Officers are no longer joking. Open letter to gr

Those explanations that we are imposed on the ruling class are themselves the conspiracy version. Moreover, these conspiracy versions are created to conceal genuine plots that our rulers leadership.

For example, the official explanation of the 11 September events is a conspiracy version. Think yourself. Some of some Muslims, mainly from Saudi Arabia, caused such a greatest insult to the superpower, which light did not see from those times when David Stocked Goliath. They reached 17 US intelligence agencies, as well as all NATO and Israel special services plus the National Security Council, Transport Security Office, Airspace Control Service Dick Cheney. In one beautiful morning, they captured four American aircraft and two of them demolished three skyscrapers of the World Trade Center, and still destroyed the part of the Pentagon, in which the investigation was conducted by the disappearance of 2.3 billion dollars. This was provided to prevents in Washington the foundation in order to accuse Afghanistan instead of Saudi Arabia.

It is clear that America insulted and humiliated Saudis and that Saudi entered into collusion for this purpose.

In such a plot, you can believe?

In the ability of several young Muslims to make such a feat believe simply impossible. Such a total failure of the US National Security state means that America was absolutely vulnerable to all decades of the "Cold War" against the Soviet Union. If such a total failure of the US national security states would really have a place, the White House and Congress in one voice would shout about the need to investigate. Those who would attract responsibility for shortcomings across the entire chain of security measures, as a result of which the conspiracy was crowned with success. However, in reality, no one even announced a reprimand, and the White House of the whole year prevented the investigation. Finally, the Commission on the investigation of events on September 11 was created to shut the mouth to relatives of the dead events and victims. This commission simply subscribed under the version of the government - that's all the "investigation".

Moreover, there is no completely no evidence that would confirm the official version of the events of September 11. In fact, all known existing evidence contradict the official version of the conspiracy.

For example, the fact that the building number 7 (third, after two twin towers, the fallen building of the World Trade Center) fell with an acceleration of free fall, is proven. This means that it was stuffed with explosives and electronics for the controlled underground. Why was it stuffed with explosives and electronics for a controlled undermining? There is no official response to this question.

Normally, the evidence provided by scientists, architects, engineers, pilots and members of the teams of first aid, which were in the twin towers and personally heard numerous explosions, as a result of which these towers were collapped and crumbled. These testimonies are trying to submit to us as a conspiracy version - Conspiracy theory.

The term "Conspiracy Theory" was introduced into a public turnover by the central intelligence management as part of the action plan of this agency to discredit those who expressed doubts about the accuracy of the report of Warren Commission, which was investigating the murder of the President John F. Kennedy. Any explanation other than that submitted this commission was declared as a "conspiracy version" - Conspiracy Theory. At the same time, the conclusions of the Commission itself contradicted all known testimonies and evidence.

The conspiracy versions are the forefront of the US foreign policy. For example, mode George Bush Son actively film conspiracy against Iraq and Sadam Hussein. Bush regimen fabricated fake evidence that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction", and then sold this fake to the whole lung world and used it to destroy Iraq and kill his leader. The same way Gaddafi. became a victim of conspiracy Obama / Hilary Clinton, the purpose of which was the destruction of Libya and the murder of her leader. Head of Syria Bashar Assad And Iran was planned as the following victims as a result of similar actions. But here the Russians intervened.

Currently, Washington is a conspiracy against Russia, China and Venezuela. Voicing about - non-existent - "Iranian threat", Washington places American rockets on the Russian border. And using the "threat from North Korea," places his missiles on the border of Chinese. Selected democratic path of Venezuela leader Washington calls a dictator. And against Venezuela are imposed sanctions in order to assist the small Spanish elite, with which Washington traditionally rules and ruled by the countries of Latin America. On the agenda - conducting a coup in Venezuela and restoration over the country of American control.

Threat is all - Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, tribes in Pakistan, Libya, Russia, China and North Korea. But never - Washington. The greatest version of the conspiracy of our time is that Americans are always surrounded by foreign threats. We do not feel safe even because of Venezuela.

New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, State Radio NPR and all other presstituctors readily declare conspiracy versions of any explanations that differ from explanations serving the interests of the ruling classes that serve these prestee.

By the time, when I write these lines, the presstant media now nine months promote the conspiracy version that Donald Trump He participated in conspiracy together with Russian President and Russian intelligence services in order to "hack" the presidential elections in the United States and sit down the Russian Trump agent in the White House.

This version of the conspiracy has no evidence at all. Yes, it does not need any evidence, because it simply serves as the interests of the military intelligence complex, the democratic party and neoconservatives, and also allows the prestitutors to exercise a limitless devotion to their owners. And thanks to the endless repetition, the lie becomes the truth.

Conspiracy exists, and this is a plot against the American people. American jobs were brought to offshore in order to enrich the bog. Americans are forced to climb into debts in fruitless attempts to support their standard of living. Their efforts to suspend their fall by election by the president who acted in their defense were right in their eyes destroyed by absolutely corrupt media and the ruling class.

Sooner or later they will fall on them that it does not have anything more than to carry out a violent uprising. Most likely, by the time they come to this conclusion, it will be too late. Americans too slowly come out of the false reality in which they live. Americans are people with thoroughly washed brains, and they are tightly held for their false life inside the matrix.

For those gullible and naive, whose brains were washed to such an extent that they believe that any explanation, different from the officially permitted, this is a conspiracy version, there is a long list of real government conspiracies. Thanks to these conspiracies, people manage to deceive. And the authorities thanks to this get the opportunity to do what people would definitely reject.

If freedom continues its existence on this land, it will be in the Western world. It will be in Russia and China - in countries that arose from what is opposite to the West. In these countries know the price of freedom. Freedom will continue its existence in South America - such as Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia, who are fighting for their sovereignty and against American oppression.

In fact, as still just begin to write historians, a little concerned about their careers, the main lesson of history is that the authorities constantly deceive their peoples.

In all countries of the Western world, power is a conspiracy against his own people.

Author - Paul crang Roberts (Paul Craig Roberts), Doctor of Economic Sciences, a former Deputy Economic Policy of the US Finance Minister in the Ronald Reagan administration. The author of the economic policy of the American government in 1981-1989, called "Reaganius". He worked as the editor and browser of the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek magazine and the information agency Scribs HOWARD NEWS SERVICE. At one time was the author of the permanent column in the Washington Times newspaper. The author of numerous books dedicated to the largest issues of modernity.

Russian people sentenced to destroy - you do not notice this, fellow citizens, according to many small signs?
All that makes the occupational power of the latter, three for almost a decade, it is fully stacked in this liquidation strategy, and in the past year it ceased to be shy finally, acting more and more rigidly and plugged.

To this 7-minute roller wonderful comments showing that the audience in the topic -

Larisa Artyukhova
Actually, people are needed, because it is built on sales, and who to sell, if there are no people?

Sergey Chaplygin replied Larisa
Larisa, you need people who have money, and we have no ...)

Sergey Esin
In this, everything is the point, not in the money, but that we have, while we occupy the territory they want to use, we are an obstacle, they can not destroy us openly, for this not enough forces, but they put it in a fraudulent way we are on the path of self-destructing in different ways, alcoholism, drug addiction, interethnic, confessional, household conflicts, etc., they do not need people, they need Earth, and what in the ground they are very hope that in exchange for our wealth of them We will take the table as your own.

