Technogenic safety at the boiler room instruction. Free download Instructions for boiler room personnel on maintenance of hot water boilers operating on natural gas in the (10 kBt)

This labor protection instruction was developed specifically for the boiler operator based on the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of labor protection, taking into account the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 17, 2015 No. 551n "On approval of labor protection rules during the operation of thermal power plants."


1.1. This instruction on labor protection has been developed on the basis of the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts in the field of labor protection, taking into account the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 17, 2015 No. 551n "On approval of rules for labor protection during the operation of thermal power plants."
1.2. Service of steam and hot water boilers operating on gaseous fuels is allowed to persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training in a training center and have a certificate for the right to service boilers. Before being admitted to independent work, the boiler room operator must go through:
- preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations;
- introductory briefing on labor protection and fire safety;
- primary instruction on labor protection at the workplace;
- training in new position (internship);
- training in safe methods and techniques for performing work;
- examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements and received a certificate of the established sample;
- duplication in the workplace;
- emergency and fire fighting training.
1.3. When operating thermal power plants, the boiler operator may be exposed to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, including:
- coolant (steam, hot water) in case of possible destruction of elements of thermal power plants and pipelines;
- increased temperature of the outer surface of thermal power plants and pipelines;
- increased air temperature in working areas;
- increased air pollution of working areas with fuel and carbon monoxide;
- insufficient illumination of working areas;
- increased level of noise, vibration and radiation in the workplace;
- transported materials, moving parts of heating equipment (pumps, fans) and tools;
- falling objects (items of equipment) and tools;
- electric shock.
1.4. The boiler room operator is obliged:
- to work in overalls (according to the standard industry standards - a cotton suit or a suit made of mixed fabrics, knitted gloves with a PVC handheld). Clothes should not have loose parts that can be caught by moving and rotating parts of mechanisms.
- it is prohibited to roll up the sleeves of overalls;
- perform only the work for which he is instructed and allowed to be performed by his immediate supervisor;
- maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace;
- observe personal tidiness and hygiene;
- provide first aid to the injured person at work and take measures to eliminate violations of safety requirements.
1.5. Workplace requirements:
- it is forbidden to be in the boiler room without accompanying persons who are not related to the maintenance of the equipment;
- it is forbidden to obstruct walkways and driveways inside buildings (structures), production premises (production sites) to ensure the safe movement of workers and the passage of vehicles;
- decks of platforms and passages, as well as railings to them must be reliably reinforced. For the period of repair, a temporary fence should be made instead of the removed railings. Railings and decking, removed during the repair, after its completion must be immediately installed in place and well strengthened;
- floors, channels, pits must be kept in good condition. All openings in the floor must be fenced;
- covers and edges of pits, channel overlaps should be made of corrugated metal flush with the floor and securely fixed;
- it is forbidden to store gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, paints and varnishes, solvents, thinners and other flammable materials in production premises, with the exception of small quantities within the daily requirement;
- in production areas, there should be closed metal boxes with compartments for clean and dirty cleaning material;
- Smoking on the territory and in production premises is allowed only in specially designated areas. Smoking is prohibited in the workplace.
1.6. Equipment requirements:
- elements of thermal power plants and sections of pipelines with an elevated surface temperature, with which direct contact of the service personnel is possible, must be covered with thermal insulation that ensures the temperature of the outer surface does not exceed + 45 ° C;
- items of equipment, fittings and devices requiring periodic inspection must be located in places convenient for maintenance;
- items of equipment located at a height of more than 1.8 m from the floor (working platform) level should be serviced from stationary platforms with fences and ladders. Ladders and platforms must be fenced with handrails with a height of at least 0.9 m with solid fences along the bottom of the handrails with a height of at least 0.1 m. The distance from the platform level to the upper ceiling must be at least 2 m;
- for the repair and maintenance of fittings and other elements of thermal power plants located higher than 1.8 m from the floor and do not require constant maintenance, it is allowed to use portable ladders, mobile platforms, scaffolding and scaffolding;
- moving parts of production equipment to which workers can access must have mechanical protective guards;
- on the instrumentation scales, a red line should be marked with a division corresponding to the maximum operating value of the measured parameter.
- cleaning of luminaires and replacement of burnt out lamps must be carried out by electrical personnel.
1.7. The boiler house operator is obliged to immediately notify his immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in his health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).
1.8. The boiler operator is responsible for violation of the requirements of this instruction in accordance with current legislation. Russian Federation.


2.1. Put on overalls of the established pattern, carefully tuck it in and fasten it with all the buttons. Remove hair under the headdress.
2.2. Make sure there is sufficient illumination of the workplace.
2.3. Read the entries in the shift log, the order log and check the serviceability of the boilers and equipment being serviced, as well as the serviceability of emergency lighting and communication facilities.
2.4. Make out the acceptance of the shift by an entry in the shift journal indicating the results of checking boilers and equipment, water indicating devices, limit level alarms, pressure gauges, safety valves and automation equipment.
2.5. It is not allowed to accept and hand over a shift during the elimination of an emergency in the boiler room without the permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation boiler room equipment.


3.1. If there are signs of gas contamination in the boiler room, it is prohibited to turn on electrical equipment, kindle the boiler, as well as use an open flame.
3.2. When preparing the boiler for firing up, follow the approved boiler operation manual.
3.3. It is forbidden to open hatches, manholes on a working boiler during a walk.
3.4. It is forbidden to light fuel in furnaces with open manholes and peepers. Inspection hatches for constant observation of the torch should be covered with glass.
3.5. When firing up the boiler, wear protective goggles and a hard hat.
3.6. Before firing up the boiler, all repairs must be completed on it and all personnel not related to kindling must be removed. On other boilers, all repairs must be stopped. Work on the boilers is resumed at the direction of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers or a person replacing him.
3.7. When starting, shutting down, pressure testing and testing thermal power plants and pipelines under pressure, only workers who are directly performing these works are allowed to be near them.
3.8. When the pressure rises during the hydraulic test of thermal power plants before the trial, people are prohibited from being on them.
3.9. If fistulas are found in pipes, steam lines, collectors, in valve bodies, workers must be urgently taken to safe place, the hazardous area must be fenced off.
3.10. It is prohibited:
- lean on and stand on the protective barriers of the sites, walk along pipelines, as well as structures and ceilings that are not intended for passage through them;
- to operate thermal power plants with faulty or disabled emergency shutdown devices, interlocks, protection and signaling devices, as well as with unenclosed rotating parts;
- clean, wipe and lubricate rotating or moving parts of mechanisms;
- stop manually rotating and moving mechanisms;
- use a faulty tool;
- use flammable and flammable liquids (gasoline, benzene, acetone, kerosene), as well as trichlorethylene, dichloroethane and other chlorinated hydrocarbons for cleaning thermal power plants and degreasing parts;
- step on or touch the broken, hanging or lying on the ground and floor electrical wires, as well as pieces of wire, ropes, cables in contact with these wires.


