Why do Russian girls marry Egyptians? Marry an Egyptian, all about marriage in Egypt Why do Egyptians marry Russians.

The entire Russian-speaking population located in Egypt can be divided into three categories: tourists, temporary workers and permanent residents. The third category includes mainly girls who have tied the knot with the inhabitants of this country.

According to the statistics of marriages between Russian women and foreigners, Egyptians most often become the chosen ones of Russian brides. It is unlikely that this phenomenon can be explained only by the growing popularity of tours to the country of the pharaohs. What attracts the mysterious Russian soul to Egyptian love?

Today, on the glossy pages of magazines or sincere women's forums, you can find quite a lot of revelations of girls who dared to marry an Egyptian. Reviews and comments are completely different.

Why do Egyptians like Russian girls?

As you know, Russian beauties are very attracted to Egyptian machos. The first thing that conquers Eastern men is an attractive appearance. Surely, no one can argue with the fact that Slavic girls have always been considered the most beautiful of the fair sex. In the background - the innate desire and ability to take care of yourself. It turns out that grooming is also an important character trait of the future chosen one of the Egyptian. And of course, where to go without a bed. Here, Russian ladies are also not in losing positions. If all these advantages are supplemented with the famous thriftiness of our compatriots, then they generally have no price. Against such a weapon, not that the Egyptian can not resist, you can conquer anyone.

There are several reasons why Russian girls marry Egyptians. First of all, this is a striking difference between the Arabs and their compatriots. Beautiful courtship is the main trump card of Egyptian men. They are romantic, emotional, courteous, caring, attentive. Showering the girl with compliments, they show a keen interest in her, they are ready to fulfill her every desire, literally to get a star from heaven. Probably, this is what many Russian women lack in their daily life at home. They are often unable to resist Eastern romanticism for the simple reason that their compatriots do not spoil them with this luxury. Romance in our time has generally turned into some kind of mystical creature that lives anywhere but in love relationships.

It should be noted that on the part of the Egyptian, this is sometimes a very familiar role. Many Russian women who happily live in Egypt with their Arab husbands note that they are in fact worthy husbands and real men, ready to protect their wife from all adversity. An Egyptian husband is a devoted, kind, gentle and generous person, he loves children very much and takes care of them on an equal basis with his mother literally from the first days of their birth. An Egyptian father does not give preference to children of any gender, he equally loves both sons and daughters. In addition, it is important that the Egyptian husband is always sober, because the use of alcohol is strictly prohibited by religion. In most cases, it is the husband who fully supports the family, and the wife is busy with the housework.

Why can't the Egyptians stop the "expansion" of Russian girls?

For those who are lucky enough to visit Egypt, it will not be a discovery that the Egyptians are trying in every possible way to become like “white women”. To this end, they use a large amount of cosmetics, which clearly does not improve their situation. There was even a certain stereotype about the fact that the Egyptian woman on her wedding day does not look very attractive due to the excessive use of white powder. Many Egyptian girls straighten and even lighten their hair. By these actions, they only confirm the prevailing position of women with a European or Slavic type of appearance.

The model of family relations in the Egyptian family, or rather, the position and role of women in this system, remains rather strange for our perception. Vacationers are surprised that Egyptians do nothing more than take care of children and watch TV shows all day long. Obviously, not every man will like this, especially the Egyptian.

The warm climate of this African country, wonderful nature and the cleanest sea play an important role in choosing Russian girls. Even significant mental, religious and cultural differences between Russia and Egypt do not frighten them. On the contrary, immersion in a new cultural environment, studying the traditions and customs of another country becomes a real discovery for many, because this ancient country is full of mysteries and secrets.

Egypt is one of those places on the planet map that many people have been dreaming about since school. The gentle sea, the southern sun, luxury hotels, the all-inclusive system and, of course, temperamental men - these are the few reasons why young and not only women go to the Land of the Pyramids, and some even have a reasonable desire to go out after all the resort adventures. marry an Egyptian. Read about the features and subtleties of this difficult matter in our article.

