The meaning of symbolic images in one of the works of Russian literature of the XIX century (on the work of the Kuprin "Olesya"). Art Detail In the stories of Kuprin, what color accompanies Oles in the story

"Barbos and Zhulka Kubrin" - well done on sheep, and on a well done and sheep himself. Explain the meaning of proverbs. For all troubles, fear will not fight. Who has not experienced friendship before death. Why changed Barbos behavior? The heart is false, and the courage of the Voronene. Be faithful to die hard. Homework. Friendship, loyalty. Theme of the lesson: Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin.

"Kurpra Olesya" - how to build a story? What color accompanies the image of Olece? Winter landscape emphasizes the extension from civilization. The beaten and ridiculous, Olesya is forced to escape from the forest nest. Olesya does not know the calculation, selflessness. Teacher Feoktistova O.V. MOU "SOSH №8". The hero expects new impressions. What is the value of the story?

Biography Kupin - a brief biography. Already then dreamed of becoming a "poet or novelist." Seventeen years that the writer spent in emigration was a low-way period. It comes to Lenin in 1918 with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true.

"Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich" - in the 90s G.G. Getting acquainted with Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. Publishes Essay "Moscow Native". In the spring of 1937, severely ill-friendly Kubrin returned to his homeland. Tale "Fight" (1905). In 1901 Seventeen years, the writer spent in emigration. In the spring of 1897, the writer was in Polesie. Kubrin emigrates abroad.

"Creativity Kuprin" - the story "Olesya" (1898). Born on September 8, 1870 in the town of Narovchadovna Penza province. The Kuprin in the rank of a porquituer serves in the 46th infantry Dneprovsky regiment. In the era of revolutions. Crossword. 3. 7. The first tendency to literature appeared in the Cadet Corps. Father died of cholera. Biography Alexander Ivanovich Kurina.

"A.I.Kuprin" - vocabulary work. Tapper -Muscant playing in small restaurants, on dance evenings. Rubinstein, Anton Grigorievich (1829-1894), Russian composer and pianist. Green house in Gatchina.

Total in the subject of 39 presentations

MOU Battyrevskaya Secondary School №1

"Fair of scientific ideas"

The role of symbolic images in the works of A. I. Kapurin

Research work of the student of 11 g of a class of wicked Veronika Yuryevna

Scientist: Gavrilova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

Battyrevo - 2006.

Research objectives: Symbolic images in the works of A. I. Kompan.

Based on the purpose, we denote the following tasks:

1. Analyze the role of a spatial motive in the story "Olesya"

2. To prove that in the works of Kurin Nature is a live member of action.

3. Find in the story "Olesya" Description of forest people and animals.

4. To establish the exceptional role of each word of the hero in understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe entire work.

5. Determine the significance of nature in a person's life.

6. Establish the relationship between color, stone and nature in the works of A. I. Kurin.

Relevance of the topic:

The works of A. I. Kurin are devoted to the works of many well-known explorers of literature, but mainly their work is biographical. The most interesting, in my opinion is the article O. Mikhailov "Good talent", in which the author traces the life path of the writer in detail. All authors somehow affect the theme of symbols in the works of Kupper. Thus, it is clear that this area of \u200b\u200bthe art world A. I. Kuchin has been little studied and deserves more close attention from the researchers. This circumstance is explained by the relevance and novelty of work.

Practical value: This material can be used when conducting elective courses in literature and for issuing additional scientific materials to students in the study of the creativity of A. I. Kompan.


1. In the works of the writer there is a strong symbolic link between nature and man, it is implemented using an image of some kind of natural element, often mentioned by the author during the entire narrative. For example, in the "pomegranate bracelet" infinity and the greatness of the marine space, attracting the eyes of the sisters, are separated from them strange, frightening both obscuration. So predict "opening" of the quiet family well-being of the neck. In the multigid images lies a steady feature of the Cupper prose. In the "Sentimental Roman", as in the "pomegranate bracelet", the sea is in the story, in the story "Autumn Flowers" - the sky, in the story "Olesya" - the forest.

2. The forest in the work appears not only as the preserved untouched nature, but also acquires the value of the symbol. In the aesthetic system, V. Solovyov was the idea that in the real reality "a nightmarish dream of mankind," chaos shares everything and all, suppresses our love and does not allow its meaning, the image of various animals begins to prevail in humans. This thought permeates and the story of the Kurp. To make sure this is enough to trace, as they are depicted in the lead the peasants: men are not hands, but "red paws". Manulyeh's eyes of the "unprecedented sinister bird", the voice looks like a "chopping cartoon of the crows", the opposite of her "monkey", the face expresses "animal anxiety".

