The emergence of writing. History of the appearance of writing as people learned to write a message

The first writing that originated on Earth is Sumerian. It happened about 5 thousand years ago.
Their writing is called Clockin on its later form.

They wrote on clay signs using a pointed stick from the root. If the signs were burned in the furnace and dried, they became eternal (reached our time), thanks to them, we can trace the story of writing.
There are 2 hypotheses about the emergence of writing:
  • monogenesis (invented in 1m place)
  • polygenesis (in several foci).

Writing is represented in 3 primary foci, the relationship of which has not been proven:

  1. mesopotamian (Sumerians)
  2. egyptian (on monogenesis theory is listed from the Sumer)
  3. the writing of the Far East (Chinese, on monogenesis theory is listed from the Sumer).

Writing develops everywhere - from drawings to written signs. Pictography turns into a graphic system. The pictorial letter turns into a graph of the language is not when the drawings disappear (for example, in Egypt, pictures were used, but this is not a picturesque letter), and when we can guess, in what language the text is written.
Sometimes people instead of letters sent various items to each other.
Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in V c. BC er, talks about the "letter" of Scythians to the Persian king Godia. The Scythian messenger came to the Persian camp and put gifts before the king, "consisting of birds, mice, frogs and five arrows." Scythians did not know how to write, so their message looked like. Darius asked what these gifts mean. The messenger replied that he was ordered to hand their king and immediately go back. And the Persians must solve the meaning of the "Letters". Darius with his warriors has long consoles and finally said how he understood the message: the mouse lives in the ground, the frog lives in the water, the bird is like a horse, and the arrows are the military bravery of the Scythians. Thus, the Darius decided, the Scythians give him their water and land and conquered to the Persians, giving their military courage.
But the commander of Persians gobry disaccustomed "Letter": "If you, Persians, do not fly away like birds in heaven, or like mice will not go into the ground, or like frogs will not be sent to the lake, they will not return back and fall under the blows of our arrows ".
As you can see, the subject letter can be interpreted in different ways. The history of the war Darius with Scythians showed that gobry was right. Persians could not defeat elusive Scythians, nomadic in the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region, Darius went with his army from Scythian lands.
Actually a letter, the letter invested began with the drawings. The letter drawings are called pictographic (from Latin Pictus - picturesque and Greek Grapho - I write). In the pictographic art and letter of non-degree, therefore archaeologists, ethnographers, art historians, writing historians are engaged in the ones. Everyone is interested in their own area. For a written historian, information concluded in the figure. The pictogram pattern usually denotes or any life situation, such as hunting, or animals and people, or various items - boat, house, etc.
The first inscriptions were about economic concerns - food, weapons, stocks - items were simply depicted. Gradually, there is a violation of the principle of isomorphism (ie, a reliable image of the number of objects - how many VAZ is, so much and draw). The image loses the connection with the subject. Instead of 3 Vaz, now vase and 3 drops, which transmit the amount of VAZ, so Quantitative and quality information is given separately. The first scribes were to divide and realize the difference in high-quality and quantitative signs. Then it develops iconicity, its own grammar appears.
At the turn of the IV - III millennium BC. e. Pharaoh Narmer conquered the Nizhny Egypt and ordered to perpetuate his victory. Relief drawing depicts this event. And in the upper right corner - a pictogram that serves as a signature to reliefs. Falcon holds a rope, which produced through the nostrils of the human head, which, as it were, comes out of the strip of land with six papyrus stems. Falcon - the symbol of the king of the winner, he holds the head of the defeated Tsar of the North on the head; Land with papyrus is the bottom Egypt, papyrus is a symbol. Six his stems are six thousand prisoners, as a papyrus sign means a thousand. But was it possible to convey the name of the king? How can I know that his name was Narmer?
