All-Russian Center for Studying Public Opinion (WTCIOM). Public opinion polls VTsIOM Public opinion polls

WTCIOM (All-Russian Center for Studying Public Opinion) Names itself with the oldest research organization in Russia in the field of sociology. The center was created in 1987 (from 1987 to 1991 - All-Union), specializes primarily on public opinion polls, fully belongs to the state.

VTsiom annually holds more than 400 large-scale public opinion study projects. Under these tasks in the company, a project office has been formed: project managers, "field" personnel involved in the direct conduct of all kinds of research, as well as specialists in the formation of statistics and analytics. When an order is received to the Center, a task is formed in the system, and the questionnaires are transmitted to the "fields". According to the results of the surveys, the information obtained is processed by the analytical department and the control body.

For 2018, the WTCIOM conducts research on the main areas (politics, social sphere, business) at the regional and federal levels, in the post-Soviet space, as well as in, Asia and Europe. VTsiom implements its own educational and publishing programs. In its work, the WTCIOM is guided by the principles of ESOMAR.



80% TNS RUSSIA acquires 80%

In June 2016, it became known that the VTsIOM through its subsidiary - LLC "VTICH MEDIA" (created in early 2016) - can purchase 80% of the TNS Russia telezer meter, which is included in the WPP British Advertising Holding. This company measures the audience of Russian TV channels, radio stations and other media.

This forced sale: in the summer of 2016, the State Duma adopted amendments to the laws on the media and advertising, according to which the advertisers and their intermediaries from September 2017 will be obliged to have a treaty with a measuring company selected by the state, and specifically Roskomnadzor. Decide with its choice service should be January 2017

According to top managers of two large media holdings, a transaction for the sale of 80% TNS RUSSIA The structure of the parties can close "closer to winter." Both companies do not comment information, and the relevant petition has not been received to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS).

Later it became known that the "VTsiom-Media" fundamentally agreed on the purchase of 80% of the analytical company TNS from the British WPP.

In August 2016, it was reported that VTsiom-Media intends to hold a tender for attracting a loan (follows from the company's documents published on the public procurement website). It will be a purchase at the only supplier. The draft credit agreement attached to the tender documents is indicated that "VTsiom-Media" is going to get a loan of 1.4 billion rubles. For a period of seven years under the key rate of the Central Bank (10.5%), plus 1% per annum. The announcement was published in 20.57 Moscow time on Friday August 5, the same day is indicated as the last day of submission of applications.

The draft credit agreement does not indicate the name of the bank, but there is a number of its state license (No. 1000), indicates Interfax. This is a license number VTB. The representative of the bank refused any comments.

"VTsiom-Media" will attract these funds to "financing the acquisition, current activities and payment of licensed and service payments." To repay Credit the company will have to start from 2018 what kind of acquisition is in question, nothing is specified in the document.

The amount of loans attracted by the VTsIOM-media is close to how much the company agreed to pay for 80% of TNS, says the source of "Vedomosti", familiar with the participants in negotiations with WPP and the WTCOM. But the transaction has a complicated structure, so exact numbers It is difficult to call, he explains. Before another source of "Vedomosti" told that the transaction amount would be small compared to the TNS revenue, which "noticeably exceeds 5 billion rubles." Officially, the TNS financial indicators do not disclose neither it itself nor WPP.

Register "VTsIOM-Media" as a competitor to TNS for measuring teleadia

VTsiom registered in the spring of 2016 by the company "VTsiom Media" to measure the television audience. The main competitor of the company is TNS Index, Adindex reported.

The Chairman of the Board of the Foundation of Konstantin Abramov said that the organization was worth the task of becoming a leader in the research market in Russia.

Alexey Malinin, who worked in 2010-2012 in the Ministry of Communications, was appointed the general director of VTsiom Media. In 2013-2014, he was an adviser to the general director "

Public opinion, which is a manifestation of mass consciousness, includes an explicit or secretive attitude of large social groups, all the people to the facts of social, political, economic reality, to the activities of certain parties, groups, leaders, persons. Such an opinion that arises only on issues of public interest has a continuing value in political life any country. The internal attitude existing in such groups is largely predetermining that have a significant impact in various political procedures; It affects the results of voting in elections, on referendums, to make political and other solutions. The existing opinion creates as it were in the inner background in the consciousness of a person, the group on which the solution is superimposed with these procedures.