3. The victims of the world of the Polesskaya village and the city, where bureaucracy and bribery dominate, try to see themselves in others. So, an embittered life, superstitious manuilich, not belonging to true people, calls Ivan Timofeevich "Sokolik", and Olesya "Dragonfly". But it seems that this, not abandoning the feature contains a deeper symbolic meaning. Ivan Timofeevich goes to the wilderness with joy to "watch the morals, to hunt for primitive nature, on the living Polessian witch." "A hunter hurts our sister," Olesya exposes him immediately. And, already judging by this, we can firmly say that the phrase of Manulya is not random. Everyone knows that Falcon is a predatory bird, for a long time there is a falcon hunting. In our case, Olesya, Dragonfly, as Manuilich says.

4. In the works of Kurpra, it is impossible not to touch the symbolic category of colors and a stone forming together with the theme of nature. The relationship between nature, colors and stone in the work of the writer can be schematically to portray in the form of a triangle, call it "Kubrinsky", in whose vertices are: the predominant color, the prevailing element (the phenomena of nature, plant) and the stone.

5. Educated the product of the junk, depending on the idea laid by the author, corresponds to certain values \u200b\u200bof the stone, the elements (plants) and colors. For example, the coral has the following meaning: Stores from lightning, protects against a bad eye, makes it easier to cure RAS and ulcers. That is, Olesya wanted to alleviate the suffering of the beloved from separation from her, the coral was to heal the love wounds of the hero. And the value of red is known to all: it symbolizes strong, passionate love.

6. Symbolism in the story "Olesya". Audley accompanies red, the color of love and the color of love and the color of the alarms: "The Red Oressey skirt has highlighted a bright spot on a dazzling white, even snow background (first meeting); A red cashmere handkerchief (first date, in the same scene Olesya speaks blood), thread of cheap red beads, "corals", - the only thing that remains in memory of Oles and about her tender, generous love "(last episode).

In the "pomegranate bracelet". Due-red grenades under electric light light up with alive lights, and faith comes to mind: "Exactly blood!" - This is another omen. Yolks give the most valuable thing that he has, - the family jewel. This is a symbol of his hopeless, enthusiastic, disinterested, reverent love.

^ 1. Expressive participant action.

Amazing fate was Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. With a wide, kind, responsive soul. Nature is strong, kipping. A huge thirst for life, the desire to know everything, we can all be able to experience everything yourself. Huge love for Russia, which he carried through his whole life, makes him honor and as a person and as a writer. He learned a lot in life and raised life experience to the service to his work.

Talented writer Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin - a recognized master of a short story, the author of wonderful leaders. They are bright, the colorful picture of Russian life of the end of 19 and early 20th century.

"A person came to the world for the immense freedom of creativity and happiness" - these words from the essay of Kuprin could be taken by the epigraph to all of his work. Great Lovely, he believed that life would be better, and dreamed that the time would come when all people would be happy. Dream of happiness. The dream of beautiful love - these topics are eternal in the work of writers, poets, artists, composers.

As a writer, Kurrina has always distinguished exceptional spiritual health, the taste for everyday life, language, loyalty to the realistic covenants. Often leading artistic search, it is sent from the fact that in itself is insignificant, from the "case from life", anecdot, etc. But, ingrown with magnificent details, memorable trifles, each fact acquires an extra depth and container. With all his dislike for the recipes, the Kubrin, who understood that the literature, if it is genuine, is always the discovery, compiled a novice for the very necessary, as if writing catechism. It will be unfaithfully for our work to bring one of the catechism. This will help in general to understand what the writer was relied in writing works. "If you want to portray something ... First, imagine it is absolutely clear: the smell, taste, position of the figure, the expression of the face. Never write: "Some strange color" or "He cried out somehow embarrassed." We describe the color exactly exactly how you see it. Give juicy perception of visible to you. But most importantly, work ... Forget yourself. I'll throw everything on the writer ... Cumshot to worry the plot, trying for the pen, and here you do not let your peace, until you succeed, what it is necessary. Get stubbornly, mercilessly. " Now knowing such interesting details, it is clear why images in the works of Alexander Ivanovich are so realistic and picturesque. In them, the soul of the author, his life.

"In almost all works, Krapper can find pictures of Russian nature. The writer acts in this regard a worthy successor of the best traditions of Russian literature embodied in the work of Pushkin and Gogol, Turgenev and Tolstoy "- so responds about A. I. Kuprina Modern critic N. Sokolov. But, despite the fact that Kubrin adopted many traditions of previous classics, the theme of nature in his work was significantly updated.

In the works of the writer there is a strong relationship between nature and man, it is implemented using an image of a single natural element, often mentioned by the author throughout the narrative. For example, in the "pomegranate bracelet" infinity and greatness of the marine expanse, attracting the eyes of the sisters, are separated from them as strange, frightening both obscuration. So predict "opening" of the quiet family well-being of the neck. In the multigid images lies a steady feature of the Cupper prose. In the "Sentimental Roman", as in the "pomegranate bracelet, the sea is in the story" Autumn Flowers "- the sky, in the story" Olesya "- the forest.