The nuances of marriage with an Egyptian

According to customs, marriage in Egypt begins with the conclusion of an ORFI contract. In fact, this form of marriage is temporary. To register an ORFI marriage, you need to purchase a form for 150 pounds, find two witnesses and use the services of a lawyer. The conclusion of such contracts is a common thing here, as it allows you to live an intimate life without violating moral standards. An Arab may have several such marriages - their official confirmation is only a form, which, if desired, is easy to destroy.

The Egyptian government is against the conclusion of ORFI contracts, since in the event of a break with the chosen one, the girl may lose her family forever. However, marriage with a citizen of another state is a completely different matter, since in this case you can not think about the material component. But the status of an Arab will grow significantly, because the locals look at an Egyptian who married a Russian girl as a lucky man. Russian women will look approximately the same way at a compatriot who managed to successfully marry and go to Egypt to a rich and loving husband.

For a girl, everything goes smoothly only as long as she and her spouse are satisfied with this state of affairs. As soon as he wants to formalize the official marriage, a new round of problems begins. This process is lengthy - it can take months. A man and a woman who wants to marry an Egyptian must apply to the court, which must recognize the marriage as legal. This requires documents such as ORFI and an identity card, as well as two witnesses. Then the Russian woman needs to change her visa from tourist to guest or work. In addition, the laws of Egypt require the consent of the girl's parents to marry. To complete the procedure, you must first contact the consulate, and then the Ministry of Justice. You need to have ORFI, passport, documents issued at the consulate and 6 photos with you.

Keep in mind that you will definitely be asked about your religion. Most likely you will have to convert to Islam, but Egyptian law also allows marriage with a Christian, however, children born in it will be Muslim by default. If you are an atheist, marriage cannot be entered into.

During the visa process, your spouse must introduce you to their relatives. The Arabs are very hospitable and will only address you as "madam". But keep in mind that the official religion of Egypt is Islam. If you, having married and left for Egypt, do not accept this faith, you can consider that you have no rights, since all family disputes are resolved in accordance with Sharia.

Marriage with an Egyptian in Russia

If you are going to marry an Egyptian, but do not want to leave for a foreign country, you can get married in Russia. To do this, you need to apply to the civil registry office, but first make sure that your lover is not married, because according to Russian laws, marriage with a person who is already married is impossible. Documents that you will need at the registry office:

  • application for registration of marriage;
  • passports;
  • certificate or certificate of dissolution of a previous marriage, if any;
  • a certificate from the place of residence of a citizen of another state and documents confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage in the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is very important that all of the above documents must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary. They also require an apostille. In addition, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the laws and regulations of the state of which they are citizens apply to each of the spouses.

A few words about divorce

If you married an Egyptian, but in the process of living together it turned out that you simply “did not agree on the characters,” the divorce will take place through the courts. Moreover, if the divorce occurs at the initiative of an Arab, the court will make a decision within a month. If a woman filed for divorce, the court will consider the case for at least six months. Everything acquired in marriage will remain to the one to whom the property is registered.

Egypt is one of those places where you dream to visit since childhood, having learned from school that the pyramids are the only surviving wonder of the world, but not only they attract tourists from all over the world, but especially from Russia. The warm sea, the all-inclusive system and temperamental men are perhaps the main reasons for many young and not very women to go to this country of the sun and desert, and when the sun has warmed their heads, the mind is clouded by salt water vapor, and the lady plunges headlong into vacation, instincts are not asleep and work like clockwork - find a man, get married, give birth to children. This is where a great idea arises - why not marry an Egyptian.

I want to marry an Egyptian

Everything is simple here, for a start it would be nice to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of the country in which you are going to look for your missus and save money for the trip, you can of course get acquainted via the Internet, but we will agree that “on the ground” will work both more interesting and more productive.

So, after several months of hard work and accumulating the necessary amount, you are finally in a luxury hotel, walking along the luxurious corridor of a five-star hotel, your suitcase is in the hands of, for example, Saira, you go to the room, he shows the air conditioner and bath, you hand him tips, a snow-white smile stands out against the background of dark, chocolate skin, he speaks English, fortunately you too, he showers you with compliments, word for word and the rest begins with an unforgettable incident.

