Pijmas Flowers Instructions for use. Pijm ordinary

Pijma is not only a bright and attractive plant, but also a healing agent providing a powerful action. Folk healers have long applied it in the treatment of many diseases. Below will analyze therapeutic qualities of this plant, as well as its contraindications, what is its benefit, and what danger can be when used.

Pijm: What is this plant?

This perennial grassy plant is a representative of the Astrov family. There are more than 70 types of pijmas, 27 of which grows in Russia. The most common is such a kind, which is called "Pijm Ordinary". Translated by S. greek This means "long live" (from the words of Tanaos and Aceomai).

At first glance it may seem that the Pijm is created to grow with the rest of the colors, because its beautiful appearance will decorate any floweruba. However, this plant has medicinal properties that are so powerful that it is necessary to treat it with marginal caution, since it is capable of separating both poisonous and toxic substances.

The fragrance of Pijmas resinous and tart, but also has a certain advantage - putting a bouquet in the room, you can get rid of mosquitoes, flies and other insects for a long time.

Pijma is a rather unpretentious plant, for this reason it is capable of growing in a place where there is not enough sunlight. The flowering period occurs in the second half of summer - closer to July. During this period, the harvesting of raw materials for the preparation of medicines is taken. The plant is unfolded with a thin layer on paper and thus dried. Drying is allowed in the oven, but it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is not more than 40 ° C.

Pijma composition

Both healing qualities and contraindications of the Pijmas are due to the unique components of this plant. It contains many such substances as:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tanacetin;
  • and other useful components.

The largest content of these substances in the composition of the plant is observed at a time when it blooms. Alkaloids, which are allocated in this period, influence the person. In the dried form, in addition to the above components, the PIRM is saturated with proteins, polysaccharides, glycosides, vitamins C and A.

The raw material, which is collected during when the plant blooms, has useful properties in case included in the composition of essential oils. Coloring of such a means - green-yellow. It contains camphor, Tuyon, Pinen and Borneol.

Useful properties of Pijmas

The unique composition provided the plant a large number of useful properties. Pijma provides the following actions:

Pijma as medicinal plant Found widespread use in folk medicinewhich offers a huge number of recipes intended for treatment various diseases. The healing properties of the Pijmas are as follows:

Contraindications of Pijmas

The plant is considered small, because it has in its composition such a toxic component as a tuyon. The use of nutrition-based funds for a long time or excess of the recommended dosage will not bring the desired effect, and on the contrary, they will cause severe harm to the body. At the same time, a person will experience the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • migraine;
  • with severe poisoning, convulsions may appear.

If there are even minor signs of pijma poisoning, you should immediately suspend reception of funds based on this plant, make the stomach wash and have a sorbent.

In addition, the active substances that are contained in the PIJE can cause uterine reductions, which can lead to spontaneous interruption of pregnancy or premature delivery. For this reason, for future mothers, the use of funds prepared on the basis of the Pijmas is under a strict ban.

It is contraindicated to the use of such funds and children of preschool and school age, as well as people who suffer from a biliary disease.

Carefully apply the tool and only in situations when the potential benefits are above the possible risk, followed by such health problems such as arrhythmia, hypertension, violations in the functioning of the heart. This prohibition is due to the fact that facilities based on the PIRs contribute to the increase in pressure, an increase in the frequency of heart cut and the slowdown of the heart rhythm.

This medicinal plant is contraindicated with breastfeeding. Thuion, which is contained in the Pijm, is able to penetrate the maternal milk into the kid's body. If its concentration is very high, the infants can be poisoned.

With external use of the plant rarely, but, nevertheless, allergic reactions in the skin arise.

Below, we give the most popular and most often used funds based on the drug plant under consideration.

The healing qualities of the Pijmas are manifested in any form of use - tinctures, powders, decoctions, applying funds can be used both externally and internally.

  • raw materials are thoroughly grinding;
  • the resulting powder is mixed with chopped cloths of garlic;
  • the mixture is poured with 500 ml of milk and is brewed for 10 minutes on a weak heat, while it must be stirred all the time;
  • the tool must be strain and used in a warm form in the form of the belief.

It should be remembered that, despite the large number of useful properties, the Pijm has also many contraindications, as well as capable of calling side effects. In addition, the plant is considered to be poisonous, so it is necessary to include it in cosmetics and the recipes of traditional medicine, carefully observing the dosage. It is impossible to give funds prepared on the basis of this plant, children. Pijma has a powerful impact, so before you start any course of therapy, you should visit a fittotherapist specialist in order to coordinate this issue with him.

Video: Useful properties and applying Pijmas

Therapeutic properties of the Pijmas are known since the times of the Middle Ages, since then the practice has not changed its use. This is due to the limited number of studies of the composition and properties of the culture conducted by science. Despite the existence of numerous recommendations on more detailed study of raw materials, there were no visible steps in this direction. The reason is that the plant is a poisonous and potentially dangerous for a person.


Culture is part of an extensive astera family, which includes from fifty to one hundred twenty species of plant genus of Pijm. In Russia, there are no less than thirty. Many of them externally look like a chamomile, for which they got the name of the daisy. And some have almost identical similarities and are cultivated in decorative purposes as a chamomile.


Pijma ordinary with chamomile is similar to less degree. Its main differences is saturated yellow color of blooming baskets. Although the rest of the similarities are present.

Pijma ordinary. Botanical illustration of the book O. V. Tome "Flora Von Deutschland, Österreich und Der Schweiz", 1885.

The plant is perennial, with a horizontal strong root, which is trees with development. Multiple processes are departed from the root, large roots of soil literally excavated small roots. In the first years of life, the plant gives one reprehensive, rounded stem. As vegetation, the number of stems increases, which usually occurs on the fourth-fifth year of culture. The height of the stems can reach one and a half meters, although they usually grow up to fifty centimeters - one meter.

Stems of the Pijmas branted all over the top, small leaflets are formed on the branches. They are elongated oval shape, along the edges with jazbins, sharp blades. The surface of the sheets is dark green, the inner part is lighter, with streaks and dark splashes.

During the flowering period, which occurs at the end of June, numerous inflorescences appear at the top of the stem and on its branches. They are collected in baskets in the form of truncated balls. Inflorescences are located compactly, on each branch their number can reach five or twelve. Bright yellow shade makes the plant very attractive during flowering period. At the same time, it is particularly strongly exuded by a specific "camphor" fragrance.

In August and September, the plant is fruit. In the flower baskets, small fruits seeds are formed by the oblong shape, with short tooths on the surface. These teeth help the pyrhem actively spread to large areas.

Geography and distribution

Thanks to the developed root system, the culture is capable of grown on the poorest soils. It quickly populates the territory, anchored by a person, so often found near the garden cooperatives, grows under the fences of private houses and in the aisle of agricultural fields.

