Prohibiting signs in the preparatory group. Learn Road signs Presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

Purpose:intensify knowledge of information signs and signs of special prescriptions.

Material: microdistrict layout; road signs.

Structure occupation

Teacher.Many, many years ago, when there were no cars, people overcame long distances between cities on horseback. At that distant time at the edges of the roads installed posts. These pillars (shows the drawing), painted in white and black colors, were the first road signs. They helped the travelers not to get down from the road and sometimes indicated which part of the path was passed or how much remained to go. Today we can not imagine that we would have worked on our streets if there were no road signs and road markings. They became the main assistants for all participants road: both for drivers, and for passengers, and pedestrians. Today we will talk about road signs that help us, pedestrians, navigate the road world. Some of these signs are informational; Others are called signs of special prescriptions. Signs have the shape of a square or a rectangle of blue or green colors. First of all, such road signs help pedestrians to find a pedestrian crossing. As you already know, transitions are several types: underground - when the tunnel is drunk under the ground; Overhead - a special bridge is built above the road, terrestrial - when the transition is located directly on the roadway. Let's remember which signs indicate these transitions.

Children choose signs: two information signs and one sign of special prescriptions.

Then the signs are discussed.

Teacher. Most often we use the ground pedestrian crossing. It is indicated on the roadway with a special markup, called Zebra. Now let's talk about the signs of special prescriptions, which indicate pedestrians of the bus stop, trolleybus, tram and taxis.

Children choose signs.

The teacher initiates a conversation in which signs are discussed and the rules of behavior at stops are recalled.

Teacher offers children to approach the microdistrict layout.

Teacher. Have you noticed that there are no all road signs on the layout? But without them, the city cannot exist. Let's fix the situation. I will guess you riddles. For each correct answer, you will receive the corresponding sign and place it on the layout in the right place. So, proceed.

Strins black and white man walks boldly.

Which of you guys knows the sign of what warns? ("Crosswalk".)

If you are going with a dad in a zoo or in a movie,

Make friends with this sign you will have to do anyway.

Without it, I will not get a bus or in the tram.

So you walk on foot! Road sign Guess! (Stop.)

We run up to the intersection. Ah, annoying snag!

What should we do? No stroke - the red light caught fire.

But it will not let us down ... (underground transition).

Other signs on the subject of classes are possible.


Formation presentations of children about road signs.

Software tasks:

1) expand and consolidate Knowledge of children about traffic lights and road rules;

2) introduce children With road signs:
indexing : "Crosswalk"; "Underground Pedestrian Transition";
- Prohibiting: "
Traffic pedestrians are prohibited "; "Traffic bicycles forbidden ";
- Signs of service: "Hospital"; "Power point"; "Retaining";

3) consolidate the knowledge gained on road signs through the didactic game "Collect the Sign" and drawing road signs;

4) bring up the culture of behavior on the street, developing the need to comply with the rules of the road.


Road signs, traffic light layout. Illustrations with the image of various situations on the road, road signs: Pedestrian crossing, underground transition, traffic light. Templates, ○, □ Forms, pencils, didactic game "Gather a sign."

Structure occupation


Guys, guess the riddle:
Three of my magic eyes
Manage everyone at once.
I am a morgue - the cars will go,
Women stand, men.
Answer together, choir
What be called? .. (Traffic light).


(shows a traffic light layout)

Why do you need a traffic light?


The traffic light is needed in order to adjust the road movement so that the streets and roads are order.


What does each signal of the traffic light indicate?


Red color - dangerous color
This means - no stroke.
Yellow - do not rush
And wait for the signal.
Green color says:
Now you have the way open!


Let's see:
- What are the people walking down the street? (Pedestrians ).
- Where can I go around the street? (
By transitions ).
- What transitions do you know? (
Ground, underground).
- What is the safest transition? (
Underground ).
- What needs to be done before moving the street? (
See - left, reach the middle of the road - to look at the right, then go through the rest).
- Why dangerous to run the street? (
Because besides pedestrians on the streets also cars).

