Gingivitis in a child: symptoms and treatment. How to remove gum inflammation in children at home? Gingivitis in child 1.5 years Treatment

Today we will talk about gingivitis in children. This disease is familiar to many parents. It delivers many problems to the child himself and those who are at this moment next to him. Let's try to understand the essence of the problem, its causes, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Is the gingivitis so terrible or can it be successfully fighting? We will try to tell us about this and many other things as much as possible.

What is gingivitis?

So, this is inflammation of the gums, or rather, the edge of their parts and papillas located between the teeth. Traditionally, it is considered that this is only the first call, the initial stage of the development of the inflammatory process. If it is not stopped on time, it can lead to more serious tissue lesions. And not only soft, but also bone. In the end, the child may lose his teeth, including permanent.

Of course, this is the most unfavorable forecast, but it is impossible to exclude anything in the launched state.

Video - what is gingivitis and how to treat it

Causes of occurrence

Why is the most children from birth to ten years often diagnosed gingivitis? Let's try to figure out what leads to this problem. How easy it is to guess, the main reason for the appearance of gingivitis in children is bad oral hygiene. The parents immediately arise the question immediately - why? After all, many of them regularly brush their teeth. Here, the legs of the problem are growing. It is important not what you do, but how. You can clean them five times a day, making it wrong.

What basic mistakes should be called first?

  1. Protecting the weak enamel of children's teeth, parents buy a low-grayscale paste and brushes with soft bristles. They remove only a thin surface layer of the dental plaque.
  2. Not used . Consequently, there remains a raid between the teeth. This leads to inflammation of interdental papillars.
  3. Only the surfaces of the teeth themselves are cleaned. Bacteria are collected not only on the teeth, but also on the gums themselves, the inner surface of the cheeks and the language. They also need to be processed, otherwise the harmful flora will multiply very quickly.

Causes of gingivitis in children

Also gingivitis may be traumatic origin. Small children pull in the mouth toys, different small things. Solid food like superstars can also cause a wound appearance. Next, the bacteria will complete the process.

The third common cause is inflammation. This process affects all children without exception. While the tooth does not make a place through soft fabrics and will not rise in the dentition as it is planned by nature, you have to endure such problems.

It is often possible to meet an allergic type of this disease. Millions of children have different types of food allergies around the world. One of their symptoms is inflammation of the gums.

In children under 2 years old, these reasons are basic. At the older age (5-10 years) it is worth considering some others.

  1. Food. It is possible that in the diet lacks any nutrients, vitamins. The gums react to changes in the body very quickly, showing the need for your intervention.
  2. Often inflammation external can only be the consequence of various infections affecting the upper respiratory tract.
  3. If the teeth developed caries, Gingivitis often accompanies this disease. If carious cavities have sharp edges, traumatic gingivitis is also possible.
  4. In case of impairment of nasal respiration, it is often possible to observe the development of infections in the oral cavity, causing gingivitis in children.

But even this is not a complete list of reasons. Very often, the appearance of the inflammatory process on the gums leads the actions of the doctors themselves. And this is not always the error. In particular, we are talking about installing apparatus for orthodontic correction. Often they injured the gums. And if you add the complexity of the cleaning of the teeth to this, we get a complete picture.

Also injured the gum can be poorly treated seal. A picture is often observed when the hanging edge is not polished and leads to damage to soft tissues. Do not forget about bite disorders. With the crowd of teeth in the child, such problems are not uncommon. We'll have to contact an orthodontist specialist.

Perhaps we have forgotten a few more reasons, but this is a general article, and not scientific material for specialists in the field of dentistry.

How to classify the shape of gingivitis?

So, it is not difficult to guess, the next item of our article is the classification of gingivitis in children. In modern medicine, five forms of this disease are distinguished.

  1. . The most common form. Usually occurs when the teething of dairy or constant teeth. Also may have infectious reasons. Delivers considerable discomfort to the patient. Accompanied by itching and pain, bleeding. During cleaning teeth, the symptoms are enhanced. There is a characteristic unpleasant smell of mouth. If the child at this point has to use hot food or even drink not cold tea, the discomfort in the gums is enhanced.

  2. The form of gingivitis in children is much less common. It happens fibrous and edema. If an edema type of hypertrophic gingivitis is observed, symptoms are similar to a catarrhal form. When fibrosis, interdental papillas are increased in size. That is, soft fabric itself grows. It becomes unnaturally loose, false gantry pockets appear, resembling similar in periodontal disease. The gums gradually closes the dental crowns. Usually this form has a hormonal origin.

  3. in children. This form can be attributed to violations that are directly related to the state of the child's immune system. Usually the response of the body into infectious diseases like influenza. Also often accompanies stomatitis caused by herpes virus. Often, a banal supercooling becomes. In addition to redness, pain, itching and edema, foci of erosion appear on which there is a flare. With ulcerative gingivitis, children have breakdowns and appetite. It often causes general weakness.

  4. Atrophic gingivitis in children. The cause of development can be both congenital disorders, such as the anomalies of fastening of bridles or heavyness, and errors made by orthodontics. In this case, the inflammatory process itself can manifest itself weakly, but the lesions of the gums are noticeable. The neck of the tooth is gradually exposed, the reaction to thermal and chemical stimuli is enhanced.
  5. Symptomatics. Main manifestations

    It is naive to believe that the symptoms of gingivitis in children are limited exclusively to itching, redness of the gums and reactions for hot, sharp, etc. It may be bleeding when cleaning the teeth, the use of solid food. Also, often in children there is an increased body temperature. Sometimes it rises to 38 and even higher. Almost always can be seen on the teeth a large amount of plaque. This is due to the fact that the soreness of the gums no longer allows the child to fully perform hygienic procedures. Also often detected carious dental damage, presence.

    Over time, swells appear, the dimensions of which depend on the form of the disease. In particular, with hypertrophic gingivitis, the gums can partially or completely close the crown of the tooth.

    If the problem arises from a small child up to a year or a little older, he begins to capricious, he eats badly, falls asleep with difficulty. Painful and unpleasant feelings do not allow him to relax and calm down. The gradually inflammatory process weakens the body. It becomes more susceptible to other infections. After all, at this point, all the forces of the immune system are thrown on protection against those bacteria that caused inflammation. Nausea may occur, headache caused by general intoxication. These manifestations for the catarrhal disease are especially characteristic.

    Gingivitis - gum inflammation in a child


    The diagnosis of gingivitis is a complicated thing. For the simple reason that the disease can only be a manifestation of any other problem. After all, the inflammation of the gum is not the reason, but a consequence. If you do not diagnose the main disease on time, you can get a lot of problems.

    3 degrees of hyperplasia gums:


    I degree

    The gum edge is slightly thickened and raised in the form of a roller, speaking on the eve of the oral cavity, closes the crowns on 1/3

    II degree

    Desna covers crowns of teeth up to 1/2

    III degree

    The gum reaches the cutting edge or the chewing surface of the teeth

    It is important to determine in what form the disease proceeds, to identify whether there are no accompanying infections, dental diseases. Often gingivitis arises against the background of the development of periodontitis. On the gum may appear a fistula through which the pus comes out. The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints of the patient, classical for the disease of the symptoms - edema, the bleeding of the gums, the presence of a soft and solid flooring on the teeth, redness, etc.

    Treatment of Gingivita

    It is necessary to approach treatment issues in comprehensive, given the causes of the disease and the consequences of its flow. It is necessary not only to eliminate the infection, but also to provide a child quality nutrition, normal oral hygiene, etc. If the disease is hormonal, it can also be about maintaining therapy, strengthening immunity.

    The first steps should be associated with the mandatory rehabilitation of the oral cavity. If there are sick teeth, they need to be cured. Caries, periodontitis and other dental diseases often accompany gingivitis in children.

    It is also necessary to remove the dental and dental flare. If these are solid perennial deposits, get rid of them without the help of a specialist will be problematic. They can be removed both by mechanical means and using ultrasound skaler. The latter has greater efficiency. Separate detailed article.

