Dragon Age Origins Gray Guards Ferlanden. Other guards

Photographer: Ekaterina Volk.

"Men and women of all races, warriors and magicians, barbarians and kings ... Gray Guards sacrificed to everyone to stop the onslaught of darkness ... and won."

Duncan, commander of gray guards in Ferdden


Player Character - "Gray Guard" - The newcomer of the Order in Ferdden starts his journey to stop the sea, with one of the six prehistory. The selected prehistory determines who the guard is before the start of the basic events of the game. To the same extent, the prehistory affects the NPC reaction (in the group and outside it) for the guard. On the elves, for example, often look at the second grade people. Gray Guide (Protagonist) will be given a task to collect an army to resist the mora and collect satellites that will help perform this task. As one of the last gray guards in Ferdden, where the main action of the game takes place, you will be entrusted with the honor of solving (directly and indirectly), which factions will support the guard in the creation of the army and confront the mora, as well as the fate of those whom he / she will meet in a journey.

Even more interesting material, high-quality cosplay and excellent arts you can find !!!


Modification adds a complete set of weapons and armor of valiant gray guards to the game, as well as dresses all gray guards in Ferdden in these very armor.

In addition, the bonus to the modification is attached eleven retaxtures of the Armor of Gray Guardians, namely: Aremeta Texture Pack Bright V1.0, Aremeta Texture Pack Dark V1.0, Aremeta Texture Pack Medium V1.0, Aremeta Texture Pack Semi-Bright V1.0 , Aremeta Texture Pack White V1.0, Blight Buster Texture Pack V1.0, Blood Warden Texture Pack V2.5, Dragon Knight Texture Pack V1.0, Grey Warden B Texture Pack V1.0, Mirror Wardens V1.2 and Warden Armour Textures v1.0.


one). Download the archive laid out with Dazip files.
2). Run in the root folder game Daupdater.
3). With it, set Dazip files from the archive.
four). Run the game and activate the modifications in the loadable content.
five). Start a new game and look for gray guards.

Installing Retaxtures:

one). Download the archive laid out by me.
2). Remove the archive somewhere and view the screenshots.
3). Select the retardes you want and throw them into the Override folder.

(!) Retackists can be combined in any combination. That is, you have four (a set of great gray guards cannot be reincarnated) different sets of armor for each of which can be delivered by separate rallystur. All folders with the retaxtures are located in an intuitive form, so I think you will not have any problems.


one). Remove from "... Documents \\ BioWare \\ Dragon Age \\ Addins" folders:
- 11_warden_armours_org - version for starters.
- 11_warden_armours_awk - wake-up version.
- 11_warden_armours_glm - Version for the Golets Amgrake.
- 11_warden_armours_wtch - version for witch hunting.
- 11_warden_armours_lln - version for Leliana's song.
2). Remove from "... Documents \\ Biojare \\ Dragon Age \\ Packages \\ Core \\ Data" Files:
- 11_warden_armours_org_package.erf - version for starters.
- 11_warden_armours_awk_package.erf - Version for Awakening.
- 11_warden_armours_glm_package.erf - Version for the Golets Amgrake.
- 11_warden_armours_wtch_package.erf - version for witch hunting.
- 11_warden_armours_lln_package.erf - version for Leliana's song.
3). Remove from "... Documents \\ Biojare \\ Dragon Age \\ Packages \\ Core \\ Override":
- Folder "Grey Wardens".


one). First of all, I want to say that this is not a complete version of the Fashion. It has only the basic part and stable details of the modification, like a fix that allows you to repaint armor using a set of paints, etc. Fixed fixes were removed: Fix Dressing Guardian Armors on Two Recruits in Ostagar (I no longer remember their names), Removed Fix Changing all the gray guards to Rumenes (I never achieved the Guardians to go to Ruten Arms (Fashion Rune Guard It was installed), I got bare all the time) and removed Fix changing the duncan in the lungs (instead of the commanders of the Commander) of the Guardian Armor (he also became naked).

2). I also want to note that the versions for official campaigns are just the correct support for the armor in them, but not fashion changing the guards into these armor.

3). All sets of armor and weapons are scattered throughout the game and you will have to work hard to find them (for example, in returning to Ostor, you can find a set of commanders of the commander, and in the peak of a soldier - the Great Guard, etc.). But nevertheless, if someone does not want to search for them for a long time, or they will need more than there - you can buy armor and weapons at the Banaka merchant from the modification set of weapons.