After that, as a rule, courtship and various romantic signs of attention follow, because the Egyptians are very temperamental and almost every man in this country is not averse to having an affair with a foreigner, and Egyptians can take care like no one else, but mostly in words, here numerous compliments, marriage proposals in different genres, promises of love to the grave and poems will shower on you. Well, how can a simple Russian lady who came from cold and unsmiling Russia resist here?

How to marry an Egyptian

According to Egyptian customs, and Egyptians are very sensitive about marriage. from a religious point of view, marriage should begin with an orfi contract, which in fact is a temporary form of marriage in Egypt. To conclude an Orfi contract, you will need to purchase a form, hire a lawyer and find two witnesses, by the way, the form alone costs 150 pounds. The conclusion of such contracts in Egypt is a widespread practice, as it allows you to have sex without violating the laws of morality, by the way, the groom can have any number of such marriages, because the official confirmation of the marriage is only a form, which, if necessary, can be easily destroyed.

Official Egypt is against such procedures, because if a man leaves a girl, she can lose her family forever. Another thing is marriage with a foreigner. For a man, this form is the most acceptable, there is no need to worry about ransom, no one gives camels anymore, often content with a symbolic pound. But the social status grows at times, they look at an Egyptian with a Russian wife as a minion of fate.

For girls, everything goes like clockwork only as long as everything is fine and the spouse is satisfied with this status of his woman, but as soon as he wants to marry officially, a new milestone of problems begins. The whole process is quite laborious and can take months, so what will need to be done:

1 - apply to the court, which recognizes the marriage as official. For this you need a passport, ORFI, 2 witnesses.
2 - change the visa from tourist to guest.
3 - certificate of the wife's parents about their consent to marriage.
4 - will turn

Contact your country's consulate for more information
5 - after that we take 6 photos and with documents from the consulate, ORFI, contact the Ministry of Justice, which is located in Cairo on Lazoughly Square.

After these five steps, be prepared for what will become the issue of religion., most likely you will have to convert to Islam, but according to the law, if you profess Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, a Muslim can marry you, but the children will be Muslims. If you are a representative of any other religion or an atheist, then marriage is impossible. When applying for a visa, your Sair is obliged to introduce you to relatives, according to tradition, the Arabs honor hospitality and only “madam” will address you.

How to marry an Egyptian in Russia

However, if you do not want to live in a foreign land, but are able to feed yourself and feel good in your homeland, and the Egyptian, oh, how he fell in love and does not want to let go, then let him come! First you need to apply to the registry office, take care, by the way, that your chosen one has not been married before, according to Russian law, marriage is impossible between persons who are in another official marriage. So what is needed in the registry office:

- joint statement
– passports
- if Sair was married, then certificates of dissolution of the previous marriage
– certificates from the place of residence of a foreign citizen and documents confirming the absence of obstacles to marriage

It is very important that all the above documents must be translated into Russian, and the translation must not only be certified by a notary, but also affixed an apostille. In addition, in accordance with Russian legislation, the laws and norms of the state of which they are citizens apply to each of those entering into marriage.

Marry an Egyptian. Personal experience

My story is very simple and banal, my friends and I were going on vacation to Turkey, and at the last moment we decided to go to Egypt, they say it's better there. The five-star hotel to which we bought the ticket was the last on the list, and there were only 10 of us on the bus, so we went relaxed, not worrying about anything, not knowing that the guide-accompanyer would become a very important part of my life in the future.

We arrived quite late, when the plane was landing, it was getting dark. Sair met us as expected with a smile, gave each of us a compliment, from which my purse friends began to giggle merrily and cover their mouths with their hands, I took this calmly, not paying attention to the importunate Arab. However, along the way, he began to like him more and more, joking merrily, he graced the long road to the hotel, and now we arrived, Sair helped get the suitcase, helped get off the bus, kept repeating directly or hinting how much he liked me and promised to come to hotel and find me tomorrow.

But when tomorrow came, early in the morning, after swimming in the cool water of the sea, we went to. As soon as I was distracted or thoughtful, my friends began to cackle and ask if I was thinking about an Arab, they have fun, the women are all married, they are waiting at home, and I am still alone at 27.