    Video - Treatment and Gingivitis Prevention

    Treatment at home

    Not always, the parents have the opportunity to take the kid to the doctor. But if the diagnosis is obvious, it is necessary to provide all the way to save it from pain and discomfort. What can be done at home? Here the question is somewhat deeper - how to treat gingivitis in children, so that at the same time not to harm their fragile health? First, most doctors believe that home treatment is exceptionally symptomatic. It is necessary to diagnose the cause of the occurrence of gingivitis. Then it will be possible to choose a set of measures to eliminate it.

    Worst of all, when the parents have the words "infection" and "inflammation", panic begins. MiG is bought by different kinds of anti-inflammatory pills and syrups or even worse - antibiotics. Such self-treatment leads to more serious problems than the gingivitis itself. Also, it is not necessary to give a child the antipyretic if the temperature did not rise above 38-38.5. And indeed, the more often it means such funds, the worse the body copes with infections in the future.

    Activities for the treatment of gingivitis:

    Anti-inflammatory therapyAs anti-inflammatory therapy, the doctor will select drugs that can mostly act on the vulnerable body of a pregnant woman and not harm the fetus
    Dental removalDeat deposits are removed mechanically using. The idea that ultrasound is harmful to the fetus are bothering, because throughout the pregnancy, the woman is planned by an ultrasound examination
    Prevention of recycling inflammationRefuse excessive amounts of sweet. There are more vegetables and fruits. Regularly carry out the necessary: \u200b\u200bbrush your teeth, use the floss and antiseptic rinsing

    What you definitely do not harm:

  • rinse with chamomile extracts, sage, calendula, oak bark, etc.;
  • the use of various preparations based on propolis;
  • aloe Leaf Cashel Squeezes and rinsing using plants juice.

But, as mentioned above, you remove the symptoms, and not eliminate the cause.

Video - Inflammation of Dysen, Treatment at home

Gingivitis in children - Treatment by professional methods

  • child Miramistin in the form of a solution. They need to rinse the mouth of the child every 3 - 4 hours;
  • , solution of 0.05%. Rinse after cleaning teeth, i.e. 2 or 3 times a day.

In both cases it is important to trace so that the child holds a solution in the mouth for at least 30 seconds. Otherwise, the actors will not have time to show the necessary properties and the tool will be ineffective. There are also many gels and ointments that take itching, inflammation and reduced swelling. The most popular among them:

  • based on metronidazole and chlorhexidine;
  • Holin-based holine salicylate and chloride cyticonium.

The gels are applied to the edge of the gums and gums. It is important that the child does not slip all this time and does not swallow the drug. After applying the gel, it is impossible to eat about one and a half or two hours. If inflammation arose against the background of a concomitant disease (for example, herpetic stomatitis), it is important to carry out a course of treatment of the main disease. Other than the other measures do not bring much benefit.

Another important point. A lot of different means are sold in pharmacies that can alleviate the flow of gingivitis. But not all of these means can be given to small children. Some restriction comes from two years, others - in general from 14. The manufacturers have become sick, avoiding such clarifications. But on the Internet you can easily find more complete versions of instructions. They are indicated, from what age the drug is allowed, what kind of contraindications and side effects it has.

If we are talking about powerful antiseptic additives, allergic reactions may occur on some of them.

Gingivitis in children - preventive measures

Good prevention is always better even of the most vocational treatment. It includes several simple and even banal rules.

As practice shows, while compliance with these preventive measures, the infectious version of the gingivitis is practically excluded. Manifestations occur only when teething and due to hormonal changes in the body.

On this we are completing our narration. We hope that the material presented was useful and interesting for you. Do not forget that you have the opportunity to comment!

Video - Gingivitis in children and pregnant women

The gums are soft fabrics consisting of epithelium cells and covering upper and lower alveums of jaws and a dental neck. The gum disease occupy leading positions among dental pathologies, in prevalence, yielding only infectious damage to solid dentals - caries. Especially often in people of any age there is a gingivitis - an inflammatory disease of a non-infectious nature, accompanied by redness, soreness and swelling of the gums.

The gums inflated

The main cause of gingivitis dentists consider incorrect care of the oral cavity and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, leading to dirt and bacteria on the gum mucosa, so more than 40% of cases are diagnosed in childhood. The risk group includes children of junior preschool age (from 1 to 4 years old), but pathology is often found in schoolchildren, as well as babies under the age of 1 year. If the child inflamed the gum, it is best to consult a dentist to eliminate possible infectious and purulent processes. Gingivitis is good to treat at home, so it's not worth tightening with a children's dental office.

Gingivitis in children

Causes and provoking factors

Treatment of gingivitis should begin with clarifying the causes of its occurrence and eliminating factors negatively affecting the state of the oral cavity. If a child already cleans his teeth on his own, it is necessary to control whether he keeps the teeth cleaning technique, since the monotonous movements back and forth cannot provide cleanliness of hard-to-reach areas.

How to clean your teeth

It is also important to check in what condition are the objects of individual hygiene used to purify the teeth and gums. First of all, it concerns a toothbrush. It must correspond to the child's age, to have a bristle of suitable rigidity and stored separately from the brushes, which other family members use. It is very important that on the brush there were no signs of pile deformation, since such a bristle injured the gums and can cause the appearance of a wound and abrasion, through which pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the deep layers of mucous membranes.

Old brush

Chronic inflammatory processes can be the result of certain diseases of various etiology, which include:

  • diabetes;
  • infection caused by a koche stick (tuberculosis);
  • partial dysfunction of parenchyma and glomeruli of the renal system (nephropathy);
  • disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland and adrenal glands and related hormonal failures;
  • systemic inflammation of connecting fibers (rheumatism);
  • diseases of the digestive organs (gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, enteritis, etc.).

Gastritis in a child

A large role in the prevention of gingivitis has a diet. It should contain a sufficient amount of products rich in vitamins (especially ascorbic acid): fruits, berries, greenery, meat, milk and vegetables. If the child is experiencing a deficiency of ascorbic acid, the structure of the gum will become loose, which increases the likelihood of bleeding and various inflammatory processes.

The child cleans the teeth

How to distinguish acute inflammation from chronic pathology?

In most cases, children are diagnosed with acute gingivitis, having a catarrhal form. The main feature of the disease is redness of the gums and the education of edema. The desna appears swelling, which can be painful when pressing or receiving food. Very often, pathology is accompanied by bleeding - in this case, blood streaks can appear during the cleaning of teeth, chewing coarse food or random injury to soft tissues with solid products, such as bones or apples.

Acute catarrhal gingivitis

In the chronic form of inflammation, the child has the same symptoms, but they have no such high intensity and are usually not accompanied by pain syndrome. Exacerbations in chronic gingivitis are caused by the impact of provoking factors or systemic diseases. If the number of attacks exceeds 3-4 cases per year, the child is advisable to examine the presence of hidden forms of inflammatory or infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis.

Table. Signs of acute and chronic inflammation.

Hyperemia Strong redness of the gums, often affecting sites on which several teeth are located. Moderate redness predominantly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe peanut part of the tooth.
Painful feelings There are during meals, cleaning teeth, when pressing. With severe forms, it may appear even with a random touch of an inflamed area. Usually absent. An insignificant discomfort may occur with random contact with solid objects or coarse food.
Swelling and swelling There is a pronounced edema, swelling may appear in the field of interdental papillas. Sweet is dense, painless.
Unpleasant May be absent. Moderate peeling smell, which quickly returns after cleaning the teeth.
Bleeding It has high intensity and continues for 7-10 days. In 70% of children has a permanent character and enhanced during the exacerbation.

Gingivitis in a child - atrophic and hypertrophic

Note! Temperature with gingivitis is a rare phenomenon, but some children have inflammation may occur against the background of a minor increase that is within subfebris. If the temperature holds longer than 3 days and rises above 37.5 °, it is necessary to show the child a dentist to eliminate the likelihood of periodontal infectious diseases.

Gingivitis in a child

How to treat?

The treatment of gingivitis should always be comprehensive. It is very important to eliminate all the negative factors that can cause re-inflammation, so before the start of therapy, you should contact the children's dentist-hygienist. This is a doctor who is engaged in the prevention of dental diseases and professional oral hygiene. If there is no specialist in this profile in the clinic, his duties perform a dentist-therapist.

