What is the trend and its types. What is a trend (trend)

We live in such a rapidly developing world that sometimes it seems that it is simply impossible to keep up with fashion trends. You go to the store for a belt bag, but while choosing an accessory in a suitable color, they are already out of fashion. It seems that in order to be in trend, you need to study, as if under a microscope, all fashion magazines and when you go shopping almost every week for new items. But, of course, this is not entirely true.

Trendy new items really live only 1-2 seasons and quickly give way to the catwalks of new trendy things, so it makes no sense to invest in them. But buying a thing that fits into long trends and will be relevant for a very long time is an excellent investment. And this is what we would suggest investing in if you want to create a fashionable, relevant and modern wardrobe.

First trend. Naturalness and simplicity

Modern fashion follows the path of simplification, not complication, and naturalness in its various manifestations is in fashion today, from nude shades in makeup and extremely modest colors in contemporary manicure and ending with actual nude shades in clothes and a craving for natural fabrics.

How to leverage this trend when designing your own wardrobe?

  • avoid acidic, too bright colors and shiny synthetic fabrics. They have long gone out of fashion. Choose clothes in muted, softer tones, in which your face and natural beauty come to the fore;
  • extended nails, hair, flashy colors in manicure, drawings and rhinestones on nails are also not relevant for a long time;
  • choose clothes with a simple cut, without too bright decorative elements... Such outfits, firstly, are much easier to combine with each other, and secondly, it is easier to complement with bright accessories. With a basic gray A-line dress, you will make many more sets than with a shiny sequin dress, which you can wear only for a New Year's party.

Brief conclusion: functional comfortable clothes of simple cut and muted tones are in fashion. And this trend will continue for a long time.

Second trend. Oversize

The collage presentsmaxMara oversized sweater , Maje skirt, karl by Karl Lagerfeld jacket , Dolce & Gabbana boots, Chanel bag.

A special case on the way to naturalness and freedom of movement was the love that the modern fashion industry has for oversized clothing. Cocoon coats, daddy jackets, boyfriend jeans - in many directions, the movement towards looser silhouettes is becoming a trend.

This does not mean that it is time for you to change your favorite winter coat for a down jacket-blanket - the hottest novelty of this season. But oversized clothes will not be in trend for a single season, so you should add, say, a loose jacket or a loose-fitting dress to everyday looks. These things will not lose their relevance for a long time. Those who are afraid of the abyss, as in the Bermuda triangle, in oversized clothes, can be advised to wear such outfits with a belt or with a wide belt to emphasize the waist.

Third trend. Unisex

Women have fought for equality with men for a very long time, and once the trousers that Coco Chanel introduced into the women's wardrobe were akin to a revolution. And now the boundaries between men's and women's fashion are becoming less and less distinct. Fashion magazines advise readers to borrow new clothes from the wardrobes of husbands and boyfriends and not bypass the men's departments of clothing stores. Often it is there that you can find the perfect T-shirt or shirt, as well as a fashionable sweatshirt or leather jacket in the cut that is in fashion today.

Whether you follow these tips or still choose feminine outfits is up to you. However, the trend for unisex is from the category of long-lasting, and it is worth taking it into account when drawing up your own wardrobe. Therefore, our advice: at least pay attention to trouser suits with fitted jackets of a man's cut - these make a seductive and fragile figure of almost any proportion. And in addition to it, you can buy, for example, a men's sweatshirt (which can even be worn with an office jacket - eclecticism and strange combinations are in fashion now).

Fourth trend. Total look

The collage presentscalvin Klein Collection sweater , pants Loro Piana, derek Lam 10 Crosby ankle boots , dolce & Gabbana crossbody .

Images composed in the same scale have become fashionable not so long ago, but they are unlikely to leave the catwalks and streets soon. If you like to stand out, it's time to put together a set in red tones, if you value grace, gray in various designs will allow you to put together an elegant ensemble. The good thing about this trend is that you don't have to think about color combinations. Just choose different textures (for example, combine a gray chunky sweater with a silk pencil skirt) so that the set does not look monotonous.


