What clikuhu can come up with yourself. What a gentle, funny, cute nickname come up with a guy

Almost all people assign various nicknames to their friends and acquaintances. It begins with orphanages, nicknames reflect the characteristics of the character of a person, its habits and preferences.

During the life, assigned nicknames repeatedly change, due to changes in personal qualities and a circle of human communication.

In the proposed material, it is considered, what funny nicknames can be invented for people with whom we communicate, given the individual circumstances.

Not always the name, this at birth is convenient to use in a friendly communication. This is due to a large length or insufficient thanks, other reasons.

Most people turn to friends on the assigned nickname. Sometimes it sounds ridiculous, slightly insulting, but always - original.

The table presents examples of friendly nicknames with an indication of the occasion of their appearance:

Occasion Description Example
Building, Appearance Too big ears, long nose, thinness and other features are becoming a reason to assign a nickname Cheburashka, Pinocchio and Other
Professional activity Associated with genus classes or profession Shakhtar, drove, mechanic, joiner
Surname or name Renuage surname or name Philon (Filonov), Tefal (with the name of the Skovorod)
Funny case A fun incident with a man becomes a reason for nickname Petka - a fight in childhood, etc.
Character Considering the characteristics of the character (trick, laziness, etc.) Fox, mattress, merry
Habits Depending on the preferences of a friend - love to football, excessive word, sports Fan, Boltun, Runner
Preferences in clothing and accessories Attachment to bright outfits, big hats, dark glasses Hummingbird, Cowboy, Belmondo

Sometimes the nickname will tell more about the person than the usual name. But it is not necessary to impose nickname if it doesn't like to a friend in order not to spoil relationships and not lose friendship.

Offensive nicknames for people

Often, thinking how to call a man who is unpleasant and causes a feeling of rejection, resort to inspiring nicknames.

This is done intentionally, in order to hurt a guy or a girl more - causing offense and forcing it.

In order not to become a victim of offenders in such a situation, it is recommended:

  • Stay cool, do not succumb to provocations. If you do not respond to the offensive words, the misfortune will lose your interest to you.
  • Do not agree, pretending to appeal not to you.
  • Ridget for insufficient fantasy.
  • Himself invent a caustic nickname, beating the hunt to call.
  • Make the view that you are not offended, and words did not hit for living.

Important! Do not forget that, offending the other, you should always expect a response.

Do not spoil relations with people, because nothing but negative can be obtained as a response.

Cool clikuhi for boys

For boys, cool clikuha - a way to emphasize the high status among peers, raising authority and causing respect.

Boys and guys are suitable for cool nicknames, invented on the basis of:

  • The names of the heroes of popular cartoons - for boys of younger (Winnie Pooh, Spirit, Stich, etc.).
  • Characters or actors of popular films - for older young men (white - especially if the name Alexander, Schwartz, Rambo).
  • Indian - dressed eye, hawk claw and others.
  • Names reported on Western Manner or translated English and other foreign words - Dan, Dick, Ben, Michael, Dario.
  • In some circles, clikuhi based on Blunt Jargon, who giving the weights of their owner - threw, Pachan.
  • Famous literary characters - Don (Kijot), Pagannel, Dracula.

Turning to a friend's friend named, it is necessary to represent the meaning of the word used, especially when it comes to a foreign language or a thorough jargon, so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Another possibility is to use the nickname generator issuing all sorts of names of names by arbitrary selection.

In the absence of one's own fantasy, or when it is not for having to catch in coming up with a nickname, the exit always exists on the Internet.

List of funny nicknames for girls

Turning to the girl, boys and girlfriends try to emphasize her best qualities or come up with a nickname, sounding funny and fun.

It is used not only in circulation, but will be suitable as a login of VKontakte or classmates.

When selecting the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • The word should not only sound pronounced, but also be beautiful in writing.
  • For nicks, it should not be overly carried by special signs - asterisks, brackets, etc.
  • Suitable a brief derivative of the surname.
  • Not bad option - a combination of behavior with hobby.
  • You should not stop at a very funny pseudonym, it will sound offensively and cause a mockery of acquaintances.

Alias \u200b\u200bfor the girl will not only give the mood, but also will reflect the individuality and uniqueness of the person.

What to come up with affectionate nicknames for a loved one

Lovers come up with gentle nicknames each other, emphasizing tender feelings. Appeals allow not easy to call a person if the name was called, but to make a nice beloved or beloved.

Determining which inventing affectionate names, it is necessary to repel from personal features of appearance, the nature of the beloved, relationship with the object of passion.

The following techniques are used:

  • Reductantly burning forms of words, reinpecifying names - Lusik, Svetik, Mashulya, Iriska.
  • Affectionate Animal Names - Pussy, Paw, Fish, Bunny, Swallow.
  • Just beautiful words, including foreign - Niagara, Sun, Baby, Fitonish.
  • Conservative topics - expensive, native, honey.
  • On the edible theme - sweet, donut, sweetie, peach.

Turning to your favorite nicknamed need to be borne in mind that not everyone soul. Some girls do not like and annoying when they are stressed gentlely.

But in most cases, such a nick will add tenderness in contacting the beloved person, emphasizing that it is the brightest, desirable and unique.

Choosing a pseudonym familiar and friends, it is important that he likes the object of handling.

It is not worth offended by a person offensive nickname, because the offense is always returning to a hundred times, let the chosen nick will add to a friend or a friend of importance and raise the mood.

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If you do not want to give a guy or a man just by name, you can come up with a nickname. Match our options with the character of this person and call it somehow especially, original.


Native. This nickname brings you closer to your loved ones, since it testifies to huge affection.

Kitty. In the Word, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bwarmth and tenderness. It seems to be covered by a person from various misfortunes.

Favorite. Beautiful recognition to turn into a wonderful nickname if you call your soul mate every day.


The coolest alias are those that sound in foreign languages:

  1. Dario.
  2. Clif.
  3. Street.
  4. Dains.
  5. Farriman.
  6. Felks.
  7. Nelson.
  8. Shelton.
  9. Canzio.
  10. Felks.
  11. Hargus.
  12. Tarrants.

They are quite comfortable, as they can be used as nicknames and aliases, for the name of the email.

Do not try to translate the above "Names": It is important to sound them, and not true meaning.


Donut. The person you will call that, with all my might, try to take possession of your attention and will certainly eliminate all the alleged rivals.

Microphone. Most suitable brunette with short haircutWho loves to sing, participate in karaoke contests.

Sofa. So you can call the one who loves to relax and relax on the soft, comfortable sofa.

Harry, harm, harbors. Similar nicknames are simply born for the owner of a harmful nature!

Pogrozunchik, snack. Boldly call the way of your FREND, if he often indulges himself with food.

