Is it possible to eat beets infected with a pair. Blackleg

Table beets are considered unpretentious vegetable, the cultivation of which can also be engaged in newcomers. However, sometimes the cultivation of such a plant is accompanied by serious diseases, leading to the deterioration of the yield and the death of the bushes. To maintain the health of beetted bushes, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the description and treatment of beet diseases.

Before proceeding to landing, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the features of the prevention of diseases so that the beet diseases do not appear. There are a number of agrotechnical recommendations that should be adhere to when planning and growing this culture:

  • Alternation of cultures. It is recommended to adhere to the right crop rotation to reduce the amount of infectious diseases in the soil.
  • Processing site. Before planing, the ground is necessarily processed by disinfectants.
  • Lime. To ensure reliable protection of cutlery of sugar beets, a lime is carried out. To do this, the ground is added to the neglected lime, flour and wood ash.
  • Seed etching. The processing of sowing material is considered a prerequisite for the cultivation and planting of beet. For this seeds are treated with antimicrobial mixtures and manganese solution.

Common diseases

There are many common diseases of sugar beets, with which vegetable breeding faces when growing this vegetable. It is recommended to get acquainted in advance with their distinctive features and medical folk remedies To restore leaf of beetted bushes.


All beet diseases differ from each other and manifest themselves in different ways. The cornered differs from most common diseases, since this disease is considered complex. The development of corneed is carried out by dozens of different bacteria and fungi, the action of which can lead to the death of all bushes.

Most often, the disease appears in the overwhelmed soil or due to frequent temperature drops. At first, the cornered is striking only the root system of the seedlings, which is why the roots gradually rot and darken. Then rotes spreads to the stem and sheets. The affected bushes grow worse, and the quality of their root plasma is significantly worse.

It is recommended to deal with the treatment of seedlings immediately after the first signs of Korneaded. Without timely treatment, all infected bushes will darken and rotate. To get rid of the disease, all seedlings spray with chemical preparations of tears, prefikur or phytosporin.


A common disease, which is often encountered when growing beetted bushes - churrosposition. This is a fungal disease, sources of which are often in the sowing material or transferred to disputes from infected plants to healthy. If you get on the seedlings, fungi quickly multiply and striking leaflets. Most often, the churchosposition appears in the second half of June in rainy weather.

Determine bushes infected with this fungal disease is quite simple. When a pathogen hit, small spots of gray appear on the sheets of bushes. Over time, all stains on leaves decrease to small black dots. Infected seedlings weaken and they deteriorate to build root.

In order for healthy beets not to be infected with Cherkosporoz, take measures to combat this disease. For this, all the tops of infected bushes are digging and burned. Then the soil is processed by chemicals to destroy the pathogens of the Tsorchosporoz.


Ramularity beets are often confused with churrosposition, since these diseases have very similar symptoms. During ramuleriasis, spottedness appears on the leaves and the plant is gradually dying. However, these diseases have a number of differences, the main of which is the color of the specks. In this case, the foci are painted not in the dark, but light color.

Also a distinctive feature is considered to be the size of the specks, which is 1-2 cm in diameter.

Most often, ramularity is manifested in the second half of summer in hot weather. First, the stains appear on the lower sheets of bushes, after which they gradually go to the petioles and the tops. Leaf platinum on infected plants is destroyed and completely dies.

To stop the development of ramulerium, all infected seedlings in the fight against the disease are treated with fungicidal solutions.


Some gardeners do not consider the beet phomosis by a serious disease, as it develops only at the end of the growing season after ripening root. However, it is not necessary to underestimate the negative effects of the phomose, since its signs are manifested even after collecting ripe harvest.

When such a disease appears, the plant is covered with brown stains of large size. First, they are manifested in the lower part of the bushes, but over time, the spotting spreads to the flowers and stuffs. Because of this, all the tops are gradually dries and falls from it earlier to get rid. If not in time not to do with treatment, after 1-2 months, the entire harvest is turning and deterrent.

All infected plants should be regularly treated with attending fungicidal drugs.


One of the most common diseases is the peerosorosis of beets, which most often amazes beet bushes. The disease develops in spring or summer in conditions of high humidity. Characteristic features of perronospace are deformation of leaves and their dying.

The reason for the appearance of a disease is a fungus that amazes a healthy topper and completely covers it with yellow spots. Also, due to the impact of the fungus on the surface of the sheets, a lilac or gray flask appears, in which the disputes of peridosporosis are multiplied. To preserve the crops and protect them from this disease, before planting to disinfect the sowing material and periodically process the plants with fungicides.


This beet disease disease is developing under the influence of fungi and other harmful microorganisms. The first signs of the disease are manifested at the end of summer. From kagata rot, the root roots are most often affected, the surface of which is gradually covered with mold. Over time, due to mold, the fruits tissue die and decompose.

The reasons for the appearance of rotes on root low temperatures And the small humidity of the air, because of which root roots lose the tour. Also, the disease appears if it does not produce feeding the soil with fertilizers.

To protect seedlings from chungy rot, you will have to adhere to certain recommendations. It is not recommended to plant beet varieties that have no resistance to common diseases. Also, to preserve fruits from rot, it is recommended to sort the entire harvest and postpone the fruits with mechanical damage to the separate container.

Fly, crawl, gnaw

Beck-made bushes suffer not only from diseases, but also from pests, from which folk remedies or other methods should be elevated.

Beet floss

Often, beet diseases appear due to a beetcloth attacking the bushes. This insect is considered rather dangerous, as it damages young leaflets of seedlings. Sometimes the pest stops on the sheets and eats the growth points, which is why the bushes cannot grow normally and die.

The main signs of the presence of beet leaf tribes include twisting and complete drying of the sheets. It is recommended to cure contaminated plants before the advent of the second generation of insects, which grow to mid-July. If you can not get rid of the beetral flew in a timely manner, the beets will not collect healthy root.

Beet mining fly

Often, beeturic seedlings die due to beet flush, which is considered a dangerous pest. The insect falls on the bushes in the first half of May and puts eggs on them to eliminate the next offspring. Over time, the larvae appears from the eggs that feed on the sheet plate and the affected fabrics completely eaten. The cavities formed on sheets are gradually drying.

