With frequent or long experiencing stress is necessary. Symptoms and consequences of stress in women

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Permanent experiences negatively affect a person. Under their impact decreases the ability to adapt, unwanted changes in the entire body occur. The heart, stomach, intestines and other organs suffer from this, and the structure of the hair, leather is worse.

And this is not all the negative effects of chronic stress. Let's deal with how he actually affects a person.

The reasons

The rapid rhythm of the life of a modern man will gradually destroy the nervous system. The body is forced to work in non-stop mode, passing through itself an abnormal schedule of work, permanent quarrels in the workplace or in the family. And when the nervous system dwells in this state daily, chronic stress comes.

For most people, this concept has become a norm of life. The man is so accustomed to such a state that he does not even want to think about whether it is normal, and whether the help of a specialist needs. But sooner or later, such a situation ends with deposits. Health has its borders, and crossed through them, we come to serious illnesses.

Everyone may have individual stress factors. For some, one problem is a day trick, and for the other - the tragedy of the century. It has been proven that chronic stress has a hereditary predisposition (autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus).

Psycho-emotional overload can be the main reason. The following factors lead to it:

  • Misunderstanding in personal relationships with people;
  • understated self-esteem, in own forces;
  • difficult life situation;
  • loneliness and inability to cope with it;
  • special characteristics of the nervous system (fast fatigue, sharp mood swings, emotional instability);
  • complications after severe diseases, such as influenza.


In situations where there is an increased concentration of attention, the body is experiencing stress. There comes the time of emergency for the brain. As a result, absolutely all systems begin to function, laid out at the same time by 100%.

The problem lies in the fact that this mechanism is so developed, which is aimed even when it is not necessary.

Small casual problems become a kind of green light. Everyone finds its reasons, such as a quarrel with a loved one, conflict with a comrade or a serious conversation with the boss.

Experts have learned to very accurately diagnose stressful states. This process is completely simple.

Symptoms of chronic stress can be as follows:


    reducing appetite, headache, changes in digestion, drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia.


    frequent depressed, feeling of irritability, plasticity.


    tract for narcotic substances, errors in the process of work, reducing coordination.

The diagnoses should not be diagnosed immediately when the first signs are not worth it. Often, the symptoms coincide with such diseases as diabetes, hypertension, etc. That's why first you need to be carefully examined, and then start actively acting.

Influence on the body

Most people consider chronic stress only with a small nervous voltage that does not require special treatment. This opinion is indisputable to exacerbate the current situation. A person is not trying to find help in medicine, he is simply waiting for some relief. We do not notice that the previous stressful situations remained in the past, and new troubles came to replace them. At the same time, well-being will deteriorate rapidly.

Chronic stress flows into such consequences as neurosis, psychosis, alcoholism, malfunctions in the work of the heart, problems in the gastrointestinal tract and others. Get rid of it becomes all heavier, and the likelihood of myocardians and strokes is rapidly increasing.

There are strange things with a person, which is hard to explain: strong headache, low performance, chills, trembling, nausea, pain in the heart and muscles.


When the body is exposed to stress for a long time, it does not have time to recover and gradually loses all the life reserves.

Such a state leads not only to the oppression of the psyche, but also to the destruction of the immune system. Immunity is weakening and cannot respond with different infections, as a result, a person begins to hurt constantly.

The consequences of stress

  1. The gastrointestinal tract suffers. In the sharp period, a person is forced to go to the gastroenterologist to find the necessary treatment, but, unfortunately, it does not eliminate true causes. These medicines for some time remove the symptoms, after which everything is repeated first. That is why it is important to engage in the elimination of the main sources - stress, then the integrated therapy will be effective.
  2. It becomes hard to exist in society. He cannot concentrate on time, to get together with thoughts, solve the problem. His vulnerability grows significantly. And in the case of the development of some unforeseen events, it is possible even a deterioration in the state to fiction marks, for example, nervous breakdowns, the emergence of thoughts about suicide.
  3. The physical condition of the skin is changing for the worse. A person loses its natural beauty, looks older than his age.

Permanent stresses are strongly affected on our state of health and social life.

Pathological conditions caused by stress

The long-term effects of the above factors can lead to the development of pathological conditions. Experts identify the diseases that are included in the psychopathological group, they should be attributed to them:

  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system - arterial hypertension, stroke, ischemic heart disease;
  • disorders of the nervous system - Migraine, neurosis;
  • diseases of digestive organs - ulcer;
  • delas of the endocrine system - diabetes;
  • skin problems - eczema, psoriasis;
  • diseases musculoskeletal system - arthritis;
  • allergic manifestations - bronchial asthma, urticaria, dermatitis;
  • violations in the reproductive system - Failures in the menstrual cycle, reduced libido.

The human well-being may suffer both because of stress itself and because of his unwanted consequences. Constant fatigue, weakness knock out of the usual rhythm of life. Inside the feeling of emptiness, unnecessaryness.

People who live in constant stress becoming irritable, unbalanced, quick-tempered. Another danger lies in the fact that they are trying to cure such a state with alcohol, narcotic drugs.

Independent treatment

When a person begins to feel the first symptoms of the manifestation of stress, you can try to get rid of it yourself.

Methods of struggle

  1. Yoga. In the ancient India, these simple exercises helped people to learn themselves, to protect themselves from the surrounding fuss. They have a positive effect on respiratory organs, digestion, heart, nervous system.
  2. Breathing exercises. Not everyone can afford, but simple breathing exercises will be able to perform at any time and anywhere. They allow us to calm down, concentrate, saturating the brain at the same time. As a result, all processes in the body are normalized.
  3. Relaxation method. This technology helps not only relax, but also improve blood circulation, metabolism, remove muscle spasm. Massage, bathtubs, acupuncture uses extremely popular.
  4. Changing lifestyle. Properly built day and diverse food helps to stand in the most adverse situations, while fully controlling the course of events.

The main thing is to learn how to allocate time and your health, it will help to reduce the level of stress.

From the point of view of psychology, a psychotherapeutic approach is quite appropriate in this situation. Often it is precisely the instability of the psyche may be the cause of constant stress.

To reduce the risk of nervous disorders, it is necessary to work closely, to adjust the behavior.