Well done boys! You know the rules of the road.


The rules of the road in the world is not enough
Everyone would not hurt them to learn
But the main rules of movement
Know how the table must be multiplying
On the pavement, do not play, do not ride
If you want to stay healthy !!!

Fizminutka "Traffic light".

In the traffic light we will play, (Children chlo in your hands).
One, two, three, four, five.
I suggest everyone to get up. (
Children get up walking in place marching).
Red Light We "Stop!" screaming, (
Children stand still).
Wait for green orders.
So yellow caught fire, (
Get it time
Hands, legs, warm up
We start a defense !!! (
Squats ).
Here is green caught fire, (
Hands raise up).
Can we go ahead (
Walking in place marching).
Be bolder pedestrian.


Children, all road signs are divided into warnings prohibiting, prescribing, index. There are also signs of service. Now we will get acquainted with these signs.

This sign is called "Pedestrian Transition". This is an index sign that indicates the place where you need to move the road.
Only for pedestrian
Sign at the place of transition
In the blue square -


Knows every pedestrian
About underground transition.
City he does not adorn
But cars do not interfere.

(The tutor shows the "Underground Pedestrian Transition" sign).


Among all road signs are the stringent - prohibiting. They have a round shape with a red border or red background. You need to remember the following signs:

"No Pedestrians".
In the rain and clear weather
Pedestrians do not go here.
Says the sign one:
"You have been banned."

(The tutor shows the sign "Pedestrian Movement forbidden").


Bike on a red circle
So it is dangerous to go here!

(The tutor shows the children a sign "Bicycle Movement forbidden").


Children, among road signs there are signs of service that show drivers where the hospital is located, the dining room where you can refuel gasoline! These rectangular signs with a blue stripe.

(The tutor shows the children's signs for children).

Didactic game "Collect the Sign".

The contours of road signs are made of cardboard, elements of a road sign are made separately. On the instructions of the tutor, children must find the elements of the sign and invest them in the appropriate contour. (The teacher distributes the templates of road signs round, triangular, rectangular shape and wax chalk).

At the end of the lesson, there is an exhibition of children's work.

In the afternoon, parents with children make layouts of pedestrian crossings.

Purpose: To acquaint children with some service signs, give an idea of \u200b\u200btheir meaning on the road.

Material: Road signs, including service signs; All for the plot game.

Structure occupation

Teacher. Guys, guess the riddle!

On the side of the road as soldiers stand.

We all strictly carry out all that ... (signs) we are told.

There are a lot of road signs. Each of them, as you know, belongs to some category. What categories have you already met? (Children respond and show signs of different categories on the stand.)

Today we will get acquainted with the signs of another category - service signs. In their way appearance They are like informational and signs of special regulations. "Service" means service. What service can be on the road? For example, this sign (shows) is called "First Medical Aid".

Whatever happens to you on the road, know: doctors who work close to the place of installation site will come to help. But this sign is similar to the previous one (shows the sign).

But it has a different meaning - "Hospital".

I think you have noticed that the service signs are rectangular; They are blue, and on the white square indicates the type of service.

The next sign (indicates the sign) is something similar to the sign "Hospital". But he is different from him. With what? (Answers of children.) This sign is called "Hotel".

Place where you can sleep, relax

And with new forces move in the path.

Hotels located near the highway are needed by long-distance drivers, as well as those who like to travel on cars. And especially important for drivers such a sign (shows the sign).

What do you think he means? (Children's responses.)

Let's say you go in the car, in a foreign limousine.

The path is not close. On trouble, you did not take me to eat.

You will save from starvation road sign ... ("Power point"),

And here are two more signs (shows signs) that will help the driver to relax from the load behind the wheel.

After all, this is also necessary for traffic safety.

Here under the Christmas tree at the table

We will chat together. ("Resting-place".)

Here you can relax on the way.