Larisa, Russian powerful cattle inside Russia is not required to sell anything. This cattle has the only task: to get rid of the indigenous population, which has all the right to apply for the ownership of the territory, natural wealth and real estate created in the Russian territory. Bydla has no interest even trading with the natives "beads". They have an interest to dispose of territories in order to extract profits from this territory, trading with "civilized" nations outside Russia. And for this, the natives are most profitable to destroy everything, leaving the minimum amount that will be delivered in a fully dependent position and will no longer claim anything, except on the plate of praise for servicing the power cattle.

Yuri Lopatin
Such an impression - you did not understand anything that Yu.Yu. said: People, by and large, are not needed, only the service is needed, but, no important productions, in fact, in Russia there is no, but, on those that there is, easy to other workforce

Larisa Artyukhova answered Alexander
Alexander, they export oil and gas, but the population of Russia remains the markets market, we sell ready-made products, from foreign cars and computer equipment to underwear, if we stop buying, then business manufacturers and dealers will suffer.

Alexander Krain answered Larisa
Larisa, the Russian market, due to the very low security of the population, for the global oligarch is insignificant. The main Russian oligarch feed does not feed from deliveries into Russia, but from the supply of raw materials outside Russia. And if the average oligarch, living on the supply of inwards in Russia, wipe, then no one will regret it. Alas, the market, competition - so it happened, nothing personal ...

Alexander Krain answered Larisa
Larisa, I can add a little more. Today, a global oligorka one way or another has to share some part of the revenue from the sale of resources with the population in 140_mln. Why do they need such completely unjustified costs? Moreover, these natives also believe that the oligarch is bothering them and - who knows? - Maybe it is also decided to start some bucho. No, it's calmer from them to get rid of them and get all the profit in my pocket with anyone without sharing it even a small share and live quietly and dropping.

2. Increased morbidity and mortality, reduction of life expectancy, excess of birth mortality with unavailability of medical services for poor population and the destruction of the health care system.

3. Well, and replacing the indigenous population of Russia by migration, that is, the settlement of the Russian territory by people alien, aliens who cannot claim natural wealth and assets belonging to the right of inheritance -

And this is only a part of the methods used by the authorities to achieve the goal.
All this in aggregate and is the technology of stripping the territory from its indigenous population and reduce the number of accommodation to 15 million (35 million, by different estimates), necessary and sufficient for "pipe maintenance".

What is done still to enhance the effect and rooting of the stripping process?
The process of the destruction of historical memory, national and civil identity, the elimination of classical education, national culture, traditional family, and statehood, ultimately is accompanied by the destruction of historical memory.

How does the non-resistance of the population be achieved?
The background is massive propaganda, distracting from what is happening, creating a white noise that interfers to notice and comprehend the flowing processes, to flexing them and respond to them by working out the tactics of resistance.

You probably noticed that I had ever avoided the words genocide, meanwhile, it was he who was not once described and identified precisely as a social genocide, for example, the characteristic of it -

kajaleksei writes:

Genocide is quite real. The Russian population of our country is inexorably declining. Strangely enough, but many of these actions can be hidden, almost imperceptibly for the most destroyed people. Especially if control over the information space is in enemy (with respect to the people). For instance:

1. Murders of group members may be disguised:
but. under household crime;
b. under an accident;
in. under disease;
under accidents;
d. under suicide;
e. To generally silence.
Or provoked with the help of natural reasons by creating appropriate conditions:
but. transformation of the police (ensuring the safety and rights of citizens) to the police (serving major capital interests);
b. liquidation of infrastructure that ensures the safety of the population (forestry, fire units, ambulance, etc.);
in. Encouragement of migration (especially, wild peoples from underdeveloped countries), etc.

2. Causing serious harm to health, can be carried out with:
but. sewn promotion of production and sales of poisoned and / or low-quality foods;
b. unbearable and low-paid labor;
g. Heavy Conditions;
dt. distribution (formal counteraction and actual promotion) of heavy vices: fornication, alcoholism, drug addiction; e. Liquidation of the health care system, etc.

3. Measures to prevent childbearing, may look like:
but. lack of social support for feminine and young mothers (or support in perverted mockery form);
b. imposing the ideology of hedonism and detonateness (Childfries, etc.);
in. introduction of a "family planning" system;
g. Lack of children's infrastructure (lack of nursery, kindergartens, schools, lack of hospitals and / or inappropriate price for them), etc.

4. Not covered with Yu, already right now frankly and completely openly creates chaos, and the state, as if nothing to do with it ...

5. Capitalism is by its nature, as specially sharpened to the hidden forms of creating unbearable living conditions:
but. poverty;
b. unemployment;
in. Homelessness, etc.

Those. Genocide is represented in our state in all its glory, with all evidence, in all possible manifestations and to discuss whether it is, or not, does not make sense.

The main feature of the genocide of the Russian people is that hidden poverty is the main weapon of its destruction. Mustfully dying from poverty, people are sincerely confident that they are to blame for their fate themselves, just like their immediate killers.
Moreover, the main executioner of the people are those who should and must defend him - his elite, which not only accomplished the most vile crime in relation to the people, the most pious betrayal of all possible, not only robbed and humiliated her own country, but also accused of all his troubles himself ... (c)
So why do the people of Russia destroy and do it purposefully, how do you think?

May 5, 2018, 14:06:35
It sometimes seems to me that "Putin's cunning plan" is not to build not "US-2", but "Canada-2". Edaki "European Resource Canada". This requires the smallest - cut over the extra hundred million people. Predominant Russian. And in the end, it turns out almost "Canada-2" - that is, a 30-40 million internationale, quite alrociously living on raw materials. And in general, everything is good - except Russian. They are simply not provided in this regard ...

http: //kprf-irkutsk.rf/

For more than 20 years in our country, the so-called "reforms", which, according to the media, political scientists, "Democrats" and those who conduct these reforms should have destroyed the "ineffective" planned socialist economy and replace its more efficient market, which Free competition, as Gaidar said, "everything regulates everything" and will provide Russia high rates of economic development, universal prosperity, the highest level of material well-being to all Russian citizens.

What are we, the population of Russia, received from these so-called "democratic reforms" who promised us almost paradise life in prosperous capitalism?

1. A single multinational power is destroyed - the USSR, instead we have the Russian Federation with capitalist economies and a sharply reduced territory. In the Baltic States, Central Asia, the NATO-US troops were introduced into the Caucasus. NATO-US military bases are located all over the land and sea borders of Russia; They appeared on the territory of Russia itself (so-called "Center for Commercial Transit NATO" in Ulyanovsk).

2. The country suffered colossal human losses. In the Russian Empire, at the beginning of the twentieth century, a little less than 150 million people lived. In the Soviet Union, on the eve of the "democratic" reforms there were about 300 million people, 80% of the Russians. And in the XXI century. For some reason, 142.9 million people remained in capitalist Russia - only half of what was in the USSR. It has long been known that after the collapse of the USSR, the population of our country declined every year by almost a million people, during the years of reforms it decreased by 15 million people in the Russian Federation and for the same amount in other CIS countries. Thus, the decline exceeded human losses incurred by our country during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. It should be noted that the USSR population from 1927 to 1952. It has grown (despite the huge losses in the Great Patriotic War) by 40 million - from 148.7 million to 188.7 million people.

