Heart pain after alcohol. What to take with heart pains after alcohol, characteristic symptoms

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What to do when the heart is hurt after alcohol? Call "ambulance" or enough to drink brine? Let's try to find out.

How alcohol acts on the heart

Folk treatments for hangover

  • Water

The most important assistant in the fight against the spree of alcohol - clean water. On the liter of the liquid, add a spoonful of salt and sugar. The solution will support the water-electrolyte balance of the body and restore the volume of circulating blood. The thick blood is, the hardest to work the heart. The brine helps well, but not Marinade. The second contains acetic acid - one of the oxidation products of ethanol.

  • Shower

Through the pores are toxins. Therefore, boldly take a cool shower. Baths are not recommended, as well as other hot water procedures.

  • Relaxation

Do not overload myocardium, take a break, minimize physical exertion. They will only make the poor heart work even more active. It is best to drink water, wash and go to bed.

  • Medical preparations

Cardiac drugs

If the heart is hurt after alcohol, if there is tachycardia, arrhythmia or extrasyistols, I need heartbreaks. Do not ignore this condition - "Flame Motor" is very quickly wearing.

With hangover, forget about traditional heart medications with phenobarbital, Dimedrol and a large amount of alcohol - they will only exacerbate the state.

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Alcoholic drinks negatively affect the entire body. Most of all the liver and heart suffers from him. Heart pain after alcohol consumption occurs due to its toxic effects on the body. With excessive use of alcoholic beverages, the vessels are expanding and rises arterial pressurewhich leads to elevated heartbeat and pain. As a result of constant use of alcoholic beverages arise various diseases Hearts.

The effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system

The vessels under the action of alcohol expand - this is explained in the breast after its adoption. Under the influence of ethanol, blood coagulation increases, the red blood cells are combined and the thrombus arise, as a result of which the oxygen starvation of the body tissues occurs.

A small amount of alcohol positively affects the vessels. But the danger of a small dose of alcohol is that the habit and exceeding the norm comes soon.

Ethanol remained in blood remains in it for 5-6 hours. His large amount expands the vessels, after it the pulse is very student, which leads to a rapid wear of the heart.

The constant consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to serious violations. The walls of the heart thicken, the vessels become fragile, the flow of oxygen decreases. Man becomes irritable. This is all called the beer heart syndrome.

Alcohol affects the heart not only by ethanol content, but also by other substances that are in alcoholic beverages. For example, energy cocktails are able to hit the organ and without the help of alcohol due to the extremely high caffeine content in the composition.

Acceptance of alcohol leads to the following violations:

  1. 1. The blood pressure increases sharply.
  2. 2. Reduced the contractile function of myocardium.
  3. 3. Subsequently short-term expansion occurs their spasm.
  4. 4. There are problems with the nutrition of heart muscles with blood, which leads to angina.
  5. 5. The number of potassium in the blood is reduced.
  6. 6. Atherosclerosis develops, ischemic heart disease, coronary failure.

The main causes of pain

The main reason why pain after alcohol arise, spasm is considered coronary vessels. Cardialiag appears on the 2-3rd day after getting out of the foam. It is characterized by drawing chest pain that are not associated with physiological activity. It continues for a very long time, exacerbating the lack of air or a rapid heartbeat.

Then there is a sword and swelling of the legs, and the heart hurts not only after drinking alcohol. It all points to heart failure. It is only necessary to treat it after consulting the doctor. That is why pain occurs - the heart signals the central nervous system about overloads and the appearance of pathologies.

How to restore the body?

If the heart hurts immediately when drinking alcohol, then you need to know how to restore the heart, and take advantage of any of the ways to improve the condition at home:

  • Rinse the stomach with a weak mortar of manganese or activated coal (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).
  • If it hurts the day after taking ethanol, he already got into blood. In this case, you can drink cucumber or other brine, it as a physiological solution increases the output harmful substances Through the kidneys.

When the following symptoms are observed, you need to call a doctor:

  1. 1. Dizziness.
  2. 2. Pretty high pulse.
  3. 3. Breast pain, giving back, shoulder or hand.
  4. 4. High blood pressure.
  5. 5. Tachycardia.