But the next day, no one came to the hotel to look for me, the staff was nice, and when the young men found out that I was alone, they showed some interest, I had already begun to forget about the guide. He showed up on the third day. With flowers, all so macho, then in the light of twilight I did not have time to see how handsome he was. Gave flowers, talked, invited to a restaurant. In the evening I got ready for a long time, went down, ate, we sit by the sea, she says come to me, I thought, why not, if I always have time to leave. His apartment turned out to be a small and nondescript hole, when it came, he left, refused, poverty embarrassed him.

Then we walked a lot more, talked, as it seemed to me, in a friendly way, however, upon arrival as a lady, it just came over me, I could not tear myself away from the phone, constant calls, Skype, in the end he sends money, I go to him, meet my parents, we are getting married ... I rent an apartment in Russia, he doesn’t bother me with religion, did I do the right thing - I don’t think it’s possible to judge, but I'm happy.

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Reviews of tourists 2014

  1. Laila:

    Lots of inconsistencies and inaccuracies. It seems that the author "heard a ringing, but does not know where he is." As for the ORFI contract, it is not considered a marriage, and can only be useful in that it entitles you to a 6-month visa, according to which you can enter into an official marriage. Courts are no longer legalizing ORFI. To conclude an official marriage with a foreigner, there is a certain procedure, after which the couple receives a marriage certificate in their hands. There are also inaccuracies about marriage in Russia. Apostille is not placed on Egyptian documents at all. About "married" friends pleased)))) And whether to marry an Egyptian or not, let every woman decide for herself.

  2. shalimar:

    Hello. I decided to link my life with an Arab. We met for a long time. He is moderately handsome, intelligent, my age, he swore all the time that he was very honest. He introduced me to his parents, relatives, came to Russia. In general, everything is fine. After the life experience gained, I was in no hurry to formalize the relationship. We only had an orfi marriage. It came down to the kids. The Arabs, girls, I will say, have very hot blood. They are even jealous of women and children of their friends. Despite the fact that he did not have a penny behind him and did not invest anything for the birth of a child, giving only promises, he behaved at home like a full-fledged owner. It is not possible to catch a lie, it gets out like that. Can look into the eyes and immediately sing stories. After the birth of the child, it got even worse. You can't do anything without his knowledge. Tortured my eldest son. This is despite the fact that I completely took over the maintenance of "dad": tickets for the flight, meals, etc. And they don't eat like our men. And he didn't care where the food came from. Once I had fun and put food in a salad bowl for him under Olivier, which we do for the new year (imagine the volumes). And what do you think - hiccupped but ate. And after that three more times. He crawled out of the kitchen at two o'clock in the morning. He loved the jacuzzi very much - he soaked there 5 times a day. As soon as I fall asleep, he tried to steal my phone. I took a photo from my messages and sent it to myself. All the time I tried to cook food in the Egyptian way)). I watched this nightmare five times, cleaned the kitchen and ate. After that, these impulses tried to stop. Products on this way leaves a frantic amount. If my family ate food that was in the refrigerator for five days, then at a time for cooking one dish in Egyptian, these products would run out. Egyptian cuisine is unbearable for the Russian stomach. It's all mixed-mixed and overcooked in wild amounts of oil. It is surprising that we Russians eat little and small portions. I also thought: how much money does your family need to earn in Egypt so that you can eat, although I don’t seem to be a poor girl? I did not want to adapt to life in Russia. He believed that everyone should understand him and adapt to him. He once dressed in such a way to the mosque that the poor neighbor's grandmother clutched her heart when she ran into him at the door. He constantly surfs the Internet in an attempt to earn quick money to live in Egypt, and also communicated with women. Then it turned out that on the very first flight to me on an airplane, he had seized an aunt at the age and later, when he flew to me at my own expense in between plane transfers in Moscow, he and this aunt had fun in nearby hotels. She sent him money. And who knows how many such aunts he had. But on the other hand, there were not an estimated number of oaths of love for me on his part. I bought him a train ticket (a side, upper, reserved seat near the toilet) and set a condition: either he dumps to his aunt or I call the migration service and he leaves for Egypt. He rushed at me and began to choke me. It got to the police. In front of the police, he waved our marriage contract. I want to warn the girls who call someone by invitation: 1. In the event of an attack or some other behavior, the invited person can be held accountable, however, it is one thing if he is imprisoned in the Russian Federation, and another thing if he is sentenced conditionally. And this frame, since it is registered at your address for the period of probation, will live with you, at least for 6 years and only go to be celebrated. 2. You bear full responsibility for it. If something happens to him or he does something - to disentangle and pay you. 3. For an invitation, you sign a Letter of Guarantee according to which you are obliged to provide him with funds for subsistence, housing, medical care, etc. So, let’s say, in my case, after the attack and the prospect of a suspended sentence, he threatened to go to the police with a complaint that I didn’t let him go home and didn’t give him money and didn’t buy a return ticket (at that time it cost about 100 thousand rubles) back to Egypt. From blackmail, I almost turned gray. Thanks to our district police officer, we got him to sign a waiver of my guarantee at the notary. Only then did I sigh and bought, as his beloved aunt and he demanded, a ticket to Moscow. That's how it didn't end well. But it's instructive. Our men, whatever you say, it's better. And the kid is amazing. Sun. The only thing is this Arab monster threatens to do DNA and sue him. That's interesting - to succeed or not? And one more thing: before contacting an Arab, look on the Internet for a blacklist in which the girls post photos with whom they have already dealt with. I will definitely hang mine there so that no one else will fall for the tricks of this crazy person.