4.1. In emergency situations, the boiler house operator is obliged to immediately stop the boiler in accordance with the boiler operating instructions and inform the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler.
4.2. The cause and time of the emergency stop should be recorded in a shift log.
4.3. If there is a danger of an accident, workers in the vicinity should take measures to prevent it (stop the equipment or the corresponding mechanism, remove voltage, turn off the steam or water supply, fence off the danger zone), and in case of an accident, provide first aid to the injured, keeping, if possible , the situation at the scene. The incident should be immediately notified to the immediate or superior manager. If necessary, call the ambulance team by phone 103 or arrange for its delivery to a healthcare facility.
4.4. In the event of a fire, act in accordance with the instructions on fire safety measures in industrial premises.


5.1. Check, together with the receiving shift, the condition of the boiler room equipment and register the change in the shift journal.
5.2. Make the workplace clean and tidy.
5.3. Remove overalls, inspect, tidy up and put them in a specially designated place.
5.4. Report to your immediate supervisor about all violations that have occurred and the measures taken.
5.5. Wash hands and face with warm water and soap, shower if necessary.

The operation of gas boiler houses must comply with the requirements of the "Rules for the operation of steam and hot water boilers", "Safety rules in the gas industry" and other valid NTD. Stationary boilers must be installed in buildings and premises that meet the requirements of SNiP-35-76 "Boiler Plants" and SNiP 11-58-75.

It is not allowed to place household and service premises in boiler house buildings that are not intended for boiler room personnel, as well as workshops that are not intended for repairing boiler equipment. Exit doors from the boiler room must open outward. The lighting of the boiler room must comply with SNiP 11-4-79 "Natural and artificial lighting". In addition to working lighting, there must be emergency electric lighting.

To organize the safe operation of the boiler house, the management of the enterprise must ensure that the boilers are kept in good condition and that they are safe to operate through proper maintenance. This requires:

Appoint a responsible specialist for the good condition and safe operation of boilers from among the engineering and technical workers who have passed the knowledge test in the prescribed manner;

Provide engineering and technical workers with rules and guidelines for the safe operation of boilers;

To appoint, in the required number of persons, service personnel who are trained and have a certificate for the right to service boilers;

Develop and approve production instructions, labor protection instructions, which must be issued to workers against receipt;

Check the knowledge of the service personnel within the time limits established by the requirements of the Rules;

Ensure that the technical inspection of boilers is carried out in a timely manner.

Persons who are not related to the operation of the boiler room and boiler equipment should not be allowed into the boiler room. Responsibility for the safe operation of the boiler house is assigned by order of the enterprise to the head of the boiler house. The number and date of the order is entered in the boiler passport. Those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler room must have a special thermal engineering education. IN individual cases responsibility for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler room can be assigned to an engineer and technical worker who does not have a thermal engineering education, but who has undergone special training and certification of commissions with the participation of an inspector of Gosgortechnadzor.

Persons at least 18 years old who have passed a medical examination, trained, certified and have a certificate for the right to service boilers can be allowed to service the boilers. Training and certification of drivers, boiler room operators should be carried out in vocational schools, training and course complexes, as well as in courses specially created by the enterprise with the permission of the Gosgortekhnadzor authorities. Individual training of personnel is not allowed. Periodic testing of the knowledge of boiler operators should be carried out at least 12 months. The results of checking the knowledge of the service personnel are drawn up in a protocol signed by the chairman and members of the commission with a mark in the certificate. The admission of personnel to independent work is formalized by order.

It is forbidden to entrust the boiler operator (operator), who is on duty, to perform any other work during the operation of the boiler that is not provided for by the production instructions. It is forbidden to leave boilers without constant supervision by the operating personnel, both during operation and after stopping it until the pressure in it drops to atmospheric. It is allowed to operate boilers without constant monitoring of their operation in the presence of automation, alarms and protections that ensure the maintenance of normal operation, the elimination of emergency situations, as well as the boiler shutdown in case of violations of the operating mode.

To control operation, ensure safe conditions and design operating conditions, boilers must be equipped with:

Pressure build-up devices;

Water level indicators;


Devices for measuring the temperature of the medium;

Shut-off and control valves;

Security devices;

Nutrient devices.

When performing work in a boiler room, operators must know and clearly follow requirements of safety instructions for locksmiths for the repair of boiler equipment.

Repair work of gas supply systems and boiler units often has to be carried out during the operation of the equipment, i.e. in gas hazardous conditions.

Gaseous work is considered to be work carried out in a gas-polluted environment, in which it is possible for gas to escape from gas pipelines and units. Work is carried out only upon receipt of an order - a permit for gas hazardous work.

The most frequently performed gas hazardous works are the commissioning of gas supply systems and individual units (gas start-up), revision and repair of above-ground and existing gas pipelines located in the premises, operating gas equipment and fittings. Gas hazardous work is carried out under the supervision of engineering and technical personnel, with the exception of repair work without the use of gas cutting on gas pipelines with a gas pressure of no more than, in which the maximum diameter is 32 mm, inspection and ventilation of the well. The management of the listed works may be entrusted to the most qualified worker appointed to perform the work. Gas hazardous work is performed by at least two workers, and when working in wells, tunnels, deep trenches and reservoirs - by a team of at least three people. When performing work on the commissioning of gas supply systems and boiler units, orders of the established form must be issued. Work to eliminate the accident is carried out without a work order until a direct threat to people and material values \u200b\u200bis eliminated.

