Extracurricular event "The Rules of Movement are respectful." Extracurricular event "Movement Rules worthy of respect" Figure Rule Movement Decent respect

"Movement rules worthy of respect." The game-quiz on traffic rules for older preschool children. Educator: Ogurtsova MA 2014 Goal: Formation of safe behavior on the road. Tasks: - clarify the view of the children about the street, about the intersection, roadway, sidewalk, road signs; - consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of the traffic light for cars and people, knowledge of traffic signals; - learn carefully, listen to adult and each other, answer questions; - develop the skills of connected speech, attention, memory, intelligence. Games leading: Guys, we live in the city with wide streets and roads and sidewalks. For these streets, there are a lot of passenger cars and trucks every day, buses and taxis are driving. And no one bothers anyone. And this is because there are such clear and strict rules for drivers of cars and pedestrians. We now learn who better remembered the rules and who is the most attentive. The rules from this book need to be known not to first and teach them not slightly, but seriously, for sure! Children tell poems by heart. 1st baby: everywhere and everywhere they always need to know! Without them, they will not go into swimming from the harbor of the court. 2nd baby: Entering the flight according to the rules of the polarist and the pilot. The rules of the driver and pedestrians have their own. 3rd child: around the city, do not go through the street just like that! When you do not know the rules easy to get to come. 4 yBees: all the time be attentive! And remember the Pad: Your rules have a driver and a pedestrian! Host: We present you members of the jury. And now select the captains of the teams and greet the team of rivals. 1 Team (Children Children) "Lights". The team "Pedestrians" with you we will fight, but we just do not give up, we will fulfill the rules of movement without objection. Let you and we are accompanied by luck. Become competent pedestrians here is our task. 2 Team (Children Choir) "Pedestrians". We team "Lightformer" helmet your flame hello. And sincerely, we wish to give them the right answer. Know the rules of movement - great achievement. Presenter. "We start our quiz from the warm-up. So that the fervor is not fading, so that time went faster. Friends, I invite you to mysteries quickly. Teams are invited to the table on which pictures with modes of transport are unfolded. Host: Teams, you are ready to start a competition In attentiveness? Then I will explain to you the rules: I will read you a mystery, and you will show you a picture with a guess. Who will gather more pictures that he won. Everyone is clear? Beginning! An amazing car sudden the rails themselves in the air, and he holds them Hands (trolleybus) for this horse food gasoline, and oil and water. In the meadow he does not graze, on the road he is carrying (car) what a miracle - the blue house of the children a lot in it wears shoes from rubber and feeds on gasoline (bus) so miracle wonders! Under me two wheels. I will turn them with my feet and kachu, I kachu! (bicycle) Boldly in the sky swims by overtaking birds flight. Man is controlled by what? (Airplane) steam locomotive without wheels, like this miracle steam locomotive. Whether he came out of mind, he went straight around the sea, (the ship) rushes the fiery arrow to rush the car. And the fire will fill any bold squad (fire truck) is worn and shoots, grumbling patter. I tram do not sneak up for this tarantor, (motorcycle) Our buddy here, how everyone domes everything here in five minutes hey, buddy, do not yawny, goes away - (tram) He resembles from a place to the clouds take off, goes down in the fleet of real ... (helicopter) There is no wings in this bird, but you can not get down. Only blossoms the bird tail, and will rise to the stars, (rocket) Host: In the meantime, the jury sums up the competition, I offer teams to relax and play fans. I will read you a poem, and you will guess what is called the game in which we will play. If the light fell red - it means to move dangerous. Yellow Light - Warning - "Wait for the Signal for Movement!" Green light says - "Go through, the way is open!" What is this poem guys? Correctly, our game is called the "traffic light" and she has such rules: when I show you a green circle, then you have to sink with legs, imitating walking, the yellow circle is chlo in your hands, but on a red circle - we observe silence. Host: Guys, you all are well done! You are so friendly and attentive, but it's time to see which of the teams most deft. Each team has a set of circle "Road signs". It is necessary to collect it and call. Who the first will gather, he won. Host: It's time to hold a contest of the captains of teams. I'll fix the pictures with the image of the signs on Easebert for each captain road , but these signs forgot to draw to the end. And I will ask the captains to help me. You need to draw signs, call them and say where they are installed. Host: It's time to warm up and spend the relay. Restraft for medical care. A child (team member) sits on a chair at the end of the hall opposite the team (1 member) 2 participant - Runes to 1, brings bandage. 3 Member - Runes to 1, bring a jacket (to hide). 4 Member - Bintuetooth leg. 5 and 6 participants - help the child to countenance on one leg. The jury summarizes the competition. Host: We all know that on the street you need to be extremely attentive, you can not hurry, run, jump. You need to be restrained. Now we will see if our teams can show restraint and fulfill all the terms of the next competition. This competition is called "Road Signs". I read you a riddle and show a sign. And you must raise your hand. Jury members are watching who the first raised his hand, and asked, and only then can be answered. On the roads of signs a lot, their all children should know! And all the rules of movement should accurately perform. By stripes, black and white pedestrian walks boldly. Which of you guys knows what this means? Give the car a quiet move ......................... (pedestrian crossing) Hey, driver, carefully! It is quickly impossible to go. They know people all in the world go in this place ........................ (de Ty) What should I do? What do i do? You need to urgently call! You must know, and he, in this place .... (phone) in the blue go I'm a circle and clear with the whole district, if you think a little bit - (pedestrian walkway) I did not wash on the way of hands, root fruits, vegetables got sick and see Item medical ... (help) The path is not close to trouble you did not take a meal with you will save you from the starvation sign Road point ... (food) The jury summarizes the results of the competition. Leading. I suggest to play all together, listen carefully questions and answer together. And now I will check you, and the game is for you. I will ask questions now to answer them not easy. If you do according to the rules of the road, then answer: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends!". And if not - silent. Which of you go forward, only where the transition? ...................................... ................. who flies forward so soon, what does not see the traffic light? ...................... .................................... knows who, that the light is green, means - the path is open, but what Yellow light always tell us about attention? .......................................... .................. knows who the red light says - no road? Which of you walking home, keeps the path on the pavement? ......................................... ................. Which of you in the car crawled the old woman in the car? ....................... ............................... It is proposed a jury to summarize the quiz. Host: That ended our quiz "The Rules of Movement Due to Respect!" Our children showed excellent knowledge, and therefore I suggest singing for them "Signs". And now I give the word to our respected jury. Outdoor be attentive, children! Remember these rules firmly. Remember these rules always, so that the trouble does not happen to you!

