Kate hudson with short hair. To get a haircut or not: who will go, and who will ruin a haircut for a boy

Kate Hudson is one of the stars who have said goodbye to long hair in the name of art. The actress not only made a short haircut, but completely got rid of her hair by shaving her head. Kate made such sacrifices for the sake of a new project, the details of which are still kept secret. It is known that Hudson is working on this project with singer Sia, so it will most likely be a new music video. The first shots demonstrating the results of cooperation were shared by the media back in July, but then many suspected Kate of a little trick - they said that the actress's hairstyle was fake, just a wig, like the one used by many stars who do not want to part with curls.

Kate Hudson and Danny FujikawaKate Hudson with her friends

However, today photos and videos have appeared on Instagram, proving that the actress's shaved head is not "fake", but real. Kate's audacity is certainly commendable. However, it is not only the image change that can be appreciated in these publications. In the video posted online, Kate also showed an impressive musical talent. Few people knew what an interesting timbre of her voice she had and how she held herself in front of a microphone. Well, with such data, at least one more role - in a musical film - is guaranteed to her.

In the photos, her current boyfriend, the guitarist of the group Chief and the founder of the record company Lightwave Records, Danny Fujikawa, poses with Kate. For the first time, Kate and Danny started talking about the romance back in March, when the paparazzi managed to capture them at the exit from the G Baldi restaurant in Santa Monica, California. There, according to eyewitnesses, the couple had a double date with friends. Then the media did not manage to declassify the identity of Fujikawa so quickly, so he received the status of "mysterious stranger" in the headlines. The next time the couple were spotted walking together in Los Angeles, they bought smoothies from Cafe Vida and headed to Kate's mansion. However, in May, Kate and Danny began to openly go out together. The couple's first spectacular red carpet appearance was during the premiere of The Daughter and Her Mother.

We will remind, earlier Kate Hudson was married to the lead singer of The Black Crowes Chris Robinson for 7 years. In this marriage, she had a son, Ryder (13 years old). Then Kate met with Muse frontman Matthew Bellamy, the couple was engaged for 4 years, but at the end of 2014 they announced their separation. With Matthew, Keith is raising her 7-year-old son Benjamin.

First, Kara made a square (one of the most fashionable haircuts of the year), and then she took it and shaved her head for the role in the film "Life in One Year", where the model plays a girl with cancer. And if before everyone talked only about her bushy eyebrows, now attention has turned to her bald head. But I must admit, Kare is good with any haircut and hairstyle.

Kate Hudson

Kate, 38, cut off her blonde locks just recently. They say that the actress made these sacrifices for a new project, which she is preparing together with singer Sia. Quite active on Instagram, Hudson did not immediately tell fans about her new hairstyle, continuing to post photos with long hair. But then she decided to take a selfie, which she simply signed: "Freedom!"

Charlize Theron

We know that Charlize is not afraid to appear ugly on the screen since the release of the movie "Monster", for which she received an Oscar in the nomination "Best Actress". Therefore, we were not even surprised with how easily she shaved her head again for the role in Mad Max: Fury Road.

Kristen Stewart

The director of the film "Personal Shopper" Olivier Assayas asked Kristen (she played the main role in this film) to make a square. She agreed. But, apparently, the process of parting with her hair so captured Stewart that after filming she shaved, leaving the "hedgehog", and dyed blonde. It is with this hairstyle that she will appear in the film "Underwater".

Anne Hatway

For the sake of the role of Fantina in the film musical "Les Miserables", Ann needed not only to lose weight by 11 kilograms, but also to have a haircut "like a boy." By the way, the director was not opposed to Hatway wearing a short wig. But the actress decided that everything should be for real and she herself offered to call a hairdresser to the set.

Demmy Moor

In 1997, the drama "Soldier Jane" was released, where Demi Moore appeared shaved bald. Then it made a splash: the press and fans tirelessly discussed the actress's new hairstyle, which, by the way, was very good for her.

Natalie Portman

Natalie got shaved while filming V for Vendetta. What can you do, this scene was written in the script. But, as Portman herself later joked, after that she was no longer confused with Keira Knightley. So, everything has its advantages.

Sigourney Weaver

The role in "Alien" became a landmark for Sigourney. Preparing for the shooting of the third part of the motion picture, the actress decided to shave her head, saying that this would help her to better get used to the role. The producers did not insist, but they did not mind either.

Bai ling

This American actress of Chinese descent, familiar to us from the movie Taxi-3, had to cut her hair for her role in the movie The King and I. As Bai Ling later admitted, she cried for a long time, as she could not get used to her new image. But for the sake of art, she is ready to make even less sacrifices.

Tell me, as a child, did you have any complexes with which you had to fight? Oh, very different! Only now there was almost no time to think about appearance. I have three brothers, and I only heard that "come on, come on" and "move." No, I was not a tomboy - just a sporty, grimy and ready for all sorts of adventures girl. And then I grew up and, I remember, was very surprised when one day someone drew attention to my ears.

What's wrong with your ears?Well, some laughed at them. But it was difficult for me to hurt, because I understood that the problem was in the offenders, not in me.

Who taught you how to care for your skin and hair? My mom, although she, like me, doesn't bother with all this. She straightens her face in five seconds. And in general, he cares more about health than beauty. Proper nutrition, clean water, detox, sports - that's what is important to her. But we also love makeup and creams. Boy haircut and famous blond Kate Hudson (January 2018)

Can you describe your usual morning routines? In fact, I am very strict about skin care. I have hormonal eruptions: everything seems to be nothing, and then - boom, and a pimple appears. But I noticed that everything changes radically, if you are not lazy and thoroughly wash your face and wipe your skin with tonic every evening. Yes, and in the morning I wash my face with water and then apply moisturizers and sunscreen.

