The form of an act of checking the grounding circuit. Act on the gase boiler grounding circuit

Act on the gase boiler grounding circuit. To connect the gas boiler, gas services require you to provide an "act on a gas boiler grounding circuit". Under this document, you should understand the "protocol for checking the resistance of earthing and grounding devices." Such a document is the specialists of an electrical laboratory having state accreditation. The protocol includes the results of measuring the resistance of the grounding device. The permissible value of the resistance is considered to be a value that does not exceed 4 ohms. Also, the laboratory specialists check whether the gas boiler is installed correctly from the PUE point of view. For example, for many models of gas boilers critical proper connection Scratch and phase of the supply network.

Probably, no one needs to be convinced that household gas is a source of serious danger. At a certain concentration, the mixture of household gas with air becomes explosive. The slightest spark can lead to an explosion or fire. Therefore, very stringent requirements are presented to gas equipment. Gas services strictly control compliance with all norms when connected gas equipment. It fully applies to the gas boilers. One of the most important requirements is a reliable grounding of all metal parts of gas equipment, equalizing the potentials between them and other pipelines and metal structures.

Grounding gas boiler. In the case of gas equipment, the grounding performs several functions. First, the protection of a person from defeat electric shock When touching the metal parts of gas equipment, which caused by voltage. Secondly, grounding with the Uzo (protective shutdown device) provides reliable protection against leakage currents and, as a result, fire protection. Thirdly, grounding together with soup (potential equalization system) perform protection against static electricity. The fact is that when the gas medium is moving inside the pipelines, significant electric potentials. These potentials, in turn, can cause electrical discharges. In addition, in the case of gas boilersStatic electricity often leads to the failure of the electronic equipment of the boilers.

Quite often, citizens independently perform the installation of gas boilers, their connection to electrical network, Installation of sanitary and heating equipment. Grounding the gas boiler can also be made independently, but it is better to consult with the territorial gas service. The fact is that they often require the connection of gas equipment to a separate ground contour. Many specialists note the dispute and inconsistency of such a requirement. First, all requirements for grounding devices are set out in PUE (rules of electrical installations). Chapter 1.7. PUE does not require individual grounding devices for each electrical installation of the house. Secondly, the network of grounding gas equipment through the soup will inevitably be connected to the grounding device at home. Therefore, from the point of view of electrical engineering, both networks will form a unified ground network.

When the grounding device, as natural earthing, can be used metal pipes, metal parts of buildings foundations, others building constructionhaving reliable electrical contact with Earth. They can be connected welding with grounding conductors. The area of \u200b\u200bthe weld depends on the conductor used and the PUE is stipulated. The steel tire is often used as grounding conductors. Its cross-sectional area should exceed 48 mm square, and 4 mm thickness. A protective conductor can serve as a steel corner with a shelf thickness of more than 2.5 mm. As artificial entrancers Metal rods, steel reinforcement, pipes, driven to the ground at a depth of 1.5-2.5 meters can be applied. Their amount depends on the type of soil and is selected by an experimental way. At the same time seek electrical resistancenot exceeding established norms.

Periodic measurement of resistance to spreading current of grounding devices is also the necessary part of the work on the diagnosis of the state of the power grid and checking the operating conditions of electrical equipment at the facility. Mechanical contour measurement It is produced at least once a year and allows you to monitor the state of electrical installations, in time to repair the fault, which is a guarantee of safe for workers during the operation of electrical equipment. We produce contour measurements protective grounding With the help of new devices, the data of which are fixed in the passport.

Checking grounding devices

Grounding is an important procedure when installing and operating any equipment whose work is associated with high voltage. Incorrectly or in ungrounded equipment is able to give the accumulated charge to any object that comes in contact with it. Of particular importance, all this takes on the operation of complete transformer substations (CTP). For them, a closed outer outline is laid throughout the perimeter of TP at a depth of about half a meter (the distance of no more than one meter from the foundation) and is connected to the substation in two places with welding.

Measurements of the main characteristics of grounding devices are carried out in order to verify their compliance with the current requirements (PUE ch. 1.8., PTEEP Ave. 3, 3.1). Resistance data allow you to judge the safety of devices.

Such an inspection is usually performed in a complex with other tests, whose task is to define all protective properties. electrical system. To measure the resistance of the external ground circuit, an artificial circuit of current flow circuit is created through a checked earthing. The results of the study are recorded in the Protocol. The act can be filled only by specialists of an organization of an organization that has permission to implement relevant activities issued by Rostechnadzor authorities. It is valid during the 1st to 3 years, depending on the type of activity of the organization and the type of electrical installation (according to PUE).

In order to comply with all electrical safety standards, tests are always carried out on measuring ground resistance and. High consumption of electricity, increasing power and the number of consumer facilities always leads to a significant increase in the risk of electric shock among people, if no electrical safety regulations are observed, in particular, on the proper conduct of electrical appliances grounding schemes. Held
The earthing must work safely and reliably. It is assigned to ensure the problem of ensuring a durable and efficient electrical contact of the conducting parts of electrical appliances with the Earth, even if they are not under voltage under normal conditions.

Typically, the grounding scheme includes the vertical metal rods introduced deep into the ground, which are connected to each other. At the same time, their number is directly dependent on the type of soil or soil. The earthing itself has a connection with the main grounding tire located inside the main or introductory device. PE-wires from electrical equipment requiring grounding are summed up to this tire.

To check the efficiency and resistance of grounding, it is necessary to break this process to several stages, the results of which are reflected in the ground resistance measurement protocol:

  • External inspection and determination of the integrity and reliability of the grounding system design;
  • Characteristics of electrical inspections and contact compounds of the grounding system, protective conductors;
  • Measurement of ground resistance (earthing).
At the end of these works, it is necessary to make a protocol for measuring the grounding resistance, which includes the results of the inspection, the characteristic of the grounding device and the soil. As for the latter, he at the time of measuring the resistance of the grounding is obliged to be ashamed as possible.

But all the measurements are carried out regardless of weather and season, therefore, there are seasonal coefficients that are used to induce the grounding. The protocol lists all contours of grounding devices, indicate the conditions for conducting a survey. At the end of the protocol, a conclusion is made on the examination. In some cases, it is necessary. Held.

By the way, there is another name for this process - this is a measurement of resistance to spreading the grounding device. And the grounding resistance checks are carried out after each current repairs, but at least 1 time in 12 years.