Pipeline in the house at the cottage. Possible sources of water that are better suited for summer water pipes. How to make a summer water pipe in the country with your own hands - step-by-step actions

On the cottage plot One of the conditions for the presence of green plantings is their timely watering. It is necessary using the water supply system. In order to save time and resources you can create the so-called summer water pipewhich will allow watering the site throughout the season and create water supply of a country house.

For laying summer water supply from polyethylene pipes in the country in the ground, you must perform the following steps:

1. It is necessary to cut the trench of a certain depth. These work should be performed using a special tool and in accordance with the previously developed scheme. It should be borne in mind that this trench should have a width that would allow not only to lay pipes into the ground, but also carry out installation works related to the connection of the plots. This will create even a winter version of the water supply from the well.

2. Perform the trench laying follows after determining the diameter of the pipes that will be used in the plumbing system. First of all, it is necessary in order to have the necessary access to installers to it during launch and commissioning. Therefore, experts are advised to make a trench width on average by 40 centimeters more than the diameter of the pipe itself. Such a distance is due to the fact that it is very difficult to ensure a uniform width of the trench across the depth due to the performance of work with the help of shovels.

3. If the work on the ridge of trenches will be performed using special equipment in the form of a chain excavator, then its width may be slightly smaller. This can be done due to the fact that the walls of the trench will have a strictly vertical form, which means that it will be the same in its depth.

When laying the pipe, you should pay attention to the bottom of the trench.

1. If the bottom of the trench has a solid soil, then it is necessary to sprinkle with sand before laying a plastic tube. The sand layer at the bottom of the trench should not be less than 10 centimeters.

2. Next, it is necessary to stack this type of pipes to the bottom, given that it should be even in its base. It is not allowed that the bottom has significant irregularities or various pitches. This can lead during the operation of the water supply system to premature it out of the pipe breakage. Therefore, after the breakthrough of the trench, it is necessary to float the earth all irregularities, and then carefully tumped them using the tool called Tambruska.

Such preparatory work Allow high-quality installation of summer water pipes from polyethylene pipes. At the same time, an additional installation and reducer of water pressure in the water supply system, as well as water pumps for home water supply, is intended. Exactly polyethylene pipes For cold water, it should be used on the household plot.

The master will tell you how to combine plastic pipes for water supply correctly. This will increase the throughput capacity of water pipes at a nominal depth of the investment of the water supply.

3. In the case when the bottom is quite soft, it is necessary to work at the beginning to work on its seal, and then proceed to laying the pipe. It is possible to carry out such works with the help of a water wizard, which will additionally install the filter to mitigate the tap water at the entrance to the house. Also, the specialist will perform the installation of the water supply at a qualitative level. This will allow you to remain at the constant level the water pressure indicator in the plumbing system in a private house.

Pressure in the water supply system is made to measure in the atmospheres. It is worth noting that for the summer water supply in the country, there may be a pressure equal to one atmosphere. Also allowed pressure equal to three atmospheres. If the pressure in the pipes will be large from the upper limit, then there are situations of the trigger of pipes.
If you take the international pressure measurement system, then the unit is adopted in Pascal.

In order not to confuse translated from one to another measurement system, it can be said that one pressure atmosphere will be equal to 98066.5 Pascal.
Now the pressure is increasingly distributed in Pascals. It is worth noting that all specifications Pipes and their components are given precisely in such a system.

Depth of the laying of water pipes

The depth to which the water pipes must be placed depends on several factors. Among them, there are such parameters:

  1. The temperature indicators are in the area where plastic pipes are assumed.
  2. The properties of the soil on the plot and its depth of freezing in the winter.
  3. Nominal temperature indicator in the pipeline itself.
  4. Vegetable cover on the site. This is an important circumstance that can determine the possibility of growing trenches under the laying of pipes.
  5. The amount of time when the sun is present.
  6. The amount of precipitation in this area during the year. This volume includes the number of snow.
  7. The period of time for which water is planned to be supplied to the site.
  8. Availability or absence near the groundwater system. There is very important remoteness from the pipe of such water.

Based on such data, the following trench depth parameters are installed for Moscow and Moscow region:

  • 1.9 meters for soil, which consists of large elements;
  • 1.3 meters for clay and subglinic soils;
  • 1.7 meters for gravel;
  • 1.6 meters for soil containing sand and sandy.

If we are talking about the northern latitudes, the above figures must be increased by about four times.

