several people's hypothesis and the need to preserve the body as a tange of the soul. Mummification. The formation of concepts about the afterlime world and the posthumous court of Osiris. "Book of the Dead", "Texts of Pyramids", "Texts of Sarcophagus". Influence of religion on the life of ancient Egyptian society.

The most important feature of the religion and culture of ancient Egypt was a protest against death, which the Egyptians considered "abnormality." The Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul - it was the main doctrine of the Egyptian religion. The passionate desire of immortality determined the entire worldview of the Egyptians, the entire religious thought of the Egyptian society. It is believed that in any other civilization this protest against death found such a bright, concrete and complete expression, as in Egypt. The desire for immortality and became the basis for the emergence of a clock cult, which played an extremely large role in the history of ancient Egypt - and not only religious and cultural, but also political, economic and military. It is on the basis of the disagreement of the Egyptians with the inevitability of death, the creed was born, according to which death does not mean the end, a wonderful life can be extended forever, and the deceased can wait for the resurrection.

Egyptian mythology as the basis of Egyptian "art for eternity". Defining the effect of a clock cult in the artistic culture of Egypt. The pyramids of the ancient kingdom, the requiem temples of the era of the Middle and New Kingdom.

The most important feature of the ancient Egyptian civilization was the construction of the pyramids. In III - II thousand to n. e. And pyramids, and temples - buildings for gods - built from stone. These are masterpieces of the ancient Egyptian construction art.

Features of Ancient Egypt

The efforts of the Egyptians were aimed at making life after death of long, safe and happy: they took care of the funeral utensils, sacrifices, and these worries led to the fact that the life of Egyptian was in preparations for death. Often with their earthly dwellings they paid less attention than tomb.

The pyramids were built for pharaohs and for nobility, although every person, not only the king or noble, had an eternal life force for the creed of Egyptian priests. However, the bodies of the poor were not embarrassed and were not placed in the tomb, but wrapped in the mat and dropped into the heaps on the outskirts of cemeteries.

Archaeologists counted about a hundred pyramids, but not all of them reached our days. Part of the pyramids was already destroyed in antiquity. The earliest of the Egyptian pyramids - Pyramid Pharaoh Joser, erected about 5 thousand years ago. She is stepped and towers like a staircase to the sky. In its decoration, a black and white contrast of protrusions and niches was used. This pyramid was conceived and embodied by the main royal architect by name IMHOTEP. Subsequent generations of Egyptians honored him as a great architect, sage and mage. He was deified and in honor of him was made the subject of the beginning of other construction work. The pyramids shook the imagination of a person with their dimensions, geometric accuracy.

The most famous and most significant size is the Pyramid of Pharaoh Heops in Giza. It is known that only the road to the future construction site was packed for 10 years, and the pyramid itself was built for more than 20 years; In these works, a huge number of people were employed - hundreds of thousands. The sizes of the pyramids are that any European Cathedral could accommodate inside: it was 146.6 m, and the area is about 55 thousand square meters. The pyramid of Heops is composed of giant limestone stones, and the weight of each block is approximately 2 - 3 tons.

Sculpture and painting, their sacred role.

Artists of ancient Egypt were characteristic of the beauty of life and nature. Archors, sculptors, painters distinguished the delicate feeling of harmony and a holistic look at the world. This was expressed, in particular, in the inherent Egyptian culture, the desire for synthesis - the creation of a single architectural ensemble, in which all types of fine art would have a place.

Before the requiem temples, sphinxes were set: a stone image of a creature with a man's head and a body of a lion. The head of the Sphinx portrayed Pharaoh, and the Sphinx as a whole personified the wisdom, mystery and strength of the Egyptian ruler.

The largest of all the ancient Egyptian sphinxes was performed in the first half of the III thousand BC. - He still wakes Hefren's pyramid (one of 7 wonders of the world).

