Methodical development on traffic rules. Forms and methods of teaching with students on the safety of road traffic shapes for road rules

Set of lectures for conducting classroom watches by traffic rules

Lesson number 1

Causes of road traffic accidents

Purpose: Explain the students why accidents occur on the streets and roads.

The form: conversation

Materials: table "Causes of road traffic accidents".

Structure occupation

1. Standing conversation

The car has become an integral companion of the progress of society. It provides invaluable help to a person, both in the transport of national goods and passenger transportation. At the same time, the car has become the cause of accidents. It is estimated that since the appearance of the first cars on the streets and roads of our planet, more than 2.5 million people died. Now in car accidents die every year to 250 you / people. To this you need to add that as a result of road accidents, millions of people receive different kinds of injury. That is why issues of safety of movement are given now such serious attention in almost all countries of the world.

Car drivers are participants in the movement they pass special training, pass the exam by the rules of movement. Pedestrians, which are also the participants of the movement and which are much more than drivers, often do not have solid knowledge according to the rules of movement, they are less disciplined. Apparently, this can be explained by the fact that pedestrians often violate order on the streets and roads than drivers.

Violation of the rules of motion not only leads to the death and injury of people, but also brings large material damage to the state, vehicles are damaged, road surface, lighting devices, green plantings, etc.

The analysis shows that on the roads of individual republics, edges and regions there are still many incidents in which children fall.

For what reasons, accidents occur most often? Here are statistical data on the causes of road accidents:

  • The transition of the street in front of closely moving transport - 27%;

  • The transition of the street to the red light signal and in those places where it is not allowed to cross the roadway - 27%;

  • Inattention in the transition of streets - 17%;

  • An unexpected way out due to vehicles - 9%;

  • Other reasons (games on the roadway, etc.) - 20%.
As can be seen from this data, most accidents occur for reasons associated with a gross violation of traffic rules. If pedestrians are well aware of the rules of movement, accurately perform them, then this can be avoided. Studying the causes of children's transport injuries in Moscow shows that most often accidents happen when children move the street in the wrong place and in front of moving vehicles. For this reason, more than half of all road traffic accidents with children take place. If schoolchildren are well studying the rules for the transition of streets and roads, will accurately comply with them, then at the reasons mentioned above the reasons will be reduced.

With the onset of spring, especially in May, the number of cases of children's transport injuries increases sharply, then in June, from the beginning of the summer holidays, it decreases, and as soon as the holidays are running out, the incident curve starts to crawl up. September and October give a large number of accidents. This is due to the fact that children over the summer are overwhelming from intensive movement and behave less careful on the street.

The figure shows the distribution of an accident with children by day of day. Practice shows that accidents occur not only with those children who do not know the foundations of the rules of movement, but also with those children who have studied them well, but do not always fulfill, behave in the street in the street and undisciplined.

The increase in the number of vehicles, the number of pedestrians, velocities of the movement of cars, of course, complicates the fight against accidents. But this does not mean that the number of accidents will grow that it is dangerous to go to the streets and roads. The main thing is to know how to know the rules of the road, to behave on the streets and roads carefully, disciplined, and then the number of road accidents, accidents will sharply decrease.

2. Control question and task

List the main causes of road traffic accidents. Why is it dangerous to go to the roadway of the street (roads) due to the standing vehicle?

Lesson 2.

Purpose of road marking

Purpose: acquaintance with the road marking of the roadway of the streets and roads.

The form: conversation.

Materials: crossroads schemes, Table "Road Marking".

Structure occupation

  1. Opening conversation
The teacher on the table or according to the scheme shows the markup lines, which are applied to the roadway of the streets and roads white, yellow and black paints. These lines help drivers and pedestrians to navigate in motion, thereby contribute to the increase in their safety.

Horizontal markup - the line of separation of transport flows of opposite directions. These lines can be performed in several variants: intermittent line, solid line. A discontinuous line separating oncoming streams is allowed to cross the vehicles from both sides. Cross a solid line that shares the oncoming traffic flows, or to travel to it by vehicles is prohibited.

Wide lines, parallel axles of the road, are applied to highlight the transparent part of the transverse strips for the movement of pedestrians (Zebra). On the wide streets, the pedestrian crossing "Zebra" can be supplemented with arrows. A line consisting of two intermittent lines with quicted square shape strokes are applied to designate places where the bike path crosses the road.

Lines of boundaries of the partitions of the roadway, entry for which is prohibited. This includes the signs of the "Islets of Safety" and the landing site. The "island of security" is denoted by parallel lines. It serves as a place to stop pedestrians when moving the street. If a traffic light signal or a frequency gesture is changing during a pedestrian transition and vehicle movement begins, the pedestrian stops on the "island of security" and waits for the change of traffic light or controller; If the movement is not regulated, then the pedestrian is waiting for a break in the movement of vehicles. In order to enhance the Ferris, "Island of Safety" on it may cause inclined lines, and small "islands" are painted completely.

Planting sites are indicated by a solid line. They are discharged for landing and disembarking passengers from public transport. These sites can be shaded by parallel lines at an angle to the roadway.

Vertical markup. Such markup denote the vertical surfaces of bridges, overpasses, the end surfaces of the portals of tunnels, parapet, and other obstacles to the areas dangerous to move.

  1. Why do you need road marking?

  2. Show on the table line of separation of traffic flows of opposite directions.

  3. What is the "island of security"?

  4. Tell me how the pedestrian crossing is denoted.

  5. Show on the table where can cross the road cyclist.

  6. What is the vertical markup?

Lesson 3.

Traffic lights with additional sections. Control signals


  • study of traffic lights with additional sections;

  • Study of the regulator gestures corresponding to these signals.
The form : conversation.


  • A set of existing traffic light models;

  • Table "Signals of traffic lights and a controller";

  • Wand regulator.

Structure occupation

  1. Opening conversation
At intersections with intensive movement of vehicles, four- and five-section traffic lights are installed, equipped with one or two additional sections, respectively (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Traffic lights with additional arrows:

And - on the left;

B - right;

B - right and left.

Additional sections can be located on the left and right from the sections of the main traffic light.

In order for the driver better than the lights of additional sections, they are performed as green arrows.

When the section is located on the left, all types of vehicles rotating at the crossroads left, do not have the right to travel to the intersection for the left turn or reversal until the arrow in the left section is turned on.

When the section is located on the right all types of vehicles turning to the right, it is forbidden to travel to the intersection until the arrow in the right section is turned on.

Additional arrows sections can be turned on both with a green signal of the main traffic light and red.

For movement, direct drivers should be guided by signals of the main traffic light. Pedestrians, passing intersections, where traffic lights are installed with additional sections, should be guided by the signals of the main (three-section) or pedestrian traffic light.

The controller, in addition to the main positions of the body and gestures, the hand corresponding to the green and red traffic lights, there is another signal.

If the adjustor pulled the right hand forward (Fig. 2), then:

  • On the side of his back and right side, the movement of all vehicles is prohibited, pedestrians are allowed to move a carriageway on the right side of the regulator's back;

  • From the side of the chest, the regulator vehicles is allowed to turn right, pedestrians are forbidden to move the driving part;

  • From the side of the left side, movement vehicles is allowed in all directions, trams - only turn left; Pedestrians are allowed to move the driving part behind the back of the controller.

Fig. 2. The adjustment signals corresponding to the lights of traffic lights with additional arrows.

Once again, it is necessary to remind students that pedestrians can translate the roadway only behind the back (parallel to the back) of the regulator.

2. Control questions

  1. How are the signals and additional sections arranged in traffic lights?

  2. What does the Additional Section Arrow mean?

  3. What signals of the traffic light should be obeyed by a pedestrian if a traffic light with additional sections is installed at the intersection?

  4. What value is the controller signal for a pedestrian when it
    pull the right hand forward?

Lesson 4.


Purpose: More in-depth study of road signs.

The form: conversation:


  • Wall road signs;

  • Tablets with road signs;

  • Table "Road signs".

Talk of the conversation

  1. Opening conversation
Road signs help adjust traffic traffic and pedestrians around the clock. Therefore, drivers know all road signs well. The main of them should be aware of pedestrians, cyclists should be focused especially well.

All road signs are divided into 7 groups. The first group includes warning signs that warn the participants in the movement of dangerous areas of the path. Most of these signs have the shape of an equilateral triangle with a red border converted top. Inside the triangle on a white background drawing characterizing the danger. Driver or cyclist, seeing such a sign, should increase attention, reduce the speed of movement to such an extent so that it is necessary to stop the vehicle in front of a dangerous area of \u200b\u200bthe path.

At moving through the railway. If the road approaches the railway crossing, about this all who goes and goes on it, warns a white triangle with red border along the edges, in the center of which the grille is drawn. This sign is called: "Railway moving with a barrier", the crossing with the barrier put two such signs: one - on the rails, and the other is closer.

Drivers of cars or bicycles, noticing such a sign, go more carefully, reduce speed, and when they approach moving and see that the barrier is closed, stop near, wait until the train passes, the barrier will not appear.

On another white triangle the steam locomotive is drawn. This sign is called: "Railway crossing without a barrier." Why do you need to warn those who go or rides on the road, what will be such a move? Because this move is very dangerous, the more dangerous that the barrier has. Here the road is always open, regardless of whether the train is approaching or not. It is dangerous to travel such both cars and pedestrians, especially if the railway passes through a hilly terrain, among buildings, through forests, shrubs that close the train and do not allow those who go or rides on the road, to see it in a timely manner. To prevent pedestrians about approaching such a dangerous crossing, set signs on which the locomotive is drawn. They will see his pedestrians - they will go carefully, and when they will come to the move, stop, listen, if the noise of the train is not heard. And, just making sure that there are no trains nearby, will begin to move the canvas of the railway.

Signs "Railway crossing without a barrier" are put on the road: one is closer to the railway tracks, the other is further. When crossing roads. Roads often intersect, forming an intersection. At the intersections there are cars, pedestrians. One driver needs to go straight, the other must turn left or right. At the crossroads, pedestrians move roads, crosses the movement of the machines.

Many cars, pedestrians accumulate at large intersections. And of course, it is necessary to move and move them very carefully. Driving to the intersection, drivers, cyclists should reduce the speed, always be alert. And since the cars on the roads go fast, it is necessary to warn drivers and cyclists in advance that the intersection will soon be.

In cities at large intersections, where traffic lights are installed, drivers will notice the crossroads from afar, but they may not notice the intersection on the roads. Therefore, the approach to the intersection of the road is the same value warns the sign "Intersection of equivalent roads". It is a white triangle with a red border, on which the Black Cross is drawn in the center.

Signs warning about the possible appearance of pedestrians. We already know that the driving part of the road is designed to move vehicles. But they use it and pedestrians when they need to go. For this, pedestrian transitions are designated on the roads and, in order to prevent drivers of machines about approaching a pedestrian crossing, warning signs are established: a pedestrian is depicted on the triangle. This sign is called: "Pedestrian Transition". The driver of the car or cyclist, seeing this sign, immediately understand that pedestrians may appear on this site, it will reduce the speed. When the car passes the sign, it has the right to go faster again.

And on this sign, running children are drawn. It is called: "Children." Install it near schools, kindergartens, pioneer camps and other children's institutions. If the drivers see this sign, they will immediately understand that in this section of the road or the streets need to go carefully, because they can unexpectedly on the road part of the street or the road. Children appear.

Approximately in the same plan, the teacher talks about other road signs that warn drivers and pedestrians about the turns of the road, descents, rises and other dangerous places.

The second group includes priority marks that indicate the priority of the passage of intersections, individual intersections of the carriageway, as well as narrow areas of roads.

The third group includes prohibiting signs that prohibit certain maneuvers to all or individual participants in motion. They have the shape of the circles, most of them are painted in white, has a red kaymo along the edge. But there are prohibiting signs painted in red or blue color, Kaima may not be red, and black. On most prohibiting signs, cars, arrows, pedestrians, etc. are drawn.

Prohibition of the movement of cyclists. On the streets there are areas of roads, where pedestrian movement is prohibited, it is impossible to move, even the driving part. Such places should know pedestrians. They will indicate the white circle, which shows the pedestrian figure. It is called: "Pass is closed."

Prohibition of the movement of cyclists. On the streets with intensive movement of transport and pedestrians, the prohibition of the movement of cyclists is introduced. This informs the sign on which the bike is drawn. This sign is called: "Bicycle movement is prohibited." On the street, where it is posted, it is impossible to ride bicycles, both pedal and with a suspended engine.

The fourth group includes prescribing signs that are introduced or canceled to all or individual participants in the movement of certain behavior on the street or road. These signs have a circle farm with appropriate drawings on a blue background.

To fifth; The group includes informational and indicative signs that inform the participants of the movement on the peculiarities of the movement mode or on the location on the path of settlements and other objects.

The sixth group includes the signs of the service that inform the participants of the movement about the location of the relevant service facilities (medical institutions, maintenance and refueling items, etc.).

The seventh group includes additional information (plates), which are used to clarify or limit the action of other signs. As a rule, signs are installed on the right side of the road the front part towards the movement so that the drivers can see them well. Signs are installed on special columns or on other bases, in some cases they are placed over the road part of the street, roads on special stretching cables. In the dark, the signs are illuminated by street lamps.

Many signs inside have electrical lighting, and the front side of the sign is made of glass on which the sign is depicted. Outside settlements, where there is no source of electric current nearby, signs are painted with reflective paints or a sign of reflective elements are installed. In the dark, such a sign is not visible, but when illuminated by the light headlights of the approaching car, it begins to glow, and the driver sees it well.

2. Control questions and tasks

  1. Why are the signs stain in bright colors?

  2. What do the signs be visible in the dark day?

  3. What does the sign warn on which the steam locomotive is drawn?

  4. Which sign warns about the approach to the intersection of equivalent

  5. What signs warn that the road turns right to left?

  6. What is the name of a warning sign on which a pedestrian is drawn?

  7. Where is the sign on which children are drawn?

  8. Draw a sign that prohibits pedestrian movement.

  9. Draw a sign that prohibits the movement of cyclists.

  10. Show the "Pedestrian Track" sign on the table.

Lesson 5.


Purpose: Study of the Rules of Bicycle Drivers.

The form: conversation.


  • Table "Road Rules for Cyclists";

  • Table "Bicycle Device".

Structure occupation

1. Standing conversation

The bike is a convenient and very common type of vehicle for movement, especially in rural areas. Bicycle ride is available for people of different ages. That is why the onset of summer days is sharply increased on the streets and roads the movement of cyclists.

Many students have bicycles and love to ride them, and some use a bike to go to school, to comrades, etc. During such trips, the cyclist moves through the streets and roads in the total transport stream. But many students do not know that the bike is a dangerous type of vehicle, since the bike driver is not protected, like a car driver, body or cabin and in motion the bike is unstable. Therefore, the cyclists have increased demands in terms of knowledge of rules. roadThey, like car drivers, should know the rules in full.