Of course, not all current trends were included in the article, and it is difficult to reliably predict fashion trends. But if it was necessary to make a list of actual things that make sense to invest in, ours would look like this:

  • a strict trouser suit with a jacket in a man's cut;
  • turtleneck;
  • loose-fitting sweatshirt (plain or with slogans);
  • men's white shirt;
  • sneakers;
  • high quality belt or belt.

Hello to all readers of the site! Modern people very often use words such as trend and trend in conversation, and more and more often the question of what they mean and how they differ from each other interests many.

In addition, each industry implies a classification of trends by group and by period.

This article will talk about what these concepts mean, how they differ from each other and what categories they are divided into.

What do these words mean?

Let's start with the fact that these words came from the foreign word "trend", which in translation means "trend", by this word Russians mean direction or focus on something.

Any field of activity has its own patterns and tendencies.

As an example, you can take the current desire of users or keep abreast of all the news concerning.

This is an uptrend, when the rate rises due to the relevance of the currency. That is, “buying bitcoins” means “being in trend”.

What is the difference between a trend and a trend

Despite all of the above, where it was said that trend and trend are almost synonymous words, the differences can still be found and defined.

First of all, this is the level of globality, that is, the time of action and relevance of a certain pattern that concerns a particular area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

  1. The first group is considered that the trend is more global than the current direction.
  2. The latter, on the contrary, argue that the trend is a more global concept.

So let's look at an example on fashion. In this area, the trend is the latest and most relevant squeak, when something just appears and takes leadership positions among consumers.

For example, designers demonstrate a thing that should become popular in the future, and only after a while, certain conclusions can be drawn, whether it is a temporary direction or a trend.

After all, if a direction becomes relevant and in demand for several seasons, then this is already being renamed into a stable trend.

But when the trend is at the peak of popularity and subsequent years, it is already a "classic", which does not lend itself to time and despite any fashion trends will be relevant.

Types of trends

Each field of activity may have its own meaning of this concept; in addition, there are different types of it.

Among other things, the theory of technical analysis proves that this direction is divided by two more points - this direction and period.

The types of trends can be divided into periods:

  1. Primary - is the main - its duration is from one to three years.
  2. Secondary - is medium-term or intermediate - lasts from three weeks to six months.
  3. Minor - short-term - less than 21 days in duration.
  • In economics

The trend in the economy indicates the direction of movement of the main indicators. Most often, it is used to study technical analysis, where changes in price movements and index notations are indicated.

It can be divided into the following categories:

  1. An upward - can also be called upward or bullish - denotes a situation when the market is growing.
  2. Downtrend - can also be called bearish or bearish - denotes a fall in the market;
  3. Horizontal - you can hear such concepts as flat or lateral - in this case, the vertical movement is not observed as there are changes only in the horizontal range.

It is worth noting that the terms “bullish” and “bearish” are used by analogy with the terms “bulls” and “bears” by traders.

  • On the exchange

The types of trends on the stock exchange and in the economy are very similar to each other, but a person who understands a certain area will understand the differences.

  1. An uptrend, called a bullish trend, means that the chart on the exchange is moving up, and the index is growing, due to frequent purchases.
  2. A downtrend, also called bearish, describes a situation when the movement of the chart direction is concentrated downward due to the fact that sales are made more often than purchases.
  3. A flat represents a situation on the stock exchange when there are no significant changes in the chart. The ratio of the number of falls and jumps is almost equal to each other. The index indicator does not change, most often this situation provides for the next rapid decline or increase in the graph.

The schedule of activity and movements on the exchange as a whole depends on the actions of users.

  • In fashion

A trend in fashion indicates the current direction, it can be short-term or long-term. Based on trends, designers create their collections, complementing them with their own individual details, which can also become a trend as a result.