To protect the bushes from beet mining flies and beet diseases, special measures to combat pests and diseases are carried out. It is recommended to use insecticidal solutions prepared from proteus or maxi drugs.


Most of the vegetable growers are engaged in the cultivation of beets, which are interested in planting vegetables on their gods. To collect healthy beet root roots, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the common diseases of this vegetable culture and the peculiarities of their treatment.

Vegetable specialists say that the tops can serve as an indicator of the health of the entire plant. Yellowing, appearance of spots and other deviations from the norm can talk about the lack of nutrients. But often such signs cause beet diseases. Fungal lesions are insidious that sometimes collected harvest seems quite normal, but during winter storage disappears.

Another topic with which it is worth familiar with those who decided to grow by the cultivation of this root plant are pests of beets and measures to combat them.

Beet diseases are quite numerous, but the root root will completely realize them. In general, this plant is unpretentious, and at the end of the season, even novice gardeners can be complete.

Fomoz: Cooker rot

The disease is instantly reflected on appearance Top: Sheet plates are covered with yellowish or brown rounded spots, sometimes - in the form of a grid-cobweb. The disease is still wearing two other names - the core rot and zonal spot. Fomo beet progresses very quickly, starting its movement up the stalk, starting with those leaves, which are located at the Earth itself. If the phomoz begins to multiply on the root plant, growing in the second year, it eats the flower. And the underground fruit, left for winter storage, rotates with catastrophic speed.

When the beets are yellowing the leaves, you need to urgently take action in order not to remain without harvest after all the works invested in it.

The wet weather and piggy in the morning, starting with the middle of July, help the rapid development of the core rotten, starting with the middle of July, when the temperature at night is already significantly lowered. Fungal disputes helps to spread the wind and rain jet. Frosty time of the year, the pathogens of the phomose are overwhelmed in Palo foliage, not removed from the bed, on the beet seeds and on those roots, where the colonies managed to divorce.

Experienced vegetables, have long understood that the lack of boron in the ground creates favorable conditions for the development of rot. The regular fertilizer of the soil by this microelement (for example, the contribution of the borax), helps and fight fungus, and serves as a kind of preventive measure.

Methods of neutralization and preventing a fomose:

  1. The protective effect is the processing of seeds and rootfields Fundazole.
  2. When the leaves and the root clod are already formed finally, shortly before the cleaning of the plant, the soil feels with potassium-containing drugs.
  3. Another simple prevention measure is to alternate plants on the garden, guided by the rules of crop rotation.
  4. Growing beets should be poured, on giving it weeds. Shoots need to reload timely.
  5. After cleaning, all waste is cleaned from the ground and burned.

If suddenly the disease has already been seen in the country or field, new landings are simply necessary to spray with systemic fungicides (the same Fundazole or any other). The beet crop laid in the basement or to the warehouse is regularly examined by throwing out the backslane and softened instances. After each sorting, the vegetable container is disinfected and dried well.

Currosporosis beet: mushroom, forcing leaves blush

Purchase reddish tint leaves make fungal pathogens. When the process passes the initial stage, the stains will be brightened in the center, and the edges will become purple-burgundy. If you flip a leaf where the mushroom settled, a grayish flare will be visible there.

The churchosporosis begins its work with adult leaves on the outlet. Mushroom colonies grow, and with them and the number of stains, and now the leaves begin to dry.

When the beet is striking this ailment, it ceases to grow normally, because it has to constantly grow new leaves in return die. As a result, the underground part of the plant remains underdeveloped.

If it does not start fighting with the disease in time, the crop will be twice as much expected under normal conditions. Particularly prefers the causative agent of the church-position sugar beet and her feed fellow. Mushroom disputes actively behave between heat and cold when the temperature holds at +16 ° C. Wintering spores are the vegetable litter, which was lazy to remove from the garden, as well as the stems and the roar zone of perennial weeds.

To prevent the development of the disease, you need:

  • go seed before seeding;
  • give preference to resistant to disease varieties;
  • spray the tops with a periodicity of about once a week by means of copper as part;
  • cut forward shoots when they release 2-3 leafs;
  • clean the beds from weeds, remove the dead leaves;
  • do not plant beets and plants related to it on one ridge for several years in a row.

Ramularity beet

This disease also affects the leaves and spots appear on them. However, they are lighter than with churchesposition. First, these are small lesions of the racing green shade, not more than 1.5 cm. And inside these mini-spots, the cells of the sheet dry and scatter. The crimson-brown car of these stains fuzzy.

Ramularity starts with the second half of summer. Defeat scheme is standard for fungi: from the ground they get to the lower leaves, arrange their colonies there. Leaves die, and the fungus crawls more and grabbing the young tops and cutters.

What should I do if the leaves of beets are blushing and on their plates appear signals about ramularize stains? Since the pathogen can be winter even on root and seeds, then ramularize is marked in seedlings, as well as on blooms. The fungus develops in a humid environment, with low positive temperatures, causing large losses of feed beets, as well as other types of cultivated plants. Fighting beet disease includes both preventive measures and treatment of systemic effects of systemic effects, as in the case of churrosposition.

Pereronosporosis beet: signs and methods of struggle

False puffy dew - The second name of this disease. Begins to actively develop the pathogen when the weather is cool-wet. Beet leaflets are yellow, then they are bored, and finally die away. What to do, the first signs of perilosos were noticed on the top of the barrel?

Dies from the top not just like that. It destroys the fungus, especially well-visible on the back of the sheet plate. There are disputes that look like a grayish or lilac flare. Outside the tops are covered with brown dried or rotting spots.

In order for the root of the root, the false mildew, the vegetables adhere to several rules:

  • used for landing treated seeds;
  • get rid of the tops - both beet and the rest;
  • process plants and soil by fungicides.

Leaves of beets react well to the processing of bordeaux liquid, as a measure to combat the disease.

Fusariosis - Beach Roots and Top

The disease penetrates the root from the soil, and at the beginning of the development of the disease turns and will reach the foliage with the cuttings. Then the disease is manifested at the very root. This fungal disease and it can be undoubtedly diagnosed on the affected root root on the mushroom on the cut.

Plants are especially affected, lack of moisture, as well as those that were damaged by loosening and removing weeds.

