Dragon Age Inquisition Treasure Card. Dragon Age: Inquisition - Passage: Internal Earth - Navalous Quests

This quest gives you an elf refugee at the crossroads. He fuses back and forth literally three meters north of a fast travel point. His wife needs a special potion, and only their son Hyndel knows how to cook him, who joined some strange cult and is currently in his camp. Go there. The leadership of the cult, preacher Anais, will not be particularly glad to see you, but the gate to the fortress will open. Hyndel is at the second level of the fortress. Talk to him - and he will give you the right potion. Return to his father to the camp at the crossroads, give the potion and complete the quest. (Solas and Cassandra slightly approve your efforts.)

Slava Bulletin Andrasthe

This very small quest is given to you after talking with the preacher Anais (see Previous Quest). Close the break, which is right in the courtyard of the fortress. It will convince everyone in your divine destination, and you will even get the opportunity to recruit the cultists to help the Inquisition.

Love will wait

On the coup of the nobility named Velly in the gnome pass, you will find a letter from some Lord Beranda. Apparently, the poor fellow was on his way to his beloved, but he was pleased with his misfortune just into the conflict between apostates and temples.

Lord Berand is in the same fortress as the son of the refugee, which you need to find a shallow breath for the quest. Tell him about the death of Lady Wellin, and you will get the opportunity to recruit it as an Inquisition agent. Inquisition agents, in addition to increasing the impact, also reduce the time that your advisers spend on their missions.

Lord Berand will become an agent of the Inquisition at your report about the death of Wellines in any case, the difference is that if you directly ask him about it, then he will become an agent attributed to Callena (this will approve Cassandra), and if you advise him to come back home And protect people there, he will become an agent attributed to Josephine (this will approve of Solas and sulfur).

You will need to close the rift in the fortress to fully complete this quest.

This quest can be performed in the reverse order: that is, first find Lord Beranda, which will complain about the strange delay in his beloved, then find her body, which in this case will be marked by the quest marker - and further as above.

Flour of hunger

Refugee-hunter in the camp at the crossroads will inform you that they lack food. Forest and mountain rams in abundance are jumping in the surrounding mountains and forests. Possibly on them and deliver a lamb hunter in an amount of 10 pieces to complete the quest and easy approval of Solax and Sare.

In the power of the elements

This quest gives you a recruitment of Vitl in the refugee camp at the crossroads. Refugees suffer from cold, as they do not have enough blankets. Vitl suggests that in the caches of magician-apostates, there will certainly have suitable supplies. Total caches are five, and they are not even very far from each other - some right on the surface, some in the caves. Follow the marker on the map and you will delay them without difficulty. After you find all five caches, report to Vitla. In addition to the points of influence and experience, you will also get approval from Solas, sulfur, Cool and Cassandra.

Healing DLA

Capral Vale mentioned that refugees need a healer. Such a healer is or rather, the healer-elf, is located in the village of Redcliff. You need to persuade her to go to the rescue, as it is afraid that refugees will feel bad to her because she is elf. You can persuade her if you yourself - an elf, if there are Cassandra or Solas in your group, or if you have perk for the knowledge of the nobility or history.

The same healer will give you three small harvesters to collect herbs for the needs of refugees. Ask her what she needs, and then read the list on the table. The list will be updated twice when you bring the necessary herbs to elphi.

You need to find:
1. 4 elven roots and 2 spindlers.
2. 6 Elven roots and 1 Royal Elfi root
3. 5 spindlers and 2 pieces of crystal grace.

Refugees as agents inquisition

This task does not appear in the journal, but if you have fulfilled all three of the above-described quest to improve the living conditions of refugees, then go and talk to Cradle Vale, and in gratitude he will offer assistance inquisition. You can recruit refugees as agents for any of your three advisers for your choice. As an additional bonus, it will approve almost all your comrades - even those who have not been present in the group.

Amulet beloved

Not far from the Winter Tower you will find the Cup of the Temple, and it is a letter for some Elder. In addition to the letter, you will find the amulet-phylactery. Take it to Magiche Elalandra (Solas will slightly approve this). She is in the refugee camp. You can recruit it as an Inquisition agent if your GG is a magician or if Vivien is present in your group. (Solas, True, I will not like it.)

Unusual duet

This quest can be obtained from the scout north of the camp in the gnome pass. He is worried about the fate of intelligence named Ritts. Go to the location specified on the map and you will see the dyesman, disabled from several temples. Help her win battle.
Since ritts safe, you can immediately go to the quest and to report on your success.

But you noticed that your circle on the mini card flashes? Perhaps you should first look around? Go behind the search arrow. You will find a picnic basket and corpse. Talk to the saved woman about the found, and then go to the report to the reconnaissance.

If there is a Barrick or your GG in your group, then you can recruit Ritts as an Inquisition agent. (You can't do it, if you first find a picnic basket and the corpse of the mug.)

Blood Brothers

This quest you will receive if you read a letter to the post in the hut literally three steps to the south of your first camp in the suburbs. Obviously, one of the brothers mentioned in the letter is a quick magician, and a letter-writing brother-Tempecnik will hardly ease with him and figure out the apostate. Go to the specified place, we have been well a corpse found there - and this will complete this quest.


