Where to make the definition of STGs in the blood. Somatotropic hormone: the norm, how to increase the hormone level

Somatotropin is one of the hormones of the front lobe of the pituitary gland, is necessary for the full growth and development of the child. In adults affects bone and muscle mass supporting protein synthesis in them, breaks fats and increases blood glucose levels.
The HTH molecule is a chain of 191 amino acids with two sulfide bridges inside. Of all mammals, human growth hormone is most like a monkey. There arises in somatotrofas - special cells of the front proportion of the pituitary gland, from a biologically not active progermone - Pre-Stgh, which partially enters the blood.
In the blood, 50% of STGs binds to a special transport protein. Half-life of a free period of 20-50 minutes. The HTH gene is located on the 17th chromosome, together with prolactin and hard-like placenta peptide.
Growth hormone in blood is secreted by impulse and its concentration depends on the age and status of sleep-wake, the time of year. Peak - 1-4 hours after falling asleep when 70% of the daily "dose" stands out.

Selection stimulants.

Somatolyberin is a pituitary hormone, in a few minutes increases the levels of STGs, reaching a maximum in half an hour.
Food rich in squirrels.
physical exercises.

Selection blockers.

Somatostatin - inhibits the selection of STGs and, at the same time, TSH, is allocated by the hypothalamus nuclei, D-cells of the pancreas, the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland.
carbohydrate food.
fatty acid.
Increased feature thyroid gland - Hyperthyroidism.

Growth hormone effects.

Stimulates the growth of the body to the length (via IFR-1).
Increases proteins synthesis.
Reduces the use of fats.
Increases the release of glycogen from the liver and reduces the speed of using glucose tissues.
Increases insulin resistance.
Increases blood phosphorus.
Reduces sodium and potassium release (they are redirected to growing fabrics).
Stimulates calcium suction in the intestines.
Accelerates the exchange of collagen.

Somatotropin (Somatotropic Hormon, Stgh, Growth Hormone, Somatropine) - Hormone, which refers to the polypeptide family. A somatotropic hormone is produced by cells located in the front of the pituitary gland (somatotrofam). This process occurs under the control of the hypothalamus. In the area of \u200b\u200bthis section of the brain, somatolyberine and somatostatin, responsible for the increase and decrease in the level of the STGs are formed.

Increased production of a somatotropic hormone pituitary is detected in childhood. Hormone production occurs during sleep. By evening, it drops it, and by morning it increases again. Within an hour, somatopine breaks down and begins to act on the fabric, using insulin-like somateomedy, resulting in the liver.

Somatotropin performs the following functions in the human body:

  • stimulates fat and protein exchange;
  • responsible for the growth of tissues and bones;
  • maintains a normal blood glucose level;
  • stimulates the production of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid);
  • takes part in the production of glycogen in the liver;
  • stimulates lactation in nursing women.

Norm of somatotropic hormone

The rate of somatotropin depends on the age of a person and its gender:

  • newborn: from 5 to 53 μg / l;
  • children up to 1 year: from 2 to 10 μg / l;
  • children from 1 year to 12 years: from 1 to 20 μg / l;
  • teenagers from 12 to 18 years old: from 1 to 20 μg / l;
  • men from 18 to 60 years: from 0 to 4 μg / l;
  • women from 18 to 60 years: from 0 to 18 μg / l;
  • men over 60 years old: from 1 to 9 μg / l;
  • women over 60 years old: from 1 to 16 μg / l.
Stimulate the production of growth hormone can be using physical exertion. Any physical activity Positive affects its products. The most optimal is the combination of power and anaerobic loads.

How to increase growth hormone

In order to increase the level of somatotropin, it is necessary to observe the day of the day and follow the power. In the event that the cause of the decrease is the disease, drug or surgical treatment is shown.

Medicinal products

In order to increase the level of somatotropin in the body, preparations from the pituitary hormone group and their synthetic analogues are used. They enhance protein synthesis, positively affect the mineral exchange, increase the growth and weight of the body. The drug, dosage, the scheme and the duration of treatment should be appointed by an endocrinologist after a full-time consultation and passing the necessary analyzes.

  • brain tumors;
  • malignant neoplasms of any localization;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • states after operations on the heart or in the region of the abdominal cavity.

With caution therapy is carried out with diabetes, endocrine disorders, during pregnancy and during lactation. Treatment with drugs group of hormones of pituitary glands is rather long, sometimes it can last several years.