Cultivated as a decorative plant, the grass of the Pijm can sue the "neighbors" on the site, often seeks, grows as weed. In Russia, meets everywhere, even on far East, where, according to the approval of the florist and the Soviet nerd, Alexey Schreter, there are many-dimensional blanks of this plant raw material. It grows on the meadows, in the ditch, in the undergrowth, but the thickets rarely rarely, it usually grows by single "bush". For the pharmacological industry is not cultivated.

In the garden sites, the breeding of the Pijm does not require special skills. You can plant a plant in the fall, scattering the seeds into an open ground. In the spring you can get the seedlings - the processed from the root. For cultivation, any solar or shady portion will suit, the culture feels perfectly even in shrub thickets. Having landed it with a gazebo or a garden bench, you will not only decorate the garden, but also protect yourself from annoying insects, which scares the smell of the Pijmas.

Collection and harvesting

Official medicine recognized the value of the flowers of the plant of the Pijm. The grass is also used in the folk. The billet can be carried out simultaneously.

  • Flowers. Collect at the very beginning of flowering. At this time, baskets look bent, their middle is drawn inside. It is important to collect raw materials until the middle will become convex and starts to open. If the time is missing, in the drying process, bloom will continue, after which the baskets are rude. Valuable substances in such raw materials are much less than in prepared on time. Flowers are broken by hand or cut with a secateur, scissors. You can collect flaps with many inflorescences completely, but before drying the baskets, it is necessary to separate from the legs. Prepared raw materials are unfolded with a thin layer under a canopy and dried until the wrapper of the baskets will not be leathery. When using dryers, the temperature is not higher than thirty degrees. It is extremely important not to overheat the flowers of the Pijmas, otherwise they will get out. The shelf life of correctly harvested raw materials is two years.
  • Grass. Cut the stalks with leaves after collecting flower baskets. Immediately after the collection, dried in the sun for several hours and form in tight beams. They are tied with a rope and suspend in a shady spot, under a well-ventilated canopy. After drying, the grass retains its properties for four years.

The population of the plant is freely restored after the collection, so there is no restrictions on the billet.

Composition and properties

Application in medicine of the grass Pijmas is based on its composition. The plant enters the natural phytockomplexes recommended by the therapists under a number of chronic and acute diseases. Therapeutic qualities are provided by content essential oil, tannic substances, a bitter substance of tanacetyin, a number of organic acids and volatile alkaloids.

Due to the presence of glycosides of plant origin, the peeled flowers and dosage forms of them have a vasodilatory action, can be used in the integrated therapy of angina. The data obtained possess the potential significance for medicine and science, as it is up to date, culture in disease therapy of cardio-vascular system Not used.

Water dosage forms from Pijmas are rich in flavanoids. These substances have high antioxidant activity, when taking inside as a means from diseases of the stomach and intestines, the formation of free radicals is able to coal. They have anti-inflammatory activity, stimulate local immunity. In 2007, the international group of researchers in Igor Shepetkina, Mark Quina and Hans, the evidence of the antitumor activity of the group of flavanoids, located in the composition of the Flowers of the Pijmas.

The hypotensive effect of the complex of Flavoids of the Pijmas was established, in particular, due to the presence of acsetine substances in it. According to the power of exposure, it is not inferior to a popular papaverin pressure tool.

Currently, the plant is considered as a source of polysaccharides of the Tanacetanov Group. Studies have shown that in the composition of the Pijmas their number exceeds the presence in other medicinal plants. Tanacetans belong to the class of pectins, possess astringent action. Capable low density lipoproteins in the blood serum, forming sclerotic plaques as accumulated in vessels. In the future, there are opportunities for the use of Pijmas ordinary for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. But this action of the phytopreparation is not fully studied.

Instructions for the use of Flowers of Pijmas contains guidance on the potential risk of a phytopreparation. In the composition of raw materials is a toxic substance - Kaeton Thuion. It can cause poisoning with severe consequences. There are data on efforts with deaths among livestock eating grass on grazing. Therefore, in medicine, the use of plants is limited.

Application of Pijmas

In Belgium and Finland, the plant enters the State Pharmacope, recommended by official medicine as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic. Used in angina, headaches, cool invasions. Also in these countries, the PIRM is used during menstruation to reduce bleeding or complete menstruation stop.

In German and official Russian medicine, the testimony for reception of the Pijmas is limited by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and glitstic invasions.

Infusion of colors in disease gasts

Cubizing substances included in the medicinal plant have astringent and anti-inflammatory effects in gastrointestinal disorders. The famous Soviet therapist Mikhail Nosal recommended the use of dried flowers for the preparation of infusion from the indentation of the stomach, with diarrhea, including a bloody and due to infectious damage.

Infusion is effective with reduced acidity of gastric juice, gastritis. It has a choleretic effect, so the people are often recommended as a means of complex treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis. In this capacity, the Pijm is part of herbal fees Tanacin, Tanatschol, manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry. In Germany, it is used in enterocolite, constipation, meteorism.


  1. Pull the dried flowers into the glass container. Use twenty grams of raw materials (or two tablespoons).
  2. Fill with hot boiled water (not boiling water) one liter.
  3. Leave under the lid for four hours.
  4. Perfect.

Take the remedy should be half a glass up to three times a day for twenty minutes before meals.


  1. Place a tablespoon of floral baskets into the container.
  2. Leave for four hours under the lid.

Decoction for outdoor use

When used in the form of a row and compresses, the decoction of grass has an anti-inflammatory effect. Improves tissue regeneration, reduces the severity of inflammation, edema. Pijm from hemorrhoids is used to treat non-healing wounds, reducing pain in dislocations, bruises, inflammation in the joints. In the form of rinsing, it is recommended for the treatment of angina, stomatitis, vaginites and colpits in gynecology.


  1. Put the tablespoon of dried and crushed grass into the container.
  2. Fill with boiling water in two hundred fifty milliliters.
  3. Promomate in a water bath for five minutes.
  4. Perfect.

Use in the form of compresses on soft cotton fabric. Apply to the affected and painful parts of the body. The washing is carried out by rinsing, scrusts.

Infusion for hair growth

In homemade cosmetology, the plant is used for hair as a means that stimulates their growth. The impact is due to the rich flavanoid composition of raw materials, which improves the blood supply to hair bulbs.


  1. Place two tablespoons of flowers in the jar.
  2. Fill with boiling water in two hundred fifty milliliters.
  3. Leave under the lid in line for four hours.
  4. Perfect.

I got the resulting infusion into the skin of the head after each wash, it is not necessary to wash it off. Conduct treatment should be a course within one month.

Unprinted action

One of the unproved properties of the plant is the stimulation of miscarriage. The people of Pijm for interrupting pregnancy is really used. It is likely that its effect in this case is ensured by the ability to weaken the smooth muscles, which reduces the severity of spasms, at the same time relaxes the uterus. Therefore, for women awaiting a child, the plant is contraindicated.

But it is dangerous to use the PIRM for miscarriage. Its use in small, recommended doses recommended for therapeutic purposes, critical consequences will not cause. And the dosage excess can cause intoxicating the organism to poisonous substances that are part of the composition and bring significant harm to health. Features of the effect of the plant on the body of a pregnant woman and the intrauterine development of the child were not studied.