After coronation

If the guard did not sacrificed himself, he will return to the land collection hall, where Alistair and / or Anora (depending on your choice at the lands meeting) they say speech and thank the guard, and then ask that he / she is going to do. Your decision will affect the epilogue (and possibly awakening if you decide to import your character). Then the monarch says that people are waiting for their hero.

Before you go out of the door, you can talk to your friends and satellites for the last time (there is a bug on a console version that does not allow the sheale to appear in this place). In addition, on the holiday there will be Earl Eamon if you cried alistar (with anorya or without it). At the festivities there will also be one character from your prehistory:

  • Background of a noble person: Fergus Kryland (Brother GG. It turns out that his detachment fell into an ambush, and the wounded Fergus was saved by Hasinda. He had a long time and got to Dencherim only after the victory over the archhead.)
  • Background Mage: The first magician Irving (If you did not stand on the side of the temples in Quest Torn circle And Irving survived after a fight with Uldred)
  • Background of the urban elf: Cyrion Tabris (Father GG. If the guard brought himself to sacrifice, then Anora or Alistair (depending on who was on the throne) will make it the first bath of Ehther.)
  • Prehistory of the Doli Elf: Ashalle (guardian GG)
  • Prehistory of noble gnome: Gim (Friend and temporary satellite GG. Yeshi Guardians are going to do perfect, he will be his right hand)
  • Prehistory of the gnome-versatorship: Rick throw (Sister GG. If Gray Guard - Gnome Proshirudine will sacrifice himself in the final battle, Ricks together with his mother will come to the funeral. If the hero is surviving, it will be present at the coronation. If Belen became King of Orsammar, then Rica will report that the guard is now A member of the caste of warriors: Moreover, it can be proclaimed perfect. If the king became Harroumont, then Rika will be in the winnings: it will not wave a man, but at the same time her son will remain a member of the house of Eduuk.)

Gray guard

The consequences not only depend on the decisions of the guard, which he takes during the game, but also from the rating of satellite approval at the end of the game (for example, it affects Sheil).

  • Earl Eamon remains an adviser at Alişea, if he became king. Eamon suddenly reverses Erling Redclif in favor of the tagan bath, which approve of the townspeople. If the guard also gave Kaitlin enough coins behind her grandfather's sword, she will meet a banana tagan and they will marry.
  • Earl Eamon returns to Redcliffe and restores it to the oldest, if Alistaer does not become the king, or if the guard becomes Chancellor Alistair. It also happens if the toughened Alistair marries the anteau, and Logain brings himself to a sacrifice, destroying the architeon.
  • If the guard leaves the Redcliffe during the quest Attack at dusk, Earl Eamon reverses Erling in favor of the tagan bath and returns to Redcliff. However, he cannot recover before his former majesty because of rumors that the town is cursed.
  • If the guard is saving Bevina, Brother Kaitlin in a rare, uses the sword of his grandfather and returns back, he becomes a famous traveler and tells stories that when he was small, he met a gray guard that was used by his grandfath to save RarCliff, and Then he returned it.
  • If the guard paid Kaitlin behind the sword is enough for her to leave for denerem, it uses this little condition to open the foundry. She becomes rich, respected and accidentally encounters a tagan bath at the royal court. A few months later they marry. This can only happen if the guard paid her before the quest Attack at dusk, and not after.
  • If the guard gives Belle (from the tavern of the Redcliff) enough money to leave the rarecliff, it gets safe before Dencherim and opens his breweries there. Soon she meets the banana of the tagan and marry him.
    - If you help Kaitlin and Belle to leave Rarclif and open your business, then Bann Tagan marries both girls.
  • If the guardian gave a power of attorney to the tavern during the first battle for Redcliffe Belle, it will rename a hotel in the "shelter of a gray wanderer" and will tell the stories about your adventure through the years, although no one will believe in them.
  • If the guard concluded a deal with a daeom of desire, in which the demon promises to capture the Connor later, and did not allow his mother, Lady Isolde, to sacrifice himself, will be sacrificed in an epilogue that Connor completed his torture and became a full-fledged circle magician, conducting a formal shadow.
  • If the guard concluded a deal with a desire a demon, and Lady Isolde died during the ritual, then the connor will decide to send in a circle of magicians after a while. However, before the trip, Connor is suddenly ill, and then disappears. Long searches will not lead to anything, and this disappearance will remain a mystery.
  • If Connor is saved and the desire daemon is killed or intimidated, the boy can send the magicians to the circle. After he completed his torture and became a full-fledged magician of the circle. At the insistence, he accepted the post in Tevinet, where the study began to study. It will happen if you let his mother, Lady Isolde, bring himself sacrificing to make the bloody ritual Jovana.
  • If Connor is saved, and the demon desire killed or intimidated, Earl Eamon will simply noted that Connor behaved strangely. It will happen if his mother, Lady Isolde, will also survive during a quest in a rareclif. It may also happen if both parents are alive (at least with the ending, where the tightened alistair marries the antere, and Logain brought himself to sacrifice).
  • If Connor killed, Eamon and Isolde will lead another child, daughter, named Rovan. Isolde will die during childbirth. Like Connor, the girl turns out to be a magician and is sent to the circle for official learning.