A public opinion study can be carried out with the help of various kinds of operations, various sociological methods: study of documents, conducting observations, conversations, etc. The opinion is also detected as a result of the analysis of the results of the election results, the final results of referendums, in the presentation of draft laws as a result of the national legislative initiative and other procedures allowing citizens to participate in political life (petition and others). Such studies make it possible to identify not only the attitude of people to any problem, but also to establish ways, ways to solve such problems.

Special importance belongs to polls of public opinion, which is intended to find out the views of large groups of people on any matter of relevant reality on the basis of identifying the opinion of its particular part. As a result of surveys of respondents (interviewed), primary information about studied phenomena and processes are collected; The next stage is the analysis of the information received. The selective survey, if carried out in accordance with the rules developed by sociological science, allows us to obtain sufficiently reliable information that it is often impossible to get different ways.

Polls can be national, regional and local nature, or they can contact some social group. Theoretically, it is possible to poll the entire population, and the results in this case will be the most accurate. Such a procedure would, however, are extremely cumbersome and expensive, and in addition, more or less significant part of the people would have completely donate from participation in the survey.

The survey is a revealed opinion as the amount of individual agreements or disagreements with proposed judgments. Polls are based on a probabilistic approach and the law of large numbers.

The objects of polls are very diverse - from acute political problems (prediction of election results, popularity of political figures, etc.) to small issues that do not have serious social significance. Of course, when determining the subject, the survey should have limitations dictated primarily by ethical standards and logic. It is hardly appropriate to set questions about their relationships to the personal lives of politicians, candidates for various representative institutions or in general to ask about what can be known only to those skilled in the art (for example, a great artist Rembrandt or who should be considered a radio inventor).

The result of the survey in fact does not always adequately reflect the opinion of the public group to which respondents belong. The difference can fluctuate strongly if the research method is not entirely successful. Especially great danger of errors in the random selection of respondents. In the 20s - 30s, for example, worldwide fame received polls conducted by the American magazine Literari Digest and aimed at predicting the winner in the presidential election. As a result of these polls, the persons who were supposed to take the presidential post in the United States as a result of the elections of 1924, 1928 and 1932 were correctly identified. But in the 1936 elections, the prediction was not justified, and the deviation was 19.6%. The magazine believed that 57.1% will be filed for A. Landon, and for F. Roosevelt - 42.9% of the votes. However, F. Roosevelt won, receiving 62.5% of the votes. The error was caused by the fact that although questionnaires were sent out several million, the mailing was made by the owners of phones and cars at addresses taken from the relevant reference books. This contingent that had a medium and high level of income was more configured in favor of the Republicans than the best part of society, the standard of living of which was lower and which sympathized by F. Roosevelt *.

* See Read more: Petrovskaya MM US public opinion: polls and policies. M.: MO. 1977. P. 15-17.

For the success of the survey, in addition to the wording of issues, qualifications and personal qualities of interviewers, it is primarily correct samples That is, determining the circle of respondents. Sociological science has developed a significant number of such samples: quota, zoned, multi-stage, random and non-random, systematic, etc. Their detailed consideration is the subject of sociological science; We are only interested in political and legal aspects of public opinion polls.

By general rule The most accurate results gives a sample that takes into account the demographic, geographical, social and other structure of the contingent, whose opinion is detected, although in this case the respondents may not be quite adequately reflect the opinion in the group. One of the most famous conditions used in public opinion polls is a direct relationship between the number of respondents and the quality of the result obtained. Currently, the world-famous J. Gallup firm is preferably a sample of 1.5 thousand people, although in some cases the range is from 3 thousand to 60 thousand people. In a sample of 1.5 thousand people, a possible deviation can reach approximately 4%, with a sample of 5 thousand - about 2.5%. L. Harris enjoys a sample of 1.6 thousand people, and the rejection of the voting results in the presidential elections from its predictions is 2.4%. It applies six different options for nationwide sample using data of nationwide population censuses and conducting surveys at least 100 different points of the country *. However, in the US more than in other countries, there are organizations involved in public opinion polls. In France, such an institute was established only in 1938.