AND better place can not found. ("Camping".)

Well, the meaning of this sign you guess right away.

Suppose you went to the gym with friends.

But on the road remembered: Mom did not say about it.

He will help you, sign ... ("Road phone").

The teacher shows the kids sign "Phone".

Teacher. But another very useful sign (shows the picture).

This sign suggests that there is a drinking water.

On large busy streets of the city, as well as on a large highway, it is impossible to do without the traffic police inspector, which violates the order, for compliance with the rules of the road, not only by drivers, but also pedestrians. The inspector booth is located nearby, according to the "Patrol Service Post" sign (shows the picture).

For the best memorization of titles and appointments of service signs scene-role game. Children get roles: driver, nurse, traffic police inspector, seller in the dining room, etc. The service signs are placed throughout the group. Children improvise, initiating various road situations.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution kindergarten Outlooking Type 2 "Rainbow" G.O. Krasnoarmeysk Moscow region.

At the city competition "Green Spark"

Educator: Pukhova S.N., Senior Educator: Ptashkin O.N. 2015


  • Summarize knowledge of the rules of traffic, the formation of a culture of safe behavior in everyday life.


  • Consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road and apply the knowledge gained in games and everyday life; Secure knowledge of traffic lights.
  • Educate in children responsibility for their safety and life of other people, culture of behavior on the street; Promoting the creation of positive emotional mood.
  • Develop observation, logical thinking, speed, movement reaction.

Preliminary work: classes, conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in transport. Acquaintance with road signs, with various species Transportation, learning of poems with children, excursions with children to a pedestrian crossing, traffic light.

Equipment: costumes for heroes: road signs, zebra with zebrene, traffic light; Lights of traffic lights, signs on stands, magnetic easels, cardboard circles with flower lights, parachute game, cutting pictures, flickers, road layouts, laptop, projector, music. Centre.

The course of the event.

Children's pedestrians and children passengers run out, then the children drivers are traveled on cars, the traffic light and leads to the music "We are going to go, BB!" sl. N. Zoyrnik, music. In the exchanger.

Every God's Days
In summer, in winter and always
In the morning we hurry with friends
In our garden, where the defortion lives!

Someone goes on great
And someone goes and walk,
And we love in the car
With a papier behind the wheel!

We are going, we are going, BB!


BBB BB Bibika!
We are going to kindergarten!
BBB BB Bibika!
And everyone here is glad!

I'll sit in Bibika,
The belt I will catch up.
I know the rules everything
Roads are not afraid!

We are moving, BB!

In our city everywhere
Road signs cost
On the rules of the desired movement
They talk to us

Prospectuses here are all boulevards,
All the streets are very noisy
Drivers and pedestrians
They help them!

We are moving, BB!


BBB BB Bibika!
Watch do not yaw!
BBB BB Bibika!
And the rules know everything!

I stand and do not go
After all, the red light burns!
But only pedestrians
"Opened the way" He speaks

BBB BB Bibika!
Be careful
BBB BB Bibika!
And you do not forget

That traffic light and zebra
Will help you in the way
Someone and drive
To whom and go

We are moving, BB!

Passengers and pedestrians pass on the loss and sit on chairs, children drivers unfold and travel back.

Traffic light: (to the music, while the children leave and sit on the places)

In the center of the city of Big
There are a lot of roads,
And, of course, it is important that
Go to them everyone could.

And so someone came up with
Rules Friends.
These rules of movement,
And the goal, and the leader

It is impossible to forget!

Host: Hello, dear guests! Sit comfortably, places occupy more, in the city of road signs we invite friends!

Guys, let's say hello to the guests.

Host: Dear Children! Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you at the holiday "Green Spark" in kindergarten "Rainbow" . Today we gathered with you to talk about very important, about the rules of road traffic and culture of behavior on the street.