3. Over the years of "reforms", the country suffered innumerable economic losses: gross domestic product, compared to 1990, decreased twice. Destroyed, sold out and destroyed by most industrial enterprises, in their territories and in their premises, at best, shopping and entertainment centers were created. Today there are those enterprises that produce raw materials for Western countries (oil, gas, aluminum, etc.). The most collective farms and state farms have been dispersed and ceased to exist, more than 30 thousand villages and the villages of the Earth. More than 40 thousand hectares of arable land are abandoned, they threw the bungyan and shrub. Missing products (bread, meat, etc., - 40-50%) are imported from abroad. Moreover, those products that in the West are not in demand are imported. Common losses in the economy significantly exceeded the enormous losses incurred during the Great Patriotic War. It should be noted that the overall level of the Soviet Union's economy by the end of the war in comparison with the pre-war level increased significantly (including due to the production of military products).

Huge losses incurred by Russia during the years of reforms, they say that there is a fact of the total war on the destruction of the Russian state and its multinational people. The authors and the organizers of the "course of reforms" are so succeeded in robbery and the destruction of Russia, which do not consider it necessary to hide their goals. So, Bill Clinton in 1995 in his speech before the headquarters directly stated: "... The last 10 years of the USSR policy ... convincingly showed the correctness of us to eliminate one of the strongest powers of the world ... We have achieved that the President Truman was going to do Through an atomic bomb, - we (without an atomic bomb) got (in the face of Russia) raw materials appendage ... The current leadership of Russia is satisfied with us in all respects, so you can not buy for expenses ... Yes, we spent many billions of dollars on it, and ... already close now To the fact that the Russians are called self-sufficiency ... In the next decade, the following tasks have to be the following tasks: 1) the dismemberment of Russia into small states by interregional wars, similar to those that were organized in Yugoslavia; 2) the final collapse of the military-industrial complex and the army; 3) the establishment of regimes we needed from Russia ".

In order to prevent the revival of the Great Russia, the countries of the West consider its one of the main tasks to reduce the population of Russia to such a level so that it is incapable of such a revival. M. Thatcher at one time openly declared: "In the territory of the USSR, 15 million people are economically justified." From the point of view of modern civilized barbarians in Russia, it is enough to have 15 million people who will make up cheap labor capable of producing natural wealth from the depths of Russia and supply them to the West countries. A 125 million people are employees of science, education, culture and art, industry, agricultural production, socialcultum, pensioners who today consume the resources necessary US and the EU, and are "superfluous" in the "Great Raw Empire". They should be eliminated as not necessary to the "Golden Billion" of Nacre. Such is the fascist ruined modern imperialists, TNK, led by the global government.

However, there is nothing to be surprised - how many imperialism exists, so much and bloody wars for the redistribution of peace, for sources of raw materials, markets, for cheap labor - earlier in the face of black slaves, and now, in the 21st century, - in the face of white slaves, those. We are with you.

As for the world imperialism, which grew up two world wars and leading continuously local wars for enslaving and robbing the peoples of individual countries (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, etc.), everything is clear here. Imperialism was not different and could not. I wrote about this 100 years ago. Lenin in the work "Imperialism as the highest and last stage of capitalism." But as we, the population of the Great Multiethnic Russia, having a richest two-year-haired history, leading the heroic struggle with many conquerors who tried to crush and conquer the peoples of the Eastern Slavs and turn them into slaves, we, whom US Secretary of State A. Dulles in the middle of the twentieth century called the most dismissed And the invincible people in the world, suddenly turned into a submissive "flock of rams", which the triumphing imperialists drive to the abyss, or rather - to slaughter? And that is especially strange and sad: the small part of the population, which begins to understand the essence of the events taking place and is trying to stop the overall movement to the abyss, meets by the majority of the population or complete indifference, or open irritation, or hostile rejection of all kind of danger warnings.

Let's try to figure out what happened to us? Why freedom-loving, repeated and invincible people became such a good and obedient, so easily faithful official propaganda, media, which since the times of Gorbachev and Yakovlev bought West countries and are managed from abroad? Why does Russia suffer in war with the West defeat?

For centuries, the conquerors, starting with the dogs-knights, Swedes, Poles, Mongol-Tatars and to modern imperialism, tried to destroy the Russian state with the help of bloody wars. The victims of the crushing defeat in the Great Patriotic War, the imperialists were convinced that it was impossible to destroy Russia by force. Then they (already in the late 1940s - 1950s) decided to impose a cold war on us. What is her essence?

Relying on its economic power, USA and other countries of the West imposed us a costly nuclear arms race with the aim of undermining the economy of the Soviet Union, the breakdown of all plans for the economic development of the country, the deterioration of the material situation of people, undermining their faith in the possibility of a socialist economy and a system of socialism in general, intensively Propaganda with the economic success of the West, the American lifestyle, etc.

The enemy studied us well and applied the operation of promoting his agent Gorbachev, and then Yeltsin, making them the presidents of the USSR and Russia, creating a "fifth column", mounted the mechanism of the country's liquidation. With the help of Gorbacheva and the secretary on ideology, his agent Yakovleva, the enemy captured the media and strongly began to treat the consciousness of Soviet people. There were many lungs. Many believed in the fabulous possibilities of the "prosperous" capitalism. Western and Russian (read-American) media said that in the economic competition, in the Cold War, the Soviet Union was defeated, and this was the main reason for his collapse, the death of socialism and Soviet power. So the majority of our country's population thought so "processed" media.

But in the West, our enemies thought differently. According to the UN in the 1980s. According to the main indicator of the quality of life of the population - the consumption of major products per capita - the USSR entered the top ten of the most "filled" countries of the world (seventh place). It is appropriate to bring the well-known statement by M. Thatcher, made during the speech at a meeting of the American Oil Institute in 1991: The Soviet Union represented a very serious threat to the Western world. I am not talking about a military threat, since our countries are also well armed, including atomic weapons. I mean a threat to a purely economic. Thanks to the planned economy and a peculiar combination of moral and material incentives of the USSR, it was possible to achieve high economic indicators. The percentage of gross national product growth has been about twice as high as in our countries. If we take into account the huge natural resources of the USSR, then with the rational management of the economy, the Soviet Union had quite a real chance to displace us from world markets. "

What is the defeat of the USSR in an economic competition can be spent after such revelations? The conclusion suggests one: "stroke" of the USSR of the racing of weapons did not take place. The United States was forced to recognize their defeat in the Cold War. But refuse to destroy its main competitor - the USSR - they could not. We needed new, more sophisticated and effective forms of struggle.

Since the "suffocation" of the USSR racing arms did not take place, the United States was forced to create a new mechanism for the elimination of the Soviet country not on the basis of "suffocation", but on the basis of "help". The essence of this mechanism is "help" in the transition to a market economy, which is based on the socialist model of the regulated market, which all developed countries of the world apply today, and on the model of the capitalist free market, from which they were forced to abandon the 30s . XX century, during the "Great Depression".