Egypt gives the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity a southern tan, a warm sea and an abyss of impressions. Often this cocktail is mixed with a romantic adventure with an Egyptian.

And after the tourist who left for her homeland, hot messages are rushing to the phone, e-mail, ICQ, Skype. Their meaning is unpretentious: "you are special, I love you, I miss you, I wait, come, marry me." But a woman's heart is not a stone. And now the girl is descending the plane ladder to the land of newfound love - she is in a hurry to her "habibi" ...


Egyptian men never dare to speak directly to a woman about a night of love. According to local laws, with such a proposal, they humiliate and insult the representative of the beautiful half of humanity.

That is why the men of Egypt bring down a flurry of compliments and confessions on the girl they are interested in during dating and courtship. However, all the words about the uniqueness of the beloved, her unearthly beauty and their love at first sight are actually not serious.

Egyptian men feel inspired by love throughout their lives. This is facilitated by the very energy of Egypt: the relaxation and laziness of vacationers, the sea, the sun, entertainment. She is very conducive to intrigues. In addition, such novels are a wonderful and pleasant way out for those Egyptians who, leaving their families, move from large cities (Cairo, Luxor) to resort areas in search of better earnings.

Moral principles in Egypt are very rigid. Free love, communication before marriage is subject to strict censure. But every day, foreigners arrive in the country of the pyramids, more relaxed and, importantly, hungry for compliments, affectionate words.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity in the Old World prefer to translate their feelings into material gifts and non-standard actions. Therefore, a woman's heart melts in Egypt, melted by ardent declarations of love and promises to put at least the whole world at the feet of a beauty.

How much does love cost

Labor in Egypt is valued very cheaply. Waiters can only count on thirty dollars a month, accountants are a little more fortunate - they receive up to two hundred and fifty. It is clear that Egyptian men regard tourists not only in terms of external data, but also in terms of material security. None of them will refuse a gift in the form of the latest cell phone model.

Like it or not, it’s hard to make money on such a thing yourself. Immediately - a very simple algorithm: hot confessions - get a phone.

Some promote well-to-do girls to buy a house. Or rather, a common home, a family nest, which they will fill with mutual love and children. Of course, housing is bought in half. And nothing that it is recorded on an Egyptian man - after all, the couple is never going to part.

A lady, burdened with an impressive fortune, also allows herself to pamper her beloved man - she opens her own business to him. And the Egyptian man will undoubtedly remember with gratitude (in his thoughts) his sponsor when he returns to his family in the capital of Egypt in a luxury car and with a photo selection of his establishment.

Of course, there are Egyptians who are decent, purposeful, who have come to prosperity on their own or thanks to the connections of loved ones. But these can be listed in the Red Book of Egypt. Unfortunately, too often wealth in the hands of an Egyptian comes from foreign mistresses.

