Consoles that do not change. Consoles in Russian

To give well to assimilate the spelling of the consoles, it is advisable to deal with their views. All consoles of the Russian language are divided into variable and unchangeable.

Consistent consoles

Unbavable consoles in all words are written in the same way. Such consoles many: C-, under-, sub-, pre-, under-, pre-, pro-, and etc.

Changeable consoles

Writing changeable consoles variatives. They, in turn, are divided into two groups.

Changeable consoles depending on pronunciation

(as well as the sound that follows the prefix). These are consoles that end on-at and -s: [Ras-), bottom (NIS-), WITH (VS-), is- (IS-) etc.

Rule: If after the prefix it follows the ring consonant or vowel, the prefix will end -Z.if deaf - on -from.

Examples: r. z.throw - RA fromshirling, n. z.lie down - n. fromfall, V. - V. fromwalking, I. z.beat z.loose - I. fromwalk

Note. Be careful with the prefixes of different (ras), rose- (Ros-). Their spelling requires knowledge of another orthogram: under stress once- (races), without emphasis - rose- (Ros-): r buthall - R. aboutzvizl, R. butstraighten - R. aboutstrike.

Changeable consoles depending on the value.

The prefix is \u200b\u200ba significant part of the word, and therefore it is quite natural that each prefix has one way or another. At consoles pre- and pri- The spelling directly depends on the value, and therefore the main values \u200b\u200bof the consoles pre- and Need to remember.

Rule. Console pre- equals in value word highly (Priary \u003d very stupid, supple \u003d very funny) or immaculate console re- (block \u003d overoint).

Console for- It has much more values:





infidency action(arrival),

action in whose interests(assign),

bringing action to the end(Invent).

Various types of Russian consoles are presented in this scheme:

Spelling consoles pre- and associated with a number of difficulties:

  • in some words, the value of the prefixes over time became unclear (pursuit, fad, etc.);
  • in some words in the modern Russian console pre- no longer stand out, became parts of the roots, which means that the word writing is impossible (attend, obstacle);
  • in Russian, a lot of borrowed words starting with pre- and pri-: Of course, no consoles in them are allocated and the Russian rules do not obey such words (privilege, president).

It turns out that a lot of words with pre- and It is necessary to remember, because it is impossible to determine their writing on the rule. Here are just some of these words:

And one more nuance. N-Ekter words sound like or equally, but they are written depending on pre- or for. Of course, writing such words requires care: it is necessary to determine the lexical meaning of the word, and then recall what prefix in this word is written. These words (list, of course, incomplete):

on the topic "Spelling of consoles"

The spelling of the consoles is the topic that actually includes a lot of rules. These are immutable consoles, and consoles whose spelling depends on the value, and the use of Kommersant, etc. Our article is devoted to precisely unchangeable filiers.

What consoles are

In Russian, the spelling of the consoles may depend on various factors:

  • from stroke (non- and n n-);
  • from the deafness / bellion of the subsequent consonant (variation / races, from / using, etc.);
  • from the value (pre- and when-);
  • no, that is, is always written equally.

In the latter case, we are talking about unchanged consoles.

Conditionally to the same big theme include the spelling of the Kommersant, as well as after the prefixes on the consonants. For example, in the exam test, all these rules are combined in one task.

How to write unchangeable consoles

Consistent consoles are always written equally. These are morphemes, the form of which does not depend on anything.

The same prefix may have a different meaning; Suppose the prefix in the word "district" is "on the other side", and in the word "cry" - the value "Start".

Here are examples of unchanged consoles:

V- (V-) - jump;

Out - SUV;

You- - Overall

Before- - to take it;

Per- - wrap up;

Inter- - Mezhinsky Institute;

Between- - international;

On the- - smear;

Over- - superstructure;

ABOUT- - look around;

From- - bounce;

OB-(ECO) - bypass;

By- - joke;

Sub- (sub-) - climb;

After- - aftertaste;

pre- - sentence;

Re- - jump over;

Pro- - wake up;

Pra- - great-grandmother;

C- (co-) - break;

In excess of- - supernatural;

U- - Trick.

Difficult cases

Most often, it causes the spelling of the C-. This unchanged prefix, consoles are not happening. However, it is sometimes confused with the prefixes such as distribution.