Khlybova Alena Kazisovna.
MBDOU " Kindergarten Combined View. "

Project on traffic rules (in the older group)

"Rules of movement - worthy of respect!"

Relevance: Children's road traffic injuries is one of the most painful problems of modern society. Every year, tens of thousands of road traffic accidents are performed on the roads of Russia with the participation of children.

Knowledge and observance of road rules will help to form a safe behavior of children on the roads.

Objective of the project:

Formation of safe behavior in children of senior preschool age Through familiarization with the rules of the road.

Project tasks:

  1. Expand the ideas of children about environment and rules of road behavior.
  2. To introduce children with the meaning of road signs, to teach to understand their schematic image for the correct orientation on the streets and roads.
  3. Develop the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained in the road transport environment.
  4. Educating the discipline and conscious performance of traffic rules, culture of behavior in the road transport process.
  5. Intensify work on promoting traffic rules and a safe lifestyle among parents.

Project Type: Short-term

Expected Result:

Creature required conditions By learning children by the rules of the road.

By the end of the project, the child should know the algorithm for the transition of the road "Stop - Look - Switch"

Cause interest among parents to the problem of learning children road diplomas, and safe behavior on the road.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparatory stage.

Selection of methodological literature, preparation of a perspective plan, the development of the didactic material.

  1. The main stage.

Project Implementation Activities:


  1. Conversation about transport
  2. Reading the story N.Kolinina "How the guys passed the street"
  3. Practical exercise "Correct the street" correctly "
  4. Consider the album "Road signs"

1. Dressing the Pheem "Traffic Lights" S.Mikhalkov

2. Didactic game "Learn Transport"

3. Viewing the album "Road ABC"

1. Signing "Turns"

2. Reading poems about the rules of movement.

O. Koba "Zebra",

O.Platonova "Safe island",

S.Mikhalkov "My Street",

L. Lushchenko "The traffic light has three ...",

N. Konchalovskaya "They stick to the Father Guys ..."

S.Mikhalkov "Bad Story"

3. Drawing "Road Signs"

  1. Didactic game "Pass the Wand"
  2. Quiz "Think - Guess"
  3. Construction (from paper) "Bus"
  1. The verbal game "Da-No"
  2. Collective Applique "Hold on Road Rules Strictly,

Do not hurry as a fire.

And remember: transport - road, and pedestrians - sidewalk "

3. Recruitment. Puppet Theater: "As a pencil taught a mouse to traffic rules"

Project results:

During the implementation of the project "Rules of Movement - worthy of respect" the estimated results were achieved. The group creates the conditions for training the rules of the road. Children know how to move the street correctly, the experience of children has enriched. The competence of parents has increased in ensuring the safe life of children.


"Game in words"

  1. Slap your hands, having heard the words related to the traffic light, explain the choice of each word.

Dictionary: 3 eyes, standing on the street, intersection, blue light, one leg, yellow light, red light, moving across the street, pedestrian assistant, green light, stands at home.

  1. Slope your hands, having heard the words related to the passenger, explain the choice of each word.

Dictionary: bus, route, stop, road, bathing, reading, ticket, conductor, flight by plane, pedestrian, seat, salon, bed.

The game "Fourth Excess"

  1. Name the extra participant in the road:


- "Ambulance"

Snow removal

2. Name the excess means of transport:

Passenger car



Baby carriage

3. Name transport not related to public transport:





4. Name the extra eye of the traffic light:



Game "Pass the Wand"

Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about road signs, traffic rules, exercise in the correct calling of road signs, forming traffic rules. Develop logical thinking, attention, intelligence, intensify speech.

Material: Wand Regulators

The move: children get up in a circle. Wand passed to the music. As soon as the music stops, who will have a rod, raises it up and calls any rule of movement (or road sign). Incorrectly called sign or rule - disposal from the game.

Game "Yes - No"

Purpose: consolidate the rules of the road. Behavior in transport.

1.- Fast from Mount Riding? (children) - yes

Rules Do you know the movement? -Yes

Here in the traffic lights the red light burns,

Can you go across the street? - not

Well, and green burns, then

Can you go across the street? - Yes

Got on the bus, but did not take a ticket,

So what do you think? - not

Old woman, advanced very years,

You will give way to the bus - yes

Lazy, you prompted the answer,

What did you help him with this? - not

Well done guys remembered that "no" that "yes"

And do it, try always!

  1. Traffic light sign to all children? - Yes

Do everyone know him in the world? - Yes

Is he on duty at the road? - Yes

Does he have his hands legs? - not

Have lanterns 3 eyes? - Yes

Does it turn on them all right away? - not

Here it turned on red light

This means there is no stroke? - Yes

What should we go?