In the event that the reason for lowering the level of somatotropin is tumors in the brain area, surgical intervention is required. When pathology arises as a result of chronic diseases, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that leads to a hormone lack.

It is possible to increase the level of STGs using biologically active additives. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. Amino acids: Ornithine, Arginine and Citrullin are actively producing the body.

Athletes dealing with power sports, to increase the level of somatotropin use special nutritional supplements, which gives them the opportunity to increase muscle mass. But the use of such drugs can lead to the appearance of hyperglycemia, hypertension, tumor processes or erectile dysfunction.

How to raise a somatotropic hormone with nutrition

In order to increase the level of hardening in the body, you need to eat correctly. Maximum efficient is the change in the diet. From the menu it is necessary to eliminate fried, oily, salty food, as well as flour and sweet dishes. Insulin, falling into the blood after their use, slows down the production of somatotropin, so it is better to use slow carbohydrates to use it better secretion.

In the diet should be attended:

  • dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk);
  • low-fat meat (veal, beef, rabbit, bird);
  • seafood (salmon, mackerel, shrimp, mussels, red and black caviar);
  • legumes (soybean, beans, nuts, peas);
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
  • fruits and berries (cherries, peaches, oranges, apples, avocado);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes);
  • greens (spinach, parsley, dill);
  • vegetable fats (olive, sunflower, corn, linseed oil);
  • chicken eggs.

Slow carbohydrates are best absorbed in the first half of the day, so the maximum amount is recommended to be used during breakfast and lunch. We need to eat 5 or 6 times a day, while the volume of dishes should be reduced.

At night it is not recommended to overload the stomach, so dinner should take place at least 3 hours before sleep. If a person is experiencing a strong sense of hunger, you can eat a small amount of degreased cottage cheese or several small fruits. A day you need to drink up to two liters of clean, non-carbonated water.

People who want to increase the level of hardware are recommended to refuse to eat alcoholic beverages, as even a small amount of alcohol adversely affects the hormonal background.

Physical exercise

Stimulate the production of growth hormone can be using physical exertion. Any motor activity has a positive effect on its products. The most optimal is the combination of power and anaerobic loads. To the one useful types Sports, increasing the level of STG, attribute running (walking) and power exercises that most muscle involve.

Increase the level of growth hormone will help visit the bath or sauna. Scientific studies show that after a temperature drop for half an hour, somatotropin is actively produced. The same effect has a contrasting soul.

In order for the somatotropin level to increase, the exercises must be performed for a long time, since in other cases the body will begin to produce cortisol, which will reduce the effectiveness of classes. It is also desirable that anaerobic precedes the power load.

Training should be regular, carried out 3 or 4 times a week, as well as last at least 45 minutes. At the same time, in the classroom, it is necessary to behave actively with minimal transfers so that the muscles do not have time to cool. Before starting the training, it is advisable to perform a workout.

To raise the level of somatotropin, it is recommended to carry out every day in the fresh air at least an hour. At the same time, it is preferable to move all the time. This will make it possible not only to normalize the hormonal background, but also get rid of fat deposits.


In order to increase the level of hardening, a full sleep is required. The process of its natural production begins with the onset of a deep sleep phase (2 hours after falling asleep). In chronic lack of sleep, the effect of proper nutrition And physical exertion will be minimal. If it fails to sleep normally at night, during the day it is necessary to allocate 1-2 hours for rest.

Contrast change in temperature

Increase the level of growth hormone will help visit the bath or sauna. Scientific studies show that after a temperature drop for half an hour, somatotropin is actively produced. The same effect has a contrasting soul.

Symptoms of lowering the level of somatotropic hormone

There are no pronounced symptoms of the lack of a somatotropic hormone in adults. In some cases, the following features indicate the shortage of somatotropin:

  • increased sweating;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • subfebrile body temperature (37.1-38.0 ° C);
  • an increase in body weight (mainly due to the abdomen);
  • intolerance to physical exertion;
  • fast aging of the skin;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain in muscles;
  • raising the risk of fractures;
  • increase pressure;
  • signs of ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis;
  • depressive condition;
  • reduced sexual attraction.