With fusariasis, you need to struggle with the following methods:

  • pillast borsioning fertilizers;
  • lime acidic soil;
  • withstand the requirements of the crop rotation;
  • perform deep loosening of rods;
  • to abundantly water.

Sick plants need to be destroyed.

Preventive measures of beet diseases

Many beet diseases have only insignificant external manifestations. The gardener may not give the values \u200b\u200bto a small yellowing or lethargy of the tops. And the true scale of damage will appear after cleaning - the roots will be irreversibly corrupted and the affected fruits will not be used in food.

Therefore, preventive measures are important not to develop beet diseases.

For prevention:

  • sorts and hybrids are planted with increased disease resistance;
  • perform agrotechnical requirements for the thickness of standing, loosening, watering and removal of weeds;
  • the necessary feeders make;
  • inspect and detect diseases in the initial stage;
  • carry out cleaning in the correct agricultural crops;
  • carefully follow the quality of the root plates going on winter storage.

Especially subject to diseases are those plants that have been weakened for some reasons. The reason to weaken can be:

  • lack of illumination;
  • lack of moisture;
  • mooring;
  • poverty of the soil and lack of feeding;
  • plant thickening.

It should be noted that the diseases of sugar beets are the same as at the dining room, so it is unacceptable to adjourn in crop rotation.


Beet pests are predominantly insects, although it does not eat and mouse with tears.

The main damage causes beets and fleece. Also all summer Bottles are attacking:

  • caterpillar scoops;
  • beet flock (larva);
  • beet mining mole;
  • schlotovka beet.

And the rootfields are affected by the root tool and larvae of weevils.

Beet fly

Frequently found beet pest. If the tops started to fall, and translucent larvae is found on the bottom side of the sheet - it is it.

The body of beet flies is 6-8 mm and painted in gray. Everywhere where the beet is massively grown, beet flies can be found. She is striking sowing very much, especially in the converged places.

In one summer, it can change from two to four generations. Eggs are placed by females on the underside of the leaves. The volume of one masonry is 40-100 pieces.

The larvae is striking the leaves and their streaks, they do holes and cavities in them. Then there are signals about the place of their residence of bloating on the leaves. The affected leaves are gradually faded and dying. If young plants were affected, in which there are less than 3 pairs of real leaves, they inevitably die. The surviving plants will give low-quality low quality root.

Consider how to deal with her. Conduct with beet flies by:

  • removal of weeds;
  • removal of patients leaves;
  • autumn poppill earth.

Beet root fault

This type of tri can very much harm beds with beets. The length of its yellow-white body is 2.3-2.5 mm. It is found everywhere where they are engaged in the cultivation of this root. Attacks the beets of the entire period of growth to cleaning. At the same time, it has time to change about a dozen generations of Tly.

The beet root fault is striking the petty feed roots of beets, which leads to a disruption. The plant attack slower grow slowly, and then faded at all. In addition, chopped crops are susceptible and various diseases. Beet root fault can completely hit the entire beet array.

You can get rid of tool:

  • early detection of foci;
  • spatial isolation of new crops from thugged;
  • removal of marine weeds (sediments);
  • implementation of recommendations on crop rotation;
  • processing of affected landings by insecticidal drugs.


Smooth dead - the main pest of the detachment of beetles or severe, spoiling sown beets.

He is especially dangerous for just incurred plants. Its body black with red stripes has a length of 9 to 12 mm. This pest is wintering on wild plants and passes with them to root. Eggs are postponed with females in the amount of about 100 pieces into the upper layers of the soil. After a week and a half of the eggs, black larvae with a size of 16 mm are hatched. Cleared the beets of these pests can be seen by holes in the leaves. Their diet includes foliage for one and a half or two weeks, and then they turn into a doll, and then become new beetles.

Fight with him, first of all, loosening between rows and removal of weed plants.


Beeting nematodes refers to a round worm and is the main factor in the soil infection after beet crops. Sometimes their presence passes without a trace, and the deterioration of the state of crops is attributed to other factors if the worm developed a lot on the crops, then their oppression and development of development occurs. This leads to a reduction in yields by 2-3 times. Sugarity and other quality indicators are also reduced.

Beet-forming nematodes causes a disease called heteroderosis. Especially it is dangerous in a dry period. The larvae destroy the plants, introducing enzymes to digest food. Infected beet landings are prone to affecting various mushrooms and bacteria. Damage from nematodes depends on its concentration in the ground. Plant protection products are needed if there are more than 200 nematodes per 100 cubic centimeters of the soil.

Beet diseases are the main factor in harvest.

We always wish to get a good effort and efforts in it, harvest, engage in the cultivation of beets or other vegetables beloved on our household site. But the pathogens of plant diseases, as well as harmful insects overnight capable of entering our hopes and expectations. Of course, it is very sad and very offensive. Today we will talk about the basic diseases of sugar and dining beets, as well as on plant protection methods and prevention measures.

Cercospose beet

Currosporosis Beet - Cercospora Beticola.

Cercospose beet - One of the most malicious diseases of beets. This disease is manifested everywhere, wherever they are engaged in the cultivation of this culture.

The causative agent of the Curkosporoz is striking not only all types of beets (sugar, dining room and feed), as well as legumes, potatoes and many other plants (both cultural and weeds), only about 40 species of plants.

Currosporosis beet manifests itself mainly on adult leaves, as well as stems of shoots. On plants, the beets of the first year, the disease appears at the end of June and rapidly develops on attraction of the entire ripening period. But during the extent recent years Referring to the occurrence of beet churches.

Symptoms of manifestation of churches of beets

Curricosporosis is manifested as follows. Dry browned lesions appear on the sick leaves with a red border around the edges, and in the center of gray from 2 to 4 mm in diameter. Under conditions of high humidity, spioning sites are formed on the surface of patients with plants, which have a view of a gray color. In the conditions of dry weather, holes appear on the site of plants. As a result, the leaves are darker and die away. Sheet plates dry, acquire a rich brown color, twist the book, the leaves fall on the ground. In return, the plant is actively thrown out of the leaves of the plant. At the same time, the supply of useful elements, which is necessary for the development of fruits is significantly excited. Hence, reduced yield. The disease of the uterine beet lowers the quality of the seeds. The fruits of affected plants are smaller than healthy, worse than storage. The disease develops very quickly when changing heat and raw weather. The causative agent can be maintained on plant waste and weeds. The mushroom can also be laid in the uterine beet and other plants that are amazed by the Cherryosporosis. The disease is enhanced, in conditions of increasing beet crops. Dense, unconserved crops are susceptible to infection.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • be sure to comply with the rules of crop rotation;
  • on time and carefully get rid of weeds and remnants of plants;
  • during the manifestation of the disease spray copper-containing plants.