Queen Anora

  • If Alistaer is not tightened, Anora marries Alistair; Staying an experienced ruler, she assigns all things related to the Board and Laws, while Alistair personally appears in front of commoners, which is why they are endlessly admire them.
  • If Alistair is tougher, Anora marries Alistair, and they rule together and in affairs concerning government and laws, and publicly appearing together, controlling the process of recovery and meeting the hot approval of the people who adheres to the point of view that chaos of civil war and land collection - A small fee for the emergence of such beautiful monarchs.
  • Anora marries the guard; They conclude a lot of trading contracts with neighboring countries and, together with Guardians, begin to be what can be the new golden age for Ferdena, if they won't fight for power.
  • Anora marries the guard, which later makes the highest sacrifice, destroying the architeon: it becomes an experienced ruler, but never marries again because of its exclusive standards for the groom, comparing them with their father, and not with guard.
  • Anora never marries and ruled alone. It becomes an experienced ruler, but it does not marry because of its exclusive standards in choosing the groom.
  • If Alistaer becomes the king, and Anora did not want to renounced the throne in his favor, it is planted in the tower to avoid the uprising (at the request of Alistair, since he does not want to execute her in case he does not survive during Mora - despite this Measurement of mercy, Anora admits that it would not mind to change with him in places).

Urn of Holy Praha.

  • If the guard allowed Brother to Geni to collect an expedition to the urn, but did not kill the highest dragon, the urn will disappear without a trace and will again become myth.
  • If the guard allowed Brother Jeniigh to collect an expedition to urn and killed the highest dragon, the temple will become a place of worship for pilgrims.
  • If the guard killed the brother Jenivi and the Higher Dragon, the church will deny all the rumors that the urn was found.
  • If the guard killed his brother Jeniwi, but did not kill the highest dragon, the church will declare Prach, but the Dragon will once get tired of pilgrims and fall into rage, destroying the temple and, possibly, the dust, as they won't find him. The dragon will fly away in search of new shelter.
  • If the guard desecrates the sacred ashes for the collegiate, Brother Jeniwiwi will announce the progress of the dust, causing these strong excitement from scientists. The expeditions will not find anything in the ruins, and a few years later his work will be declared cheating. He commit suicide. In winter, the dragon begins to raise in the surrounding area. Rumors will appear that the sectarians are worshiped as a new Andrasta. Attempts to find his lair or dust are not crowded, because the sectarians will quickly receive new fans.
  • If the guard will defile the sacred ashes for the cologum, then kill it, but will leave in the living dragon, rumors will go to the participation of the Holy Prah in the healing of Earl Eamon. People will send an expedition to search for urn. After countless attempts to kill the highest dragon, which was found instead of urn, will be decided that it is too dangerous to continue the expedition. The dragon suddenly flies to the West in search of a new asylum, but before that flows into a rue, leaving some ruins from the temple. Subsequent expeditions and excavations in the ruins will not give anything. Some people believe that the urn is still under the ruins, others say that it was destroyed, the third doubts its existence at all, which is why the urn is again becoming a legend.
  • If the guard did not allow Brother Jenivi to go into ruins, where the cult lives, the urn will disappear, even if you kill the highest dragon.