Cheburashechka. Pay attention to the form and size of the guy's ears before giving it such a title.

Bell. Suitable for a guy or a man - a businessman who is very often calling on a mobile phone.

Hero. Surcharge his beloved hero, if he commits decent and courageous acts.

Domunok. The nickname will be a real find for who conducts its free time in the apartment.

Funny, cute, hurt

Piggy, Khryukhurundic, smelter, crudel. These words are needed to smooth the growing conflict, the guy is the guy, a man.

Diamond, diamoman, golden. Such cute nicknames will necessarily like the incorrigible fan of praise.

Puzatic, fat man, ears. The guy is offended by you for such nicknames if he is not confident enough.

Cake, Mesfirchik, Donut. Call so your beloved if he cannot live without sweets.

Wall, wall. Remember such a phrase: "For you .... Like a stone wall! " Awarding your "boyfriend" with such a "nickname", you give you to understand what you trust him and feel the security, being close to him. But there are such representatives of strong gender that believe that the word says to their growth or body complex.

Hedgehog, Long, Longs. This "Troika" will grow very quickly with a guy with a barbed male character.

What suitable nickname come up and give a guy or a man?

If a person smokes a lot:

  1. Smoke.
  2. Locomotive.
  3. Sigamacho.

If the guy, the man speaks a lot, moves and gesticulates:

  1. Zinger.
  3. Sociable.

Merry and smile assign such nicknames:

  1. Jovial.
  2. Summory.
  3. Smile.

The romantic is suitable:

  1. Astrologer.
  2. Lunar.
  3. Romantic.

Try to come up with a nickname associated with his name.

Let's give some examples:

Andrei - Dusha, Dryusha, Duzesz, Android, Dryushik.

Konstantin - a cat, cat, Constantik, Kotich, Const.

Alexander - Aleksash, Sancho, Alex, Schurs, Shuris.

Maxim - Max, Max, Ksim, Maximus.

Dmitry - Dims, Dimas, Dimus.

Vitaly - Wit, Vitas, Vitosh, Vitals.

Nikolai - Collins, Nikosh, Nick, Kolaychik.

Experiment with the surname. It is possible that it is she who will help come up with something unusual.

And further. . .

Tell him -

Give him -

Bear him -

Many people wonder: "What is a nickname?" Everything is very simple. Nickname (or nickname) - a nickname that is giving a person surrounding as a substitute for the main name. The nickname is given on the basis of the advantages or disadvantages of appearance, the kind of activity, the presence of a hobby, the presence of a certain character trait, is created from the name, patronymic or surname.

Nickname comes from childhood

Usually a person faces his nickname in childhood. Often, the second name can be obtained at school, in the sports section, in the children's team, for example, in the courtyard or in the company-peers. Many parents who recognize that their child has a nickname, are worried, is good or bad? In honor of what children came up with a child exactly this nick? Is it an offensive or friendly?

To answer all the questions that have arisen, psychologists recommend to talk to the child with the child, to find out what situation the children came up with their companion nickname. It is possible that the child normally refers to such a move of events, does not complex, does not worry, and he even likes the nickname.

How to come up with nickname

Nicknames are given on the basis of many factors:

  • Appearance and physical human data. For example, a high person can nose with a gnome or giant.
  • Nicknames are often produced from surnames. So, several letters are removed from the word or added. For example, from the surname of the beams you can form a word beam, Marchenko - Mara, Sharapova - a ball.
  • Behavior. If a person is excessively active, he can get a hurt nickname - jack. Ufect and rude - dirty, bug, stupid - the aback and so on.
  • Traits. Dobryak, Messenchak, humorist and others.
  • Single cases remembered by anything. Muddy, amanita, soap, martyr, mentor, nirvana - it all depends on the specific situation.

How do nicknames appear in school years

Nicknames at a young age are created during the formation of the hierarchy when the child chooses a role in the children's team. As a rule, in each class there are leaders and outcasts. This is difficult to avoid, since the process refers to one of the most important in socialization.

If children come up with a child a supreme nickname, they assert themselves, they are trying to become higher "victims", they see how peers will make the name invented by them. If your child received a nickname in this way, it is bad, and not only parents should be brought to the process, but also teachers who conduct conversations with children explain how not to act.

Children can watch. They easily notice the characteristics of character, behavior and appearance. They are straightforward, so they seem less tactful than adults. Speaking what he thinks, the child does not always seek to offend peers or humiliate him.

For example, the owner of the name "Dudka", may be called "Dudka", "Dudila" - and this is not because his figure resembles the silhouette of a musical instrument, but because the nickname is formed from the last name. But many guys negatively perceive it, consider the disadvantage.

What to do if the child is worried because of this nickname:

  1. Desire for what reason and who exactly came up with a none. And only after that take measures.
  2. If the baby became the owner of the second name, which speaks of the lack of his character or behavior, help the child to fix them. Perhaps he does not always follow the appearance, he fights or greading.
  3. If the nick is given due to the peculiarities of the appearance, it is worth explaining the baby that he must perceive himself as it is, and you always love him.
  4. If only one peers calls the child - this is an alarm that encourages to figure out why it happens. However, in gentle age, children can give each other unpleasant nicknames in order to attract attention, show sympathies.
  5. If the kid is a rudder in the children's team, teachers and psychologists must intervene in the situation.
  6. If the nickname is the result of "processing" of the name - talk to the child about it, tell us about her history and origin. With the lack of information, connect the fantasy.
  7. You can tell the child that at his age you also had a nickname.

If you want to get a nickname

There are a lot of reasons why a person wants to get a nickname:

  • You are a long name owner or you do not like it;
  • You may want to get a nickname, since there are people with the same names in your environment;
  • Would you like to stand out among the team.

Whatever the reason, come up with a nickname is not so easy. First of all, think about what pseudonym you need. Beautiful, unusual, short, long, Russian or foreign language? The most important thing - he must like you and be pleasant to others!

  1. The nickname should be unique! Do not use popular words like kisos, cats, clever, greyhound and so on. It is better not to apply "running" words, and invent something original. In fashion today, the game of syllables and letters.
  2. Do not choose too long or overly short words. The first will cause the difficulty of memorization and pronunciation, the second, consisting, for example, from two letters, will sound ridiculous. The optimal size of the word is 4-8 letters.
  3. If you plan to use the nickname not only in real, but also in virtual life, transfer the word to a foreign language or use Latin characters.
  4. To stand out among others, work with English dictionary, perhaps there is a beautiful word or phrase, worthy of your attention. You can use a non-standard combination of words or letters. When creating a beautiful nickname, it is not necessary to follow the rules of the language. Turn on the fantasy and do not be afraid of condemnation!
  5. A pseudonym associated with the profession is one of the most successful options. For example, if you write, call the Raiter (Eng. Writer - Writer). You can add additional words: good rider, steep rider.
  6. As a source of inspiration, use your favorite films, fiction, cartoons or comics. Since you wish to achieve originality, do not forget about the game of words: Doctor who is Dr. Oh.
  7. You can get a beautiful nickname using myths and mysticism: Hercules, Irida and others. But not to cause unpleasant associations from the surrounding unpleasant associations, first familiarize yourself with the meaning of the name you like.
  8. Some people as the basis for nicknames take their own names. For example, Natalia - Nata, Veronica - Nick - Nicoletta, Alexey / Alexander - Alex, Marina / Maria - Mary - Marie, but this way will not give the opportunity to get the original nickname. If you still chose a name, think, you can already enjoy hundreds of people.