Fomoz Beck

Fomo beet - Phoma Betae.

Beetland disease is distributed in all areas of breeding. But especially malicious beet disease in the conditions of steppe and forest-steppe. Fomosis beets is striking all the varieties of beets, and also spinach.

This disease is manifested as follows: First of all, the burshal colors appear on the burst, on which the black points are visible (disputes), over time, the number of stains grows, and the disputes fall on the surface of the fruit. The main types of beet phomose are: cornered, zonal spot, dry heart-shaped rot. On the plants of the first year planting, the disease amazes first of all the lower, adult leaves, and the leaves of all ages amaze on the seeds. At the same time, large, about 1 cm, yellow-brown spots, which die over time. They are clearly visible to the black points - disputes of mushrooms.

When lescriminated by phomose stem beets, patients acquire a lighter color. The stains are often connected and form a large spot stains. The disputes of the mushroom-pathogen also clearly visible on these stains. This led to the emergence of another name of this disease - point of stalks of semennikov.

Mushroom disputes have a ball shape. Their size ranges from 100 to 400 microns. Coloring dispute varies from light brown to dark brown. During the rain or dew loss, the beet plants are infected. The manifestation of illness on the fruits is the appearance of the corner of the core. The disease begins with the head, and then con kindly moves to the base of the fetus. When cutting the affected fruit, it can be noted that some of its part of the blackened. The mycelium of the pathogen ruins mostly young root sections, causes the appearance of dark gray or brown spots. Beet fetal fabrics are rotated and becomes dry. When the root rotes affected by dry rot, they fall into Kagati, they quickly form the foci of Kagatni rot.

It will not be superfluous to notice that they are affected by the phomosis predominantly root, which are grown in the ground with deficient content of boron. The deficiency of the boron leads to the fetal growth point, and the mushroom, settled in the affected fabric, provokes the development of black dry rot.

The source of infection of the beet fomose is plant residues, affected fruits and seeds. The disease of beets with phomose can be kept with the help of the exact execution of the entire agrotechnological complex of requirements for the cultivation of this culture, as well as a sufficient amount of nutrients. The progression of the disease also depends on the variety of beet and processing of seeds by fungicides.

This disease is able to lead to the death of the entire crop of sugar beet, the prevention of this disease is necessary.

Prevention and protection measures:

  • use the varieties and hybrids of beets that are resistant to phomose;
  • alternate varieties on the garden. Place beets in crop rotation so that it returns to the previous place not earlier than in 3-4 years;
  • the main laying of mineral fertilizers is made in autumn. For this purpose, use complex fertilizers. In the spring, an additional amount of tanks in rows during sowing are made. The calculation of the number of fertilizers is made on the basis of these agrochemical analysis of the soil;
  • manure is made under the culture, which is the predecessor of beets in crop rotation;
  • use only drowning seeds;
  • in time to remove the crop beets from the bed;
  • only healthy fruits can be stored. It is best stored beets at a temperature of 0-2 ° C and relative humidity of 90-95%.

Mildly dew beet

Erysiphe Betae.

Puffy dew beets are infected by plants of the first and second year of life. The plants of the first year are primarily affected by the middle leaves, then older, and in the very least affect - young leaves, on seed plants, Beetle of the second year of life - tops and seed girls. The main symptom of this beet disease is the appearance of the leaves of a thin white cage on both sides, which very quickly becomes white solid cover on the leaves. At the end of July - the beginning of August on the leaves there are points of black color - disputes of mushrooms. Spore dimensions - 30-40 × 10-15 μm.

Mushrooms remain winter on the residues of patients.

The main method of protection is the immediate disposal of the affected plants, as well as their residues. Multiple dew is developing especially well in dry and hot weather, when plants are most susceptible to the disease.

Measures of struggle:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • the destruction of post-harvest plant residues;

Virus of necrotic yellowing of vein beets (PSTN).

The main signs of this beet disease are also detected on the underground part and have the kind of "warts" of the fetus, but the most clear symptom of this viral disease is necrosis of conductive vessels, which is clearly visible on the root cut.

The causative agent of the beet rhizonia is also systemically affecting its overhead part. Top at the same time curls, and the veins on the leaves are yellowing or necrotized. This kind of sugar beet infections can develop foci or even leak without any visible symptoms, but the quality of fruits and yield is thoroughly reduced.

This disease beet is mainly distributed through infected soil, water, plant residues, inventory, and during the transportation of fruits.

The main measures for the protection and prevention of this disease are:

  • destruction of plant residues;
  • isolation of peephs of beets from the seeds;
  • adding to the soil for beeturopic beds of a whole complex of mineral fertilizers and, necessarily, boron.

There are also chemical means of protection against beet religion. Before determining the uterine fruits, the beet beets should be treated with a 5% solution of Fundazola or Benazole. There is also a recommendation before putting the uterine root root for storage, spray them with fungicide Rusurl.

Peronosporosis or false milder dew beet


The second name of this disease is a false torment.

When a dispute is disposed of fruit. It is often noticed when vegetables are already defined for storage. Peronosporosis is especially rapidly developing with wet warm weather in the first half of summer. The shortest incubation period is achieved at a temperature of about 16 ° C. On plants of the first year of life, the central outlet leaves are primarily infected. And young shoots and even the nozzles are affected by the plants of the second year of life. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of plaque, which has a gray-violet color, on the bottom of the leaves. The flare can also appear on other above-ground beets. The leaves are twisted, thicken. If the defeat perronosporosis is strong, then the beets are gradually darkening and dry out. In this case, the plant violates physiological processes and the plant may die. The beet fruits affected by peristosposition are very susceptible to the river rot during storage.

