Way home. Outline "Road Home" - (Gorbovsky) Summary Road home

There are torment cats. And among them - incorrectly stolen. Odessa Cat Mordan was just as stirred incorrectly. As for his appearance, his name, it seems to me gives a sufficient representation. The internal essence was mentioned above. Mordan's cat lived in a communal apartment, did not hungry, the calling did not see his own mice, not in that storm, which other cats manage to save their carefree to live, but to follow their innate criminal inclinations - to steal. It was worth the hostess to sleep or get out of the kitchen, as Mordan was here like here. He managed to pull out meat even from a saucepan with a boiling soup.
The agility and the arrogance of which he made his raids constantly kept all the inhabitants of the apartment as it were on a siege position. Of course, on the one hand, it was useful because it was a constant training of vigilance, attentiveness and stability of the nervous system. But, on the other hand, the apartment inhabitants, without understanding the positive side of such trials, chose to look for easy life and were uninstalously decided to get rid of the cat. The poor animal was taken to the far end of the city and left there on the deaf outskirts. With a month, everyone lived relaxed, calmly and thought that it would always be so. But mistaken: after a month, Mordan returned. He returned to evil, thinning and invariably faithful to the former criminal predilections.
On the cat, in the same apartment, Captain Sukhogruz lived. It was decided that the captain will take a cat with him to the ship. Savea marine discipline and inevitable tests were called upon to re-educate a cat and fix his flavors. But the recidivist is that he and the recidivist. Self, on the ship, the criminal capabilities of the cat, compared with the kitchen, increased repeatedly. Mordan cradle Everything that could. Recovery, to keep track of it was almost impossible. Of course, I would be prone to all this to see a certain excitement, elements of the game, a fascinating duel between the face and the rest. What else can you brighten the monotonous days of the path? Sailors, unfortunately, did not rise to such sublime feelings and were more prosecuted. They did not take a challenge, which destiny sent them, and, barely waiting for the first Indian port, left the Mordan on the shore.
On this story with a stolen cat should be completed. This did not happen.
The inhabitants of the Odessa Apartments, getting rid of the vague, lived happily and calmly. They forgot and think about the cat, and if they remembered the Mordan, now without being former horror, and perhaps even with some unfortunately and nostalgia.
When after one and a half years at dawn at the door, all the same Odessa apartment was heard by a complaint meowing, first it never occurred to anyone that it could be Mordan. But it was he who was coming to Odessa from India, their incorrigible, a squirrel cat. For all it was like the return of the prodigal son.
Those who wish can try to calculate, through how many borders, rivers, mountains and deserts had to switch how many thousand kilometers to overcome to return home.
(453 words) (A. Gorbovsky)

Retell text in detail.
Write about your impression from this story.
Retell the text compressed.
What could be the continuation of this story?

There are torment cats. And among them - incorrectly stolen. Odessa Cat Mordan was just as stirred incorrectly. As for his appearance, his name, it seems to me gives a sufficient representation. The internal essence was mentioned above. Mordan's cat lived in a communal apartment, did not hungry, the calling did not see his own mice, not in that storm, which other cats manage to save their carefree to live, but to follow their innate criminal inclinations - to steal. It was worth the hostess to sleep or get out of the kitchen, as Mordan was here like here. He managed to pull out meat even from a saucepan with a boiling soup.

The agility and the arrogance of which he made his raids constantly kept all the inhabitants of the apartment as it were on a siege position. Of course, on the one hand, it was useful because it was a constant training of vigilance, attentiveness and stability of the nervous system. But, on the other hand, the apartment inhabitants, without understanding the positive side of such trials, chose to look for easy life and were uninstalously decided to get rid of the cat. The poor animal was taken to the far end of the city and left there on the deaf outskirts. With a month, everyone lived relaxed, calmly and thought that it would always be so. But mistaken: after a month, Mordan returned. He returned to evil, thinning and invariably faithful to the former criminal predilections.