Students should know that road traffic rules are equated to vehicle drivers, i.e., to drivers of cars, motorcycles, tractors, etc.

Equipment of a bicycle and inspection of it before departure. Before you go on the road, the cyclist should well check the equipment of the machine. A bicycle must have a bell to supply a beep to warn in time a careless pedestrian. For driving, in the dark, a white light lamp should be installed at the front of the car, and the back lamp with a red light or a red retrorer (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Instruments for a bike: a - brakes;

B - signal;

In - front lamp;

E - rear lamp;

D - red backgrowor.

Before you go out, the cyclist is obliged to check the serviceability of the machine. At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the steering wheel, he must act reliably. And if the steering wheel will work badly? Then the driver will not be able to drive around the obstacle in time, can become a culprit of the accident. It is necessary to pay special attention to the brakes. They should also work well, because they use many times along the way. If the brakes are faulty, it is prohibited outside or the road.

We must also check tire pressure. It is checked and correcting the wheel centering (so that during the movement of the wheel of the bicycle did not "eight"), the tension of the chain and the spokes, the density of threaded connections, the action of the call, the health of the lighting and electrical wiring, the presence of a rear view mirror and license plate (if it is laid in this terrain).

Bicycle movements. The teacher explains that students can drive a bike only on closed sites: in the courtyards, parks and stadiums. It is forbidden to ride bicycles on sidewalks and pedestrian walkways, in the alleys of gardens, parks, boulevards. On the streets and roads, ride a bike is allowed only to the age of fourteen years.

The teacher then shows the consequences to which consequences can cause violations of the rules of the cyclists.

2. Control questions and tasks

  1. At achieving what age you can ride the streets and roads on

  2. Is it possible to ride a bike on the paths of parks and by sidewalks?

  3. How should the cyclist do if he entered the street on which the sign "bicycle movement is prohibited"?

  4. How should a bike be equipped for driving in the dark?

  5. Tell us about the bike equipment.

Lesson 6.


Purpose: To introduce students with the rules for using railway transport and behavior near the railway.

The form: conversation.


  • Table "Rules of travel through a railway crossing";

  • film-strip.

Structure occupation

1. Standing conversation

The train moves with a greater speed than city electric transport, and has a much larger mass, so if an obstacle unexpectedly appears on the ways, the train instantly stop completely impossible. The brake path of the train is a few dozen times higher than the brake path of the urban electric transport. Therefore, on railway It is necessary to be especially attentive.

Recently, in most areas of railways, high speeds have been introduced (so, the train Moscow - Leningrad makes 160 km / h), the danger of hitting people increases, especially close to large cities. When driving a train at high speed, air flows can tighten the pedestrian under the wheel wheels. Therefore, the current safety rules are prohibited from walking in pedestrians near the railway tracks.

Many accidents on railways come from the fact that people incorrect the paths. In the stations to transition through the way, transition bridges or tunnels are arranged. Where they are, it is necessary to use them in obligatory. At the stations where there are no transition bridges and tunnels, the railway canvas need to move - on pedestrian floors and in places where the "Transition through ways" pointers are installed, and care must be taken. Crossing the paths in close proximity to the running train is categorically prohibited.

The passage of vehicles through the canvas is allowed only on railway moving. Rail crossings are protected and unguarded. Traffic lights, signals, barriers are installed on guarded railway movies. These are usually places where there is a great movement. On such movements, even the railway workers even duty.

Approaching the railway crossing, pedestrians should be guided by the alarm and instructions of the duty on moving. Two-section horizontal traffic lights are installed on guarded railway movies. When the train approaches each section, the red light will alternately light up, warning cars, cyclists, pedestrians, that the train moves to the move, and prohibiting the movement.

There are many movements where there are no barriers, there are no railway workers. They are called unguarded railway crossings. On unguarded railway movies, it is possible to cross the railway canvas only when there is no approaching train on both sides. The railway tracks and mounds are very dangerous and strictly prohibited. Some students in winter ride from the railway embankment on sledding and skiing. Drinking by the game, they do not notice the approach of the train and fall into the accident.

Security rules on railway transport prohibit similar games near the railway tracks. It is not allowed to be stranger on the mound. Compliance with the security rules is the key to the uninterrupted operation of railway transport.

2. Control questions and task

  1. Tell us about the rules of behavior on the railway.

  2. Where can I move the railway tracks?

  3. What rules must be observed when moving a protected railway crossing?

  4. What rules must be observed when moving a unguarded railway crossing?
Lesson 7.

Participation of schoolchildren in the propaganda of the rules of safe behavior

Purpose: Attract students to promote the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads, at school, at the place of residence, in extracurricular institutions.

The form: Matinee for younger schoolchildren.

Materials: Print materials of local regions of the traffic police and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, to the sho.

preparatory work

I. To prepare for a matreix for students of junior classes, you can recommend the following plan:

  1. Determine the place and time of the matinee.

  2. Distribute among students the role of play, staging, etc.

  3. Disappear with a group of pupils poems, songs on the subject of the matinee.

  4. Release the special number of the wall newspaper, tell me about the behavior of students on the street.

  5. It is highlighted from among students for the matinee regulators responsible for vehicles, duty, etc.
II. Preparation of the matinee.

  1. Conduct a competition for the best drawing, a poster according to the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads and organize an exhibition in the venue.

  2. Pick up and order movies on the subject of the matinee.

  3. Get tables, posters, leaflets in the local department of the traffic police and arrange a venue.

  4. Invite a traffic police officer to the matinee, a transport worker on the matinee.

Structure occupation

  1. Speech by the organizer of extracurricular and out-of-school work.

  2. Speech by workers of the traffic police and transport.

  3. Artistic part.

  4. Film show.

  5. Games and competitions according to the rules of movement.

  6. Summing up and rewarding winners.

Final lesson

Traffic Laws

Purpose: Consolidation and verification of knowledge and skills according to the rules of the safe behavior of students on the streets and roads.

The form: musical.

Structure occupation

Children's choir performs songs about road rules. Melodies of hives See in the text. Someone from the guys indulges on the road, and someone in the form of posting makes them warnings.

"Plasticine Crow"

In one famous fairy tale

Or maybe not a fairy tale

On the rules of movement,

On the rules of driving

We want to tell.

And if you break them,

What will happen - to show.

Once someone's boy,

Maybe not a boy

Or maybe this is a girl, and went to walk.

She played into the ball,

Maybe not in the ball,

Or maybe the kitten decided to run.

But the kitten is stupid,

Maybe not stupid

Or maybe not a kitten

The road ran.

And under the car girl,

And maybe a boy,

To the horror passersby.

Overlist the page,

Or maybe not a page,

And maybe we are in the windows

All together prokrichim

That road

You can not play and run, otherwise we are forever. Perhaps silent.

"Chrome King"

Let's continue the story

He is with a sad end,

And started having fun

Fucker Junca,

Who argue -

Light red blinking -

And this Yunets interlogly flashed.


Who could think of people's medium,

What can cars run fast, faster -

In resuscitation lies.

He is disabled!


The Tikhoretsk composition will go, the trailer will touch, the Perron will remain, be careful you and be attentive. Then you will stay (4 r.) Love ...

"Song crocodile genes"

Let them run if necessary

Puddle pedestrians,

But you should not forget about one:

Transition pedestrian, as well as the rules of movement,

We are needed as air for life.

"Winter sleep"

Stars rise above, guarding our sleep and life. In the post of permanently traffic cop

The eye is not worn, standing.

He watches all neatly

And in the frost, and in the heat.

Maybe it will seem strange -

I love him very much.


I will never rule

Do not break the main

I will never

Run on red light

Never confuse

Signs i'm traveling

Never, I'm sure I will not forget, no.

"Under the music of Vivaldi"

To the music of Vivaldi

We will finish our story.

So that there was no sadness

And grief we did not know

So that you all were merry

And happy - God will give.

Learn and read any books any

Play the clarinet, football and towns,

But just do not forget you are the rules

Which will save you from pain and longing.

After all, it happens often

And even very often,

Without thinking about the future, we break them

Those rules of movement

Security laws that are invented

"Plasticine Roron

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis fairy tale, and maybe not a fairy tale, or maybe not an idea, but everyone is clear.


On the green you, you always transition to pedestrian go, but don't play the road, no, no, and not Kati on the highway your bike.

"Plasticine Crow"

Do not run, do not jump

And don't even play

Where cars are rushing.

Where do trains go.

You are going to transport

Do not cross the way

After all, transport is transport

And can knock you down!

You, my long-livers,

In the notepad record-ka

About traffic rules

And remember always!

Sevil Cockch
Tasks and forms of work on learning traffic rules in Dow

Age groups in Training Road Rules.

Most valuable - health and baby life, therefore, in kindergarten, the issue of security on the streets and roads Cities need to pay great attention.

How to tell preschoolers about road traffic rules? As such serious and vital information submit to their understanding form And teach it to use it in different situations? Of course, in the form of a game, but the games are instructive. Since each game occupation and leisure, children must make a certain lesson who will be remembered by them will be applied at the right moment and, of course, will help preserve life and health.

Training children rules of road trafficneed to use all available forms and methods of work. These are conversations, discussion of situations, observation, excursions, memorizing poems, reading artistic texts, watching video and diamers, desktop, didactic games, puzzles.

To increase responsibility for the observance of children road traffic with parents should also be conducted work: Daily conversations, recommendations, tips, survey, meetings "Round Table", Disputes, joint with children, making attributes.

In each age group, didactic, board gamesAttributes for role-playing gamesused by children in collaborative with an educator and independent activities, as well as in a specially organized form of learning.

For formation Sustainable knowledge and durable skills of cultural behavior in the street, in transport in preschool institutions, special classes are held designed prospective plan, blocks of speech development, musical education, creative classes, where the guys can make it from plasticine all sorts of cars, pedestrians, traffic lights, portray in drawings at home, transitions, traffic lights, cars, road signs. Educators should watch pedestrians daily, transport and discuss interesting situations with children. In senior and preparatory school groups, you can recommend hiking to the traffic light, stop, crossroads, so that when entering school, the child has mastered all the necessary concepts.

Tasks and forms of work in different

Age groups.

Junior group.


Introduce children S. work of traffic light;

Form idea idea;

Learning to distinguish between ground transport.


Tale of the teacher about the types of transport (using illustrations);

Target Walk "Acquaintance with Street";

Reading poems V. Lebedeva - Kumacha from the collection "About smart animals";

Viewing picture "Street of the city", "Transport";

Scene - role-playing game "We are drivers";

"Respect the traffic light", "Incident in the forest";

Application on themes: "Merry train", "Traffic light";

Target Walk "Observation by work of traffic light» ;

Didactic game "Collect traffic lights".

Medium group.


Clarify the knowledge of children about the purpose of the traffic light;

Introduce the classification of city vehicles, form Skills of cultural behavior in transport;

Expand ideas about the street, roadway, give elementary knowledge about rules Safe behavior.


Story "Street on which Kindergarten is located";

Reading works S. Mikhalkov "My street", "Traffic light", M. Druzhinina "Our friend traffic lights";

Target Walk "Crosswalk";

Consider photos "Streets of our city";

Painting "Freight car";

Design "Our Street";

Didactic game "Transport";

View puppet performances "Respect the traffic light", "Incident in the forest";

Movable Coordination Development Games movements;

Conversation "We will be polite";

Games at the desktop intersection;

Tale - Game "ABC of Pedestrian";

puppet show "Incident in the forest";

View thematic cartoons.



Continue to fix and complement the idea of \u200b\u200bsome road traffic rules;

Bring up a culture of behavior on the street and in transport;

Introduce children S. road signs: "Crosswalk", « No Pedestrians» , "Children", "Bus stop", "Point of Medical Aid", "Power point", "Parking site", « Road works» , "No entry".


Target Walk « Road signs» ;

The story of the teacher O. rules safe transition of streets;

"Respect the traffic light";

Reading works "S. Mikhalkov, A. Dorokhov, M. Druzhinina, V. Sergeeva;

Picture viewing "Street of the city"»

Collective drawing on the topic "The street of our city";

Learning songs from the collection "School road Sciences» ;

Didactic games "Walk around the city", « Road signs» ;

Scene - role-playing game "At the crossroads";

Theatrical stage « Road to Teremku» ;

Performance tasks in working notebooks.

Preparatory to school group.


Continue to acquaint S. road signs: warning prohibiting, informational - indicative;

Improve the culture of behavior on the street and in transport;

Introduce the work of the regulator.


Viewing paintings with different types of transport, their classification: passenger, construction, military, etc.;

Acquaintance with the work of adults - observation the work of the regulator;

Didactic games: « Road signs» , "Put the sign", "Street", "A pedestrian";

Target Walk "Crossroads";

Drawing up a story in the picture "Policeman - Adjustable";

Mandatory conversation « The road is not a place for games» ;

Drawing on the topic "Remember traffic Laws» ;

Application on the topic « Road signs» ;

Design on the topic "Bus";

Reading works. With Mikhalkov, Yurmina, S. Volkov, Ya. Pishumova on the appropriate subject;

Scene - role-playing game "Adjuster";

View puppet play "Respect the traffic light";

Consider paintings and posters « Rules of behavior on the street» ;

Solving problematic situations at the desktop intersection;

Games at the training intersection;

Music - Gaming Leisure "Remember traffic Laws;

Stock "Driver! Save me life! "

Sports leisure for parents and children "Visiting traffic lights";

Co-compilation of collage by children and parents "My yard";

Manufacture "Family road signs» ;

Sleeping Rus and Crossword « Road ABC» ;

View thematic cartoons;

Performance tasks in working notebooks.

Conversation with traffic police inspector

Let's play.

Fourth extra.

1. Name the unnecessary participant road.

Truck, house, "Ambulance"Snow removal machine

2. Call the excess means of transport.

Machine, cargo machine, bus, children's car.

3. Name the means of transport that are not related to public transport.

Bus, tram, truck, trolleybus.

4. Name Lesnes "eye" traffic light.

Red, blue, yellow, green.

Word game.

1. Flood your hands, having heard the word related to the traffic light. Explain the choice of each word.

Vocabulary: Three eyes, standing on the street, intersection, red light, blue light, one leg, yellow light, moving across the street, pedestrian assistant, green light, stands at home.

2. Flood your hands, having heard the word related to the passenger. Explain the choice of each word.

Vocabulary: bus, route, stop, road, Swimming, Reading, Sleep, Ticket, Conductor, Flight by plane, Pedestrian, Seat, Salon, Bed.

3. Make a story with in words: Morning, breakfast, road to school, sidewalk, bakery, pharmacy, intersection, ground transition, traffic light, school.

THE GAME "Pass the obstacle bar"

Children must "Drive" Strip obstacles toy machine. Who "Will come to the finish first without violating rule of MovementThat is declared the winner.