It turns out that at this time the Egyptians from the drawings have already begun to allocate signs that did not draw a drawn item, and the sounds that constituted its name. The drawing of the dung beetle meant three CPR sounds, and the drawing of the basket is two NB sounds. And although such sounds remained with drawings, they have already become phonetic signs. In the ancient Egyptian language there were words with single, two- and three-letter syllables. And since the Egyptians did not write vowels, then single-sided words depicted one sound. When the Egyptians had to write a name, they used single-scounded hieroglyphs.
The transition from specific to the abstract subjects that does not correspond to a visual image. Chinese hieroglyphs arose from the drawings (13V BC) to date, the hieroglyphs have changed little, but the grammar of the language has changed (a modern Chinese can read texts written to n. E., Recognizes symbols, but it makes no sense). The drawing is stylized, simplified, standardized.
In the end, in all the foci of the globe, signs begin to display sounds. Signs were binding to the sound of a whole word. To use such a letter was very difficult - this is art. Very complex letter of writing, but she satisfied the ancients, because She could only enjoy a limited caste of people for whom this knowledge was a means of existence.
The need to quickly record complex and long texts led to the fact that the drawings were simplified, became conditional icons - hieroglyphs (from Greek Hieroglyphoi - sacred letters).
In 12-13 centuries. BC. In the Middle East - the time of the appearance of Sinai inscriptions. This is a step towards a sharp decrease in the number of written signs. Signs that designated a syllable were developed. Writing began syllabic. For different words, the combination of consonant and vowel different.
Due to the presence of such single-voltage signs denoting one sound, out of the complex letter of the letter alphabet. The Phoenicians, having become acquainted with these letters, based on them created their alphabetical letter, simplifying signs of syllable writing. Each sign of this writing was attributed indifferent vocabulary. The Arabs and Jews used a letter without vowels. There was a complex system of guessing, which remained the constant failures. The announcement system appeared later, but nevertheless, in everyday life, Jews and Arabs used a letter without calling.
Greeks borrowed the Phoenician system. Greek language - Indo-European. Greeks introduce signs for vowels - this is a coup. The Greeks invented the full writing system. Depicted all vowels. Later began to portray the emphasis (place and type), intimacy. Also introduced an image of the request (analog notes), which is impossible in the case of Russian writing and therefore not used by us.
Is it possible to answer the question: who, what person invented a writing system? Who was the first to apply an alphabetical letter? There is no answer to these questions. The emergence of writing was caused by the demand of society and the state, the economic activity of people - and appeared writing. But the alphabets were created later, in the era of our new era, educated by people of their time. So, a letter for Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwas created by Kirill and Methodius. Mesrop Mashtots created an alphabetical letter for the Armenian language. Together with his disciples, Mashtots went to different countries to study writing. It was "real scientific, perhaps, the first linguistic expedition in the world, who set the purpose of developing the alphabet," the Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences D. A. Oliderogge wrote.
The peoples of the Far North and Siberia before the October Revolution did not have writing. Now scientific officers of the institute of the peoples of the North have created an alphabetical letter for them.
In the Tajik Republic there were many illiterates, as an Arab letter, which once used Tajiks, is very complex. Now the Tajiks write in Tajik Russian letters.
Create writing and in the countries of modern Africa.