As a result of introducing into our economy (with the help of Gorbachev and the "fifth column") of such a free market and refusal to plan, we received a complete unbalance of the economy reached by the 1990s. catastrophic scale. A steady production growth was replaced by a growing recession, the problems of "deficit" and queues appeared, the general discontent of the population grew. So the United States began against the USSR a new war "sixth generation". By this time (1990th), the population of our country has already lived in the world of myths and illusions formed by the media within the information war: that, allegedly, the socialist planning economy is ineffective, the USSR "collapsed" and its economy should be reformed "transition to the market "; that socialism is empty counters of stores, hunger; that the USSR "collapsed", and not dismembered by US programs, and it makes no sense to restore it; What the Russian Federation is Russia, and the USSR Union republics are not Russia, but sovereign independent states. These myths implemented by the colonial administration, Russian (read-American) media, cannot dispel the opposition, science for more than 20 years.

Until now, the "fighters of the invisible front" who gave the defeat of the USSR under the US and EU programs were not named. Who specifically caused our country and its people such tremendous damage is unknown.

There is no legal and legal assessment of the ideology of the war "sixth generation", its motivation. Why did the United States and Europe over the last century, lead and will lead the war with Russia to destroy the Russian people? Why is Russia for the USA and Europe is the "Evil Empire", and for the rest of the world was the empire of good and justice?

This is a key question to understand the destructive processes in Russia and the development of measures to counter the genocide of the Russians.

And finally, the most important thing. Nowhere and nobody says that the Russian Federation is in a state of war with the United States and the EU. Despite the occupation of Russia, huge territorial, economic, human losses, officially not announced. The task of restoring the territorial integrity and independence of the country is not raised. Even the opposition. Even those whose profession is "home to protect". It is not even theoretically discussed.

How can it be shattered in what is happening in the country, the simple people, especially those that say they are "out of politics"?

It turns out that this fundamentally new war of the sixth generation is an information, economic, which has been continuing for more than 20 years, we do not know anything. We live in the world of myths and illusions formed by the media. But the facts, real losses say that this war turned out to be much more efficient for the United States than the "hot" wars and a cold war. Although the country of the US soldier, NATO did not go to the territory of Russia, not a single rocket fell, while all previously developed doctrines were being implemented on the "elimination" of Russia, the liquidation of Russians.

Nevertheless, a simple person, especially those who stand out of politics, it is difficult to understand: why such "chaos", workable in our country from the outside, has become possible?

The fact is that, before you begin such devastating reforms, the United States with the help of the President and the Government of Russia, appointed by them, created the appropriate legal field. After the shooting of the White House and the destruction of the Soviet power under the dictation of American advisers, a new Constitution of Russia was written and adopted, in which article 15 (clause 4) says: "If other rules have been established by the International Agreement of the Russian Federation than those provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation, the rules apply International Treaty. " Thus, the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma deputies will be shared by the proposals of citizens of the Russian Federation, political parties and community organizations, producers without the permission of the IMF, because This will be treated as a violation of an international treaty, followed by the relevant sanctions right up to the bombing and the Hague Tribunal. So, according to the new Constitution, external management was introduced in Russia.

Earlier, the United States, the IMF prepared a number of decrees of the President of Russia, the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, laws, codes, etc., for example: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 323 dated December 27, 1991 "On urgent measures to implement land reform"; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №86 dated December 29, 1991 "On the procedure for the reorganization of collective farms and state farms." The new Constitution for Russia, which completely changed its state-owned device was also actually written by US experts.

For the people of the Russian Federation, other goals are established by the IMF experts, life standards. Numerous codes - civil, family, labor, judicial, tax, criminal, land, forest, water-and thousands of other laws, the IMF experts tightly regulated, as we do in any life situation that we should do, and what we are not right.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation, created on US expert programs, has been stamps these laws for 20 years. The Russian government diligently performs these programs. For their execution, about 15 thousand agreements were signed with leading members of the WTO and the IMF.

It happened incredible - the IMF experts for 20 years forced us to live, feel, think completely different. And at the same time in the media - not a word about the IMF, the architect and the builder of the huge troubles in Russia. Just unbelieveble!

Having created such a huge and inclusive legal field, the USA and the EU received complete freedom of action in the robbery of Russia, in the implementation of the policies of the genocide of the people, especially Russians. According to the State Duma deputy, four convocations, the former chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship, a member of the General Council of the United Russia party Evgenia Fedorova, "Every year we pay in the US treasury a tribute about 200-300 billion dollars. This corresponds to the total taxation of Russia. Every Russian pays two taxes: one tax is paying to the Russian budget, and the other is in the same volumes - he pays to the American budget. " Of course, E. Fedorov ordained. Today we can say that specifically the United States has already received as a result of the implementation of the new policy against Russia, the policies of the genocide and the corruption conspiracy with the current leadership of the country:

1. Over 15 million people are eliminated by the "extra" population only in the Russian Federation, as well as "unnecessary" industrial and agricultural production; The United States and the EU tripled the export of resources from the Russian Federation (according to the Accounts Chamber (2004): oil from 126 to 226.6 million tons, coal - from 22 to 62.1 million tons).

2. Most of the oil products of the Russian Federation (more precisely, Russian oligarchs) sells developed countries - the United States and the EU. However, the money received for petroleum products remains also in US banks and the EU. From the export of the Russian Federation - 80.2 billion dollars - more than 50 billion (about 70%) remained out of the Russian Federation. Non-return in the Russian Federation export income increases sharply and has already exceeded 2 trillion dollars, which are invested in the US and EU economies. Moreover, having privatizing the "petroleum" by registering it in offshores, our oligarchs not only leave almost all revenues for resources in foreign banks, but do not pay and taxes. Similarly, gas, steel, aluminum ... Thus, the United States and the EU, while maintaining most of the income of our resource industries, export resources for almost free.

3. Privatizing the oil industry and implementing a free market, free pricing, spiral price spiral with a leading increase in energy prices, the IMF involved the tool for the seizure of income from the population, enterprises and livelihoods. Only the population is seized about 3 trillion dollars of income. Example: for 1991-2001 Prices have increased (with the participation of the IMF): oil - in 33737 times, in electric power industry - at 23867 times, for food - 7861 times. And the remuneration of the population has increased only 3820 times.

4. Of all taxes entered by the IMF, the most incredible, most amazing and efficient - land tax. Citizens of the Russian Federation now for the use of Russian land pay US tax. Privatizing the Earth, the US TNK and the EU receive the right to establish any fee for its use, this does not require any investments. And it is forever.

A new war of the sixth generation for the "elimination" of Russia, the liquidation of Russian USA made for themselves an incredibly profitable business. Only on repayment of loans for the development of programs of the transition period, laws, codes, the constitution, the costs of citizens of the Russian Federation amounted to about 1 trillion dollars. This is called the execution due to the victim.

A new type war is informational, economic - gains momentum. The forecast of the World Bank: "... In the current century, the Russians will disappear in Russia as a title nation." This is not a joke, not populist statements of politicians, but cruel reality.

Where is the way out of this complex situation in which our country was driven and our people external and internal enemies of Russia?

The people in the main mass should understand the entire tragedy of the situation in which our homeland got, we are with you.

In the name of salvation themselves, we must unite around such a political force that can unite the overwhelming majority of the country's population and, relying on the conscious and organized people, stop the destructive processes and begin the revival of the country.

Such political strength is the Communist Party. The Communist Party has a deep understanding of the situation in the country, clearly presents the arrangement of class forces, has the necessary trained personnel and the revival program. Need only nationwide support.