"Olesya" is the song of the beauty and the greatness of a peculiar Polesk nature. Forest is not a background, but a live party action "- Writes Y. Borisov in the article" The Tale "Olesya" and its author. " After carefully analyzing the text of the work, we found the following pattern: the word "forest" occurs in a story 30 times, and one-sized words: forest, Polesskaya, Halfweed, Polesie, Mount, Foresting - more than 20 times. That is, in the whole story, the forest is mentioned 56 times. Obviously, the forest is one of the main characters and, it would be completely justified if the author contributed it to the title of works. And the "forest" is really present in the title of the story as a component of the name of the forest girl of Olesy. Continuing the calculation, it is clear that the word "swamp" the author uses 9 times. 10 times is used in the story "Wind", and the post of mention of it sounds in the phrase "separation for love that the wind for the fire: Little love is extinguished, and he is even stronger than stronger." A simple arithmetic action helped convince us that the nature of nature plays in the story of one of the symbolic roles.

^ 2. Forest people and forest beasts.

The wood in the work appears not only as the preserved untouched nature, but also acquires the value of the symbol. In the aesthetic system V.Solovieva, there was a thought that in the real reality "a nightmare dream of mankind," chaos shares everything and all, suppresses our love and does not allow its meaning, the image of various animals in humans begin to prevail. This thought permeates and the story of the Kurp. To make sure that it is enough to trace, as they are depicted in the tale of the peasants: neither men have a hand, but "red paws". Like a predatory beast hunts and focuses in the Yarmol's forest, the manulyeh's eyes "unprecedented sinister bird", a voice looks like a "chopping cartoon of an old crows", she has a "monkey", the face expresses "animal anxiety". According to large church holidays, the priest from the village of Wolching is coming to the glory. The same feature can be noted in the description of citizens. For example, a leakager with her body, a red huge physiognomy resembles a disgusting monster.

Ivan Timofeevich himself says: "I, as a pagan God or as a young strong animal, enjoyed the light, warm, conscious joy of life."

It is quite different ways to depict the main heroine of Olesya: "Her young body, which grew up in the attorney of the old boron is as slightly and as a mighty, how young Christmas trees grow." And she lives in exceptional conditions, in full removal from the villagers, in general, but in harmony with the inhabitants of the Polesian poultry - birds, animals. It is not difficult to understand what is trying to convey the Kuprin to us, readers. Of course, neither rustic nor urban residents are in the lead of people in the full sense of the word. So you can answer the question that symbolizes the forest. The forest is a habitat of various animals, and if these animals are people, the forest is their dicar semi-suicide life, and the impassable Pololesky swamp symbolizes the bog of their vices: ignorance, malice, indifference, monstrous ruthlessness, hypocrisy. "From your swamp in the eyelids will not get marks," as if Casual notices the hero. And Manuilich says: "The forest is great, there is a place where to disperse" (Wed with an antonymy expression: "The world is crazy - the world is a forest). Ivan Timofeevich easily finds a common language with him, takes their rules of the game, "and let him not quite still beast, as it stands on the step above the rest, but he is infinitely far from perfect.

Only Olesya is a true person. "Grown in the woods, which, affected by nature, Olesya does not know the calculation and tricks it alien to selflessly - all that poisoning the relationship of people in the" civilized world ". It's not by chance that Ivan Timofeevich "Flashing Evening Dawns, Rosisy Lily of the Lily and Morning and Honey, Full Bodroy Freshness and Write Bird Gama, remain in the soul of Ivan Timofeevich.

With what love and care, it belongs to the population of the forest: hares, finchs, starlands: "Why beat Ptah or the hares too? They don't do anything thin, but they want to live as well as we with you. I love them: they are small, stupid such. " Olesya and grandmother regretted her, and the thief of Trofim, and even the intimate crowd. I beat it, forgives: "All I am alone. Well, what did I get ... really? ".

"In all her movements, in her words there is something noble, some innate elegant moderation. Decency, confidence in their strength, "says Ivan Timofeevich," Olesya - the mistress of this forest, the mother of all living, in her appearance, in the "clean, gentle profile" there is something from the Mary Mary, giving a bright face at the same time and authority, and naivety.

You can also give another symbolic parallel: "The earth rested in winter awakens with the arrival of spring, full of maternity thirst." And the last words,

Which pronounces Olesya before the departure of Ivan Timofeevich, the following: "Do you know what I regret? That I have no baby from you. Oh, how I would be glad! " Undoubtedly, in these words the author has invested a deep meaning.

^ 3. Straight and falcon.