The reasons why the level of somatotropic hormone decreases

The growth hormone deficit occurs in the following cases:

  • neoplasms localized in the field of pituitary gland or hypothalamus (neurofibrome, adenoma, heminoma, cranefining, gamartoma);
  • card and brain injuries;
  • damage to the pituitary structures as a result of sharp or chronic diseases;
  • autoimmune damage pituitary and hypothalamus;
  • empty Turkish saddle syndrome;
  • ischemic or hemorrhagic damage to the pituitary tissues;
  • toxic effect on brain tissue;
  • impact on the brain of ionizing radiation;
  • impaired pituitary formation at the embryo stage;
  • pathologies arising in the formation of the central nervous system.

Also, a person can observe the so-called pseudodeficiency of the somatotropic hormone, when its blood concentration decreases significantly. The reason for this can be:

  • obesity;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hypercortisolyism;
  • heart failure;
  • addison disease;
  • postpartum state.

Analysis at STS

Determine the level of blood growth hormone is necessary in the following cases:

  • obesity;
  • lack of growth in a child;
  • very rapid growth;
  • osteoporosis;
  • muscle weakness;
  • porphyry;
  • acromegaly.

Also, analyzes are shown in the event that blood sugar levels are reduced.

It is possible to increase the level of STGs using biologically active additives. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. Amino acids: Ornithine, Arginine and Citrullin are actively producing the body.

Blood Analysis To determine the level of STGs take in the morning hours on an empty stomach. Material fence is made from veins. A week before the procedure cannot be made x-ray. During the day before analyzing, you need to abandon alcohol and smoking.

Methods of prevention

In order for the system of somatotropic hormone in the body, it is normal:

  • eat right;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do physical education;
  • sleep at least 7-8 hours per day.

If, despite the treatment, the level of somatotropic hormone does not come back to normal, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

Direct participation in the right development children's body Takes a somatotropic hormone (STG). Extremely important for the growing organism. It is from hard and proportional to the formation of the body depends on it. And excess or deficit of such a substance leads to giantism or, on the contrary, growth delay. In the body of an adult, a somatotropic hormone is contained in smaller quantities than a child or a teenager, but is still important. If adult hormone is elevated, it can lead to the development of acromegaly.


Somatotropin, or STS, is a growth hormone, regulating the development processes of the whole organism. This substance is produced in the front of the pituitary gland. The synthesis of the somatotropic hormone is controlled by two main regulators: somatotropin-rilizing factor (STGF) and somatostatin, are produced by a hypothalamus. Somatostatin and STGF activate the formation of somatotropin and determine the time and amount of its elimination. STHs - this depends on it the intensity of the exchange of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and somatotropin activates glycogen, DNA, accelerates the mobilization of fats from the depot and disintegration of fatty acids. STG - hormone, which has lactogenic activity. The biological effect of the somatotropic hormone is impossible without a low molecular weight peptide of Somomatenedin C. Under the introduction of STGs in the blood, "secondary" robstimulating factors are rising - somateomed. The following somatomedins distinguish: A 1, and 2, B and C. The latter has a stainless, muscle and cartilage tissue insulin-like action.

Main functions of somatotropin in the human body

Somatotropic hormone (STG) is synthesized throughout life and has a powerful impact on all systems of our body. Let's consider the most important functions of such a substance:

  • The cardiovascular system. STG - hormone, which is involved in the regulation of cholesterol. The deficit of this substance can provoke atherosclerosis of vessels, heart attack, stroke and other diseases.
  • Leather. Growth hormone is an indispensable component in the process of producing collagen responsible for the condition of the skin. If the hormone (STG) is lowered, collagen is synthesized in insufficient quantities and, as a result, skin aging processes are accelerated.
  • Weight. At night (during sleep), somatotropin is directly involved in the splitting of lipids. Violation of this mechanism becomes the cause of gradual obesity.
  • Bone. Somatotropic hormone in children and adolescents ensures the elongation of bones, and in an adult person - their strength. This is due to the fact that somatotropin participates in the synthesis of vitamin D 3 in the body responsible for the stability and fortress of the bones. Such a factor helps to cope with various diseases and strong bruises.
  • Muscle. STG (hormone) is responsible for the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers.
  • Tone body. Somatotropic hormone has a positive effect on the entire body. Helps to keep energy, good mood, strong sleep.

Growth hormone is very important to preserve slimness and beautiful body shapes. One of the functions of the somatotropic hormone is the transformation of adipose tissue into muscular, this is what the athletes are achieved and everyone who follows the figure. STG - hormone, improving the mobility and flexibility of the joints, makes the muscles more elastic.