On the cat, in the same apartment, Captain Sukhogruz lived. As I understand it (I sailed on a cargo ship several times), it is a ship for transporting containers. It was decided that the captain will take a cat with him to the ship. Savea marine discipline and inevitable tests were called upon to re-educate a cat and fix his flavors. But the recidivist is that he and the recidivist. Self, on the ship, the criminal capabilities of the cat, compared with the kitchen, increased repeatedly. Mordan cradle Everything that could, in the galley, and in the cabin company, and the cabins. Recovery, to keep track of it was almost impossible. Of course, I would be prone to all this to see a certain excitement, elements of the game, a fascinating duel between the face and the rest. What else can you brighten the monotonous days of the path? Sailors, unfortunately, did not rise to such sublime feelings and were more prosecuted. They did not take a challenge, which destiny sent them, and, barely waiting for the first Indian port, left the Mordan on the shore.

On this, the story with a stolen cat should be completed, and his traces will be lost forever in the seaside streets of Bombay, Calcutta or Madras. This did not happen.

The inhabitants of the Odessa Apartments, getting rid of the vague, lived happily and calmly. They forgot and think about the cat, and if they remembered the Mordan, now without being former horror, and perhaps even with some unfortunately and nostalgia. From the past, the memory always chooses and keeps the best, thin moves away and over time he betrays in general. Therefore, when, after one and a half years at dawn at the door, all the same Odessa apartment was heard by a complaint meowing, first it never occurred to anyone that it could be Mordan. But it was he who was coming to Odessa from India, their incorrigible, a squirrel cat. For all it was like the return of the prodigal son.

Those who wish can try to calculate, through how many borders, rivers, mountains and deserts had to switch how many thousand kilometers to overcome to return home. Another I would advise you to search the explanation, how could the cat initially know the direction in which he needs to move, not to lose it at all while to get in the end to the Black Sea coast, to his city and apartment. I, in any case, there is no such intelligible explanation. In order for this task, this seemed too simple to someone, I will allow myself two or three cases from the same row. These are cases where the measure is incomprehensible and inexplicable even more.

The American family moved from one state to another. Rocking Tony was decided not to take with them, but to leave a neighbor. But for some reason, the new owner did not come to the soul, and, having decided that the old owners were still better, Tony went on the road in a couple of days. Six weeks later, he appeared at the threshold of their new home. Before that, he was never there and, where he is, to know, it is clear, I could not. The new house has defended from the old 300 miles.

Capable for it, as it turned out, not only dogs. The Persian smoky cat Smoky lagged behind, lost when moving, when they drove off at home for twenty miles. A week later, he appeared on the old place of residence, wandered, meowing is sad, around the abandoned and empty house, after which it disappeared. In the end, the Persian cat Smoky also found his owners in a new place. He appeared in their new house in a year, so much took him to go through 300 miles from their old housing. Of course, before that, he, too, was never in those places where they lived now.

Another, also a Persian cat, found his owners to their new address, having passed an even greater way - from California in Oklahoma, 1500 miles. And the cat in the New York veterinarian who left for a new place in California to find his master, crossed the continent, having passed 3,000 miles. And after all I found!

All these facts were taken from among the 2000 documented cases collected over several years in the University in Duke, USA. Russian seal from time to time also publishes similar messages. So observations of such, in fact, quite a lot. But, contrary to the covenants of dialectical materialism, which claims that the amount goes into quality, in this case for some reason it does not arise: the multiplicity of such observations does not make them more understandable to us.

Perhaps there is a kind of "resonance" between the owner and animals - I can not find a better word. On the experiments, this was confirmed repeatedly. The dog of the breed boxer was placed in the soundproof camera, and the hostess of his meanwhile was transmitted to a remote room in the distant wing of the building. As soon as she appeared there, the brunette unfamiliar and wild species broke into the room, began to shout and madly threatened her. Not knowing that all this was adjusted that it was part of the experiment, she was afraid of truly. And boxer? The sensor, supplied in advance to its heart, showed a suddenly increased heartbeat. The dog somehow knew that at that moment his mistress was in danger.