The effect of alcohol on the heart is manifested in damage to myocardium with the development of cardiomyopathy. Heart pain is associated with spasm of coronary vessels. After taking alcoholic beverages, blood pressure increases, rhythm disorders arise. For treatment, you need a complete abandonment of alcohol, then drug therapy is carried out.

Read in this article

Effect of alcoholic beverages on cardiovascular system

Small doses of alcohol can have a protective effect on the vessels. This is due to the fact that it lowers the level of low density lipoproteins and cholesterol, and also slows down the penetration into the wall of the vessel. In addition, the dose of less than 10 g of ethanol per day reduce the content of fibrinogen, and hence the formation of blood clots.

The danger of reception even a small amount of alcoholic beverages is that addiction and exceeding the recommended norm are rapidly developing. The reception of large quantities radically changes the clinical picture.

Acute intoxication of alcohol leads to such violations:

  • the contractile function of myocardium is inhibited;
  • after the short-term extension of the vessels, their long-term spasm is manifested;
  • there is a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • the nutrition of the heart muscle is broken, which provokes the attacks of angina;
  • the content of potassium in the blood decreases, and the level of catecholamines is growing - this is.

Chronic use of alcoholic beverages leads to the formation. In the cells of the heart muscle, protein synthesis and ATP molecules are disturbed. This leads to their weakening due to the deficit of energy. The fat is deposited inside the cells.

Thus myocardium loses its functions. The heart increases in size. The dye myocardial muscle with extended cavities does not cope with physical exertion, which leads to such manifestations:

  • shortness of breath and frequent heartbeat when running or rapid walking;
  • edema feet;
  • heart pain;
  • arrhythmia.

If these symptoms progress, an acute coronary failure can develop, a sudden stop of the heart, extensive heart attacks, ventricular fibrillation. Each of these factors may be fatal.

The main reasons why the heart is hurt after alcohol

The main reason for the appearance of cardiac pain after taking alcoholic beverages is spasm of coronary vessels. Cardialiag is usually evolving 2 - 3 day after alcohol abuse, in the period of coming out of the binge. This is gradually growing painful sensations in the field of heart, buttering or pulling, which are not removed by nitroglycerin intake and are not related to physical activity.

Such an attack can last hours, aggravated by a sense of lack of air, enhanced heartbeat. Even in healthy people, rhythm disorders arise, which together with pain syndrome are combined into the term "festive heart". Arrhythmia can be in the form:

  • tachycardia;
  • extrasystole;
  • atrial trembling attack;
  • disturbance in myocardium by type of blockade.

Hard heart or high pressure - how to distinguish?

The blood pressure during the daily intake of alcohol increases, while the degree of its increase is directly proportional to the dose of pure alcohol in the beverage. Factors affect the tone of the vascular wall:

  • increased emission of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol;
  • enhanced insulin secretion;
  • increase the content of calcium in the blood against the background of low magnesium and potassium level.

Alcoholic beverages can lead to a resistant increase in blood pressure on the type of hypertension or acute vascular crises, complications that can be stroke and infarction.

Alcohol stimulates atherosclerotic changes in the wall of the vessels at regular use in high doses. This is the main cause of early atherosclerosis and hypertension in young people.

High pressure is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • headache at any time of the day (night, after awakening);
  • feeling of gravity or cutting, compression of the hoop;
  • noise in ears;
  • with head slopes, the pain is enhanced;
  • worried about pain in the heart;
  • before your eyes flashes dots, paddle.

Vascular spasm is a common response of an organism on alcoholic beverages. To normalize the tone of the vessels, there must be at least 4 - 7 weeks after alcohol intoxication. Cardiac pain can be an independent symptom or manifestation of hypertension. In abuse of alcohol, it is difficult to distinguish between them, as they are combined with similar mechanisms of development. Assist in determining the cause of pain can only measure blood pressure with a tonometer.

How to help your heart after alcohol

Refer to the doctor does not always work. Therefore, fans of alcoholic beverages should know how to help themselves.

