In which organ of the digestive system is produced by pepsin. What is stomach

In the digestive tract, the enzyme of pepsin is responsible for digesting the proteins of animal origin, as well as cereal, legumes, dairy products and helps better absorb the body of vitamin B9 or iron. With the right work, it is produced in the cells of the gastric mucosa, and during deficiency, preparations are prescribed, which contains pepsin.

What is this substance?

Pepsin is the main enzyme of the digestive system of the endopepidase. Initially, enzyme is produced in the form of pepsinogen, but under the action of gastric juice turns into pepsin. The split proteins enzyme supplies amino acids to the entire body, which are used as a source of energy, and in the stomach only under the influence of enzymes. And also produce their own proteins, cell walls and other substances and structures.

Classification by type

Endopeptidase varieties table:

Group nameStomach enzymesa brief description ofWith what acidity is active?
BUTUboppsinPartially excreted through the urine and is used to analyze the proteolytic activity of the gastric juiceHydrolyzes at 1.5-2 pH
FROMCatencin or GastrisinIs inside the cell and cuts peptide connectionsIn the hydrolysis of pepsin and gastricin participate at pH 3.2-3.5
INParapepsin or gelatinaseDivides gelatin and proteins of connective tissuespH for pepsin should not be higher than 5.6
D.Rennine or HymosaThe enzyme involved in the process of milk splitting with calcium.Operate in neutral environment

Enzymes affect the protein only in an acidic environment. Catalysts are produced by iron, the localization of which is at the walls of the foundal part of the stomach, the place with the lowest level of pH. Gastricin is contained in all stomach departments. Enzymes produced a complete splitting of proteins, and their decomposition product is soluble in water.

This is a very complex chemical process.

The catalyst in the stomach in the acidic medium is activated under the influence of hydrochloric acid. The cells of the mucous membranes of the organ producing pro-estimation. Pepsinogen is a functionally inactive form of an enzyme, from which pepsin is obtained. There is also a pepstatin inhibitor, which is necessary that the Pepsin secretion does not go beyond the norm. As soon as pepsin enters the intestines, its function stops, but other enzymes enter the digestion process.

In men, the selection of proteases is 25% higher than that of women.

Enzimov functions

The main actions of pepsin and other hydrolylase are consisting in cutting large protein molecules into small parts. The enzymes are responsible for disaggregation of the protein, the splitting of albumin, the scholarship of milk and the dissolution of gelatin. Proteolytic activity greatly simplifies the hydrolysis process. Catalyzing provide such phenomena:

  • Protosal action - splitting proteins on oligo and polypeptides.
  • Transpeptidase activity - oligopeptides are divided into amino acids and peptides, which provides Catexin.
  • Peptidazine exposure - hydrolysis of polypeptides and amino acids.

What splits?

The study of this issue is engaged in biochemistry. Protein molecule - a set of amino acids that are connected to each other. The cells of the body are not digested independently and do not absorb such a volume of the material, so the splitting function is provided. In the process of digesting proteins, pepsin performs the function of scissors - cuts peptide bonds. The gradual destruction of the peptide molecule begins in half, then each part is still divided and still one amino acid is formed. Of these, their own muscle and internal proteins are being built, as well as enzymes, hormones and other substances. In rare cases from peptides, the body allocates energy for vital activity.

Easy-friendly I. effective drugs.

When the body poorly digeshes food, recommended by the use of medicines based on pepsin and other enzymes. Foundation glands of the stomach of pigs produce enzymes from which the powder and pills for medical purposes are manufactured. , dyspepsia, ahilia or other diseases with a deficiency of pepsin - indication for the use of peps-containing drugs. These means include Pepsinum. It is stirred by S. sugar powder. It has a specific smell, cream shade and a pleasant taste. The dose of the day is necessary - to a half-mandor of one-time intake. Use 2 to 3 times to meals or during. When the enzyme is active and acts, it begins to split proteins to polypeptides in the digestive tract.