Quest gives you a widow-elf in the suburbs. If you go exactly east of the southern part of the lake, then just south of your camp and almost south of the refugee camp (a little to the east) you will find her hut. (Needing to her is one of the small breaks, if you need an additional reference point.) Tempers killed her Farmer's husband, for some reason, accepting him for a runaway magazine, and took his wedding ring. The necessary temples are southeast of the hut - disappear with them and return the widow ring. Cassandra will slightly approve your act.


(Saflets: Horses for the Inquisition, Trouble with Wolves, Farmers Safety)

This quest is automatically given to you at your first visit to internal lands. Callen would wish to get good horses for his troops, for which he needed the best charmer in this area, Master Dennet. You need to find a dennet and convince him to provide his horses for the Inquisition.

Master Denet, however, just so you will not give you any horses. First you must execute several assignments. He will send you to Elea and Bronus, which are located right there, on the farm. Elaine will complain about the problem with wolves that have become more aggressive than usual. The arm will ask you to improve the safety of the surroundings, building in suitable places guard towers.

Quest Elaina is simple enough - go to the northeast of the farms to the quest mark, where you will find in the Wolf Cave Lair. In addition to the wolves there will be a daemon in it - when you deal with it, you can return and report to elaine about success.

The kest of the armor consists of two stages - you first need to stroke places for the towers (there are only three of them, and they are automatically marked on the map). After that, a new mission will open on your military operation card, and you can send your soldiers to the building towers. After the mission is completed, return to the brother with the report.

After completing the tasks of the armor and elaine, talk to the master Dennet, and he will finally agree to ensure the Inquisition with its best horses. Moreover, you can even recruit the Master of Dennet itself as an agent inquisition, if there is Cassandra or Vivienne in your group, there is a perk inquisition for the knowledge of the nobility.

Racing / saddle

This quest gives you a daughter Master Dennet, Shane, after you get your first horse. Win three jumps, breaking the record of Shayn's time. The jumps are not very difficult, the main thing is to care carefully so that the horse does not swept past the pillars instead of passing between them. You need to make a gallop - otherwise you do not put in time. The demons at the breaking of the break usually do not pay attention to carriage by on the horse GG, although the treadmill and passes close enough of them.

You need to successfully complete three runs - each of which is longer and slightly confusing the previous one - to fully complete this quest.

If your group is an iron bull in your group, then he will approve every victory, but only if you win from the first drank.

Measures against marauders

This quest begins with reading the letter in one of the empty houses on rake farms. Someone Hesl writes to his friend that hiding some documents in the caves of the Northern Hills. This quest is well combined with the quest "Trouble with Wolves", which gives you the wife of Hennet, Elea, since the task object is in the same cave. You need to jump a little and climb up to find prey in the box on one of the cliff ledges near the place where you found a demon on the task of Elaine.

Where Druffalo wanders

You get this quest by reading the ad complained to the fee from one of the farms of Redcliffe. One of the farmers ran away by his favorite druffalo druffy (something like a gift version of Bizon). Find and return the animal to her usual pasture. Find her by following the quest label, easy, but to bring it back may be somewhat problematic - Druffalo is not in a hurry, it is first, but, secondly, it can sometimes be elementary to get stuck on some kind of narrow place, so try to go with Druffth Do not hurry to the desired pen and choosing the route more comfortable. After druffy turns out to be on the spot, talk with her master to complete the quest.

Letter from Beloved

It begins with reading the letter found on an abandoned camp parking in the grove of the dead ram. The addressee of the letter is prescribed to take Felandaris and bring it to a certain statue of the stone lady. Felandaris in the inner lands you will not find, so you have to return to this quest a little later.

When you finally find the right plant, come back and bring it to the statue. Kill the daemon who appeared, and this will complete this quest.

Claws for Bergrita

It begins with reading the letter on the corpse on the mountain path almost exactly to the west (and a little north) from your camp on redcloth farms, next to one of the fragments. If you look at it down, you will find a beautiful view of the farm. Get three claws of a big bear. Big bears roam the territory of the territory marked with the quest marker (and only on it). When you collect three claws, this will complete this quest. (Claws you can use in crafting.)

Apostates in the witch forest

It is given after reading the letter found in the hut north of the intersection. You can also get it by removing a note from killed apostates. The note drops randomly, the letter is always in place. Load the magicians-apostates in their camp in the Witch Forest. Refuge the apostates is in the cave and protected by a fiery barrier, so for its overcoming, prepare spells and drinks of cold. In addition to Mages there will be mercenaries and warriors. From the corpse of the leader of the magicians, you can remove a unique staff with a damage cold, and in the cave - in addition to mining in various chests and bags - there is a royal elf root.

This quest can also be activated by simply embarking on refuge to refuge. It is located to the southwest of the castle Rarclif (marked on a blue marker map).