At the older age, the normal content in the blood somatotropin prolongs longevity. Initially, a somatotropic hormone was used to treat various senile ailments. In the world of sports, this substance was used athletes for extension. muscular massHowever, soon the growth hormone was banned for official applicationAlthough today it is actively used by bodybuilders.

STG (hormone): norm and deviations

What are the normal somatotropic hormone values \u200b\u200bfor a person? IN different age Different indicators of such a substance as STG (hormone). The norm in women also differs significantly from normal values \u200b\u200bfor men:

  • Newborn children up to one day - 5-53 μg / l.
  • Newborn children up to one week - 5-27 μg / l.
  • Children aged from one month to a year - 2-10 μg / l.
  • Men middle-aged - 0-4 μg / l.
  • Middle-aged women - 0-18 μg / l.
  • Men older than 60 years of age - 1-9 μg / l.
  • Women older than 60 years of age - 1-16 μg / l.

Somatotropic hormone deficit in the body

Somatotropine special attention is paid in childhood. The deficit of HDS in children is a serious violation that can provoke not only the rise in growth, but also the delay in puberty and general physical development, and in certain cases - dwarfship. Various factors can cause such a violation: pathologically occurring pregnancy, heredity, hormonal disorders.

The insufficient level of somatotropin in the organism of an adult affects the general state of metabolism. The low value of the growth hormone is accompanied by various endocrine diseases, also the shortage of a somatotropic hormone can provoke treatment with some medicines, including the use of chemotherapy.

And now a few words about what happens if a somatotropic hormone is in an excess of a somatotropic hormone.

STGs raised

An excess of somatotropic hormone in the body can cause more serious consequences. The growth is significantly increasing not only in adolescents, but also in adults. The height of an adult may exceed two meters.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the limbs - brushes, stop, undergoes serious changes and face form - nose and become greater, the features are stubble. Similar changes can be corrected, but in this case a long-term treatment is required under the supervision of a specialist.

How to determine the level of somatotropic hormone in the body?

Scientists have found that the synthesis of somatotropin in the body occurs wave-like, or cycles. Therefore, it is very important to know when to hand over STG (hormone), that is, what time is it to make an analysis of its content. In ordinary polyclinics, such research is not carried out. It is possible to determine the content of somatotropin in the blood in a specialized laboratory.

What rules should be held before analyzing?

A week before analysis at STG (growth hormone), it is necessary to abandon the holding of an x-ray study, as this may affect the accuracy of the data. During the day before the blood fence, a strictest diet should be held, eliminating any fatty foods. Twelve hours before the study, exclude the use of any products. It is also recommended to refuse smoking, and in three hours it must be excluded at all. During the day, any physical or emotional overvoltage is unacceptable. Blood fence is carried out in the morning hours, at this time the concentration of somatotropic hormone in the blood is maximum.

How to stimulate Somatotropin synthesis in the body?

Today, a large amount of various drugs with growth hormone are represented in the pharmaceutical market. The course of treatment with such means can last several years. But to prescribe such medicines should exclusively at a thorough medical examination and in the presence of objective reasons. Self-medication can not only not improve the situation, but also to cause a variety of health problems. In addition, it is possible to activate the production of somatotropic hormone in the body in a natural way.

  1. The most intense production of growth hormone occurs during a period of deep sleep, which is why it is necessary to sleep at least seven or eight hours.
  2. Rational meal. The last meal must be on later than three hours before sleep. If the stomach is crowded, the pituitary is not able to actively synthesize growth hormone. His dinner is recommended to be easily used. For example, you can choose non-large cottage cheese, lean meat, egg proteins, and so on.
  3. Healthy menu. The basis of food should be fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein products.
  4. Blood. It is very important to monitor blood glucose levels, its increase can cause a decrease in the production of a somatotropic hormone.
  5. Physical activity. For children, an excellent option will become a section on volleyball, football, tennis, jogging for short distances. However, you should know: the duration of any power training should not exceed 45-50 minutes.
  6. Fasting, emotional overvoltage, stress, smoking. Such factors also reduce the production of somatotropin in the body.

In addition, the synthesis of growth hormone in the body are significantly reduced, such conditions as diabetes, pituitary injuries, increase in blood cholesterol.


In this article, we considered this in detail the most important elementlike a somatotropic hormone. It is precisely how his development in the body flows, the functioning of all systems and organs and the general human well-being depends.

We hope the information will be useful for you. Be healthy!