At high pressure

The most important thing in the vascular symptoms associated with the admission of alcoholic beverages is the termination of their reception and removal from the body. If there is a high pressure the next day, it is necessary to make an enterosorbent (activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel) to facilitate the state. Reduced pressure should be slow.


For hypertension therapy, traditional hypotensive and soothing drugs on the recommendation of the doctor are applied. Mandatory condition effective treatment is the decrease in the cook salt in the diet, coffee and strong tea, to give up smoking. Need to avoid emotional and physical Loads Before stabilization of pressure.

In the pathology of the heart muscle

Treatment of cardiomyopathy caused by alcohol abuse is possible only under the condition of complete abandonment of alcoholic beverages, as cardiac drugs are not compatible with ethanol, while the risk of intoxication increases. The amount of liquid and salt in the diet also reduce.

Vitamins Group B.

Such groups of preparations are used to treat:

  • improving myocardial nutrition;
  • group vitamins in;
  • beta blockers;
  • aspirin;
  • salts of potassium and magnesium.

With heart failure, low doses of heart glycosides, diuretic preparations, antispasmodics are used.

When urgently need to call an ambulance after alcohol

If after receiving alcohol, such signs appeared the next day, then you need to immediately appeal for medical assistance:

What to do before the arrival of medical workers to remove pain in the heart

  • or valerians, a barbecue or valocardine 25 - 30 drops;
  • resolve 2 - 3 tablets;
  • if there are no diseases of the stomach, then drink aspirin tablet;
  • the forearms can be rinsed with cold water.

Other unpleasant consequences of alcohol

There are no such structures in the body that would not react to toxic ethanol and its exchange products. Therefore, clinical manifestations of alcoholism differ varieties. The most typical pathologies:

  • the destruction of the brain, the degradation of the individual;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic lesions with transformation into tumor processes;
  • necrosis of the pancreas;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • polyneuropathy, paresis and limb paralysis;
  • sexual weakness;
  • infertility.

Hurry heart after drunk: what to do

When the heart is hurt after drunk, you need:

  • take measures for a faster removal of toxins - drink a lot of fluid, you can mineral water with the addition of lemon juice, fastening green tea;
  • put the aspirin tablet with water, and after 20 minutes to take at least 8 tablets of activated carbon (they must be completely crushed);
  • eliminate sharp, fatty and salty dishes;
  • abandoning coffee and smoking;
  • stand up under moderately warm shower;
  • slowly walk through fresh air.

Fucking heart after drunk: what to do

If the heart is killed after drunk, it will help:

  • enterosorbent - coal white or activated, attoxyl;
  • taking tea with mint, melissa and adding honey;
  • valerian extract tablets (no more than 2 pieces);
  • hawthorn tincture - 25 drops on a quarter of a glass of water.

Corvalol, Valokordin and most heart rate are incompatible with alcohol. Until the full purification of the body and the disappearance of signs of hangover, their use is prohibited.

Heart problems after alcohol the next day

After taking alcohol, the next day is often disturbed by the work of the heart: there is a heartbeat, arrhythmia, pain, presses, rings in the chest. To calm the heart rhythm, expand the vessels, you need to clean the body as soon as possible, allowed vegetable preparations. If a bad heart, and for 2-3 hours, the condition is only worsening, then you need to appeal to the doctor to eliminate the heart attack.

Heartbeat knocking his heart

If a strong heartbeat appears, and the patient feels like a heart knocks, then it is necessary:

  • drink clean water or with the addition of lemon, honey;
  • take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet by 10 kg of weight;
  • provide the influx of fresh air;
  • eliminate overvoltage, physical activity before status stabilization;
  • a quarter of a glass of water add 10 drops of the tincture of hawthorn and mint, after 2 hours the reception can be repeated.

Arrhythmia: what to do

After alcohol, arrhythmia may occur (this is caused by a violation of the electrolyte (salt) composition of blood, spasm of coronary vessels), in such cases it is necessary:

  • take measures to purify the body (water activated carbon);
  • prepare a solution of 1 liter of boiled water and a bag of regarder or ionics, it is taken by small portions (about a quarter of a glass) throughout the day;
  • use tablets or asparkama, hawthorn extract, they take 1 piece three times a day.