THE GAME "Collect the car"

Each team should collect their car from individual parts on the flannelifo. Participants of the team that will collect the car faster and regarding, declared winners.


The presenter lifts alternately red, green, yellow pictures. Children perform appropriate movement: on the Red - stand, on yellow - jump, on the green - walk on the spot.

Home\u003e Methodical recommendations

for road safety classes

Organization of classes for the formation and development

at preschoolers skills and skills of safe behavior

on the streets and roads.

Inspector and other employees of the traffic police are not obligated personally to provide special training on road topics with children of preschool age, but they can, together with educators, take part in them at the head of the administration preschool institution The rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads are studied in the process of special developing and training activities, which are based on the game: an image-role-playing, plot-playing or game with rules. Forms of conducting classes organizes an educator. It can be various exercises, developing motor skills, motility of hands when laying from plastic-line, drawing, designing, appliqué making, etc. Road safety issues are considered when reading books, poems, their memorization, viewing images, guessing mysteries, holding contests, etc. Methodically all classes organizes only an educator who knows the individual dual and age peculiarities Each child. Inspector may, participating in the lesson, supplement and explain the individual provisions of the rules of running on the streets and roads. At the same time, in no case cannot overload preschoolers with information with incomprehensible terminology. The inspector should not "impose" his forms, methods and techniques in provo-Denia to the educator gaming activities With children according to the rules of the road, because in pedagogy there are certain didactic principles, laws, shapes, methods and techniques for work with preschoolers. The volume of educational material used at each occupation should correspond to the psycho-physiological features of the development of preschoolers of various age groups.

Disadvantages in the organization of training for preschoolers safe behavior

on the streets and roads.

Disadvantages in the organization of training and education are largely related to the fact that some educators who do not know traffic rules are allowed to have typical errors, giving preschoolers incorrect, and sometimes hazardous behavioral plants related for example with the passage of the roadway, by traversing the transport in front or rear , accentuation of children's attention only to tricolor traffic lights for transport drivers, not objectly, that there are still pedestrian traffic lights, etc. Educators often overload children from unnecessary and incomprehensible information on road themes. Thus, in individual preschool institutions, the complexity for preschoolers, road vocabulary is administered by educators not gradual, but (doses), and immediately, with a large load on the consciousness of the child and without the corresponding explanations. Preschoolers are given, for example, information about groups of road signs for drivers and pedestrians, and without any connection signs with road situations. By organizing such classes, education teli requires mechanical memorization of characters depicted on characters. There are classes where preschoolers are invited to perform difficult tasks for finding the "extra" road sign from 15 different signs intended for drivers. Preschoolers are forced to pronounce and memorize such terms as "elements" of roads, "adjustable and unregulated" crossroads, "residential zone", "barrier" and others. Very often, the educators work out and memorize with preschoolers of the gese-you adjustment, which is currently rarely seen on dery-ge. Knowledge of these difficult gestures for understanding does not affect their behavior on the street, where they should be with adults. It is also erroneous that in relation to the road accentuation of the child's attention to dangerous (safe) behavior is practically not de-bodies. Claims are not conducted on the development of lateral visual children, necessary for the orientation in road situations, color vehicles, auditory and virtual perception. Not everywhere, children are learned by the ability to watch, see and hear what is happening on the street, to determine the ratio of the size of the machines (large, heavy, cargo and small, light machine, etc.). There are absent classes for the development of the eyeball, feelings of danger, sense of time when assessing the speed of machines, etc. To date, when conducting classes with preschoolers, education-whether is usually used, as a rule, outdated methodological literature on traffic lights of the road. IN artistic literature, verses, fairy tales, s-nurses of performances written for preschoolers, also quite a lot of mistakes according to the rules of the road. Errors can be both pedagogical when the images on the posters are made by artists excluding pedagogy and psychology of perception by their children. Wrong images give distorted perception and dangerous installations in the behavior of preschoolers on the streets and roads. Disadvantages in the organization of training and education are largely related to the fact that the caregivers do not always know what is most practically significant when drawing up a road-based program.

"Language" of traffic rules

and typical mistakes in their teaching.

Learn the rules is the right thing, but the main task is still not in this. The essence is to instill with the guys sustainable skills of safe behavior in any road situation. Well, excellent knowledge of the rules in itself does not guarantee a child's child on the road. There is a lot about the need to teach children safe behavior on the road. It is done, unfortunately, knowingly less. One of the directions of the activity can be the preparation of the guys to participate in a pre-roy movement. Road traffic one for children and adults. A number of road situations are equally dangerous than others. And road rules are united for adults and children. They are written by "adult" language, without any calculation for children. Therefore, the task of teachers and parents is available to explain the PDD to the child. However, when choosing a form of training (game, competition, quiz ...), the main thing is to convey to children, not distorting the content. For the teacher it is important to pay serious attention to the basic concepts used in the rules and terms. Unfortunately, in practice and some teaching, and the authors of the series tutorials The traffic rules and concepts, dozens of years ago, seized from traffic rules are used:

    "Street" instead of "road"; "Mosto-Waa" instead of "driving part"; "Machine" instead of "car" or "vehicle"; "Row" instead of "travel strip"; "Light" or "color" (light taper) instead of "signal"; "Post" instead of "Adjustable" or "DPS Inspector", etc. There is no concept of "security island".
Often, prosemators are confused with independent meaning "Pedestrian walkway" and "Pedestrian Transition", "Parking" and "Stop". But the use of non-existent concepts leads to distortion in understanding the requirements of traffic rules. In the desire, it is intelligible to convey to children the content of the rules, some teachers and authors of benefits appeal to children so-called "childish" language, consisting of nouns with decreasing suffixes, and other caressing hearing words and expressions. This not only does not make the rules understood, but also distorts the real picture of the road. After all, cars are dangerous on the road, and not the car! Contact children, yes, to small, it is necessary normal, the usual language. These are the findings of psychologists who believe that the communication of the teacher with students, parents with children should be affiliate, involving adult conversation with adults. For the same reason as "Children's" language, "children's" pictures made in the style of fun and funny comics, are hardly acceptable as an illustration of teaching aids. Funny pictures attract and entertain children, but at the same time distract from the main task - see and realize the real danger on the road and the opportunity to avoid it. At the same time, children can not be intimidated by dangers on the road. A reasonable sense of caution should not be abstracted into panic fear. In practice, teachers are very often, even to the detriment of other topics on traffic rules, you are excessively much time road signs, involving students in the surface memorization of the names of a large number of signs, are fascinated by various poems about signs, games using only signs, without other PDD elements, Yes, even in the detachment from the real road to the world. It should be remembered that road signs are mainly meant for drivers. Children, certainly, it is necessary to know the meaning of road signs, but, first of all, it should be signs that work to ensure the safety of pedestrians: "Pedestrian crossing" (underground and above-ground), "pedestrian movement is prohibited," "pedestrian walkway", " Children "," Bicycle Movement is prohibited "," Intersection with a bike-pedal track "," Bicycle path ". Analysis of the results of testing children and teachers according to traffic rules showed that there are still gross errors when learning. Here is some of them:

Need to learn

Go around the tram in all over, and the bus is behind.This rule has long been outdated and does not save, but, on the contrary, creates emergency situationSince when you exit a pedestrian from behind or in front of a vehicle, neither the driver nor a pedestrian see each other, and a hit can occur. The order of intersection of the roadway of the road is strictly agreed by the rights of the road, and it is not associated with the traveler of the route trans port! The mention of the tram of the tram or the bus was the last time in the "Rules of Movement of Transport and Pedestrians" in 1958! Get to the nearest pedestrian crossing and go there. If there is no re-stroke, wait for the bus or other vehicle to the secure distance or go elsewhere, where the road is well visible in both directions.
When passing the street, look to the left, and, having reached the middle of the road - see the right. This rule is also outdated and creates a dangerous situation. Before moving the road - stop, look at both sides and, slaughtering safe, go through the road, constantly controlling the situation.
Red - Stop, Yellow - Get ready, green - go. Following such a rule, children acquire confidence in the safety of a green signal. And this is very dangerous, as it is not so! After all, the traffic rules say that red and yellow signals prohibit the movement, it allows it. And no more! In this case, no word is said that the green signal guarantees traffic safety! The practice of a road movement does not exclude the risk of intersection of the carriageway in the animal signal of the traffic light, if the pedestrian himself does not undertake the necessary precautions. In addition, children are often confused by the location of the traffic lights: do not understand that when a green traffic light signal is on for a pedestrian, on the other hand, the driver is on red, and vice versa. The red traffic light signal is prohibiting, because on the other hand green is burning for cars. Yellow - not only to get ready, and the mark of attention is warning about changing traffic signals. For a pedestrian, the tight signal is also prohibiting, since the yellow signal is allowed to finish the passage of the intersection. Green - permits the movement, but before reaching the roadway, it is necessary to kill it that all cars stopped. The yellow flashing signal of the LTFOR informs that the intersection is unregulated. Therefore, before moving the road, make sure that your own security.

If you did not have time to move the road, stop at the "Sunflow Safety" or in the middle of the road.

In the rules of the road, there is no concept of "security island". There are only islands informing the driver about the direction of movement in the field of separation or merge transport flows, and they are called "on-riding islands" that do not guarantee security to pedestrian. Stopping on the dividing line is possible, but not recommended. After all, the pedestrian remains between two traffic flows moving towards each other. The slightest negligence or chance is fraught with an accident.

It is necessary to calculate the transition so as not to stop on the deine of the road and cross the roadway in one reception. But if he got into such a situation, then stand in the middle of the road, on the axial line, separating traffic flows of opposite directions, or on the "Idle Island" and do not take a step nor ahead, not by assessing the situation that the driver I managed to make a decision, how best to go around you.
Incorrectly explain the meaning of the road sign "Children". It does not at all envisage the transition across the road precisely at the site of his Us-Tanovka, but only informs the driver that children can unexpected on the road, as children, as a school, kindergarten or other institution.
Do not play on the road or by the road, and play the courtyard at home. But in the courtyards there are also roads, when driving on which drivers of vehicles must comply with the rules of movement in the residential area, i.e. The speed of movement should not exceed 20 km / h, but this rule is not always observed. And although pedestrians in the residential area have the advantage, they should not forget about their own security. Going out of the entrance, be careful and careful. Play away from the road, where there are no cars.

To avoid possible errors When conducting traffic rules:

    No lesson, none of the occupation, without reconciling the material prepared to it with the text of the Rules of Road, no matter how confident in his credibility.
    Use to work only by those textbooks and benefits, the content of which has no contradictions with the rules of the road traffic in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the teacher must necessarily have the official publication of the Rules of Roads, which are approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation.
    Get recommendations or consult about the quality of any kind of a specific book with experienced traffic teachers, dyshlo-dyshkol or competent traffic police officers.
    Please note that the rules for pedestrians in operating traffic rules are concentrated not only in section 4 "Pedestrian duties." Points, directly or indirectly related to pedestrians, are also in sections: 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 17.
    All books on traffic cops, intended for children and teachers, published up to 2000, the current rules do not comply. Use them as educational and methodical manuals Not recommended! It is also possible to use this literature, as well as determine the quality of book gi, it is possible only if there is good traffic rules.

Deputy. Director for UTI MODOD "TSDT"

Negrie N. V.

  1. Secondary school (1)

    Educational program

    Changing the system of target indicators of educational results in the context of the program for the development of the system for assessing the quality of education in Moscow (juice) and international research Pisa,

  2. Tasks: familiarization of schoolchildren with spiritual and moral traditions of various communities, clarification of nature and the formation of tolerance to differences.


    The formation of moral and moral competence (a set of moral and ethical knowledge and abilities to determine and evaluate their behavior, relying on moral norms and ethical concepts corresponding to humanistic and democratic values).

  3. Program of the seminar 7 Plenary session 9 Motivation of students as a factor in improving the quality of educational activities Buldakova Svetlana Mikhailovna, Deputy Director for UVS MOU SOSH No. 62


    In the framework of network interaction educational institutions Activities are carried out on the presentation of innovative experience in city teachers for intensive exchange of information on topical issues of education and implementation

  4. Methods and forms of practical training

    In a cargoge with studying 1 - 4 classes

    On the basics of safe behavior on the road

    Methodical recommendations are prepared in accordance with the State Program"Patriotic upbringing of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2015 - 2020" .

    The purpose of methodical recommendations - to provide methodological assistance to the Deputy Head of Safety, Class Heads of Schools of the City District of Fryazino, the Moscow Region on the preparation and conduct of practical training on the safe behavior of children on the roads.






    General requirements for the methodology for conducting classes for studying students of 1- 4 classes in the road road safety bases.



    Classifiers of the hazards of the transport environment for children and adolescents.



    Features of teaching children the basics of the safe behavior of children and adolescents in the cargoge.



    Classes with study primary classes (1-4 classes).






    To the methodology of conducting classes for studying students 1 - 4 classes in the road safety grounds of road traffic

    1.1. The methodological foundations of presentation and monitoring of learning material on any subject in school educational institutions are based on specific and well-defined didactic principles formulated as a result of long-term pedagogical experience: accessibility, visibility, alternation and replay. These conditions are fully related to the teaching rules for the safe behavior of students on the streets and roads. At the same time, the specificity of safe behavior on the roads to some extent determines the nature of teaching, lecture material, methods of learning and testing knowledge.

    As practice shows, educational material It is easily absorbed and remembered thanks to a plot approach that takes into account the age and psychophysiological features of schoolchildren.

    In some cases, observation allows you to see the specific embodiment of the rules and patterns in the road movement, which were studied theoretically in the lessons. In other cases, it seems to formulate the main causal relations between different elements of the road: the actions of the controller, vehicles, the length and configuration of the street-road network, the density of the transport flow, the velocity of the traffic light, the types of intersection, etc. Watching students can make sure that one road transport situation follows from another that, for example, the behavior of a pedestrian, which violates the rules of the road, causes a forced change in the trajectory and the speed of the nearest car to him, which in turn will cause a change In the stream of cars. During the training, you can organize the observation of one group of students after another during the street transition, for example, at the intersection, or in the absence of a pedestrian transition. The method can be active that applies a questionnaire (especially for high school students who have their own experience of independent participation in road traffic). This contributes to the development of thinking, deepening knowledge, more active interest in the student to the subject studied.

    Taking into account the age-related cognitive capabilities of schoolchildren, the exposition of the material should be built on the basis of concentric reproduction of a human safety knowledge system. This allows you to give the child an idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic picture of situations that may arise in the courtyard, on the street, in the forest, on the water branch, etc. Such an approach ensures the consolidation and development of knowledge, skills and skills, in each next class expanding and gradually deepening the worldview and practical levels of student knowledge. This is achieved by increasing the class to the class of the number of identified relations and relations, a gradual increase in the depth of penetration into the essence of the phenomena and the nature of the educational activities of the student.