The following situation is also not uncommon: out of the money received from one lover, he will send a certain amount to another girl for a ticket without hesitation. And thus it will support the image of a man in love, suffering in separation.

What if everything is serious?

The first step towards creating a family with an Egyptian is an orfi contract. To sign the document, you will have to contact a lawyer and bring two male witnesses. If the representatives of the fair sex are chosen as witnesses, then their number must be doubled (the signature of one man is equal to the signatures of two women).

Upon completion of the procedure, the spouses receive a copy of the document. However, the orfi contract is not an officially registered paper; information about it is not recorded anywhere. The spouses have neither rights nor obligations towards each other. And an Egyptian man can have a whole bundle of these papers. Divorce in such a "marriage" is simple - to break the orfi contract.

The need for an orfi contract appears if a couple wants to calmly walk down the street in an embrace or live together in a house: no one will allow you to do this in Egypt without presenting a piece of paper. Only men who have their people in police stations dare to enter their apartments with a girl without a contract.

For mere mortal Egyptians, failure to provide an orfi contract results in arrest. Many houses in Egypt have their own dormen - these are male watchmen, whose main duty is to ask incoming couples about the orfi contract.

How to legalize an orfi contract?

To do this, you will have to go to court, having previously hired a lawyer (without the latter, by the way, in Egypt you should not contact any government agencies). It will be necessary to visit the court more than once: the couple will have to sign a pile of documents.

The procedure stretches for one to three months (depending on the queues). And the result will be an A3 document, in which the fact of marriage will be registered in Arabic script. On the basis of such a paper, the spouse in the migration service issues a visa for residents for a period of six months. If family life is going well, then in the future the visa is extended for a year, and then for five years.

After all these periods, you can apply for Egyptian citizenship.

The walks continue

But the legalization of the orfi contract, unfortunately, officially confirms the fact of marriage only in Egypt. It is not valid in other countries. Therefore, you will either have to re-hold the marriage ceremony in the homeland of your wife (or bride?), Or contact the Embassy or Consulate in Egypt of the country whose citizenship the girl has.

Trust, but...

Today, the marriage contract has become commonplace, including in Egypt. However, not all cunning Egyptian lawyers consider it necessary to inform a foreign wife that disputes in the event of a divorce will be resolved according to the laws of Egypt. And all clauses of the contract that do not comply with this legislation will not be taken into account.

A wonderful way out is to decide on the amount of payment to the ex-wife upon parting. An Egyptian husband will deposit money into his wife's account, pay a tax fee (twenty percent of the amount), and a woman can dispose of the money at her discretion almost immediately - you can not wait for a divorce.

An alternative to this is the maintenance that the husband is obliged to pay by transferring to the account of his wife. The money issue in Egypt is sick. It is better to control the entire financial history, because a man can have several families.

Did not get along

When dissolving a marriage with an Egyptian citizen, the procedure is also carried out in court. If the husband files for divorce, the officials will manage very quickly - in a month. If the separation comes at the suggestion of the wife, then the court will stretch the procedure for six months. Everything that was acquired during marriage goes to the spouse who registered it in their own name.

Keep in mind that Islam is the official religion in Egypt. A wife who has not become a Muslim has almost no rights, and all family issues are resolved in accordance with Sharia - Islamic law.

Of course, all obstacles are not a hindrance to true love, but only an unfortunate misunderstanding. And almost every woman is sure that she certainly has something “for real”. This is good, but the above features and subtleties of family life in Egypt are still worth keeping in mind.

One of our girls was going to Egypt for a long time - she worked well, behaved herself exemplarily, did not buy anything superfluous for herself. And thanks to such a righteous life, she saved up money for a two-week vacation in a five-star hotel on the Red Sea.

And so she walks along the luxurious corridor to the luxurious room, confidently pressing her heels into the luxurious carpet. And behind her, a handsome chocolate porter is dragging her suitcases. Even more black, with a white smile, fragrant with oriental aromas, the receptionist waits in an open room.

The girl, as she was taught, gives the porter an Egyptian pound for tea, and the porter says something in English, opening the doors of the minibar, turning on the air conditioner, demonstrating the bathroom. And our heroine smiles back at him: "Thank you, yes."