When using Pijmas, it is important to take into account its contraindications. The plant is toxic, with which the restrictions on its use in official medicine. It rarely serves as a drug of choice in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal organs, for which non-toxic drug analogues are used, including plant origin. If, when taking the means, symptoms of poisoning in the form of nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness occurred, should be applied immediately for medical help.

Folk medicine uses many different herbs for the treatment and prevention of diseases. One of the popular plants at the healers is a Pijm. It is used in medicine and cosmetology due to its useful properties.

Chemical composition

Pijma is used in folk and traditional medicine, as it has enough useful substances in its composition. Therefore, it has a wide range of applications in various fields, including cosmetology. It contains:

  1. Alkaloids. In small quantities, these substances are useful for the body. But it is important to know that the excess of their dosage is harmful. Depending on the quantity, they soothe or excite the nervous system, extend or narrow the clearance of vessels. Substances also have the property to eliminate inflammation, painful sensations.
  2. Essential oils. Required for rehabilitation processes occurring in the body. They quickly penetrate the blood and spread all over the body. Also, essential oils help to normalize the work of almost all organs and systems.
  3. Flavonoids. Belong to antioxidants. They allow in a short time to cleanse the body from harmful substances, which greatly facilitates the liver work.
  4. Vitamins. The Pijma includes a large amount of vitamin C. It is necessary for immunity and helps the body to resist viruses, bacteria, infections. In minor quantities contain vitamins of group B, A, E, PP. All of them allow you to restore the work of the nervous system, to support vision, speed up the process of tissue regeneration, extend the skin youth, and also participate in many other processes.

Pijma is known for its property to accumulate a manganese, which is also necessary for the body. It contains organic acids and polysaccharides. This composition allows the use of grass not only in cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment, prevention of many diseases. It is based on drugs, it is actively used in traditional medicine.

What looks like and where it grows

The grass is a perennial plant, which in the botanic is attributed to the Astrov family. It is not surprising, because in the appearance of the Pijma resembles a flower. Today, more than 70 plant varieties are known. About 30 of them can be found in Russia. The most common ordinary Pijm is the most common. Translated from Greek, it means "long live".

Pijma is used not only in decorative purposes, as it looks great in any flowerbed, but also known for its useful properties. But it should be used with caution, as it has a property to highlight poisonous substances.

In height, the plant is capable of reaching 2 meters. It has several stems at once, on the tops of which a small size of yellow flowers appear. In their appearance, they resemble the Astra. Flowers, diameter from 6 to 8 centimeters, are collected in bundles, each of which can contain from 10 to 100 elements. Green leaves, half-disseated.

Pijm has a tart resinous fragrance, which for a long time will help get rid of flies, mosquitoes in the room, if you put a bouquet in the room.


Botany knows a lot of types of pijmas. But the most common ones are:

  1. Balsamic. Got his name as a result of the fact that in times Ancient Rome Used for embalming. Also, the plant was widely used in cooking as seasonings due to its aroma. Balsamic Pijm and today is used at the salty of cucumbers.
  2. Curly. A decorative plant that is actively used in landscape design. In appearance, it is practically no different from ordinary Pijmas, only has coacher leaves, for which it was called. It is planted almost on any plots, as the plant is unpretentious to the soil. For the winter period, it is not covered, as the grass is perfectly tolerated even very coldy. In areas it is often combined with daisies or echinacea.
  3. Painted. It is distinguished by the appearance of the rest of the pizzy. She resembles a chamomile more, but can have a different color. There are flowers from white to purple. As it grows it forms a dense carpet, which not only makes her eyes, but also has a pleasant fragrance.
  4. Maiden The plant grows up to a height half meter. Leaves are also green, but possess a spicy aroma. Flowers in their appearance resemble daisies. Pijma is used in folk medicine to reduce elevated body temperature and extension of vessels.

Pijmas species of more than 70. The plant is distributed in Russia in Europe and Central Asia. It can be found in almost any corner of the Earth, as it refers to unpretentious plants, it is well tolerating frost.

Collection and storage

For the preparation of medicines, the PIRM should be collected during its flowering period. It starts in about mid-July. Flowers are gently cut with stalks, lay in one layer on paper in a warm dry room. It is important that there is a constant circulation of air.

You can also dry the inflorescences in the oven. To do this, it must be heated not more than 40 degrees.

Store the dried pyrhem in paper or tissue bags, as they pass the air. Indoors should not be wet, and the air temperature cannot exceed 25 degrees. You can use raw materials for 2 years.

Pijma is used in folk and traditional medicine for the preparation of various drugs and means that help cope with various diseases. Such popularity of the plant is due to the composition. There are substances in the grass that have a positive effect on the body. Thus, the Pijma has a number of useful properties. These include:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Active substances of the plant help to stop the inflammatory process, due to which the condition is not only improved, but also a recovery comes faster.
  2. Regenerating. The plant is used for wound healing, burns. Such a property is due to certain components that speed up the process of developing new cells.
  3. Antibacterial. Pijma is perfectly coping with pathogenic microflora. It contributes to the suppression of their active growth and distribution by the body. This reduces the risk of developing complications.
  4. Anesthetic. The grass is applied and as an anesthetics, as it helps to quickly stop unpleasant symptoms.
  5. Antimicrobial. It is the microbes that often become the cause of the development of a number of diseases. Pijma will allow you to destroy them, as a result of which recovery comes faster.
  6. Choleretic and stiff. Pijma in folk medicine is used at temperatures for its normalization, as well as in the presence of disorders of the production and removal of bile.
  7. Antioxidant. Substances that are part of the Pijmas have the ability to remove toxins and others harmful substances From the body, facilitating the work of the liver.

The plant is used to reduce gas formation in the stomach and has a beneficial effect on the work of the organs digestive system. Thanks to the content of vitamins, the grass helps strengthen the nail plates, hair, slow down the aging processes.

Among other things, the Pijm has a positive effect on the nervous system. It helps to fight stress, reduces the feeling of anxiety, is applied in depression.

For women

Folk healers are used by the PIR in the treatment of gynecological diseases that are manifested in the form of a violation menstrual cycle. Due to its properties, the plant helps with abundant discharges, painful sensations in the lower abdomen during menstruation, delay, since the substance included in the substance have a stimulating effect on muscle tissue tissue.

Pijma has a positive effect not only on the sex system of a woman, but also helps to cope with stress. According to studies, it is women who are more often subjected to stressful situations and are predisposed to depressions. Due to its composition, Pijma restores and maintains the work of the nervous system.

The plant is also known for its properties to slow the aging of skin cells aging, prevents the occurrence of oncology.

For men

It is noted that the Pijma helps to get rid of such a disease like jaundice. At the same time, the therapeutic effect is celebrated exclusively in men.

The grass with proper use will also have a positive effect on the male organism. Including components in its composition help to cope with hemorrhoids, gout, serve as prevention of rheumatism.