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Treatment of Gingivita

Before starting drug therapy, it is necessary to remove dental plates and solid deposits, as they are a constant source of infection in the mouth and increase the risk of inflammation several times. The choice of the method for the procedure depends on the age of the child and the existing contraindications. In most cases, ultrasound is used to remove the plaque, but if necessary, special brushes with polishing nozzles can also be used. The procedure of all children is moved well, since it does not cause painful sensations.

Note! With highly severe pain (with gingivitis complicated by ulcers), local anesthesia will be made before the procedure of procedure. After the professional cleaning of the teeth, the doctor will prescribe a child with medication treatment, including local action preparations with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. With severe pain syndrome, the means of which include anesthetics, for example, lidocaine.

Child at the dentologist

Medicia treatment

Despite the fact that the drugs listed below are well transferred to children and rarely cause side effects, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment, as some of them have age limitations.

Vegetable Raw Preparations

One of the most effective and safe preparations for the treatment of inflammatory processes in childhood is considered "Rotokan". This alcohol solution, which includes extracts of three medicinal herbs: yarrow, pharmacy chamomile and calendula margins. The liquid has a sharp herbal smell and dark brown color.


The product has a comprehensive therapeutic effect:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • stimulates regenerative functions and accelerates healing the defects of the mucous layer;
  • reduces the severity of painful sensations;
  • it has antibacterial and antimicrobial activity and provides antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity.

Before applying Rotokan, it is necessary to dilute with warm boiled water (180-200 ml). The drug dosage depends on the severity of the inflammatory process, the age of the child and the individual tolerance of the components. Young children are recommended to breed 1-2 teaspoons on a glass of water. Children over 7 years old dosage of the drug can be increased to 3 spoons per use.

Application "Rotokan"

The resulting solution needs to rinse the mouth 2-3 times a day. If the child does not know how to rinse the mouth or there is a risk of random swallowing, the tool can be used for applications. A gauze or cotton tourund must be rich in the cooked solution and attached to the inflamed area for 15-20 minutes. Number of procedures - 2-3 per day.

Important! The duration of the healing course should not exceed 5 days. If after this period inflammation does not pass, you should contact the dentist.

A similar to therapeutic effect has a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local processing "Romazulan". In the quality of the ingredient, it contains daisy flowers pharmacy and has pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and antibacterial properties.


Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe medication tools containing antiseptic components or anesthetics. Lidocaine is considered the most popular anesthetic ingredient. Compared to other anesthetics (Novocaine, ultrakain), it rarely causes allergic reactions and is well tolerated by children of younger age. Chlorhexidine or hexedine is most often used from the antiseptics. Combined drugs have pronounced therapeutic effects - they help eliminate painful sensations and improve the state of the gums in just 2-3 days of use.


Depending on the testimony, the following medicines can be assigned to the child:

  • "Asepta";
  • "Metrogil Denta";
  • "Dentamet";
  • "Camistad";
  • "Methodith";


All these drugs are produced in the form of gels for topical use. They must be applied to inflamed areas from 2 to 4 times a day with a finger, cotton wand or a special applicator. The course of treatment can be from 3 to 10 days, but in children it rarely exceeds 5-7 days.

Note! If the reactions of intolerance or signs of allergies (burning, rash, itching), the use of the drug must be discontinued and consult a doctor. Processed gums should be thoroughly rinsed with a large amount of running water and take any antihistamine preparation (for example, Claritin or Tueva).


Prevention measures

The basis of health is not only teeth, but also the gums is the oral hygiene. It is necessary to use a toothbrush from the moment of the teething of the first tooth, that is, from about 6-8 months. Prior to this age, special dental napkins can be used, which gently remove the residues of food and fall from the surface of the gums and cheeks, preventing inflammatory and infectious processes. It is necessary to teach a child with self-cleaning of teeth from a one-year-old age, since it was on the second year of the life of the kids show maximum curiosity and willingly repeat all the actions of adults.

The child must brush the teeth about one year

Of great importance is the right choice and timely replacement of the toothbrush. Children recommend buying brushes with a soft pile of bristles to not injure gums. It is necessary to change the products at least 1 time in 2-3 months. If there are signs of deformation of the pile, the brush must be replaced, without waiting for the expiration of this period.

Children with chronic gingivitis need to pay increased attention to strengthening the protective functions of the body. To do this, it is necessary to properly draw up a children's diet so that the child will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as use the secrets of the activities: gymnastics, hardening and massage. To strengthen local immunity, it is possible to undergo prophylactic courses of treating herbal fees several times a year, of which infusions and risks for rinsing are preparing (the course consists of 5-10 procedures).

Prevention Gingivita

Gingivitis is a very common disease in childhood, the main cause of which is non-compliance with the hygienic regime. With frequent inflammatory processes, the child needs to show a dentist who will conduct professional brushing teeth and teach the baby to the right teeth care.

Video - gum inflammation

Dentistry of Moscow


From this article you will learn:

  • what are the diseases of the gum in children,
  • gingivitis in children - symptoms,
  • what to do if the gums inflated.

The article is written by a dentist with more than 19 years.

Gingivitis in children is one of the most common diseases. However, the gum disease in children is not limited to gingivitis. The inflammation of the gum in a child can also be observed with a periodontal of one of their teeth (in this case, an uknemy or fistula appears on the gum). Also, the phenomena of gingivitis are always present against the background of the child's disease with herpetic stomatitis.

Before starting treatment, it is very important to properly differentiate the gum disease in a child to avoid the wrong and, thus, useless treatment. Below we consider each of these diseases separately.

1. Gingivitis in children: symptoms, treatment

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the edge gum adjacent to the teeth, and interdental papillas (Fig. 1-3). Gingivitis is the most initial inflammation phase, and if it is not treated - inflammation will increase, it can begin to collapse the bone around the tooth, and the mobility of teeth will appear.

Gingivitis in children: photo

Gingivitis in children: symptoms

  • bleeding gums
  • soreness when cleaning teeth,
  • emission of the edge gum and interdental papillas,
  • redness of the gums - the red gums in the child are a symptom of the acute phase of inflammation,
  • the sinushesity of the gums - the blue gum in the child will be in the case of the transition of acute inflammation into chronic, with a low-heated symptom.

With an objective inspection in the oral cavity, clusters of soft dental plates and solid dental sediments are found, and, as a rule, a large number of carious teeth (

Children's Gingivitis: Causes

So, we answer the question: why the bleeding gums in the child ... The reason for the development of gingivitis is the microbial flore of the dental. Due to bad hygiene, the accumulation of the dental plate, the microflora of which actively produces toxins and inflammation mediators. These toxins and mediators, affecting the gum, cause an intense inflammatory response, which manifests itself by the development of edema, bleeding, etc.

Those. The main factor in the development of gingivitis is a soft microbial toothache and dental deposits, i.e. Bad hygiene!

Factors contributing to the development of gingivitis
in addition to the main factor, there are additional factors that themselves do not cause inflammation, but contribute to its occurrence. ..

  • Local factors -
    → Detection filling defects (hanging seals),
    → Skin anomalies: the crowned teeth,
    → Sharp edges of carious cavities (Fig. 4),
    → Wearing orthodontic devices (Fig. 5),
    → Owl breathing,
    → Anomalies attaching bridles of lips and language.
    The local factors listed in themselves do not cause gingivitis, but they make it difficult to hygiene of the oral cavity and therefore contribute to the accumulation of dental plates.
  • General factors -
    Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, infectious diseases (including ARVI), hormonal and hereditary diseases. These factors lead to a change in the reactivity of the body (decrease in immunity) - due to which the gum resistance to toxins and inflammation mediators, which produces a microbial flore of the dental plaque.

Gingivitis: Treatment in children

As we talked above - gingivitis in children occurs only with clusters on the teeth of microbial dental plates and dental sediments. In this regard, the relevant therapeutic measures are selected. The treatment of gingivitis in children should include the following activities:

  1. Removal of plaque and tartar -
    you can remove dental deposits by conducting a session of professional oral hygiene at the reception at the dentist. Dental deposits are removed using ultrasound, after which the teeth are polished with special brushes. The procedure is painless.