Tempera in the west

Almost mirror reflection of the previous quest. Severe rebellious temples, clearing the camp from them. The quest is given either automatically after you find the temple camp near the waterfall south-west of your camp at the top lake, or after you read the letter taken from the corpse of the temple you killed (the letter, apparently, appears after A certain number of murdered temples and therefore may be on a corpse in different locations). The Camp of the Temples is located on the top of a small mountain and, unlike the camp of the magicians, is not protected by any barriers, so it is somewhat easier to get to it. Textures of the temples are archers and warriors with a shield and a sword. The leader of the temples is a warrior-shield - a little different from the usual shredded billboard and should not deliver problems. From his corpse, you can remove a unique one-handed sword.

Relationships - internal land

The quest begins when you find a suicide note on the skeleton in the cave of old Simeon. It is located on the border of the card almost exactly to the West (and a little south) from your southwestern camp itself, one of the breaks spoke in it before. The quest icon will be noticeable when you close the gap. You need to jump a little on the stones to climb up, to a small branch in the cave, where the skeleton is. Take a note to the house of his family on rarely farms and throw it into the mailbox.

Business relationship

This quest you start when you read the letter from the Temple corpse, which lies a few steps from the corpse, which you should find in the quest "Brothers in Blood" (exactly north of your camp in the suburbs if you need an additional landmark). From it you will learn that someone Tanner secretly supports cases with temples. Tanner is located in the village of Rarcliff and is actually a church sister Tanner. If the Kassandra or Warrick or Warrick is in your group or your GG is a perk for the knowledge of the criminal world from Callen, then in conversation with it you can recruit it as an agent inquisition.

Bandits on the Eastern Road

This quest gives you to the East of the Refugee Camp. It will warn you that the bandits are not just randomy r azboanniki, but, in her opinion, a much more organized group with some incomprehensible goals. Go across the gorge and a little further you will score on the first group of bandits. Continue to follow the quest arrow, along the way, painting with the gangsters. When one of the surviving enemies starts to fall from you from all legs - you are close to the completion of the mission. Follow him and couch the final group of opponents, which is located just on the place of your possible camp. This will complete this quest. If you are aimed camp, you will find a letter containing curious information, who and why hired gangsters for robbery on the roads.

Mercenari fortress

The quest begins when you read the letter in the gangster camp, which will do, following the quest "Bandits on the East Road" (see Previous Quest). It can also fall out with random gangsters, if you have not passed this task. The camp with a letter is literally a few steps to the west of the exit to the world map. Theoretically, the quest closes when you find the villa captured by the robbers in the southern part of the card, but the real heroes will not leave it in possession of some bandits, isn't it? If you go to the lair mercenaries and read it, you can remove unique heavy armor from the corpse of the leader, and in the document there are additional information about the lifestyle of gangsters, which will give you a quest big trouble.

Big troubles

Go to the cave for a waterfall that is in the southern part of the map. It is guarded by several members of the Gnomery Charter. Disappear with them and go inside. Oddly enough, but the cave will be not actually a cave, but part of the ancient Gnome Taga - Valammar.

Be careful - in groups of dwarves, through which you will have to make your way in Valammar, there are often murderers who love to go into stealth and apply your heroes to the back.
Separate with the first group of the enemy and climb the stairs. (If you cost the staircase to the left, it will be stumbled on the door, which can be opened only by a special mechanism. This door opens from the inside, so now it will not be the right from it.) Go on. On the upper terrace in the very first room you can read a note, where darkness is referred to. There is also a wall that only a warrior can be broken. It lies a small treasury with a random mold and a pair of crafting schemes - for grenades and daggers.

The next door is closed and you need a robber to unlock it. Behind it you will find some randomy lout and a couple of notes that shed light on the activities of the Charter. Go further and descend on the stairs on the stairs - and you will come across the members of the Charter, fighting the darkness of the darkness that you read in the note earlier. Behind the door near the leader of the Charter, which you need to kill to complete this quest. Together with him there are archers and murderers, and if your battle moves to the bridge, then for greater entertainment they can join it and several types of darkness can join.

Your quest will end, as soon as the leader of the Charter dies. In the room where it was located, you will find even more papers describing the activities of the Charter. One of them will even mention you. In addition, there will be one part of a gnome mechanism in the room, and immediately there are two devices in which you can insert it. This will give you a small quest "Valammar Storage". As you see, you need two parts for repairing the door.

Go across the bridge and you will find yourself in the Hall of Elders. The first door is closed on the key - only the robber can be opened. You will find a second mechanism behind it, as well as a piece of mosaic. Return and remake the mechanism, then turn both wheels and enter the treasury. This will complete your quest. Do not relax - there will raise an ambush from the species of Darkness led by the leader Harlock.

In the room you will find another part of the mosaic, an amuleu of power for warrick and a different randomy lout. If you lead the wheel of the mechanism from the far door, then get a shorter way back - this is the same door to which you have come close to the entrance to the Valammar.

Spirit of Lake

The narrator in Rarcliff will tell you about the spirit of the lake, if you ask him to tell about the terrain. Go to the lake and leave the desired flower as an offering of the spirit (if you still have not found a bloody lotus, then somewhat grow up with the lake itself), then look a little reference to the legend of the King Arthur, take the reward and thereby complete the quest.