The mushroom has a mushroom on plant residues, seeds, and on the surface of the fruits of beets, which are already defined for storage.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • the affected plants are immediately removed from the bed;
  • conduct a spraying of a portion of 1% burglar solution. The first processing is made when signs of the disease, follow-up - three weeks later.

Kagatnaya rot, beet

Botrytis, Fusarium Oxysporum, Rhizopus, Phoma, Penicillium, Aspergillusand etc.

Kagatnaya rot is a variety of beet diseases, which are caused by different microorganisms (mushrooms and bacteria), but the most aggressive is considered the pathogen of gray rot.

These diseases are developing during winter storage. The disease usually appears during the growing season, continues to develop during storage in Kagati. In such conditions, causative agents are transmitted in a chain from the affected root roots to healthy, especially through injured places. This disease is manifested in the form of different color of mold on the fruits, as well as wet or dry rot. Such roots in no case cannot be used when cooking people and pets.

On the quality of fruits also affect the timing of harvesting beets. If cleaning was performed too late or too early, rooted roots are frozen or wither. As a result, rooted roots are subject to mass affection Kagatnut's beet rot.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • timely disinfection of warehouses and containers for storage of vegetables;
  • getting rid of beets of spoiled and affected fruit before determining them for storage;
  • the use of preparations developed on the basis of bacteria for spraying plants during the growing period;
  • sugar and feed beets are possible seed driving.

Korneed beet - this beet disease is caused by a complex of conditions unfavorable for the development of the plant, followed by a lesion by different microorganisms, such as mushrooms of labor Pythium, Fusarium, Phoma and etc.

Most often, the causative agent of the disease cornered beet is - Pythium Debarianum.

The pathogen is striking the underground part of the shoots, as a result of which the stem thinning occurs in the place of rotation, blackening and dying it at the bottom. At the same time, a noticeable lagging plant in growth, it swept, yellowing and often devoted. For cornered beets favorable conditions are cold and wet weather. At this time, the root system of beets is formed slowly, and some roots, from the lack of oxygen in the overwhelmed soil, are separated, after which they are a source of infection.

Beckla appears resistance to corner after education the second pair of real leaves.

Korneed beet can reduce yields by 40-50% or more. With a strong damage to 100%.

The most common manifestations of this fungal disease are the darkening of plants, the thinning of the roots of shoots, this mainly leads to the death of crops. It happens that sprouts may die even before shooting above the surface of the soil. The cornered is particularly active in acidic soils with wet weather. If the defeat is small, then the plants are great chances of survival, but the crop will give lower quality.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • periodically it is necessary to carry out the loss of soil;
  • in the event of the need to make a solution of boron;
  • use for sowing only treated seeds;
  • comply with the rules of crop rotation;
  • in time to cut forward plants on the garden;
  • to get rid of weeds in a timely manner;
  • disintegrate the soil on a beet bed to ensure sufficient air access to the roots.

Ordinary passage beet

Ordinary Parsh Beet - Actinomyces Scabies.

This bacterial disease beet can be seen when digging root or in the storage period.

In this disease, small and shallow cracks, having a type of stuffing, and crusts, which quickly increases the cork tissue appear on the surface of the roots. A paired fruit is compacted, deprived of commodity qualities, and is also much worse in winter. This disease beet is mainly appearing in areas that fresh manure made. After making such fertilizers before landing, beets should pass at least two to three years.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • timely remove the remains of plants;
  • follow the rules of crop rotation;
  • spray with potatocomium or copper oxychloride;
  • maintain the moisture content of the soil comparable to the level of field moisture in the first 6 weeks after the formation of the tuber;
  • the pH level of the soil should not exceed 5.2;
  • avoid light soils, and especially soils with a high content of organic elements;
  • rotation with grain.

Gray rot, beet

Pathogen - Botrytis Cinerea.

The symptoms of this disease beet are detected already in the process of harvesting. Infection with gray rotting begins with the bottom of the beet fetus. The infected part is painted in a brown color. A sulfur color appears on the surface of the affected part, which includes mycelium and mushroom disputes. Spores have a round or oval shape. They are unicellular and have a size from 10 to 15 × 5-10 μm. On the spioning, they are placed in the form of a bunch. The sclerosions that have black color and diameter from 2 to 5 mm are formed. The disease extends to direct contact with the affected roots, as well as disputes. The diseases of the root, frozen and injuries of beets are helping to develop diseases. High temperatures and humidity also contribute to the development of sulfur beets.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

White rot, beet

White rott beet causes the same mushroom as the white rot from other vegetables. The infected fabric acquires softness, humidity, and the fungita appears on her surface. On the fungnica, large black sclerotics, having a diameter of about 3 cm, developing a diameter of about 3 cm. During the storage period, the rot is developing further and with a close contact causes the defeat of healthy root roots. Increased temperature and moisture in the repository help to wide infection.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • following the rules of crop rotation;
  • compliance with the technique of growing and storing beets.

Red rot beet

Causative agent - RhizoCtonia Violacea.

Red rotable beet infects beets, potatoes, carrots and other corneld crops.

The symptoms of the disease in the fruits of beets appear on the garden, the greatest development of red rot is achieved by the time of harvest. The fruits appear lead-gray stains of different sizes, which are covered with plexuses of red-purple mushrooms.

After harvesting on the fruits, the beet appears black sclerotes in very large quantities. Infected fabrics retain hardness for a long time, and then quickly become soft and rot. Overly moistened soil and warm weather conditions - the main prerequisites of numerous manifestations of risoctoniosis. Wetlands, wet pea peatlands, water stagnation places - favorite places for the development of the disease of the Red Rotary beets.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • a deliberate and correct choice of place under the beds of beet;
  • compliance with the rules of crop rotation and technologies for the cultivation of beets.

Fusarious rot, beet

Pathogens - genus kind Fusarium.

There is a fuzarious rott of beets at the end of May - early June. The leaves are withering, and the cutters of them acquire a black color. The roots of the plant slow down in their development, and numerous small roots appear on their surfaces from the sides. If you cut an infected root corneprod, it will be seen inside it.

If infection is strong, then the tail part of the beet root plant is breastged, it is painted in a light-brown color and boots. Less often rot the neck and head of the root. On the surface of the root, cracks are formed, which are filled with a white bloom.