When performing gas hazardous work, use an explosive tool that does not generate a spark. The tool must be made of non-ferrous metal or copper-plated. In the absence of it, you can use a conventional tool, thickly lubricating it with greases. When performing gas hazardous work, it is not allowed to use an electric drill and other tools that generate a spark. Portable luminaires must be explosion-proof; it is allowed to use mine-type rechargeable luminaires. Workers performing gas hazardous work must have personal protective equipment. Repair of boiler units operating in a boiler room is also a gas hazardous work and therefore all general safety measures provided for this work must be carried out during it. The conclusion of the boiler unit for repair is carried out with the permission of the head of the boiler house. If during the repair work will be carried out in the furnace and gas ducts of the boiler or associated with the opening of the drum, as well as the gas fittings, then the boiler unit must be disconnected with metal plugs from the steam line, gas pipeline, feed line, purge steam or drain lines, as well as from purge gas lines common with other boilers.

The plugs must be installed so that their shanks are visible. The admission of repair personnel to perform work is carried out only after checking by the responsible work manager, the presence of plugs and the correctness of their installation. The personnel allowed to carry out repairs must be pre-instructed in safety rules, regardless of their qualifications and the presence of the right not to carry out gas hazardous work.

Before starting work in the combustion chamber or boiler gas ducts, it is necessary to ventilate the gas path by starting the smoke exhauster for 10-15 minutes and take a sample from the upper part of the furnace for the absence of gas pollution. Then, through the existing manholes, peepers, doors, inspect the combustion chamber and make sure that there is no brick lining in it, which can fall on the workers. If such areas of lining are found, then work cannot be started until they are removed with peaks. When working inside the firebox, outside the manhole in the brickwork, there must always be a duty officer who monitors everyone working. When cleaning and repairing heating surfaces internally, make sure that the boiler is completely drained of water and that it is sufficiently cooled. Manifold hatches and drum manholes can only be opened with the permission of the work manager. The drum hatches should be opened carefully, having tight gloves on your hands, and not putting your face to the hatch opening. When carrying out work in the firebox, workers must wear protective goggles. It is possible to start up a smoke exhauster or a fan during operation in the furnace or boiler gas ducts only after warning all workers. It is possible to work inside the boiler drum only when on duty outside at the manhole observing the progress of work, which transfers the materials and tools necessary for repairs to the workers. After repairing the heating surfaces, a hydraulic test of the boiler unit with all fittings installed on it is usually performed. During hydraulic testing of the boiler, the following precautions must be taken:

1. Do not carry out tests with a faulty manometer;

2. Do not correct defects in fittings, individual boiler pipes when they are under pressure (it is allowed to tighten flange connections at a pressure not exceeding);

3. Do not stand against plugs, welded joints, flange connections and fittings, if they are under pressure;

Do not use your hand to check the sealing surfaces of manholes, pipe hole machines and pipe ends. doing so can injure fingers and burrs. When replacing individual pipes of cast-iron economizers and sealing their joints with an asbestos cord, you must not check with your hands the laying of the cord and the coincidence of the holes at the flange joints of the rolls - for this, steel mandrels should be used.

Work safety depends on the knowledge of the operating personnel of the safety rules. Therefore, hired persons must undergo an introductory safety briefing, where they receive basic information about safety rules at the enterprise, instructions at the workplace, where they receive information about safety requirements when performing work in the profession. At least once every six months, a re-instruction is carried out, and when performing work of increased danger - at least once every three months, where the employee is reminded of the basic safety requirements when performing work in the profession, an extraordinary briefing is carried out when new equipment is introduced, new rules are issued and etc. In addition, a one-time briefing is carried out as needed. Admission to independent work is carried out after training and knowledge testing. When conducting briefings and testing knowledge, in addition to basic safety requirements, information is provided on fire safety and industrial sanitation rules.

In order to create safe working conditions, comply with current safety rules and instructions, the administration is obliged to provide employees with special clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment in accordance with the "Standard Industry Standards", supply employees with serviceable tools and devices, hang out safety posters at workplaces, ensure the work of sanitary facilities. Workplaces must comply with safety requirements; for this, workplaces are certified.

Safe conditions are created for workers to avoid accidents labor, preventive work is underway.

Russian Federation

TI-082-2002 Standard instruction on labor protection for the boiler operator

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1. General requirements security

1.1. This instruction provides the basic requirements for the organization and conduct of the safe operation of the operator of a boiler house operating on solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed the following are allowed to work independently as a boiler room operator:

  • vocational training and having an appropriate certificate of profession;
  • preliminary medical examination and received an opinion on the suitability for this profession;
  • introductory briefing on labor safety, fire safety and the provision of first aid to the victim;
  • initial instruction in the workplace and trained in safe methods and techniques of performing work.

1.3. A boiler operator employed at work, where the organization of labor provides for the combination of production professions, must be trained in all types of work, pass exams and obtain admission.

1.4. The boiler room operator must go through:

  • periodic medical examinations - annually;
  • repeated instruction on labor safety - at least once every six months;
  • training in safe methods and techniques of work and testing their knowledge in the scope of the program approved by the administration of the enterprise - once a year;
  • unscheduled and targeted training on occupational safety - as needed.

1.5. A boiler room operator with signs of obvious malaise or in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication is not allowed to work.

1.6. The boiler house operator is obliged to: comply with the internal regulations and labor discipline; timely and accurately execute the orders of the administration; observe technological discipline, labor safety requirements, safety measures and industrial sanitation; take good care of the property of the enterprise; observe the procedure for moving around the territory of the enterprise; know the meaning of safety signs, sound and light signals used at the enterprise, be attentive to the signals given and comply with their requirements.

Every incorrectly given or incomprehensible signal should be perceived as a "Stop" signal.

1.7. If any questions arise in the course of work related to its safe performance, you must immediately contact the employee responsible for the safe performance of work (shift foreman or head of the boiler room).

1.8. During the entire work shift, observe set by the administration mode of work and rest.

1.9. Resting and smoking are allowed only in specially designated areas.

1.10. For drinking, use water only from saturators, drinking fountains, drinking cisterns. Other (random) sources are not allowed.

1.11. Meals should be taken only in specially equipped rooms (dining room, buffet).

1.12. When servicing boiler equipment, there are such dangerous and harmful production factors as: moving parts of production equipment; increased dustiness of the air in the working area with coal dust and ash; increased surface temperature of equipment; steam in the pipeline under pressure; increased noise level; increased value voltage in electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body.