Flowers for Senna

You get this quest from the Sedovian Elf Widset in the village of Redcliff. Because of all what is happening around, he cannot put flowers on the grave of his deceased Senna's wife, as it is far from the village and the path to it is now very dangerous. Promise him to put flowers, go, lay them on her grave, which is close to one of your camps, and report to the widow. Solas will approve your help Elf.

Playing with fire

You get this quest when you read a letter from the corpse, which lies a little west of the southern point of the top lake. The letter is mentioned in a strange ritual, which should cause someone's grandfather.

Go to the marked place and take the statue from left to right three times, keeping it as close as possible - and you will really call the "grandfather" - or rather, a very simple dead man, which will clearly be angry with you for anxiety. Write to it and this will complete this quest.

Ballad of Lord Wrestley

One of the inhabitants of Rarcliffe, one-eyed Jimmy, will ask you to find His Baran, Lord Worshley, who, according to him, brings good luck to the family. Lord Worstley is a very colorfully looking ram, so you can confuse him with others you can hardly. He jumps not far from the place where you first met Blackwall. You only need to catch up with him and say that his owner misses him - he will run away where it is necessary, but you will be left for him and talk to Jimmy. Or you can kill the Lord Wrestley ... with very curious consequences, but you will not be able to tell the owner about them the owner and you cannot close the quest in this case.

Outline of a bridgehead Calenkhada

On the coup of the temple south-east of your first camp you will find the map of the treasure.

The treasure in the ruins of the Calenkhad divider is not far from the place where one of the relics of gray guards lies. See the staircase behind the wall to which there is no passage? Pump up on the stones up to get to it, go down, and with the search function you will find there hidden prey.
Reward - a recipe for a coil of stone armor.

Map of waterfall

Literally in a step west from your camp, the top lake is a scroll with a treasure map with a kind of waterfall. Although one waterfall flows pretty close to your camp if you look at the drawing carefully, you will understand that this is not the one. The one you need is located near the camps of the Temples to the southwest. The point of finding treasures is at the top, so you can not jump in the water at the base of the waterfall. Go up the path as if you were going to the temple camp all the above and higher until you refer to the rock - and activate the search function. Award for your efforts will be a piece of iron cortex - rare crafting material.

Cave map on farm lands

This card can be found at the southern break in this area. Although it is clearly depicted by the House of Trainer Dennet, in fact the cave is not so close to him - you need to go deep into the grove of the Dead Baran - the right place is almost exactly to the west of the nearby Astrarium. Use the search function to find prey and complete the quest.

Landmarks on inland lands

On each map, landmarks are scattered in the form of a long, glowing golden light of a pole. In the inner lands of them 17. Landmarks automatically appear on your card in the form of a pyramid icon. All you need to do is to find and click on them, so how would make it clear that you visited this territory and "reserved" her.

Holding internal lands

Organize military camps in the territory of internal lands. All you need to do is to detect a place suitable for the camp (it is marked on the card with a special icon-tent) and settles there. Camps serve as a place to rest, replenish the supplies, dots for quick travel. Also you get the point of influence every time you organize a new camp.

In total, inland lands can be organized with six camps, and after the sixth camp, your quest will be completed.

Rales in subsenst

Almost every card has one or more such quests, depending on its value. You need to destroy small breaks, weak copies of the main bare - they are labeled on each card automatically. However, copies with copies, but be careful, especially in the initial stages - some gaps sprinkle very strong demons and it is possible that even in the inner lands you can gain a break, which will not be able to you yet ..

In the outcome you need to close 2 ruptures.

Rales - Dwarf Pass

Close 3 breaks on the gnome pass.

Regions of internal land

Each territory has a similar quest. You need to visit all corners of the card. In the inner lands of only 29 such mini regions.

Astrariums in inland lands

Astrariums are a scattered technical facilities, activating which, you see the starry sky and start a small mini-game. In the lower right corner, you are given a constellation scheme, which is visible in this particular Astrarium. Your task is to connect all the stars in the same figure, while never conducting one line twice. When you handle all the Astrariums in this area, you will receive an indication of the location of the cache, in which the chest is usually located (or even a few) with valuable things. When you take things from the chest, it completes the quest (on this map).

In this area there are only three Astrarium and all of them are automatically marked on the map. It is sometimes difficult to approach the southwestern Astrarium, since it is surrounded by mountains from all sides, but do not jump on the stones, trying to absorb it to it - a very convenient path leads to it - although it is sometimes difficult to notice, it begins to the south and a little to the west from the most Astrarium. Also keep in mind when you connect points on this Astrarium stars in the picture will be greater than you need to connect for the Constellation of Draconis. This is not the only constellation, where the developers are causary to fit the player more points than necessary - so be careful.

The chest with prey, which is award-winning of the three Astriums of the inner lands, is in the same cave as the refuge of the magicians, in which you could already visit the Quarter of the apostate in the Withe Forest. Even if you have already examined this place, you will find a small, previously inaccessible lateral cave. The treasures of the Astrarium can not be found, not at first unwinding their riddle.