What pipe to use for water pipes underground

In order to install the water supply system on its own site, it is necessary to first decide on the type of pipes that will be applied. To do this, you should know that now the water supply system in the country area can be created using several types of pipes.

Now apply such types of pipes:

1. Metal pipes

Their main advantage is high strength. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted a high degree of corrosion and as a result of the short period of service.

2. Metal plastic pipes

Such products are not subject to corrosion have significant strength to mechanical effects. At the same time, the cost is somewhat higher than metallic and therefore their application is limited by the owner of the site.

3. Polyethylene pipes

This is perhaps the most optimal option from those that is now on the market. In comparison with the second type of pipes, they have a lower cost, but at the same time they possess virtually the same properties that metal plastic pipes. Therefore, they can be used when creating water supply systems on a plot, both an open type and in the form of underground communications.

How much is the water pipeline in a private house

The cost of working on the holding of the water pipeline depends on the set of factors.
Now the average cost of water supply is the following numbers:

  1. Mounting the water supply point is approximately 800 rubles.
  2. Conducting installation work on the routine meter of the system will cost 150 rubles.
  3. The installation of conclusions for the summer soul will be 2000 rubles.

Warving wire for water supply

In order for the water supply system to have no problems with a freezing need to take care of forced warming. For this there is a lot of options. Now experts recommend using the so-called warm-up wire.

The use of this type of equipment allows you to achieve a number of advantages.

  1. For example, the size of the heating can be independently configured. It will depend on the temperature indicator on the street.
  2. Such a wire is easy to mount. It is enough just to install it over the pipe and connect to the network.
  3. This type of cable can be equally efficiently used with different heating options. There is an opportunity to put it inside the pipe.
  4. This type of cable will allow not to climb the water in the pipe. To do this, it is necessary to initially produce calculations. This will then make installation and create an effective system of warming up the water supply system. Perform such work, can only a specialist who has appropriate qualifications

Conducting work on the installation of summer water pipes based on polyethylene must be performed using qualified specialists in strict accordance with technological requirements. This approach will create a reliable system that can work quite a long time.

We told how to organize on the site a constantly updated source of water for watering. In this article, we will consider issues related to the organization of water delivery from the source to beds.

Works on the garden, contrary to popular belief, may well deliver joy, most importantly, to organize everything correctly. There are many devices, techniques and tricks, allowing to significantly alleviate garden work. In the article "The system of automatic watering of the garden. Part 1. The accumulative tank with the control of the water level "we told about how to organize a permanent source of water in the country. Already only its presence is a good help to facilitate irrigation work. The next step, designed to even more simplify the life of the dacket, will be the arrangement of the summer water supply in the site. We will tell, as from what you can and need to do a summer water supply.

General recommendations on materials and components for the summer water supply

Before considering from which materials it makes sense to collect a system of laying pipes, we will stop at one element, without which the summer water supply is not possible - shut-off valves, in simple cranes. They are installed on the pipes at the beginning, immediately after the source, and at the end. At the beginning, they are necessary to completely overlap water in the water supply, at the end serve for temporary overlap and adjustment of pressure. From what material you did not put taps: cast iron, brass, polypropylene, there is one nuance - they should only be valve. This is due to the fact that, as you know, water for the winter from the summer water supply is necessarily merged, otherwise, freezing and expanding, it will simply break the pipes. So, no matter how you get rid of moisture residues, a water microwelier in the ball crane between the ball and the saddle in which it is, it will still remain. She will make her black case, and in the spring you will find the torn body of your crane. There are simply no valve cranes of such a microstille, therefore, they are spilled from this problem.

Let's go back to the pipes. Of which, in principle, plumbing is done.

Steel tubes

The most famous material. The entire system is mounted on threaded connections or welding.

Pros: Strength and durability.

Minuses: High price, complexity of installation, fragility and difficultness - for these pipes, we will have to go on metal supplies.

Output: good stuff For the summer water supply, if you have plumbing or welding skills that allow you to mount them.

Metal plastic pipes

Sold in bays, as a rule, white. Collected on special metal fittings.

Pros: Availability - they are sold at any plumbing store, simplicity of installation.

Minuses: DISTRIBUTY - Under the operating conditions, such pipes serve no more than three years, quite a high price.

Output: not bad temporary option as possible partial replacement Disadvantaged constant water supply.

Polypropylene pipes

Plastic pipes of gray or white color, quite elastic. Collected by welding with a special soldering iron. It can be bought or rent almost in any plumbing store.

Pros: Strength, plasticity, durability, ease of installation, availability, low price.

