"New Elite of Russia" cost titles. Titles and titles, order of titles what gives the noble title now

Many people dream of a noble title. Persons who possess this privilege can sit in the presence of the British Queen, demand that "your fortification" and other pleasant things appeal to them. How can I get the desired noble title? There are 7 popular ways.

1. by inheritance. If you have suspicions that your ancestors were real aristocrats, start searching for their roots. In Russia, this issue is engaged in the Russian genealogical federation, in Italy - the International Commission for the Study of the Knight's Order, in France - International Genealogical Academy. To begin with, find the old photos of your grandfathers and great-grandfather. Maybe some of them will be on a photograph in Mundir General-Annef? Or maybe your Prelbabka ended the Smolny Institute? Who knows, what if your ancestors were the princes of yusupov or the Duke of Malboro?

2. According to merit. In the vintage times, the monarchs pledged the noble title for military merit. Nowadays to get an order British Empire In 1965, participants of the BITLS group were obtained for a valuable contribution to the culture. This fact was very indignant by the British aristocrats who did not want to put up with the SIM circumstance and returned their orders to the crown. However, soon the scandal did not go to no scandal, and the noble title was also awarded Elton John, Andrew Lloyd Webburra and Elizabeth Taylor. British aristocrats accepted this news without complaints.

3. Buy. For several hundred dollars, you will be able to purchase a parchment on which your surname will be withdrawn, eating almost to Rurikovich. If you want a more powerful diploma, for 5-10 thousand dollars you can buy a document, almost identical to documents 19 Art. Of course, he will not be a script, but you can hang it in the living room and to show naive guests. In Scotland, the estate of Glencarne is sold, which is divided into small sections of 30 pounds. Everyone can buy not only this plot, but also in the form of a bonus to get a noble title. Many aristocrats say that such sale titles has no legal force, but the estate is sold very vividly.

4. Thanks to good connections. For example, in Ukraine Orest Fedorovich Karelin-Romanishin-Rusin, he is the king of Orest 1, Metropolitan Carpathian Roman, Master of Knight's orders. He was crowned independently, but despite this, they were raised by Titulas Leonid Kuchma and Alexander Kuzmuk (Prince and Count, respectively). It is unlikely that you will get a noble title from the hands of Juan Carlos Spanish, but having friends in Slavic land, you have a chance to join the aristocrats.

5. By the lucky irony of fate. If you get at the right time in the right place, you also have a chance to get the cherished title. For example, the doctor who provided the proctological assistance to the Emperor of the Dynasty of the Habsburgs in the 18th Art., He received a noble title from the hands of a grateful lord. Nowadays, you can try to happiness in Africa, somewhere in Lesotho, rumors have been rumored that the Tsarbai Tsarki is very responsive and differ in particular thanks.

6. Living it. For example, one Moscow prominency became Nikole 3rd Romanov. Just changed the name and proclaimed itself a nobleman. And Charles Stopford, who is a US citizen, lived in Europe under the name of Lord Christopher Bakingham, more than 20 years, using false documents. In short, if you are in the soul of an aristocrat, a lot from you will not go anywhere!

7. Marry the nobleman. If, finite, the jouris is to taste)))

Already several authoritative Western newspapers are followed by trying russian oligarch Anton Bakova to revive the Russian Empire on the Islands of the Gambia, then in the Republic of Kiribati. But while the billionaire does not find support from local authorities, enterprising Russians have already invented how to provide disadvantaged titles of everyone. For this, it is not necessary to go to the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Life found out how to become a real Scottish Lord or Duke of a non-existent state and how much is a real pedigree.

"The title of Lord (Lady), the property in Scotland is an area of \u200b\u200b1 square. Foot - 7.3 thousand rubles," says one of the numerous commodity offers of the online store Magazinkaledonia.ru.

The size of the site, by the way, can be chosen. The most expensive offer is the title of Lord plus 1000 feet of the Earth - costs 57.2 thousand rubles. You can buy the title without leaving the house, it is enough to add the goods to the basket and pay for the card. All documents on the title and land will be delivered with a courier. Delivery, by the way, is free. In this online store, the rank of Lord is just one of the many Scottish gifts. Along with kilts, plaids and cashmere scarves.

To get the title of lords. As a result, competition was aggravated in the market - now three companies have already provided this service.