IN AND. Safronov, veteran of pedagogical labor, Shelekhov
"Priangary", No. 30-31, 32-33, 2013 http: //kprf-irkutsk.rf/

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  • source:
  • Colonel of the armed forces of the reserve Shendakov MA:

    An open letter to the President of the Russian Federation - the enemy of the Motherland and the traitor of the Russian people

    Citizen Putin!

    Mr. as you used to call, I can not call, because I am not a slave, nor a hat. Comrade too, for I have never been in my comrades and there will never be like people like you. Yes, and in one office I am with you, fortunately, did not serve.

    I wrote to you once - in the distant 2004

    As a simple lieutenant colonel of the Russian army, the Supreme Commander Armed Forces, I already expressed my distrust of you. That letter written from hand (preserved draft), of course you did not read. It was intately with your clerks to the Ministry of Defense, which I was notified by the consultant department of the department of management on working with the appeals of citizens of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Mashato L.N. (No. A26 - 12 - 162598 of 11.05.2004). But I wrote not to the Minister of Defense, but personally to you to express my deep doubts about your honesty and decency. Since then - for 8 years, my opinion has not changed at all!

    For the first time I saw you in the mountains of Dagestan in August 1999,

    where did you get on the helicopter and handed us a nominal watch (in a few years I wore them on the pawnshops of G. Rostov-on-Don to find money to children on food.

    Nowhere to be taken due to engraving: "For personal courage from the chairman of the Russian government ...").

    Then, in Botlich, my first were, how, on what basis, this small, sulfur, a sad little man, the same lieutenant colonel, like me, without relevant experience and education headed the management of a huge country into such a hard time for her?! Even if some patient suggested that a sensible person could agree?! This is or suicide, or the calculation! But it was once then to reflect on this topic - they knocked out Chechen-Arab militants from Dagestan, then entered Chechnya ...

    The next time you hit me in 2003 by my unfortunately on TV that there is no relation to the creation of the United Russia party. I could not forgive such an open and arrogant lies to your supreme defender.

    Since then, I have carefully and intently watch you and all your actions. The conclusion was made unequivocal: you, Citizen Putin - "Sented Cossack"! Another explanation, as a simple lieutenant colonel, albeit the KGB, the loser for the service (career), which was not allowed to work abroad (fraternal GDR could not be), dismissed for some strange circumstances (many evidence testifies - on distrust) suddenly in Two short jumps (the city hall of S. Petherburg - FSB of Russia) was at the very top of power in the country with the most severe economic and political crisis, I do not find!

    Much later, I learned from the materials of the investigation of the working group of deputies of the Legislative Assembly (City Council of People's Deputies) of St. Petersburg under the leadership of M. Salne in 1992, as well as verification of controlling audit management, which was initiated by a criminal case (No. 144128) About framing and corruption in particularly large-sized members of the Leningrad OGG (organized criminal group) under the leadership of Putin V.V. The case was hastily and illegally closed in 1999 after your penetration into the highest power.

    Marina Evgenievna Salia, who has renovated and released this information, was killed in March of this year.

    Absolutely convinced of your personal order! You can kill a person. Especially an elderly defenseless woman pensioner.

    But it is impossible to kill the word crashed - it is not a sparrow!

    How will not help you hide the truth and get away from the responsibility and murder of L. Rokhlin, V. Ilyukhina, A. Korovik, G. Starova, K. Petrov ...

    But I am sure all these St. Petersburg crimes (incl. Machinations with housing, both in St. Petersburg and abroad, and the cooperative "Lake" ...) far from the most terrible crimes that you committed against Russia and the Russian people.

    For years, analyzing your criminal activities and watching the genocide of my native Russian people, the systematic economic enslavement of Russia and the large-scale resignation of its national riches close to the persons, I came to the hardware conviction that you apparently have been recruited by foreign special services (country / country with It does not matter value) during its unsuccessful service in the GDR in the distant 80s.

    Since then, you have been fulfilling the tasks of our owners on the systematic destruction of the state sovereignty of Russia, its economic enslavement to the West and the destruction of the country's population,

    first of all, Russian, M.Tutcher of 50 million recommended by you and your accomplices of "Iron Lady" and your accomplices - for servicing the "Golden Billion".

    It was your Western owners that initiated the most severe economic crisis first in the USSR, then in Russia.

    And then on this muddy wave and "surfaced" in the Kremlin - "to finish", to charge the future raw material colony of the West.

    As a result, during your criminal government, Russia is completely destroyed or on the verge of destroying (what you need another 6 years) Economics, industry, agriculture, education, health care.

    In peacetime, armed forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, MPC ... almost all state bodies were completely corrupted, all the power structures, the judicial system ...

    Many of the incomplete, wounded by the skillful propaganda of your girlfriend in Russia naively connect the improvement of life since the beginning of the 2000s with your climbing on the throne. They are deeply mistaken! A sharp drop in oil prices, which led to the economic crisis of the late 80s - early 90s was planned and carried out by your hosts - the so-called "global government", after which the "Savior" standing on his knees. This dirty method you used and continue to use.

    It is with the same purpose of you in collusion with the leader of Chechen gangsters, S. Basayev was planned and sealing war in Dagestan in August 1999, as a result of which at the first stage of this state betrayal Sun and the Ministry of Internal Affairs suffered the hardest losses. But before this treacherous collusion, our troops (136th separate motorized rifle brigade of the 58th Army and part of the 7th Guards Airborne Division) were along the Chechen-Dagestan border on well-equipped positions that could not be taken. By order from Moscow, these parts were allocated from the border to enable the gangsters unhindered to take several areas of Dagestan.

    In addition, the dense people in the outback, with access only to the state banks of television, is convinced that this is due to the Great Putin in Russia there are mobile phones, computers, flat TVs, foreign cars ...

    At the same time, people do not understand that all these benefits - firstly, Lategorous and objective scientific and technical process of our civilization, as a result of which all these "wonders" are in any banana republic.

    BUT secondlyAnd this is the worst thing - all the achievements of progress are invented, developed and implemented in production abroad. As a result, at our expense in the West, the economy is supported, science develops, restrained unemployment. And we, the people of Russia, stupidly and steadily degraded, focusing on one profession - the opener of the valves on oil and gas pipelines.

    And when you with your accomplices finally destroy Russian production, we will announce new prices for all these yet free mobile phones, computers and cars, even if their assembly is organized on our territory (why the West is choking its ecology?).

    All statements about the "prosperity" of our economy, industry, finance is also a sneaky deception.

    Half of companies, plants, banks, etc. Belong your personal love friends, half - foreigners. At the same time, most of them do not pay taxes in the budget, because Registered in offshores. With finances even worse - the colossal sums are embedded according to your personal instructions in various funds and securities in the United States and Western Europe.

    Our people have not yet realized all the catastrophicity of this insidious meanness. After all, these funds will never return to Russia! And it is for this purpose that you take them there! But you and this is not enough!

    Only with the goal of enormous embezzlement in the midst of the crisis of the Global Thieves Olympiad-2014 Olympics, Skolkovo, Big Moscow ...