Circle Made

  • If the guard saved the magicians during the quest torn Circle, then in the epilogue it will be said that in the next months after the incident, the circle tower was finally cleaned from the last spirits, penetrated through the veil. The new obsessed no longer appeared, and the first magician Irving was glad to declare that the circle was saved. Everything was saved, which could be saved.
  • Guardian magazine may ask the ruler independence for the Ferlanden circle as a reward. Although the King Alistair or Queen Anora agreed with this request, the church ignored it. Alternatively, if the guard-magazine will bring the highest sacrifice, the new ruler will announce that the tower will be rebuilt somewhere by decree of Alistair / Anora, and the supervision of the temples will be weakened. If this happens, a huge statue of the Guard will be erected before entering the new tower.
  • Cullen can be dischanically after trying to grab the circle and kill several magicians before running out of the tower. He becomes a wandering madman who will be hung over all the magicians who will see. Alternatively, he can replace Gregor as a knight-commercial knight, controlling the circle with intimidation (this feature is provided if the guard decides to lie on the side of the temples during the main quest).

Treating darkness

  • Dreams of darkness are retreating into deep pathways, where the dwarf kingdoms again capture, but some time will not be returned to the surface.
  • Depending on your choice of Sheil, it may return or not return to deep trails to help the gnomes fight against the species of darkness.
  • Even though the Horde of the Ratings of Darkness was dissipated after the architeon's defeat, the strongest of them collected their wandering detachments and began to attack the nearest land and other detachments. Some even got to Orleai before they were defeated (albeit with great difficulties). Dragon Age: Beginning - Awakening. This epilogue gives rise to the plot of Dragon Age: the beginning is awakening.
    • Logain can be killed at a lands meeting from the hands of Alistair or Guardian.
    • Logaine can sacrifice, killing the architeon.
    • If Logain is designed to guard, but he remains alive in the last battle, he becomes the main recruiter in the Order in Ferdden to the arrival of the Orselian gray guards from Montsimmar at the request of the fortress of Weishaupt.
    • If Anora becomes the Queen and Logain Deon, she builds a statue in front of the Orley Embassy in Denerime. If he dies at the lands meeting, then only Anora visits it. If he dies, killing the architeon, the statue becomes a famous landmark, and the people remember his heroism more than mistakes.
    • If a Harroumont becomes king I. Anvil It was destroyed, he has to involve in a long struggle with the Belen's uprising, which does not give him to achieve the stability desired in the city. Lords of Clans rejected many of his laws in the Council, and only his attempts to strengthen the isolation of the gnomes with the surface were successful. At this time, Harroumont's health begins to deteriorate. Some argue that he was poisoned, others said that it was because of the weak spirit. In any case, after a long sickness, the king finally dies. Almost immediately the disputes on the Council about the successor of the king begins.
    • If a Harroumont becomes a new king and Anvil Preserved, he quickly suppresses the uprising supporters of Belen and publishes several laws that are well taken by Lords. Unfortunately, it is increasingly isolating the dwarves from the surface. Caste restrictions and rights of nobility increase, trade with human lands is stopped. After the law, prohibiting devoid of caste to enter the city, it seems that the uprising is completely suppressed. Although the perturbations are still taking place, the Council still keeps for King Harroumont.
    • If the guard is destroying Anvil voidThe group of Dwarves will try to restore it. The first golem, whom they created, will be animated with the help of the spirit of the shade. He falls into rage, kill many, and soon the research will cease. However, interest in the opening of Caridine does not fade. This is the beginning of the plot addition Golem Amgrake.
    • Also, if Harroumont will be king, and Anvil It will be saved, the initial success will soon decrease. Harroumont will interrupt trade with the surface, which will lead to isolation. Also, Harroumont refuses Branke In the new volunteers for anvil. It starts raids on the surface to get the desired ingredients. People on the surface decide to revenge, which leads to a short war with Felden. Orzammar's gates will be deposited and sealed, isolating ORZAMMAR more than ever. It will happen even if the guardian-gnome will ask for help from the Queen Anora or the King of Alistair in battles against the origin of darkness on the deep paths.
    • Support Henbane Regardless of the status of anvil, he will bring him the fame of the reformer. Trade with the surface is adjusted, and the limitations of the caste decrease. The caste devoid will be allowed to take a weapon in the hands and fight the sealing of darkness in return for new freedoms. After a while, some tegy will be returned. Bellen reforms will quickly find enemies in the caustes of nobility and warriors, but after a few attempted the life of the king, the Council will be dissolved. The king begins to rule alone - some will talk about him as Tirana, others - to talk about the foresight of the new king, which will lead Orzammar to a new era.
    • Support Henbane and saving Anvil Let's lead to the fact that Branka will master the caridine technique, having studied how to use the anvil of emptiness to create new golems - first for many centuries. The gnome people will meet these news with support, although only a few will know the price. First, the King of Belen is happy to work together with Brankka, leading to her new people - voluntarily or not - therefore, with the help of the golems of the trees, darkness can be discarded further into deep trails. However, it lasted for a short time. Soon, Branka refuses to create golems only for the king, which later prohibits the use of anvil. His people attack the Fortress of the Branca on the deep path, forcing it to lock it in it. Years later, Belen has to retreat. The fortress guarded by the beasts of the Branca remains impregnable.
    • If the Gnome will ask for military assistance from Ferlanden, and Belen It becomes king, the latter will welcome help with open arms. Within a few months, darkness will be thrown further into deep trails, and the first gnome warriors who returned with the relics they scored at Bonnamar at the gate will be met with the applause of a jubilant crowd.
    • If the guard helped his brother BerkelThe new church in Ozammar will collect a surprisingly large number of novices among the gnomes. They will quickly call the anger of their more conservative tribesmen, and soon the Council will limit the rights of Andrastians. Brother Berkel will resist and perish when an arrest attempt during a peaceful demonstration in community halls. The Council will argue that it was only an accident, but the news from Ozammar will reach the church on the surface, where the Supreme Priestess will decide that it is time to organize a new holy campaign.
    • If the guard helps Dagna To join the Magic Circle, later it will be the author of a complex theory about how Lurium Couples affects susceptibility to magic. This will attract attention and inspire magicians from other parts of the tedas to establish a new circle in Orzammar to gain access to the Gnome Lirum and escape from the authorities of the Church. The desire of Ozammarah to strengthen the apostates will become so outrageous that the Supreme Priestess will consider the possibility of a new sacred hike. Guardian-magician who asked freedom for the magicians of the tower and helped Dagna, will not be the last straw. It is worth noting that it can happen only if you did not help your brother Berkel.
    • If the guard will fall on the side of the temples in Quest Torn circle And Tell Dagna about the destruction of the circle, she will immediately start helping to restore the tower.
    • If the guard-noble gnome will sacrifice, Alistaire or Anora (depending on who will become the ruler) will say the government that the body of the guard must be returned to Orsammar to be returned to the stone next to the King of Andrin Eduukan with the restoration of all rights. Alisser / Anora will also send soldiers to help the gnomes in battles against the species of darkness.
  • Werewolves can be cured and returned to human civilization. They all took the last name "Wolf" in order not to forget about their past. Soon in Tedas walked fame about them, as about the best tamers of animals and trainers. Every year they light the candles in memory of the beloved mistress of the forest.
  • Werewolves could also be cured by guard, and then killed by them when they became people.