As a person learned to write

Purpose:To acquaint children with the history of the development of a ballpoint handle.

Material : Stone, sticks, feather, different types of handles.

Wordwork: Reed, hollow, ink.

Structure occupation

- Children, Guess the riddle: "Black Ivashka Wooden Shirt"

- Pencil.

- Look, children, what does you have on the table?

Answers children

Different handles

- That's right, children, we will talk about the sister of a pencil - a handle.

Look, what do you see on my desk?

Answers children

Stone, wand, different handles.

- How do you think why did the story of the handle begin?

Answers children

From sticks, with stone.

Listen guys, it was a long time ago. The person adapted a new cave dwelling, invented that helping him tools (ax, spear, hearth) and wanted to display how he hunts, how he catches fish, burning fire. But than, a stick can be drawn only only on the sand. I decided to try to draw sharp stone. Such drawings are preserved to this day. Man drew a stone on the wall.

The first inventors of auto-handle were the ancient Egyptians. They made a cane tube, inside it was a hollow, that is, empty. They filled out this emptiness with a dark fluid, which was called ink, the ink was seeping inside the fibers, accumulated on the end of the tube. When writing a tube left a trace.

The person is observational and inventive. Considering the goose feather man decided that the feather is more suitable for a letter than a wand. For a long time, the man wrote the pen letter, decrees, books. And only in the 18th century, a man came up with a metallic feather. And only quite recently, in our time one sculptor invented a handle - a self-a self-a pencil. We call her ball, here it is, consider it well.

You have different handles on your tables, the case is made from plastic, in the lard of the case insert the rod and close. Take leaves, handles and write what you know letters and numbers.

Do your handles write well? What interesting did you find out about the appearance of the handle?

Responses of children.

- So, the children, we learned about the birth of the handle, the subject of the person necessary in the life of a person.

At all times, humanity needed to fix their knowledge: impressions, experience and history. Initially, the drawings were originally for this purpose, the most ancient of which is called rock painting. Over time, sketches simplified and gained more and more convention. Large information to sketch with all the details was very long, so realistic images were gradually replaced with symbols.

Pictographic writing

Writing has been found in pictographic writing. The pictogram is a visual schematic image of items and phenomena. Later, they added a kind of conditional designations, such as the moon, always began to be depicted in the form of a circle with a point, and water like a wavy line.

Such a method of recording was first applied by Sumerum about 3200 BC. They used the clig of, bringing the icons with reed feathers on raw clay tiles. Later, all of their writing was only characters and signs. Mesopotamia clinies also adopted the civilization of Babylonians, Assyrians and Persians.

Hieroglyphic writing

This type of writing became the next important stage in its development. Hieroglyphs called signs that were portrayed not only objects, but also sounds. This method of fixing information originated in ancient Egypt in 3100 BC.

Later, the hieroglyphs appeared in Eastern civilizations, for example, Korea, Japan and China. In these countries, with the help of hieroglyphs, almost any reflections could be expressed. The only minus of such a letter was that it was necessary to learn more than a thousand characters. This factor significantly reduced the degree of literacy among the usual population.

First alphabet

Most linguists converge on the fact that the first full-fledged alphabet can be called Phoenician. It had 22 letters denoting only consonant sounds. The characters were borrowed from Greek writing, undergoing small changes. Residents of the Canaan State, the Phoenicians, wrote ink on the right to left on clay signs. The first shards with their records are dated XIII century. BC. True, they have been preserved a little, the best scientists managed to disassemble the inscriptions left on the stones, for example, tombstones.

The new alphabet quickly got distribution due to the fact that the china lay on the intersection of many trade routes. On its basis, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arab and Greek letters were formed.

Now you know how and when people learned to write. Share these interesting facts with friends on social networks and put like!

The development of writing took place in the direction of concrete to abstract. Initially, the so-called substantive was used to transmit information. An example of such a communication method is a nodular letter of American Indians. Also, the first records could be made in the form of images.

The next stage of writing development was Pictography. Images of objects simplified and became more schematic, i.e. pictograms. Ideograms appeared later - images of abstract concepts or actions. These type of writing did not display words, but only their meaning. Also on pictographic records it is impossible to restore the grammar system of the language. The pictographic letter was used in the early period of the development of Sumerian and Chinese cultures, as well as the Mesoamerician Indians.

The next logical stage of the development of pictographic was hieroglyphic. A widely known example of an early development of a hieroglyphic letter is ancient Egyptian writing. Egyptian signs left the icons near the pictograms and were largely similar to the pictures of the concepts indicated by them. However, even in early hieroglyphik, an important feature of this stage of development of the letter was appeared - the two-sufficiency of the hieroglyph. Part of the hieroglyph was responsible for the meaning of the word, and the second part pointed to the peculiarity of his pronunciation. Similarly and modern Chinese writing - Even if you do not know a specific hieroglyph, you can assume its value by key, and the feature of reading is the phonetic element.