    Purpose of practical training :

    consolidation of students' knowledge according to the rules of road traffic, the upbringing of transport culture, expansion of the horizons of students, receiving the skills of bike management and other vehicles.

    1.2. Cargoge - One of the simplest forms of organizing game space for students' training for road traffic and vehicle management skills.

    In it, children join the road environment, aware of the significance of the learned knowledge, skills, skills and habits.

    In the process of classes is being worked out:

      knowledge of road signs, types of markup and types of cross-shots;

      selection of a safe movement route;

      transition of the roadway using road signs and markup;

      driving electric vehicles, cycles, bicycles and scooters in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the road.

    1.2.1. Counting in the cargoge must be carried out only with one group of children (not more than 30) people after theoretical classes. After pre-theoretical training, children studying on the training ground, mean all its elements perceive.

    1.2.2. Education of children in the cargoge must be carried out in the form of a plot-role-playing game. In a visual game form, children study the appointment of road signs, markup types, types of intersections, how to choose a safe route, how to properly go through the roadway. In the course of training, the teacher discloses the peculiarities of the road in various conditions (actions of pedestrians, speed and location of vehicles on the roadway, etc.), clearly reproduces the content of certain requirements for pedestrians and vehicles.

    1.2.3. All classes should be carried out with the wide use of visual benefits that display road control tools (signs, markup, signal control signals, traffic lights, etc.) and the rules of their application, illustrate the actions prescribed in the rules of road traffic in the applications of various means of regulation road traffic.

    1.2.4. Classes in the cargoge must be carried out systematically. This allows you to form extremely important examples for students on various conditions of movement, deeper to master the content of the individual provisions of the traffic rules, to work out the ability to make decisions in accordance with the requirements of the rules and the requirements of ensuring personal safety and the safety of other participants in the movement.

    1.2.5. Work on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries in the cargoge Must contain various forms and methods that correspond to the cognitive activities of children and adolescents, andmust be carried out in the following directions:

      mobile sports and applied games;

      wall-printed games;

      testing of participants by road rules;

      command and personal contests that develop in the game form necessary for children to skills safe behavior and orientation in a real transport environment;

      acquiring vehicle management skills in a real road environment;

      reviews, urban and district competitions, games and holidays, tournaments and quizzes associated with propaganda road rules, prevention of road traffic injuries among children;

      organizing various circles and sections in which children and adolescents are trained in the grounds of road safety.

    1.2.6. The formation and development of skills and skills of safe behavior, the transformation of them into sustainable habits is a rather complicated, long-term educational process requiring special exercises and the use of a number of didactic methods and techniques. Therefore, practical exercises should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of children's education basics of road safety in preschool institutions and junior schools of secondary schools.

    1.3. Features of classes with students of junior classes.

    Analysis curriculum For teaching students of junior classes shows that they are aimed at studying the basic norms of the rules of the road. The main task of such training is to prepare children for independent movement as a pedestrian, passenger of the route vehicle.

    At this age, children are unstable. They are easily distracted, pay attention to interesting, unusual (involuntary attention). Children of kindergartens and junior classes do not have internal means of self-regulation. Therefore, on the training site it is necessary to use a variety of teaching methods.

    The main focus of training in the cargoge of students of this age should be directed to pedestrian children. They turn out to be the least protected in the face of those situations that periodically arise on the roads. From the analysis of road traffic accidents with the participation of this category of road participants, it is known that the main causes of road accidents lie in the fact that they carry those habits, skills that have acquired in everyday life. Such stable bad habits can be distinguished by several:

      habit take a step back, without looking;

      habit of starting movement without looking around;

      the habit of rushing for the subject, without watching the environment;

      the habit of combining movement with a lively conversation.

    In practical training in the cargogets of students 1-4 classes must be studied:

      dangerous places around school, houses, in the neighborhood, on the streets and roads;

      safe areas of streets and roads in the microdistrict;

      typical behavioral errors in the road environment leading to accidents and accidents;

      dangers on streets and roads associated with weather conditions and lighting;

      places where you can not play, ride a bike, roller skating, scooters, sledding, etc.;

      the name and purpose of road signs for pedestrians and some signs for drivers;

      rules for the transition of streets and roads on traffic lights;

      rules for the transition of streets and roads on pedestrian transitions;

      rules for the transition of the roadway in the absence of pedestrian crossings and traffic lights in the visibility zone;

      abstaining from the transition of roads and streets when the vehicle approaches with the gluster light flap turned on and a special sound signal;

      movements in the sidewalk, a pedestrian walkway (and in their absence - on the side and edge of the carriageway with adults);

      movement of a group of children accompanied by adults;

      rules of ethical, polite and safe behavior in transport;

      rules of safe behavior when riding a bike and know the age from which you can travel to the streets and roads.

    Students of the 1st grade must be trained as:

      move the streets and roads on traffic lights and pedestrian transitions, as well as the roadway outside the visibility zone of pedestrian crossings;

      proper behaving in the courtyards, residential areas, on the sidewalk, when moving the group, in transport, when driving on a bike.

    Students of the 2nd grade must be led by the rules:

      transition adjustable and unregulated intersections;

      transition of the roadway with one-sided and double-sided movement;

      use of transport;

      how to navigate in the road atmosphere;

      do not go out due to obstacles and structures;

      do not stand close to the edge of the carriageway;

      do not create interference by moving transport;

      identify dangerous and safe areas of roads and streets;

      disciplined to behave on the landing platforms of the route transport, at the entrance, output and in the cabin.

    Students 3 and 4 classes must learn:

      rules for the transition of roads with bilateral and one-way movement;

      rules for the transition of streets and roads when disembarking from route transport;

      railway transition rules;

      rules for the transition of railway tracks;

      rules for the transition of regulated and unregulated intersections;

      rules for landing and disembarking from route transport.

    Educational activitiesin the cargoge it should be aimed at learning the children of the necessary skills of the disciplined transition of the carriageway. Therefore, it is desirable to include the study of road signs: "Pedestrian Transition", "Bicycle Track", "Road for cars", "Railway moving with a barrier" and other children's attention must be focused on such signs as "main road", " Save the road "," Legal movement "," Movement right "," Circular Movement ", which help them meaningfully navigate in the road atmosphere.

    The educational task is also to teach children and adolescentsevaluate . In practice, children and adolescents must be assessed from the point of view of the driver's player on the road, correctly evaluate the possibilities of participants in motion, which helps them become competent pedestrians.

    Classifiers of danger of transput environment for children and adolescents

    2.1. general characteristics The dangers of streets and roads. Dangerous items (cars, motorcycles) are moving with speeds, ten times higher than the speed, familiar to humans. Therefore, the situation may change very quickly, it is necessary to observe it constantly and repeatedly when the street is moving. The street is very complex in observation, although at first glance it is imperceptible. On the street there are many items that prevent you from seeing a dangerous car (standing and moving buses, trucks, cars, trees, bushes, fences, etc.). Therefore, the main skill, the reflex, the necessary pedestrian - the prediction of the danger, which can be hidden behind the subject. Almost two-thirds of children and two fifths of adults fall under the cars because of inability to foresee what they can expect them because of items that interfere with the review. There are many objects and factors on the street that distract the attention of a pedestrian, as a result of which he often does not notice the danger, even when it is not hidden behind the items. In general, 90% of children and 80% of adults affected by road accidents did not notice the danger for various reasons. Therefore, the main task, along with the study of the rules of the road, is the training of children of observation skills: how to watch how to see how to evaluate the speed, distance, direction of the future movement of the machine, how to foresee the appearance of a hidden car.

    Most of the accidents with children occurs when they hurry, worry, run. Therefore, a hurry and running on the road part of the street should be excluded. The street is deceptive: it seems there is not a single machine for half an hour, and after a second it can leave silently from the alley or due to turn. The street transition takes only 10-20 seconds, so at the time of the transition, it is necessary to stop talking and always carefully observe.

    2.2. It should be attributed to the number of items that interfere in time to see the danger on the streets and roads:

      standing at the bus stop, trolleybus, tram (hide transport, overtaking them or moving towards meeting);

      standing at the sidewalk or the roadside truck (or a light machine);

      machines standing at the traffic light (hide the car driving up to the traffic light in the left row);

      the machine that stopped the first pedestrian crossing for passing pedestrians (can hide the other, which for some reason did not stop);

      bushes, trees, fences, walls of houses, heaps of earth and snow, building materials near the road;

      pedestrians standing;

      pedestrian walking near (right or left);

      the approaching machine, more often a large - bus or truck (can hide the riding on the left or overtaking machine);

      who passed by and the removing machine (in the first seconds can hide the oncoming machine;

      taxi, who stopped opposite the house (can hide another car or motorcycle behind them).

    2.3. To factors and subjects that distract the attention of pedestrians and creating a danger in time do not notice the approaching vehicle, should be attributed:

      the bus, trolleybus, the tram, for which a pedestrian seeks to have time standing on the other side of the street (fixing a look at the goals of his movement, a pedestrian may not notice the approaching machine);

      native house, school, shops, etc. - the goals of the child's movement across the street;

      native, acquaintances, peers, whom the child saw across the street;

      comrades or girlfriends, going a little ahead when moving by a group (coming from behind "follows" in front of ahead and may not notice a dangerous car);

      pedestrians, passing the street ahead at a pedestrian crossroads without traffic lights (for a pedestrian, going back with the lagging from the main group: "Following" behind walking ahead, he may not notice the start of the movement of cars);

      the ball who gone on the road; A dog running on the road (for a child running after);

      pedestrian walking near (more often when conversing);

      the machine approaching the right or on the left (watching it during the transition, the pedestrian may not notice the car approaching on the other side).

    2.4. To the typical road transport situations in which the pedestrian comes to the roadway without looking around, should include:

      on the street with irregular or weak movement of cars ("deserted"), a pedestrian, "under the impression" of the street's desert, comes out before the approaching machine without looking;

      the student moves along the sidewalk and, without looking, begins to move on the right to the left of the neglection;

      pupils go along the roadway on the right in the course of transport and run left without glancing;

      children near the roadway and run away on the road, without examining it;

      the child runs up or drives up to the street or the road, on which he did not go during his "approximation" any car, and appears on it, not looking around.

    2.5. Typical situations in which the student may not notice a dangerous vehicle:

      the child is preparing for the transition of the street and does not notice the car, making a turn right (in order to notice it, it is necessary to watch not only left, but also "left-back");

      the child is not used to peering into the distance and allocate unobtheal items, may not notice the dark color car on a dark background, riding at high speed, or a motorcycle, moped;

      the child goes, running, rides a bike past the departure from the courtyard of the house, from the territory of the enterprise and does not notice the traveling machine.

    2.6. The list of road situations in which the student who has noticed the vehicle makes a mistake in the assessment of the situation on the road


    At a considerable distance from the child, a quick riding machine or a motorcycle appeared

    Seeing the car, which is far away, a child who does not know how to estimate the time that will be required to overcome this distance, can start moving the street, without having a time reserve on it.


    The child, having looked over and seeing the car, no longer looks in this direction.

    On the street, noticing the car, it is necessary to look after a while: the initial assessment could be inaccurate. Could change the speed of the car, the direction of her movement could appear from the alley or from the yard a new car.


    The car makes the right or left turn, rides straight.

    The child may mistakenly assume that the car will go straight - and it will turn, and on the contrary - to assume that the car will turn, and she will go straight.


    The machine makes the right or left rotation, the child stands on the corner in the turning radius area

    When turning the bus, a truck with a trailer and other large machines, front and rear wheels are moving along different trajectories. If you stand close, the car can knock down the back or middle.


    The car is standing, a pedestrian is behind her.

    The car can go with a reverse, while the driver may not see a pedestrian who is behind the car.


    The car is approaching, the pedestrian expects that the driver sees it and it will be able to drive around or stop

    The fact that the headlights of the car are directed towards a pedestrian, does not mean that the driver sees a pedestrian. The driver can observe other machines or pedestrians, turn the head. In addition, it is impossible to stop the car immediately.

    2.7. The most dangerous areas of the road for pedestrians:

      Stopping transport (bus, trolley buses, tram). Typical dangerous situations: the emergence of a pedestrian front or behind the standing bus, without seeing the car approaching the right or on the left; Movement of a pedestrian across the road to standing at the bus stop to sit on it, without seeing the approaching machine; A number of situations when leaving the bus and landing - the possibility of pinching by the doors, falls on slippery soil, etc.

      Pedestrian crossing without traffic lights. Typical dangerous situations are associated with standing or moving machines, due to which other cars hidden behind it can not be noticed.

      Plots on which an overview of the carriage part of the street is hampered by standing cars or other objects.

    2.8. The most dangerous for pedestrian action

    Driver's actions:

    obgon or detour by the driver of a standing or moving machine (a pedestrian does not see the driver, the driver does not see a pedestrian); Traveling two oncoming machines (the same, pedestrian and driver do not see and cannot see each other).

    Pedesther's actions:

    exit from the bus with the purpose of switching to the other side of the street (a pedestrian can exit from the bus on the roadway); movement across the street to the bus stop at the bus; transition across the street, cluttered by various subjects interfering with a review; Transition across the street to the goal attracting the attention of a pedestrian.

    2.9. Characteristics of streets and roads in terms of pedestrian security. On a wide streets with a lively movement, any transition without a traffic light is dangerous, because during the transition time the situation may change. More dangerous for pedestrian cars approaching right, for they are still far away, the pedestrian can not notice them.

    On narrow streets or wide streets with a separation strip in the middle is especially dangerous to the exit of a pedestrian due to the standing buses, trucks, as the cars are forced to pass by those standing with a small interval between the machines. On the streets with a lively movement, the driver's attention may be distracted by monitoring other drivers and pedestrians, and he may not notice a pedestrian. Pedestrian may not notice the car because of other standing or moving machines. Increase the danger of the street such factors: the speed of the machines; The presence of objects interfering; Availability on the other side of the street factors distracting the attention of a pedestrian. Streets with non-intensive movement (deserted) are no less dangerous for a pedestrian than lively. It is on such streets that the pedestrian most often goes to the roadway, not looking around or coming out due to objects that limit the review.