Doli elves.

  • Doli might be killed by weakens and guard.
  • If the guardian recruited the values, they will become respected because of their participation in the fight against Mora. Their relationship with people will be significantly improved, but suddenly the tension will grow. If Lanaya replaced the custodian, it will contribute to the establishment of the world between people and the values.
  • Dolitsa will officially receive their own lands next to Ostagar if their army served as Falden against Mora.
  • If the guard is a valley, he may ask the land for his people (the values \u200b\u200bwill be given internal lands only at the request of the guard; the Bag makes this slide appear in the epilogue if Lanaya becomes a new keeper).
  • If the clan remains the keeper, it will continue to conduct the values \u200b\u200blong enough until disputes with people begin. When he suddenly disappears, his clan will look for it, but will not find anything, except for confirming that he went through his own will.

Stretchs with barely breathed and tickled blanket in strong fists descendant Malcolm Hawk pulled out from the wagon. However, did not have time for tired and two fresh guards who met Strauda's detachment in the fortress, accompanied by elders reach the door to the main building, which was only three dozen steps from the wall, when the external gate had already closed with iron already closed with iron And a decisive knock.

Monsieur Karon! - Heroda with displeasure turned to the voice of the duty officer, apparently, very carefully discerning someone at the street from the street. - Here is a person. He asks for permission to enter!

Heroda caron traced the door for the door slammed behind the procession with stretchers and, suppressing irritation, again headed for the gate.

- ... let or not, in the end ?? - hoarsely conveyed to him because of the sash, the end of something, beyond any doubt, Grozny, and with a sharp Felden accent. - Long wait for me? I am the guard of Amell, Amell, Gray Guard Ferlden! With me a contender, he is sick of bad! Let the garlocks take you, and now I will sit up these damned gates to the demons!

It's not how he is waiting for a long time, this Gallopana, "grumbled next to the Deputy Guardian-Commander Gnome, shifting the header on the back of the head and wiping the forehead with the sleeve. - We just closed these gates. It can be seen, something serious happened.

