Tips for girls about love. Useful tips for girls

For the past five years, we have selected for you the most relevant, original and useful tips. And now they decided to collect in one place the best that was already published on the pages of the site and the fact that it was time to say. Read more careful - something must be useful to you.


  1. Are you in love with one boyfriend? Choose to you. But remember that love happens often, and girlfriends with us for life.
  2. Do you know that with this person it is useless to argue further? Protect psychological depreciation: "Yes, you are absolutely right, I lean myself terribly." "You are absolutely right, I am guilty that there is such a big queue." In response, there will be nothing to say, and you will save time and nerve cells.
  3. Pay time to friends. We are not talking about walks or campaigns. Are you sure that none of your friends needs now in support or advice?
  4. Get the family. And sometimes time is the time of home.
  5. Congratulations on friends with holidays not only on the Internet. Remember your birthday - one call brings more positive emotions at times than a dozen congratulations on VKontakte.
  6. If you are alone, do not complain about it to each conversation. Guys want to seek girls, and not to be with the young lady, the last few months only and dreaming about relationships.
  7. Forget the guy is simple. We just need not remember it. Remove travel together joint photos, general music. And do not let him think about it or seek meeting.
  8. IN big company The guy turns to you all the time, and in disputes always protects your point of view? He is probably interested in you.
  9. Honesty saves nerve cells and the relationship that you value. Before you think and offended, it is better to clarify whether you understood everything. And herself is not lying close.
  10. Be friendly and polite. It's not difficult for you to say a couple of "magical" words, and the opinion about you and the mood of the interlocutors will improve at times.


  11. Live the present. I have no doubt, there has already been a lot of interesting events in life, and a terrific future awaits you ahead. But if you think only in other times, you can't become happy.
  12. Control emotions. Beat the pillows and shouting with all my might (while there is no one for nearby) - much better than to break into close ones. No opportunity to get rid of stress in such ways? Just pick up a sheet of paper - it will calm you for a while.
  13. It seems that something terrible happened? Parting with a guy, a quarrel with a friend, even the transition from a beloved school to another is not all trouble. Imagine that 10 years have passed. The problem still seems as significant? So do not worry now.
  14. Learn to say "no". Without justification and long doubt. Honestly admit that you do not want to do something - one of the most useful skills.
  15. It is useful to dream. Try to organize fantasy grandiose. Meet the perfect guy? Imagine how it will look. Find an interesting profession? Draw a picture from your future working life. Visualization - the technique of execution of desires through detailed views. The secret is simple: your consciousness will know what to strive for.
  16. Know your price. And stop comparing with others. You do not give anything to anything. Remember it constantly.
  17. Improve yourself. There is always something that you can learn. Blind print method, skill taking pictures or fight.
  18. Read more books. To become better, not enough of his own thoughts. Draws of knowledge of recognized classics.
  19. Can you make a decision? In fact, you already know the right answer. To understand what kind of rubbing coin. If an undesirable option falls, you will immediately find a lot of excuses - I threw crooked, prevented the table. Just feel to which option you are inclined more.
  20. Be yourself. Do not try to adjust the company, please someone. Real you will attract where more people.


  21. Turn off the computer when you understand that it is not busy with something important. Do you know the lot of other ways of rest?
  22. Do not turn on ICQ, Skype, do not open social networks while you are doing something on the Internet. Making a task will take more time.
  23. Write competently not only at dictations, but in life. The Internet also applies to it.;) Competent lines add hundreds of points to your reputation.
  24. Move to goal. Let it be not conquering the universe, but at least excellent knowledge of English. Every day a little effort - and the result will not make yourself wait.
  25. Eat "Frogs". This is a very useful principle of time management. Frogs are unpleasant things to make that you need, but horrible do not want. Call someone, go to the dentist, sort out the room ... One thing per day - and your life will become much easier.
  26. Make a list of cases for the day, month, year. Take into account your goal. If you start count the clock in your own days, you risk discovering that you have much more time than you thought.
  27. Even if independent life does not threaten you in the near future, learn how to keep money, important documents and just the surrounding space. Budget planning and regular room cleaning is not boring classes, but a guarantee of time saving and reasonable spending.
  28. Learn to cook. Both simple soups and banal chicken legs and complex desserts. This skill is always useful.;)
  29. The rule of five minutes will help move all the planned, but not started. Promise yourself that you can only dedicate for only five minutes. Seek time. Or work to hobble, or you just start, which is also important.
  30. Do not you need. The correct priorities do not give you to spray and chase the achievements that you do not need.

