Recipe: Spanish Salads. The best Spanish salads - sunny Spain on your table! Spanish Salads

Spanish cuisine is famous all over the world for its amazing dishes. Of course, it is impossible to call it a single one, because this country is very multinational, like our Russia, which means that many different traditions are woven in its culinary arts, giving it a special flavor and unique charm.

The Spaniards love simplicity in preparation, without any special tricks, and also respect olive oil, hot garlic, fresh herbs, ripe tomatoes and successfully add them to almost every recipe. These ingredients form sunny, vibrant and rich salads. We present variants of the best of them to your judgment.

The first recipe. Spanish classic salad with mushrooms and feta cheese

This dish contains almost everything that the Spaniards love - tender mushrooms, bright greens, juicy pickled olives and soft cheese. The overall impression of the salad is a delicate texture, amazing taste and lightness, suitable for dietary nutrition. The main feature of this treat is that the recipe includes fresh, not thermally processed champignons, therefore, take special care when choosing this ingredient in the store. In addition to the main ingredients, you can add slices of ripe tomatoes to the dish.

We will need:

  • Pickled olives with lemon - 1 jar;
  • Feta cheese - 100 grams;
  • Fresh lettuce leaves - 65 grams;
  • Large fresh champignons - 9 pcs .;
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp l.


  1. We sort out fresh mushrooms to detect worminess or decay. Be sure to wash them thoroughly, and also clean them if necessary. Dry a little, then cut into even halves. After that, we chop them into even, neat and beautiful slices;
  2. Pour the brine from the olives into a separate container, add our fresh champignons to the liquid. Leave it to soak for 15 minutes;
  3. Cut the olives themselves into circles;
  4. Drain the brine from Feta cheese, then knead it with a fork;
  5. Rinse fresh lettuce leaves, put them on towels or napkins to dry, then tear them in uneven pieces with our hands;
  6. The mushrooms had time to marinate a little in brine from under the olives, so we drain the liquid. It won't be useful anymore;
  7. Now let's put together our Spanish salad, as required by this recipe. Combine mushrooms, torn greens and feta cheese with olives. Season everything with olive oil, add salt;
  8. Now we lay out the food on a beautiful plate, and then bring it to the table.

Tip: If you do not risk adding fresh mushrooms prepared in this way to the dish, replace them with the pickled version.

The second recipe. Timbal salad with avocado and tuna

This variant of the preparation of mixed dishes is one of the masterpieces of Spanish cuisine, it enjoys great love among people leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as vegetarians. For a long time no one argues about the usefulness of avocado in its composition, on the contrary, there are legends about a huge amount of vitamins, the right fats and nutrients. This fruit does not contain sugar, but it perfectly pacifies, suppresses the feeling of hunger. Other salad ingredients in this recipe perfectly complement, enrich and saturate the taste of the dish.

We will need:

  • Ripe avocado - 1 fruit;
  • Tuna in oil (canned food) - 1 jar;
  • Arugula green salad - 65 grams;
  • Ripe tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Sea salt - ½ tsp;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Ground peppers.


  1. Peel and wash the garlic. Then we rub it in the press or on a grater;
  2. Cut the avocado into halves, get rid of the bone. Pick out the pulp from it with a spoon, grind it with a fork until puree;
  3. Sprinkle the resulting mass with lemon juice, then pour in olive oil with garlic puree, add a little powdered pepper (any) and fine sea salt. Mix everything;
  4. Cut a strong ripe tomato or prick it with a toothpick in two places. After that, scald it, and then it will be very easy to remove the skin. Cut the peeled tomato into cubes, let the juice drain, and set the pulp for salad;
  5. Rinse the arugula, send it on a towel to dry;
  6. Drain excess oil with tuna, mash it evenly with a fork;
  7. Now let's put together our salad. First, lay out a layer of avocado, olive oil and garlic paste with lemon juice;
  8. On top of this, add a sliced \u200b\u200btomato without a skin, and then lay out canned mashed tuna;
  9. Decorate a little with arugula salad leaves. You could also lay it out at the very beginning, under the first layer of the food.

Tip: You can change the recipe for this dish a little by replacing the Arugula salad with finely chopped green onions.

The third recipe. Sombrero salad with ham and bell pepper

The name of the famous headdress is usually identified with Mexico, but its true roots are associated with Spanish traditions. Translated "Sombra" means darkening, shadow, which leaves an imprint on the design of the dish of the same name. It contains well-known, favorite products. Their combination allows you to create stunningly beautiful and unusually tasty food, which is usually liked by even demanding fussy. We offer you a classic recipe for this salad.

We will need:

  • Ham - 320 grams;
  • Canned Bulgarian yellow pepper (homemade or purchased twist in oil) - 150 grams;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Canned vegetables (peas and corn) - 1 jar each;
  • Green salad - 50 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 20 grams;
  • Fresh parsley - 40 grams;
  • Vinegar - 10 ml.;
  • Powdered black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • Salt.


  • Drain the brine from canned sweet peppers, and then put it in a sieve so that all the glass to the last drop. The ingredient can then be cut into small cubes. If the skin peels off, remove it, otherwise it will spoil the taste;
  • Now let's prepare the onion. Let's clean it up, rinse it. Cut into large slices;
  • We also drain all the brine from canned vegetables, you can put it in a sieve for this purpose;
  • Peel the ham. Cut into thin circles, and then chop them into small rectangular slices;
  • Rinse the fresh parsley, shake off the droplets from it, dry it a little with a towel, then select a few beautiful branches for decoration. And we will tear off the rest from the stems, then chop finely, finely;
  • We also rinse the lettuce leaves, send them to dry on their own, otherwise they will quickly wither into the dish;
  • Now let's put together our Spanish salad. Combine the ham with chopped canned peppers, add sweet corn, green peas, large onion slices, and chopped parsley. Season everything with powdered black pepper, salt and add olive oil. Mix the resulting mixture well;
  • Put lettuce leaves that are suitable in shape on a plate, add ready-made treats to them;
  • We will decorate each portion with a delayed sprig of parsley, treat the whole family!

Tip: To make "cups" from green salad, use large leaves of a round curved shape. Then the wide "sombrero fields" will acquire the correct appearance.

The fourth recipe. Andalusian salad with Chinese cabbage

This Spanish salad has the crunchy taste of Chinese cabbage, the sweetness of ripe tomatoes, the satiety of the chicken and the amazing spice aroma. It is difficult to find a person who would not like such a treat, because the ingredients included in its composition are so beloved by many of us and are perfectly combined with each other. The original marinade dressing adds a touch of piquancy to a bright, smart, really summer salad. Try to cook this chic dish for your family at least once, and this recipe will forever "settle" in your cookbook.

We will need:

  • Chicken - 200 grams (excluding bone);
  • Strong sweet tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 100 grams;
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons l .;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 sachet;
  • Curry Powder - ½ tsp;
  • White bread - 200 grams.


  1. First, let's prepare a marinade for the chicken, which will also be our salad dressing later. To do this, combine soy sauce with curry and mayonnaise into one mixture. Let's mix it;
  2. Now let's take care of the chicken. We rinse it, separate the bones, remove the skin. Cut into medium pieces, 1 finger thick, and then marinate in one third of the prepared marinade for half an hour;
  3. At this time, you can do vegetables. Rinse and dry the Chinese cabbage. Then cut into strips very thinly;
  4. Tomatoes are also well washed, wiped. We shred into neat beautiful slices;
  5. Cut the white bread into thin slices, and then chop each of these pieces into small cubes. We line the bottom of a large baking sheet with oiled paper, distribute our bread evenly over it. Then we dry everything, brown in the oven at 150 degrees;
  6. During this time, the chicken meat was marinated. Fry it in a skillet in a small amount of vegetable fat;
  7. Now we will collect our wonderful treats by floor, since we have a recipe for a puff dish. First, lay out the Chinese cabbage and tomatoes, sprinkle everything with a part of the sauce;
  8. Next, lay out the fried chicken, water it again with our dressing;
  9. The salad is ready, it remains only to sprinkle it with crackers just before serving. Help yourself to your health!

In hot weather, we prefer light and refreshing dishes, so we eat more vegetables and herbs when summer comes. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most popular Spanish recipes for refreshing summer salads.
There are endless combinations that can be used to prepare salads: greens, beans, vegetables, fish, meat ... As a dressing, the Spaniards most often use olive oil, vinegar or mustard.

  • Rustic salad - the recipe has been tested over the years. He is preferred by many Spanish housewives. To make it you will need boiled potatoes, eggs, peppers, onions, and canned tuna. It is better to use oil and vinegar as a dressing.
  • A special place in Spanish gastronomy is occupied by dishes from asparagus... In Navarra, asparagus is most often prepared in two ways: boiled and eaten, mixed with mayonnaise, or served with boiled beans as a salad. Canned white asparagus can be used as an ingredient in any type of salad.
  • Combination green beans (fresh, boiled or canned) cut into thin strips with tomatoes, boiled egg and tuna is very common in Spanish gastronomy. If you mix these ingredients with mango and boiled shrimp and add a hot Mexican sauce, you get a very fresh and exotic dish.
  • Another equally interesting product is beet... In the cooking of the peoples of Central Europe, this product is considered one of the main ones. The classic herring recipe under a fur coat is a good example of this. But there are other recipes for salads with beets and here is one of them: boiled beets, gherkins in brine, capers, onions, green apple, rutabagas, fresh dill and boiled potatoes. All ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise, in which you first need to add a few tablespoons of gherkin juice and mustard. The result is a very refreshing and satisfying dish. If you want something lighter, you can mix the beets with onions, carrots, oranges and nuts.
  • Now let's move from north to south, closer to the Peruvian Andes and taste quinua salad... To make it, you will need tomatoes, corn, coriander and some ginger. If you want to spice up your meal, add chunks of jalapeno peppers.
  • The next dish, which will be discussed, came to Spain from Arab countries. This one is called taboule salad (tabulé) and it should be noted that he is very popular in his homeland. You need to cook it in advance to cool it before serving. Ingredients: durum wheat semolina, tomatoes, cucumbers, lots of parsley and mint, raisins, pine nuts and black olives. Season the salad with oil, salt and lemon juice.

  • The national cuisine of Spain is a combination of its culinary traditions that exist in every region of this country. Spanish cuisine is influenced by climate and geographic location.

    This is probably why Spanish salads are very often a combination of vegetables and fish. There are other variations though. It is best to learn the features of Spanish cuisine salads in practice. We offer you such options for Spanish salad recipes.

    For cooking, you will need lettuce leaves, tuna canned in olive oil (400 gr), four tomatoes, 20 pitted olives and romesco sauce (one glass). The salad is laid out on a portioned plate, a little chopped tuna and a medium-sized tomato are placed on top. Olives are placed on top and poured over with sauce. Regarding the romesco sauce, you can buy it ready-made in the store in advance. Can be made at home, but it is a lengthy process due to the many ingredients.

    Spanish cuisine salads are prepared with both fish and chicken and meat. For cooking, you need to take 350 grams of ham, 150 grams of canned sweet peppers, one onion, 100 grams of canned corn, 100 grams of frozen green peas (boil beforehand), one green salad. For dressing: a tablespoon of vinegar and four tablespoons of vegetable oil. The pepper is finely chopped, the onion is cut into eight parts. The ham is cut into small cubes. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with a dressing. Lettuce leaves are also a decoration for this dish.

    To prepare this salad, you will need such ingredients as 12 tomatoes, 250 g of bacon, 200 g of goat cheese, 50 g of pine nuts, a mixture of lettuce leaves, a clove of garlic. The dressing is made with five tablespoons of olive oil, a spoonful of balsamic vinegar and two tablespoons of mustard. For the salad, you need to bake the grilled tomatoes with garlic for two hours. Cut the finished tomatoes into slices. Cut the bacon into small slices and fry in a pan, and simply crush the goat cheese. Mix the ingredients, season the salad.

    Spanish salad with chicken and pasta

    Ingredients: 350 g of pasta (durum wheat), 300 g of chicken breast, 80 g of pitted green olives, two tomatoes, one onion, a clove of garlic, one lemon and the juice of one lemon, olive oil. To prepare the marinade, you need to mix the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of olive oil. Add chopped garlic. In the marinade, soak the chicken breast, cut into thin pieces, for half an hour. Boil the pasta and sue. Fry the fillets in a pan with olive oil. Mix pasta with chicken, add chopped tomatoes and onions, olives. For refueling

    Lifestyle? A light salad can serve as an addition to meat or a main course, and in both cases, learning the recipes for delicious Spanish salads will never be superfluous.

    Ensalada malagueña (Malaga salad)

    A salad typical of Andalusia and the province of Malaga. Previously, it was called "salmorejo" (not to be confused with the eponymous rabbit marinade and puree soup). This is a summer salad, the main ingredients of which are boiled potatoes, orange, green onions, olives and cod. Boiled eggs and parsley can be added if desired. The salad is prepared at home, served in bars as tapas or in restaurants.

    To prepare this salad, you must:

    • 3 potatoes
    • 100 gr salted cod
    • 3 oranges
    • 100 ml olive oil
    • Several green onion feathers
    • 10 olives
    • Salt to taste

    Boil potatoes, chill, cut into small pieces. For a richer flavor, you can boil it in the peel.

    Cut the orange into slices without draining the juice. Chop the green onion finely. Mix potatoes, oranges and onions with orange juice. Garnish with chopped cod and olives. Salt to taste. Drizzle with olive oil and refrigerate for half an hour before serving.

    Ensalada murciana (Murcia salad)

    Ensalada murciana (also called moje or mojete) is a typical dish for the La Mancha region and the Murcia region. There are two ways to prepare a salad: by adding a chopped fresh tomato or a peeled canned tomato. Also, instead of tuna, the Spaniards can use salted cod or olives instead of olives.

    This is a modest and simple, but surprisingly tasty dish, perfect complement to which will be crispy fresh bread that can be dipped into the dish.

    To bring the recipe to life, you need the following ingredients:

    • 1 large can of canned tomatoes (600-800g)
    • 1 medium onion
    • 2-3 eggs
    • 150 gr canned tuna
    • 10-12 olives
    • Olive oil
    • Salt

    Boil the eggs and leave to cool. Cut the onion into half rings and leave for a few minutes in a deep plate with water and salt. This will give it softness.

    Open the canned tomatoes and strain gently. Put them in a deep plate and chop with a knife or fork, leaving a few large pieces. Peel the eggs and cut each into about 8 pieces. Open the canned tuna, drain the liquid and gently knead it with a fork, transfer to a plate. Chop the onion and add it to the salad along with the olives. Season with salt and olive oil to taste. Mix everything well and leave in the refrigerator for a while before serving.