    In Fig. 6, you can see the ultrasonic tip, with which the dental deposits remove. Touching the tip of the tip to dental deposits causes the destruction of the attachment of the tootham to the teeth.

    Gingivitis in children - treatment is primarily in removing soft microbial plaque and solid dental deposits with ultrasound. An attempt to use various rinsing, gels with antibiotics and antiseptics, toothpastes with herbs, of course, will lead to temporary sacrament of inflammation. But as soon as the use of medicines will end - inflammation will develop with a new force. Anti-inflammatory therapy should be applied only after removing the dental stone and plaque!

  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy -
    the bleeding of the gum in children is one of the main symptoms of gingivitis, along with soreness when cleaning teeth, swelling and redness of the edge gum. In order to rather remove the symptoms, it is necessary to conduct a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. Inflamed gums of the child can be treated by the following dosage forms: antiseptic rinsing, appliqués.

    Antiseptic rinsing:

    • 0.05% chlorhexidine solution (instruction for the drug)
      Course 10 days (no more), 2 times a day in the morning and evening after the oral hygiene. It is desirable to rinse your mouth at least 30-40 seconds. There are no contraindications in age. The solution has a bitter taste.
    • Miramistin (instructions for the drug)
      Solutions for rinsing for children from 3 years. Rinse 3-4 times a day for 30-40 seconds. Miramistin is somewhat inferior to chlorhexidine according to the strength of action, and besides it is much more expensive.
    • Not alcohol herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus ... (except oak bark)

    Anti-inflammatory gels, ointment:

    Frequently asked questions: what to smear the gums to the child, what is better - gel or ointment for gums for children? Children's ointment for the gums by force will noticeably give up gels for gums. Gels are significantly better held on a wet mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In addition, medicinal substances from the gels are more easily penetrated into the mucous membrane than out of ointments. Therefore, the effectiveness of gel-based dosage forms is higher.

    • Holovaal (instructions for the drug)
      Gel for gum childrens. Active substances: Holine Salicylate and Cetalconium chloride. It has not only anti-inflammatory, but also an anesthetic effect. It can be used not only in the treatment of gingivitis, but also when teething with teeth in order to anesthesia (rubbing into the area of \u200b\u200bteething).

      There are no contraindications in age. It is applied to the edge part of the gums and gantry nipples primarily by the front surface of the teeth. The course is not more than 10 days. Applied 2 times a day (in the morning, and in the evening before bed) immediately at the end of the antiseptic rinse. After applying, it is advisable for 2-3 hours not to take food and not rinse your mouth (you can drink).

    • Metrogil Denta (instructions for the drug)
      Gel for gums for children. Active substances: Metronidazole 10 mg, chlorhexidine 0.5 mg
      Can be applied with 6 years of age. It is applied to the edge part of the gums and intersubolic nipples in the area of \u200b\u200ball the teeth of the gum 2 times a day. Wash gel is not recommended. After applying the gel, it is advisable not to eat and not rinse the mouth for 2-3 hours (you can drink). The duration of the course of treatment is not more than 10 days.

    If you decide to treat a child yourselfYou need to know that the removal of dental deposits before starting treatment is mandatory. If anti-inflammatory therapy is applied without removing a soft and solid dental plaque, it will cause the following:

    → Symptoms (bleeding, swelling, etc.) will certainly decrease or disappeared. But, as soon as the course of treatment is over - the symptoms will arise again. This is due to the fact that the cause of the development of gingivitis (microbial toothache) was not removed, and the treatment was carried out only with respect to symptoms.

    → The transition of gingivitis from acute form with severe symptomatomy - in a chronic form with scarce symptoms, which, with a high probability, it can end up with a child in a child of periodontitis.

  3. Sanation of the oral cavity
    It is necessary to cure all carious teeth, because In carious cavities a lot of infection, which causes not only the rotting of the teeth, but also inflammation of the gums. In young children often occurs the so-called bottle form of caries, which is connected not only with bad hygiene and improper feeding of the child.

    In the treatment of caries in children up to 3 years of age, as a rule, the dental clinics use the silvering method of teeth. Despite the fact that this method does not require drilling teeth, it has great disadvantages, yielding to the same in efficiency, for example, a method of deep fluorination or remineralizing therapy.

Gingivitis Prevention -

WHO experts (World Health Organization) identified the following main activities for the prevention of gingivitis:

  • Proper oral hygiene -
    first, it includes the correct teeth cleaning method and the gum of the child depending on age. After all, many parents simply do not know even from what age should begin the child's oral hygiene. And it is necessary to start it before the teething of the first teeth.
  • The right choice of toothpaste -
    Secondly, meaningful assistance to parents in the fight against caries and gingivitis can have toothpastes. If hygiene, high-quality, and as a result, the child has no caries and gingivitis - you can use almost any children's toothpaste. However, with insufficient hygiene, a toothpaste can come to the rescue with special components (for example, aminofluoride), which are capable of compensating for hygiene deficiencies in a certain amount.

    On how to choose a tooth pasta to a child, as well as familiarize yourself with the rating of such pastes - you can in the article:
    → "Toothpaste rating for children of different ages"

  • Rational nutrition of children -
    We are talking about power mode (avoid snacking) and restricting the reception of accessible carbohydrates (candies, cookies, sweet drinks, etc.). Easily-friendly carbohydrates should be given to the child just immediately after eating. After that, within 5 minutes you need to brush your teeth.

2. Inflammation of the gum in a child during periodontitis -

In the absence of treatment, caries teeth gradually goes into the pulpitis, and then in periodontitis. At the moments of exacerbation, periodontitis flows with the appearance of dumpence, the formation of a cyst, fistulating on the gum with purulent separated.

In Fig. 9-10, you can see as in the projection of the roots of destroyed teeth (in both cases it is a central upper cutter) - on the gums there is a limited swelling, filled with pus. In both cases, inflammation caused infection in the top of the root of the central upper cutter.

Read more about the inflammation of the gums in children with a periodontitis in children, read - here

3. Symptoms of gingivitis against the background of herpetic stomatitis -

Very often, with a viral herpetic stomatitis, an accompanying acute gingivitis occurs. In this case, the dentive papillas and the edge part of the gums increase due to edema, become bright red. Read more about the inflammation of the gums on the background of Stomatitis, read in the article: "Treatment of various forms of stomatitis in children." We hope that our article on the topic: Gingivitis in children treatment - it turned out to be useful to you!

See also:

estimates, average:

Treatment of gingivitis in children

Gum diseases often appear in childhood. Especially frequent illness is gingivitis, which can cause the development of unpleasant complications. That is why it is so important to prepare the treatment of gingivitis in children.

Many believe that the main dental problem of children - caries. Of course, this pathology is often found, but, according to statistics, 80% of children detected precisely gingivitis - pathology characterized by inflammation of the gum edge.

The causes of gingivita

Before treating gingivitis in children, it is important to determine the reason for its appearance. As a rule, pathology is the result of incorrect and poor-quality oral hygiene, which contributes to the development of pathogenic microorganisms, causing inflammation of the gums, therefore, gingivitis satellites are such problems as caries and dental deposits.

Several predisposing factors contributing to the development of pathology:

  • gum injuries;
  • teething;
  • low immunity;
  • allergy;
  • chronic diseases of the oral cavity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hormonal changes;
  • defective nutrition;
  • anomalies of the dental system;
  • pathological bite;
  • destroyed seals;
  • orthodontic designs.

Gingivitis in children up to a year and a little older appears, as a rule, due to the injury of the gums during teething.

Symptoms Gingivita

Gingivitis in children causes the appearance of different symptoms. The very first sign of the disease - the bleeding of the gums and redness of the gum edge (parts of the gums, located near the tooth crowns). Then joins swelling, pain, burning, smell of mouth. The temperature in the gingivitis in children increases, so general well-being is disturbed.

Teething of teeth in babies can also be accompanied by other unpleasant moments, such as temperature. You can read more about this in this article. About the various stages of gum inflammation read here.

Catarial gingivitis in children occurs most often, especially during the appearance of the teeth and the change of dairy bite is constant. This type of gingivitis is manifested by redness of the gum, edema, bleeding, pain during food and teeth cleansing. Recent signs contribute to the weighting of the process, since children refuse to brush their teeth.