1.13. The administration of the enterprise must provide the operator of the boiler room with personal protective equipment in accordance with the current industry standards for the free distribution of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment:

When operating on solid mineral fuels:

  • leather boots - 1 pair per year;
  • protective goggles - before wear;
  • respirator - until worn out.

When the boiler room is running on liquid fuel:

  • cotton suit with fire retardant impregnation - 1 set per year;
  • combined mittens - 12 pairs per year;
  • protective goggles - before wear.

When the boiler room is running on gas:

  • cotton suit with fire retardant impregnation - 1 set per year;
  • combined mittens - 6 pairs per year.

With multiple types of equally effective respirators, workers can choose the respirator that is most suitable for them in terms of protection and comfort.

1.14. A boiler-house operator without work clothes, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment and safety devices relying on production conditions is not allowed to perform work.

1.15. The boiler room operator is obliged:

  • comply with fire safety requirements at work, as well as observe and maintain a fire safety regime;
  • observe precautions when working with flammable and flammable liquids, flammable gases and other fire and explosive substances, materials and equipment;
  • know the location of the main and emergency exits from the boiler room and the escape route from the fire or accident zone;
  • be able to use primary fire extinguishing means.

1.16. It is prohibited to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, non-mechanized fire-fighting tools and equipment for household and other needs not related to extinguishing a fire.

1.17. Collection of used cleaning materials should be carried out in special metal boxes with lockable lids.

1.18. The boiler room operator must: have elementary representation about the danger electric current and steam burns; know the safety measures when working in the boiler room; know the rules for providing first aid to victims of electric shock and burns.

1.19. It is forbidden to touch open live parts of the equipment and bare wires, make unauthorized correction or connection of electrical wiring, install or replace light bulbs, as well as hang clothes and place any objects on electrical equipment, control stations and other switching equipment.

1.20. The boiler operator must inform the shift foreman (the head of the boiler room) about cases of injury and all malfunctions of the mechanisms and equipment of the boiler room, violations of technological regimes, deterioration of working conditions, and emergencies and take preventive measures as appropriate, ensuring his own safety.

1.21. In case of illness, poisoning or an accident, the operator of the boiler room must notify the shift foreman (head of the boiler room) and seek medical help.

1.22. In case of an accident with other workers, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto provide the victim with first aid, observing the measures of their own safety; summon ambulance; if possible, preserve the situation of the case and report the incident to the shift foreman (head of the boiler room).

1.23. In the process of work, the boiler room operator is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene: dedusting overalls; wash hands with soap and water before eating; monitor the cleanliness of the workplace, overalls and personal protective equipment.

1.24. As soon as it gets dirty or worn out, the overalls of the boiler operator should be dry-cleaned, washed or repaired at the expense of the enterprise.

It is not allowed to process and wash contaminated overalls at home by the workers themselves, as well as the use of explosive and fire hazardous substances for this purpose.

1.25. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set forth in this instruction, depending on the nature of the violations committed and their consequences, the boiler operator bears disciplinary, material or criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Inspect, put in order and put on overalls. Button up and tuck the clothes so that they do not have hanging and fluttering ends.

2.2. Check the completeness and serviceability of personal protective equipment, as well as the availability of fire extinguishing equipment.

2.3. Get acquainted with the entries made in the shift change log.

2.4. Find out from the operator of the boiler house, handing over the shift, information about malfunctions and equipment failures that occurred during the shift, and about the measures taken to eliminate them.

2.5. Check the position of valves, gate valves, bolted and welded pipelines.

2.6. Check the ratio of gas and air pressure, the condition of safety devices and emergency automatics, and the absence of liquid fuel or gas leaks.

2.7. About all the malfunctions in the operation of the main and auxiliary equipment, violations detected during the shift acceptance technological process should be recorded in the shift acceptance log and inform the shift foreman or the head of the boiler room.

2.8. Check the availability and serviceability of the tool.

2.9. Check the presence of a first aid kit in the boiler room and its completeness with dressings and medicines.

2.10. Inspect the condition of the inscriptions on the boiler, starting devices, on the timing of technical examination and testing.

Labels must be clear and legible.

2.11. If the time of acceptance of the shift coincided with the moment of the accident or violation of the operating mode, accept the shift with the permission of the shift master (head of the boiler room).

3. Safety requirements during work

3.1. Start up the boiler, shut it down and repair it in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules for steam and hot water boilers and the manufacturer's instructions for operating the boiler.

3.2. Before starting the boiler, make sure that the main and auxiliary equipment, safety devices are in good working order and that the required amount of water is available at the level.

3.3. Fire up the boiler furnace in strict compliance with the operating instructions for a particular type of boilers.

3.4. When operating on liquid or gaseous fuel, ignite the burners alternately, start the fuel into the burner only after bringing the ignited igniter to the burner outlet.

3.5. If, during the ignition of the furnaces, the fuel does not ignite or the combustion that has begun has stopped, then the fuel supply to this burner should be closed.

It is necessary to start firing up again after ventilating the furnace and gas ducts.

3.6. Switch off the burner in case of flame breakthrough. After it cools down, eliminate the cause of the overshoot and only then ignite the burner.

3.7. When lighting the burner, do not stand in front of the ignition hatches.

3.8. Spilled fuel oil must be immediately covered with sand, collected and removed to a specially designated place.

3.9. Do not use gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel for kindling when working on solid fuels.

3.10. If the operating parameters of the boiler deviate from the parameters specified in the operating instructions, take measures to restore the operating parameters.

Otherwise, inform the shift foreman (head of the boiler room) about the current situation and act according to his instructions.

3.11. When the supply of gas-oil fuel is interrupted, close the fuel supply valve to the furnace on the pipeline.

3.12. Record the start time of the boiler into operation in the shift acceptance log.

3.13. If all the boilers did not work in the gas-fired boiler room, then when entering it, check the air pollution with a gas analyzer. In the presence of gas pollution in the room, turning on and off electrical equipment, lighting, as well as the use of fire is prohibited until the room is completely ventilated.

3.14. During the shift, regularly monitor the readings of instruments that measure temperature, pressure, water level and gas supply.

3.15. All devices and devices for automatic control and safety of the boiler must be maintained in good condition and checked regularly. Check devices and devices in accordance with the schedule approved by the administration of the enterprise.