Ideal conditions for the development of the causative agent of fusarious rot, beets are insufficient soil moisture and its solar overheating. Also, the pathogen can penetrate on areas of damage and injuries.

Tail rott beet

Bacteria are developing on plants of the beet of the first year of life. With the damage to the tail rot, the beets donate the root tip and urine roots. The tops of the plant becomes chlorotic, and after it also devies. The development of the disease is intensified in insufficiently moistened soil and in the excess of nitrogen in the soil. When stored by rotten rotten roots continue to rot and infect other root crops.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • getting rid of the remains of affected plants;
  • pumping soil;
  • timely getting rid of patients with plants;
  • making the right fertilizers (potash-phosphorus)
  • timely watering;
  • compliance with the rules of crop rotation
  • getting rid of the affected roots when determining root beets for storage;
  • timely moisturizing of the soil and loosening of riddles;
  • introduction of complex fertilizers (organic + mineral);
  • tillage;
  • destruction of pests that live in the soil.

Rust becks

Uromyces Betae.

The disease infects beet plants during the entire period of growth and maturation.

In the spring, small yellowish pads appear on the heights of beets - this is the Ezidial stage of the development of rust beets. Ezidiospiona amazed adult plants. Then on the affected plants, the pads of brown are formed - thus passes the urecus the mushroom. It is this stage in the development of the pathogen is the main one. At this stage, the greatest lesion of beet plants. The subsequent stage of the development of the pathogen occurs as follows - on the affected areas there are pads of dark brown color, which winter on the balances of affected plants appear. If the manifestation of rust is very strong, then the leaves dry out ahead of time.

The best conditions for the appearance and development of the disease are warm and wet weather.

This disease can also be distributed using seeds. The mushroom can also be winter in the uterine roots of dining and sugar beet.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

Fighting with rust follows the same ways as with peronospose. It should also be noted that the isolation in space is very important in the fight against rust beets. The first year plants should not be planted with closer than 1.5 km to the second-year plants.

Mosaic beet

Mosaic causative beet - virus Sombane Mosaic Virus (mosaic virus)

Beet mosaic manifests itself in motley color of beets tops. In this disease, light spots on the leaves alternate with darker. The size and outlines of stains mosaic can be completely different. In conditions of abundant damage to the mosaic virus, the leaves of beets are frozen, and the leaf plate is thinned compared to healthy plants. The disease on the seeds appears as a result of the infection of the plants of the first year of life.

The affected seeds are the main source of propagation of the beet mosaic virus. All sorts of varieties of tools, cicadas and beet bedbugs are the main carriers of the mosaic virus from patients with healthy.

Wintering the causative agent of mosaic beets in the root system of perennial weeds and in uterine roots. Through seeds, the virus does not apply.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • spatial insulation of the seeds;
  • fighting pests - virus carriers;
  • getting rid of weeds;
  • using Mercycles only healthy fruits.

Bacterial Cancer Korneflodes Beet

Causative agent bacterial cancer rootfodes, or beet crowns (the second name of this disease) is Agrobacterium Radiobacter.

This beet disease is manifested in the form of growths on the underground parts of the beet roofs. Most often, these growths (tumor) are striking the neck, rarely - the lower sections of the root. The surface of the tumor, as a rule, is uneven, most often covered with cork cloth and does not usually start. The inner tomb fabric is light and dense.

Bacteria - causative agents of beet cancer, as a rule, are not present in the affected tissues. It is possible to identify them only at the very beginning of the disease.

The pathogen infects about 60 species of cultural and wild plants. Bacteria - the causative agent of the beets of beet keeps the viability on plant residues and in the soil.

Cancer development promotes cultivation of alkaline beets. In areas where the damage is occurred by bacterial cancer, under the sowing of beets should not be made fresh manure and lime the soil.

Yellowee beets

Yellowee beet - causative agent virus Beet Yellow Virus.

This disease occurs on the territory of Ukraine (more often on the right bank), in Moldova, the Baltic Republics, Belarus, the Central Black Earth regions of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory.

Yellowing beets on plants of the first and second year of life are revealed.

The affected jaundice lower and medium leaves are yellow. Infection begins with leaves of leaves, and then gradually moves along the edges and between the main veins. The bases of the leaves and fabric that are directly adjacent to the veils, do not change their color for a long time. Leaves of sick plants differ from healthy leaves - they are more dense and brittle and less smooth. With the development of this disease, the beets it spreads from the middle and lower leaves to the inner leaves.

Over time, the affected jaundice sitting tubes and the cells adjacent to them are dead and filled with a yellow mucus. The causative agent of the yapless beet is a whole complex of strains of viruses of hasty jaundice beets and weak yellowing.

The symptoms of the disease they cause is different in that when infected with the grave yapless virus, some engraving of beet tops and a minor fragility is visible, when infected with a virus of weak yellowing, the engraving is missing, and the fragility of the leaves, on the contrary, is pronounced. Viruses are in the juice of the infected beet plant. Jaistle virus carriers are all sorts of varieties of tools and other types of sucking insects.

Viruses are preserved - the causative agents of the yapless beets in the roots, provided that the uterine beet was infected. Sources of lesions of jaundice beets can also be weeds such as dandelion, winch, shine, marry and others.

Yellowing beets - very malicious disease. The yield in this disease can decrease by 25-65%, and sugarity decreases by 1.5-2.7%.

Protection and Prevention Measures:

  • using only healthy root crusts to remove seeds;
  • spatial isolation;
  • timely and systematic getting rid of weeds;
  • fighting insects - carriers of viruses of yellow beets.

Gallic nematodes on beets


It should be noted that the lesion of beets with gallic nematodes arises infrequently. This disease practically does not produce a powerful overwhelming effect on beet plants. The outer symptoms of the defeat practically do not appear. Parts that are above the surface of the soil, affected and unaffected plants are absolutely identical.

Signs of nematodes are especially noticeable at root. At first glance, the symptoms of this disease is very similar to the signs of the disease of the beet religion. The main difference is that nematodes do not provoke necrosis of vessels. The growth of the root plant slows down, and many galls with nematodes appear around the main root, which causes numerous roots. The stock of the useful elements is sheltered on the growth of new roots, and not on the development of the fetus. Roots affected by gallic nematodes are poorly stored.