Guys, a zebrenk should come to visit us today. His mother asked that you taught him the rules of the road, because he will soon become completely adults and will have to help pedestrians themselves on the road. But something he is delayed, he may have happened to him on the road. After all, he is so naughty, such a chali and with him often an unpleasant story.

(The phonogram sounds: brake squeal, signal, metal crosses, cries)

Mom Zebra: (runs out in panic)

Help, help, good people save!
I hear gnash here and there, noise everywhere, rumble, gam!
Walked a zebrenk on the heels!
I can not find him, suddenly got into trouble on the way!

I looked under the bush, I checked under the bridge.
No zebrenka, guard! Maybe somewhere he fell asleep?
Maybe he went to walk, draw on the fence?
I can't find him, suddenly got into trouble on the way?

Traffic light: (It is important to go)

Do not shout, do not make sure
better Son teach
how the road go
On the green light go!

(loud and instructive):

You will remember the zebryat and the guys
Mom Zebra (loud and instructive)
On the green light - go!
Traffic light: and on red - wait!

Zebrenok (guilty):

Once in a big and noisy city,
I was confused and disappeared.
Do not remember the signs of the traffic lights,
Slightly under the car did not hit.

Circle of machine and trams,
That suddenly the bus on the way.
Confess to honestly i don't know
How do I go through the way?

Moderator: Zebrenok, you are very lucky. Today in our kindergarten passes "Green Spark" .

(Refers to mom zebra).

You, mammy zebra, do not worry.
Come for you for a zebrot,
for his naughty child
Maybe somewhere in an hour,

Let it be happy with us.

Zebra leaves.

Host: Yes, guys, a lot of all sorts of trouble can happen on the road, if you do not know the rules of the road.

Very important science - the rules of movement,
and they must comply with everything without exception.
In the city, the street does not go just like this:
When you do not know the rules, it is easy to get to come.

All the time be attentive and remember in advance:

His rules have a driver and a pedestrian.

Traffic light: Each of you guys daily is a pedestrian. This is a very serious role, because the pedestrian must be attentive, competent and polite.

Going out to the street, prepare in advance,

Politeness and restraint, and most importantly, attention!

But in order for you on the street to be safer and clearer, there are helpers who show where and when you can safely cross the roadway. How do you think these assistants? (Road signs - they help navigate on the roads; road markings are white lines on the roadway road, serves as a guide on the road, the adjustor is a person who regulates traffic with signals, a traffic light, which also serves to adjust the road traffic).

Traffic light: right, guys. These are road markings, road signs and, of course, the traffic light.

I am polite and strict,
I am known for the whole world
I'm wide on the street -
The most important commander.

Need to obey without dispute
Specify traffic lights.
Red light-……
Green light - ……

Yellow means - ......

Opens each color, and children respond.

Host: And so that you better remember the color of the traffic light, let's play the game "Light traffic lights" .

The game "Light traffic lights" :

Children are divided into two teams, opposite each standing of a traffic light layout on a stand with 2 sides. Near the layouts lie circles of different colors. By team, each participant runs up, takes the desired circle and inserts into the desired window.

Traffic light: What are traffic lights? (for pedestrians and cars). Shows a traffic light for pedestrians.

What denotes the green light on the pedestrian traffic light? And what the red is talking about?

Traffic light: Well done guys.

Host: And on the road to pedestrians and drivers, the children were correctly told, helps road signs.

Traffic light: Do you know road signs? Now I will check. Get out the guys, tell the zebrenka that they denote road signs.

Children go to signs and tell poems about road signs:

"Crosswalk" .

Here is a ground transition,
The people walk all day.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pedestrian skip!

"Underground pass" .

Knows every pedestrian
About the underground stroke.
Pedestrians helps
And the cars does not interfere!

"Children" .

In the middle of the road, children
We are always responsible for them.
So as not to cry their parent,
Be careful, the driver!

"Bus stop" .

In this place a pedestrian
Patient transport is waiting.
He was tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger


In the rain and in clear weather
Pedestrians do not go here.
Says the sign one:
"You have been banned!"