The inhabitants of the world of the Polessky village and the city, where bureaucracy and bribery dominate,

Try to see in others like this. So, an embittered life, superstitious manuilich, as we have already proven, not belonging to true people, calls Ivan Timofeevich "Sokolik", and Olesya "Streaming". But it seems that this, who does not bother the feature contains a deeper meaning. Let's return to the very beginning of the work. Already on the first sentence: "My servant, a cook and a satellite on the hunt - the Half of the Yarmola entered the room," we understand that the hero is a passionate hunter, and it is precisely he sees in the scored, ignorant peasants - animals. He generally shows a painful interest in humans: Ivan Timofeevich goes to the wilderness with joy to "watch the morals, to hunt for primitive nature, for a living, the Polesian witch." "Before our sister hurts huhi," Olesya exposes him immediately. And, already judging by this, we can firmly say that the phrase of Manulyans is not accidental, it bears a symbolic meaning. Everyone knows that falcon is a predatory bird, for a long time there is even a falcon hunting. In our case, Olesya, Dragonfly, as Manuilich says.

Perhaps another explanation of the symbolism in the story: only spring and summer (namely, at this time interval, there is a height of the narrative) it is given to enjoy the life of beauty-dragonfly, and the autumn cold will surely kill it.

In the "pomegranate bracelet" the appearance of the princess of faith Nikolaevna is symbolic. Kubrin describes it as an independent, aggressive calm, cold beauty: "... Vera went to the mother, the beauty of the British, his high flexible figure, gentle, but cold face, beautiful, although quite big hands you can see on old miniatures." Vera Nikolaevna, a noble, amazing woman, becomes a symbol of that beautiful man who is worthy of real, "holy" love.

A consistent value of A.I.Kupin is the form of "fat, high, silver elder" - General Anosov. It was he "entrusted to" to make faith Nikolaevna treat love of the mysterious stranger more seriously. With their reflections on love, the general contributes to his granddaughter from different parties to look at his own life in Vasily Lvovich. He belongs to the prophetic words: "... maybe your life path, Veroch, crossed just such love that women cut and on which men are more unable." General Anosov symbolizes the wise older generation. The author trusts him to make one of the most important conclusions in the story: in nature, the true, Holy Love is extremely rare and is only available to a little and only worthy to it. In all his life, Alosov did not meet a single similar example, but he continues to believe in the sublime love and conveys his confidence to the faith of Nikolaevna.

The reason for the emergence of history that lasted for more than eight years was the birthday present of the Birthday of Vera Nikolaevna. This gift becomes a symbol of the very love, in which General Anosov believed and about which every woman dreams. The grenade bracelet was valuable than herself the "late Mother", in addition, an old bracelet has its own history: according to family legend, he has a property to report the gift of foresight wearing his women and protects from violent death ... and faith Nikolaevna is really unexpected I predict: "I know that this man will kill himself." Kubrin compares five pomegranates of the bracelet with "five alums, bloody lights" and the princess, looking at the bracelet, exclaims with anxiety: "Exactly blood!" The love that symbolizes the bracelet does not obey any laws and rules. She can go in advance to all society. Yolks - a small poor official, and Vera Nikolaevna - Princess, but this circumstance is not embarrassed by the hero, he still loves, giving himself a report only that nothing, even death, will not seek his wonderful feeling: "... Your to death And after the death of the humans. " Unfortunately, the symbolic, the value of the bracelet Vera Nikolaevna understood too late. She overcomes concern. "And all her thoughts were chained to that unknown man whom she never saw and hardly sees, to this funny" neither ". The princess again and again recalls the words of General Anosov and suffer the hardest question for her: what was it: love or madness? The last letter of Zheltkova puts everything in its place. He loves. Loves hopelessly, passionately and goes in his love to the end. He takes his feeling like God's gift, like great happiness: "I am not guilty, Vera Nikolaevna, that God please send me like huge happiness, love for you." And it does not curse the fate, but he leaves from life, leaves with great love in the heart, having losing her with him and saying his beloved: "Yes, your name will hurt!" And only people remain the symbol of this beautiful love - a grenade bracelet ...

^ 4. Nature in the life of heroes.

Nature in the story acts and as a symbol, measured the spiritual appearance of a person. So, Ivan Timofeevich first appears against the background of the winter landscape: "It was so quiet as soon as it happens in the forest in winter in a windless day. Magnificent signs of snow put them on the branches pressed them to the bottom, giving them a wonderful, festive and cold look. " Subsequently, the author more than once will emphasize the cold nature of Ivan Timofeevich, because even in the forest he comes not to enjoy the beauty of nature, but to kill. "You do not love anyone with your heart, because you have a cold heart, lazy," Olesya will predict him.