    the beauty

  31. A tone cream in no way is intended to change the shade of your skin or give it a tan effect. Choose it exactly under the tone of your skin. To avoid mistakes, in the daylight, apply a couple of droplets from the tester on the bridge.
  32. Do not save on basic things and important cosmetics. From an overdue cream or rapidly losing jeans will be only problems. It will be more expensive.
  33. Trees, walnut and many other hair oils truth improve the health of the chapels. You knew it, but before the pharmacy did not succeed. It's time to finally do it. At the same time, take cosmetic clay - forget about many skin problems.
  34. Heels make you higher, slimmer and more confident. But the clumsy walk looks just funny. I'm not sure that it is ready to "conquer" a new height - postpone the purchase of studs for a while.
  35. Be bright. Only not at the expense of abundantly applied Rumen. Times are changing, but the rules are all the same: the bronze under the cheekbones, blush - on the convex parts of the cheeks. In moderate quantities. "Burning" cheeks look just stupid.
  36. Do not start your eyebrows. Let the fashion be natural, broad eyebrows. It is still necessary to care and pull out extra hairstyle.
  37. Will not draw the arrow with liquid eyeliner? Put them first with a pencil for the eyes, and then circle the linen line.
  38. Hair sees and break? Pay attention to your comb. If she has an iron or plastic bristle, then it urgent to get a brush from natural material.
  39. Do not be afraid to contact the specialists. Dermatologist or cosmetologist will decide your problems at times faster than you would do it myself.
  40. If the leather of lips has become dry, the situation will fix the usual scrub for face or massage toothbrush. Just do not use these funds, if the lips are already very volatile and the wounds hurt.


  41. Healthy sleep starts from 7 hours. Want to enjoy life and always feel great - get enough sleep. And point.
  42. Go outside every day. In addition to the route of the house study, choose for a walk. At least to the store. To a long stop store.
  43. Execute sports. If you can't walk in the fitness club or run in the morning, do not forget about the figure completely. A rug for yoga and dumbbells is sufficient equipment for excellent homes. Swing press every evening or do three times a week - to decide.
  44. Let yourself be lazy. Sometimes. At the certain time. Nothing alone is also useful if only it has long been in your plans.
  45. Hold health under control. Yes - once a year to a dentist and a gynecologist on planned inspections. And forget about the habit of carrying the disease "on the legs".
  46. Cap in frost is necessary. Maintain this rule is dangerous. You face a cold, a hearing impairment - as a complication. And still problems with hair - slow growth or loss. The skin of the head is also freezing.
  47. Sunscreen - not the fiction of marketers. He is much more important on the beach than a fashionable bag. Of course, if you do not want to detect a lot of wrinkles to thirty-forty years.
  48. Lucky due to exercises and balanced nutrition, and not at the expense of the hunger strike. The body will simply declare a boycott and actively starts to store all the fat-Callora, which receives.
  49. Breakfast. Stand up 10 minutes earlier and be sure to eat something in the morning. Breakfast is the most important meal. He will not only give you strength for the morning, but will not allow not to overeat for the day.
  50. Proper posture makes you more beautiful, slimmer and in general worthy of respect. And you need to start not "ever", but right now. The way for a long time is known to you: we put a passionate volume on the head and for a few minutes they defiliate around the apartment.

Imagine a young girl, recently married, only traveled from under the caring wing of the parents. She seems to be an unfair than the church, who fell into the real world. Many will say that this does not happen, but I have such a confirmation - a cousin. All my life, parents guarded it and did not give to step in a single step, and after the wedding it was not easy. Therefore, I thought and decided to gather in this selection of useful tips for girls who came in handy and me.

Usually freshly prepared pie for beauty sprinkle sugar powderBut they do it to sleep, just scattering it on the surface of the cake. But, there is a small trick, it is enough to cover the cake with a beautiful paper napkin with a pattern and wake up a powder, and then remove the napkin, then on the cake will remain a wonderful picture.

In order not to dig out of the cake under the candle, it is best to use the corn ring. The usual ring from the pack will serve as a candle stand and edible element of the cake decor.