Blue will be a barrier? - not

And we will go to yellow? - not

On green mop? - not

Well, probably then

On green stand up, right? - not

Is it possible to run on red? - not

Well, if carefully? - not

And go to go to the Guska then

Then, of course, it is possible yes? - not

I believe my eyes, ears.

Traffic light sign to all of you!

And, of course, very happy

I am for competent guys!

Game "Automuli"

Objective: to teach correlate a fabulous character and his vehicle, correctly call, develop memory, speech, thinking, intelligence.

What did Emelya rode into the palace?

Favorite two-wheeled transport from the Cota Leopold?

What lubricated Motor Carlson?

What kind of gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor postman Pechekin?

What turned the kind fairy pumpkin for Cinderella?

What did the old man Hotabych fly?

Personal transport Baba Yaga?

What went to Leningrad a man scattered from Street Pool?

What did Kai ride on?

What did the Baron Munhausen fly?

Quiz "Think - Guess"

How many wheels in the car?

How many people can ride a bike?

Who goes on the sidewalk?

Who drives the car?

What is the name of the intersection of two roads?

Why do you need a driving part?

Which side of the carriage moves transport?

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violated the rules of the road?

What is the top light at the traffic light?

What kind of animal looks like a transitional transition?

What machines are equipped with special sound and light signals?

What are the types of transport?

What keeps the traffic police inspector in his hands?

Where do you need to play so as not to be dangerous?

What makes the car?


"As a pencil taught a mouse of the rules of the road"

Leading: Petrushka lived in the world and his favorite pencil. One day, when Parsley slept, a mouse climbed on the table, I saw a pencil and dragged him to my mink.

Pencil: Let me go, mouse, well, why do you need me? I am wooden. It is impossible for me.

Mouse: I will gnaw you. I will scratch the teeth and I must nice something all the time. Like this.

Host: And the mouse hurts a pencil. Pencil shouted loudly and said.

Pencil: Then let me draw something last time, and then do what you want.

Momens: Well, so be, draw, but then I will overtake you on small pieces.

Host: Sighing heavily, the pencil began to work. He drew some incomprehensible signs, circles, strips, triangles, ladder, arrows. At this time, parsley woke up. Without seeing your friend on the table, he listened. From under the gender barely heard a pencil creaking came. Petrushka guessed that it was a trap muscle, and, without hesitation, rushed to save his friend.

Petrushka: True immediately a pencil!

Mouse: I will give if you tell me what it is for a strange drawing?

Host: and a mouse showed a pencil's art.

Petrushka: This is a road alphabet. And you, a mouse, it's time to know her, because you will soon go to school.

All these drawings are a warning,

Learn, mouse, traffic rules.

So that parents are not worried every day,

So that the drivers were calmly rushed.

Pencil: At the intersection itself

Hanging the sorcerer three-chapted,

But never looks

Three eyes immediately.

Open red eyes:

" Don `t move! Eat now! "

Will open yellow eyes:

"I warn you!"

Blinking green eye -

And everyone will missed once!

Momens: oh oh-oh! I'm afraid of him!

Parsley: Mouse, this is a traffic light!

And he is not terrible

It is created to help you

Path to go dangerous.

Pencil (with red circle)

No passage,

If this light flashed!

Parsley (with yellow circle)

Caution does not interfere with

This sign warns!

Pencil (with green circle)

Everyone should know the answer

On green go light!

Mouse: Look, look!

Who is this little man?

Strins he goes

And does not slow down!

Pencil: man - pedestrian!

He remembers about the transition!

Underground and ground

Similar to zebra.

He knows that the transition

From cars will save him.

Parsley: - This sign of this kind:

He is guarded by a pedestrian.

Go with a doll together

We are the road in this place.

Pencil: - Where the road is the road,

Know order everything should

On the carriageway strictly

Games are all prohibited!

Parsley: - You can go to me and Fed

There is only a bike.

Good not bought

Moms us cars.

Mouse: - Do not make musicians,

Even if you are talents,

Here is not aimed

Near the school and the hospital!

Petrushka: - Mice, guys, Tanya and Petit,

Remember these rules firmly.

Clear to be healthy,

To be to work Ready ...

Road ABC, Friends,

You need to know from A to Z!

Momens: - I will be attentive on the streets, children,

I firmly remembered the rules of these.

I always remember about security

So as not to happen to me trouble!

Parsley: - You will ask you now-

Answer them is not easy.

Let me check

You puzzle to make riddles.

You must guys firmly

Rules movement to know.

A friendly answer

Or, rush, silence.

The game "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Petrushka: - Guard if you do according to the rules of the road, then answer "this is me, this is me, these are all my friends," and if the rules do not correspond to the norm, then silent.

Who of you go ahead

Only where the transition is there?

Children: This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Who runs forward so soon.

What does not see traffic lights?

Knows who is green

Means: the path is open?

And that yellow light always us

About attention says?

Knows who is red light -

That means: no stroke?

Who is in their 5-6 years

Sat on a bike

And rushed with the go

Right on the road.

Who is in a hurry, runs

Before the sign - the way is closed?

Parsley: - I am sure that you all on the road are the same attentive as on our puppet representation. And you, a mouse, seek with a pencil, because thanks to him, you learned so much interesting and useful.

Host: - Now, a mouse, you can safely walk around the city, whining such a song

"It is forbidden - permitted"

And Avenue and Boulevards - everywhere noisy.

Come on the sidewalk only on the right side.