Other wonderful and widely known worldwide monuments of the ancient Egyptian art are the statue of Pharaoh Amenhehet III, Stelmazby Hunsen, Head of Pharaoh Sensuser III. The masterpiece of the ancient Egyptian visual art of the II thousand BC. Art historians consider the relief, depicting the Pharaoh of Tutankhamon with his 29 young wives in the garden, made on the lid of Larz. Tutankhamon died young. His tomb was accidentally discovered in 1922, although the cunning was disguised in the rock.

Confirmation of the high culture of Egypt I thousand to n. e. (XIV century BC) is the sculptural portrait of the wife Amenhotep IV - Nefertiti (Dr.-Egypt. - "Beauty is coming") - one of the most adorable female images in the history of mankind.

The visual art of ancient Egypt was distinguished by bright and clean paints. Architectural facilities, sphinxes, sculptures, statuettes, reliefs were painted. Murals and reliefs covering the walls of the tomb in the details reproduced detailed pictures of prosperous life in the kingdom of the dead, everyday earthly life.

It should be noted the influence of the ancient Egyptian civilization on the countries of the Mediterranean. Civilization of Egypt made a huge contribution to world culture.


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One of the most ancient world civilizations, the civilization of Egypt originated in Northeast Africa, in the valley of one of the most extended rivers of the world - Nile. It is believed that the word "Egypt" comes from the ancient Greek "Aigyptos". It occurred, probably from Hat-ka-Ptah - the city, which the Greeks later called Memphis. The Egyptians themselves called their country that Keme is black earth: the color of the local soil. The history of ancient Egypt is customary to divide the periods of ancient (end IV - most of the III Millennium BC), the average (until the XVI century BC), new (until the end of the XI century BC) of the kingdoms, late (X-I century) As well as the Persian (525-332 BC - under the authority of the Persians) and the Hellenistic (IV-I century BC, as part of the state of Ptolemyev). From 30 to our era to 395, Era Egypt was a province and a resident of Rome, after the section of the Roman Empire until 639 - the province of Byzantium. The Arab conquest of 639-642 led to Egypt to the change of the ethnic composition of the population, language and religion.

Ancient Egypt

According to Herodotus, Egypt - Dar Nile, because Neal was and is a source of inexhaustible fertility, the basis of the economic activity of the population, since almost all of the territory of Egypt lies in the tropical desert zone. The relief of the majority of the country is a plateau with prevailing heights of up to 1000 meters within the Libyan, Arabian and Nubian desert. In ancient Egypt and neighboring areas, there were almost everything necessary for the existence and vital activity of a person. The territory of Egypt in ancient times was a narrow ribbon of fertile soil stretching along the Nile shores. The fields of Egypt every year during a flood were covered with water, which brought with her fertile IL, enriched the soil. On both sides of the valley was bordered by mountain chains, rich sandstone, limestone, granite, basalt, dioritis and alabaster, which were a wonderful building material. South of Egypt, in Nubia, rich gold deposits were discovered. There was no metals in the Egyptian metals, so they were mined in the areas adjacent to it: copper in the Sinai Peninsula - Copper, in the desert between the Nil and the Red Sea - Gold, on the Red Sea coast - lead.

Signs of civilization of ancient Egypt

Egypt occupied a profitable geographical position: the Mediterranean Sea joined it with anteriorhasian coast, Cyprus, Aegean Sea islands and mainland Greece.

Neil was a major shipping thread that binding the upper and lower Egypt with Nubia (Ethiopia). In such favorable conditions, on this territory, the construction of irrigation canals began to the V-IV Millennium BC. The need to maintain an extensive irrigation network led to the emergence of nomov - large territorial associations of early-siselectory communities. The Word itself, which denoted the region, was written in ancient Egyptian language by the hieroglyph portrayed the Earth separated by the irrigation network to the plots of the correct form. The system of the ancient Egyptian nomes, formed in the IV millennium BC, remained the basis of the administrative division of Egypt until its very end of its existence.