Pijma contributes to the normalization of the heart of the heart, strengthening the walls of the vessels, which is important in the prevention of strokes, heart attacks.

During pregnancy

When a woman is waiting for the appearance of a baby on the light, she should be careful to choosing medicines, since most of them are able to harm the child's body.

This also applies to the means of traditional medicine, including the Pijm. Experts do not recommend applying it during pregnancy, since substances included in the plant affect the smooth muscles of the uterus. As a result, it begins to shrink, which can lead to premature childbirth or miscarriage.

With breastfeeding

Lactation period also has an important meaning. The thing is that all the products that the woman uses is penetrating into the milk and can harm the child by causing allergies.

Applying support for breastfeeding should be careful and after consulting a doctor, since its use contributes to the appearance of an allergic reaction in a child and the emergence of others side Effects.

For kids

Doctors do not advise to give to children the PIRM to treat diseases, as side effects may arise. But in some cases a weak decoction can be appointed in small quantities. It will help to remove the symptoms and strengthen the immune system.

Breast children of Pijm are completely contraindicated. Give funds based on it is better from 3 years, when immunity is fairly formed. The dosage should determine the attending physician.

When weight loss

It is impossible to reduce weight with the help of the PIRM. But it can enter the diet when the diet is focused on weight loss. The plant with proper use will have a positive effect on the body, will help strengthen the immune system.

In addition, it includes substances that help support the work of the digestive system, normalize psycho-emotional state.

Grass is used not only in folk, but also traditional medicine. It is based on a number of drugs aimed at treating certain diseases.

With diabetes

Folk healers argue that with the help of the Pijma, the amount of blood sugar can be controlled. The plant is recommended at 2 type of disease, when a person complies with a strict diet, but it does not require insulin.

To maintain the normal level of glucose, it suffices to replace ordinary tea to a weak decoction or pyzhma infusion. You can use it in the morning or in the evening.

With pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is a serious illness that leads to a violation of the body. In this case, painful sensations arise, which can be removed using the Pijmas.

The plant, due to its properties, will allow not only to stop pain, but also stop the spread of the inflammatory process. To do this, it is enough 2 times a day to use decoction based on the Pijmas 2 tablespoons.

With gastritis

Gastritis is a disease in which the loss of the gastric mucosa occurs. Often, pathology is accompanied by increased acidity, which is accompanied by an additional symptom, such as heartburn.

Treatment is always comprehensive. Patients are important to take drugs appointed by the doctor, to comply with the diet. But to achieve the best results, you can also accept decoction based on the Pijmas.

The plant will have a positive effect on the mucous membrane, as it is characterized by an enveloping effect. This allows you to protect the stomach from the negative impact of a number of factors.

In addition, the Pijma helps to relieve an inflammatory process, stop pain and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

For intestine

Disorders of the intestine - a common problem. This occurs during improper nutrition, when a person uses a large amount of oily, salt, sweet or acute food.

To get rid of unpleasant sensations and reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, it is recommended to take a decoction or infusion of Pijmas as prevention. Also benefit will bring tea cooked from the plant.

With constractions

Today there are a number of drugs and recipes for folk medicine based on the Pijmas, which are used to eliminate congestive processes in the intestine. Pregnant women and people who lead a low-wear lifestyle are more likely to constipate.

Decorations, teas and infusions will help to normalize the work of the colon, get rid of the stagnation process due to the components.

For liver

Pijma is known for both antioxidants present in it. These substances even in small quantities contribute to the purification of the body from toxins and the products of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. A similar property reduces the burden on the liver.

It is believed that Pijm can help men get rid of cirrhosis. At the same time, it does not have such an influence on the female organism. Also, the plant is widely used in cirrhosis and reduces the risk of developing complications. Patients have enough decoction or infusion several times a day.

With hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, according to people's healers, can also be cured with the help of ragners and infusions based on the Pijmas. This is due to the fact that the plant includes components that have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect.

It is important that the plant should be applied already on early stages. This will reduce the risk of complications and quickly achieve recovery.

With cholecystitis

Violations of the pancreas, especially cholecystitis of chronic form, can also be cured with the help of pyrms. The plant is part of the drugs that can be bought at the pharmacy.

Also, the grass is used in the recipes of traditional medicine for the preparation of healing braids and info. All of them help to relieve the inflammatory process, get rid of pain, restore and strengthen immunity, improve the general condition.

Before using funds, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who will determine the possibility of using such funds and calculates the dosage.

In the intestine, worms penetrate when the use of incorrectly cooked meat of infected animals or fish. They are fixed on the intestinal mucosa, actively multiply. To get rid of them, it is recommended to use enemas with a decoction or pyzhma infusion. You can also use them inside.

The plant is used in order to destroy the lice that fall on the scalp. This also uses chasters or infusions with which hair is rinsed.

In furunculese

Pijma is actively used in cosmetic purposes to get rid of acne, boils. Funds based on plants are used externally to wip the face. But it is not necessary to use solutions of severe concentration. The course of treatment continues within 2 weeks.

Pijma, due to its properties, contributes to a decrease in the inflammatory process, due to which furunculae and acne decrease in size, and over time completely disappear.

With prostatitis

As you know, the Pijma is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases in women. It is also actively used for prostatitis therapy due to the ability to reduce inflammation and is positively affected by the urinary system.

The course of treatment of the Pijm must be combined with the reception of drugs. This will help faster to achieve recovery.

Thus, the plant is actively used in folk and traditional medicine. The properties and composition of the Pijmas make it possible to use funds in various fields, including gynecology, gastroenterology and others. After the course of therapy, there is a significant improvement in the overall condition, removal of unpleasant symptoms, improving metabolic processes.

The plant is known not only as an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory agent. Since there are special substances in composition, and the Pijm has a pronounced smell, it is used both as a means from bugs living in an apartment, cockroaches, mosquitoes, midges and other insects that penetrate the premises and significantly worsen a person's life.

Also a popular tool is a mixture that is sprayed throughout the house. For its preparation, 5 liters of water will be required, a glass of dried flowers. Everything needs to be boiled, after which it is cool. Then to strain the solution and with the help of a sponge or special sprayer, apply in the corners, walls.

Use plant bundles, according to many, more conveniently. They are enough to decompose where insects can dwell. It is important to know that the plant does not destroy them, but only scares. Therefore, you need to use other means that allow you to completely get rid of pests.

In order for the Pijm to bring results in the fight against clusters and other insects living in the apartment, several rules should be known:

  1. Find out how running the situation is. The plant will only help when the number of insects is small. But when their number increases, the use of more powerful funds will be required.
  2. Pijm is not able to kill insects. When her fragrance weakens, they again capture new territories and begin to actively multiply.
  3. After 60-70 hours after processing the room, even a strong smell cannot prevent the pests to spread around the apartment if they were driven.

Pijmas oil: properties and application

One of the popular funds is the oil of the Pijmas. It is prepared with a glass of dried plant and 300 ml sunflower oil. Everyone is mixed and insisted for several hours. The plant gives its own fragrance and all beneficial features. You can buy it in the store.