Types of personalities that react differently to stress

A type


Ambitious They live in pursuit of success, the energy beats through the edge. Chronic stress can develop due to constant activity.
Calm Such people are inactive, they love to dream in their free time and practically do not feel stress. The problems in the family can take them out of equilibrium, but it lasts very long.
Good faith These are real conservatives who undoubtedly believe in credibility. They are able to undergo stressful situations, especially when their plans are violated.
Non-recipial Such people do not conflict, as they never defend their interests. Chronic stress may arise against interpersonal relationships.
Dogs They are energetic, folded, love change and do not tolerate monotony. Chronic stress overtakes them very rarely.
Anxious For such people is characteristic. Responsible work for them can be a real stress.

According to experts, the psychotherapeutic approach helps to overcome any crisis situation, and this applies to all types of personalities.

Should follow these principles

    Rule satisfaction

    In any adverse situations, the emotional well-being should be sought. It is quite real, even if it is short-term.

    Rule of reality

    The world around the world should look sober eyes. To achieve the goal, you do not always need to go on one straight road, most often have to lay workaround. It produces patience in man.

    Rule value

    Often a person who can not seem to seek alternative optionsSubjected to stress. The one who can find them, and in large quantities, will learn to easily bypass the most crisis situations.

    The rule of creativity

    Any problem must be perceived as an opportunity to improve. The more creative motifs in the chosen approach, the more realize the level of stress.

To learn to implement the above principles, you need time. This method Treatment can be effective throughout life.

When the specialist help is required

A person who understands that for certain reasons cannot cope with the problem, should visit the therapist (home doctor).

It is obliged to assess the general condition, conduct analyzes and send to narrow specialists, such as an endocrinologist, cardiologist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist.

They will diagnose, which will help identify possible hidden problems, as very often true symptoms of chronic stress similar to serious diseases. When the diagnosis is carried out and detect some of the ailments, the doctor will appoint appropriate treatment.

If the accompanying diseases are not detected, the therapist should give a direction to the psychotherapist. This specialist has special anti-stress therapy methods that can be very effective.

People suffering from chronic stress discharge the course of vitamins and infusions from different herbs. In the choice of drugs, it is important to observe the dosage, since many of them increase nervous excitability.

Stress - term, literally denoting pressure or voltage. Under it understand the state of a person who arises in response to the impact of adverse factors that is called called stressors. They can be physical (hard work, injury) or mental (fright, disappointment).

The prevalence of stress is very large. In developed countries, 70% of the population are in a state of constant stress. Over 90% suffer from stress several times a month. This is a very disturbing indicator, given how dangerous consequences of stress can be.

The experience of stress requires large energy consumption. Therefore, the prolonged impact of stress factors causes weakness, apathy, a feeling of shortage of forces. Also with stress binds the development of 80% of well-known science of diseases.

Types of stress

Prestrast state - Anxiety, nervous stress arising in a situation where stressful factors act per person. During this period, he can take measures to prevent stress.

Eustobe - Useful stress. This may be stress caused by strong positive emotions. Also Eustess is a moderate stress that mobilizes reserves, forcing more efficiently to deal with the problem. This type of stress includes all the reactions of the organism that provide urgent adaptation of a person to new conditions. It makes it possible to avoid an unpleasant situation, fight or adapt. Thus, Eustone is a mechanism that provides human survival.

Distress - Harmful destructive stress, with which the body is not able to cope. This type of stress is caused by strong negative emotions, or physical factors (injuries, diseases, overwork), which affect for a long time. Distress undermines the forces, preventing a person not only effectively solve the problem that caused stress, but also to live fully.

Emotional stress - Emotions accompanying stress: anxiety, fear, anger, sadness. Most often they are, and not the situation itself cause negative changes in the body.

According to the duration of exposure, stress is made to divide into two types:

Acute stress - The stress situation continued a short period of time. Most people quickly come back, after a short emotional shake. However, if the shock was strong, there are disorders of the functioning of the National Assembly, such as enuresis, stuttering, ticks.

Chronic stress - Stress factors affect a person for a long time. Such a situation is less favorable and dangerous by the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

What are the phases of stress?

Phase alarm - The state of uncertainty and fear due to the approaching unpleasant situation. Her biological meaning is to "prepare weapons" to combat possible troubles.

Phase resistance - Period mobilization of forces. A phase in which the increase in brain activity and muscle strength is noted. This phase can have two permissions. At best, the body is adapting to new living conditions. At worst, a person continues to experience stress and proceeds to the next phase.

Phase exhaustion - The period when a person feels that the forces on the outcome. At this stage, the organism resources are depleted. If the way out of the complex situation is not found, somatic diseases are developing and psychological changes.

What causes stress?

The reasons for the development of stress can be the most diverse.

Physical reasons for stress

Mental reasons for stress



Strong pain




Unbearable physical work

Pollution ambient

Non-compliance of expectations of reality

Unfinished hopes


Internal conflict - contradiction, between "I want" and "necessary"



Understated or overestimated self-esteem

Difficulty making decisions

No diligence

The impossibility of self-expression

Lack of respect, recognition

Zeietot, feeling lack of time

Threat of life and health

Man or animal attack

Conflicts in the family or team

Material problems

Natural or technogenic catastrophes

Disease or death of a loved one

Marriage or divorce

Treason of a loved one

Device for work, dismissal, retirement

Loss of money or property

It should be noted that the body's reaction does not depend on what cause caused stress. And on the fracture of the hand, and the body will react equally - the allocation of stress hormones. His consequences will depend on how significant the situation is for a person and how long it is under its impact.

What does susceptibility to stress depend on?

The same impact may be evaluated in different ways. The same situation (for example, the loss of a certain amount), one person will cause severe stress, and in the other only annoyance. It all depends on how much the person betrays this situation. The power of the nervous system, life experience, education, principles, life position, moral estimates, etc. play a major role.

The effects of stress are more susceptible to personality, for whom anxiety, increased excitability, impassiveness, a tendency to hypochondria and depression.

One of the most important factors is the state of the nervous system at the moment. During periods of overwork and disease, a person decreases the ability to adequately assess the situation and relatively small impacts may cause serious stress.

Recent studies of psychologists have shown that people with the smallest levels of cortisol are less susceptible to stress. As a rule, it is harder to remove them. And in stressful situations, they do not lose their composure, which allows them to achieve significant success.