The porter continues. And she told him this too: "Yes." Here it must be said that this was almost the only English word that she knew. The receptionist says something again, a little more confused, as it seemed to her. Probably, the pound is also waiting ... "Yes, I'll get it now ..."

She hands him a piece of paper, but he shakes his head negatively, pointing his finger first at himself, then at her. "Not enough, probably. Well, yes, now I'll look again ... Yes."

But he again shakes his head negatively, gets on his knees, presses his hand to his heart, mutters something hot, hot, and then rushes at her, begins to kiss and undress ...

Here, of course, there is a clear misunderstanding due to ignorance of the language. Nevertheless, this case is typical.

Egyptians usually explain why men all over the world like Russian girls like this: "Firstly, they are very beautiful. Secondly, they take care of themselves even in small things. Thirdly, they are good in bed. Fourthly, they are excellent housewives. And, most importantly, they are smart. Imagine, for example, that there is a glass on the table. The husband wants this glass to be here, and the wife wants to see it in another place. The Arab wife will agree without objection. An English, French or Italian woman will say that the glass will be stand here, and that's it. The Russian woman will offer: "You are right, of course, dear. But don't you think that if the glass is a little to the right, it fits better into the interior?"

Suitors by vocation

Our compatriots who rested in Egypt know that every young Egyptian is ready to throw out his feelings on any white lady. Moreover, these feelings will be sincere and - just like in Mexican TV shows - stormy and high-flown.

And soon a new movie will begin with a new white woman. And with her, believe me, everything will be just as sincere. They know how to take care! One girl, for example, kept leaving her nightgown on the bed. And every morning the young cleaner folded it on the pillow in the most intricate way. When he found out that in two days the girl was flying away, he laid out a shirt in the shape of a heart, and rolled the towels around with fantastic birds and covered it all with red petals of local flowers, the names of which few people know. We went to this room as if on an excursion - to be photographed against the backdrop of a love masterpiece.

... However, in resort towns like Hurghada and Sherm el-Sheikh, the male population is still too spoiled by female attention. Many people think that since a girl agreed to go to a disco, everything else must follow. True, it should also be noted that if you don’t give a reason, then at first Arab loving-kindness is pleasant: waiters and porters in hotels will send love messages, and fresh flowers will constantly appear near the object of adoration in the room.

In general, as one of our girls said, "there are some pretty cute and pretty subs."

By the way, if Russian girls, as a rule, try to communicate with more cultured and well-to-do Egyptians (managers, guides, entertainers), then rich aunts from Western Europe prefer "real Arabic flavor" - the simpler the better.

They are not our competition.

It is believed that an Egyptian woman is ugliest on her wedding day. Even before that, they are too fond of cosmetics, applying paint and lipstick by almost kilograms. But marriage is the apotheosis. At this festival in Egypt, you see a white-faced, not a dark-skinned bride. With the help of powder, they demonstrate the desire to be more white. Thus, perhaps indirectly recognizing the superiority of European women over themselves.

I once watched two Arab women swimming in the sea. With the help of some old women, they undressed for at least half an hour. More precisely, they did not undress, but unwound. At first, a lot of everything black and long was removed, under this there were scarves, shirts and pants, under the scarves - rubber caps (!), under the shirts - other shirts, under the pants - something like leggings. And in the lower (I'm not sure that they were the last) shirts, rubber hats and leggings, wrapped in towels, they plunged for about five minutes. Then they immediately wrapped themselves in towels and quickly got dressed, wrapping all their clothes around themselves again in the 35-degree heat.

“They sit at home, do nothing, they only babysit their children and watch TV shows. At the same time, their obedience to their husband is clearly imaginary. As soon as the wife becomes pregnant, she runs over to live with her mother, leaving the young husband like a straw widow, - this is the opinion of our girls, for a long time living in Egypt.

In general, the Egyptians have reasons to love foreign women.

Egyptian marriage

The most modest wedding in Egypt - with the participation of only the next of kin - costs about a thousand dollars. For an ordinary person, this is a very large amount. For a solid celebration, where guests are presented with gold coins, you have to spend about 5-15 thousand dollars (for comparison: you can buy a one-room apartment in Cairo for 4-5 thousand). This is a tradition that most strictly observe.