If you do not treat this form of the disease, ulcerative gingivitis can develop, which is characterized by the appearance of ulcers on the gum. This form of pathology can go into the ulcerative-necrotic, in which destroyed sections of the gums appear. For this stage, elevated intocication of the body is characteristic, as a result of which the child is breaking the appetite, sleep, general well-being.

Gingivitis in a child 2 years flows the same way as in children of other ages, although adolescents have hormonal disorders and changes in metabolism, the appearance of hypertrophic gingivitis, characterized by the growth of gums, is most often caused. It is often enough to see the gingivitis in the photo in children to easily determine the form and degree of the disease in your child. However, self-medication is dangerous, so it is important to contact a specialist.

Treatment of gingivitis in children of different ages

Gingivitis in a one-year-old child is treated by the same methods as in an adult, except that many drugs are prohibited due to the tendency of children to allergies, so gentle and soft medicines are selected.

Gingivitis in children is 1 year old and older is eliminated by local and general methods of therapy. We begin treatment with the removal of the plaque, which, firstly, in itself is often the cause of pathology, and, secondly, is a cluster of microbes. Removal of dental sediments - a painless procedure, which should be carried out every six months. After it, local and common anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Almost everyone is assigned to rinsing the mouth with rods, chlorhexidine, Miramistin. The course of therapy - 10 days with rinsings should be approximately 5-6 times a day. Young children often do not know how to rinse the mouth and swallow solutions, so they are prescribed gels and ointments. Gel preparations are better than ointments, since qualitatively hold on the gum mucosa, and the active components penetrate the affected areas faster.

The most popular gels are holisal and metrged dental. Holovaal is capable not only to stop inflammation, but also pain. It can be appointed to children of all ages, it is rubbed into the affected areas several times a day (no more than 5) a few hours before meals, the course of therapy is 10 days. Metrogil Denta can be prescribed to children over 6 years old. This tool quickly and effectively relieves inflammation, the improvement of the state occurs almost immediately. It is applied in the morning before taking food and before bedtime 10-day course.

In addition to the main procedures, it is important to do gum massages to improve blood supply and metabolism. This will help quickly achieve a positive result.

In the development of necrotic gingivitis, it is resorted to a surgical removal of destroyed areas or necrolism (drug dissolution of the sections of dead tissues).

After removing acute phenomena, it is important to teach the child's oral hygiene and correctly pick up hygiene products. After all, it can only warn the recurrence of the disease. A soft toothbrush is selected to the child to eliminate the injury of gums, anti-inflammatory toothpastes and rinsers. Lowering drugs are also prescribed: vitamins, full nutrition, means restoring metabolism, etc.

In addition to the treatment of gingivitis, other dental diseases should be carried out (especially caries), which could cause pathology.

Gingivitis - gum inflammation in a child

The inflammation of the gum, which in medicine is called gingivitis, is very common in childhood. It is quite easily diagnosed in an acute stage due to a pronounced clinical picture, and chronic gingivitis is often detected during regular examinations from the dentist. Any form of gingivitis in a child requires treatment, since the disease causes discomfort and can lead to serious problems with the oral cavity.

What is it

Gingivitis is a disease at which the gum fabric adjacent to the teeth is affected. Most often, such inflammation is found at the children over five years old, especially in adolescence, but in 2% of cases, the gingivitis can also be hurting a videos, for example, at the age of 2 years or 3 years.

The reasons

The appearance of gum inflammation in a child is due to:

  • Poor Purge Care. For example, if a child does not carefully clean the teeth or forgets to clean them. This is the main reason for gums in childhood.
  • Injuries. At which the gum mucosa is damaged to the formation of cuts, burns or scratches. Especially often injury to the gums occurs when the milk teeth breaks when the baby is trying to eliminate itching and nibbles different items.
  • Caries.. A striking dairy teeth in 1 year or at an older age, as well as caries on constant teeth.
  • Incorrect bite or pathologies of lips or bridle language, Mixing chewing.
  • Rubberizing the root tooth. If the child avoids pain and insufficiently cleans the problem area well.
  • Poor-quality seals either the use of orthodontic devices.
  • Impaired nasal breathing As a result, the child breathes through the mouth and the mucosa dries.

Provoking factors that contribute to the weakening of local immunity and the occurrence of gingivitis are called:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Allergies.
  • The lack of vitamins in food.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (gallbladder, intestines).
  • Blood diseases.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Diabetes.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Hormone dysfunction.
  • Violation of exchange processes.
  • Diseases of the kidneys.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Lack of saliva (such a condition is called xerostomy).
  • Toothbrush too rigid.
  • Irradiation.

Types and forms

Given the changes in the gings, Gingivitis is divided into:

  • Catarial. This is the most common inflammation of the gums in children.
  • Ulcery. With this form, the child on the gums are formed ulcerative lesions, and with a deterioration of the state, areas of necrosis appear on them.
  • Atrophic. With such a gingivitis, the volume of tissues of the gum decreases.
  • Hypertrophic. It appears as a result of chronic inflammation and is the growth of the tissues of the gums and their deformation.

Depending on the flow, the disease is acute, which is manifested by pronounced symptoms and chronic. When the inflammatory process is weakly expressed, and pain is practically absent.

In its localization, the gingivitis can be local if a small area is struck between neighboring teeth, as well as generalized if most of the gums inflated.

As for the degree of severity, the gingivitis happens:

  1. Easy - With this form, only interdental nipples are affected.
  2. Middle severity - The edge part of the gums is affected.
  3. Heavy - Inflammation covers not only the edge, but also the alveolar part.

For more information about what and how the gingivitis occurs, look in the video:


With any form of gingivitis, the gums at the place of inflammation will be edema and reddened, and the teeth will be a dental flare. Also, almost always the symptom of such a disease is the bleeding of the gums during mechanical exposure, for example, during cleaning of teeth or meals. Other signs of illness depend on the stage of gingivitis.

Catarial gingivitis manifests itself:

  • Feeling itching and discomfort in the gums.
  • Distortions of taste.
  • An unpleasant odor of the oral cavity.
  • Painful sensations with chemical or thermal exposure.
  • Minor temperature increase in the sharp period.

Ulcerative Gingivit In addition to the signs inherent in the catarrhal, is characterized by general intoxication, manifested by a reduced appetite, poor sleep, malaise and whims.

The gums with a form of a red sickness with a small sonyusiness. In addition, the buriality and thickening of the mucous membranes are revealed at the site of the lesion, as well as foci of erosion.

With an unfavorable current, such gingivitis becomes ulcer-necrotic and manifests itself:

  • Increased viscosity saliva.
  • The appearance of the smell rot from the oral cavity.
  • The formation of an ulcer on which there is a greenish-gray raid.
  • An increase in jaw lymph nodes.

With atrophic gingivitis, there will be no pronounced pain. The child's gums will respond to temperature stimuli, and when inspection, the doctor will notice dystrophic changes and bare necks of teeth on their surface.

Gingivitis in children

If your child sleeps badly at night, crying during a meal or abandoning her at all, constantly pulls his fingers in the mouth, and when you have a broken inspection, you have found blood on his teeth - it's time to turn to the children's dentist, perhaps the kid's inflammation Medical language - Gingivitis.

Causes of Gingivita

Gingivitis in children - the phenomenon is very common, but easily treatable. The disease is caused by a totality of local and general factors. So, the gingivitis in children up to the year most often provokes an infection listed with dirty hands or objects that the baby pulls into the mouth. But since the majority of parents still follow the purity of toys and children's things, the gingivitis in children is quite rare in children.

In children from two to four years, the disease occurs with a frequency of 2% and, as a rule, it becomes a consequence of violation of the rules of personal hygiene. If the child does not know how or does not want to pay proper attention to the cleaning of the teeth, they accumulate flaps and the tartar is formed. Gradually, the microbial flora gives the beginning of the inflammatory process.

Gingivitis in children provoke mechanical injuries: cuts, bits, scratches, burns. Parents should be monitoring the meal and beverage temperature, and also not to give the baby to play with sharp objects.

The caries of dairy or constant teeth also often leads to the spread of infection on gums and subsequent inflammation.