A somatotropic hormone is produced by the cells of the front lobe of the pituitary gland (somatotrophs) under the control of hypothalamic factors - somatostatin and somatolyberin. It contributes to the growth of bones, soft tissues, internal organs and muscle tissue affects the carbohydrate and lipid exchange. Acting through Somomato (insulin-like growth factors, synthesized in the liver and other tissues in response to the action of somatotropic hormone), somatotropic hormone accelerates the synthesis of amino acids and the inclusion of them in the protein molecule reduces the level of urea.

Synonyms: Somatopin, Somatotropin, Stgh, Growth Hormone.

The main functions of the somatotropic hormone:

  • stimulation of the growth of bones and soft tissues;
  • enhancing glycogenesis in the liver;
  • activation of protein synthesis in the liver and muscles;
  • disposal of glucose in tissues;
  • antinsulin effect (decrease in cell sensitivity to insulin);
  • stimulation of fats splitting;
  • anticatabolic effect (protein decay braking);
  • participation in the synthesis of collagen;
  • regeneration of damaged tissues, wound healing;
  • holding potassium and sodium in the body;
  • an increase in the absorption of calcium in the intestines and absorption by its bone tissue;
  • immunostimulating effect (increase in the number of T-lymphocytes);
  • stimulation of fluid removal by sweat glands;
  • control of cholesterol levels.

The secretion of somatotropin is pulsating, its level in the blood changes during the day. Peak generation occurs at night, at the beginning of a deep sleep phase.

It has a positive effect on the regulation of the process of production of somatotropin temperature fluctuations, so patients with deficiency of STGs are recommended a contrast shower.

Growth hormone synthesized throughout life. His secretion is maximum in early childhood, during puberty, the highest content of somatotropin in the blood is observed, with age, the production gradually decreases.

The rate of somatotropic hormone depends on the age and gender of man:

  • newborn: 5-53 μg / l;
  • children up to 1 year: 2-10 μg / l;
  • older children and teenagers: 1-20 μg / l;
  • women under 60 years old: 0-18 μg / l, over 60 years old: 1-16 μg / l μg / l;
  • men under 60: 0-4 μg / l, over 60 years: 1-9 μg / l.

An excess or disadvantage of COPPPINA causes a violation of exchange processes and leads to the development of serious pathologies. Both with a decrease, and when increasing the level of growth hormone, changes occur in lipid and carbohydrate exchanges. Hormonal failure negatively affects the whole body.

Increased somatotropin

Increased production of a somatotropic hormone of pituitary glands leads to the continuation of the growth of bones and soft tissues after the completion of the puberty period. If the disease begins in early age, it arises giantism if in a mature - acromegaly. With acromegaly, there is a thickening of hands and feet brushes, the enlargement of the face of the face, an increase in the size of the internal organs. The disease is accompanied by neurological disorders, work disorders of cardio-vascular system.

Increased production of a somatotropic hormone of pituitary glands also occurs in the following diseases and states:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • laron syndrome;
  • nervous annekcia;
  • post-traumatic and postoperative states.
Somatotropin prevents the aging processes, improves the contractile function of the heart, normalizes the functions of the liver and kidney, increases the mineral density of bone tissue and muscle tone.

Raising the level of somatotropin in the blood can be caused by the reception medicinal preparations (insulin, glucagon, estrogens, dopamine, corticotropin, norepinene, serotonin, alpha-adrenoreceptor stimulants, beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, bromocriptine, arginine, vitamin RR).

Reduced somatotropin level

Reducing the synthesis of somatotropic hormone arises due to genetic predisposition (chromosomal diseases, hereditary dwarfship, congenital defects of metabolism, pathology or injury, Down syndromes, Nunan).

Somatotropin deficit causes a delay in growth or puberty in children. Somatotropic failure is the main cause of the development of pituitary nanism, characterized by a sharp lag in growth and physical Development Child.

The causes of somatotropic failure can be:

  • intracranial tumors, including pofofizar;
  • brain pituitary cysts;
  • underdevelopment of pituitary
  • hypocitutarism syndrome;
  • infectious and toxic damage to the central nervous system;
  • hyperfunctionality of adrenal cortex (Izhenko - Cushing syndrome);
  • radio and ximepapia;
  • side effects of some drugs [progesterone, glucocorticoids, alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists, beta-adrenoreceptor stimulants (isoproterenol), serotonin receptor antagonists (metysegride), de-amine receptor antagonists (phenothiazide), somatostatin, sample, glucose, bromocriptine].