- In 2017, sales in Russia have increased by about 40% compared to the first half of 2016, - said Life D marketing the Director on the territory of the Russian Federation Highland Titles Ltd Oleg Bogatyrev. - For comparison, according to the results of 2016, sales rose by 32% compared with the 2015th. Already more than 100 thousand people around the world became Lords and Lady Glenko and Lockhabera. Their number is growing continuously. Russia is only a small part of this quantity, but on the dynamics of growth occupies a leading position among European countries.

The popularity of Scottish titles began to grow against the background of the overall revival of interest in nobility, aristocracy and history. In 2017, this is not surprising - after all the century of the collapse of the monarchy in Russia. Now there are three ways to feel the aristocrat: to go to the heraldic bureau, order a real pedigree and try to find real noble roots; become loosened by a non-existent state and to tee the pride of the fictional titles; Buy this, but not meaningful title - like, for example, Lord Scotland.

Not all the lords are the same

Scotland became the place of pilgrimage of the newly lords and Lady from around the world because of small loopholes in land legislation. Become Lord Scotland, indeed, anyone can. To do this, it is enough to become a landowner, which are traditionally called Laird. This is the Scottish word, a simple form from the English Lord or female form Lady. So do not confuse Scottish lords with English.

Thus, a person who has even a symbolic laid land in Scotland has the right to be called Lord. In practice, it is possible to name most of the ordinary Scots, and it has nothing to do with the aristocratic title.

- It is necessary to understand that this is not a full-fledged noble title and in the ward of the Lords owner of our certificate will not take, "Life Dmitry explained, manager Magazinkaledonia.ru. - We sell plots as souvenirs. At the same time, the right to land is registered in the UK, so it will have to wait for documents for 3-4 weeks. The whole path of the papers by mail The client can track remotely. In addition, the owner of the Earth and the title can really come to his land. In May of each year there is a collection of such small landowners. This is a kind of club in interest.

Symbolic sites in Scottish highlands are sold worldwide. On the lord of the Lords and Lady people come from the most different countries - from Russia to Australia. All of them unites one thing - the desire to feel like a real aristocrat for several days. And since they are not included in the range of real lords-aristocrats, they create a noble atmosphere themselves.

In addition, all landowners have one present right - a completely free camping in its land plot. The more plot, the longer you can relax on it. According to Dmitry, if you can break the camping for a week for the purchase of one square feet, then the owners of thousands can relax in their site how much will want.

- Recently, the purchases of families have become more frequent, "noted at Highland Titles Ltd. - Husbands buy several sites at once for all members of their family. Recently, the mother bought for himself and her son eleven years of 100 square meters. Futs, and both were madly happy, especially her son, it was a shock for him in a good sense of the word. Also, this gift was always popular for senior management and for very well-well people who have everything.

However, for those who wanted to feel like an aristocrat of Scotland really gives huge opportunities. This is one of the few places in the world where you can buy even the real title of Baron. Unlike Lords, this is a truly aristocratic title, the owner of which has its own coat of arms. True, this purchase will cost already hundreds of thousands of euros, and they do not come to the mass sale of the title of barons.

- In Scotland, the title of Baron is associated with certain feudal possessions, "says President of the Russian Genealogical Federation Stanislav Dumin. - At the end of the last century, feudal right was canceled, but the titles have retained as a tribute of tradition, and they really can be inflicted. In some graph or duke there can be dozens of barnants, and he can reinstall them. Usually for a fairly large amount.

From kings to kings

Baron, Viscount, Graph, Prince, Grand Duke, Herzgertzog, and even Kurfürst - what noble titles are not offered in the Great Duchy of Pomerania and Livonia. Enough to go to the site dedicated to the heraldry of this state. True, the country is non-existent, and the titles have no legal significance. But sold in euros - from 200 to 300 per packet of documents. It includes and information about the title, and even a premium Order.

"All these noble and royal titles are inherited, and all of their owners are registered in the register of the aristocracy of the Great Duchy and receive a certificate for the right to the title with the Black Orlands of Livonia," assign sellers from the Royaltitles.net website.

However, the organizers of the site and do not hide: the state is legally not recognized. Nevertheless, on such titles, albeit non-existent states, albeit comic documents, there are quite serious buyers.

- At one of our events, a solid, very expensive dressed man came to me and asked: "Do you know who I am?", "Alexander Sheffer Schaffer recalls the director of the Department of Culture of the Russian Naval Assembly. - I replied that no, I have no honor. And then he gets a red certificate, where gold letters are written "King". What is the most amazing, the man communicated quite seriously and sincerely believed in the authenticity of his status. With similar stories, we are constantly confronted.