Apparently, at a distance, animals can perceive not only a person. When damage damage are built for breeding, otters, living kilometers for 10-12 upstream, immediately learn about it. Where? How? I repeat - upstream!

Moscow experimenters were in a cell of several battered mice to another floor and brought the cage to the snake. Mice in a panic began to rush around the cage. At the same second, they came to excitement and began to randomly run in the element of the mouse remaining there. Anxiety and despair of fellow elements were instantly transmitted to them.

Obviously, the only thing that remains is to recognize the fact that animals can be judged, which can somehow feel the direction where the object you are interested in are. This object can be their fellow or other animals. Maybe a person or a house where they lived or live, removed thousands of kilometers. The mechanism of such "direct knowledge" we do not know, and the sensations cannot even imagine yourself. It seems to me that it could be completely compared with what: You are at home, and there is someone else in the next room. Such a presence (or absence) can not produce anything, but you feel it, not even hearing a single sound. Perhaps animals feel something similar, only dozens, hundreds of times more acute, distinctly and definitely.

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Presentation Ivanova L.Yu Tso at the IU of the Samara region

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one). The appearance and character of the Mordan cat.

3) the cunning plan of tenants. Captain. Dry cargo ship.

4) Mordan on the ship. The cradle is everything that could ... To follow it was impossible!

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7) Return of the "Prodigal Son". Passed a year and a half ... it's he !!!

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There are stubble cats, and there are incorrently begging. Odessa Cat Mordan belonged just to such - disgraced. As for his appearance, it seems to me that his name speaks for himself. As for his essence, it was mentioned above. He lived in a communal apartment, not starved, the calling also saw his own in the catch of mice, not in the storm, which some cats deserve themselves a carefree living in humans, but to follow the congenital criminal inclination. It was worth the hostess to turn away as Mordan was here as here. He even managed to pull out meat from a saucepan with a boiling soup.

The dexterity and arrogance of the cat always kept the inhabitants of the apartment as it were on a siege position. On the one hand, it is not bad: attention is training, vigilance and stability of the nervous system. On the other hand, the inhabitants of the apartment, without understanding the entire benefit of the position, was unwellingly decided to get rid of the annoying cat. The poor animal was taken to the outskirts of the city and left there. Month residents of the apartment were in peace and thought it would always be so. But a month later, Mordan appeared on the threshold, the evil, thinning, but not changed his criminal inclinations.

On trouble cat, in this apartment there lived the captain of the cargohouse, and it was decided to take a cat on board the ship. The harsh life and discipline had to re-educate the Mordan, but it was not there: a recidivist he is a relapse. On the ship, the criminal capabilities of the cat sharply increased compared to the kitchen. Mordan cradle is all that could only. Of course, I would be inclined to see in this some kind of game, rivalry between the Mordan and all the others, which was to brighten the monotonous days of the path. But the sailors did not understand these sublime motifs and were more prosecuted. They did not take a call of destiny and in the first Indian port left him on land.

This would have to end the story about Mordan, but this did not happen.

The inhabitants of the Odessa Apartments, getting rid of the vague, lived now calmly and happily. If they remembered the cat, then not with the former horror, but even with some nostalgia.

When after a year and a half on the threshold, all the same Odessa Apartments were heard by a complaint meowing, no one could and suggest that it was Mordan. But it was he who returned home from India. For all it was like the return of the prodigal son.

Write about your impression from this story.

I really liked this story. He is cheerful and kind. The author writes with irony about feline haggards and how people treat it. In each line, a sympathy of A. Gorbovsky to the cat with criminal inclinations is felt, and this fluffy robber also likes the reader. This story is very kind. Probably, everyone who has pets, could remember some funny case from the life of his pet.