The creation of a unified system of irrigation agriculture has become a prerequisite for the emergence of a centralized state in Egypt. In the late IV - early III Millennium BC, the process of combining individual nomov began. The narrow valley of the river - from the first Nile thresholds to the delta - and the region of the Delta itself was mastered unequal. This difference throughout Egyptian history remained in dividing the country to the upper and lower Egypt and was reflected even in the titulas of Pharaohs, which were called "kings of the Upper and Lower Egypt." Ancient Egyptian crown was also a duct: Pharaohs were worn by white Upper Egyptian and red Nizhypetsky crowns inserted into each other. Egyptian legend attributes the merit of the country's union to the first pharaoh of the I-th dynasty min. Herodotus says that he founded Memphis and was his first ruler.

From this time, the epoch of the so-called early kingdom begins in Egypt, which covers the period I and II dynasties. Information about this era is very scarce. It is known that already at that time in Egypt existed a large and carefully managed royal economy, agriculture and cattle breeding were developed. Bared barley, wheat, grapes, figs and dates, bred a large and small horned cattle. The inscriptions on the seals that had reached us testify to the existence of a developed system of state positions and titles.

History of ancient civilizations →

Egyptian state →.

Concept of property value nature culture culture structure

Work Added to 2016-03-05

Examination questions for credit (examination) (correspondence)

  1. Item, goals, tasks of cultural studies.
  2. Concept, properties, value nature of culture
  3. The structure of culture.
  4. The main functions of culture.
  5. Culture genesis main approaches and concepts.
  6. Subjects and cultural institutions.
  7. Typology of cultures.
  8. Theoretical concepts of the emergence and development of culture.
  9. Languages \u200b\u200bof culture form, classification.
  10. The ratio of concepts culture and civilization.
  11. Culture and religion.
  12. Culture of primitive society.
  13. Socio-cultural characteristics of the ancient Egyptian society.
  14. The basic principles of the culture of ancient India. Hinduism.
  15. Buddhism as a religious and philosophical worldview.
  16. Taoism: Theory and Practice.
  17. The role of Confucianism in China's culture.
  18. Features of human world view in the culture of ancient Greece.
  19. The specificity of the sociocultural development of ancient Rome. Greece and Rome: general and special.
  20. Peace, man, society in the Muslim picture of the world. Islam.
  21. Man in the culture of European Middle Ages. Christianity as a phenomenon of culture.
  22. Romanesque style and gothic in medieval Europe.
  23. Revival: general characteristics. Principles of humanism and anthropocentrism: essence and importance for European culture.
  24. Reformation in the culture of Europe.
  25. The idea of \u200b\u200bprogress and its role in the European Enlightenment Culture.
  26. Classicism, Baroque, Sentimentalism, Rococo: General characteristics of styles.
  27. The main ideas and trends in the development of the culture of Europe 19 V. (positivism, communism, irrationalism, eurocentrism, science).
  28. Romanticism in European culture.
  29. Realism, naturalism, impressionism, modern as sociocultural projects, their reflection in art.
  30. Postmodernism in European culture 20 V.
  31. Culture of Kiev Rus 9-13 centuries. (conditions for the formation of the Slavic ethnos, the state, the baptism of Russia as a turning point of its history).
  32. Culture of Moscow Rus 14-17 centuries. (Orthodoxy in the history of domestic culture, the ideological importance of the concept of "Moscow Third Rome", the problem of splitting in the sociordynamics of Russian culture).
  33. Historical and cultural sense of Petrovsky reforms, features of Russian education.
  34. Domestic thinkers 19 in. In search of a "Russian idea" (A. Herzen, P.

    Name the features of the civilization of ancient Egypt.

    Chaadaev, N. Berdyaev, "Slavophila" and "Westerners").

  35. "Silver Century" of Russian Culture.
  36. Features of socialist culture.
  37. Problems of development of Russian culture in the post-Soviet period.
  38. "East-West" problem of dialogue.

39. Globalization of cultural and historical processes in the 20th century.