Perhaps the only chance to feel like a real aristocrat is to try to find our own noble roots. You can search for both independently in archives and with the help of special genealogical bureaus. According to the Russian Genealogical Federation, there are now about 50 genealogical organizations in Russia. For comparison, in the early 2000s there were only seven.

Professional genealogies can make a pedigree, throwing archives at different parts of the country. Depending on the complexity of the tasks of the services of specialists stand from 20-30 thousand to 200-300. But it is necessary to understand that the noble roots can not be found.

- The last trend is the expansion of genealogical queries, "says Stanislav Dumin. - Now the number of appeals from people who are not looking for purposefully nobility roots, but they want to know their real pedigree. People understand that the ancestors are different and different ancestors are interesting. Of course, a lot of interest and pseudotitules, but still there was already a course of replacing priorities towards this story.

By the way, even if a person finds in his own real graphs and princes, it will only pass his pride. IN modern Russia The nobility as the class is no longer there, therefore, it is not officially obtaining a noble title.

At this time, oddly enough, you can often meet people who dream of getting a noble title. What for? And everything is in order to have a number of privilege (for example, sit at one table with kings), or just grow in the eyes of others (when they will contact them through "Your Lightness").

So how to get a title, and is it possible in the 21st century? Of course available. We bring to your attention several ways to get a title.

First method

The most natural way is to get a title inheritance. To begin with, we recommend carefully examine your pedigree tree, because your ancestors can really be aristocrats. IN Russian Federation Similar issues are engaged in the genealogical federation, in France, for example, the International Genealogical Academy, and in Italy, such issues permanently resolve the International Commission that studies the knightly orders.

Second way

Get a title for certain merits. In the ancient times, the kings loved to reward nobility titles for different military merit. Now it is also possible. For example, in 1965 all famous group Beatles received the Order of the British Empire for an invaluable contribution to the culture. It must be said that this assignment did not go smoothly, the local aristocrats, the owners of blue blood, were extremely indignant to such award. But soon everyone got used to, and similar awards were assigned to Elton John, Elizabeth Taylor and Andrew Lloyd Webburru.

Third way

Trivial - buy title for money. It all already depends on your opportunities, if only a couple of hundred bucks were pumped in his pocket, then you can purchase parchment with your last name and any title, but everything will be clear that such a title of linden. If you wish a stronger diploma, then you will have to wrap up a couple of thousand dollars, and then your document will also be felt, but it will be the appearance of the XIX century.

Fourth way

Get a noble title thanks to connections. For example, in Ukraine, Orest Fedorovich Karelin Romanishin-Rusin crown himself (King Orest I) and, despite this, he also distributed titles himself: L. Kuchme - Title Prince, and A. Kuzmuku - Count. So we have a connection in the Slavic Earth, and you will always have a chance to join the noblemen.

Fifth way

Get title thanks to incredible success and fortune. You just need to get into the right place and at a certain time. For example, one doctor somehow helped the Emperor of the Great Dynasty of the Habsburgs in the 18th century and received a noble title for it. Now, such luck can be attended by African lands, they say that very responsive kings live in Lesotho.

Sixth way

Marriage with nobleman. Now in monarchical Europe is quite often local nobles, graphs and even the princes are married in commoners. So dare, try.

What method fits you, and is it all necessary? To solve only you.

The title of Prince was the only one who was constantly used since ancient times in Russia. Until the XVIII century, this title was exclusively generic, received it only "by inheritance" by the men's line.

At the beginning of the reign of Peter I in Russia, the princely genera originated from Russian great and specific princes was only 47. Four more kinds (Golitsans, Kurakina, Trubetskaya and Khovani) were the descendants of the Grand Lithuanian Prince Gedimin. There was a small number of princely surnames whose ancestors came to Russia from European countries. Consumption of the princely title of people roerages did not exist, but the statement in this title of representatives of the highest nobility (usually Murz, Becks, etc.) of nomadic and mountain peoples, which turned to the arm of the Russian monarch were practiced.

Such awards began with the great Moscow princes. So, in 1509, Vasily III complained Acchures-Murza Adashev by the reign over the Conal Mordet. From this time, they keep their princely born of across. Since 1524, the princely genus of Chegodaev is leading, from 1526 - Mason.

