Description of the Atlantic. Atlantic Ocean Characteristics, location

The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest and the youngest ocean on Earth, characterized by the unique relief and natural features.

The best resorts are located on its shores, and richest resources are hidden in its depths.

Story study

Long before the onset of our era, Atlantic was an important trade and economic and military. The ocean was named after an ancient Greek mythological character - Atlanta. For the first time, mention is still in the Scriptures of Herodota.

Christopher Columbus Swimming Rails

For many centuries, all new straits, islands were opened, disputes for maritime territory and the ownership of the islands. But still opened the Atlantic, who led the expedition and opened most of the geographical objects.

Antarctica, and at the same time the Russian researchers F. F. Bellinshausen and M. P. Lazarev opened the southern border of the sea waters.

Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean

Ocean's area is 91.6 million km². He just like the Pacific Ocean, wash 5 continents. The volume of water in it is a little more than a quarter from the world's ocean. It has an interesting elongated shape.

The average depth is 3332 m, the maximum depth is in the area of \u200b\u200bPuerto Rico's gutter and is 8742 m.

The maximum salt of the water reaches 39% (Mediterranean Sea), in some areas 37%. There are also the most fresh areas with an indicator of 18%.

Geographical position

The Atlantic Ocean in the north is washes by the shore of the Greenland. From the west concerns the eastern shores of North and South America. In the south, the established boundaries with Indian and the Pacific Oceans are running.

There are water of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

They are determined by the Meridian of the Cape of the needle and m. Mountain, respectively, reaching the glaciers of Antarctica. In the east of water is washed by Eurasia and Africa.


The temperature of the water is strongly influenced by cold flows going towards the Northern Ocean.

Warm currents are trade winds that affect water near the equator. It is here that the warm flow of Golf Stream takes place through the Caribbean pool, which makes the climate of the coastal European countries much warmer.

A cold Labrador current flows along the shores of North America.

Climate and climatic belts

The Atlantic Ocean extends to all climatic belts. Western winds, trade winds and monsions in the equator area strongly affect the temperature regime.

In the zone of tropics and subtropics, the average temperature of 20 ° C, in winter it is reduced to 10 ° C. Throughout the year, abundant sediments are prevailed throughout the year, in the subtropics they are significantly more falling out in the summer. The temperature is significantly reduced in the areas of the Arctic and Antarctica.

Inhabitants of the Atlantic Ocean

From the vegetation world in the Atlantic Ocean, laminaria, corals, red and brown algae are widespread.

There also lives more than 240 types of phytoplankton and the uncountable number of species of fish, the most vivid representatives of which are: tuna, sardines, cod, anchovies, herring, perch (sea), halibus, pike.

From mammals there can be found several types of whales, the most common - blue whale. Ocean water also inhabit octopus, crustaceans, squid.

Flora and the fauna of the ocean is much poorer than the quiet. This is caused by relatively low age and less favorable temperature conditions.

Islands and Peninsula

Some of the islands were formed as a result of the elevation of the Mid-Atlantic Range above sea level, such as Azores and Tristan-da-kun archipelago can be attributed.

Tristan yes-Kunya Island

Bermuda islands are the most famous and mysterious.


On the territory of the Atlantic Ocean are located: Caribbean, Antilles, Iceland, Malta (state-in on the island), oh. Saint Helena - all of them 78. Canary, Bahamas, Sicily, Cyprus, Crete and Barbados became favorite places for visiting tourists.

Straits and seas

The water of the Atlantic includes 16 seas, among which the most famous and large are: Mediterranean, Caribbean, Sargasso.

The Caribbean Sea meets with the Atlantic Ocean

The Gibraltar Strait connects the flow of ocean waters with the Mediterranean Sea.

Magellan Strait (passes along the fiery ground and is distinguished by a large number of sharp rocks) and the Strait of Drakes go to the Pacific Ocean.

Nature features

The Atlantic Ocean is the youngest on Earth.

A significant part of the waters extends in the tropics and moderate belt, so the animal world is represented in all its diversity as among mammals, so among fish and other marine creatures.

The variety of species of plankton is not large, but only here it is a biomass on 1 m³ may be so large.

Relief DNA

The main feature of the relief is the mid-Atlantic ridge, the length of which is more than 18,000 km. The bottom of the bottom is covered with a smooth bottom of the bottom of the ridge.

Also present small underwater volcanoes, some of which are valid. The bottom is cut in deep gorges, the origin of which is still not known for sure. However, due to age, relief education, prevailing in other oceans, are developed here to a much lesser extent.


