Presentation on the topic: The effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body. Effect of ethyl alcohol on human body physiological impact of alcohols on human body presentation

The physical properties of the lower (from 1 - from 11) - J. Lower (from 1 - from 11) - J. Higher (from 12) - TV. Higher (from 12) - TV. T º KIP is higher than that of the respective HC (the presence of hydrogen bonds). T º KIP is higher than that of the respective HC (the presence of hydrogen bonds).

The physical properties of the smell (C 1 - C 3) is alcoholic. The smell (C 1 - C 3) is alcoholic. The following is unpleasant. The following is unpleasant. At the highest - no smell. At the highest - no smell. Methanol - very poisonous! Methanol - very poisonous! Ethanol is a poisonous narcotic substance. Ethanol is a poisonous narcotic substance.

Chemical properties 4. Dehydration (T\u003e 140ºC): Intermolecular dehydration (T 140ºC): Intermolecular dehydration (T 140ºC): Intermolecular dehydration (T 140ºC): Intermolecular dehydration (T 140ºC): Intermolecular dehydration (T

"Wine ruins the bodily health of people, destroyed mental abilities, ruin the well-being of families and, which is terrible, ruffles the souls of people and their offspring." "Wine ruins the bodily health of people, destroyed mental abilities, ruin the well-being of families and, which is terrible, ruffles the souls of people and their offspring." L.N. Tolstoy L.N. Tolstoy "Wine ruffles ..."

"Wine reports to everyone who drinks, four qualities: first Peacock, then monkeys, then lion and finally pig." "Wine reports to everyone who drinks, four qualities: first Peacock, then monkeys, then lion and finally pig." Abu-Faraj Abu-Faraj task

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Ethyl alcohol in medicine ethyl alcohol C2N5On (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, wine alcohol) is a colorless, bat-like liquid with a characteristic smell, burning on taste (pl .:813-0,816, boiling point 77-77.5 ° C). Mixed with water in any ratios. In medicine, purified 96% or 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is used. It is called medical. With the external use of technical alcohol, burns and poisoning are possible, because In its production, small amounts of poisonous substances add to it. In order to characterize the effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body, we need to describe the most important properties of alcohol.

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In medicine, ethyl alcohol is primarily used as an antiseptic. Double properties 96% ethyl alcohol are used to handle the operating field or in some methods of handling the surgeon's hands. Also alcohol can be used in burns. Quickly evaporated, it will cool the surface, reduce pain, and most importantly - will prevent the formation of bubbles. Alcohol is an excellent antipyretic agent. When rubbing the body, ethanol will quickly evaporate and reduce the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. Ethanol causes the expansion of blood vessels. Strengthening blood flow leads to redness of the skin and feeling of heat. Side effects in external use are manifested in the form of allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and skin pain in the place of compress.

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Ethyl alcohol increases the sensitivity of the body to tranquilizers, and neutralicles enhance into intoxication caused by them. When taking inside, inactivates the effect of antibiotics. Alcohol acts on the body as anesthesia, therefore its anti-shock property is often used in medicine. After admission to the body, ethanol is quickly absorbed due to diffusion; The maximum concentration in the blood is achieved after 60-90 minutes. In addition, the absorption rate depends on various factors. So, an empty stomach, a high temperature of the drink (for example, a grant), the presence of sugar and carbon dioxide (for example, in champagne) stimulate the absorption of ethanol. On the contrary, the absorption of ethanol is slowed down with abundant meal.

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In large quantities, ethanol is oppressed by the activity of the brain (braking stage), causes a violation of coordination of movements. The intermediate product of the oxidation of ethanol in the body - acetaldehyde - extremely poisonous and causes severe poisoning. The systematic use of ethyl alcohol and containing its alcoholic beverages leads to a resistant reduction in the productivity of the brain, the death of the liver cells and the replacement of their connective tissue - the liver cirrhosis.