The number of princes from the nomadic and mountain peoples began to grow rapidly with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovic, soon significantly exceeding the number of invalid Russian princes. Connoisseur of the history of the nobility E.P. Karpovich in the book published in late XIX. Century, noted that "only among one mordis was gained up to 80 mordovian birth, more or less Russified and enjoyed on the legitimate basis of the hereditary princely title, although most of them live, as simple peasants live, occupy, by the way, and extremiaries."

There was a paradoxical situation when a significant number of carriers of the highest title on everyday measurements did not fit him. It is worth adding that by this time and many Russian princely surnames ceased to take high places at the court and in the state, pleaseing with insignificant posts, and even rolling to the position of the Odnodvords. Karpovich gives an example that in the XVII century the princes of Vyazemsky "served in several generations of Pops and Dyachki in the villages at the landlords of the middle arm, and Beloselsky's princes were attending some edges."

It came to the fact that the word "Prince" in Russia began to call the Tatars engaged in separation trading in the cities. It is curious that in fact people met among such merchants, whose princely title was confirmed by documents. In the XVII century, to name someone simply, "Prince", without specifying his name, was considered an insult (dishonor), which was even fixed in the decree of 1675. Particularly humiliating was called someone "prince". Naturally, all this led to a noticeable fall of the prestige of the title of Prince.

By the time Peter I began to create a single noble estate in the country, the title of Prince was valued significantly lower than Chin Boyarin and even the rally. The first attempt to "rehabilitate" the princely title was conducted by Peter in 1707, when he assigned him to his associate A.D. Menshikov. But before that, at the request of Peter, the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire was already erected by Menshikov first in the graphs, and then in the princes. Actually, the title of Llesty Prince, given by Peter Menshikov, was just a confirmation of the foreign title already had an confirmation of Alexander Danilovich. True, the Tsar coincided for the princely title, also the title of duke, more in Russia never assigned.

The next assignment in Russia, the prince title occurred only after 90 years. Not least, it was due to the fact that the Russian to know preferred from the monarch the county titles, which, although there were rank below, were considered more honorable than the princely, since they were not previously applied in the country and were not discredited.

The situation began to change only during the reign of Catherine II. By that time, part of the impoverished princely gods went into oblivion, but some of the others rose to the vertices of power and wealth. But to assign the princely title of Empress to anyone, limited by the fact that in the already established tradition, several of their approximated in graphs and barons. And at this time, the princes appeared in Russia (G.G. Orlov, G.A. Potemkin, P.A. Dentis), but they received a high title from the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, as before A.D. Menshikov.

Resumed the assignment of the princely dignity of Pavel I. For his short reign, he built four people in him, including Field Marshal A.V. Suvorov, who had the county title derived from Catherine II by that time. The subsequent Russian emperors began to raise into the princely dignity of major military and statesmen, while they were usually an additional title (predicate) "Lightness". It happened this not often, therefore always became an event.

Alexander I bestowed the princely title to prominent military leaders M.I. Kutuzov and M.B. Barclay de Tolly, as well as chairman of the State Council N.I. Saltykov and Ambassador at the Vienna Congress A.K. Razumovsky. Moreover, all the County titles received all complains of princes over a few years. This approach (in the princes from the counts) was observed and subsequently, except for rare exceptions.

Under Nicolae I, the princely title was already received by 8 people, including military leaders I.F. Passevich, F.V. Osten-Saken, A.I. Chernyshev, M.S. Vorontsov. In addition, the title of Prince was assigned to Sultan-Saib-Gireu Genghis, the descendant of Kyrgyz Khan, whose genus has been in Russian citizenship for more than 100 years. The company believed that the new prince was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan, but there was no documentary confirmation.

Although the personal sufficiency of the princely title under Nicolae I was not much, but the total number of princes at the same time the emperor increased by several hundred people.

* * *

By the middle of the XIX century, the attitude in the country to the princely title, especially a personalized emperor, changed noticeably. Now he was considered an indicator of the audience, wealth and recognition of outstanding state and military merit. This contributed to this, as a rule, the title is not just a prince, but a bright prince. Sometimes the predicate "Lightness" became an additional reward for the previously obtained princely title. Natural Russian princes and approved in this dignity Representatives of other peoples. Additional title "Lightness" received extremely rarely than and became different from the princes to comply with.

In addition to the additional title "Lightness" in relation to the princes, a rarest predicate "Blood" was used, which could be granted simultaneously with princely dignity or later as an additional reward. Russian cereal princes were representatives of the births of Volkonsky, Dolgoruki, Shakhovsky.