People give each other nicknames from time immemorial. Some nicknames are cool or cool, other offensive.

Come up Everyone can have a funny nickname, but you need to react correctly when you called you, and far from gentle.

Many cases when the nickname remembers the best name or surname. A vivid example of this history of different times and peoples.

Why and why appear nicknames?

Nickname appear in humans for various reasons. Said once phrase, appearance, surname or deed - all this possible source For invented nickname. There are many examples in history when pits for people were invented.

In each case, its features:

  1. Indian tribes They were famous for the names of the eagle eye, running deer, fast river. In fact, the names were different, but only relatives could know them.

    The nicknames appeared from the events in the life of the Indians and became the second name for the whole life either until the next significant deed.

  2. There were nickname And among rulers of countries at all times. In Russia, Yaroslav Wise, Ivan Grozny, Peter the Great.

    Gorbachev was called the Mineral Secretary, and Brezhnev Grazenosz in Dotmaki. Known to the whole world and bright examples of kings - Richard Lion Heart, Pipin Short, Louis Pious.

    Some nicknames reflect the features of the Board, other appearance of the rulers.

  3. Cookies Cowboys. More often reflected the character or actions, but sometimes appearance. Big Joe, Silent Bob, Wild Bill.
  4. Similarly Pirate nicknames appeared. Black beard, killer of the Spaniards, Sitz Jack.
  5. Teachers often called profession either appearance. Drawing teacher is a pencil, and physics teacher atom. High thin teachers are nice herring or pointer.

Sometimes one person gives a few nicknames. Alexandra Pushkin was called French or Monkey in Lyceum, for the restlessness by ESO, and in the literary society a cricket.

How to come up with funny nicknames for friends?

Clicks for people come up with different ways. If there is little fantasy, the nickniem generator will help.

For friends, the second names are picking up interesting and good, no one loves hooklings:

Sign Options
Name In this regard, the nickname is given in rhyme, and therefore it happens. The rhyme rhyme is rhyme, and Egor is a rotten tomato.

Such nicknames are characteristic of small boys and girls, but remain forever

Surname Usually there is a reduction method. Zubet is called tooth, Myshkin Mouse, Pushkin Pushkina or Cannon
Profession Car service worker can be fuel oil, locksmith by vanatoux, eyeminer eye, and plumbing seller toilet bowl
Height High person is invariably called the sleeper, Gulliver, Giraffe, Uncle Stepy. Low People's Food Thumbellers, Song, Gnome, Trifle
Character, moral Balabab, Grurshun, Molchun, Hochotushka, Smesharik, Rogs. Smart more often give a nickname brain or head, and stupid call for a samovar, a woodpecker, pumpkin, a quiet brake
Appearance Balds are often called a kolobom or a globe, curly poodle. A fat man is often called a bun, a pyshki, a kolobom, and the thin Buchenwald, dying or skiing.

Red friends can be causing a helmet, a rust or more rust rust or red

Often, friends give nicknames during paired names. One can call the Vitalik, and another Vital, but for the difference to the name, some sign is usually added - small, high, bald, skinny.

Important to remember, Giving funny nicknames to distinguish the face between a joke and an insult. Everyone's sense of humor is different, because some shake, and others can be offended.

Cool and funny nicknames for guys and girls

Cool nicknames depend on the age category. For boys of younger school age, the name of the hero from the favorite cartoon will be a cool nickname, and in the future priorities change.

Cool Nicknames for a guy you can come up with borrowing foreign words. It may be the name - Chuck, Mike, Nick, Serge, Maximilian (for the name Maxim).

For men, nickname needs weighty - flint, pitching, beast, king party.

Girls love beautiful namesTherefore, the list of nicknames for them is filled with associations with attractive appearance, figure or character:

  • Kitty.
  • Panther.
  • Cherry.
  • Raspberry (in rhyme to the name of Alina).
  • Princess.
  • Nymph.
  • Chika (rhymes with the name of Vika).
  • Caramel.
  • Banding.
  • Witch.

The concept of steep nicknames in all different. It depends on age, intelligence and social layer of people.

What if you were angry with?

Rye puddles often seem so only around them, and the person who attacked such a label, the situation may seem stupid.

If they disadvantaged, then it is necessary to act.

  1. Cool. It is impossible to show that the nickname hurt for living, otherwise it will be so called constantly. It is important not to respond with mat.
  2. Do not respond. If you do not show the form and do not respond to the nickname, the likelihood is high, that it will not go.
  3. Laugh Above the lack of fantasy.
  4. Costume Call the offender to disappear fiction hunting.
  5. Called fool? Reply, happy. If he heard such from the former, then to answer that while it was not broken, then it was really that.

Note! If you like to call other people, then be prepared that someday there is a person who will answer witty.

Features of beautiful and affectionate nickname

Affectionate and cute nicknames often give each other lovers. Usually people operate with a set of diminishing words - bunny, sunshine, bear, cat, baby, sweetie.

Often, wives and husbands use affectionate nicknames, which from the side may seem offensive.

In fact, this is a peculiar manifestation of love:

  • Goosey.
  • Piggy.
  • Silent.
  • Lysik.
  • Cucundra.

Often the family nickname occurs on behalf of. Too is a toozy, Masha Manyuni, Sergey Sorgunchik.

Fantasy People have the richest, therefore the nicknames come up with a wide variety. Sometimes a person does not even find arguments why he was so called.

Features of appearance, surname, set of letters or a random event - all this is a reason for the nickname.

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    Related records

Character of dog depends on 5 The main components:
1 - breed (It has a primary value to determine the busy and the habit of your four-legged friend);
2 - heredity (It has long been noticed that parents transfer their children and habits to their children);
3 - education (the diligence of the owner of the dog can significantly adjust its behavior);
4 - date of Birth (American astrologer and veterinarian Donald Wulf came to the conclusion that the nature of the dog depends on zodiac sign under which she was born).
Fifth but not the last most important component to determine the nature of the dog is its nickname . The main feature of this component is that it is for it that you can very strongly affect at the very beginning of your pet's life.