In some parts, the coastline is slightly cut, but the coast is rather rocky. There are several large waters, for example, Mexican, Guinean Bay.

Gulf of Mexico

In the area of \u200b\u200bNorth America and the eastern coast of Europe, many natural bays, straits, archipelago and peninsulas.


In the Atlantic Ocean, oil and gas production is maintained, which is a decent share in global mineral mining.

Also on the shelf of some seas are made of sulfur, ores, precious stones and metals, important for the global industry.

Ecological problems

In the 19th century, in these places, whale hunting was widespread among the sailors to extract their fat and bristles. As a result, their number was sharply reduced to the critical, now there is a ban on whaling fishery.

Water is badly contaminated due to use and emissions:

  • a huge amount of oil in the bay in 2010;
  • production waste;
  • urban garbage;
  • radioactive substances from stations, poisons.

This not only pollutes the water, worsens the biosphere and kills everything alive in water, but exactly to the same extent affects environmental pollution in cities, consumption of products with the content of all these substances.

Types of economic activity

The Atlantic Ocean is carried out 4/10 of the volume of fishing fishery. It is through him a huge number of shipping pathways (the main of which are directed from Europe to North America).

The paths passing through the Atlantic Ocean and the sea, located in it, lead to the largest ports that are of great importance in import and export trade. Oil, ore, coal, wood, products and raw materials metallurgical industries are transferred through them, food products.

On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean there are many world tourist cities, annually attracting a large number of people.

Interesting facts about the Atlantic Ocean

The most curious of them:


The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest, but by no means less significant. It is an important source of minerals, the fishing industry, through it is the most important transport routes. Briefly summing up, it is worth paying attention to the vast damage to the ecological and organic component of the ocean life caused by mankind.

Abstract on the topic:

Atlantic Ocean

dISC "\u003e 1 History Study of the Atlantic Ocean Europeans 2 General Description 3 Geological Structure 4 Conditional Borders and Relief 5 Climate 6 Flora, Fauna and Mineral Resources 7 States Coast of the Atlantic Ocean



Coordinates: 15 ° 00? 00? from. sh. 34 ° 00? 00? s. d.? /? 15 ° C. sh. 34 ° z. (G) (O) (s) 15, -34 Atlantic Ocean - The second largest ocean after the Pacific Ocean.

Area 91.6 million km?, Of which about a quarter are in the incontinental seas. The area of \u200b\u200bthe coastal seas is small and does not exceed 1% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe water area. Water volume is 329.7 million km?, What is equal to 25% of the volume of the world's ocean. The average depth is 3736 m, the largest - 8742 m (Puerto Rico's fruit). The average annual salt water of the ocean is about 35. The Atlantic Ocean has a strongly rugged coastline with pronounced membership on regional water area: seas and bays.

The name happened on behalf of Titan Atlas (Atlanta) in Greek mythology or from the legendary island of Atlantis.

1. History of the study of the Atlantic Ocean Europeans

The first of the philosophers of antiquity, the word "Atlantic" used in his writings the Greek historian Herodotus, wrote that "the sea, by whom Ellina swim, and the fact that behind the Hercules pillars is called the Atlantic." The term "Atlantic Ocean" is found in the writings of Eratosthene of the Kirensky (III century BC) and Plinia of the Elder (I century. E.), But in what kind of water is indicated in antiquity, scientists are still not sure. Perhaps so called the water management between the Gibraltar Strait and the Canary Islands.

Long before the era of the great geographical discoveries, the expanses of the Atlantic were furred by numerous Viking ships, Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Normans and Basque. For example, the Basque tribe settled on the Pyrenean Peninsula in ancient times, even before the appearance on the continent of Indo-European peoples. Fishing fishing, but not having access to the quiet bays of the warm Mediterranean sea, the Bushy Biskay bisciy bay, which has long been a bad glory, which has long been a bad glory, thoroughly studied. It is impossible to exclude that in a few centuries to Columbus they reached the "earth of dried fish" (about. Newfoundland) on the other side of the Atlantic: the water and dynamics are famous for richery fish stocks. In the X-XI Art. The new page in the study of the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean fit Normans. According to the majority of researchers of pre-columbotic discoveries, the Scandinavian Vikings first and once twisted the ocean, reaching the banks of the American continent (they called it in Winland) and opening Greenland and Labrador.

After a few centuries of the expedition of Christopher Columbus caused many of the islands of the Caribbean and a huge mainland later called America. The British did not slow down to gear to the northeastern shores of the new world, several research expeditions gathered very valuable information, and in 1529, Spanish cartographers made a map of the Northern part of the Atlantic, washing the Western banks of Europe and Africa, and marked dangerous chali and reefs on it.