Here it is to stale, interfere with the people - in-pre-sch)!

Being an exemplary pedestrian - once-re-sharps!

If you go on the bus, and people around you,

Not pushing, not yawning, pass the friend ahead.

Without a ticket, as you know - in-pre-sch!

Cede the old man - the time-re-sharps!

If you walk simply, you still look forward,

Through the noisy intersection carefully pass.

The transition during the red light - for-of-it-it-Sia!

With green, even children, time-re-sharps!

Host: Since then, a mouse with a pencil has become an "Connoisseur of Safe Movement" and every morning wishes to all the secure path on the street.

Momens: - Know the rules of movement

A great achievement!

I will be the rules of Movement

To fulfill!

Host: And the pencil still lives at Parsley, only he became so small!

Holiday according to p. "The rules of the movement are respectful."
Purpose: Formation of safety skills on roads "
Cognition: Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bthe street, sidewalk, traffic light and its appointment. Form the elementary behavior skills on the street. Secure the ability to distinguish colors (red, yellow, green)
Communication: develop auditory perception, expressive speech.
Socialization: to cultivate the culture of behavior on the street, friendly attitude towards each other. Develop thinking, memory.
Health: Develop the ability to navigate in space, act across the sign of the educator, attention.
Leading. Guys, we live in a small town with green streets and prospectuses. There are a lot of passenger and cargo vehicles along them, buses go. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are such clear and stringent rules for car drivers and pedestrians.
On the street - not in the room,
About the guys remember!
Go on the one hand of the street to another is not easy. Three colors of traffic lights, yellow, yellow, red.
(Staging a poem A. North "Three Wonderful Colors")
To help you
The way to go dangerous
Thorning day and night
Green, yellow, red.
Our house-traffic lights,
We are three native brothers,
We light up for a long time
On the road to all the guys.
We are three wonderful colors
You often see us,
But our advice
Do not listen sometimes.
Hello! Who am I, well, guess! What is my name?
I purchased the car I,
I will ride in her, friends!
Sit down quickly into the car, go with me.
And you went to school of traffic lights? After all, it is an alphabet of the city.
Think what kind of teacher was found! And without this alphabet will cost!
Need to obey without dispute
Traffic instructions,
Need to rules movement
To fulfill!
Well now! I know so!
Then we will not eat!
Well, do not, I'm alone!
(Sits in the car, goes and sings the "Song of Friends" G. Demethery.)
Light on the light red light.
Dunno, wait, there is no road forward!
You do not have, and I have. All signs - Text, alone pictures!
Traffic light:
Stop, Machine, Stop, Motor!
Tormezosi speeds, chauffeur.
Red eye burns in the focus -
This is a strict traffic light.
Look I'm screaming
Ride further forbid!
Think, forbid! I'm going on a red light.
Dunno, where are you?
After all, trouble can happen!
(A whistle of the policeman is heard, Dunno crashes into the wall)
Ai, ah, ah! My leg! I hurt my leg!
Dunno, you were mistaken, violated the rules of movement and almost paid life! Please follow me!
Why me? Where to me?
To the traffic light school, where the rules of the street movement are taught.
Hello! Where did I get it?
On the lesson! Our lesson is that everyone without exception is to know the rules .......
I know them so much.
Do you know? And you do not brag? Let's guys check how Dunno knows the rules. Here's the first question. What parts is divided by the street? What do you know about them?
On the sidewalk and bridge. On the sidewalk ride cars, and people walk along the pavement.
Did Dunno replied correctly? (Children's responses). And where do you most often play in the summer?
On the street.
On the street? Guys, tell me, can you play on the street? (Children's responses). Tell me, Dunno, how do you always cross the street?
How to pass? I go and that's it.
And so in no case cannot go. Listen to children.
1st child:
If you are in a hurry
Across the street
There go where all the people
Where the inscription "Transition".
2nd child:
Where the street you need to go
About the rule remember Simple:
With attention left at first look,
To the right look later!
And why do I have to wait until the car is moving? I will see a chauffeur and stop the car.
But can the driver can immediately stop the car?
You see, Dunno, you all said wrong. So, sit down and listen to our guys.
So that the fervor fun is not ugas,
So that time went faster
Friends i invite you
To the mysteries quickly!
(Children make riddles to each other.)
1 All familiar stripes
Kids know, knows adult:
On the other side leads
2 Hey, driver, carefully!
It is quickly impossible to go.
Know people all on the lights
In this place go ......... (children).

3 I am not soapped on the way of hands,
Root fruits, vegetables,
Got sick and see item
Medical ......... (help).
4 What should I do?
What do i do?
You need to urgently call.
You should know and you
In this place ......... (phone).
And now we have a change. I will play.
(Games "Practice and Car", "Colored Cars", "Red, Yellow, Green")
We continue the lesson. Now I will speak proposal, and you finish it for me.
All be the rule right
Keep right ........
Lena with any walking pair.
Where go? By.......
Sitting in the tram-senior place .......
Ice hockey game in winter
But not a game for ......
There are traffic lights
Commit yourself without .......

Red light tells us:
"Stove! Dangerous! Way....."
Yellow light-protection,
Wait for the signal for .........
Green light opened the road,
Go guys .........
Repeat soon, boyfriend, how did you remember the lesson?
On the red light - no road,
On yellow wait.
When green light burns -
Have a good trip.
Well, well done, Dunno, learned all the signs. For your way. Observe all the rules of the road.
(Dunno sits in the car, leaving).
What, remember, friends,
Rules of Movement?
Traffic light:
Remember from A to Z
ABC Movement!

movement rules worthy of respect

Objectives: consolidate knowledge and skills of students' movements on the streets and roads; Familiarize students with the rules of the right-hand movement of pedestrians and cars through the streets and roads of our country; Rise the skills of safe behavior on the street, the discipline of students on the streets of the city.