Minuses: there is none of them.

Output: Perfect option for summer water pipes. Polypropylene is resistant to sunlight and plastic, which significantly increases its chances to survive the winter, even if water froze inside the pipe.

Low Pressure Polypropylene Pipes - PND

These are black pipes sold in the bays. They differ from ordinary polypropylene pipes of a smaller wall thickness and installation method - a system for special clamping fittings is collected.

Pros: Plasticity, durability, simplicity of installation, availability, low price - Play PND pipes at cost only by polypropylene tubes.

Minuses: Low strength.

Output: quite suitable option. The only thing he requires is to control the pressure at the entrance.

Let's summarize. Best option For the arrangement of the summer water supply will be polypropylene tubes, they are better and stopped. All shut-off valves should be only valid and, preferably, from the same material as the pipes themselves.

Summer water pipe installation principles

With the question of what was decided to do, let's decide now how to do. The first stage is theoretical.

Topology of summer water pipes

On a sheet of millimeters, draw your existing or future garden. Mark the water source. Your task is to pave pipes, that is, on a sheet to spend straight lines so that their total length is minimal, and they did not cross the beds. At the same time it is necessary to take into account several nuances.

The water-based points should be either for each bed of their own, if they are at a considerable distance from each other, or at one point for two, a maximum of three beds, if near. At the same time, each point should be no further than 1-2 m from the served bed.

Each turn of the pipe leads to a drop of water pressure in the system. With their large number, you risk at the output not to get water at all. The ideal option is the star system, where a straight pipe is laid before each point of water intake from the source. True, in this case the most material will go out and it is not always possible to do this without crossing the bed. The main system is also good, where one straight pipe is laid along the garden, and pipes are allocated to beds. In this case, so that there is no significant drop in pressure, the highway should be made from pipes for two sizes greater than that of the supply pipes. That is, if you pave a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm, and less not worth it, then the mains must be mounted from the pipe 32 mm. In the "Star" plumbing, all pipes are laid in one diameter at least 20 mm.

Drew a layout scheme. It took into account not only existing, but also future beds. Go to the practical part.

Installation of summer water pipeline

If you draw on a millimeter the entire layout of the summer water supply on scale, then it will be quite easy to estimate the amount of material and components. But before you begin directly to work, you should decide yet with one question: How will we lay the pipes?

For summer water pipes, pipes are laid in two ways:

1. Open. All pipes will go through the surface of the Earth.

Pros: The plumbing is open, accessible to repair and continuous control, it is easy to drain the water for the winter, to do this, it is enough to open the water treatment tap and raise the front of the pipe opposite to it, there is no risk of random damage.

Minuses: Pipes are open for negative impact ambient, non-psychic appearance, pipes can interfere with free movement.

2. Closed. Pipes are burned into the ground to a depth of about 50 cm.

Pros: Pipes are protected from negative environmental exposure to the layer of land, the whole system looks neat.

Minuses: Repair and modernization is difficult, more complicated in manufacturing, requires an organization of a special system for draining water for the winter.

On the last question should be stopped separately. As noted above, it is necessary to drain the water so that it does not break the pipe when freezing. If everything is pretty clear with an open plumbing, then for the closed you need to equip special places of plum - a pit. So that the water flows out, the pipes must be laid with a small bias. At the bottom points are made of pit. Flashing cranes are installed at the ends. Accordingly, the water is drained from the tank in the fall or the faucet is overlapped to the system, watershed taps are open at the ends of the pipes, and drain cranes opens. Water under slope flows into the pit. All, system is dehydrated.

How to make water pipe, solve each yourself. The assembly of it is not much different from the system mounted inside the house. In any case, if you do not have the appropriate skills, it is better to contact the services of specialists. Your task is to follow the quality of work and the fulfillment of the requirements listed above.

Components for water supply connections with watering devices

Water pipe is ready, you can use. To connect to it, various devices can be used. The most simple and popular today are combinations of metal or plastic fittings to which hoses are tightened by a clamp.

IN lately The so-called quick-release connectors are gaining popularity. They are good because universal. Decquarters, coupling couplings, splitters, watering plants, they all have a connection to hoses by quick-dispersion.

The principle of operation is quite simple. At the end of the hose, a coupling with a margin for the hose at one end and the quick-release mechanism on the other are installed. Now any device that has a quick-release fitting as a connection, easily connects to simple snaps. Similarly, you can connect two hoses by connecting fitting.