Fragments in inland lands

Interesting structures in the form of a column, topped with a skull, scattered almost all the cards. These structures are eyeworkos, a type of telescope that is configured to notice special fragments. Echulariums are marked on the patch map icon-skull.

The fragments that you collect with their help will need in a certain temple in a forbidden oasis. With their help, you can permanently increase some of your characteristics. I extremely recommended to get all the fragments available to you, before you go to this temple. In order for this temple to become available to you, you need to fulfill quests to study fragments that will appear on your desk of military operations after you find the very first fragment.

In total, there are 22 fragments in the inner lands. Most of them collect quite simple. The exception is those fragments (and that eyepiece), which are located in the valley of Lady Shayn - the habitat of the highest dragon. As you understand, it in itself represents some problem. But even getting rid of the dragon, you can experience some difficulties with a couple of fragments that are lying in an extremely inconvenient place. A fragment at the top of the basalt cliff is available exceptionally precisely calculated acrobatic jumps. But, thraighting a little, it is quite possible to do.

The second "complex" fragment lies on the top of the hill and seems unavailable - but actually it is much easier to get to him than to the above-described - you just need to find the right way. Drain from the waterfall to the south of the fragment - there is a jumble of stone blocks, which you can boil.

The remaining fragments lie on much more accessible places and should not represent too complex problem.

Large sizes of the game world are a distinctive feature of BioWare projects. Tedas is no exception. In the new part of the series Dragon Age, DA: Inquisition, the world turned out not only to big, but also truly alive. Locations have not been frozen in serene calm when the player leaves them.

But here this liveliness is felt especially. Dragons are hunting for giants, robbers robbed people, and politicians are building a goat. It is difficult to predict what to wait at return for a long time not visited location.

It is purposefully walking and opening cards does not make sense. The main storyline and side quest chains will hold the hero in all the lands. In addition, this is Dragon Age: Inqisition, this is not Skyrim, although they are parallel and you can. It does not make sense to score to the main storyline and go to the stripping of the dungeons in the Guild Quests.

World Video Review in the game Dragon Age: Inquisition from developers, excellent graphics, technology:

All the beauty and diversity of the world are revealed during the passage of the main quest line. In this case, the number of playing time does not suffer. For easy main and additional tasks, approximately 150 hours will be required.

At any time you can forget about important matters and go for a walk in a purely field or forest or even the desert. Traveling in vast territories is accompanied by awareness of the importance of the Mission of the Protagonist. After all, it is he who will have to save the whole of this big and beautiful world.

In the study of spaces will help the faithful champ. In DA: I, for the first time in the history of the series, it is possible to travel to the riding. This is a justified decision, because sometimes you have to do a long way. The runner adds and the absence of the ability to teleport into key points, it is much easier to overcome the distances.

Get pleasure from the game from the first minutes, use the recommendations of more experienced players to avoid mistakes. Sign up in the game War Thunder is also sometimes labor for beginners.

Games can be useful in education -. There are games that develop attention, memory and thinking.

How the world is arranged

To open new locations in the game will have to earn eye glasses. It was this stage that caused an initial wave of angry reviews. After that passion soared, it became clear that the developers have an idea of \u200b\u200bZen. Because while alone gamers rocked angry comments, others were purposefully investigated by the world.

Cheat codes will get rid of the routine. There are several special programs to help increase the necessary amount of experience, glasses and influences and specialization. At least once to go through the game without any flies still worth it.

Most likely, Bioware assumed the presence of such discontent. After all, they became a consequence of a special organization of free peace. Only thanks to the routine quests to collect a magical ficus, the delivery of an archival letter is the opportunity to wander around the villages and taverns, listen to songs and conversations and will penetrate the world.

Performing the affairs of state importance or hanged in anticipation of the tenth fox, the hero is always surrounded by an extremely beautiful scenery. The clarity of the picture amazes. The forest, the ruins of the old temple, frosty tops of the mountains or the grimace coasts - all this is drawn with amazing details and beauty.

Yes, many players categorically do not like to engage in unauthorized tasks, but only so possible to fully experience the essence of a wide and large-scale tedas. The whole consists of parts. Only in the present world can be selected from the grandiose battle when capturing the fortress or victory over the dragon and die in the teeth of the hungry bear, which decided to hunt for the same prey.

No need to wait for something ambitious from routine postal collecting tasks. They are needed to accumulate experience before the next plot jerk. The settlement is scattered on the map, but nothing serious is happening there.

Full World Map game Dragon Age: Inquisition (click to enlarge):

Even at the same time, a simple contemplation of the surrounding world gives pleasure. Especially impressive random meetings with dragons. When a huge snake takes a huge snake with a cliff towering on the horizon, the emitting terrible roar, at first it is necessary to retire. Retire, build battle power and will certainly return.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Its Single Player (With Multiplayer Option) Role-Playing Video Game Released on November 18th 2014, for PC Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4.