A decrease in the level of somatotropic hormone in adults is accompanied by a violation of metabolism, hypoinsulamia, disorders in the work of the thyroid gland.

Night sleep plays a very important role in the normalization of the hormonal background. For normal synthesis of growth hormone, it is necessary that continuous sleep continues at least 8 hours.

Somatotropic deficiency symptoms:

  • reduction of mass and strength of skeletal muscles, muscle atrophy;
  • reduction of bone mass, fragility of bones, joints, ligaments;
  • enhanced fat deposition on the body;
  • hair loss;
  • dry, thin skin;
  • increased sweating, especially during night sleep;
  • chronic fatigue, low motivation;
  • worsening memory, problems with concentration and attention;
  • depression, alarming states;
  • violations from the cardiovascular system, depletion of the heart muscle;
  • erectile dysfunction in men, a decrease in libido in women.

How to determine the level of somatotropic hormone

The concentration of the Somatotropin level in normal conditions varies widely, the periods of sleep and wakefulness affect the secretion of hormone, exercise stress, stress, hypoglycemia, as well as developing or receiving corticosteroids and estrogen. After meals, the level of somatotropic hormone is sharply reduced, and on the second day, fasting rises by about 15 times.

One-time determination of the level of somatotropic hormone has no diagnostic valueFor diagnosis, the average value of three-time definitions within 2-3 days is used.

To identify the level of somatotropic hormone, samples are used with insulin, clonidine, STG-RF (somatolyiberin, a factor for the release of growth hormone), arginine, glucagon, levodopa, pyridostigmin. To clarify the diagnosis, analyzes are repeated with an interval of several months.

X-ray study of the skull is carried out in order to visualize the shape and size of the Turkish saddle and the state of the skull bones, which makes it possible to identify the pathology of the pituitary gland. For the same purpose, a computer and / or magnetic-sized tomography of the brain can be used.

Increased production of a somatotropic hormone of pituitary glands leads to the continuation of the growth of bones and soft tissues after the completion of the puberty period.

How to increase somatotropic hormone natural way

Somatotropin prevents the aging processes, improves the contractile function of the heart, normalizes the functions of the liver and kidney, increases the mineral density of bone tissue and muscle tone.

Impact on physiological mechanisms for regulation of products of hormone growth of some natural factors, it is possible to maintain the optimal level of somatropine. Best way Activate its development is the correction of lifestyle and diet.

Methods of increasing the concentration of somatotropin in the body:

  • balanced diet;
  • full sleep;
  • cold and hot shower.
  • To stimulate the synthesis of somatotropin optimal, a combination of power and aerobic loads is considered. Training is recommended at least three times a week. The increase in the level of somatotropic hormone begins after 15 minutes of classes, and its maximum concentration is observed by the end of the workout. If it is not possible to do regularly in gym, You can make a jog daily or walking in an active pace.

    A properly compiled diet plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body as a whole, and the endocrine system in particular. To activate the production of growth hormone, a low-carbon diet is prescribed - from the diet exclude products with high glycemic indexSimultaneously enriching it with proteins (they contain amino acids that stimulate the production of somatotropin). It is recommended to use meat and dairy (milk) products, fish, eggs, nuts, legumes.

    Night sleep plays a very important role in the normalization of the hormonal background. For normal synthesis of growth hormone, it is necessary that continuous sleep continues at least 8 hours.

    Somatotropin deficit causes a delay in growth or puberty in children.

    It has a positive effect on the regulation of the process of production of somatotropin temperature fluctuations, so patients with deficiency of STGs are recommended a contrast shower.

    Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

    Somatotropic hormone It is produced in the front of the pituitary gland. A somatotropic hormone is responsible for the growth of the body as a whole. Good day, dear reader of the blog "Hormones is normal!". My name is Dilar Lebedev, I am an endocrinologist and author of this blog. You can read about me on the page "On the Author".

    After reading this article, you will learn:

    • What is a somatotropic hormone and why do he need a body?
    • What happens when the level of somatotropic hormone is raised?
    • What are the reasons for increasing growth hormone?
    • How do diseases manifest while increasing growth hormone?

    Somatotropic hormone(STS, growth hormone) is synthesized by the cells of the front lobe of the pituitary gland (somatotrophs), which occupy 35-45% of all pituitary cells. Somatotropic hormone unstable. The time of his half-life is 20-25 minutes.