It is curious that in Russia this predicate served the origin of the tradition when contacting all princes, and then the graphs to use the form "Your Bloody". Formally, this violated the position of the table of ranks, in which the forms of appeal to nobles were envisaged only in accordance with the rank.

So, to persons who had the ranks of the 1st and 2nd grades, "Your Highway", the 3rd and 4th grades - "Your Excellency", 5th grade - "Your Held", 6th - 8th grades - "Your High Blast", the 9th - 14th grades, as well as to nobles that do not have the ranks and honorary citizens - "Your Honor". The princess not having a rank should have to contact "your wellness", as well as to the usual nobleman, and to the service consisting in accordance with its rank. The same rule was valid for graphs, barons and carriers of other titles. On the legitimate basis only to the bright and lowest princes, "Your Lightness" and "Your Bloody" should be applied.

Traditionally, the princely title was assigned to men and was transferred to the offspring only on the male line. Prince's wife automatically became a princess, and daughters are princesses. Leaving the marriage of the princess received a title of her husband, but could continue to use both his genera, without the right to transfer to his children. There was only one exception when Nicholas I assigned the title of the bright princess to the educator of his sisters. Countess S.K. Liven, and she could transfer it to his children.

It is especially worth staying at foreign princes who have adopted Russian citizenship, and Russian nobles who received the title of Prince from foreign monarchs. In order to use the title in Russia, they were obliged to receive highest permission. But after that, they were recorded in the 2nd or 3rd sections of the noble pedigree with the addition of which they have a title of such a state, and not in the more honorable 5th section where the names of Russian title nobles were made.

In order to be counted for the Russian princes, and accordingly, and to get the right to make a name in the 5th section of the noble pedigree book, a special highest permovation was required, which was not allowed to all having a title of a foreign state.

It is worth noting that in Russia there were always many applicants for high princely title, representing various documents, both genuine and fake, justifying that there was once a similar title for their ancestors, but then his will have lost chance. In order to finally resolve the situation, during the emperor Paul, it was decided to commemorate those noble surnames, koi really originate from the birth of princely, although this title does not have, leave their crown and mantle in the coat of arms, but the title is not restored. By the way, not only foreign, but also known Russian surnames, for example, Rzhevskiy, were treated.

The prestige of the princely title was the prestige in the second half of the 19th century once again noticeably shaken the mass recognition by the princes of Georgian nobles. The event was commensumed with what happened to the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich.

After Georgia's entry, Russia arose about russian titles For Georgian nobles. The problem was that in Georgia noble titles, claiming to equate the prince, there were several - "Mooreavi", "Erystavi", "Tavada", and the latter was subdivided into three categories. According to the titles "Mooravi" and "Eristavy" there were no problems, they were unequivocally equal to the princely since the beginning of the XVIII century, when King Vakhtang was moved to Russia with a large retinue approximate.

But because of the title "Tavada", which in Georgia had several hundred people, in the middle of the XIX century even created a special commission. At first, a proposal was made, depending on the categories of this title, to argue its owners in Prince, Count or Baron dignity. But in 1850, it was decided to recognize 69 Georgian noble gods in princely dignity. It is except for several dozen childbirth, which were previously declared princely.

The situation recalcifiously reminded the one in the XVII century, because many new princes besides the title and a small generic site of the Earth somewhere in the mountains did not have anything behind the soul.

In the XIX century, there are no little old and famous Russian princely gods to stop in the male generation, including the Kutuzov-Kutuzov, Barclay de Tolly, Razumovsky, Osten-Saken, Lopukhins, Vorontsov. To preserve the famous princely surnames, the emperor sometimes made decisions on the transfer of titles on the female line or the closest relatives. But this was done only personally. So, the title and surname of the princes of Vorontsov were transferred to Count MA Shuvalov, Barclay de Tolly - A.P. Weimarna, Lopukhins - N.P. Demidov.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Russian genealogy S.V. Lyubimov was drawn up a reference book, in which he included more than 200 princely gods that existed in Russia by then or prevented in the second half of the XIX century. Among them, only a few dozen gymnas became famous for the field of ministry to Fatherland or were truly rich and are valued, i.e., they were part of the Russian aristocracy. But many princely names served as confirmation of the saying: "From the dirt - yes in the prince", which was clearly born not from scratch.