* See Read more: American public opinion and politics. M.: Science, 1978. P. 89-91.

Currently there are voluntary international associations of organizations of this kind. For example, in 1947, the European Commission for the Study of Public Opinion and Markets was formed, at about the same time the World Association for the Study of Public Opinion, annually conducting its congresses.

Public opinion polls are used for various purposes - political, economic, social, etc. In the political sphere they serve as a tool political intelligence Allowing to identify the reaction of the population on many issues: attitude to government events, to the positions of political parties and individual leaders, electoral expectations of certain social groups.

Another feature of polls - serve as a tool feedbackfrom society to political forces. Identify the opinions of the segments of society, the definition of their trends, the dynamics of people's behavior are important for verifying the relationship of power and for their possible adjustments. At the same time, in foreign literature recognized secondary effect Public opinion polls, which lies in the fact that published survey data becomes a means of exposure to public opinion, can affect the consciousness and behavior of people. Both aspects of surveys are direct and reverse - mutually complement each other and are taken into account when making power solutions.

The mentioned secondary effect has a consequence that in a number of countries, the publication of surveys has been subjected to special constitutional legal regulation. Thus, in France since 1977, it is prohibited during the week preceding every turn of the vote, as well as on the day of voting, publish, distribute and comment on the results of surveys regarding elections to parliament, regional, general and municipal councils and the European Parliament. And with an earlier publication of the results of polls, in each case, the organization, a survey, a survey customer, the number of persons surveyed and the survey date should be specified. The government appoints a special commission from the members of the State Council (the highest administrative justice body), the Court of Cassation and the Accounts Chamber to monitor surveys. It is authorized to establish some conditions in the conduct of surveys and ensure that persons or organs conducting polls, the results of which are subject to publishing or other distribution, did not carry out coordinated actions, did not enter into an agreement, and did not silently united or did not conclude A collusion that is aimed at or may have a consequence of preventing or limiting similar activities of other persons or organizations.

However, the regulation of polls of the public opinion of Neksta in foreign countries. Usually this activity is supplied under the norm on freedom of information dissemination. As for attempts to introduce the specified regulation, it is possible to recall the proposal made in the United States in 1968 that the results of the survey, documents about it, information about the applied method within 72 hours presented to the Congress library; In 1978, similar provisions were adopted in the state of New York (within 48 hours, documents should be submitted to the state authorities to determine the quality of the survey). In the UK in 1968, a draft law was proposed on the prohibition of publication of public opinion poll results 72 hours before the election voting; The government did not support the project. In Germany, in July 1979, the electoral legislation made a norm prohibiting the threat of a significant fine to publish the results of polls about intent to vote during elections.

Public opinion polls, the methods of their holding are in the field of relations existing in each country. The impact of social order during surveys is undoubtedly affected by the choice of their techniques, the selection of interviewers and other aspects. In addition, the order is manifested in establishing a sample, methods for formulating issues, focusing or making any problems, developing and conducting even the plan of research. It seems that the rights of M. Gravitz, belonging to the number of leading French political scientists: "Conditions in which public opinion institutions work, indicate that they meet the requirements of those who pay them. Concepts and issues that are guided by research, the choice and wording of issues, the right to publish or not publish the results - all this is too tied to the political conjuncture, the freedom of the survey is preserved. Public opinion poll is a political tool "*.

In addition, public opinion polls may be subjected to various kinds of manipulation, which can be carried out by the actions of the organizers and surveys, the subjective character of the sample. Specively submitted in the media The results of public opinion polls create a certain attitude around the relevant problems or people, or political parties, etc.

In general, polls - of course, a tool for identifying sentiment and desires of society, however, as any tool, it can be used both in accurately compliance with its appointment and contrary to him, given the above-mentioned counter effect. Therefore, refer to appropriate publications in the media follows with caution, and legislative restrictions of the type of French are quite justified.