"Acidine-pepsin" is a medicine that consists of two enzymes in a ratio of 1: 4, which splits proteins and helps to separate free hydrochloric acid. The medication is used for dyspepsia, and ancidal gastritis. Used depends on the age category and patient weight. Reception 3-4 times a day, while eating or after. It is recommended to dissolve in water. And also for better digestion, food can be consumed: "Akidolpepsin", "Akippsol", "Betacid", "Peptsamine", "pepsacid". As well as enzymes help cope with iron and other elements if there is an oversufficer.

The site provides reference information Exceptionally for familiarization. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

What is pepsin?

Pepsin - This is an enzyme that is part of the gastric juice and is produced by the mucous membrane of the stomach. Pepsin splits almost all proteins of animal and vegetable origin. In the splitting of proteins, the enzymes of the pancreas are also involved - trypsin and chymotrypsin. But pepsin, in contrast to these enzymes, does not have strict specificity to split proteins.

The pepsin effect manifests itself only in an acidic environment. The optimal activity of pepsin is noted at a concentration of free hydrochloric acid at least 0.15-0.2%, the maximum activity of pepsin is at pH \u003d 1.5-2.0.

In some diseases, there is a complete absence (Ahilia) or a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid (hypoacid state). The consequence of this pathology is the lack of pepsin digestive activity and, therefore, the gastric juice. In such cases used replacement therapy - Reception of pepsin or preparations containing pepsin.

Pepsin pharmacy preparation is prepared from stomach pigs, cattle, chickens and chickens. The digestive activity of chicken pepsin is noted in the larger RN range (2-4) than pork pepsin. This makes it possible not to prescribe an additional hydrochloric acid for reception.

It is used to receive inside and enzymatic preparation acidine-pepsin. Its contained betaine hydrochloride in the stomach turns into free hydrochloric acid, which activates pepsin.

Forms of release

  • Pepsin is produced in the form of a powder, which should be stored in closed banks, in a dark place, at a temperature of +2 to +15 o C. Powder has a yellowish or white color, sour-sweet taste, is well soluble in water and in ethyl alcohol (twenty%). In a pharmacy, a solution of pepsin and hydrochloric acid is prepared in the powder.
  • Pepsin K (chicken pepsin) - tablets of 0.1 g; The tablet contains 0.04 g of pepsin; Packing 25 or 50 tablets.
  • Acidine-pepsin (combined drug consisting of 1 part of pepsin and 4 parts of betaine hydrochloride) is produced in the form of tablets of 0.25 or 0.5 g of 50 pieces per pack.
  • Pepsin ointment is not produced by pharmaceutical factories, but prepares in pharmacies for the recipe (5-10% ointment: pepsin with hydrochloric acid on a vaseline or lanoline base).

Instructions for the use of pepsin and acidine-pepsin

Indications for use

The intake of pepsin is shown in the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with a reduced secretory function of the stomach:
  • hypoacide gastritis (reduced hydrochloric acid production in the stomach), anacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach in the absence of hydrochloric acid production);
  • achilia (lack of production of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in the stomach) in atrophically gastritis, protein failure and vitamins in nutrition, malignant form of minorocracy, cirrhosis of the liver, endocrine disorders (raising the level of thyroid hormones), etc.;
  • condition after removing part of the stomach;
  • dyspepsia (digestion violation).

Outwardly, pepsin can be used to treat keloid scars, necrotic non-healing ulcers in the form of ointments.


Pepsin and acidine-pepsin are not prescribed with an allergic reaction to the drug, with ulcer of stomach, erosive gastritis (superficial, shallow ulcers on the gastric mucosa), with an increased acidic and enzymatic function of the stomach.

Side effects

When using pepsin and acidine-pepsin, in rare cases, it may be marked:
  • allergic reaction;
  • violation of the chair (diarrhea or constipation);

Treatment of pepsin and acidine-pepsin

How to use?
Pepsin and acidine-pepsin are taken inward during or after meals. Before taking, the acidine-pepsin tablet should be pre-dissolved in 100 ml of water, and pepsin in the form of a powder is dissolved in water or 1-3% hydrochloric acid solution.

Outflowing bandages are superimposed (strictly to the appointment of a doctor) for a day.

Pepsin is destroyed by alcohol, so during the reception of this drug should exclude alcohol use.