Equipment:pedestrian walkway, stand with signs and individual signs, traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing mark on a stand, children's presentation, quiz.

Event flow

Teacher. Guys! We are with you pedestrians. In class Mug according to the rules of the road, Obzh's lessons you have acquainted the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street, transition rules across the street, road signs. You guys live in beautiful city With green wide streets and alleys. There are many cars and buses on them. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are strict rules for cars and pedestrians. Student. The city in which we live with you

You can rightly compare with the letter.

Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, alphabet, above his head:

Signs are hung along the pavement.

Alphabet of the city remember always

So as not to happen to you trouble.

Teacher. Who will tell me, what holidays will soon begin?

Children. Summer.

Teacher. Right. Vacations are the time when the number of accidents increases. And therefore, before letting you go on vacation, it costs to repeat traffic rules. For the holiday you carefully prepared. Some children made a presentation on this topic.

(View child presentation).

Teacher. To ensure the accuracy of the slides, we will provide the word to our guest to the traffic police inspector (F. I.O.)

The traffic police inspector introduces the guys with a situation on the roads of the district, talks about what accidents occurred on the roads of children.

Student . Everyone who loves to walk

Everyone without exception,

Need to remember, you need to know

Rules of movement.

Student . So that the hands were intact

To legs were intact,

These signs need to know

Signs must be respected.

Let's sing a song about the rules. ( Children sing or recording a song.)

Song about the rules

1. Everywhere and everywhere

They should always know.

Without them will not go in swimming

From the harbor of the court.

Go to the flight by the rules

The polarist and the pilot.

His rules have

Chauffeur and pedestrian.

Chorus: Multiplication table

As the current lesson,

Remember these rules

Movement of jubs.

Multiplication table You learned, friend.

2. in the city, on the street

Do not go just like that.

When you do not know the rules,

Easy to get to you.

All the time be attentive

And remember in advance:

His rules have

Chauffeur and pedestrian.

Teacher. The first who is found in the country of road signs ...

Svetoforik. My name is a light light,

I am in the police serve.

I'm about the rules of the road to you guys will tell.

Nowadays it is impossible

Live without alphabet road.

So that the way go, - in all the sides looked.

(Three traffic lights come out, read poem A. North "Three Wonderful Colors")

To help you

The way to go dangerous

Garming and day, and night:

Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light,

We are three native brothers.

We light up for a long time

On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors

You often see us,

But our advice

Do not listen sometimes.

The strictest is red.

The path for everyone is closed,

So that you calmly switched

Listen to our advice:

See you soon

In the middle of the light,

And behind him the green light

Will flash ahead.

He will say:

- No obstacles -

Feel free to go.

Kohl do without dispute

Traffic lights,

Home and go to school

Of course, very soon!

Teacher. Together with the traffic light, we met Dunno. What happened to you?

Dunno. Once in a big and noisy city,

I was confused, I disappeared ...

Not knowing traffic signs,

Slightly under the car did not hit!

Circle of machine and trams,

That suddenly the bus on the way.

Confess to honestly i don't know

Where the way I go.

Guys, you help me

And, if you can, tell,

Road how to move

To do not please under the tram.

Teacher. Dunno, our guys are already familiar with the main rules of the road. They will tell you and show how to behave on the streets of the big city.

Let's start a trip with acquaintance with traffic lights:

Y, if the red fire is on his chest,

You never go to a dangerous signal!

If a light eye lights a traffic lights,

Get ready to go - he gives a signal.

Yea and when the green light is burning on the way

You can safely walk - the intersection is open.

Teacher. It is necessary to obey without a dispute of the traffic lights.

It is necessary to perform the rule of movement without objection.

- Do you know where pedestrians do? (On the sidewalk.)

Listen from the story, as the sidewalk appeared.

It was 200 years ago in France. In the city of Paris built the theater. His rich rich in carriages, and poor walked. There was a solid clever, confusion along the road to the theater. Thought, thought and invented. On both sides of the road leading to the theater, they separated the strips of the Earth, buried the cabins, laid out these tracks with granite slabs and hung the plate on which they wrote - sidewalk (FR. Word), and translated into Russian - road for pedestrians.

Now you know the French word and you can safely go to France, right in the city of Paris.

All pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk. Each sidewalk, like a passing part, is divided into two stripes. Pedestrians go in two directions, adhering to the right side. In this case, one stream of pedestrians does not interfere with the other.

1st student. And prospectuses, and boulevards,

Everywhere the street is noisy.

Come on the sidewalk

Only on the right side.

2nd student. Here is stitching, interfere with the people


Be an exemplary pedestrian


Teacher. On the streets for cars there are bridges, and for pedestrians - sidewalks!

- How to move on one side of the street to another?

Student. Pedestrian transitions. They are celebrated on pavement white paint. First you need to see the roadway, and if there is no near moving transport, you can start moving.

Teacher. Where the street you need to go,

About the rule remember Simple:

With attention left at first look

To the right look later.

Always, if there is an underground transition, you need to use it. In our country, large funds are spent in the construction of various transitions, in order to preserve every person life.

Student Underground, terrestrial,

Similar to zebra.

Only this transition

From trouble will save you.

Music sounds vintage "Yerals", children sing.

Girls and boys,

As well as their parents,

Road stories

See do not want?