Signs of low stress resistance and high susceptibility to stress:

  • You cannot relax after a hard day;
  • You worry excitement after a minor conflict;
  • You repeatedly scroll into the head unpleasant situation;
  • You can leave the work started because of the concerns that you can not cope with it;
  • You have a dream due to surrounding unrest;
  • Unrest cause noticeable deterioration of well-being ( headache, shiver in hands, rapid heartbeat, feeling heat)

If you gave affirmative answers to most questions, it means that it is necessary to increase stress resistance.

What are the behavioral signs of stress?

How to recognize stress on behavior? Stress changes human behavior in a certain way. Although its manifestations are largely dependent on the nature and life experience of a person, but there are a number of general signs.

  • Overeating. Although sometimes there is a loss of appetite.
  • Insomnia. Sleep surface with frequent awakening.
  • Slowness of movements or fussiness.
  • Irritability. It can manifest themselves with fooling, grinding, unreasonable quirks.
  • Closedness, care from communication.
  • Reluctance to work. The reason lies not in laziness, but in reducing motivation, willpower and shortage of forces.

External signs of stress associated with excessive voltage of individual muscle groups. These include:

  • Pursed lips;
  • Chewing muscle tension;
  • Raised "clamged" shoulders;

What happens in the human body during stress?

Pathogenetic stress mechanisms - The stress situation (stressor) is perceived by the cortex of the brain, as threatening. Further, the excitation passes through the chain of neurons in the hypothalamus and the pituitary. Hypophyseal cells produce an adrenocorticotropic hormone, which activates the adrenal candy. Adrenal glands in large quantities throwing in the blood of stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol, which are designed to ensure adaptation in the stressful situation. However, if the body is too long under their impact, it is very sensitive to them or hormones is produced in excess, it can lead to the development of disease.

Emotions activate the vegetative nervous system, or rather its sympathetic department. This biological mechanism is designed to make the body stronger and hardy for a short time, adjust it to active activity. However, the long stimulation of the vegetative nervous system causes spasm of vessels and disruption of the work of organs that lack blood circulation. Hence the violation of the functions of organs, pain, spasms.

Positive consequences of stress

Positive consequences of stress are associated with the impact on the body all the same stressful adrenaline and cortisol hormones. Their biological meaning is to ensure human survival in a critical situation.

Positive effect of adrenaline

Positive impact of cortisol

The appearance of fear, anxiety, anxiety. These emotions warn a person about possible danger. They make it possible to prepare for the battle, escape or hide.

Breathing - this ensures blood saturation with oxygen.

Acceleration of heartbeat and lift arterial pressure - the heart better supplies the body for efficient work.

Stimulation of mental abilities by improving the delivery of arterial blood brain.

Strengthening muscle strength through improved muscle blood circulation and increase their tone. It helps to implement the instinct "Beya or Run".

Tide of energy due to activation of metabolic processes. This allows a person to feel the tide of strength, if before that he experienced fatigue. A person shows courage, determination or aggression.

Improving blood glucose levels, which provides cells with additional power and energy.

Reducing blood flow in internal organs and skin. This effect reduces bleeding during possible injury.

Tide of cheerfulness and strength due to the acceleration of metabolism: increasing glucose levels in the blood and splitting proteins on amino acids.

Suppression of the inflammatory reaction.

Accelerating blood coagulation by increasing the number of platelets, contributes to stopping bleeding.

Reducing the activity of secondary functions. The body saves energy to send it to the fight against stress. For example, the formation of immune cells decreases, the activity of the endocrine glands is suppressed, the intestinal peristalsis is reduced.

Reducing the risk of developing allergic reactions. This contributes to the depressing effect of cortisol on the immune system.

Blocking the production of dopamine and serotonin - "Hormones of happiness", which contribute to relaxation, which can have critical consequences in dangerous situation.

Increase sensitivity to adrenaline. It enhances its effects: the increase in heartbeat, increase pressure, strengthening blood flow to skeletal muscles and heart.

It should be noted that the positive impact of hormones is noted with short-term effects on the body. Therefore, short-term moderate stress can be useful for the body. He mobilizes, makes you get together to find the optimal solution. Stress enriches life experience and in the future a person confidently feels like situations. Stresses increase the ability to adapt and certainly contribute to the development of personality. However, it is important that the stress situation is resolved before the resources of the body are exhausted and negative changes will begin.

Negative consequences of stress

Negative consequences of stress for Psyche Defended by a long action of stress hormones and the overwriting of the nervous system.

  • The concentration of attention is reduced, which entails a deterioration in memory;
  • Assistedness and disadvantage appear, which increases the risk of making thorough decisions;
  • Low performance and increased fatigue may be a consequence of a violation of neural bonds in the cortex of large hemispheres;
  • Negative emotions prevail - common dissatisfaction with position, work, partner, external speciesthat increases the risk of developing depression;
  • Irritability and aggression that complicate interaction with the surrounding and delay the resolution of the conflict situation;
  • The desire to facilitate the state with alcohol, antidepressants, narcotic drugs;
  • Reducing self-esteem, disbelief in their forces;
  • Problems in sexual and family life;
  • Nervous breakdown - partial loss of control over their emotions and actions.

Negative consequences of stress for the body

1. From the nervous system. Under the influence of adrenaline and cortisol, the destruction of neurons is accelerated, the established work of various parts of the nervous system is disturbed:

  • Excessive stimulation of the nervous system. Long-term stimulation of the CNS leads to its overwork. Like other organs, the nervous system cannot work for a long time in an unusual intensive mode. This inevitably leads to various failures. Signs of overwork are drowsiness, apathy, depressive thoughts, thrust to sweet.
  • Headaches may be associated with violation of the brain vessels and deterioration of blood outflow.
  • Stuttering, Enapers (urinary incontinence), ticks (uncontrollable cuts of individual muscles). Perhaps they occur when neural connections are disturbed between the brain nerve cells.
  • Excitement of the nervous system departments. The excitation of the sympathetic unit of the nervous system leads to a violation of the functions of the internal organs.

2. From the immune system.Changes are associated with an increase in glucocorticoid hormones that oppress the work of the immune system. Increases susceptibility to various infections.

  • Development of antibodies and activity of immune cells is reduced. As a result, susceptibility to viruses and bacteria increases. It is increasing likely to infect viral or bacterial infections. Also increases the chance of self-response - the spread of bacteria from the foci of inflammation (inflamed gaymorny sinuses, skydly almonds) to other organs.
  • Immune protection against the appearance of cancer cells is reduced, the risk of developing oncology increases.