Inside the pepsin is pressed by adults 0.2-0.5 g during or after meals in the form of a powder or 1-3% solution of diluted hydrochloric (hydrochloric acid) acid 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is set by a doctor. It is usually assigned for 2-4 weeks.

Pepsin children are prescribed only by a doctor at a dose from 0.05 to 0.3 g 2-3 times a day or a 1-2% hydrochloric acid solution depending on age.

Pepsin to take 1-2 (maximum - 3) tablets after eating a course from 2 to 4 weeks.

Acidine-pepsin adults are prescribed 0.5 g 3 times a day. Children are prescribed at half or quarter to a quarter tablet (0.25) depending on age.

Compatibility with other drugs

The effectiveness of peps-containing medicinal preparations reduced while simultaneously use of oxygening drugs, tannin, antacids (food soda, burning magnesia, mixtures Bourget, Renny preparations, Tamme, Andrews Antacid and others), or when using preparations containing heavy metals salts (collargol, salicylo-sulfur-zinc paste and Dr.).

Analogs of Pepsin

Abroad Analogs of acidine-pepsin are produced: beta-pepsin, betacid, pepsamine, acidol-pepsin, acippsol, Solgar, etc.

Preparations have similar effects:
Festal, Abomin, Penzital, Longidase, Poleraz.

The stomach in medicine is a muscular organ, hollow inside, which is located in the left human hypochondrium. It is a reservoir in which swallowed food is entered, as well as a place where its chemical digestion occurs. The average volume of the empty stomach of a person is about 500 ml. After receiving food, it increases to 1000 ml. In exceptional cases, it is possible to stretch the stomach to 4000 ml.

In addition to the two above-mentioned functions, the stomach carries out suction and performs the secretion of substances that are biologically active.

Stomach functions

Modern medicine distinguishes seven basic stomach functions:

  1. Endocrine function expressed in the development of a number of substances that are biologically active and individual hormones.
  2. Protective function, other name - bactericidal function. The stomach sells it due to the production of hydrochloric acid.
  3. An excretory function that is enhanced by renal failure in humans.
  4. Performing suction of some substances (sugar, salt, water, etc.).
  5. Secrecy of the Castle factor (counter-charge). It contributes to suction from food of such vitamin as B12.
  6. Chemical processing of food, which fell into the stomach. For this, the gastric juice produced by them is used. For 24 hours, the body can develop almost 1.5 liters of gastric juice containing a certain percentage of HCl and several types of enzymes.
  7. Food accumulates in the stomach, processed in a certain way, then moves to the intestine.


From a physiological point of view, all the functions inherent in the stomach are divided into motor functions (considered the most important), excretory, secretory, suction.

Secretorial functions

This function is directly linked to the production of gastric juice. In its pure form, it is a transparent liquid that does not have colors, which contains up to 0.5% hydrochloric acid. In a day, the stomach produces an average of about two liters of gastric juice. In the juice in sufficiently large quantities there are enzymes - pepsin, and a number of other, less important.

Pepsin It is considered a basic enzyme secreted by the stomach of juice. Its main purpose consists in splitting proteins related to drinking. The most effectively this enzyme works in acidic environments. In this case, its activity is very large. The average amount of pepsin is determined by 1 mg per milliliter of juice. Respectively, daily rate The produced pepsin is determined by the value of 2 grams. Such a number can be used in order to completely digest 100kg eggs of eggs to completely digest 100kg. That is, a normally functioning stomach in a few hours (approximately 24) is able to digest the amount of protein, multiple times higher than that, which is determined by the physiological needs of the body.

Himozin The adult is contained in its gastric juice in very minor quantities. One of the properties inherent in it is to ensure (formation of milk of cottage cheese).

In addition to the two substances mentioned above, the juice contains water, as well as a wide range of mineral salts.

The amount of gastric juice in the human body and the acidity of the latter are variable values. Changes in these indicators depends on the lifestyle of a person, its age, etc.

Indicators such as a digestive force, the duration of the release of the ZHS (gastric juice) and its volumes, in an overwhelming degree depend on the quality and method of cooking. The maximum amount of the highest processing efficiency is allocated when meat is eaten. Slightly less - on bread or fish. Even less - on milk.