Fashion trends are divided into the following categories:

  1. Color solutions.
  2. Combinations of individual items of clothing and footwear.
  3. Supplement with accessories.
  4. Clothing style.
  5. Seasonal trends.
  6. The material from which the product is made.

The main part of fashion trends is medium-term, that is, the trend is relevant for one or two seasons, after this time it is replaced by something else. Few trends are becoming classics.

Indicates a specific video topic that is most interesting and popular among users. If you follow such trends, you can make your account the most popular and get into the top leaders.

By publishing materials that are interesting to people, the owner of the video can expect the arrival of new subscribers, receiving a huge number of likes and comments.

As a result of all this, the channel becomes popular and the materials published here have a lot of views. Thus, you can count on earnings, because many advertisers will offer cooperation.

Trends on YouTube:

  1. Reviews of household appliances (telephones, televisions, accessories, set-top boxes and others).
  2. Children's channels (various children's master classes, reviews of modern toys).
  3. Funny videos with animals.
  4. Life hacks.
  5. Trailers of new films and music videos.

How the trend is formed and exists

I would very much like to draw your attention to the fact that not a single trend, be it long-term or short-term, does not arise or end unexpectedly.

This question is very important, because most trends develop according to a certain pattern, which consists of three phases (examples are considered on the types of trends in the economy or on the stock exchange):

  • Phase one is cumulative and is referred to as the generation phase. During this period, investors and participants in the top are actively buying and selling financial assets. Such actions create false breakouts on the chart, imitating a flat. This situation was provoked by the increase in volumes. At the moment when a single decision is made between the seller and the consumer, which satisfies everyone, a breakthrough of the trading range and the formation of the second phase are observed.
  • Second phase represents a distribution and is referred to as a developmental phase. Everything happens at the time of an active downtrend trend or during an uptrend. An increasing number of participants begin to actively act, as a result of which short corrective and long-term impulsive actions appear on the chart. Some exchange participants fix their own positions, while others act in the opposite way. However, the trend continues to develop, because this volume is not enough.
  • Third phase - the completion phase means that the price has reached the highest level and large participants fix positions and withdraw funds.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the fact that trend and trend are almost synonymous words, there is still a difference.

Some areas of activity divide and distinguish these concepts by type, and in some areas it all depends on the period of the trend's relevance.

Hello dear friends!

In today's article I want to focus on one of the most important concepts of technical analysis and analyze it in as much detail as possible. Surely you have already understood that we are talking about a trend. So let's figure it out, What is a trend.

The entire theory of technical analysis by Charles Henry Doe is based on two concepts: trend and support / resistance levels. AND it is the determination of the current trend that is the main task of traders... Therefore, I recommend that you consider this topic very carefully.

Also, if, of course, you read this article to the end, you will learn: what types of trends there are, talk about the classification of trends, based on the theory of Charles Henry Doyu, learn how to identify and determine trends (both with the help of indicators and without them), how to make money on trend, and much more interesting.

So let's get started!

Many of you have probably heard such phrases: “The trend is your friend”, “Follow the trend”, “Do not trade against the trend” and others. Of course, all these quotes are the axioms of trading and common truths, but not every beginner (and not only) trader can give the correct definition of a trend, let alone identify it on a chart.

Of course, trend definitions exist in fashion, mathematics, economics, and many more areas and spheres. But we are interested in the concept of a trend exclusively from a financial point of view.

Trend (translated from English. trend - trend) Is a unidirectional price movement that is valid for a certain time.

Also pay attention to the last phrase I gave in the definition ("within a certain time"). It is very important! Remember this. And why this is of great importance, I will tell you a little below.

We figured out the definition and now let's move on to the classification of trends.

Types of trend

The theory of technical analysis says that a trend can be classified according to two criteria:

  • By focus
  • By the time of existence

Let's dwell on each of these types in more detail.

