Three love in our lives. Three love that will meet in your life Chinese TV series love for three lives

Well, it is necessary ... That's the truth, the age of living the eyelids ... Well, for sure ...

Do not deceive yourself with false love. The fact is that in our life we \u200b\u200bfall in love three times, but every time we think that it is truly and forever. However, everything is not so simple, and you still have to go through three different experiences to sort out yourself and become ourselves.
1. First love

This is your first love when you are very young. You have butterflies in your stomach, the head is spinning, and the earth floats under the legs. It seems to you that this is the same - the only one, real, genuine and unique love, and the other will not be more. In one, you are right - another will not be so, because it is the first. This is only your "sample pen", so to speak.

2. Comfortable love

Your second love and second experience is a hard love. She brings you a lot of lessons and shows you things that you never knew and have not been suspected. This is love that hurts. Love that suffers in the hope that everything will change. Love, about which we talk ourselves, that she is worthless if we do not fight for her, just to convince themselves that it is not for nothing that we spend your time. This love that has extreme ups and extreme falls, and being on the bottom, we still dream to repaid again. This love becomes American slides, where we risk to roll our neck. And this love that we can then hate.

3. Unexpected love

This is love that comes from nowhere. Love that you do not expect. Love that changes all your understanding of love, but then, looking back, you can no longer think about it otherwise. You can not explain to yourself where it came from and how it originated. You cannot explain the feelings that are imperceptibly growing with you inside, but at the same time, all this has a lot of meaning and tremendous value. This is the love where everything just matches as part of the puzzle. You no longer need to try to be someone who you are not, there is no longer no pressure and tension. And this is not at all the love you waited - in fact it is much better!

Sometimes we really need these first and second love to really appreciate and understand the love of the third. After all, every person in our life is either a gift or lesson.

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Do not deceive yourself with false love. The fact is that in our life we \u200b\u200bfall in love three times, but every time we think that it is truly and forever. However, everything is not so simple, and you still have to go through three different experiences to sort out yourself and become ourselves.

1. First love

This is your first love when you are very young. You have butterflies in your stomach, the head is spinning, and the earth floats under the legs. It seems to you that this is the same - the only one, real, genuine and unique love, and the other will not be more. In one, you are right - another will not be so, because it is the first. This is only your "sample pen", so to speak.

2. Comfortable love

Your second love and second experience is a hard love. She brings you a lot of lessons and shows you things that you never knew and have not been suspected. This is love that hurts. Love that suffers in the hope that everything will change. Love, about which we talk ourselves, that she is worthless if we do not fight for her, just to convince themselves that it is not for nothing that we spend your time. This love that has extreme ups and extreme falls, and being on the bottom, we still dream to repaid again. This love becomes American slides, where we risk to roll our neck. And this love that we can then hate.

3. Unexpected love

This is love that comes from nowhere. Love that you do not expect. Love that changes all your understanding of love, but then, looking back, you can no longer think about it otherwise. You can not explain to yourself where it came from and how it originated. You cannot explain the feelings that are imperceptibly growing with you inside, but at the same time, all this has a lot of meaning and tremendous value. This is the love where everything just matches as part of the puzzle. You no longer need to try to be someone who you are not, there is no longer no pressure and tension. And this is not at all the love you waited - in fact it is much better!

Is love live only for three years?

If you believe the problem phrase, then love lives only three years. Someone justifies this with their unsuccessful (sometimes once with a bad relationship) relationship, someone sincerely hopes that it is not so, in fear of waiting for a three-year boundary, someone has proves his own life that it is not. So how many years does love live, and is it possible to extend this period?

If we consider the phenomenon of love and love solely from the point of view of physiology, then in the thesis about a three-year term of life there is its own truth. The basis of attraction and love - neurotransmitters and phenylethylamine, they act on a person for about three years. Nature so laid down that this period should be enough to meet, please, get pregnant, endure, give birth and give to survive a new person. During these three years, physiology works to keep dad next to mom. Therefore, justice for the sake of, it is worth talking about what lives three years. Because love is a feeling, which is based on not only and not so much physiology as a conscious choice and desire for a particular person.

Everything in our life is based on the choice. It would be more correct to say, on a reasonable choice, however, many prefer to act on the basis of the mind, but on the basis of momentary emotions, other people's councils, templates imposed by society, etc. But in any case, the choice is based on each decision. In this case, the choice sounds like this: "I choose this person or not." It is from your choice in the end that will depend on how much your love will live.

If every day, every hour you do not choose your partner, your relationships can exist for some time under the influence of passion, mutual sexual attraction due to physiological processes, but as soon as they stop, go away and your love. If during this time you did not build anything, did not invested, then nothing will remain.

Relationship is a job, sometimes very difficult work. Unfortunately, many years are waiting for those who will be easily and trouble-free, "narrowed", intended by fate, holy believing in the fact that everything happens with the "right" man by itself. But expecting an unknown whom we, unfortunately, we often miss the beautiful people who are now next to us, or will, or have already gone, without waiting for reciprocity.

If you choose life with your partner, then you choose compromises, respect, care, attention and affection. All these factors are total stronger than physiology and passion. And when the desire to make compromises, to show respect and care - mutually, love will live a lifetime.

I remember this, you can withdraw the secret of longevity in love: the more you will invest in your love, the longer it will live. There is a very good expression that you should not envy a happy couple, they passed through the same difficulties, but did not break. Overcome the difficulties, and do not run from them, take care of each other, respect each other, and your love will be with you always.