3. From the endocrine system. Stress has a significant impact on the work of all hormonal glands. It can cause both an increase in synthesis and a sharp decrease in hormone production.

  • Menstrual cycle failure. Strong stress can disrupt the work of the ovaries, which is manifested by a delay and soreness during menstruation. Cycle problems can continue until the full normalization of the situation.
  • Reducing testosterone synthesis, which is manifested by a decrease in potency.
  • Slow down growth rates. Strong stress in a child can reduce the production of growth hormone and cause a delay in physical Development.
  • Reducing the synthesis of triiodothyronine T3 with normal thyroxine T4. Accompanied by increased fatigue, muscle weakness, decrease in temperature, swelling of the face and limbs.
  • Reducing prolactin. In nursing women, long stress can cause a decrease in the production of breast milk, up to a complete stop of lactation.
  • Violation of the pancreas work responsible for insulin synthesis causes diabetes mellitus.

4. From the cardiovascular system. Adrenaline and cortisol are studied by heartbeat and narrow vessels, which has a number of negative consequences.

  • Blood pressure increases, which increases the risk of hypertension.
  • The load on the heart increases and the amount of blood transferred in a minute increases through the throat. In combination with increased pressure This increases the risk of infarction and stroke.
  • Heartbeat is accelerated and the risk of heart rate violations (arrhythmia, tachycardia) increases.
  • The risk of blood formation is increasing due to the increase in the number of thrombocytees.
  • The permeability of blood and lymphatic vessels increases, their tone is reduced. In the intercellular space accumulates and toxins accumulate. Fabric swelling increases. Cells are experiencing a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients.

5. From the digestive system Violation of the vehochetical unit of the nervous system causes spasms and circulatory disorders in various departments of the gastrointestinal tract. It can have different manifestations:

  • Feeling coma in the throat;
  • Difficulties in swallowing due to the spasm of the esophagus;
  • Pain in the stomach and various intestinal deposits caused by spasm;
  • Constipation or diarrhea associated with the violation of the peristaltics and the release of digestive enzymes;
  • Development of ulcer disease;
  • Disrupting the work of the digestive glands, which causes gastritis, dyskinesia of biliary tract and other functional disorders of the digestive system.

6. From the musculoskeletal systems Long stress causes muscle spasm and worsening blood circulation of bone and muscle tissue.

  • Muscle spasm, mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical spine. In combination with osteochondrosis, this may result in squeezing spinal nerves roots - radiculopathy occurs. This state is manifested by pain in the neck, limbs, chest. It can also cause pain in the field of internal organs - hearts, liver.
  • The fragility of bones is caused by a decrease in calcium in bone tissue.
  • Reduced muscular mass - Stress hormones enhance the decay of muscle cells. With a long stress, the body uses them as a backup source of amino acids.

7. From the side of the skin

  • Acne. Stress increases skin production. Clamped hair follicles are inflated on reduced immunity.
  • Violations in the work of the nervous and immune system provoke neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

We emphasize that short-term episodic stresses do not cause serious damage to health, since changes caused by them are reversible. Diseases are developing with time if a person continues to sharpen the stressful situation.

What are the ways to respond to stress?

Highlight three strategies for stress response:

Rabbit - Passive reaction to the stressful situation. Stress makes it impossible to think rationally and actively act. A person hides from problems because he has no strength to cope with the traumatic situation.

a lion - Stress causes all reserves of the body for a short period of time. Man is violently and emotionally reacts to the situation, making the "jerk" to solve it. This strategy has its drawbacks. Actions are often raised and unnecessary emotional. If the situation failed to resolve fast, then the forces are depleted.

Vol "A person rationally use his mental and mental resources, so it can live and work for a long time, experiencing stress. This strategy is the most justified from the point of view of neurophysiology and the most productive.

Methods of dealing with stress

Allocate 4 major strategies with stress.

Raising awareness.In a difficult situation, it is important to reduce the level of uncertainty, for this it is important to own reliable information. Preliminary "accommodation" of the situation will eliminate the effect of suddenness to act more efficiently. For example, before traveling to an unfamiliar city, think about what you will do what you want to visit. Learn the address of hotels, attractions, restaurants, check out your reviews about them. It will help less worry about the journey.

Comprehensive analysis of the situation, rationalization. Rate your strength and resources. Take into account the difficulties that you have to face. If possible, prepare for them. Transfer attention from the result. For example, to reduce fear before the interview will help the analysis of the collection of information about the company, preparations for issues that are most often asked.

Reducing the significance of the stressful situation.Emotions interfere with consider the essence and find an obvious solution. Imagine how this situation sees to unauthorized people for which this event is familiar and does not matter. Try to think about this event without emotions, consciously reducing its significance. Imagine how you will remember the stressful situation in a month or year.

Strengthening possible negative consequences.Imagine the worst version of the development of events. As a rule, people chase this thought from themselves, which makes her obsessive, and she returns again and again. Realize that the likelihood of a catastrophe is extremely small, but even if it happens, there is a way out of the position.

Installation for the best. Constantly remind yourself that everything will be fine. Problems and experiences cannot continue forever. It is necessary to get together forces and do everything possible to bring the good junction closer.

It is necessary to warn that during a long stress, the temptation of solving problems is an irrational way with the help of occult practices, religious sects, signs, etc. This approach can lead to new, more complex problems. Therefore, if it is not possible to independently find a way out and situations, it is advisable to contact a qualified specialist, a psychologist, a lawyer.

How to help yourself during stress?

Various methods of self-regulation in stress They will help calm down and minimize the influence of negative emotions.