Classification of trends by direction

Upward ("bullish") trend(from English. up-trend). In such a trend, each subsequent peak (maximum) and trough (minimum) is higher than the previous ones. Schematically, it looks like this:

An example of a bullish trend on a chart:

Downtrend ("bearish") trend (from English. down-trend) Is a sequence of descending peaks (highs) and troughs (lows).

This is a schematic diagram, and this is what a bearish trend looks like on a price chart:

It is logical to assume that in a bullish trend it is more profitable to buy in the direction of the main trend, and in a bearish trend it is more profitable to sell.

There is another state of the market when the price moves without any specific direction and is within narrower limits, forming a trading range. This state is called flat... There is also another concept that is often called lateral movement. I'm sure you've heard it more than once - it's consolidation.

Please note that with this movement, the peaks and troughs are approximately at the same level. And here is what a flat looks like on the chart:

Perhaps you have met (or will still meet) the opinion that flat is the absence of a trend. So, this opinion is erroneous. There is always a trend in the market... The only question is whether a specific trader will be able to determine it.

Market trends can also be classified by age. Most often, there are three types:

  • Long-term (primary or main) trend - lasts from one to two years. This trend is important for large market players and investors.
  • Medium-term (secondary or intermediate) trend- lasts from 1 to 6 months. It is corrective and runs counter to the main trend.
  • Short term trend - lasts from one week to a month, consists of small fluctuations (movements), can go against the medium-term trend, does not always lend itself to technical analysis and depends on many (sometimes random) events.

This is how it will look on the graph:

I'm sure you have a question, where did this time frame come from? Why exactly a month, two or a year? Remember at the very beginning of the article, I focused on a specific phrase. So from the definition of the trend that I gave, two consequences follow:

1. The duration of the price movement change depends on the time frame (time interval). That is, before determining the trend on the chart, you need to decide on the working time frame. For example, if you are analyzing an hourly chart, here the long-term trend will last 1-2 weeks, the medium-term trend will last from a couple of days to a week, and the short-term trend will last from several hours to one day.

This is very important, because, for example, in intraday trading, you can see a bullish trend and trade in buy, but on a higher TF this movement can only be corrective to the main bearish trend.

I'll try to illustrate this with an example:

This is the British pound. In the first chart, we see a pronounced bearish trend. And naturally, for successful trading, we need to sell in the direction of this trend. But, as soon as we switch to a senior time interval (second chart), it immediately becomes clear that this movement is only corrective in relation to the main trend.

2. The direction of price movement changes depends on the starting point from which the technical analysis begins. To explain this thesis, I will have to resort to a chart and show it in detail using the example of a currency pair.

I took the EURCAD currency pair, daily chart. If I take the April 2013 lows (point "1") as the starting point for the analysis, then I will consider the current price movement as the end of the bearish correction and the beginning of a new bullish movement in the direction of the main trend. If I start analyzing the chart from the current highs (from August 23 (point "2")), then the current upward price movement will be considered corrective to the previous bearish movement.

Therefore, henceforth, if now you are asked the question: "What is the current trend in the market?", You know, this is a stupid question. Since, in order to answer this question, you need to know on what time frame and from what date this financial instrument is analyzed.

Phases of a trend (lifetime)

Following important point, which I simply cannot ignore and leave unnoticed. Remember, no long-term trend ever just (suddenly, unexpectedly) starts or ends. Most trends have three phases and develop according to a certain scenario. Here they are:

  1. Phase 1 - Accumulation Phase (Nucleation Phase)... During this phase, major players and investors start buying (or selling) financial assets. This is displayed on the chart as a flat with false breakouts in both directions. This is due to the "injection" of money and the increase in volumes and liquidity. After a compromise is found between buyers and sellers, a breakout of the trading range and the beginning of the second phase occurs.
  2. Phase 2 - Distribution Phase (Development Phase)... This is a period of a directed uptrend (or downtrend). At this time, more and more participants join the movement. At the same time, long impulse movements and short corrective ones appear on the chart. This is due to the fact that some players fix their positions, while others open positions in the opposite direction. But this volume is not enough to resist the crowd, and the trend continues to move.
  3. Phase 3 - Completion Phase... During this phase, the price reaches its maximum values. Large players begin to fix open positions and withdraw their money. On the chart at this time, we can see quite deep corrective movements or the appearance of various graphical patterns such as "head and shoulders", "multiple top" or "multiple bottom".