Oil, like her grass, has many useful qualities:

  1. Anesthetic. It can be applied to bruises and skin cover when stretching.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. The oil is perfectly coping with the inflammatory process on the skin. It is enough to apply on the affected areas. Already a few minutes later, the improvement will be noticeable.
  3. Regenerating. The oil has a property to quickly heal the wounds, cuts and can be used to treat various skin irritations.

The tool is also used to remove the swelling of soft tissues and aromatherapy. Its in the number of several drops is added to the foot baths, hands. It is great for swimming children, helps to normalize sleep, calm, remove inflammation and irritation.

Types of healing compositions with Pijma

Based on the plant, you can prepare several different solutions that are used for internal or external use. They not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also can be used in cosmetology.


For the preparation of dried inflorescences of the Pijmas in the amount of 5 grams poured a glass of boiling water. Insist the solution before its cooling. It is filled with, overflow in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Infusion in pure form is used to destroy helminths as a solution for the enema. It is also treated with purulent wounds. But in this case, the solution should be diluted with boiled water in proportion one to one.


Such a means has a wide range of applications. One of the advantages of the tincture is its long-term storage. Even a few months later, in contrast to water-based solutions, it does not lose their useful qualities. But it is important to take into account that it is impossible to use a tincture for the treatment of children and people who suffer or suffered by alcoholism, since it includes alcohol.

To prepare a healing solution, 120 ml of vodka and 25 grams of dried pyrhymes are required, which should be pre-grinding. All mix and insist in a dark place for 10 days. At the same time, it is important to mix every day. When tincture is ready, it needs to be strain and remove for storage in the refrigerator.


It is used for rinsing wounds in order to eliminate infectious damage and lifting inflammation. But before using the composition, you need to spend an allergy test. To do this, a small amount of beam applies to the skin of the elbow bend. After a while, evaluate the result. If irritation, rash or redness appeared on the skin, then it is better to refuse to apply the solution.

For its preparation, 5 grams of dried flowers and 500 ml of water will be required. All mix and put on a slow fire. When the solution boils, remove it, cool and strain. Ready to keep in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.


Popular tool based on the maintenance of Pijmas is tea. It can be used throughout the day. It helps to cope with stress, depression, normalize sleep, improve the overall condition and strengthen the immune system.

Prepare tea is simple enough. To do this, only 2 teaspoons of dried flowers are pouring a liter of boiling water and laughed within 5-10 minutes, then pour in cups. Add sugar or honey to taste.

Application in cosmetology

Pijma was widespread in cosmetology. Thanks to its properties, the plant has a positive effect on skin and hair. All those part of the substance helps to get rid of various rashes, such as acne, and eliminate small wrinkles, return the youth of the skin, restore the structure of the hair and give them strength.

There are many recipes for which you can easily prepare cosmetics. The most popular are:

Whitening mask

It is used to remove pigment stains and freckles that do not like everyone. To create it, 1 teaspoon of dried plant flowers and a glass of boiling water will be required. Everything needs to be connected, insist for 30 minutes. When the solution cools, strain. In the resulting embarof, moisten the gauze, pre-folded in 4-8 layers and attached to the face, leaving for 15 minutes. During the entire procedure, it is regularly wetting gauze. Such a decoction can also be frozen in a special form for ice. It is used for morning and evening wiping. Such a procedure will allow not only to improve skin tone, but also whiten it.

Powering mask

Such a means will also help to eliminate small wrinkles, which are the main sign of skin aging. For her cooking it will take a tablespoon of dried grass flowers. Pour their glass boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. The resulting solution must be cooled. After which it is strain. In a separate container, mix 4 large spoons of puff puffs, 1 teaspoon of honey and cream with a high percentage of fatty. Also add cottage cheese in such a quantity so that the mass acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. Everyone is thoroughly mixed and put on your face for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mask with a cotton disk that should be pre-mixed in water. After the procedure, wash warm and then cold water.


Fat hair is a fairly common problem. To eliminate it, you can use the recipe based on the Pijmas. For the preparation of the means, 1 tablespoon of flowers, pre-dried, and a glass of boiling water will be required. All connect and leave for 20 minutes. Means before applying strain. The resulting solution is to lure into the head of the head before washing the hair. Then we rinse the remaining hair with my hair. Use the tool twice a week for 1.5 months. Pijma will allow normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and restore hair. Also such a decoction will eliminate and dandruff, as the plant has antimicrobial effects.

Infusion for hair growth

Pijma infusion can be used not only for the treatment of a number of diseases and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Such a means is great for stimulating hair growth due to improving the blood supply of bulbs. Prepare infusion is simple enough. To do this, you need to take 2 large spoons of plants and pour them with a glass of boiling water. All insist in a closed container. After 4 hours, it is cool and strain. The solution is to lure into the scalp. The course of therapy is one month.

Before applying nutrition-based funds, it is important to verify the absence of contraindications. It is also necessary to prepare correctly and use all the infusions and masks, which will avoid unpleasant consequences.

The effectiveness of the use of cosmetics prepared on the basis of pyrms is noticeable after a few days after use.

Is it possible to give pyrzym rabbits

Those who breed rabbits are asked if it is possible to give a plant to animals, because it is rich in vitamins and other elements, useful not only for the human body.

Pijm, thanks to his smell, is a fairly attractive plant for rabbits. They happily eat it. But a large number of plants cause a violation of the intestinal work and intoxication in animals.

Danger for beasts is a freshly adolescent Pijm, as it contains harmful substances. It is worth remembering that the grass is a conditionally poisonous. The number of poisonous substances in the composition decreases as the flowering period approximation.

Rabbits are recommended to give no more than one dried twig per day. In order not to harm the animal, after harvesting the grass should be rinsed with water and leave to dry in the place where the straight sun rays do not fall. As drying in the plant decreases the amount of harmful substances.

In the diet, it is impossible to enter the maintenance, until the rabbits have reached a four-month-old age. It should also be excluded for pregnant and nursing females.

The proper use of the Pijmas will eliminate the development of helminthosis in rabbits and increase animal immunity.

Overdose and contraindications to use

Pijm is known not only as a useful plant, but also as poisonous. Improper preparation of decoctions and infusions and their use can lead to the poisoning of the body. In order to reduce the risk of intoxication, it is important primarily to observe the dosage. On a day you can take no more than 250 grams of dried grass. The exact dosage should be calculated by the doctor.

Unpleasant symptoms, which indicate the poisoning of the body, occur already after a couple of hours after applying nutrition based products. Among the signs there is nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting. Also arises diarrhea, combined with painful sensations in the stomach. A few minutes after the first signs of poisoning, headaches and dizziness are observed.

First of all, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and cause ambulance. Until the doctors go, you need to take activated carbon. To try to cope with intoxication, especially if the symptoms appear quite brightly, it should not independently, as this may lead to serious consequences.