We reviewed only some of the diseases affecting dining and sugar beets. Correct care Grokes, timely prevention, healthy seeds are the main conditions for growing a decent beet harvest without much trouble.

Numerous beet diseases are easily efficient prevention with only one agrotechnical reception. This is the right crop crop rotation on the nursery. With its observance, no diseases in the cultivation of beets will not create difficulties, it will be a process without problems and unnecessary labor time.

This article discusses the most common diseases of red beets, which is designed to eat in food. The correct use of drugs allows to reduce the potential risk of poisoning to a minimum. Read information about the disease Beet and fight against them on a personal household plot, apply these knowledge in practice and get steadily high yields.

Fomoz Beck

The causative agent of the disease of the dining beet - Mushroom Phoma Betae Frank. It causes the defeat of shoots by the type of cornee, the spottedness of the leaves, rotor root. On the leaves of the spots are rounded, large, yellowish-brown, with concentric zones that merging. Numerous point black fruit bodies are formed in non-shine fabrics - picnides. On root crops, the core rot, which is detected during cutting. The affected fabric is solid, black, starts with the head of the root plant and the cone applies to the base. Over time, emptiness are formed, often lined with white mushrooms. The second form of the photomosis is the surface lesion of the root, on the sides of which are dark gray, dry, depressed spots. The fabric under the stain is dry, trumping, delivered from healthy. Black dotted picnides are formed on the surface of the non-transparent fabric. The source of infection is affected by plant residues and infected root roots on the seeds.

Measures of struggle:

See what distinguishes the manifestations of this disease of the dining beet - the foci contamination is illustrated in the photo:

Peronosporosis or false torment dew

Causative agent of beet disease in open soil - Mushroom PERONOSPORA SCHACHTII FUCK. Internal young leaves are affected. In peronosporosis or false torment, they purchase chlorobic color, tightened the edges inside and become brittle. With high humidity from the bottom side of the affected leaves, a spioning is developed in the form of a leader (grayish-violet) laid. Leaves rage and dry out. The infection is maintained in plant residues and on seeds. When this disease is detected, the beets and treatment begins with the elimination of all affected areas of plants.

Measures of struggle: Election of affected plants with a lump of land. Preventive spraying of seedlings and seedlings with drugs: phytosporin, alin-b, gamiir. Plant spraying with copper-containing drugs (Xom, Abiga Peak, Oxychik, Ordan), given the waiting time.

See how the symptoms of this disease beetped in the photo, where distinctive manifestations are demonstrated:

Cercospose beet

The causative agent of the leaf leaf beet is Mushroom Cercospora Beticola SACC. Spots are numerous, scattered, on both sides of the sheet, rounded, small, up to 4 mm in diameter, brown, or gray, with red-brown bouring. On the old leaves of Kaima is wide, light brown, on the stiffs - spots of the extended form. In the autumn period spots point, small, almost black. The spioning in the form of a dark gray laid is developing with high humidity from the bottom side of the sheet. The leaves affected by the churchosposition are premature. The infection is maintained in plant residues and on seeds.

Measures of struggle:

Watch the typical manifestations of this disease leaf beets in the photo, where you can see the lesions of the lesion on the tissues of the plant:

Ramularity beet

The causative agent - Mushroom Ramularia Betae Rostr. Spots on both sides of the sheet, numerous, round, or irregular shape, slightly swollen, 0.3-0.6 cm of magnitude. Initially, they are dirty green, gradually pale to grayish-white, and surrounded by red-drone border. The spioning is evolving on both sides of the sheet in the form of weak grayish beams of the conidiones. The leaves affected by ramularity are premature. The infection is maintained in plant residues and on seeds.

Carefully examine this disease beet and measures to combat its pathogens - it can infect other vegetable cultures without timely agrotechnical events.

Measures of struggle: The same as against perico-position.

Ordinary passage beet

Pathifiers - Actinomyces Scabies Gussow., A. Cretaceus Krass., A. Nigrificans Woll, A. Albus Woll. et al. Roots are covered with darkness, rough, shape-shaped crust, or cracks and grooves. In the formation of an indulged belt (drying) in the root cervical area, it is called the search for a pair. The affected rootes lose commodity qualities and are poorly stored. An infection of ordinary pashas persists in the soil, in plant residues and in root.

Measures of struggle:

Bacterial pimpled pasta beets

The pathogen is bacteria Bacllus ScabiGenum Stapp. Numerous black warts of black appear on the root of black, which are further cracking, brighten and turn into ulcers. Outlets are convex and indulge in the central part. Yazvokes are located on root horizontal rows in the form of belt in the neck and at the top of the root. The affected rootes lose commodity qualities and are poorly stored. The infection of bacterial pimpled paste persists in the soil, in plant residues and in root.

Measures of struggle: The same as against the ordinary passage of beets.

Black leg beet

Black leg causative agent - Pythium Debaryanum Hesse Mushroom. - Causes the root of the root neck and the roots of seedlings. The base of the stem darkens, is thinned, the plants dow place and die in 2-3 days. The spread of the disease is promoted by the increased humidity of the soil, thickening of crops. The source of infection is infected soil.

Measures of struggle: Election of affected plants with a lump of land. Preventive spraying of seedlings and plants with drugs: phytoosporin, alin-b, gamiir.

Risoctoniosis or brown rot

The pathogen is Mushroom RhizoCtonia Violacea Tul. On the rotor tissue of the roots, gray-lead stains are detected, on which the spioning is gradually developing in the form of a purple-brown felt flyer. Over time, small black fruit bodies are formed - pseudoscler. When spreading risoconiosis on planting semennikov, root rotes, the plants fade and they are easy to pull out of the soil. The infection of risoctoniosis or brown rott is preserved on plant residues and on infected rootes.

Measures of struggle: The same as against the black leg.

Root rot, beet

Patients - Fusarium Gibbosum Mushrooms Arr. ET WR. var. BULLATUM BILAI, F. OXYSPORUM SCHL.F. Blasticola (Wr.) Bilai. On the thickened part of the root, white with a yellowish tint of mycelium appears. It grows, it is introduced deep into the root and forms in it a hollow filled with mycelium. Sometimes mycelium cherry-red is formed. With a strong manifestation of the fabric of the root, dying, rotate, and a solid cavity is formed. The infection of the root rot is preserved in plant residues, on seeds, affected root.