If an attack with a strong breath arose, pain in the heart, a sharp weakness, sweating, then self-medication is dangerous, it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance.

Look at the video about arrhythmias, its symptoms and treatment:

How to calm the heart

To calm the heart after alcohol, it is required:

  • refuse fat, acute and salty foods;
  • drink enough water and tea;
  • take a sorbent based on activated carbon or enterosgel;
  • provide the influx of fresh air and conduct respiratory gymnastics - slows the heart rhythm smooth breathing with stretching exhalation;
  • use warm water for the shower, and with satisfactory general condition, alternation of temperatures (contrast) will help.

If the heart hurts and breathe hard

When the heart hurts and it becomes hard to breathe after alcohol, then these are signs of circulatory disorders. In such cases it is necessary:

  • call a doctor;
  • lie on high pillows (half-sidet position) or sit in the chair;
  • ensure fresh air;
  • weaken clothing pressure;
  • take aspirin tablet;
  • put the validol under the tongue.

Self-use of medicines can harm. Treatment in such cases appoints a doctor.

Press in the chest and sore chest

If it hurts or presses in the chest, there is a feeling of compressing behind the sternum, then such a state can be a manifestation of the attack of angina. It is caused atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, and their spasm provoked by alcohol inhibits blood flow to myocardium.

It is important to remember that nitrates (nitroglycerin) are dangerous to combine with alcohol. Therefore, for temporary relief, only acetylsalicylic acid and validol under the tongue is suitable. If after 15-20 minutes the pain did not let go, then it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance, because it starts so.

Poor with hearts

Poor with a heart after alcohol becomes because of:

  • changes in blood pressure;
  • vascular spasm;
  • dehydration;
  • disorders of blood composition, accumulation of ethanol exchange products.

In order to restore the work of the heart muscle, it is necessary to output toxic compounds as much as possible. Reception of enterosorbents (attoxyl, sorbex, activated carbon) and liquid (water, juice from orange, decoction of dried fruits) are recommended.

In the heartache, you can take a tincture of Valerians and hawthorn (10 drops), if there is high blood pressure, then a lattice is added to this mixture (5-10 drops).

Koltshe heart

If after taking alcohol to roll the heart, then this is a sign of a spasm of arteries that feed the heart muscle. Such sensations may occur and due to disorders of the function of the vegetative nervous system. Walidol helps to remove the pricking pain. It is absorbed by a tablet with an interval of 20-30 minutes.

Threw to drink, but the heart hurts

If a person threw a drink, but the heart hurts still, then this is caused by violations of metabolic processes that caused alcohol. In such cases, Cardiologist is needed. Typically recommend drugs that strengthen the heart muscle and increase its endurance:

  • Panangin,
  • Tiotriazoline,
  • Paint
  • Vitrum Cardio.

Heart pain after beer is associated with the fact that a large volume of beverage is usually used. This doubly increases the load on the heart, as he needs to cope with alcohol, weakening the reduction and the increased amount of liquid. At the same time, often the drink is frowning with salted products holding water in the body. It is also important that with regular reception beer contributes to the deposition of fat and increase body weight.

To get rid of the beer heart syndrome, it is necessary to completely abandon alcohol and pass the examination from the cardiologist. It may be necessary for the course of treatment with drugs.

Top and heart

If even one-time consumption of a large amount of alcohol harms a heart, then in chronic alcoholics it works with rhythm disorders, the force of abbreviations falls. Help heart can restorative treatment preparations, but only after full of alcohol. Alcohol medicines are incompatible!

How to help your heart

In order to help the work of the heart after the feed, disintellation therapy is necessary - removal from the body of the toxic products of ethanol metabolism. It is carried out in a hospital and requires the introduction of solutions intravenously.

Home treatment will be much lower in efficiency - apply sorbents (white coal, activated, polyfepan, polysorb), abundant drink mineral water. Under the ban, salty, fatty and acute food, drinks with caffeine, as well as any alcohol-containing.

What to support the heart after alcohol

Support the heart function after alcohol failure helps drugs that improve metabolic processes in myocardium. The choice of medication always remains behind the cardiologist, since all the effects of drinking alcohol are different. Using vitamins of groups B (neurobion, Milgamma), Panangin, ATP-Long, Trimetazidine.