At a time when milks teeth are replaced by constant, the so-called gingivitis of teething may occur. But this disease is essentially due to violation of personal hygiene rules. During this period, the child feels pain in the gums, so it tries not to injure the painful area by cleaning the teeth. As a result, microbes accumulate and the development of inflammation takes place.

Finally, the gingivitis in children can provoke uneven functional loads on the jaw, for example, with incorrect bite, a short bridle of lips or language, habit to chew food only on one side of the dentition.

Pathological factors are really much, by thirteenthant age gingivitis is already celebrated in 80% of children. In addition, adolescents at this time begins a hormonal restructuring of the body, which can also serve as the cause of gum inflammation.

Gingivitis: Symptoms in children

The main symptom of gingivitis in children - the bleeding of the gums. But since the mouth is washed by saliva, and the parents do not often check the kid's teeth, this sign is easy not to notice. Over time, the gingivitis provokes the edema of the gum. The cloth surrounding teeth become bright red, an unpleasant smell of mouth appears, and sometimes the temperature and general ailment. Senior children complain about pain and burning in the mouth, babies capricious, sleep well, refuse food.

There are four forms of gingivitis in children distinguish:

  • Catarial form. It is found at an early age, accompanied by pain in the oral cavity, an unpleasant smell, bleeding of gums when cleaning teeth and meals;
  • Ulcerative form. In the absence of adequate treatment develops after catarrhal. But it may occur as a reaction to supercooling, teething, decrease in immunity against the background of an infectious disease. In children, the symptoms of gingivitis are manifested by redness, edema, the sinusiness and bleeding of the gum mucosa;
  • Ulcerative-necrotic form. It is worn hard, the overall well-being in a child is worsening, gray-green raid, ulcers appear on the gums, the saliva becomes viscous, a rotten smell of mouth appears;
  • The atrophic form of gingivitis in children is developing after poor-quality dental procedures, for example, an illiterately installed seal.

Treatment of gingivitis in children

The treatment of gum inflammation requires comprehensive actions, one part of which includes the participation of a professional dentist, and the other - the child's teaching skills in hygiene.

How is the treatment of gingivitis in children at the reception at the dentist? For a start, the doctor removes the toothflight and the dental - sources of infection. Cleaning with such a procedure can be mechanical or ultrasonic. At the same time, integrated therapy is carried out to eliminate predisposing factors. It includes: the treatment of caries or the pathology of the bridle, the adjustment of bite, grinding high or non-accurate seals and eliminating other circumstances provoking the appearance of plaque and inflammation of the gums.

At home, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory and antibacterial gels and solutions for the oral cavity. The treatment of gingivitis in children also requires improved immunity, for this purpose vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Finally, the doctor necessarily tells parents and a small patient about the necessary preventive measures: how to choose a toothbrush with the most soft bristles, how to solve gums and brushing your teeth so that the flaw, etc. is not accumulated.

Text: Marina Kudryavtseva

From this article you will learn:

  • what are the diseases of the gum in children,
  • gingivitis in children - symptoms,
  • what to do if the gums inflated.

The article is written by a dentist with more than 19 years.

Gingivitis in children is one of the most common diseases. However, the gum disease in children is not limited to gingivitis. The inflammation of the gum in a child can also be observed with a periodontal of one of their teeth (in this case, an uknemy or fistula appears on the gum). Also, gingivitis phenomena are always present against the background of the child's disease.

Before starting treatment, it is very important to properly differentiate the gum disease in a child to avoid the wrong and, thus, useless treatment. Below we consider each of these diseases separately.

1. Gingivitis in children: symptoms, treatment

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the edge gum adjacent to the teeth, and interdental papillas (Fig. 1-3). Gingivitis is the most initial inflammation phase, and if it is not treated - inflammation will increase, it can begin to collapse the bone around the tooth, and the mobility of teeth will appear.

Gingivitis in children: symptoms

  • bleeding gums
  • soreness when cleaning teeth,
  • emission of the edge gum and interdental papillas,
  • redness of the gums - the red gums in the child are a symptom of the acute phase of inflammation,
  • the sinushesity of the gums - the blue gum in the child will be in the case of the transition of acute inflammation into chronic, with a low-heated symptom.

With an objective inspection in the oral cavity, clusters of soft dental plates and solid dental sediments are found, and, as a rule, a large number of carious teeth (site).

Children's Gingivitis: Causes

So, we answer the question: why the bleeding gums in the child ... The reason for the development of gingivitis is the microbial flore of the dental. Due to bad hygiene, the accumulation of the dental plate, the microflora of which actively produces toxins and inflammation mediators. These toxins and mediators, affecting the gum, cause an intense inflammatory response, which manifests itself by the development of edema, bleeding, etc.

Those. The main factor in the development of gingivitis is a soft microbial toothache and dental deposits, i.e. Bad hygiene!

Factors contributing to the development of gingivitis
in addition to the main factor, there are additional factors that themselves do not cause inflammation, but contribute to its occurrence. ..

  • Local factors -
    → Detection filling defects (hanging seals),
    → Skin anomalies: the crowned teeth,
    → Sharp edges of carious cavities (Fig. 4),
    → Wearing orthodontic devices (Fig. 5),
    → Owl breathing,
    → Anomalies attaching bridles of lips and language.
    The local factors listed in themselves do not cause gingivitis, but they make it difficult to hygiene of the oral cavity and therefore contribute to the accumulation of dental plates.
  • General factors -
    Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, infectious diseases (including ARVI), hormonal and hereditary diseases. These factors lead to a change in the reactivity of the body (decrease in immunity) - due to which the gum resistance to toxins and inflammation mediators, which produces a microbial flore of the dental plaque.

Gingivitis: Treatment in children

As we talked above - gingivitis in children occurs only with clusters on the teeth of microbial dental plates and dental sediments. In this regard, the relevant therapeutic measures are selected. The treatment of gingivitis in children should include the following activities:

  1. Removal of plaque and dental stone
    you can remove dental deposits by conducting a session of professional oral hygiene at the reception at the dentist. Dental deposits are removed using, after which the teeth are polished with special brushes. The procedure is painless.

    In Fig. 6, you can see the ultrasonic tip, with which the dental deposits remove. Touching the tip of the tip to dental deposits causes the destruction of the attachment of the tootham to the teeth.

    Important :
    Gingivitis in children - treatment is primarily in removing soft microbial plaque and solid dental deposits with ultrasound. An attempt to use various rinsing, gels with antibiotics and antiseptics, toothpastes with herbs, of course, will lead to temporary sacrament of inflammation. But as soon as the use of medicines will end - inflammation will develop with a new force. Anti-inflammatory therapy should be applied only after removing the dental stone and plaque!

  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy
    the bleeding of the gum in children is one of the main symptoms of gingivitis, along with soreness when cleaning teeth, swelling and redness of the edge gum. In order to rather remove the symptoms, it is necessary to conduct a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. Inflamed gums of the child can be treated by the following dosage forms: antiseptic rinsing, appliqués.

    Antiseptic rinsing:

    • 0.05% chlorhexidine solution ()
      Course 10 days (no more), 2 times a day in the morning and evening after the oral hygiene. It is desirable to rinse your mouth at least 30-40 seconds. There are no contraindications in age. The solution has a bitter taste.
    • Miramistin ()
      Solutions for rinsing for children from 3 years. Rinse 3-4 times a day for 30-40 seconds. Miramistin is somewhat inferior to chlorhexidine according to the strength of action, and besides it is much more expensive.
    • Not alcohol herbs - Chamomile, sage, eucalyptus ... (except oak bark)

    Anti-inflammatory gels, ointment:

    Frequently asked questions: what to smear the gums to the child, what is better - gel or ointment for gums for children? Children's ointment for the gums by force will noticeably give up gels for gums. Gels are significantly better held on a wet mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In addition, medicinal substances from the gels are more easily penetrated into the mucous membrane than out of ointments. Therefore, the effectiveness of gel-based dosage forms is higher.

    • Holovaal ()
      Gel for gum childrens. Active substances: Holine Salicylate and Cetalconium chloride. It has not only anti-inflammatory, but also an anesthetic effect. It can be used not only in the treatment of gingivitis, but also when teething with teeth in order to anesthesia (rubbing into the area of \u200b\u200bteething).