For "Olesi" is characterized by the arranging of the narrative, the movement of the plot of increasing. The action is accompanied by a musical accompaniment - descriptions of nature, consonant mood of the main character. A wonderful winter day is packed by Ivan Timofeevich who is bored on the hunt: "The snow has riselled in the sun and bluish in the shade. I took possession of a quiet charm of this solemn, cold silence ... "And it serves as a prelude to the hero meeting with Olesei. It is a tremendous feeling, "poetic sadness" are shown against the background of the coming spring - "early, friendly and - as always in Polesie - unexpected." The explanation in love is accompanied by the picture of the lunar night: "The month climbed, and his radiance is bizarre, the Forest mysteriously bloomed, fell among the darkness with uneven, butin-pale stains on the coronal trunks, on curved bumps. On soft, like a teddy carpet, moss. " The last date the picture of the prejudication tension of nature is completed: "Fullba closed a black cloud with sharp curly edges, but the sun also shone, leaning towards the West, and there was something ominous in this light mixture." Finally, in the finals of the threat of Olesy's abandoned babs. Romance of love and dramatic feeling finds a perfect expression in the word.

The same we can observe in other works Kurricov: a quiet sparkling sea in the "Sentimental Roman" - Mutual love of two heroes, the premonition of separation - the calm smooth of the sea violates the uneven purple spot - the shadow from the cloud, the dark blue sea at the end of the story symbolizes The death of the main character.

The relationship of a person with nature and here in each word: in the rapid flour, the southern spring, the hero sees a quickly passing human life, and in the story "Autumn Flowers" also means rapidly flashing summer. And one more feature: the heroine of "autumn colors" from the window sees a narrow strip of the sky "the color of the pale, losing bronze", and slightly lower, continuing his letter, she tells about apartments in which Gadko lived, it's hard: "But after all" , "the woman exclaims," \u200b\u200bthe whole strip of life is left forever, it's a bad strip! ". That is, again, human life is compared with nature, in this case with the sky.

In the story "Pomegranate bracelet" A.I.Kuprin creates several symbolic images on which the foundation of the narrative and which carry the whole ideological meaning of the story.

"In mid-August, before the birth of a young month, suddenly there was a disgusting weather, which are typical of the northern coast of the Black Sea" - the beginning of the story can be called the first symbol. Description of cloudy, raw, in general, very bad weather, and then her sudden change in the better is of great importance. If under the "young month" to understand the main character of the story of faith Nikolaevna Shinya, the wife of the greener of the nobility, and under the weather all her life, then it turns out quite real picture. "But by the beginning of September, the weather suddenly sharply and completely surrendered. Immediately came quiet, cloudless days, such clear, solar and warm, which were not even in July. " This change is the same elevated and rocky love, which is discussed in the story.

In the image of nature, the chip is laid on the philosophical idea that only in the merger with nature is possible happiness and salvation from the final spiritual decomposition of mankind. Only freed from the shackles of prejudice, fake public security issues imposed on him, retaining with the beloved in the forest, Ivan Timofeevich acquires satisfaction, aware of all the dead, the artificiality created by people of the world, and, contemplating the beauty of wildlife, truly feels like a person.

Speaking about the theme of nature in the works of Kupper, it is impossible not to touch the category of colors and stone forming together with the first one. The relationship between nature, colors and stone in the work of the writer can be schematically portrayed with the form of a triangle, call it "Kubrinsky", in the vertices of which are located: the predominant color, the prevailing element (the phenomenon of nature, plant) and the stone:
This is naturally natural for all works Kuprick:

This story is the embodiment of the writer's dream of a beautiful man, about free and healthy life in a merger with nature, "said Art Belisov. - not accidentally away from the city, where people live in small capes, exactly the birds in the cells, a man of ten in each, or under the world itself, in dampness and cold, without seeing the sun - not here, and among the eternal, penetrated by light, fragrant The valley and honey of forests find the Kurin of the heroine of his poetic story. "

Using the example of some of the best works of Kuprick, we considered a symbolic image in his work and proved that artistic images: forest, sea, sky, etc. Do not just decorate the narrative of the writer, but are alive participants of the abilities of the abilities to the Great Dara of Love, compassion, nobility and self-sacrifice.


  1. Borisov Y. Primech. / Kubrin A.I. Olesya. The story. - Saratov, Privolzhsk.Kn.Isd-in, 1979.

  2. Horoscope stones // Modern home encyclopedia.-MN .: Modern. Literature, 1999.

  3. Dahl V.Tolkova Dictionary of the Great Russian: in 4t.t2-m., Terra, 1995.

  4. A. Karenikov A Couprison // Change, 1990, №6.

  5. Kubrin A.I.Isbed essays. -M.: Fiction, 1989.

  6. Russian literature.20V.prav. Materials.-M .: Enlightenment: JSC "Lite", 1995.

  7. Mikhailov O.N. ENTRY.T.Komment. // Kubrin A.I.Stskaza - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

  8. Russian literature. 20 V.Prav. Materials. - M.: Enlightenment: JSC "Lite", 1995.

  9. Smirnova L.A. After the words. And notes. // Kubrin A.I. Stories and stories - M.: Ovsia, 1987.

  10. Chernyshev A.A. Artist of Life .// Kompani.I. Garnet bracelet. Olesya. - Irkutsk, East Siberian BNZD-VI, 1979.

  11. Sokolov N.Part. Art. // Kubrin A.I. Emerald: Stories and Stories - L.: Children's Literature, 1981.

  12. Zhuravlev VP. // Russian literature XX century

  13. A-Moscow, "Enlightenment", 2000.

MOU Battyrevskaya secondary school №1

"The science. Development. Creation"