Before applying nutrition, it should also be borne in mind that it has contraindications. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • age up to 14 years;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • network Diseases;
  • heart pathology.

You should not use the means in the presence of intolerance or an allergic reaction to the plant, as this may entail serious consequences.

But even in the absence of contraindications, use the plant for the preparation of healing solutions and the treatment of various diseases should be careful.

Pijma has been applied not only for many years not only in folk, but also traditional medicine. It has many beneficial properties. It can also be used in cosmetology for the preparation of face masks and hair rinsing solutions. But it is not worth abuse. It is important to prepare all the means and take them, since the increase in dosage can lead to the poisoning of the body. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will eliminate the presence of contraindications and determine the desired dosage.

Pijma ordinary is an effective medicinal grass that allows you to fight female pains, worms, diseases of the digestive tract, rheumatism and other health problems. Based on this plant, various tinctures, decoctions, teas and other medicines that provide great favor For the human body.

Plant Description. Appearance and distribution area

The grass of the Pijma is a common weed growing near the roads, in the fields, in shrubs, meadow steppes, forests and sudidal meadows. It is difficult to meet the thick thickets of herbs, however it grows in forest and forest-steppe zones.

As a representative of a group of perennials, the Pijma grows up to 1.5 m in height and has a couple of shoots. They have a furred surface and naked. In rare cases - pubescent with small busty. Upper elements are branching.

The foliage is another, publishing a strong fragrance during rubbing. At the top of the leaves are dark green, in the bottom - grayish-green.

Baskets of golden yellow flowers are going on the tops of the shoots, forming lush inflorescences. Each floral element is tubular. Fruits of the Pijmas are seeds.

stock Foto Flowering plants in natural habitat

The flowering period begins in June and lasts until September. The preparation of young flowers is performed at the beginning of the middle of summer, and the ripe fruits are collected in autumn. Each part of the grass is characterized by camphor aroma, since there are essential oils. Another plant is rich in tanning substances. Knowing how the PIRM looks like to lose weight or combat the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it can be easily distinguished from other weeds.

Several millennia ago, residents of ancient Egypt, Persia and Greece used herb extract to embalm corpses. Based on its roots, it was possible to get green paint, as well as fight flea or flies.

For many years, grass served as a feed plant for spotted deer, sheep, gophers and surkov.

nature endowed the plant rich chemical composition and massive properties for the body

Chemical composition. Medical and useful properties

Pijma, beneficial properties and contraindications of which were studied over the centuries, was recognized not only by traditional medicine, but also official. In the second case, it is considered as a powerful choleretic or anthelmal agent.

Due to the widespread and availability of the grass, the grass can be harvested and used for its intended independent. The preparation of flowers is produced at the end of July, when the active stage of flowering begins, away from road highways and large settlements.

When cutting flowers, it is necessary to cut and stem up to 40 mm. Then the prepared raw materials need to be twisted under a canopy and scatter a thin layer on paper.

Adherents of traditional medicine apply inflorescences in the role of means from worms. Homemade cakes allow you to quickly drive up ascaride and bertillas, and sometimes tape worms.

The infusion of the Pijma has a choleretic effect in the diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal spasms, gastritis and ulcers. The decoction on the basis of flowers contributes to good secretion and bile separation, normalizing acid balance and appetite.

With the help of grass, you can fight constipation and hemorrhoids. Due to the diuretic effect of Pijm Dried is used to combat urolithiasis or inflammatory kidney processes.

In the presence of infant wounds, strokes and boils are applied compresses. Decorations are fighting well with the swelling and painful sensations. To combat manifestations of rheumatism, grass is involved in dessert fault. Often it makes tablets for the liver, for the health of female genital organs and for the body.

to obtain high-quality drug raw materials during the workpiece, specific rules should be followed.

Collection and harvesting

To determine when collecting medicinal grass, you need to find out where the Pijm grows and when it blooms. Blossom begins in June and lasts until mid-September. Depending on the growing environment, the specificity of assembly and blanks is determined, and the chemical composition of the plant is changing. So, the mountain herb has a greater concentration of essential oils.

It is possible to harvest the medicinal grass only to the territories distant from roads and large cities. Raw materials should be fresh and not damaged pests. The collection is produced in the morning after evaporation of dews from greenery or before sunset in dry weather.

Seeing the pyrhem you need in air under the shaded conditions. Some owners cover it with a canopy or apply special drying equipment. When using drying, it is important to prevent excessive heating of air. Optimal temperature It is no more than 40 ° C.

properly harvested raw materials helps in the treatment and prevention of various diseases

Indications for the treatment of diseases of the Pijm

The beneficial properties of the Pijmas allow you to use it for a variety of goals.

Zhktic diseases

The grass is used in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis and ulcers. It restores the tone of the intestines muscles, contributes to an efficient separation of bile and fights low acidity. Among other testimony, use:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the mucous colon.
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Pancreatic diseases.
  4. Infectious problems affecting the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Problems with microflora.
  6. Intensive gas formation.
  7. Constipation.

Possessing the soothing and tonic effect, tea from the Pijm is struggling with muscle spasms and has anthelnogonal impact. To combat gastrointestinal diseases, you can combine leaves with olive oil.

Tools based on weed improve the functionality of the digestive system and improve appetite. In order for the treatment of the Pijm to the most efficient, should be used by such instructions for use:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Dry flowers and 400 ml of water.
  2. Poured with raw materials and boiled for 5 minutes.
  3. Waiting until tea is well mixed and filtered.
  4. Use 100 ml 3 times a day.

for the preparation of therapeutic agents, you can use pharmacy raw materials or independently harvested

Nervous exhaustion

Considering the grass of the PIRM, therapeutic properties and contraindications, it is necessary to take into account its benefit for the nervous system. The plant is shown at the following disorders:

  1. Strong pain in the brain area.
  2. Problems with sleep.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Hysteria.
  5. Hypochondria.

To prepare a solution, you need to pour 100 g of dry grass 400 ml of vodka and insist for 3 days. Ready tincture is used 30 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Violations of the female cycle

Pijma in gynecology is applied for a long time. This is due to its benefit for women in disruption of the menstrual cycle and other gynecological diseases. To prepare an effective remedy for such a problem, you will need to take the container and pour 1 tbsp. l. Dry flowers, pour them 400 ml of boiling water and move to a warm place for half an hour. After insisters, it is necessary to take 0.5 glasses three times a day. The procedure is repeated for 2-5 days.

pharmacy dry raw material is used to prepare therapeutic infusions and decoctions that help in the treatment of skin pathologies

Skin diseases

Pijmas flowers that are sold in a pharmacy are effective tool from skin diseases. They can be applied at:

  1. Psoriasis.
  2. Scabes.
  3. Damage to skin cover, which do not pass with time.
  4. Yazens and eczema on the skin.
  5. Mechanical damage.

In traditional medicine, the following compress are made by the following problems:

  1. A tablespoon of grass is placed in the glass and poured boiling water.
  2. After that, the bandage is taken, which is wetted in the tincture and applied to damaged skin.