Dog's name - This is not an empty set of sounds, but encoded information, the amount, genetic phonemes that dominate animals, forcing him to behave like that, and not otherwise. As a person's name carries information about a person and the dog's nickname carries information about the nature of the animal. Giving a pet name, put the soul into it. Do not use the first words. Remember that you have to use this nickname for a very long time.

By the way, if you are already looking for a nickname for your dog, it means you will soon have a pet. Do not forget to make an individual graph vaccinations With the help of an automatic form specially designed for you.

There are many nicknames and ways to pick a nickname with an animal. We can give you some tips on how to choose the right nickname for your four-legged pet. Dogs much faster remember and react better to nicknames, starting with such consonants, as b, d (especially J), F, R, H (not bad if they are also inside the nickname), but worse - on vowels and such consonants, as x, sh, sh, s. However, if you take a breed dog, you will tell you in advance, which letter you need to come up with a nickname. But this nickname will be only inscribed in dog documents, in life you can call your pet with any other name. Remember that one should not call a dog in honor of the deceased or missing pet or man, since this name can already bear negative energy.

To help you pick up a nickname dog and understand what impact it will have on your pet, we bring you the most interesting and beautiful dog nicknames . Even if you have already chosen the nickname dogs, you will surely find it to know what it means.

See also: Most popular nicknames of dogs and cats in 2010

Clinic Suk

Ad (from Dr.-Heb. "Decorations") Beautiful nickname for a thoroughbred dog, well suits the bits of breed Dog or Borzaya. Hell is very pretty, easy to train, but does not always like to play with children. Sometimes there is a caprip.

Addi The character is complex since childhood: grabs everyone for hands, malicious, depends on your own mood and the attitude towards it owner, which can also bite. You need to talk to her like a person. ADDI condition is easy to determine the eyes. Addi is clean, when contacting it is good to train, it turns out a good watchman out of it.

Adela (from Dr. Germ. "Noble") Fully recognizes only its owner. It is necessary to contact her strictly. Learning is amenable not to immediately give the nickname recommended dogs Collie, Mittelsnaser, Pointer, Shepherd.

Adeline (from Dr. Germ. "Noble") Good, affectionate, trusting the dog, causing children to him. Adeline is contactable, cheerful, smart. Surprisingly: Living with a cat, she is friends with her! This nickname is desirable to give exclusively thoroughbred dogs, but not small. She fits dogs Senbernar breed, black terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Terrier, Setter.

Aza. (presumably from.-Heb. "Strong, strong") This nickname is taken, apparently, from the performance of I. Calman "Gypsy Aza". Dog choirs with this name is not easy. Winter basins troubled, nervous. As a rule, it is indoor dogs, rarely living in the courtyards. Always happily meet their owners, welcoming them with loud lament. This fearless dog loves traveling in the train and car.

Alaida In the dictionaries there is no translation of this word, name. By fluctuating sounds - this is the complexity in character. With a dog you need a rigor. Movable, playful, loves to carry on passersby. Alaida is well to train. Adult winter dogs are restless, they can not be released without a leash. Alaida - decoration of any exhibition, these beautiful dogs are always medalists. Nickname is suitable for Risenshnaucere, Doberman, Rottweiler Boxer; Sometimes Bulldogs and Mittelshnuzers.

Albia (from lat. "White") The nickname occurred from the human name. The nature of these dogs is complicated, but they are well trained. This is a pioneer-beautiful mealist. Nickname fits the Irish and English Setter, Afghan Borzoy. These dogs love to travel, swim, ride a hunt. Setters never go from the owners, on a walk with them you can do without a leash - they are very calm and for a walk, and at home. Around them is created atmosphere of calm, they love to play with children, cannot respond to evil.

Alva. (Complete-Heb. "Zarya", "Dawn") This is a dog with a hectic temper, frightened, nervous, although it is kind and movable. It is prohibited. Playing with the owner, sometimes can minorly bite it (from the harmfulness of character). Nickname can be given to great and small thoroughbred dogs. This nickname is especially good for poodles, collie, newfoundland, German shepherd.

Alexandra (from Greek. "Protect") This is a rare nick for a dog, beautiful and difficult in character. Winter dogs are good guard, but training is hard. By the exterior can occupy prizes. Dogs are freedom-loving, it is impossible to walk with them without a leash. To be free, they can run away from the owner. This nickname is suitable only to large thoroughbred dogs: Risenshnaucher, Doberman, Boxer, German Dog, Mastiff. Sometimes this nickname you can call the mittel and miniature schnauzer.

ALICE) This is a beautiful female name. A dog with this name can be big and small, she always calms her owners, kind, affectionate, the temper is calm, restrained. Alice gives birth to several puppies, gently loves them, teaches and difficult to part with them. This is a suitable nickname for such small rocks; As a scotch terrier, Russian husky, Shi-Tzu, Japanese Hin, Pekingese.

Alma. (from lat. "Nutrition", "fertile") This nickname, people are often given both yard and thoroughbred dogs, not knowing its decryption. The temple of the courtyard is kind, gentle. They give birth to many puppies, are tied to children who feed them unpretentious in everything. Easily get used to new owners. From the thoroughbred dogs, this nickname is called Lakes, German and Central Asian Shepherds, Moscow Watchheads, Southhouse Shepherds, whose temper differs from the Nrava Alm of Mongrel.

ALPHA (The first letter of the Greek alphabet - "Alpha / Elf") Porn alpha strong, self-confident dogs, moderately playful, with a restless temper. They are not easy to train. The yard alpha - easier, love to vagabpsy, until they find a new, more comfortable refuge.

Amanda (from Lat. "Decent Love") The character is difficult. Dirting, you need to communicate with a calm tone. It has expressive eyes, very executive, with her almost no problems with proper communication. Amanda never runs away with faith and truth. Nickname is best suited to setters.

Amd (from the English. "Almond") This nickname is only for thoroughbred dogs, large and small. Amond - a dog-hunter. Good, with good small, loves to be frozen. It is not always true to the owner and therefore sometimes gets into different grinds. He loves children. Suitable for Basset Hound breeds, Blood Hound, Drathair, Kurzhaar, Pointer.

AHELIK (from Lat. "Angel") The character of celibes is complex, the dog is very emotional, affectionate, loves to play with children. Good leisurely. The owner must be strict with it. You can walk with her without a leash: it does not run away from the owner. Exteriorly this is very beautiful dogs. This nickname can be called both large and small thoroughbred dogs. She is suitable Chow Chow, Shih Tzu, Collie, Dogs, Newfoundland, Central Asian and Junior Shepherd.

Ariadh (from Gna. "Very" and "Like", "very decent to be revered, respected") At exhibitions are dog dogs. Character and temper they have calm, kind, not flaming. Consumerly, the owner does not annoy the trains. Love to travel in cars, but a draft for them is terrible. These are very strong and bold dogs. The nickname is suitable for large dogs of the breed setters, greyhound, shepherd.

ARTEMIS In the ancient mythology of Artemis - the goddess of hunting and the moon. Delicate character, sensitive dogs. They are constantly needed to protect against the cold. Puppies are emotional, playful, good-natured. Winter dogs are restless, with difficulty leaving for training. In the house, good worshi, bold, biting. Make the capture of teeth and treplut, until they break if the owner does not intervene in time.

Babet (FR. Look. To the name Elizabeth) Nick, apparently borrowed from the French film "Babetta goes to war" and arose thanks to a talented game Brick Bardo. The dog's temper is kind, calm, good to train. Burly rejoicing, meets the owner. Favorite children. The nickname is suitable for scotch terrors, taxis, poodles, pugs, miniature spitzam.

Bagira This nickname came to us from the fairy tale R. Kipling and the film "Mowgli", many know that it is Panther, a friend and defender Mowgli. Dogs with this nickname are calm and kind, not lying on extraneous, children allow themselves to stroke themselves. Neat. So far I will not clarify Laly, they will not go into the house. They give birth to several puppies and for a long time they do not let anyone. Pleases owners and neighbors.

BARBARA (from Greek. And lat. "Alien") The character is simple and responsive. Behaves modestly. Having come home after the walk, lay down and lies calmly. It is amenable to training even at home - it all depends on the owner. It gives birth to two or three puppies, it looks around them carefully and carefully. This nickname is desirable to give only thoroughbred dogs.

SQUIRREL Small, movable, cheerful dog. The temper is kind, the nature of unassuming. It can easily do without the owner. He loves freedom and hunting in the forest is an excellent scent, good nickname for spitts and lacas.

BETTY The dog is calm and good in the lava. Beautiful and smart, loves its owners. Bold, strong, loves to scare outsiders. Gives two or three puppies. This nickname can be given to all powdered dogs. But good to people only small dogs.

Bonita (from dates. "Good", "kind") Nickname transferred to S. women's name. Implessive, difficult to learn. Much depends on the month of birth - it is easiest to be summer and autumn bonites. Such a dog without a leash is not recommended. This nickname is desirable to give that terriers, setters, Irish wolfhounds, Japanese hinams, papillons, miniature spitzam.

Bulka. This is a clicching of the courtyard dog. She is good and gentle, friendly with everyone in the yard. If the dog's dog, children usually make it a booth. Gives many puppies and carelessly break up with them. It all regret and feed.

Becky (a tender reduction in the female Rebecca - from Dr.-Heb. "Network") Beautiful nickname, soft sound. You can give it any thoroughbred dog. Dock such a nickname does not fit. The character is discreet, kind. The owners of the backed have no problems.

VLADA (Reducing the Slavic named after Vladislav) Merry dogs, affectionate. Quickly get used to the owners, they are quickly trained. Self feel the timbre of a human voice, easily offended. Neat, brings peace and warmth. This nickname is designed for large thoroughbred dogs: Doberman, Rottweiler, Collie, as well as for small: dachshund, scotchter. Exterior - Vlad Moedalist.

Berita (from English "Truth", "Truthfulness") These dogs attentive attitude towards people are trusting, give themselves to strangers. Easily traversed. They can walk without a leash: they will never throw the owner. Love to ride the car and look out the window. Nickname especially suitable puddles, Pekingese, Spitzam. It can also be given to setters, dogs, shepherds, Kurzhahara, boxers.

VESTA (from Greek. "Home Forest") In the Roman Mythology Vesta - the daughter of Saturn, the goddess of a homemade hearth and fire. The name suits Japanese Kin or Pekingese. But everything, of course, depends on the owner - it can call the West dog of any breed. And whatever breed it is, is distinguished by the disapplication, does not withstand coarse treatment. Beautiful and funny, this dog is easily trasted.

Galatei (from Lat, Greek. "Milk", literally "dairy-white") In the ancient mythology, Galatia is a daughter of spawning and dorida, sea nymph, the personification of a calm sea. The temper is kind. Good watchman. With this dog you can walk without a leash. Anatitious calm and calmness. But all this, for the time being, it is worth only to someone to encroach on her world. This is a nickname for dog-decorative dogs.

GLORIA (from lat "glory") Kind, curious, playful dog. Very homely, slightly capricious. Favorite of the whole family, especially children. Little, almost pocket, Gloria is very elegant and smart.

GRETA (Reduced by Margaret) Educational Greta must be strict: it is a very spoiled dog. This nickname is better to give hunting breeds: Russian psovaya, Pointer, Irish Setter. The temper is kind, gentle. Dogs exterior, medalists of exhibitions.

Daisy (from ang. "Margarita") The temper, especially the Winter Daisy, is very difficult. They can unexpectedly buried, bite or just escape. In general, Daisy is a good watchman, a good mother, gently caring about his offspring. Never eats from other people's hands, it is not recommended to get out of the leash.

JESSICA (from Dr.-Heb. "God watches", "God looks") A dog with such a nickname is strong, bold, with a calm temper, loves to play with children, easily learns. It should be strict with it, but in no case shout at it. Maybe a walk without a leash and never runs off to a few puppies (sometimes twice a year). Nickname fits Collie, Erdeltteriere, Senbernard.

Gilda - The name of the heroine of the opera J.verdi. The nature of the dog is complex, stubborn. It is well trained only in early age. Spifted, requires careful care and attention. Having matured, Gilda becomes calmer. This is a beautiful and strong dog. It gives birth at least 3 - 4 puppies. Quickly get used to another owner. Nickname suits large thoroughbred dogs.

DINA Presumably this female has arisen from the name of the Danube River. This is a beautiful and kind name. Cleanchka Dina often can be heard in all the courtyards. Yard Dina - affectionate, Dobran dog, a large mother. About puppies is very careful. Sometimes this nickname is given and thoroughbred dogs - mostly decorative.

Dolla Nicknamed dog has become a female name. Calm, balanced, but strict to people, she will not give herself to stroke the strangers, but plays only with the owner. Dool never runs away to teach it easily. The nickname is suitable for large thoroughbred dogs: Doberman, Collie, Pointera, Kurzhaaar Scottish Setter, English Setter, Pete Boy.

Don. (Russian. Reducing the name of the domain) Nickname is more suitable for courtyard dogs. It can also be called large thoroughbred dogs. It is easily trained dogs, good guard. This is a kind dog, but not everyone let me up. Obeying mostly only the owner. Unpretentious and smart. Nickname is suitable for shepherds, Risenshnaceur, Rottweiler.