In letting the guard from Ferlanden! - Not daring to believe in such luck, I buried the temporary commander of the fortress of the Guardians of Montsimmar in response to the words addressed to him. Apparently, he was heard from the gate too, because the renowned guard of Amell was silent. - Live!
- Chapter 61 -
Griffin was majestic. He was Grezden and beautiful. The front eagle paws with sharp claws passed into a flexible lion's body. Two huge strong wings were widely disclosed, as if the outfit beast was preparing to take off, and for sure that this moment was captured by an unknown sculptor. Despite the fact that the conversation was carried out no first time, all this time, the Felden guest stood next to the sculpture and his eyes, it was sculpted from those who were talking to the Orlyine beaks, sharp feathers and unusual eyes of this original ally of people With which an unknown master managed to give the expression of a non-life mind and insight.

Despite their condition, both applicants have experienced a dedication. This is a good sign, - Rulling the nose and addressed the fellowship, the only one who was present in the office, who was not sitting, and standing near the statues of the griffin, putting his hand on his back. - Amell Guard, we all heard your story about events in Ostagar, exactly as about the position of Teirna Logyin regarding help from our part. Now we would like to hear your opinion.

The sucked Ferldensky Guard and the magician Dyle Amell, until the recently spoke and answered questions for more than an hour, sighed heavily and removed his hand from the back of the statue.

I, like all those present here, know - to the great misfortune, the nature of the archchief is such that only the guard can kill him, - he lies with his faces facing him. - There are no guards in Ferdden. Troy is not enough to stop the dragon. My main goal of arrival in Montsimmar was to obtain official recognition of the status of the Commander for one of the remaining Guards of Ferlanden. As I have already mentioned more than once, Aidan Kryland - from the highest nobility, comes from one of the most influential families and listen to it. The appointment by his team will contribute to the case of guards in Ferdden.

Heroda Karon shook his head.

This we cannot solve without guard-commanders and orders from Andernfels. Or ... at least guard the commanders. I have already sent him a bird. He will return to the fortress in a few days.

Well, if this question is resolved, - the guest from Ferlden leaned against the wall next to the griffin, folding his hands on his chest. - I think it will be too unnecessary to say that the appointment of the Orseliana to this position will finally undermine the confidence in our Order in my country?

There was a short sharing between those present.

It is understandable to us, the guy, - all the same skinn gnome chuckled, playing by the stones to carved the sparks bonded among themselves. - It is not clear. How are you, three, even if with our potion and the right of calling, are counting on the guards for such a short time? We understand no worse than you - it is now calm. And in the spring they will pull so that it will not seem little. And after your Ferlden is revealed, Orel is next on their way.

And therefore, you need to crush the infection, while it can still be crushed by small victims, - the voice of the guard, the oldest of those sitting in the office. - Without our help, you will not cope. Think, small, think, how we could get into your fence!

All our intelligence users, whom we sent through Gerlene, did not return, - Dark's fingers went off the fraction on the surface of the Commander Table. "We suspect that they all have become victims of Tyrun Logyin's barrels." But you, Diven Amell, managed to go alive. Perhaps you will tell you the way ...

Amell with strength ruber face.

I had the letters of Earl Eamon, - unconsciously he touched the statue again that the beauty of the predatory traits attracted him. "And ... The circumstances themselves have developed so that no one could suspect gray in me, otherwise they would not be released from Ferlanden. At the exit to the Feltendian side of the guaranium twice as much as at the gate of the Orlea, and among them, the knights with the emblem of Mac-Tires are a weighty part.

Knights on the gate is a small trouble, - Karon leaned back on the hard back of the chair, the gossip fingers into the castle on the stomach troops. - When you need, we can remove the protection of the entire fortress without loss. But what will happen then? When, may the creator help us, will we still stop the sea? Logain does not apply to take advantage of what happened. As for her Majesty, the empress, with all the favor, that she ships now, the reaction to such a prediction will not be easy.

For some time, silence reigned between the guardians.

With your permission, summarize, Divene Amell thought it was not easier to be easier than before he had to pull out every minute of life from a wide variety of deaths. - The guards of Orley are ready to send assistance to Ferdden. This is true?

Karon bowed his head.