    2.10. Requirements for the psychological state of a pedestrian passing the street.

    Features of teaching children The basics of the safe behavior of children and adolescents in the cargoge

    3.1. Movement by sidewalk .

    Disassembled theme - possible dangers on the road and conducting practical classes, pay attention to children for possible appearing and approaching machines, especially on those that move, with medium and high speed. Children should be learning when walking while staying at the required distance from the edge of the sidewalk. Children must learn to see the car from far away, to notice her traveling due to turn, crossroads, from an intravartial passage or arch of the yard, to accomplish her eyes (it is necessary not to get under the trailer!) And evaluate the speed. In real conditions good training For children, noting the car, start counting from one to three, five, ten, twenty, fifty or more, until it is on the imaginary line of transition across the road. Of course, learning to determine the speed of the car "On the account" is only needed in a safe place. Stay against the standing cargo or passenger car and pay attention to the child on how it closes the road review and pedestrian, and drivers riding past cars. It is especially important to show children that the car that leaves because of standing, before it was not visible. Explain the difference in the danger of exit due to the standing machine (bus, trolleybus) in front and rear: the front is not visible to the machine, the next in the same direction, and the back is traveling in the opposite. The same observations should be done in relation to other objects that limit the review (trees, bushes, construction fences), which in children should eventually work out the risk reflex. In a place where there is no risk to get under the car, you can practice children slowly, with caution and loaf to go out due to a similar obstacle, having noted that it can be done only at special cases (for example, when a faulty car stopped right at the transition). There is such an exercise, how to teach children to safely start moving the road. They are tied to the edge of the carriageway, they ask to close their eyes and say: "Listen to the road." Children understand that dangerous vehicles can be heard. Then they say: "Open your eyes and look the road." They open their eyes and carefully look at both sides of the road and understand that dangerous cars can be noticed. Repeating such an order of action every time before the start of the carriageway transition, children get used to such an action algorithm, and they will be performed automatically.

    3.2. Going to cross the road.

    Explain to children that the main danger on the street is a standing car. Why? Because, having seen the car in advance, the pedestrian will give him the road. Standing the car can deceive: her main danger - it closes the review, preventing the danger in time. Never go to the road because of the standing car. In extreme cases, the pedestrian should care carefully because of him, make sure that there is no danger and only then go through the road.

    Before you get off the sidewalk, the pedestrian must stop and look around. Wait for the situation that does not require running and even just go overly fast.

    If on the opposite side of the road to the stop, the bus or trolleybus should be suppressed in itself the desire to rush to it through the roadway. It is necessary to look around, and only then to reach the vehicle by quick step.

    Pedestrians on the roadway do not need to fuss. When going to join the roadway, and, seeing the approaching car, the person instinctively leaving the danger refrains from the transition and takes a step back, but then, appreciating the distance and speed, decides that it will fully have time to move the road before, often mistaken in assessing his and other people's capabilities. At the same time, the driver seeing that the pedestrian looked in his direction, calm down, and, without reducing speed, continues to move. But the pedestrian suddenly breaks away from his place to releasing. The danger of the situation increases that the driver needs some time to make the decision to slow down or drive around.

    When is it safe to move the road? Calculations show that it is possible to move only one strip if at a car speed of 60 km / h it is at a distance of at least 60 m. Switching 2 bands if the car follows in a 2nd row when the distance is not less than 140-150 m , and with 3 bands in the third row - at least 220-250 m. Safe is considered to be the transition when a person crosses the road for 8-9 seconds to the vehicle.

    An important feature of a multibone road is the closer to the axial, the greater the speed of vehicle movement, there are usually passenger cars, and the sidewalk or sideways are more freight.

    When studying the foundations of the pedestrian movement, such questions can be asked:

    1. What are the main rules for the transition of streets and roads?

    2. What is the value of each traffic light signal?

    3. Why is it necessary when moving the street to look at the beginning left, and then right?

    4. What should I do if the yellow or red signal of the traffic light caught you when the street is moving?

    5. In what direction do you need to move the street?

    6. What streets, in your opinion, are most dangerous for pedestrians and, accordingly, what the least is dangerous (how many travelers, there is a traffic light or not, is there a zebra type mark, road signs and pointers of the pedestrian crossing and other signs)? Why?

    7. In what cases (under what conditions) pedestrians when moving the street have an advantage over cars and when - on the contrary? How to understand and how to use this advantage?

    8. Where and how to move the street in the absence of traffic lights, road signs "Pedestrian Transition", markup?

    3.3. On the roadway.

    It is necessary to move the road by pedestrian transitions. It is well known to everyone. But you will not make transitions everywhere. The rules are allowed to move the roadway if there is no indicated pedestrian crossing or crossroads. Slowly moving machine can hide the car traveling at high speed.

    Explain to children that in this situation it is better to wait until the car goes off at such a distance when it does not interfere with the road review. Only after that you can start moving the road.

    When moving the road, the pedestrian should choose such a place for the transition, where no one bothers you to inspect it.

    When moving the road outside the settlements, it is necessary to consider that on the country roads of vehicle movement speed above 60 km / h. Here it is necessary to avoid transitions near turns and vertical drips of the road with poor visibility, and other places where the car may appear suddenly at a distance when acceptance of precautions will be emergency. It is impossible to appear suddenly on the road because of various obstacles, especially in those places where drivers cannot expect a pedestrian appearance.

    When switching, the direction of transport movement should be taken into account. At our roads, right-hand movement is established, therefore, the danger should be expected to be left on the first half of the transition of the road and on the right after the intersection of the half of the road. And do not forget that there are unilateral roads.

    Teach children when moving the roadway to look around and developing such a habit: to look left, then right and then turning his head left again, start moving the road.

    Being on the roadway in the traffic stream, it is important not to make sharp thoughtless and most importantly unexpected for the driver of actions. To install well with them "Contact", show what you see a car and useful to show this gesture. For example, "Drive, I'll wait." On the roadway you need to not forget that the visibility of the review can be closed on only standing, but the following vehicles in neighboring ranks. Having managed to run in front of a close-up car, a pedestrian can be on the way of following another vehicle, for the driver of which it will be unexpected.

    Having reached the middle of the road, it is necessary to see the right again and if there is a danger, do not have time, do not hurry to immediately finish the transition. In no case can not be piled back. It is necessary to move along the roadway through the shortest path that the minimum will reduce the time of the pedestrian stay on the danger carriageway.

    Going to the roadway, you need to stop all sorts of conversations with other pedestrians, as it distracts attention, and it is necessary to develop in children the habit that during the transition you have to be silent and watch the road. In any case, it is impossible to stop without reason, to change the direction of movement, it is especially suddenly unfolded and returning back. Numerous cases of hitting show that they occur when a pedestrian who has noticed that he does not have time to move the road in front of the approaching vehicle, instead of continuing the movement in the same pace or immediately stop, starts to rummage, runs back and this is disorienting the driver and creates an atmosphere of the departure .

    Teach children to such a rule that starting to move the road is confident, but to go, and not to go along the roadway. Having reached the target of the security (the middle of the roadway), followed by his stay in this place.

    If on the other side of the road - your bus, trolleybus or tram, you need to insert a desire to rush, especially to run to him. Explain to children that in such situations you need to be composed and above all setting safety and compliance with the rules of the road. To do this, move to stopping the route transport through the roadway it is necessary only in the designated place, even if you need to go through some distance.

    Teach children to move the driving part perpendicular to the sidewalk, and not the defects (if other direction is not specified by the transition markup). Children must understand why it is necessary to do so:

    1) to easily watch the machines;

    2) For the path across the road in short and faster.

    Even in the absence of cars, it is necessary to stand on a sidewalk or island of security when a red or yellow signal is lit on the traffic light. Note the children to the special section of the pedestrian traffic lights if it is available, explain the value of the fixed and running figurine of the pedestrian packet and remind you that the remaining traffic lights are only for drivers.

    Explain to children that for their safety and how it seemed convenient, it is necessary to abandon the transition of the road in unknown places, if within reach there is a place for the transition specified by the route sign of the quadrangular form or the zebra type markup.

    In practical training, do not hesitate to comment on the children of the wrong behavior of violators of the rules of the street transition. Pay attention to the fact that there are drivers different: attentive and inattentive, thinking about pedestrians and "forgetting" about the security of the surrounding people.

    Children must learn to see dangers on the road. It should be repeatedly shown to them from the sidewalk, curb items, obstacles that hide the approaching vehicles. The most important thing is that the children themselves can see such items on the road. This also applies to those factors that distract them from road traffic so that they can answer the question: "What can divert on the road?" Or "Caution - I can not notice the vehicle."

    Hurry and excitement on the road - bad fellow travelers on the roadway. Children need to form such forms of behavior: passing the road - complete calm and do not rush.

    In one of the television programs, the host program asked for children who fell after the road accident into the hospital the same question "What kind of traffic rules was broken? "Almost all the victims correctly explained their mistake. From this we can conclude that children are enough familiar with the basic requirements of the rules, they do not know how to use them and most importantly anticipate transport danger, they have no skills of operational thinking and they do not know how to see the danger. Other characteristic feature The behavior of children on the road. They are easily distracted from monitoring the road atmosphere. According to statistics, 2 out of 10 affected children did not notice during the danger, that is, their attention was distracted by another event.

    How to estimate the speed of the car? The speed is the important quality of the car's danger. What it is higher, the faster the vehicle will be near and less time for the transition. There is such a way to teach to understand the speed. On the straight line of the road with good visibility, pay attention to the student on the approaching car. Consider slowly with him 1, 2, 3 ... If on the account 6 or 8, the vehicle is painted with you, then its speed can be considered high and dangerous. How to teach children to safely go out of standing transport? Become on an unwitting road with students for standing at the sidewalk or the side of the car and for 3-5 minutes, watch the passing vehicle, explaining what would happen if you came out at this time because of the obstacles. Pay attention to children why it is more dangerous to go to the roadway in front of a standing car than behind.

    3.4. Landing, riding and disembarking from route transport.

    Stops of the route transport (buses, trolley buses, route taxis) are usually indicated by the road sign or markup of the Zebra type for the transition. Children should get used to use only them.

    In order to prevent the habits to run to a stop with a violation of the rules, it is necessary to carry out psychological training: passing with children on this route, several times "late" to sit on the bus or trolleybus, but at the same time coolly and punctually execute the transition rules and calmly wait for the next one cars. Explain to children that when pedestrians run to the bus, trolleybus or tram, they look at him and do not notice riding cars, which is why they get out of the wheels. Explain to children that pedestrians are dangerous to move the road directly at the bus, trolley buses, especially in front, and the tram is behind. Explain why drivers may not notice a small pedestrian from their place behind the wheel.

    Teach children not to stand at the edge of the sidewalk, hold on to the way from the roadway. Tell us that in the rain and in winter it is possible to drive, in which the car can knock or crush a pedestrian standing too close. Please note that on a slippery border, the sidewalk can not be kept and getting under the wheels of the driving bus. Teach children to approach the door only after a complete stop, warn it from landing to the foot of the crowded machine. Explain why the driver may not see the fall of the passenger in the mirror, and what it threatens.

    Teach children to the need to hold on to the handrail during the trip, which prevents the drop in a sharp stop. Tell us about accidents that happened when the children were indulgeted with the door, jumped out until the bus stop, trolleybus, tram. Tell us why you need to wait for the bus or trolleybus only on the sidewalk. Explaining that the driving part at stops is rolling and the vehicle during braking can be applied.

    When traveling in a route transport, teach children to hold on to the handrails and do not stand with traumatic objects (wheels, driver's cabin, etc.). During sharp braking, such a tool can bring injury to the exit you need to prepare in advance. The driver looks into the rearview mirror and, seeing that all the passengers came out, can close the doors, having grown up, hand or clothing and start moving.

    All precautions when traveling on the bus relate to and trips to the tram. Going out of the tram, you need to draw the attention of children that you should not immediately move, especially, to run the street. Model on the track in an auto-road situation when machines follow by the tram stop, remind you that they need to be protected. Show how the site of the tram stop is denoted by road markings. Teach children bypassing the tram in front, making sure that at this time the driver sees pedestrians, he has not yet closed the door of the car, and another tram does not go in the counter direction. If before, stopping the adjustable intersection or transition, pay attention to the children to move the road only to the allowing green signal. Explain the danger of bypass tram cars from behind, show the moment when the counter-coming tram leaves because of the standing tram.

    On the road, the most difficult accidents happen there where drivers cannot adopt the necessary measures to prevent accidents in advance. Such places fully include stopping route transport. As often happens: Filmed, if the student knows the foundations of the road rules, it is also important that he strictly observed them. This habit is far from all children, and the goal of teachers to consolidate these knowledge so that they are turned into a well-minded habit. It is necessary to understand well that trolleybus or bus having large dimensions are obstacles that limit visibility, or "Shirma", followed by the most unexpected things. Moreover, they are also unexpected for those who are behind her - drivers and motorcyclists. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude unpleasant surprises for all participants in the movement. Approaching such "Shirma" better to wait when it erupts, or already if you move, then only from behind.

    When studying the rules of behavior in a route transport, such questions can be asked:

    1. Where are the places of shutdown stops?

    2. How should you behave when boarding a bus (trolleybus)?

    3. How to behave during the ride on the bus (trolleybus)?

    4. What basic mistakes allow Passengers of public transport? Give examples of such errors from your experience, your observations and try to show why these cases can be considered errors?

    3.5. At an unregulated intersection.

    Crossroads are adjustable and unregulated. If the movement is adjusted at the intersection using traffic lights or traffic inspector, it is considered adjustable. The green light is burning or the adjustor allows you to go through the road, you can safely step on the roadway, but I have not reached the middle, this requirement of rules is still valid.

    Teach children to search for the street to cross the street marked by a special road sign (rectangular only) and markup. When moving, first look at both sides, in turn, then to the side where the car's danger goes from (with double-sided movement to the middle of the road - to the left, then to the right, and with one-sided - depending on the established direction of movement).

    At the crossroads, you need to teach children to follow the machines preparing to turn to the right and - from the counter direction - to the left. Pay attention to the filing drivers of warning signals (motorcyclists are not always served), on the fact that the driver, preparing for turning, takes place, respectively, in the extreme right or left row of the roadway. When turning, a pedestrian can be shot down, engaged, sparkled by a car, if it is too close.

    At the crossroads, you need to teach children to notice cars that turn. They, as a rule, occupy an extremely right or extremely left position on the carriageway.

    Watching the approaching major machines (large trucks, buses, etc.), pay attention to the fact that another car traveling faster can be hidden from behind such a car. Therefore, you should skip such a machine, even if it has not approached the distance directly dangerous for the transition.

    3.6. Traffic light regulation.

    The most dangerous moments when switching to a green traffic light signal is the beginning and end of the signal. Starting the movement on the yellow signal, the pedestrian risks to be under the wheels of the vehicle, which are in a hurry to finish the passage of the intersection at the end of the phase. Even the first seconds of turning on the green signal are dangerous. The second dangerous moment occurs when the green signal ends, turns on yellow. While green is lit for pedestrians, red is lit for drivers. But the flow of transport is constantly arriving. And here are drivers of cars that intersection take place to begin green.

    It is well known that the "bottleneck" of the trafficial regulation in ensuring the passing of transport and pedestrian flows is a significant difference in the release time by the roadway due to the different speed of movement. The duration of the yellow signal on many wide streets and highways in cities is not enough to compensate for this difference.

    In addition to conflict situations, due to late pedestrians, transportation is unnecessarily delayed. It has been established that the wider the street is the time of the delay of vehicles increase.