Curious stories

Our magazine will show our.

Attention attention!

Road "Elash".

Sounds of the song "Cars". Then children stage poems.

1st presenter.

Burlit in the movement of the bridge.

Denis saw a friend ahead:

Think, cars and ... trams.

It would go faster way to go.

2nd presenter.

"I'll have time to run on the pavement", -

Thought, ran and ... ( spring brakes).

Oh! Slightly under the car did not hit.


Not suffer only

Who goes there

Where a pedestrian crossing.

LightForik shows a sign.

Svetoforik. And let's play! I will read you a poem, and you will answer: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends."

- Which of you go ahead

Only where the transition?

- Which of you, going home,

Holds the path on the pavement? (Children are silent.)

- knows who is red light -

That means - "no one"? (This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.)

Who of you flies so soon

what does not see traffic lights? (Children are silent.)

Knows who is greenery

does it mean - "Path Open"? (This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.)

Neunciation comes out with the ball and plays on the road. + 4 children

Dunno. My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you get to dissolve?

Red, Yellow, Blue

Do not keep up with you ...

Svetoforik. (selects the ball)

On the roadway, children

Do not play these games!

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the site.

Dunno. And why on the road can not play?

Student. If you want alive and healthy to stay, -

On the pavement, do not play, do not ride.

On the stage, the boy plays a ball. Children sing on the motive of the song "Early Sunlocks".

Children. Early sunny morning

Dima went out to walk.

On the road he and a ball

In volleyball began to play.

Our Dimka did not notice:

Highway was driving "ZIL".

Lucky that the driver is AS,

Quickly slowed down.

He managed to react,

Our chauffeur is well done.

Not in this song

There was a sad end.


If anyone on the pavement

Played in the ball,

We say about this: we:

Everything. Stupid boy!


Guess the transport riddles:

What a miracle is this house?

Windows glow around

Wears rubber shoes

And feeds gasoline.


Do not forget: you should wait until the bus will move away from the stop, and only then go through the road.

Red wagon on rails runs

Everyone, where, he quickly domic.

A slurred ringing like to children.

So what are we going to go through the city?

Bypassing the car without looking, will not allow the post.

Who tram comes from behind, he risks his head!

- Do you know where you need to ride?

Goning the ball on the pavement, risks a boy head.

Allowed to you for playing and sports grounds, and yards.

Blue color from white is not difficult to distinguish.

By bike here you can ride.

And under the sign of this, never in the world

Do not ride, children, on a bike!

(show sign)

Teacher. Now we will check how you learned all the rules of the road. (Quiz on traffic rules)

Well done! And now I answer "yes" or "no".

Fast in the city riding? ..

Rules Do you know movement? ..

Here in the traffic lights the red light burns. Can you go across the street? ..

Well, and green burns, then you can go across the street? ..

I sat down on the bus and did not take a ticket, so it should be done? ..

Old woman, prettier very year, do you give a place in transport to her? ..

Well, here, guys, and approached the completion of our holiday.

I hope, Dunno, you also learned the traffic police well as our guys, and now you have nothing to fear on the streets of our city.

And you, LightForik, pleased with the knowledge of our guys? .. We have prepared a gift for you.

The melody of the song "Buratino" sounds, children sing the final song.

1. I have a reliable friend.

He has no legs, no hands,

But three eyes on the guys

Trees look.

He will learn everywhere.

Tell me, what is his name?

Chorus:Traffic light!

2. His commands perform

And do not yawn on the road.

And for cars, and for people

He always needs everyone.

There is no more important than anyone.

Tell us soon, who?


Subject lesson: "Movement rules worthy of respect."

Purpose of classes: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road and the prevention of children's road injuries among schoolchildren. Summing up on the topic, generalization and systematization of students' knowledge. Contribute to the development of thinking, reaction rate, cognitive activity, creating an atmosphere of mutual execution.

Tasks lessons: Summing up on the topic in the game form.
activation of interest in the subject through gaming activities;
the formation of skills to apply the knowledge gained in a non-standard situation;
formation of skills to choose rational ways to perform work;
consolidation of road rules;
the formation of the skills of collective work.
raise the system of views on the world around;
raise the ability to follow behavioral standards;
raise the norms of social behavior of children;
rift respect for the subject.
development of speech, thinking, memory;
development of sensory and emotional-volitional spheres of personality;
development of skills to identify dangerous road zones and situations;
development mental activity, Ability to observe, draw conclusions, check the results.

Equipment: Posters according to the rules of traffic, drawing-model of the traffic light (by the number of children), pedestrian memos, letters to winners, a set of circles (red, yellow, green) for each student.

Travel course.

1. The organizational moment. Staging the theme and objectives of the classes.

If you are correctly guessing the riddles, then find out the topic of our classes.

Small houses
Road running down the street
Boys and girls
The houses are taken. ( Cars).

In two rows of the house stand,
Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.
And square eyes
Mach at each other look. ( Street).

Rose from the edge of the street, in a long boot,
Stuffed three-chapted on one leg.
Where cars are moving where the paths agreed,
Help the street to people go. ( Traffic light).

Here on the rails rossing the car
Keeps for wires.
And do not need gasoline
To rush out there. ( Tram).

It goes on two wheels,
Not raging on the slopes
And gasoline in the tank is not,
This is my … ( Bicycle).

Not live, but goes
Fixed, but leads. ( Road).

What do you think we are talking about today?

What are the goals in front of you?

2. Warming up.
- Now I will check what you are attentive pedestrians and are you ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer "yes" or "no".