Below are two figures, the first one shows the phases schematically:

And on the second - the same phases, only on a real chart:

For example, the Australian dollar chart was not chosen by chance.

Please note that there can be several accumulation phases in the course of the trend development. They can be accompanied by false breakouts in both directions (I wrote about this above). And also look at how, after the completion of the bullish trend, it does not reverse, but goes into a wide trading range. It is very important! In various sources, one can often find judgments that after the completion of the current main trend, a new one should begin, but in the opposite direction. This is a fundamentally wrong judgment.

How to identify a trend in the market?

Theory is good, but I'm sure you would like to know how to correctly identify the trend? There are two methods for determining if there is a trend in the market:

  1. Using technical indicators.
  2. Indicator-free method.

There are an incredible variety of indicators created specifically to help the trader in solving this issue. It will not be possible to list them all, since more and more new inventions appear regularly.

Among the standard indicators that can be found in absolutely any trading terminal, I would single out the following:

Within the framework of this article, I will not talk in detail about the methods of working with them, since I have already published separate articles on these technical tools. If you do not know anything about these indicators, then, after reading this article, be sure to follow the links that I gave above.

Now on the Internet you can find hundreds of different indicators. But trust my experience, don't waste your time on them. They all work on the same principles, since they are most often built on the basis of standard ones, and there will be as much sense from them as from standard ones (or even less). Nothing new and revolutionary has been invented in recent decades.

I would like to dwell on indicatorless methods in more detail. This method of determining the trend has been working since the days of technical analysis. And I am sure it will work for a very, very long time. It is very simple, and somewhere, maybe even primitive. It consists in the following: to determine the presence of a trend in the market, we will analyze peaks and troughs. In an uptrend, highs and lows rise, and in a downtrend, they fall. It is on this property that this method will be built. I will show you how it works with examples.

This is a weekly chart of the USDCAD currency pair. Before starting technical analysis, you need to do two things: decide on a time frame (which I did) and choose a starting point (I took the minimum from September 09).

At point “1” we cannot say that a new bullish trend has begun. We regard this minimum as the end of the bearish impulse and the beginning of the correction. The maximum that appeared at point "2" signals that the correction is over and the bearish trend continues. The most interesting thing starts to happen at point "3". The minimum that appears there is located above the previous one. This is the first signal that a new trend has begun. And at point "4" a new maximum appears, located above the previous one. Now the chart has both highs and lows that are higher than the previous ones, which fully corresponds to the definition of a trend.

Of course, this method has one small drawback. To use it correctly, experience and skills are required. But, as you know, experience is a profitable business. 🙂

I also talked about how to trade with the trend (or against the trend) in my previous articles on trend lines , trade channels and support (resistance) levels ... Be sure to check them out. Without the information they contain, knowledge will be incomplete.

Well dear friends. So we got to the end of the article. I want to thank you for your attention and patience. Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the importance of understanding the trend phenomenon in technical analysis. But now you know for sure what is trend and you will be able to accurately identify it in any conditions.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Trend" is in other dictionaries:

    - (eng. trend direction, tendency) direction, tendency of development of the political process, phenomenon. Has a mathematical expression. The most popular definition of a trend is from Dow Theory. An upward trend ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    trend - - [A.S. Goldberg. The English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] trend Long-term ("secular") trend of changes in economic indicators. When economic and mathematical forecasting models are built, T. turns out to be the first, ... ... Technical translator's guide

    In technical analysis, the general direction of price changes in the market. There are upward (bullish), downward (bearish) and neutral (sideways) trends. In English: Trend Synonyms: Trend English Synonyms: Tendency See also: Trends ... ... Financial vocabulary