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The rate of transformation of ethanol in the liver is limited mainly by the activity of alcoholic dehydrogenase. The "energy value" of ethanol is 29.4 kJ / g (7 kcal / g). Therefore, alcohol drinks provide a significant part of energy resources (especially with alcoholism). At the same time, the effect of large quantities of ethanol resembles the action of the drug, which can be explained by direct impact of ethanol on the neuron membranes.

In ancient Russia drank very little.

Only on selected holidays were cooked Medovukhu, Braga or Beer

Antique circle

Villages or villages had their own pety house or Korchm, where he served beer, braga, honey, kvass.

Russian brewery

Quasir on medieval engraving

Nowadays, the problem is very relevant.

alcohol use

Alcohol harm is obvious

BUT lacoven and I products i which is produced by non-state enterprises containing a large number of poisonous substances

Experiments on plants, beetles, birds, animals showed that alcohol is harmful to living organisms

Alcohol weakens the growth of plant seeds and kills in them vitality

In the body, alcohol has four main effects:

- provides the body with energy;

- develops the work of the central nervous system, reduces its effectiveness;

- Films the production of urine (as a result, cells are dehydrated);

- In order of the liver

Influence alcohol on the body or "individual dose" are closely connected with the concentration of it in the blood

The consequences of alcoholism: Brain lesion, esophageal bleeding from varicose vessels, functional renal failure, anemia, blood coagulation disorders

V. Belinsky . Drink and eat all people, but only dikari only plunge

A. Chekhov . White vodka, but red nose and ink reputation.

L. Tolstoy. Drunkenness swells the voice of conscience. This is the main cause of self-eating people. Alcohol also preserves the soul and the mind of the drunkard, as he preserves anatomical preparations

Feodosius Pechersky . The launcher suffers in captivity and can be given to the life of the eternal, and drunk suffers from his own will and devoted to eternal flour

K. Ushinsky . Drunk on light street dark

I. Efimov . No strong wines, there are weak heads

N. Semashko . We can say that how many husbands drank vodka, so much their wife and children were shed tears

Presentation on the topic: The effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body

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Ethyl alcohol in medicine ethyl alcohol C2N5On (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, wine alcohol) is a colorless, bat-like liquid with a characteristic smell, burning on taste (pl .:813-0,816, boiling point 77-77.5 ° C). Mixed with water in any ratios. In medicine, purified 96% or 70% ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is used. It is called medical. With the external use of technical alcohol, burns and poisoning are possible, because In its production, small amounts of poisonous substances add to it. In order to characterize the effect of ethyl alcohol on the human body, we need to describe the most important properties of alcohol.

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In medicine, ethyl alcohol is primarily used as an antiseptic. Double properties 96% ethyl alcohol are used to handle the operating field or in some methods of handling the surgeon's hands. Also alcohol can be used in burns. Quickly evaporated, it will cool the surface, reduce pain, and most importantly - will prevent the formation of bubbles. Alcohol is an excellent antipyretic agent. When rubbing the body, ethanol will quickly evaporate and reduce the temperature of the skin and the body as a whole. Ethanol causes the expansion of blood vessels. Strengthening blood flow leads to redness of the skin and feeling of heat. Side effects in external use are manifested in the form of allergic reactions, skin burns, hyperemia and skin pain in the place of compress.

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Ethyl alcohol increases the sensitivity of the body to tranquilizers, and neutralicles enhance into intoxication caused by them. When taking inside, inactivates the effect of antibiotics. Alcohol acts on the body as anesthesia, therefore its anti-shock property is often used in medicine. After admission to the body, ethanol is quickly absorbed due to diffusion; The maximum concentration in the blood is achieved after 60-90 minutes. In addition, the absorption rate depends on various factors. So, an empty stomach, a high temperature of the drink (for example, a grant), the presence of sugar and carbon dioxide (for example, in champagne) stimulate the absorption of ethanol. On the contrary, the absorption of ethanol is slowed down with abundant meal.

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In large quantities, ethanol is oppressed by the activity of the brain (braking stage), causes a violation of coordination of movements. The intermediate product of the oxidation of ethanol in the body - acetaldehyde - extremely poisonous and causes severe poisoning. The systematic use of ethyl alcohol and containing its alcoholic beverages leads to a resistant reduction in the productivity of the brain, the death of the liver cells and the replacement of their connective tissue - the liver cirrhosis.