3.16. Before starting repair work in furnaces and gas ducts, they must be well ventilated and protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from the gas ducts of neighboring operating boilers.

3.17. Work inside furnaces and gas ducts is allowed to be carried out only at a temperature not higher than 45 ° C with the issuance of an admission order by the head of the boiler room.

3.18. The stay of the boiler room operator inside the boiler at a temperature of about 45 ° C should not exceed 20 minutes. Anyone working inside the boiler must be watched by an observer who must always be outside the boiler near the entrance hatch.

3.19. When carrying out repairs inside a gas-fired boiler, the gas pipeline must be separated from the boiler by installing a plug.

3.20. On valves, dampers and dampers when disconnecting sections of pipelines and gas ducts, as well as on the starting devices of smoke exhausters and fans, posters "Do not turn on! People are working" must be installed and safety inserts removed.

3.21. When working in a boiler and a flue, use a portable lamp with a voltage not exceeding 12 V.

3.22. Before closing the boiler hatches and manholes, check that there are no people, tools or foreign objects inside the boiler.

3.23. Opening hatches and hatches, as well as repairing boilers is allowed only when there is no pressure at all.

Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, water from the boiler elements and economizers must be removed.

3.24. It is prohibited: storage of gasoline, kerosene, oils and other flammable materials in the boiler room; leave the boiler unit unattended until the pressure is completely reduced, and also without de-energizing the electrical equipment; operate the boiler with faulty and unregulated safety valves.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. When the boiler room operates on gas fuel, the following emergency situations are possible, in which an emergency shutdown of the gas supply to the boiler furnace should be made:

  • explosion of flue gases in the firebox, gas duct;
  • failure of the blower fan;
  • decrease in gas pressure in front of the burner below the permissible rate;
  • no torch in the boiler furnace.

4.2. If the air in the boiler room is gassed, take ventilation measures.

4.3. In the event of a gas leak or fire, call the gas rescue service.

4.4. In case of fire:

  • turn off the gas or fuel oil supply;
  • stop the equipment by de-energizing it;
  • report by phone or other means of communication to the fire brigade and the administration of the shop (enterprise);
  • take measures to evacuate people and property;

This labor protection instruction has been developed specifically for the boiler room personnel.


1.1. This instruction regulates the basic safety requirements when working in boiler rooms.
1.2. Individuals over 18 years of age who have no contraindications for health reasons, who have undergone introductory and initial briefing at the workplace, briefings on labor protection, trained in safe working methods and having an appropriate certificate, have passed the examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements, are allowed to work independently in the boiler room.
1.3. The boiler room personnel (driver, fireman, operator) must undergo repeated instruction on labor protection at least once every 6 months, at least once a year - a regular test of knowledge of labor protection requirements and a periodic medical examination.
1.4. The boiler room personnel must comply with the internal labor regulations adopted at the enterprise.
1.5. The duration of the working time of the boiler-house driver should not exceed 40 hours per week.
The duration of daily work (shift) is determined by the internal labor regulations or the shift schedule approved by the employer.
1.6. In the process of work, the following dangerous and harmful factors can affect the boiler room personnel:
- steam - can cause burns;
- equipment (boilers) - if used improperly, pressure may rise and an explosion may occur, as a result of which injuries (burns) are possible;
- harmful gases and dust - emitted during the combustion of fuel in boilers (especially coal and peat). The main harmful gases are: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides, etc., as well as coal dust. Once inhaled into the human body, gases can lead to poisoning, and dust particles can damage the upper respiratory tract.
1.7. The boiler room personnel must use the tools and devices, the handling of which is trained and instructed.
1.8. Boiler room personnel must work in special clothing and use other personal protective equipment.
1.9. In accordance with the Standard Industry Norms for the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, boiler house workers are issued:
when operating a boiler house on solid mineral fuel:
with mechanical loading:
- cotton suit;
- combined mittens;
- goggles;
with manual loading:
- cotton suit with fire retardant impregnation;
- leather boots;
- combined mittens;
- goggles;
when working on wood and other types of fuel:
- cotton suit;
- combined mittens.
1.10. The boiler room personnel must comply with fire safety rules, be able to use fire extinguishing equipment.
Smoking is allowed only in specially designated and equipped places.
1.11. Boiler house employees are prohibited from leaving the operating boiler unattended during operation.
1.12. The boiler room employee must immediately inform his immediate supervisor about malfunctions of equipment, devices and tools, as well as personal protective equipment and other violations of safety requirements and not start work until they are eliminated.
1.13. Boiler room personnel must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Wash hands with soap and water before eating, smoking and after finishing work.
1.14. For non-observance of the requirements of the instructions, the boiler room personnel is responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Before starting work, the boiler room personnel must:
- take duty;
- put on personal protective equipment;
- check the serviceability of the boilers and equipment being serviced, the presence and serviceability of emergency lighting and alarms, instrument readings and make an entry about this in the take-over log.