In the Japanese writing of the hieroglyphs that came from China are combined with two local sludge alphabets. Azbuchi serve to add grammatical endings to hieroglyphs, as well as to write foreign words.
After the hieroglyphic, humanity has invented a syllable letter. As part of this type of letter, only the pronunciation of the word is transmitted. Unlike alphabets, there is no clear separation in the sludge alphabet. They may present separate vowels, but most of the symbol correspond to. An example of modern syllable writing can be found in Arabic.
European, as well as some Asian languages \u200b\u200bare based on the alphabetical letter.
The final stage of the development of writing was the alphabet. One of the first alphabets was the Phoenician. In an alphabetical letter, most sounds correspond to a separate letter.

Development of the account

A person took a lot of time not only to learn how to write, but also to master the account. It became necessary to consider as agriculture and craft. Originally used a single account. The number was recorded in the form of several sticks or points.

Then the sixtelethic account system appeared. She was known from the Sumerians and in a number of other eastern peoples. Modern people continue to use this system for the time account: 60 seconds make up a minute, and 60 minutes to an hour.

The Romans were used and modified by an Egyptian decamaneous number system. The Roman record numbers was positional. Letter I meant a unit, the V is the top five, and the X is the top ten. But the modern digital system has appeared already among the Arabs. They introduced the concept of zero, which has given an additional impetus to the development of mathematics.

Lecture number 1. History of writing

Writing, as well as a sound speech, there is a means of communication between people, and serves to transfer thoughts at a distance and consolidation of it in time. Writing is part of the general culture of this people, and therefore part of the world culture. The history of world writing knows the following main types of letters:





Pictographic(picture) - the most ancient letter in the form of rock paintings of primitive people;

Ideographic (hieroglyphic) - a letter of era of early statehood and the emergence of trade (Egypt, China). IN IV-III millennia BC e. In ancient Sumer (Front Asia), in ancient Egypt, and then, in II, and in ancient China Another letter of writing arose: each word was transmitted to the pattern, sometimes concrete, sometimes conditional. For example, when it came about the hand, painted the brush of the hand, and the water was portrayed by a wavy line. Also a certain symbol was denoted by a house, a city, a boat ... such Egyptian drawings of the Greeks were called hieroglyphs: "Jero" - "sacred", "glyphs" - "carved on stone." The text compiled by hieroglyphs looks like a series of drawings. This letter can be called: "I am writing a concept" or "I write the idea" (hence the scientific name of such a letter is "ideographic").

The emergency achievement of human civilization has become the so-called slave letterThe invention of which occurred throughout III-II millennia BC e. Each stage of the formation of writing fixed a certain result in promoting humanity along the path of logical abstract thinking. First, it is the dismemberment of the phrase to words, then - free use of drawings - words, the next step is to dismember the word on the syllables. We speak syllables, and children are taught to read in the syllables. Sort the recording with syllables, it would seem that it could be natural! Yes, and the syllables are much less than the words compiled with their help. But in order to come to this decision, many centuries needed. Sloga enjoyed already in III-II millennia BC e. in the eastern Mediterranean.For example, mainly by a sluggish letter is the famous cuneiform. (The slurry is still writing in India, in Ethiopia.)

alphanumeric (PhondeMectic) letter expressing the phondematic composition of the language. The phonemes designate certain sounds of speech and depending on pronunciations may vary. Our letter cannot transmit all sound nuances of the language and is designed only to differentiate (distinguish) words.

Russian alphabet has 33 signwhereas the phonamatic system of the language consists of 39 phonemes.

Alphanumeric letter - The basis of the letter of many nations of the world, whose language specificity is reflected in the phonographic composition of their alphabets. So in the Latin alphabet - 23 sign, in Italian - 21 , Czech - 38, armenian - 39 .etc.

Alphabet signs are graphically different from each other and in their simplest drawing represent county (A constant shape of letters included in the alphabet, excluding style, headset and other forms).

The graphematic composition of the alphabet has been developed for many centuries based on the requirements of a given language, the requirements of ease of writing and reading.

First letter alphabet appeared near 16 B.. BC. It is known that the Semitic tribes who lived on Sinai PeninsulaMoved from Egyptian letters a number of ideograms signs, denoting them the first sounds of the names of certain objects. So there was an initial letter.