An important role in the process defining the effectiveness of the ZHS and the volumes of its branch, plays the volume of the newly accepted food. If a person moved, the ability of juice to digest food is significantly addressed, and this leads to long-term disorders of digestion. Eliminate the problem allows the reception of kefir.

Digestion time and deadlines for food in the stomach straightly linked with the method of cooking dishes and its chemical composition. If a person is healthy, then this time is 2 - 7 hours. The more rude food, the longer. Fat food is in the stomach of about 9 hours. The fastest is the protein and carbohydrate, especially if they use it and in liquid form.

The stomach of a healthy person begins to produce ZHS from external pathogens (visual and olfactory) that annoy the main receptors.

The gastric secretion generated by the body in response to irritation of the food internal oral cavity, independently ensure full digestion of food can not. That is why, after she gets into the stomach and come into contact with the mucous membrane, the latter initiates abundant selection of gastric juice.

If a person is healthy, then his ZS is able to destroy the pathogens that fell inside. But with a significantly understated level of acidity, both in the stomach and in the small intestine, accumulates a large number of microorganisms that initiate the emergence of negative processes. For example, rotting or fermentation, which reduces the organism resistance to the effects of intestinal infections.

The juice constantly contains a mucus that covers the walls of the stomach and its bottom. Its composition includes a large number of different inorganic substances, A number of carbohydrates and proteins. This mucus, in addition to protective character functions, neutralizes hydrochloric acid, thereby carrying out its binding. Also, the mucus is able to lower the peptic activity of the ZHS and exhaust the vitamins of the groups "C" and "B", protecting them from destruction.

The content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is the most important indicator of the health of the stomach. The disorder inherent in the secretory functions is evidenced by the decrease, or an increase in the level of the latter. Either a complete stop of the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach. The disorder can also be provoked by a chewing man, which man fats on an empty stomach. The decrease is fixed in the event of a bowel disease and a number of other bodies; The stomach itself, as well as the occurrence of diseases that are classified as feverish. The complete absence in the ZHS acid is fixed in the event of a disease of the central nervous systemwhich leads to the braking of the basic secretions of the stomach.

An important role for the proper diagnosis of the specified indicators is played by testing methods that make it possible to determine the true cause of secretion violations. This uses special tables.

Motor features (motor)

The engineering function of the stomach is considered more important from the point of view of influence, both on the pathology and the physiology of the actual digestive organs.

In the process of implementing the specified function, the eraser is carried out in the stomach, stirring and further displacement in the duodenum. The function in question is carried out due to the agreed work of a number of its elements and peristaltic cuts.

Peristalsis - this is the most important term in motor activities. It begins for about 7 minutes, counting from the moment of food and is repeated with discreteness of 21 seconds.

Suction features are not triggered with respect to the absolute majority of products enrolled in the stomach (if health). Minor absorption is subject to: bromine, water and several other items.

Extractor functions

Through the mucous membrane, a number of elements are emitted, the excess of which is derived from the blood. A very important role for the body is played by the ability inherent in the gastric mucosa - to allocate protein gastabase from the blood to the cavity. They are split off the existing enzymes, then again absorbed through the small intestine into the blood.

The mucous membrane of the stomach that carries out the cleavage of food proteins. It is an essential component of the gastric juice.

Pepsin is produced, reserved and excreted in an inactive form in the form of proferred of pepsinogen by the main cells of the gusts of the bottom and the body of the stomach. The conversion of pepsinogen in pepsin occurs as a result of the cleavage of several peptides from the N-terminal section of pepsinogen. The activation of pepsin goes to several stages and is catalyzed by hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice and the pepsin itself. Pepsin ensures the splitting of proteins preceding their hydrolysis and facilitating it.

Proteolytic activity of pepsin is observed at pH< 6, достигая максимума при pH от 1,5 до 2,0. При этом один грамм пепсина за два часа может расщеплять 50 кг яичного альбумина, растворять около 2 000 л желатины, створаживать примерно 100 000 л молока.

In case of triggered secretion, pepsin debit in men - from 20 to 35 mg per hour. Maximum, stimulated by pentagastrine - up to 60-80 mg per hour. In women - by 25-30% less.