3.1. When preparing the boiler for firing up, a boiler room employee must check:
- serviceability of the furnace and gas ducts, shut-off and regulating devices;
- serviceability of instrumentation, fittings, feeding devices, fans, as well as the presence of natural draft;
- serviceability of equipment for fuel combustion;
- filling the boiler with water;
- whether the water level in the boiler is kept and whether there is water leakage through connections, flanges, hatches and fittings;
- are there any plugs in front of the safety valves and after them, on the steam-fuel oil and gas pipelines, on the feed drain and blowdown lines;
Before lighting the boiler, ventilate the furnace for 10-15 minutes.
3.2. In preparation for firing up the gas-fired boiler, in addition:
- check the serviceability of the gas pipeline and the taps and valves installed on it (all stop valves on the gas pipelines must be closed, and the taps on the purge gas pipelines must be open);
- blow the gas pipeline through the purge plug, gradually opening the valve on the branch of the gas pipeline to the boiler, make sure that there is no explosive mixture in the gas pipeline (with a gas analyzer), then close the plug;
- make sure that there is no gas leakage from the gas pipeline and gas equipment and fittings by soaping them. It is prohibited to use open fire for this purpose;
- check the gas pressure on the manometer;
- adjust the draft of the boiler to be heated, setting the vacuum in the furnace to 2-3 mm of water column.
3.3. Igniting the gas in the burner with an igniter, slowly opening the valve, start the air supply, then increase the gas and air supply.
If the igniter goes out before the burner ignites, then it is necessary to immediately shut off the gas supply, remove the igniter, ventilate the furnace and gas ducts for 10-15 minutes and only then proceed to re-ignite the burner.
If the ignited burner goes out during ignition, it is also necessary to shut off the gas supply, ventilate the furnace and gas ducts for 10-15 minutes, and then proceed to re-ignite the burner.
3.4. Before firing up the oil-fired boiler, the fuel temperature must be brought up to the value specified in the instructions.
3.5. It is prohibited for a boiler-house employee to light extinguished gas in the firebox without preliminary ventilation of the firebox and gas ducts.
3.6. When firing up a liquid fuel boiler, the boiler room employee must:
- when spraying liquid fuel with steam, insert a lighted ignition torch into the furnace, then supply steam to the nozzle, and then fuel;
- when mechanically spraying fuel oil, introduce a lighted ignition torch, turn on the automatic ignition, slowly opening the valve, supply fuel oil to the furnace;
- after fuel oil ignition, adjust combustion; the ignition torch should be removed from the furnace only when the combustion becomes stable;
- close the safety valve or air valve and open the purge valve if steam comes out of the open safety valve or valve.
3.7. Before putting the boiler into operation, the boiler room employee must perform:
- checking the serviceability of the safety valves, water indicating devices, pressure gauge and feeding devices;
- check of readings of lowered water level indicators according to direct action water level indicators;
- checking and switching on of safety automatics, signaling devices and boiler automatic control equipment;
- boiler blowdown.
3.8. During the operation of the boiler, the employee must:
- maintain a normal water level in the boiler, while the water level must not be allowed to fall below the permissible lower level or rise above the permissible upper level;
- maintain normal steam pressure;
- maintain the normal temperature of the superheated steam and feed water;
- maintain the normal operation of burners (nozzles);
- at least once a shift, check the serviceability of the pressure gauge by purging it with a three-way valve;
- check the serviceability of water indicating devices and safety valves by purging within the time specified in the boiler operating instructions;
- keep the boiler doors closed;
- stop blowing the boiler, if during the blowing of gases through the hatches occurs.
3.9. The employee is prohibited from:
- seize or additionally load safety valves;
- continue to operate the boiler with faulty or unregulated safety valves;
- to blow off the boiler when detecting malfunctions of the blowing fittings and the boiler;
- open and close fittings with hammer blows or other objects;
- use flammable liquids for kindling a solid fuel boiler;
- when the boiler is in operation, mark the seams, weld the boiler elements, etc .;
- be near the slag gates when they are opened;
- stand against the boiler doors when blowing;
- leave the operating boiler, even for a short time, without supervision and allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room;
- clutter up the boiler room with foreign materials and objects.
3.10. The stopping of the boiler in all cases, except for an emergency stop, should be carried out only after receiving an order from the administration of the enterprise.
3.11. When stopping the boiler, the employee must:
- keep the water level in the boiler above the average working position;
- stop supplying fuel to the furnace;
- disconnect the boiler from the steam lines after the complete cessation of combustion in the furnace, if there is a superheater, open the purge; if after switching off the boiler the pressure in the boiler rises, the blowdown should be increased;
- to cool the boiler elements to +25 0С or lower and drain the water.
3.12. When stopping a solid fuel boiler, the employee must:
- to burn out the remaining fuel with reduced blowing and draft;
- stop blowing and reduce thrust;
- clean the furnace and the bunker;
- stop draft by closing the smoke damper, furnace and blower doors.
3.13. When stopping a gas-fired boiler, the employee must:
- reduce and then completely stop the gas supply to the burners, and then the air (with injection burners, first air and then gas);
- open the purge plug at the branch and ventilate the furnace and flue gas ducts.
3.14. When stopping a liquid fuel boiler, the employee must:
- close the fuel supply to the injector;
- stop the supply of steam or air;
- ventilate the furnace, gas ducts, then close the blast and draft.
3.15. Work related to the presence of people inside the boiler can only be carried out with the written permission (according to the permit) of the head of the boiler house or the person who is responsible for the safe operation of the boilers, with the adoption of the necessary safety measures and an entry in the register of acceptance and delivery of duties.


4.1. The boiler room personnel must immediately stop the boiler (emergency) and inform the employer about it if:
- more than 50% of safety valves or devices replacing them have ceased to function;
- the pressure in the boiler has increased by more than 10% against the permissible level and continues to grow, despite the interruption of the fuel supply, the decrease in draft and blast, and the increased water supply;
- there was a water leak from the boiler; making up the boiler with water is prohibited;
- the water level drops rapidly, despite the increased water supply to the boiler;
- the water level has risen above the permissible level and the boiler blowdown fails to lower it;
- the action of all feeding devices has been stopped;
- the operation of all water indicating devices has been terminated;
- cracks, swelling, gaps in welds, breaks of two or more adjacent bonds are found in the main elements of the boiler (drum, collector, chamber, flame tube, fire box, furnace casing, tube sheet, external separator, steam line);
- gas contamination of the boiler house operating on gas was detected;
- there was an explosion of the gas-air mixture in the boiler furnace or gas ducts;
- the supply of electricity was stopped during artificial traction;
- a fire broke out in the boiler room.
4.2. In case of emergency shutdown of the boiler, personnel must:
- stop the fuel and air supply, sharply weaken the draft;
- quickly remove the burning fuel from the furnace, in exceptional cases, if it is impossible to do this, fill the burning solid fuel with water, making sure that the stream of water does not hit the walls of the boiler and the lining;
- after stopping combustion, open the smoke damper and furnace doors;
- disconnect the boiler from the steam line;
- release steam through the raised safety valves or emergency valve.
4.3. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, personnel must:
- immediately call the fire department by phone 101, inform the employer about it and take measures to extinguish the fires;
- Immediately turn off the gas pipeline of the gas boiler house using a valve installed outside the room;
- if a fire in the boiler room cannot be quickly eliminated, the boilers are stopped in an emergency order, intensively feeding them with water and releasing steam;
- when stopping the boiler due to the ignition of soot or entrainment of fuel, immediately stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, cut off the draft by stopping the smoke exhausters and fans and completely close the air and gas dampers.
4.4. The boiler house employee must immediately inform the employer about each accident that he witnessed, and the victim must be provided with first aid, if necessary, call an ambulance by phone 103 or help deliver the victim to a medical facility. If possible, the environment should be maintained as long as it does not lead to an accident or injury to others.
4.5. If an accident happened to the boiler house employee himself, he should, if possible, call an ambulance by phone 103, inform the employer about the incident, or ask someone around to do it.