Domenic / Dominica (from the lat. "Mandatory") Beautiful nickname. Dog troubled, fussy; I do not let anyone, even children. Obeying only the owner. Without a leash, drive it is not worth it. Without a team, she will not do anything. Proud, neat, excellent watchman. This is a nickname for setters, boxers, rottweilers, dobermans, terriers and other large breeds of dogs.

JULIET (from lat. Generic name Julius, Julia) In honor of the heroine of the Immortal Work B. Scepir Romeo and Juliet gave such a nickname dog. Dog friendly, playful. Well trains, caring mother for her puppies. This nickname can be called dogs of different breeds: large and small. Sometimes it is a dog with a tragic destiny.

EVE (from Dr.-Heb. "Live") This nickname occurred from the Women's name Eve. Good, very jealous and changeless. Break, without thinking goes to the revenue likes to swim, it is easy to train, gives birth to 2 - 3 puppies, for a long time it is caught. This nickname can safely give the Black Terrier, Basset Hounts Dog, Pointera.

Zhulka. This is a nickname for a simple, courtyard, homeless dog, very hardy, which the whole courtyard feeds. She has a loud voice and good temper. When the owner lives, feste and protected, becomes phlegmatic. It is better not to release it to the street: chasing the machines, barks on passersby.

Zill (from Dr.-Heb. "Shadow") Character balanced, proud. It is better to do with her. She confidently feels at the circus Manege, at the exhibition, in front of the camera. The owner's shift, transfers painfully, is experiencing. Inquisitive, with a good scent. The nickname is suitable for dachshunds, basset haoundam, scotch-terriers.

ISOLDE (presumably from Dr.-English. "Ice" and "domination", from "Beautiful, beautiful") Comfortable, touchy temper. Obeying only the owner. The character of Isolde is the character of a capricious woman. Hitra. Well learns, loves only himself. Nickname is suitable for watchdog dogs.

Irma (dedicated to the ancient generman god of war) A dog with such a nickname is difficult to train, restless. Without a leash it is impossible to output it: can bite or roll the cat. Good watchman. The hostess respects more than the owner. Nickname comes up Doberman, mastiff, bull terrier.

Isida (The name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of agriculture) Only dresses are leaving for training, matured, reluctantly performs the commands of the owner. A leash can be released on the street. To stroke ourselves, except for the owners, does not allow anyone. The growl can frighten unfamiliar children. Such a nickname can be given only to big dogs - dogs, dobermans, boxers.

BLOT This is a non-visible dog, the courtyard, with a good temper, accessible to everyone. The meeting of man, insides a fluffy tail. Do not like to wander like other dogs-korans. It keeps closer to human housing.

Kakashka Heroine Chekhov history. This is a courtyard dog with a good temper, accessible to everyone. Easily lesy, ringwheat, mobile.

BUTTON Little, kind dog, very homely, gets light, slightly capricious, is friends with a cat, loves children. Nickname is suitable for both yard and pet-decorative dogs.

Lada (from Dr.-Russian. "Favorite", "Cute") This is a beautiful and clever dog, which in extreme conditions will be able to stand up for itself and for the owner. The temper is calm, the owner does not deliver special difficulties. Learns without problems. This nickname is better to give large and strong dogs Risenshnauzer, Rottweiler, Boxer, Bulldog.

Lyme. (from Latvian. and lit. "Happiness") This is a serious, strict, disciplined dog. It is well studying, it will not be afraid of anyone. Born in summer you can walk without a leash Lyme never runs away. Loves the hostess more, you willingly walk with her. This nickname is preferable to give large and medium-sized dogs: Doberman, Collie, Kurzhaaaru Pointera, English Cocker Mittelsuceor.

LIZZIE (English. Reduction name Elizabeth) The persistent and tender dog with a complex character, easily learns, but it needs a special approach. It protects well, occasionally works in a circus. This nickname is suitable for a boxer, German Dog, Mittelscher.

Indus (Reducing the names of theodolinda, Vedda, Hermalland, etc.) Playful, kind, easy to handle the dog. It goes well, practically does not resist, walks without a leash. The owner is tied as a child, everyone loves her in the family. Good watchman. This nickname can be given almost all dogs.

Lorna (presumably from Dr.-English. "Leave", "disappear", "disappear", "abandoned") Emotional, playful, executive, good dog. Does not really like to play with children, but respects the owner. Loves to travel. Very neat, requires careful care. Early childhood is predisposed to the diseases of the lungs. Nickname is suitable only to Blood-Hounds, setters, terriers.

Lucia, Liuition (from lat. "Snow") The dog is calm, balanced in the lava. Quickly learns. Can act in the circus. At exhibitions often occupy prizes. Great watchman in the house. If someone else's goes to the house, then Lucia (Luciation) will not release him. This nickname is good to give great thoroughbred dogs.

MAGDALENE (from. Annexes to the name Marin - Marin from Magdala, then became a personal name) Very mobile, restless, kind dog, loving to play with children and does not bite anyone. It is a strong and bold dog, very beautiful, great clever, is well trained, loves to roll on her children. The nickname is suitable for strong and thoroughbred dogs of Senbernar breed, Irish Wolfhound, Rottweiler, Erdelterier.

Hayda Nick with all the favorite courtyard dog. It gives care of training, but can bite someone else's person. Fight rarely lives in the apartment, but it becomes very accustomed to the owners. Lives with them until the end of his days. It gives birth often and a lot.

Nera A kind and calm dog, never runs away from the owner. He loves children very much, playing with them, but does not bite anyone. Schitra, can be caught, but I will not take out of other people. Feels owners at a distance, even outside the door at home, meets their joyful lamin. Loves to travel in the car, watch TV. It is predisposed to diseases of a cold character, lungs.

PALM Universal nickname for both yard and for thoroughbred dogs. Temple is simple, sewing. Quiet dog, but can suddenly bite. Pets are quieter, but it is impossible to release them into the street.

Regina (from scratch lat) Dog nickname borrowed from the female name Regina. The dog is beautiful and calm, the real pride of the owner, but with the children of a strict. Trains without problems. But for a walk without a leash can not: Regina is very annoying cats. Such a nickname can be given to large thoroughbred dogs - setters, Afghan, risensshusers, middle dogs, for example, American Cockerpaniel.

RITA (Spoken on behalf of Margarita Lat. "Pearl") Obedient, executive, calm and kind dog. The owners do not enjoy it, children simply adore. Rita can be called a little dog, Poodle breed, Pekingese, Pug, Toy Terrier.