When preparing a delicious adzhika with the addition of red sharp pepper, the probability of burning hands, if they do not wash them on time. But here it is not enough to use a simple hand washing, it is best to launch a sufficient amount of olive oil into the skin of the hands, and then peel your hands with liquid soap.

In order for breakfast on the table there was a beautiful scrambled eggs, you do not need to have any culinary knowledge. Just need to use onion oscillators from a big bulb. Colepko put on a frying pan, smash the egg inward. A smooth fried egg will delight even strict mother-in-law.

By the way, it's good that they remembered the chicken eggs, because the cardboard box from under them will be a long time to serve as a stand for cooling the laptop system, the air will be perfectly circulated.

This lifehak is useful as non-native men and not experienced hostesses in order to achieve the perfect evenness of the collar on the shirt, you need to walk on it with a fluff for straightening the hair. (Ask you from an unfulfilled guy such a thing ... Believe me and not so find it)

Well, how to decorate your dull jar under tassels and spongats - quite simple, pour coffee beans there. The aroma of coffee will scare the unborn guests and leave tassels clean, and will also serve as an excellent decoration.

For the safety of things on the beach, it is best to use a paid storage chamber, but the old tube from the sunscreen cream is also useful for the secret storage of things. Any useful tips for all occasions for women and men are always easy to perform, because sometimes you want to save.

To date, a very relevant issue personally for me, the spouse has departed on a business trip, and I urgently had to hang a picture presented by mother-in-law. So, so as not to hit the hammer on the fingers, just need to hold the nail with a wooden cluster.

If the length of the batteries does not match for the hole, it is easy to "lengthen" the batteries through the use of foil (which can always be found in the kitchen).

Surely every modern girl wishes to see around him a lot of fans who are ready for her for everything. But, alas, how often it happens, not always in this "mass" there is exactly the one that occupies your thoughts and heart. How to make sure that you "ran" a concrete guy, try to figure out together!

The ability to arrange an absolutely any person - a real gift that the units are possessed. But you should not despair if you ...

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Girls often worries the question: how can you understand that you like you guy. Young people do not always sincerely express their feelings, especially surrounded by peers or relatives. In our society, the concept was approved that a man should be strong and not to show his weaknesses. And the manifestation of sympathy can be regarded as a sign of softness or even non-absorption. It is only possible to envy the ladies of the era of the knighthood when Serenade under the balcony or a feat in honor of the concrete ...

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Very common ladies' problem - the presence of a mustache over the upper lip. Of course, there are girls who paint a delicate seductive cannon, but it is rather an exception. Most women have to solve the problem of mustache and get rid of unpleasant dark, and sometimes rigid and thick hairs.

Most often, the appearance of the girl mustache has hereditary reasons, but sometimes they may indicate ...

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It would seem, yesterday, you were a little girl with huge surprised eyes and funny pigtails. More recently, you ran together with my girlfriends and played in funny Games. The boys jerked you for the pigtails, taped "yummy", wore a portfolio, cutely giggled, accompanied home ... and everything was clear, and life seemed to be a cheerful fairy tale with a mass of discoveries and adventures.

And today, you are already a young girl ...

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Female flirt - the behavior of the girl who she seeks to attract the attention of the most interested in its representative of the strong sex. The goals that the flirting girl in front of him is varied. Perhaps the guy is really cute, and young features counts on acquaintance, evening together or, perhaps, long serious relationship.

Also, frequent can be used as entertainment or method ...

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Almost every girl has to worry about this unpleasant feeling of parting with her boyfriend. But it seemed that it was forever that he was the only one, unique that no one would ever separate you. And so, it all ended, fate dispelled you and, it seems that life has lost its meaning. Hands are lowered ... Sleepless nights, tears in a pillow. How to forget former guy, so beloved, how to start new life without him...

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From this article you will learn:

Each girl in secret dreams of universal recognition and respect. And no matter, the usual you are a modest or a class of class, for which all boys run. I want the guys in school to respember, communicated well, and did not speak and stole a backpack. Our 9 useful and relevant advice for girls Will help you become more attractive in terms of communication. True, everything is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. Will have to work a little over yourselfBut but the result will not wait long for a long time.

Your appearance

When you once again come home from school, stand in front of the mirror and carefully look at yourself. Of course, you will not like everything terribly or vice versa, you will not find flaws: these features transitional age. But try to look at yourself from the point of view of our helpful tips and something to change something.