    Even your personal friend is jealous to the scale of open theft, even your personal friend is jealous of the restoration of South Ossetia - twice the hero - independent Ichkeria (assigned to the criminal Maskhadov) and Russia (assigned to you) a hereditary gangster R. Kadyrov! In 1998, I equipped the foundations of the peacekeeping battalion of Russia in Y. Ossetia, and then the locals showed me the destroyed houses of Tskhinval (as it turned out later, many of them belonged to Georgian families and were burned by Ossetians). After 10 years - in 2008. After a curtail attack of Georgia, I again showed the same houses - still destroyed! At the same time, brazenly declared that this is the result of a recent shelling. All this you know perfectly! And the money from the budget cars continue to go to the Caucasus ...

    Too many questions for investigators have accumulated on your atrocities, a citizen Putin!

    In the meantime you are free, I, like your employer, demand:

    Explain to me, on what basis is one of the largest banks of Russia - VTB - is ruled exclusively your former colleagues - the generals of the KGB / FSB and the Sons of your loved ones (the same generals)? Are they all - the best economists of Russia?

    Why on the emblems of the largest Russian companies Rosneft and Sberbank of Russia, the ancient symbol of the Jewish power is stylized - the ritual candlestick of Minor (Menoraor)?

    Who is the owners of the land of Russian?! When will they come to declare their rights to our Holy Rus ?! ...

    Credial media stubbornly try to inspire us that stupid ministers are to blame.

    This myth flashed with white threads is easily dispelled:

    First, absolutely all of the highest government nets are appointed to their positions personally, and you were well aware that the furniture trades Serdyukov never served in the army, a failed school teacher of Nurgaliyev's physics does not consolidate anything in the "cop" work.

    How no ideas about agriculture have an accountant Skrynnik, and the Golikov accountant is about health care. And such amateurs you have appointed 90% of the government!

    This is state treason and large-scale sabotage!

    Compared to her, even the appointment by the Minister of the Billionaire of Abyzov, which has no higher education

    (Threw in his youth of Moscow State University) looks like an innocent prank.

    Although the mean essence is clear - the accomplice of A. Chubais has particularly proven itself in the progress and destruction of RAO UES. All these (except Chubais - there is a separate story) The pawns fulfill your personal instructions and orders, because it takes responsibility for such grave state crimes that they do, no normal person will decide. So they are confident in their complete impunity.

    And the guarantor in this is for them personally you, citizen Putin!

    Therefore, the courage flourishes in the tops, for the first time in the history of modern Russia, officially legalized by you personally on the example of Zubkov and Serdyukov.

    Therefore, a former deputy. The head of the furniture store section appoints a "steering" by military education, until recently we considered the best in the world, one of his mistress, who does not know what the military school is distinguished from the Military Academy.

    As a result, most of the military universities are preparing for the destruction of the remaining military universities.

    Other mistress - the procurement of weapons, although it has no idea what the tank differs from the armored personnel carrier. The result is the annual breakdowns of the state order.

    Until recently, he was heading the most sick army issue - housing.

    As a result, a complete failure.

    Tens of thousands of officers are derived for the staff of their parts, but they cannot be quitted due to the lack of a law of housing.

    Currently, it is transferred to another, no less paid work with a modest "weekend" in the form of an apartment in Moscow and several million rubles in cash.

    For all these and many other crimes associated with the undermining of the country's defense capability and the combat readiness of the Armed Forces Serdyukov, aggressively prophesitate the increase - the position of Deputy Prime Minister.

    And he will probably become - that's just coming to what he did not have time this year - destroy and sell the world's best military medical academy and the world's unique-in-world academy of military-cosmic defense.

    After all, the essence of your activity is clear - the more harm the minister in its field of activity, the higher the increase will be.

    That is why the most unfinished rascals from your government are appointed by your assistants and advisers. We, honest patriots of their homeland - Russia, hard to fight your criminal regime

    - For many years, you have created a powerful mafia structure, entangled by your web for the whole country, all spheres of vital activity.

    The most offensive thing is that besides a bunch of Jews, in which we have become indecent everything to dump, the basis of your OGS makes the former your colleagues - the generals and officers of the KGB and the FSB. Our legendary (according to Soviet movies and books) "Knights of Cloaks and Dagger" easily and simply exchanged the ideals of the Motherland for cash bills depicting US presidents. But, nor stolen billions, nor from enemies of 30 silventmen will not bring happiness to you, nor to your explosive, nor native and close to all subsequent generations of descendants of traitors and thieves.

    I think your Western owners are satisfied with your subversive work. But all these sweats are vain.

    Holy Rus will be as happened more than once in its great and tragic history. Posses the Spirit, will be revived from the ash, skins with yourself ZhIID-Masonic Yarm Slavery. And an hour of payback will come for all traitors of our long-suffering homeland.

    Therefore, the best way out for a traitor, which deserves the death penalty, to run to the West is not too late.

    So it will be better for everyone: and we, Rusichi, do not take the terrible sin of murder on the soul, and all your accomplices will reach out after the caravel wedge, cleaning our holy earth.

    Otherwise, the best thing is that everyone is waiting for you, this is the direction of Magadan.

    And the worst, taking into account the fact that you are guided by Russia - punishment according to the laws of wartime

    Citizen of the Russian Federation, veteran of hostilities and military service,

    colonel of the Armed Forces of Stock Shendakov Mikhail Anatolyevich

    Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, n. Nakhabino1.10.2012

    Appeal to Putin Deputy General Rokhlin - A.Morozova with a list of crimes

    I appeal to you: aughing. If you publish all your crimes, starting from the St. Petersburg period - the kill of the boy to whom you broke the neck in training still at the institute, contrary to the requirements not to sparring with him and do not conflict, murders of businessmen and criminatories in St. Petersburg, through their six Kumarin (Barsukova), The leader of the Tambov and "Night Father of the city" (an important spent practice for your career growth, as shown further);

    Kholodod, Listeyeva, on the bones of the last of which you went to the Kremlin in 1996, immediately - the Deputy Guidelines for the Presidents, because It was completed by your Tambov on the order of Berezovsky, and the last, in the future, was forced to fulfill all your instructions (the investigation into the murder of Listeyev is now resumed in connection with an indication of Kumarin's participation in it); Further murders and terrorist attacks in Moscow -

    the first terrorist attacks 11 and 12 July 1996. In the subway and trolleybuses in Moscow - immediately, as equipped in the administration, - which was then unheardly in Moscow, who did not know the metro explosions from 1976. (!) - And it was your "know-how" that you brought to the administration, conquering Trust Yeltsin, to the help of Berezovsky, - at that time for the acceleration of the signing of the world with Chechnya, who was beneficial to you with Chubais and Berezovsky during the elections of Yeltsin, and it was necessary to create public opinion about his need for such a monstrous way, instilling in Moscow and the country with these unexpected , and the terrible terrorist attacks: a small number of victims, but professionally, spelleded by the St. Petersburg forces of the current guardors of the GRU who were part of the Tambov grouping.

    The first diversion-terrorist operation of the administration, in the future, 2000, who turned into a real field sabotage-terrorist center for the development of terrorist attacks of his own people and murders of iconic figures, was achieved with your participation, the world was signed, after which everyone was there Clear, including Yeltsin and Swan, that you guy do not slip.