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The rate of transformation of ethanol in the liver is limited mainly by the activity of alcoholic dehydrogenase. The "energy value" of ethanol is 29.4 kJ / g (7 kcal / g). Therefore, alcohol drinks provide a significant part of energy resources (especially with alcoholism). At the same time, the effect of large quantities of ethanol resembles the action of the drug, which can be explained by direct impact of ethanol on the neuron membranes.

Sections: Chemistry

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

  1. Introduce students with the chemical properties of ethanol as a typical representative of alkanarols
  2. Emphasize the attention of students on the physiological action of alcohols
  3. Form the ability to work in pairs and individually
  4. Maintain cognitive interest in the subject
  5. Promote a healthy lifestyle

Didactic tasks:

Students should know:

  1. Definitions of the following concepts: a) Dehydration reaction, b) simple ether.
  2. Chemical properties of limit monatomic alcohols.
  3. The physiological effect of alcohols on the human body.

Pupils should be able to:

  1. Make the equations of reactions with their participation.
  2. Practically implement a qualitative reaction with ethanol.


  • on the teacher's table - Alcohol, tripod, test tubes, porcelain cups, nippers.
  • reagents: ethanol, butanol, sodium, mixture of ethanol and concentrated sulfuric acid, copper wire, potassium permanganate solution.
  • on the table of students - ethanol, chicken egg solution, water, two test tubes, alcohol, copper wire.

Class.What kind of organic matter is we talking if 1,2 g of 1,344 l of carbon oxide (IV) and 1.44 g of water was separated? The density of its vapor of hydrogen 30. Make up and name the isomers of this substance (checking the task at the board).

New material.

Front conversation (definitions - limit monohydric alcohols, functional group, hydrogen bond, general alcohol formula).

Chemical properties.

1. R. burning.

D! Alcohol burning

C 2 H 5 ON + 3O 2 -\u003e 2 + 2 + 3H 2 O + Q

2. R. Names

a) with sodium (ethanol and butanol)

b) with halogen breeding

C 2 H 5 ON + NRR -\u003e C 2 H 5 BR + N 2 O

3. R. dehydration

a) from 2N 5 it -\u003e C 2 H 4 + H 2

D! A student is called to the board that demonstrates experience. Proves the presence of ethylene in reaction products.

4. Quality reaction to alcohols.

Laboratory experience.

Pour 2-3 ml of ethanol into the tube. Take the copper wire, heat it on the flame of the alcohol and enter into a test tube with alcohol. What are you watching? Record the reaction equation:

C 2N 5 ON + CUO\u003e CU + CH 3 Sleep (ethanal) + H 2

Physiological effect on the human body.

I burn the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus, it enters the gastrointestinal tract. Quickly and completely absorbed in the stomach. Easily overcomes biological membranes, as molecules have small size, can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, well soluble in fats. Scientists have established that alcohol disturbing cell functions leads to their death. With the use of 100 g of beer, about 3000 brain cells, 100 g of vodka - 7,500, are killed. The opposition of erythrocytes with alcohol molecules leads to a coagulation of blood cells.

Chemical experiment "The effect of ethanol on protein molecules".

The purpose of the experiment - Find out the effect of ethanol on protein molecules.

Equipment and reagents- a solution of chicken protein in 2 test tubes, water, ethanol.


A solution of a chicken egg protein solution is issued in test tubes. Pour 1-2 ml of water to the first test tube, and in the second as much ethanol. Note the changes in both test tubes. Find an explanation of the changes that happens (C.208).

What systems and human organs affect ethanol? (p.121.)

(the guys using a bright visual image presented the biochemical processes of denaturation proteins in the body under the influence of ethanol; realized that each cell is even increasing doses of alcohol in the body, each organ comes into contact with its molecules, experiencing its toxic effect on itself)

D / s §25 before use, Z.7, p.122 (Tutorial Tutorial).