    To eliminate this disadvantage in the traffic lighting alarm is intended to flash the green traffic light signal, which warns that the resolution time expires and the red signal will be turned on. The flashing of the green signal seems to replace the yellow signal in the pedestrian traffic light and it does not exceed 4 seconds.

    With the flashing of a green signal, pedestrians, located at a pedestrian crossing should speed up the pace of movement and finish the transition, and those who did not have time to get away from the sidewalk should wait for the next green signal. If the roadway is quite wide, then the pedestrian, which the beginning of the blinking of the green signal found at the beginning of the transition should stop on the island of safety or on the axial line, or it is prudent to return to the pavement. Teach children first of all to look at the traffic light (the regulator, if it is located in the center of the intersection). If the traffic light is equipped with pedestrian traffic lights, the child should pay attention only to signals of such traffic lights. If there are no pedestrian traffic lights, warning the child from rotating, simultaneously with pedestrians, with a green traffic light, machines. Although their drivers should, according to the rules, to give way to pedestrians, but do not always want (and if the pedestrian suddenly comes off the sidewalk, they do not always have time) to do it. On the road, seeing that the green signal ends, do not run the praying head better sometimes move slowly, as there may be situations, especially in the left rows, when drivers can approach the traffic light to the allowed signal, without reducing speed, and the car and pedestrian paths intersect .

    Rise up in children respect for traffic signals, critical attitude to violators, pride for their ability to fulfill the rules, culture. Especially emphasize the correct actions in the "border" situation, for example, on the outcome of the combustion time of the green signal. If it is replaced by red, when a pedestrian can still safely return to the sidewalk or security island, you should do so, without trying to walk the road in front of the cars. Children should develop a habit and with a green traffic light signal to start the transition only after the full stop of the transport. Teaching road safety children, teach them with a full or flashing green signal to refrain from movement, as it is just dangerous to move at this time. "Save a minute, lose life", traffic light cycle, when the red and green signals replace each other in turn, is usually 60-80 seconds, i.e. Wait for the resolution you need only 30-40 seconds.

    Classes with educational primary classes.

    Topic: "I and Street"

    purpose :

    1. The story of the main law of the rules of the road - the rule of right-hand traffic.

    2. On the danger of pedestrian movement in the dark.

    Travel course:

    During such classes, the teacher can follow the lesson as follows: "We live in a big city with you. There are many houses, shops, schools, kindergartens on every street of the city. On the streets day and night cars ride. Buses, trolley buses, minibuses transport people to work and from work, to markets, cinemas, etc. Walking down the street, we see that all vehicles adhere to the right side and skip each other. Movement on the streets is unilateral and bilateral. With one-sided movement, all vehicles go only in one direction, there are no compere vehicles. With double-sided movement, the driving part as it was divided into two-way, and the vehicles move towards each other, adhering to the right side. Thus, two opposite streams are obtained. Depending on the width of the carriage part, the movement is possible in one, two or more row. Movement to several rows can occur in two directions. Pedestrians on the sidewalk should also adhere to the right side, so as not to interfere with the counter and those who want to get ahead of them. In the distant past, when several versts had to go from one village to another to another, through forest thickets, and it was not safe to walk, because the roads and forests were wrapped in searching for the mining, the travelers took a weapon with them. At first, the weapon served a dumina, and later - a sword or dagger. When the trails on the path met, they gave each other the road, holding the right side. Thus, the left side of the body, protected by the shield, was addressed to the oncoming, so that an unexpected blow was on the shield, and not on the open side. Gradually, the movement on the right side became a habit. Until now, we have in many other countries the movement is carried out on the right side. But a completely different picture on the streets in the cities of Great Britain, India, Japan, Indonesia, Nepal, Republic Sri , Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. There movement is carried out on the left side.

    UK since a long time was a powerful marine power. At the mouth of the River Thames, where the capital of Great Britain is located - London, many ships arrived every day. In those years, there were no laws regulating the movement of ships, and they flooded at the discretion of the captain. It often happened that the courts faced, broke and died. And in the UK, a law was published, according to which the courts had to adhere to the left side.

    This law is subsequently subsequently the basis of the rules of the road in the UK and its numerous colonies. In all these countries, the steering of the machines is on the right side.

    In countries with right-hand traffic and pedestrians, more than half of the population of our planet lives.

    But, despite the fact that we have a right-hand movement, pedestrians must adhere to the left side - to walk along the left side of the roads, where there are no special sidewalks for pedestrians. It is required in order for people to see the opposite cars well and could move aside in advance. On the sidewalk, it is not necessary to walk on several people, holding hands. Otherwise, you will take the entire pavement and the oncoming will have to descend on the roadway, and this is dangerous. If we carry any big subject, push the wheelbarrow, we carry sledges or drive a bike, our place on the right edge of the road at the sidewalk. Children's groups are based only on the sidewalk or on the left side of the road - where there are no sidewalks, two in a row. Accompany them should at least two adults. Especially carefully walking on the road in the dark. Although the headlights of the approaching car illuminate the road, often the driver does not notice a pedestrian. Why? Yes, because a pedestrian in dark clothes in dotmakes is simply not visible. It is difficult for a driver to notice a pedestrian in the fog, in the rain, a blizzard or when there is another vehicle to meet another vehicle. The headlights of the counter car blind the driver. It is in this case that a pedestrian threatens danger. Therefore, you need to let yourself know. But how? Everything is very simple. In the dark, the pedestrian should have a light-return flicker icons with him. When the light from the headlights falls on such an icon - the driver will definitely notice the screen. "

    Topic: "Elements of streets and roads"


    Talk about the road and its main components: driving part, roadbrain, cuvette, bicycle and pedestrian walkway. The fence of sidewalks from the roadway.

    Travel course:

    The teacher talks about how the first roads appeared in Russia and road signs on them. Further, he tells about the road and its main components: driving part, roadbrain, sidewalk, cycling and pedestrian walkway. Explains to children, for which they protect the roadway from the sidewalk.

    The teacher explains the student a difference between the street and dear. Street is the space for which the city road passes by buildings and structures. The road usually has a driving part, cars, buses, motorcycles and other vehicles are moving. At the edges of the carriageway, the sidewalks are drawn, as a rule asphalt. They rise a little over the carriageway. It is done for water drain from the sidewalk and, of course, for pedestrian safety. No car has the right to move on the sidewalk, except for special machines: firefighters, police, medical, emergency services, etc. In some cases, the sidewalk can be driven, but only for parking. On some streets, where very crowded, sidewalks are still separated from the carriage of metal fences. These fences are established in order for the unexpected exit of pedestrians to the roadway, which is very dangerous. Neither adults nor children have the right to leather through these fences.

    Outside the settlement, the city road (Street) ends and goes into the country.

    The country road consists, as we already know, of the three main elements: roadway, curb and cuvettes.

    Driving part of the country road, like the streets, is intended only for traffic. On both parties, the roads are drawn for pedestrians, which, unlike sidewalks, are not towering over the carriageway and can be used for a short car stop. The teacher once again resembles students that it is recommended to go on the side of the road to the movement of transport to see his approach. The counter movement matters for a pedestrian and in cases where large-sized transportation is approaching the road, occupying almost the entire width of the carriageway.

    Behind the roads of ditching ditch to remove water from the road. This is a cuvette. The teacher further explains that in addition to these basic elements, cycling and pedestrian walkways are currently organized along the country roads.

    It must be said that in the old street the streets in cities and country roads were united for those who were driving, and for those who walked on foot. This led to confusion, and often to accidents. Despite the various rigor, up to the royal decrees, so that the traveling abdication of caution and did not press hiking hits, the number of accidents did not decrease. Only then began to build special tracks in cities for pedestrians, which were called the French Word - the sidewalk, which means - the road for pedestrians. And in order for the sidewalk, the crews or sleighs or sleigh, he was raised over the carriageway.

    Subject: "Transition of the roadway"

    purpose :

    Studying the fundamentals of the passage of the roadway.

    Necessary equipment:

      one pedal car;

      2 sign 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 "Pedestrian crossing".

    Travel course:

    Errors when moving the road . The teacher explains what mistake the children often make, walking along the sidewalk, do not hear the car driving up behind, think that the street is empty, and not glancing, go to the roadway and move the street.

    The teacher explains that the car pushes very much - simply discards a person aside a few meters or moves through it. After that, all children work out, "as it should" move: suitable for a "pedestrian crossing", the underlined movement turn their head to the left, then right, once again left and move strictly across, so that it can be seen and right and left.

    Children are built on the sidewalk, face to the "roadway". A group of boys and girls go through the "Street" and begin to call the rest "faster here."

    And a few people do not look, run away to the "Street", overcome it.

    The teacher stops the lesson and explains that this is how children often fall under the car. A familiar boy or girl, or dad, or uncle, call through the street, or see his home - and run there. And the car is here like here.

    How to? When someone calls, you must first see, and then go. And it is impossible to run, because it is harder to observe and you can not notice the car. If you go with a step, always in the case of which you can stop, and run and not stop! And all the children work out: one is called - while others, having been having a hand in response, first look around, and then go to step.

    The ability to listen to the road. The teacher builds all the students on the edge of the track cargoge, and one planting a car. The teacher asks that the schoolboy for the automobiles drove along the tracks of the cargoge fellowships. Then explains that before moving the road, it is necessary to stop on the edge of the roadway and listen to whether it is not heard of the approaching car, asking for the act to turn the head left, and then right and again it is fast left and only after that cross the roadway. When the children close their eyes, the teacher asks the student to drive by by the newspaper.

    Training to anticipate dangerous situations. Children are collected a few meters behind the layout "Tree", settled near the track of the cargoge closing the review. Several children on bicycles or pedal cars are located on the "tree" path, so that they are badly visible.

    The teacher tells what mistake the children often do: they see that there is no danger, and run away, not looking straight to the street. And the car appears because of the "tree" and runs on them. And the children look like because of the bushes, previously invisible, appear and pass "cars".

    After that, the entire group works out several times "as it should" - approach the obstacle, suspend, "look", "and if the" car "is - they pass it, and if not - there is a step and pass the" Street "(Fig1).

    Figure 1 Road Transport

    Topic: "Traffic light and adjustment signals"

    purpose :

    To acquaint students with traffic lights, commanders teams.

    Travel course:

    In the cargoge, all available, according to the cargoge scheme, road signs and traffic lights are exhibited.

    Additional equipment: Cape the adjustment, the rod of the controller.

    The teacher conducts students by cargoge and introduces them to the example of the existing road signs, traffic lights and road marking of their destination in road traffic.

    In the story about road signs it is necessary to tell about all groups of road signs, their purpose, the appearance and features of the installation.
    Demonstrating the work of traffic lights, the teacher must repeat the value and the sequence of the three-section traffic light signals, as well as the control of pedestrians movement of two-color alarm with inscriptions "Go", "Stand" or with the silhouettes of pedestrians.
    The teacher introduces students with single-circuit traffic lights that serve only one signal: red or yellow.

    Single-section traffic lights with a red signal are installed in places where the street intersects with a railway crossing, with a yellow signal - on unregulated intersections with intensive movement of transport. These traffic lights oblige drivers driven by the intersection to be extremely attentive, and pedestrians - to give way to moving transport.

    The usual transport traffic lights have three colors: red, yellow, green.
    Red Banned traffic and pedestrians.

    What do you think it was precisely red for the prohibition signal? Why not green?

    The answer is simple. A red signal is noticeable, it is not confused with any other. Hence him and such confidence. In fact: Well, the driver will not notice the green light - what kind of damage? Signal allowing! The only thing in this case threatens the inattentive driver is to simultane the intersection of unnecessary seconds in anticipation of the next green signal.
    Another thing, if green, this less noticeable signal would be prohibiting. Without noticing him, the unfortunate driver could get into an accident.
    That is why the red traffic signal was instructed to keep the responsible duty - to stop transport and pedestrians.

    By the way, due to the fact that the red is noticeable, the lighthouse in the sea ships their red beam. That is why most road signs are circled with a red car, and firewalls painted red paint.

    But it is not enough that the red color is striking. "With it, we also have an idea of \u200b\u200bfire. Therefore, red holds back to us, forces before proceeding to action, first focus.
    Another thing is a green meadow. Green Sea On Sunny Day, Green Fields, Meadows, Forest - Word, All that is connected with us with peace, rest.
    In addition to transport pedestrians, there is especially for pedestrians. They have only two colors: red and green. Do not notice, not to understand the signals of the figure traffic lights are simply impossible. As it "did not notice," as it "did not understand," if they scream to each passion: "We are for pedestrians! We are for pedestrians! Listen to us! Listen to us! Red little man is lit - stand motionless, like him. Glowing green, you can safely go ahead.

    Figure 2.

    The teacher during the class can tell the story of the appearance of traffic lights.
    They lead their origin from semaphores, which were used on the railway roads and had two colors - red and green. Such semaphore has been installed in London over a hundred years ago. Using the winch raised an arrow with a green or red disk. At the same time there was a sharp alternation of colors, which did not create complete safety of the road. In order not to have collisions, it was necessary for a period of time between green and red signals, during which the crew entered the crossroads, and later the car, I would have time to release it when the signals change. And then people came up with intermediate yellow light.
    In 1929, the first traffic light in our country was installed in Moscow. He was a circle divided into three sectors: red, yellow and green. In a circle, like on the clock clock, the arrow moved. It will go on a red color, which means the movement is prohibited, will go to yellow - it is necessary to wait until it turns onto the green, meaning that the path is free. He managed such a traffic police specially attached to him, but after a few years such a traffic light was replaced by electric, which acts today, although it seems, of course, he has changed somewhat.

    Sometimes at the intersection you can see that the movement is adjusted simultaneously by the traffic light and the controller. This is happening for various reasons, but it is necessary to remember that in this case drivers, and pedestrians should only perform the instructions of the regulator. In the right hand at the regulator wand. The adjustment signals are the position of its housing and gestures with hands. The values \u200b\u200bof these signals for pedestrians are as follows:

      if the adjustor addressed to pedestrians or spin, and the hands are elongated on the sides or omitted, then the pedestrians move the driving part are prohibited. This regulator position corresponds to a red traffic light signal;

      if the adjustor raised his hand up, the movement of pedestrians in all directions is also prohibited. This is the position of the controller in the process of controlling the motion corresponds to the yellow signal of the traffic light;

      if the adjustor addressed to pedestrians, the hands are elongated to the sides or omitted, then the pedestrians move the driving part is allowed. This regulator position corresponds to a green traffic light signal.

    The teacher once again reminds students that all road users are drivers and pedestrians - are obliged to obey the controller signals, even if they contradict traffic lights, road signs and markup.

    After the explanation of the material, the teacher asks for some of the students to repeat the different regulators' positions, while others fulfilled its instructions.

    Subject: "Road signs and markup"

    purpose :

    Generate students with road signs and types of road marking.
    Travel course:

    In the cargoge, all available, according to the cargoge scheme, road signs are exhibited.