At the end of the 15th century, rivalry between Spain and Portugal for domination in the Atlantic was so much so that the conflict was forced to intervene the Vatican. In 1494, a contract was signed, which was established at 48-49 ° W. N. "Papal Meridian." All the lands west of it were given to Spain, and to the East - Portugal. In the XVI century, as the colonial wealth arises, the wave of Atlantic began to regularly boil ships, transporting gold, silver, precious stones, pepper, cocoa and sugar to Europe. In America, weapons, tissues, alcohol, products and slaves for cotton plantations and sugar cane delivered to America. It is not surprising that in the XVI-XVII Art. Pirate fishery and kaperism flourished in these parts, and many famous pirates, such as John Hawkins, Francis Drake and Henry Morgan, entered their names in history.

On the maps of European navigaters, compiled in the XVII century, appears the name "Ethiopian Sea", and the toponym "Atlantica" returned only at the end of the XVIII century.

The first attempts to study the seabed were taken in 1779 near the shores of Denmark, and the first Russian round-the-world expedition was launched in 1803-06 in 1803-06 under the start of the Maritime Officer of Ivan Kruzhenstern. Participants in subsequent trips conducted measurements of temperature and specific weight of water at different depths, took samples of transparency of water and installed the presence of underwater flows.

Not wanting to lag behind, the British took a number of successful scientific expeditions during the same years. In 1817-18. John Ross sailed on the ship "Isabella", and in 1839-43. His nephew James was swimming three times in the Antarctic on the ships "Erebus" and "Terror". A turning point in the history of underwater research was the appearance in 1845 a new bottom probe, designed by John Bruk. During 1868-76. The Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain organized a number of oceanographic expeditions under the start of Professor of the Edinburgh University of Lord Charles Thomson. In the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries. Systematic research was conducted in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. No less valuable scientific results brought an Expedition Erich von Drigalisi on the ship "Gauss" (1901-03), the participants of which conducted thorough measurements in the northeastern and southeastern of the Atlantic. In 1899, on the International Oceanographic Conference in Stockholm, it was decided to proceed to the creation of a battymetric map of the ocean on a scale of 1:10, the first cards of this type appeared in the middle of the XIX century). In the first half of the 20th century, Germany, Britain, the United States and Russia, a number of scientific expeditions were taken, according to the results of which scientists received a detailed view of the Mid-Atlantic Range. In 1968, the American vessel "Gombus Challenger" conducted studies of underwater cracks in the earth's crust, and in 1971-80. The program of the International Decade of Oceanographic Studies was successfully implemented.

2. General description


waters, million km?

million km?


ocean depth,


puerto Rico (8742)


Zondiy Zhalk (7209)


Greenland Sea (5527)

Mariana Vpadina (11022)

Sea - Baltic, Northern, Mediterranean, Black, Sargassovo, Caribbean, Adriatic, Azov, Balearic, Ionian, Irish, Marble, Tyrrhenan, Aegean. Large bays - Biscai, Guinean, Mexican, Hudsons.

Main Islands: British, Iceland, Newfoundland, Large and Small Antilles, Canary, Green Cape, Falkland (Malvinsky).

The Meridional Mid-Atlantic Range divides the Atlantic Ocean on the Eastern and Western part.

disc "\u003e Between the coast of Canada and the southern tip of Greenland Atlantic Sea Labrador bordered by the Devisian Strait (the delimitation line between the sea Labrador and the Devisian Strait passes from the intersection of the 60th parallel with the coast of Labrador Peninsula); from Cape Vella on the East Greenland Coast (Extreme Northern Point 68 ° 37'24.9 "s. Sh.) A straight line to the Cape Straimness in the north-west of Iceland delimits the Atlantic Ocean and the Greenland Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean; And from the cape Bard sester in the east of Iceland, the broken line of the boundary between the Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea is held - through the northern tip of the island of Wiyaya (the extreme north of the Faroe Islands) and the point on the 61st parallels of the north of the island of AnST (Shetland Islands). Further on the 61st parallels until the coast of Norway continues the border between the Norwegian Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Ocean and the Atlantic Northern Sea (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sognesean southern entrance to the Sogne Fjord).

In the southwest, the Atlantic Ocean borders with the quiet ocean, to which Magellan Strait belongs

    From the extreme southern point of America, the border between the oceans passes through the Meridian 67 ° 15 "z. d.