Outcasting - Psychotherapeutic technique aimed at restoring a balance lost as a result of stress. Autogenous training is based on muscle relaxation and self-sufficiency. These steps reduce the activity of the cerebral cortex and activate the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system. This makes it possible to neutralize the effect of long-term excitation of the sympathetic department. To perform the exercise, it is necessary to settle down in a convenient position and consciously relaxing the muscles, especially the faces and the shoulder belt. Then proceed to the repetition of the formulas of autogenic workout. For example: "I am calm. My nervous system calms down and recruits. Problems do not bother me. They are perceived as a touch of wind. Every day I get stronger. "

Muscular relaxation - The technique of relaxing skeletal muscles. The technique is based on the statement that the muscle tone and the nervous system are interconnected. Therefore, if you manage to relax muscles, the voltage in the nervous system will be reduced. With mioryelaxation, it is necessary to strongly strain the muscle, and then to relax it as much as possible. With muscles work in a certain order:

  • dominant hand from the fingers to the shoulder (right-hander, left left)
  • undomineant hand from fingers to shoulder
  • back
  • stomach
  • dominant foot from the hip to the foot
  • unomintent leg from hips to foot

Breathing exercises. Breathing exercises To remove stress allow you to return control over emotions and body, reduce muscle tension and heart rate.

  • Breathing belly. On the breath slowly inflate the stomach, then type the air into the middle and upper lung departments. On the exhalation - to release air from the chest, then pull a little belly.
  • Breath on account 12. Doing inhale, it is necessary to slowly count on the 1st to 4th. Pause - on account 5-8. Exhalation on account 9-12. Thus, respiratory movements and a pause between them have the same duration.

Autoational therapy. It is based on postulates (principles), helping to change the attitude to the stressful situation and reduce the severity of vegetative reactions. To reduce the level of stress, a person is recommended to work with their beliefs and thoughts using famous cognitive formulas. For example:

  • What does this situation teach me? What lesson can I take out?
  • "Lord give me strength, change what is in my power, give peace of mind to come to terms with what I am not able to influence and wisdom to distinguish one of the other."
  • You need to live "here and now" or "Wash a cup, think about the cup."
  • "Everything passes and it will pass" or "Life as Zebra."

Psychotherapy in stress

Psychotherapy in stress has more than 800 techniques. The most common are:

Rational psychotherapy. Psychotherapist teaches a patient to change attitudes towards exciting events, change not right settings. The main impact is directed to the logic and personal values \u200b\u200bof a person. A specialist helps to master the methods of autogenous training, self-sustaining and other self-help techniques in stress.

Suggestive psychotherapy. The patient is inspired by the correct installations, the main impact is directed to the subconscious of a person. The suggestion can be carried out in a relaxed or hypnotic state when a person is between wakefulness and sleep.

Psychoanalysis under stress. Directed to extract from the subconscious mental injuries that caused stress. Prophoving these situations allows to reduce their impact on a person.

Indications for psychotherapy during stress:

  • stressful state violates the usual lifestyle, depriving the possibilities to work, maintain contacts with people;
  • partial loss of control over their own emotions and actions against the background of emotional experiences;
  • formation of personal features - shortiness, anxiety, griming, egocentricity;
  • the impossibility of a person independently find a way out of the stressful situation, cope with emotions;
  • deterioration of the somatic state against the background of stress, the development of psychosomatic diseases;
  • signs of neurosis and depression;
  • post-traumatic disorder.

Psychotherapy against stress is an effective method that helps return to full-fledged life, regardless of whether the situation managed to resolve or have to live under its impact.

How to recover after stress?

After the stress situation was allowed to restore physical and mental strength. This can help the principles healthy image Life.

A change of scenery.A trip to the city, to the country to another city. New impressions and walks in the fresh air create new foci of excitement in the cortex of the brain, overlapping memories of the experienced stress.

Switching attention. The object can serve as books, movies, performances. Positive emotions activate brain activity, encouraging activity. Thus, they warn the development of depression.

Full sleep. Dedote so much time as your body requires. To do this, you need to go to 22 for several days, and get up not on the alarm.

Balanced diet. In the diet, meat, fish and seafood, cottage cheese and eggs should be present - these products contain protein to strengthen immunity. Fresh vegetables and fruits are important sources of vitamins and fiber. A reasonable amount of sweet (up to 50 g per day) will help the brain to restore energy resources. Nutrition should be full, but not too abundant.

Regular physical exertion. Gymnastics, yoga, stretching, pilates and other exercises, aimed at stretching muscles help remove muscle spasm caused by stress. They will also improve blood circulation, which positively affects the state of the nervous system.

Communication. Communicate with positive people who charge you with a good mood. Preferably personal meetings, but a phone call or communication online is suitable. If there is no such possibility or desire, then find a place where you can stay in a relaxed atmosphere among people - a cafe or reading room of the library. Pets' communication also helps to restore the lost balance.

A visit to the spa, baths, saunas. Such procedures contribute to the relaxation of muscles and removing the nervous voltage. They can help free from sad thoughts and tune into a positive way.

Massages, baths, sunbathing, bathing in water bodies. These procedures have a soothing and soothing effect, helping to restore lost forces. If desired, some procedures can be made at home, such as baths with sea salt or coniferous extract, self-massage or aromatherapy.

Treatments to increase stress resistance

Stress tolerance - This is a set of personality qualities, allowing to transfer stress with the least harm to health. Stress resistance can be a congenital feature of the nervous system, but it can be developed.

Improving self-esteem. The dependence is proved - the higher the level of self-esteem, the higher the stress resistance. Psychologists advise: form confident behavior, communicate, move, act as a confident person. Over time, the behavior will turn into internal confidence in their abilities.

Meditation. Regular meditation Several times a week 10 min reduces the level of anxiety and the degree of reaction to stressful situations. It also reduces the level of aggression, which contributes to constructive communication in the stressful situation.

A responsibility. When a person moves away from the position of the victim, and takes responsibility for what is happening, it becomes less vulnerable to external influences.

Interest in change. It is characteristic of a person to fear changes, so surprise and new circumstances often provoke stress. It is important to create a setup that will help perceive changes as new features. Ask yourself: "What good can me bring me a new situation or life changes."

Striving for achievements. People who seek to achieve the goal are less likely to have stress, compared with those who are trying to avoid failures. Therefore, it is important to plan life, putting short-term and global goals to increase stress resistance. The orientation on the result helps not pay attention to small troubles arising on the path to the goal.

Time management. The correct time distribution is eliminated from the cealing - one of the main stress factors. To combat the shortage of time, it is convenient to use the Eisenhuer matrix. It is based on the division of all daily affairs on the 4th categories: important and urgent, important indefinite, not important urgent, not important and indispensable.

Stresses - an integral part of a person's life. It is impossible to completely exclude them, but it is possible to reduce their effect on health. To do this, it is necessary to consciously increase the stress resistance and prevent protracted stress, in a timely manner, starting the struggle with negative emotions.