    There are 2 forms of somatotropic hormone in the blood: "Big" -st. and "Little" -st. "LITTLE" -stong has increased biological activity. It is at the expense of this form that all the effects of the somatotropic hormone are manifested.

    Synthesis of somatotropic hormone is controlled by the hypothalamus. It produces so-called rhythm factors. Somatolyberin stimulates the synthesis of STS, and somatostatin blocks.

    Itself does not directly on the body, but through mediators hormones. They are called insulin-like growth factors (IFR, somatomedin). It is the IFR-1 that is formed in the liver is one of the markers for diseases associated with a somatotropic hormone.

    The secretion of the somatotropic hormone accounted for mainly for a period of sleep (about 70%). Recall the expression "when you sleep - grow." This is about growth hormone.

    The synthesis and secretion of the somatotropic hormone increase in the following cases:

    • Physical exercise
    • Stress
    • Reception of protein food
    • Introduction of amino acids (arginine and leucine)
    • Long fasting
    • Disorders of food suction

    Reduce the secretion of a somatotropic hormone:

    • Increased blood sugar level
    • Increased cholesterol in blood

    When the somatotropic hormone is increased, then ...

    There are diseases that are characterized by an increase in the level of somatotropic hormone in the blood. Such diseases are acromegaly and giantism.

    Gigantism develops in children and adolescents before the Pubertat period until the epiphysis of bones (bone growth zone) will be closed. They have bones grow long. Pathologically high people are considered to be men growing more than 200 cm and women in 190 cm. The highest person, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is Sultan Tiena from Turkey, its growth is more than 2.5 meters.

    When such patients closes the bone growth zones, the bones are already growing in the width. In this case, the disease is called acromegaly. It happens because the reason caused giantism was not eliminated.

    Acromegaly develops in adults who have already closed growth zones. And the bones remains nothing, how to grow into width. Moreover, there is an increase not only bones, but also of soft tissues and organs, the metabolism is disturbed. Such growth in width is characterized by disproportion, i.e. the dimensions of the increased limbs, that is, for example, disproportionately relative to the rest of the human body.

    Approximately 50-70 people for 1 million people are acromegaly. Every year 3-4 new cases are registered for 1 million inhabitants of the country. Men and women are sick with the same frequency.

    At the very beginning, the disease is usually not diagnosed. This happens on average 8-10 years after the start of the disease, when the external manifestations of the disease appear. Therefore, the average age of patients with acromegaly is 40-50 years.

    At an elevated level of the somatotropic hormone, high mortality is noted (more than 2-4 times than in the overall population). If it does not start treatment in time, in 50% of cases, patients do not live up to 50 years.

    Causes of increasing somatotropic hormone

    The main reason for increasing the level of somatotropic hormone is the pituitary adenoma (somatotropinoma), which is found in 98% of all cases of acromegaly. Moreover, ¾ of all tumors are macroenomes that extend beyond the Turkish saddle, and ¼ of all tumors are microenomes that do not exceed 10 mm in diameter.

    These are mainly monoclonal tumors, i.e., only a somatotropic hormone produce. But there are also mixed adenoma, which, along with stage, can also synthesize prolactin, TSH, ACTG, LH, FSH. Most often, adenoma, synthesizing somatotropic hormone and prolactin, occurs from mixed tumors. You can learn about hyperprolactinemia from the article in which I tell about the main manifestations and the causes of this disease.

    About 2% of all cases Enhance the somatotropic hormone occupies an ectopic tumor, that is, not associated with the pituitary. The tumors synthesizing the excess STG may be within the skull (endocranction) and outside the skull in other organs (exocranny).

    To the first one can attribute a tumor of the pharyngeal and sphenoid sinus. The second belongs to tumors of the lungs, mediastinum, pancreas, intestines, ovaries and testicles. Moreover, these tumors can synthesize both and somatolyberin (hypothalamus hormone, stimulating the synthesis of STGs).

    About about 1% of all cases Acromegaly falls on family forms and hereditary diseases, in which one of the symptoms is acromegaly.

    These diseases include:

    • McKun-Albright syndrome
    • Leverage Syndrome (Men-1)
    • Isolated family acromegaly
    • Karna complex

    In addition, they allocate partial acromegalywhich increases individual parts of the skeleton or organs. Such an acromegaly is due not to an excess of somatotropic hormone, but an increased sensitivity of tissues of these bodies to STG.