"Railroad crossing" .

Warns a sign of us strictly:
Here railway!
Rails, sleepers and paths -
With the train do not joke.

Traffic light: so that you know better signs, I will give you a parachute, but only this parachute is road. Let's play with him in one game.

Playing parachute "Road signs" :

Traffic signs are attached on sectors of the same color: "Crosswalk" , "Children" , "Underground pass" , "Bus stop" , "Railroad crossing" , "No Pedestrians" . Children, holding a parachute handle, go in a circle with the words:

So that the cars were in no hurry,
Walked calmly pedestrian
Always decided to help
Signs to people all year round.

Everyone will help everyone, everyone will tell
This is not a trifle!
Observe every sign.

Then the lead calls each of the signs in turn, and the children standing on the contrary should run in parachute and swap.

Host: If you do not follow the rules of the road, then very unpleasant stories may occur. We will tell us the children of the School of School No. 1.

Speech by School of School No. 1.

Host: Thank you, young Youth Youth, now the zebrenk will know, and our guys will also remember necessary rules And comply with them.

Traffic light: Well, you, zebrennok, always followed the rules of the road?

Zebrenok (guilty)

I will tell you the truth to you guys
I did not want to perform them.
I thought the fact that we would be animated
Optional to know them.

Now, of course, traffic lights,
I learned the conversation.
I understood what I did,
Where did the mistake committed!

Traffic light: Well, that is good that you understand your mistake. But I want the guys, too, knew how you could not go on the road.

Therefore, the next task-situation on thinking and attention.

Children look at the road on the road with a zebrent and explain whether he actually arrived or not.

Presentation "Situations on the road with a zebrent"

Slide 1:


Once, swinging out of school,
I saw my friends.
And on flashing green
Across the road ran.

Traffic light: Guys, what made the zebrennk?

Slide 2:

The traffic light: the zebrennok decided to play the ball with her friend. But, in my opinion, they have forgotten where it needs to be done.

Slide 3:

Zebrenok: I went for my boyfriend's birthday. Coming out of the bus, began to move the road, but almost turned out to be under the wheels of the car.

Traffic light: Guys, did he move the road, coming out of the bus?

Slide 4:

Traffic light: And who came from the animals right?

Slide 5: And here it is seen that the zebrennik absolutely does not know about the rules of movement in the dark. How to do it?

Traffic light: Guys, probably, almost every of you have a bike, right? So there are rules for behavior on the road and for cyclists, which you also have to clearly know and observe, because A lot of troubles happens to children on a bike. Do you know them? Are you a zebrenok?

Zebrenk, lowering his head, to blame her foot.

Host: Guys, let's teach a zebrent to ride a bike! The game "Cyclists" .

Two teams participate. Each team has a 2x2 playing field, divided into 4 numbered sectors. Teams are in turn choose the sector and receive questions from leading questions regarding the rules of cycling. If a correct answer is given, the sector is turned over, and a cyclist is drawn on the back of the field (i.e., with the right answer, part of the picture appears). The team wins the team that fastest on the playing field will gather a cyclist.


  1. From what age can you leave by bike on the roadway? From 14 years old.
  2. Where should children ride a bike up to 14 years? (on sites, stadiums).
  3. Who is allowed to ride bicycles on the sidewalk? (Only kids on children's bicycles)
  4. What should be checked by a bike primarily before riding a bike? (Brakes)
  5. Players show the "Bicycle Track" sign, they must call the sign and explain what it means.
  6. Is it possible to carry a passenger on the bike? (Only young children, with a special extra seat).
  7. What is the trunk for a bicycle? (for cargo).
  8. How to cross the road by bike? (Go away and roll a bike).
  9. What must be equipped with bicycles?


10. Where and when the cyclist should pass pedestrians? (In any places on the streets and roads, the driver of the bicycle must pass pedestrians).