To improve the effectiveness of the means use baths with this tincture.

Blue Pijmas oil allows you to fight various skin diseases. For cooking you will need to prepare fresh inflorescences and lose them until the formation of juice. The resulting consistency is divorced in 200 ml of vegetable oil and boils for 30 minutes on slow heat. The finished remedy is rubbed into the affected areas on the skin.

Inflammation of the joints

Pijma shields can fight with inflammation of the joints, sediments of salts and severe pain in the joints. To make infusion, you need to pour a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of flowers and put in a dark cool place. After the accumulation, the agent is taken on a tablespoon 4 times a day.

You can still make an effective weed-based bath. To do this, you will need to purchase a field horse, weed grass, a series, elderberry, currant leaves and nettle leaves. Further should be mixed 5 tbsp. l. Marks, 4 pies and horses, 3 elderberry and 2 nettle. After that, 100 g of composition is filled with a liter of water and put on fire to a boil. The finished solution is brought to a boil and merges into the bath.

The procedure is repeated within 15 days every day.


The problem of seborrhea leads to the appearance of dandruff in the hair. To get rid of it, you will need to make rope for rinsing. To do this, the grass should be poured into the saucepan and 3 liters of water. For 10 minutes, the decoction is boiled on fire, and then it is placed in a dark place to insist.

grass supports women's health and promotes successful conception


Pijmas tincture is characterized by high efficiency when infertility. To prepare herbal mixture, you need to take 100 g of Veronica, 50 g of grass, 75 g of rosemary. The mixture is brought into the cooking container and poured 3 glasses of boiling water. After a night instead, the agent drinks 1 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Precautions for reception

Since poisonous substances are present as part of the Pijmas before applying it for treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications and side effects. It is important to take into account the optimal dosage, age peculiarities and patient condition. In childhood and old age, the dose reduce.

At the same time, the therapy cannot last more than 7 days, with the exception of rare cases when the course is prolonged to 2-3 weeks. With prolonged grass consumption may occur mental disordersTherefore, it is better to do 2 courses for 1 week a year.

Due to the powerful choleretic effect of Grass is contraindicated for people with stones in bile durses. During pregnancy and with breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use the PIR.

Weed is able to cause premature cuts in the uterus and have an abutient effect.

Action on the body

The plant acts positively not only for the female organism, but also for men. However, before this, you need to determine how to cook and use it. Male representatives can take a means to combat heart disease, liver and kidney disease. Another flower is used to eliminate the manifestations of gout and hemorrhoids.

Side Effects and Contraindications

As part of the Pijmas, there are some poisonous substances (ketone and tuyon), which cause a number of side effects and contraindications in non-compliance with the dosage. To prevent complications, it is worth considering the following features:

  1. It is impossible to use large volumes of grass-based drugs, as this can lead to poisoning. Permissible daily rate is 0.5 liters.
  2. Children and pregnant women better abandon the reception of the composition. When entering a child, the tool can have an abutient effect.

Among other contraindications, diseases of the cardiovascular system are distinguished. In the event of an overdose, impairment of vision, problems with the kidneys and the nervous system, depressive state and even the fatal outcome.

in the process of insteading, all useful substances are moving to the drink and have a positive effect on the functioning of all organs.

Applying Flowers of Pijmas in the form of decoctions, infusions and tinctures

Treatment of liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, skin, skin, etc. is made by different means based on this medicinal grass. In most cases, water and alcohol hoods are practiced, including champs, alcohol tinctures and infusions.

If decoctions are used, it is important to choose a dosage properly, since poisonous substances are located as part of the grass.

An aqueous extract is taken both inside and outdoor method for combating skin diseases. The popular extractor recipe implies the use of 5 g of yellow baskets that are brewed with boiling water and insist for 3 hours. The tool is taken in 1 tbsp. l. Before drinking food. Such a recipe is effective in hepatitis, sharp disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and other diseases.

alcohol infusion is a powerful healing agent that has an antiseptic effect.

  1. Seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Garlic - 2 teeth.
  3. Milk - 0.5 liters.

Milk need to heat, and the seeds will be confused into powder. You still need to finely cut garlic and connect all the components. The liquid is cooled and detachable, and then introduced into the anal hole.

To get rid of Giardia, you can prepare inflorescences in the amount of 20 g filled with boiling water and coiled for 1 hour. Drink need to be used at 0.5 glasses before eating 3 times a day.

To combat ascaris, inflorescences are flooded with boiling water and insist within 4 hours. After polling, the tool is taken in 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

When combating a bull chain, solitator or other tape worms applied folk remedy called "Russian Troinch". It consists of pyzhma, wormwood and cloves.

Pijm for prophylaxis

Application in cosmetology

Possessing cleansing properties, the Pijma is actively used in cosmetology purposes. It is effectively fighting with skin rashes, boils and acne, providing an antiseptic effect.

If furunculae appears on the face, it may indicate the need for deep cleaning of the body, since the liver does not cope with its functions. As a result of such phenomena, the skin is covered with painful rashes and loses an attractive appearance.

The pyrome decoction allows you to get rid of many skin problems and prevent their appearance in the future. Another plant is used as a balsam for hair that contributes to a decrease in their fat and glowing.

This plant is widely used in medicine, both in traditional and folk. Pijma ordinary is found not only on wild meadows, but also on some household plots. This beautiful medicinal plant has long been used in landscape design.

Ordinary Pijm (Description)

This is a long-term grass of the astera family. Pijm plant plant can reach 50-150 cm in height. It has a winter-tight rhizome. Her reprehension, branching stems at the bottom are often decorated, therefore this plant is sometimes referred to as half-workers. Pijm is covered with peristores soldier regular leaves having a characteristic (balsamic) smell. They often observe adhesive discharge. Flower baskets are collected in thyroid inflorescences. They can be both dense and loose. Flowers Pijm from July to September. This makes it a very attractive decorative plant. Bright Yellow Ordinary Pijmas Flowers can decorate any flower garden. Also very beautiful and her dark green leaves. This unpretentious plant is easily multiplied by seeds that begin to ripen in August. They have an oblong shape. Their length reaches 1.8 mm.

Pyzhma varieties

Pijma is ordinary, a botanical description of which is suitable for most of the other plants similar to it this family, is used by people everywhere. There is a huge number of other varieties of such herbs. Thus, according to some reports, they are numbered more than 50. The Pijma is found in different countries of Asia, America and Europe, distinguished by a moderate climate. Russia has about 40 species of this plant. This grass can be found almost everywhere on any soils. It grows in steppe and mountainous areas, the floodplains of rivers and even in the tundra.

The most common view is the Piřem ordinary. Where does this specification grow? This weed, which occurs along the roads, on the wastehouses, on the meadows, has long been used by people as a medicament.