Measures of struggle: The same as against the black leg.

Bacterial beet cancer

The pathogen of bacterial cancer - Bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens (SM. ET TOWN.) CONN. - It is an education on the roots and root cake of grayish-white, brown thighs - tumors up to 10-12 cm in diameter, with a smooth, furochy or tuberculous surface. Fabrics of the growth for a long time do not rot, keeping normal coloring. At first they are soft and bright, later - darkening and solid, without inner cavities. During storage, they decompose. The affected plants suspend growth, the testers gradually dry. The infection is maintained in plant residues, transmitted with rootapodes and soil pests.

Measures of struggle: Collection of plant residues, sejection of affected plants. Preventive spraying of seedlings and plants with drugs: phytoosporin, alin-b, gamiir.

See how all beet diseases can be defeated on your garden - the video is demonstrated by major agrotechnical techniques:

Several rows of beets seek to grow each mistress on their site. How else? Without sugar, sweet Buryak (like beets called in common), it's hard to imagine the welded borscht, a whistle cabbage and a beloved herring under a fur coat. But the one who grows beets independently notices the disease: stains on the leaves, their drying, the underdevelopment of fruits to the necessary sizes, bad fierce in the winter, the wrinkle of the root roots. Of course, the disease is easy to study in the photo, considering the picture and comparing the description with vegetables on the garden, and about treating drugs it is easy to find out by contacting the agro-shop. We also have the opportunity to heal the diseases of folk remedies, get a rich harvest and know how to properly grow the beet year after year!

Disease Beets: causes

Noticing white flag On stiffs, gray, whitewash, brown or brown spots on the leaves, which seem to eat them through, noting the lag behind their lag in development, the owner of the Grocery understands - the beets of sick. And accepted for treatment, having studied the disease, listening to the councils of neighbors, trying to new drugs or trying to get rid of the illness "on Avos."

Few people study the causes of the disease, chooses those that led to infection and disease of the plant from the list, make it impossible to appear later. But the removal of the cause of the disease is the key to the fact that the beets will be healthy, tasty, sahary and will give a shameful harvest!

Often diseases arise due to violation of agrotechnology

For such a complete and scrupulous analysis, it is enough to know that it contributes to the development of church, peridospos, phomose or black rot. Causes may be as follows:

  • insufficient watering beds. Despite the fact that the beet does not like excessive water, it must be abundantly water, especially during the formation of the root plant;
  • insufficiency / excess of nutrients-trace elements. In order to exclude this item, it is enough to study the main micro-elements necessary for beets, the effect on the plant of their excess or disadvantage. Next - to purchase a component separately (good, modern producers supply magnesium, potassium market, calcium and other of them in pure form for feeding) and add to water when watering;
  • excessively moistened or acidic soils.

By paying attention to the conditions for growing beets on its bed, you can be an expert in one season. For this, the only thing is necessary that some of the knowledge that is provided by our portal, time to combat the ailment and the desire to get a great harvest!

Attention! Usually the appearance of the disease is reflected in the vegetative parts of the plant - the leaves, cutters. It is at this moment that it is worth fighting her. Otherwise, the disease will be affected by the roots, which can lead to a complete loss of crop.

Pests and beet diseases: those you need to know

The most common (and most importantly - everywhere!) Beet disease - spotty or churrosposition. It manifests itself small in diameter with whites spots around which - red border. This is the facial part of the sheet, on the back - the light gray raid.


The disease attacks the raised bottom leaves of the socket, the stains are incremented in size, passing the sheet, when the core is damaged, you may not wait for the root. Most often illness is noticeable where it is warm rainy weather. What to do in this case? Treat Grocery Fungicide Lever, Xome, Propiconazole, during re-processing (14 days later) apply a borodic mixture.

Folk methods helping in the fight against ailment:

  • sluorrow in stage 2-3 sheets;
  • compliance with cleanliness on the garden, that is, timely struggle with weeds;
  • removal of dead leaves.

The lethargy of the leaves, brown spots, similar to pieces of the faded tree, the wrinkle of the beginning to form a root plant can be noted if the beet was given a fomosis. If you do not struggle with the disease, the leaves and sweets are dry on bushes and get squeezed into dust, and the rootplow rotates in the first couple of weeks of storage. Fighting - the use of Fundazola, seed etching before sowing, processing young plants by fungicides (airship, benomyl) with copper content.

Puffy dew

In the fight against phomos will help:

  • compliance with crop rotation. This item violates many gardeners, living seeds of the same culture at the same place year after year. In the fomosis, the sector of beets can be used after 3-4 years, other cultures - please;
  • on time assembled harvest;
  • making mineral fertilizers in the autumn period, before the new season.

Attention! Fomoz often leads a lack of boron. In this case, the fungus settled on the neck of the plant causes a black rot, which leads to anxious point of growth. Therefore, the competent introduction of complex fertilizers.

Peronosporosis or false torment dew - frequenter on Buryakric beds where a lot of rains. Disputes The fungus will fall on the bottom of the leaf, forming a gray or purple raid, yellow spots appear on top. The fight against diseases is the same as when dealing with Creurosposition.

From the brown and fusarious rot, the roots will save the loosening of rifles, timely cleaning of weeds, the limestation of mail with an "sour" indicator, as well as an additional feeding of the boron. In short, increased attention to the state of the plant - the key to excellent harvest!

The importance of preventive measures, or "no!" Diseases of beets

Fighting diseases are the consequences of some moments to which inattentively reacted or manifestation of adverse weather. Important moment - prevention of beet diseases. These are the following activities:

Take care of preventive measures

  • seed dreville before sowing;
  • inspection of sowing early stage development;
  • compliance with agrotechnics of cultivation;
  • timely feeding and prevention of diseases;
  • in time assembled harvest.

Silent rules will help no longer see red / yellowing leaves, additional roots on roots, other negative points. The main thing is timely preparation for the season, therefore, the processing of soil, seeds, the acquisition of fungicides and preventive measures. And the crop beet will please, you can treat healthy root crops of many neighbors!