Stress is a condition in which: the cerebral is born in the brain, then a powerful dose of adrenaline and other "stress hormones" is ejected into the blood.

If the situation is not permitted, the focus of excitement grow up, the adrenaline continues to flow into the blood and poke the central nervous system.

The consequences of such intoxication may be sad for each body system.

Different stress - different consequences

Positive stress launches in the cortex of the brain the same mechanisms as negative. A similar picture: the same persistent focus of excitation, the same adrenaline and cortisol in the blood. If the positive stress is short-lived, the body will get a smaller damage. If long - the consequences will be serious.

Sudden joy can be chopped, and can kill. This is known to everyone at the subconscious level. Therefore, often even to unexpected joyful news of a person should somehow prepare.

"I almost died of joy" - this is just a positive stress option. That is, the reaction to sudden joy is no different from the reaction on the mountain: and on the other, and from the other you can, at least, earn.

Good Shake: Positive Stress

Healthy I. useful view Stress is physiological. Short, sharp effect on the body has the effect of the electric shock. This is a good gym for immunity.

She shakes a man like a dusty bag and mobilizes all organs and systems. The easiest example of the useful influence of physiological stress on the body is an icy water in frost.

Instant cold blow acts like burn. One such feat can run powerful forces in the body and stir hidden reserves. Such shakes are useful for physical and mental health.

Negative stress, life-saving

As a positive stress can sometimes kill, so negative sometimes saves life. What is capable of a person in a similar condition, sometimes it hardly stacked in the head.

There was such a case in the north. The pilot went down to the ground from the aircraft in a small need. And the nose to the nose collided with a white bear.

The bear was big and strong, and the pilot was in the established pants. And, nevertheless, not having time to think about anything, the pilot jumped up on one and a half meters up and found himself on the wing of the aircraft.

Never after he nor a bear could not explain how it happened. The pilot on all the questions only shyly shrugged. The discouraged bear went away to seek less jumped game.

Sharp and chronic stress

Acute stress is dangerous, but his influence on the body can be short-term. Getting rid of the source of negative emotions, the taming of the dominant flashed in the brain reduces the degree of glow of passions.

It is worse with chronic stress, with a situation that cannot be resolved, or somehow neutralize the source of excitement. Everyday negative emotions give birth to the brain a stagnant fuel of excitement.

Breathing of this focus as it would nourish the work of the rest of the nervous centers. In the command paragraph of the highest nervous system begins chaos and anarchy. She forgets its destination - to regulate the activities of the body. And it begins the full annoyance at all levels and in all systems:

  • first of all, the psycho-emotional scope of the body comes out of control;
  • trail begins breakdowns in the vegetative and endocrine system;
  • the most powerful blow to the hypothalamus - the Higher Center for Nervous Regulation, "this modest organ is a curated of such archiving sides of life, like: sleep, metabolic processes, appetite, tone of vessels, body temperature.

This is the overall picture of what is happening in the body with a stressful situation.

Why stress "breaks" the body?

Existence against the background of chronic causes the nervous system to defend. As protection mechanisms, it gives the command to adrenal glands. Those thrown into the blood increased doses of adrenaline and cortisol.

These "stress hormones" are needed to combat the danger that the brain signals. The emission of energy is incredible (it is just enough to take the height of one's own growth in the jump).

It is necessary to use the resulting protection energy: to run away, or catch up, jump over obstacles, fighting for your life. If this does not happen, the whole adrenaline is not spent in the blood of the blood.

And hormones, kindly granted to us for defense, do not find applications. They have no place to go to them, but they cannot inactivate. Not aimed at an active struggle with the causes of suffering, "stressful hormones" are accepted slowly to strive the body at all levels, the consequences of which all organism systems feel:

  1. The cardiovascular system Begins to work in high availability mode: pulse and breathing are rapidly, the heart is raging, the pressure on the walls of the vessels is increased several times. , heart attacks - the extreme degree of reaction to the stressful situation.
  2. Endocrine system. The hormonal balance is broken, against the background of what a person is overshadowed by such a beat of the century as illness thyroid gland and diabetes.
  3. Stomach and intestines. The laminated medicine has long been tied up with stress and the emergence of stomach ulcers. On disorders of digestion and intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea) do not even have to speak.
  4. GOOD SYSTEM. During the war, for example, women disappeared menstruation. It was such a temporary inexplicable climax, which many ended at the same time with war. From stress and now a woman can overtake the early climax, and even inability to conceive.
  5. Skin Covers. And who else does not know what is extremely unaesthetic and painful disease psoriasis - the consequence of stress transferred? Eczema, placepiering of acne, scaly deprived - all this "".
  6. Higher nervous system - It takes on the most crushing blow. The starvation of the brain cells begins due to the spasm of the vessels, which leads to violations of blood supply and blood circulation in this body. A, depression, and chronic fatigue - the consequences of the same stress. A strong shock can provoke a serious mental disorder and began to begin for the development of all sorts of phobias.

The consequences of chronic stress - theses

If the cerebral cortex does not neutralized the focal of excitement and stress little time to flared up to chronic, then the consequences may have a sad ending:

  • exposure and;
  • sudden angry outbreaks and "explosive" reaction to the most insignificant stimulus;
  • a tendency to depressive states dangerous for the psyche and often put to threaten the existence of a person;
  • apathy and loss of all interest in life;
  • dips in memory, scattered attention and inability to concentrate.

Such states are able to immerse a person in his personal, separately existing hell. The flight from the internal hell to the illusory paradise is achieved the easiest (it is a dead end) way.

Alcohol, stimulants, tonizers, drugs - the usual ways to reconcile dreams with reality. The rich experience of former alcoholics and drug addicts usually does not convince the fact that the temporary flight from problems does not solve them, but aggravates the situation.

With stress in life

The strange thing is observed in our world. Starting from the Stone Age, people were busy with the fact that they tried to protect themselves from the factors threatening their existence.

Hundreds of years, humanity seeks to create the most comfortable conditions for life. But since the time of the progenitor, the number of hazardous people did not decrease, but increased hundreds of times. The reasons that cause a sense of catastrophe have been modified, but their number continues to progress.