What do you want - say in the sea sweet water? (Not)
- What do you want - say red light - no drive? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, every time going home, we play on the pavement? (Not)
- What do you want - say, but if you are very hurry, then you run before transport? (Not)
- What do you want - say, we always go ahead only where the transition? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, we run forward so soon that we do not see the traffic light? (Not)
- What do you want - say, on the sign "There is no passage" is the person painted? (Not)
- What do you want - say, on round signs, the red color means "here a ban"? (Yes)

3. Opening conversation.

- In our country, many roads. At any time of the year and in any weather, cars, buses, trams, trolley buses are met, buses, cyclists ride, go pedestrians.
From a long time, people have dreamed of speeds. Many have a dream come true. Machines are becoming more and more. But the car awarded a man not only amenities - he can cause misfortunes.
The flow of cars is growing, it becomes unsafe on the streets. But the danger lies only those who do not know the rules of movement, does not know how to behave in the street, does not observe the disciplines.
And for those who have learned the rules of street movement, who is polite and attentive, the street is not entirely terrible.
Rules of movement - the laws of streets and roads. They are obliged to know and perform everyone. Each of us has to go around the street or road. We use public transport, some of you are drivers of bicycles - all this makes us participants in the road. Everyone should know the rules and comply with them. Therefore, today we will focus our knowledge in order to prevent childhood - road injury, it is at the end school year.

Do you think if the driver should know the rules of the road?

(No! Not only drivers, but also pedestrians!)

Who can be called a pedestrian? (All people and big and small, as soon as they go outside, immediately become pedestrians.)

And who is this passenger? (These are people who are in transport.)

And who is called the driver? ( Student responses.)

How can you call drivers, pedestrians, drivers in one word?

That's right, guys, both the driver, and a pedestrian, and the passenger - they are all participants in the movement. And on their behavior on the road, our life depends. After all, those who violate the rules of the road, represent a danger on the streets of the city, create emergency situationsBecause of which accidents occur by the death of people. Knowledge of the rules allow you to avoid accidents, injuries and death of people. Therefore, it is very important that every person: and adult, and the child knew the rules of the road.

4. "It's interesting to know ..."(from road traffic)

Where did these traffic rules come from?

"In the old street in the cities and country roads were united for those who were driving, and for those who went on foot. This led to confusion, and often to accidents. Despite the various rigor, up to the royal decrees, so that the traveling abdication of caution and did not press hiking hits, the number of accidents did not decrease. Only then began to build special tracks in the cities, which were called the French Word - the pavement, which means "road for pedestrians." And in order for the sidewalk, the crews or sleighs or sleigh, he was raised over the carriageway.
Already later, with the advent of a large number of cars, for the guidance of the order of movement along the roadway, people began to make road marking on it. Knowing her designations, the driver or pedestrian can correctly navigate in the road atmosphere and not get into trouble. "

5. Hands of road traffic.

The law of streets is very strict. He does not forgive if the pedestrian walks down the street, as he will do, does not comply with the rules. But this law is very kind: he guards people from a terrible misfortune, protects their lives.

Do you know that all participants in the road have good helpers? What do you think who they are?

(Traffic light, road inspector, adjustr, road signs.)

- Let's look at some of them.

1) Road signs

Everyone who loves to walk
Everyone without exception
Need to remember
Need to know
Rules of movement.
So that the hands were intact
To legs were intact,
Many signs need to know!
We must respect!

Road signs help the movement of transport and pedestrians. They are installed on the right side of the road, the front side towards moving. Now we will see how you know road signs.

1) go boldly young and old
Even cats and dogs.
Only here is not a sidewalk,
The thing is all B. road sign. (Footpath)

2) I want to ask about the sign
He is drawn like this:
In a triangle guys
From all legs run somewhere. ("Caution, children!)
3) We went home from school
We see - a sign above the pavement.
Circle, intra-bike,
There is nothing else. (Travel is prohibited cyclists)
4) What kind of zebra on the road?
Everyone is standing by revealing the mouth,
Waiting when the green flashes.
So it is ... (transition)

5) in a triangle guys
A man stands with a shovel.
Something digging, builds something,
Here ... (road works).

6) a white circle with a cut red
So it is not dangerous to go.
Maybe he hangs in vain?
What do you say friends? (Movement Prohibition)

2) Adjustable.

- The adjustor always comes to the help of a traffic light, where a very intense movement. It is at the crossroads with a chest sign and a magic wand in his hands. What is this magic wand called? (Wand.)

Why exactly the rod? Once the rod praised the long cane, decorated with expensive stones, and was a symbol of great power. With a rod in his hands went to the people of kings and commander. Now small and modest rods remained only at the regulators. But they continue to possess great power, because they are commanded by road traffic.

The regulator may not be any, but knowing certain movements. The movement of the regulator with a rod correspond to the three colors of the traffic light.

If the adjustor costs you breastf or your back - it means to move the street. When he raised his rod up - hence the signal "Attention", everyone needs to be waiting for the next signal, ready to move or stop. And when he turned to your shoulder - it means you can go around the street.

3) traffic light.

Guys, now get acquainted with the next guest - traffic light.