    The teacher conducts students by cargoge and introduces them to the example of the existing road signs and the road markings of their destination in the road movement.

    An important component of the didactic learning and education of children of this age is to familiarize with road signs. We give a few examples to consolidate knowledge about road signs.

    Studying the signs are important that the child not only visually remember these signs, but also knew how to distinguish them, correctly call, and also understood what signs are intended for pedestrians, and which for drivers.

    The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that there are certain signs on the surface of the road, which are called road marking.

    Modern road marking appeared later than road signs. With the advent of a large number of cars, to guide the order of movement on the roadway, people began to make road marking on it. Knowing her notation, the driver or pedestrian can correctly navigate in the road atmosphere and not get into trouble.

    Using visual benefits on the topic, the teacher tells students about the markup of the carriageway of the street or country road.

    All the guys, apparently, saw a white longitudinal line, which divides the street or the road into two equal parts, for which the oncoming traffic cars are moving. This line is called axial. What would happen if the axial line?

    Then the drivers could inadvertently calling the "alien" strip of movement, according to which countercourses are moving. There would be a clash, dangerous for the life of drivers and pedestrians of the accident.

    It happens that the axial line consists of two lines. They share the transport streams of opposite directions on the roads having four lanes and more.

    There are no axial lines on the streets with one-sided movement. They are not needed here, since cars on these streets move only one way. Consequently, the axial line is where there are compete traffic flows, which makes the transition very complex and dangerous for children. It is very important to teach the child to the correct behavior in the middle of the street, if he did not have time to complete her transition to the end at once, without stopping. It is best to do this during special walks, watching the behavior of pedestrians on the axial line and practicing the practical skills of the transition in such situations.
    From other lines of markup, a pedestrian crossing is to "Zebra". This site, according to which pedestrians are allowed to move the street, is indicated by wide white lines. These lines denote by an unregulated trafficial passing transition. Often there is also a sign "Pedestrian Transition", with which students have already met in the first grade.

    If during the transition of the street the traffic signal changes and the traffic movement begins, the pedestrian, who has not managed to go through, should stop and wait for the resolving green signal. In large cities on wide streets with a multibone movement, such a stop is usually done on the "island of security, located in the middle of the roadway of the street and indicated by white solid lines.

    Complete yellow lines are separated from the roadway of the site, denoting the stopping of common vehicles and the parking lot. These are seating areas where people are waiting for public transport, and, therefore, the movement of other cars in these sites is prohibited, even if there is no one.

    Topic: "Transition rules for an unregulated transition"

    The group is collected from an unregulated (without traffic light) a pedestrian crossing.

    During the occupation, 5-6 children's cars take part.

    The teacher asks for children to get behind the wheel of cars and ride the tracks of the cargoge feather past children.

    The rest are watching the machines.

    The teacher says: "Imagine that these are large cars (trucks, buses, trolleybuses) The attention of children to the dimensions of the machines and that, although it seems that there is no other machine, often behind the bus rides the other car, smaller, And it is not visible (Fig. 3).

    Some children thinking that there are no more cars, they begin to move - and fall under the second car.

    It is possible that during the observation there will be a situation "The car leaves for the car." Then the teacher draws the attention of children to this situation.
    Then, after the passage of the "bus" or "truck" through a pedestrian crossing, it is monitored.

    The teacher draws the attention of children on how, at the first moment, the car closes the observation of the street, in relation to the oncoming machines.
    And very often not visible cars traveling towards. Some children, thinking that there are no other machines, immediately, skipping the car, begin to move, and fall under the oncoming machine.

    It is advisable to observe one or two cases when because of the car, the counter-car previously hidden by the car really leaves.

    Figure 2 Dangers at the Crossroads

    Is there a danger to pedestrians in this case, if they are at the very edge of the sidewalk (Fig. 3)? When turning vehicles with a large length or with a trailer, as well as towing another vehicle, the back of such a car or a trailer can go to the pavement and injure pedestrians. Therefore, in this case, pedestrians need to be especially attentive and move away from the edge of the sidewalk.

    Topic: "Transition Rules on the Adjustable Transition"

    The teacher, together with students, comes to the adjustable crossroads of the auto country with a pedestrian crossing, having pedestrian traffic lights and explains the situation at the intersection. For pedestrians, the allowing green signal is lit, one pedestrian finishes to move the road, the second reached the middle of the roadway and continues his way, and the third only stepped on the roadway. And at this point, the transport traffic light switched to the yellow signal, and the green (for pedestrians) is still burning. Teacher asks what to do in this situation? It offers participants to come up with the continuation of this situation. Students must answer that in this situation, despite the fact that a green traffic light is burning for a pedestrian, the third pedestrian should not begin to move the roadway, because The transport traffic light suggests that the time to cross the street ends and the prohibiting signal on the pedestrian traffic light will turn around.

    Figure 3 Pedestrian movement on adjustable transition

    In this transport situation, you can beat the fare of special transport. And tell students about the need to skip it even if the pedestrian has an advantage in motion (Fig. 4).

    Topic: "Rules of safe behavior in the zone of route transport"

    purpose :

    Studying the basic rules of safe behavior in the route transport and in the zone of their output and entry.

    Necessary equipment: 2 pedal cars, bus layout.
    The following situation is simulated. The teacher puts the bus layout at the edge of the track and says: "Imagine that this is a bus."

    The group is going to stop the bus (Fig. 5). The following situation is simulated. The teacher asks students to sit in cars and drive several times past the bus standing at the edge. First in one direction, and on the other.

    At first, everyone gets close to the sidewalk closer to the front of the car - "bus".
    It is monitored through the carriageway through the front of the "bus" (while the "bus" stands), and there are cars that have come to him.
    The teacher asks in children what would happen in the event of a quick exit of someone due to the bus (Fig. 5). Observation continues until several cars go through the bus during the parking lot.
    Next, the group goes to the back of the "bus" and watches the carriageway due to the rear.

    The same as in the previous case, is repeated for cars traveling during the bus parking in the counter direction. The observation continues until several machines pass to meet the standing bus.

    Figure 4 Route transport stop zone

    At the stop, the teacher discusses with children, how to behave correctly in this situation.

    If, during observation, some of the pedestrians go out of the bus, the teacher draws attention to a pedestrian error.

    Beginning of the front of the "bus", the teacher shows the children, what mistake children can allow: without glancing, they leave or even run away from the bus (you can put any of the children from the opposite side to make it hand and called).

    Figure 5 Exit from route transport

    and transition through the roadway

    Then the children are located behind the standing "bus", followed and not visible "cars", "traveling" to meet "bus".

    The teacher shows the children, what mistake you allow some, leaving or even running out of the back of the bus, without glancing, and it knocks on a counter-car.
    The teacher asks for children to drive on the vehicles by the standing "bus".
    And then children work out the correct behavior - go away from the bus away and go along the pedestrian crossing. And if the pedestrian crossing is next, waiting for the bus will leave, and then go.

    Topic: "Education to evaluate the speed of movement of machines"

    The group is assembled near the unregulated (without traffic light) of the pedestrian crossing.
    The teacher asks for a few children to sit in the car and ride along the tracks of the cargoge, driving episodically past students.

    The teacher draws the attention of children to individual cars that appear away. All together are watching a one or another approaching machine and loudly consider "one, two, three", etc., while the car does not pass by.
    With this score, the schoolboy learns to follow the car and foresee its further movement.

    For those machines that pass by, with the "Five", "six" or "seven" score, the teacher makes a remark that these cars are going very quickly, and it is impossible to move.

    Topic: "Movement around the country road"

    If it were going on on a country road, how to walk on it?

    Consider such a situation: two pedestrians go towards the movement of cars, one of them goes on the side of the road, and the second, due to its insufficient width, comes along the roadway. On the other hand, along the movement of cars, one pedestrian goes strictly by the side. Are there any violators among pedestrians?

    On the roadway on the country road, pedestrians can move only in the absence of a sidewalk or curb towards the movement of cars and as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway (Fig. 7). Therefore, there is one intruder coming along the roadway.

    Figure 7 Movement of pedestrians around the country road


      the federal law dated December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety";

      Rules of road traffic of the Russian Federation. Approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090;

      Improving the preventive activities of the propaganda deposits of the traffic police. Guidelines. Moscow 2005. E.A. Kozlovskaya;

      Basics of life safety. 1-11 Kl., Vishnevskaya E.L., Voloshinov V.B., Glagoleva A.I., Kabachkov V.A., Litvinov E.N., Smirnov A.T., Frolov M.P., Vorobyov in . Environment, 1997.

      Road traffic. Safety of pedestrians, passengers, drivers. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2008 A.L. Rybin, M.V. Oils;

      Training road rules. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2008 A.L. Rybin, B.O. Khrennikov, M.V. Oils;

      Rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads. Manual on the "Basics of Safety of Life" for primary school teachers and parents (1 - 2 classes). Updated V.Ya. Xunkova is the main specialist MGFSO Moscow Department of Education.

    the main objective educational work According to children's training, road safety basics should be in the formation of the necessary skills and skills, the development of positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

    N.N. Avdeeva indicates that the educational process is recommended to be carried out:

    Through the direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children are watching traffic and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.;

    In the process of special developing and training lessons on road topics.

    Especially important is the development of such skills and habits, as a conscious attitude towards their own and foreign actions, that is, an understanding by a child of what is right or wrong. It is also of great importance to form the formation of the preschooler habits to restrain their impulses and desires (for example, to run, when it is dangerous, etc.).

    O.A. Skilupova argues that raising preschoolers, the teacher should apply such methods as suggestion, conviction, example, exercise, promotion. At this age, children are particularly well sustained. They need to inspire that it is over the limits kindergarten It is impossible. On the street you can only be with an adult and be sure to keep it. Rise children should be constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises, developing motor skills, when performing tasks in drawing albums, stroke, hatching, design, execution of applications, etc., on road topics, in speech development activities using Road vocabulary, with the analysis of dangerous and safe road situations.

    The principle of clarity is especially important, which is traditionally used in working with preschoolers, when they should see everything themselves, hear, touch and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

    Thus, the program of upbringing and conducting didactic occupations It is aimed at not so much the training of preschoolers directly by the rules of the road traffic (by the way, the teacher itself should know well), how much the formation and development of their skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

    ON THE. Avdeeva believes that in general, the plan for didactic classes with preschoolers should provide for the development of the cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate in the road environment.

    The main ones are:

    Ability to notice dangerous places in time, approaching transport;

    The ability to distinguish between the magnitude of the transport;

    Ability to determine the distance to the approaching transport;

    Knowledge of traffic lights, symbols on road signs and their meaning;

    Understanding the peculiarities of traffic; that he cannot instantly stop when he saw a pedestrian on his way (child);

    Understanding of the potential danger of transport; the fact that the roads can be an accident with death and injuries of people;

    The ability to connect to express their thoughts.

    All these issues are reflected in the general program of raising children.

    Each of the classes should have its own goals and objectives. For example, the "foresight of danger on the streets" has the following tasks:

    Enter to active vocabulary Basic concepts on road vocabulary (pedestrian, driver, passenger, traffic light, sidewalk, border, driving part of the road, road signs, pedestrian crossing, underground pedestrian crossing, overhead pedestrian crossing, road marking "Zebra", danger, security, accident (road traffic accident));

    Become acquainted with the main types of vehicles;

    Determine dangerous places around the preschool institution, in the neighborhood of living, in the courtyard, on the streets on the way to kindergarten;

    Mow together with the children's safe route in the pre-school institution;

    Clarify the children of typical mistakes of behavior on the street, leading to accidents and departures on pedestrians;

    Talk about hazards on streets and roads related to weather conditions and lighting;

    To teach to be attentive, be able to see and hear what is happening around, carefully behave in the courtyards, on the sidewalk, when moving the group, when driving on a bike, roller skates, skateboard, scooter, sledding;

    To train rapid orientations in the road atmosphere: inspected when leaving the house, being in the courtyard, on the street, do not go on the roadway due to obstacles and structures; Do not stand close to the corners of the intersection, on the border; Do not play near the roadway road.

    Also, the tutor independently determines which training on road themes can be carried out in the youngest, middle, senior, preparatory groups and a group of short-term stay of children in a preschool institution. Given that preschoolers have a different level of individual development, classes need to be carried out with regard to their interests.

    A.V. Gostyusha believes that it is impossible to forget that in each group of kindergarten there are preschoolers included in the "risk group". It may be overwhelmed by mobile children or, on the contrary, too slowed down. With them, the educator conducts classes, taking into account their individual characteristics and necessarily organizes work with their parents.

    Modeling of dangerous and safe road situations;

    Independent work in drawing albums or specially developed notebooks, forming and developing cognitive processes of children;

    Interactive survey;

    Collective activities of children in the study, understanding and awareness of road traffic, danger and safety in the road environment.

    It is especially effective to use the interactive method of learning aimed at the active inclusion of children into a dialogue. With this method, the teacher can help the guys visually present traffic and pedestrians, understand dangerous and safe actions in specific situations, to form their ability to observe, compare, analyze, summarize visual information and transfer it to ultimately to real road conditions.

    the younger preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers in such a way as to school they can already focus on the street and clearly knew the rules of the road.

    In the younger group, it is best to spend on walks (for better visibility).

    On them, the teacher shows the sidewalks, the roadway road, explains their meaning. Children will learn who is called the driver, pedestrian, passenger. When studying the traffic light, they explain the value of red and yellow signals as prohibiting the movement and the value of the green signal as a resolution movement.

    Also, preschoolers are watching the movement of transport, pedestrians, learning to distinguish vehicles by name and magnitude (large / small): passenger car, tram, bus, trolleybus, etc. Pedagogue is important to explain to children as far as real cars are more dangerous than toy them.

    In class in the group it is useful to resort to visual modeling of road situations. Best way - pushing preschoolers to games with cars, during which they will find each action aloud (the car has turned, gave reverse, increased the speed, etc.).

    For the development of the right orientation of children in space, it is necessary to teach them to determine the location of objects (right, left, in front, behind, at the top, below), their size, and also learning to compare items for these parameters.

    As a result of such classes, preschoolers receive knowledge that such a traffic light, transport, road. They get used to, being on the street, keep an adult by hand.

    Didactic training on road topics can be carried out in the form of drawing in albums or in special notebooks with attachments on hatching, stroke, drawing items that develop small motility hands.

    For walks with the children of middle preschool age, you need to start training oriented on the ground, namely in the territory of the kindergarten. Also, the tutor must certainly explain that it is impossible to go beyond its limits.

    For walks for the territory of the Dow, it is necessary to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their species and design features. The educator shows the children those part of the street on which pedestrians are safe: sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, by which, holding an adult by hand, you can cross the roadway.

    It is useful to carry out exercises on the development of the charming and lateral vision. Thus, the guys are formed the ability to feel and distinguish with a hidden threat in the road environment.