How to restore the heart after alcohol

To restore the heart after taking alcohol, assign:

  • proper nutrition - Useful products with potassium, magnesium, protein and vitamins: Kuraga, Honey, Nuts, legumes, whole grain porridges, fresh greens, vegetables, fruits, fish, cottage cheese, low-fat meat;
  • refusal of smoking, strong coffee and tea, power engineers;
  • cleansing the body - dropper with solutions, intravenous injections, reception of enterosorbents;
  • introduction of drugs to improve exchange in the heart muscle - Mexicor, Mildronat;
  • reception preoccuped, multiple, riboxin;
  • funds, normalizing blood pressure, nitrates, antiarrhythmic, diuretic (according to indications).

Thus, to prevent damage to the heart and blood vessels after taking alcohol, it is possible only under the condition of complete abandonment of alcoholic beverages. Early stages of alcohol cardiomyopathy and hypertension are reversible.

Useful video

About how alcohol affects the heart and vessels, look in this video:

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  • The consequence of alcoholic beverages is alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Signs and symptoms are often manifested at night. Indications on the ECG will help to identify and begin treatment in a timely manner. The cause of death from alcohol cardiomyopathy is a stop of the heart.

  • Heart pain after taking alcohol is one of the frequent symptoms arising from a drinking person in a state of hangover. In most cases characteristic pain In the heart passes the next day, so many people simply do not pay much attention to this deviation. However, there are also such pathologies in which pain in the heart after drinking alcohol is considered a fairly serious signal indicating irreparable violations.

    Causes of the appearance of pain in the heart, after alcohol

    The fact that many people after drunking have a heart hurt - it is not surprising, because the impact of beer, champagne and other alcohol on the body is equivalent to the poison. When entering the artery and vessels, ethanol (an element that is contained in most alcoholic beverages) is mixed with blood and is gradually transported to all internal human internal organs (including the heart), destroying them.

    Heart pain after alcohol

    The arteries themselves, depending on the amount of drinking alcohol, can be labeled or expanded, which also has a negative impact on the body. With the narrowing of the arterily, the pressure in the circulatory system increases significantly, as a result of which the heart works more intensely intensely, and it is wearing, respectively, also much faster.

    Another reason why the heart is hurt after alcohol even with small doses - the presence of any pathology related to a person in the human body cardiovascular system, such as:

    • insufficiency of coronary vessels;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • ischemia;
    • cardiomyopathy.

    In the presence of such diseases, the patient needs a complete rejection of beer, vodka, champagne, wine and other alcoholic beverages, since even their small quantity can provoke serious complications of heart pathologies that entail a fatal outcome.

    Exacerbation of ischemia after drinking alcohol

    Important! Very often, pain in the heart area occurs in chronic alcoholism, since the prolonged effect of ethanol on the organ of its wall is covered with a thick layer of fat. As a result of such deviations, the heart loses the ability to normal reduction, and even in the absence of any physical exertion, it operates at full capacity. It should also be noted that after the feed, the heart of the drinking hurts for this reason.

    Related symptoms of heart pains arising under the influence of alcohol

    Heart pain after alcohol never arise independently, they are usually accompanied by a number of characteristic features and symptoms, such as:

    • Dyspnea (even at rest arises).
    • Labored breathing. After the excessive amount of dried beer, champagne and other alcoholic beverages, which have gases in its composition, a person can breathe hard or even choking from suffocation.
    • Arrhythmia. If there is such a concomitant symptom, the heart is usually touched. Pulling and mischievous pains, as a rule, arrhythmia are not peculiar.
    • Feeling compresses in the chest area.

    All of the above symptoms are very often accompanied by heartbreaks when hangover, and in some cases they may well provoke the loss of consciousness in a drinking person.

    Dyspnea as a concomitant symptom of cardiac pain after alcohol

    Also, one symptoms such as arrhythmia and shortness of breath should also be selected, as they are directly related to cardiac rhythm and arterial pressure. In some cases, such deviations lead to a serious lack of oxygen in the brain, which, in turn, can provoke a stroke. Based on this, it follows that pain in the heart after alcohol can lead to death, therefore it is not categorically necessary to ignore such symptoms.