But it must be remembered that there are words in which the root is a letter of Z: here, the local, hello, nor zgi, etc.

Errors occur and the use of prefixes of pro- and rule. The prefix is \u200b\u200bonly one value - an ancestor. Praask - ancestor of the language, great-grandmother - Mom grandmother, etc.

Sometimes it is not easy to distinguish words with the prefix from words without it or correctly understand what a prefix in this particular word. In order not to have errors, it is necessary to highlight the root and console in the word. It is especially important to determine the morpheme composition of the word in the event that the root and console can be obtained by a double consonant.

For example, compare: Used and support, input and led, fake (fake) and exercise (product).

But the "tripled" consonant in Russian can not be, so there are two "C" in the word "to call", although it would be possible to quarrel in the amount of three.

What did we know?

Unchanging consoles are always written in the same way, regardless of the environment. This also applies to the console of the C-, which is written only in this way, and the consoles are no (in words here, the building, etc. Z is part of the root). It is necessary to remember the prefixment of the value of the "ancestor" ("great-grandmother"). In order not to make a mistake, it is necessary to determine the morpheme composition of the word.

Most Russian prefixes in accordance with the morphological principle of spelling do not change and are written uniformly in all words: to- (late), to- (write), Na- (inclination), underestimated (inexpensive), pra- (matters "ancient, The ancestor ": Prababatushka, Praask), pro- (guess), co- (consonant), u- (pointer).

1. The prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten both in front of deaf and before ringing consonants, although in the latter case the letter C denotes the sound [s]: confused - to knocked down, lean - burn. Remember the words where at the beginning before the call is spelled.

2. At the end of the prefixes of a non-(inflexible), variable, output, from (С), lower (nis-), variable, rose- ( Ros-), 18 (Cres-), through- (too -) before vowels and before ringing consonants are written in, before the deaf consonants - C; Wed: Weigh - boil, the product is a Spirin, the drawing is painted.

3. In the consoles of rose- (Ros-) and once (races), under the emphasis, it is necessary to write a vowel oh, without emphasis - A: Draw - play out; Painting - sign.

159. Spardle, inserting missed letters.

Specify words with consoles capable of changing on the letter.

D..stand on n..salion, pr .. believe the negotiations, nei .. - good soldiers, etc. Dummy with .. Single, etc. Slavic, etc., and. . make a mistake, be ..-benated watch.

160. Spinit, opening brackets.

(Z.s) to give an archive, (s) kind dough, (s) to sew a dress, (z.s) to harm your hand, be (s) to rest about (z.s) Dorovo, (s . With) Timelite RA (s, c) Tale, (s, c) Give paints, RA (s, c) Rushed (s) Denia, (s) Date of custom, in (s) Bate cream , in (s, c) to move losses, in (s, c) give birth to tradition, and (s, c) the Hine trails, the Cher (s, c) of Chur is hard, be (s, c) Cloud Day, Be (s, c) delicious powder.

161. Spinit, inserting missed letters. Arrange the shock.

R..scape twig, r..zday zipper, distributed cards, r..zvy river, r..zyk the criminal, looking for a violator, ridiculous r..sznzni, r..Sypi diamonds, r..sprint grain, pre-red The narrator, rushed BP .. Solid, r..spus the Duma, the bud flashes, r..tepel in January, r..scher feather. ______________________________________________ &\u003e

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The spelling of consoles that do not change and changing on the letter

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  1. In accordance with the morphological principle of Russian spelling, consonants and vowels in most consoles are written in the same way, without reflecting changes in pronunciation, for example: to cut down, bring down, sew, squeeze, forward, deliver, run, write, chop, give, add, send, throw, submit .
  2. Consoles non-, the ab- (), is, beyond, highly (through-), Writing with the letter z. before vowels and ring consonants and with the letter from Before the deaf consonants: the vast - helpless, age - the uprising, frozen - heal, to deploy - to unsubscribe, excessive - too, scatter - cutting; Calculate calculation.
  3. In consoles once- (races) - rose- (ROS) Under the stress is written about, without emphasis - but: Rubber - collapse, painting - a receipt, draw - play.

165. Distribute words into three columns: 1) with consoles that do not change in the consonant letter; 2) with consoles on -Z (-C); 3) with consoles on the vowel. With the allocated words, make a phrase.