      There are no contraindications in age. It is applied to the edge part of the gums and gantry nipples primarily by the front surface of the teeth. The course is not more than 10 days. Applied 2 times a day (in the morning, and in the evening before bed) immediately at the end of the antiseptic rinse. After applying, it is advisable for 2-3 hours not to take food and not rinse your mouth (you can drink).

    • Metrogil Denta ()
      Gel for gums for children. Active substances: Metronidazole 10 mg, chlorhexidine 0.5 mg
      Can be applied with 6 years of age. It is applied to the edge part of the gums and intersubolic nipples in the area of \u200b\u200ball the teeth of the gum 2 times a day. Wash gel is not recommended. After applying the gel, it is advisable not to eat and not rinse the mouth for 2-3 hours (you can drink). The duration of the course of treatment is not more than 10 days.

    If you decide to treat a child yourselfYou need to know that the removal of dental deposits before starting treatment is mandatory. If anti-inflammatory therapy is applied without removing a soft and solid dental plaque, it will cause the following:

    → Symptoms (bleeding, swelling, etc.) will certainly decrease or disappeared. But, as soon as the course of treatment is over - the symptoms will arise again. This is due to the fact that the cause of the development of gingivitis (microbial toothache) was not removed, and the treatment was carried out only with respect to symptoms.

    → The transition of gingivitis from acute form with severe symptomatomy - in a chronic form with scarce symptoms, which, with a high probability, it can end up with a child in a child of periodontitis.

  3. Sanation of the oral cavity
    It is necessary to cure all carious teeth, because In carious cavities a lot of infection, which causes not only the rotting of the teeth, but also inflammation of the gums. In young children often occurs the so-called, which is connected not only with bad hygiene and improper feeding of the child.

    In the treatment of caries in children up to 3 years of age, as a rule, in dental clinics applied. Despite the fact that this method does not require drilling teeth, it has great disadvantages, yielding to the same in efficiency, for example, a method of deep fluorination or remineralizing therapy.

Gingivitis Prevention -

WHO experts (World Health Organization) identified the following main activities for the prevention of gingivitis:

  • Rational nutrition of children
    We are talking about power mode (avoid snacking) and restricting the reception of accessible carbohydrates (candies, cookies, sweet drinks, etc.). Easily-friendly carbohydrates should be given to the child just immediately after eating. After that, within 5 minutes you need to brush your teeth.

2. Inflammation of the gum in a child during periodontitis -

In the absence of treatment, caries teeth gradually goes into the pulpitis, and then in periodontitis. At the moments of exacerbation, periodontitis flows with the appearance of dumpence, the formation of a cyst, fistulating on the gum with purulent separated.

In Fig. 9-10, you can see as in the projection of the roots of destroyed teeth (in both cases it is a central upper cutter) - on the gums there is a limited swelling, filled with pus. In both cases, inflammation caused infection in the top of the root of the central upper cutter.

Read more about the inflammation of the gums in children with a periodontitis in children, read -

3. Symptoms of gingivitis against the background of herpetic stomatitis -

Very often, with a viral herpetic stomatitis, an accompanying acute gingivitis occurs. In this case, the dentive papillas and the edge part of the gums increase due to edema, become bright red. Read more about the inflammation of the gums on the background of Stomatitis, read in the article :. We hope that our article on the topic: Gingivitis in children treatment - it turned out to be useful to you!


1. Higher professional education author in dentistry,
Personal experience in a periodontologist,
3. The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EU),
5. "Children's therapeutic dentistry. National Guide "(Leontyev V.K.).

I welcome everyone who has found time to visit this small site. The topic of discussion is the treatment of gingivitis in children. For those who do not know what gingivitis is inflammation of the gum, which occurs during injuries, infections, etc. You probably noticed this more than once. If adults this problem causes discomfort, then children are much more complicated. Than kid younger, the more trouble. The appetite disappears, sleep is disturbed, and the mood in such a state is unlikely to be good. Next, I will write down the details so that you are easier to figure it out in this matter.

Is it gingivit? About symptoms

Not so long ago a story happened. Since I am engaged in dental themes, a relative, who has a small child came running. It was came running, in tears, panic and asking me what it is?

On the question of whether this infection is, I honestly answered that I have no idea. Why? Because the diagnoses should be the doctor. Not dad with mom, not familiar (even if he has studied for a fifteen years ago on medical), and the doctor, involved in the direction of medicine (in this case of dentistry), which studies something "similar". That is, if your tooth hurts - to the dentist, ear - to Laura. Not in Google, not to the neighbors, but to a person who studied to determine what happened to you. He has the opportunity to send you to surveys.

There is such a thing as differential diagnosis. This is when the symptoms of one disease should be distinguished from others - similar, but associated with a completely different disease.

Gingivitis in children

When some nasty is striking gums, it is important to figure it out, it is either, for example, periodontitis. So, how exactly do the symptoms of gingivitis look like? In acute form:

  • bleeding gums;
  • eyerage of interdental papillars and gums;
  • redness of gums;
  • soreness during food and when cleaning teeth.

If the disease passes into a chronic shape, the gum sinusiness appears.

In most cases, when initial inspection can be detected:

  • abundance of plaque on the teeth;
  • not cured teeth with caries.

If the gum leaves from the tooth, then the likelihood is not a gingivitis, but periodontitis. If the gingivitis in children is treated even by banal rinsing of the mouth and "commens", then more dangerous gum diseases can even give to the loss of teeth.

Causes are linked not only in bad hygiene. Often, children suffer from this disease in the period when they have dairy / constant teeth. The kids are drawn in the mouth of the hands, toys, often injured by them gums. This also leads to the appearance of the symptoms described above.

Why does Children's Gingivitte develop?

The main reason for such a disease is the microflora of the plaque on the teeth. The poor-quality hygiene of the oral cavity leads to the appearance of a dental target, and the microflora of the latter, in turn, intensively produces mediators of inflammation and toxins. When they influence the gum, they provoke active inflammatory processes in it, manifesting bleeding, swelling and other.

On a note! In other words, the main factor in the development of the ailment are soft sediments and a raid on the teeth, that is, poor-quality hygiene.

In addition, there are other factors contributing to the development of gingivitis, but they themselves do not cause inflammation (only contribute to its appearance). These factors can be local and common. Local include:

  • the edges of the seals that hang;
  • anomalies of fastening of the language and luminous bridles;
  • cavities arising due to the development of caries, with sharp edges;
  • breathing mouth;
  • wearing orthodontic devices.

There are general factors - these are the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart or vessels, various infections, diseases of the hormonal or hereditary nature. Due to all of this, immunity is reduced, that is, the resistance to those mentioned earlier harmful substances produced by the microflora of the tissue of the teeth.


If we consider that the main reasons are the raid, the stone and the dirt that children are dragging in the mouth, plus caries, it is easy to guess what to do in preventive purposes. Brush your teeth, my hands, do not take toys in your mouth. You will have to follow all this personally, for the kids absolutely do not care about your "need." You think that you need, and they understand only "I want / don't want."

Need healthy teeth and gums in a child? Good - deal with the question:

  • clean your teeth 2 times a day. And better - after each meal;
  • we do not eat at night;
  • more vegetables and fruits, less cookies and candies;
  • teeth must be cleaned everywhere. Do not forget about interdental intervals;
  • is there a stone? We go delete;
  • there are carious teeth - we treat, we fell. Caries will not stop, because - seals, remineralization and so on;
  • there is ? Similarly - we treat. After all, it is caused by either bacteria or herpes virus. And the presence of this nasty in the mouth is ideal prerequisites for the occurrence of other problems, including the appearance of gingivitis.

For children, you need an eye yes eye, otherwise you will not notice how their teeth will be ruined, problems with the gums will begin, etc.

We treat gingivitis in children

Immunity is one of your main goals. If it is weakened by cold and other diseases, draw up the strengthening. There are a lot of people and not very ways to do it. If the gingivitis occurs often, you need to know what exactly causes.