    Heart pains that occur when exposed to alcohol to other organs

    The causes of pain in the heart with a hangover is much, and not always they are associated with the cardiovascular system. Often, for example, the heart hurts after taking alcohol due to violations in the liver, stomach or pancreas, which is considered no less disturbing symptom.

    Negative exposure to alcohol to other organs

    Of course, with the negative effects of alcohol on the above-mentioned bodies of their direct connection with the heart there will be no observed, and the occurrence of cardiac pain with hangover will become only a pulse derived from the affected area. However, it is possible to determine exactly, as a result of which the chest hurts, you can only with the help of modern diagnosis.

    Severe diseases resulting from the negative impact of alcohol on the heart

    Among all the symptoms in which a person has a heart hurts with a hangover, it is the most dangerous is the arrhythmia, since it has a direct connection with his heart and accurately indicates its unstable work. However, the heart after alcohol hurts in different ways, and depending on the nature of the pain you can make supposed conclusions to the existence of a serious pathology in the body. For example, the most hazardous signs Along with the anemia, they consider:

    • Pains that occur in the breast suddenly and last a short period of time.
    • Spontaneous fainting.
    • Constant dizziness. If, with such a person, the heart hurts a lot, then it is recommended to immediately apply to the hospital for professional help. Otherwise, a few days later, the patient may die.
    • Attacks of shortness of breath arising without reason.
    • Lounge reason. Accepted alcoholic beverages cause a hallucination person, a feeling of rapid fear, panic. Most often, this state is found in people with serious alcohol addiction.

    Important! If a person with a hangover has a heart hurt and the above symptoms are observed, then it is recommended to immediately apply to ambulance, since most likely a serious heart pathology begins to develop in a patient.

    Heart failure

    The most common serious pathology, which arises in people who take alcohol, is considered heart failure. The time of acceptance of alcohol heart gradually collapsing and ceases to cope with its natural purpose, as a result of which the remaining human bodies do not receive enough blood.

    In addition to the fact that the patient with heart failure after alcohol hurts the heart, it can also observe other characteristic symptoms for this pathology, namely:

    • the formation of some sections of the skin;
    • pronounced shortness of breath (most often occurs at night or in the morning);
    • the formation of cold sweat on the forehead;
    • the appearance of frothy sputum on the lips.

    With such symptoms, many people have a question: "What can be taken, so that the heart stopped so much, and the rest of the symptoms are somewhat dull?" And the answer to it is quite simple: when such symptoms are detected, immediately should be called ambulance, since it is to pull with heart failure treatment, the pathology will very soon lead a person to death. At the same time, make any medicines without consulting the doctor is categorically not recommended, as they can cause serious complications.

    If a person has a heart after a feed, and other characteristic symptoms are not observed, in such a situation you need to do the following:

    • Fully prohibit the reception of any alcoholic beverages.
    • Measure arterial pressure and take the necessary drugs aimed at narrowing or expanding vessels (if the pressure is low, then the vessels must be narrowed, and if high - expand).
    • In the near future, pass the ECG and ultrasound of the heart to determine the cause of pain.

    Important! If the patient fell ill serious heart pathology, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication. A course of therapy in such situations should be solely under the supervision of the doctor, otherwise the consequences of improper treatment may be irreversible, up to death.

    Quite often in humans after taking alcohol you can observe tachycardia and rapid heartbeat. The question arises why the heart is hurt after alcohol? To understand why the heart begins to hurt after alcohol, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of its impact on the internal organs.

    The rapid heartbeat after alcohol is common enough. However, it should not always cause concerns. If the frequency of the strikes does not exceed 90 per minute, then the tachycardia from alcohol has not developed. If this barrier is overcome and approaches 120 impacts per minute, it is worth thinking about your health.

    If, after alcohol, the heart beat greatly, but there are no other symptoms of tachycardia, most likely to worry about what. These are the processes in the heart after alcohol. The reason for concern can be adding to this following symptoms:

    • high blood pressure;
    • severity in the chest;
    • uneven pulse;
    • stains in the eyes;
    • dizziness;
    • nausea.