5.1. Upon completion of work, the boiler room personnel must:
- hand over the boiler room duty by making a note in the log;
- take off personal protective equipment and put them in the place designated for them. Timely hand over special clothing and other personal protective equipment for dry cleaning (washing) and repair;
- wash your face and hands with soap or take a shower.
5.2. Notify your immediate supervisor about any shortcomings found during work.


1. General Provisions

1.1. The job description of the head of the boiler house section determines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the person holding the position of the Head of the boiler house section of the enterprise.

1.2. The head of the boiler house section is appointed, moved or dismissed by order of the director.

1.3. The head of the section reports directly to the chief engineer, and in his absence, the substitute person, according to the order, receives orders from him.

1.4. A person with a completed higher or secondary specialized education with at least 3 years of experience in operating thermal power plants and heat supply systems and who has passed the knowledge test in the qualification commission can be appointed to the position of the Head of the section.

1.5. The initial examination of the knowledge of the newly hired Site Manager is carried out no later than one month after the appointment to the position.

1.6. The next test of knowledge is carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.7. During the absence of the Section Head, his duties are performed by a person appointed by the Order in the prescribed manner.

1.8. The site manager should know:

- Federal Law of 21.07.1997 No. 116-FZ "On industrial safety hazardous production facilities ";

- The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (in terms of violations in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety, ecology);

- Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Supply";

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 401 "On the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision";

- Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated March 24, 2003 No. 115 "On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 02, 2003 No. 4358);

- Order of Rostekhnadzor dated 07.04.2008 No. 212 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing work on issuing permits for admission to the operation of power plants" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 28.04.2008 No. 11597);

- Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm2), hot water boilers and water heaters with a water heating temperature not higher than 338K (115 degrees C), approved. By order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 205 of 28.08.1992.

- Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 15, 2013 No. 542 “On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety“ Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks ”. (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 31.12.2013 No. 30929);

- Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 (as amended on December 6, 2013) "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" (together with the "Regulation on the organization of work on training and certification of specialists organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision "," Regulations on the organization of training and knowledge testing of workers' organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision ") (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 22, 2007 No. 9133);

- Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n "On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 12.12.2013 No. 30593);

- Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 "On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of consumers' electrical installations" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 22, 2003 No. 4145);

- Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 261 "On approval of the Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations";

- in case of accidents at work;

- Federal Law dated 21.12.1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety";

- Federal Law of 22.07.2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Requirements";

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.2012 No. 390 (as amended on 06.03.2015) "On the fire regime" (together with the "Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation");

- Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2007 No. 645 (as amended on 22.06.2010) "On the approval of the Fire safety standards" Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations "(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 21.01.2008 No. 10938);

- Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ;

- GOST R 12.0.007-2009 SSBT. Management system in the organization. General requirements for development, application, evaluation and improvement;

- Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03.28.2014 No. 155n (as amended on 06.17.2015) "On approval of the Rules for labor protection when working at height" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 09/05/2014 No. 33990);

- Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions";

- Federal Law of 24.07.1998 No. 125-FZ "On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases";

- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 01.06.2009 No. 290n (as amended on 12.01.2015) "On the approval of the Interindustry rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 09.10.2009 No. 14742);

- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 112n (as amended on February 20, 2014) "On approval of standard standards for the free issuance of flushing and (or) neutralizing agents to workers and the labor safety standard" Providing workers with flushing and (or) neutralizing agents "(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 22, 2011, No. 20562);

- Order No. 302н dated 12.04.2011. Ministry of Health and social development RF "On the approval of lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, in the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers engaged in heavy work and work harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions ";

- Technical documentation for the main and auxiliary equipment installed in the boiler rooms on the site;

- Orders, orders and other internal local regulations of the enterprise;

- Information letters and other instructions from the controlling government services.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the boiler section is obliged:

2.1. Manage the production and economic activities of the site.

2.2. Carry out maintenance, repair and ensure the safe operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of the site.

2.3. Provide:

- uninterrupted heat supply to consumers in accordance with the approved schedule;

- safe operation of equipment in the boiler room;

- development and timely revision of job and production instructions for subordinate personnel, completing workplaces with the necessary regulatory and other documentation in accordance with the approved lists.

- compliance with the requirements of the rules of technical operation, labor protection rules, fire and industrial safety.

2.4. Organize the development and implementation of organizational and technical measures for:

- improving the reliability of boiler equipment, reducing heat losses;

- rational use of fuel and energy resources;

- reduction of equipment downtime for repair, preparation for work in various seasonal conditions.

2.5. Promote the introduction of new technology and advanced production technology, advanced techniques and methods of labor.

2.6. Participate in:

- conducting experimental work and testing new equipment before putting it into operation;

- participate in the work of knowledge testing commissions,

- consideration of technical projects;

- acceptance of equipment after major repairs and installation;

- the work of commissions to investigate the causes of accidents, failures in the operation of boiler equipment, as well as cases of industrial injuries.

2.7. Determine the current and future scope of work on the site.

2.8. Provide the preparation of applications for tools, materials, spare parts, protective equipment required for maintenance and repair of equipment.

2.9. Monitor the safety and correct use material values.

2.10. Ensure the participation of personnel in the conduct of a special assessment of working conditions, contests, reviews and other events.

2.11. Organize technical accounting and analysis of equipment operation.

2.12. Ensure timely preparation of reports on the results of the activities of the site.

2.13. Participate in the organization and conduct of emergency and fire safety training of personnel.

2.14. Carry out work with personnel in accordance with regulatory and legal acts.

2.15. Control workplaces by making rounds and inspections.

2.16. Carry out work to improve the qualifications of personnel.

2.17. Provide the chief engineer with suggestions for prosecuting employees who violate the requirements of rules and regulations.