To start the hike, confirmation of the guardian guard is necessary. However, this decision was made long before you came to our fortress, Brother Guard. We have already tried, as you know, send a big squad in support of the army of your king Kailan, let his creator take. But we were not allowed through Gerlend. And now they will not be allowed. And if you go on the sea ... Now the end of winter. Time for navigation is not easy, especially with the oncoming currents from the east, which increase wind. We will lose a lot of time and do not have time to ...

Redcliffe, - biting the cheek inside, gloomily suggested Amell.

In a rarecliff for a term. In addition, if the order is given the order not to let us through Gerlend, I extremely doubt that Teyern Logaine forgot to give such orders in each port of Ferlanden. Not by air we wade into your lands. It would be possible in the air, we remain at least a small tribe ... - He did not negotiate, Motno heads towards the statue of the griffin.

The guest also looked at the statue and moved his eyebrows.

In Ferlden, you can get not only through Gerlend.

The views of those present in the room turned to a silent left elphi. Lucky and long acute guards smeared something.

Yes, not only, - continuing wrinkling, she said. - There is another pass. I do not know where he passes and still still. But I know exactly one thing - if he is, and if, by the will of the creators, we would have managed to find it - he impass in winter. His existence will not help us.

Trying to step quietly, Amell slipped into the room and covered the door. However, I immediately understood that precautions were superfluous. Both neighbor, with whom we had to share housing allotted, did not sleep. One of the neglected guards seized the legs with a blanket with a blanket and, leading a finger on the rows, read the battered book. The second, hugging himself by the shoulders, lay on the undressed bed, turning away to the wall. His eyes, however, were widely disclosed, and the tips of the sharp ears were twisted from too stressful compressible jaws.

Good evening, "Amell said, caught the look of one of the guys. An moment later, he, smoothly, as well as the neglected, experienced amazement, similar, except, with a close impact of lightning.

I p ... I remember you, the guard, - a high dark-haired young man, a very similar face on the applied mage, but tightly and higher at half-palm, was already on his feet, stretching his hand on the Ferldensky. - You've fought at lottering. When the darkness was attacked on him. My family fled in your eyes from the persecution of the temples! And you, guarage, there was three. You are - and your comrades. Do not see the audacity, but ... I remember your face well.

Dive stepped forward, putting his hand on top of an outstretched hand.

I also remembered you and your family, - without restraining, he grinned. - I had to work hard, appealing to the ground to give you to hide without loss.

The young man froze. Then, quite unexpectedly, she smiled without wonder, with heart appreciation put the second hand over the hand of Amella and firmly shook.

Do not amaze, but we guessed that it was someone from you, "continuing to smile, he nodded. - And accept my sincere thanks! We then talked about it. Brother and sister decided that the mightble appeal to earth could only be of the guards. My family lived in lottering for several years, and we could guess, inhabit the other magicians there.

Dive released the hand of the neglected guard and, having passed his bed, sat down on his, taking care of the lacing boots.

Instead of the guest room, they sent me here, "he had a new acquaintance with a new acquaintance without a transition, whose name could not remember, although he knew that he had heard him earlier. - They say - they say, led against the will and rightly call the Doli "in the risk group". And what responsible for dedicated guards from the values \u200b\u200bis first appointed by the one who has become the initiator of the call of such a problem new member of our Order. I will have to watch him until the hike ...

Forgive my syncing, a friend, - New-Promplessly sat down on the contrary, repulcing his own blanket to the edge of the bed. - My name is Carver Hawk. And yours ... What?

Measuring with an unusable boot in the hands of Amell slowly lowered his leg back to the floor.

Carver Hawk, - This named Dive remembered well, but hear him here and now it became a complete surprise for him. "You are a carver, and ... and your older brother is named Garrett?" Right after all that your family has two name?

The youngest of the Hawk brothers with bewilderment watered a thick black chapel.

Father this was not a name. Rather, the nickname, which give particularly distinguished versions to resemble the noble birthdays. But the mother has always had two names. She is nee Amell, from Kirkolly Amellov. We ... waiting, - suddenly the meaning of what was said. - You ... remember my brother in the lotning? Forgive me, if I am mistaken, but it seemed to me, did you speak as if you knew something more about my family?

Dive again took up his boots and, stabbing him, put in bed.

- A few weeks ago, you and your brother killed one noble Orselian - the duke of Proster de Montfor, - he raised his head, looking at the alarmed interlocutor. "If I am not mistaken, for your head his son Siril will give two such stones as you then managed to carry from the repository of his castle in the Vimmark mountains.