Be..vkusitsa, .. in the dark, be .. tight, be..formed, be..mashu, oh..Textoible, in..zing, in .. Street, n .. Colding, in .. p..dich, oh .. Blill, and..thog, and..tushka, by .. in the search, for ..., BE .. Kormanitsa, etc. none .., pr..zvek, ..Delshchina, pre .. presentee, Cher .. Fullet, s. Sun, Z..chinshchych, Per..Miriye, RA..Chang, RA..Chelin, D..Vedny, D .. Mobile, Ra..Cht, RA..Chot , RA .. Screw, be..kron.

166. Make up with these words of phrases and write them down, denoting stress in words with missed letters.

R..zvalni - r..side; r..vigrysh - r..zym r..zysk - r..zynove; r..scribe - r..scribe, p..Crascription, r..scribe; p..Sraspot - p..sprint; r..sskaz - r..scase; P..Stub (on vacation) - r..spus.

167. Write words with missed letters. Explain their spelling. Denote the composition of the selected words and specify the method of their formation.

1) Tone is boring from these ra .. rA..Charged Roads. (N. O.) 2) He was delighted and became ra..aster About the terrible incidents, which I was a witness. (P.) 3) So quickly jumps only the one for whom Ra..ynaya rushes! (L.) 4) ... terrible winter in a deaf, be..Chlebaya village. (Lek.) 5) Do not be one nature, still the edge did not die, which takes so many glorious from the people, and know. (N.) 6) Be..titude Autumn threw them [trees] lush robes. (N. O.) 7) Yes, your RA. (Lek.) 9) The city of Ra..speal in the dark millions of lights. (N. O.) 10) Sveta Aul, where Be..Bebofully recently listened to the singer. (L.) 11) To it in the Slottsy, only the RA..Things, all their seven entered. (P.) 12) Lady of RA..Thowed. (Lek.) 13) Human stream Be..teid. (Leon.) 14) I started RA. To consider a fairy tale about the sun. (Sukhoml.) 15) Glass Plain lay Be .. Color Ocean. (A. N. T.)

168. Spariate the phrases. With dedicated words verbally make sentences.

Produce ra rA..Schwayat with the seller, full of be..vkusitsa, Ra..Worky owner, gorgeous..Draught, and..techny Worker, suit .. effective silk, damn..chur hot water, be..for breast wreckage, be..y a gift, materialistic world .. avere, in .. Established monument, much forces, and .. tea source , Waying on the mountain.

169. Spinit, inserting missed letters, missing punctuation signs, opening brackets. Determine the style and type of speech text, specify their signs. To the dedicated word, select synonyms, and then antonyms. Make a diagram of the first sentence, give it a characteristic. Find words with consoles, whose writing is governed by different rules.

Z .. and almost poured away and Lij (?) For a high mountain in .. then (?) Smiling transpare (?) Naya stri of a BR .. a kind of roh .. the top on the tops of the trees that O.No At the very edge of the city. But it is there in (not) reach D .. Li and on the river where the sun looks at Lesh (?) By noon. The shadows from the priest cliffs ran from the shore to the coast of the CO..D .. by (by) fraternally. With (densely) synth .. they are slammed (?) Smiling on the grate of a grill ... wing and under the very shore where I .. I can hear the muttering of the BE .. . It is a joint venture .. climbs on the shore of the scene. Lilac and (dark) Sin..y light. (According to V. Astafyev)

Consistent consoles

1. The prefixes above-, sub-, respectively, are always the same in the same way:

Execute, confirm, sprinkle, separate, penultimate, playing

2. The prefixes are assigned to the letter A.

Do, pour, the largest

3. The prefixes are prefabricated to-, not yet written with the letter O:

Pinds, get stuck, union

4. In Russian, there is no console 3-, and there is only a prefix that is written both in front of the deaf and before the root consonants of the root:

Knock down, squeeze

If you see in the word consisting consisting of one letter, and choose between C- and 3-, boldly write with since the prefixes 3- in Russian no:

Let no one ever forget:

3 prefix was not and will not!


Sometimes in words, the prefix can stand after the prefixes of non-prompt, incremental, unrestrained.

5. Words should be remembered in which the letter 3 is not a prefix, but part of the root:

Here, the local, health, recover, the building is not visible not to ZGI, hello.