Pepsin is used in medicine, refers to the group A09 "Preparations that contribute to digestion", subgroup "A09AA digestive enzyme preparations" and has ATH Code A09AA03.

Hypothesis about pepsin in the eye with GER and caused by these diseases of the eye
The latest data show that gastroesophageal reflux (GER) may be associated with the acquired rosal duct obstruction and some other ophthalmic syndromes based on the fact that recently pepsin was found in the tear of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Pilot study showed that patients with HARB symptoms recurrence of symptoms of eye surface diseases above (Tarete G. et al.)
Publications for health professionals affecting the role of pepsin in digestion physiology
  • Kink G.F. Organization of gastric digestion // Bulletin of surgical gastroenterology. - 2006. - № 1. - p. 17-25.

  • Belmer S.V., Kovalenko A.A. Gastric secret. Pepsins / in KN. Acid-dependent conditions in children / ed. V. Tabolina.

  • Koliavyev V.N., Gorbunov Yu.V., Krasnopernova O.V., Shklyaev A.E., Krasnova I.S. Pepsin definition: application in clinical practice // CL. Biochemistry: unity of fundamental science and laboratory diagnostics. February 4, 2010. Izhevsk. P. 101-103.

The splitting of proteins to amino acids begins in the stomach, continues in the duodenum and ends in a small intestine. In some cases, the decay of proteins and the transformation of amino acids can also occur in the thick intestine under the influence of microflora.

Proteolytic enzymes are divided according to the features of their action on exopeptidases, cleaving end amino acids, and endopeptidase acting on internal peptide ties.

The stomach of food is exposed to gastric juice comprising hydrochloric acid and enzymes. The enzymes of the stomach include two groups of proteases with different Optimum pH, which are simplistic called pepsin and gastroin. In infants, the main enzyme is Renin.

Regulation of gastric digestion

Regulation is carried out nervous (conditional and unconditional reflexes) and humoral mechanisms. Gumoral gastric secretion regulators include gastrinand histamine.

Gastrin is secreted by specific G-cells of the pyloric department:

  • in response to irritation of mechanoreceptors,
  • in response to irritation of chemoreceptors (Primary hydrolysis products of proteins),
  • under influence n.Vagus.

Further gastrin Through the systemic blood flow, it reaches and stimulates the main, fined and additional cells, which causes the secretion of the gastric juice, to a greater extent of hydrochloric acid. He also provides secretion histamine, affecting ECL cells ( eNTEROCHROMAFFIN-LIKE CELLS, eng. Enterochromaphphofodible cells).

Histamine, which forms in enterochromaphphphod-like cells of the stomach mucosa (the foundal glands), goes into the bloodstream, interacts with H 2 -receptors on the shepherd cells and increases synthesis and secretion in them. of hydrochloric acid.

Opening Gastric content (pH 1.0) by mechanism reverse negative connection Intends the activity of G-cells, reduces the secretion of gastrine and gastric juice.

Hydrochloric acid

One of the most important components of the gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. Parietal (shelling) stomach cells secreting ions H + take part in the formation of hydrochloric acid. The source of H + ions is coalic acid formed by the enzyme carboangeyndrase. With its dissociation, in addition to hydrogen ions, carbonate ions of NSO 3 are formed. They are moving in a gradient concentration in bloodin exchange for SL ions -. In the cavity stomachh + ions fall through an energy-dependent antiport with ions to + ( N +, K + -ATFAZ), chloride ions are pumped into the lumen of the stomach also with energy consideration.

H +, K + -ATFAZ (proton pump) is the target of the actions of drugs "proton pump inhibitors" - omeprazole, pantoprazole, etc., used to treat the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with increased acidity (gastritis, stomach ulcers and 12- Pans, duodenitis).

In disruption of the normal secretion of HCl, hypoacide or hyperacid gastritis arise, differing from each other by clinical manifestations, consequences and the required treatment regimen.