Starting Tips & Hints For Beginning Of Dragon Age: Inquisition

  • Use "Search" Button ("V" on PC) Very Often, IT SHOWS THE HIDDEN SECRETS, RESOURCES AND LOOT.
  • You Need At Last One Rogue in Your Team All The Time to Open Closed Doors.
  • You Need At Last One Warrior in Your Team to Bash Things and Walls.
  • To Unlock Complex Doors Locks You Have to Rise "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition Perk
  • Setup Inquiscitions Camps Asap to Acquire Fast Travel to Visited locations.
  • Use OculaRums Asap to Uncover Shard Locations.
  • Targeting with Area Effect Spells Like Blizzard Is Good for Lighting Dark Interiors.
  • Locations Got Various Difficulty Level. For example The Hinterlands Starts WIT 4 LVL And Ends WITH 12 LVL So If You Feel Its Too Hard Just Adventure Somewhere Else and Come Back Later.
  • You don "T Have to Pickup Every Merchant Sells Them with Infinite Inventory.
  • Mage and Range DPS Are Much Easier to Play Than Melee Warriors Because of Running from Target to Target, But Warriors Are Significantly Harder to Kill.
  • Your Team Should Include Warrior, Rogue, and Two Mages. Or Mage, Rogue and Two Warriors.
  • You Will Got Your First Mount in the Hinterlands, Its with HorseMaster Quest.
  • You Will Not Be Able to Find (Discover) Certain Objects and Locations Until Your Quest Will Reveal Them for You.
  • The Game Is Quite Long So It Is No Hurry, It Should Take You Over A Dozen Days, Have a Fun :)

Dragon Age: Inquisition Game Box Cover

Video Game Dragon Age System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements.

  • Windows 7/8 64bit
  • 2.0 GHZ Quad Core Processor
  • 4 GB Ram Memory
  • ATI HD3650 / NVIDIA 8800 GT (512 MB VRAM) or Better
  • 26 GB Hard Drive Space

Recommended System Requirements.

  • Windows 7/8 64bit
  • 3.0 GHZ Quad Core Processor
  • 8 GB Ram Memory
  • GeForce GTX 660 / RADEON R9 270 (2 GB VRAM) or Better
  • 26 GB Hard Drive Space

Dragon Age: Inquisition Map Legend

Location - This is in game location. The Sequence of Numbers SHOWS SUGGESTED ORDER OF VISITING LOCATIONS.

Starting Quest Location This is location with the Quest Giver. IT CAN BE ITEM, PERSON OR PLACE.

Inquisition Camp. - Heals, Restock Potion, Place to Rest, Change Party Members, Use It To Fast Travel. Setup Camps AS Fast AS You Can.

Landmark. - POIS (Points of Interest). Visit and Claim to Complete Collections.

Shop Traders & Merchants, to BUY / SELL ITEMS.

Crafting Station. - Here You Can Create or Modify Weapons, Armor, AcceSories, Runes and Potions.

Fade Rift - You can Close Rifts using your ability. RIFTS GROWS IN DIFFICULTIES IN FOLLOWING LOCATIONS. Closing a Fade Rift Rewards with Amount of Power. There Are A Total of 81 Rifts In Thedas.

Astrarium. - Astrariums Are Ancient Relics of Tevinter Origin That Allow The Viewing Of Constellations in the Stars. Solve Astrarium Puzzles to Reveal Secret Location with Treasure.

Ocularum. - Use Oculars to Reveal Locations of Magical Shards. Shards Can Be Used in Forbidden Oasis Location.

Dungeon Entrence - Entresence to Cave, Dungeon, Crypt, Underground.

Locked Door - This Kind of Locked Doors Require Special Key or "Deft Hands, Fine Tools" Inquisition PERK

Fast Travel. - You can Travel to this Points Pointing on World Map.

Area EXIT. This Is Exit to Main Map

Mosaic Piece. Collect Mosaic for Collections. Mosaic Sets Are Sacrifice, Invasion, The Fall, Archdemon and Freed Are Slaves. Each Mosaic Set Has 12 Pieces.

Bottle of themeds. Collect Bottles for Collections. There Are 29 Bottles That Can Be Collected.

Inquisition Agent. Here You Can Hire New Inquisition Agent.


Secret. - Use Search ("V" on PC) to Reveal Secrets. Sometimes You Need To Use Search Key Few Times.

Codex Entry. IT CAN BE BOOK, Letter, Place, Item. After You Collect 250 Codex Entries You Become Loremaster.

Computer game in RPG genre, third part series Dragon Age.was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher performs Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for the Microsoft Windows platforms, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, XBox One. After the events of the first part of the world Tedasa Immersed in the bunch of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, at different points of the world, unusual faults open, allowing demons to penetrate the tedas. The main character gets a label and after the closure of several faults in Temple of Sacred Praha. Gets the management of the Inquisition to eradicate the emerging chaos.

Internal land. Part 1

At this stage, your main task is develop a squad, Performing simple tasks and killing weaker creatures. Opponents and resources are permanently generated, with the exception of some places that the main character may assign the Inquisition. It is worth noting the presence in the north of the Locations of Big dragonTo defeat this terrible opponent, your squad should have a level anymore or equal to 12. Also next to some breaks (the gnome pass and ditch burned) demonic creatures will have serious resistance.