Carver Hawk jumped on his feet. His elbow book flew from a bedside table, with a knock and a rustle falling to the floor. Lying to the wall of the face elf moved on his bed.

But after all ... Guardians do not give out guards!

Guardians of the Guardians are not issued, - reassured him dive, removing the second boot and putting it next to the first. - And here, similar names may appear from non-existence when they are least expecting them. My second name is also Amell. Dive Amell. My grandfather arrived in Ferlden from somewhere out of the brand. Looks like I escort from the same family as your mother. And I had the negligence to mention this with de Montfort.

So are you Amell? - In the impulse of the feelings, the young Hawke glad to rushed forward. Diven did not have time to come to his senses in other bear hugs. - Well, of course! This explains a lot. And our resemblance, and ... Your grandfather was called Andrea Amell?

Andrea, - confirmed the dive, with difficulty inhaling a new relative to an arted hand of a new relative.

The mother talked about his escape from the family ... When he tried to justify himself before his own escape, "Karver squeezed him again at first and, shining, I sat down back to my bed with Mahu. - It turns out, you are my rosic brother! Or, as they say in Eagle and Mark - cousin. Oh, creator! Who would have thought!

The joy of a new relative was so sincere that Dive involuntarily smiled himself.

Before you wish to fulfill the rite of blood revenge for the death of your father, that fell from your hand, de Montfor told me about our family. Many of what he told me, I did not know before. And anyway, it is amazing. See you here, - Dive grunted, unbuttoning the upper Camzole, under which the black steel of the converted temple of the armor was visible. "From what I found out, I thought you had to return to Kirkwall with my brother."

The smile slowly slipped from the face of Hawk. Furming, he picked up a book lying on the floor and neatly returned it to the table.

Everything was not so ... cousin.

How much I remember my family - we were constantly moving, looking into the face of the brother, exactly in their improved mirror reflection, Karver told. Crossed legs, he sat on the very edge of the bed. Dive settled on the contrary, putting his elbows on his knees, and fed forward. Between the brothers, floating, tramored the last candle, but they did not notice anything but each other. According to Karver, his calling in Guardians took place so suddenly that he turned out to be cut off from the loved ones and everyone who knew, too quickly and could hardly come to his senses. Meeting with a relative, let the distant and recognized only now, quite unexpectedly reassured and was noticeably pleased him. He looked in her a good sign of the start of his service for the guarantees, exactly as the dive, who was truly glad to learn that he had yet had birth risks. Carver's appearance was rather convincing - even if they both could be mistaken about the origin of Amelles, which belonged to, the family similarity of their individuals said for themselves. In addition, it was a pleasant that immediately arose between them, according to both, it could not be anything else, except for the call of blood, to which they did not fail to follow.

About my father I know little. More precisely, he told little about himself. Mom - Even she did not know anything about him. That is, about his past, - in the meantime, young Hawk, apparently, not knowing what to start a story, and wanting to say everything at the same time. - His name is Malcolm, he was a magician, originally from Ferlden.

Received from: Duncan [Ostor]

Description: To accomplish this quest, you must continue to move to the southeast, destroying all the monsters with which you encounter during the time spent in the forest. Stop as soon as you find yourself enough close to small ruins (). It would be nice to prepare for a difficult battle, healing members of your team, improving their equipment and retaining the game.

You must be able to notice a small wooden bridge at a distance (). The bridge will be defended by monsters, and you will have to follow mostly behind the grocery-cable. You must continue to attack mini-boss at a distance, because the area around the bridge is filled with [traps]. Continue to attack the monster until it is killed.

If your team has a person who is able to neutralize [traps], you should spend some time on it. Otherwise, you will have to be careful when moving your team on the other side of the river. Now you should start moving to the northeast (). I have to warn you that it does not take much time before you encounter a new mini boss. This time you will deal with a powerful warrior (Garlock-leader), so you have to beware that satellites lose a lot of health because of the enemy attacks. Be sure to inspect the body of the boss after the battle.

You will need to get to the area marked on the map. Enter the ruins of a larger size and pay attention to the cache with a yellow flashing arrow (). I would not recommend approaching the cache if you have not fulfilled the quest, because it will cause a cat-scene with the participation of the Morrigan Witch. The conversation with Morrigan will be short and inappropriate, because it ultimately automatically leads you to another place to meet her mother - a bubble.

You do not have to pay too much attention to your answers while talking with a pie thing, because sooner or later it will give you ancient contracts, and you will automatically return to [Ostor] (