    - (trend) The long-term growth trajectory of an economic variable around which short-term fluctuations can occur. Trends can be calculated different methods... One of the simplest is to derive regression equations in time, ... ... Economic Dictionary

    Trend - long-term ("secular") trend of changes in economic indicators. When economic and mathematical forecasting models are built, T. turns out to be the first, the main component of the forecast time series, for which ... ... Economics and Mathematics Dictionary

    - [re], but; m. [eng. trend trend, bias] Book. The prevailing trend, the general direction of development of which l. ( public opinion, fashion, etc.). T. in politics. T. in winter clothes. * * * TREND TREND (English trend direction), in the economy ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Trend - (from English, trend general direction, tendency) a line showing a long-term moving average based on annual fluctuating data on the number, productivity, etc. It is calculated using formulas, one of which is as follows: y \u003d in ah, where y is an annual ... ... Ecological Dictionary

    See Anchor admiralty. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. ML: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 Trend is the place of the junction of the lower ends of the horns and the lower part of the spindle of the Admiralty anchor ... Marine Dictionary

    The trend of changes in economic indicators. Dictionary of business terms. Academic.ru. 2001 ... Business glossary

    M .; \u003d trend The dominant direction in politics or public opinion, revealed by statistical methods; trend. Efremova's explanatory dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    - [eng. trend trend, bias] inclination, TREND, prevailing direction of development, direction of public opinion, current style in fashion, etc. Vocabulary foreign words... Komlev N.G., 2006 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


  • Animal socks for children. Trend - favorite toy - sock! We knit and crochet, Elke Wright, Sabine Shidelko. These funny baby socks can croak, quack, bark and even growl! Soft lambs, cunning chanterelles, funny ducklings and lop-eared dogs amuse kids and at the same time warm them in the cold. ...

I decided to write a separate post: after all, the topic is more than interesting. I'll make a reservation right away that everything written below is my vision of the fashion world and my opinion on this matter. Not unfounded, of course: taking into account education, profession and passion for this area of \u200b\u200blife. But, despite all of the above, I cannot pretend to be an expert, so think before you roll everything written into a presentation or report.)

So, to begin with, I would like to refer to the definitions that Wikipedia kindly slips.

A trend in fashion is an actual (near, short-term) direction, a periodically repeating trend in the development of fashion.

In principle, yes: I certainly agree with this. A trend is a direction. Road sign on the track. Repetition, in my opinion, is not at all a prerequisite. Trends are unique and fleeting. But in general, it is simple and straightforward. I liked the general definition better:

Trend - a general trend in multidirectional movement

This definition is not from the category of fashion, but it accurately reflects its essence. Five designers in different collections simultaneously presented leather shirts to the public - this is a trend. It, like a virus, was picked up by the mass market - and it started. Well, not yet, but soon. If you need a livelier example, remember the metallic color or, for example, any Dolce & Gabbana collection. Now about the fashion:

Moda (fr. Mode, from Lat. Modus - measure, image, method, rule, prescription) - the temporary dominance of a certain style in any sphere of life or culture. Determines the style or type of clothing, ideas, behavior, etiquette, lifestyle, arts, literature, cuisine, architecture, entertainment, etc., that is popular in society at a given time. Fashion often denotes the most fragile and fastest-passing popularity.

The basic idea is clear: fashion is novelty, and novelty quickly becomes obsolete. Then she either goes to the landfill, or settles in wardrobes as a basic or just a favorite thing. I do not agree with the definition of "style dominance" - nevertheless, given the current diversity, the concept of "style" is becoming a category of personal characteristics. It is already inconvenient to think in large categories. And so we read the definitions. Has it become clearer? Most probably not. Where, for example, must be attributed? Or the return of chokers to fashion? If trend is a direction, is it just about clothing or lifestyle too? And if so, how does the trend differ from fashion. Let's try to figure it out. Look at this photo, you may have already stumbled upon something similar. This is one of the latest trends on Instagram: heels made from scrap materials. It's ridiculous, stupid and foolish, but a lot of people do it. Because it's unusual, new and unlike anything you've seen before. At the very least, it grabs your attention, like the flash of a camera in a dark room. This is a trend.