If the bride and groom are Egyptians, they usually do not sleep with each other before the wedding. Not because it is not allowed, but out of mutual respect!

After all, everything can happen in life: suddenly, Allah forbid, the groom dies, becoming a victim of an accident. That's it, the "unclean" bride will never marry later.

It's easier with a foreigner. In the worst case, she will simply leave for her homeland. Besides, you don't have to pay for it.

Marry an Egyptian

For balance, let's talk about the opposite option - the marriage of an Egyptian woman to a Russian guy. Is it possible? I know of only one case, and even then not very successful. As I was told, this decisive person, for the sake of an alliance with the Russian, quarreled with all her relatives (more precisely, everyone turned away from her). And her husband, an unremarkable guy from Vladimir, never found a job in Cairo, sitting on her neck. But, apparently, moving to the province of Russia is an even worse prospect.

In Egypt, approximately 15% of the inhabitants profess Christianity (they are called Copts here). Christian women can theoretically marry a fellow believer from another country. But, most likely, only theoretically. An Egyptian is a Muslim and theoretically cannot marry a foreigner if he is not a Muslim (unlike men who are allowed to marry just believers).

As a rule, they all listen to what dad has to say. And fathers watch their children very carefully, carefully choosing their husbands and wives. Moreover, if divorce is in principle possible for Muslims, then this is not accepted among Christians. It is very difficult for them to get divorced.

Poor Mr Gad

We from the Sheraton after dinner walked along the path along the sea to a nearby hotel. It was inferior in class to our prim "five-star plus", but the atmosphere there was more cheerful and democratic. And on the way back, a handsome man from the security service blocked our way. Apparently, he was tired of standing alone under a palm tree and he decided to talk to us.

We introduced ourselves to Mr. Gad (as he called himself!), so as not to pester, husband and wife. And a long-winded, hot and confused "story" of his love for a mysterious Russian girl suddenly fell upon us.

Why did she leave me? I did everything for her, carried her in my arms. And I saw: she was happy with me! Why did she leave for Russia, where there are always two winters - very cold and not very cold?!

This was the main refrain of his song by song. Mr. Gad sincerely wanted to understand and waited for an explanation: why did his Russian wife not like him, his relatives, his country.

What could we say to him?

That only those of us who are from the capital and large cities are leaving back. The time of exoticism, beautiful courtship and primary stormy love nights is quickly ending. Egypt is boring, but we have more opportunities.

There are many stories like those told by Mr. Gad. Life in Egypt is quite cheap. It has already been mentioned that an apartment in Cairo costs three times cheaper than in Moscow. But at the same time, as in small towns in Russia, the average salary rarely exceeds the border of 100-150 dollars. And in Egypt, it is not easy for a young specialist to find a promising job: blat is widespread in the oriental way.

It is these circumstances that push the Egyptian guys into the tourism business - one of the few industries where a person with a certain skill can earn good money (and also gets a chance to meet a foreigner).

The Egyptian husbands of Russian women are very proud of them and believe that they have drawn a lucky ticket. Usually they are softer than other Arab men and allow a lot to their wives. Carrying with children. They don't drink. True, many of them are too lazy. The ideal pastime of a native Egyptian is to lie by the sea, smoking a hookah or a cigarette and listening to Om Kalsum (a long-dead folk singer who left a solid creative heritage - more than 300 tape cassettes). Caste is very strong in Egypt. Segments of the population practically do not mix and do not touch (this is another reason why Egyptians want to marry foreign women - this way they increase their status). The mechanic's wife, even if she is a smart Russian girl with a diploma, will never be able to communicate with anyone except his relatives and a few of her husband's friends, or rather, only with the wives of her husband's friends. The wife of a professor or a major businessman has a wider circle of acquaintances, but not by much. In Cairo, there are prestigious areas in which there is everything to ensure that the wives of wealthy people do not show their noses outside these possessions. A sort of golden cages, the degree of closeness is somewhat reminiscent of the settlements of Soviet diplomats during the Cold War.

So being the wife of an Egyptian is not an easy task. And it's up to you to decide whether to say "Yes" to an Egyptian man.