    Killings of Staroystovaya and Rokhlin in 1998, who cleared you the way to the heart of Yeltsin: November 10, 2010 in Moscow, in the building of the Biblio-Globus bookstore, during the presentation of his book "Power in Trotil Equivalent. Chronicle of King Boris. " (M., Algorithm, 2010), Former First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Printing and Information of Russia M. N. Poltooholin, longtime and close associate of Yeltsin, one of the most informed people of the country, "who became the first of the leaders of a high political rank who said The truth about the situation in Russia and the true appearance of its current power, "said:

    "Decision on the murder, I know for sure, took four people in the country a narrow circle - Yeltsin, Voloyshin, Yumashev and Dyachenko. We wanted to first instruct Savostyanov, the head of the Moscow FSB, but then stopped on a chaser" with cold fish eyes "capable of All. (Confused !!! killed as soon as 02.07.98. We sent encryption for all regional offices (147) on the collection and financing of arrival from 50 to 70 thousand of retired military personnel (full uniform, soldering, raincoat) For chatting 28.07.98. Moscow Kremlin.

    Nobody dreamed of them to touch them. Next, Rokhlin 2 divisions - tank and landing was to carry out a military coup. On the night after sending cipherograms, from 02 to 07/07/98. Rokhlin was killed by Putin's sabotage group. The corpses of the main three performers burned at once literally at 500 m. From the cottage, and "the hero of the day without a tie appeared Zyuganov, who said that Rokhlin killed his wife, and this is Mostovukha - the head of the only one (!) Fractions of the Russian Federation, April 20, Togo And the year unanimously voted for the removal of Rokhlin from the post of Chairman of the Committee on the Defense of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, without which to kill him after 2 months, it would be much more problematic. To kill a simple deputy - it is not to kill the Chairman of the Defense Committee. (Gidid ..) - Auth. )

    And it is hardly by chance that in fact immediately after the murder of Rokhlin, the chapter of the then FSB of Kovalev was raised at night from bed and rushing, just for 20 minutes, forced in accordance with the presidential decree to convey their powers newly appointed V. Putin. And it concerned the most powerful intelligence service in the world!. For what merits? "( is a complete transcript of performances M.N. Postera at the presentation of his book)

    organizations of the attacks of Basayev militants on Dagestan 02.08.99g. To prepare the unleashing of the second Chechen as a PR-stroke for the election by the President (to negotiate with Basayev 04.07.99g in Nice, Voloshin departed - the head of the administration of Yeltsin: Voloshin and Basayev. agree on the invasion of Basayev, at the head of Wahhabites, to Dagestan to unleash the second Chechen , and, on the wave of "Defense of the Fatherland" Putin, election of the last President of Russia in 2000.

    explosions of houses in the country and in Moscow in September 1999, with the same purpose;

    and unleashing the second Chechen bombing of the Terrible on that day, how on September 23, you grabbed your people from the FSB with the hexogen in Ryazan, while trying to undermine a residential building, the arrest of which patrols had to publicly admit to the whole country, and you, on the same day interrupted further explosions of houses Already in the rank of the Prime Minister and the "successor" (as the heir of King in the Banana Republic, while Nemtsov and K. are carrying Ahine about "democracy" under Yeltsin), appointed on both of these "post" Yeltsin on August 9, 1999, - immediately after the invasion Basayeva to Dagestan, - began to bomb the Terrible, unleashing from this day, for the sake of coming to power, the second Chechen;

    naive Sobchak, who had negligence to be blurted in the official interview 17.02.2000, two days before death, before departure to Kaliningrad, and a month before the election of you with the president, that you cope with family and oligarchs, becoming president (still posted on his official website), after which, given the "love" to him, Yeltsin and Chubais, whom Sobchak constantly pouted, remained either - either he, with the ballast of such a "friend" from the past team Abramovich, Chubais and Yeltsin would not lead you to the presidency where the absolute guarantee of the safety of the family and their money was required (as Distiv said on the first day after the death of her husband, but it instantly shut up): It was your first murder in the political elite environment in the rank of the president, and the first in the second millennium - although not The first is already in the biography, - a man, under the roof of which you entered politics, so in the second millennium you entered without all old "tails", including father and mother, as it is extremely supremely died of cancer For six months in late 1998 and early 1999. - After appointing you by the Director of the FSB, and before the appointment of the prime minister - perhaps they knew a lot, and could talk, or did not intend to be silent if they had interviewed, like Public Policy Parents.

    A. Borovik 09.03.2000, editor-in-chief of the most informed and exposure at that time of the television and print publications "Completely secret" and version ", a month before the death of published an article on the explosions of the FSB houses in 1999, and I was going to deal with this issue For the week - about your pedophilia, and on the night of March 6 to March 7, in the TV program "Anthropology", two to death, mathematically accurately described you as "an insignificant character, inflated by" oligarchs ", and" Favorite War I.O. ( I.O. The president, whom you were from 01/01/2000), including explosions of houses "- as" Submitting a Piarovsky campaign, invented by an unknown, bloody genius of electoral technologies "; - And he was listening to him in Russia and heard .. (the falling off the wing of his aircraft, fallen from a height of 50 meters, apparently smeared by the "liquid fuel oil" dissolving the metal (development of the MIC of the Ministry of Defense of the 80s), was not found on the place of the crash, like a mobile phone and records of Borovik, always former with him, therefore, apparently, none of the 9 plane, falling with such a small height, did not survive); Father can be proud of his son ..;

    murder of submariners on the submarine Kursk, in favor of the US agreements, and a series of many many and many political killings, all the next decade - to dare power under themselves, and make something silent, who knew something, could expose, and just did not silence, and his voice would be heard and important in the country - how

    S. Bodrov, on ignorance of who participated in your first election (Danila -nash brother, Putin is our president), and already refused to participate second, 2004, when your animal face saw and understood everything who could hear and see; What, starting he to explain his position and speak, would fully diade the image to you, and he had access to the screen, unlike the majority, which you cut off from the media, and would not be silent, because his strength was in truth. And his father can be proud of her son ..;

    tens of terrorist plates from 2000th year, primarily in Moscow, as you have introduced a job in 1996;

    the escalation of tension in the war in Chechnya, the life of tens of thousands of innocent peaceful and military, dares all this time on the second Chechen, to, like terroristrates, distract from high-profile political murders, fighting their resonance in society, and which, war, you can not forget , and about your fault in it, nor for a second.

    From the moment of coming to the presidency through the terrorist attacks, murders, and the war in Chechnya, your "nothing", "inflated by oligarchs", according to A. Digovik, did not come up so much; So it was not in this dirty, bloody PR-E, nothing ingenious, I was mistaken Artem. Initially, there was one killer logic, one convulsion - so she remained in you all these years:

    Swan; Yushkov, Shchechchichin, Politkovskaya, Litvinenko, Generals - Troyshev, K.Petrov (more details. Circumstances and causes of murders, a description of the terrorist attacks of their cover in Moscow - in the 2 chapter below).

    If you describe in detail all this, correspondents and publicists of all publications of the world will be going to go to you, for the next 20 years, you will become the most popular person on earth, and humanity will not forget it already - ie. You have already achieved yours. At the same time, it will not be necessary to make any efforts that you have such a daily, psychological, relieving voltage, the warming of the joy of anything that you have - hundreds of billions, palaces, and even children - the pleasure quickly leaves, and every day, from morning to evening you Come in a psychological meat grinder for you public communication in the image of a person you are not.