Check questions and tasks

1. What is the state? What values \u200b\u200bof this concept are you known? In what senses is it used in the sources of the constitutional law of foreign countries?

2. What is the meaning of the constitutional characteristics of the state as a democratic, social, legal, secular?

3. What is the meaning of the constitutional establishment of the principles of the internal and foreign policy of the state?

4. What is the difference between the state mechanism and the state apparatus?

5. How to distinguish the state authority from state institution? Army - body or institution? BUT general base?

6. What is the legal status of the state body? What elements does it develop? Analyze the constitutional status of any state body contained in the constitution of any country.

7. What is representative board?

8. How do you understand the separation of the authorities?

9. What is the constituent power? Why do we talk about the optional constituent authorities in relation to some countries?

10. What is depoliticization? What parts of the state mechanism applies to this concept? What constitutional legal forms is it expressed?

11. What is a political party? How does it differ from other political public associations?

12. What is the difference between confessional and clerical parties?

13. How does the name of the party with its politics relate to the name of its social base? Give examples.

14. What is the institutionalization of political parties? What is it manifested?

15. What is political pluralism? What does the party systems relate to the party systems?

16. What are the non-political public associations? What is their political role? Give examples of their institutionalization.

17. What is the legal nature of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry?

18. What do you know about the political role of religion, religious communities and churches? What is the church? What can be said about the institutionalization of religion, religious communities and churches? Give examples.

19. What is the political role of the media? What are their constitutional status?

20. Why is the struggle against monopolism in the media market? What is the role in this constitutional law?

21. What is the political role of public opinion polls? What should their legal regulation need?


Barnashov A.M. The theory of separation of the authorities: formation, development, application. Tomsk: Publishing House Tomsk. University, 1988.

Belsky k.s. Separation of authorities and responsibility in public administration (Political aspects): Tutorial. M.: Vizus, 1990.

The rule of law. M.: Progress-Univers, 1992.

Teeth AB Parliamentary democracy and political tradition of the East. M.: Science, 1990.

Mishin A.A. The principle of separation of the authorities in the constitutional mechanism of the United States. M.: Science, 1984.

Chernysheva O.V. Church and democracy. Sweden experience. M.: Science, 1994.

FRORNY V.A. Democratic Constitutional State: Introduction to theory. M.: IGA RAS, 1993.

Chirkin V.E. Basics of comparative state studies: training course. M.: Article, 1997.

Entin V.L. Funds mass media in political system Modern capitalism. M.: MO, 1988.

Entin L.M. Separation of the authorities: the experience of modern states. M.: Yul, 1995.

Yudin Yu.A. Political parties and right in the modern state. M.: Forum infra. M, 1998.

Public opinion polls

Public opinion polls

(reinitional polls) Studies designed to identify or determine the intended or realized behavior of the acting persons on the political scene. These may be politicians, legislators, bureaucrats or, which happens more often, voters. Such polls can be conducted. various methods, including a survey on the phone and direct interview, and are divided into two main types. The first is based on a random sample, which proceeds from the fact that each representative of the target population has an obvious opportunity to be chosen for this purpose. Since the method is obtained by statistical indicators of the sample from the general population, approximately equal to normal (Normal Distribution), the size of the error can be determined quantitatively. Another method is built on a stratified sample (quota method), when an attempt is made to reproduce the social distribution of the population by quotas, based on the assumption that social representativeness will be similar to political. Both survey methods are mainly applied by marketing research firms to evaluate public opinion, primarily during election campaigns (used to obtain information necessary to determine the strategy of competing parties and to predict the outcome of the elections). In general, since 1945, the United Kingdom, who conducted polls, had good results in predicting election results. However, in 1990, the quality of forecasts for a stratified sample was noticeably deteriorated. Cm.: Survey Research (public opinion poll).

Politics. Dictionary. - M.: Infra-M, Publisher "All World". D. Andertill, S. Barrett, P. Bernell, P. Berne, and others. General editors: Doctor of Economics Sidiamy I.M.. 2001 .

Political science. Vocabulary. - RSU.. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.

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