Having finished the installation of the summer water supply, you are another step approach the dacha equipment by automatic irrigation system. It remains to be laundered - for each bed to organize individual watering. It will be the topic of the third, final article of our cycle.

Evgeny Dubinin, RMNT.ru

For a comfortable stay in cottage house Or the hotel is desirable to create minimal amenities, including water. The first thing to be done is to equip the autonomous source of water supply: well, well or cumulative capacity. Further you need to solve the main task - lay the water supply on your own hands and organize his uninterrupted work. How is it implemented in practice different ways, told in this publication.

Methods of organizing water supply

For country houses There are 3 options for autonomous water supply:

  • of cumulative Tankinstalled in the attic;
  • from a well or a closed container with a surface pumping station;
  • from a well with a submersible pump.

Note. From a shallow well (up to 8 m), water can be pumped by the same pumping station, and for a well or tank apply a submersible pump. But for giving the last decision is not justified economically, since the price of well equipment is higher than superficial.

The choice of a suitable system largely depends on the water supply source. An option with a well is the most expensive, especially when it is not on the plot. With drilling, you are unlikely to hurt yourself, you will have to contact the specialists and pay money. In addition, you need to purchase a deep pump and a connection cable deployed in conjunction with the plumbing. The decision of this issue is devoted.

Well or pit for a water tank is digging with their own hands for 1-2 days plus a day for arrangement. Expenditures Two: Purchase of reinforced concrete rings and waterproofing, which will cost cheaper drilling and mounting casing with column. If you get to the aquifers, there is no possibility, a variant with a capacity of 3-10 m³ filled from tank truck is realized.

Diagram with an attic tank

This is the cheapest way to organize autonomous cottage water supply used in small houses with duscal roof. The essence is simple: any suitable tank is put in the attic - a tank or several barrels with a total volume of 200-600 liters, where the water in the premises of the cottage comes in gravity. There is no hydroaccumulator and automation, only the inner wiring to the toilet and the bathroom.

Such a system is attractive for users for the following reasons:

  • the minimum cost of purchasing plumbing and conducting pipelines;
  • capacity is filled with any pump unit through the hose;
  • if the tank is insulated, the diagram is capable of functioning in winter.

Reference. Filling an attic capacity is usually made from the well using a simple centrifugal pump used for watering a garden area and a vegetable garden.

The main minus of the system lies in Samotek: the more the tank is empty, the weaker the pressure in plumbing network. Some of modern sanitary appliances (for example, showers) do not work without a row from the highway. The same concerns cumulative boilers For hot water supply. Well, the master itself is troublesome once a week, or even more often, taking a tank tank.

System with pumping station

This scheme with automatic water supply in the country provides constant pressure on the network and consists of such elements:

  • pipeline with check valve at the end, immersed at level 30 cm from the bottom of the well;
  • a pumping station assembly with a hydroaccumulator and a pressure switch responsible for disconnecting and starting the engine (in the spacious hydrophore);
  • coarse filter, delaying particles in size over 100 microns;
  • the dry switch relay (sometimes included in the station), preventing the inclusion of the pump unit in the absence of water in the highway.

The pump pumped pressure in the system until the relay will work configured to a certain pressure. During the water treatment, the rubber "pear" of the hydroaccumulator pushes the accumulated supply of water, after which the pressure drops and the relay starts the electric motor of the station again.

By execution, this scheme is more expensive than the previous one, because you will need to buy listed equipment and materials, and then pull out the trench for laying the plumbing line. But it is reliable and autonomous in the work, the owner of the house will only occasionally spend time on service or reconfiguration relay.

About summer water pipe

The so-called summer water supply in the country is a way to reduce the cost and simplify the previous scheme used in the warm and transition period of the year, when the street temperature did not fall to zero degrees. Instead of a pipeline stacked on the bottom of the trench depth 1 m or more, a conventional watering hose is used. It is unwinding right on the ground and attach to the pump nozzle, fixing the clamp. The principle of the operation of the scheme and the equipment used remain unchanged.

Important moment. The hose cannot be reeling the earth, so it lies on the surface and is often prevented under his feet. Such a highway is subject to random damage and leakage, it can be elementary to bother the courtyard. After emptying the pump will not be able to pump water until you eliminate the problem and do not fill the hose manually.