Synthesis of hydrochloric acid
Functions of hydrochloric acid
  1. Denaturation of food proteins.
  2. Bactericidal action.
  3. The release of iron from the complex with proteins and the translation into a divalent form, which is necessary for suction. Other metals are released similarly.
  4. The release of various organic molecules, firmly related to the protein part (gem, coefficers - thiamineidiphosphate, phased FMN, pyridoxalphosphate, kobalamin, biotin), which allows vitamins subsequently absorbed.
  5. Transformation of inactive pepsinogen into active pepsin.
  6. Reducing the pH of the gastric content up to 1.5-2.5 and the creation of the optimum pH for pepsin.
  7. After the transition to the 12-risk - stimulation of the secretion of intestinal hormones and, consequently, the release of pancreatic juice and bile.

The acidic reaction of the gastric juice is due mainly by the presence HCLMuch B. less degree and she H 2 PO 4 -, with pathologies (hypo- and ancidal state, oncology), your contribution can be made lactic acid.

The combination of all the substances of the gastric juice capable of being donors of protons is general acidity. Salonic acid located in a complex with proteins, mucopolysaccharides of the mucous membrane and digestion products are called connected hydrochloric acid remaining part - free hydrochloric acid. The content of free HCl is subject to change, at the same time, the number of related HCl is relatively constant.

The influence of gastrine and histamine on the shepherd cells comes down to strengthening H +, K + -ATPhase. The gastrine action is to activate the calcium-phospholipid signal transmission mechanism, histamine acts on adenylate cyclase mechanism.

Change of acidity in the stomach

Hypoacid state Developed by reducing the activity and / or number of fined cells synthesizing HCl. As a result, a wide variety of consequences can develop directly or indirectly associated with non-compliance hydrochloric acid of its functions:

  • reduced digestion proteins both in the stomach and in the intestine,
  • activation of fermentation processes in the stomach, smell of mouth,
  • activation of the process gniding Belkov In the colon, drilling in the intestine and meteorism,
  • penetration of inappropriate products in blood and, as a result, allergic reactions,
  • reducing release from proteins and the emergence of mineral deficiency ( iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, iodine and etc),
  • reducing the release from proteins and suction of a number of water-soluble vitamins - development hypovitaminosis (B1, B2, B6, B12, H),
  • decreased synthesis by clad cells internal factor Casla and reducing the absorption of vitamin B12.,
  • reducing the secretion of intestinal hormones and, as a result, reduction discharge bile and pancreatic juice,
  • violation of digestion and suction of lipids and, as a result, the development of hypovitaminosis on fat soluble Vitamins.

Hyperucid state Developed with the increased activity of the shepherd cells. It can lead to clinical manifestations in the form of inflammation of the wall of the stomach, erosion and ulcerative disease of the stomach and the twelve-reader.


Pepsin is an endopeptidase, that is, it splits internal peptide ties in protein and peptide molecules. Synthesized in the main cells of the stomach in the form of inactive proprimentpepsinogen, in which the active center "Cock-up" N-terminal fragment. In the presence of hydrochloric acid, the conformation of pepsinogen changes in such a way that the "revealed" active center of the enzyme that clears residual peptide (N-terminal fragment), i.e. Outokatalysis occurs. As a result, active pepsin, activating other pepsinogen molecules, is formed.

Transformation of pepsinogen in pepsin

Pepsin has low specificity, mainly he hydrolyzes peptide bonds formed by amino groups of aromatic amino acids (tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan), less and slower - amino groups and leucine carboxy groups, glutamic acid etc. Optimum pH for pepsin 1.5-2.0.

Communications split by pepsin


Gastricin in its functions is close to pepsin, its amount in the gastric juice is 20-50% of the amount of pepsin. Synthesized by the main cells of the stomach in the form pRAGATRASINA (Propriment) and activated hydrochloric acid. The optimum pH of the gastrisine corresponds to 3.2-3.5 and the value of this enzyme has the nutrition of milk-vegetable food, weakerly stimulating the separation of hydrochloric acid and at the same time neutralizing it in the lumen of the stomach. Gastricin is an endopepidase and hydrolyzing communications formed by carboxyl groups dicarboons Amino acids.

For days, about 2 g of pepsin is synthesized. The volume of pepsin is approximately 10% of all peptide bonds of proteins entering the stomach.

The presence in the stomach of two proteases acting at various pH, allows the body pepsin digest meat food proteins stimulating the secretion of HCl, and gastricin - proteins of vegetable-dairy food.