Useful material

In flower baskets, quantities of ordinary contains 1.5-2% of essential oils. Their composition has bicyclic monotheprenes, such as Alpha Tuyon (up to 47%), camphor, beta-tuyon, borneol, Tuyol, Pinen. They also have a large amount of variety of flavonoid connections. Main among them: Lutheolin, Achanetin, Apigenin, Isoormnetin, Quercetin. In inflorescences there are phenolcarboxylic acids, bitterness (tanacetin) and tanning substances. Organic acids, terpenes, alkaloids, vitamin C are found as part of the Pijmas, this grass can compete with many drugs. Unfortunately, in traditional medicine, it is not too active. Pijma is ordinary, the use of which is due to its chemical composition, is in demand as a dosage, food and spicy plant.

Use in medicine

Pijmas inflorescences Even after drying, retain their bright color. All parts of this plant have healing properties, therefore not only flowers, but also leaves, and seeds can be used as medicinal raw materials. For treatment, raw materials begin to collect when the grass is just begins to bloom. Choose inflorescences that have recesses in the center. Baskets are cut with a pattern, the length of which does not exceed 4-5 cm. Dried raw materials in dryers, in attics or under a canopy. Temperature should not be more than 40 degrees.

Pijma ordinary, the use of which is necessarily performed under the supervision of the attending physician, is used for different diseases. If you use this plant during hepatitis, then you can achieve a decrease in the amount of mucus gathering in bile. Medicinal properties of the Pijmas ordinary are due to the presence of large quantities in it active substances. That is why the reception of drugs from this plant is capable of toning muscular fibers GCC, which has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of its secretion. The pizhma infusion has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. He is able to raise arterial pressure. It also increases the amplitude of the reductions of the heart muscle, which was proven by scientists during a number of experiments conducted on animals.

Estimation of the ages of the Pijma Ordinary was considered one of the best anti-shine means. Its effectiveness in this respect is due to the presence of essential oil in its tissues, which is deepening not only on helminths, but also on a variety of microbes. This substance has toxicity, so the PIRM should be taken with extreme caution.

Properties of Pijmas










Antipyretic and others.

Application of Pijmas

Pijma is ordinary, the use of which should be done carefully, contributes to the scarring of the stomach ulcers. For this purpose, the infusion of this plant is used by 3 p. per day 100 ml.

Fresh Pijmas juice is effective with such a littleness:

HoldingObculus intoxication;




Painful and abundant menstruation;



It is generally recognized and its pronounced hypnotic effect. Preparations of inflorescences Pijmas are used as an effective choleretic agent. Its effectiveness in this case is due to the presence of a large number of flavonoids in this grass. With this plant, diseases such as enterobiosis, hepatitis, hypationic gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, ascaridosis, hypotension, nervous excitation are treated. Warm compresses from decoctions and infusion of the Pijmas are used when gouging, long healing and fusing wounds.

All overhead units of this plant have insecticidal properties, so it is often used to scare insects. It is used in the fight against cockroaches, moth, flies, clouds. Increased efficiency is distinguished by an intertarized decoction of ugly, mixed with sugar or sweet syrup.

Pyzhma dosage forms

Self-fields and leaves of plants are used to treat various diseases, of which powders, infusions, tincture, decoctions and even aromatic oil are prepared. In some cases, plant juice is used, which is mixed with sugar syrup.

Infusions and decoctions from the Pijmas are prepared from the same amount of raw materials. Most often such proportions are used: on 2 tbsp. Spoons of dried flowers take 0.5 liters of water. To obtain infusion, raw materials are poured with boiling water, and for decoctions - water room temperature and bring it to a boil.

To prepare the alcohol tincture of 25 g of dried inflorescences, 100 ml of vodka in a glass container with a dense lid is poured. Insist the remedy for 10 days in a dark place. At the same time it is stirred daily. The finished tincture is filled and stored in a cool place away from sunlight.

The powder prepared from the flowers of the Pijmas is used by mixing it with sugar syrup or honey for the treatment of helminthoses (3 g 3 r. Per day). Also for this use and seeds of the Pijmas. They are crushed to powdered state and take 3 g 3 r. in a day.

Treatment of certain diseases of the Pijmas

For therapy of various diseases, infusions and decoctions of the Pijmas are used. Below are the most popular of the recipes, the effectiveness of which is checked for years:

For the expulsion of the sliced \u200b\u200band ascaris, such a means is used: 1 tbsp. A spoon of the flowers of the vegetables, chamomile and bitter wormwood poured 300 ml of water and brought to a boil. The decoction is cooled, the crushed garlic tooth is added to it and for 3 hours insisted under the lid. The finished remedy is filtering and used as microclism that are made before the departure to sleep. This is done because after them can not get up at least 40 minutes. A positive result from such a procedure is achieved here 1-3 days after the start of treatment.

For the treatment of pain in joints and rheumatism, wine is applied in inflorescences. For its preparation, 50 g of raw materials are poured 700 ml of nutmeg wine, and then insist age 8 days. The finished drug is filtering and drinking after a meal of 30 ml.

An excellent result in the fight against dandruff gives a decoction of this grass. At the same time, not only inflorescences can be used, but also other parts of the plant. For its preparation of 2 tbsp. Spoons of raw materials poured 500 ml of water, and then quickly bring it to a boil, filter and cooled to a warm state. This decoral is rinsed with hair after washing. Such a procedure performed 2-3 times a week will not only help get rid of dandruff, but also strengthens hair roots and accelerate their growth.

A decoction of inflorescences (1 tbsp. Pyzhma spoon for 200 ml of water), used externally, helps with radiculitis, abrasions, dislocations, bruises, wounds, eczema. For this purpose, gauze compresses are imposed on the affected places. Previously impregnate them with a warm decoction. Such a procedure is performed daily until the condition of the person and curing skin diseases is performed.

The infusion of this plant is taken with migranes, headaches, neuralgia. It is also effective in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, liver. Take it with jaundice, enterocolite, stomach ulcers, meteorism, chronic constipation and other diseases.

Application of tinctures

The nasty of the Pijma increases appetite, contributes to improving digestion, has a slight laxative effect. To improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and alcohol tincture From inflorescence. It is taken before use of food 30 drops 3 p. in a day.

Alcohol tincture is used for stomatitis. For this purpose, 1 t. A spoonful of the drug is diluted in a glass of boiled water. This solution is used for daily ribbons of the oral cavity.

Application of Pijmas in Gynecology

The widespread use of the Pijm is found in gynecology. It is used in the treatment of white, disorders of the menstrual cycle. In the therapeutic purposes, decoctions and infusions are taken inward and used for douching.

Contraindications for use

Pijma ordinary, application in medicine of which is produced very actively, has its own contraindications. Medicinal products It cannot be used during pregnancy, as they act as an abortive agent. It is also strictly forbidden to use this plant to children younger age, since it is considered weakly. Also should not use the PIRs during the lactation period.

It is impossible to use the means from this grass for a long time, since the tuyon substance contained in it is toxic and with long-term use can accumulate in the body. Daily you can take no more than 0.5 liters of infusion or branch from the inflorescences of the Pijmas.