Rales in subsenst

In inland lands Redclifa (In the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows camp), the Bulletin must close two gaps, moving to the north of the location and enter into battle with demonic creatures. Your task is to withstand a few waves, and after stripping the area to close the shadow portal.

Next, go to RedClifting Road And again we destroy the demons. By closing the last spill, complete the task execution and we get influence points. Despite the closure of several portals, there will also be discrepancies on the territory of the inner lands, which should also close.

Holding internal lands

As soon as the Bulletin falls on the inner lands, the Inquisition creates a small camp. The main character must find a few more camps, it will strengthen the effect of the Inquisition in the area (also between camps can be quickly moved). Opening new transshipment bases, the Bulletin receives new tasks for the destruction of breaks in a new area.

Blood Brothers

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe outskirts is located mill, inside which the main characters find a note. One of the locals by name British He joined the apostates, while his native brother became a temple and wishes to punish the apostate. Moving to the meeting place of two brothers (Rarclife Road area) and enter into battle with Tempevniki. Search the corpse and get the mercenary blade.

Apostates in the witch forest

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe suburbs there is an apostate corpse, next to whom the Bulletin finds a letter to his brothers. The message content contains information about receiver camp In the witch forest.

We move to the target label and get into the forest, you will have to destroy several small ordinary combat groups, which are distributed through this area. To search for the entrance to the fortress it is necessary to search signs Order (applied to rocks with blue Lyrima).

The entrance to the fortress is in the north of the forest, we destroy the protection and destroy the fire barrier (Solas has a staff with a drop dam, which will eliminate the obstacle). Next, you are waiting for a skirmish with a large group of apostates, we clean the area and complete the task.


In the area of \u200b\u200bthe outskirts there is a small farm, widow Maura. He asks to find temples and revenge for the death of her husband, at the same time and return the wedding ring.

Moving to the target label in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dwarf Pass and enter into battle with two temples, we clean the terrain and from the corpse of one of the attackers raise the wedding ring, also worth paying attention to letter, information in which we describe the location of the camps of the temples (task Tempera in the west).

Unusual duet

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe outskirts, you can find a concerned scout, which tells about the missing partner by name Rits In the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp of apostates. We move to the mark on the map in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pass of the Dwarfs and enter into battle with the temples that attacked Rits. Next, we return to the scout and complete the execution of the task.

Rales: Dwarf Pass

After the camp in Dwarf pass Will be broken, scouts report on finding three gaps in the area. Bulletin and his detachment must close the portals using the label. Near one of the ruptures awaits a skirmish with demon of anger. The main feature of the new enemy is the use of fire damage, in the presence of vulnerability to cold (Solas and his spells are perfectly suitable for the destruction of the demon at a distance). To eliminate the last break, you must perform the task " Slava Bulletin Andrasthe».

Slava Bulletin Andrasthe

Near a small fortress (location - gnome pass) The main characters meet a preacher Anaiswhich asks to demonstrate the power of the label by closing the sect in the fortress in the fortress. Moving to the courtyard and close faultAfter that, we call Anais and complete the task.

Amulet beloved

Near Winter Tower There is a corpse of the Temple, near which the letter is lying. The main characters must go to the crossroad area and transfer the Amulet Allendre. We move to the target label at the intersection and find a sorceress in a small cave.

Conscientious underground

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dwarf Pass on the top of one of the hills, next to a small altar, there is an elf corpse. We select letter And we get information about the cache in the mountains.

Move to the intersection and go to Witin Forest, Hut is located in the western location. Penetrate the premises and enter the battle with the demon, after the victory we search the chest and complete the task.

Love will wait

Inside the winning tower on the second floor there is Lord Berandwho asks to find her beloved by name Velina.

Moving to the target label near the camp in the gnome pass. The main characters find the corpse of the nobility, return to Lord and inform about the death of Velly. After performing this task, the Bulletin can recruit the nobleman as Agent inquisitionWhat will increase influence in the region.

Shallow breathing

At the intersection, one of the refugees gives an additional task, it is necessary to find the son of NPC and bring potion For relative. Go to the winning tower and we find on one of the towers Hindel. Next, we return to the refugee and pass the potion.

Flour of hunger

At the crossroad, one of the refugees asks to replenish the reserves of provisions, the Bulletin should go to the forest to hunt and get lamb for local residents. After receiving the required amount of food, we return to the hunter and complete the task.

Robbers: East Road

Not far from the intersection is located recruit Bellet.The scout announces the capture of the road to the gang of fugitives. The main characters must go to place and eliminate the threat. Near the first camp, special problems will not arise, however, near the second parking lot ( Mistress queen ravine) Detachment awaits a shake with a loud.

Measuring curtain

Solax wishes to explore the mysterious artifact in the cave, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe East Road (will allow you to resist the discovery of new breaks in the future). Next to the cave, the main characters meet a sorceress Miiris, we talk with a stranger and go to search for the elven artifact.