SILVIA (from Latin "Forest") The heroine of the famous operetta I. Kalman "Silva". Playful and kind, Silva is well trained, perfectly wounds and guards children. She is attentive, never runs away from the owners. You can walk with her without a leash. This nickname can be given to small and large thoroughbred dogs.

TINA (Russian. Reducing the names of Alevtina, Valentine) The bitch can be described in one word - quiet. Very sensitive homemade dog. It gives herself to caress out a stranger, crying with the owner, if in the family grief. Good and affection with all family members, everything understands. It seems that she is about to speak, the nickname fits dog-ornamental dogs.

Felisa, Felicia (from Lat. "Happy") The dogs are calm, it is very sensitive, eagerly works with a trainer. Grooming, strong, can run a lot. The owner with her there is no hassle. It must be protected only from the cold. Once a year gives birth to several puppies. This nickname is designed for thoroughbred dogs.

FLORA In antique mythology - the goddess of flowers and spring. Nickname small (not necessarily thoroughbred) dogs. Dogs are kind, gentle, give people joy and peace. That's just the ringing Lai can scare children.

FLORENCE (from lat "bloom") The dog is emotional, playful, but children avoid recognizes only its owner. Smart, beautiful and bold dog, the subject of the envy of others. Very freedom-loving, at home behaves calmly, does not react to unfamiliar sounds. But on the street behind it you need control.

HILDA (from Dr. Germ. "War") Good dog only to the owners. Children do not like to be afraid of drafts. Located K. cold illness, sick is long and hard. It needs special care. Winter dogs are more enduring and strong. This nickname only for thoroughbred dogs.

ELBE Dog nicknames occurred from the name of the river in Poland. The dog is smart, not irritable, in games can inadvertently boning his hand. It is strongly tied to the owners, it is difficult, even painfully tolerate separation, this nickname does not fit small dogs at all.

Elsa (English, it. Reduced by Elizabeth) This nickname is often called tigeric circus. Give it and dogs. A dog with a calm, balanced temper, executive, intended, with good memory. Excellent watchman and nannik for young children. Such a nickname can be called Collie, Dog, Newfoundland, English Setter.

Unita (from the English. "Unity", "Consent") Junit's nickname beautiful and kind. Dog with an incredible character, kind, beautiful. Loves to play with the owner and his children. Fuckingly walks in the park, in the forest. Dog is strong. Such a nickname is suitable only for porous and beautiful copies of the collie breed, German Dog, Senbernar Erdeltterier, as well as poodles and setters.

Cleaning dogs

Agga (from Dr.-Heb. "Festive", "Fun) By character, the dog should be kind, fast, representative. Nickname fits breed dogs Japanese Hin, Pekingese, Papillon, Toy Terrier, Miniature Spitz, Small Poodle.

IKE It may be dogs-metis - bold, strong, large. The yard dogs are well leaving for training, not always evil, but always hardy, bold, strong. Some of them live in the yard at the owners and are quite reliable guard. Winter dogs have a more complex.

AMETHYST Nickname is given in honor of a beautiful gems. The character of the dog is proud. Very tied to the owner. It takes hard to change the owner.

AMUR (in the ancient mythology God of love) These are big, kind dogs devoted to their owners, movable, good guard. This nickname can be called any dog, but it is best suited to big dogs.

LEOPARD Nickname borrowed from the name of the predator of a feline leopard. This is a big, strong, proud dog, is well trained, an excellent watchman devoted to its owner. Nickname for large and beautiful dogs of service breeds: South Russian Shepherd, German / Eastern European Shepherd, Podgolasan Shepherd.

Barsik Reduce nickname from the previous one. This is a small homemade dog. Maybe a dog of the courtyard. For her, no climate is terrible. The temper is kind, calm, very loves children.

Bim The nickname is borrowed from the film of Treepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". Chick's nickname herself. Dogs are well to train; They love children, not evil, very love their owners, are committed to them. Very smart. Do not leave your house. Suitable dogs breed setter, as well as small yard dogs.

Baron (in Western Europe - noble title) This nickname is given great, strong, proud dogs of service breeds.

BARKHAN (cluster, bulk sand mound) The nature of the dogs is difficult: they are stubborn, evil, love only their owners. These strong dogs (especially winter) are walking only on a leash and in a muzzle, for any dog \u200b\u200bcan bite. Dressing is amenable. At the exhibitions occupy prizes, as well as in championships. In battles, the reaction is lightning. These are good dogs to work on the border, good guard. They have a wonderful smell. Nickname is suitable for all shepherd, english dog.

Buran The character is calm, balanced, the dog is executive, well gives care of trains. Loves to play with children. This is a strong and brave dog, can take a 2-meter height barrier. Food is not picky, they can be removed without a leash. Meeting the owner, happily welcomes his joyful lament. Dogs are hardened, little sick can carry the guard service. This nickname is good to give large dogs: husky, shepherds, dogs.

Wolf The dog is black or looks like a wolf, the temper of her calm, kind.

HAROLD (from Dr.-Germ. "The army" and "command") Dog's character is complex. She is stubborn, proud, dare, confident in herself, executive. This is a nickname for Risenshnauzer, Mittelshnuzer, Dog, Rottweiler. This nickname can also be called the miniature schnauzer.

Gaston (from Dr. Germ. "Guest", "Alien") The person's name turned into a dog's nickname. This nickname is given by large and small thoroughbred dogs of noble origin.

GIDEON (from Dr.-Heb. "Rubaka", "chop") This nickname is given a bold, strong dog. She is a good watchman, a nice defender of the owner and his family. This nickname for large shepherds, risenshnuzer, rottweiler.

Gilmore (servant Virgin Mary) This is a calm, confident dog of great growth; Good guard. It is advisable to led on the leash, as it is capable of rebuilding another little creature. Nickname is designed for dog, rottweiler, shepherd.

GORDON (from Scotland. Families) Nick not new, but it is rare. These are strong dogs with excellent sense of smell, good training. Such a nickname can only be given by thoroughbred dogs, mostly service breeds.

Vigra (from Dr.-Heb. "Judge") The nickname occurred from the name of the bird. These are big, strong and bold dogs who are not afraid of anything. The nickname is designed for large thoroughbred service dogs. Dogs are stuck, strong, persistent, similar to the mother. In winter dogs, character is more complicated. Nickname for dogs of large breeds.

Jared, Jaired (from Lat., Greek, Dr.-Heb. "Fair") This is a big, calm dog. This nickname can be called hunting dogs.

Jason (from Dr. Greek. "Healer") Dogs with such a nickname absolutely, kind of home creatures. This nickname can be given to dogs of small breeds - pugs, taxis, dwarf poodles, basset haounds.

JACK (reduction from John) This nickname can be given a pionee and courtyard dog, as this kind and strong dog is a good watchman, but without a leash can shut up a cat. Training skills are produced slowly.