To avoid trouble, summer water pipes make cheap plastic pipes - PND or PPR, buried by 10-20 cm to the ground. It is important to keep the bias towards the well and install the drain faucet to empty the system in the fall. Another option is to put the pipeline on the wall of the house, as is done by the Master in the following video:

Installation instructions

As already mentioned above, a full "winter" plumbing in the country is hiding from frosts in the trench. Its depth depends on the location of the primer of the soil, below which must be dropped. If, by virtue of different reasons, it is impracticable, the pipe bury as deeply as possible (at least 1 m) and warmly instead. IN some casesWhen the highway lies close to the surface, its heated is organized by a special electrocabel.

Stages of work on the device of dacha water supply look like this:

  1. Copper of the trench and the laying of the pipeline from home to the well with the water intake device.
  2. Installing the pumping station (hydrophore) in the technical room with a connection to the power grid.
  3. Installation of filters, shut-off valves and internal wiring.

Note. After starting the system, you may need to configure the pressure relay, which we will tell in the last section.

Before the main work cycle, prepare - select a room and a place in it to install the hydrofra and take the track of the pipeline gasket from the building to the water source. One Recommendation: Try the track in a straight line going through the shortest path to the house. If it is impossible, refer to the smooth turns of the trench, so that under the ground, the pipes should not be allowed to be allowed to be flexing with a permissible radius.

We deploy an outdoor highway

The first stage - the trench coppe along the intended route is performed manually. Ideally, you need to deepen 30 cm below the blasting of the soil and arrange a sandy pillow with a height of 100 mm. The last thing is not necessary if the water pipe is planned to be laid inside the case from sewer pipe PVC with insulation, as shown in the diagram.

Council. Trench humble with a small slope (5 mm per 1 m length) towards the well for emptying the highway if necessary. The width of the ditch is arbitrary, but not less than 30 cm, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to put pipes.

The device of external water supply from the source to the cottage is made in this order:

  1. Drop the trench close to the walls of the well and the foundation of the building, as depicted in the photo. If the mortgage sleeve is not provided in the latter, you will have to drill through a hole for entering the pipe into the house. Its diameter should be at least 150 mm. Save the same operation with the wall of the well ring, by performing the opening Ø50-100 mm.
  2. Pour a sand pillow with a height of 10 cm and rub the PND tube with a 32 mm with a diameter, starting it into the room and in the well. Another option is to be put in the PVC pipe trench Ø100 mm (used for sewage), and the water pipeline is stretched inside the resulting case.
  3. Passages through the foundation and wall concrete Ring Perform in sleeves with the insulation of mineral wool.
  4. At the end of the pipeline emerging in the target, set the knee 90 ° and attach the vertical section of the water intake with the check valve at the end.

Council. Do not use for the outer underground network of polypropylene tubes (PPR) intended for internal communications.

The drillingings of the foundation can be avoided if the water level in the source is low. Then the trench is digging deeper, and the pipe starts in the country house under the reinforced concrete base. It is not worth a hurry with the back of the ditch. It is recently done when the system of the country water supply is launched and verified in operation. How to prepare trenches and, look at the video:

Installation and connection of the pumping station

The convenience of installing the hydrophore is that the main elements of the system - the pump, the hydroaccumulator and pressure switch with the pressure gauge - are already collected according to the scheme, it remains only to connect communications. But there are some tricks here, so when working in the work of the following recommendations:

  1. Pump the pumping station close to vertical trumpetFloating. The horizontal portion from the pump before entering should be as short as possible and run with a slope.
  2. Aggregate attach to the floor through vibration insulating spacers.
  3. The liner is better to connect to the pump through a mesh filter installed on a horizontal site.
  4. Most stations have fallen bay holes and uncomfortable. Therefore, at the outlet of the pump, place the tee and the nozzle Ø32 mm with a crane for the fill of the system, as is done in the photo.
  5. To the second tap of the tee, attach a water filter with 100 μm, and then dive to house communication.

Since the power consumption of standard pumping stations rarely exceeds 1 kW, separate electric line It is not necessary to pull from the shield, it is enough to put a good socket with grounding contact. If you plan to heat the water for the DHW with electric boiler, without laying a separate feed cable and installation circuit breakers not enough. By the same line, connect your patching unit. As the hydrofra is performed, it is described in the next video:

Running and setting up the system

Suction type surface station can only function with a water-filled pipeline. Therefore, before starting the highway, it is necessary to pour with water through the previously stipulated neck. Find her the well will not give the check valve installed on the water intake end. Fill out the system is slow, giving air through the top, and then wrap the tap and turn on the pump. If everything is done correctly, there will be no problems with water supply.