Now let's talk about sports. Do you go to training?Like most people, in training, I get bored in the first minutes. It's sad and I'm trying to find motivation. But I love Pilates: it is an excellent stretching, load and energy boost.

You took part in the new La Mer project “Ways to Love La Mer”. Can you tell us about it? Oh, I have a long-standing relationship with La Mer, so our union turned out to be very warm. This cream was always on my mother’s dressing table, and once, catching me with it in her hands, she said: “Stop, this is not about your honor.” In a word, La Mer was for me a cream, erected on a pedestal and surrounded by a halo. And we filmed the video for a new cooling gel cream, which I really love. In Iceland. With a female director. In short, a dream.

Well, I can't help but ask about your hair.How did you feel when you shaved your head last year?I believe that hair stores energy. I think that any girl, if she has a very short haircut, becomes free. And here you can no longer hide a part of yourself. You just remain one on one with the world - good, bad, evil. Kate Hudson with short hair and dark hair (November 2017)

Stars sometimes have to make real sacrifices for the sake of art. It seems that they feel great in radically new images. We decided to ask Milena Vikhareva, art director of the Lisap Milano brand, whether the image of the "good boy" suits the stars.

Kristen Stewart

For Kristen, worldwide fame fell after the role of the vampire's girlfriend in the "Twilight" saga. But Stewart quickly got tired of this cute look. To find Zen, in 2014 Kristen decided to “cut off” Bella Swan. On the David Letterman show, she appeared with a short shaggy haircut and light red hair. Apparently, the influence of the stylists of the Chanel brand, whose face she became shortly before the change of image, affected.

A little later, Stewart dyed herself blonde, and then completely took up the razor and appeared before the public at the premiere of the film "Personal Shopper" with a blonde hedgehog. Kristen explained the drastic changes by the fact that she starred in the thriller Underwater. Later in the ad campaign for Chanel, we saw Kristen with short and dark hair. Either she herself decided to go back to the roots, or the brand's stylists worked again. But it is possible that Kristen may again take up the razor. After all, she is a desperate girl.

Expert opinion:in my opinion, for Kristen a very short haircut is a kind of manifesto, a recognition of her bisexuality. Agree, she looks quite aggressive, angular and not feminine with a hedgehog. I think the ideal options for her face type are long hair or a pixie cut and dark hair color.

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Kate Hudson

No one ever expected any surprises from the convinced, laughing blonde and sparkling comedy star Kate Hudson. She surprised fans only, it seems, twice in her entire career. The first one - when she dyed her hair brunette for a role in the film "Reluctant Fundamentalist". The second was when she showed up with pink hair at an event hosted by the Breast Cancer Foundation. Then Kate dyed her hair the color of a pink ribbon, in support of all women who are struggling with the disease.

All changes in Kate's appearance for a long time concerned only hair color, she almost never touched the length. Maybe just once did a square. Imagine the audience's surprise when in the summer of 2017 footage appeared on the network where Kate shaves her head. Evil tongues immediately compared her to Britney Spears - they say that Kate is not doing well in her personal life, and this is how the actress struggles with depression.

In fact, Hudson took this step for her role in Sister, directed and written by the well-known singer Sia.

Expert opinion:kate has a square face, a hedgehog and a radically short haircut, she looks masculine. The actress looks more like long blonde hair.

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Cara Delevingne

The public understood that Cara Delevingne is a creative person long ago. She easily rushes into the maelstrom of love from women to men, changes professions. Kara has already been a model (quite successful), an actress, favored by critics, and now she is a writer.

Delevingne easily changes the image and changes for him. The most radical thing that happened to her at the moment - Kara (what a surprise!) Shaved her head. She did it for the role in the film "Life in One Year", where she played a terminally ill girl.

When her hair grew back a little, Kara dyed herself blonde. And it was in this way that she appeared at the premiere of her film "Valerian and a Thousand Planets". This image of Kara was the one that fans liked the most. A short haircut plus blond emphasized her aristocratic features, made her more mature and sophisticated.

Now the actress dyes from time to time, cuts her hair, and then grows it back again. In the opinion of the public, with a short haircut and blonde, Bob is much better.

Expert opinion:Short hair definitely goes to the square. With such a haircut, it really becomes more sophisticated, the pixie makes it more dynamic, emphasizes its rebellious character. If we talk about shades, it is better for her not to go into a dark hair color, ideally a blond or medium blond tone.

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Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson fell in love with everyone in the form of a long-haired blonde. And directors like Woody Allen, who filmed the actress non-stop, and designers, like Dolce and Gabbana. They actually turned the actress into Marilyn Monroe in one of the advertising campaigns.

Scarlett's image changed quite often: either her hair color (remember, she was red when she starred in Iron Man), or her length. In 2003, she cut her hair like Florence Henderson, a famous American actress. But this, as Scarlett herself said, was a big mistake. Since then, the actress has made the most of a square.

But in 2014, becoming a mother, she decided to try on a radically new image. Johansson appeared in public with a pixie cut and blonde again.

Now the actress has a square. For events, she creates waves, pulls strands, or does back styling.

Expert opinion:with long hair, Scarlett seems to me a simpleton, no matter what kind of Marilyn stylists try to make of her. By type, she is a simple girl from a neighboring yard. But the pixie haircut turned her into a Hollywood star. In addition, the actress is very, this skill is worth learning from her.

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Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron has always given herself to roles without a trace. Remember at least the movie masterpiece "Monster", for which the actress gained 16 kg and allowed herself to be turned into an aunt.