    Symptoms with an increased somatotropic hormone

    The symptoms of acromegaly caused by the adenoma pituitary can be divided into 3 groups:

    1. Symptoms caused by excess STG.
    2. Symptoms caused by the growth of adenoma in the brain.
    3. Symptoms caused by a decrease in the secretion of other hormones.

    Symptoms caused by excess STG


    First of all draws appearance patient. When the disease developed to the stage of change of appearance, the diagnosis of acromegaly can already be added from the threshold. Such a characteristic appearance has patients with high secretion. somatotropic hormone.

    There is an enlargement of the features of the person, which is manifested by an increase in the abnormal arcs, zick bones, nose, lips, ears, lower jaw (She put forward forward - prenatamism). Patients are forced to constantly change hats, gloves and shoes for a larger size, since these parts of the body also increase.

    For an example of a patient with acromegaly, you can compare with a shrek of the cartoon of the same name, which, by the way, was a real prototype, suffering from acromegaly. This is a boxer Maurice Tiy. It is he who is depicted in the photo above.

    Skin change

    The skin becomes dense, thickened, with a multitude of folds and wrinkles, especially on the scalp. In places of friction with clothing and in folds there is a hyperpigmentation (darkening). Often there are increased exhaust, acne, increased solidity and skin sweating due to an increase in the number of sweat and sebaceous glands.

    Increase the size of organs

    The change in the size of the organs is manifested by an increase in the language, salivary glands, lungs, hearts, liver, kidneys, intestines. At first there is an increase in muscle strength and endurance, but over time, sclerotic processes are beginning to occur in muscles, which lead to atrophy and muscle weaknesses.

    Such sclerotic changes occur in all organs, causing their defeat. Especially indicative effect on light (pneumosclerosis, emphysema) and heart (myocardiopathy).

    The growth of cartilage tissue leads to the deformation of the joints. They appear pain and violation of mobility. In patients with elevated content of growth hormone, there is very often persistent arterial hypertension (4-5 times more often than in the overall population).

    Change of metabolism

    Changes in metabolism is in the development of insulin resistance (100% of patients), sugar diabetes (25-30% of patients). There is also a violation of lipid metabolism (in 100% of cases). Such patients have increased cholesterol content.

    With raising STG The strengthened loss of calcium with urine occurs, but at the same time it is well absorbed in the stomach, so the calcium level remains normal. But in response to the loss of calcium in the blood, an excess of phosphorus is accumulated. All these changes lead to the formation of kidney stones (in 45% of cases).

    Neurological violations

    Neurological disorders are associated not only with intense tumor growth and pressure on the nearby brain tissues. Changes are available on the periphery. There is a squeezing of peripheral nerves with increased and edema tissues.

    This is manifested by tunnel syndromes, for example, a carpal syndrome, which develops when squeezing the median nerve of the upper limb. At the same time, the tactile and painful sensitivity is lost, and paresthesia arises (a feeling of crawling goosebumps).

    Syndrome apnea in a dream

    Syndrome apnea (respiratory stop) in a dream is associated with the growth of soft tissues of the upper respiratory tract and defeat the respiratory centers.

    Symptoms caused by the growth of the adenoma pituitary

    Basically, the adenoma of the pituitary of large size (macroenoma). The skull is a rather small closed space and therefore any formation leads to the displacement and squeezing of brain tissues. And such an impact does not pass without a trace. All the symptoms depend on which direction the tumor grows and what kind of brain zone squeezes.

    The symptoms are as follows:

    1. Headaches. They are stubborn in nature.
    2. Violation. Loss of vision fields, reduction of visual acuity.
    3. Disappearance of sense of smell.
    4. The appearance of epilepsy.
    5. Unreasonable fevers.
    6. Sleep impairment, appetite.
    7. Film in the eyes as a result of the defeat of the cranial nerves, as well as the omission of the upper eyelid, the decline in hearing, the motility, the loss of the skin sensitivity.

    Symptoms caused by a decrease in the secretion of other hormones

    In the expanding of the tumor, first of all, squeezing in the first place of healthy pituitary tissue, where other hormones are also produced.

    Very often in patients develop:

    • Secondary hypothyroidism (15-25%)
    • (in 60% of women violation menstrual cycle, Galactere, infertility, 40% of men develop gynecomastia, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction)