Mongolia resources. Natural conditions and resources of Mongolia

Mongolia refers to the number of countries of the former Eastern block with economies in transition. EconomyMongolia is an enterprise.

After a long stagnation (from 1990 to 2002, the growth of the economy was from +3 to -3% per year) Nowadays, the country is experiencing economic growth, the indicators of which range from 5.3% to 10% per year; At the same time, the main growth falls on the services sector, whose share has increased almost to 40% of GDP, and on the sphere of copper and gold mining due to an increase in world market prices for them. True, the rise in recent years did not affect the poor part of the population: about 40% of Mongolia's population lives below the poverty line, as in 1990. Heavier years of reforms, though led to an increase in the share of the private sector of the economy to 80%, but even more exacerbated social differences and the difference in living level between the city and the village.

According to the UN Second Nail Policy, the proportion of chronically undernourished population in Mongolia averages 43%. Very high child mortality. 58 newborns out of a thousand dying at the breast. In the cold season, many children and adolescents are in tunnels of heating pipelines under Ulan Bator. The bottom of these tunnels is covered with excrement and inhabited by rats. According to representatives of humanitarian organizations, the number of people living in tunnels is approximately 4,000 to 10,000 people.

Due to very non-fermentation lands, a long winter, a small amount of precipitation, the nomadic tradition of the population and the short growing season (only 95-100 days a year), agriculture in Mongolia is very weak. However, on his background, highly specialized livestock appeared. At the same time, 5 types of livestock are bred. Products of animal husbandry and the use of physical strength of agricultural animals are an integral part of the nomadic lifestyle of the local population. So, sheep is bred to obtain wool, milk, meat, goats - to produce skins and milk, yaks - for the production of milk, leather, meat, and horses and camels are used as a vehicle, for the carriage of goods and to produce milk.

Mongolia's traditional agriculture products are meat, milk, sheep wool and cashmere, as well as a small amount of grain, potatoes and vegetables.

Modern agriculture developed in this country slowly. The era of socialism was marked by collectivization started in the 1930s. By 1959, 100% agriculture workers were worked. In 1960, his share in national income was reduced to 22.9%, but 60.8% of the working population of Mongolia was still occupied. After the country's entry in 1962 to the Council of Economic Communications, the amount of assistance to its agriculture from the USSR and other CEV members, primarily Czechoslovakia and Hungary, increased.

In the late 1980s, agriculture continued to be a significant part of the economy of the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1985, it was employed by 33.8% of the working population, but it brought only 18.3% of national income. The country's industry mainly processed food and wood for domestic needs, as well as animal products, such as skin and skins, for export. In 1986, almost 60% of Mongolia exports amounted to agricultural products.

After the existence of the Socialist Economic System, there were deep changes regarding the structure of ownership in the country's agriculture. However, its economic orientation remains dependent on natural conditions and traditions. So, in 2006, 80% of revenues from agriculture accounted for livestock. But now 97% of animal husbandry focused already in private hands. In the future, the share of agriculture and animal husbandry continued to decline and in 2011 amounted to less than 20% of the gross national product (in 1995 it was 38%). However, a third population of the country is still busy in the agricultural sector.

Mongolia applies to the number of 10 countries of the world with the largest mineral reserves, but by now only a third of them is fully explored, and these are nearly 6,000 deposits of various minerals, including stone angle, copper, uranium (about 2% of world stocks) , oil, gold, silver, fluorite, molybdenum, zinc and diamonds.

The copper and coal deposits are still developed mainly in the open way. This leads to large-scale changes in the landscape and the corresponding consequences for the country's flora and fauna.

The official unemployment rate in the country is 2.8%, although, most likely, it is strongly understated. High inflation managed to successfully hold back after 1996, since then its level is about 4%. External Dolg Mongolisavocolo. 1,86 billionsDollarist.

In 2007, the volume of exports of goods in monetary terms amounted to 1.95 billion US dollars, of which 41.6% had to be copper concentrate, 12.1% on gold, 9% on zinc concentrate, 9% per cashmere and 6% on stone coal. Imported mainly petroleum products, machines and machines, various installations, cars, electronics and food. In 2007, 72% of all exports went to China, in second place was Canada, which accounted for 9% of the export of Mongolia.

The largest suppliers of the country in the same year were Russia (34%), China (31%), Japan (6%) and South Korea (5.5%). To reduce the dependence on the two direct neighbors, Mongolia carries out the so-called relationship policy with the "third neighbor".

Thus, trade with Germany reached 82 million euros in 2008, while there is a clear trend towards its growth. The volume of exports to Germany amounted to 15.4 million euros, and the volume of imports from this Western European country is -66.6 million euros.

There are also several EU agreements on trade policies, customs and textile goods. In addition, Mongolia is a member of important international organizations, such as the WTO, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.

The state budget expenditures of the country amounted to 1.6 billion US dollars in 2009, and incomes are 1.4 billion US dollars. Thus, we can talk about a budget deficit in the amount of 4.6% of GDP.

State Debt of Mongolia amounted to 1.6 billion US dollars in 2008, or 33.1% of GDP.

GOU VPO "REA them. G. V. Plekhanova "
Department of World Economy

by discipline
"World economy"
on the topic:
"Analysis of the Mongolia Economy"

3rd student FF
groups 2308.
Bukhadeeva E.B.
Checked: Ph.D.
Auturkhanov E.M.


    Stages of economic development ................................................... ... 3
    Type of economic development ......................................................... 5
    Level of economic development ................................................... 6
    Social structure of the economy ................................................ ..... 6
    Economic strategy and politics. GDP characteristic .................. 7
    Industry ........................................................................ 7
    Agriculture ............................................................... ... ..... 9
    Mineral resources .................................................................. 9
    Transport ............................................................... ............... ... 10
    Communication ................................................................................ .11
    Quality and use of the workforce .................................... .12
    Foreign Economic Communications The role of the country (region) in international production, international division of labor, economic integration ................................................................................................ 12
    Forecast and Development of Economic Relations with Russia ..................... 13
    Forecast of the socio-economic development of the country (region) ...... ..16
Conclusion ............................................................ ..................... 17
List of references used ................................................ ... 18

Mongolia is a country that does not have access to the sea and located in East Central Asia, borders with Russia in the north and China in the south, west and east. With an area of \u200b\u200b1,564,116 km? And the population of about 2.9 million people of Mongolia is a country that occupies the 19th place in the world in the area, but at the same time is one of the most weakly-plated countries. About 20% of the country's total population lives less than $ 1.25 per day.
The economy of Mongolia is traditionally based on agriculture and cattle breeding. Mongolia also has extensive mineral deposits: copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, gold, which account for most of industrial production.

    Stages of economic development
Communist era. The country depended on the USSR in terms of fuel, medicines, auxiliary raw materials for plants and power plants. The former USSR was also the main consumer of the Mongolian industry. At the end of 1980, the government began to improve relations with non-communist Asia and the countries of the West, the beginning of tourism was found. The assistance of the USSR, about one third of GDP, 80% of all international relations disappeared almost in one night in 1990-91 during the decay period of the Soviet Union (1985-1991). Mongolia was deeply decline, which was extended (MNRP) by the reluctance of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party to conduct serious economic reforms.
Transition to a market economy.In the period between 1990 and 1993, Mongolia suffered from increased inflation in the three-dimensional inflation, the growth of unemployment, the deficit of the main goods and the card system. During this period, the production volume decreased by one third. After the reforms and changes in the government's course to promote private entrepreneurship, economic growth began again in 1994-95. Unfortunately, since this growth was caused in mostly the oversaturation of bank loans, especially for the remaining state-owned enterprises, economic growth was accompanied by a severe weakening of the banking sector. GDP grew by 6% in 1995, mainly due to the boum of copper prices.
The DUC government (Democratic Union Coalition) in 1996-2000 began a course for a free market economy, weakening control over prices, liberalization of internal and international trade, and also tried to restructure banking systems and the energy sector. National Privatization Programs were held, as well as the process of attracting foreign direct investment in the production of oil, cashmere companies and banks. Reforms conducted by the ex-communist opposition of the MNRP and political instability related to the permanent replacement of the government left the country to the crisis until she came to the authority of the DSC Economic growth continued in 1997-99 after stopping in 1996 due to a series of natural disasters and an increase world prices for copper and cashmere. State income and export volumes, the average real economic growth has stabilized at the level of 3.5% in 1996-99 in connection with the Asian financial crisis, the 1998 financial crisis in Russia and the deterioration of the situation in the market of raw materials, especially copper and gold. In August and September 1999, the economy suffered from a temporary ban from Russia for exports of oil and petroleum products. Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1997.
Present.The dependence of Mongolia from trade relations with China means that the global financial crisis will affect the Mongolian economy, which is characterized by a serious delay in the growth rate of economic growth. Nevertheless, until all countries are in the process of post-crisis economic recovery, Mongolia suffers from itching in winter (sea of \u200b\u200bcattle from frost) 2009-2010, as a result of which there is a decrease in the number of cattle, which seriously affects the production of cashmere, which accounts for about 7% of the country's export revenues.
According to the World Bank and the IMF estimates, the real growth of GDP decreased from 8% to 2.7% in 2009, and exports decreased by 26% from $ 2.5 billion to $ 1.9 billion after promising sustainable growth until 2008 of the year. Because of this, it is predicted that from 20,000 to 40,000 people. (0.7% and 1.4% of the population, respectively) will die due to poverty, which would not be, if not a crisis.
In late 2009 and early 2010, however, the market began to recover again. Having reveaning the problem and having learned from their previous economic failures, the government conducts legislative reform and tightens the fiscal policy, which involves the development of the economy only in a positive way. In February 2010, foreign assets were calculated at $ 156949 million. New trade agreements are currently emerging, and foreign investors are closely followed by the Asian Wolf, the conditional name of the Mongolian economy. This term was invented by Renaissance Capital in the report "Blue Sky Opportunity". They declare that Mongolia can become a new Asian tiger or non-stop "Mongol Wolf", as they prefer to call the economy of the monogolia. Recent events in the mining industry and the quantitative growth of foreign investors, confirms that "Mongolian Wolf" is ready for a jump. The aggressive name of the term reflects the possibility of development in the capital market, as well as good prospects in the industry of mineral resources. The Mongolian economy has a chance to preserve its title of fast-growing and developing economy.
    Type of economic development
According to the type of economic development of Mongolia refers to countries with economies in transition. The transition processes from the command economy to the market were carried out in the late 1990s, but as happens with any reforms, time is necessary to assess the results. There is also a transition from extensive type of development to intensive.
    Level of economic development
The level of economic development, in general, is characterized by the GDP per capita.
GDP per capita for purchasing state parity for 2009 amounted to $ 3100, the country's place in the world: 166.
The volume of GDP amounted to 1.457 TRL. Compared from 1.362 TRL. In 2009. Inflation rate is 4.2% (2009), the country's place in the world: 137 decreased by 23.8% compared to 2008.
In general, we can say that in terms of economic development, the country refers to countries with economies in transition.
    Social structure of the economy.
Primary sector The economy, agriculture, is 21.2% of GDP. The basis of the economy of Mongolia is agriculture. Priority attention is paid to animal husbandry. An additional factor is that a significant part of the population lives in rural areas, and 34% of the employed population falls on agriculture.
Secondary sector The economy submitted by industry is 29.5%. The most significant contribution is made electrical and thermal power, coal industry, mining and rich of non-ferrous metal ores, metalworking, microbiological production, building materials industry, woodworking, textile-knitted, leather-shoe, printing, food, glass-porcelain and other industries. Only 5% of the population occupied in industry.
Tertiary sector It is the most extensive as in many countries. Here the services sector is 49.3%. It employs 61% of the employed population.
    Economic strategy and politics. GDP characteristic
In recent years, the Mongolian economy has moved from a centralized planned economy to the market. Mongolia was able to revive after the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 through the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but for the most part, a number of extensive financial reforms have affected the renewal, which ensured market stability. Restructuring of Korean conglomerates (Chepoley), banking privatization, the creation of a more open system with the possibility of bankrupt companies freely leave the market is still relevant today.
GDP at the official rate amounted to $ 4203 million (2009)
The real growth rate of GDP has decreased by 1% (2009), the country's place in the world: 130, compared with 2008 -0.14%.
GDP per capita amounted to $ 3100 (2009), place of the country in the world: 166
GDP in the economy sectors according to 2009 was:
Agriculture: 21.2%
industry: 29.5%
Services: 49.3% (2009)
The industrial sector of Mongolia includes many traditional forms of industry, namely, the production of food and textiles. The industrial sector suffered continuously in decline during the 1990s, after the country has moved to a market economy. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Mongolia accepted a number of measures, resulting in about 20% of the growth in the processing sector.
Although the industry accounts for 29.5% of GDP, Mongolia, in fact, has a high potential. Mongolia has a huge reserve of unused mineral deposits, in particular, copper and gold. Thus, a small shift of the accent can help the country raise its productivity in industry.
The main sector of the mining industry is coal (mostly browning). Most of the coal mining focuses on the coal section of the Sharyn-goal (annual production of over 1 million tons)., Near the city of Darhan, as well as at the Main of the Nalaya (more than 600 million tons). There are a number of smaller cuts in the Onder-Khan area and others. Electricity production - on thermal power plants (the largest CHP in Darkhan).
The share of the sectoral light and food industry has more than one second gross industrial products, over one second busy workers. The largest enterprises: the industrial plant with 8 factories and plants in Ulan-Bataror, Choibalsanei, etc. In the industry of building materials among enterprises, an important place is occupied by the house-building plant in Ulan-Bator, cement and brick factories in Darkhan.
Industry - Produced Products:
construction and building materials; mining industry (coal, copper, molybdenum, swipe, tin, tungsten, gold); oil; Food and Drinks; Processing of animal products, cashmere and natural fibers.
Cashmere is one of the three main export items, the production of wool and cashmere exceeded 10% of the total industrial production.
Industrial growth - 3% (2006), place of the country in the world: 44
The basis of the economy of Mongolia is agriculture.
Pasture animal husbandry remains the main type of economic activity. Today, Mongolia is among the leading countries of the world on the population of livestock in terms of per capita (approximately 12 heads per person). The livestock is approximately 39.68 million (a reduction of 10-12% compared with the previous year). Severe winters and summer droughts in 2008-2009 led to a massive case of livestock and zero or negative growth of GDP. Agriculture as an independent sector of the national economy began to develop since 1959 with the development of virgin lands in the technical and economic assistance of the USSR. Due to the harsh continental climate of Mongolia, agriculture remains vulnerable to natural disasters in the form of severe drought and cold. The country consists of small arable land, but about 80% of the territory is used as pastures. Wheat, potatoes and other vegetables are also grown, moreover, tomatoes and watermelons. In 2008-2009 Agriculture experienced a noticeable decline. The farm has been huge harm as a result of the global change of weather conditions that caused natural disasters. In 2008-2009 The collection of grain decreased due to drought.
Agriculture - Produced Products:
wheat, Barley, Vegetables, Feed Cultures, Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Camels, Horses
    Mineral resources
In Mongolia there are 3 deposits of brown coal (Nalesha, Scharangol, Baganur). In the south of the country, high-quality stone coal (Tavan-Tangoi deposit), the geological reserves of which are calculated by billions of tons, were found in the south of the country in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountain Arrays. It has long been known and medium in the reserves of the Tungsten and Platical Ploves deposit are developed. Copper-molybdenum ore, found in Mount Treasure (Erdeentine Ovoo) led to the creation of a mining and processing plant, around which the city of Erdenet was built around.
Electricity production in 2009 - 4030 million kWh
Electricity consumption - 3439 million kWh
Export of electricity - 21200 thousand kWh
Electricity imports - 186100 thousand kWh
Oil - mining: 5100 barrels / day (2009)
Oil - consumption: 16000 barrels / day (2009)
Oil - Export: 5300 barrels / Day (2009)
Mongolia has automobile, rail, water (river) and air transport.
Railway transport. In Mongolia, two main railways: the Railway Choibalsan-Borzya connects Mongolia with Russia, and the TransmonGol Railway - begins with the Trans-Siberian Railway in Russia in the city of Ulan-Ude, intersect Mongolia, passes through Ulan Bator, and then hurts China through Erenhot, where joins the Chinese railway system. The total length of the Railways of Mongolia is 1810 km.
Car roads. Most of the land roads in Mongolia are gravel or soil. There are roads with a solid coating from Ulan Bator to the Russian and Chinese border, and from Darhan. There are some projects for the construction of roads. Currently, for example, construction from the east to the west of the so-called "Millennium Road". The overall length of highways is 49,256 km. Of these: with a solid coating - 8874 km, without solid coverage - 40 376 km.
Aviation transport. Mongolia has a number of internal airports. The only international airport is Changis Khan International Airport near Ulan Bator. Direct air communication exists between Mongolia and South Korea, China, Japan, Russia and Germany. MIAT MONGOLIAN AIRLINES is the largest carrier in Mongolia, and provides both internal and international flights. As of 2010, there are 46 airports in the country. Of these, 14 have a running strip with a solid coating, 32 - with soil take-off stripes. Flights are carried out by national companies as: Ulgiy Trans, Aero Mongolia, Mongolian airline MIAT
Water systems. The length of waterways is 580 km. Selenga, Orhon and Lake Hubsugul River are available for shipping. Navigation from May to September. Mongolia is the second (after Kazakhstan) on the territory of the country in a world that does not have any ocean. However, this did not prevent her in February 2003 to register his ship registry (The Mongolia Ship Registry PTE LTD). Starting from the moment of registration, Mongolia is systematically increasing the number of ships under its flag.
All hotels in Ulan Bator have centers with international telephone communications, fax and Internet services.
The overall assessment of the telephone system is that there is an improvement in the quality of networks with an international direct number dialing, access in many areas is increased. In addition, a fiber-optic network was established, which affects the improvement of broadband and communication services between major urban centers and companies providing these services. Internal lines are characterized by very low telephonification, the presence of mobile communications. Stationary telephone lines 188,900 pieces in 2009. Cellular subscribers - about 2.249 million people. 4 cellular operators: Mobile (GSM), Skytel (CDMA), Unitel (GSM), and Ji Mobile (CDMA).
MEDIA. In connection with the law adopted in 2005, the State Radio Mongolia and TV becomes publicly available, there are also private radio and television companies, multichannel satellite and cable television. There are more than 100 radio stations, including about 20 through repeaters for public broadcasting.
Internet users - 330000 people.
    Quality and use of labor
The labor force is 1068 thousand people. (2008).
Workforce - by sectors of the economy is distributed in the following relationship: Agriculture: 34%, industry: 5%, services: 61% (2008).
The unemployment rate is 2.8% (2008)
The population living below the poverty line is 36.1% (2004). 80% of families employed in animal husbandry are poor.
The trend towards the differentiation of the property and life level of residents of the aimaks, cities and individual regions is maintained, which is the main cause of migration flows from remote areas to the capital. Often, migrants who moved to families in the city, replenish the rows of unemployed, because, as a rule, there are neither education or labor qualifications, whereas in the cities there is an oversucess of supply in the labor market.
Budget: Revenues: $ 1.38 billion, expenses: $ 1.6 billion (2009).
    Foreign Economic Communications The role of the country (region) in international work, international division, economic integration
The economy of Mongolia is still highly dependent on their neighbors. Mongolia buys 95% of oil and a significant amount of electricity in Russia, which leaves its dependent prices. Trade with China is more than half of the total volume of Mongolia's foreign trade - China receives about two thirds of the export of Mongolia.
Money transfers from working abroad Mongols are significant, but fell due to the economic crisis; Money laundering causes growing concern.
Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization in 1997 and seeks to expand its participation in regional economic and trade regimes.
Exports amounted to $ 1902 million (2009). Export - Goods: Copper, Clothing, Domestic Cattle, Products of animal origin, cashmere, wool, skins, spat, non-ferrous metals, coal. Exports - Partners: China 78.52%, Canada 9.46%, Russia 3.02% (2009)
Imports amounted to $ 2131 million (2009). Imports - Goods: Machinery and equipment, Fuel, Cars, Food, Industrial consumer goods, Chemical, Building materials, Sugar, Tea. Imports - Partners: China 35.99%, 31.56% Russia, South Korea 7.08%, Japan 4.8% (2009).
Mongolia pays special attention to cooperation with Buryatia, the Republic of Altai, Irkutsk, Chita, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions.
Duty - external: $ 1860 million (2009).
    Forecast and Development of Economic Relations with Russia
The Russian Federation is traditionally one of the important trade and economic partners of Mongolia and is among the ten countries and territories - the largest trading partners of Mongolia. According to the results of 2008, in accordance with the data of Mongolian customs statistics, bilateral trade increased by $ 525.5 million and reached $ 1.3 billion, which is 65.4% more compared to 2007. The growth of Russian exports increased from 36.2% in 2007 to 67.0%, as a result of which its value was $ 696.7 million.
At the same time, Mongol deliveries to Russia increased by 87.5% and reached 84.6 million US dollars. A positive balance of Russia in bilateral trade was 1.1 billion US dollars.
However, on a separate, very important for Mongolia, the share of supplies from Russia was significantly higher. In particular, Russia leaded in oil supplies - 92.0%. Recently, imports of imports from Russia food and other agricultural machinery, and other products increases.
Russia accounts for about 3% of Mongolian exports. It is limited by the products of the joint venture of KoO Montgolrosvetmet (Plavik Schpa-45%), light industry products (42%). In minor quantities, meat and meat products are brought.
The volume of Russian investments and the Mongolian economy is growing at low rates (by the end of 2008, the accumulated investments exceeded $ 2 million).
425 Russian and Russian-Mongolian companies were registered in Mongolia (including 51 - in geological exploration, mining and processing industries, 55 - in the construction and production of building materials, 106 - in the light industry, 40 - in power engineering, 21 - in transport, 12 - In tourism), but only 50-60 are really working. The main load of economic cooperation still falls on Erdenet and Montgolrotsetmet enterprises, as well as the Ulaanbaatar Railway Joint-Stock Company, which total produces about 20% of Mongol GDP.
Recently, Russian financial and industrial groups and companies ("basic element", "RUSAL", RENOVA, Severstal, Polymetal, Gazprombank, Russian Railways, Rosatom is interested in participation in large Projects in Mongolia (development, including on a multilateral basis, coal deposits "Tabantolag" and "Ulaan-Ovoo", modernization of the Ulaanbaatar Railway, the reconstruction of electric power facilities, transit of energy from Russia to China, Gasification of Mongolia, Road Construction, etc. P.). Gazprombank representation was opened in Ulaanbatara, as well as prestimi ("basic element", "Renova", "Severstal") formed for the development of Tanwan Magni. The process of Mongolia and the Russian Federation is intensified in the uranium industry. Mongolia is interested in cooperating with Russia in this Industries on mutually beneficial and equal conditions.
A coordinating role in the promotion and development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation is played by the Intergovernmental Commission for Trade and Economic and Scientific and Technical Cooperation. On March 6, 2009, the XIII meeting of the Russian-Mongolian Intergovernmental Commission took place in Moscow. Co-chairman of the IPC from the Russian side - Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Igor Leviten and Mongolian side - First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Mongolia Norvyn Altanthag.
The relationship between Mongolia and the Russian Federation is sustainable, long-term nature and are carried out on a solid business basis. Mongolia is a traditional partner of the Russian Federation and considers the development of our relations as a strategically important direction for Russia. At the same time, the economic component of relations is becoming increasingly important both in the context of strengthening bilateral Russian-Mongolian relations and the development of the contiguous regions of the two countries and in terms of strengthening integration processes in Northeast Asia.
Russia and Mongolia agreed to resolve the Mongolian debt to the Russian side. The appropriate agreement was signed by the Parties following the negotiations of Russian Prime Ministers and Mongolia Vladimir Putin and Sukhbataryna Batball. The debt of Mongolia before Russia is 180 million dollars. It was formed in the post-Soviet period when Moscow provided Ulan-Batar for a loan to pay for the participation of the Mongolian side in a joint venture "Mongolrosvetmet". As Alexey Kudrin, Minister of Finance, explained, explained, most of the debt (97.8 percent) was simply written off. The remaining 3.8 million dollars will be repaid by one tranche. According to Kudrin, after the debt settlement, Russia can give Mongolia a new loan - by 125 million dollars. On December 14, Russia and Mongolia also signed an agreement on fundamental conditions for the creation of a joint venture on the extraction of uranium "Dornod Uranus". In principle, the parties agreed on the joint venture last year.
    Forecast of the socio-economic development of the country (region)
Forecast GDP. Mongolia suffered large losses over the years, but thanks to a new reform aimed at moving to a free market economy, and privatization, the situation begins to change. GDP at current prices amounted to $ 5.15 billion US dollars in 2008, but a decrease was followed by 18.36%, which is $ 4.203 billion in 2009. According to this data, the country takes 145th place in the world. Experts say that in 2010, Mongolia will increase GDP to $ 5540 million, which is slightly higher than the previous year, and predict more significant changes for 2015 by setting $ 11812 million, US dollars.

Mongolia is a state that is located in the central part of Asia. This mountainous country is located on the plateau, which is raised by 1000-1500 m above sea level. Features of the relief and minerals Mongolia provide her success in the foreign market. Mountain arrays - Mongolian and Gobi Altai are towering above the plateau. Also on the territory of the state, the extensions of Eastern Sayan, Hanghai, Hantay and other mountain ranges come to the state.

The geological structure of Mongolia is distributed in all age-related complexes, ranging from Archey and Proterezhoy, ending with quaternary sediments of the Cenozoic era. It is due to the relief and the structure, minerals of Mongolia were formed.

This state occupies a 3rd place in the number of all explored deposits in Asia. What are the same on its territory in large volumes? This will be reviewed in this article.

Frequently mined minerals

The most common natural riches of the edge are gold, copper, iron, silver ores, asbestos, graphite, ornamental stones. There are numerous deposits of mineral waters. For recent years, work is underway to intelligence new oil deposits, Mongolia relief allows you to open more and more mining places.


The largest gold deposit is "Ou Tolga". Over the past 20 years, metal production in this field amounted to 180 tons. The deposits are located comprehensively and singly, it is believed that many of them are not yet explored.


Mineral minerals in large quantities are represented by coal deposits. Its stocks according to experts are 27 billion tons. Most often there are layers of coal, but there is also a brown look. The first deposits are mostly concentrated in the South and West region of Mongolia. mining in the eastern and central part of the country.


Large deposits are concentrated in the northeast of the state. There are about 100 deposits. In the stock of Urania, Mongolia takes the 15th place in the world. New deposits are still intended. Scientists are confident that they are much more in this territory.

There are large stocks of copper ores. They are concentrated in two large fields - Tsagazushburg and Erdenituin-OBS. Deposits are numerous. But they are represented by single deposits that are located through the territory of the whole country. Silver ores are mined in Mongolian Altai.

Here are minerals of Mongolia. And this, in turn, allows you to earn a fairly large amount of funds for the state budget.


Mining and chemical raw materials are represented by the deposits of soda, phosphorites, stone salt. Industrial and mineral type - Fluorite reserves (leading places in the world), plaster, graphite, magnesite, asbestos.

Almanandin, Chrysolite, Amethyst, Chalcedony, Agat, Nephritis are found from jewelry and diverse stones.


Minkolia's minerals attract tourists, because their "gold" representative is fresh water. It is she who is the wealth of this state. More than 3 thousand fresh lakes, numerous sources of mineral waters (ARSHANS). All of them differ in composition. Cold carbonate, cold radon, bicarbonate and sodium-calcium water are found.

In Mongolia, 65 thousand people in 80 somomas 11 aimakov mining gold, tungsten, coal, salt, colored stones, petrified wood and putty manually.

In 1995, the Law "On Minerals" was adopted in Mongolia.

In 2010, 19 contracts worth $ 80 million were concluded in the mining sectors of Mongolia, in the first half of 2011 - 13 contracts totaling $ 1 billion $ 50 million. The average cost of one agreement is 104 million am.dollarov, 40% higher than in 2010. According to 2011, 30% of all agreements fall on the extraction of iron ore and stone coal, according to specialists, this trend will continue and will increase. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, in the first half of 2011, 1379 coordination of the development in the mining industry was sold, totaling $ 71 billion.

In the Gongkong Exchange, the Agreement of Energy Resource Company is sold to the amount of $ 950 million, a third of this amount is already owned by the United States.

In 2017, according to the Ministry of Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry Mongolia, in 2017 the total industrial production in Mongolia grew by 30.3% compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 12.9 trillion tugres. It was directly affected by 32.8 percent growth in the production of the main names of the production of mining and mining industries. At the same time, the volume of coal production increased by 1.1 trillion. Tugrikov, and the amount of ore production is 1.0 trillion. Tugrikov against the relevant period of 2016.

Gold mining

Since 1997, the total volume of gold mines in Mongolia amounted to 181 tons. From the beginning of the implementation of the National Gold Program, on a national scale, mining of minerals was carried out in an area of \u200b\u200b12.2 thousand hectares. At the same time, gold mining companies occupied an area of \u200b\u200b6995.3 hectares. The total number of licenses for the development of minerals issued for the same time reached 1103, of which 42% are licensed to mining gold.

The company "Zhinshan Gould Mines Inc." has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mongolian company "MONNICE INTERNESNL INC". The document determines the conditions for the joint development of gold deposits and the implementation of a number of projects in this direction. Created in 1998 Group "Monnis" is the official distributor of one of the leading car manufacturers in the world "Nissan Motors". Having more than 600 employees, the company has significantly expanding activities and now occupies a strong position in various fields of business as geological exploration, mining, energy, construction, international transport, foreign trade, car service, telecommunications, banking and air transport. According to the Memorandum, 51 percent of the participation in the project belongs to the company Zhinshhan, and 49 percent remain in Monnis. Thus, the Zhinshhan company will be responsible for the implementation of these projects. The mining company Zhinshhan is a subsidiary of CSH Gold Mine. She began gold mining in July 2007 and actively increases its share in total gold mining in the PRC. The Shares of the company Zhinshhan are listed on the TSX Exchange under the symbol "Jin".

  • In 2008, gold mining companies were transferred to the state budget of the country more than two trillions of Tugrykov, Mongolbank reports in the official press release.


The most old deposit of energy coal is located near the city of Najah, 35 km south-east of Ulan-Batar, is being developed since 1920.

12.3 billion Tugrykov were allocated by the Mongolian Development Fund on the technical modernization of the largest carbonaceous section of the Baganur in accordance with the decision of the Government of Mongolia adopted last year. The rules of the cut considers modernization timely, since with the existing coal production capacity, they hardly overcome peak winter loads - a shipment from 180 to 220 carbon cars is paid daily. Two career dump trucks of the brand "SAT 777 D" of 100 tons were purchased for the allocated funds.

The Russian enterprise from Cartexes, which is part of the OMZ group, manufactured and shipped the ECG-10 excavator with a bucket capacity of 13 cu. meters. Excavator ECG-10 - the most popular among customers of this enterprise base model of electric type career excavators. The design scheme of working equipment, developed by specialists from Cartex, allows, depending on the properties of the developed rocks, install buckets of various capacity.

The coal deposit "Tanwan Tolga", for some estimates has reserves of 20 million tons of coal.

According to the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy of Mongolia, common explored coal reserves in the country are 150 billion tons.

In 2018, Erdence Tanwan Toggova supplies coking coal from the Western Tsangny mine at a price of 68.1 US dollars per 1 ton, and the energy coal at a price of 12-16 dollars, this was reported by the Acting Executive Director of the Company B. Ghanghayag . As part of the agreement with the Chinese company "CHALCO", coal from East Tsang is exported by $ 59.33 per 1 tons. The company plans to send the Chinese side the offer to supply coal at a price of $ 62 and to hold the relevant negotiations with the Chinese company on May 10th. In addition, according to B. Ghanghayag, in the second quarter of 2018, the enrichment of coal in the company "Energy Resource" can begin.

Copper ore

In 2017, the production of copper ore concentrate amounted to 1 317.1 thousand tons

Iron ore

In 2017, the production of iron ore concentrate was 3.7 million tons

Silver ores

Uranium ores

Until the end of the 20th century, the development of a uranium field was carried out in the Dorna region in Northeast Mongolia. The search for fields of the uranium ore was conducted by the Mongol-Soviet geological parties in the early 80s of the 20th century in the eastern regions of Mongolia. According to some data, Mongolia has six uranium reservoirs and more than hundreds of uranium deposits. According to the estimates of Mongolian geologists, the uranium reserves of the country are 60-63 thousand metric tons, according to Russian data - up to 120-150 thousand metric tons of uranium. According to the head of the atomic energy management of S. Rhbat, with 63 thousand tons [confirmed], the reserves of uranium Mongolia on this indicator takes up the 15th position in the world. According to foreign experts, the predicted uranium reserves in Mongolia are 1.4 million tons. If this information is confirmed, Mongolia will rise in this list to the fifth place. Development of the field

Several events of the last week again attracted attention to Mongolia. Most recently, Ulaanbaatar visited President Joachim Gaguk. After him, the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe was visited here. On the same days, a draft law on the constant neutrality of the country was submitted to the Mongolian Parliament on behalf of the President of the country. According to his initiators, it should be "the basis for maintaining balanced relations with other countries."

Mongolia is a small country, its population is only 3.2 million people. 1.2 million lives in the capital - Ulaanbaatar. But this is a very rich country - rich in copper, gold, uranium, rare-earth metals and other resources. Experts even argue that Mongolia is the largest and fastest growing market of raw materials in the world. And the mining industry since the beginning of the 21st century, the locomotive, which led the economy of the once agrarian country.

The total cost of the top 10 of the largest deposits of coal, copper, gold, uranium and rare-earth metals of Mongolia is approximately 2.75 trillion dollars. The most attractive for foreign companies are such large deposits of Mongolia as Ouu-Togue (Copper, Gold), Tanwow Top (coal) and Dorna (uranium). The reserves of the world's largest Tavan-Toggowskoye deposit are 7.4 billion tons of coal. Experts of the Rio Tinto corporation estimate the reserves of the Ouu-Tague deposit, located in Southern Gobi, 80 km from the border with China, 25 million tons of copper at fifty years of operation.

Rich, not yet to the end of the explored Natural resources of Mongolia - this is a lack of "global raw cake" for many countries. Not by chance that the Anglo-Australian company Rio Tinto is actively introduced in Mongolia, Chinese "Shenhua", "Chalco", American "Peabody Energy", Japanese "Itochu", "Mitsui", "Mitsubishi", "Sumitomo", "Marubeni" other.

Thanks to the industry, the average annual growth of the economy is 14%, and the country's GDP has increased only 10 times from 2001 to 2011. According to the forecasts of the World Bank in the next 10 years, the economy of Mongolia will grow on average by 15 percent per year. However, given the dependence of the country from the export of products of mining products, the prices of which are very magnificent, the GDP growth of Mongolia will also experience noticeable fluctuations.

Under these conditions, it becomes clear that today Ulaanbaatar stands before a very difficult choice of an optimal algorithm for extracting the maximum benefit from unique natural wealth.

Since the beginning of the new century, the Mongolian economy received very decent investments. Canadian investments in the extractive industry exceeded $ 1.5 billion. Investments in China - almost 2.5 billion. Over the past twenty-five years in Mongolia, more than 5,500 enterprises were opened with the participation of Chinese capital, which is almost half of all enterprises with foreign participation. Japan also does not remain aside. By 2010, the sum of the overall Japanese support of the Mongolian economy exceeded 3.6 billion dollars. USA. Moreover, half of these funds are provided free of charge, and the rest is in the form of preferential loans. South Korea looks good, which takes the third place in the series of investors of Mongolia.

At the same time, Ulaanbaatar today seeks to build its policies, combining new trends with traditional motifs. This in a certain extent was reflected in the development and implementation of the concept of the "steppe way".

The concept of the "steppe path" is the understanding of the early Eurasian integration processes and the need to determine the country's place in this process. Therefore, the active development of the mining industry and the expansion of the supply of mineral resources abroad is forced by Ulaanbaatar to improve the transport and logistics infrastructure, which today exists in its infancy and depends on China's transport arteries and Russia.

Without direct access to the sea, and, consequently, to world consumers, Mongolia was sandwiched between the two giants - Russia and China. Therefore, Russian and Chinese factors in their economic development are extremely important for Ulaanebatar. The PRC and the Russian Federation are the first and second most important foreign partners of Mongolia, 3 three-quarters of all import flows come from China and Russia. And China is also one of the main investors in its economy.

Thus, it is Russia and China that become the partners with which Mongolia intends to build a "steppe way" and match its own project with the Russian Eurasian Economic Union and the Chinese "Silk Road Economic Waist".

The "Steppe Way" project has already received the approval of the Chinese side during a visit to Mongolia Chairman of the PRC Si Jinping (August 2014). In the Declaration, signed following the results of the State Visit of the head of the PRC, marked the need for the organization of three-sided negotiations with the Russian leadership specifically in this direction.

In Moscow, Vladimir Putin was also perceived in Moscow with interest (September 2014) by Vladimir Putin, the project "Steppe Way" project, capable of fully updating the structure of transport flows between China, Mongolia and Russia. Russian-Mongolian relations are a natural and important component of the eastern vector of Russia's foreign policy. This is emphasized in the "Concept of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation", focusing on the strengthening of the country's political and economic development of the country based on the possibilities and advantages of its eastern regions.

Today the so-called "second track" is built - the work of a trilateral expert community, designed to just determine the pairing paths of three programs.

In the autumn of this year, the Russian-Mongol-Chinese Tripartite Research Association was created in Ulaanbaatar, which at the expert level will study the prospects for the interaction of three in countries within the framework of these three projects. The founder of the Association from the Russian side was the Institute of Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And its Russian members - the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Baikal University of Economics and Law (IRKUTSK), IPREC SB RAS (Chita), Institute of Economic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk), Institute of Mongolia, Buddhology and Tibetology, SB RAS ( Ulan-Ude), Institute for Lake Resources Lake Baikal SB RAS (Ulan-Ude), Orei BNC SB RAS (Ulan-Ude).

Scientists of three countries declared intentions to concentrate efforts to determine the most effective opportunities for economic and logistics-transport interaction, which in addition to Mongolia will be involved primarily by the Baikal and Far Eastern regions of Russia and the territories of Northeast and North China.

During the discussions, experts discussed issues of practical cooperation in the road and transport industry. Mongol partners told about the modernization of the Mongolian railway highways, as well as the construction of the High-Wei high-speed road, the length of more than 1000 km crossing Mongolia from the south to the north to the Russian-Mongolian border. Prepared for signing to sign a tripartite transport agreement. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a large transport and logistics center is discussed.

At the same time, it is clear that Ulaanbaatar will try to balance the resulting addiction and, perhaps, even find the "third neighbor" - theoretically, it can be the United States, South Korea, Japan, Canada. Perhaps this is connected with the Parliament of the country on the country of neutrality of Mongolia.

The priorities for the future may indicate the choice of the Mongolian youth space for education. Today, for example, more than 2 thousand Mongolian students study in Japan. Over 1000 young Mongols received Chinese government scholarships for training at the Universities of the PRC. Watchly Mongolian young men girl go to school in South Korea.

A stream of students from this Asian country gradually decreases to Russia. And the main language of international communication in Ulaanbatar today is becoming increasingly English, which displaces the Russian language from the use of the Mongolian intelligentsia.