The role of symbolic images in

works by A. I. Kurin


students 11 g class

Wolve Veronika Yuryevna

Scientific adviser:

Gavrilova Lyudmila


Battyrevo 2006.

Chapter I _____________________ 5-6

Chapter II _____________________ 6-8

Chapter III _____________________ 8-9

Chapter IU _____________________ 10-11

Chapter U ______________________ 11-13


  1. __________________15

  2. __________________16

  3. __________________17

  4. __________________18

  5. __________________19

A.I.Kuprin "Olesya"

The wealth of the inner world of the heroine of the story "Olesya" and her tragic fate

  1. Why did the author entitle the story with the name of the heroine?
  2. What is the value of the story?
  3. What role does the landscape play in the story? Give examples.
  4. How does the Kuprin draw the image of the main heroine?
  5. Why for most locals, peasants - the neighbors of Olesya, she is a sorceress, "Witcher"?

The word "sorceress" is multi-valued. It means not only the evil witch, but also a kudesnitsa, a good wizard, Charovnitsa.

  1. For Kuprick Olesya - Witch, who seduced Ivan Timofeevich, or the wizard, who opened the hero of the beauty of love? Prove your point of view.
  2. Does the name of the heroine of her witchcraft mean? What is the meaning of the word "sorceress" it is more suitable?
  3. Why do neighbors hate and pursue Olesya? Who and why did the author chose to compare with Olesya?
  4. Why did the comparison facility become "Panych"? What attracted the heroine in Ivan Timofeevich?
  5. The profession to which Ivan Timofeevich seeks - a writer,- did she happen to give the author to his hero?
  6. Is there a common writer and sorcerer in the skill?
  7. What is the feature of the image of the narrator?
  8. Did you like Olesya? For that, in essence, Dicarka, far from civilization, loved the Winged Barin Ivan Timofeevich?
  9. What did Olesya brought with him to the hut, at the time of her first appearance? What kind of human qualities of Olesya does this scene say?
  10. What quality did Olesya valued the most in a person? Do you agree with its assessment?
  11. Why does Olesya actually correspond to the refusal to the offer of Ivan Timofeevich? After all, the dream of any girl at all timesit was to hear the recognition and proposal of the hand and heart from the loved one of the person?
  12. Will Olesya preserve his love for Ivan Timofeevich for the rest of his life?
  13. Why is Olesya so ruthlessly characterizes Ivan Timofeevich: "Your goodness is not good, not heart. Word your own Mr. Do you like the top over people? Do you have a cold heart, lazy "? Do you agree with her conclusions?
  14. Is it correct to argue that, without waging for his happiness, Ivan Timofeevich simply betrayed his and Oresin love?
  15. Read the episode of visiting Oley Church. Why Ivan Timofeevich, who understood how for Olesi could end this trip, did not stop, did not save the beloved girl?
  16. Why does the author call the relationship between his heroes of the "naive charming fairy tale"? Fairy tales should have a happy end. And what is the end in this work?
  17. What color accompanies the image of Olece? What do you think, why?
  18. Rate the role of the details in the narration on the example of red beads in the work finals. What do they personify?
  19. Why did the happiness of the heroes turned out to be so short?
  20. What do you think the idea of \u200b\u200ba story?
  21. What remains of the love for Oles in the soul of Ivan Timofeevich?
  22. And in your soul after reading the whole story?

"Garnet bracelet"

The work is based on a real fact - the story of a modest official to a secular lady, mother of writer L. Lyubimov.

From the memories of L. Lyubimov:

"In the period between the first and second marriage, my mother has becometo receive letters, the author, without calling himself and emphasizing that the difference in social status does not allow him to count on reciprocity, expressed in love for her. Letters have remained for a long time in my family, and I read them in youth. Anonymous in love, as it turned out - yellow (in the story of yolks), wrote that he serves on the telegraph (Kuprika Prince Shein is jokingly decides that it can write so a telegraph), in one letter he reported that under the guise of The Polotier penetrated into the apartment of my mother, and described the situation (Khroud Shein again tells the joke like yolks, changing the carbus and embroils the soot, penetrates the boudoir of the princess of faith. The tag of the messages were herself, then he was angry. He was angry with her mother , I thanked her, even though she did not respond to his clarification.