If you are not satisfied with the factory pressure relay settings (the upper limit is 2.8 bar, the lower is 1.4 bar), then do as follows:

  1. Disconnect the unit, unscrew and remove the plastic pressure relay cover.
  2. Turning the wrench to the nicketer on the large spring, change the threshold value of the shutdown. Nut on a small spring adjusts the delta between the upper and lower limit.
  3. Check the operation of the unit and close the relay cover.

After performing a successful launch, check the entire street pipeline for leakage, after which you can safely shut the trench.


Independent gasket of the winter version of the water supply in the arrangement of the cottage - the process is quite time-consuming, although simple. In the absence of experimental work experience, the maintenance of the highway and pumping equipment with the strapping takes 1 day without taking into account the coppes of the ditches. Special attention is paid to the tightness of the joints of pipes: due to the slightest leakage, the pipeline will empty overnight, and in the morning the station will not be able to ensure water supply.

The water was and remains the lifeguard of nature. And without it, certainly, you can not submit any modern house or bath.

Especially acute the issue of water supplying, if we are talking about the country area: here in addition to resting the lack of water may affect the presence of a harvest (possibility of watering), the state of the household site and the work of some household appliances. Excellent solution to water supply problems on country plot - Summer water pipe.

1 What is better to choose and carry out a water supply?

Summer water supply, how can be judged from the name, is used only in the warm period. It is needed for watering plants on the plot, For various household needs and, of course, for water supply to the house, summer kitchen, as well as bath and filling artificial reservoir or pool.

Water pipelines of this type are two types:

  1. Collapsible water supply.
  2. Constant.

The first option is a collapsible summer feeding water supply. If this installation scheme is used, all hoses and pipes are not hidden and simply lie on the ground. Such a water supply is easily assembled, for example, from silicone hoses, for the connection of which fittings (steel or plastic) are used.


  • simple device and fast assembly;
  • it is easy to find damage to PND polypropylene pipes and replace part;
  • installation of the collapsible water supply will cost cheaper than to make a stationary area.


  • pipes and hoses can interfere with movement;
  • easy to steal enough;
  • the need to collect and disassemble the device at the beginning and at the end of the season.

Another option is to use stationary water pipes. He is laid under Earth: At the same time, pipes and plastic hoses are used. All communications are packed under the tilt to the drain valve near the source of the water supply. Before cold, it is better to completely pump out water from the system.

This waterway scheme implies that the pipes will lay on a small depth, and only watershed taps will be released on the surface.


  • pipes are hidden under the ground: they do not interfere with walking and any work;
  • installation of this design must be made only once;
  • better is protected from theft, rather than the collapsible water supply;
  • light procedure for preparing the water supply to the winter period.


  • the device and, actually, the equipment of this system will cost more;
  • installation will require certain efforts: the need to dig trenches, as well as lay pipes under a certain bias;
  • difficulties with repairs due to the low availability of polypropylene pipes.

1.1 Possible sources of water that are better suited for summer water supply

There are several options for water sources: In addition to the usual well, the use of well, natural reservoir, as well as rainwater reservoir and, in fact, the use of central water supply is possible.

Summer water pipe in the country with the use of central water supply is the most practical and convenient option. To do this, you need to connect to the trunk tube: it is better to use a bidder, which is fastened by bolts. Then the installation occurs - cranes are installed.

If you decide make a natural water source For the summer water supply, it is necessary to remember that the direct feed to the house or the bath is extremely undesirable. In such cases, use the filter.

Connecting the water supply to the well. Wells that can be used in this case are two types:

  1. Artesian. This option will provide cleaner water due to deep drilling of the well.
  2. Sand. The water velocity is approximately two cubic meters per hour, this is quite enough to use on the summer cottage and a small private country house. However, there is an additional filtering device.

The use of the well in this particular business is contented traditional. But at the same time, it has certain disadvantages: a small water velocity and the presence of impurities harmful to human health.

There is also a use option as a source of tank for melt and rainwater. In this case, drainage and drainage pipes are paved to Baku, barrel, pool or artificial reservoir.

2 What materials are used to create water pipes with their own hands?

  • first of all, it is pipes. Often choose metal-plastic or polyethylene (PND), but there is an use option with your own hands and well-known steel pipes - This durable material is suitable if you have welding and plumbing skills;

PND pipes is one of the most successful solutions, since this modern PND material is fairly cheap, has a long service life, does not require cathode protection and cannot be corrosion. Therefore, more and more pND pipes are used for summer water pipes at a private house.