Any crossroads
Trefood meets us
And starts very fast
With a pedestrian conversation:
Green Light - Come!
Yellow - better wait!
If the light has a red
It means
Move danger!
Let the tram pass.
Tail and respect
Rules of movement. (Ya. Pishumov)

We all know the traffic light. Do you know how he appeared?
... its origin of traffic lights lead from semaphores that were applied to railways And had two colors - red and green. Such semaphore has been installed in London over a hundred years ago. Using the winch raised an arrow with a green or red disc. So that there are no clashes, people came up with an intermediate yellow light. And in our country, the traffic light was installed in 1929 in Moscow. The first traffic policemen managed the adjustr. "

Do not notice and not understand the traffic lights is simply impossible.
Go across the road
You are always on the streets
And prompt and help
Our faithful colors ... (red, yellow, green)

6. Competition - the game "There are signals of traffic lights, obey them without dispute"

(The teacher reads poetry, the guys must guess the traffic light and raise the corresponding circle.)

Burlit in the movement of the pavement -

Run cars, hurry trams.

Tell me the right answer -

What is the light on pedestrians?

(Show red signal.)

Red light tells us:

Pave! Dangerous! The way is closed!


Signal wait for movement.

Tell me the right answer -

What is the light on the traffic light?

(Show yellow.)

Yellow Light - Warning,

Wait for the signal to move!

Walk straight! You know order

On the pavement you will not suffer.

Tell me the right answer -

What is the light burning?

(Show green.)

Green light opened the road,

Passing guys can!

And now you will be waiting for a very interesting job. (Each student is issued a sheet with a traffic light. You need to paint the traffic light with the correct colors and in the correct sequence.

7. The game "is allowed - prohibited"(children answer chorus)

Play on the pavement ... (prohibited)
- move the streets with a green traffic signal ... (permitted)
- Loose the street in front of closely walking ... (prohibited)
- Go to the crowd of the sidewalk ... (permitted)
- move the street on the underpass ... (permitted)
- move the street with a yellow light signal ... (prohibited)
- Help the old people and old women to move the street ... (permitted)
- Cyclists cling to passage cars ... (prohibited)
- Combine standing in front of the sidewalk ... (prohibited)
- go to the sidewalk on the left ... (prohibited)
- Logging on the roadway ... (prohibited)
- ride a bike without holding the steering wheel ... (prohibited)
- chat and loud laugh in transport ... (prohibited)
- respect the rules of the road ... (permitted)

8. Quiz. (The guys are divided in advance for 2-3 commands. Each command in turns are set questions for which you want to answer as soon as possible. If the team finds it difficult to answer, the right move passes the other command. For each correct answer, the team gets a token)


With what traffic signal can be moved the street? ( Green).

What is the name of the part of the street intended for pedestrians? ( Sidewalk).

Whose signals should be guided by a pedestrian, if at the intersection, next to the traffic light, is the adjustment? ( Regulator).

What is driving part? ( This is part of the road intended for the movement of vehicles).

Where to safely move the roadway? ( pedestrian crossing, underground, overhead pedestrian crossings, pedestrian walkway "Zebra").

What order are the traffic lights from above? (Red, Yellow, Green)

What denotes the red light of the traffic light? (Stop)
- What denotes the yellow light of the traffic light? (Attention)
- Man making walking down the street .(a pedestrian)
- Driving part of the road with a solid coating. (Highway)
- How old are children can ride a bike on the highway? (from 14 years old)
- indicated place to transition the roadway of the street . (transition)
- Who do we call passengers? (people who go in transport)

Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving? Why? (No, not to distract the driver)

Is it possible to hang out in the window during the passage? (not)

Is it possible to get up on the seat legs? (not)

Is it possible to go to the bus while driving? (not)

Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus, sing? (not)

(summarizes the results, winners are awarded with diplomas)

9. Outcome classes.

True, guys, if each person followed the rules of the road, there would be less than tears and pain. We always need to know them and perform. Here they are:
(The rules for a pedestrian are hanging on the board, memoances are heard)
Go to the sidewalk, adhering to the right side.
Move the street with a calm step only on a pedestrian crossing.
When moving the road, you will be safe. Look, if there is no cars nearby.
Go only on a green traffic light signal.
Never overgoing the roadway in front of the close car.
Beyond the city is safer to meet the moving vehicle.
Always pay attention to signals and traffic signals ....

In conclusion, play the game "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends ..."

- I will ask questions, and you where you need, you will have to answer: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends!" Or silent.

· Which of you in the car close

Did you give the old woman? (

· Who, let him honestly say

Does the tram do not hang? (This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

· Who flies forward so soon

What does not see traffic lights? (Children are silent.)

· Which of you go ahead

Only where the transition? (This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

· Which of you, going home,

Holds the path on the pavement? (Children are silent.)

· Knows who is red light -

This means - no stroke? (This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

· Who traffic police helps

Does the order observe? (This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!)

I believe that the day will come,
When any passing
Will show children
Only an example is good !!!

Pedestrian memo.

1. Diesels are allowed to walk only in sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and where they are not on the side of the road, towards moving transport.

8. Street is not a place for games.
9. Ride on roller skates, scooter, bicycle can only be in the park, in the yard, in the stadium.

Pedestrian memo.

1. Pedestrians are allowed to walk only in sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and where they are not on the side of the road, towards moving transport.
2. Do not go out and do not run into the roadway.
3. Go traveling only in places marked by road marking Zebra or a pedestrian transition sign.
4. In places where there is a traffic light, go around the street only on a green traffic light.
5. Do not run across the street, go a calm step.
6. Before moving the street with a bilateral movement, look to the left and, if there are no cars nearby, start the transition. Having reached the middle, look right. If there are cars nearby, skip them, and then continue the way.
7. Go around the tram in front, and the bus and trolleybus from the back.
8. Street is not a place for games.
9. Ride on roller skates, scooter, bicycle can only be in the park, in the yard, in the stadium.

10 When moving the street, get away from the bike, holding it behind the wheel, go along the pedestrian crossing.