Here's another picture: silhouettes characterizing a particular decade from a fashion history textbook. It's only here until 1980, but it's not that important. Take a closer look: looking at the silhouette, you can easily agree: "yes, this is a girl of the 20s!" or "It is immediately evident that in the 60s she was an idol of Twiggy, and later the hippies conquered the world." That is, one silhouette (mind you, there are no details here) tells you about an entire era. Moreover, no one will deny that in the 70s they wore dresses, and the shapes of hats, say, in the 20s were different, as well as the shapes of yokes and buttons in 1900. But the arithmetic mean tells you a lot. Among all the variety of forms, there was something that was in the first place, something that subjugated all other forms and silhouettes. So this is fashion. And now let's remember the details: in the 60s, they drew their eyes with arrows and drew eyelashes, and also wore geometric dresses a la Mondrian and short haircuts. And large jewelry. That's it all - trends... "What about the direction?" - you ask. So these are vectors. Earrings could be precious or jewelry, round and square, arrows - white or black, but a general, hot trend existed and pushed you to search for fresh solutions. Who watched "Factory girl", remember one earring? This is a prime example of a trend. Wearing one earring, and even a large one, is wild, unusual, but terribly attractive.

Now, to get an idea, let's turn to the best method: association matching.
Fashion \u003d power, domination, style, lifestyle, behavior model, globality, seriousness, a certain duration, influence, novelty.
Trend \u003d instantaneousness, virus, transience, mass character, absurdity, attractiveness, fleetingness, showiness, outbreak.
And a few paired associations to be sure:
Fashion is a fire, a trend is a flash. Fashion is a disease, trend is a virus. Fashion is a revolution, a trend is mass discontent. Fashion is vegetarianism, trend is diet. Fashion is social media, trend is twitter.

That is, as you noticed, fashion is a more global and serious concept, and the trend is its component. That is, in the 18th century, no one would wear leather mini-skirts, but in the 21st, when mini-skirts are the norm, leather may well become popular. But for all their differences, fashion and trend are almost definitions of one whole. It's like meringue and meringue - in recent times one concept is often replaced by another. There are trends that survive the era that revive the past fashion ... and sometimes it is very difficult to draw the line between the first and the second. So what about the two examples above: chokers and must have. Back to Dolce & Gabbana jeans, which will definitely be the must-have of the season. let's speculate:
1. There were already embroidered jeans. and the same designers, many seasons ago. This is just one of the ideas in a large collection - a sign of a trend.
2. I think many representatives of the mass market will want to embroider jeans. Jeans embroidery is a trend.
3. These are the jeans that only Dolce and Gabbana have. they are alone, they are perfect, and it is not a fact that other embroidered jeans will look exactly the same. In addition, by releasing this model on the catwalk, the designers provided influence on the rest, making me remember the embroidery on jeans. Which reminds us of fashion, because fashion is influence.

So, it is these jeans, in themselves, like a must-have, will be fashionable thing ... However, their side effect - interest in embroidery - and there is trend.

Now about the chokers. It's easier with them. Suffice it to recall the definition of this jewelry: "necklaces-tattoos, which were fashionable in the 90s." They haven't changed in any way since then, but suddenly they are back in vogue. So, the return to fashion of an unchanged thing is a trend. It's just that everyone suddenly started wearing them. The element of chaos and suddenness.
But, say, the house of Chanel will release a choker made of gold threads with stone inserts and some regular legend. Everyone will not just want to wear chokers, everyone will want this one, Shanelevsky. And then it will turn from a hot trend (I want to wear a choker, any, right now) into a fashionable thing.