In the south-east near the coast of Africa, the Atlantic Ocean is bordered by the Indian Ocean

    The border between the oceans passes through the Meridian of 20 ° C. d.

South of the Atlantic highlighted the special South Ocean surrounding Antarctica

    Its conditional boundary is installed at 60 °. sh. This, the physical boundary of this southern ocean with the Atlantic is much north of the arc from South Africa to the southern tip of the fiery land.

Maximum width

    from the shores of the Mexican bay and the Eastern Coast of the Black Sea is about 13.5 thousand km;

Minimum width

    from Cape San Rock (Brazil) to the west coast of Africa (Port Monrovia in Liberia) - a little more 2,8 thousand km.

The Atlantic Ocean sometimes includes the Northern Arctic Ocean of 14.8 million km?.

Sea of \u200b\u200bAtlantic Ocean

The largest of the outskirts of the Atlantic seas is Weddell's Sea of \u200b\u200babout 3 million km? - Washes the shores of Antarctica. In particular, the Caribbean Sea with the Mexican Gulf belongs to the number of internal intercontinental seas (area of \u200b\u200bover 4.3 million km?) And the Mediterranean Sea (along with Black and Azov - about 3 million km?). The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean pool is 46.5 million km?. It fell into it such large rivers as Amazon, Congo, Neil, Mississippi and Niger.

Relief DNA

By virtue of the large meridional length, the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean is striking the multiple of the shapes and types of relief: from the sandy deserts of Namibia to the harsh rocky landscapes of Canada.

Both: Labrador (maximum depth - 4685 m), Newfownland (3937 m), North American (8742 m), Gwiankaya (5146 m), Brazilian (6697 m), Argentinean (6681 m), Atlantico Antarctic, Western European ( 5250 m), Iberian (5943 m), Canary (6690 m), green cape (6390 m), Sierra Leone (5080 m), Guinean (5212 m), Angolan (6260 m), Kapskaya (5520 m), Aguullas ;

Gutter: Puerto Rico (8742 m), Yuzhno-Sandvichevm), Romanez;

Raising and ridges: Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Greenland Icelandic Threshold, Labrador Raise, Southeast Newfoundland Raising, Antilles (Caribbean) Arc, Couple Raise, Raising Trindadi, Underwater Hill Rio Grande, Falkland Plateau, Raising South Georgia, Arc or Ridge Skins, Faroezo-Icelandic threshold, threshold Thomson Wyville (Faroe-Smetland Ridge), Bank or Plateau Rockall, Bankail Bank, Biscay Rise, Azores Rise, Ridge Madeira, Raising Canary Islands, Green Cape Plateau, Sierra Leone Plateau, Rise Liberia, Guinea Range , Whale ridge, cape

Earthquakes and volcanism have a mighty effect on the structure and formation of the ocean bottom. The special intensity of tectonic processes is observed in the fledges of the earth's crust (rhythic chutes at the foot of the submarine ridges and deep latitudinal cracks in the equator area). The largest seismic activity is distinguished by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Ridge, Puerto Rico and South Sandvichev, and Antille Arcs. Submarine volcanoes are comprehensive mainly by basalt rocks, and the height of many of them reaches 5 km. Scientists found that the eruption of these volcanoes began at the end of the Jurassic period, so the age of the most ancient of them is estimated at 90 million years.

Bottom sediments The largest area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom is occupied by foraminiferous yals. The share of terrigenous precipitation (sand, gravel, pebbles, Il), which occupy the shelf, continental slope and part of the bottom Kotlovin are extremely large. Diatoms are found only in the pooltarctic waters. In the deepest parts of Kotlovin, bottom deposits are represented by deep-sea red clay.

5. Climate

The variety of climatic conditions on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean is determined by its large meridional length and circulation of air masses under the influence of four major atmospheric centers: the Greenland and Antarctic maxima, Icelandic and Antarctic minima. In addition, two anticyclone are constantly in subtropics: Azores and South Atlantic. A strong influence on the climate is provided by seasonal winter anticyclones: Canadian, Asian, South African and South American.

Not only its large meridional length is the greatest effect on the temperature regime of the Atlantic Ocean, but also water exchange with the Northern Arctic Ocean, the seas of Antarctic and the Mediterranean Sea. For surface waters, their gradual cooling is characterized as it removes from the equator to high latitudes, although the presence of powerful currents causes significant deviations from zonal temperature modes.