    Heart pain is a serious symptom, so it is desirable to immediately consult a doctor.Especially if we are talking about an alcoholic organism, which is so seriously worn out. Some people advise with a rapid heartbeat to drink Anaprilin. However, far from everyone knows that it is possible to seriously harm yourself if you take an aprimin after the inspiration.

    This drug can not be drunk with a hangover, it is not compatible with alcohol. Ethanol seriously increases the toxic properties of anaprilin, which increases the risk of side effects, which are so very extensive for this medicine.

    How alcohol affects the heart

    Strong heartbeat and even pain sensations after taking alcohol are a protective reaction of the body. For five to six hours after taking alcohol, ethanol continues to circulate in the body, dealt with blood. Of course, both the heart and alcohol react. If alcohol got into a healthy organism in a moderate dose, then its "side" effect is extended vessels and reduced blood pressure.

    If you take alcohol uncontrollably, the effect becomes exactly the opposite. After the feed, the heart hurts due to the narrowing of the vessels. In turn, it increases pressure, the heart begins to knock and faster and faster.

    A heart hurts with a hangover usually for a number of reasons. This is an increased blood pressure. Because of this, after drinking, the neck, the occipital or temporal area of \u200b\u200bthe head hurts. In addition, constant drink gives high risk Myocardial dystrophy.

    Under myocardial dystrophy is understood to replace normal cells with a connective tissue. The effect of alcohol on the heart is such that it just overcomes a fatty cloth. As a result, the heart cannot fight normally, the load increases on the vessels, it starts to put pressure in the chest.

    Ethanol itself, which contains any alcoholic beverage, can lead to a number of heart disease. This is both arrhythmia of the heart, and ischemia, and atherosclerosis. In the case of this diagnosis, the doctors insist on the exception of alcohol. Even the lightest table wine can provoke the aggravation of the disease.

    How to facilitate your condition

    You figured out how the alcohol affects the heart, it's time to find out what can be done to reduce the harm of alcohol and not get sick. It is worth noting that not only the heart is badly beating with a hangover, sometimes the discomfort occurs even in the process of the feast. If you felt bad, first of all you need to stop taking alcohol and try to reduce its impact on the body.

    To do this, it is best to wash the stomach. The most efficiently established a weak solution of manganese. You can also drink several activated carbon tablets, picking up the dose individually (one pill for 10 kilograms of weight). These measures are relevant only in the first hour.

    Of course, in order not to wonder why, after the swallows, the heart hurts what to do, it is better not to bring yourself to such a state, especially if we are talking about a person with existing cardiovascular problems, you must first measure pressure. If it is seriously elevated, it is better to call a doctor, especially if the patient complains about sharp pain in the heart.

    In order not to wonder why the heart hurts with a hangover, it is better to prevent this condition. There is a whole range of preventive measures. In particular, persons with diagnosed cardiovascular diseases are forbidden to drink alcohol. Even a small amount of alcohol will provoke tachycardia. For a risk group, there is a 20 percent probability of fatal outcome.

    If you decide to break the ban and want to drink, be sure to consult your doctor. It will establish a specific dose and will define the Fortress of the drink. You can drink only before eating.

    If you are in the risk group, you need to constantly attend preventive examinations, making a cardiogram. Suffering from hypertension it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the drugs taken, as well as their compatibility with ethanol.

    Alcohol should be prohibited during diseases of viral nature, stress, with increased physical exertion. At such moments, the heart and so works at the limit, the grinding drink will only strengthen the load. It is worth abandoning the subject if fainting, dizziness and pulse jumping are observed, even without significant physical exertion.

    In order not to think about why the hangover is badly fighting, of course, it is better to refuse to eat alcohol, or at least use it in minimal doses so that you can not bring yourself directly to the hangover. If you have noticed that after taking a black heartbeat, you are constantly reading, you need to go for a medical examination.

    Alcohol Cardiomyopathy is distinguished by rapid progression. If you run this disease, it becomes incurable. Even a complete rejection of the alcohol will not return the entire heart functional.