The streets do not walk the fierce animals, do not have to captivate mammoths to feed, do not keep the fire in the cave in order not to lose the source of heat and light. But now we have predators in modern guise at every step.

Most importantly - weather in the house

You can get "stress on the forehead" without leaving the apartment. Own house-fortress pays innumerable threats to health.
The reasons to spoil the weather in the house for a long time - thousands:

To work, how to parade?

Work is the real seatingman for dangers:

  • if you go on it, as the sentence sentenced to exceptionally, is the source of chronic dissatisfaction;
  • the boss, at the form of which he begins the "dance of St. Vita,", in five minutes, breaks the gap in your stress resistance;
  • colleagues who dried up above you on the career ladder - Hama, undermining self-esteem;
  • an insurmountable fear of loss of work and financial collapse turns life into hell and keeps in a state of incredit tension.

You are my friend, and I am your friend ...

Communication is also one of the stressors. Not everyone is born by geniuses of communicability, for many even support the conversation - an attempt is not from the lungs. What is there to talk about performances in front of the audience, or attempts to tie a conversation with a stranger.

Humanity covers the epidemic of sociophobia. Fear of communication can cause the entire symptom complex of physical and emotional disorders.

Loss of a loved one, heavy sickness of a relative, fear of death - all these factors that feed fears before life and depleting our forces.

How to escape from overvoltage phenomenon?

There are no reasons for experiences, and the consequences of the development of stress at one time remained for a long time, if not forever. We will tell you how to avoid this:

Tell the stress "no!" right now.

Creation date: 2013/12/16

Chronic fatigue syndrome

The hypotheses were initially put forward that the causes of the CHU cause special varieties of viruses, an unfavorable ecological situation. But, in the end, most researchers concluded that the disease is at the heart of the disease, there are excessive loads on the body, simply speaking - stress.

The disease begins as banal flu, and its symptoms at the physiological level are:

  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • an increase in lymph nodes on the back of the head and armpits;
  • pain in the muscles and in the joints;
  • sleep disorders.

At the psychological level arise:

  • feeling of incredit fatigue and weakness;
  • depression;
  • reduction of intellectual possibilities;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • irritability.

Neurosis - consequences of stress

Psychological consequence of constant neuropsychic stress, i.e. Stress, it becomes neurosis, which can be characterized in general terms as a loss of taste for life and the moral inability of the diseased successfully to cope with its social responsibilities - professional, family, interpersonal.

Depending on the nature and personal accentuation, this may be neurasthenic neurosis, hysterical neurosis, fear neurosis, neurosis of obsessive states.

Psychosomatic consequences of stress

The "diseases of stress" includes: infarction, stroke, angina, some malignant tumors and even caries and gum atrophy. Particularly often occur under the influence of stress ulcerative diseases of the stomach and hypertension, together with many other forms of vascular pathology. All over the world, the problem of depressive disorders is becoming increasingly acute: in most industrialized countries, over the past 50 years, there has been a steady increase in depressive states, which, according to specialists - depths, the nature of the epidemic acquired by the end of the 20th century. In addition, depression was very grilled, i.e. Children and adolescents in recent decades give many cases of depression, often ending with suicide. According to WHO, a large depression in 1990 in the frequency of leading causes occupied the 4th place, and according to the forecasts, this very common pathology will take the second place in the whole world after ischemic heart disease. Multicenter studies conducted in many countries showed that the incidence of depression in the population is from 4, 8 to 7, 5, and among patients with a polyclinic network - 10% or more. Among patients suffering from somatic diseases, the average numbers are 22-33%.

According to the International Psychiatrists Association, they suffer from depressions:

  • postsential patients - 47%;
  • oncological - 42%;
  • post-infarction - 45%;
  • sick diabetes - 28%.

It is believed that pancreatic cancer is almost causally connected with depression. At the same time, 50% of patients mask depressive symptoms complaints somatic, most often fixing the attention of a doctor on heart activity disorders, gastrointestinal complaints general characterwhich used to be called neurotic, i.e. Symptoms of depression may be masked by various manifestations of somatic, mental and cognitive disadvantages, excessive alcohol use, and hypochondria ideas.

Modern research in the field of psychology, psychosomatic medicine, psychotherapy reveal a clear dependence of the occurrence of neurosis, depressive disorders, mental and somatic diseases from the state of the emotional-volitional sphere of a person, and especially the child. The ancients said: the wrong person is strong who avoids difficulties, but the one who can resist them and overcome them with honor.

If a person seeks to take a place in the team that does not correspond to his real capabilities, that is, it has an overestimated level of claims, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases. So, patients with hypertension for a long time are not decent, in their opinion, recognition of their merits in the eyes of others. "Ingestion" leads to hypertension. In one of the studies on animals during the experiment, the leader of the herd of monkeys, which, by virtue of finding at the top of the hierarchy, ate first, separated from her herd and in his eyes for several days fed the rest of herd earlier than him. As a result of the observation of this "disgrace", hypertension developed at the leader of herd. In turn, people are targeted, with pronounced ambition, chronic heart diseases occur much more often compared to those who are satisfied with their position. Large personal responsibility for some business is also a factor provoking stress. The relationship was established between the degree of emotional voltage and the pulse rate as an indicator of the measure of responsibility.

Exploring the nature of people patients with ulcerative disease, scientists found that they are characterized by anxiety, irritability, an increased operational and a sharpened sense of duty. They also have a reduced self-esteem, excessive vulnerability, impactivity and shyness, insecurity and at the same time increased demands for themselves. Such people often strive to do more than they can really. For them, the active overcoming of difficulties in combination with internal alarm was typical. Permanent overvoltage and anxiety leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the digestive organs, reduce the resistance of the body. Here are curious facts given from the field of psychosomatic medicine by the famous English researcher Franz Alexander: Chronic high muscle tension caused by permanent aggressive impulses, apparently, is a pathogenic factor in rheumatoid arthritis, and an impulsive person, performed by hostility and guilt, is predisposed to accidents . Hostile impulses can be correlated with chronic root blood pressure. Neurotes suffering from various food disorders, guilt is usually revealed as a central emotional problem. Consciousness of guilt may be so upset about the appetite that the patient will not be able to allow himself a pleasure from saturation.