    Here you can relax, and be yourself - just telling about your murders, everyone on your own way, when it wants, and maybe it will not want to - do a pause. Then tell again with your natural emotions, which you got pleasure, how I lived in the depths of myself, - to be myself, and getting great pleasure from this, believe me, how to get all the serial killers, finally have been confessing in this, and talk about it As much as they are pleased. In this case, it will be more publicly, and it will not just fall into the secret archives of the materials of the case, - this is a mad, incredible glory, which the unity has reached on earth, and I doubt, because Hitler did not say anything, disappeared, and would be caught - Quickly executed. As a person now just flooded and, like a person, almost forgotten.

    You can say everything, we have a moratorium on the death penalty, if you surrender ordered and independently.

    Ceausescu did not do this, and see what happened to him.

    The folk anger is irrational, it's like a magma, and when it flows, you can no longer manage anything, and you are also used to it. Rent, and then you will manage events, and not you. And you stay alive.

    And the whole world will listen to you for years, it is incredible that you could do.

    You have achieved everything that I wanted - fame, interest in yourself, absolutely shocking life.

    Is it easier to relax now, and just tell?

    write it in detail, in a blog, like now, in a blog in LJ, I appeal to you? ..

    Embody after that, wait for the ownership of this terror specified by you, contributing to the provision of this terror - Chubais, Abramovich, Family (Dyachenko, Yumashev, Voloshin), Patrushev, Gref, Kudrin and dozens of other small figures, will come adequate power in which all The mentioned will be forced to continue to frankly talk and publicly tell through the media and in the records directly about all the crimes committed with you over the past 20 years, from St. Petersburg time, - this will be provided, after your recognition, be sure there is no phrase one personary will not leave the public lighting, and then you can surrender, without fear of eliminating, as a carrier of information, because it will already be revealed, and - calmly, for life, you can write and tell, in detail, the history of your life, like other books . Without psychological stress, and any problems.

    putin, you will not survive this year in power. The last one was the last.

    So there were "stars", and you yourself know, the power has gone.

    Y.Geido perfectly outlined it in an open letter to his own, and your friend Yumashev,

    silent before that 15 years (, the only naive journalist thinks

    that Yumashev controls you.

    I suggest you the most perfect, most compromise option for your psyche and personality.

    Your family, only the closest - wife, which is now, really, knowing all this, turned away from you, children, will be guaranteed iron, unscluded safety, and modest, but solid life provision.

    You no longer return them, they are already not with you, but they will at least be able to forgive. Especially since you are sick, and one God knows who and for which such a disease falls.

    Now it's time to surrender voluntarily to live further live and confessing in detail ..

    And this story is extremely necessary to humanity.

    When it smelles fried, on the orders of the family you will simply be killed, like an unnecessary witness, and all the threads to hundreds, thousands of bastards will be sliced \u200b\u200bforever, or they will be very scarce, and we will not learn all the completeness of information about the past two huge era - 90x and 2000x.

    Make the only one, a good deed that you are capable of, and is able to go now - go away, and give a full description of everything that you did all these years.

    You are waiting for your soul to revelation ..

    And the world too, of course, is waiting ..

    We also wait

    Alexander Morozov,

    Former deputy general L.ROhlin on movement "in support of the army .."

    Interesting article?

Is there any practical meaning in the ability to specifically reconstruct the events of the past? There is, and it is very difficult to overestimate its meaning. History is not only scientific discipline, but also weapons.
Fight hard. The soldier on the battlefield need a very powerful incentive to expose his life danger. The ability to withstand losses, willingness to carry the battle voltage, keeping the will to the fight in the most unfavorable setting, called the moral elasticity of the troops.
You can arm the army in the most modern and expensive weapon, to provide all the necessary supplies, pay the soldiers a big salary, and the officers to sink awards. But this host will be defeated by the barefoot partisans armed with Dedov's rifles and peasant forks, if the soldier's consciousness will not be confidence in the need to fight if they do not understand the goals of the war in which they participate.

The reluctance to fight leads to the fact that the soldier in any situation tries to evade the battle, behaves passively. Conversely, their opponent, armed with a powerful idea, mobilizing all his consciousness on the struggle, is actively looking for opportunities to fight, compensating for the weakness of their weapons with thoughtful tactics, courage or even fanaticity. The practice of wars shows that one of the most powerful mobilizing factors is the mass historical consciousness.

Is the West preparing to war with Russia? Weird question. He already leads it. Only this is not the war, which we sometimes see in teleprektips from Palestine or Afghanistan. The war is not conducted on the physical, but on the spiritual and intellectual destruction of the Russians. The West does not need the Russian people as a carrier of political will or that worse - a civilizational idea.

At the site of the Russian Empire - the Soviet Union - the RF tribes should appear with each other - as in Iraq or Afghanistan. The Russian army should not be. Russian culture should be a museum-in-law. So far, our opponents are successful. The Soviet Union is fragmented by 15 warring Bankers. In the Russian Federation, the regime was supplied in power, fully dependent on world oil and metals.

Another twenty years - and the army in the country will cease to exist. It will not even have to be louded, as Hitler did in the 41st. Just by that time, the Soviet weapons will fully endure. Create samples of weapons of a new generation of the Military Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation is no longer able to (telepropaganda perceive seriously). Moreover, even the combat complexes developed by Soviet constructors, it cannot - production facilities and qualified frames are lost.

20 years is a second in historical standards. Russia remains to live one second. What happens in a couple of decades? NATO intervention? Too much honor! No one will come to conquer us. Degraded Russians will delete each other themselves. We are waiting for the same end as Yugoslavia, painfully blowing in an endless series of ethnic conflicts and political crises. The Soviet people ceased to exist. It remains to crush the remaining piece - an amorphous education called "Russians" - and the case is done. But just in case, the current hosts of the world are preparing a power option for the "final decision of the Russian question".

Who thinks we distracted from the topic? After all, it was about history. Yes, we are talking about her. History is a weapon. The Russian state can be hypothetically reborn even in the most unfavorable conditions, if the people are a carrier of the national idea and political will. But national ideology and political will are based on historical consciousness. The people are common, primarily historical, and only in the second place the language, cultural, social, etc.

Therefore, there is a war on the destruction of the Russian people, as a single historical community. "Reformatting" of the historical memory of the people leads to its degradation. Who leads fighting against Russia? Let's figure it out.

Falsification of history occurs only by political order and can be carried out only by a party with large resources. In the overwhelming majority of cases, only the state had both resources and political need for rewriting the past. Imagine that in the kingdom there is a civil war for the throne between two clans. And now the ruling dynasty is overthrown, the king made a sec-book, and his more successful opponent was raised on the throne. Can he and his descendants feel confident about him? No, it is possible to achieve power with the help of a sword, but it is impossible to keep it only by force. Political opponents can be killed or intimidated. Supporters to distribute the land of carved enemies and thereby enlist their loyalty. But ... the government of the sovereign is consecrated by the church.

The church in antiquity played the same role that today the system of education, the media, literature and cinema together. And if the church (more precisely, the church tip) does not like the new king for some reason, he will live for a short time. The church can draw the anger of subjects against the monarch and overthrow the king, but the king of the Church is not able to abolish. Only the church makes the power of the king legitimate, and if the monarch shares with the church in power and wealth, he can count on its support.