Changeable consoles

1. The spelling of consoles ending at 3 and C:

Differential / dis-, non-void, from / extending, low / nis-, through / interlayed,

depends on the deafness - the bells of the subsequent sound.

Prefix ends on -3:

1) if the first harmony sound is ringing: tasteless, overthrow;

2) If the root begins with a vowel letter: to find out.

Prefix ends on -sy:

if the first consonant letter of the root is deaf: colorless, silent.


1) All deaf consonants allows you to remember the next phrase: Fock, do you want to eat a helmet?

If in this proposal to delete all vowels, then only the deaf consonants will remain.

2) All ringing consonants allows you to remember the next phrase: Oh, we did not forget about each other!

If in this proposal to delete all vowels, then only ringing sounds will remain.

2. With the letter from writing words:

Alloy, disappear, disappear

3. The spelling of foreign-speaking prefixes of the des-, dis-, disorders a special rule:

1) the prefixes are despically, they are dispersed before vowels and before Kommersant:

Disinfection, disorganization, disassociation, disjunction;

2) The prefix is \u200b\u200bdispersed before consonant:

Disharmony, dysfunction, imbalance.

In the prefixes of the time / racc- and rospect, the letter is written on, and without emphasis - the letter A.

Draw - Play wrapping - Wanted painting - sign

Exception: Search (Wanted)


1) When behind the prefixes ending with the consonant (s-, sub-, respectively, two consistent sounds, additional vowels may appear at the end of the prefix (it is always the letter O) : Observe, undermine, go bend, tear, wear, dispersed.

2) The prefix is \u200b\u200bpraised in cases when it contributes to the words "initial, isophoned, ancient" (Praodin, Praodina, Prashlian, Praodina); "The degree of kinship" (great-grandmother, great-grandfather, the Rights.); "Related to the ancestors" (forefathers, pramatel, progenitor).

Note:in other cases, the prefix is \u200b\u200bwritten, Primer Rector, Providez, etc.

The spelling of the variable and unchangeable consoles is pre- and

Prefix with denotes

1) Attachment, addition:

Fasten, glue, paint.

2) approximation:

Sleep, take away, fly.

3) incompleteness (\u003d slightly):

Opening, to burn, think about it.

4) Spatial proximity (\u003d about):

Primorsky, school, roadside.

5) concomitant action

Sold up, dance, sentence.

6) fullness, exhaustion of action (bringing it to the end)

Tame, teach, shoot.

List of words with a prefix when memorizing:

Picky (\u003d slightly harmful)


Fancy (\u003d close to the miracle)

Impregnable (you can't take an attack)

Primitive (three letters and in a row are written in this word)

Unpretentious (without whim)




Prieuza (day)


Privilege (inherent right)

Priority (advantage)



Adherent (one who joins something)

Oath, swear

Order, order


To round



Level of attractions



Primadonna (\u003d actress, performing the first roles)

Private (\u003d private)





with regret

without grasses


Prefix prefix

1) the highest degree of quality, the actions (prefix can be replaced by the words "very", "very"):

Will, pregnant, succeed.

2) the same as the prefix is \u200b\u200btrans-:

Barrier (\u003d overdo it), interrupt (\u003d take a break),

Practinate the law (\u003d cross).

There are words in which the similarities of the prefixes prefixes can be explained in other words close in meaning:

Stop \u003d stop

Convert \u003d redo

Turn \u003d change the appearance

Overcome \u003d overpower yourself and execute

Overcome \u003d overpower yourself and execute

Teach \u003d transfer knowledge

Present flowers \u003d convey

Blind \u003d interrupt

Prevent \u003d make stop

Tradition \u003d what is transmitted from mouth to mouth

Unquestionable \u003d not to reass

Indifferent \u003d not ceasing

Certainly \u003d cannot be changed

List of words with prefix prefix to memorize:

Neglect (in this word three letters e)

Neglecting dismixing

Adorable (causing very flattering words)

Rev. (very righteous)


Come true










Preamble (\u003d input)

Patience limit

Stumbling Stone (Cause Quarrel)

The infancy of fate




Notorious (very well known)


Predrogative (exceptional law)


Prevail (prevail)


Precedent (similar case in the past)


Special attention should be paid to the mistifones ("phonetic twins") - words with prefixes of pre-and attributes that are pronounced equally, and they are written differently depending on the value.