Powerful carriers of thermal energy are circular surface currents, located on both sides of the equator: such, for example, the Northern and South Trading Courses. Cold water carries the canary current, as well as the flow of Western winds. In the Atlantic Ocean there are several tiers of deep-water flows. The temperature of surface water at the equator in the summer (in August in the north, in February in the south) - 26 ° C, and in the winter (February in the north, August in the south) - 27 ° C. At 60 ° C. sh. - from 0 ° C off the coast of North America to 7 ° C in the east; A 60 ° sh. - 1 ° C. The average is 16.5 ° C. The greatest saltness of surface waters in the open ocean is observed at the equator - 38 ‰ (maximum in the Mediterranean - 39 ‰); In other climatic zones, it is 1-3 below. The average saline rate is 35.4.

On the expanses of the Atlantic are all climatic belts of the planet. For tropical latitudes are characterized by minor seasonal temperature fluctuations (the average indicator is 20 ° C) and abundant precipitation. To the north and south of the tropics there are subequatorial belts with more noticeable seasonal (from 10 ° C in winter to 20 ° C in summer) and daily temperature fluctuations; The precipitation here falls mainly in the summer. Frequent phenomenon in the subequatorial zone - tropical hurricanes. In these monstrous atmospheric vortices, wind speed reaches several hundred kilometers per hour. The most powerful tropical hurricanes are rampant in the Caribbean: for example, in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Islands of West Indies. West-Indic tropical hurricanes are formed in the western part of the ocean in the region of 10-15 ° C. sh. And move to the Azores and Ireland. Next to the north and south, the zones of subtropics are followed by the zones of subtropics, where in the coldest month the temperature decreases to 10 ° C, and in winter the cold air masses from the polar areas of low pressure brought abundant precipitation. In moderate latitudes, the average temperature of the warmer month is held within 10-15 ° C, and the coldest? 10 ° C. There are also significant daily temperature differences. For a moderate belt, the precipitation (about 1 000 mm), reaching the maximum in the autumn-winter period, and frequent ferocious storms, and the southern moderate latitudes are called "roaring forties", are characterized. Isotherm 10 ° C determines the boundaries of the northern and southern sugar belts. In the northern hemisphere, this border passes in a wide band between 50 ° C. Sh. (Labrador) and 70 ° C. sh. (Coast of Northern Norway). In the southern hemisphere, the indoor zone begins closer to the equator - approximately 45-50 ° YU. sh. The lowest temperature (-34 ° C) was registered in the sea Weddell.

6. Flora, Fauna and Mineral Resources

The floral world of the Atlantic is distinguished by a species diversity. In the thickness of water, phytoplankton dominates, consisting of dinoflagellates and diatoms of algae. In the midst of their seasonal flowering, the sea off the coast of Florida is painted in a bright red color, and tens of millions of single-cell plants are contained in a liter of seawater. The bottom flora is represented by brown (fucus, laminaria), green, red algae and some vascular plants. In the mouth of the rivers, the seastera is growing, or the wicker, and green (Kaulerpa, Wolonia) and brown (Sargassy) algae are dominated in the tropics. For the southern part of the ocean, brown algae (fus, forests, electric) are characterized.

The animal world is characterized by a large - about a hundred - the number of bipolar species that live only in cold and temperate belts and absent in the tropics. First of all, these are large marine animals (whales, seals, seals) and ocean birds. Sea hedgehogs, coral polyps, sharks, parrot fish and surgery fish live in tropical latitudes. Dolphins are often found in the waters of the Atlantic. Cheerful animal intellectuals willingly accompany large and small ships - sometimes, unfortunately, falling under the ruthless blades of screws. The indigenous inhabitants of the Atlantic are African Lamine and the largest mammal of the planet - blue whale.

The greatest commercial importance has cement-shaped, cracking and salmon fish. Over half of the world catch of cod, herring, mackerels, tuna and sardin is mined in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. In the 1970s. Due to the flip of some species of fish, the volume of the fishery decreased sharply, but after the introduction of strict limits, fish stocks are gradually restored.

Mining mining, primarily oil and gas, is carried out on the mainland shelves. The following in the value group of mineral resources form coastal deposits of titanium, zirconium, tin, diamonds, phosphorites, monazita and amber. From the seabed also mining coal, barite, sulfur, sand, pebbles and limestone.


The Atlantic Ocean and its part of the sea are washed by the coast of 96 countries:

Abkhazia, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Beliza, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Gabon, Haiti, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Germany, Honduras, Grenada, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Sakhakkaya Arab Democratic Republic, Israel, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Canada , Cyprus, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Latvia, Liberia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Mauritania, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Monaco, Namibia, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Palestinian Authority, Panama , Poland, Portugal, Republic of Congo, Russia, Romania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Syria, Slovenia, Suriname, USA, Sierra Leone, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ukraine, Uruguay, Finland I, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Chile, Sweden, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, South Africa, Jamaica.