3. Rights

The site manager has the right:

3.1. Make decisions, give instructions within the limits of their competence.

3.2. Suspend from boiler maintenance personnel who violate the requirements of rules and regulations or show unsatisfactory knowledge.

3.3. Submit proposals to the Chief Engineer on prosecuting employees who violate the requirements of rules and regulations.

3.4. Place workers on the site according to their qualifications and business qualities.

3.5. Give an individual assessment of the work of the staff at the end of the month.

3.6. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.

3.7. Receive the information necessary to perform his functions on issues within his competence.

3.8. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

3.9. Engage specialists from other structural divisions of the enterprise to solve the responsibilities assigned to it (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the head of the enterprise).

3.10. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the execution of their job responsibilities and right.

3.11. Contact the departments, sections, workshops of the enterprise on technical, economic, economic issues.

4. Responsibility

The head of the boiler house section is responsible for:

4.1. non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.2. improper organization of operation of the main and auxiliary equipment;

4.3. improper use and safety of equipment, materials, inventory on the site;

4.4. non-compliance with internal regulations, labor and production discipline;

4.5. uneconomical use of fuel and energy resources;

4.6. incorrect admission of personnel to independent work;

4.7. failure to comply with labor protection and fire and industrial safety requirements;

4.8. non-fulfillment of orders, orders and instructions of the chief engineer and director.

5. Relationships

When fulfilling his functional duties, the head of the boiler section carries out the following relationships:

5.1. With the chief engineer and director:

The site manager receives:

- orders, instructions;

- orders, instructions, schedules, information letters, etc.

- The head of the section transfers:

- documentation for the operation and repair of boiler houses for approval;

- applications for the purchase of materials for approval;

- information on the execution of orders, orders, schedules, etc. relevant to the profile of the activity;

- information on violations by personnel of the requirements of regulatory and legal acts on labor protection, fire and industrial safety;

- certificates, memos, reports, etc.

5.2. With a HR specialist:

The site manager receives:

- signed vacation schedules;

- internal local regulations;

- information about the employees of the enterprise.

The head of the section transfers:

- service notes to the employees of the enterprise, called to work due to production needs;

- sick leaves of staff;

- timesheet, etc.

The site manager receives:

- materials, tools, personal protective equipment from the warehouse, according to the submitted applications.

The head of the section transfers:

- applications for required material, tools, personal protective equipment agreed by the chief engineer.

5.4. With the operational dispatch service (hereinafter - SLM)

The site manager receives:

- information on adjusting the operating parameters of sources, heating networks and other thermal mechanical equipment;

- daily schedule of the operating mode of heating networks and heat sources based on the weather forecast for the next day, issued by the meteorological service;

- permission to withdraw equipment for repair, in accordance with the submitted applications, indicating the start and end dates of repairs;

- promptly informs the personnel of the site about disconnections and switching of loads of sources and in heating networks.

The head of the section transfers:

- information on the actual operating modes and technical condition of boiler equipment;

- information on the fulfillment or violation of the heat release schedule set by the Dispatcher (maintaining the coolant parameters) and emergency equipment failure;

- applications for taking out for repair and for testing equipment of heat sources and heating networks;

- schedules and programs for testing equipment of heat sources and heating networks, their starts;

- information on the progress of repair work, opening and closing of permit orders;

- information about the operation of the main and auxiliary equipment, its repair and idle time in reserve;

- information on changes in modes at sources, on technological disturbances in the operation of equipment, sources, heating networks and heat consumption systems, the occurrence of an emergency;

- at the specified time, the operating parameters of heat sources and heating networks, readings of gas, water and electricity meters;

- schedules of duty of the site personnel on weekends and holidays.

5.5. With the production and technical department (hereinafter PTO)

The site manager receives:

- design and technical documentation;

- confirmation of the scope of work performed;

- technical supervision of the work performed.

The head of the section transfers:

- information about changes in technological schemes;

- the necessary documentation and reports;

- plans for current and major repairs of boiler equipment;

- weekly reports on the repair of boiler equipment;

- the amount of work performed by the site for the preparation of estimates.

5.6. With accounting

The site manager receives:

- pay slips;

- material report.

The head of the section transfers:

- acts for the write-off of material assets;

- waybills for the internal movement of material;

- other documents on request.

The site manager receives:

- electrical equipment after major repairs;

- regime maps of boilers;

- verified instrumentation.

The head of the section transfers:

- applications for the repair of electrical equipment and the provision of facilities and premises of the site with sufficient lighting;

- control and measuring devices for verification.

5.8. With a service for setting up tests and modes (hereinafter - SNIR)

The site manager receives:

- information on adjusting the operating parameters of sources, heating networks and other thermal mechanical equipment.

The head of the section transfers:

- the necessary operational information about the condition of the equipment for commissioning.

The site manager receives:

- information about current and newly introduced regulatory legal acts on labor protection, industrial and fire safety, operational and maintenance and repair of equipment, work with personnel;

- regulatory legal acts on labor protection, industrial and fire safety, operational and technical maintenance and repair of equipment, work with personnel;

- information letters, operational instructions and other materials of the controlling state services in the field of reliability, labor protection, industrial and fire safety;

- governing documents (orders, instructions ...);

- standard for providing personnel with personal protective equipment;

- instructions, measures to eliminate comments identified during the inspection of workplaces, working teams;

- measures to improve working conditions;

- schedules for testing the knowledge of managers;

- information on technological violations, accidents, fires, injuries;

- directive documents regulating the relationship to ensure labor safety.

The head of the section transfers:

- reports on the fulfillment of prescriptions;

- reports on the implementation of orders, directive documents and other measures to improve the reliability of the equipment, improve the state of labor protection, fire and industrial safety;

- acts, schedules, programs, lists, etc .;

- information about the days of health and safety;

- programs for improving the working conditions and labor protection of departments;

- explanatory on the issues of violation of the requirements of regulatory and legal acts on labor protection, industrial and fire safety;

- explanatory notes on accidents at work;

- explanatory for technological violations in the operation of equipment.

5.10. With a chemical engineer:

The site manager receives:

- information on the quality of water for boiler houses;

- maps of the water-chemical regime of boilers;

- information on the need to clean the heating surfaces of boiler equipment;

- an application for the purchase of materials, equipment, chemical reagents.

The head of the section transfers:

- an application for external and internal inspection of heating surfaces.