JOHN (from Dr.-Heb. "John" - "God granted", "God's God") In the Bible - the name of the Baptist and the Apostle. This nickname can be given only by thoroughbred small dogs. Nourish them are kind. Winter is stronger than summer. Dog offended, with a leash it is better not to lower. These dogs love the hostess more than the owner, the nicknames fit hunting dogs.

Jul (from English "Gemstone", "Treasure") This nickname is called large thoroughbred dogs - shepherd dogs, dogs. The nature of these dogs is not very calm, they are all very worried tolerate only the calm tone of communication, touchy.

Julbars It is a strong, brave, evil dog, obeying only the owner. Patient to pain. Good to those who serve it. Born in winter dogs with this nickname are more angry and less manageable. With a leash, it is not recommended to drain such a dog.

DICK Poultry common dog. Good to children; If the dog breed is husky, then this is a leader. Strong, smart, devoted to their owners, he walks with them to hunt in Taiga.

Dominic, Domenic (from the lat. "Mandatory") This beautiful nickname for dogs of medium sizes, exclusively thoroughbred.

Bug Small fluffy capable dog. Strong and brave. It is good for training, it can work in a circus with an artist. These are migratory dogs, often living in the yard at the owner, where they are good guard.

Icar. (from Lat., Greek, "Deals in the Moon") In the Greek Mythology, IKAR - the son of the grandfather fled from captivity from the island of Kfit rushing on the wings of feathers and wax. This is a beautiful nickname for a dog. It needs to be given great strong dogs. This dog is kind, well gives up training, recognizes only its owner, very executive, a good watchman.

Kalvin Puppies give such a nickname often for beauty. Nickname for thoroughbred small dogs.

QUINT (from lat. "Fifth") This nickname gives thoroughbred big dogs with a calm temper. In communication with them we need a rigor. These are good, executive dogs, good training, but not loving ill-treatment.

CHARLES (from Dr.-Germ. "Mougly", "Man" and "Man") These are usually small dogs that can be trained. Winter is significantly talented summer. This nickname is usually given a small, often yard dogs.

Clark Nickname occurred from the last name. This is a small home dog, strict, at a meeting of loved ones necessarily barks - welcomes the owner, as if he says hello!

CLAUDE (Fr. Option name of Claudius - from Lat. "Chrome") It is a nickname for dogs of small sizes, good, loving children, well-trained, often working in the circus artists.

Caridon (from Greek. "Funks") This nickname is given to large, greeted, thoroughbred dogs with a good psyche.

Kin Translated from the language of the island of Maine (in the Irish Sea), literally "warrior". This nickname is given great, bold, fast dogs. The dog is like a kind and affectionate; Good athlete.

MILAN (city in Italy) These are big, good homemade dogs, loving children, heartfelt, calm. Nickname for dogs hunting breeds.

Michey (Reduction by Dr.-Heb. name "Like God Yahwe") The nickname is given to the gentle, affectionate creation devoted to its owner.

MORGAN ("Great", "light", "bright") This nickname you need to give a big calm dog, loving people. For the house is a good watchman. In winter, it can roll the children.

Mei, Mei. (eng. "May" or "Flower of Hawthorn") Nickname for service, hunting dogs. These are big, strong, well-trained dogs devoted to their owner.

Noah ("Peace", "Soothe") This nickname should be given to phlegmatic dogs, small and only home. These dogs are reassuring on a person.

Orest (from Greek, "Mountain") This is a big calm dog, very attached to the owner, although the owner's shift is not too painful. Good watchman.

OSCAR (from Dr.-Germ, "God" and "Spear") The nature of such dogs is complex. These are smart, proud dogs, loving children, no one offended. This is a large and medium-sized dog.

Polkah. This is a clicch of the courtyard dog is evil, restless, complex. Most of the life is such a dog traveling.

Pushok Little fluffy dog, well leaving for training. These good dogs warmly meet family members owner. Love to play with children.

GLAD Nickname comes from the word "rejoice". It can be given to any dog. These strong, hardy dog \u200b\u200bdogs, however, love to scare people with their roar. Nick for thoroughbred dogs.

Rex (from lat "king") These are mostly yard dogs, but sometimes people give this nicknamed purebred dogs, according to the author's observations, mostly dogs-metis. In winter, the temper is complex; In the courtyard they are good guards.

Renold, earlier Reynold (from Dr.-Germ. "Mind", "Decision" and "Tormit") This nickname should be given to strong thoroughbred dogs, such as dogs, rottweilers.

RICHARD (from. And Germ. "Rich" and Lat "Strong", "Solid") It is desirable to give this nickname to give large thoroughbred dogs, strong and bold: shepherds, dogs, but not hunting.

Ryzhik The basis of this nickname was the color of the dog. These are calm, dubbed dogs, well-leewable training, loving children and playing well with them. Most often it is a courtyard or a Karelian-Finnish husky.

Simon (from Dr.-Heb. "Listen", "hear") Nick's nickname home PSA, riding in winter children on sledding. These are large dogs such as Newfoundland, Senbernar.

Tarza This nickname is mostly courtyard, bold and brave.

Temoty, Timothy (from Greek. "Removing") These are dogs with impulsive temperament, hardy, hardworking, but not leaders.

Tiffany (Derivat Dr. Greek. "God shows", Russian. - Feofan) Dog with calm, good temper. Several phlegmatic. Loves children. So called dogs of large service breeds.

Tuzik This nickname is designed for courtyard dogs. In the mornings, they meet people with good lames and taking tails, love children who do not offend them, but feed.

Corner The fictional nickname of the courtyard, black, like coal, good, loving children adapting to any conditions.

Wilbur This is a nick for large hunting dogs that are not afraid of water.

WILFRED (from Dr.-Germ. "Will", "Desire" + "Peace") This nickname is designed for thoroughbred dogs, such as Rottweiler, Boxer, Mittelshnizer, Rizenshnauzer.

Hart (from him. "Hard") Such a nickname is suitable for large hunting breed dogs. The dog is calm, strong, brave, not afraid of water, is well served for training.

Charlik This is a little, like a toy, pocket, good dog. Always meets the owner happily. Beautiful, defenseless, often sleeps in the bed of its owner.

BALL It is a nickname of a medium in the magnitude of the courtyard, well-leaving for training, often working in a circus. Good watchman. It gets so loud that it can snap.

SHERIFF This is a judge and a policeman in one person. Serious, strong, formidable dog with excellent working qualities, very devoted to its owner, such a nickname can be called dogs of service breeds: German (Eastern European), Shepherd, Risenshnauzer, Rottweiler, Doberman.

Based on materials by L. Tyanikova, B. Chigp. Karma of your dog. The parameters of fate.