Selection of brushes and paste

The most difficult moment. Here, always the question rests on the non-standard and ambiguity of the situation. On the one hand, it is necessary to remove the flare and prevent its curing, mineralization. It seems like a rigid brush and abrasive paste.

On the other hand, children have a weak enamel that you can easily damage. Rough bristle can also cause gingivitis in children, as it causes mechanical injuries to the gums.

What can you advise? Choose a paste with low abrasiveness and a soft brush for a small child / middle for older children. Only it is necessary to clean regularly and efficiently. That is - in all places where you can get. You can even buy an electric brush. Many say that it removes the flare is better than when cleaning manually. What to choose? Read reviews. You will find answers to many of your questions.

With pasta more difficult. See the composition. It should not be laundered sodium sulfate (SLS). He cuts the mucous membrane. If there is calcium, it should be not chalk, but connections that are normally perceived and affect enamel not only like a banal abrasive.

Minimum. Its excess causes fluorosis, and this is very dangerous for any person, not to mention the little children.

If you competently picked up a brush with pasta and regularly / correctly clean your teeth, a couple of reasons for the occurrence of gingivitis will become less.

What to treat?

The treatment of gingivitis in children up to a year has been complicated by the fact that many drugs that doctors prescribe them (not reading instructions) are permitted only from two years, and sometimes even from 10-12. Yes, yes, you can saint the forest of doctors who write the name of some gel on the paper, in the instructions of which black in white it is written that children before ... it is impossible to give it.

That's not all, gentlemen. If you are looking for an article about Lidokain on the Internet, you can go. The American office responsible for medicines and products published a report in which he has signed as a popular anesthetic can lead to serious health problems and even the death of a small child. And "Humor" is that it is not about overdose. Cases of application as part of the doctor's prescriptions were checked.

Therefore, starting the treatment of gingivitis in children under 2 years old, it is important to take into account such a factor as the individual reactions of the body, allergies, and so on.

For children older simple plan.

  1. Remove the flight and dental stone. Make it at home correctly and 100% impossible. Verified, proved.
  2. If there is teeth with caries - we treat, we fell.
  3. Once the sources of bacterial infection are eliminated, you can go to the "phase 3" - the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Rinsing and baths with a solution of chlorhexidine, as well as ordinary infusions (without alcohol, for overwhelmed and burns the mucous meal) herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark, can be added mint and eucalyptus).
  4. "Holovaal" and "" are suitable from the gels. The first can be small. It has no dangerous substances and lidocaine.

The use of such simple means makes it possible to treat gingivitis in children at home. Of course, after they were removed by the flare and the dental stone. If the soft and solid raid on the teeth remained, all your efforts are a waste of time, nerves and money for medicines. Therefore, do not be lazy, we drive the kids to the dental.

Propolis tincture

Do not forget about such a wonderful means as propolis. It is useful, harmless to children, relieves inflammation, has an antiseptic effect. What is no less pleasant - worth a penny, if compared with any ordinary medicine from the pharmacy. If children have no allergies on beekeeping products, then the option is suitable.

Once again I remind you that the alcohol tinctures of propolis should not give children. Under the reasons mentioned above. In addition, alcohol is absorbed into the mucous membrane and it is unlikely to be useful, for example, a one-year-old kid.

If the teeth are cut, immediately becomes clear what's the matter. Maja gel, we want to go, waiting when it goes. If it rises and does not come down, we call a doctor to the house.

Video - Gingivitis in children and pregnant women

If the child has blocked and bleed gums, this is a clear sign of the inflammatory process. The initial stage of inflammation is called gingivitis, it has a reversible nature and is easily treatable. However, if you do not cure gingivitis, it will go into a hard form - periodontitis, and this disease is accompanied by the destruction of gum tissues.

Inflammation of the gum is the most "popular" dental disease in children. And all because children's gums are very gentle and unprotected, and local immunity is still quite weak.

Why gums are inflated in children

The reason for inflammation in the mouth of the child is incorrect hygiene. If you brush your teeth as it fell, with time the bacterial flare on the enamel and in the enamel zone begins to accumulate.

Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Porphyromonas Gingivalis) highlight toxins and provoke an inflammatory process.

  • a sharp decrease in immunity, for example, during a cold;
  • injury to the oral mucosa with rigid or hot food;
  • infections of infection due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (children are constantly pulling to toys or dirty fingers);
  • incorrect bite, the peak of the front teeth (with the tensile fabrics experiencing increased mechanical load);
  • avitaminosis (lack of vitamins C, E and B);
  • the hormonal background failures (as a rule, are observed in adolescents).

In addition, children's gingivitis may be a consequence of chronic ailments, such as diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system.

The first disturbing symptoms that you should pay attention is swelling, redness and bleeding gums. Inflammation of the mucous membrane can manifest itself in different ways, it all depends on the form of the disease.

Acute catarrhal gingivitis

It is this form that is characteristic of children's age (in 90% of cases). Accompanied by hyperemia (redness) and the growth of gums. The baby complains about pain and itching in the mouth, becomes a capricious, does not want to eat. In some cases, the body temperature is increased to 37-38 degrees, there are symptoms of general ailment.

Purulent gingivit

Purulent gingivitis is a launched stage, which develops against the background of catarrhal gingivitis. Her symptoms are an unpleasant reel smell of mouth, the characteristic sinusiness of the gums. The mucosa begins to bleed at the slightest pressure.

Stomatitis in children


This is the defeat of the oral mucosa, which may have viral, fungal or bacterial etiology. Such a sore makes itself felt with small yazens in the mouth or abundant rash. Sometimes the mucous is covered by a yellow or gray colors.


Periodontitis is a severe disease that is rarely found in childhood. This disease causes inflammation and destruction of near-free tissues, atrophy of the edge gums and loosening the teeth. The mucous thing acquires pale color, the bleeding is usually absent.

Inflammation of the gums when teething teething

Breasts often inflave gums during the breakdown of dairy teeth. The tooth tries to "break through" to the surface, thereby traumating the mucous membrane. During this period, the child suffers from severe tooth and pain.

To facilitate the condition of the baby, give him a cooling teether. This is a silicone product, filled with gel, it has a light anesthetic effect (sold in a pharmacy). It is also useful to massage the gums with the help of a rubber attack.

How to remove gum inflammation in a child? The most correct decision is to contact the children's dentist. However, before visiting the doctor, you can apply home treatment, which will help to remove the symptoms for a while.

At home, you can use:

  • decoration of chamomile, hunter or calendula (room temperature) - applied in the form of a rings of the oral cavity;
  • food soda solution;
  • welding black tea (possesses tanning substances);
  • honey and sea buckthorn oil - you can lubricate the plots of inflammation.

Broth of the Zverkoy against the inflammation of the gum

Medicinal preparations should be applied strictly on the recommendation of the doctor, the course of treatment is about 10 days. The doctor determines the dosage taking into account the age of the child and the causes of the disease.

As a rule, local drugs are prescribed, as part of which there are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and painkillers. Medicines are used in the form of applications, irrigation and oral baths.

The most effective means:

  • the solution of chlorhexidine or Miramistina - reduces inflammation and bleeding;
  • gel for the gums "Kamistad" - has a lidocaine, relieves pain and swelling during teething;
  • rotokan is a vegetable preparation, known for strong antiseptic properties;
  • sangvirrin - alcohol solution, destroying bacterial and fungal microflora;
  • the ointment for the gum "Salkoeril Dental" - heals the mucous membrane after injuries and burns.

Before starting the course of treatment, the dentist necessarily conducts ultrasound cleaning (removal of bacterial plaque and tartar). Antibiotics are prescribed in the most difficult cases.

Medicinal preparations from gum inflammation in children

Methods of prevention

The most important measure of prevention is the daily cleaning of the teeth (in the morning and in the evening). Teach the child to keep the toothbrush correctly, explain why it is so important to care for your teeth.

Pay attention to the diet.

More dairy products, green vegetables, nuts and fresh fruits should be consumed. Polivitamin complexes will also be suitable for strengthening immunity.

And, of course, do not forget about preventive inspections from the children's dentist (at least once every six months).

If you are looking for a reliable dentist for your child, we recommend watching a list of specialists compiled on our website. Just specify your city district or the nearest metro station.