The Sugar Arab Democratic Republic does not have public sovereignty and is not a subject of international law, its future is subject to settlement according to the relevant UN solutions.


Herodotus, story, first - www book. /istoriya/Grecia/gerODot/01.html OKMHHMHI. EYARBEMMY KHARNPH - HBAR. Phys. ***** / GORM / AHIST / PLINY. Htm Tordesillas Agreement between the kings of Spain and Portugal about the division of the world on June 7, 1494 - www. vostlit. ***** / TEXTS / Dokumenty / Spain / Ferdi_isabel / 1494.07.06.dogovor. HTM. Eastern literature. , "Travel around the world in 1803, 1804, 1805 and 1806 on the ships" Nadezhda "and" Neva "(M.: Ed. Drop House, 2007) Ocean Atlas. Terms, concepts, reference tables. - M.: Gunge of the USSR MO, 1980. P. 84-85 Often Goodzons Bay is classified as the sea, often refers to the North Arctic Ocean VLIMAR, The Vliz Marine Gazetteer - WWW. VLIZ. BE / VMDCDATA / VLIMAR / VLIMAR. php? P \u003d Details & ID \u003d 1902 IHO 23-3RD: Limits of Oceans and Seas, Special Publication 23, 3rd Edition 1953 - WWW. Iho. shom. FR / Publicat / Free / Files / S23_1953.pdf K. Relief, geological structure and geophysical fields of the bottom. In the book: Atlantic Ocean. Geography of the World Ocean. 1984

Atlantic Ocean Card

Ocean Square - 91.6 million;
Maximum depth - Puerto Rico Groit, 8742 m;
The number of seas is 16;
The largest seas - the Sargasso Sea, the Caribbean Sea, the Mediterranean Sea;
The biggest bay is the Gulf of Mexican;
The biggest islands - United Kingdom, Iceland, Ireland;
The strongest trends:
- warm - Golf Stream, Brazilian, Northern Passatoe, South Passatoe;
- Cold - Bengal, Labrador, Canary, Western winds.
The Atlantic Ocean takes the entire space from subarctic latitudes to Antarctica. In the south-west, he borders with the Pacific Ocean, in the south-east with Indian and in the north - with the North Arctic. In the northern hemisphere, the coastline of the continents, which are washed by the waters of the Ice Ocean, is strongly cut. There are many inland seas, especially in the east.
The Atlantic Ocean is considered a relatively young ocean. The mid-Atlantic ridge, which stretches almost strictly in the meridian, divides the ocean bed for two approximately the same parts. In the north, individual vertices ridge towers over the water in the form of volcanic islands, the greatest of which Iceland.
The shelf part of the Atlantic Ocean is not large - 7%. The greatest width of the shelf, 200 - 400 km, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern and Baltic seas.

The Atlantic Ocean is in all climatic belts, but most of it is in tropical and moderate latitudes. Climatic conditions here are determined by trade winds and western winds. The greatest wind strength is reached in moderate latitudes of the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean. In the area of \u200b\u200bIsland Island, there is a center for the origin of cyclones, which significantly affect the nature of the entire northern hemisphere.
The average surface waters in the Atlantic Ocean are significantly lower than in a quiet. This is due to the influence of cold waters and ice, which come from the Arctic Ocean and Antarctic. In high latitudes there are many icebergs and drifting ice floes. In the north, icebergs slide from Greenland, and in the south - with Antarctica. Nowadays for the movement of the icebergs, land satellites of the Earth are followed from space.
The flows in the Atlantic Ocean have a meridional direction and are characterized by the strong activity of the movement of water masses from some latitudes to others.
The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean according to the species composition of the poorer than the quiet. This is explained by geological youth and cooler climatic conditions. But despite this, stocks of fish and other marine animals and plants in the ocean are quite significant. The organic world is more rich in moderate latitudes. More favorable conditions for living in many species of fish have developed in the northern and northwestern parts of the ocean, where less flows of warm and cold flows. Here, industrial significance: Cod, herring, sea bass, mackerel, washing.
The natural complexes of the individual seas and the atlantic ocean shaws are distinguished, especially for the inland seas: the Mediterranean, Black, North and Baltic. In the northern subtropical belt is located, unique in nature, Sargasovo Sea. Giant Sargassive algae, which is rich in the sea, made it famous.
An important seaside paths are running through the Atlantic Ocean, which connect the new light with European countries and Africa. On the coast and the islands of the Atlantic are world famous areas of recreation and tourism.
The Atlantic Ocean began to master the psychic times. Starting from the XV century, the Atlantic Ocean becomes the main waterway of humanity and does not lose its meaning today. The first period of the ocean studies lasted to the middle of the XVIII century. He described the study of the distribution of ocean waters and the establishment of the ocean boundaries. Comprehensive study of the nature of the Atlantic began with the end of the XIX century.
The nature of the ocean in our time is studied more than 40 scientific ships from around the world. Oceanologists carefully examine the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere, are observed for golfustrim and other currents, for the movement of icebergs. The Atlantic Ocean is no longer able to restore its biological resources. The preservation of its nature today is an international business.
Choose one of the unique places of the Atlantic Ocean and along with Google Maps, make a fascinating journey.
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The Atlantic Ocean, or Atlantic - the second largest (after the quiet) and the most developed among the other waters. From the east, it is limited to the coast of South and North America, from the West - Africa and Europe, in the north - Greenland, in the south merged with the Southern Ocean.