11. Who every one of you becomes when it sits on a bike? (driver)

12. How will the rules obey the cyclist if he leads the bike with his hands? (Pedestrian rules).

13. Which of the signs prohibits the movement of cyclists? (two signs shown "Bicycle lane" and "Bicycle movement is prohibited" ) .

14. Is it possible to ride a bike without holding the steering wheel? (not)

Host: Zebrenk, now you know that there are rules for cyclists?

Zebrenok: Yes, thank you, I promise that I will strictly follow all the rules.

The traffic light: Well, the guys and animals were all today well done. Someone learned a lot of new things, someone repeated what he already knew. And check how you all remembered, you can play the game .

The game "Find a road sign" . Each team we offer street layout and a set of road signs. On the layout you must arrange signs in the right places. So, 1, 2. 3 (whistle sounds). During the competition, music sounds.

After the game goes zebra to change clothes.

Leading: Our holiday came to an end. Thank you for the answers, for the enthusiasm, for the ringing laughter, for the excitement of the competition, ensured success. Road traffic rules must be observed on the roads and obey them so that it does not happen to trouble. We wish you to be attentive on the streets and remember the rules of the road.

Mom's zebra runs.

Mom Zebra: I was not late? And then I was worried about how Zebrenk will go one back home, again will fall into unpleasant situations on the road.

Traffic light: You may not worry about your zebrenka, he became a competent pedestrian and cyclist and to violate the rules of the road will not.

Mom Zebra: Thank you guys and adults, thanks traffic light. I am very glad, I think my baby will soon become a good zebra. And I want you guys to give these talismans that will be protected on the road in the dark.

Mom Zebra gives children flickers.
Mom Zebra and Zebrok together:
Outdoor be attentive, children!
Firmly remember these rules!

These rules remember always
So as not to happen to you trouble.

Goodbye to meetings! Under the song "Zebrenok" they are going away.

Host: And we guys say goodbye to guests! We committed a good thing today - taught the zebringe rules of the road. On the street in our city of road signs there will be less disorder. Traffic light and road signs - our reliable friends!

Traffic light:

Do not play on the road, do not ride
If you want to stay alive,
Who rules do not know, teach
And with traffic rules are constantly friends.

Goodbye, guys!

Under the song "Traffic signs" Children say goodbye to guests and go.

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Signatures for slides:

presentation performed - the teacher Sulushko Tatyana Vladimirovna TMB DOU "Kindergarten of the combined type" Tale "Dudinka

Warning signs. Prohibiting signs Information signs Types of road signs.

Warning signs.

Triangular This sign is understood, the driver, so: here the railway, you are a little pristhereosa! Here the barrier lowered the train to have missed. Railroad crossing

Repair the highway must be sure! The sign asks you to go carefully. Road works

Stop, driver! Brake! School somewhere near, camp or kindergarten! Take care of the life of the guys. Children

Pedestrian crossing, here the owner is a pedestrian! Pedestrian skip, do not bother him to go! Crosswalk

Prohibiting signs. White circle with cut red- prohibits something clear? Before us - a ban sign, forever remember it!

Pedestrian, slowed down, stand, buddy - pedestrian! Pedestrus no stroke, this sign - on the way ban! No Pedestrians.

Hey, wait, bike! Sign noticed or not? Near your friend moped. You two - no movement! . Bicycle and motorcycles are prohibited

Blue rectangle, white square inside, tells us about that and about it, you look at the picture! Information signs

Wait, the friend is a little bit! See - fork, you see - a spoon! We will not hurry, here we can eat! How much is a nice sign, our fragrant lunch is waiting! Power item

Bus, trolleybus, tram. Stopping public transport.

Underground and overhead pedestrian crossings.

If something sits, you need Dr. Aibolit! Red Cross helped in the way of the sick save! Point of first aid. Hospital

If you need to call you on the road urgently, this sign will indicate for your phone exactly. Telephone

TRAFFIC LIGHT. Pedestrian crossing - Zebra. We need ...

Observe the rules of the road!

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