Solax can use the magic of the shadows to eliminate the dawns and use warfish (However, the magician cannot attack the enemy). We go down to the cave and enter into battle with a group of demons, after stripping the area, activate the artifact and complete the task.

Dreams about stone

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Redclifting Road, there is an old parchment in the hut. A hut resident went to search for mysterious stone. Go to the romance pass and move to the cave. We destroy the ice barrier with fiery weapons or spells and kill apostate.

Not to the core

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dwarf Pass, the main characters may discover a small smuggling cave, inside which the Dwarm corpse is. Near the body is a letter, the message contains information about the ore of the Red Lyrima. In the south of the Gnomego Pass, we discover the cave with the barrier, eliminate the obstacle with the help of fiery weapons and begin to explore the cave. After the camp of the apostates, the main characters will discover ore red Liruma.

Tempera in the west

When performing the task " Farmer-apostate»From the corpse of one of the temples, the main characters raise the letter, which contains information about the camp in the West. Moving to the Western Road area and go to search for parking of the Temperts.

The entrance to the shelter is located in the south of the designated area (upwards of the river to the waterfall), we clean the area from the presence of temples and complete the task.

Breaks on a bridgehead

After the Bulletin opens a new camp on Lutur Lake, scouts report two ripples In the witch forest and on the Kalenkhad bridgehead. The main characters must suppress the resistance of demons and close the breaks to strengthen the influence of the Inquisition.

Calenkhad bridgehead

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe outskirts there is an apostate corpse, near which the map is lying. The map shows the castle on the ridge and the label in the area of \u200b\u200bthe destroyed wall, your task is to find a marked place.

We go to the Calenkhad bridgehead and climb the destroyed fortress wall, it is necessary to go down to the base of the security tower and examine a small mound (so that the treasure become active, the Bulletin must come to the emphasis).

Road map to the waterfall

Next to the camp on Luti lake can be found a tree (with a pinned chair), there will be a map near the ground, which marks the waterfall under the tree.

Moving to the camp of the temples in the West and go to the waterfall, in a small cave examine a small mound And we find treasure.

Return conditions

In the Western Road area near the bridge, you can find a dead elf, a letter is located near the body. The messenger with his squad should go to the fortress in the southwest and return the objects stolen by the thief. Moving to the target mark and detect Sensorial estate, enter inside at this stage it is not necessary (considering that there are many gangsters in the manor). Return the decoration on a small pedestal near the mountain and coming into battle with demon of angerAfter stripping the terrain, the task will be completed.

Unsuccessful delivery

Not far from the bridge in the Western Road area there is an inverted wagon, a letter is lying next to the bodily refugee. It is necessary to find the parcel on the farms. Box Located under a stone, to obtain the contents, the main character must use the search.

Measures against marauders

On the farms of the Redclif in one of the abandoned houses there will be an old parchment, which contains information about the shelter of some hessal in the north (with itself NPC has secret documents). We go to the north through Forannan's ravine and fall in the wolping of a hollow, enter into battle with the flocks of wolves. After stripping the terrain search the box and complete the task.

Where Druffalo wanders

In the area of \u200b\u200bFarm Redcliffe on the fence there will be a message, locals are asked to return Druffalo (White animal similar to buffalo). We move to the east and we find the animal between the rocks. We return to the farm (Druffalo will follow your squad) and inform the owner of the task.

Clage Bergrita

There is a small camp in the hills in the north farms of the Redcliff, next to the sleeping place is a letter of the deceased hunter. Bulletin with his squad should go to Haftter and get claws Bear. Large bears are serious opponents, have strong armor, are resistant to cold and physical influences, but are vulnerable to fiery damage.

Rales on the farm

After the rationale of the camp near the Rarclyph Farms, the Bulletin with his squad should close two ruptures on this locality. In the ditch of burnt, your detachment will have to face a more serious grouping of demons than earlier (level greater than 10).

Danger did not minimize

We move to the intersection and clean the terrain from the presence of apostates. Next, the main character meets Mother Gisellewhich offers to contact the church for help. Despite the charges, according to the names of the priestess, who I can help in this complex political game. Next, we talk with Crookl Vales about the situation in the inland lands, NPC asks to help refugees at the crossroads. At this stage, your detachment needs to perform various tasks to get influence points that are necessary for the reconnaissance of the new locality (in particular, the Bulletin is interested in Val Ruayo.) Internal Earths - Part 2 The article is part of the cycle passage Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: Dragon Age Inquisition, Inquisition, Bulletin, Tag, Flaking, Cassandra Pentagast, Solas, Warrick, Leliana, Domestic Lands, Outlook, Holding Inland Lands, Blood Brothers, Damage in Withe Forest, Farmer Apostate, Unusual Duet , gaps: Dwarf Pass, Glory Messenik Andrasthe, Amulet Favorite, Conscientious underground, Love will wait, Shallow breathing, Flour of hunger, Robbers: Eastern road, Measuring the curtains, dreams of a stone, not before the vein, Teamwork in the West, Blankdar, Calenkhad Bridgehead, road map to waterfall, refund conditions, unsuccessful delivery, measures against marauders, where Druffalo, Claws of Bergrit, Farm Ripples