Phoenicians Having perceived and improving it, in turn served as intermediaries in the movement of alphanumeric letters from the Southeast Mediterranean to the Greeks.

The oldest Greek letters appeared in 8 in. BC, But only K. 4 in. to ours The era found relative completion, graphic simplicity and clarity.

IN 3 in. BC There is I. latin alphabet. Latinians (residents of Rome and its surroundings, hence the name - Latin) borrowed the Etruscan alphabet, which was based on Greek. At the turn of the new era, the letter was located between the two rules, was solid, there were no intervals between words, the geometry of the forms of letters made it difficult to writing.

The creation of the alphabet of the Slavic-Russian system of the letter - "Cyrillic" refers by the end of the 9th beginning 10 in. Creators of Slavic ABC based on the Byzantine letters were brothers Kirill (Konstantin Philosopher, the name of Cyril he accepted not long before his death) and Methodius, Natives of Soloni (Soloniki) in Macedonia. Slavic language was their native, and their education and education they got Greek.

Along with Cyrillic, another alphabet existed - verbic.

In Russia, the Glagolitsa lasted for a long time and was completely ousted by the Kirillov writing. From the history of the ancient Russian font, the main calligraphic options of Cyrillic:

from the 11th century - a statutory letter (according to the oldest Russian manuscripts that have come down to us);

from the 14th centurysemi-supersay served as a sample for a primitive font in the middle 16th century;

at the beginning 15th century get spread various types skill.

Tired - Early calligraphic form of Cyrillic. The letters of the charter had almost square proportions and differed by straightness and angularity of forms. In the row, they were broken free, there were no gaps between words.

An example of a classic authorized letter is "Ostromiro Gospel", written in 1056-1057 Diakon Grigory by order of Novgorod Postener Ostromira. The statutory letter is quite laborious for writing. The inscription of the letters of the charter required a frequent change of the position of the instrument of the letter. Letters more painted with pen than wrote.

Semi-keeping - a kind of calligraphic version of the Cyrillic letter. The text made by the semi-supest has a lighter general picture. The letters rounded and smaller, words and suggestions are separated by clear intervals, drawing a simpler, plastic and fast than in the authorized letter. Contrast of strokes less; Feather is sharpening. There are many contractions under the titles, as well as many different tested signs, strokes (forces) and a whole system of punctuation marks. The letter acquires a noticeable tilt. The semi-dust existed until the handwritten book lived. He served as the basis for the fonts of primitive books. The first in Russia printed book "Apostle" was made by the book-drawer Ivan Fedorov in 1564.

Russian Vyaz - a special decorative letter used with 15th century Mainly to highlight the title. Distinguish two types of letters: round and angular (strabid). One of the main techniques of Vzci is a mast ligature, in which two adjacent stations (stamb) were turned into one. The voids formed at the same time were filled with reduced oval or almond-like shapes of letters, as well as half-maples (semi-shiftubami) adjacent letters. The inscriptions carried out with gold or cinnabarius carried a special artistic and decorative burden in various monuments of writing.

Almost simultaneously with the formation of a semi-consuming in a business letter develops cursive, Which quickly penetrates into books. Cursive 14th century Very close to the semi-supest.

In the 15th century It becomes more free, it gets significant distribution; She is written various diplomas, acts, books. It turned out to be one of the most rolling species of Kirillov's letter.

In the 17th century, the speed, distinguishing special calligraphy and grace, has become an independent type of letter.

In the 17th centurysemi-supersay, going from church books in office work, is converted to civic letter. At this time, the books of the samples of the letter - "Alphabet of the Slavic language ..." (1653), Kariona Buvwari Istimina (1694-1696) with magnificent samples of letters of various styles: from luxurious initials before the letters of simple coggling.

The reform of the alphabet and font, carried out Peter I at the beginning of 18 in. contributed to the spread of literacy and enlightenment. In form, proportions and drawing, the civilian font was close to the ancient antique. All secular literature, scientific and state publications began to print the new font. The first books of the new sample were published in Moscow in 1708.