  • instead of PND pipes, you can use the hose. Rubber samples that are reinforced by byproof fibers are one of the most durable and durable materials for these purposes;
  • fittings and adapters (tees). Gasket PND pipes are impossible without adapters, with the help of which the PND pipe is wiring. The use of special PND fittings allows you to assemble the PND in the summer stationary plumbing in the country or private house for one day with your own hands.

2.1 Water pipeline plan with hands

The first thing to be done in advance in a private house is to decide where the water should be tested, where the point of water intake will be located, and how many compounds are necessary.

It is important that this plan in a private house is concretized: it is necessary to take into account where there are paths, a house, a bath, any other buildings or which "obstacles" for water supply.

If the stationary water supply is planned in a private house, and at the same time there is a need to watering the beds, There is a chance of damage to pipes, for example, a shovel. This means that the depth of trenches must be increased to 60-70 cm.

When you carry out the installation of the water supply in your own hands in a private house, it is important to remember about the number of consumption points. It depends on the location on the site of the house, beds, shower, presence or absence of a pool and a bath. In order not to carry the hose from place to place, it is wiser to make the pipe output of 5-10 points. And to hydrants, in turn, connect the segment of the hose with a length of 4-5 meters in order to ensure watering each individual zone.

2.2 And what winter?

As it turned out, the summer water pipe made is not suitable for the cold period, but at the same time, the need for water in winter does not disappear.

How to cope with this problem with your own hands? To solve this task, you should remember several basic rules in order to mount the winter water supply in the country.

  1. The water supply system in the winter should be equipped with a conservation system. It is necessary to prevent the freezing of water in the pipes In a private house, in order to avoid the failure of the entire system.
  2. The laying of pipes should be carried out below, rather than the depth of the fruit of the soils.
  3. To avoid freezing the system, you need to install a special water heating cable for pipes.
  4. It is also important that when equipped with winter water pipes, use only a serial way of pipe wiring.

The main difference between the summer water supply from the winter with their own hands is the presence of a water heating cable. It is installed inside the segment of the pipe, which spends on the unheated zones. Even when strong frosts This will allow you to function normally.

Complete with this cable go couplings for cable sealing and gland.

2.3 Summer water pipe with your own hands (video)

Any dachank, and especially accustomed to the comfort of the town dweller, understands how the water supply is needed in a country house. Without it, it is difficult to care for the inadequate area, it is impossible to use household appliances, even wash the dishes or take the shower pretty problematic. That is why the owner of the house, in the end, thinks about how to make water pipes in the country with their own hands. Independent installation is a big savings and valuable experience, which is useful for servicing or repairing the water supply system.

Device of autonomous water pipe

Ideally, the installation of the water supply is discussed at the design stage of the house: make up a phased plan, draw the layout of pipes and mechanisms, calculate the estimates, produce equipment purchasing. For the installation of the boiler and water unit, a small room is suitable on the first floor of 2-3 m². By installing the technical devices and the water input node in the same room, it is convenient to monitor the water supply process and adjust it.

Diagram of the water supply device using polypropylene pipes

The local water supply system consists of the following equipment:

  • pipeline (metallic, metalplastic, polypropylene) with a set of fittings and cranes;
  • water supply mechanisms - or submersible pump;
  • equipment for adjusting a certain pressure in the system - pressure gauge, pressure switch, hydroaccumulator (expansion tank);
  • electrical support with automatic protection;
  • filters for water purification from contamination and suspended particles;
  • water heater (preferable accumulative).

Some will be wondering how the winter water supply was arranged in the country. So, the definition of "winter" does not mean that it is used only in winter. This water supply device in the country has a capital scheme that works regularly all year round.

Winter water supply in the country requires insulation of pipes from water intake location to the boiler knot

Installation of pumping equipment

Of course, the gasket of the water supply in the country is impossible without a water source. Usually an in advance equipped well, a trapped spring chamber or a well. Each source has its pros and cons. For example, water in the well is much cleaner, but its drilling will rise in a large amount. It is much cheaper to pull the well, equipping it with a submersible pump and setting a three-step system of filters for water purification.

The water supply to the house from the source is carried out using pumping equipment:

  • Submersible pump. Supports water level 20 m, works silently. The pump with a check valve is complemented by a hydroaccumulator, a filtration unit, an automatic block and a distributing node with reinforcement. When choosing, you should pay attention to the material of the impeller. For polluted water it is better to use a stainless steel wheel.