At first, these letters were enjoyed everyone, but then (they came almost every day for two or three years) My mother even stopped reading them, and only my grandmother laughed for a long time, opening the next message of the telegraph in love in the morning.

And so there was an omission: an anonymous correspondent sent a grenade bracelet mother. My uncle<...> And the Father, then the former groom of my mother, went to the yellow. All this happened not in the Black Sea city, like a Kupper, but in St. Petersburg. But yellow, like yolks, lived really on the sixth floor. "The playing staircase," writes Kurprin, "smelled with mice, cats, kerosene and washing" - all this corresponds to hearing from his father. Yellow junteled in the poor mansard. He was found for the preparation of the next message. Like Kuprinsky Shein: Father was more silent during an explanation, looking "with bewilderment and greedy serious curiosity in the face of this strange person." Father told me that he felt in yellow some secret, a flame of genuine selfless passion. Uncle, again, as Kubrinsky Nikolai Nikolayevich, was hot, there was no needless. Yellow took the bracelet and disgust promised not to write more of my mother. It all ended. In any case, nothing is known to us about further fate. "

L. Favorite. In a foreign land, 1963

  1. As artistic transformed the Kurin of the real story, heard infamily of a high-ranking official Lyubimova?
  2. What social barriers (and only they alone?) Move the love of the hero inthe sphere of inaccessible dreams?
  3. Is it possible to say that the dream of the ideal, unearthly feeling was expressed in the "pomegranate bracelet"?
  4. How does Kerper paint the main character of the story, the princess of faith Nikolaevna Shane?
  5. What technique uses the author to make brighter to highlight the appearance in the story of YOLTKOV?
  6. What gifts got faith? What is their meaning?
  7. How does Yellowkova gift look like on this background? What is its value?
  8. How does love theme in the story develop?
  9. How is the author of yolks and his love? What kind of traditional Russian literature develops the topic?
  10. What is the image of the hero after his death?
  11. What mood will the story finals imbued?
  12. What role is music playing music in creating this mood?
  13. Comparison the understanding of love in the works of Kurpric and Bunin (on the material of the Kubrinskaya "Olesy", "fight", "grenade bracelet" and the Bunin stories "Sunflow" and a clean Monday ").
  14. What brings together and what are the sharply different different writers of the peer in other components of creativity - processing the vital material, the degree of prose metaphoricity, "plug-building", the nature of conflicts?

"Barbos and Zhulka Kubrin" - well done on sheep, and on a well done and sheep himself. Explain the meaning of proverbs. For all troubles, fear will not fight. Who has not experienced friendship before death. Why changed Barbos behavior? The heart is false, and the courage of the Voronene. Be faithful to die hard. Homework. Friendship, loyalty. Theme of the lesson: Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin.

"Kurpra Olesya" - how to build a story? What color accompanies the image of Olece? Winter landscape emphasizes the extension from civilization. The beaten and ridiculous, Olesya is forced to escape from the forest nest. Olesya does not know the calculation, selflessness. Teacher Feoktistova O.V. MOU "SOSH №8". The hero expects new impressions. What is the value of the story?

Biography Kupin - a brief biography. Already then dreamed of becoming a "poet or novelist." Seventeen years that the writer spent in emigration was a low-way period. It comes to Lenin in 1918 with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". However, new creative plans were not destined to come true.

"Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich" - in the 90s G.G. Getting acquainted with Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. Publishes Essay "Moscow Native". In the spring of 1937, severely ill-friendly Kubrin returned to his homeland. Tale "Fight" (1905). In 1901 Seventeen years, the writer spent in emigration. In the spring of 1897, the writer was in Polesie. Kubrin emigrates abroad.

"Creativity Kuprin" - the story "Olesya" (1898). Born on September 8, 1870 in the town of Narovchadovna Penza province. The Kuprin in the rank of a porquituer serves in the 46th infantry Dneprovsky regiment. In the era of revolutions. Crossword. 3. 7. The first tendency to literature appeared in the Cadet Corps. Father died of cholera. Biography Alexander Ivanovich Kurina.

"A.I.Kuprin" - vocabulary work. Tapper -Muscant playing in small restaurants, on dance evenings. Rubinstein, Anton Grigorievich (1829-1894), Russian composer and pianist. Green house in Gatchina.

Total in the subject of 39 presentations

What is the value of the story?

(The action of the story happens on the lap of nature, in the deaf places of Polesia, where the fate cast a hero, a city man, "for fortune six months." The hero expects new impressions, dating with strange customs, a kind of language with poetic legends, legends. And his expectations are justified . The scene is important and to clarify the author's idea.)

What role does the landscape play in the story? Give examples.