There is a high correlation of anxiety and anger with cardiac activity. These emotions, when they are constantly reinforced, especially with disturbing states in the case of psychoneurosis, manifest themselves in some cases in the form of tachycardia, and in others - in the form of arrhythmia. Chronic suppressed aggressive impulses, which are always associated with anxiety, strongly affect blood pressure levels. Prohibition in modern society to express aggression leads to the fact that many suppress their aggression and live in a state of chronic suppression of aggression. High self-control, fascination through the suppression of their own desires, in the end, lead to hypertension.

Increased mental tension, all kinds of failures, fears, experience of the feeling of increased danger are the most destructive stressors for a person.

Full-fledged personality development requires some exposure from the outside. These influence may be people, events and ... stress. We are just interested in this last factor.

Stresses can be physical and psychological. Physical - arise from the feeling of hunger, heat, thirst, cold, infection, etc. Psychological - are a consequence of strong nervous overvoltage.

The effect of stress on the human body can be both positive, so negative. The stresses are not too strong and prolonged. However, if the impact of stress is intense, sharp, tightened by time, then it is destructive. In trying to compensate for increasing internal dissatisfaction, a person begins to use psychoactive substances, alcohol, drugs, changes sexual preferences, makes rapid acts, immersed in the world of gambling. This behavior only aggravates internal discomfort and adds problems.

In the event that stress has a negative impact, then a variation of a number of indicators is possible, including physical and mental health, a circle of communication, the success in the implementation of professional plans, relations with the opposite sex.

Stress and its consequences - directly proportional phenomena, the stronger and longer stress, the greater negative influence It provides primarily on health.

Stress violates the usual rhythm of human life. Due to the strong nervous overvoltage under the "blow", the most vulnerable systems of the body are provided: a cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, an endocrine system.

Perhaps the development of diseases such as:

  • angina
  • increased blood sugar
  • hypertension
  • infarction
  • increased fatty acids
  • gastritis
  • insomnia
  • prank ulcer
  • neurosis
  • chronic colitis
  • cholelithiasis
  • depression
  • reducing immunity, as a result of frequent colds, etc.

The effect of stress on the human body may not appear immediately, but to have a delayed development of serious, and sometimes life-threatening disease. No in vain, doctors warn us that "all diseases from nerves".

The hormones produced by the body during stress voltage are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body, but the volume of these hormones should not be high. The high number of such hormones contributes to the development various diseases, including oncological. Their negative impact is aggravated by the fact that modern people lead a low-wear lifestyle and are rarely allowed into the course of muscle energy. For this reason, the active substances "wander" in the body in elevated concentrations, thereby keep the body in a state of voltage and do not allow the nervous system to calm down.

Thus, the high concentration of glucocorticoid causes the decay of proteins and nucleic acids, which in the end contributes to the muscle dystrophy.

In bone tissue, hormones lead to the suppression of calcium absorption, while the mass of bones occurs. The risk of developing osteoporosis, rather common among women's disease increases. In the skin - the update of fibroblasts will slow down, thereby causing thinning of the skin, contributing to poor healing during damage.

The effects of stress can manifest itself in the degeneration of cerebral cells, growth delay, reduced insulin secretion, etc.

In connection with such an extensive list in medicine, a new direction emerged - psychosomatic medicine. It is engaged in all sorts of forms of stress that perform the role of the main or accompanying pathogenetic factors provoking the development of diseases.

Stress and circle of communication

Stress itself does not have any influence on the circle of communication. However, the consequences of stress expressed in psycho-emotional restructuring can become one of the main factors that violate the interaction with representatives of society. First of all, these violations are associated with reluctance to maintain the previous relationship, which leads to narrowing the circle of communication.

In addition, the widespread phenomenon in this situation is conflict, sharp negativism and outbreaks of anger, which, naturally, is reflected in collaboration with communication partners.

As a result, the person who survived the stress disorder, under the influence of acquired features, loses the usual circle of communication, which contributes to the strengthening of post-stress reactions.

Stress and family

Stress and its consequences are negatively reflected on intra-day relationships. Regardless of who from the spouses survived the impact of stress, certain difficulties appear in the family. They are connected with violations:

  • in communication (quick temper, conflict, constancy does not strengthen the communication of the spouses)
  • in the intimate sphere (refusal to perform marital debt)
  • in professional activities (loss of work, worsening the material well-being of the family).

How to avoid negative consequences

We have repeatedly said that the personality strength lies not in the ability to "hide" from stress, but in the ability to control their condition. It is this ability to protect it subsequently from the negative impact of stressful situations. There are a lot of techniques for restoring a normal psycho-emotional state.

  1. First of all, after the transferred nervous overvoltage, it is necessary to "release steam". Effective tool Is an exercise consisting in the usual strong cry. To fulfill it, one condition is necessary - ensuring privacy, in order not to frighten others. You can go to nature and there on her lap, throw out everything that accumulated. To do this, it is necessary to concentrate on negative emotions and that there is forces to scroll. You can scream any sound or word. Three approaches are enough.
  2. Well restores internal balance respiratory gymnastics. The connection of breathing and human condition has long been established. For example, at the time of severe fright intercepts breathing. Restoring the normal respiratory rhythm, it is possible to restore and emotional state. There are plenty of all kinds of gymnastics. To calm down, you need to slowly inhale through the nose, slightly delaying your breath for a couple of seconds, also slowly exhale, but already a mouth. This exercise is well combined with exercises for relaxing body parts or face muscles.
  3. It helps to cope with the effects of stress physical activity. It can be sports activities (team games or individual exercises) or ordinary household work, allowing to actively move (washing floors, weeding garden). In addition, as a result of working muscles, the body get rid of unnecessary stress products formed in his tissues, these classes will allow you to distract from unpleasant thoughts.
  4. Huge importance in overcoming the results of stress has support for loved ones. The opportunity to speak out, splash out the accumulated thoughts and at the same time get approval will allow "heal" mental injuries.
  5. Ensure the body from stress hormones is a good Russian bath.
  6. Helps to cope the power of art. Singing, music, dances affect emotions, remove the tension, allow you to express experiences. In addition, singing and dancing contribute to the normalization of breathing (we wrote above it above) and increase physical activity, the role of which is invaluable in anti-stress therapy.

Thus, cope with stress and their consequences without harm to the health and loss of social ties, possibly. It is important to want this and know some secrets with which we share. By defeating this monster, you can go through life with a sense of winner and the owner of your life.