    In classroom, the teacher's group can give a task to make a story about the road situation. For example, the guys can tell how they drove in the car (bus, tram, etc.). Or how they went on foot to kindergarten. At the same time, the teacher unobtrusively fixes the preschoolers an understanding of what places on the street are dangerous, and also finds out how well the children own road vocabulary.

    In explanations it is useful to use illustrative material: books and posters, where dangerous situations are depicted, for example in the yard, as well as various guidelines on behavior next to the carriageway.

    Thus, by five years, the children are expanding the ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the street, the skills of observation of what happened in the road environment are being formed.

    In the senior group, the familiarity of children with the peculiarities of the road traffic and pedestrians continues. The ability of the guys is enshrined freely navigate the territory around the kindergarten in the presence of educators. Children should be able to explain how parents are used on the way to kindergarten. It is also necessary to continue to acquaint children with the basic concepts of the road "dictionary".

    For walks behind the territory of the preschool institution, it is recommended to pay advantage of preschoolers to the correct and incorrect actions of other pedestrians. At the same time, the teacher must be traced whether the children themselves can tell themselves that it is some pedestrians make it wrong why their actions are dangerous and what to do to be safe.

    And for walks, and in the classroom in the group (with the help of an illustrative material), you need to pay advantage of preschoolers on the features of the movement of large and small transport. The educator explains what "closed review" is. For a walk, the educator clearly shows preschoolers movement of vehicles: large, trucks, bus, trolley buses and cars, motorcycles that are not visible for large vehicles. Explains that if a pedestrian goes the road in a wrong place, he does not see that a motorcycle can go for a large vehicle at high speed. In turn, the driver of the car (motorcycle) also does not see a pedestrian if he goes the road at the location of the closed review. As a result, races occur.

    An interesting and effective form of work will be the organization of role-playing games in which the guys will bring the skills of safe behavior on the street.

    If in kindergarten there is a microdistrict layout with streets adjacent to the territory of the kindergarten, then the teacher, putting children around the layout, can tell them about the city, streets, traffic lights: transport and pedestrian, pedestrian crossings, etc. Using pedestrian figures and transport vividly show what can happen if you break the rules of the road. And also explain how to behave correctly on the streets and roads, show dangerous turns of transport at intersections, etc.

    Thus, the senior group expands the ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the street, the awareness and understanding of dangerous and safe action by preschoolers are checked.

    According to O.I. Prokopovich, especially carefully need to treat the children of the preparatory group, because they are future schoolchildren who will soon have to independently move the road, perform the duties of a pedestrian and passenger. It continues to work on the development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech

    The preschoolers of this age group need to develop the ability to perceive the spatial segments and spatial orientation. They should be able to independently evaluate the actions of the driver, pedestrian and passenger, to anticipate the danger on the street.

    Also, for age, preschoolers should be able to observe, evaluate the road situation with the help of vision, hearing (I saw a traffic light signal, heard a warning beep submitted by the driver of the car, etc.), with understanding to explain dangerous places in the surrounding road.

    Classes according to the rules of road behavior are also carried out in groups of short-term stay. Taking into account the time limit, the tutor can selectively give the guys to the tasks in drawing albums, developing their cognitive abilities and intensifying their independent work on the study of the rules of safe behavior on the street.

    As noted by TA Pukhov, when teaching children, the following scientific research data should be taken into account:

    Preschool children junior Group are able to remember only two - three bright signs of items;

    Children of the middle group can remember three or four signs of the subject;

    Children are senior group They remember no more than five - six signs of the subject.

    Means: color, shape, structure, proportion, quantity, purpose assignment.

    When implementing the education and training program for preschoolers, the educator is recommended to identify goals and guidelines for each age group (from 3 to 7 years old) to which he should strive to form, forming and developing their skills of safe behavior on the street.

    So, raising preschoolers, the teacher should apply such methods as suggestion, conviction, example, exercise, promotion. At this age, children are particularly well sustained. They need to inspire that it is impossible to go outside the kindergarten. On the street you can only be with an adult and be sure to keep it. Rise children should be constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises, developing motor skills, when performing tasks in drawing albums, stroke, hatching, design, execution of applications, etc., on road topics, in speech development activities using Road vocabulary, with the analysis of dangerous and safe road situations.

    Thus, the analysis of scientific literature on the topic of study allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

    The program of upbringing and conducting didactic classes aims to not so much training of preschoolers directly by the rules of the road, how much the formation and development of their skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more the preschooler formed useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street, the easier it will be given knowledge on road themes in a general education institution.



    Methods and forms of education of preschool children Rules of road traffic

    The main goal of educational work to teach children the basics of road safety should be in the formation of their necessary skills and skills, developing positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

    N.N. Avdeeva indicates that the educational process is recommended to be carried out:

    Through the direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children are watching traffic and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.;

    In the process of special developing and training lessons on road topics.

    Especially important is the development of such skills and habits, as a conscious attitude towards their own and foreign actions, that is, an understanding by a child of what is right or wrong. It is also of great importance to form the formation of the preschooler habits to restrain their impulses and desires (for example, to run, when it is dangerous, etc.).

    O.A. Skilupova argues that raising preschoolers, the teacher should apply such methods as suggestion, conviction, example, exercise, promotion. At this age, children are particularly well sustained. They need to inspire that it is impossible to go outside the kindergarten. On the street you can only be with an adult and be sure to keep it. Rise children should be constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises, developing motor skills, when performing tasks in drawing albums, stroke, hatching, design, execution of applications, etc., on road topics, in speech development activities using Road vocabulary, with the analysis of dangerous and safe road situations.

    The principle of clarity is especially important, which is traditionally used in working with preschoolers, when they should see everything themselves, hear, touch and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

    Thus, the education program and didactic classes aims to not so much the training of preschoolers directly by the rules of the road (they, by the way, should know the teacher itself), how much the formation and development of their skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

    ON THE. Avdeeva believes that in general, the plan for didactic classes with preschoolers should provide for the development of the cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate in the road environment.

    The main ones are:

    Ability to notice dangerous places in time, approaching transport;

    The ability to distinguish between the magnitude of the transport;

    Ability to determine the distance to the approaching transport;

    Knowledge of traffic lights, symbols on road signs and their meaning;

    Understanding the peculiarities of traffic; that he cannot instantly stop when he saw a pedestrian on his way (child);

    Understanding of the potential danger of transport; the fact that the roads can be an accident with death and injuries of people;

    The ability to connect to express their thoughts.

    All these issues are reflected in the general program of raising children.

    Each of the classes should have its own goals and objectives. For example, the "foresight of danger on the streets" has the following tasks:

    Introduce the basic concepts of road vocabulary to the active vocabulary (pedestrian, driver, passenger, traffic light, pavement, border, roadway, road signs, pedestrian crossing, underground pedestrian crossing, the above-ground pedestrian crossing, road marking "Zebra", danger, safety , accident (road traffic accident));

    Become acquainted with the main types of vehicles;

    Determine dangerous places around the preschool institution, in the neighborhood of living, in the courtyard, on the streets on the way to kindergarten;

    Mow together with the children's safe route in the pre-school institution;

    Clarify the children of typical mistakes of behavior on the street, leading to accidents and departures on pedestrians;

    Talk about hazards on streets and roads related to weather conditions and lighting;

    To teach to be attentive, be able to see and hear what is happening around, carefully behave in the courtyards, on the sidewalk, when moving the group, when driving on a bike, roller skates, skateboard, scooter, sledding;

    To train rapid orientations in the road atmosphere: inspected when leaving the house, being in the courtyard, on the street, do not go on the roadway due to obstacles and structures; Do not stand close to the corners of the intersection, on the border; Do not play near the roadway road.

    Also, the tutor independently determines which training on road themes can be carried out in the youngest, middle, senior, preparatory groups and a group of short-term stay of children in a preschool institution. Given that preschoolers have a different level of individual development, classes need to be carried out with regard to their interests.

    A.V. Gostyusha believes that it is impossible to forget that in each group of kindergarten there are preschoolers included in the "risk group". It may be overwhelmed by mobile children or, on the contrary, too slowed down. With them, the educator conducts classes, taking into account their individual characteristics and necessarily organizes work with their parents.

    Modeling of dangerous and safe road situations;

    Independent work in drawing albums or specially developed notebooks, forming and developing cognitive processes of children;

    Interactive survey;

    Collective activities of children in the study, understanding and awareness of road traffic, danger and safety in the road environment.

    It is especially effective to use the interactive method of learning aimed at the active inclusion of children into a dialogue. With this method, the teacher can help the guys visually present traffic and pedestrians, understand dangerous and safe actions in specific situations, to form their ability to observe, compare, analyze, summarize visual information and transfer it to ultimately to real road conditions.

    the younger preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers in such a way as to school they can already focus on the street and clearly knew the rules of the road.

    In the younger group, it is best to spend on walks (for better visibility).

    On them, the teacher shows the sidewalks, the roadway road, explains their meaning. Children will learn who is called the driver, pedestrian, passenger. When studying the traffic light, they explain the value of red and yellow signals as prohibiting the movement and the value of the green signal as a resolution movement.

    Also, preschoolers are watching the movement of transport, pedestrians, learning to distinguish vehicles by name and magnitude (large / small): passenger car, tram, bus, trolleybus, etc. Pedagogue is important to explain to children as far as real cars are more dangerous than toy them.

    In class in the group it is useful to resort to visual modeling of road situations. The best way is to push preschoolers to games with machinery, during which they will try out every action aloud (the car unfolded, gave reverse, increased the speed, etc.).

    For the development of the right orientation of children in space, it is necessary to teach them to determine the location of objects (right, left, in front, behind, at the top, below), their size, and also learning to compare items for these parameters.

    As a result of such classes, preschoolers receive knowledge that such a traffic light, transport, road. They get used to, being on the street, keep an adult by hand.

    Didactic training on road topics can be carried out in the form of drawing in albums or in special notebooks with attachments on hatching, stroke, drawing items that develop small motility hands.

    For walks with the children of middle preschool age, you need to start training oriented on the ground, namely in the territory of the kindergarten. Also, the tutor must certainly explain that it is impossible to go beyond its limits.

    For walks for the territory of the Dow, it is necessary to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their species and design features. The educator shows the children those part of the street on which pedestrians are safe: sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, by which, holding an adult by hand, you can cross the roadway.

    It is useful to carry out exercises on the development of the charming and lateral vision. Thus, the guys are formed the ability to feel and distinguish with a hidden threat in the road environment.

    In classroom, the teacher's group can give a task to make a story about the road situation. For example, the guys can tell how they drove in the car (bus, tram, etc.). Or how they went on foot to kindergarten. At the same time, the teacher unobtrusively fixes the preschoolers an understanding of what places on the street are dangerous, and also finds out how well the children own road vocabulary.

    In explanations it is useful to use illustrative material: books and posters, where dangerous situations are depicted, for example in the yard, as well as various guidelines on behavior next to the carriageway.

    Thus, by five years, the children are expanding the ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the street, the skills of observation of what happened in the road environment are being formed.

    In the senior group, the familiarity of children with the peculiarities of the road traffic and pedestrians continues. The ability of the guys is enshrined freely navigate the territory around the kindergarten in the presence of educators. Children should be able to explain how parents are used on the way to kindergarten. It is also necessary to continue to acquaint children with the basic concepts of the road "dictionary".

    For walks behind the territory of the preschool institution, it is recommended to pay advantage of preschoolers to the correct and incorrect actions of other pedestrians. At the same time, the teacher must be traced whether the children themselves can tell themselves that it is some pedestrians make it wrong why their actions are dangerous and what to do to be safe.

    And for walks, and in the classroom in the group (with the help of an illustrative material), you need to pay advantage of preschoolers on the features of the movement of large and small transport. The educator explains what "closed review" is. For a walk, the educator clearly shows preschoolers movement of vehicles: large, trucks, bus, trolley buses and cars, motorcycles that are not visible for large vehicles. Explains that if a pedestrian goes the road in a wrong place, he does not see that a motorcycle can go for a large vehicle at high speed. In turn, the driver of the car (motorcycle) also does not see a pedestrian if he goes the road at the location of the closed review. As a result, races occur.

    An interesting and effective form of work will be the organization of role-playing games in which the guys will bring the skills of safe behavior on the street.

    If in kindergarten there is a microdistrict layout with streets adjacent to the territory of the kindergarten, then the teacher, putting children around the layout, can tell them about the city, streets, traffic lights: transport and pedestrian, pedestrian crossings, etc. Using pedestrian figures and transport vividly show what can happen if you break the rules of the road. And also explain how to behave correctly on the streets and roads, show dangerous turns of transport at intersections, etc.

    Thus, the senior group expands the ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the street, the awareness and understanding of dangerous and safe action by preschoolers are checked.

    According to O.I. Prokopovich, especially carefully need to treat the children of the preparatory group, because they are future schoolchildren who will soon have to independently move the road, perform the duties of a pedestrian and passenger. It continues to work on the development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech

    The preschoolers of this age group need to develop the ability to perceive the spatial segments and spatial orientation. They should be able to independently evaluate the actions of the driver, pedestrian and passenger, to anticipate the danger on the street.

    Also, for age, preschoolers should be able to observe, evaluate the road situation with the help of vision, hearing (I saw a traffic light signal, heard a warning beep submitted by the driver of the car, etc.), with understanding to explain dangerous places in the surrounding road.

    Classes according to the rules of road behavior are also carried out in groups of short-term stay. Taking into account the time limit, the tutor can selectively give the guys to the tasks in drawing albums, developing their cognitive abilities and intensifying their independent work on the study of the rules of safe behavior on the street.

    As noted by TA Pukhov, when teaching children, the following scientific research data should be taken into account:

    Preschoolers of the younger group are able to remember only two - three bright signs of items;

    Children of the middle group can remember three or four signs of the subject;

    Children from the eldest group remember no more than five - six signs of the subject.

    Means: color, shape, structure, proportion, quantity, purpose assignment.

    When implementing the education and training program for preschoolers, the educator is recommended to identify goals and guidelines for each age group (from 3 to 7 years old) to which he should strive to form, forming and developing their skills of safe behavior on the street.

    So, raising preschoolers, the teacher should apply such methods as suggestion, conviction, example, exercise, promotion. At this age, children are particularly well sustained. They need to inspire that it is impossible to go outside the kindergarten. On the street you can only be with an adult and be sure to keep it. Rise children should be constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises, developing motor skills, when performing tasks in drawing albums, stroke, hatching, design, execution of applications, etc., on road topics, in speech development activities using Road vocabulary, with the analysis of dangerous and safe road situations.

    Thus, the analysis of scientific literature on the topic of study allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

    The program of upbringing and conducting didactic classes aims to not so much training of preschoolers directly by the rules of the road, how much the formation and development of their skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

    At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more the preschooler formed useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street, the easier it will be given knowledge on road themes in a general education institution.