Distinctive features of the Atlantic: a small amount of islands, a difficult terrain and a strongly rugged coastline.

Characteristics of the ocean

Area: 91.66 million square meters, and 16% of the territory falls on the sea and bays.

Volume: 329.66 million square meters

Saltness: 35.

Depth: Average - 3736 m, the largest - 8742 m (Puerto Rico Groit).

Temperature: in the south and north - about 0 ° C, at the equator - 26-28 ° C.

Flow: Conditionally allocate 2 cyphans - the north (flows move clockwise) and the southern (counterclockwise). Course shares the equatorial interpassate counterchange.

The main flows of the Atlantic Ocean


Northern Passatom -it begins at the western coast of Africa, crosses the ocean from the east to the West and occurs near Cuba with Gulf Stream.

Golfstream - The most powerful flow in the world that transfers 140 million cubic meters of water per second (for comparison: all rivers of the world carry only 1 million cubic meters of water per second). It is born near the banks of the Bahamas, where Florida and Antillese flows are found. United, they give rise to Golf Stream, which through the shed between Cuba and Florida P-Owl with a powerful stream to the Atlantic Ocean. Then the current moves to the north along the coast of the United States. Approximately near the coast of the state of North Carolina Golf Stream turns to the east and goes into the open ocean. Approximately 1500 km it meets with a cold Labrador flow, which slightly changes the Gulf Stream course and carries it to the northeast. Closer to Europe, the flow is divided into two branches: Azoreskyand the North Atlantic.

Only recently it became known that 2 km below the golfustrium flows the reverse flow, heading from Greenland to Sargassov Sea. This flow of icewater was called anti-tightened.

Northern Atlantic - Continuation of the Golfstrum, which is washes the Western Coast of Europe and brings heat of southern latitudes, providing a soft and warm climate.

Antilsk - It begins east of Puerto Rico Island, it flows to the north and near the Bahamas is poured into Gulf Stream. Speed \u200b\u200b- 1-1.9 km / h, water temperature 25-28 ° C.

Interpassate counter -the flow of an Equator's ground ball. In the Atlantic shares the Northern Passatown and South Trading Flow.

South-Passy (or South Equatorial) - goes through southern tropics. The average water temperature is 30 ° C. When the southern trade house reaches the shores of South America, it is divided into two sleeves: Caribbean, or Gwyanskoye (flowing north to the banks of Mexico) and Brazilian - Moves south along the shores of Brazil.

Guinean -located in the Gulf of Guinea. It flows from the West to the East, and then turns south. Together with Angolan and southern equatorial, the cyclic flow of the Guinean bay is formed.


Lomonosov countercover -opened by the Soviet Expedition in 1959. It is born off the shores of Brazil and moves to the north. A 200 km width stream intersects the equator and flows into the Guinean Bay.

Canary - flowing from north to south, to the equator along the coast of Africa. This wide stream (up to 1 thousand km) near Madeira and the Canary Islands is found with Azores and Portuguese currents. Approximately around 15 ° C.Sh. Joins with equatorial countercase.

Labradorsky -starts in the Strait between Canada and Greenland. It turns south to Newfoundland Bank, where it meets with a golfustrim. Water flows carry cold from the north-ice ocean, and with the stream of south, huge icebergs are taken. In particular, Iceberg, who destroyed the famous "Titanic", was brought by Labrador.

Bengelskoe - It is born near the cape of good hope and moves along the coast of Africa to the north.