Tip 1: Your appearance must match your age

How old are you? From 10 to 15? Does the girl in the mirror correspond to this age? Sometimes long golf and funny pigtails around look too childish if the girl is already 14-15 years old. But the skews, too, for nothing: brightly painted hair, fashion trends of adult clothes, the abundance of decorative cosmetics on the face will be ahead of time. Do you need it? So look at the Internet "image of the girl in ... years" and compare yourself with him: Is everything okay?

Despite how old you are and how old is yours school uniform, everything should be flawlessly clean and ironed. People intuitively relate well to the one who is tidy outwardly. It always gives hope that he will also be pure and in relations with people. So teach yourself to inspect your school clothes every evening: is there no spots? Isn't it too many?

No matter how banal it sounds, but a girl who smiles towards even an evil look and insults, does not look silly. She disarms his smile enemy. And it is very cute and attractive for others. Learn to smile to people.

It seems that everything is too easy? Starting to change on these parameters, you will see that not everything is so sweet as I would like. It is difficult to change the usual image, character. It is very difficult to smile when I want to cry. It is completely difficult to tear away from the monitor of the beloved tablet or laptop to get ready for school. But adhering to these tips, you will understand that people have become different to you. And then you can start working on the next block of our useful tips for girlsthat concern is already directly character.

Curious fact

As scientists found out, the smile is infectious. Smile - and in response to get the same.

Your character

You can definitely not evaluate your character objectively. Then the situation is the same as with appearance: either you consider yourself a white and fluffy angel, or we make hell. What to do? Listen to our advice.

Think of someone from those around you trust the most and who is unnecessary to evaluate your character. Useful and wise advice: girlfriends do not take into account immediately. Better, if it is someone from adults: Elder brother or sister, parents, grandmother, aunt, teacher, school psychologist, neighbor, etc. Ask for him to write your good and bad traits on a sheet of paper.

When you see the negative sides of your character on a sheet of paper, do not be offended: try to take criticism as it is. And now right on the list, start eradicating these bad qualities in yourself. As soon as you get rid of one drawback - start working on another.

In adolescence, girls rarely seriously think about the future. Do not like a common flock. Be purposeful. Put yourself achievable goals and persistently implement them. Make a plan that will help you in the fulfillment of your dreams and clearly follow him.

Of course, it is much more difficult than working with appearance. This internal work will be required, which is not for all. But when you see and feel the first results, you will begin to respect myself for the fact that I forged your character itself. Well, the last unit of useful tips is about relations with others.

Keep in mind

It is in adolescence that there is a splash of the growth of the brain, so that you now have everything.

Your environment

Be sure to work on relationships with the surrounding people, which one way or another affect your mood. This is not only a family, but also classmates, and adults with whom you have to face school and in other places.

Rude girl not to face. Even if you were very insulted, humiliated, offended, do not go down to their level. The best reaction in this case is complete ignoring. So you show that you are much higher than them in the level of upbringing. Involuntarily, they will begin to respect you and will no longer do that.

Very useful and wise advice, which concerns, mainly, relationships with boys. Sometimes so insurmountable pulls to them that I want to write the first in social networks, come up, start a conversation. Yes, one time you can do so. But if after that he does not attempt to go to meet you, you should not be imposed on and seek it by force: it is not in the competences of the girl. Range yourself. Believe: Love will still be sure to find you.

Despite the whole of the grand work that you lead over yourself, if you really don't like something, do not do it. After all, the most important rule in everything this is: always and under any circumstances stay by itself, be an unique person. And then everything will succeed in you, in just life you will be able to achieve, and people will treat you with respect and confidence.

For modern girls and women, housekeeping is most often one of the responsibilities to which they start after returning from work. For some are a favorite hobby and rest, for others - burdensome duty. In any case, our useful tips for girls They will help young hostesses to significantly save time, cope with a non-standard situation, and possibly turn life into a fascinating event. Useful advice Each woman is needed regardless of age, and even more young girls, as they help learn the most rational economic economy, as well as to avoid numerous errors.

Real and high-quality jeans are able to serve a very long time. At the same time, they are practically not pulled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knees and hips and retain their original shade. However, even a high-quality denim product must be periodically cleaned and washed. This requires the rules of hygiene ....