(Winter forest landscape contributes to the special state of the spirit, solemn silence emphasizes the extension from the civilized world, howling the wind increases the longing and boredom. Nature is not just a background of the narrative. Gradually, it becomes a member of the events. First personify the forces of nature: "The wind beyond the walls of the house. , Colded naked devil. In his roar heard moans, screeching and wild laughter ... Outside, someone fiercely threw in glass of windows of the handstone of small dry snow. Nearby forest Ropal and buzzed with a continuous, plum, deaf threat. "Gradually wind sounds almost Materializes, and the hero is molding to some "terrible guest", burst into his old house. Anxiety adds a servant of Yarmol, the mysteriously reporting: "Chi Witcher arranged, Chi Witcher has fun coping."

The descriptions of the landscape are often imbued with a lyrical warm mood: "The snow has riselled in the sun and blew in the shade. I took possession of the quiet charm of this solemn, cold silence, and it seemed to me that I feel like a time slowly and silently passes by me "Finally, nature, her strength, mysteriousness, the charming is embodied in the" sordunes "of Oles. Heroes acquaintance occurs in the spring: Nature awakens - the feelings awaken. In the last chapter - a sudden whirlwind, unbearable silent day, thunderstorm, hail - nature foreshadows break, separation, wreck of love. A symbolic image of a mulberry tree is distinguished, which "stood completely naked, all the leaves were shot down with it with terrible blows of hail." The hero's dreary concern is justified - "unexpected grief", which he premonish, happened: Olesya is lost for him forever.

Nature will restore the feelings of heroes, promotes the awakening and developing their soul, it serves as a means of creating an image (Olesya), emphasizing the natural, natural charming person, is the antithesis of "civilized mercenary world.)

How does the Kuprin draw the image of the main heroine?

(The appearance of Oleces foreshadows the very nature, Yarmol mentions the "Witcher", hero hears the fresh, sonorous and strong voice of Olesya, and finally it appears herself - "High brunette about twenty-twenty-twenty-five years old" with a person who "could not be forgotten .. . But it was difficult to describe it. ": Lucavia, authority and naivety" In the view of "big, brilliant, dark eyes". The face of her easily changes the expression from severeness to children's shyness (Chapter III). Olesya is compared with young Christmas trees that have grown in the attorney of the old Bor (Chapter IV). The hero attracts "A halo surrounding her mysteriousness, a superstitious witch's reputation, life in the forest is more often among the swamps and especially - this proud confidence in their strength." In its non-all-evidence there is a special attraction. Aplaced with nature does not know calculation and tricks, selflessness. She is alien to all that poisoning the relationship between people in the civilized world, to which Ivan Timofeevich belongs.)

What is the feature of the image of the narrator?

(The hero describes Olesya itself: a man you are although good, but only weak ... Your kindness is not good, not heartful. Word you are not a lord ... You don't love your heart, because you have a cold heart, lazy, and those that will love you, you bring a lot of grief. ")

How to build a story story?

(Pictures of life and paintings of nature are connected to a single stream: for example, after meeting the hero with Olesya - a picture of a stormy spring, an explanation in love is accompanied by a description of the lunar night. The plot is built on the opposition of the world of Olesy and the world of Ivan Timofeevich. Relations with Olesya he perceives as "naive , the charming fairy tale of love, "she knows it in advance that this love will bring grief, but that she is inevitable, that you will not run away from destiny. His love is gradually decreasing, he is almost afraid of her, trying to pull out the explanation, make the offer Oles and say about his departure (CHAPTER XI). He thinks primarily about himself: "Good and scientists are married to Sewing, on maids ... And they live fine ... I will not be unhappy others, in fact?" And Olesy's love gradually gaining strength, Opened, becomes selfless. The pane of Olesya comes to the church and barely escape from the peeling crowd, ready to break the "witch". Olesya turns out to be much higher and stronger than the hero, these forces - in her naturalness.)

What color accompanies the image of Olece?

(This is red, the color of love and the color of the alarms: "The red skirt of Oleces highlighted the bright spot on a dazzling white, an even snow background (first meeting); a red cashmere handkerchief (first date, in the same scene Olesya speaks blood), thread of cheap red beads Coralov is the only thing that remains "in memory of Oles and about her tender, generous love (the last episode).

Why did the happiness of the heroes turned out to be so short?

(Olesya, who owns the gift of foresight, feels, is aware of the inevitability of the tragic end of short happiness. The continuation of this happiness in a stuffy, close city is impossible. Too different people they are. Especially since its self-denial, an attempt to reconcile its independent lifestyle with the fact that she is deeply alien . The theme of the "magic" love is replaced by another, constantly sounding in the work of Kupper, - the theme of the unattainableness of happiness.)

What do you think the idea of \u200b\u200ba story?

(Kubrin shows that only in unity with nature, in preserving the naturalness, a person is able to achieve spiritual purity and nobility.)