From what the pump will be selected, submersible or superficial, its location depends

  • Surface pump. It is used if the water level is less than 8 m. Install in the room, connecting with a well-dried pipe.
  • Automatic. The hydraulic part is separated from the electric motor by partition. Diesel or often used for pumping groundwater or watering the site. The station consists of a pump, a hydroaccumulator and an automatic unit. The hydroaccumulating tank simultaneously plays the role of the spare tank, and also prevents the frequent switching on the pump. Cheap pumping stations produce a loud noise (for example, "jilex"), so it is better to install the new generation equipment (Grundfos JP, ESPA TechnoPlus).

Features of laying water supply in the house

A reliable water supply device in the country depends largely on the quality of pipes. Avoid speedy repair will allow reliable, durable material. Easily mounted and have excellent characteristics of polypropylene welded pipes of green from "Banningher" (diameter 25 mm). They are more expensive than white traditional pipes (for example, "Aqua") by 30%, but resistant to temperature drops and retain tightness even during frost.

For welding PP pipes use soldering iron- "Iron", which can be purchased in the store for 2-3 thousand rubles.

Soldering iron for polypropylene pipes can be rented - 250-300 rubles per day

Some components of the pipeline are collecting "on weight", and then mounted indoors. It must be remembered that about 8 cm pipes will be required for welding, so each segment of the water supply is calculated in advance.

Some pipe elements are better fixed right in place using special holders.

Place of laying of pipes are chosen, based on the layout of the rooms and the convenience of mounting. If suspension structures are scheduled in the room, the traditional low installation above the floor can be replaced by the upper installation - under suspended ceiling. This laying of pipes is optimal for the bathroom or kitchen.

The upper arrangement of pipes (under the ceiling) has its advantages: quick heating and operational drain

To adjust the pressure in the pipes, the expansion tank will be required. 100 l capacity sufficient for plumbing system two-storey house. This does not mean that the tank will be able to gain 100 liters of water, it is filled in about one third (with a pressure of 3 atm.). Therefore, if necessary, you should buy a larger expansion tank.

The installation of the water supply in the boiler unit is better to start with the installation of expansion and water tanks

It is her feature. Expansion tanks for heating - red, tanks for water supply - blue.

Installing water purification filters

So that the water is not just clean, but safe and useful, you must install a multistage filtering system. A variety of filters in stores allows you to choose the most suitable model, depending on the composition of the water.

Suppose that water in the well, which is used for home water pipes is oversaturated with iron. In this case, the cleaning system is suitable from two filters, which can be installed in two identical flasks:

  • 1 - ion exchange filter removing dissolved iron from water. An example of such a filter is Big Blue products. The cost of the flask - 1.5 thousand rubles, the cartridge - 3.5 thousand rubles. If the iron indicator in water is 1 mg / l, then the resource of the cartridge is 60 cubes.

Plumbing Vaseline is used to lubricate the sealing gum to remove the flask in the future

  • 2 - carbon filter for mechanical cleaning.

Coal filter is also necessary for mechanical, and for chemical water cleaning

To find out whether water is suitable for drinking, the sample should be passed to the analysis. If the results are unsatisfactory, it is worth putting another filter, and the water is be sure to boil before use.

Summer water supply - temporary design

Summer version of the water supply is suitable for dacnis, which are leaving for the city only in the warm season. The appointment of this system is to provide watering beds and flower, the work of the soul and household appliances. At the end of the season, the equipment is washed, disassembled and preserved until the next summer.

It is easy to equip summer water supply with your own hands. To do this, use a system of flexible hoses with adapters. The main pressure is accounted for by the connecting elements, so they are made of plastic or galvanized steel. Steel elements are stronger and more stable plastic analogs, but also cost more.

Summer water supply in the country is used only in a warm period

There are two options for laying hoses (pipes):

  • The water supply is located on the surface of the soil. A plus - easy mount And dismantling. Minus - the possibility of breakdown.
  • Pipes buried shamefully into the ground, only cranes overlook the surface. During operation, the system does not interfere, and if desired, it is easy to dig and dismantle.

One of the appointments of the summer water supply - watering the beds. Pipes freely lying on the surface of the earth

You should know how to make water in the country, so that at the end of the season it was easy to lower the water from the pipes. To do this, create a small slope for drain. At the lowest point of the water supply, the valve is installed: water is descended through it so that in winter it does not break the pipes and hoses.

When installing a winter or summer system, you must follow security electrical network. For this purpose, sealed connectors and moisture sockets are used.