Falkland (or Malvinskoye)it takes off from the flow of Western winds and flows to the north along the east coast of South America to the Bay of La Plata. Temperature: 4-15 ° C.

The flow of western winds Singing the globe in the area of \u200b\u200b40-50 ° Yu.Sh. The flow moves from the west to the east. In the Atlantic from him bother Southern Atlantic flow.

Underwater World of Atlantic Ocean

The underwater world of the Atlantic is poorer in a variety than in the Pacific Ocean. This is due to the fact that the Atlantic Ocean has been frozen during the ice age. But the Atlantic is richer in the number of individuals of each species.

Flora and the submarine fauna are clearly distributed through climatic zones.

The plant world is represented mainly by algae and flowering plants (zoster, poseidonia, fucus). In northern latitudes, laminaria predominates, in moderate - red algae. All over the oceans at a depth of 100 m actively flourishes phytoplankton.

Fauna is characterized by the wealth of species. In the Atlantic, almost all types and classes of marine animals live. Fishing fish are especially valued herring, Sardin, Flovar. There is an active cattle and mollusk catch, the whaling fishery is limited.

The rain belt of the Atlantic affects its abundance. There are many corals and many amazing animal species: turtles, volatile fish, several dozen sharks.

For the first time, the name of the ocean is found in the works of Herodota (V c. BC), who calls him atlantis. A in I.N.E. Roman scientist Pliny Senior writes about extensive water stroit, which is named Oceanus Atlanticus. But the official name "Atlantic Ocean" has consolidated only by the XVII century.

In the history of studies of the Atlantic, 4 stages can be distinguished:

1. From antiquity to the XV century. The first documents in which the ocean is described are to the I millennium BC. Ancient Phoenicians, Egyptians, Cradans and Greeks knew the coastal zones of the water area well. Cards of those times with detailed depths are preserved, guidelines.

2. Time of great geographical discoveries (XV-XVII centuries). The development of the Atlantic continues, the ocean becomes one of the most important trading paths. In 1498, Vasco de Gama, having encouraged Africa, paved the way to India. 1493-1501. - Three sailing of Columbus to America. Bermud anomaly was revealed, many currents were discovered, detailed depth maps, coastal zones, temperatures, bottom relief were compiled.

Franklin's expeditions in 1770, I. Kruzenshtern and Yu. Lisyansky 1804-06.

3. The XIX-first half of the XX century is the beginning of scientific oceanographic studies. Chemistry, physics, biology, ocean geology are studied. A map of the flows is drawn up, research is carried out for laying underwater cable between Europe and America.

4. 1950s - our days. A comprehensive study of all components of oceanography is carried out. In priority: study of climate of different zones, identifying global atmospheric problems, ecology, mining, mining, ensuring the movement of vessels, extraction of seafood.

In the center of the Belisian Barrier Reef is a unique underwater cave - a large blue hole. Its depth is 120 meters, and at the bottom there is a whole gallery of smaller caves, interconnected by tunnels.

In the Atlantic there is the only sea in the world without the shores - Sargassovo. His borders are formed by ocean currents.

Here is one of the most mysterious places on the planet: Bermuda triangle. The Atlantic Ocean is also the birthplace of another myth (or reality?) - The mainland of Atlantis.

It covers an area of \u200b\u200b92 million km. It collects fresh water from the most significant part of the sushi and stands out among other oceans by the fact that both polar regions of the Earth connect in the form of a wide strait. The middle-atlantic ridge passes in the center of the Atlantic. This is an instability belt. Separate vertices of this ridge rise above the water in the form. Among them are the largest -.

The southern tropical part of the ocean is under the influence of the South-Eastern Passat. The sky above this part is slightly tinted with cumulus clouds similar to cotton. This is the only place in the Atlantic, where there. The color of the water in this part of the ocean ranges from the dark blue to the bright green (near). Water is green when approaching, as well as the southern shores. The tropical part of the south of the Atlantic is very rich in life: Plankton's density there is 16 thousand individuals on a liter; There is an abundance of volatile fish, sharks and other predatory fish. There are no coral builders in the southern part of the Atlantic: they were supplanted from here. Many researchers notice that cold flows in this part of the ocean richer life than warm.

: 34-37.3.

Additional Information: The Atlantic Ocean received its name from the Atlantic Mountains located in the North-West Africa, on another version - from the mythical continent of Atlantis, on the third - on behalf of Titan Atlas (Atlanta); The Atlantic Ocean is conventionally divided into the northern and southern regions, the boundary between which runs along the equator.